the opelousas courier (opelousas, la.) 1854-04-15 [p ]of april, 18655, severally presented their...

uau oovazwa. ia l Jourtal of the ?arish otI t. Iuadry PrOLuJSab O BAroTIrDAT JUL I. 1aaeZ AINrBEW MITrIEL Opeleutsss SATURDAY, APRIL 16th. 1854. &les/ofaes Week.- On the ith, by auctioneer D~ean, at orte Neoe, the property of the estate of Michel Ilger, consiting of 18 slaves, a tract of land, bewd Mte, borses, e., at 1, 8 ad 8 yers credit. On the 80th, by eetioeeer Benguerel, at Wash- ington, the prperty belonging to the estate of James Neyland, comlsiting of s8 slaves, a Sne residence in Washington, cattle, horses, ac. On the same day, by the same auctioneer, In the saidTown, the well known and ine Hotel of Mr. L On the ame day, by a competent ofieer, at Phli- ance, the etae of the late Mau A. Jeansonne, de- eeas wife ftDorcin Lacase, consisting of an im- poved traetehland and attle, horses, re. Fea prtiulaws,we refer to the advertisements. 07"The Roland Jmes, has ouer thanks for peblic documents. 0I Mr. Jean Grimmer, the well known Praofessor, who wes ao eendful in teaching music in our com- enaity, some ten or twelve years ago, is on the eve daltaMbidig himself in our Town, for the purpose of devoting his time to teaching music to those who e-aM wish to acquire this beautiftl and charming eLt. We ae informed that Mr. Grimmer has already several young ladies as pupils, to whom he will teach the aw.s as seoras he wi take his qurters among ta. law nart--We call the attention of heads of Amilies, paiat$ss and the public gebsrally to the ad- vertimret•iof Meeers. Hnaaa& Lx druggists, in eate eolman of our paper. These gentlemen Mhvtsae of the best ruag Stares in the couetry, well and alt aspplied, ae young, favorably known and htaterping ad deserve a share of the Iberal dr our oas0nity. their shadow never grow les. c sy&n7 iase which may be induced by an examinstiam of the tables of the United States Sfor this Parish, should be forwarded at an day to Mr. DeBow, Superintedeunt of the a OimmOecoe, at Washington, with a view to the Wigetse e ther pablieetieP fromk that amce. $ We avre been requested s state that the b ma.Je Riaser, Gstave I. Loe•Mfier, master, rIhlear*Wshiasgte regpdtly every PBwrdye at seOa* A. N., aneNew Oressa eavry Wo d.,ar I~lr#S~` Y~d~i~~sq 8181 ~ ~~'rkrl~y as rrr~ohi Special NVe.m We roiiinfer ear ends, so are adveetiemata a6bIM, o f L ok & Ninthr'. Clebrated ideas lst sr~mydamd De s istbhe been is. 7e eeaeraasdb~iier strelap tire 96d. ea Ar' &bkcr his a uM* & rsie tlw. T rakis W bamw*. UIs.r lert 31usd Fm.w Ne t*c bsy'. D atone, I+iiol s tell etde rti sss t ht esetfro sdier i "s"aim i rai. It 'npauts a Ipe b..MMal appmsae to the Hair, att~wseet ereoars oppiraaddso tbr Price dininmeveseer pas ufaM d bale ""1-i w la behind etugtmer'ia of Esl. The most uanivwal of theta ta r sad its.. atteadant, low- , .. iC~ee r HWee ws i rwecommsnd a apse ? lslirii asayjsr~bsebaitsof~oodand's by or. C. M.Jackson, seer a aioaa modieia a .It new toisach M.i' site 1ted .fertdt ty lathe orpuim. d dm is 91W P tltsc asid eblo d Dmeneshe erei atSmf ase. 10.ts t Rs~s 'e t bSb.eaabrmaoe(Ioha i.1 U' see dal, dbpDr. Jkheae -crbJ A * if t .. a.b ,aeaer P p~vrpry Be. isn ome.g by ;4 h ithste od ue r v iii v es. w. rypia gr126. a ifhetn oae sl?-'a.c......- a br19llr'". cYM, ,5r . 1 , , /f. t~ it ! 3 The following is a part of an intercepted corree- y pondence between the Chief Neaomancer, and their Ssbordinates and Mediums, you see they write bad doggrel, which has bern the ol custom of witchs. "ay let not every burnler deem Per lghtly or deep sid sheme: For reputstonf t the Art, Each Gbste m at a pa ppe pert, (ser•e Decomms needful glace, And keep the iaws of time and place, Must change, with happy variation, ir His manners with his situation; )f What in the country might pass down, Would wholly fail in this smallTown. No spirit of discretion here t. C think of breeding Ave and Fear, Twill serve the purpose more by half STo make the eogregadtionlaugh. We want no ensgapof surprise, Locks siff with gore, and saucer eyes, Give us an entertaining sprite, e Gentle, familiar, and polite, One who appears in ach ,a form As might a holy Father warm, Or who on former schemes refines, And only talks by sounds and signs, Who will not to the eye appear, But pays her visits to the ear, And knocks so gently, t'would not frigW A lady in the darkest night. Such is black Rosy, whose good will, Which cannot in the grave, lie still, But comes on earth, in her best bluses, To chas her beaus in Opelousas. NECROMANCER. --- 'T y, my son, run to the storeand get me some sugar.' ' Excuse me, ma, I am somewhat indisposed this morning. Send father, and tell him to bring me a plug of tobacco.' - Be earswl to wshos yos talk.- Two young ladies were once singing a duet in a concert room. A stranger, who had heard better perfo:ances, turn- ed to his neighbor, saying: ' Does not tie young lady in white sing wretch- i aely.' 'Excuse me, sir,' replied he, 'I hardly feel at hi- berty to express my sentimense, being not 4dpertiel in the case, t is my sister.' 'I beg your sir,' answered the strangerin muchconfson, ' I mean the lady in blue.' ' You re perfectly right there, replied the neigh- boar; ' I have often told her so myself; it ismy wife!' g" A young greenhorn was told that if he pressed a certain bashful young lady, she would sing. The e next evenin he asked her to sing and she excused herselt "Why, Tharsb," said he, "don't you think you could singfl squeeaed you a little' g0 The puse asked for Mount Vernon, the asn- 1 sion-house and two' hundred aores of the adjacent land, is two hundred thousand dllars, while the in. ti trinsine value of the property is ot estimated high- t er than thirty thoand dollars. P 'No oma's =NExY BsT HIS owN.'-No one's n enemy but his own" happens generally, to * be the enemy of everybody with whom he is in rlsatkim.-"No one's enemy but his own" si rus rapidly through his means; calls in a friendly way on his friends for bonds, bail, and.ectrities; involves his nearest kin, loaves i hist ifh begp quartes his orphans upon t•e fulic; and ,fter haevin; ejoyed himself a to hias t ginea entailsa hfe odependance U on his progeny, and dies in the odor of that ill-understood reputation of harmless folly p which is more injurious to society than some positive a eg. Tare n~stI, e. A MEETING of tbioreditoreofthe Es- tate of James Hm s, deceased, willake place on a herd. the A4 ay ' William . , Noar pr, sc, his odoe, in the Town of Win- tea. The r for mnseting is 12 o'oloek, M., aqi the oes of it, is to ix the termsof sale. .STEPHEN W. QUIRK, - Administrator. WashingB, April 15th, 1854 NEW STORE. et rrt friends and the pby i e of ry, ithat they have just opened on M a steet between Grolee and North 'srseeta n ew Dry Goods and Grocery store, whie they will selat avery moderate pries. They shim a shar of public pe DESBRE8T k LATOU . Opeloams, April 15thb 1854.-.f. • , G of the State xe, for the year 1851, 1852 and IU6$, will remain at his Vee, in Opelonsm oaggive ndapy a stae 20th a us ma t have availa to ared to them. afe the ai, all t willes beue.hesMawt My d i wiehew ela OislE, yaite,Ba I, sl 1,h Estate a Ric de of late o. auaberd, dec4esL fintn edqf t aye of said sale is s* ,th Aeeqtj the sade at dsisOy`m a delaor , i ss r ifdie eior THITBMOD lr, O 2o f A-last- 18 st.aite at aniati wtle , .s A C5tZ' i #4&ahk4Puto .. ry security, and vendor's privilege, and mort- gage on the land soldaeserv d, to secure pay. ir ment of capital and interests which may ac- d crue thereon, at 8 per om maturity. J. B. DAVID, erif of the Parish of St. Lasdry. Opelousas, April 15th, 1864. DurLIBtmmaIO or TH• Tows CoUNcIL or Or•LODOaB. PMosda , 10t April, 1854.-This being the day appoi•tlby law for the meeting of the Board of Police of the Town of Opelousas,- the following named persons, elected on the 8rd instant, as mem- bers, elected for the year ending the second Monday of April, 18655, severally presented their certificate of election, were severally duly sworn, according to law and the constitution to their seats-to-wit : Mewms. Charles N. Baler, Clement Hollier file, An- drew Meynier, Chretiel, Mornthinveg, Michael Mus- sand, Auguste M. Perrault and Simon Richard. On motion of Mr. Meynier, Mr. Richard was una- nimously elected President. Charles Thompsoin presented his certificate of elec- tion as Town Constable, and having been duly sworn according to the law and the constitution, took his place. On motion of Mr. Meynier, Resolved that no mem- ber of the Board shall be appointed to any offce of profit. Mr. Baler moved that the Treasurer of the Town shall receive not more than fifty dollars per year, for his services-motion lost. On motion of Mr. Meynier, the Board proceeded to appoint the officers of the Board, the Clerk, Trea- sure: and Assessor. On motion of Mr. Mussand, Resolved that Guay H. Bell be and is appointed Clerk of the Board and his saluay shall be at the rate of two hundred dv•lais per year. Mr. Meynier moved that the salary of the Treasurer shall be at the rate of one hundred dolars per year. Mr. Baler moved that it be fifty dollars per year, which last motion prevailed. On motion of Mr. Ealer, the appointment ofa Trea- surer was laid over until next meeting. On motion of Ealer, Resolved that the salary of the Town Constable, for the present year, shall be two hund ed dollars, and the compensation of the Asses- sor, fifty dollars. On motion of Mr. Meynier, Resolved that Andrew J. Thompson be and is appointed Assessor for the present year. Mr. Ealer moved that the Collector shall receive nly per cent for the amount received for Licences On motion of Mr. Perrault, Resolved that the Cbl- lector shall receivbthe same per cent that was allow. ed him for collecting as the last year. On motion of Mr. Meynier, amended by Mr. Baler, Resolved that the taxes to levy on the Town for the present year, 1854, shall be assessed and levied, in confurmity to "An Ordidinance to provide a cevenue for the Town of Opelose,"--" Ordained 16th April, 1851."-Provided that the tax levied in Article 3d. shall not be enforced.--And that the provisions con. tained in Article thb. shall be carried into effect, in the manner ditected in so far as it relates to the ap- portionment of Licences, as to time taken out. On motton of Mr. Ealer, Resolved that the Clerk make out and forward to the CenussOffice the census of the Town, as taken in 1849, in the manner request- ed by the said oice. On motion of Mr. Mornhinveg, Resolved that the sum eften dollars per month be app:opriated out of the taxes of 1854, from this date to the 2d Monday of April, 1855, for the support of the widow of Charles Devillier and children, to be paid to Clement Hollier fies, dr her se. On motion of Mr. Ealer, Resolved that the Trea. murer be dis dlreed to pay waant No. 168 out of the very mmt money that may be paid into the t Smotion of Mr. M e, Resolved that the ap- pointment of Srswims ef Wads be postponed. On motion of Mr. Mornhinveg, Resolve •at the account of the Opeiouwas CCotier, of three dollars, for printing hand-biff, 10th September, 1856, be pati on the usual warrant. On motion of M,1. Perrault, Resolved that all the minutes of the Board shall be published, and Mr. Meynier having offered to publish the sae at thirty dollars, lai e present year, ending the asecod Mon- day in A 1865,-bis offer is actted. Oaadou ci Mr. Musand, the Board adjourned tnilBaturday, the 15th, at 8 o'cloek P. M. . RICHARD, PBui, Cet. Gir 11 ea. Cek STATEMENT Oyte Res and D6irsownts othe Tote. Opg ou for th r apr e adim the 7tk day f pril, . D., 1854. RECEIPTS. From Robert Benguerel, former S Treasurer, $218 86 A. M. Perrault, former Collector, 166 89 --- 385 75 brom Charles Thompson, For Tax Roll for 198.3. 1091 31 For one store licence to Lastrapes L &Co. November 1853, 10 00 For 24 store hcences, issued for 1854, 60 000 For 5 Billiard and Bar ianes, li. canees for 1854, 500 00 For 3 drg and jewelers store, li. esseo for 1854, 3000 -- 1140 00 SFolr TaR on 283 beeves, sold in For zn 39 Calves sold in 8300 Market, 2925 For stalls sold in market, 82 25 - - 39450 [ For fines colltekd ofsandry per. s5m,- 9500 Total iat. ofreeeipts from all sources, 8•036 56 DISBURSMENTS. Forpspe raeccount, $156 50 salary, s per vaourhes, $ 361 00 Ceastable salary, 200 00 rer salary, 50 00 --- 4 620 00 r nsd bridges, 11972 75 Fe •ltha t, 394 50 - 1447 25 For 3ar keet tse 5500 For Pire E iei7es I 17 74 FoePrinting, -: 1 o00 Fats Corpostioe bi, 1838, -i 100 -- 8874 Fdok per cent for eetleg at 1 s2543 50, F40 35 Far 50 parceetallowed eecto1i .107.=25, 9742 Balance so above, 6 g89 a antstacle, g of 25 30210 . Wensalb e m jCg. , 227. k by the?'-P n of. r '4**** * my pe r... 7 PUBLIC SALE. 7T HE public are hereby informed that .L there will be sold, at public sale, to the last and highest bidder, by a duly conmis- sioned auctioneer, at the Court House of this Parish on Wednesday, 17th day of May, 1854, the following described property, be- longing to Arthemise Prndhomme, wife of Stanislas Fremont, to-wit: A certain Property, situated in the Town of Opelousas, consist- ing of'4 Lots of Ground, with all the Houses, Buildings and Improvements thereon,: fronting on Union Street and adjoining on the North the property upon which resides A. Ross glEwkins. WCT•r 1 NO. -20, in the Louaillier addition of the Town of Ope- lousas,:fronting on the West by Butcher's Street and bounded on the North by Josed- phine Davy, having one hundred and nine-, teen feet and sixty-three hundredths front, by one hundred and sixty-nine feet and sixty hundredths in depth. 2L.CO"T NO. 21., in the Louaillier addition of the Town of, Opelousas, bounded on the East by Butcher's i `"treet, and on the West by Loui. Frilot, having one hundred and nineteen feet and sixty-three hundredths front by one hundred and seventy-two feet in depth. LST NO. 18, in the Louaillier addition of the Town of Opelousas. -LOT NO 19, in the Louaillier addition of the Town of Opelousas. I Conditions:- Payable at one and two " years credit, from the day of sale ; purcha~ers furnishing their notes i•i solido with, personal security, at the sati-dacti,,n of the undersign. ed, and the Lots re c l••ing specially mort- gaged until final payment of the principal and interests. EUGENE WARTELLE, Agent. L Opelousas, April 15th, 1854. t I'W qBT)r TIC 0 +:" HE HE u•ndrsigned have this day dissolved . N the partnership by mutual consent. The business of the okd firm will be settled j by either of the partners. t THOMPSON & LEE. r Opelousas, April 15th, 1854 T HE undersigned have formed a co-part. 0 nership and will carry on the business at the old stand, where will always be found a well selected assortment of Drugs, Medi- c cines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Glass-Ware, Patent s Medicines, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c., c ttihich they invite the attention of their friends Prescriptions carefully eompound- ed at all hours by an experienced Druggi st. P. LEONCE REBRARIW JAM1ES A. LEE. E Opelousas, April 15th, 1854.-3m. ___________ _______________fi JUDSON'S CSEI[CAL AI'RCT OF CHERRY AND LUNGWORT, loR Trs C•URa or Cage•, Coled~ Bears e Spgg of looed, Night Sweats, Asthaa, Liver Complaits, and CONSUMPTION. 1 EORGE'S Extract Honduras Sarsapa- %I rilla, celebrated as a Tonic an•Inv;,- rator of the System.- Carlton's Nerve e ad Bone Liniment, for the cure of all diseases of the Horse, which require an external appli- cation.-Comstock'a Vermifuge, the bhet pre- paration, for expelling worms from both Child. ren and grown Persons, now known.-All of the above named articles for sale only by HEBRARD & LEE. Opelousas, April 15th, 1854:--8m. AZORS T RKISH BALM. THE GREAT TURKItSH " AM hr Iae n aait I• •t.o nr• IRKEDY 701 RAWLNEUS, C OMSTOCK Nerve and Bone Liniment. war. ranted to cure Rheumatsm, Gout, Stiff Joints. Weak Limbs, &c.. &c-Dr. Kline's Tooth-ache Drops for the iustatana-os ~pre of Tooth-ache.-- Azor's Tkrkiah ,riemte~fWiie, the great remedy for General Debility, Weekne.. Dyapepsia. &c. Nothing can equal it as a Diet Driks in this 'Ji- n.ate.--Comtock's Family Anti-Bilious Pills, for the cure of all Bilious Affections.-All of the above named articles, formle •it~ by HB6IB1ARD & LEE. Publikc rle. L be sold, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned; Auc- in and for the Parish of St. rlnd of the,Court HouseofthisPari'h, y, 6th day of May 1854, the ng property, sold to ma , a prti- EeR sdBOY, age about 28 or 30 years, dell ad ll guaranteea an credit, from he risoa good and Woo, andr d the t Z *of ap aed win- _O :: dqrB " and in- P 11TO"PIC I. SN pursuance of an act entitled and Act to improve Jthe navigation of the Atchafalaya River, approved S ,arch 16th, 1864, I hereby publish the several see- tions of said Act, in order to comply fully with the a conditions contained in the seventh Section thereof• and invite proposals for the execution of the work in the manner, and at the time and place therein set forth. State Engineer's Office, GEO. W. MORSE, State Engineer. Baton Rouge, March 26th, 1864. SScrIzo 1.-Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That the navigation of the Atchafalaya and Courtableau Rivers, shall be im- proved from the junction of the former, with the old bed of the Mississippi River to the mouth of, and up the latter, to the head of the "Petit Diable" and a levee shall be made on the Southern bank of the latter, so as to prevent the escape of the current which dr ift from the Atchafalaya therein, and a passage shall be cleared of snags sixty feet wide through the wlhole I extent. Sacr. 2.-Be it further enacted, &e, That William Offutt, of Washington, Louisiana, Walthal Burton, William H. Nelson, E. S. Gordon, John II. Morgat,, of the Atchafalaya, be and the same are hereby ap- pointed Commissioners with the State Engineer to carry this act into effect, and the sum of Fifteen Thou- sand Dolla.s ($15000) to be paid out of the General fund, be and the same is hereby specially appropria- ted, payable to the contractor or contractors, on the w.a .- ant of at least four of said commissioners, in such suum or sums as required, not exceeding Four thou- sand dollars (,4000) at one time. SECT. 3.-Be it fu ther enacted, &c., That said commissioners shall let out to the lowest bidder, the performance of said contract, after giving thirty days notice of the time and place, in two newspapers, to wit: the Louisiana Courier and the Opelousas Courier, i said adjudication to utke place at the house of Mrs. Robbin, on the Atchatilaya I;i-er, on the first day of June next (1854) between the h, urs of 10, A. M., and 4, P. M. SEcr. 4.-Be it further enacted, &c., That three of said Comunis-ioners shall fo, r a quorum tolet out said contract, and in case said quorlum should rot meet on said first day of June, on the piemises as afore-aid, then and in that case, one cn,nmis- 'ioners shall be autho.ised to adjourn said adjudica- f tion until a quorum makes its appearance; and should c said quorum not appear on the third day of June t 1854, then said members present, or any member of them, shall let out said cont:act; provided said adju- dication with all expenses does not exceed the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars (!15000.) SECT. 5.-Be it further enacted, &c., That said : Commissioners are authorised and required to take f bond and security from the undertakerof said con- f tract, in the sumo of five thousand dollars ($5000) a payable to the Governor of the State and his suc- - cessors in office conditioned for the faithful perform. r ance of the same, said bond to be fuirrashed on the premises, on the day of the adjudidcation, and in de- I fault thereof said commissioners shaii make a second adjudication on the samet day, or they will t postpone the same until the next day. and if no sate c takes place on that day, the commis.ooners shall t re.arvertise and let out said contract as aforesaid. L SEcr. 6.-Be it further enacted, &c., That a ma- r jority of the comsmuissioners present at the adjudi. o cation, shall be nuflicient to approve of the bond c of the undertaker, but at least four of said commis- sioners must agree on receiving said work or con- tract. SEcT. 7.--Be it further enacted, &c., That the h conditions of said contract and all the particulars I shall be published at length in said advertisement. r Sscr. S.-Be it further enacted, &c., That in r case the undertaker should fail to perlorm his en- c gagement, it shall be the duty of the Attorney General et=District Attorney to institute suit before any Court of competent Jurisdiction, for the col- lecthbn of said bond, its amount to be deposited in the Treasury of the State, to the credit of the State Engineer, to be afterwards applied by said com- missioners to improve the navigation of the Atcha- c falaya River. R SECT. 9.-48e it further enacted, &c., That the i State Engineer be and he is hereby authorised to T cause said contract to be published on or before the fifleenth day of April next (18. 5 4), in the manner I aforesaid. SECT. 10.-Be it further enacted, &c., That this act take effect from and after its passage. So April 15th, 1854.-1Un. Satle at Auction. By Erte. Deaillon, Auctioneer. T HE public are hereby informed that there will be sold, at public sale, to the lasted highest bidder, before the Court. If o"lloor, in Opelousas, on -Tuesdpy, the 16th of May next, at 11 o'lock, A. M., the property known as THE RAI-ROAD HOTL, i kept by Mr. N. Quatrevaux, situated in the r Town of Opelousas, bounded on the North by propei~y of J. R. Viou, on the South by Bel. levue Street, on the West by Main Street and on the East by Union Street, consisting of a Lot of Ground, a good Dwelling House, a large house suitable fora hotel, Stable and other out buildings. Conditums .- One third of the purchase money payable in six months, from day of sale; one third in eighteen months, and one third in two years and a half. Purchaser furnishing his notes with suffioiiat security, to the satisfaction ofwhom the right, and the property remaining specially mortgaged to vendor until full payment of capital sad in- terests, at 8 per cent per annum, from time due until paid. Evrn. DEBAILLON, Auctioneer. Opelousas, April 15th, 1854. e tate oa EatCi ha. DISTRICT CoURT. I Paris of St. Landry. No. 7127. I tate of Jeanet . Richard p re, and Ma- rianne Vasseua, his wet. BEAN Bte. RICHARD, Als, of abe Par. JEA BSet. LandryA rat of the Estate of Jean Baptiste 'Rard pbre, and Mar'?g VaWseur, v wife, both deceased, late Parish of St. andry, having filed a 6#1 aceonet of the administration of the af. fairs of said Estate, together.with a partition amnag the heirs, aecoampaniea by a petition, praying that the same may be approved and ;--and wheteas the prayer of said petition has been gaanted by order of Court, dated April 7t, $654. . Now, therefre, notice is hereby given to all interested, to make oppop j on, if an they have, within tea das~,from the date ereof, why said tableau sho dnot be approved and hamst;e8 , ar! the adinio ifto. r diseharged frm f aA t iaUr "lities as such, and his A. GARRIGUES, Clerk. Opeloesa April 16th, 1864. Estatid . e1 e Laverga . (H ! J Imehsersa t the successional sale Jb iftremlt Edgb La rgne, are here. by infored o A at paet ls di, in the e of AprXit~iussat, th aend ulo they make h punuaitpa mut..ei.tio wil be made OUR AuC. i LAVERONE, Oppe m.c 1 G i~Adm inistrator. 18hAprfl, 1854.-8t. I NO I UIII•I JG d POSITIVELY AT COST. 3HtE undersigned wishing to liquidate their mercantile business in Opelon. Sas, respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general, that they will henceforth sell all their large Stock of Good• at cost prices, for cash. KING & HAWKINS. Opelousas, April 15th, 1854. f LICENCES! LICENCES ! LL those who are interested are hereby notified that the undersigned is now ready to issue State Licences for the year 1854, for trades, professions or occupations. J. B. DAVID, Collector. Opelousas, April 15th, 1854.-3t. CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Cure .t COUIGHS, COLDS. JOA RSENESS, BRONCIII TIS, WIOOPING-COLUGI, CROUP, ASTIIIA, AND CONSUIPTION. We invite the attel:tc,n of the Public to the Certi- fcates appended below, and bespeak for them that candid consideration which their honest fianknese deserves. Men in such stations as many who voluntarily bear witness to the efficacy and value ofCuear PacronaL., do not wantonly trille with, or distort facts, nor over- state their convictions. Judge then, whether this is not the medicine to tr~st when you must have relief for the throat or lungs; judge too, whether every family ought not to have it by them as a safeguar• against the everywhere prevailing enemy, which steals with fatal frequency upon almost every dock and car- ries off the lamb from many a home ? Jackson. C. II., Jackson City, O., 20th Nov. 1852. Da. J. C. AvER, Sir-The CHERRY PECTORAL is much inquired af. ter. Several of our best Physicians have used it, three of them in their own case, and always with the hap. piest effects. The numerous patent medicines alwas before them, lead to incredulity in regard to every new remedy ; audit is only after undoubted evidence of value in any article, that anything like a general confidence can be excited. The unrivalled excellence of this combination of agents, (in the CHERRY PECTORAt,) proved beyond cavil by repeated trial under their own observation, has compelled medical men to proclaim abroad its usefulness. It is beyond all doubt the best general remedy we have for the Pulmonary Affections of thb climate, at the same time sedative and expectorant- a rare combination of properties. In the hope that it will prove Its own reward, I subscribe myself. Respectfully your obt. sent., JAS. H.C. M. ILLER, M. D. Allegan, Mich., 10th Jan., 1853. DEAs.8a-- No one, no not oee- man, woman, or child-can be found to deny that the Casa Pacro- Ra is all that it claims to be. There is muchused in this vicinity although not known until recently. The community should know its virtues. Yours truly, JOHN R. KELLOGG, M. D. Let gentlemen of the Legal Profession mark thia case. Williamebnrg, L I., Sept 8, 1862. Prepared and sold by J. C. Ama, Lowel, Mas.-- Sld inOpelousas by J. Posey and Hebrard A Lee -- and in Washington by & D. Allia. Opelousae, April 8, 181.-4.m. Dstatt U)si(ttta . Parish of St. c No. 7119. Betate of arie Joepktie Isleatre, deteaed. YT VES D'AVY, of the Parish of St. I Landry, Administrator of the Estate of Marie Jos6phine B6•estre, deceased, hav- ing filed a final account and partition of said Estate, accompanied by a petition praying that the same may, be approved and loanolo- gated.-And whereas the prayer of said peti- tion has been granted by an order of Court, dated April 4th, 1854. Now, therefore, notioe is hereby given to all interested, to make opposition, if any they have, within ten days, from the date hereof, why said final account and partition should not be approved and homologated, and the Administrator discharged from all further liabilities as such, andj•is bond cancelled. A. GAtRRIGUES, Clerk. Opelousas, April 8th, 1854. 1. R.EICY VIQtr, W1asikagtoes, (Louts•ams..) JUST from New Orleans, informs his friends and the publie in general, that be has received a complete assortment of Summer Goods, for Ldies and gentlemen, IBarege, Jaoonets, and Calicoes dresse, F Ak, Drilling, Hats, and a large aassortment of ready made clothing for gentlemen, plantation goods, Shoes, which he offers at reduced prices and to the satisfaction of those who will L nor him of their onfidnence.--Also a fine assort. ment of Grocery, Crockery &c. L[•-Beef Hides, Wool, Tallow and Wax ate bought by the undersigned, at the highest prices. J. REMY VIOU. Washington, April 8th, 1854. From the andersagned, in Ope. lousas, on the 10th Mareh instant, an American light bay Herse, about 7 years old, brnded 88 of the shoulder, having new sehen iforg iet, mane cut last sumR , o , The horse has probably gooan the dixea- ion of the North-West. A liberal reward will e. ien to the per. son who wild bring bu ma horse to the undersigned. CHHS. THOMPSON. opOU4Mma65th 1864. [R. J. L. COURET will continue to purchase w eef Hides. -_# atValsoW4*Ad-2Wfet ~enfthey are brougi at ~~a residence, in Ope. loueas, where he pays m sual, cask. He will lso by all the Wool of this Parish and surrounding Pariabes, where men will be seat os the plantations to shear the plbeep; he will also go at the ptater's residence, who t some for sale, to etlaim t e.aeference. I. will p•j fm 20 to 90 woper sheep, accorda to the qulity of the Many persons knowil •r. Coretas loyalty is i i sfdtheir advasatg i• grati- g him the pena o. Opdtse Pebrmay 11th, 1854,-12t.

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Page 1: The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1854-04-15 [p ]of April, 18655, severally presented their certificate of election, were severally duly sworn, according to law and the constitution

uau oovazwa.ia l Jourtal of the ?arish otI t. Iuadry


OpeleutsssSATURDAY, APRIL 16th. 1854.

&les/ofaes Week.- On the ith, by auctioneerD~ean, at orte Neoe, the property of the estate ofMichel Ilger, consiting of 18 slaves, a tract of land,bewd Mte, borses, e., at 1, 8 ad 8 yers credit.

On the 80th, by eetioeeer Benguerel, at Wash-ington, the prperty belonging to the estate of JamesNeyland, comlsiting of s8 slaves, a Sne residence inWashington, cattle, horses, ac.

On the same day, by the same auctioneer, In thesaidTown, the well known and ine Hotel of Mr. L

On the ame day, by a competent ofieer, at Phli-ance, the etae of the late Mau A. Jeansonne, de-eeas wife ftDorcin Lacase, consisting of an im-

poved traetehland and attle, horses, re.Fea prtiulaws,we refer to the advertisements.

07"The Roland Jmes, has ouer thanks forpeblic documents.

0I Mr. Jean Grimmer, the well known Praofessor,who wes ao eendful in teaching music in our com-enaity, some ten or twelve years ago, is on the evedaltaMbidig himself in our Town, for the purposeof devoting his time to teaching music to those whoe-aM wish to acquire this beautiftl and charming

eLt.We ae informed that Mr. Grimmer has already

several young ladies as pupils, to whom he will teachthe aw.s as seoras he wi take his qurters amongta.

law nart--We call the attention of heads ofAmilies, paiat$ss and the public gebsrally to the ad-vertimret•iof Meeers. Hnaaa& Lx druggists, ineate eolman of our paper. These gentlemen

Mhvtsae of the best ruag Stares in the couetry, welland alt aspplied, ae young, favorably known andhtaterping ad deserve a share of the Iberal

dr our oas0nity.their shadow never grow les. c

sy&n7 iase which may be induced byan examinstiam of the tables of the United States

Sfor this Parish, should be forwarded at anday to Mr. DeBow, Superintedeunt of the a

OimmOecoe, at Washington, with a view to theWigetse e ther pablieetieP fromk that amce.

$ We avre been requested s state that the bma.Je Riaser, Gstave I. Loe•Mfier, master,

rIhlear*Wshiasgte regpdtly every PBwrdye atseOa* A. N., aneNew Oressa eavry Wo d.,arI~lr#S~` Y~d~i~~sq 8181 ~ ~~'rkrl~y as


Special NVe.mWe roiiinfer ear ends, so are adveetiemata

a6b IM, o f L ok & Ninthr'. Clebratedideas lst sr~mydamd De s istbhe been is.7e eeaeraasdb~iier strelap tire 96d. ea Ar'

&bkcr his a uM* & rsie tlw. T rakisW bamw*. UIs.r lert 31usd Fm.w

Ne t*c bsy'. D atone,I+iiol s tell etde rti sss t ht esetfro

sdier i "s"aim i rai. It 'npauts aIpe b..MMal appmsae to the Hair,

att~wseet ereoars oppiraaddso tbr Pricedininmeveseer pas ufaM d bale

""1-i w la behindetugtmer'ia of Esl. The most uanivwal of

theta ta r sad its.. atteadant, low-, .. iC~ee r HWee ws i rwecommsnd a

apse ? lslirii asayjsr~bsebaitsof~oodand'sby or. C. M.Jackson,

seer a aioaa modieia a.It new toisachM.i' site 1ted .fertdt ty lathe orpuim.

d dm is 91W P tltsc asid eblo dDmeneshe erei atSmf ase. 10.ts

t Rs~s 'e t bSb.eaabrmaoe(Ioha


see dal, dbpDr. Jkheae -crbJ A

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p~vrpry Be.

isn ome.g by

;4 h ithste od ue r v iii v es.

w. rypia gr126. aifhetn

oaesl?-'a.c......- a br19llr'". cYM, ,5r . 1 , ,

/f. t~ it

! 3

The following is a part of an intercepted corree-y pondence between the Chief Neaomancer, and theirSsbordinates and Mediums, you see they write baddoggrel, which has bern the ol custom of witchs.

"ay let not every burnler deemPer lghtly or deep sid sheme:For reputstonf t the Art,Each Gbste m at a pa ppe pert,(ser•e Decomms needful glace,And keep the iaws of time and place,Must change, with happy variation,ir His manners with his situation;)f What in the country might pass down,

Would wholly fail in this smallTown.No spirit of discretion heret. C think of breeding Ave and Fear,Twill serve the purpose more by half

STo make the eogregadtionlaugh.We want no ensgapof surprise,Locks siff with gore, and saucer eyes,Give us an entertaining sprite,e Gentle, familiar, and polite,One who appears in ach ,a formAs might a holy Father warm,Or who on former schemes refines,And only talks by sounds and signs,Who will not to the eye appear,But pays her visits to the ear,And knocks so gently, t'would not frigWA lady in the darkest night.Such is black Rosy, whose good will,Which cannot in the grave, lie still,But comes on earth, in her best bluses,To chas her beaus in Opelousas.


--- 'T y, my son, run to the storeand get mesome sugar.'

' Excuse me, ma, I am somewhat indisposed thismorning. Send father, and tell him to bring me aplug of tobacco.'

- Be earswl to wshos yos talk.- Two youngladies were once singing a duet in a concert room.A stranger, who had heard better perfo:ances, turn-ed to his neighbor, saying:

' Does not tie young lady in white sing wretch- iaely.'

'Excuse me, sir,' replied he, 'I hardly feel at hi-berty to express my sentimense, being not 4dpertielin the case, t is my sister.'

'I beg your sir,' answered the strangerinmuchconfson, ' I mean the lady in blue.'

' You re perfectly right there, replied the neigh-boar; ' I have often told her so myself; it ismy wife!'

g" A young greenhorn was told that if he presseda certain bashful young lady, she would sing. The enext evenin he asked her to sing and she excusedherselt

"Why, Tharsb," said he, "don't you think youcould singfl squeeaed you a little'

g0 The puse asked for Mount Vernon, the asn- 1sion-house and two' hundred aores of the adjacentland, is two hundred thousand dllars, while the in. titrinsine value of the property is ot estimated high- ter than thirty thoand dollars. P

'No oma's =NExY BsT HIS owN.'-No one's nenemy but his own" happens generally, to *be the enemy of everybody with whom he isin rlsatkim.-"No one's enemy but his own" sirus rapidly through his means; calls in afriendly way on his friends for bonds, bail,and.ectrities; involves his nearest kin, loaves ihist ifh begp quartes his orphans upont•e fulic; and ,fter haevin; ejoyed himself ato hias t ginea entailsa hfe odependance Uon his progeny, and dies in the odor of thatill-understood reputation of harmless folly pwhich is more injurious to society than somepositive a eg.

Tare n~stI, e.A MEETING of tbioreditoreofthe Es-tate of James Hm s, deceased,

willake place on a herd. the A4 ay' William . , Noarpr, sc, his odoe, in the Town of Win-

tea. The r for mnseting is 12 o'oloek, M.,aqi the oes of it, is to ix the termsof sale.

.STEPHEN W. QUIRK,- Administrator.

WashingB, April 15th, 1854


et rrt friends and the pbyi e of ry, ithat they have just openedon M a steet between Grolee and North'srseeta n ew Dry Goods and Grocery store,whie they will selat avery moderate pries.They shim a shar of public pe

DESBRE8T k LATOU .Opeloams, April 15thb 1854.-.f.

• , G of the Statexe, for the year 1851, 1852 and

IU6$, will remain at his Vee, in Opelonsmoaggive ndapy a stae 20th

a us ma t have availato ared to them.

afe the ai, all t willes

beue.hesMawt My d i wiehew elaOislE, yaite,Ba I, sl 1,hEstate a Ric deof late o. auaberd, dec4esL

fintn edqf t aye of said sale iss* ,th Aeeqtj the

sade at dsisOy`m a delaor , iss r ifdie eior


O 2o f A-last- 18

st.aite at aniati wtle ,

.s A C5tZ' i



ry security, and vendor's privilege, and mort-gage on the land soldaeserv d, to secure pay.

ir ment of capital and interests which may ac-d crue thereon, at 8 per om maturity.

J. B. DAVID,erif of the Parish of St. Lasdry.

Opelousas, April 15th, 1864.

DurLIBtmmaIO or TH• Tows CoUNcIL or Or•LODOaB.

PMosda , 10t April, 1854.-This being the dayappoi•tlby law for the meeting of the Board ofPolice of the Town of Opelousas,- the followingnamed persons, elected on the 8rd instant, as mem-bers, elected for the year ending the second Mondayof April, 18655, severally presented their certificateof election, were severally duly sworn, according tolaw and the constitution to their seats-to-wit :

Mewms. Charles N. Baler, Clement Hollier file, An-drew Meynier, Chretiel, Mornthinveg, Michael Mus-sand, Auguste M. Perrault and Simon Richard.

On motion of Mr. Meynier, Mr. Richard was una-nimously elected President.

Charles Thompsoin presented his certificate of elec-tion as Town Constable, and having been duly swornaccording to the law and the constitution, took hisplace.

On motion of Mr. Meynier, Resolved that no mem-ber of the Board shall be appointed to any offce ofprofit.

Mr. Baler moved that the Treasurer of the Townshall receive not more than fifty dollars per year, forhis services-motion lost.

On motion of Mr. Meynier, the Board proceededto appoint the officers of the Board, the Clerk, Trea-sure: and Assessor.

On motion of Mr. Mussand, Resolved that Guay H.Bell be and is appointed Clerk of the Board and hissaluay shall be at the rate of two hundred dv•lais peryear.

Mr. Meynier moved that the salary of the Treasurershall be at the rate of one hundred dolars per year.

Mr. Baler moved that it be fifty dollars per year,which last motion prevailed.

On motion of Mr. Ealer, the appointment ofa Trea-surer was laid over until next meeting.

On motion of Ealer, Resolved that the salary of theTown Constable, for the present year, shall be twohund ed dollars, and the compensation of the Asses-sor, fifty dollars.

On motion of Mr. Meynier, Resolved that AndrewJ. Thompson be and is appointed Assessor for thepresent year.

Mr. Ealer moved that the Collector shall receivenly per cent for the amount received for Licences

On motion of Mr. Perrault, Resolved that the Cbl-lector shall receivbthe same per cent that was allow.ed him for collecting as the last year.

On motion of Mr. Meynier, amended by Mr. Baler,Resolved that the taxes to levy on the Town for thepresent year, 1854, shall be assessed and levied, inconfurmity to "An Ordidinance to provide a cevenuefor the Town of Opelose,"--" Ordained 16th April,1851."-Provided that the tax levied in Article 3d.shall not be enforced.--And that the provisions con.tained in Article thb. shall be carried into effect, inthe manner ditected in so far as it relates to the ap-portionment of Licences, as to time taken out.

On motton of Mr. Ealer, Resolved that the Clerkmake out and forward to the CenussOffice the censusof the Town, as taken in 1849, in the manner request-ed by the said oice.

On motion of Mr. Mornhinveg, Resolved that thesum eften dollars per month be app:opriated out ofthe taxes of 1854, from this date to the 2d Mondayof April, 1855, for the support of the widow ofCharles Devillier and children, to be paid to ClementHollier fies, dr her se.

On motion of Mr. Ealer, Resolved that the Trea.murer be dis dlreed to pay waant No. 168 outof the very mmt money that may be paid into the t

Smotion of Mr. M e, Resolved that the ap-pointment of Srswims ef Wads be postponed.

On motion of Mr. Mornhinveg, Resolve •at theaccount of the Opeiouwas CCotier, of three dollars,for printing hand-biff, 10th September, 1856, bepati on the usual warrant.

On motion of M,1. Perrault, Resolved that all theminutes of the Board shall be published, and Mr.Meynier having offered to publish the sae at thirtydollars, lai e present year, ending the asecod Mon-day in A 1865,-bis offer is actted.

Oaadou ci Mr. Musand, the Board adjournedtnilBaturday, the 15th, at 8 o'cloek P. M.

. RICHARD, PBui, Cet.Gir 11 ea. Cek

STATEMENTOyte Res and D6irsownts othe Tote. Opg

ou for th r apr e adim the 7tk day f pril, .D., 1854.

RECEIPTS.From Robert Benguerel, formerS Treasurer, $218 86A. M. Perrault, former Collector, 166 89

--- 385 75brom Charles Thompson,

For Tax Roll for 198.3. 1091 31For one store licence to LastrapesL &Co. November 1853, 10 00

For 24 store hcences, issued for1854, 60 000

For 5 Billiard and Bar ianes, li.canees for 1854, 500 00

For 3 drg and jewelers store, li.esseo for 1854, 3000

-- 1140 00SFolr TaR on 283 beeves, sold in

For zn 39 Calves sold in 8300

Market, 2925For stalls sold in market, 82 25

-- 39450[ For fines colltekd ofsandry per.

s5m,- 9500

Total iat. ofreeeipts from all sources, 8•036 56

DISBURSMENTS.Forpspe raeccount, $156 50

salary, s per vaourhes, $ 361 00Ceastable salary, 200 00

rer salary, 50 00--- 4 620 00

r nsd bridges, 11972 75Fe • •ltha t, 394 50

- 1447 25For 3ar keet tse 5500For Pire E iei7es I 17 74FoePrinting, -: 1 o00Fats Corpostioe bi,

1838, -i 100-- 8874

Fdok per cent for eetleg at 1s2543 50, F40 35

Far 50 parceetallowed eecto1i.107.=25, 9742

Balance so above, 6 g89a antstacle, g of 25

30210 .Wensalb e m jCg. , 227.

k by the?'-P n

of. r

'4**** * my pe r...

7 PUBLIC SALE.7T HE public are hereby informed that.L there will be sold, at public sale, to the

last and highest bidder, by a duly conmis-sioned auctioneer, at the Court House of thisParish on

Wednesday, 17th day of May,1854, the following described property, be-longing to Arthemise Prndhomme, wife ofStanislas Fremont, to-wit:

A certain Property,situated in the Town of Opelousas, consist-ing of'4 Lots of Ground, with all the Houses,Buildings and Improvements thereon,:fronting on Union Street and adjoining onthe North the property upon which residesA. Ross glEwkins.

WCT•r 1 NO. -20,in the Louaillier addition of the Town of Ope-lousas,:fronting on the West by Butcher'sStreet and bounded on the North by Josed-phine Davy, having one hundred and nine-,teen feet and sixty-three hundredths front,by one hundred and sixty-nine feet and sixtyhundredths in depth.

2L.CO"T NO. 21.,in the Louaillier addition of the Town of,Opelousas, bounded on the East by Butcher's i`"treet, and on the West by Loui. Frilot,having one hundred and nineteen feet andsixty-three hundredths front by one hundredand seventy-two feet in depth.

LST NO. 18,in the Louaillier addition of the Town ofOpelousas.

-LOT NO 19,in the Louaillier addition of the Town ofOpelousas. I

Conditions:- Payable at one and two "years credit, from the day of sale ; purcha~ersfurnishing their notes i•i solido with, personalsecurity, at the sati-dacti,,n of the undersign.ed, and the Lots re c l••ing specially mort-gaged until final payment of the principal and interests.

EUGENE WARTELLE, Agent. LOpelousas, April 15th, 1854. t

I'W qBT)r TIC 0 +:"HE HE u•ndrsigned have this day dissolved .

N the partnership by mutual consent.The business of the okd firm will be settled j

by either of the partners. tTHOMPSON & LEE. r

Opelousas, April 15th, 1854

T HE undersigned have formed a co-part. 0

nership and will carry on the businessat the old stand, where will always be founda well selected assortment of Drugs, Medi- ccines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Glass-Ware, Patent s

Medicines, Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c., cttihich they invite the attention of theirfriends Prescriptions carefully eompound-ed at all hours by an experienced Druggi st.


Opelousas, April 15th, 1854.-3m.___________ _______________fi



Cage•, Coled~ Bears e Spggof looed, Night Sweats, Asthaa,

Liver Complaits, andCONSUMPTION.

1 EORGE'S Extract Honduras Sarsapa-%I rilla, celebrated as a Tonic an•Inv;,-rator of the System.- Carlton's Nerve e adBone Liniment, for the cure of all diseases ofthe Horse, which require an external appli-cation.-Comstock'a Vermifuge, the bhet pre-paration, for expelling worms from both and grown Persons, now known.-All ofthe above named articles for sale only by

HEBRARD & LEE.Opelousas, April 15th, 1854:--8m.



AM hr Iae n aait I• •t.o nr•IRKEDY 701 RAWLNEUS,C OMSTOCK Nerve and Bone Liniment. war.

ranted to cure Rheumatsm, Gout, Stiff Joints.Weak Limbs, &c.. &c-Dr. Kline's Tooth-acheDrops for the iustatana-os ~pre of Tooth-ache.--Azor's Tkrkiah ,riemte~fWiie, the great remedyfor General Debility, Weekne.. Dyapepsia. &c.Nothing can equal it as a Diet Driks in this 'Ji-n.ate.--Comtock's Family Anti-Bilious Pills, forthe cure of all Bilious Affections.-All of the abovenamed articles, formle •it~ by


Publikc rle.L be sold, to the last and highest

bidder, by the undersigned; Auc-in and for the Parish of St. rlnd

of the,Court HouseofthisPari'h,

y, 6th day of May 1854,the ng property, sold to ma , a prti-

EeR sdBOY,age about 28 or 30 years,

dell ad ll guaranteea

an credit, from herisoa good and

Woo, andr d the t

Z *of ap aed win-_O :: dqrB " and in- P

11TO"PIC I.SN pursuance of an act entitled and Act to improve

Jthe navigation of the Atchafalaya River, approvedS ,arch 16th, 1864, I hereby publish the several see-tions of said Act, in order to comply fully with thea conditions contained in the seventh Section thereof•and invite proposals for the execution of the work inthe manner, and at the time and place therein setforth.

State Engineer's Office,GEO. W. MORSE, State Engineer.

Baton Rouge, March 26th, 1864.

SScrIzo 1.-Be it enacted by the Senate andHouse of Representatives of the State of Louisiana inGeneral Assembly convened, That the navigation ofthe Atchafalaya and Courtableau Rivers, shall be im-proved from the junction of the former, with the oldbed of the Mississippi River to the mouth of, and upthe latter, to the head of the "Petit Diable" and alevee shall be made on the Southern bank of the latter,so as to prevent the escape of the current which dr iftfrom the Atchafalaya therein, and a passage shall becleared of snags sixty feet wide through the wlhole Iextent.

Sacr. 2.-Be it further enacted, &e, That WilliamOffutt, of Washington, Louisiana, Walthal Burton,William H. Nelson, E. S. Gordon, John II. Morgat,,of the Atchafalaya, be and the same are hereby ap-pointed Commissioners with the State Engineer tocarry this act into effect, and the sum of Fifteen Thou-sand Dolla.s ($15000) to be paid out of the Generalfund, be and the same is hereby specially appropria-ted, payable to the contractor or contractors, on thew.a .-ant of at least four of said commissioners, in suchsuum or sums as required, not exceeding Four thou-sand dollars (,4000) at one time.

SECT. 3.-Be it fu ther enacted, &c., That saidcommissioners shall let out to the lowest bidder, theperformance of said contract, after giving thirty daysnotice of the time and place, in two newspapers, towit: the Louisiana Courier and the Opelousas Courier, isaid adjudication to utke place at the house of Mrs.Robbin, on the Atchatilaya I;i-er, on the first day ofJune next (1854) between the h, urs of 10, A. M.,and 4, P. M.

SEcr. 4.-Be it further enacted, &c., That three ofsaid Comunis-ioners shall fo, r a quorum tolet outsaid contract, and in case said quorlum should rotmeet on said first day of June, on the piemises asafore-aid, then and in that case, one cn,nmis-'ioners shall be autho.ised to adjourn said adjudica- ftion until a quorum makes its appearance; and should csaid quorum not appear on the third day of June t1854, then said members present, or any member ofthem, shall let out said cont:act; provided said adju-dication with all expenses does not exceed the sumof Fifteen Thousand Dollars (!15000.)

SECT. 5.-Be it further enacted, &c., That said :Commissioners are authorised and required to take fbond and security from the undertaker of said con- ftract, in the sumo of five thousand dollars ($5000) apayable to the Governor of the State and his suc- -cessors in office conditioned for the faithful perform. rance of the same, said bond to be fuirrashed on thepremises, on the day of the adjudidcation, and in de- Ifault thereof said commissioners shaii make asecond adjudication on the samet day, or they will tpostpone the same until the next day. and if no sate ctakes place on that day, the commis.ooners shall tre.arvertise and let out said contract as aforesaid. L

SEcr. 6.-Be it further enacted, &c., That a ma- rjority of the comsmuissioners present at the adjudi. ocation, shall be nuflicient to approve of the bond cof the undertaker, but at least four of said commis-sioners must agree on receiving said work or con-tract.

SEcT. 7.--Be it further enacted, &c., That the hconditions of said contract and all the particulars Ishall be published at length in said advertisement. r

Sscr. S.-Be it further enacted, &c., That in rcase the undertaker should fail to perlorm his en- cgagement, it shall be the duty of the AttorneyGeneral et=District Attorney to institute suit beforeany Court of competent Jurisdiction, for the col-lecthbn of said bond, its amount to be deposited inthe Treasury of the State, to the credit of the StateEngineer, to be afterwards applied by said com-missioners to improve the navigation of the Atcha- cfalaya River. R

SECT. 9.-48e it further enacted, &c., That the iState Engineer be and he is hereby authorised to Tcause said contract to be published on or before thefifleenth day of April next (18.

54), in the manner I

aforesaid.SECT. 10.-Be it further enacted, &c., That this

act take effect from and after its passage. SoApril 15th, 1854.-1Un.

Satle at Auction.By Erte. Deaillon, Auctioneer.T HE public are hereby informed that

there will be sold, at public sale, to thelasted highest bidder, before the Court.If o"lloor, in Opelousas, on-Tuesdpy, the 16th of May next,at 11 o'lock, A. M., the property known as

THE RAI-ROAD HOTL,i kept by Mr. N. Quatrevaux, situated in ther Town of Opelousas, bounded on the North by

propei~y of J. R. Viou, on the South by Bel.levue Street, on the West by Main Streetand on the East by Union Street, consistingof a Lot of Ground, a good Dwelling House,a large house suitable fora hotel, Stable andother out buildings.

Conditums .- One third of the purchasemoney payable in six months, from day ofsale; one third in eighteen months, and onethird in two years and a half. Purchaserfurnishing his notes with suffioiiat security,to the satisfaction ofwhom the right, and theproperty remaining specially mortgaged tovendor until full payment of capital sad in-terests, at 8 per cent per annum, from timedue until paid.

Evrn. DEBAILLON, Auctioneer.Opelousas, April 15th, 1854.

e tate oa EatCi ha.DISTRICT CoURT. I

Paris of St. Landry. No. 7127.I tate of Jeanet .Richard p re, and Ma-rianne Vasseua, his wet.

BEAN Bte. RICHARD, Als, of abe Par.JEA BSet. LandryA rat of theEstate of Jean Baptiste 'Rard pbre, andMar'?g VaWseur, v wife, both deceased,late Parish of St. andry, having fileda 6#1 aceonet of the administration of the af.fairs of said Estate, together.with a partitionamnag the heirs, aecoampaniea by a petition,praying that the same may be approved and;--and wheteas the prayer of saidpetition has been gaanted by order of Court,dated April 7t, $654..Now, therefre, notice is hereby given to all

interested, to make oppop j on, if an theyhave, within tea das~,from the date ereof,why said tableau sho dnot be approved andhamst;e8 , ar! the adinio ifto. r diseharged

frm f aA t iaUr "lities as such, and his

A. GARRIGUES, Clerk.Opeloesa April 16th, 1864.

Estatid . e1 e Laverga .(H ! J Imehsersa t the successional saleJb iftremlt Edgb La rgne, are here.

by infored o A at paet ls di, in thee of AprXit~iussat, th aend ulo they make hpunuaitpa mut..ei.tio wil be made

OUR AuC. i LAVERONE,Oppe m.c1 G i~Adm inistrator.18hAprfl, 1854.-8t.


d POSITIVELY AT COST.3HtE undersigned wishing to liquidate

their mercantile business in Opelon.Sas, respectfully announce to their friendsand the public in general, that they willhenceforth sell all their large Stock of Good•at cost prices, for cash.

KING & HAWKINS.Opelousas, April 15th, 1854.

f LICENCES! LICENCES !LL those who are interested are hereby

notified that the undersigned is nowready to issue State Licences for the year1854, for trades, professions or occupations.

J. B. DAVID, Collector.Opelousas, April 15th, 1854.-3t.

CHERRY PECTORALFor the rapid Cure .t



We invite the attel:tc,n of the Public to the Certi-fcates appended below, and bespeak for them thatcandid consideration which their honest fianknesedeserves.

Men in such stations as many who voluntarily bearwitness to the efficacy and value ofCuear PacronaL.,do not wantonly trille with, or distort facts, nor over-state their convictions. Judge then, whether this isnot the medicine to tr~st when you must have relieffor the throat or lungs; judge too, whether everyfamily ought not to have it by them as a safeguar•against the everywhere prevailing enemy, which stealswith fatal frequency upon almost every dock and car-ries off the lamb from many a home ?

Jackson. C. II., Jackson City, O., 20th Nov. 1852.Da. J. C. AvER,

Sir-The CHERRY PECTORAL is much inquired af.ter. Several of our best Physicians have used it, threeof them in their own case, and always with the hap.piest effects. The numerous patent medicines alwasbefore them, lead to incredulity in regard to everynew remedy ; audit is only after undoubted evidenceof value in any article, that anything like a generalconfidence can be excited.

The unrivalled excellence of this combination ofagents, (in the CHERRY PECTORAt,) proved beyondcavil by repeated trial under their own observation,has compelled medical men to proclaim abroad itsusefulness. It is beyond all doubt the best generalremedy we have for the Pulmonary Affections of thbclimate, at the same time sedative and expectorant-a rare combination of properties.

In the hope that it will prove Its own reward, Isubscribe myself. Respectfully your obt. sent.,

JAS. H.C. M. ILLER, M. D.Allegan, Mich., 10th Jan., 1853.

DEAs.8a-- No one, no not oee- man, woman, orchild-can be found to deny that the Casa Pacro-Ra is all that it claims to be. There is muchusedin this vicinity although not known until recently.The community should know its virtues.

Yours truly, JOHN R. KELLOGG, M. D.Let gentlemen of the Legal Profession mark thia case.

Williamebnrg, L I., Sept 8, 1862.Prepared and sold by J. C. Ama, Lowel, Mas.--

Sld inOpelousas by J. Posey and Hebrard A Lee-- and in Washington by & D. Allia.

Opelousae, April 8, 181.-4.m.

Dstatt U)si(ttta .Parish of St. c No. 7119.

Betate of arie Joepktie Isleatre, deteaed.YT VES D'AVY, of the Parish of St.I Landry, Administrator of the Estate

of Marie Jos6phine B6•estre, deceased, hav-ing filed a final account and partition of saidEstate, accompanied by a petition prayingthat the same may, be approved and loanolo-gated.-And whereas the prayer of said peti-tion has been granted by an order of Court,dated April 4th, 1854.

Now, therefore, notioe is hereby given toall interested, to make opposition, if any theyhave, within ten days, from the date hereof,why said final account and partition shouldnot be approved and homologated, and theAdministrator discharged from all furtherliabilities as such, andj•is bond cancelled.

A. GAtRRIGUES, Clerk.Opelousas, April 8th, 1854.

1. R.EICY VIQtr,W1asikagtoes, (Louts•ams..)JUST from New Orleans, informs his

friends and the publie in general, thatbe has received a complete assortment ofSummer Goods, for Ldies and gentlemen,IBarege, Jaoonets, and Calicoes dresse, F Ak,Drilling, Hats, and a large aassortment of readymade clothing for gentlemen, plantation goods,Shoes, which he offers at reduced prices andto the satisfaction of those who will L norhim of their onfidnence.--Also a fine assort.ment of Grocery, Crockery &c.

L[•-Beef Hides, Wool, Tallow and Waxate bought by the undersigned, at the highestprices.

J. REMY VIOU.Washington, April 8th, 1854.

From the andersagned, in Ope.lousas, on the 10th Mareh instant,an American light bay Herse,about 7 years old, brnded 88 of

the shoulder, having new sehen iforgiet, mane cut last sumR , o ,

The horse has probably gooan the dixea-ion of the North-West.

A liberal reward will e. ien to the per.son who wild bring bu ma horse to theundersigned.

CHHS. THOMPSON.opOU4Mma65th 1864.

[R. J. L. COURET will continue to purchasew eef Hides. -_# atValsoW4*Ad-2Wfet

~enfthey are brougi at ~~a residence, in Ope.loueas, where he pays m sual, cask.He will lso by all the Wool of this Parish and

surrounding Pariabes, where men will be seat osthe plantations to shear the plbeep; he will alsogo at the ptater's residence, who t some for sale,to etlaim t e.aeference. I. will p•j fm 20 to 90

woper sheep, accorda to the qulity of theMany persons knowil •r. Coretas loyalty isi i sfdtheir advasatg i•grati- g him the pena o.Opdtse Pebrmay 11th, 1854,-12t.