the opuscule of second-sight

The Opuscule of Second Sight Ancient Wisdom, Revisited Steven Soucy

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Ancient Wisdom, Revisited.


  • The Opuscule of Second Sight Ancient Wisdom, Revisited

    Steven Soucy

  • Revisiting the Qabalah

    It is an unlikely integration indeed, the combination of Sumerian tablets and the Hermetic Qabalah, yet, the

    findings I will present in this document create a concise, coherent, and thorough esoteric system that is

    philosophically sound and stands, without err, a paramount verification for our Extra-terrestrial origins in this

    psychic Matrix, we call the Universe.

    The result, is a corrective reformatting of the mystical Qabalah and its association to the cards of the Tarot.

    This Opuscule of Second Sight unites ancient religious and spiritual wisdom with valid astrological influence and

    proposes a prophetic stance on the existence of the entirely real potential, Planet X.

  • The Words of the Anunnaki

    As a translator, Zecharia Sitchin worked with ancient Sumerian clay tablets from around 4,000 B.C.

    The Lost Book of Enki is an autobiographical account of Anunnaki descent.

    On the last page, it reads:

    These are the words of Enki, Firstborn of Anu of Nibiru.

    Fourteenth tablet: The Words of the lord Enki.

    Written from the mouth of the great lord Enki,

    not one word missed, not one word added,

    by the master scribe Endubsar, a man of Eridu, son of Udbar.

    By the lord Enki with long life I have been blessed.

    In this ancient Assyrian relief, the Anunnaki are gathered symmetrically around the Sacred Tree of Life.

    A tree of l ife is a common motif in various world theologies, mythologies, and philosophies. It alludes to

    the interconnection of all l ife on our planet and serves as a metaphor for common descent in the

    evolutionary sense.


    The Tree of Life is also known as the Kabbalah, a tree with Sephiroth (planets/virtues) connected by paths -

    (conduits of meaning).

    It is used in Judeo-Christian and Islamic beliefs as well.

  • The Kabalah, as a personification of God is one of the points supported in my thesis.

    Each of these spheres (Sephiroth), is a celestial body (Planet) of our solar system.

    From 'The Lost Book of Enki:

    In the Beginning,

    When in the Above the gods in the heavens had not been called into being, And in the Below Ki, the Firm Ground, had not yet been named,

    Ki, (Planet Earth), can be associated therefore, with the bottom of the Tree. Nameless, it is

    introduced in this passage.

    Alone in the void there existed Apsu, their Primordial Begetter.

    The divine force of origin, Apsu (The Crown Sephiroth) rests at the very top.

    In the heights of the Above, the celestial gods had not yet been created; In the waters of the Below, the celestial gods had not yet appeared. Above and Below, the gods had not yet been formed, destinies were not yet decreed.

    No reed had yet been formed, no marshland had appeared; Alone did Apsu reign in the void.

    This passage describes the Tree as a whole with two main divisions; one above and one, below.

  • Then by his winds the primordial waters were mingled, A divine and artful spell Apsu upon the waters cast.

    On the void's deep he poured a sound sleep; Tiamat, the Mother of All, as a spouse for himself he fashioned. A celestial mother, a watery beauty she was indeed!

    Kether, (Crown Sephiroth, Apsu), creates a female counterpart, the mother Goddess, Tiamat,

    positioned to Kethers right, the Hebrew word for Binah, meaning (Understanding). Indicative of

    Mother Goddess, Nut in Egyptian Mythology, she, being the womb of all planets, may exist as our

    Galaxy, The Milky Way.

    Beside him Apsu little Mummu then brought forth, As his messenger he him appointed, a gift for Tiamat to present. A gift resplendent to his spouse Apsu granted:

    A shining metal, the everlasting gold, for her alone to possess!

    Next, and to Kethers left, the Sephiroth, Chokmah (Wisdom),

    Associated with the color Grey, this first Planetary Sephiroth is that of Mercury, closest to the Sun.

    We now see the established completion of the Supernal Triangle, including The Sun, Mother

    Goddess, Tiamat and Mercury;

    An Ontic Triade of everlasting gold. In Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Nut holds the Sun Disk, Aten

    (Ra) above her head.

    Making up the horizontal path of the Astral Triangle, at the bottom of the Tree, are Mars and Venus:

  • Then it was that the two their waters mingled, divine children between them to bring forth.

    Male and female were the celestials created; Lahmu and Lahamu by names they were called.

    In the Below did Apsu and Tiamat make them an abode.

    Making up the horizontal path of the Ethical Triangle, are Saturn and Jupiter:

    Before then had grown in age and in stature,

    In the waters of the Above Anshar and Kishar were formed;

    Surpassing their brothers in size they were.

    As a celestial couple the two were fashioned;

    Toward the bottom of the Middle Pillar Uranus (the distant heavens):

    A son, An, in the distant heavens was their heir.

    --An/Anu is the ruler of the Anunnaki on their home planet of Nibiru, The Sephiroth for Netzach, which

    means (Victory/Endurance), describes the Kingship of God as his manhood, a central (pelvic) region

    of the Adam Kadmon (Personified Form of the Kabbalah).

    Neptune, another Sephiroth of The Middle Pillar, Hod, meaning, (Majesty), the spouse of An/Anu,

    (Queen of the Heavens).

    Then Antu, to be his spouse, as An's equal was brought forth;

    As a boundary of the Upper Waters their abode was made.

    The boundary between the King and Queen, is the boundary between the Upper and Lower Tree:

    The firmament of the Heavens described in Genesis, dividing the Ethical and Astral Triangles.

    Thus were three heavenly couples, Below and Above, in the depths created;

    By names they were called, the family of Apsu with Mummu and Tiamat they formed.

    Further validation of the planets identities is described in The Lost Book of Enki, as

    Alalu, an Anunnaki traveler enters our solar system from the outside, in

    In the expanse of the heavens, the celestials' emissary was him greeting! Little Gaga, the One Who Shows the Way, by its circuit Alalu was greeting, to him a welcome

    extending. Litte Gaga... Planet, Pluto.

    In his chariot Alalu followed Gaga's path; to the second god of the heavens it was directing. Soon celestial Antu, its name by King Enshar was given, in the deep's darkness was looming;

    Blue as pure waters was her hue; of the Upper Waters she was the commencement. Alalu by the sight's beauty was enchanted; to course at a distance he continued.

    Antu... Neptune.

  • In the far beyond Antu's spouse began to shimmer, by size Antu's the equal; As his spouse's double, by a greenish blueness was An distinguished.

    A dazzling host encircled it on its side; with firm grounds they were provided. The Planet, Uranus, on its side.

    To Anshar, the Foremost Prince of the heavens, the course was a -turning. By the speeding chariot, Alalu the ensnaring pull of Anshar could tell;

    With bright rings of dazzling colors the chariot it was enchanting! A sight most awesome then to him appeared: In the faraway heavens the family's bright star he discerned!

    Saturn, with his rings; (the Sun in the distance).

    A sight most frightening the revelation followed:

    A giant monster, in its destiny moving, upon the Sun a darkening cast; Kishar its creator swallowed! Frightening was the occurrence; an evil omen, Alalu indeed thought.

    The giant Kishar, foremost of the Firm Planets, its size was overwhelming. Swirling storms obscured its face, colored spots they moved about; A host beyond counting, some quickly, some slowly, the celestial god encircled. Troublesome were their ways, back and forth they were surging.

    Kishar itself a spell was casting, divine lightnings it was thrusting. Jupiter and her stormy atmospheres.

    Beyond the fifth planet the utmost danger was lurking, so indeed he knew. The Hammered Bracelet ahead was reigning, to demolish it was awaiting!

    Of rocks and boulders was it together hammered, l ike orphans with no mother they banded together.

    The Asteroid Belt, said in this account, to be the remnants of the collision between Nibiru (Planet X)

    and Tiamat from this collision, Earth was born, that which became a Planet of its own.

    In the distance, the Sun's fiery ball its brilliance was sending forth; Welcoming rays toward Alalu it was emitting.

    Before it, a red-brown planet on its circuit was coursing; the sixth in the count of celestial gods it was. Alalu could but glimpse it: On its destined course from Alalu's path it was quickly moving. Then snow-hued Earth appeared, the seventh in the celestial count.

  • The Heavens (The Genesis Pattern described, Elementally)

    PENTAGRAMMATON (The Five-Letter Name For God) Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh


    We know the Kether is still the first act of Genesis, and is therefore, the Sun at the crown of the tree.

    And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the

    Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.


    Chokmah, (Wisdom) is still the second Sephiroth of the Qabalah. Associated with the color Grey,

    Mercury (Hermes), closest to the sun.

    Mercury/Hermes (Messenger of the Gods)carried a caduceus, similar to the entwined serpents of the

    Anunnakis representative admixture of divine DNA the seed of Earthly men and women. The

    wisdom of alchemy, (the transmutation of the elements is the second act of Genesis, the element of


    And God said, Let there be light: and there was l ight.

  • Water

    Binah, (Understanding) remains third. The supernatural womb of Genesis, and the element of water.

    And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.


    Chesed, (Kindness/Love) is the central or Shin, element of Aether in Pentagrammaton.

    It can be assumed that Chesed represents Jupiter, the feminine Giant of our solar system.

    And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that

    it was good.


    Netzach, (Victory), is the embodiment of fortitude and endurance. Netzach (Uranus) belongs to the

    Middle Sephiroth of the Ethical Triangle.

    And God made two great l ights; the greater l ight to rule the day, and the lesser l ight to rule the night: he made the stars also.

    And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give l ight upon the earth,

    The timing of the Seasons is an AIR SIGN. (In the Tarot, this would be the sign of Wands).


    And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and mul tiply, and fi l l the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

    Fifth is the great fire of God, of which it says 'let me see no more of this great fire, lest I die (Deut


    The fifth utterance of God is a fire, but it is not Gevurah,(Severity/Judgment) Sephiroth for Mars.

    The Great fire of God is that of Yesod (Saturn) AIR SIGN (Queen, Antu).

    This forms a Merkabah of the elements, a Star of David (Hexagram) at the Top of the Qabalah. The Merkabah can be viewed as two pyramids, super-imposed, one inside the other. One pyramid (The Supernal Triangle):

    Aether, (The Sun), Fire, (Mercury), and Water, (Tiamat).

    The other, (The Ethical Triangle): Aether, (Jupiter), Air, (Uranus), and Fire, (Saturn).

  • TETRAGRAMMATON (The Four-Letter Name For God) Yod Heh Vau Heh (YAHWEH) Below the Hexagram, is an Inverted Pyramid (Triforce), made up of four Sephiroth...

    Fire Gevurah, (Severity/Judgment), the element of Fire, Gods left hand, the (Hand of War).

    Water Tiphareth, (Beauty), is the Goddess, Venus (Aphrodite) The Mary Magdalene of the story of God). --In Greek Mythology, Cronus (Saturn) severed Uranus' genitals and threw them behind him into the sea.

    The result of Gods castration, was the creation of the Virgin birth of Venus. The fact that God threw

    his genitals (from Uranus, the Groin of the Qabalah) behind him, makes it also a matter of fact, that

    the Kabalah faces the observer

    Venus, therefore, the Right Hand of God;

    Mars, therefore, the Left;

    They symbolize war and peace, the masculine and the feminine, severity and beauty.


    The Victory here, concludes the beautification of God by means of central castration.

  • Air

    Hod, (Splendor/Majesty), is the central Sephiroth of the Astral triangle.

    Neptune, as An/Anus equal, is the second Air sign; Air, being the central (Capstone) of the pyramid of the Triforce, representative of the Earthly Domain.


    Malkuth remains where it is: Earth, Kingdom of the four cardinal elements.

  • The Adam Kadmon of The Tree of Life, facing us:

    His Right Arm: Understanding, Kindness and Beauty.

    His Center: Crown, Victory, Majesty and Kingdom.

    His Left arm: Wisdom, Foundation and Judgment.

  • The Tarot

    Card Value Letter Meaning

    The Fool 0 ALEPH Ox

    The Magician I BETH House

    The High Priestess II GIMEL Camel

    The Empress III DALETH Door

    The Emperor IV HE Window

    The Hierophant V VAU Nail/Hook

    The Lovers VI ZAYIN Sword/Armor

    The Chariot VII HETH Fence/Enclosure

    Strength VIII TETH Snake

    The Hermit IX YOD Hand

    Wheel of Fortune X KAPH Fist

    Justice XI LAMED Ox Goad

    The Hanged Man XII MEM Water

    Death XIII NUN Fish

    Temperance XIV SAMEKH Prop

    The Devil XV AYIN Eye

    The Tower XVI PE Mouth

    The Star XVII TZADDI Fish Hook

    The Moon XVIII QOPH Ear

    The Sun XIX RESH Head

    Judgment XX SHIN Tooth

    The World XXI TAU Cross

    It remains at this time, a great difficulty to determine the elemental context of each of the Major

    Arcana. So I will leave this part of the project unfinished.

    It can be noted in the Diagram of the Tarot of the Qabalah, that all of the court cards have a place as

    corners or cardinal directions:

    The hands of God represent the East --Pages (Princesses) and the West --Knights (Princes).

    The Northern and Southern Directions; the Kings and Queens, ultimately creating a divide between

    the Upper and the Lower Waters.

  • The Final Layout

  • Planet X I assume Nibiru to be the missing Sephiroth, Daat, (he center of the Hexagram).

    Coming around in full circuit every so often, Nibiru will surmass any known devastation, with the erasure

    of memory and topography on the face of the Earth. It is my hypothesis, that when this happens, the

    Adam Kadmon of the Qabalah will be re-written and new Elemental properties will be assigned to the

    Planets of our Solar System.


    Id like to give credit to two Pivotal influences responsible for the ease of my puzzle:

    Zecharia Sitchin

    The author who provided me with the ignition of my research. His perfect translations gave me insight

    into the truth of Those Who From the Heavens Came.

    The Lost Book of Enki Zecharia Sitchin (Bear and Company, 2002).

    Pamela Colman Smith

    The illustrator of the Rider-Waite Tarot, whos remarkable messages provided the keen psychic insight

    for my everlasting alchemy and prophetic visionary accomplishments.

    Nuer-alst Kleiflehx (2014)