the oracle vol 52 issue 3

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 109 Glenview, IL RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED GLENBROOK SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL VOLUME LII , ISSUE 3, DEC. 20, 2013 4000 W. Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026 Oracle the 4 19 12 16 8 news GIRLS IN STEM o p inions features a&e s p orts CATCHING FIRE REVIEW CHILD DEVELOPMENT RIGHT AMOUNT OF WRONG MEN’S HOCKEY KALI CROKE co-a&e editor AARON ACH asst. news editor South’s enrollment is projected to continue ris- ing significantly, hitting an estimated capacity of over 3,100 students by 2017, according to stud- ies by the District 225 Board of Education. This growth poses space concerns for the building. South currently has a student body of 2,738, ac- cording to Principal Dr. Brian Wegley. The rise in enrollment is now expected to plateau after its ini- tial growth as opposed to returning to a stable stu- dent body size as predicted in the earlier “bubble” projection. Michael Riggle, District 225 superintendent, said the district is doing everything it can in order to limit “over-building” extra space and facilities to accommodate the rise in South attendance. “One of the things the district is concerned about is that we don’t overbuild,” Riggle said. “What we don’t want to do is to take taxpayer dollars and expand the buildings [so] it becomes bigger than it will ever be used for the purposes of just a couple of years.” Despite the district’s hesitance, Jeffrey Ryland- er, instructional supervisor of the Science Depart- ment, expressed concern for crowding of not only classrooms but also space for teachers to work. “We’re not going to be able to fit that many classes in our classrooms with our current enroll- ment projections,” Rylander said. “Right now, we are at about an 85 percent capacity, where 100 [per- cent] would be if we used every classroom every period. You will be teaching biology in a [physics lab] and physics in a chemistry lab. Our depart- Slashed food stamps may increase demand for local food pantries CAROLYN KELLY & CHARLOTTE KELLY co-news editors Federal funding for the Supplemental Nu- trition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps, decreased on Nov. 1. Eli- gible households now receive less monthly assis- tance from SNAP. Two million Illinois residents receive assistance from SNAP, including residents of Glenview and Northbrook, according to the Chicago Tribune. The cuts are the result of an expiration of the addi- tional funding SNAP received from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package. The goal of the 2009 increase was to help com- bat the effects of rising unemployment during the recession, and recipients of SNAP received an 13.6 percent increase in monthly benefits, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. According to Barbara Marzillo, South’s head nurse, definite need for food currently exists at South. “We do still have students who come into our office who truly are hungry,” Marzillo said. According to Feeding America, a non-profit or- ganization that oversees food pantries, the aver- age family of four will receive a cut of $36 per month. This will leave SNAP receivers to aver- age $1.40 per person, per meal, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. According to Jill Brickman, supervisor of the Northfield Township, this reduction could make a big difference to a family already on a tight budget. Part of the difference will be seen in the quality of food SNAP recipients are able to pur- chase. Pension overhaul approved in Illinois CHARLOTTE KELLY co-news editor The Illinois Congress approved a re- form of the state’s pension system for public workers on Dec. 3, and Governor Pat Quinn signed the legislation on Dec 5. Public-worker pensions lack $100 bil- lion in funds as a result of the state not paying its portion of the costs over the last few decades, according to Matt Whipple, president of the Glenbrook Educators’ As- sociation. The new legislation will com- pensate for that shortfall; it is projected to save $160 billion over the next 30 years. While 55 percent of the money does not exist for pension funds, the program, giv- en the state’s overhaul, will be fully fund- ed by 2044. Fully funding the program would mean that the state could pay for pen- sions if all Illinois teachers decided to re- tire simultaneously. However, Whipple believes all teachers retiring simultane- ously to be an unrealistic possibility and the state only needs to fund the program at about 80 percent. “Usually a healthy funded plan is con- sidered to be 80 percent funded,” Whip- ple said. “That’s what think tanks [who] talk about retirement funding programs will say. So they’re trying to get even more money than they need.” When the bill goes into effect on June 1, 2014, it will negatively affect teachers by increasing the retirement age for those un- der age 45, decreasing cost-of-living ad- justments (COLA) and placing a ‘cap’ on the amount of pensionable salary, accord- ing to Whipple. To compensate for the losses, teachers will have to pay 1 percent less than the current automatic 9.4 percent of salary contribution to their pension. However, Benedict Hussmann, social studies teacher, doesn’t believe that the decrease in teacher contributions will off- set the decrease in benefits. “I’m going to get about an extra $100 every month [and that will be] where I’m going to get the savings to try and [com- pensate] for the thousands of dollars I’m going to lose in pensions...I don’t think How the new law will affect teachers’ retirement benefits across the state and in this school FIRST IN A SERIES Predicted rise in student enrollment poses space challenge PERSONALIZING PENSIONS: Although affected in different ways based on their ages, Katie Hoover, English teacher; Matthew Whipple, social studies teacher; and Cheryl Hope, English teacher, will all lose retirement benefits from the latest change in Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA), an annual income raise based on inflation. Two elements of this part of the legislation include a decrease in the COLA percentage and COLA holidays. Graphic by Wyatt Richter See ENROLLMENT page 3 See PENSIONS page 3 See STAMPS page 4 CANS IN DEMAND: Cans await consumers at the Northfield Township Food Pantry, which provides suste- nance to around 538 families. Photo by Marley Hambourger growth spurt

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The school newspaper of Glenbrook South High School - Volume 52 Issue 3 - December 20, 2013


Page 1: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

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GLENBROOK SOUTH HIGH SCHOOLVOLUME LII , ISSUE 3, DEC. 20, 2013 theoracle.glenbrook225.org4000 W. Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026


4 1912 168newsGIRLS IN STEM


KALI CROKEco-a&e editorAARON ACHasst. news editor

South’s enrollment is projected to continue ris-ing significantly, hitting an estimated capacity of over 3,100 students by 2017, according to stud-ies by the District 225 Board of Education. This

growth poses space concerns for the building. South currently has a student body of 2,738, ac-

cording to Principal Dr. Brian Wegley. The rise in enrollment is now expected to plateau after its ini-tial growth as opposed to returning to a stable stu-dent body size as predicted in the earlier “bubble” projection.

Michael Riggle, District 225 superintendent, said the district is doing everything it can in order to limit “over-building” extra space and facilities

to accommodate the rise in South attendance.“One of the things the district is concerned

about is that we don’t overbuild,” Riggle said. “What we don’t want to do is to take taxpayer dollars and expand the buildings [so] it becomes bigger than it will ever be used for the purposes of just a couple of years.”

Despite the district’s hesitance, Jeffrey Ryland-er, instructional supervisor of the Science Depart-ment, expressed concern for crowding of not only

classrooms but also space for teachers to work.“We’re not going to be able to fit that many

classes in our classrooms with our current enroll-ment projections,” Rylander said. “Right now, we are at about an 85 percent capacity, where 100 [per-cent] would be if we used every classroom every period. You will be teaching biology in a [physics lab] and physics in a chemistry lab. Our depart-

Slashed food stamps may increase demand for local food pantriesCAROLYN KELLY & CHARLOTTE KELLYco-news editors

Federal funding for the Supplemental Nu-trition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps, decreased on Nov. 1. Eli-gible households now receive less monthly assis-tance from SNAP.

Two million Illinois residents receive assistance from SNAP, including residents of Glenview and Northbrook, according to the Chicago Tribune. The cuts are the result of an expiration of the addi-tional funding SNAP received from the American

Recovery and Reinvestment Act, President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package.

The goal of the 2009 increase was to help com-bat the effects of rising unemployment during the recession, and recipients of SNAP received an 13.6 percent increase in monthly benefits, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

According to Barbara Marzillo, South’s head nurse, definite need for food currently exists at South.

“We do still have students who come into our office who truly are hungry,” Marzillo said.

According to Feeding America, a non-profit or-

ganization that oversees food pantries, the aver-age family of four will receive a cut of $36 per month. This will leave SNAP receivers to aver-age $1.40 per person, per meal, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

According to Jill Brickman, supervisor of the Northfield Township, this reduction could make a big difference to a family already on a tight budget. Part of the difference will be seen in the quality of food SNAP recipients are able to pur-chase.

Pension overhaul approved in Illinois

CHARLOTTE KELLYco-news editor

The Illinois Congress approved a re-form of the state’s pension system for public workers on Dec. 3, and Governor Pat Quinn signed the legislation on Dec 5.

Public-worker pensions lack $100 bil-lion in funds as a result of the state not paying its portion of the costs over the last few decades, according to Matt Whipple, president of the Glenbrook Educators’ As-sociation. The new legislation will com-pensate for that shortfall; it is projected to save $160 billion over the next 30 years. While 55 percent of the money does not exist for pension funds, the program, giv-en the state’s overhaul, will be fully fund-ed by 2044.

Fully funding the program would mean that the state could pay for pen-sions if all Illinois teachers decided to re-tire simultaneously. However, Whipple believes all teachers retiring simultane-ously to be an unrealistic possibility and the state only needs to fund the program at about 80 percent.

“Usually a healthy funded plan is con-sidered to be 80 percent funded,” Whip-ple said. “That’s what think tanks [who] talk about retirement funding programs will say. So they’re trying to get even more money than they need.”

When the bill goes into effect on June 1, 2014, it will negatively affect teachers by increasing the retirement age for those un-der age 45, decreasing cost-of-living ad-justments (COLA) and placing a ‘cap’ on the amount of pensionable salary, accord-ing to Whipple. To compensate for the losses, teachers will have to pay 1 percent less than the current automatic 9.4 percent of salary contribution to their pension.

However, Benedict Hussmann, social studies teacher, doesn’t believe that the decrease in teacher contributions will off-set the decrease in benefits.

“I’m going to get about an extra $100 every month [and that will be] where I’m going to get the savings to try and [com-pensate] for the thousands of dollars I’m going to lose in pensions...I don’t think

How the new law will affect teachers’ retirement benefits across the state and in this school


Predicted rise in student enrollment poses space challenge

PERSONALIZING PENSIONS: Although affected in different ways based on their ages, Katie Hoover, English teacher; Matthew Whipple, social studies teacher; and Cheryl Hope, English teacher, will all lose retirement benefits from the latest change in Cost-of-Living-Adjustment (COLA), an annual income raise based on inflation. Two elements of this part of the legislation include a decrease in the COLA percentage and COLA holidays. Graphic by Wyatt Richter


See PENSIONS page 3

See STAMPS page 4CANS IN DEMAND: Cans await consumers at the Northfield Township Food Pantry, which provides suste-nance to around 538 families. Photo by Marley Hambourger

growth spurt

Katie HooverAge: 31Projected loss from COLAadjustment*: $1.19 millionover 30 years of retirement**

Decrease in portion ofsalary paid topension: $584per yearper year

Increase inretirementage: 5 years

Matthew WhippleAge: 47

Projected loss from COLAadjustment*: $1.18 million

over 30 years of retirement

Decrease in portion ofsalary paid to pension:

$1,224 per year

Increase inIncrease inretirement

age: 0 years

Cheryl HopeAge: 65

Retiring in June 2014Projected loss from COLA adjustment*: $1.23 million

over 30 years of retirementDecrease in portion

of salary paid topension: $0 per yearpension: $0 per year

Increase inretirement

age: 0 years

*Calculated assuming a pension of $90,000**Calculated assuming 40 years of employment

Page 2: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

news2 Dec. 20, 2013

Each issue, the Oracle features a club’s recent accomplishments.

Google executive visits South, talks energyCAMILLE PARKco-editor in chief

Dr. Arunava Majumdar, vice president of Google’s energy initiatives, visited South to present to students on Nov. 21.

Majumdar presented on energy policy, sus-tainable energy possibilities and what the younger generation is capable of.

President Barack Obama nominated him for the Under Secretary of Energy, and last year Ma-jumdar joined the Google community to advise the company on energy strategy.

Junior Avi Dravid, Majumdar’s family friend, heard that Majumdar was visiting Northwest-ern and proposed that he visit South as well.

After Majumdar agreed, Dravid approached South Principal Dr. Brian Wegley. Wegley took the initiative to create a committee of South fac-ulty members to decide the content of the pre-sentation, which included Jeff Rylander, instruc-tional supervisor of the Science Department.

“The goal was to provide our students with a challenge to be innovators in the ever chang-ing and highly technical world,” Rylander said.

Wegley said Majumdar was “blown away” by students’ questions and attentive behavior.

“Dr. Majumdar shared with me how im-pressed he was with our student body,” Wegley said. “I truly enjoyed hearing Dr. Majumdar’s reflections on the quality of our students.”

Majumdar’s presentation emphasized stu-dent cooperation to solve the “grand challenge” of energy sustainability, according to Dravid.

“Some of you may decide to go into busi-ness,” Majumdar said during his presentation. “You may go to Wall Street; we need you all.”

Dravid agrees with the necessity of involving everybody in this initiative

and expressed hope. “It’s going to take ef-

forts from all sorts of peo-ple to facilitate the devel-

opment of cleaner and more sus-tainable sourc-es of energy,”

Dravid said. “This genera-

tion will have to step up, but we can work

together to solve the challenge. “

Board considers parking lot expansion proposal

CAROLYN KELLY co-news editorLAUREN BENSON staff reporter

One hundred and sixty students participated in Stu-dent-to-Student’s latest event, Snowball, on Dec. 13, setting a record for student attendance, according to Izzy Fradin, Student-to-Student senior leader.

Operation Snowball is an international drug and/or alcohol use prevention program that strives to mo-tivate students to lead healthy lives, free of addictive and illegal substances.

Snowball is meant to be a fun outing, as well as in-formative and motivational, according to organizers.

“Student-to-Student is the main organizer of Snow-

ball,” Cole Hamilton, Student-to-Student co-president, said. “We had about 130 to 140 total [sign up last year]. Typically we don’t turn anyone away.”

Even students who had already attended were welcome back. Fradin said that going to Snowball again after her freshman year, when she felt ‘like a shy freshman girl,’ was very powerful.

“Seeing the freshman girls and the sopho-more girls and being like, ‘I can relate to you, I was you at one point,’ was really cool,” Fradin said.

Because the club invites different speakers every year, according to Club Sponsor Scott Greenspan, things are always a bit different. Hamilton said the speakers truly make go-ing worth it.

“You hear them and you’re motivated to go out there and conquer the world,” Ham-ilton said.

Senior Ajay Bhojwani, Student-to-Student co-president, agreed.

“[The speakers are] definitely one of the highlights of the day, and a lot of discussion is based around them and [. . .] how to [ap-ply] what the speakers are talking about to everyday life,” Bhojwani said.

INAARA TAJUDDINco-web editor

District 225 Board of Education members confirmed the extent of their project design for the possible expansion of South’s parking lots in their Dec. 2 meeting. If approved, con-struction would commence during summer 2014.

According to Sean Garri-son, South’s supervisory dean, there are 144 parking spaces in the conditional parking lot and 300 parking spaces in the senior lot, a shortage ensuring that many students are turned away when they request to purchase parking.

“Since no junior gets year long parking, you could say the whole junior class gets turned away at some point during the year,” Garrison said. “Also, all sophomores are turned away as we do not offer parking for any sopho-more.”

According to Gary Freund, South’s associate principal, approval for the expansion depends on the Board’s eval-

uation of the prices offered for the construction.

Areas A, B and C are the Board’s proposed expansion areas (see graphic). The expansion would in-

clude 260 additional parking spots with a total estimate cost of $1.45 million. The new lots could increase student parking by 59 percent.

Freund said the discussion was

prompted earlier due to increased safety hazards caused by the growing student population.

“If you stand out [in the front parking lot] from 7:40 to 8 a.m. and

from 3:15 to 3:30 p.m., it’s just dangerous,” Freund said. “There are just too many cars trying to get in and out, just too many people. For the safety of our students, we believe that adding more parking will make us safer.”

According to senior Anbang Zhang, parking did not pose a problem for him this year. However, he did have issues during his junior year because he did not receive parking second semester.

“I had to carpool with a friend, even though I had Early Bird [P.E.] and the Variety Show during sec-ond semester and he did not, causing schedule con-flicts,” Zhang said. “On this note, I full-heartedly agree on the proposal of the expansion, if only to help the junior class.”

LOTS OF LOTS: As proposed by de-signers, additions to South’s parking lots will be constructed at locations A, B and C. The current parking situation is projected to become even more crowded as South’s enrollment grows [see Enrollment, front page]. Graphic by Wyatt Richter

ACTIVE AUDIENCE: Watching students strut across the stage in an activity at Snowball, Izzy Fradin, Student-to-Student senior leader, applauds the students’ performance. Fradin headed the Curriculum Committee which focused on Snowball’s theme, VOICE: Voice Our Integrity, Compassion, and Excel-lence. Photo by Marley Hambourger

Student-to-Student attracts high turnout to motivational event

EXPERIMENTAL ENERGY: Present-ing to South science students about energy projects, Dr. Arunava Majumdar, vice pres-ident of Google’s energy initiatives, worked to instill in students the impact they could have on energy. Majumdar is also the Direc-tor of the Berkeley

Nanosciences and Nanoengineering In-

stitute. Photo courtesy of GBS TV

Page 3: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

news 3Dec. 20, 2013


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ENROLLMENT, from front-ment will be at its capacity [...] within the next year.”

Lara Cummings, assistant principal for Stu-dent Services, said that the quality of education has the potential to decrease with the rise of stu-dents. She is also worried that students may be denied the opportunity of taking certain classes.

“Our real goal for students here is to find their passion [...] my concern is that some of these specialty classes will fill up,” Cummings said. “That’s never how we’ve operated at Glen-brook South. We define ourselves by students deciding what [courses] they want to take and us being able to provide them, not having to tell students ‘no, we don’t have the space.’”

Senior Chris Coleman said he thought the ex-isting educational environment could change and not necessarily for the better.

“It’s going to put more strain on the teachers and resources,” Coleman said. “We’re going to be starting to see larger classes as well as a high-er student-to-teacher ratio which might have an effect on the education quality.”

Riggle said that increasing class sizes is be-ing considered and that adding even one body to each class would be noticeable. However, de-partments such as the Guidance Department have expressed the need for additional staff, calling into question where these extra bodies will go.

“Each of our guidance counselors has a case-

load of 250 [students],” Cummings said. “If we go up to 2,930 students next year, we will need a twelfth guidance counselor [...] I’m struggling to figure out where [in the building] this guidance counselor would [work] next year.”

Rylander noted that the situation in the Sci-ence Department is not as dire as in the Guid-ance Department, but limited space poses many challenges for that department as well.

The Board is discussing several options on how best to meet the rise in enrollment. Accord-ing to Riggle, a decision could be made later in the 2014-2015 school year. In the meantime, pro-posed short-term solutions include creating ad-ditional parking space over the summer of 2014 [see “Parking,” page 2].

For now, construction within the building is only taking place to accommodate the size of next year’s student body, according to Freund. Conversations about how best to do so are on-going.

Freund feels that if the decision-making pro-cess is protracted, the enrollment will only in-crease, and South might lose “some of its cul-ture.” However, he also agreed with Riggle when he conveyed the importance of caution while balancing the timing of the decision and the decision itself.

“If we are going to 3,200 [students by 2017], we have to prepare for it,” Freund said. “And the longer you wait, the higher [our] enrollment is going to get … I think timing is important, but I also think thoroughness is important as well.”

PENSIONS, from frontthat’s going to work,” Hussmann said.

Teachers presently under the age of 45 will have to work longer on a ‘slid-ing scale’ in order to receive a full pen-sion when they retire, according to Whipple. For example, a teacher in their 40s might only have to work a couple of months past the current re-tirement age of 60, while newer teach-ers will have to work up to five extra years, Whipple said.

Currently, teachers receive a 3 per-cent compounding COLA. The bill de-creases the COLA percentage and ties it to the Consum-er Price In-dex, creating COLA ‘holi-days.’ A holi-day is when a retiree skips the COLA for a year. The bill would also lower the amount of money the COLA ap-plies to from the full pension to around $30,000.

The changes will apply to current teachers and currently retired teachers. The retirees will be impacted the most, because they won’t be able to find oth-er sources of income compared to a current teacher, according to Whipple.

“I have some opportunity to maybe set some extra money aside in a 403(b), [...] but my parents are retired teachers, so they’re 70,” Whipple said. “They’re not going back to work—for them, [COLA changes are] a direct, meaningful, real loss.”

According to Whipple, the other major change is to the pension cap. Now when a teacher retires, the top four salaries in their last 10 years of work are averaged, and then their pension is 75 per-cent of that number. Un-der the new legislation, the maximum amount of pensionable salary is approximately $113,000, according to Whipple. That number is based on the Social Security wage, and it would decrease the amount South retired teachers receive.

“Glenbrook teachers at the end of their career exceed [the cap],” Huss-mann said. “So senior teachers, such as myself, will see their pensions reduced by tens of thou-sands of dollars a year.”

For reasons like the cap and adjustments , the

general opinion of the legislation by most of the South staff is not positive, according to Superintendent Dr. Mi-chael Riggle.

“I believe they feel upset right now and somewhat betrayed. They felt like they entered into a system that was based upon [pension benefits] that had been guaranteed,” Riggle said.

Whipple believes teachers are up-set because of the money that they will lose and because of the morality of the politicians’ actions.

“There’s an ethical question that frustrates me, [...] that legislators can choose not to make payments they

promised to make for 30 years in the face of a constitu-tional ex-pectat ion to do that,” W h i p p l e said. “It d i s a p -points me. I’m embar-rassed for

our state legislators.”Laura Fine, Representative from the

17th district, said that the Illinois Gen-eral Assembly did not take the decision lightly.

“I can tell you that for nobody in the General Assembly this [was] an easy vote, and it’s something that was very emotional and difficult,” Fine said.

Fine believed that because of the large costs of the system, the bill was the right choice for the future.

“Unfortunately the state can’t keep up with [pension] payments,” Fine said. “We needed to make a change be-cause we have younger teachers in the system right now and we want to make sure it’s the same for when they retire.”

While teachers will be impacted by the legislation, the district itself is not currently affected, according to Riggle. However, the bill could change how teachers approach retirement, which will ultimately affect the district espe-cially during times of increasing enroll-ment.

“I think it will have an impact po-tentially on how quickly people will choose to retire and what we hope doesn’t happen is that people will rush into a retirement,” Riggle said.

In addition to the amount of teach-ers retiring, the district could be affect-ed by the shifting of pension costs from the state to local districts if the state decided it no longer could pay. This could happen if some or all of the bill is struck down in court.

“If the state said we’re not paying anymore, [..] that would be a real cost to the district which would change all their financial calculations including things like what do we do with salaries and benefits and building operation budgets,” Whipple said.

Currently, the only school system that pays for its employees pensions is Chicago Public Schools, according to Whipple.

The next step for the legislation is the Illinois court system, where a co-alition of public workers unions called “We Are One - Illinois” has promised to challenge the bill’s constitutionality.

Graphic by Cormac O’Brien

“Senior teachers, such as myself, will see their pen-sions reduced by tens of thousands of dollars a year.”- Benedict Hussmann, social studies teacher

CLASSROOM CONGRESSMAN: Listening to a student discussion, Senator Daniel Biss (far right) sits in David Kane’s political science class. Biss represents Illinois’ 9th District and sat on a conference committe to write and supports the pension bill. Photo courtesy of District 225

Page 4: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

news4 Dec. 20, 2013

A waterbotics chal-lenge was held at South during weekends in No-vember to promote mid-dle school girls’ interest in engineering classes.

From 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. each Saturday, 18 seventh and eighth grade girls spent time designing and program-ming LEGO robots. The goal was to have the ro-bots swim across kid-die pools of water and perform various tasks, according to Jeffrey Ry-lander, instructional su-pervisor of the Science Department. The ef-fort was a part of Glen-brook South’s Project A.W.E.S.O.M.E., which stands for Aspiring Women Exploring Sci-ence, Mathematics and Engineering.

“Not very many girls go into [Science, Tech-nology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)] fields, [...] and so to give middle school girls who will soon be South stu-dents kind of a positive experience with some of the opportunities that they’ll have when they get here, we wanted to encourage them to participate,” Rylander said.

The goal of the program was in part to encourage enrollment in Project

Lead The Way (PLTW) classes and to introduce a new STEM curriculum to the middle schoolers, according to Ry-lander. The curriculum will connect the

students’ science class and engineering elective so that the information from the two build on one another.

“In physics they might learn about

forces and accelerations and energy or something,” Rylander said. “In [their engineering class] they’ll learn about how to use a 3D printer. But then, to-

gether, they’re going to do a project where they have to design a roller coaster using the laws of physics and actually build it using what they’ve learned in [engineering].”

In addition to learning more about their class op-tions at South, the middle schoolers were introduced to older girls with the same interests. Senior Ga-briela Almeida was one of three South girls from the Engineering Physics class who worked at the event.

“They didn’t know about the program or how to build something with the LEGOs, so we helped them,” Almeida said.

According to Rylander, female engineers from the community made appear-ances as well to serve as role models for the mid-dle school and high school girls.

“[They came] to just rub shoulders with the girls, talk to them, be men-tors to them, just kind of examples,” Rylander said.

According to Almeida, the program was a new and exciting experience. Working with the middle school girls was more fun than she had initially ex-pected.

“The interaction with other girls who are trying to become what you are, you feel a connection with them, as in trying to build and cre-ate and all that,” Almeida said.

A.W.E.S.O.M.E. ALMEIDA: Assisting middle schoolers, senior Gabriela Almeida explains how to change program commands to make the robot move successfully. Al-meida enjoyed watching the girls develop their engineering interests and succeed with her help. Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Rylander

Current, future female students tackle robot challenge together

STAMPS, from front“Trying to eat on [food stamps] for even less has all sorts of repercus-sions,” Brickman said. “And it’s not necessarily that they’re hungry, that they’re literally not getting food, but they’re sluggish and they have trouble paying attention because their nutrition can’t be as good with that sort of reduction.”

The SNAP cuts could potential-ly lead to an increase in need for the Northfield pantry, according to Brickman. They currently have 702 households certified to receive as-sistance from the pantry, an elevat-ed level from the past.

“This year and last year were fairly steady, but over time it has tripled,” Brick-man said. “It’s been dramat-ic. [The reces-sion] is when we started see-ing the big in-creases.”

The pantry has changed to accommo-date for the economic re-alities, including shifting qualify-ing requirements to allow any fam-ily that qualifies for free or reduced meals in the area’s schools to au-tomatically qualify for use of local food pantries. Currently any house-hold receiving SNAP aid qualifies to receive free and reduced lunch-es, according to the National School Lunch Program. South Principal Dr. Brian Wegley said there has been an increase in students using the free and reduced meal program, from 13 percent before the recession to 20 percent today.

There could potentially be great-er cuts to SNAP in the future, ac-cording to the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD). Congress is negotiating a new ‘farm bill,’ which determines agriculture and food

stamp funding. The bill will poten-tially be approved in January. The bill could contain anywhere from $4 billion to $40 billion in SNAP cuts over the next 10 years.

Paul Morello, public relations coordinator at the GCFD, said that any additional cuts to SNAP would have a significant negative impact on hunger nationwide, because they are “the first line of defense” against hunger.

“If there was any cut to SNAP on top of what we’ve already seen, it would be absolutely devastating,” Morello said. “The bottom line is, the private response to hunger, not only in Cook County but across

the coun-try, would not be able to make up the dif-ference in SNAP.”

C o o k C o u n t y c u r re n t l y has around 8 6 0 , 0 0 0 “food in-s e c u r e ” residents, w h i c h means they don’t know

where their next meal is going to come from, according to Morello, and that number could increase.

To help South families deal-ing with hunger, Marzillo said that the nurse’s office works with the Parents’ Association to provide students in need with nutritious snacks, such as granola bars and fresh fruit, that they might not have access to using SNAP alone.

According to Marzillo, the nurse’s office has seen a “huge in-crease” in student need since the re-cession, and the loss of additional SNAP funding that was provided is a concern for many families on the program.

“It’s just so hard to see funds taken away that are truly needed,” Marzillo said.

“If there was any cut to SNAP on top of what we’ve already seen, it would be ab-solutely devastating.” -Paul Morello, public relations coordinatorat the GCFD

KATIE CAVENDERstaff reporter

JULIA JACOBSco-editor in chief

In this year’s canned food drive, the school exceeded student council’s goal of 100,009 cans by 8,204 cans. However, ten days before the end of the drive, the can total was at 5,000, according to Jeffrey Mathew, student body president. After Mathew made a “call to action” on the PA system on Dec. 15, the school raised approximately 103,213 cans in ten days.

For the first time in five years, student council resolved to not call Glenview State Bank for a donation to round out their goal on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Break, James Shellard, student activities director, said. This graphic breaks down how the school exceeded its goal without the help of Glenview State Bank or any other last-minute donor.

Student Council exceeds goal without last-minute help


Graphic by Coramac O’Brien

Page 5: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

HELPING HANDS: With Nov. 26 marking the final day for canned food drive donations, seniors Chris Coleman (left) and Brittney Holsman (right) load cans onto buses that will feed families in the Northfiled Township. Along with contributions from the Glenview community and various fundraising events at South, South acheived their goal of raising 100,009 cans this year. Photo courtesy of

editorialFor the past five years of the canned food

drive, James Shellard, student activities director, has made a call to Glenview State Bank to ask for a donation to round out Student Council’s goal. This is the fact behind that rumor of the “anony-mous donor” that float around the school during November. However, this year was different.

Student Council did not ask for assistance from the Bank for the canned food drive, yet some stu-dents assume that they did and choose to be vo-cal about it, according to Hannah Schiller, student body secretary. The Oracle Editorial Board wants to both commend Student Council for their achieve-ment and suggest that members of the South com-munity refrain from spewing comments about the “anonymous donor” unless they’re informed of the reality of the situation.

During the planning stage of this year’s canned food drive, Student Council explicitly resolved to not request a donation from the Bank on the Tues-day before Thanksgiving break, Shellard said.

“This year I said to [Jeffrey Mathew, stu-dent body president,] and Student Council, ‘We’re not calling [the Bank],’” Shellard said. “We’re not going there. I made clear from the get-go that we’re not going there because [the Bank] has been so generous that I just can’t continue to ask them every year.”

Transparency re-garding the source of donations is the most important way to build the South com-munity’s trust in the Student Council’s efforts. The Student Council worked hard for transparency regarding where the cans came from by reading the totaled dona-tions from clubs on the PA, but then they received complaints from teachers about taking up class time with those announcements, Shellard said.

The disconnect between the student body and Student Council was illustrated on the comment

thread of a Facebook post by Kali Croke, junior class president, com-mending the student body and the Student Council for surpassing the goal of 100,009 cans and clarifying that “there was no bank, no anony-mous beneficiary, no student activi-ties check that got us there.” Three South students who commented on the post expressed skepticism regarding the asserted absence of an “anonymous donor,” one writ-ing, “That’s why we spontaneous-ly gained 60000 [sic] cans in two days.” Another student posted, “So how much did glenview state bank [sic] donate again?”

The can total displayed in foot-long red numbers in front of the Student Activities Center made a leap from 80,000 cans on Nov.

21 to 108,213 cans by the end of Nov. 26, and the Oracle Editorial Board be-lieves that students have the right to question the source of these donations. But the key word there is “question.” If the concerned commenters on Croke’s Facebook post had inquired about the source of the 30,000-can surge in the last two days of the drive, they’d know that the combined totals garnered by the auction, Stu-dent Council’s “canning” the Glenview community and cu-mulative club totals are only counted on the last couple of

days before the end of the drive.The assumption that Student Council will sim-

ply ask the Bank for the remaining cans at the eleventh hour not only does a disservice to the efforts and intentions of Student Council, it is detrimental to the total proceeds and the mem-bers of our community who benefit from them. While walking through the cafeteria with her red

cup outstretched for donations, Schiller said she heard multiple students refuse to donate because “a bank is going to give it to us at the end of it anyway.”

The Oracle Editorial Board believes Student Council made the right decision in ending the tradition of requesting a donation from the Bank in order to set an example that a South-centric canned food drive is possible. The expected col-lective contribution from the South community alone should be around 60,000 cans, Mathew said. The remaining 40,000 cans were projected to come from the auction, the faculty basketball game and donations from the greater Glenview community.

That means that each student would be ex-pected to contribute $5, and students who can af-ford to give more should do so in order to cover the students who can’t. Especially considering in-creasing enrollment in the student population, the Oracle Editorial Board considers Student Coun-cil’s goal a feasible one to achieve without outside help.

In the coming years, if the school falls short of its goal, we don’t think that Student Council should refrain from calling the Bank as long as

the student body is informed about their dona-tions. That would be taking real food from hungry people in our community and real money from charities like the Red Cross and Vital Brides to which we donated a portion of the total this year.

However, it’s clear that new strategies Student Council used to raise the money and cans without the Bank’s help worked, and the returning mem-bers should use this year as a model for next. For example, Student Council put greater pressure on auction bidders to follow through with their promised donations. While auctions usually gar-ner around 9,000 cans, this year’s auction deliv-ered around 16,000 out of the 23,000 that were promised by auctions bidders, Mathew said.

One of the reasons that Shellard said he has re-quested a donation from the Bank for the past five years is that he doesn’t want Student Council’s ef-forts to be diminished by a missed goal. While we agree that the symbolism of reaching a goal does a great deal to raise spirits, we must remember that if the canned food drive were to have “failed” by not reaching 100,009 cans this year, it would not have been for lack of effort on the part of Student Council but a burden on the entire student body.

Criticism of Student Council’s canned food drive efforts unwarranted

The assumption that student council will simply ask the Bank for the remaining cans at the eleventh hour not only does a disservice to the ef-forts and intentions of Stu-dent Council, it is detrimen-tal to the total proceeds and the members of our commu-nity who benefit from them.

5Dec. 20, 2013

is published monthly by students at Glenbrook South High School, 4000 W. Lake Ave., Glenview, IL 60026.

The opinions expressed in the Oracle are that of the writer(s) and not necessarily of the staff or school.

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“The Glenbrook South Oracle”

The editorial expresses the opinion of the majority of the editorial board and not necessarily that of the publisher, adviser, school administration or staff.

“How a rumor starts...”

Page 6: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

Effects of solitary confinement call for prison reform


Imagine this: at 17 years old, you’re caught with heroin in your car. This isn’t the first time, and as your addiction worsens, you fall deeper and deeper into the crim-inal justice system. By the time you’re 21, you’ve wound up at Tamms Correctional Facility, a su-per maximum security prison that operated in southern Illinois until this January. You’re denied reha-bilitation. Instead, you spend 23 hours a day alone in a soundproof cell. The other hour is spent show-ering and exercising alone in a dif-ferent cell. No human contact is al-lowed, ever.

The main idea is simple: isola-tion warps the brain. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), solitary confine-ment not only qualifies as torture, it’s ineffective. According to Hu-man Rights Watch, isolation can be just as stressful as physical tor-ture. Effects include paranoia, de-pression and psychosis, and access to psychiatrists is often limited to phone calls. For prisoners who al-ready have a mental illness, the effects are especially devastating; a lack of structure or meaning-ful contact ensures there’s no way for any improvement to be made. Nonetheless, an overcrowded pris-on system continues to push peo-ple into supermax for lesser and lesser crimes. The decision-makers remain unrestrained by account-ability because we’ve stopped con-sidering prisoners as people.

As unreasonable as it sounds, it’s not as uncommon as you’d hope. According to the ACLU, 20-year-old David Tracy spent a year in solitary confinement on drug charges before hanging him-self. When 17-year-old Brian Nel-son was found guilty of armed robbery, he spent years in a New Mexico minimum security prison before being transferred to Tamms, where he remained for 23 years. While supermax prisons were originally designed for short sen-tences for only the most violent and disruptive criminals, Nelson’s lawyer Alan Mills said Nelson was transferred without formal charges or an explanation.

It’s easy to ignore the out-of-sight, out-of-mind existence of sol-itary confinement, but that doesn’t stop the suffering experienced there. It’s up to the public to re-alize that eventually most of the people who experience the torture of solitary confinement will be re-leased back into society, far more broken than they were when they went in.


ELISA KIMco-features editor

When I tell people that I’m an in-trovert, they usually nod their heads and say something like, “Oh, that’s why you’re so quiet.” As I found out that many people immediately asso-ciate introverts with being quiet, shy or even anti-social, I now find myself hesitant to say that I’m introverted.

The social norm sends a message that being extroverted is better than being introverted. Growing up, I often felt like being introverted was wrong or bad because people, including teachers and peers, always told me to speak up more or to be more outgo-ing. I have tried to “break out of the shell” of my introversion by forcing myself to talk more in front of others and joke around more, but whenever I did, I felt like I was forcing myself into a dress that wouldn’t fit me.

It seems to me that extroversion is preferred over introversion because of the existing misconceptions on in-troverts. According to Susan Cain, au-thor of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, about one-third to half of the population are introverts. If, at most, close to half of the entire population are introverts, a better understanding of introversion is crucial for both introverts and ex-

troverts. According to Sejal Schullo, AP Psy-

chology teacher, personality theorists say that the traits of introverts and extroverts are pretty stable over time and space.

I realized this through my attempts to become an extrovert. I tried hang-ing out with friends who were more outgoing and tried to become more chatty, but it didn’t work out. Then I realized that it would be much bet-ter to find and look at the good in my introversion rather than forcing the smaller percent of extroversion in me to become dominant.

Oftentimes, introverts are consid-ered to be shy people who do not en-joy interacting with others, and those ideas usually translate to negative be-liefs about introversion.

Contrary to these ideas, Cain, in one of her speeches from TED Talk, said that introversion is different from shyness, which is a fear of social

judgement. According to her, introver-sion has more to do with how people respond to stimulations.

Cain, in her book, wrote, “Intro-verts may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meet-ings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues and family. They listen more than they talk, think be-fore they speak, and often feel as if they express themselves better in writ-ing than in conversation. Many have a horror of small talk, but enjoy deep discussions.”

Unlike extroverts who enjoy hav-ing a high level of stimulation, I feel more comfortable and capable in a quieter place. It’s just a difference be-tween which environment you prefer. It shouldn’t be a question about which one is better.

In a world where group work is heavily encouraged and people are

asked to develop stronger traits as leaders, I often felt that extroversion was becoming a necessity. Although I do see value in cooperating with oth-ers and developing strong leadership qualities, I believe a better balance be-tween the acknowledgement of intro-version and extroversion is needed.

Introverts might prefer indepen-dent work at times, but that doesn’t mean they have nothing to contribute to the group. They do possess quali-ties that help create a better balance between introverts and extroverts.

According to Cain’s research, many psychologists found that creative peo-ple who are good at exchanging ideas and advancing ideas also have a very serious streak of introversion in them. She attributed the need of solitude in having creativity as the reason.

Darwin, Cain said, took long walks alone in the woods and emphatically turned down dinner party invitations. Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, dreamed up many of his amaz-ing creations in a lonely bell tower of-fice in the back of his house.

People all have different personal-ity traits, and that makes each and ev-ery one of them special. I see introver-sion and extroversion as one kind of the many different terms that are used to describe certain traits. When both are understood and respected as they are, rather than being judged by ap-pearing different than the other, more people will be able to be themselves and be free to do whatever makes them the most comfortable, capable and happy.

Introvert speaks out against negative stereotypes

6 Dec. 20, 2013

Synesthesia gives Sunkel gift of colorful life

VICTORIA SUNKELstaff reporter

It was freshman year Bi-ology and I was excited for another Bioday – in other words, an easy period to sleep through in comfy auditorium chairs. Oddly enough though, I didn’t zone out during this movie like I usually did. It was so interesting that it kept my attention the whole peri-od. It was about people who could see colors with musical notes and taste names, and this intrigued me in a per-sonal way I almost felt as if I could relate.

Fast forward three years and I’m sitting on another comfy chair, this time in a therapist’s office. Red haze appears over her kind face as she asks questions no one has ever asked me, like, “What does February look like?” I point to a spot in the air and describe a grassy park, frost covering everything around me, mittened couples passing me hand in hand. She smiles and looks me in the eyes, ask-ing, “Have you ever heard of synesthesia?”

According to Scientif-ic American, synesthesia is a blending of the senses in which the stimulation of one modality creates a sensation in another modality. Accord-ing to, only about one in every 2,000 people in the world have this condition. The realization that I have synesthesia surprised me, but it was nothing com-pared to the reactions from

my friends. First reactions usually resemble some-thing like disbe-lief or excitement, then come the questions, such as: “What color am I?”, “What personality does the number 8 have?”, “How does your calen-dar look?”

While I appre-ciate the ques-tions and the in-terest, it’s hard to explain a way of thinking to peo-ple who can’t see inside your mind, and there’s still so much about it that I don’t un-derstand. My mom’s figure is highlighted by light blue and my brother olive green, but I could not tell you what the significanc-es of those col-ors are. Instead of just thinking about the date, look at my 3D calendar to see where in the year we are. Numbers all have specific personalities and letters are all associated with a different color.

Doctors have told me that this condition is caused by extra sensory signals in the brain, triggering different sensations and connecting them to each other. Although synesthesia is genetic, no one in my family has it, and they are actually confused by it.

Looking back now, it’s bi-zarre to think I lived 17 years without knowing I was so drastically different from ev-

eryone else. I mean, there were always signs: I had nev-er heard of anyone else envi-sioning a calendar in 3D or finding a colored haze over the people they encounter ev-ery day.

Colors have always pro-duced different emotions in me. There’s a simple reason why yellow is my favorite color – it makes me feel hap-py. Red signifies pain, usually causing a dull aching in the front of my head, which is ex-

actly why I own nothing red.A doctor once told me syn-

esthesia is a gift, and I would have to agree with her. While it can be hard to explain to people, it helps me memorize and relate facts easily since there are so many senses as-sociated with one idea. Not only that, but it makes my life much more interesting--I feel like life would be so bland if my mind didn’t function like this.

If there’s one thing I’d like

people to know about my con-dition, it’s that as farfetched as it sounds, I could nev-er make this up. When you think about it, it’s hard for me to relate to how everyone else thinks. I really am excited to see where this gift might take me, and I plan on taking full advantage of it, starting by finding others like me.

Graphic by Cormac O’Brien

Illustration by Nimisha Perumpel

Page 7: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

KALI CROKEco-a&e editor

Ninety minutes is a long time. In an hour and a half, I could finish a movie, watch half of a football game or listen to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon—twice. And when I first learned that South would be ditch-ing the eight-period system for the dreaded “block schedule” next year, I also learned I would be forced to sit through an entire class for that same amount of time.

There seemed to be some incred-ible hatred towards this significant change when it first surfaced. Pe-titions blanketed Facebook to pre-vent its implementation, yet no one seemed to explain their reason for such malcontent. On a student coun-cil field trip to North, however, I got the chance to observe a class on the block schedule, and after this experi-

ence, it is clear that the reason many people don’t appreciate the block schedule is because they simply do not know enough about it.

The atmosphere at North was nothing short of “chill.” The en-tire aura of not only the classes but the hallways during passing peri-ods was a far cry from South’s er-ratic hallway dash, which is almost as congested as L.A. traffic on good days. No one was rushed, given the leisurely ten minute passing periods, and although the class time was no-tably longer, the day was already a quarter over by the time we were re-leased.

It is ultimately up to the teacher and the student as to whether or not 90 minutes is a long time. With lon-ger class times, teachers have an op-portunity to creatively integrate stu-dent activities, and they should take full advantage of that. I was lucky enough to go to a class centered around student participation, but for my fellow StuCo-ers who chose lec-ture-based classes, the time was te-dious and difficult to sit through.

There are certain aspects of the new scheduling that students can forthrightly appreciate: everyone will gain an extra period due to the built in lunches. Unfortunately, as a student in the Academy of Interna-tional Studies, I will sacrifice this ex-tra block, but for most students this is an opportunity to enjoy a 90-minute Student Resource Time (SRT), also known as a study hall, in addition to a chosen elective. But for those who are avid overachievers like me, an application process is required to fill all eight blocks with classes.

Although the alternating sched-ule means that each class is held ev-ery other day, according to a District-conducted survey, this sadly does not equate to fewer hours spent on homework. For expert procrastina-tors and students who do a good deal of their work during the day, when you take into account the ex-tended passing periods and opportu-nities for a free period, it’s possible that we could be getting a few more hours of sleep at home.

Ultimately, there are many other nuances to the block schedule that make certain situations unique, but we can expect that information will be thoroughly distributed to stu-dents and families in the future. By the time the 2014-2015 school year comes around, students and parents will feel familiar with the changes and conceivably learn to enjoy them.

As you start to prepare your schedules for next year, I highly rec-ommend that you take the opportu-nities presented by the block sched-ule and fill your extra blocks with classes you love or can benefit from.

Make sure that your four or five core classes aren’t all on one day and bud-get your time. I’m confident that by the time students become acquaint-ed with the block schedule, they will be wondering why we didn’t imple-ment it sooner.

Absence of sugar sweetens life:


TORI BROWNcolumnist

Nothing starts a juicy conversation at a sleepover like the question, “Who was your first kiss?” It’s inevitably followed by countless, dreamy stories that lead up to that kiss. However, there are always a few girls or boys that sit there quiet-ly with no story to tell. They usually say they “just wanna get it over with” or that “it’s not a big deal anyway,” when the look on their face says otherwise.

A first kiss isn’t a huge deal but also isn’t meaningless. This obsession over romantic endeavours reflects the tre-mendous pressure that kids experience to have a first kiss or first relationship, typically by high school. This pressure seems to hit like a semi-truck, but it isn’t worth all the worrying we do about it.

First kisses, like first relationships, should not be the result of a pressure to have it done by a certain time. High school relationships are meant to teach us about deeper, romantic connections with others to prepare us for our adult years. When someone enters a relation-ship for the wrong reasons, it does not teach them how a healthy relationship works and can actually teach them the wrong lessons.

If we can’t find a significant other, I feel like we sometimes believe that something is wrong with us or we are not “dateable.” Girlfriends and boy-friends are supposed to make us feel special, but finding that person at a young age is a game of chance. It’s great if you find someone you click with, but if you do not, it just means you have to wait a little longer. Absolutely nothing is wrong with you.

If you do find an amazing person and choose to enter a monogamous relation-ship, the pressure to physically “go far-ther” with your partner can become yet another anxiety-inducer. I know this can be one scary experience because I’ve seen many of my friends put in this situ-ation. This feeling of needing to please your partner will only make you uncom-fortable in the relationship and cause further problems, so honesty about not feeling ready to go farther is the best way to avoid an unnecessary fight.

Remember a few things about this dating craziness: you do not need a part-ner – you can be a wonderful, inspiring person without someone beside you – and if you are in a relationship, please respect your partner’s decisions and morals. If you don’t, you will only end up hurting your partner. Dating is not as important as we have made it out to be, but it is what it is and now, we just need to navigate through this whirlwind we created.

Unnecessary pressure to date is prominent in Glenbrook South

opinions Dec. 20, 2013

Week without sugar provides chance to improve diet and health

I’ve been interested in nutrition since my freshman year, when, in my quest for a healthy diet, I decided to try veganism, a diet without any an-imal products. That lasted an entire week before I decided I love cheese too much. However, even though I’m a meat-eater now, I still look for new ways to shape up my eating habits; recently, I’ve been trying to cut back on sugar.

According to Mayo Clinic, ex-cess sugar in the diet can lead to weight gain, poor nutrition, tooth decay and heart disease. Because of this, the American Heart Associa-tion recommends that women con-sume no more than 100 calories from added sugar each day and that men consume no more that 150. Accord-ing to Mayo Clinic, however, most Americans take in a whopping 355 calories of added sugar each day. Is it a shocker that our obesity rate is so high?

I don’t eat a lot of sugar by the standards of the average teen-—I’ve never liked soda, and while I snack on a sugary item or two almost every day, I eat healthy meals. However,

I often still feel like I’m addicted to sugar, that I can’t go a day without my sweets. Because of my hesitancy to feel dependent on any substance and to prove I have the strength to kick an unhealthy habit, I decided to try to forgo sugar for a week.

“Sugar” is a pretty broad term, though. What’s the difference be-tween the sugar in fruit and the sug-ar in cookies and chocolate? And what’s with all the different names for sugar, like sucrose and glucose and cane syrup, that we see in nutri-tion labels?

According to The Huffington Post, the sugar in fruit and table sug-ar is essentially the same (both are made from glu-cose and fructose), but the sugar in sweets is much more consoli-dated than it is in fruit. Plus, fruit has fiber that slows down how quick-ly your body pro-cesses glucose, meaning that more of the sugar in fruit is used as energy and less is stored as fat. During my ex-periment, I avoided all the obvious sourc-es of sugar—candy, baked goods and sugary drinks—but still ate fruit.

The first day of my sugarless week was easy. I was mentally prepared for the buttery smell of

cafeteria cookies my friends nib-bled on at lunch that threatened to break my willpower. However, by the end of the second day, my body started craving my usual sugar in-take; instead of indulging my taste buds’ and brain’s cry for chocolate, though, I started snacking on more fatty foods (cheese in particular) to replace my sugar cravings with an-other satisfying treat.

After a few days without sugar, my cravings calmed down. I recog-nized that my “addiction” was more psychological than physical. My ap-petite reared its ugly head when I

saw people in my

classes selling chocolate bars more than it did when I was working on homework at home. As long as I avoided bake sales after school and had alternate snacks at-the-ready af-ter school, I barely noticed I wasn’t eating sweets and soon felt empow-ered, refusing to let my taste buds rule my life.

This doesn’t mean you should give up sugar completely, but you should be aware of what you’re eat-ing and check the label of the next sweet drink you buy.

Here’s a quick tip: if one of the first ingredients of the product is sugar, then that food is classified as a “sometimes” treat, not as an every-day snack. Making sugar a special occasion, not a diet staple, not only

helps your health but makes you enjoy even more the times that you do eat it.

If you want to reduce the sugar you eat in a day but feel daunted by your habit, there are a few baby-steps you can take. Try eating fruit every time you have a sugar craving to get your brain used to the natural sweetness of fruit, or start by quit-ting sugar from your diet for just one day. Having alternate options prepared is key to avoiding a sug-ary snack. After you’ve started to cut down, let your happiness about do-ing something kind to your body for-tify your willpower and carry you to a sweet, low-sugar life.

Day at North proves block schedule as opportunity

Block 16:55-7:35

Daily AnnouncementsBlock 2


Block 4-59:23-10:53

Lunch 111:00-11:40

Block 6-711:45-1:15

Block 6-711:00-11:45

Lunch 211:45-12:30

Block 6-712:30-1:15

Lunch 312:35-1:15

Block 6-711:00-12:30

Block 8-91:25-2:55

Block 103:00-3:40

CLAIRE FISHERco-opinions editor

PHOTO-ILLUSTRATION Photo by Dani Tuchman

Graphic by Wyatt Richter

Page 8: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

SHEA ANTHONYco-a&e editor

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire blazed a bright trail in box offices its opening weekend, earning its place as the best November movie debut of all time, according to Entertainment Weekly. This highly anticipated sequel to The Hunger Games had fans of all ages in a frenzy to find out what was in store for heroine Katniss Everdeen (Jen-nifer Lawrence). The movie exceeded my expec-tations but did not live up to its novel counter-part due to the holes in the storyline that dialogue alone could not fill in.

Catching Fire is the second installment in Su-zanne Collins’ Hunger Games trilogy. The movie follows Katniss as she copes with the aftermath of winning the 74th Hunger Games. After evident displays of totalitarian regime tightening in Dis-trict 12, Katniss and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcher-son) depart on their obligatory victor’s tour.

While traveling throughout the 12 districts of their country, Panem, Katniss and Peeta witness violent displays of suppression by governmen-tal peacekeeping forces. President Snow (Donald Sutherland) throws a real wrench in the plotline when he announces that the 75th hunger games will involve only past victors. His goal is to anni-hilate Katniss who has become the living symbol for the revolution.

As a reader of the trilogy, I couldn’t help but notice that Francis Lawrence, director of Catching Fire, formulated his movie to cater to the readers of the trilogy more than the movie-goers. It was exciting to be able to follow along and see Col-lin’s words come to life on the big screen. Francis even used certain dialogue straight from the book which made me feel like a total insider for being able to identify the small nuances that paid trib-ute to the novel.

However, I feel like Francis’s strong parallels to the book were a detriment overall because peo-ple who did not read the book were confused and even bored at times. The movie’s run time was about two and a half hours, and a large chunk of that time was spent building up to the 75th Hunger Games. That build-up is crucial in the novel, and the die-hard fans of the books prob-ably wouldn’t have been too happy if it ended up being cut. Though it’s never good to upset a fan-dom, it’s always a positive if you can encompass a

larger audience with your work, something Fran-cis failed to do.

The acting in Catching Fire was spot-on. Plen-ty of stars who stayed in the shadows during the first movie were key players in this sequel. One of these characters was Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson), who makes a strong transi-tion from being a one-dimensional alcoholic in The Hunger Games to a character with several lay-ers who is basically Katniss’ lifeline in Catching Fire.

Katniss’ stylist, Cinna (Lenny Kravitz), is my favorite character in the movie. His personality is understated, yet he makes the biggest impact on

Katniss’ image as a revolutionary figure through his styling. Kravitz’s subtle acting is very effec-tive at delivering the importance of the behind-the-scenes characters to the revolution.

Though Jennifer Lawrence is a perfect Katniss, her acting was not as meticulous as it was in the first movie. Her emotional response to everything seemed to be the same wide-eyed, in-denial reac-tion, which bothered me because she did not dif-ferentiate between situations that clearly would elicit different emotions.

Though the movie has its flaws in its length and consistency, it was good enough to go see twice. The introduction of new characters com-

bined with the strengthening of old ones makes for multi-dimensional relationships, and the number of details that Francis uses helps viewers unfurl the complex plotline adequately without the aid of a 391 page book. Whether you’re a huge fan of the novels, or have never even heard of the series, it’s definitely a movie worth seeing.

reviews8 Dec. 20, 2013

Best of 2013:

I still remember the last line to Lee Daniel’s political breakthrough film, “I know the way.” It’s all in the act-ing, the unbeatable cast and point of view that rightful-ly summarizes our nation’s powerful history through a

lifetime of events, similar to Forrest Gump.

Hannah Montana grew up recently on the Video Mu-sic Awards stage where she was named the twerking sensation that I have come to love. I can’t make up my

mind about this girl, but I admire her chutzpah.

The Chicago-born and raised music sensation blew through the music charts with his refreshing album, Acid Rap. I’m not one to go out of my way to listen to rap music, but Chance’s rhythmic style generated a new

sub-category of this genre that I have come to love.

The “I can send a heinously ugly picture to you for just one second” social application that has evolved into so much more than what it started out as. With draw-ing, video capture abilities and the newly added “sto-ries,” this application puts the simplicity back in to so-cial networking, where we no longer need to stress over

how many likes we get on a profile picture.

Eclectic, versatile, and deeply rooted into the com-pletely repetitive nature of pop music that I’ve grown to admire in this case. Prism cheers me up way more than an Elizabeth and the Catapult album can do, and in doing so, shows her true zest for flamboyant music in songs

such as “Birthday” and “This is How We Do.”

Little Prince George has nothing on Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s travesty of a name. The poor kid

won’t know if she’s coming or going.

Best movie:‘The Butler’

Catching Fire keeps book’s spark burning

Best celebrity scandal: Miley Cyrus twerking

Best new artist: Chance the Rapper

Best album:‘Prism’ Katy Perry

Best social app:Snapchat

Best celebrity baby name:North West

the most memorable highlightsin pop culture from this yearDANI TUCHMAN

asst. opinions editor

Page 9: The oracle vol 52 issue 3


Double trouble: students share adventures, obstacles of living as twins

TWINNING : Senior fraternal twins Sabina (left) and Hinna Raja huddle under an umbrella in matching outfits. Pictured top right, senior identical twins Armando (left) and José say that it is difficult to find a pic-ture of one of them without the other. Pictured bottom right, senior fraternal twins Jamie (left) and Brent Studenroth smile during a day at the beach. Photos courtesy of Sabina Raja, José Avila, and Jamie Studenroth.

9Dec. 20, 2013


KATRINA LAZARAstaff reporter

For most people, the closest they will be to see-ing what having a twin is like is by watching the 1998 classic, The Parent Trap. However, according to, there are 100 million people worldwide who are living as a twin. South’s stu-dent body is sprinkled with a handful of those pairs.

Seniors José and Armando Avila are identical twins. According to Armando, they look so similar that people mix them up on a daily basis. Wanting to test this theory, the Avila twins decided to impersonate one another to their science teacher, Cheryl Simon.

“It was my class […] and [José] was in there and then I was just waiting outside,” Armando said. “[Simon] didn’t even know it was [José and not me] and then I just walked in and everyone was laughing because they know [I have a twin], and [Simon] was like, ‘What’s going on?’”

José and Armando not only look identical but they sometimes share the same thoughts and dreams, according to the Avila twins. The boys recalled a time that they had dreamt the same dream about a giant turkey attacking their dog.

“It was a big turkey in our backyard, and my mom told us to get our clothes and go to our neighbor's house,” Armando said. “Then our dog

attacked the turkey, and then the turkey threw my dog against the wall. So my dog is on the floor and then we just went to our neighbor's house, and [José and I] woke up after that.”

However, their appearance and dreams are not the only things that the Avila twins share. According to José, the boys are pictured together so often that it is rare to find a picture of one of them without the other.

“I can’t find pictures with just me,” José said. “I have never seen a picture with just me. When I do ['About Me'] projects, I always have to cut [Armando] out.”

The Avilas are not the only twins who share the spotlight. Fraternal senior twins Jamie and Brent Studenroth began modeling when they were children because they were hireable as fraternal twins, according to the pair. Both Jamie and Brent were asked on several occasions to participate in photo-shoots, ranging from toy advertisements to furniture advertisements.

“There was one shoot for some furniture where we had to go to the beach and jump on this bed,” Brent said. “There was this fake dad with us that we had to play with. Both [Jamie and I] were like, ‘Who is this guy?’ We didn’t want to play with him.”

However, Jamie and Brent have not always shared the glory. According to Brent, the Studen-roth twins were part of a program at Glen Grove

Elementary School called TREE from third through fifth grade. At the end of fifth grade, each person in the program votes for four outstanding 5th graders to be named “TREE-toppers,” accord-ing to Brent.

“TREE-toppers [in] fifth grade I was crushed,” Brent said. “They called Megan Warshawsky, Ja-mie Studenroth and then Megan Kay, and I’m like 'Okay, I’m next [to be called'.] [My teacher says,] ‘...and the fourth tree-topper is’, I stand up, [and my teacher calls] Tom Keading. I never said congratulations to Jamie.”

Fraternal senior twins Hinna and Sabina Raja have also gotten in trouble before at school due to being twins. Due to some form of twin telepathy, the Raja sisters have been accused of cheating, ac-cording to the sisters.

“We used to go to a private school, so we were always in the same class,” Sabina said. “[The teachers] would always put us on different sides of the room so they could get to know us as individuals better. Whenever we had to make

a drawing or write a story, [Hinna and I] would [draw or write] the same thing. I remember [the teachers] would get freaked out. They would

think we were cheating.”The Raja twins are not

always on the same page, however. According to Sabina, the sisters share a room where Hinna is more of the unorganized “bad twin” while Sabina likes to keep things in a neater manner.

“[Sabina’s] side of the room is always really, real-ly neat,” Hinna said. “My side of the room there is al-ways stuff everywhere. It’s like a line [down the mid-dle].”

According to Sabina, the constant sharing and borrowing of clothes and space can get annoying at times, but she would never give up having a twin.

Similarly, Armando and José agree that the ev-er-present competition between the two can be tense at times, but they love having a same-age brother to grow up with. In addition, despite the gender difference, Jamie loves having a brother her age who doubles as her best friend.

''[The teachers] would always put us on different sides of the room so they could get to know us as individuals better.''-senior Sabina Raja

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Page 12: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

features12Dec. 20, 2013

GRACE BRUNZELLstaff reporter

Around this time, South is scattered with teen parents. They haul their ba-bies around –flour sack babies that is– traveling from class to class. This is one of the projects for the South elective Child Development taught by Kim Ki-raly.

This elective consists of four levels. During each level, students learn new skills. According to Kiraly, the students learn about the fundamentals of devel-opment as well as how kids learn and grow from ages one to nine. As they progress to higher classes, they are able to work with the Titan Tots, and be-

yond that they have the opportunity to teach first grade classes at Winkelman Elementary School. Before they can teach, the students need to know how to effectively educate the kids.

“Writing their name, cutting papers [and] identifying shapes and colors are all skills that don’t magically hap-pen for children,” Kiraly said. “Un-derstanding what time of their life is appropriate to be learning the skills comes in [level 161]. In 261, 361 and 461 they learn how to support the students learning those skills.”

According to Kiraly, they also need to know how to write a clear lesson plan. A good lesson plan consists of goals that the kids strive to achieve. For

example, one student-created lesson involves constructing paper penguins.

“They’re making a penguin project, but really what the students are teach-ing them is how to identify the differ-ent shapes that will eventually become the penguin,” Kiraly said.

After students have the fundamen-tals down, they are ready to work with the kids in Titan Tots. Accord-ing to Kiraly, Titan Tots is a laborato-ry school, which means it is there to serve the purpose of teaching the high school students. It is very beneficial for the high schoolers, letting them learn about children and then being able to see it first hand.

According to Kiraly, taking this class

and getting the opportunity to work with the kids gives the high schoolers a preview of what working with children in their future will be like.

“It’s giving them a huge head start for college because for most students by the time they get to Child Devel-opment [361] or [461] they’re thinking heavily about working with children,” Kiraly said. “Whether it be education, psychology or social work, they need to know all of these things.”

Junior Kasia Przybylska said Child Development has put being a teach-er in perspective for her, and now it’s something she can see herself doing.

“I can actually work with the kids and see what it’s like,” Przybylska said.

According to junior Reshmee Dhor-chowdhury, taking this class has had positive effects on her as she learned much more than how to work with kids.

“It has made me more responsible because [I know that] someone’s edu-cation is in [my] hands,” Dhorchowd-hury said.

Not only is the class hard work, but according to Dhorchowdhury, the kids are enjoyable.

“There’s this kid named Andrew and he can barely speak any English, but one thing he can do is run and give anyone a hug,” Dhorchowdhury said. “That’s one thing [that sticks with us,] is how affec-tionate the kids are to-wards us.”

According to both Przy-bylska and D h o rc h o w -dhury, not only is this class infor-mative, but it’s enjoyable to work with the other stu-dents and adults. They strongly sug-gest this class to everyone, even if they aren’t interested in being a teacher or

working with kids.“Everyone is like a family, [and] we

are all so comfortable with each other and close,” Przybylska said.

Over at Winkelman Elementary School, the feeling of family is still present but the role of the high school-ers is slightly different. According to junior Jessica Hoker, from Monday to Thursday she teaches math and read-ing to first graders for half-an-hour.

“The first day I was really nervous because I didn’t want to mess anything up,” Hoker said. “Once I got the swing of things [it got easier]. They were do-ing things like addition and subtrac-tion, so that’s something I have a com-prehension over. It’s a lot of fun, [and] I plan some lessons, but usually I teach.”

This opportunity has been some-thing Hoker has enjoyed, and it has made her realize she wants to do it in the future.

“They get really excited and that makes me feel good and that’s part of the reason I want to go into education, so I can work with kids and help them learn but also cope with life struggles,” Hoker said.

According to Kiraly, this system is beneficial for the kids as well as the high schoolers. They are able to have more one-on-one time because of the low student-to-teacher ratio. This ben-efits the children’s learning experience

and allows them to connect with the older stu-dents.

“[The high schoolers] know if [the preschool-ers] are having a good day or bad day and they’re able to differen-tiate their teach-ing to make sure that kid is get-ting what they

need that day,” Kiraly said. “There’s a great relationship that’s built between the teachers and the preschoolers.”


One day, junior Jordan Spalding’s grand-mother played a round of golf in the morn-ing. When she came back in the afternoon, Spalding’s mom asked her how golfing went, but Spalding’s grandmother didn’t even re-member that she had played golf just a few hours beforehand.

This was the first time his family noticed the grandmother’s Alzheimer’s disease. Ac-cording to the Centers for Disease Control’s website, an estimated 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. This number has doubled since 1980 and is expected to be as high as 16 million by 2050. Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior, according to

Spalding said his closeness with his grand-mother causes his grandmother’s Alzheim-er’s to have a greater effect on him. However, he feels that the Alzheimer’s has an even bigger effect on his mom.

“I feel bad for my mom especially [be-cause there are] things that happen in [my grandmother’s] daily life that I wouldn’t no-tice because I only see her a couple of times a month,” Spalding said.

Junior Angela Barris* also feels her grand-father’s Alzheimer’s has the biggest effect on her mom. She says the effect is most no-ticeable when her mom is on the phone with him.

“She’ll reassure him about things she talked to him the day be-fore about,” Barris said. “I know that it’s just hard for her have to hang up the phone every-day, and be like ‘I talked to him about all that stuff yes-terday.’”

Barris said that her grandfather’s mem-ory of her has been affected, bringing

different dynamics to their rela-tionship.

“He always [used to] help me with

my homework, that kind of

thing,” Barris said. “With

the de-m e n -tia and s t u f f it has kind of

[made] a barrier

[ b e t w e e n us] but I still consider myself

close with him.”Sophomore An-

tonia Toromanovic has also seen many changes in her

aunt due to Alzheimer’s.

“Before, she was really outgoing and loud, and she used to wear a lot of jewelry,” Toro-manovic said. “Now she can’t wear jewelry anymore. [The doctors] don’t let her.”

Toromanovic explained that when her aunt sees others wearing jewelry, she remem-bers more about her old self.

According to Toromanovic, Alzheimer’s is hereditary and people in her family could get it. She is nervous for the future because of this.

“It’s just sad because [Al-zheimer’s is] a threat to my mom,” Toroma-novic said. “It might be a threat to me when I’m older. It’s kind of scary to think

that that could happen to anyone.” According to Centers for Disease Control’s

website, there is no known cure for Alzheim-er’s disease. Active medical management, however, can improve the quality of life for individuals living with Alzheimer’s dis-ease. Treatment focuses on several different aspects, including helping people maintain mental function, managing behavioral symp-toms and slowing or delaying the symptoms of the disease.

Sophomore Emily Abrams, who has a great-grandmother with Alzheimer’s, tries to look at the brighter side. She said she is glad that her great grandmother is still able to have fun even with her Alzheimer’s.

“I’m glad that she’s still happy and she still has that big smile on her face,” Abrams said. “It’s just tough when I see her and she can’t say my name right away.”

Spalding feels similar to Abrams. He’s sad about the effects of his grandmother’s Al-zheimers, but he feels fortunate that he still has a relationship with her.

“It’s really sad, but I’m happy that it’s not worse, that I can still have a conversation with her,” Spalding said.

*Name has been changed

Child development class provides real life experience with kids

“I want to go into edu-cation so I can work with kids and help them learn but also cope with life struggles.” -junior Jessica Hoker

Coping with family members with Alzheimer’s, students tell their own stories

COLORFUL LEARNING: During Child Development class, sophomore Jamie Rotman helps Rana out as she works on a transportation coloring sheet. Rana is part of Titan Tots, a laboratory school located in room 183. Photo by Jacqueline DeWitt

source: Graphics by Cormac O’Brien

“It’s just tough when I see [my great grandmother] and she can’t say my name right away.” -sophomore Emily Abrams

Page 13: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

featuresNICK PANAGAKISstaff reporter

Get loud. If senior Devin Maki, Pep Club co-president, could emphasize one thing during foot-ball games, it would be just that: get loud. Accord-ing to his peers, Maki is very good at doing so.

Maki is known for being energetic and spirited at Pep Club, especially during the football games.

“I hope that everyone enjoys coming out,” Maki said. “I don’t want people to come out be-cause they feel responsible. I want them to come out to have fun.”

Both Maki and co-president Sam DeCosmo have done a lot to encourage the crowd to have fun, even if it means putting himself out there a little more than the rest.

“Last year, me and Sam, we both got overalls, and we just wanted to have fun with it,” Maki said.

Not only does Maki cheer on South’s sports teams, but he is on one himself. According to De-cosmo, Maki is one of three captains to lead the boys varsity basketball program.

“Definitely in the offseason he probably worked harder than most,” DeCosmo said. “He’s always there, he’s always dedicated. Even the couple of times where I wasn’t feeling it, he was like, ‘Let’s go.’”

As a captain, Maki acknowl-edges that a lot of players look up to him.

“A lot of any-thing that I try to do as far as lead-ership goes is lead by example,” Maki said. “I try to work hard so that other guys can see it […] and hopefully peo-ple follow me.”

Maki’s leadership is inspired by past Pep Club leaders. According to Maki, he has been looking

up to the Pep Club leaders since he first joined the club. He was especially impressed by their abil-ity to balance their school work, Pep Club and varsity sports.

“I remember as a sophomore seeing [South graduates] Abby Keller and Troy Farsakian up there,” Maki said. “They were always leading.”

According to Maki, he has not always been a natural leader or someone who could always rally the people around him. He said he was nervous as a freshman and sophomore about getting up in front of people at Pep Club.

“I didn’t know if I was welcome there,” Maki said. “But I know now that if I would have walked into the Pep Club meeting when I was younger, the older people would have happily had me there and been excited that I was there.”

Maki has put in a lot of effort this year into Pep Club, according to DeCosmo. Maki, DeCosmo and Pep Club sponsor Angela Nelson would meet over the summer at Nelson’s house to prepare for the upcoming year.

“We would […] create a couple signs, get some chants down [and] get some people together,” De-cosmo said. “We created a huge Facebook group and tried to get everyone involved and comfort-able with the people around us.”

These meetings ulti-mately prepared Pep Club for two key games of the year. Despite the football team claiming credit, De-Cosmo feels that Maki and himself were able to get the Pep Club loud enough that it caused Maine South to fumble the ball. Both De-cosmo and Maki were also very pleased with the stu-dent section at the home-

coming game.“I remember having the football guys come up

after and saying, ‘The stands were totally packed, thank you so much,’” Maki said. “That was what really made it exciting for me. They realized what

we put into it and it helped them be able to play better and get excited themselves.”

According to Nelson, due to the fact that it’s Nelson’s first year as Pep Club sponsor, Maki has helped her learn the ropes.

“Devin [helps] keep me grounded,” Nelson said. “I accept [his advice] because I’m new at this, and I respect what they have to say and their opin-

ions. It’s always about the kids [at Pep Club].”According to Maki, he is pleased with the en-

thusiasm of Pep Club this year, and wants it to continue at this level after he graduates.

“I didn’t put as much time as I did in the Pep Club to have it die out after this year,” Maki said. “I would love to see it continue and have people excited in the school.”

13Dec. 20, 2013

OVERALL ENTHUSIAM: Ready for the home opener against Prospect High School, Devin Maki (left) and Sam DeCosmo (right) demonstrate Titan pride. They dressed in blue and gold striped overalls to support the Titans. Photo courtesy of Katie Fakhouri

Maki shoots for higher school spirit in Pep Club, rallies students

“I don’t want people to come out because they feel responsible. I want them to come out to have fun.” -senior Devin Maki

Page 14: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

TESTING TIME: Diabetics frequently have to test their blood glucose level. First, Risinger pricks his finger with the lancet, a device with a needle that emerges to draw blood and then places his finger onto the glucometer, a tool where blood is placed onto glucose strips to measure the amount of sugar in the blood. Photo by Wyatt Richter

LIGHT ‘EM UP: With over 10,000 LED Christmas lights and 100 plastic figurines, South alumnus Danny Murov celebrates the holiday season. Murov has been decorating the outside of his house ever since he was 5 years old with his dad and grandfather. Photo by Cormac O’Brien

featuresDiabetes causes imbalance in daily lives of some South students

“I think the biggest thing is you lose your sense of freedom.” -junior Mark Risinger

14 Dec 20, 2013

Tradition of Christmas decorations lights up memories for South alumni

JORDAN SPALDINGstaff reporter

It is passing period before period 4, and ju-nior Mark Risinger sits in his AP US History class. Resting on Risinger’s desk is a small black bag,containing various medical items. Risinger takes an item from the back, puts it on his finger-tip and pushes on the top. A small needle plung-es into his finger, and he removes it and places it onto the glucometer, where a beeping noise tells Risinger that his blood sugar level has been test-ed. Calmly, Risinger wipes off his finger with a tis-sue, and puts away the kit.

Risinger is one of the several students at South who have diabetes. Pricking his finger in order to test his blood sugar level is just one of the steps that he must take every day in order to remain healthy, Risinger said. He is also forced to shoot insulin multiple times every day as well as keep track of what he eats and when he eats.

According to, type 1 dia-betes occurs because the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas (beta cells) are destroyed by the immune system. People with type 1 diabetes pro-duce no insulin and must use insulin injections to control their blood sugar. Type 1 diabetes most commonly starts in people under the age of 20 but may occur at any age.

According to Risinger, he was diagnosed with diabetes in January 2012. Being diagnosed was a shock especially because his mom and brother also have diabetes.

“I couldn’t believe it was happening because what are the chances of having three people in one family who have [diabetes,]” Risinger said.

According to Risinger, his life was significantly changed after being diagnosed.

“Immediately your life is thrust into this world where you have to count everything you’re eat-ing, you have to measure your food, you have to prick yourself and give yourself shots of insulin,” Risinger said. “I think the biggest thing is that you lose your sense of freedom.”

According to Risinger, he has gotten used to living with diabetes since being diagnosed.

“It’s definitely become a habit, and I think it has been easier because I watched my brother and mother go through it their entire lives, so I knew I had a support system in my family,” Risinger said. “I know what to do, and I know how to take care of myself, but it’s never fun.”

Junior Julia Packer also has diabetes, but con-trary to Risinger, she was diagnosed when she was 6 years old. According to Packer, she vividly remembers being diagnosed.

“I was at my aunt and uncle’s house, and I had just gotten back from the park,” Packer said. “My parents were sitting in the backyard, and they were crying. They told me and I had to immedi-ately go to the hospital. I remember thinking I was dying.”

According to Packer, being diagnosed so young

forced her to grow up very fast. However, she be-lieves that because she has had the disease for such a long time, it has become a part of her life.

“I don’t remember not being diabetic, as sad as that is,” Packer said. “It’s a daily routine to me. I don’t really think twice about it, but sometimes I’ll forget that I am because I’m on autopilot with it.”

Freshman Callie Pekosh has also been diabet-ic since she was young. According to Pekosh, she was also diagnosed when she was 6 years old.

“I was really shocked because I didn’t know what was happening,” Pekosh said. “I was scared. I didn’t really know what it was.”

According to Pekosh, having diabetes has been especially hard for her because she is also an ath-lete. Pekosh plays soccer and basketball, and dia-betes has frequently forced her to miss her prac-tices and games.

“I have to sit out if my blood sugar is too high or too low,” Pekosh said. “It’s frustrating because

I have to watch everyone else play, and I can’t.”Although Pekosh, Packer and Risinger have all

gotten used to living with diabetes, they all said that they still go through periods where it is dif-ficult to keep track of.

“Sometimes you get down on your-self,” Risinger said. “Sometimes you have a week where you want to ignore it, and you can’t because it’s harmful to your health to ignore it.”

According to Ris-inger, going through one of these periods of ignoring some of the nec-essary steps of living with diabetes causes him to feel sick.

“You get headaches,” Risinger said. “For me, I get in a bad mood when I have high blood sugar.

You just feel achy, and you don’t want to do any-thing. It’s worse because you know you’re ignor-ing it, and you know you should do something.”

According to Packer, if someone that is diabetic forgets to take insulin or loses track of their blood

sugar, it could lead them to pass out or go into a di-abetic coma.

“I’ve been pretty lucky; I’ve never passed out,” Packer said. “I have it pretty under control so I’m not ever really too wor-ried about it, but it can be hard.”

Right now, doctors have been searching for a cure for diabetes, ac-cording to Packer.

“I definitely think there will be a cure in my lifetime,” Packer said. “I don’t know when but hopefully soon. I’m very hopeful about it.”

RACHEL CHMIELINSKIco-sports editor

Colorful lights brighten the streets in De-cember. They’re intertwined in bushes and cover trees, each house looking different than the one before it. Some houses stand out though, either because they have the most lights on the block or the most creative use of lights.

Each house and each lights display has its own story to tell. Two of them are so interesting they were recognized in Mary Edsey‘s The Best Christmas Decorations in Chi-cagoland, which “guides you to more than 200 of the finest annual holiday displays in the greater Chicago area,” according to

South alumnus Carrie Sansing started put-ting up lights with her mother when she was 12 and hasn’t stopped since. Even though her mother has passed away, she decorates her house with her mother close in her heart and in her memories, Sansing said.

Sansing has been accumulating the deco-rations she puts out for years, and aside from a little help from her husband transporting some of the decorations from an off site lo-cation, she creates the display all by herself.

According to Sansing, about 125 hours of work go into the display each year. It is complete with not only hundreds of light-ed plastic figurines, but it’s also a computer controlled display with music and changing lights.

Sansing will continue creating her display

as long as she can with the same enthusiasm she had at age 12 decorating with her mother.

Sansing isn’t the only South alum who goes above and beyond with Christmas lights.

On Glenview Road a huge evergreen with 10,000 LED lights shines and illuminates the street. That is the work of Danny Murov, class of 2013 graduate.

Behind the eye-catching tree sits approximately 100 plastic figurines.

“What I have in front of my house is [just] a quarter of what I really have in storage,” Murov said. “I have close to 400 plastic figu-rines and I only have about 100 [to] 150 out there this year.”

Among those plastic figurines are some of the same ones he used to decorate his child-hood home.

“I’ve been decorating my whole life ba-sically,” Murov said. “I started when I was about 5 years old with my dad and my grandpa. We started out small with a few things like the toy soldiers […] and the San-ta on the sleigh on the roof […] it just kept growing and growing every year. Then I took over and I do almost all of it myself.”

As Murov’s collection grows, he also changes the display but still keeps a few things the same.

“I do make it different every year,” Mur-ov said. “The only thing that really stays the same is the Santa Claus on the roof […] and [the] 50 toy soldiers standing out there.”

Like Murov, these South alumni will con-tinue the tradition of Christmas decorations.





Page 15: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

LAUREN FRIASasst. a&e editor

From the Bachata and merengue to hip-hop and tap dance, a variety of dance styles were included in the an-nual South dance show, Inspire. The South dance show featured Orchesis, Poms, De La Cru and Latino Heat.

All four dance groups were hard at work to perfect the routines that each group performed on Dec. 13. Dedi-cating several hours a day to improve their dances, each group performed their acts for the show.

According to Bonnie Lasky, dance show and Orchesis director, the partici-pation of several other dance groups added to the number of tasks to com-plete. As director of Orchesis and the dance show, Lasky had several obliga-tions in regard to the dance show.

“[I was responsible for] putting ev-erything together, not only the dances that Orchesis does but coordinating with Poms, De La Cru and Latino Heat [...], getting everybody together to put the show on and then working with the tech people to do sound and lighting to bring [the show] altogether,” Lasky said.

With several other acts joining Or-chesis on stage, the variety of music and dances that occurred during re-hearsal proved a challenge, accord-ing to Lasky.

“[Practice] pretty much changes daily because we [had] 16 different num-bers in the show, so we [had] lots of different choreography going on,” Lasky said. “ U s u a l -ly we [had] two numbers re-hearsing at the same time, and so we [had] duel-ing music and tap shoes and point shoes [against] each other.”

Aside from learning routines, some dancers practiced dances that they had never performed prior to the dance show. Lasky said she believes that the preparation served as a learning expe-rience as well.

“I think [the dancers] were learning in the process,” Lasky said. “Some of

these girls danced dances that they had never done before. I have a girl who does ballet, but she’s doing hip-hop for the first time. So it’s a learning experi-ence, too.”

Because of the new experiences in-volved in the preparation for the dance show, senior Bridget Nelson, co-Orche-sis captain, noticed the amount of work that went along with the dance show.

“A lot of work [has gone in so far],” Nelson said. “We are rehearsing ev-ery Monday and Wednesday for two hours, and now Tuesdays have started, so Tuesdays for two hours, and now some Saturdays and Sundays for mul-tiple hours, depending on when you have rehearsal and what dance you’re in.”

According to Trisha Moulakelis, De La Cru director, several hours went into preparation for De La Cru as well. Once choreography was fin-ished and rehearsed, the week be-fore the show was

dedicated to dealing with technology and lighting as well as dress rehearsals and on-stage run-throughs.

“It’s been a lot of work [and] a lot of extra time,” Moulakelis said.

However, according to junior Anna Hofmockel, De La Cru dancer, the team does better when faced with an i m p e n d i n g deadline to learn dances.

“I think, as a team, we have really come to-gether to get stuff done re-ally quickly,” Hofmockel said.

“ B e t w e e n fall sports and our pep rally, we had 16 days [to learn routines], but we managed to pull it off. It just helps us all get better as danc-ers when we’re in a bit of a crunch.”

Joining the dance show for the first time this year, Latino Heat added a dif-ferent element to the dance show by perform-ing Latin dances such

as the Bachata and merengue. According to Brian Shaoul, director

of Latino Heat, the group did not an-ticipate their participation in the show.

“We didn’t even know that we were going to be in [the dance show] In-

spire,” Shaoul said. “We were actually start-ing to put to-gether dancing for trying out for the V-Show, but I was ap-proached by Bonnie Lasky, who runs Or-chesis, and she had asked if we wanted to be a part of

it this year. So, I asked the group, and that was something that we decided to do. We felt very honored to be a part of this dance show.”

Junior Vanessa Aguayo, a danc-er in Latino Heat, said that she was nervous but ultimately looked for-ward to performing in the show.

“Performing is probably my fa-vorite part,” Aguayo said. “You get to show off all your hard work and [the] months you put into the dance, all the practices and everything. It’s finally appreciated [...] and I think that’s the

most important part of [dancing], getting acknowledged for what you do.”

According to Poms Captain, Gabbi Oppenheimer, the Poms are grateful for anoth-

er opportunity to per-form. As a result, the

team holds a

very high standard for themselves with regard to the quality of the routine pre-sented in the dance show.

With this standard in mind, Poms coach Julie Smith expects that the team will give a great performance in the show, since, as Smith said, the routine is also performed at competition as well.

“They do a nice job highlighting our technical dance abilities and perform-ing well for the [audience],” Smith said.

With the array of dances that were performed in the show, Inspire includ-ed dances that could appeal to every member of the audience, according to Moulakelis. It was an exciting night that included numbers representing all

of South’s dance ensembles.“I think dance show is

great,” Moulake-lis said. “It’s just one night

that brings all the differ-ent styles of dance to-gether, which

is neat to see. There’s a good

variety of dance for the dance show [this year].”

a&eSouth’s annual dance show continues to ‘Inspire’

15Dec. 20, 2013

“I think dance show is great. It’s just one night that brings all the different styles of dance together.”- De La Cru instructor Trisha Moulakelis

graphic and information by Wyatt Richter

DANCING QUEENS: Posing in different positions, De La Cru member Erika Szfranski, Orchesis members Vinise Elakatu and Lydia Lutz, and Poms member Sara Salerno participate in the annual South dance show (from left to right). The show was held on Dec. 13 and included numbers from a wide variety of dance genres, including hip-hop and ballet. Photo by Marley Hambourger

Page 16: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

a&eJAKE AQUINOstaff reporter

Eyes open, they see a high school cafeteria with a small crowd. Eyes closed, they see sold-out arenas. With big dreams and high hopes, Right Amount of Wrong (RAW), a pop-punk band made up of four sophomores, begins to play.

Though the venue is small, the band still gives it their best effort, riling up the crowd before each song and putting all of their energy into the per-formance. The band consists of Joey Legittino on bass/vocals, Clayton Nimz on rhythm guitar/vocals, Andrew Mitchell on lead guitar and Evan Stroud on drums. Coming together only in the past summer, the band is still in its early stages.

“We just decided to jam,” Legittino said. “It actually just started as a three-piece band, with Clayton, another drum-mer and I. But that drum-mer had things to do. Then we got Andrew and asked Evan to fill in for a show, and he ended up just staying with us.”

RAW is not the first band that each member has played in. According to Nimz, he and Legittino were a part of a band from eighth grade going into their freshman year that Legittino left due to cre-ative differences.

According to Legittino, he then joined a band known as Spit the Dummy that Mitchell was a part of. After that band broke apart when two members quit, Nimz and later Stroud were add-ed, and RAW was formed.

“People have asked me to play drums for a re-cording or for one [show] but never to be in the band,” Stroud said.

All of the band’s music is original and written by each of them as a collaborative effort. Accord-ing to everyone in RAW, their process for creating a song starts off with a guitar riff from Mitchell that is used as a basis and a building block for the other components in their songs. Legittino and Nimz then add their respective roles to the mix which is capped off with Stroud’s drums.

“I just play around on the guitar and some-thing comes,” Mitchell said . “I play random stuff, and if it sounds good, I keep it and work around it, play with it a little bit.”

Each member’s creative thoughts have been in-fluenced by bigger musical acts that cover differ-ent genres which helps add to their overall sound.

Mitchell is inspired by the metal band Alter Bridge. Legittino and Nimz are heavily affect-ed by pop-punk bands such as Blink-182 and The Wonder Years.

“They’re all really musically gifted and good at their instruments [The Wonder Years],” Nimz said. “Also, I like the upbeat feeling of their songs.”

Stroud idolizes a famous musical figure who is not known for his skill on the drums. He looks up to famous guitarist Jimi Hendrix, and according to him, likes him due to Hen-drix’s charisma.

“The way he played music, I’m just attract-ed to that sound,” Stroud said.

The band’s synergy and skill doesn’t come without practice. According to Stroud, prac-

tice takes place at his house in his basement, and they prac-tice two to three times a week for at least four hours per practice. Practices consist of perfecting their performance of already written songs and composing new music.

“We play until the song is perfect,” Legittino said. “Each song we write is better than the last.”

A good relationship within the band helps them create mu-sic and perform well together.According to each of them, they are as close as siblings,

and they could never see themselves break-ing up.

“Man, [the band breaking up would be] like taking away my brothers,” Nimz said. “For us to break up there would have to be something terrible to happen.”

Going forward, the members have dreams to make it as a band but intend to go to col-lege and acknowledge that they need plans if RAW doesn’t work out. According to Nimz, he wants to pursue a career in medicine while Stroud said he wants to be an engineer. Legit-tino expressed interest in staying as close to the music industry as possible.

“I want to go into law,” Legittino said. “I want to be an attorney in music, checking over record deals and contracts.”

Though they acknowledge that the band may not work out, their aspirations outweigh their doubts. According to the entire band, they don’t want to give it an expiration date. Even if they are relatively new, RAW has noth-ing but optimism for their future.

“I see us going up from here,” Legittino said. “I don’t see anything going downhill.”

16 Dec. 20, 2013

Right Amount of Wrong strums the right chords

JAMMIN’ OUT: Playing out to the crowd, sophomore Andrew Mitchell strums his guitar to one of the band’s original songs. Right Amount of Wrong performed after the canned food drive’s faculty basketball game for the crowds that gath-ered to watch the game. Photo by Marley Hambourger

“Man, [the band breaking up would be] like taking away my brothers. ”- sophomore Clayton Nimz

Page 17: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

ALEX SHARPstaff reporter

The actors peer into their script books, trying to recite their lines just as their char-acters would. Each pause holds significant mean-ing, something they’ve been working hard to perfect. This is a typ-ical rehearsal for this year’s winter play, “Circle Mirror Transformation.”

“Circle Mirror Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n , ” showing in the Ly-ceum Jan. 24-26, fol-lows the lives of five people in an adult acting class. Through seemingly harmless games and bro-ken hearts, the characters learn important life les-sons. According to Di-rector John Knight, the unique performance space, along with other unique qualities will help enforce these ideas.

“The play is set in a dra-ma class,” Knight said. “[The drama dance room] is our drama class. If this were real life, that’s where this would be happening. That’s where the people would take the class. So rather than try to duplicate the drama room with mirrors, we already have one. What it also al-lows us [to do] is to be re-ally intimate with the audi-ence so the audience will be

on top of the action.”Another unique quality in “Circle Mirror

Transformation” is the writing style of the script. According to Student Director Robert Poyser, each type of silence has a specific amount of time allotted to it. For example, when “pause” is written in the script, the actors must wait two seconds be-fore con-t i n u i n g their line, w h e r e a s if “long pause” is written in the script, the actors must wait four seconds.

“[The cast makes] the silences as mean-ingful as possible because silences are just

as important as dialogue is,” Poyser said. Junior Alessandro Berto, who plays

the character Schultz, said he experi-enced some difficulties during rehearsal

because of the script’s unique writing style. “I think my pauses are more difficult

than my lines,” Berto said.According to South’s drama website, through-

out the plot of “Circle Mirror Transformation” the characters form relationships with their other classmates, grow emotionally and experience ev-ery-day life problems. Sophomore Michael Sarov, who doubles with Berto on the part of Schultz, feels that because this year’s winter play show-cases “five real people,” it has a very distinct theme.

“I definitely think the theme is realizing who

you really are and taking the bad stuff and trying to change it into good stuff because each charac-ter in the show is individually, hence the name, transformed into a different person by the end,” Sarov said.

According to freshman Jordan Zelvin, who plays the acting class’ teacher, Marty, through practice, random ad lib and other games, the cast has had a lot of fun preparing for the upcoming show.

“It isn’t all work and no play,” Zelvin said. “Obviously we goof around a little. Okay maybe a lot. In the last rehearsal I ended up on somebody’s shoulders and somebody else ended up on somebody else’s shoulders and we were trying to see who was taller. It just got crazy.”

Zelvin believes that because the cast is so small, they will become like a close family.

“If you’re not connected, the show won’t work,” Zelvin said. “We have to know each other really well.”

“Circle Mirror Transformation” is becoming one of the most performed plays in the coun-try, according to Knight, but that is not the only reason why it was chosen as this year’s win-ter play.

“I thought [“Circle Mirror Transforma-tion”] had a lot of valuable acting oppor-

tunities for students,” Knight said. “I’ve [also] always wanted to do a small play.”

Sophomore Rory Penepack-er, who plays the character The-resa, agrees that the cast has had a lot of fun at rehearsals practic-

ing for the show. According to Penepacker, in one re-

hearsal the entire cast fit inside a large hula

hoop, which is a prominent

prop used in the play.

“We’ve all kind of

bonded a lit-tle bit over the

hooping,” Pene-packer said.

Both Zelvin and Penepacker encourage everyone to come and

see “Circle Mirror Trans-formation” because it in-corporates elements that are very different from past South plays. Since each show will have a different mix of students playing each character, there will be no two simi-lar casts. Therefore, no two shows will be alike.

“This play is very dif-ferent than anything else you will see at GBS for a while and probably from what you’ve seen before,” Penepacker said. “It’s unique and complex and interesting, and you will be fascinated.”


DANIELLE CALLASstaff reporter

Now that the holiday season is approaching, Glenview will soon be home to sounds of the sea-son at restaurants, nursing homes and in South’s hallways. The annual tradition of the Chamber singers is in full swing as they continue to pre-pare for their upcoming caroling season.

Chambers Director Martin Sirvatka has led the group for 20 years and is excited about what this season has to offer.

“We have a great group this year,” Sir-vatka said. “They have practiced really hard, and I can tell they are all really excited.”

This year Chambers includes 22 students: 11 boys and 11 girls. Chambers is mostly known for their holiday performances around the Glenview community. According to Sirvatka, not only do they entertain with their voices but also with the

traditional Victorian-style clothing, which junior Katlyn O’Brien, Chambers mem-ber, greatly appreciates.

“I really like the look of the out-fits, especially the hats,” O’Brien said. “The guys wear top hats and the girls wear bonnets. I think it re-ally completes the outfits.”

This year Chambers learned 28 Christ-mas carols at their annual “marathon day,” according to junior Marley Hambourger. After the marathon, they all went out for some midnight bowling and bonding.

“Marathon day was one of the most amazing days I’ve had since I’ve been at

GBS,” Hambourger said. “It was really great to get to know everyone in the group better because we all get along so well.”

Freshman Sara Salerno, a member of Girls’ Glee Club, realized how enjoyable and impactive Chambers is and aspires to be a part of it.

“After seeing one of their performances and talking with some of the Chamber singers, I’m

amazed at how professional the group is and how much they accomplish every year,” Saler-no said. “It seems like it would be a really fun

group to be involved in.”Though the group practices all school year,

the bulk of their big performances is in the winter, according to Sirvatka. They have 10 gigs at Hackney’s starting on Dec. 11 and are sched-uled to sing carols around the restaurant for a few hours, performing in octets with one person singing each part. There are two soprano parts, two alto parts, two tenor parts and two bass parts, according to Hambourger.

Senior Laura Mosteller, a soprano one, described the experience of singing at Hack-ney’s as “frightening and weird” because she often sings “two feet away from someone who might be eating a hamburger.”

The group also performs at Mary-haven Nursing Home, according to senior Tom Olickal, Chambers member. At this event, they per-form together with Nine and Sol-ace, two other acappella singing groups at South.

“It makes us happy knowing we are making others happy by singing for elders at retirement homes,” Olickal said. “I feel such a sense of pride and accomplishment.”

In addition to the holiday performances around town, the group learns classical songs and performs as a group in the Variety show in Feb-ruary. To become a member of Chamber singers, the group holds vocal tryouts at the end of each school year.

“You really bond with everyone,” Olickal said. “You go in without knowing anyone in the group, but by the end, you are best friends with everyone.”

Chambers’ carols carry spirit through community

Cast of winter play grows closer over dedication to theater

17Dec. 20, 2013

“This play is very different than anything else you will see at GBS for a while and probably different from what you’ve seen before...”- sophomore Rory Penepacker

CHRISTMAS CALLS: Snapping their fingers to the rythm, Chambers members Bridget Sampson, Zack Bauer, Sophie Gomez, Johnny O’Gara, Marley Hambourger, Ellie Foley and Joe Lee (left to right) sing “Up on the Housetop” at Hackney’s. Every year during the wintertime the vocal group travels around Glenview and shares the sounds of the holidays at Hackney’s, private parties, country clubs and the Glen. Photo by Wyatt Richter

SOUND OF SILENCE: Scripts in hand, freshman Jordan Zelvin (left) and sophomore Michael Sarov (right) rehearse their lines. This year’s winter play, “Circle Mirror Transformation,” uses creative pauses to emphasize the themes of the play. Photos by Marley Hambourger

Page 18: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

18 Dec. 20, 2013 sports


The Oracle’s monthly Q&A with a South alumnus who participates in college athletics

Zach Jones, 2012 South graduate, currently plays baseball at North-western University. Last season, Jones was the two-time winner of the “Big Ten Freshman of the Week.”

HANNAH MASONasst. sports editor

When did you first become interested in playing baseball? “I’ve been playing since I was really little- I can’t even remember how old. I was always on some kind of team and also would play with my broth-ers in the yard. I just always really liked [baseball] more than the other sports I was playing, so I stuck with it and it ended up working out.”

How did this past season go?

“Last season was a lot of fun. I got to play a little more than I had expect-ed. Playing my freshman year was a great learning experience for me that I think will help me out a lot in the upcoming years.”

What do you think of Northwestern’s baseball program?“I think the program is getting better every year. I’m expecting big things out of us this year. The guys on the team are great, the coaches are great. It’s a really great place overall, base-ball and school. I’m really happy to be here.”

What is a piece of advice you would give to South athletes?

“I would say to work hard at what you are doing, it will be a lot more fun when the season comes around if you do that. But a large part of that work comes in the offseason; you have to work hard out of season if you want to have a successful season. And I would also say to just enjoy it. It’s great to be on a team with all your best friends, but it doesn’t last forev-er so you need to enjoy it while you can.”

What is your favorite memory from last season?“[My] favorite memory from last season was definitely the game we played at Wrigley Field. I’m a big Cubs fan, so it was awesome to play on that field and we won, so that’s always a plus.”

How did South sports prepare you for your college career?

“At GBS they always had me play-ing up in baseball. Freshman year I played with sophomores and after that they put me on varsity. I think that helped me become a much bet-ter player, playing against older and better competition. That definitely helped me out last year because for the most part I was usually one of the kids on the field. Playing mul-tiple sports also helped out. There are some good coaches there that can teach you a lot.”

Community must support all South athleticsPhoto courtesey of Zach Jones

Despite a rocky start to its season, the South men’s hockey team is showing improvement in their recent games, according to junior Ryan Buckingham. With an overall record of 6-11, se-nior captain Trey Buckingham believes that they will continue to improve and out-perform expec-tations.

According to senior captain Michael Dillon, although the record doesn’t show it, the team has had some successful games despite the final scores.

“Our record isn’t that great,” Dillon said. “If you were to look at the games, they’re all pretty close losses, so we’re not too disappointed with our record as of right now.”

According to Trey, after seven straight losses, head coach Jim Philbin made a few changes to their practices. His efforts changed the frequency of success and pace.

“[Philbin] made a decision to stop what we were doing and just work on a few specific things like breakouts, cycling and power play and go from there,” Trey said. “Since that practice, we’ve won the past four games.”

This year’s team consists of mostly juniors with many returning sophomores from last year’s varsity team. According to Ryan, this has been an advantage to their play.

“We all know each other pretty well,” Ryan said. “I think it helps with the team chemistry be-

cause we’ve grown together as a team.”The team has also gained a new goal-

ie, sophomore Matt Grinde. According to Ryan, he has been a great addition to the team.

“He is outperforming everyone’s ex-pectations,” Trey said. “His save percent-age is in the high 90s. [Grinde is] number one goalie in our league right now.”

While the team is aware of its weak-nesses in play, Dillon believes that they make up for any lack of skill in effort.

The team competed in a tournament in Jamestown, New York, over the week-end of Dec. 7 in which they had an overall record of 1-2, according to junior Johnny Savino.

They lost their first and most competi-tive game to Ontario Hockey Academy. They were tied 3-3 going into the last pe-riod but lost 7-3 overall, according to Sa-vino.

On Dec. 12, the Titans beat New Trier Green (NTG), who is currently ranked first in state, for the first time in 23 years. Freshman Nick Stevens made the first goal for South. At the end of the first pe-riod the score was 1-1. By the end of the second period, NTG was winning 2-1. According to Trey, though the team was behind, they went into the locker room fired up and knowing they could come back.

“Coach told us we were going to win and that was all,” Trey said. ”When we came back on the

ice we were hungry. They weren’t.”Nine minutes into the third period, Ryan

scored the tying goal. The third period ended, sending the teams into a shootout to determine a

winner. South came out victorious with junior DK Arenson scoring the winning goal in the shootout.

The men next hit the ice tomorrow against GBN.

BRECK MURPHYco-sports editor

RACHEL CHMIELINSKIco-sports editor

The first Friday I walked into Springman Middle School, the girl in my Language Arts class asked, “Are you going to the game?”

“What game?” I replied. She stared at me for a sec-ond and then continued to give me a confused look.

“Are you kidding? The football game!” Being relatively new to Glenview, I still had to

think about it; did everyone go to South games? Even middle school kids? Do they go to every sports game?

After entering high school, I quickly learned that for the most part, people only went to football games. Every Friday night, kids who knew barely a sliver abouy football would stand with their backs to the field, only cheering when everyone else did.

One of my favorite things about South is the

school spirit. It’s an excellent community to be a part of, and you can’t find that in many schools.

Keep the huge crowds at football games, but there are 29 other sports that also deserve some support.

Where is just a fraction of that crowd at oth-er sporting events? Why aren’t a group of friends heading to a water polo match? It’s just as much an outing as going to the football game.

No one breathes a word about other sports in the halls, unless there’s something you can’t ignore.

If I weren’t a sports editor, I would have absolute-ly no idea what type of season field hockey had, but I would know the score of the last football game.

I won’t say I or the Oracle isn’t guilty of skipping over other sports. Look at the back page of issue one and issue two for the past two years: the back page is always football, regardless of how well they are doing.

When football wins, it’s back page news. When football loses, it’s back page just the same. When wa-ter polo wins, it’ll be somewhere in the middle of the section or it won’t make the paper at all.

Even though the Oracle’s history has proven differ-ently, we realize that all sports deserve equal support and we’re ready to change.

Keep the fans and the fan buses coming, but order a few more for other sports.

Hockey implements changes, leads to victory against New Trier

LONELY CROWD: Compared to a game during the regular football season (right), the basketball crowd (left) has many open seats, while football game attendees are packed in the stadium stands. Photos by Rachel Chmielinski (left) and Wyatt Richter (right)

Graphic by Kali Croke

Sports Opinion

Puig’s Puck: In a race down the ice, junior Tyler Puig skates against a Prairie Ridge offensive player. South lost to Prairie Ridge 3-2 on Nov. 20. Photo by Wyatt Richter

Page 19: The oracle vol 52 issue 3


staff reporters

Like the Vancou-ver Canucks’ broth-er duo of Daniel and Hendrick Sedin, South has theirs with

senior captain Trey Buckingham and

junior left wing Ryan Bucking-


ing to Trey and Ryan, they have been play-

ing hockey to-gether ever since the ages of 4 and 5. When Trey entered fifth grade, age re-strictions pre-vented them

from playing on the same team. However, when Ryan made the varsity team as a sophomore, the two were reunited.“For the most part

[we have played to-gether],” Trey said. “There are times when

we have had to split up because of

age [...] so that kind of got in the middle of it when we

started play-ing travel hock-ey.”

Junior de-fenseman Dan-iel Arenson met Trey and Ryan

through hockey when he was in eighth grade and has played with them ever since. Arenson believes that the chemistry they possess is a big spark for the team.

“They know where [the other one is] going to be which is helpful on the ice,” Arenson said. “Their chemistry seems to let off energy in the locker room and helps the team get pumped for the game. When one of them is gone, there seems to be a lead-ership gap. They play off each other and it seems to be helpful to the team as a whole.”

Coach Jim Philibin has coached Trey and Ryan not only on South’s var-sity team but also when the brothers were members of the Glenview Stars before high school. He has noticed their brotherly rivalry, but on the ice it seems to be good for them because they know that they need to work each other to become better play-ers.

“They’re two different hockey players,” Philibin said.

Trey has more speed and quick-ness, according to Philibin, while Ryan has more agility and aggres-sion.

As the younger brother, Ryan has looked up to Trey as a mentor and credits him with making high school hockey a little easier.

“[Trey] is someone I can look up to,” Ryan said. “He has good

leadership, so I can emu-late his style of play, [and] it helps make a smoother tran-sition to the team.”

For Trey, playing with Ryan has changed how he approaches his leadership. The two exchange words so Trey knows the thought pro-cess and mentality of the en-tire team.

“ [ R y a n ] has taught me to slow down and re-alize that the change from travel hock-ey to high school hockey is hard,” Trey said.

A c c o r d -ing to Ryan, there has never been much of a sib-ling rivalry between the two. While the brothers both agree that they are very com-

petitive, they realize they are playing the game for the same reason.

“We’re working towards the same goal,” Ryan said. “We both want to win.”

According to the brothers, playing at Soldier Field last winter was one of their most memorable experiences of their seasons thus far.

“It’s a once in a lifetime deal,” Trey said. “[Last year’s team] would have been the team I [would have] chose to skate with on that ice. It’s something you are going to tell your kids about.”

19Dec. 20, 2013sports

The three Weinman sisters, senior Carly, junior Catie and freshman Carie, are all on this year’s girls varsity basketball team.

According to Carly, they re-alized they would all be on the same team when head coach Steve Weissenstein had Carie playing on the varsity summer league team with them. Catie and Carly were already suspect-ed to play together on the var-sity team because of their year in school, but Carie was differ-ent. According to Weissenstein, he had realized, watching Car-ie play in junior high, that there was a good chance she would play on varsity as a freshman.

This is Carie’s first year be-ing able to play with her sis-ters competitively. According to Catie, she and Carly were on the same team a few times through Park District because they are only one year apart. Before this year, the only time Carie had been able to play on a team with her sisters was when they were growing and would play for fun. According to Carly, when they were kids, they would play at the park often with their dad.

“We always tried to team up and get our dad because he would always get the rebound,” Carly said. “It was just really fun playing at the park.”

According to Carie, she hasn’t really noticed being the young-est on the team because they have made her feel welcome, and the whole team has been very sup-portive of her. Having two old-

er sisters as role models on the team helps with the transition as well. According to Carly, as sis-ters, they seem to push each other harder and give each other strong advice to help one another im-prove.

“We all kinda play different positions,” Carly said. “We’ve been playing with each other for a while, so we know how each oth-er play,” Carly said.

All the sisters agree that hav-ing a sibling on the team is help-ful to their playing. According to their mom, Heidi Weinman, when they played as kids, they would

pass the ball so cohesively. They never needed to talk because they seemed to know the other sisters’ position.

Even now, according to senior teammate Riley Dahiya, they all play really well together. Being on the same team, they all get along really well. They seem to know each others’ weaknesses and strengths.

“I don’t think there are any cons [of them playing together],” Heidi said. “They all are happy for each other.”

This year was their only chance to be on the same team in high

school because Carly will be graduating this year. According to Catie, it will be very different next year when Carly goes away for college. She thinks it will be different not going to practice with Carly and not having her as a leader on the team.

“I’ve never not gone to prac-tice with her especially since we’ve both been on varsity vol-leyball and basketball togeth-er,” Catie said. “It’s going to be weird to not have a season [with her].”

The Weinmans and GBS next play Waukegan on Dec. 20.

KATIE MAHERstaff reporter

Sibling duo takes the ice for their last year

TRIPLE THREAT: During a practice, the Weinman sisters show off their sisterly bond. Freshman Carrie (center), junior

Catie (right) and senior Carly (left) are often on the court all at the same time. photo by Wyatt Richter

PUCKINGHAM PROS: Off the ice, Trey (left) and Ryan (right) Buckingham are just as close. This is their second and last year on the same GBS team together.

Photo by Wyatt Richter

Triple Weinmans tear up the court Must See Home Games:Mens Swimmingvs. DeerfieldDec. 20, 5p.m.

WrestlingRuss Erb TournamentDec. 20, 3:30p.m.

Girls Basketballvs. New TrierJan. 10, 7:30p.m.

Boys Basketballvs.WaukeganJan. 7, 7:30p.m.

Girls Gymnasticsvs. Niles WestJan. 7, 5:30p.m.

Boys Hockeyvs. GBNJan. 7, 7:55p.m.

“When one of them is gone, there seems to be a leadership gap. They play off each other and it seems to be helpful to the team as a whole.” -junior Daniel Arenson

Page 20: The oracle vol 52 issue 3

South’s wrestling needs to win two conference meets in order to place in the upper level of their conference, according to head coach Thomas Mi-etus.

On Nov. 26, the team competed in their first meet at home. The Titans wrestled against Hoff-man Estates (HE) and Fenton High School. Prior to the meet, senior captain Joey Americus noted that South had wrestled both teams early last sea-son and was confident in the team being able to beat both schools, even though Fenton had wres-tlers who competed in the State Tournament last year.

“You can’t really look at what [Fenton’s state wrestlers] record was” Mietus said. “It’s a differ-ent season.”

South came out with a win against HE 40-23, and a lost against Fenton 37-17. Senior cap-tain Hagan Synnestvedt said he was very proud of how the team had wrestled in their first cou-ple meets, even though he was absent for some of them.

“We got into it pretty fast and caught on re-

ally quick,” Synnestvedt said. “We have a really solid team and I think we really bond well, so I think it wasn’t hard to get back into the swing-sof things. Once we actually started wrestling we realized we are ready, [and] we’re looking for a good year.”

Over Thanksgiving break, South compet-ed in the Vernon Hills tourna-ment, where they placed second. The team competed against schools such as Taft, Loyola, Maine West, Ver-non Hills and Maine East.

“Taking second place at the Vernon Hills tournament shows that we might be able to do more this year than the p a s t , ” Synnest-

vedt said. On Dec. 6 the men wrestled against Niles West,

but lost 35-32.“It was tough,” Americus said. “We were one

match away from it. Everyone wrestled well and gave it their all. It didn’t work out in our favor unfortunately.”

Mietus says a personal goal he has for the team is to have a

better pinning aver-age. According to

Americus, he feels a goal the team has also set is to wrestle hard

s i x - m i n u t e matches.

“We don’t want to get pinned or

have the match end early,” Americus said.

“Coach Mi-etus always talks about

wrestling hard for six minutes and leaving every-thing on the mat.”

According to Synnestvedt, the wrestling pro-gram has been evolving over the last three years since Mietus took the head coach position.

“In the first two years it was developing the system, and getting the wrestlers to buy into it and understand it,” Mietus said. “We have a real sound system of philosophy that we follow.”

Synnestvedt says that a factor that makes wres-tling different from other sports is the one-on-one compenent in the matches.They gain a team feel-ing by doing things like going out for dinner after meets and supporting their teammates while they watch each other wrestle, Americus said.

“It’s a very individual sport when you’re actu-ally wrestling, but everything you do as an indi-vidual contributes to the team,” Synnestvedt said.

Mietus feels that a reason most people don’t do wrestling is because they don’t understand the hard work that has to be put forth. Americus said that the feeling after a win is what motivated him to make the effort to do the hard work.

“There’s no better feeling [than] when you get your hand raised at the end of a match, and that’s what motivated me [to improve],” Americus said.

sports20 Dec. 20, 2013

HANNAH MASONasst. sports editor

TYLER AKIstaff reporter

Wrestling capitalizes on individual success for conference victories

Basketball bounces back from previous losses

CAPTAIN AMERICUS: In a com-bat against Hoffmann Estates, senior captain Joey Americus (left) pre-pares to capture the victory. Ameri-cus aims to make it to sectionals, with it being his final year on the South wrestling team. Photo by Wyatt Richter

BITTERSWEET BASKETBALL: On Dec. 3, the men’s basketball team was defeated by Deerfield by a score of 43-52. Pictured above clockwise starting at th left: in the middle of a jump shot, senior Devin Maki overcomes the defenders; rounding a defender, Maki pushes past for a shot opportunity; eyeing the defender, junior Chase Daniel is ready to break away; about to slip past the Warriors, senior captain Danny Nikitas scans the court. Photos by Wyatt Richter

After a 3-8 conference record in their 2012-13 campaign, the men’s basketball team is looking to turn things around in head coach Ben Widner’s second season, according to senior captain Danny Nikitas.

With seven returning seniors, including two re-turning starters, Nikitas and center Connor Mc-Carthy, there’s a lot of experience on this Titan team, according to Nikitas.

“There are some verbal leaders, but most of [the seniors] lead by example,” Nikitas said. “[We want to] set an example for each other and the [rest of the team].”

Widner also believes that this year’s team has a very strong class of senior leaders.

“It’s not just that they’re seniors, but there are very good leaders in that class too which is very helpful,” Widner said. “They want to win, they

want to compete, and they care very much about the team. They want it to be together, they want to work together, they want both seniors and juniors and the one sophomore we have to feel like they are all going for the same objective.”

The Titans started their season with a second place finish at the Loyola-New Trier Thanksgiving tournament with victories over Lake Forest and Prosser before losing in the championship game to the 17th ranked team in the state, Loyola. Se-nior captain Johnny Cowhey attributed the team’s success to their defense.

“In the pool play we played really well defen-sively,” Cowhey said. “Our goal is to hold every team we play to under 50 points and we did that in three out of the four games we played in that tournament.”

On Dec. 6, the Titans hosted Glenbrook North in the Titan Dome and came out with a 44-34 vic-tory over the Spartans for the first time since 2009. Widner credits his team’s defense as the main rea-

son for the win. “We got great defense out of every position on

the floor,” Widner said. “One of their first plays of the game [the Spartans] ran one of their fa-vorite sets. [Cowhey] called out the screen early, [McCarthy] fought through the screen and then [Cowhey’s] man receives a double screen. [Cow-hey] fought through that perfectly. They didn’t get any of the three looks that they were looking for on that set.”

Cowhey also believes that the defense was the key reason why the Titans won.

“[Coach Widner] wrote on the board, before the game: play defense together, win togeth-er,” Cowhey said. “There was great rotation and North [would have] what looked like an open la-yup, [and it] would end up being a charge. We took two charges in the second half so there were a lot of key defensive plays.”

Nikitas stressed a couple of goals for the team for the rest of the season. According to Nikitas,

there are numerous things the Titans need to do in order to keep their focus for the rest of the season.

“We need to stay positive no matter what be-cause sometimes we get down on ourselves and on each other, which is not good,” Nikitas said. “We need to defend well every game. If we defend we will always be in games no matter what our of-fense is like.”

One of the goals that Cowhey emphasized was to win conference. This was the main goal made by the team, according to Cowhey.

“We’ve beaten every team in the conference be-fore, so we feel like if we keep playing the way we can play we can beat any team in the conference,” Cowhey said.

According to Nikitas, the Titans are led by a myriad of seniors including McCarthy, Cowhey, forward Devin Maki and guard Paul Jones.

The Titans next hit the court over winter break at the Wheeling Hardwood Classic starting on Dec. 23.