the organizational implications of robotics

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Organizational Implications of Robotics


  • Carnegie Mellon UniversityResearch Showcase @ CMU

    Tepper School of Business


    The Organizational Implications of RoboticsLinda ArgoteCarnegie Mellon University, [email protected]

    Paul S. GoodmanCarnegie Mellon University

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    Published InD.O. Davis (Ed.), Implementing advanced technology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

  • To appea~ in D.O. Davis (Ed.),

    Implementing advanced technology.

    San F~ancisco: Jossey-Bass.

    The Organizational Implications of Robotics

    Linda Argote Paul S. Goodman

    CaI'negie-Mellon Unive~sity

    May 1985

    Support for this ~esea~ch was provided by gI'ants from the Program on the

    Social Impacts of Information and Robotic Technology at Carnegie-Mellon

    University to both authors a,d by a grant f~om the National Science

    Foundation (No. RII-840991) to the fi~st author. Parts of this chapter were wri tten while the fi~st autho~ was on leave in the Department of

    Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at Stanfo~d Unive~sity.

  • Robots are bei~g i~troduced i~ i~creasi~g ~umbers throughout the

    world. While o~ly a few hundred robots were used i~ the U~ited States i~

    1970,7,000 were in use in 1983 (Ayres & Miller, 1983; Hunt & Hunt, (983).

    Forecasts of how many robots will be used in 1990 i~ the U~ited States

    range between 75,000 and 150,000 (Hunt & Hunt, 1983). Little is known, however, about how individual employees react to the introduction of robots

    or about the changes needed in organizations to support robotics. Our

    research focuses on ~~derstandi~g the human side of robotics--how

    individuals react to robots, how and when organizations should be modified

    to support t'obotics, and what effective strategies are for the

    implementation of robotics.

    The Robot Institute of America defines a robot as a programmable,

    multifunctional manipulator designed to move objects through variable programmed motions to perform a variety of tasks (Robot Institute of America, 1982). Two characteristics dHfet'entiate t'obots from most other forms of automation: multiple task capability and programmability. The

    robots used most frequently in U.S. factories today, in jobs that involve moving material, welding, drilling, or spray painting, are called level I

    Ot' first-generation robots. Researchers are now in the process of

    developing t'obots, known as level II or second-generation robots, with more

    sophisticated sensing and thinking capabilities. For example, a level II

    robot that is capable of identifying the location of parts of different

    shapes and sizes is currently bei~g developed. Other examples of level II

    robots include those that mine underground coal seams, detect gas leaks, or

    perform sophisticated i~spection tasks. Ayres and Miller

    (1983) provide a good description of the current and expected future capabilities of robotics.

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    1:1 this paper. we first develop a ge:leral framework for' u:lde!"sta:ldi:lg

    the effects of robots O:l i:ldividuals and orga:lizatio:ls. We i:lcorporate

    fi:ldi:lgs from our field studies of the implementatio:l of robotics as well

    as fi:ldi:lgs from other field studies of the impact of robotics i:l our

    general framework. The methodology and results of our field studies are

    described in greater detail in Argote, Goodman, a:ld Schkade (1983) a:ld Argote and Goodman (1984). We conclude the paper with suggestions for researchers who are analyzing the implementation of t'obotics and with

    recommendations for managers who plan to utilize robotics in their


    A General Framework

    The use of robotics may have a profound effect on the organization of

    work a.'ld on the productivity of ot'ganizations. Robots typically require

    :lew skills of both production and technical support personnel and require

    closer i:lteractions among functional areas (Argote. Goodman, & Schkade, 1983). Robots may displace some employees a.'ld alter the jobs of those who are retai:led (Guest, 1984; Office of Technology Assessment, 1984). Robots may also enable organizations to be more flexible by decreasing set-up

    times associated wi th product changeovers. Moreover, robots may enable

    organizations to achieve greater consiste:lcy i:l the quality of their

    products (Ayres & Miller, 1983; Guest, 1984). In this section, we develop a general framework for anticipating these effects of r'obots on individuals

    and organizations as well as for predicti:lg the conditions under which the

    use of robots will enhance organizational performance.

    Organizational Performance

    L"l order to present our general framework, we first must discuss the

    concept of orga:lizatio:lal performance. Organizations can be thought of as

    consisting of three basic components--people, tec~"lology. and structure.

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    It is the compatibility betwee~ these three basic compo~e~ts of

    orga~izatio:ls that determi~es their performa~ce (Leavitt, 1965; Emery &

    Trist, 1973). Organizational performance is a complex variable with multiple dimensions (Goodman & Pen~ings, 1977; Katz & Kahn, 1978). Examples of performance criteria that are critical in the manufacturi:lg

    environment are productivity, product quality, manufacturi:lg flexibility,

    absenteeism, turnover, and employee motivation and well-bei:lg. These

    criteria may vary in importance over time and to different constituencies.

    For example, sales and marketing departments may place a higher premium on

    manufacturing flexibility than other functional areas because it enables

    the organization to adapt to customers' needs in a timely fashion.

    Similarly, manufacturi:lg flexibility may be more important in early than in

    late stages of a product's life cycle (Kaplan, 1983). Further, these performance cri teria are likely to be interrela ted,

    sometimes i:l complex ways. For example, employee motivation may be

    positively related to work unit productivity under conditions of

    uncertai:lty that occur, for example, when a machine breaks down, while

    employee motivation may have little effect on the productivity of

    capital-i:ltensive firms under routi~e or programmed condi tions

    (cf. Goodman, 1979). Similarly, productivity, at least measured i~ the

    short tun, may be negatively associated with manufacturi:lg flexibility.

    The complexity of the concept of organizational performance suggests

    that understanding the impact and effects of :lew technologies requires an

    appreciation of the interrelationships among the elements of

    organizations. It also suggests the ~eed for exami~i:lg multiple

    performance criteria a:ld the trade-offs among them. Further research is

    :leeded to identify how the i~troductio:l of robots will affect the elements

    of an organization a:ld the conditions under which these elements may be

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    compatible. rhe few existi~g empi~ical studies of the i~t~oductio~ of robots (Argote, Goodman, & Schkade, 1983; Argote & Goodma~, 1984; Office of Technology Assessment, 1984) and theo~etical work on job design, o~ganizational st~ucture, o~ganizational effective~ess, a~d the

    introduction of change enable us to suggest what these effects a~e likely

    to be and when the use of ~obots is likely to e~ha~ce manufactu~i~g


    We want to emphasize that usi~g robots does not automatically imply

    certain conseque~ces for organizations but rather it is the interplay

    between characteristics of the technology, the manner in which it is

    i~troduced, the organization's structure, and the people who work in the

    organization that determi~e the impact of ~obotics. For example, some

    companies p~ovide little training fo~ their robot operators and design the

    jobs of operators such that they have little autonomy and are very dependent on technical support staff. Other compa~ies provide more

    trai~ing for their operators, design more autonomy into their jobs, and expect them to be actively involved in pt'omoti~g the operation of the

    robots. Our sense is that the latter approach to desig~ing the operator's

    job results in more motivated operators and a speedier and smoother impleme~tation than the fomer. The technology in each approach is the

    same. It is the supporting organizational arrangements that are

    different. Thus, the use of robots does not determine certain consequences

    for organizations. Instead it is the relationship between characteristics

    of the robots, the people who operate and maintain the robots, and the

    organizational arrangements that support the t'obots that affect the

    pet'formance of o~ganizatio~s.

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    I~dividual Employees

    We ~ow turn to what is known about how the i~troductio~ of "0 bot s

    typically affects individual employees i~ orga~izations. The i~troductio~

    of robots usually changes the skills and job activities of i~dividual employees. In our study of a plant in the metal-working industry, the

    introduction of a robot that performed material handling activities caused

    a shift in the robot operators' jobs ft'om primarily manual to primarily mental activities (Argote, Goodman, & Schkade, 1983). The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) reports a similar change with the introduction of welding robots in the automobile industry: the introduction of the

    robots removed some of the physical demands from the jobs of human operators (OTA, 1984). Thus, the introduction of robots in both studies had a positive effect on employees' work environments: the robots assumed

    some of the very physically demanding tasks otherwise performed by humans.

    At the same time, both studies found that the introduction of robots

    had certain negative effects on employees. Operators in our study reported

    that they experienced more stress and less control after the robot \oI8S

    introduced (Argote, Goodman, & Schkade, 1983). Similarly, the OTA report indicates that direct production employees felt less control with the

    introduction of the welding robots, because their jobs were now tied to an assembly line (OTA, 1984). Repair supervisors in the OTA report also

    experienced greater stress upon the implementation of robots, apparently

    due to the pressures of maintaining a complex and highly integrated

    production system (OTA , 1984). Based on previous research, we expect that if the i~troduction of

    robots leads to employees experiencing less control over their work

    environment, then they will be less satisfied, less motivated, and

    experience more stress upon the introduction of new technologies (Blauner,

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    1964; Hackma~ & Lawler, 1971; Hackman & Oldham, 1975; Sutton & Kahn, in

    press). We also expect that systems that are very complex or characterized

    by low reliability will be associated with increased stress (Bright, 1958; OTA, 1984).

    The experience of variety and feedback on the job promotes employee well-bei~g (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). If the use of robotics affects the variety and feedback employees experience, then we expect corresponding

    changes in their satisfaction and motivation. Along these lines, the OTA

    report i~dicates that mai~tenance workers experienced positive changes in

    their work environment upon the introduction of welding robots: the

    maintenance workers' jobs were characterized by greater variety and more challenge (OTA, 1984).

    The introduction of robotics typically changes the skill requirements

    of both production and technical support personnel. As noted earlier, the

    use of robots usually shifts operators' jobs from manually-oriented to mentally-oriented activities. If these changes are compatible with

    employees' skills and preferences, employees will feel more satisfied and

    less stress with the change. Strategies are suggested later in this

    chapter for maximizing the fit between employees and their jobs and for designing the jobs of employees, both direct and indirect, who must interact with robots.

    The manner in which robots are implemented may also affect employee

    reactiona to the change. Coch and French's (1948) classic study indicates that introducing change in a participative fashion increases the likelihood

    that employees will react positively to change. Other researchers have

    also stressed participation as a key variable in determining the extent to

    which employees react positively to change (Kotter & Schlesinger, 1979; Tornatzkyet al., 1983).


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    While employees i~ the two organizations we studied did ~ot

    participate at all in any decisions surrounding the i~troduction of the

    robots, employees at both organizations desired more i~flue~ce tha~ they

    actually had (Argote, Goodman, & Schkade, 1983; Argote & Goodman, 1984).

    The discrepancy between how much influence they actually had and how much

    they desired was especially pronounced at the second organization we

    studied, possibly because the organization was unionized and had a

    tradition of employee participation. While employees desired more

    influence, they acknowledged that the implementation of robotics is a

    complex activity requiring technical expertise that they generally do not

    possess. Hence, employees did not expect a great deal of influence in

    decisions regarding robotics. They did feel, however, that they had some

    expertise, especially concerning work processes and machines in their

    department, and that they should be involved in decisio~ related to their

    areas of expertise.

    Another dimension of the implementation process is the method

    organizations use to communicate with employees about the introduction of

    robotics. Organizations may use a variety of communication mechanisms,

    including talks by the plant manager, meetings with first-line

    supervisiors, and demonstrations. L~ our research, we examined how

    effective employees rated the various communication sources their

    organizations used to introduce robotics. Our results indicate that

    demonstrations of the operation of robots are ['ated by employees as most

    effective for increaSing their understanding of robots (Argote, Goodman. & Schkade, 1983). This result is corroborated by the finding that the demonstration had a gt'eater impact on employees' beliefs about and

    attitudes towards robotics than any other communication source the

    organization used (Argote & Goodman, 1985).

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    How employee motiviation, satisfaction and stress affect the

    performance of firms using robotics remains an open question. Thet'e is a

    growing sense in the business literature that these human reSOurce issues

    are critical to a firm's ability to compete effectively (Abernathy, Clark,

    & Kantrow, 1983). There is also some limited evidence that using robotics and other programmable automation in ways that enhance employee well-being

    leads to increased organizational efficiency (OTA, 1984). Consequently, it is important that we identify the conditions under which employee

    motivation, satisfaction, and stress affect the overall performance of

    firms using robotics. A~ interesting hypothesis developed from previous

    research is that these human resource variables affect the overall

    performance of work units when unprogrammed situations occur, for example,

    a machine breakdown or the introduction of a new product (cf. Goodman, 1979). Under routine operating conditions, human motivation and attitudes ~ay have little effect on the performance of roboticized systems. That is,

    human resource variables may matter more when tech.~ologies are first being

    implemented, when new products aI'e being introduced, Ot' when unexpected

    problems arise than when systems are operating routinely.

    Organizational Structures

    In addition to affecting individual employees, the introduction of

    robots may also change the basic structures of organizations--communication

    within and between departments, decision-making responsibilities, role

    relationships and the like. In our study, we found that the introduction

    of a robot led to increased interactions between production and technical

    support personnel from engineering and maintenance. Studies of other

    technologies similar to robots, such as numerical control machines, report

    similar increases in interaction among production, engineering, and

    maintenance groups (Williams & Williams, 1964; OTA, 1984).

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    The use of robotics also has the potential to cha:1ge c'elatio:1ships

    between production a:1d marketi:1g groups si:1ce robots may reduce the time it

    takes to change from one product to another. This potential could e:lable

    organizations both to accommodate a more varied product mix a:1d to respo:ld

    more easily to customer demands. Although we have :lot yet witnessed a:1Y

    empirical evidence of modified relationships between production and

    marketing due to the introduction of robots, these changes might occur as

    more robots are put on line and linked in integrated systems.

    There is some evidence that the use of advanced automation on the

    factory floor may enable organizations to centralize production scheduling

    decisions (OTA, 1984). This may reduce the need for technical experts who schedule production as well as eliminate scheduling tasks from supervisors'

    jobs. Similarly, intelligent robots that perform inspection tasks may reduce the requirement for special quality control staff. Indeed the use

    of intelligent robots may lead to fewer hierarchical levels within

    organizations as well as to a smaller number of direct production workers

    (Cyert, Dunkle, Jordan, & Miller, 1984). This is because intelligent systems aI'e capable of performing many activities, both manual and mental,

    traditionally performed by supervisors and certain support staff as well as

    by direct production workers. There are already examples of organizations

    where the use of programmable automation has led to the elimination of one

    layer of supervisors (Chen, Eisley, Liker, Rothman, & Thomas, 1984). At the same time, the use of intelligent robots may require more individuals

    with expertise maintaining and programming robots. r Thus far, we have focused on describing how the use of robotics is

    likely to change the basic structures of organizations. Now we seek to

    address under what conditions these structural changes may be associated

    with improved manufacturing performance. As noted earlier, the use of

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    robotics typically i~creases the i~terdepende~ce of activities performed by

    membet'S of different functional groups. He~ce the use of robotics usually

    requires more interaction among these functional areas. We have observed

    companies where the increased interactions went extremely smoothly, a~d all

    groups were motivated to cooperate in the implementation of the ~ew

    technology. We have also observed companies where the increased

    interaction was characterized by hostility, impedi~g the implementation.

    What differentiates these two situations? In their analysis of

    interdepartmental conflict in organizations, Walton and Dutton (1969) discuss the conditions under which interorganizational relationships are

    characterized by conflict. These conditions include: a reward structure

    that emphasizes the performance of separate groups; asymmetric

    interdependence in which one group is more dependent on the other;

    communication obstacles such as different locations or specialized

    languages; and aggressive individuals.

    Applying these findings to the implementation of robotics provides

    insight in predicting when the increased interactions required by the use

    of robotics are likely to be smooth and when they are likely to be

    conflictual. If a company's reward structure emphasizes the pet'formance of

    separate groups, we expect the introduction of t'obotics to be characterized

    by conflict. This might occur, for example, if production groups are

    t'ewarded according to short-term efficiency figures while engineering

    groups are rewarded for the number of ~ew equipment pieces they introduce.

    Asymmetric interdependence is also likely to contribute to conflict.

    This situation characterizes most introductions of new technology where, at

    least in certain stages of the implementation, pt'oduction is more

    dependent on engineering for hardware and software then engineering is

    dependent on production. The effect of asymmetric needs on conflict is

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    moderated by the company's reward system. A reward system that emphasizes

    the performance of separate groups will only amplify the conflict potential

    of asymmetric interdependence. Instead, a reward system that has a more

    global and long-term orientation may foster cooperation and reduce the

    potential for conflict caused by asymmetric interdependence.

    When the functional groups that must interact to implement new

    technology are located in different at'eas or use different terminologies,

    conflict is likely to surround the process. Conversely, if the different

    groups are located near each other, sit in on each other's meetings to

    understand each other's goals and constraints, and use a common language,

    then we expect the interactions required by the introduction of robotics to

    be more graceful.

    Finally, the nature of people who play key roles in the introduction,

    such as the lead engineer, affects the level of conflict. When key

    positions are occupied by .~ggressive, authoritarian individuals concerned

    primat'ily with their own careers, the probability of conflict increases.

    The behavior of these individuals also will be affected, of course, by the

    company's rewat'd sys tem.

    &~other structural issue raised by the implementation of robotics

    concerns the balance between centralization and decentralization in a

    organization. Current thinking on the centralization-

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    generally, the benefits of decentralized structures include g!'eater sensi:'!g

    abilities as well as quicker processing and response times which are

    especially critical under conditions of high uncertainty. The advantages

    of centralized structures include enhanced opportunities for taking

    advantage of economies of scale and the ability to achieve coordination and

    control (Khandwalla. 1977). The introduction of robotics and expert systems may challenge us to

    refine our thinking on the centralization question. On the One hand,

    intelligent robots and computer systems are able to provide us with more

    processing capabilities. This may reduce some of the overload that people

    or ~~its at the hub of centralized structures experience under high

    uncertainty. Hence, the introduction of intelligent systems may enable us

    to effectively centralize certain decisions previously made best on a

    decentralized basis. There are already indications that the use of these

    systems facilitates the centralization of production scheduling decisions

    (OTA, 1984).

    On the other hand, the use of robotics may reduce the set-up times

    required to change from one product to another. This may in turn reduce

    the benefits of long production runs. How these two forces--the increased

    processing capabilities of computerized manufacturing systems and the

    decreased benefits of long production runs--play out in affecting the

    centralization of roboticized systems is an empirical question. It appears

    that the use of computerized manufacturing systems may enable uS to

    centralize more decisions while at the same time to enjoy fast response times and the ability to respond to change. Thus, robotics will perhaps

    increase the overall flexibility of o!'ganizational structures.

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    Finally, the third major component of an organization, its technology, may affect manufacturing performance. As noted already, robots have the

    capacity to provide greater consistency and quality as well as greater

    flexibility. Whether this potential is realized depends at least in part

    on the extent to which employees, both direct and indirect, understand the

    new technology and are motivated to utilize it to its full potential as

    well as on the organizational arrangements that support the technology. At

    the same time, the technology itself may have a direct effect on system

    performance. This effect is likely to be especially strong when the

    technology is highly reliable and does not require much human

    intervention. As the need for huma~ intervention increases and/or the

    technology becomes less reliable, the effect of technology on performance

    would depend to a greater extent on the motivation of employees and on

    supporting organizational arrangements.

    Clearly, additional research is needed to increase our understanding

    of the effects of robots on individuals and organizations. We now turn to

    a strategy for conducting research on robotics. We are following this

    strategy in our own work and believe it may be useful to others.

    Suggestions for Research

    Our suggestions for research on robotics fall into five areas:

    design, outcome variables, sources of data, levels of analysis and

    statistical analyses, and general methodological issues.


    Our strategy for studying the implementation of robotics is to conduct

    a~ integrated series of longitudinal studies in different organizations.

    It is important to examine how differences in organizational contexts

    (e.g., union status, technological sophistication of the plant,

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    relatio~ships with other pla~ts or corporate support groups, eco~omic

    co~ditio~s i~ the i~dustry) and i~ characteristics of the ~ew tec~,ology

    (e.g., its type, its integration with existi~g tech~ology, its spa~ or spread across production activities) affect the implementatio~ of robotics.

    It is also valuable at this early stage of theoretical development to

    do in-depth studies at each orga~ization. Since these technologies are

    being introduced in different types of organizations, it is difficult to

    compare performance across organizations. Comparisons over time within

    each organization, however, are possible. Consequently, one may compare

    productivity data obtained before introducing the new technology with data

    obtained after its introduction. To do this, of course, requires a

    sufficiently lengthy period of time for data collection, before and after

    the introduction, to be able to adjust for seasonal and other shocks. Longitudinal studies also be~efit from the use of a control group, where

    possible. This approach to assessing the impact of a change on

    productivity and other outcomes is illustrated i~ Goodman (1979). Longitudinal research also helps uS understand the dynamics of the

    change process. Different organizational responses may be appropriate at

    different phases of the implementation. For example, the participation of

    direct production employees may be more appropriate in some (e.g.,

    designing the operator's job) than in other (e.g., deciding where to introduce robots) phases of the implementation. Collecting data at multiple points in time helps ensure that we capture these time-dependent


    Thus, we believe that a research program on the effects of ~ew

    technologies requires not only i~-depth studies but also studies at

    multiple sites. Our research strategy calls for drawing a sample of plants

    introducing new tech~ologies, a sample that incorporates both union and

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    ~o~u~io~ plants, pla~ts both high a~d low i~ existi~g tech~ological

    sophistication, and so forth. While our first study was co~ducted at a

    ~o~-union organization that forges and machi~es metal products, our seco~d

    study is underway at a unionized organization wi th r'obots o~ li~e. Ihe

    first plant's ~ew technology is a robot that performs material handli~g

    activities and the second plant's new installation is a manufacturing cell

    with mUltiple robots. While employees' jobs at the first plant change, no one is required to move to a different job or shift; the second plant's installation, however, causes some employees to move to different jobs and changes the character of the jobs of other employees. The results of this sampling will be an integrated set of longitudinal studies involving

    different organizational contexts and different technological


    Outcome Variables

    It is important to examine multiple criteria of the performance of

    roboticized systems. As noted previously, examples of particularly

    important criteria are productivity, product quality, manufacturing

    flexibility, absenteeism, turnover, and employee motivation and

    well-being. Inventory costs and the percent of time the system is

    operating may also be useful criteria. These multiple criteria and their

    interrelationships should be examined to give us a complete picture of the

    costs and benefits of roboticized systems. For example, there is some

    evidence that the introduction of robots causes employees to feel greater

    stress (Argote, Goodman, & Schkade, 1983; OTA, 1984). We need to know more about this outcome of increased stress and how it r'elates to other

    outcomes. Will the increased stress have any effects on the long-ter~

    well-being of employees? If there are negative effects, would these costs

    be justified by other benefits, perhaps including the enhanced ability of

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    the firm to survive a:1d provide jobs for its employees? If the benefits outweigh the costs of increased stress, are there effective strategies for

    reducing the stress employees experience? Clearly, a:lsweri:lg these

    questions requires an understanding of multiple outcome variables a:ld the

    trade-offs among them.

    Further, we should build models that predict each outcome variable.

    Previous research in the organizational sciences suggests that the

    variables that predict one outcome may be different from the variables that

    predict other outcomes. For example, research has shown that decentralized

    communication structures are associated with highest member satisfaction

    but that the relationship between communication centralization and group

    performance depends on the uncertai:1ty of the task (Shaw, 1981). Centralized structures are associated with better performance 'on certai:1 or

    simple tasks while decentt'alized structues are associated with better

    perfonna:1ce for u."lcertai:l or complex tasks. Similarly, the variables that

    predict manufacturi:lg flexibility i:1 roboticized systems may be different

    from the variables that are most associated with the productivity of the

    systems. If we are to increase certain outcomes such as productivity, we

    must understand what leads to the outcomes. This calls for developing

    fine-grained models of variables that predict each outcome.

    Sources of Data and Respondent Groups

    To obtain valid and reliable i:1formation, we collect data within each

    organization through mUltiple methods and sources. Data are obtained

    through a combination of personal interviews, questionnaires, and

    observations. We also use compa:1Y records or archival data on

    productivi ty, product mix, absenteeism, accidents, and turnover.

    ;:-: t--!


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    Previous research has sho~ that introducing robots will have effects

    extending beyond the immediate departments where they are introduced.

    Capturing these effects requires interviews with a variety of individuals

    at each organizati~n. Key respondents within the plant include production

    workers from the departments where the new technology is introduced,

    individuals from other departments such as engineering, maintenance,

    quali ty control, production scheduling, marketing, and personnel t'elations,

    plus management and supervisory staff. In addition, key respondents

    outside the site include vendors (cf. Ettlie & Eder, 1984) and, if the plant is part of a larger corporation, members of corporate support

    groups. Since employees' positions and departmental affiliations affect

    their perceptions and beliefs (cf. Dearborn & Simon, 1958), collecting data from individuals in these different departments and different hierarchical

    levels provides us with a balanced view of the implementation as well as

    with the perspectives of different constituencies.

    Levels of Analysis and Statistical ~,alyses

    Research on the effects of new technologies requires multiple levels

    of analysis, including the individual, the work group, and the

    ot'ganization. Variables that predict outcomes at one level may be

    different f!'om variables that predict outcomes at another level (cf. Wagner, Pfeffer & O'Reilly, 1984). Models should be built at the appropriate level of analysis. For example, understanding the effects of

    new technologies on employees requires analysis at the individual level.

    Since data are collected typically from about 50 individuals at each

    organization at multiple points in time, fOt~al statistical techniques may

    be used to build models and to test hypotheses about the employee.

    For other questions, such as the effect of the new technology on

    organizational structures, the department or plant is the appropriate unit

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    of analysis. While our sample size is presently too small to proceed with

    formal modeling at the department level, the i:ltensi ve natut'e of these

    studies provides insights into the process and the conditions u:lder which

    departmental structures change with the introduction of :lew technologies.

    Such L~sights can then be tested more formally as data from additional

    sites are accumulated. Yin (1981) discusses issues surrounding comparisons across case studies.

    Qualitative material is also extremely useful, particularly when it is combined with the results of quantitative analyses. Indeed, in our first

    study, some of the more interesting insights came from our respondents'

    answers to open-ended questions regarding their thoughts on what a robot

    was and how it affected them and their jobs. Ettlie's chapter in this volume illustrates furcher the usefulness of qualitative material (Ettlie, in press). General Methodological Issues

    Other methodological issues one encounters in studying the

    implementation of new technologies include: attrition in one's sample over

    time, the nonindependence of data collected from the same individuals over

    time, the lack of an adequate conceptual scheme for representing the

    technology variable, the lack of instrumentation, problems in sampling

    technology uset's, and the nonequivalence of control groups in field

    research. These issues are discussed more fully in Goodman and Al:'gote


    Suggestions for Managerial Practice

    Findings from our research and the research of others on the

    implementation of t'obotics are just beginning to accumulate. It will take additional field studies before we fully understand the consequences for

    individuals and organizations of using robotics. Yet many companies are

  • 19

    now in the process of introducing robots into their factories. What is the

    best information currently available about effective impleme~tation a~d

    utilization strategies? Our studies ~,d previous studies of increased

    automation suggest strategies for managers to consider when introduci~g

    robots L,to their organizations. These strategies cover five areas:

    managing job displacement, anticipating individual's' reactions to new technologies, anticipating larger-scale organizational effects,

    implementing change, and being open to change.

    ~,aging Job Displacement

    The introduction of new technologies often raises the issue of

    displacement. To date, the amount of displacement directly attributable to

    robotics is low (Cyert, Dunkle, Jordan, & Miller, 1984). Yet, this is

    likely to change if the adoption of robotics is accelerated.

    Questions concerning job security and pay are very important to employees; their concerns may also regard being bumped to a less desirable

    job or shift. Fallut'e to deal wi th these concerns may slow down the speed of implementation, reduce the effectiveness of the change, as well as

    contribute to employee stress.

    To deal with employees' concerns about job loss, many companies have successfully taken advantage of natural attrition to handle any reduction

    in the number of employees. In this way, while employees may have to

    change jobs, they are still working with the company. In-house training programs may be necessary to equip employees with the skills required by

    their new jobs. If shifting employees to different jobs is not feasible, the firm should be open with its employees and let them know as soon as

    possible who will lose their jobs as a result of the new technology. Ideally, the company should provide assistance writing resumes,

    interviewing, and finding new jobs, to individuals affected by the change.

  • 20

    Anticipating Individuals' Reactions

    New technologies often alter the job activities of individual employees. Therefore, it is important to analyze the requit'ements of ehe

    new job and maximize the fit or congruency between job and employee characteristics. Research on job-person fit indicates that a lack of congruency may have dysfunctional effects on the person (e.g., increased stress) and on the organization (e.g., increased absenteeism and turnover). The question is not only whether the employee is able to perform the new activities, but also whether the employee likes to perform

    the new activities. We have, for example, encountered factory workers who

    prefer manual to cognitive activities; for these employees there would not

    be a good fit between the job of robot operator and their preferences for manual wot'k. Such incongruencies between the job and the person may be resolved by redesigning the job or by changing personnel selection procedures.

    Operators in our first study commented that they felt less control and

    experienced more stress after the robot was introduced. The possible

    sources of these perceptions could be the increased reliance on others

    (especially engineering and maintenance personnel) experienced by the robot operators, and the sense of having their work pace driven by the robot'S

    cycle time. Since the experience of control has positive consequences for

    individuals, it is advantageous to design opportunities for control into

    the robot operator's job. This may be accomplished either through t: t--

    l additional training or by providing the operators with some control, possibly through encouraging them to participate in designing the operator's job.

    If introducing robotics changes the nature of employees' jobs from manual to cognitive, employees may experience boredom on the job. Job

  • 21

    rotatio~ may be a mecha~ism to alleviate boredom a~d to decrease stress.

    Job rotatio~ would also i~crease variety for the i~dividual employee, build

    up the skills of other employees, and allow the compa~y more flexibility b


    Moreover, there is evidence from the airline i~dustry that compa~ies

    with more flexible work rules are more productive than their counterparts

    with less flexible rules (Bailey, Graham, & Kaplan, 1985). Many compa~ies, both union and non-u~ion, are movi~g in the direction of more flexibile

    work rules. The benefits of increased flexibility are likely to be

    high, particularly for organizatio~s operating in uncertain environments,

    where it is hard to plan i~ advance (Bur~s & Stalker, 1966; Argote, 1982). Since high uncertainty appeat's to characterize the introduction of

    robotics, flexible work tules may facilitate their implementation. Special

    care should be taken, however, to keep from exploiting the members of

    organizations with flexible work rules.

    Anticipating Organizational Effects

    The introduction of robotics usually leads to i~creased i~teraction

    between production employees and technical suppOt't personnel from

    engi~eering a:ld mai~tenance. New coot'di~ation mechanisms between these

    areas may ~eed to be developed. These mecha~isms are likely to be more

    critical as the ~umber of installations of the ~ew technology i~creases.

    High technology firms, organizatio~s i~ which the management of

    evolving technology is critical, require close coordi~ation among

    marketing, engineering, and production areas (Leonard-Barton & Gogan, i~ press; Riggs, 1983). For these firms, it is imperative that marketi~g, engineering, and pt'oductio~ share i~formatio~ to ensure that there is a

    market for e~gi~eeri~g developments, that products are designed for

    manufacturi~g, a~d that production capacity matches market demands.

    L-. ~.


  • 22

    Arranging for members of different functional areas to sit in on each

    other's meetings is a step towards promoting coordination as well as

    cooperation across areas. Additional strategies for promoting coordination

    across functional areas are discussed in Riggs (1983) and Galbraith (1973).

    Earlier studies of automation found that the increased automation of

    production tasks and the concomitant decrease in the number of people on

    the shop floor led to employees feeling isolated (Whyte, 1961). Operators

    in our first study also reported that they felt isolated and did not have

    as much opportunity to talk with their co-workers in the department since

    the operators did not want anyone breaking their concentration. We did not

    have the sense that the increased sense of isolation was severe. The

    possiblity of isolation, however, does warrant managerial attention.

    Research has shown that social support from others can reduce stress

    (House, 1981). Hence, it is important that the operators of new

    technologies who are likely to feel greater' stress, at least in the short

    run, are not deprived of a means of dealing with the increased stress.

    Management should consider stt'ategies for building social support and

    opportunities for interaction into roboticized systems.

    The introduction of robotics may require changes in an organization's

    pay system. At a minimum, decisions will have to be made about the

    appropriate pay rate for robot" operators. What rate is appropriate will

    depend on decisions the company makes about allocating tasks between direct

    and indirect employees. More generally, the introduction of programmable

    automation, such as robots, typically increases the interdependence among

    members of organizations (OTA, 1984). The quality of the output of

    roboticized systems depends not only on the performance of the operator and

    the equipment but also on the quality of the design and programming of the

    system. This increased interdependence makes it more difficult to reward

  • 23

    performance on the basis of the contribution of individuals; instead,

    rewarding performance at the level of the group of people who contribute to

    the system may be more appropriate.

    Implementing Change

    When implementing new technologies, a discrepancy often exists between

    the information employees desire about the new technology and the

    information they actually possess. This stems in part from employees not

    receiving all the messages that management sends. Hence, management should

    monitor how much information employees receive from particular

    communication sources and how helpful employees perceive these sources to

    be. Establishing open two-way communiction where employees feel

    comfortable raising questions and expressing their views is critical for

    the success of the implementation of robotics.

    Certain information sources appear more effective than others in

    introducing robotics. Base~ on our research, demonstrations of the

    operation of the new technology are an effective technique. In addition,

    communications that include a balance of both positive and negative

    messages are more credible to employees. To the extent that the new

    technology has both positive and negative effects (and we believe that this is usually the case), such messages will give employees a more realistic preview of what the new technology entails. This should contribute to a

    smoother implementation. Finally, we have observed companies in which the

    employees' first knowledge of the introduction of robotics occurs either

    with a crate appearing on the factory floor or upon hearing from their

    friends that a robot has arrived. Clearly, this is not the most effective

    way to introduce employees to the new technology. Furthermore, employees

    who learn about the new technology from management rather than through

  • 24

    i:lformal sources are more likely to have a constt'uctive attitude toward the


    First line supervisors should be given information about the ~ew

    technology and receive support from upper management in dealing with

    employees' reactions to it. Studies have shown that during periods of

    threat, communication structures become more centralized, with increased

    reliance on a leader (Staw, Sande1ands, & Dutton, 1981). This is consistent with our observation that employees approach their supervisor

    more often with questions during the introduction of robotics. Supervisors

    often feel frustrated because they feel they do not have adequate

    information to answer their subordinates' questions. Since the

    supervisor's' attitudes and behaviors are critical for the success of the

    change, they should be given adequate information.

    Developing a strategy for employee involvement or participation in

    introducing new manufacturing technologies should be considered. There are

    many possible strategies for employee participation, such as the formation

    of a task force consisting of repI'esentatives from departments where robots

    aI'e being introduced. In our two studies, management provided few

    opportunities for employee involvement when introducing the robots.

    Employees, especially employees at the second organization, desired more

    involvement than they had in decisions regarding robotics. Possible

    benefits of involvement include not only a better understanding of the new

    technology but also a greater commitment to the change process.

    In our current work we are examining whether the experience of

    employee involvement has positive effects on the individual or the

    organization. To this point, it is important that management's intentioonnss ____________ _

    regarding participation be translated into the experience of shop floor

    employees. We have observed companies where management intended to

  • 25

    i~troduce ~ew technologies in a participative fashion but where shop floor

    employees did not experience any involvement i~ the change. A task force

    was formed but it seldom met. Individuals who were not on the task force

    were unaware of the task force's activities. For participation to work,

    both the company and its employees ~eed to work out in advance which

    decisions are going to be made jointly as well as what "participation" means to all involved. Does employee participation mean that management

    will consult employees and then decide what to do? Does participation

    imply that employees will have the the final say over certain decisions?

    It is important that everyone understand what participation means for their

    organization ~,d act accordingly. If they perceive that their

    recommendations have not been considered, employees may feel

    disillusioned. Similarly, management may become very frustrated, if it

    senses that its attempts to make changes participatively are not working.

    Technical support personnel should be involved early in the change

    process. We have observed companies who neglect to involve support

    personnel, particularly maintenance employees, in planning for the change.

    Stress and poor relationships usually result it'om this lack of

    involvement. Involving the support personnel early in the change process

    should facilitate a smooth implementation as well as reduce the stress they


    Being Open to Change

    Many of the effects of robotics on individuals and organizations can

    be anticipated. The more a company is able to anticipate these effects,

    the more likely gains for individual employees and for the organization

    will result from the use of robots. Some of the effects of robotics,

    however, cannot be predicted. Since these technologies are just now coming into use, there is uncertainty as to what their effects will be. It is

  • 26

    important therefore for management to create an open culture in which both

    the company and its employees ca~ learn about robots and how to use them

    most effectively. Such a culture is most likely to evolve in organizations

    where trust already exists between management and employees, where it is

    legitimate for one to admit "I don't know" if a person does not, and where

    management and employees are willing to change and update policies and

    procedures as learning takes place. We believe that the more successful

    introductions will occur in companies where there is this culture of

    openness and responsiveness to change.

    Concluding Comments

    Changes in the organization of wot'k, such as job enlat'gement, autonomous work groups, and quality of work life programs, and changes in

    technology such as robots a~d expert systems, appear to produce opposing

    effects on individuals and organizations. For example, autonomous work

    groups typically result in employees having more control, learning more

    skills, peI'forming more significant tasks, and intet'acting more often with

    members of their work group. While autonomous work groups do not always

    lead to greater group effectiveness, on balance, members of autonomous work

    groups are more satisfied, less likely to be absent Ot' to leave the group,

    and function at least as productively as theit' counterparts in traditional

    work groups (Katz & Kahn, 1978). Hence, many social scientists have advocated these types of changes in the organization of work as a way to

    increase the well-being of individual employees as well as the

    effectiveness of groups and organizations.

    In contrast, many technological changes taking place on the factory

    floor today have an effect on individual employees that is antagonistic to

    the effects of the social changes discussed above. For example, the

    introduction robotics often results in employees experiencing less control

  • 27

    and less opportunity to i~teract with others. These employees perform

    smaller, less sig~ifica~t tasks, a~d moreover, some of the discretion they

    once possessed is ~ow embodied i~ the ~ew tech~ology.

    This divergence between social and technological cha~ges makes it

    imperative that we, as researchers and practitioners, get a better

    perspective on the casts and benefits of the two types of changes and the

    trade-offs between them. When is it better for employees to experie~ce

    more contt'ol and mare influence? When is it better to embed

    decision-making tules i~ the technology rather than i~ the minds of

    employees? Under what conditions are interactions with co-workers

    beneficial for the i~dividual or the orga~ization? Are current social and

    technological changes in conflict with each another, or can they be

    orchestrated so that the strengths of one approach complement the

    weaknesses of the other? Clearly, we need a better grasp of the costs and

    benefits of these two approaches to orga~izing. ~ce we gai~ a greater

    u~derstandi~g of the trade-offs between these two different approaches, we

    can begin to design changes that truly allow for the joint optimization of social and technological systems in the workplace.

  • 28


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    Carnegie Mellon UniversityResearch Showcase @ CMU5-1985

    The Organizational Implications of RoboticsLinda ArgotePaul S. GoodmanPublished In
