the orthodox vision - april 2015 issue #302

April 2015 www. Issue No. 302 The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity ADAM EVE KING DAVID ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST ABEL KING SOLOMON

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The official monthly publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bridgeport , Connecticut.


Page 1: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

A p r i l 2 0 1 5 w w w. H o l y Tr in i t y Br i d g ep o r t .o r g I s s u e N o . 3 0 2

The Offi

cial M



n of

Holy Trin









Page 2: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

April 2015


1 Presanc

tified Liturgy

7:00 pm

6th Wednesday

of Lent / Mary

of Egypt / Mar-

tyrs Gerontius

and Basilides

2 6th

Thursday of

Lent /Titus the


Theodora the

Virgin-martyr of


3 6th Fri-

day of Lent /Nicetas the Con-


Joseph the Hym-


4 Lazarus

Saturday 9:30

am Orthros &

Liturgy - Holy

Communion &

Breakfast by

PTO and mak-

ing palms


Palm Sunday


EON after

Church Ser-




7:00 PM

Theodora the



Holy Monday



7:00 PM

Eutychius, Pat.

Of Constanti-


120 Martyrs of



Holy Tuesday



7:00 PM—





Holy Wednes-

day HOLY


3:00 PM &

7:00 PM

Herodion, Aga-

bus, Rufus,

Asyncritus of

the 70

Rufus the Obe-


9 Holy Thurs-












LORD 7:00


10 Holy

Friday READING &






from the Cross

the Lamenta-

tion Service

3:00 pm

Procession of


7:00 pm

11 Holy

Satuday Litur

gy of St. Basil

and Holy


9:00 am

The Canon

Prior to Resur-


11:00 pm—


midnight Ma-

giritsa after-


12 Great and

Holy Pascha

he Resurrec-

tion of our

Lord – Agape

(Love) Services


Basil the Con-


Mother Anthou-


13 Fast Free

Renewal Mon-


Martin the Con-


14 Fast Free Renewal Tuesday:

The Commemora-tion of Saints Raph-

ael, Nicholas, Irene,

and the Other New-ly-revealed Martyrs

of Lesbos

Aristarchus, Pu-

dens, & Trophimus of the 70

Thomais the Martyr

of Alexandria

15 Fast Free



Martyr Cre-





Fast Free



Virgin Martyrs

Agape, Chionia,

& Irene

17 Fast Free

Renewal Fri-

day: Theotokos

of the Life-

giving Spring


PEDGE ser-

vice 9:30 AM


Fast Free

Renewal Sat-


John the Right-


Euthemios the

Enlightener of


19 Thomas

Sunday Athletic Awards

and Luncheon

Martyr Paphnuti-

us /George the


20 2nd Monday

after Pascha

Theodore Trichi-


Apostle Zachaias

21 2nd Tuesday

after Pascha

Hieromartyr Jan-


Maximian of


22 2nd

Wednesday af-

ter Pascha

Theodore of


Holy Apostle


23 Great Martyr

George ST.



238 WEST


24 2nd

Friday after


Elizabeth the


Savvas the Gen-

eral of Rome

25 Apostle and

Evangelist Mark

New Martyr Em-

manuel and Com-


26 Sunday of

the Myrrh-

Bearing Wom-

en / General Assembly


27 3rd Monday

after Pascha



Eulogios the Inn-


28 3rd Tuesday

after Pascha / 9

Martyrs of Cyzi-


Theocharus and


29 3rd

Wednesday after


Jason & Sosipater

of the 70 Martyr


30 Apostle


New Martyr


Strict Fast

Fish Allowed

Wine and Oil Allowed

Dairy,Eggs, and Fish Allowed

OUR EASTER MEAL OF LOVE will be served in

the Aegean Hall on Saturday evening, directly after

the Liturgy. Opento ALL Parishioners, offered by our

Parish Council. ΔΛΑΦΡΟ ΦΑΓΖΣΟ – ζα

πξνζθεξζεί ζε όινπο ηνπο παξνίθνπο –ζηελ αίζνπζα

ηεο Δθθιεζίαο καο –ακέζσο κεηά ηελ Αλαζηάζηκε

Θεία Λεηηνπξγία.

MEMORIALS: Sunday April 26 - Helen

Klamka - 1 year Maria Golfis - 3 years

Petros Roussas - 3 years

Page 3: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 3

T he ancie nt

Greeks have

offered much

to Western civilization in

terms of philosophy,

religion and athletics. In

fact, many of our

concepts pertaining to the

development of society

and the human person

come to us from the

Olympic Games. Many

of these concepts such as

―agon” (competition)

a n d

―gymnazdo‖ (trained)

have been incorporated

into our Orthodox tradition, especially during this time

of Great Lent.

The ancient Greeks believed strongly in the concept of

―agon‖ or competition, which explains why the original

games were called Olympic Agonas. Therefore, the

Olympic Agonas became about being the best person

you could be, physically, ethically and spiritually, and

winning an Olympic Game was considered the highest

honor a citizen could achieve. The word "athlete" is

comprised of the words, "athlo"and "ego," which means

someone who strives to improve oneself. Furthermore,

the Greek word for trained is ―gymazdo," which is where

we get the word gymnasium. The word literally means

"to train naked." Clothing has a tendency to conceal

one’s deficiencies. Think about how, when you go to the

gym to train, you change your clothing so that you can

have more mobility and better determine what you need

to work on.

Much in the same way, the Church during Great Lent

is God’s gymnasium. First, as spiritual athletes of

Christ, we must stand naked before God. This means we

must strip ourselves naked of the layers of hypocrisy,

pride, and self-love which keep us estranged from our

fellow human beings and ultimately from God. We can

only truly experience God’s love when we empty

ourselves of all our deceitful lies about ourselves.

Scripture teaches us that we are liars if we say we love

God but do not love our brothers and sisters! All the

masks we wear hide the deficiencies we have in our

spiritual lives. The only way to see ourselves truly is to

remove them and come face to face with our true self.

Our ego has a tendency to

build us up in a way that

does not allow us to see

ourselves in a clear way.

Our ego tells us we are

something we are not. We

live our lives deceiving

ourselves and one

another. The only way to

stand naked before God is

through confession and

fasting. This is the

ammunition the Church

grants us to compete

against our passions.

Confession allows us to

reveal who we truly are

an not hide behind our facades. Furthermore, true fasting

is not just about what we eat or don’t eat, but about how

we act towards others. What comes out of our mouths is

just as important as what goes in. If we fast from meat

but devour our brother what good is that to God, asks St.

John Chrysostom.

The original purpose of the Olympic Games was to

bring peace and unity to all the peoples competing in

ancient times. In the same way, the purpose of Great

Lent is to unite us to one another. Like the ancient

Olympian, we are seeking to improve ourselves not just

physically, but more importantly, ethically and

spiritually. As the body of Christ, we are not competing

against one another, but rather, against ourselves. During

Great Lent, we are constantly reminded to improve

ourselves and not judge others. Our weapons for this

spiritual agona are fasting and confession.

As spiritual athletes, we are not seeking a material

crown which will fade but an everlasting spiritual crown

not bestowed by man, but by God. The prayer of St

Ephrem the Syrian, which we read throughout Great

Lent, encapsulates the whole ethos of our spiritual

competition during Great Lent:

"Lord and Master of my Life deliver me from the

spirit of laziness, meddling, the lust for power or gossip.

Rather, bestow upon me Your servant the spirit of self

control, humility, the spirit of patience and love.

Yea, Lord and King, grant that I may see my own faults

and not judge my brother; for you are blessed unto the

ages. Amen"

Great Lent: God’s Gymnasium by Father Andreas Vithoulkas

“ ...Crown of thorns crowns Him Who is King of Angels...

Page 4: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 4

Μ ε γ ά λ η

Σ α ρ α κ ο ζ η ή :

Γσμναζηήριο ηοσ

Θεού. ηοσ π. Ανδρέα Βσθούλκας

Ο η αξραίνη έιιελεο έρνπλ

πξνζθέξεη πνιιά ζηνλ

δπηηθό πνιηηηζκό από ηε

άπνςε ηεο θηινζνθίαο, ζξεζθείαο

θαη ζηίβνπ. ηελ πξαγκαηηθόηεηα,

πνιιέο από ηηο έλλνηεο πνπ

αθνξνύλ ηελ αλάπηπμε ηεο

θνηλσλίαο θαη ηνπ αλζξώπνπ ήξζαλ

ζε καο από ηνπο νιπκπηαθνύο

αγώλεο. Πνιιέο από απηέο ηηο

έ λ λ ν η ε ο ό π σ ο :

«Αγώλ» (αληαγσληζκόο) θαη

«Γπκλάδσ» (εθπαηδεύσ) έρνπλ

ελζσκαησζεί ζηε δηθή καο

Οξζόδνμε παξάδνζε εηδηθά θαηά

ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο Μεγάιεο


Οη αξραίνη έιιελεο, πίζηεπαλ

έληνλα κε ηελ έλλνηα ηνπ «αγώλ» ή

«αληαγσληζκνύ» πνπ ήηαλ ε

αξρηθή δηαηύπσζε γηα ηνλ

νιπκπηαθό αγώλα θαη όρη απιώο

Οιπκπηαθνί αγώλεο. Ωο εθ ηνύηνπ,

νη νιπκπηαθνί αγώλεο έγηλαλ ώζηε

ην άηνκν πνπ ιακβάλεη κέξνο λα

είλαη θπζηθά, εζηθά θαη πλεπκαηηθά

θαιύηεξν, θαη θεξδίδνληαο ην

αγώλα ζεσξείην ε πςειόηεξε ηηκή

γηα έλα πνιίηε πνπ ζα κπνξνύζε λα

πεηύρεη . Ζ ιέμε αζιεηήο,

απνηειείηαη από δύν ιέμεηο κε

παξόκνηα έλλνηα. «Άζιν» θαη

«Δγώ» ιέμε πνπ ζεκαίλεη θάπνηνο

πνπ παζρίδεη λα βειηηώζεη ηνλ

εαπηό ηνπ. Δπηπιένλ, ε ειιεληθή

ιέμε γηα ην εθπαηδεπκέλν είλαη

«Γπκλάδσ», από ην Γπκλαζηήξην.

Κπξηνιεθηηθά ε ιέμε ζεκαίλεη

«γπκλάδνκαη γπκλόο». Ζ έλδπζε

έρεη κηα ηάζε λα θξύβεη ηηο

ειιείςεηο θάπνηνπ. θεθηείηε πσο

όηαλ ζα πάηε ζην γπκλαζηήξην

αιιάδεηε ηα ξνύρα ζαο έηζη ώζηε

λα έρεηε πεξηζζόηεξε θηλεηηθόηεηα

θαη γπκλάδεζηε θαιύηεξα ζε όηη

ρξεηάδεηαη λα δνπιέςεηε.

Κάπσο έηζη κε ηνλ ίδην ηξόπν, ε

εθθιεζία θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο

αξαθνζηήο είλαη ην Γπκλαζηήξην

ηνπ Θενύ. Πξώηνλ ζαλ πλεπκαηηθνί

αζιεηέο ηνπ Υξηζηνύ, πξέπεη λα

ζηεθόκαζηε γπκλνί ελώπηνλ ην

Θενύ. Απηό ζεκαίλεη όηη πξέπεη λα

απνκαθξύλνπκε ηνπο εαπηνύο καο

από ηελ ππνθξηζία, ππεξεθάλεηα

θαη θηιαπηία πνπ ληώζνπκε θαη

απνμ ελσλ όκαζη ε από ηνπο

ζπλαλζξώπνπο καο θαη θπζηθά από

ηνλ Θεό. Μπνξεί λα έρνπκε κόλν

πξαγκαηηθή αγάπε ηνπ Θενύ όηαλ

αδεηάδνπκε όια ηα ςέκαηα πνπ

θνζκνύλ ηνλ εαπηόλ καο. Ζ Γξαθή

καο δηδάζθεη όηη είκαζηε ςεύηεο,

όηαλ ιέκε όηη αγαπάκε ηνλ Θεό,

αιιά δελ αγαπνύκε ηνπο αδειθνύο

θαη αδειθέο καο! ‘Όιεο ηηο κάζθεο

πνπ θνξάκε θξύβνπλ ηηο ειιείςεηο

ηεο πλεπκαηηθήο καο δσήο. Ο κόλνο

η ξ ό π ν ο λ α δ ν ύ κ ε η ν π ο

πξαγκαηηθνύο εαπηνύο καο είλαη λα

ηνπο απνβάιινκαη θαη λα έξζνπκε

αληηκέησπνη κε ηνλ πξαγκαηηθό

αιεζηλό εαπηό καο. ‘Έρνπκε ηελ

ηάζε λα δεκηνπξγνύκε θαη θέξνπκε

ηνλ εαπηό καο εθεί πνπ ζέινπκε θαη

έ η ζ η δελ β ι έπ ν π κ ε η ν π ο

πξαγκαηηθνύο καο εαπηνύο κε ζαθή

ηξόπν. Ο εγσηζκόο, καο ιέεη όηη

είκαζηε θάηη πνπ δελ είκαζηε.

Ενύκε ηελ δσή καο εμαπαηώληαο

ηνπο ίδηνπο ηνπο εαπηνύο καο θαη ν

έλαο ηνλ άιινλ. Ο κόλνο ηξόπνο

λα ζηαζνύκε γπκλνί ελώπηνλ ηνπ

Θενύ είλαη κέζα από ηελ

εμνκνιόγεζε θαη ηελ λεζηεία.

Δίλαη ηα ππξνκαρηθά πνπ καο

παξαρσξεί ε Δθθιεζία καο λα

αληηκεησπίζνπκε ηα πάζε καο. Ζ

εμνκνιόγεζε επηηξέπεη ζε καο λα

απνθαιύςνπκε πνηνη πξαγκαηηθά

είκαζηε κηα θαη δελ θξπβόκαζηε

από ηηο πξνζόςεηο καο. επηπιένλ, ε

πξαγκαηηθή λεζηεία είλαη όρη κόλν

ζρεηηθά κε ην ηη ηξώκε ή δελ

ηξώκε, αιιά πσο ελεξγνύκε πξνο

ηνπο άιινπο. Απηό πνπ βγαίλεη από

ηα ζηόκαηά καο είλαη εμίζνπ

ζεκαληηθό κε ην ηη ηξώκε. Αλ δελ

ηξώκε θξέαο, αιιά θξίλνπκε ηνλ

αδειθό καο, ηη θαιό είλαη απηό ζην

Θεό, εξσηά ν Άγηνο Ησάλλεο ν


Ο α ξρ η θ όο ζ θ ν πό ο η ελ

Οιπκπηαθώλ Αγώλσλ ήηαλ λα

θέξεη εηξήλε θαη ελόηεηα γηα όινπο

ηνπο ιανύο πνπ αληαγσλίδνληαλ

ζηε αξραηόηεηα. Με ηνλ ίδην ηξόπν,

ν ζθνπόο ηεο κεγάιεο αξαθνζηήο

είλαη λα καο ελώζεη. αλ ηνλ

Οιπκπηνλίθε, επηδηώθνπκε λα

βειηηώζνπκε ηνπο εαπηνύο καο, όρη

κόλν ζσκαηηθά , αιιά πην

ζεκαληηθά, εζηθά θαη πλεπκαηηθά.

Ωο ην ζώκα ηνπ Υξηζηνύ, εκείο δελ

αληαγσληδόκαζηε ν έλαο ελαληίνλ

ηνπ άιινπ, αιιά κάιινλ, ελαληίνλ

ηνπ εαπηνύ καο. Καηά ηελ

δ η ά ξ θ ε η α η σ λ Ν ε ζ η ε η ώ λ ,

ππελζπκηδόκαζηε δηαξθώο λα

βειηηώλνπκε ηνπο εαπηνύο καο θαη

λα κελ θξίλνπκε ηνπο άιινπο. Σα

όπια καο γηα απηό ην πλεπκαηηθό

ΑΓΩΝΑ είλαη ε λεζηεία θαη ε


Ωο πλεπκαηηθνί αζιεηέο, δελ

επηδηώθνπκε έλα πιηθό ζηέκκα πνπ

ζα ζβήζεη αιιά έλα αηώλην θαη

πλεπκαηηθό ζηέκκα πνπ δελ

θαηνρπξώλεηαη από ηνλ άλζξσπν,

αιιά από ηνλ Θεό. Ζ πξνζεπρή ηνπ

He is wrapped about with the purple of mockery Who wrapped the Heavens with clouds...

Page 5: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 5

Αγίνπ Δθξαίκ ηνπ ύξηνπ, πνπ δηαβάδνπκε όιε ηελ Μεγάιε αξαθνζηή ζπκππθλώλεη νιόθιεξν ην ήζνο

αληαγσληζκνύ ηεο πλεπκαηηθήο καο δσήο θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ησλ Νεζηεηώλ. ΔΤΥΖ ΣΟΤ ΟΗΟΤ ΔΦΡΑΗΜ: «Κύξηε

θαη Γέζπνηα ηεο δσήο κνπ, πλεύκα αξγίαο, πεξηεξγείαο, θηιαξρίαο, θαη αξγνινγίαο κε κνη δώο. Πλεύκα δε

ζσθξνζύλεο, ηαπεηλνθξνζύλεο, ππνκνλήο θαη αγάπεο, ράξηζαί κνη ησ ώ δνύισ. Ναη, Κύξηε βαζηιεύ, δώξεζαί κνη

ηνπ νξάλ ηα εκά πηαίζκαηα θαη κε θαηαθξίλεηλ ηνλ αδειθόλ κνπ, όηη επινγεηόο Δί ηνπο αηώλαο ησλ αηώλσλ. Ακήλ.»

«Άξρνληα θαη Αθέληε ηεο δσήο κνπ γιύησζέ κε από ην πλεύκα ηεο ηεκπειηάο, αλάκημεο, δίςα γηα εμνπζία ή

θνπηζνκπνιηά. Καιύηεξα, δώζε κνπ ην πλεύκα ηεο ηαπεηλόηεηαο, ηεο ππνκνλήο θαη αγάπεο. Ναη, Κύξηε Βαζηιεύ,

δώζε κνπ ηελ δύλακε λα βιέπσ ηα ζθάικαηά κνπ θαη λα κελ θξίλσ ηνλ αδειθό κνπ! επινγεκέλν ην όλνκα ζνπ εηο

ηνπο αηώλεο. Ακήλ».

He received buffetings Who freed Adam in Jordan. ..

S ervices from Monday through Friday in the Holy

Week are Morning Prayers (Matins) designated

to be sung on the morning of the respective day.

There was a time when the whole Great Holy Week was

designated as a period of rest from work and of full de-

votion and prayer. Later, when the conditions of life had

changed, the Church decided to hold their services in the

evenings for the convenience of the people in order that

they can attend them and pray after their work during the

day. On Good Friday, the faithful is expected to devote

himself to, and participate in, the dramatic enactment of

the trial and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Saturday of Lazarus - (Saturday before Palm Sun-

day) "we celebrate the fourth day rising from the dead of

St. Lazarus, the righteous friend of Christ."

Palm Sunday Morning— The entrance of our Lord

Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday Evening - (The service is Matins of

Monday morning sung by anticipation). In commemora-

tion of the noble Joseph (of the Old Testament) and the

Fig Tree which was cursed by the Lord. The procession

of the Icon of Jesus Christ as Bridegroom takes place.

Great Holy Monday - (The service is Matins of Tues-

day morning sung by anticipation). In commemoration

of the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The hymns remind us

of the parable of the Ten Virgins, in which the faithful

Christian is exhorted to vigilance. Matthew 22:15-46;


Great Holy Tuesday Evening- (The service is Mat-

ins of Wednesday morning sung by anticipation) In

commemoration of the anointing of our Lord with myrrh

by the woman in Bethany. The hymn of Kassiane is

sung. The need for true repentance is the concern of

Tuesday evening’s service. This transformation from

the life of sin to a life of faith and obedience is exempli-

fied for us in the person of the sinful woman who re-

ceived the gift of forgiveness when she anointed Jesus

with myrrh an d washed His feet. The highlight of this

service is the hymn written in honor of this woman by

St. Kassiani. The Gospel meditation foretells of the com-

ing suffering of Christ and recalls His inner struggles

and agony.

Great Holy Wednesday - The Liturgy of the Pre-

sanctified Gifts takes place. The primary theme of Holy

Wednesday is our human need for the healing and for-

giveness that comes into our lives when we establish a

relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are re-

minded that the way to this relationship is to be found,

above all else, through the life of prayer.

In the Sacrament of Holy Unction, the faithful are

anointed and thus, healed both physically and spiritually

In the evening the Secret Ceremonies (Mystiria) of Con-

fession and Unction are administered; also, in some

Churches this service of Thursday morning is sung by

anticipation in commemoration of the institution of the

Holy Eucharist and other incidents.

Great Holy Thursday Morning - On Holy Thursday

morning, we ascend Mt. Zion with Christ and the

Twelve, and enter into the upper room. Once there, we

witness the awesome moment when, at the Last Supper,

Christ abolishes the ritual practice of the Old Covenant

and establishes the ritual of the New Covenant, prophe-

sied by Jeremiah, through the Sacrament of Holy Com-


Great Holy Thursday Evening— (The service of

the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ; The service is

Matins of Friday morning sung by anticipation Thursday

evening). In commemoration of the Passion of our Lord

(Continued on page 6)

A Summary of the Services of Holy Week

Page 6: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 6

and God and Savior Jesus Christ; and the confession on

the cross of the penitent thief who was crucified with

Him. The Twelve Parts of the Gospels are read. The

procession of the Cross with the Crucifix takes place.

In this service, we commemorate the undeserved suf-

fering of Jesus Christ, endured for our sake, so that we

might be reconciled anew to God our Father. The Gos-

pel readings witness for us the betrayal and arrest of

Jesus, his trial and conviction, and finally his torture,

crucifixion and death at the hands of a sinful humanity.

This evening’s service also includes the procession

representing Christ carrying His own cross along the

Via Dolorosa, and ends when we see before us the

King of Glory crucified.

Good Friday Morning or Afternoon - The "Royal

Hours" and Vespers are sung in commemoration of the

Unnailing of Christ from the Cross. In this service, we

are once again reverent witnesses to the undeserved

suffering of Christ, to his terrible passion and death.

What is remembered in a special way through liturgical

commemoration and procession, is the faithfulness and

love of Joseph of Arimathea who tenderly removed

Christ’s body from the cross, wrapped it in clean linen,

and carried it to his own unused tomb for burial. As

the priest proclaims the Gospel, ―And Joseph took the

body, and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud, and laid it

in his own new tomb...‖ he removes the Body of Christ

from the Cross, wraps it in a new white cloth and takes

it to the altar. The priest then chants the hymn: ―When

Joseph of Arimathea took You, the Life of all, now

dead, down from the Cross, he buried You in fine lin-

en, after anointing You with myrrh. He yearned with

desire, humbly contained by awe, rejoicing, he cried

out to You: Glory to Your condescension, O merciful

God!‖. The priest then carries the Epitaphios, the cloth

on which the Body of Christ is painted or embroidered,

around the church before placing it inside the Sepul-

cher, a carved bier which symbolizes the Tomb of


Good Friday Evening—The Lamentation - (The

service is Matins of Saturday morning sung by antici-

pation Friday evening). In commemoration of the en-

tombment of the Divine Body of our Lord and His de-

scent into Hades. The three parts of the Hymn of Praise

are sung. The Procession with the Bier around the

Church takes place. On Holy Friday evening, the

theme is Christ’s descent into Hades during which the

Gospel of repentance and reconciliation with God is

shared with those who died before Christ’s saving dis-

pensation in the flesh. The service begins with lamen-

tations sung as we stand before the tomb of Christ

commemorating His unjust punishment and the shed-

ding of His innocent blood. But the service ends on a

note of joy and hope, with the reading of the Prophet

Ezekiel in which he describes his vision of our resur-

rection yet to come; in the midst of despair, we are told

there is hope, for not even death can separate us from

the unfailing love and power of God. Death is about to

be conquered and faithfulness rewarded.

Great Holy Saturday Morning - On Holy Satur-

day morning we celebrate the theme of faithfulness

receiving its reward. The crucifixion is over, Christ is

buried, the twelve apostles and other disciples are scat-

tered and defeated. And yet, three myrrh-bearing wom-

en come in faithfulness to perform the last act of

love—to anoint Jesus according to the Jewish burial

custom. Their unwavering devotion is rewarded—they

are the first to share in Christ’s triumph over evil and

death. They are the first witnesses to the Resurrection.

This joy is commemorated through the scattering of

bay leaves and rose petals by the priest.

Great Holy Saturday at Midnight - (The service

of Matins and Divine Liturgy of Easter Sunday [The

Resurrection] are sung). The lamentations of the previ-

ous night are repeated and the church is plunged into

darkness to symbolize the despair and defeat experi-

enced before the dawn of Christ’s victory over the Ene-

my of our salvation. Precisely at midnight, a single

light emerges from the altar representing the victory of

Christ over death, the defeat of the Prince of Darkness

by Jesus, the Light of the World. As the light is passed

from person to person, it pushes back the darkness of

the church and defeats it completely. The Resurrection

is proclaimed in song and triumphant procession, and

after the Liturgy, its light is carried into our homes so

that they too might be filled with its light and warmth

and triumph

Easter Sunday—Vespers - Readings and Hymns

are sung of the Resurrection of our Lord. The part of

the Gospel for the Vesper is read in various languages.

With this Vespers the services of Holy Week end. The

readings and the hymnology used are rich in thoughts

and inspiration of the highest degree along with the

great commemorations they represent. The faithful

Christian participates and expresses his own personal

devotion by which he lives these days within his heart

and faith. Submitted by Vicky Andriotis. Sources: GO-

ARCH. Journey to Pascha and LOGOS. Holy Week in the Eastern Orthodox Church. St Louis: LOGOS, MO. Print.

(Continued from page 5)

Page 7: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 7

He was transfixed with nails Who is the Bridegroom of the Church...

W e are wrapping up our

a t h l e t i c s e as o n.

Playoffs have con-

cluded for both basketball and

volleyball. Reflecting on the sea-

son, we have so many thoughts

that we want to share.

Our varsity team had a tough

loss in the semifinals, yet I could-

n’t be more proud. Coaches from

other teams, parents, and fans all

gave the team great compliments.

Some spoke with me at length

about it and well about the team ,

our program, and how they con-

ducted themselves in a sportsman-

like way. Just a few hours later,

our JV team lost, and the same

scenario played out with coaches,

players, fans, and parents. These

words from others say more about

this league than anything I can

share. It’s a clear reminder that

we have a great bunch of kids in

our program and not just because

they are our kids. As the Athletic

Director, member of the church ,

community ,and coach, I couldn’t

be prouder to hear those words

about our program.

As coaches, we challenge our

players to learn and practice their

knowledge and skills. Sometimes,

when players might not be paying

attention, or make mistakes in

practice, goof off a little, we all

can get ―irritated‖ with each other.

It’s all part of it and part of the

learning. Even so, when game is

over or the practice ends and those

same players say ―Coach, thank

you,‖ and shake my hand...well, it

doesn’t get any better than that,

and it’s another simple reminder

that we should all be proud of the

youth of HT Athletics. Your kids

are leading the way to being future

leaders of our community.

Our program may not be the

coolest like the REC leagues or

AAU or travel teams. We are los-

ing out to these leagues and we

don’t have the players we used to

have playing. Back in the 70’s ,

80’s and most of the 90’s this was

it for most kids. We need to get

back to that, we need our kids in

our program! There is nothing

wrong with the leagues we play in

or the players. All kids can play in

our program. They don’t need to

be the best. All we ask is that they

come out, show up , try ,play

hard , learn, be a team players, and

have fun! This program has been a

great part of our community for

many years, and we need to con-

tinue to make it part of our com-

munity for years to come!

On March 7th, our girls volley-

ball played the game of the sea-

son, led by Coach Terry Toth,

who was without Assistant Coach,

Amelia that day. Unfortunately

they still came up short on the

win. Our JV team played in the

championship game , and they lost

the final match game. Volleyball

was a job well done by all this

year !

Both teams have blossomed this

year and have become very com-

petitive. What a great foundation

for more growth next year. We

are so proud of their performance

and conducting themselves in a

both on and off the court as the

developing leaders they are. Great

job ladies!

On Saturday, March 28th, we

have our basketball and volleyball

all-star games; we will announce

the players in the next issue.

April 19th is the Athletic

Awards Day. We need to have all

players in church that day for our

awards, and lunch will be served

following it in the Aegean hall.

Now for our player of the

month: Effie Hallas

Effie has been playing Volley-

ball at our church for 5 years and

loves it! Effie has cultivated great

friendships with her teammates.

Effie currently attends St Cathe-

rine of Siena School and will at-

tend Trumbull High School Agri-

science Program in the Fall. She

plays Softball at the school as

well. Effie is very involved in our

community, belongs to the

GOYA/Olympians dance group,

attends Sunday school, and is ac-

tive in GOYA. Help us congratu-

late Effie this month!

Save the date: November 7,



Athletic Department by Chris Danas , Director

Page 8: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 8

F inally, Spring has arrived. It was a

brutal winter and we are all so very

happy it is over.

Our Greek School Department celebrated

Greek Independence Day with a program of

poems and songs recited and sung by the chil-

dren. Our Parish, of course, participated in the

annual Greek Independence Day Parade held in New

York City. Congratulations to all those who marched and

chanted Zeto E Ellada.

At the March Presanctified Service held for the Sen-

iors, the Fasoulada Luncheon served after Service was

prepared and served by Helen Spyrou, Maria Tatalias,

and Christine Hatzis. Eleftheria Fatsis donated the bread

and fruits. It was delicious. Ladies, thank you

Many thanks to Evangelia Exis, Angela Markos, and

Kathy Yiannoulis for preparing the Cross tray for the

Sunday of the Holy Cross.

It was so nice to have the children from St. Basil Acad-

emy recently visit us and have lunch with us, served by

the Philoptochos at their recent Lenten Luncheon, pro-

ceeds of which went to Hellenic College/Holy Cross.

Gifts were distributed to the children as, due to the in-

clement weather, we never made it to St. Basil Academy

for Christmas.

Congratulations to Gus and Christine Vlastaris on the

birth of their 3rd grandchild, a baby girl, Sophia, born to

their daughter Vickie and Jason Hoffman. Brother David

eagerly awaited his baby sister's arrival. Na sas zisse.

Congratulations to Tom Johnson on his recent

retirement. We wish Tom many years ahead on

his retirement plans filled with good health and

good times as he enjoys his leisure days.

We congratulate Manny Andriotis, son of Vicky

and George Andriotis, on being selected Athlete

of the Month during the month of February. Proud grand-

parents are Helen Spyrou and Mr. & Mrs. Demitrios An-


Belated birthday greetings to Megan Bochanis, who

recently celebrated her 40th birthday at a fun- filled sur-

prise birthday party. We wish Megan many more years of

good health. We also wish Dee Kiriakopoulos happy

birthday as her sisters Melpo and Jennie prepared a sur-

prise birthday party for her. We wish Dee many more

Happy Birthdays.

Perastika to Gus Agortsas, following his recent sur-


The Community would like to express their deepest

sympathy to Stella and George Capiris on the loss of their

beloved son, George Thomas, to AlicjaLoukrezis and

family upon the death of her brother in Florida, to

Christine Hatzis and family upon the death of her brother

in New York, to the family of Paul Meropoulos upon his

recent death, to the family of Vasilios Zargos upon his

recent death, to the family of Anna Manolis upon her re-

cent death, to the family of Maria Nakis upon her recent

death. May all of their Memories be Forever Eternal.

Around the Parish by Stella Capiris

O ur Sunday School had a

very busy March. We have

been working on the Parish

Oratorical speeches. The Students

really worked hard with their

teachers. The results of the

Oratorical will be in the next


We had our first ever "lock

down" overnight Lenten retreat on

March 27th. All the children

enjoyed discussions with 2

Seminarians from Holy Cross. Fr.

Romano from St Nicholas also

aided Fr. Andreas with Confession

for all the children.

PTO also provided a wonderful

dinner & breakfast. I thank all the

parents who stayed and helped as


I am very proud of all the

Sunday school children for being

involved and putting 100 % into

the Sunday school.

Kali Anastaci!

Sunday School by Tom Hallas, Director

Page 9: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 9

He was pierced with a spear Who is the Son of the Virgin...

W e would like to wish

everyone a blessed

Easter celebration! The

Daughters of Penelope have

been busy with our Acts of

Kindness. We completed our a

one-day Pet Food and a toiletry

drive for the Center for Family

Justice Other drives are also

being planned so as to continue

our Acts of Kindness through the year.

We are continuing our outreach with the Trumbull

Gardens Community Alliance and are looking forward

to this month’s event. April’s will feature a farm food

and garden theme and will be looking towards the

opening of the community garden next door to Trumbull

Gardens. More information to come.

The group will be looking to expand its outreach into

the community with further participation with the

Council of Churches and Under the Bridge.

Look out for our annual Spring Raffle supporting our

scholarship fund. We will be raffling ten gift cards to

local grocery stores just in time for the Easter holiday!

The gift cards are valued at $25 and $50 each. Each

ticket is only $1 with the winners to be drawn on April

5th (Palm Sunday).

We are already planning our Mother’s Day Flower.

Gift and Sale! Please mark down the dates and refer to

our flyer! Penelope’s Café will be back again!

Our next meeting will be on April 22nd at 7 pm.

Please join us!

Please visit us at

daughters.html. Our chapter email is

[email protected].

Lastly, ―Like‖ us on Facebook at Daughters of

Penelope - Bridgeport "Hermes" Chapter 41, District 7.

Please consider being a part of our group. We would

love to have you!

Daughters of Penelope by Kathy Yiannoulis , President

S now! Snow! Snow! It

feels as if the choir was

on hiatus with snow-

storms on Sundays and Tuesdays.

Practicing the music for the Lenten

and Easter holidays is like the rob-

in, a sure sign that spring is on the


This is one of the busiest and

holiest of the holidays for the

choir, especially Holy Week, as we

are an integral part of the Pascha

services. The beautiful Kassiani,

sung on Holy Tuesday, is one

hymn that should never be missed.

On Good Friday, the choir leads

the procession of the Epitaphio

around the church while singing

Axion Estin. This is then followed

by Saturday night’s Christos Anes-ti. Easter is the biggest holiday of

the year in that in brings much of

our community together in wor-


This, now, is a good time to re-

emphasize that we would love to

have interested singers join us in

the choir loft. Rehearsals are on

Tuesday nights 6-8 pm and occa-

sionally on Saturday mornings 9-

11 am. Come join the fun while

we sing God’s praises.

NOTE: You may find it inter-

esting to know that National Forum

of Greek Orthodox Church Musi-

cians is on Facebook. To connect

t o i t , g o t o h t t p s : / /

w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m /

National.Forum and sign up for

Facebook today. This site would be

of interest to both choir members

and to members of the community,

especially young people that are

represented on Facebook.

Choir by Carol Vaniotis

Page 10: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 10

M arch has not been bad weather-wise, despite

its reputation as Μάξηεο Παινπθνθάθηεο (so

far of course) ! Hopefully, it will continue

like that until its end.

In March, we have almost all the salutations of Virgin

Mary and the Annunciation - the day that Archangel

Gabriel told Mary she will bear a child, the son of God,

the Messiah .

April is the month during which we, usually, cele-

brate Easter. After Saturday of Lazarus, when we cele-

brate the great value of love to a friend, comes Palm

Sunday - the Ωζαλλά, "έλα μερείιηζκα ςπρήο πνπ

δεηάεη ιύηξσζε, ζσηεξία from our Savior.‖ "You are

our Messiah, our King, our Savior - we have been wait-

ing so long for You ! " So, the Passion of Jesus Christ

starts . The week of Passion is the most important week

for us Orthodox Christians. Our religion, the religion

of Love, walks in front of our own eyes .

I still remember, when I was a little girl, going to the

Church with my grandma on Holy Thursday and waiting

to hear: "ήκεξνλ θξεκάηαη επί μύινπ ν ελ ύδαζη ηελ γε

θξεκάζζαο...," and immediately , my mind would go to

the great injustice done to an innocent man. A man

who did nothing wrong. A man who taught and gave

love to all mankind and, yet, a man crucified together

with criminals who deserved to be punished for their

terrible crimes. They crucified Whom? Jesus Christ ?

The real sinner was Adam - not Jesus. Adam should

be the one on the Cross and not Jesus, who came to

save us from our sins - the man who took up on Himself

the responsibility to save us from the original sin. This

Innocent Man accepted to have such a horrible death

for our innumerable sins! For this reason, on Holy

Thursday when we hear " ήκεξνλ

θξεκάηαη .........Today is hung upon the Cross." We

should ask Jesus Christ to forgive us for what we, the

humans, did to Him and for the sins we commit. We

must show to Him with our actions in our lives, our

gratitude for his sacrifice in order to save us and give us

eternal life.

Good Friday is the day of the great battle and the

great Victory - the battle of Light against the darkness,

the Truth against the lie, Love against hate, Kindness

against badness (θαθία). In other words, Jesus Christ

against evil. Life against death. Good Friday is the day,

when evil through its instruments, managed to crucify

Jesus Christ. Evil's victory though was short lived, be-

cause Jesus Christ through His death and His Resurrec-

tion in three days, defeated evil and saved the humans,

giving them eternal life instead of eternal death. Next

comes ην Πάζρα Κπξίνπ (Easter ) - the greatest celebra-

tion of our Church. The hymn "Christ is Risen" being

sang by everybody in the crowd. Our Lord's Resurrec-

tion from the dead proves and declares that Jesus Christ

is the One and Only Son of God. Those who believe

and follow Him, become children of God and Resurrec-




Υξόληα Πνιιά ζηνπο Αλαζηάζεδεο θαη ηηο

Αλαζηαζίεο, ηνπο Γηώξγεδεο θαη ηηο Γησξγίεο , ηνλ

Θσκά θαη ηελ Θσκαή.

We continue to collect food and clothes for the poor.

We never stop. Last month we distributed coats for

adults and children. We give food almost every month

to Rescue Mission - the organization through which we

feed the poor. For Easter, we will visit nursing homes,

shut-ins, homes both Greek and American. We send do-

nations to organizations such as the Ronald MacDonald

House, Autistic Children, hospitals like St Jude's for

children with cancer , St Basil's Academy, St Michael's

Home for the Elderly, National Philoptochos, District

Philoptochos, our Holy Trinity Church, and others.

Please donate as much food as you can to feed the poor

through the Food Bank. At Christmas time we gave

them 672 pounds of food ! Let's try to raise it to 1000

pounds for Easter !

Thank you all, for your trust, your generous donations

and your continuing support. God bless you for your

generosity to less fortunate brothers and sisters of ours.

On April 14th, 2015: Board meeting will take place

at 6 PM and our Regular one at 7 PM the same day.

Please, place your orders early for the Easter Bake Sale

(sale dates: Saturday of Lazarus and Palm Sunday).

Call Kalliope Tsitsipas at (203) 926-0137 or the

Church's Office at (203)374-5561 or Lena Protopapas

at (203)929-1582. Thank You.

Festival of Tables: May 1st , 2015. For more infor-

mation call the chairpersons: Maria Matsikas at (203)

268-2788 and Jenny Daniolos at (203)925-1279. Thank


Philoptochos by Lena Protopapas , President

Page 11: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 11

We worship Thy Passion, O Christ. ..

S pring is finally here,

the snow is starting to

melt, and we are mid-

way into Lent. All games,

both basketball and volley-

ball are done. Congratula-

tions for the magnificent job

all the coaches did with our

players this year again, but

most of all, congratulations

to all the players for having a very good season. Even

though none of our teams won championships, they

came very close. Good job!

This past week the Ladies of Philoptochos prepare a

wonderful lunch Kalamari stifado while students from

Saint Basil Academy visited. Thank you to PTO for

collecting gifts for all those students visiting.

By now, the overnight lockdown our Sunday school

is having is well behind us. March 25th is Greek Inde-

pendence Day. It's one more year we have a full bus

going down to New York City on March 29th to cele-

brate the parade. Our children from Sunday school

and Greek school are participating in the March down

Fifth Ave. On Saturday of Lazarus, we are having an

Easter egg hunt with a surprise guest, our most antici-

pated Easter bunny. Photos with the Bunny will be

available that afternoon. Thank you again to all our

Seniors for so graciously preparing the palms for Palm

Sunday. This is such a busy time during Holy Week.

It's a time we decorate and clean the church in antici-

pation of our Lord’s resurrection and in anticipation of

Pascha. Its a time for all of us to join together and

pray contribute and celebrate towards our traditions as

we plan for our annual Lenten events. Donor directed

donations for our Epitaph flowers, decorations for our

church, altar candles etc... are greatly appreciated dur-

ing these holiest of times.

It would be great to break bread all together on

Palm Sunday, the fish luncheon we traditionally host.

Lets not forget that after Anastasi, we are serving ma-

giritsa in the Aegean room with red eggs and tsou-

reki , as we do every year.

Also, I would like to thank our Parishioners for

their quick response, the flow of stewardships has

been great and is much appreciated. Please keep them

coming, as they are greatly needed.

Ε πηηέινπο ε Άλνημε

έθηαζε, ην ρηόλη

αξρίδεη λα ιηώλεη

θαη είκαζηε ζην κέζν ηεο

Μεγάιεο αξαθνζηήο.

Σειείσζαλ όια ηα παηρλίδηα,

κ π ά ζ θ εη θ α η β ό ι ε τ .

πγραξεηήξηα γ ηα ηε

ζαπκάζηα δνπιεηά πνύ

έθαλαλ νη πξνπνλεηέο κε

ηνπο παίθηεο καο απηή ηε ρξνληά, ζπγραξεηήξηα ζε

όινπο ηνπο παίθηεο. Μπξάβν!

Σελ πεξαζκέλε εβδνκάδα, νη θπξίεο ηεο

Φηιόπησρνπ πξνεηνίκαζαλ έλα ππέξνρν γεύκα

«θαιακάξη ζηηθάδν» ελώ καο επηζθέθζεθαλ ηα παηδηά

από ηελ Αθαδεκία ηνπ Αγίνπ Βαζηιείνπ. Σν ΡΣ0 καο

ηνπο έδσζε ηα δώξα ηνπο θαη ηνπο επραξηζηνύκε

πνιύ. Μέρξη ηώξα ε νινλύθηηα αθνινπζία ησλ

παηδηώλ ηνπ Καηερεηηθνύ έθηαζε ζην πέξαο.

Ζ 25 Μαξηίνπ εκέξα ηεο Διιεληθήο Αλεμαξηεζίαο,

Έρνπκε ήδε γεκίζεη έλα ιεσθνξείν γηα λα

παξειάζνπκε, θαηεβαίλνληαο ζηε Νέα Τόξθε ζηηο 29

Μαξηίνπ. Σα παηδηά καο, δάζθαινη θαη γνλείο ζα

παξειάζνπλ ζηελ 5ε Λεσθόξν θέηνο.

άββαην ηνπ Λαδάξνπ, πνπ δηεμάγνπκε ην

Παζραιηλό θπλήγη κε ηα παζραιηλά απγά θαη κε ην

παζραιηλό ιαγνπδάθη. Μπνξείηε επίζεο λα πάξεηε

Φσηνγξαθίεο κε ην ιαγνπδάθη εθείλν ην απόγεπκα.

Δπραξηζηώ όινπο ηνπο ειηθησκέλνπο καο ελνξίηεο

γηα ηελ πξνεηνηκαζία ησλ Βαΐσλ, γηα ηελ Κπξηαθή

ησλ Βαΐσλ. Όινπο όζνπο βνήζεζαλ γηα ηελ

θαζαξηζκό, ηελ δηαθόζκεζε θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηνπ

ρξόλνπ θαη εηδηθά ηελ Μεγάιε Δβδνκάδα θαη Πάζρα.

Δπίζεο επραξηζηνύκε όινπο γηα ηηο δσξεέο πξνο ηελ

Δθθιεζία καο γηα ηα ινπινύδηα ηνπ Δπηηαθίνπ,

ιακπάδεο, θεξηά θαη άιιεο δσξεέο.

Όπσο είλαη ε παξάδνζε-Διάηε όινη καδί ζην γεύκα

ηνπ ςαξηνύ ηελ Κπξηαθή ησλ Βαΐσλ κεηά ηελ

Δθθιεζία. Αο κελ μερλάκε όηη κεηά ηελ Αλάζηαζε ζα

έρνπκε θαη θέηνο όπσο θάζε ρξόλν ηελ

παηξνπαξάδνηε καγεηξίηζα, ην ηζνπξέθη θαη ηα

θόθθηλα απγά.

Δπίζεο, ζα ήζεια λα επραξηζηήζσ ηνύο ελνξίηεο

καο γηα ηελ γξήγνξε αληαπόθξηζή ηνπο, ηεο

Υξηζηηαληθήο Οηθνλνκίαο. αο επραξηζηνύκε πνιύ

θαη εθηηκνύκε ηελ πξνζπάζεηά ζαο.

Our Parish by Constantinos Vlamis , Parish Council President

Page 12: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

APRIL 2015 12

Show also unto us thy glorious Resurrection!”

A fter so much snow, we are

so happy to see the snow

melting and the sun

shining. We would like to thank

the guests that braved the inclement

weather and came out to the

Valentines/Apokriatiko Dance. The

night was fun and the music was

fantastic. Thank you to all involved

and Chrysoula Pertesis and

Kalliope Vlastaris for co-chairing

the event with me.

Kathari Deftera was, to say the

least, frigid outside. It was a bit sad

to not see the usual attendance, but

for those who did come out, it was

nice. We would like to say thank

you to the generous ladies of

Philoptochos for making fresh

laganes, as well as helping us out

and making the dough that the

Greek School youth used to make

their own laganes. Due to the cold

outdoors, the kids created arts and

crafts, kites and paper plate hats,

thank you to Sophie Hallas for

helping me that evening. On

Sunday of O rthod oxy, we

piggybacked with the AHEPANs

serving the children a lite breakfast

and the AHEPAns served the adults

a delicious Fasolada, which was

made by Jimmy Trimpalis and

Vangelis Gountas. This past

Sunday, we invited the Wishlist

recipients and Mr. Evan Whitson

from St. Basil Academy to join our

Parish for lunch, and to give them

the gifts collected. Our youth

joined them and enjoyed the lunch

and company. Thank you again

ladies of Philoptochos for working

together with us. It was a lovely

afternoon. The time has come

again; we will be mailing out the

Frontida College Care packages to

the fourteen recipients this year to

t h e y o u t h w h o r e c e i v e d

scholarships last year.

On March 29th, we will be

m a r c h i n g i n t h e G re e k

Independence Day Parade in NYC

as a group. We have reserved a bus

for the trip to the city.

Join us on April 4th for Saturday

of Lazarus. The children will

receive Holy Communion and

afterwards, they will have

breakfast. This year, we are serving

Waffles with different toppings.

Afterwards, we will have the

children make palms (using palm

fronds) as well as the Easter Egg

Hunt for the little ones. Let's see if

the Easter Bunny will be visiting

again this year. ;) Hopefully, the

weather will cooperate and egg hunt

and palm making will be held


We are having a movie night

―Night at the Museum‖ on April

16th at 6pm in the Aegean room

(see Maria Gountas for information

and rsvp) in conjunction with our

May 2nd trip to the American

Museum of Natural History and

then dinner at Dave and Busters. In

order to receive the discounted

price on trip, you must be a PTO

member. We are asking

prepayment for the trip as well. See

Faye Demestihas for inquiries.

We are selling beautiful

lambades or Easter candles again

this year.

On April 29th we will be making

Protomagies again this year. Please

bring in some fresh flowers. We

will be making individual ones to

bring home and one big one for the


If you have any ideas for end of

year dinner outing and end of the

year trip, please contact me.

If interested in running for the

PTO Executive Board for the next

Ecclesiastical year, please let me

know that way I can include your

name in the election roster. Would

love to hear from you, what a great

way to get involved, and keep

group refreshed, positive and


Our next meeting is on

Wednesday, May 6th at 5pm in the

double classroom.

PTO by Effie Vlamis, President

AHEPA by John Bochanis , President

T he Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA is currently planning a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Selma

March in which former Archbishop Iakovos participated. AHEPA, which was founded in Atlanta, Georgia and

in its early years was involved in opposing discrimination and promoting the assimilation of immigrants into the United

States. The 50th anniversary of the Selma March will provide a reminder to the community of the Hellenic participation

and support of the civil rights movement and continued fight of racial intolerance.

We also like to take this opportunity to thank our members who recently helped serve Fasolada after church.

If anyone is interested in joining AHEPA please contact one of our members or email us at

[email protected]. We meet once a month on the third Wednesday of the month.

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APRIL 2015 13

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis: Gianulis, Stephania. Journey Through Holy Week 1 Jan. 2008: 1. Print. GOARCH-DRE

Road to the


T he Jerusalem of the time

of Jesus has mostly been lost, but traditions

and archaeology help tell us roughly when

and where the events of Holy Week might have hap-

pened. Each of the four Evangelists tells the story of

Jesus Christ's last days in a slightly different order,

and the Church's schedule of services doesn't pre-

cisely follow Jesus in "real time." The timeline below

summarizes Jesus's last days from the entry into

Jerusalem to the resurrection. During the Gospel

lessons this week, listen for the places shown on the map.

Saturday In Bethany, about two miles from Jerusalem, Jesus raised Lazarus from the

dead. He stays there with His good friends.

Sunday Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph and drives the sellers from Temple. He

goes back to Bethany that night.

Monday Jesus returns to Jerusalem and teaches and heals there. He also encounters the

Pharisees and Sadducees.

Tuesday Jesus continues to teach in the Temple, drawing the anger of the Jewish leaders.

Wednesday A woman anoints Jesus with expensive perfume while He is at the house of Si-

mon the Leper in Bethany. Judas begins to plot to betray Jesus.

Thursday Jesus and His disciples share the Passover meal in the Upper Room and then

go to the garden at Gethsemane. There, Jesus is arrested and taken to back to the city, where

He is tried and beaten at the hands of the Sanhedrin (council of Jewish leaders).

Friday In the morning, the Sanhedrin turns Jesus over to the Romans. Jesus appears

before Pilate, who has Him flogged, mocked, and finally crucified. Jesus dies, and Joseph of Ari-

mathea places His body in the tomb; this is considered the first day in the tomb.

Saturday Jesus enters Hades and conquers death-second day in the tomb.

Sunday Jesus rises from the dead early in the morning, and the women find

His tomb empty—third day in the tomb.

Kids’ Corner

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Our Journey to Pascha is nearing its end!

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To order, please call either Holy Trinity—203.374.5561, Kalliope Tsistsipas at 203.926.0137, or Lena Protopapas at 203.929.1582 by March 30th. Pick up will be Saturday, April 4th from 10:30am and

1:00pm, and on Sunday, April 5th after services : 12:00pm to 2:00pm.


for Saturday of Lazarus

$1.00 each

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APRIL 2015 17




FISH Luncheon

$15.00 ADULTS $10.00 CHILDREN (under 12 yrs)


ALL ARE INVITED & WELCOME Reach out and Bring a Friend




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APRIL 2015 18






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APRIL 2015 21

hosted by the Ladies Philoptochos Society

An evening for the whole family For more information, please contact Maria Matsikas

at 203.268.2788 or Jenny Daniolos at 203.925.1279

In the Aegean Room at

Holy Trinity


May 1, 2015

Donation: $20

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APRIL 2015 24

Holy Trinity Greek

Orthodox Church


1. Athletic Committee Scholarship

2. Harriett Chirigos Memorial Scholarship

3. Georgia Demont/Pappas Scholarship for High School girls students

4. Georgia Demont/Pappas for women who are currently matriculated or

have been accepted as undergraduates or graduate College or university.

5. Pamela & Dean Hatzis Memorial Scholarship

6. Nicholas & Alexandra Keffas Memorial Scholarship.

7. Irene Mellas Memorial Scholarship

8. Philoptochos Scholarship

9. PTO Scholarship

10.Stavroula Rountos Memorial Scholarship

11.Petros Roussas Memorial Scholarship

12.Maria Skenderis Isola Memorial Scholarship

13. Frossie Trigonis Memorial Scholarship

14.Sophia Vlantes Memorial Scholarship




18. FORCC SCHOLARSHIP—For FORCC Scholarship Applications

Please call Eva Vaniotis @ 203-374-0013


SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS can be obtained at the Church Office.

Call at 203-374-5561.


invites you to our annual Spring Fling

Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:00 to 9:30 PM

Live…from Broadway to Bridgeport At United Congregational Church, 877 Park Ave, Bridgeport

Act I 6:00 Reception in Pilgrim Hall Featuring delectable appetizers & drinks

Act II 2015 Faith & Community Award Honoring Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Act III LIVE… From Broadway to

Bridgeport - R.E.S.P.E.C.T!! Broadway performers from The New Paradigm Theatre

Tickets are $65 per person. Order on line at

or Contact Chris @203-334-1121 ext. 243 [email protected]

Bring your own picnic-style supper & drinks To enjoy during the show

INVITE FRIENDS! fill a half or whole table(Tables seat 8)

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©2015 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design -Vicky Andriotis-3/16/2015

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature. ” Mark 16:15

Taki Angelopoulos 767-0783 Sylvia Bal 814-2131

Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452

Periklis Gountas 690-1765 Petros Karayiannis 631-258-3933

Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Pericles C. Rountos 268-7173

Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Constantinos Vlamis 268-5464 Nick Vlamis 459-0521 All are codes are 203, unless otherwise


Parish Council Newsletter Editor

Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff

Eleni Limberis Father Andreas

Vithoulkas Vicky Andriotis

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344



HOSPITAL MINISTRY S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

JR. CHOIR J. Bogardus 203-736-6501

MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-260-5359

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781

NURSING HOME MINISTRY S. Capiris 203-259-7334

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P. T. O. E. Vlamis 203-268-5464

pto@holytrinitybridgeport. org

PARISH COUNCIL Constantine Vlamis 203-268-5464

parishcouncil@holytrinitybridgeport. org


philoptochos@holytrinitybridgeport. org


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

publicity@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE T. Angelopoulos 203-767-0783

SENIOR CITIZENS V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

STEWARDSHIP Pericles C. Rountos 203-268-7173

Stewardship@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SUNDAY SCHOOL T. Hallas 203-522-5022

sundayschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org



V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ALTAR DIRECTOR P. Bozikis 917-692-2317

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

aroundtheparish@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR C. Danas 860-916-3777



BOOKSTORE V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

choir@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

culturalassociation@holytrinitybridgeport. org

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE K. Yiannoulis 203-372-6591

daughters@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

GOYA E. Demestihas 203-380-2923

C. Vlamis

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

greekschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E. Limberis 203-371-6305

greekschooldance@holytrinitybridgeport. org

Church Office

Eleni Limberis Email: Email@holytrinitybridgeport. org

Office: 203. 374. 5561 Fax: 203. 374. 5770 Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web -www. holytrinitybridgeport. org Bookstore Online -bookstore. holytrinitybridgeport. org

Shopping– shop. holytrinitybridgeport. org On Facebook—www. facebook. com/holytrinitybridgeport

On Twitter – www. twitter. com/holytrinitybpt

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter

fatherandreas@holytrinitybridgeport. org phone: 917-334-4192


Weekdays & Saturdays

Orthros 8:30 am / Liturgy 9:30 am

Sundays Orthros 8:45am/ Liturgy 10:00 am

Ώρες Λειτοσργίας Κσριακής ‘Όρθρος: 8:45 πμ / Θεία Λειτοσργία: 10:00 πμ

Page 27: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

DeJesus Dental Group Cosmetic, Family & Implant Dentistry

Pericles Rountos, D. M. D. General Dentist

T:(203) 372-1220 www. dejesusdental. com

F:(203)371-8540 4131 Main St. Bpt, CT

Commerce Hill Funeral Home 4798 Main St. Bridgeport , CT


Ronald J. Dougiello

Charles W. Dougiello David P. Dougiello

651 Villa Ave. Fairfield, CT 203-384-8176

www. androsdinerfairfield. com


MAHER & MURTHA LLC 528 Clinton Ave

Bridgeport, CT 06605

Phone: (203) 367-2700

Cell: (631)258-3933 PGK@maherandmurtha. com

MY SMILE Orthodontics Maria Karayiannis,DMD

865 River Road, Suite 307 Shelton, CT 06484

Phone: 203-538-5014 fax:203. 538. 5001

www. MySmileCT. com Maria@MySmileCT. com

Call the Office and place

your ad today! 203. 374. 5561

Tomlinson’s Restaurant 1400 Noble Ave, Bridgeport

Tel. 335-5296

Nicholas Vlamis Constantinos Vlamis- Owners

www. cactusrosecantina. com

5 River Road Wilton River Park

Wilton, CT 203. 762. 8484

PTO Easter Lambades /Candles On Sale through Easter

Page 28: The Orthodox Vision - April 2015 Issue #302

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Address Service Requested