the partnership instrument (pi) connecting european chambers sharing lessons learnt and new...

The Partnership Instrument (PI) CONNECTING EUROPEAN CHAMBERS Sharing lessons learnt and new challenges from EU Programmes 27 March 2015 1

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Page 1: The Partnership Instrument (PI) CONNECTING EUROPEAN CHAMBERS Sharing lessons learnt and new challenges from EU Programmes 27 March 2015 1

The Partnership Instrument(PI)

CONNECTING EUROPEAN CHAMBERSSharing lessons learnt and new challenges from EU Programmes

27 March 2015


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1. The world has changed: emerging economies (i.e. India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, etc) are playing an increasingly important role in world affairs, including in global governance , foreign policy, international economy and trade, multilateral fora and bodies (such as G-20) and in addressing global challenges.

2. Current instruments are limited in terms of geographical scope and activities covered;

3. The Partnership Instrument is the major innovation of the MFF external action package;


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4. This Instrument promotes EU interests worldwide in a flexible manner;

5. The Partnership Instrument is intended to support measures that respond in an effective and flexible manner to objectives arising from the Union's bilateral, regional or multilateral relationships with partner countries.

6. Budget for 2014-2020: € 954,8 M.


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General Principles of the Partnership Instrument→ The Partnership Instrument reinforces the EU as a political

player on the world scene. The PI will be underpinning engagement with EU Strategic partners and emerging economies.

→ Actions should preferably be linked to joint agreements, political declarations and action plans with third countries.

→ The FPI reports directly to the High Representative/Vice President of the Commission.


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General Principles of the Partnership Instrument

Foreign Policy Instrument



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General Principles of the Partnership Instrument

→ In the design of projects crucial attention is given to complementarity with other EU instruments, EU Member States bilateral initiatives. This comprehensive approach favour internationalisation of EU companies.

o Complementarity: with other EU programmes with an external dimension

(Competitiveness & SME, Horizon Research 2020 Framework programme, Migration Fund)

with other EU external instruments (DCI/GPGC, ENI, IPA) with other DGs (AGRI, DEVCO, REGIO, TRADE)


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Specific Objectives of the Partnership Instrument1. Addressing major global challenges and policy support

2.2. Implementing the Implementing the international dimension of the international dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy;Europe 2020 Strategy;

3.3. Improving Improving market access market access & developing & developing trade & business trade & business opportunitiesopportunities for EU companies through economic for EU companies through economic partnerships and business and regulatory cooperation;partnerships and business and regulatory cooperation;

4. Enhancing widespread understanding and visibility of the Union on the world scenes by means of public diplomacy, education/academic cooperation & outreach activities


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What are the main areas contributing to helping the internationalisation of EU businesses?

The Partnership Instrument will promote adherence to global standards by:

• Regulatory cooperation;

• Strengthening EU Market Access Teams;

• Fostering policy dialogue and technical assistance on key issues (i.e. Intellectual Property Rights);

• Promoting business cooperation, innovation and knowledge management.


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Types of Actions improving market access & developing trade & business opportunities (1/6)

Actions in ASIA1. The EU-China aviation cooperationObjectives: to complement and reinforce European aviation interests in China through increased and deepened EU-China aviation dialogues and technical cooperation/exchanges. We will promote the European aviation industry in a key growth market, contributing to a continued high level of aviation safety.


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Types of Actions improving market access & developing trade & business opportunities (2/6)

Actions in ASIA2. Gateway to China (pilot): Objectives: (i) promoting trade and business cooperation with China; (ii) assisting EU companies to create business links in China and (iii) assisting EU companies in gaining a better understanding of the local business culture, market rules and practices.Sectors: Organisation of business missions in the field of (i) environmental technologies or services; (ii) construction and green building technologies/materials and services; (iii) agro-food sector; (iv) services sectors to be open up by China to foreign companies, especially in the context of new Free Trade Zones development.Target : 200 EU companies


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Types of Actions improving market access & developing trade & business opportunities (3/6)

Actions in ASIA3. Gateway / EU Business Avenues in South East Asia: Objectives: similar as other Gateway - Support trade and investment with Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam and possibly other South East Asian countries – decision on the roll out will be guided by the progress on the FTA agenda and an assessment of opportunities for smaller European businesses.Sectors: Organisation of business missions in the field of (i) energy, (ii) environment, and (iii) health technology.Target : 1000 EU companies


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Types of Actions improving market access & developing trade & business opportunities (4/6)

Actions in ASIA4. Green Gateway in South Korea: Objectives: (i) facilitate trade and business cooperation with Korea; (ii) assist EU companies, in particular SMEs, to create business links in Korea; (iii) assist EU companies in gaining a better understanding of the local business culture, market rules and practices.Sectors: Organisation of business missions in the field of Clean Technologies and products, equipment and services for: i) Environment and water; ii) Renewable energy and energy efficiency; iii) Construction and building technologies/materials.Target : 1000 EU companies


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Types of Actions improving market access & developing trade & business opportunities (5/6)

Actions in the AMERICAS5. Engagement with emerging economies in Brazil and Mexico on low carbon and clean energy Objectives: to facilitate cooperation between low carbon emission solution providers from the EU and local industrial partners. It will facilitate access of EU SMEs to these markets.Sectors: low carbon technologiesTarget : 120 cooperation partnership agreements between EU and Brazilian and Mexican companies, in particular SMEs.


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Types of Actions improving market access & developing trade & business opportunities (6/6)

CROSS-CUTTING actions6. Market Access and Trade & investment agreement negotiation and implementation facilityObjectives: to provide expertise to promote a secure environment for investment and business, including protecting IPR, tackling market access barriers, reinforcing regulatory cooperation, so as to promote opportunities for EU's goods and services.7. Pilot Public Procurement InitiativeObjectives: to assess the public procurement in 3 pilot countries: Brazil, India and Thailand. It will give inputs to the EU for the negotiations of trade and investment agreements.


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Lessons learnt of previous projectsWhat can the Chambers improve?

Generally•Chambers have difficulties to reach out companies which are not their members (i.e. fashion sector).In the European Union•For the promotion and recruitment of companies in Europe, it is important to reach all EU Member States, not only at national but at regional/local level;•Call for multidisciplinary and multicultural approach:

• Chambers can bring complementarity and a business angle in the project implementation;

• Chambers can bring complementarity at sectorial, national, and local levels together with other entities (i.e. associations, federations).


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Lessons learnt of previous projectsWhat can the Chambers improve?

In the Partner countries•How can a Chamber defend the interests of EU companies which are not yet present in a partner country 'market ? •For the provision of services to EU companies in the partner countries, it is important to address all EU companies, not only to Chamber's members; •Chambers' members in partners countries are mainly large companies, not SMEs;•90% of the EU growth will come from SMEs. Therefore it is essential that Chambers work with the objective to facilitate the access of SMEs in the partner country's markets by representing their views.


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Tendering process : DocumentsTransparency : Calls for tenders are published on DEVCO, FPI websites and in the Official Journal.

FPI website:

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What are your views and suggestions?