the paw print | june 2016

J U N E 2 0 1 6 PAW Print The Vol V | Issue I | Division 27 north

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Page 1: The Paw Print | June 2016



PAW PrintThe

Vol V | Issue I | Division 27 north

Page 2: The Paw Print | June 2016





My name is Justin Tyler Flores andI am BEARy pleased to serve as your new Division News Editor. This is my first year on the Division Leadership Team, and I’m super excited to kick off the new term! Firstly, I want to give you all a warm, Griz-zly welcome to the FIRST newsletter of this term! I hope you guys enjoy reading today’s issue of The Paw Print and upcoming issues in the com-ing months. Each issue will, more or less, include monthly updates upon our Division (D27N) as a whole, individual club reports, stupendous mem-ber recognitions, “My Key Club Story” articles, and MUCH MORE! Secondly, I want to thank everyone who submitted some FANTASTIC photos upon some-what short notice. You guys are suPAW great! Without further ado, continue on and enjoy the rest of this newsletter! Be on the lookout for The Paw Print around the 1st of every month.

Roarin’ with might,

Justin Tyler Flores D27N News Editor

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Table of ContentsEditor’s Message 2Table of Contents 3Sarah’s Roar 4Meet the New DLT 6DLT Introductions 8APRIL DCM/Banquet 14Event Recaps Pixie Woods Clean Up 16 Eliminate Week 17May Dcm 18Monthly Recognition 20Upcoming Events 22Grizzly COntacts 23

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Hey Grizzlies! Every month/week/day, we find our-

selves facing new hardships and difficul-ties in life. This month, I’d like to leave you

with this message: always persevere. If you end up giving up, so be it - as long as

you gave your all at some point and had a clear focus on succeeding, you did your

best and the outcome is for the best. Ev-erything that’s meant to happen will hap-

pen, but you have to put in the effort on your part. Keep this in mind during and af-

ter finals season, and good luck, Grizzlies!

Grizzly hugs and lots of love,

Sarah AhmedD27N Lt. Governer (Mama Bear)

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2 0 1 6 - 1 7D L T

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Hey Hey Hey! My name is Chanel Thach, and I will be serving as one of your Fall Rally North Spirit Task Coordinator for the 2016-17 term! I’m SO SO SO excited to be a big part of your guys’ Key Club experience because I’m ready to bring home that Spirit Stick for our division. I think being on the DLT will really help me in the long run, and from meeting everyone that is on the team right now, I already know that it’s going to be a good year. Mark my words, Grizzlies, but this is OUR year. It’s going to be a GOOD ONE.

Chanel Thach Spirit Task Coordinator


Hello D-27, D-27 North! My name is Daniela Medina and it’s an honor to have been chosen as one of your Fall Rally North Spirit Task Coordinators! I am incredibly excited for the upcoming year as I work alongside the rest of the Division Leadership Team. Hopefully my partner and I will lead this division to bring home the spirit stick at Fall Rally North. Until that time, I hope to see you all at service and spirit events! Without this division’s dedication and passion for service, my job would lack the significance it holds in my heart. We have our spirit events as celebrations of service already completed, celebrations of a family brought together by a common goal, and as a means to further current efforts to improve the lives of others. Fall Rally North is a testament to this and I hope to do this event and you, the division I serve, the justice it deserves. On a lighter note, stay on the lookout for new and improved spirit gear in the months leading up to Fall Rally North! I wish you all the best rest and relaxation during your summer! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Daniela MedinaSpirit Task Coordinator


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Hello! It Me! My name is Kyra Chhiu-Lim and I will be serving as Division 27 North’s Service Projects Task Coordinator for the 2016-2017 term. Throughout my Key Club experience, I have gained inspiration, support, and strength from not only friends and family, but from people I’ve met through this club. Every experience I’ve had from meetings and socials to service events has helped me grow and learn. It is an honor to have the opportunity be able to serve the Division once again - from a different position and per-spective! I have had the opportunity to serve Key Club on a club level and Division level - and a new year brings new experiences and new challenges. I am glad to again serve and be a trustworthy aid to the Division and Lieutenant Governor. In this term, I hope to further my growth as a Key Clubber and a person and to continue to meet new people and create long lasting memories. I am thrilled to see what new obstacles awaits for the Division! :-)

Kyra Chhiu-Lim Service Project Task Coordinator

Hey Guys! I’m Marciano Lua, the new Technology Task Coordinator!!!!! I can’t begin to express how thrilled I am to be working with the new Division Leadership Team of the 2016/2017 Key Club Term. Part of my job is to run the division website and one of my goals for this term is to get members to regularly check up on this. I will try my hardest to keep it updated and easy to use. While doing this, I’ll try my best to keep members updated on division information by also regularly sending out Remind 101 texts. I can’t wait to go on this journey with Division 27 North’s AWESOME MEMBER’S!!!!

Marciano LuaTechnology Task Coordinator



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Hey Grizzlies! I’m Dalton Dequit and I’ll be serving as one of the Division Media Task Coordia tors. Honestly becoming a part of the Division Leadership Team has been my dream since freshman year, ever since I joined Key Club. I saw how the team has had such an integral role in how the division works and I wish to be a contributing part of that legacy in this term. As a Media Task Coordinator I hope to get word out about Key Club events through various outlets of social media so no Grizzly would feel that they aren’t in the know. I also hope to make this term as lit as possible and to make your Key Club experience the best!

Dalton DequitSocial Media Task Coordinator

Ayeee! My name is Kevin Tran and I am really looking forward to being one of the two Social Media Task Coordinators, and a part of the 2016-2017 Division Lead-ership Team. My goal for the year is to keep the division updated with future events and hope-fully increase member involvement within the or-ganization . As well as being someone that new members can look up to and rely on if they need anything. Overall, I am excited to start the new Key Club year as one of the Social Media Task Coordinators and hope to make this year lit!

Kevin Tran Social Media Task Coordinator

Hello! Hello! I’m Kim Hoang and I am very honored to be part of D27N’s 2016-2017 Division Leadership Team, even more so as the Member Recognition Task Coordinator. I’ve been dedicat-ed to Key Club prior to high schooll, thanks to my cousin who introduced me to such a loving, community-based club. Starting as the average member, to being freshman rep, to being secre-tary on the board, to being on DLT. Getting this far brings me great fullfilment. I’m more than ecstatic to what the future has to hold for DLT and D27N, itself. I’m happy to say that I’m blessed with an amazing leadership team and a wondourous dicvision.

Kim HoangMember Recognition Task Coordinator


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Hey Hey Grizzlies! My name is Cathlyn Pham and I am honored to say that I will be serving as your Pediatric Trauma Program Task Coordinator for the 2016-2017 term! I hope to not only raise awareness and contributions for pediatric trauma, but also to educate people on the serious need of education and training for these unintentional traumatic injuries. I am super grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Division Leadership Team and can’t wait for the GRRRReat term ahead of us!

Cathlyn PhamPediatric Trauma Program Task Coordinator

What’s Up 27 North! My name is Justin Tyler Flores and I am your Division News Editor for this year’s term (as you may have read in the Editor’s Message)! I am super stoked to be on the Division Leadership Team. It’s exciting to be able to work with some great people who have even greater hearts and a deeply-rooted passion for Key Club! Truly, this is the begin-ning of a BEARy awesome year! And yes, this is also the beginning of an extremely punder-ful term ;) get ready for some terrible puns, but also BEE prepared for pretty GRRRReat ones, too! Anyways, all jokes aside, I hope to keep you Grizzlies connected and informed through these monthly newsletters. My goal is to post a newsletter around the 1st of every month! The Paw Print will include Division 27 North updates, club updates, member recognitions, “My Key Club Story” articles, and so much more! So keep up with all the latest news and don’t be left feeling sePAWrated from the sleuth (yes sleuth, it’s the terminology for ‘a group of bears’) with The Paw Print!!

Justin Tyler Flores Division News Editor

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Helllllloooooo! My name is Teresa Tran and I am super excited to be an Execu-tive Assistant on this year’s Division Leadership Team! Since my freshman year, my passion for Key Club grew and I have yearned to become a bigger part of it! I am so happy to be appointed the position of EA because the idea of being able to help, motivate, and lead more people makes me cry tears of joy. It will be an exciting journey to be on DLT and I am eager to experience it! I look forward to meeting you all and getting to build new relationships with you. This year is going to be very GRRReat! I can't wait to work alongside the DLT and LTG, Sarah, to make your Key CLub experience unforgettable.

Teresa TranExecutive Assistant

Hello Division 27 North! My name is Derek Liu and I am very excited to be serving as one of two Executive Assistantsfor the 2016-2017 term. This position means a lot to me because it is the next step in my Key Club Experience which van only lead to higher goals for the future. Alongside my fellow Division Leadership members and LTG, Sarah Ahmed, I can see a spectacular year of hard work, achievements, and life long memories to be made! Let's Go Grizzlies!

Derek LiuExecutive Assistant


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Hello Hello, Grizzlies! My name is Sarah Ahmed, and I serve as Lt. Go ernor of Division 27 North for the 2016-2017 term. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to serve this division alongside the Division Leadership Team; they are some of the most driven, dedicated, passionate Grizzlies I've met and I'm sure they won't disappoint. I hope that you all grow closeand truly feel the sense of Ohana that Key Club brings! The Division Leadership Team and I welcome you to accompany and support us in leading the division. I truly want this term to be one of growth, opportunity, and new experiences, so please don't hesitate to approach us if you want to devel-op your own leadership abilities. I'll see you soon, Grizzlies, and I hope you summer starts off well!

Sarah AhmedLieutenant Governor

2016 - 2017

Division Leadership


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As a senior, my final key club banquet was a great experi-ence as I was able to reflect on all of the achievements and accomplishments key club has had for the past year. I real-ized through the speeches of the immediate past LTGs and LTG elects that key club has played such a massive parts of their lives. Their speeches were nothing short of touching.

Though the banquet ran out of food, most of the people had a good time catching up with friends that they only see through Key Club, especially the graduating seniors. It was great seeing every-one excited and proud of all the awards won by different clubs. The banquet was a very great way to end my four years of Key Club!

Abby Lok | TokayApril 29, 2016

And That's A Wrap

APRIL DCM / Division 27 North & SoUTH BANQUET

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APRIL DCM / Division 27 North & SoUTH BANQUET



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On April 16th, 2016, SECA helped volunteer at Pixie Woods near Louis Park from 8 AM to 11 AM. This service event mainly had volunteers from Division 27 South, as well as some Division 27 North members. We were first sent to the back of the park to gather around to get water and donuts before dividing up different tasks. The coordinator had a stack of different assignments with a list of items to get, what to do in that specif-ic area, and how many people were needed for the certain assignment. I was assigned to a carousal clean up, and I had to gather a group of people who were from Stockton Collegiate to help me. We gathered up items such as brooms, wash cloths, buckets of water and soap, and went to the area that we were assigned. We started by sweeping all of the debris and spider-webs, then moved to washing the carousal until it was debris and spider free. Since our group finished early, we were able to help another group plant flowers in a garden across the carousal. It was a bit chilly at first, but as the day continued, it eventually got warmer. Over-all, I enjoyed my first experience volunteering at Pixie Woods, and I would definitely come back next year.

Pixie Woods Clean UpRosanna Oung | SECAApril 16, 2016


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To raise awareness for The Eliminate Project–– a project devoted to eliminate maternal and neo-natal tetanus–– BC Key Club spearheaded Elim-inate Week at Bear Creek High School in the week before Mother’s Day, May 2nd to 6th. We informed all members to partake into this funding project by offering even a penny of their change. The total amount we gathered totaled up to be $33.43. GRRRRRRReat job BC Key Club Grizzlies!

Gian Carlo Baldonado | Bear Creek May 2 - 6, 2016

eliMiNaTe WEEK


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MAY DCM: Grizzlies, FIRE It Up!


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MAY DCM: Grizzlies, FIRE It Up!


GRILLS & THRILLS Justin Tyler Flores | MCHSMay 21, 2016On May 21, 2016, we had our May DCM which was loads of fun! We started off with an intersting ice breaker called "Baby, I Love You!" and then began our division service event. It in-volved members decorating the bottom of children's socks with Puff Paint, which would act like the sticky bottoms of non-slip socks. They were intended for the young patients at The Children's Hospital, to decrease the chance of a terrible ac-cident occuring from a simple slip. It's cool to do something fun, while also helping out a cause that could potentially save a child's life! So overall, the May DCM was a fun, social outlet and creative service event for everyone who attend-ed! Can't wait for the next DCM in June, which is an Officer Training Convention with both Division 27 North and South!

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Off cer of the Month

Member of the Month

Janmarie BongcaronCesar Chavez | Sophomore


MAY 2016

Abygail PhanvongsaMcNair | Junior


Club of the Month

Kiwanis of the Month

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Off cer of the Month


Club of the MonthStockton Early College Academy

Kiwanis of the Month

Faculty Advisor of the Month

Mr. Patrick Anthony McNair

Ms. Sharon KellySECA

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Sacramento State CKI: Key to College

10AM - 4Pm at Sac State Registration ends - June 4, 2016 at 11:59 Pm

D27 North & South Officer Training Conference

11AM - 3:30Pm at SJDC (address below) pre register - $5 / At the door - $7

(to pre register visit: )

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Grizzly contacts

Lieutenant GovernorSarah Ahmed

[email protected]

Executive AssistantDerek Liu

[email protected]

Executive AssistantTeresa Tran

[email protected]

News EditorJustin Tyler Flores

[email protected]

Spirit Task CoordinatorDaniela Medina

[email protected]

Spirit Task CoordinatorChanel Thach

[email protected]

Service Project Task CoordinatorKyra Chhiu-Lim

[email protected]

Technology Task CoordinatorMarciano Lua

[email protected]

Membership Recognition Task CoordinatorKim Huong

[email protected]

PTP Task CoordinatorCathlyn Pham

[email protected]

Social Media Task CoordinatorDalton Dequit

[email protected]

Social Media Task CoordinatorKevin Tran

[email protected]

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thank you for reading!





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