the people's widen,€¦ · ll«vin^a largt »t*k of !/*«, w« air pre. |»ared tat«'l...

WE ABB HAVkSP! :tjrers^sarz In there in »•» Uilng» whlsh we can r*g ^ amon* which la, sud net Hi leeatef tbsat, 'he ( jnojr OHVM noic or W. W. McCAMMON A 00-i u-.ler. la aad Btmiderd MBDICINBS, FEBFIMBRY, .ma, PAINT*, he partlcmlei attention Mien to campoeadlag Pre- a/rytMis. Bene bet "*•' legiadleale will * Ho, gt Brady rt.,1 above Peel OSes; JunSdU Defanpget, tow* TRUSSES, - for the eooceesfnl treatment hfJHerhla or Baituree that may be worn with tur and nmforl. The uhecriber hil ilvtn on html * larxe a«eoi luteal of Trowi, embracing the moot compete Tirlrty tr»r eAwl. He |wlm <»rr ol adjustment to all applleaarte,' *l«o tor MM Hu-l'-n"*? hn4m«, tliillr MmtMa, Self-lnject- I ran *rrlnge» Briema^ < lut sad innw< makers. dtf VSASi II IAI o»v, Apothecary. J ITBIN "S IIIIHIi br the haodkerchlef, wsr- j rant J |i*naf it, CMnUotly on baud and fcr eaieby •ttl PRAM II JACOBV, Apothecary. MVMNIt. ADOOn 10, Hir. AURKTS Fft VffKli MMdUT. Mir.nt-VMkiT M WNk» nr. Bsw TOM4. M -TlecherOaua k (ki ^ - & * H AZIN B )«4 r«e|v«l by li^rw f >»ai the maoafe* tur> is forth* car* and preva» Bum of(h%|pi*4 haiul* A fur MU dlf y»ANi|iJii-oiv, ipotlmry. MHH BRKT8' lltero-At«domlrtelflopporter, %jOr invented by Mr*. (Wrah Belt*, Philadelphia, highly iwu umeod<d by |h«* Medcal Fatally, as l»-lnR thabe>t Instrument of the Bind. I^jf aale by dtf FRA*<'N JA< NUT, APOTHAONRY. TA1LOK4 B1LLORD, m •» KR CMJRE Mir- sr.eoNI) STRUCT. WHOLCIAI.C ANNNCTAII NCIIXM IW Drags, Medicines, Cbestfeals, PAIN rs, OILS, DYE FFL UFF8, WIN DOW OXiAMH ferfiimrry, fancy Jtriiclta, Surgical iBMtiueBU, I MINERAL TKETH, AC. , RKRI call the sttentlon of the •lie In their |,rew nt large sick of roods, . Ii they aie lAittfl Ii ut < anuot be surpess«l, i in i|iiallty, »uil which w Mil j\. t .<nt nt tin '/ <>fa he t<i'nr<I iu thr ('iffI. Particular attention will he 1-al'l to .beoumpoand- 1 t>K ft lilYSK'IANN PKKSCUIPTK»NS and family mfriictaes, and the public are assured that !»<>:..• t'ut tbe bent end ( ureal Drugs will ba u»ed f u tlfir a ration. manh'itltf ^ MpiritN of^Turpeatine, iaatpheae A M '-OHnU I. A HI) O! I-, U NHBBD OIL, F1S1 OIL* A>«av» OD !>an*l. Alao I'ainlx, llr> mill in Oil, Willi i; LhAD, WINDOW liLAr*, and V AllNI^IIKSuf aU dines. Or-trr-* l >r »il arlicl-a in -ui ;iu>: prmn|t4iy filled Julyitdtf TATlX>HFC BAI.U>KU. Tr M HH e H, SunpeiiHury liiiixlu^iw, SlioiiMer liwcs, 11.-1. Birrs- i THKd-AhiMiMiNAi. snri'OR- TBR.S HRIaK INJKCTiNti .SVKIN'OBS of the * X m-TuS' 4 kuid. AU ' iKKAHT rmrB kc, Kc. TAYLOR A. BAI.I.ORO, .1 ivl'tltl 10 1,<- i aire Row, 91 »t. M LUMIiKU. LIMBER! LUMBER! AT CffNNOH A* I , RINRH"H Steam, Saw A Plaiaiag Mills ANIi Door Sash & BIM I'actor r. The Lowest Mills on Secoai St., AND Thr Largest Lnaber lard la Da- veaport. it hm aurtmont of; ttuihliug mWaleriat) ev<*r «*U> r««l Ui Oaveu{H'rt. Coii^ialtiig ol •ill* (MM) r«**t Franili>(f Timber of every (1lmen»lof). IMI.IKM) *' s**ftMined Flouritm, roogh and dratuwd. liXHRKJ " Hani Ho«i«lilfru(u l'i to M feet loug. 44W,<NIU " Fenoinf. Ml IMM " SlM'aUnitg. *iU.uoo •' »>dliig F'-alb<*r-edKe<1, And H iicb,of vanoun (lualUi^n. li>0,0»M) »• Clear Lumber for flnlablng, of arery thickoeH#. 80AtnO» " Cut Shlnglrf. " No. I, Sbavt^l Shlnflea. »• Saw. »l M 70I».INR) •« lAth. IU.UUU '• 1'icketf. ALftO, A Urg - * a««nrtm'nt o* k*>r», Sa»h, Blind*, Wii <l»w «ti<l |>i«»r Kran>t>1 Mr HJliig anil Ht roll wrk of I'vrry variety an<l<<f Hi' ' *-t su ihu , oonatantly un iian.l. and maoufa« tun » < r<l r at tb« ahorteat liotkv. ll«vin^a largt »t*k of !/*«, air pre. |»ared t<» fill (or an-1 Timber, twltlt th<- ulini>at illai>at«'l 9 CANON It F&BNOH. itoaylltD JAMES M.CANNON, Dealer la Lunber, Skiagle§ aid 1. Kill, KOI (.11 ANI> DUKSSEK, Flooring, Barn Boardu, t EM IKIl riCKKTh, UOOD, Ac., South Kali Road (Fifth) atn*4, l<rt«e«a Weitarn Avtuut auJ Ualae» itrwt. Julfl7<ltr J. W. MKIKHI.fe: Jk CO., UI:vkul IIKA1 KM IN Lwbfr, Lath, ShlBfflrs,Tinker, Acl < 'omrr CatMiI and Aotmi ttreelt, Cnu'AOO, ItXINOIS. O I K arr«i »meTiU arc onch aa to laanre at all tUaea a lull *<i|iply of th* 'Ulfinrnt qualltlea ot Clear Lumber, Joint and SeauUln« i>( all ».xea, audlaoctha, OoMaon l.uuibrr, I^tfa. BhlDflea, kc. Our flooring, •f Nnnrar and White Pine, *f al*ay» (land ready t.. roni)>ar* with any In thli markrt. * e In rite the ra l. and atirii' Ion o( all oiwit rr and other dealer, •o our mock on hand and facilities for aillsf order* and eontracte. aptdly J. W. 8KINKL1 * OO. LI MBER ! LUMBER !! r tl nbecrlben wonld reapeettally laform the boUdrrt of DaTmport and the yablle generaUy that ther keepoonetantly OB haw* at their Planing Mill, In Bock Ialand, corner of Rock Klver aa4 Waah- tnctoo .treeta. Seasoned floortnii and WMIn» and all > kladeof flnlahlns lumber of UM beat quality. Oall Hi aanlae tu atodbtloi* mckvlni «l»-wbere. i. A. BIDOISOV * OO. lobar M. INT-d 1 year Lumber: Lumber At the Rack Islaad Saw Mill* H AVING recrivTd a larfelanpplyof Lofla «• an aow nmnln( onr Mill day and night, and are prepared to receive orders tor all kinds oI Building and Framing Lumber, Latha, Shlngteaaad Fencing. All orders with which our Davenport r.ienda «ayfc- Tor u will he eiecnted with punctuality anddle^l^. MKAD, SMITH fc MABB. Ia<* Island. May SO. I* dU) CHIC A«O—MM " —W-l-l •T.tMIKl.i AfUl* tat UUk. . turn the Innwial 1 <ieM«nesJ Norel in all ita eUnh, and extr»- atdiaary in ita whob career, Mormon iam hM aaeiiied to be a ptoUcm be yood the Mgacity of the greateat and purest of our aitww. lugenioudy Mrnmaded by thoee who laid in ita councils, with metaphysics! assertion* of the abstract right of self-govern- ment, every remedial suggestion was abandoned in, until the present Administration came into power. The rt-medy which all men seem to arree updon is that which the Federal Exe- cutive will doubtless put into operation. The poisoned fruit has ripened, and is sbout to fall ; and at this moment an evil of the most gigantic proportions promises to subdue before the resolute purpose of the President, and the de- termined co operation which will at' tend the execution of that purpose.— The same energy which rebuked the Know Nothingism excesses in Wash, ington,- the same statesmanship which lias been applied to Kanaas,—will, we predict, prove to be equally ancceeaftil in Utah. Nor will the principal of popular sovereignty be violated in or- ler to bring about a consummation so Jevoutly to be wished. Troopa will be aent there, not to wage war against the deluded hordea in that farotf Ter ritory, but to sustain the laws, and en* courage those who, sick and disgusted with the horrid bestialities which there prevail, require the strong, sheltering arm ef the government to protect them. And if it should happen that in carry- ing out this design, the bold bad men who have reigned so long over their abject slaves should be summarily and effectually punished, we are free to say that public opinion will approve, and public gratitude acknowledge, the pat- riotic energy of the Administration in performing its whole duty. We con - leas our surprise when we see the gov eminent waiting for the man to coin* ilete this great and indispensable work, t is a field for the noblest ambition.— It in a field for the statesman and the Christian. Sonic such man should be mmcdiatcly instrumental in giving success to the policy of the Adminis* tration, and would thus win a crown richer than that " the liourbon lost." The fact that inany have shrunk from, and that some have failed in this task, only adds to the necessity for action, and will increase the glory that must rest around him who finally accom* plifihes it. We must have confidence that such a man will l>c found. Kach •risis produces its special hero. Kvery rave and startling emergency brings forth champions for the right, iliato* ry shows that as the chiefs who led in our councils and in our armies have successively departed the scene of hir inan action, others have come forward to till their place whenever grave pub- lic exigences demanded their appear auce. And so it be with Utah. Already our foreign enemies exult in the belief, and hope, that this is the wound for which there is no balm; that to effect a settlement of the Mormon troubles we have no principle in our Republican creed, which can be appli- ed with success. But the end will show that all such anticipations are vain, and that this great mystery, this enormous, revolting, debasing, dishon- orable, irreligious and immoral fanatic- ism, 'which has already ripened into open rebellion against the Government of the nation, will learn lessons of sub- mission, if not of decency. TNBUHA^UE. •awfceye Inanrance Cm, DAVBKfORT, IOWA. F\M<m at *o.»»ATMPoara BLOCK, m> \J Ohak»,ft«lh*r,Barrov* O^'i ~ mm *»«»*. DIRECTORS: J. M. D. Mnen Oea. L DiMipiit, P. Memln, Alfred Saodeis, Charles Le>a!le, C. 0. Parry. I. I' Deesaint, Jne. M. DaMI, a a. Woodward, Juki Omaa, i. W. Wiley, A. I. Barrow, D. L.Bharey. OFFICERS : I). r. DBSPAIMT, PreaMaat. OHAB. I,—I IS,Treasurer. •4*111. L. SliOBBT, Secretary. 4. a BAaaowa, i_ JAMBB M. DAI ZCLL, j "*• °*- •. a. WOOUWAB1), AxWt Sec'y. D, P. McKOOM, 0— awl Agent. This is a BoaM Oniaay. It taaaree •crlnalyely •a the sentasl plan. The etoek oenslats at premlimi nutee, aad there le now S7MS0 Hi Nd notrs In fos- seaMon of the Oomgany. All this pravetty can bo reached by pnna rrusa oar ewa Courts, and lore uBkra a suglcleal gnaraatg that the mem Den will raau inr the sum Insured In case of a lawe. This plaa of Insurance has mf Into general use In the extern rlitee. beeausf It oanMaee cbeepaess with eefrty, end ke*ye moaey clrcnlallsg at home that would otherwise be sent abroad. JulySSdAwtf MW" LIKE FATHKR, LIKE SON. W Henry Abbey and his father have both been sentenced to the Vermont State prison, for bigamy. The boy bad two wives, and hia governor six. There lias liecn ot late sn unusual inor ulity in the Senatorial body, amounting al- most to decimation. Out of the fifty-nine members of the Senate during the last Coir Kress, (there being vacancies from Iudiaua, Missouri and California,) no leas than Ave have already |«s»ed away, vie : Mesaers. Clayton, of Delaware; Bell, of N. Hampshire; A Jains, of Mississippi; Butler, of South Carolina, and Rusk, of Texas. This record is, we believe, without s parallel in the history of tt)« onuutry. ••• FAST I'RK B*.—St. 1'anl, Minnemta, is a fast place—that is, if we msy judge from the way tbsy elutrge for things. A party the other day had to pay $48 for the use of two coaches and a wagon to carry them und their baggage nine miles; and one gen tleman oriored |40 for a pair of horses and light buggy, to be gone only two days, but lu- was too low. To the Falls of St. Antho- ny, nine miles distsut. where stages run hourly, the price is #1, and no one things of putting on an opposition at such low prices. St. Paul, ai the present time, contains u po|>- ulation of 15.0U0. The |ieople don't seem to work much, but appear to get rich l>y " swapping jackets." Land that gives four mullen fetalks to the acre, aells for $100 an a.-re—the niullen stalk harvest bring fob lowed !>y a winter eight months long. IFA I.I\E IN WUE.IT.—The Rochester D«mo rrat of the 4th says: 1 Wc are informed that a Buffalo firm has just closed a contract tor the delivery of one hundred thousand bushels of Chicago spring wheat at a decline of about fifty cents from present prices. A large decline in Bresdstuffs is inevitable." ' * \9 LnmDer. Lath, SHINGLES, STATES, ETC., B.R. DEPOT SAW MILL, DAVENPORT ...... IOWA (FIMT MILL ASOVE TSE MISSISSIPPI BMMI,) BERWICK lb SON, PrspriMsn. IT1BK subscribers, desirous of dostuont their large X stoek of sll descriptions wf Lumber, before com- »enctng on their new stock of Logure oflbring grea Inducements topntrhaeois. All who are in want o Lumber, Lath, Stavea, ot Shinglee, are invited to QTimtno onr (took. dawtf UN WICK A SOW. OJFJE A C R E LOTS! IX M OCMMJrGMAJa. The •nbecrtber will sail at PUBLIC AUCTIOV •a Taeaiay, Uw tttfc of Aagut, JMVijmr, oaths gfsnlaas la the Tswn of Bock. Forty>flTe Oae Acre Loto. QKSIimiSNiMBviBni^aB man aENOTAL. I A. BBLIN, Insurance Agent, has inim il Ills /a offloeto Ibis eecuml etory, front room, over the B. B*#reee<4fce, on Pejryatreet betwera tud * M»y MU t%re t JKmrUte tn*mrmmee (!•., OP PBILAOBLPUA, PBNM. Oash Capital vravwutjrCK cajmr*tjrr, OP PHILADELPHIA. Authorised Capital *MM00 AmonnU eacarely Innetod *MM» 0. A. BBLBM, Agent tse Bagwynt. OMaa-Orer 17. B. Bzproee OSce, oa Perry, between Second end Third straetg. « Bai'giggll MuMil aOwhte May 4,tf. itoard •nunranee lonpaay, Of PIIlLAnBLPHIA—(1ABTBB PKRPKTUAL. Capital Stock $SH,fM. [. D. M0RIAKTT, Pa«s i. ii. BHRNAP. SEC. H AVINO aorepted the Agency of the above saf. ami reliable Company, I aa prepared to issue policies uii the safer clasnee of Properly at aa fair ratea as other reltaHe and well eeubliahed Coinpa- alre. ry lmc« No. 8 Coauaeraial Builtllngs. Batrance IS aad S4 Brady street. 1. P. COATB8. Au*»u ^MfBRANK. Hil, MAK1RB 1RU LVE. AunTMiet CoMiyaim, Bartford —Chartered lait. Mnaurmnce Cmmpmny, Of the Olty afWewTork. CM CuftM. liuMrMWf Company, Of Hartford. Cat* CtpiUU $900,00 Insurance Company, Of the State of New York. $160,0 Oonaeotlout Mutual MM* llMMTBHW Co ACQPRN* Cfitml «M0,0L I Asset, llat Jany. I8C« OFFFIOE—Rooin Mo. 1 Hoffmana Block Main at. [aylMftVly] B1MBTI. BOVVMAM, AMI. THE CHICAGO CTNR INSURANCECOMPANY, OrriCB, Roona He. 1. Maa>->iic Temple. Dearhom St., CMM Jt'eJttO CAPITAL STWK, $150,000 Sireotora. BBMtTND CAN VIKLD, (ISAAC COOK, TURN It V S. ULL.HKILT. HICFIHV CHAPMAN, OKOROB HIILJT. Offloora GDMUNNCANFIKI.IL Pres. HKNRT BANDT, Seo UKNRV CHAPMAN, Tmw'r. 8. M. G1I.BEAT, Ocnertl Agent a«d Surreyor. Thin Company WM organised on tne 37th day of March, A. I> IH64, andor a Spf^'tal Charter from the I^KiBiatnre of IHInolK.aiid baxtn«^B n>oinienrc>d under the ruoAt favorable att*i>ic«e. lu eatabUt Anient ban beeo up«4I a Ann and reliable baMU, and ID vkw of Its Kiabiiittf, aoandness and permaumcy^raaliii aa one of th«' first Insitraaoe Gontpanl«» In the cimntry. To thoiie d<«lroaa of protecting themselves aKainat loss or damaca by Fire' or peril* of the tea, they beg leave to olTcr UM followiliit HKPRRBNCBS: Stone It Witt. Cleveland, O WlUiame li. Au» ry, Chicago. Morton It Brother, '* Bt»ne It Boomer, *' A* 8. 0nran<ly Pro.t Haclnr It Mlas. Ballroadi ften. C, Northmp, Caah'r HAC. Ck»* Ba&k. Wm. P. Lynde, K»q., MUwanfcee. 4. U. Ct»nroe, Kw|., Ranut. Henry Pamam, Prea't Chicago It E. 1. Bailrond* A. Gilbert. Cash* Com. Bank. Uhicago: Dan. P. Rhiteletf, B»a » Cleveland, O. Hon. John U. Bresttn, Trean'r. of Stat«f OolvmbtM. Tbos. Canipb**!!, Rnq., Spnafffield, 111. Hon. R. Cbainberiin, St. Louio, Mo. Me.tars. Wadsworth» Wells It Scycamore4 Mntiri I B Barch A Co., Chicago Bank. Hun. Wm. MetliU, Coventor <»r Ohio. M^srs. G. W. SUer It Co., Chicago, '< J add, Smith It Pratt, Dixon, IB. Wm. Blatichard. Baa., Morris, HI. Hun. Wm, Trevitt, 8«Cy of 8tate, 0«(onibns»0* Meaars. H. C. AO. C. Cook A Co., BocAlonl^ 111. " H. WhMler, A Son, Aurora. tframtah Cf *e, Kn^.. Buffalo, N T. Wm. B. Puiidyv Bsq., Sprtngflald, Hon. T W. Barlty, Judge Jnpreoie Ooort, Mansflaid; Ohio. Gen. I. Com, Springfield, Til. Bichard Ivera, Baq., Bt* Lonis, Mo. H PIRtD. Agent at Davenport aad Rock Island. OPF1CI, Davenport, at the STATE DIMOOAAI Oflkoe, Poat Oflkce Building, Brady Street. inly B-t STEAMBOATS. DtmUUk, JM«fw a A Pod I7.8.1Mail JAB Packet*. THE ALHAXIIA. N. v. wm, « * ml t. ankiHT, - H. J. PAUBB, THE KATE CA8SEL, Jtatltr, . . . 0UHT. WAMBISOTOX, . OA no MOOHK, Ledwlik, H. Qabbeit, Lortob, McQuire, T HB tlbsmhra will run regular!I between Bock laland^lnnnpurt and all pointa above toOalenn, making sure wanectteoe at Oaiena with the follow- ItK boa la. which compose the Minnesota DnHy Packet I Jne ia St. Paul, laaviag Oatsaa at IV o'clock A. M. Steamer Murthern Light, P. Ludwkk, Master. *' Borthern Belie; J. T. Hurd, " Olty Belle, " Grsulte State, M Galena, " Alhaiabra, The Albambra leaver Rock Island and Davenport lor Galena every Muoday, Wednesday and Friday at t o'dnck A. M, Returning loan s Oakna for Bock Island and Bs Ten port oa Tueeday, Thursday and Saturday at S o'uiock, A. M. Connecting with Xeukuk aud St Louis Packet Ben. Campbell, which leaves oa arrival uf the Alhamhia at o'clock P. M. The Kate Caacel " ill herbal ter leave Rock Island and Davenport every Tuesday. Thai sday and Hat no da> at 8 o'clock end leaves Dubuque every Monday, Wednesday and Prida> at 8 o I lock, ciMUKcting at Rack Maud wika the X okuk and W. Louts Putot, ai«l at iMtbuquo wttb the Minnesota Ps,-k<t Oo ' Boats to St. Paxil. PaaMUde|>t> aad Sln[-P rs >sn n l> en sura oonaLxtbins at both ends of Uw liar. These boots will give through tickets to all point a above Silan to St. Paal, will also recclpt for height tcallcf the above pointa, ami will p«y partic- ular attention to the delivery of Ibt same. Passengers and shippers can rely npon tb. .tr.cLrst punctuality. a. these boata convey the Mali and must It'avt prosupUy at the hour to make their couaoctlons. M. B —These boats arrive every evening at Pulton Olty In thne for the Chicago train. Bt'RlluWS * PKBTTTMAH, Anents Davenport. J. H. LANOLKY A CO , roWABS A OO , Junldtf Agents. Bock Inland. W. F GRllVBNBl'aV, TKket Agent, Davenport. 84. Laais, Vareapart A tM. Paal PACKET. The apt*&4itl Btea®er DENMARK. Cap. R.C. Cray. —Returns of the surveys of public lands in Kaunas and Nebraska have been received ut the (teneral I And office, embracing near- ly four hundred thousand acres, situated in South Platte, Nemrha and Delaware di- stricts, between the Platte and Kaaaag Ri- AKKBITIOS »TK.—A murderess named Char- lotte Jones is now in prison in Pittsburgh, I'a., awaiting public execution. A few days ago her sister expressed a wiak that Char- lotte would send her some maney to pur- chase a new dress that she might go to age her hung. AMKBICAN Sum UT EXULHWD.—At the annual meeting of the Roval Agricultural Society of E'igiand, recently held at Salis- bury. the MW reaper, oalled tiM " Eagle," which oaabuMa reaping and naowiag. in- vented by~A. 11. Caryl, of Maadnaky, Ohio, csrrie<l off the first pnge in that depacttnent, and M*CormicVs machiue the second. The American horse rake, the American bee- hive, Ac., attracted much attention. Did you ever hear of the wife who wrote to her husband in California, and commenc'd her letter thus: "Oh tell me not that absence conqoors love!* "the longer you stay away the bet- ter I like you." ^ ^ G (if CmuwEM m tai Ww.^A com f*at of 30 children, in age from 7 to 14 years, from the Children's Aid Seeiety, left o* Tbwraday arteraoon for the West, under the protection of Mr. C.C. Tracy, of the Newsboy * Tiiitdgirg Hooae. TMa is that gentleman's eighth ex- pedition Westward. The children were mealy dreeaed, and looked exceedingly happy on leaving the city, and song theu- famrdl an«a toXaw VorkaaecrUy.^Ar.r. Mi asked a Insarance Company. MnI.V.0i orgfMaiaaCkaghatitrMt ST. LOUIS, MO. Cafliali - - asoo^M) WM. DHBBOB, Prest. AD. ABKLCS, Tie* Prse 1 QBAS. ABEAM SON, Simslary. B. A.Oaae. ft Meier, Ohaa. V. Meyer irner, A. 0. Oordea, H. J. SpanaBont. f. B.BA1DIN6, Agent, Davenport, Iowa. HsnryBloe a Wumot, The undersigned la Agent far this new Inaarano Company, which Is managed by some of the moat sab etantial buslnem men of St. Louia, and Is ready at all Umee to take rlaka on niaiiinable ratea. It should net be overlooked that Uiie Is a good Wsolera 0o«- pany, aad ahoald be eopportedby oar eltiaeaa,lnataa cf being swlodlod ly Baetorn gwladliag^natnaUon of which there are se i P. B. BABD1BS. IJs 8. LVE INSURANCE, ABBOTT AID TBD8T C0MTAMT, OP PHILABBLPHIA. ml. STXPHXN B. CRAWFORD, Free. LAWRBMSB JOHNSON, Vice Pna. VUWT Fig®, Bieretary Mkl Treeapnrer. M. FIRLD, AMI, Are yen Insured f I P not step right aloe It to the Captain's OBce and have the matter settled as I am sgent tor one of the best Companies In the world, and will In- sere aa anp as any other r.viod company. Mycom- paay la the Quaker city o( Philadelphia, with a cash capital, all paid In, of $''S8,000, and liberty to in- crease It double. If any person Is desironj of being 1 Mured aad wDl take the trouble to enquire into the standing of this company, he wiU be satisfied to give me the risk as none but nod ones win be teken. B. W. M0BR18, Agent of the Qurker City Ine'nce Co. ot Philadel- s. Store on ad street, Srd doer freak Perry St. a tf Packet between Ml. Louiwand Ml. Paul, tnochlnK stall tt>*- INTKItMBP1ATK POINTS be- ween the two places. Due notice will be given of her days of sailing r<nnthia port. For freight or pannage at>ply on board or to BURROWS A PRKTTTMAN. May 26 >Hf Arntn. THE 0LDT1ME RESUMED! U. ft MAIL. IilWEM OA VEN PORT, ROCK ISLANB k KEOkCK Parket Company, 8taprB(«.jJ2| Canptell, ('APT. LEROYDOItOE, A. L. Miller, ) Charles W. Atnnuxxm, J ^ Steaner^l^IllcKM, Capt. J. R'Keack All . Ctsrwine, ) /'/ T. Ben, IL Kingsbury, J ^ O M and after Monday May 11th 1657 the above BOATS fotmloc this line will leave Rock Ialand and Davenport aa follows r The sU-amer i 'BRN CAMPBRLL' every Monday, Wednesday and Friday t vening. The 1 * J. McKEB" every Tuesday, 1 Thursday and Baturd yevenlng,on the arrival of tbe evi-nlxtg train from Chicago and the Packet from Galena; connects at Moacatlne with the evening traiu from Iowa City; at Rurllii^tfi with (h<< mortiinff train I'aat from Chicago and West from Mount Pl«*aaaat; at R«okuk *ith the great t*. St. Mall Line Steamers Jenny Deans, Thomas Swann and Die Vernon" for Qalncy, Alton and St. Lonls, Returning will arrive at Rock Island In time to connect with thetrainsto Obtcago, and the Boati to Galena, Dunl letb and St. Paal. For freight or passage applyon board or to BURROWS A PRKTTTMAN, Agfe MayfHhdtf. { CaseiU to copy) FOUNDRIES. DAVENPORT IRON WORKS! Jann«, Doaaelly A Lea. Engine Jt iUiHwork of all description, for flour and saw mlUs, ORNAMENTAL H0V8E CASTINGS, COLUMNS, CAl'S, SILLS, Trasses, Irsa Vcraadahs, Iraa RAILING FOR FENCES <k BALCONIES, Ac, Ac, of the latest patterns made toorder. ALL KJXDS OF AKASS ('ASTIXGS made to order. Eepairlng promptly done. Fence Re)n. B ARKl',8 patent fence Keys for wire fenoes always on lunil and for sale by JBMMB, DONNKM.T fcLBA, cor.8.1 and Rock Islands!. Second Hand Engine*. T HKBB second hand engines for sale very low by JAMME, DONNELLY fe LB A. Juneliltf Daily "Crescent." Iowa rity, "Pemocrst," Tipton, and "Clintonian" DfWitl, cupy 3 month. DAVUTPOHT IRON WOKKS. FOUNDRY, AJRN MAC HTJTE SHOP. Oorner Rock Island and Second Streets. JAHMB, DONSEI.I.* * LKA, A BB now prepared to execute all kinds of Knjrlne and Machine work for Saw and Flouring mills. Also Oraaaaeatal Haaae rastiaga. ofswperiur and varied designs. Caps, Sills, Brack- eta, Trusses, Br., of the latest patterns, or mad. to order. N. B. Speela (attention paid to repairing work.— Accident, to irachinery repaired without delay.— Bras4 cast ngs made to order »n short notice. imblSdtfl JAMM1. DONNEL1.T A T.BA. TUCKER A WILLARD'S AH the corner ol Second and Harrlna sL-eets, KJ where you can buy all kinds of DOORS, SASH AND BLIND8, of the bertt quality, at the lowest cash prices. White Leatl, Linseed on, Varnish, Japan Varnish, Turpen- tine, and other kinds of Psints. Olased wlndiwacunstantlyon hand, Blinds Trim- med and Painted, Qlars of ail sixes for sale at whole- sale and retail, Slasa set at tfiort notice. Also a good assortment of WALL PAPBB and BORDERS, which will be hung by an experienced Paper Banger, if deelred. Painting done by contract and by the yard. Jobbing done at short notice, If ear friends will give aa a oall, we will try to ea>etbem. nnSni> WILLIAM E. BAUuca, SAMUEL W. BARB EE. Hi F. MITCHELL, Ageat, Por the knowing well known Compenlre: STAB INSUBAMCBCO, Of Ogdsnbuigb, NT. OhfMal $US,ggg. MAMAOBBSBm MOTOAL LIPS IMS. 00. OtSpriagflaM. Capital $lga,aas. OPPIOBaaedoornorthaf Pnat Q»ee, over Tailmea Powers a McLean's Bank. Davenport. Fire am marine wmim mm LOSS 4^: W (IH|I WF PlMe F*MJMMMA UJTIOJY in BRADFORD COUNTY, PKNK^ Oaifc BBfM^sM Bf ftgk Ml J.aOAsnau, Bsa^r. •gaAgsWsiiis.JWl laaimiiiHiiai BiMmime PuiMag tm gSS lr'ia*rr?iTT!*i IT I Itilii^ aa4Mn1gi BimgsiMlaifca HaBillalii, FATsAratb OBeewltAOtty MafghaCoorm. of Brady a»4VM| Waaden Pwpa. J. 8. IHSaiT, A U«<MMfBimakBHWjMb> J. o. * SffiLSOODS. PRICBB REBUC8P B0. LB CLAIBB BOW. Vrgm AND M THIS DAY! > t our eatlre atuek of Fine Lawns, Kobe mutJMJMmm «••«« will be sffsred at Kf70HD PRIOl Our stock Is new and ran aad 1 u « ( i»e Hold to make room for fall poKhaaee. ir you want f IT C .f P HOODS OALL BABLT St E. & K. H. TYNBKS, KO. 0 LE CLAIRE ROW. Jalyl49U GOOD JTE JW S. Attorney at Lam, W*. £. Barber St Co., LAW, LAND A LOAN OFFICE, No. S Orant's Block, Mala st, below Sd, OAWMJUVOHT, - . MOW*. HI OBIT TO LOAN on leal aad Pmoudae- earity. LEBAL BUaiBBBB of every klsd falthfany attended to. 1BTLM tnveatigatad and ABtTKCTI given. when required. BElia and ether lasl i itmaais at wrltlM aare- tally drawa. LalVB.WAaMAim LOCATBH mm actual Inspection of the landa. PATBMTS obtained for IWVHBT0BB. BBAL BRATBbongbt and sold oa Ooendlsioa. urBkXNcn: J W Alntrtt,Bsq. Pres. Bank of Oommersa, BalUmare C B Colemau Bsq,Cashier Mechanics Bank, do P Slkeon BK|. Caahler Bank of Balltaaors/ do Metera Harvey, Carton a MeKaight, do - Canfletd, Bro, A Co, gl » McLean A WllUama, gl B B Oumegys Is), Oaahier niMgslh Bank, Phllad w A Porter ftq, OUy SoiMtar, <h> * Hen Jamee Cooper, J. Meaars Boyd a Batae, ^ Hoopea A Tnwagmi, 4o iisxvjsrrs, w -^Dft BT Leech, Jr, Baa, » mart.,. •aa MM V BuSU, BregM Baafe U aourt, a, T—m Meaars C^ow, MsCiemj k Oh m Jr mm DrSBOIarto, 5? Bdala Smith Bgq, Just received per a superior assortment of MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, all the styles of ER fMMJYGES, UALLOOR, «C.i an Imawnae variety et ; , Cotton A* Linen Fringe*, GALLONS, Ac, latest Imported. SaS styiee of Dress Rattaas, Hosiery A Clares, menawomens aad childreaa while, brown, state blue, open warken and Fancy Kid ft*loves Cleaned Patterns for chlldrens garments; o latest designs. JOUTS, JunelSdtf Brady at, bet. 4th aad Sth. NSLGIi At CO. •yy ILL commence this day and sell their stock Summer Goods, LAWNS, BARAGES, CBALLAS, BARAGE ROBES, CRArE SHAWLS, LKHT CALICOES and varioaa ether goeSa COST. Wot a few deys. Oall i NO. 11 LE CLAIRE BLOCK JslylMU NEW GOODS RECEIVED AT WADSWORTHS W HTTB Broeade alike, ; PBBHCB MariAdes. WllIU Kmbroldered Collars and Baadg, White, Brown aad Pink Sash Blhhone, Colored Borages for evening dreos. White and colored SwMeag, Black Lfiog Shawle, •ztra fine Sax oag Oh sake it and Plain Malnaooka, Ladiso' Black and white eUkBoso, White aad colored akkt Seat* Marino Testa and Pants, Ledioa preach BraeHbat Bakae, White Orspe. aad many other styles of goedi le wMeh we Invite attention. nlStf UOOMDST., ego. LeOatie SPRING STYLE DKIStlLKS Mmtrm fMHIyilWi wMk BlmeU Boiled HWk9 oanunnBB a JAOOOWBIB HUNTED MEN MINES, BAREGE ROBES, ead a fall ata* of rich goods, adapted to the i eaabefoaadat CHICAGO. acaivcNa. QALLAOHIK**. OHKAM, UAFK IU «Matfr Mapcr or Beeher HoUlaterAWUUaa, , . ..Mag i §a uki o*m«, Chicaqo, III, STBCtALIiTICg. la erder to make teem lor eat T 1 " —~w.wT Aad lartba better ooavealeaae o< ear cwstsaasee, wi have takea the SBS akirs reef ally oocamled by D. B. Oeoke *Oe., aad ceeuected Itwlth oarfcmer eatae- sirs prsmtses. Th^satraaae.ta ear aalaa raama am flgiaai Ball la aua ON THK FIRST FLOOR, IU LAKB BtUBT IM caffjcfum A larser ainrtmiatthaa al^othara la thaalty earn bftaad. SPLENDID MEDALLIONS, VELVETS AND *VILT()N8, BEAUTIFUL TAPE8TR/, ROYAL SIX THREADED BRUSSEL8. IMPERIAL THREE PLT, Flae, aaperSae aad Tapeetry Ingrains. BerllM, Taa- etieu, Btmp aad Volt Carpets, Drnggato,ac. Oil cioths. Of bo bast Porelan and Domestic Miaafarlaim Bigg eaeyaro to tweaty-toar feet wide JHaWsffi. Always aa band a Ur*eatocfc of Oaloa Mattnwa. Also, saporierOoooa Msltlaji, laall wtdthe, g«iu -"le for oaoge, Balooas, Ac. Mats aad Bags, la great vartatf, Beat thne gUBtaga to $as. ! cmiwsjr COOIM. thla deaartmaat we (hall devote Increased attea We have aow la store aad are dally reoatrlag Bat trnkvidtred^Clotk Curtain*. amrt Brecafsflss la pattoras and by ysrdj Jhpmiwl BHai wllh bieeateOe borders. tmrn |OsLa*t«i, •ffnadaseir fleetaete—with trlmsalsgsto mateh: tsmee Cnrtmin*, which for Beanty of Finish aad Splsndne la galp, cannot be sarpaeeegj—iarying from $S to $100per pair. WIKMV SHADES. Baaatlfnl'painted end rich Qold Shades, White, Bel Oreen aad Blue Hollacda. House furnishing A Upholstery Goods. ttreeeaa of every kind, Feather Beds aad PUowe, BUnki.tsl()allla, Cotton SheelUgp gad Pillow Linen Goods. TaMeUnena, Napkin a aad Do/liea, tiaan Sheet- gaad Pillow Linens, Mackabacka, Towels, Oraah Ao., at M par eat leee than asaal prtoaa. PRIME LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. Psrttanlar attention la invited to the feet that we have many of (he beae etyiee aad qaalltlsg of goods that cannot be obtained elsewhere, and we are aow •bring onr entire atock et Oreetly Reduced Frlcee Beeeker, BsDlster A Wliblas. Jan la I8S7 d 1 *V 1SS Ltn LVBBKT* GROCERIES. Whalaaala Bwlell >• GHOCER1E8 iron, Soli. Ctmtni, Be. AtiSNTSTOK THK SALS Of ao.Xstrln(aOo^ Celebrated Fire and Thief Proof Soft E. A T.Falrkssk's Scales. I W B shall keep constantly »n hand a full stow o. Giooeiies, Which wc uC-r b> the trade ga low * > 9 ka » ar *Med n BMaasoev U.OZ and pan haaaii wm Rnd oar goods to be of the b>at qual- ty aad warranted equal to nun pie |aa3Sd*wtf S 0O*nB Meeoovado, Porto Bleo, CUrtikd, Crushed aad Powde. ed, for sale at BDBBOWS, PaBTTTMAB A DALXBLL. rtuBBBMS Bi '.Miiks, Java,alee around OeiTee V ami fcssnn of B. p. a D. M 0I.ASSBS— N. Orleaas, Bagar Uouae, anaIjrux, foraaleat B. P.AD. T 'BAS--Imperlal, l'oang Hyson, Quapuw ier aad ^ BtattTeaa,laraaleet B. P. A D. S FIOBB—Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon, Qlovee,0ln- gar, Muetard aad Natniegs, at B. P. A D. ^OAPS—Paacy ami Tullet, Family, Braalvo and O Oast He fur sale a. B. P. A B. /^tANDLBS—Sperm, Adainsntlac,SUarine, Star and vv Tallow, for sale low at B. P. A B. / 111*- -Sperm, Solar, Lard, Bank, Boein, Linseed U and Olive, at B. F. A S P AINTS—White Lead aad liac Paints for sale at B r. A 0. C tlttAHS—Havaae, Uenaau aud American Breads, J at B. P, A O. 'I 1 OBACCO—Natural Leaf, Virginia and Missouri A poaad ^a»«a, Twist, Tlu-yuU and tiuiokiug, for •K' at B. Y. A D. C ANDIB8 aaaorled and fanry, Uutu and Lemon Drops, LflciagM—M.F. It D. in]ars, boars and barrels, Oltron, Fig B P. I D P IOKl.Bg—Uaderwootl's brands, a seorted sisee; Pepper Sence^for sale at B F. A D, P BUNBS Faate aad Currants, at poWDKB, Shot, I TIIKO. Brrra L>. MBI LEN, *' I J. JACKSON, | A ' *' ;s, J { J NO. ». HAWVKg, MTLIKN JACKSON, SAWYER A MELLEN, S4Sks Ut MOUTH WATER ST BET TS. Fie. » SOUTH MAIM IT , flit, XioiiiAy 3MCo« fieaersl Csnnlsslaa A Forwariiag Merchasts. RCrBIElllII: Kenlck A Petterson, Bt Lnals. W S Oilman, do beorge Prgram, So Cant B W Qonld, do Laflln, Smith A Boles, do Oapt J H Johnson, Louisiana, Mo. Flint A Wheeler, Chicago. M ANeef, do Laflln, Smith A Boles, do B H Kennedy A Oo., New Orleeag. AS I arwell A Co., Boston. Starling, McCallough A Co., N. T. Mar 3d IU7dl* ^ RURE Spirit *, FC. W. T. SHUFELDT A CO. AOBNTS OKTOAOO ran awmrr MAWTTFAOTOMT OFPIOB, in aODTH WATBB STBBBT, CHICASO. f IQITOB DBALKRS AND OTHBBS ARB TVVI- |j ted to try the Pure Spirits made at the above e>- tabllahment, for which orders are eoildtad. Aleo, American Braady and Ola of fine Savor at Pare Spir- it Prices. April l4,dtao. S TARCH—Oorn, Peari and Ksnilly, lor ealc at B F. A a N UT8—Almomla, Hraill, Filberts, Pea. Pecan, Walnals aad Ceeoa, st B. P. A D. R AISINS—M R and Layer, whole ami s Iwzea. Saltans an>l Malaga, at tt. P. A t>. C HOCOI.ATK, L*«oa, Bronia, Farina, Tapldoa Whi aten .irtts and Oat Meal. B. P. A l>. S ALT— Kanhawa. 9yra<use, Turk's Island, IJver- pool blown and (Jn.iiuil Alum. B. P. A l>. C KMKNT—Ixmlavllle and I'tica: Plastering Hal' Stnoeo Plaster. Milwaukee and Batvluaky f > Ash, 8 tons In store, and for sale b^ B. P A > B ASKBTS—Market H to Is bushel. Oorn aad Clothee, at B. P. A D. Boards, Oburns, Mups, Ale Helve*, at H P. A D. /~~1(>RI>AUK—Manilla, Jute llemp, and oott«n ixw- L dase of^sll sioea. B. P fc l>. F ISH—Meekere! fish and smoked HaUlbut, at G LASS—Window Glass, assorted sites,Tumblers, Jara and DeuiUehns, for sale at B P. A D. B RIMSTOMR; Sulphur, Sella, Borax. Indigo, In atereend foreeleb? B.P. AD. M ATCHBS—Pleroe A Oo, and St I»uie, for sale at B. P. A l> BANKING. BuamriiWA. _ BBPBBTO: Mesera. P. OnowTBAu.Jr. ftOa,. I _ _ - Caahler AMifcit'anBiflatni^ini I MOW TgBB Messrs. TcsattaA Dea<aa, Bankera,SI. LeMa. Oaahier ArLamo Btaa, Boston. Messrs. a. K. SWIFT, Bao A JOM»aTon,Ohlease JWd end Bilia eeUerfed end si ei ssdi raadU to ea y port <**. CnuZtaZ£.' mmm Bills stliikay aa all the Principal cmIm of thr Varied Btahre aad Keeepo mo ro UT xra aoan Money l>emlt*ei lo Burope la StgAI m»u hieh Can be caehed la any tewa ia Bagtead, in- £l sat Bpwaida. whKh caa be caehed la land, or Wal«'a$tn Oct ll-Af BANKING. TILLBAB, NVBB8 A McLBAI *^atmar» Aad Dealers la EisAaage, DavaBpertt low* itflcs. Brady Hrttt, between Ssssad aad It# I ^XCn.tNHB on sll thsprtaolpal cttlee of the IM a teti Slates, Ureat Brltala, Uelaad, end oeaU> nental Kuna boagM aad gill. Not>a Aaedrattaueileeted, ead piuiasda nmllHd to any pert of the United Statae, st lowest ratee Rxuhsoge. Collecuoas of notes, drafla, aceoeata, legacies aa Inheritances made ia all parts ut the United States Canadas and Burops. Storks aud Bonds boaght aad avid ea immmlstlBB and ilividends culleeted. Land Warrauta bought, sold aad located. •Urheage ea miea la the t ailed Male Carp.-uter A Vermllse, New Torkeity. Allu.ny t'Hy Bank. Albany, Mew Tork; BuSblo City Hank, Bufelo, New Torki Baaa of flammnss. Bestsa, Msssafbaaette, Tradesmen's Bank, Philadelphia, Pmnaylvaa Merch A Maanfacturers' Beak, nttabarg. ra MeRim A Oo, Baltimore, M<t, Sliuiore A B-«'herton. Clnr|. n>ll, Ohlo| Luces A Sin. -oa. St Lous, Mo: Cttlten*' Bank, Mew Orlaana, Lai BKSwMt,Biaihae AlQbaelia.Ohleegn, tin septS-d -^lyoODENWABK—Tulni. Palls, Was). Tlstcher's Patest Lilt ail Foree PUMP. rg^HlSPump wfU not fr csc and Islssa liable la ret JL out of order than any other in use. snd >i.- hsd premiums awarded at every foiret which it ha» been eahiblted. Jau28 BORROWS, PRBTTVM AN A DALZKI.L TILLMAN, POWERS A McLEAM, Baalwr* BB4 BtBUrs Is Bichaapr Blrlni Been appointed agenta far lbs AM BRIO AN, BUROPRAlf EXPRESS A E1CBABBB Ct. WILL OBAW SILLS Of KkcaANSK in snma lo snit imrehasera upon all the principal •iiles awl towns ot Knglanil Swltserlaad , Scotland Norway Ireland Swolua Prance Ptdatd; Ocrmany Ru.sla Austria aelltria Prussia Haagary Italy Denmark' !*|>ain The Orient which they will sell at New Tork priors adding Bxf bxngelnNew Tork. "• I r. s ' 'n all|ia ul tbe UiiitM Uag ' t'.'iiir en " -1. ^ t o.u.bilasiu>aud orders ot all aunts promptly aae- CUte.1 February ao il t Iros, Steel, Kalis oifatdl Blacksmith TOOIb, I RON, Pittabnrgh KoUc-l si,.I Chsrrosl, Sw deaad New Vork refined of all sir.'.; Nail K<nls, a aunerior article of Swede aad Pittsburgh! Cast Bteel, Nay;or A Oo, round, square, flat and octagon, Kngllsh, Blis- ter, (iermar and Bprlnii Steel; I'lowBf el, all sises; Nails and Spikesof all sii>»; Bellows, IlniS, view. Hammers aud Tones, Stocks and IHe*; Am lis, Mouse Hole, caat aad ateet tassd; Horse Shoes aed Halle, as- sorted Slaeai Wagon, Carriage and Heil Springs; Wa- gon, Dray, and Buggy Axles; Bhevem, S|>a<le*, llraln Scoops of various slses: Orowbnrs^leke,lloe!*,Qrliid- toaes, east HorseMaad HltihlagF».ts, IruaBettle. ad Vaiaaces. anSStf BURROWS. PRBTTTMAN A DAI2EIX Berrlag's Safes. E E Jft V Jt L . I'AFPEM'SI OBB PBICB CLOT B IR A ABUSE IS BBMOTKD TO Ho. 108 LAKE STREET A few doors weat or Treniout Huuae, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. -nra would respectfully Inform oar customers and TV the public, that we have reawved Into the new aad spacious store, No. KM Lake street, where, with ample room and Increased facilities, we shall Leep a much larger, better, and more varied stock of Clothing and Furnishing Hoods far aa aad boys, then ever before. Our ~ Beady-Hade Clothing Department, aa heretofore, every deeertpMoa, styleaad grade of seasonable ganaenta, to fit all stars from boys of six yeers, to the largest adult, aqaal la qual- ity aad style to oueteea w.rfe. The Custom Department under the eadnslve managtmeet of Mr. J. F. Gold- smith, formerly wllh Develtn A Co , B'oadwae, New Tork. will be found the moat perfoct, In all Ita atiaslntmeata, la ChHago II wiU at a|l timeg be Mocked with a large aad b autlful aeaei laiaal of fine Cloths, Oaasbneree, Vssilngs, Ac^, which will be meds ap to order In the very best Mew Tork styles, and at moderrle prlcaa. The Famishing; Department. Ia this department will be fouud Skirts of tbe bid quality; also, gentlemen' i aader ganaenta of silk, woolen aad aottoa, hoetery, glovei, suspenders, cravete,tles, etc, etc. Our goods being Ml either auaufactured ported espreaaly for our trade, and selllBg aa we do an ameaat per snaam equal to tbe trade at eay Bret daaehonse in Hew Tor*, we are enabled to aM.-k ear goods at New Tors Prior*. Thla is as hambag—we ask aa «»aa*ig<len. aad U oar representations are nntrne do not bay of us. One Price Only—No Deviation. TJIPFBN BBOIHBBd, unSdly MB LakaBHeali Chlaaaa. CJiBBIME^ TIMBER. K. 1m BTOV, TS Bttf BnadiWjp* Sllrest, Alcage, BL, H AS conglantly on head and la reoetvlng frem Oemeoticut, a superior Quality of Snokee, Hube Pelloee,Bhafte, Met, SsHas wra, WhlMatresa, Car- riage Parts, Baggy liali, Ac., Ac. Alao, Wagon Spokea and Hube 'or aele. I fraa the eoaatry psaafllyanaaM la April .dSBH. _ _ _ Ansrlcaawaif castpaay, Manalaeturera of Whips and Lnslies, at every dewsrlptioa. Store, 71 Randolph at, Chicago, I1L J. JOBSABa oo, Aiwu. J,|a»a ma kdeatlaa et .tMe The KQhsrrlbera a.e AK'-nta for M^ri. S. 0. Iterruix A J« celebrated Pir»* and Tlil*'f iftof Safe. Wa vonld Invite the attention of tlx- public to the fait tliattht**e Safe** hate f«»r yeara stood th«^ te-t cf botb ure, Uiit-f and alao of time. Very many Safes will a measure <lefy the ft>rmer and yet fall before the latter. VImsisllilw «L lAeaa BFTTO* areae »«-U toown that tfca M|vtiia oMki asatchanU <ti Hew MM4 Phl- ladelpMattaitJ other make of Saf*--. W> can fur- nish Bafes» of all »l»»a and with anjr dea«*rlptU>n of Locks wanted* a r >i vUl warrant to the ntmoat aU the onalltlM of tbe 8afe*e we s*-U. janMtf BURROW** PRBTTTMAN A DA UBM*. Falrkaak's Celebrates Scale* Adapted to any repaired oper- ation of weighing, as for Inn. coal, hay, stoek, and for the nseof warehouse, stores, and foaadrlee, and la short for ev- ery kind of bualnese. The treat skill ead Sdellty employed In their manufacture and the de- termination on the part of the manufacturers never to allow aa Imperfect article logo forth from their estabilsb- meat, has gained for Mr Seale* a repatation that has sever been aarpaared la the whole range of useful MEDICAL. OR. IiritliKM/K Private Medical Csapaalsa! OB THK M'nfortnatein Friend. J L ST PUBLISHED,GRATRITOLIS. TO TORNO MKS AND "the'* N<-rvoiis Debility and Chroul: diaeaaes. The first and direct con^eqiteaoe of raci-a* ami abuae of the •canal •y-W ai, U a peculiar dUr aa'd oandltW« of theae tnlnal organa wblch *h» Au- thor in h s TRdAllHR, has called th** special «lla* aa' of Maatnrbatlon. The follow In* dlsonl« rp, stinK In ow rase, tone Hi anaiht-r, are attain tne dtr- ct •unanimft « « a t.f thli <lli«'s , "e, viz B"» mlnal Kml«<i*li>na O'-n^ral Deb^ity and Kervoiiams*, Distaste for Baulatf. Oioofujr Pr« sentm«-nlf. pain and weakneae lo the i, impairment uf mental vigor and memory weak aud «aU-r) < eruptions on the fac«* and botly, titasiM^s of vlciotm dreams and unrffreshing sleep. vnBtneas for marrlase relation. Improper et- ila^iiitj of tbe organs, stricture, costlveaeee, piles« A". To the (roth of thla, more or teas la ma case, fvi ryanflbver framaellury indulcenaacna att* st. And further, anv latent or family predlspt>- »*nM«n to dts^aif, aa imbecility, Impetenci*. insanity Ac., Is sliuont snrelf fVftitually <(^velo,«edlntoactlv !•>, and it IN actually tt»« most frequent raa»T* of Hup-*- pialadiaa ta yunu perwma. aa proved h* the tatistioa of ail anuntrles. And thla Is equally trv of both aeie*.—(if111, If tah*ii in tiny>, this diabase and its cona«*qnencea are perf**cl If amenable to treat' m«'nt Dr Hnhl^U baa. for many y*ara paat, been <*n- KtdtH U|M>II so many aod dUtr»aaing casea of 'hi* vice, that his attention has been nec^aarlly mock directed to Ita trratment and cure, and he la happy to add. han, beyond tus moat enugafo'- ajtpeeiauons. niatarirt a treatment at enae aafe and eertala, and to**torn* BBtBf^i arwatioaaor aaa^eoaainRila a. fir fTnl>h**!'s Treatise ahould be obtained by every one, M it will prove a complete safeguardaffalnst Im- position. Il explains th«* nature and oonaeqnenose oi all diseaara of tb«« fen«*rative organa BJT Tboee living at a dlBtnnor. bv enekiainf two pDsuuta stamp*, in order to pre-pay the poatage, wlQ melve a copy by return of mail, sratl*. I»r ilubt>eirs experience ia not eito^llfl by any phy- sician, lu the treatment of Private IXaaaaaa of any nature. Tl»a Bcalea are nnanlaiotialy acknowledged aa the gTAMDARDlaaH traasaetwasby weight. A lawsuit wblch erase from a discrepancy of weight between oae of Palrbenk'a Scales in use by tbe Bal- timore A Ohio Railroad Company and one of another aiaaafacture was recently tried In the Court of Oonr moo PWa«Baltimore; tbeceae occupied tbe Court tm deys; and iodge Marshall in delivering his decision itated ea the nauMof the evldsaes, that tbe aecura- ay of PAiaaAHS'a SCALES waa estabitehsd beyond all question. For sale by Btmnows, FRHTRMAN A DATiKI.L. The well kaowa reyatation of these Scales has In- duced the veadera of Imperfoet and wnrthlrsa balan- eaa to oSbr them as Fairbanks' Soales, aad pnrchae- era have thereby la many aaaaa been subjected to fraud aad impoaition. Tbe manafaeturers have no esatreversy with honorable competitors who trans- act baalneaa In their own aaama, bat regarding the perpetralora of the above fraud, aa punning a couree alike uajuat aad dlahoaorable, they take thla method to caatlon the pabllc of their laiposttlone. The pabaateeg maaafaetuie uader their ewa In- spection only at their Factory la St. Johnebury, Tt. Fw sale ia Daveapen auely by BDRBOWS, PBJHTTMAN A DALSBLL, ITlt T. PAIBBAHKT A CO., St Johnsbury.Tt . May 21. IStd. tis^irey'sCdekraledCarilsl lila It 1 'hrrrn, but <!<#* not Inebriate. fllflH aaeqaalled haverageprasrases medMnal pro- A pertte* at tbe Mgtieet order. It Is manuractared especially for aad by the Proprietor and Patentee, of the best materials, and has a I the merit' witbatit tot deleterious effects of any other (ltn either >'• <>reat BrttalR. Boll aad,«'bis oeaMry f/ett/Vgg'r I ' tit - br.itfi (V-<Hdl b/abss l>e> n adopted by eminent phyalctans as the purest and ami efilcacions >ligu- siv« stimulant aad diareUs a>blah neaafaaturlng akll has yet given to the world.—It Is entirely exempt from those alcoholic drinks which tx r t a thirst for amaaleala. Osdatelaeny gynnt ywaptly filled by tks Pn«>rieter. »eOO«>DPBKT, Importer of Rrandle«, Uln, Wines, Ac. JuneWdRm Id South William st. M< w Tork Indies msy the doetor with perfect cmSdenee, as he hat rooms e»p<dally for their treatment, and can cure kuppressloiis, luehorrhea, and all Irregular- itiea apreddy aad eSbctaally, without paut et laeon- veaieace, Persons living at a dlataaoa, by giving a plala Si slrment o f their caaas, will be atteaded ta punctu- ally, and medicines forwarded by eipreee to all porta of the Uaited States. Addrese, J BubbsU, M D, bog ISgS P O, CMBago, Illinois. Private offloe. No Sb Raadolpb st, oppselte the Revere Hotel. JunelSdtr jrjrTHE LIVER INV1GORATOR. rrspsre4 ky DR. KANF0RD, P a gveat BrlentMc Ifaileal discovery, and la dally working curea, almost too nn-at to b< Iteve, It curenaa if by manic, eren IA«/i>af DO**GIVING 6«- ne/ft, and aeldom ruor»* than on** bottle la required ta cure ar>y kind of lAvtr Complaint, from the wo~at Jaoudiin or Dy*pep»ia to a <-«••(« headache, all of vbtch ire the rrault of a Dlaaaaed Liver. The Liver l<* one of Bi the principal rogolatara of the human body,an'l when It pei forme Ita functioi*a wellf thepov ore of ike aistea are ftaitf clffanpiiil. Vke Vflr dhmaoA ta Mn«at tireiydepKU' nn the Abe Liver for the ; f«»- funetloaa when the bo«eld are at faulMad ft-ra In CHnseqwtiao of —having aaaa >1 lo 4o 5 BICOVD ST. OPPOBIT* LS* OLAIRS HOI IBB JVew Sprinar Gootf« •scsftvsi ly W. €. OMItPauls ail BaiegeB«g^ JMBalaaUBMk BTMayMker flat JMCaaaea feq. de da Blrtt BkaMaf! ofuBSBSw ,aa*aa ia FTMOMMMIMMII !i VSS/SStSSi. ,.a --.-SXRRJGSR?- JtBNTU. athsr styles effiaad, SPIINI STY tit I ayasi iv. e. nsnraere. Skim WIN ef IMaamralag hM ggtlagts* sg •UfJrJ VTm ALsass, Qillalte LeOlahel TtOBCmr BEALERA Jf K»l Pay Year City Taxes. ^'SSLXSSISMLSM*M «TM£, gggISi— ...... is GOT)FUEY *S Celebrated, CordiniBittert An Unequalled Tonic A Stomachic. A POSITIVB and palatable E< nfMy for g-neral Be. A. bility.Dy.pepaia, Lo^ at Appai Ite,and all dlsor dar af the Blgaative Orgaas. The laveator and Proprietor of Unrifretft Ctlt- trtited Otrdi'il Bitters in rummending them a- aa aartvalled tonic aad luvlgoraLi, U sustained by the best mrdlcal authorltiee er BWSpe end Enteric,, at well ea by i he moll linden who have tested the . At a reetoratlve they atand aloue. Thousands »ho are aow languishing might awake to new eslsieais y I his powerful renovator The dyspeptic who reaort. to Godfrey's Cordial B Iters, And-, th- ben. fit perma* I. Dpoa the Vital ersene. they exe cl« a dl ert sanitary infloenee, and vet their agency aa mild as salutary. . For general debility, ataking at tbe stomaeb, loas of sp e'ite, sick heads'he, or mental jg'Jga: rjEXra.",:'r": aaes, and aU dl orders of the aernus system, their benefits ere tomlcaleUe. ... Parcheaers are ceationed asalael ell ItMllluaa. Central Depot, M South WlilUmstNT ( 4. OBOOODFRST, JaadMba Proprietor. THE PEOPLE'S WIDEN," HARBMOW'••., U*. to AN® 3D. IjUnS^gpalar ptacjof paUlc resort win be opeo AF MMJUTB CQJTCERT wittbegMaa eaeh eveaiag by at half paat seven o'clock. MM9JW t ot thaWt qaeter, stsll ADMISSION FREE! A LL Bt waat et a Bow Brese for the apgriarhlgg fSsimwi -•» of tbat trgan,oae A made It h's tudy, la a Sw twenty years, to find ^ with to couuteract the SaF whirb it l< UaMe. $M| To prove that this re- aay person troubled 1^ in sny of Ita forms, has convic:i',ii I. certain. A compoaad has been PW gums and eatraclUnc ub a for the ac Ive vir- ^ Th" . gums remove all B5 fr>m the system, asp- y healthy flow of bile, In- |g^ causing fo >d to digset i^. bio d, giving toae and marhlaery removing pa) caee, ind effecting a ^ aay of the disagreeable BH using or A/ in. usually n soi tnd to. s* f>r.e dose aft^r rating MI the •Ir.mseh and pre. it.. air<l »owsat.- _ ^9 jalgowAe-' label *• lgbtmara. Off 7>my on ,!ose taken W healthy aetioa ef per peiformeeceef Ita stomach is at fa tilt, the the whole sygtsni suf oae organ—the I.I VBR Its daty. For tbe dl. of tbe proprietors aaa practice of more ihaa tome remedy where- uiaav derangoarnls to medy at last toned, with Liter <b*mpi<iint but to try a botus, BANKING. abasia KiBABBBtlT * CBBS, •*. Das Melnae, leva. of the United Statsa'. am. uf SnAsi .a en a'' Ibe prineipul Cltiea of the Halted Makse e-<4 Bsssps, bought ami aold Meney raaalMgd te Batopg le eight mO., which caa be naahad la any las a la Baglead.Iialaal sr Welae>laana»efBl I by dlaeolvUig IkM part which Is sol- tues of the medicine, •u rbld or bad matter plying la their piaee a vigoraUng. he etomach wall, parlfylng the health to ibe Whole the causae of the dlo- radteal care without alter egfccls, felt hy tral I'oiton that b$lf«niu(^nwe eight leoeeng the bowel j gently..nd < ares A ooatlveneaa. One do«e taken after Jr ... Ban* tot F . a W. Clark,Bt Loala, Me. B. W. Oark, Dodg. A Oo., New Te(B. * fcSfdlaagd u.Aactnaati.Oble. SstMtt E&i'HAMlB 0a a0farte of the Datfod States boeaht sad SM. OOOa,BARSBHT A OUOB, d Lead Agaate. fl. Bee MeiBee. P0B SALE. TaB BOTBL at Waunrv, IS miles west at Paveatairl, the first ataihsi oa the M A M. Rail rood. The house Is well built, aad i> situ* awn oa a net a ral etevsttea la the prattle, nomine od- Ing an em ten. IT. view of the surrenieliag eomitry. Tbe viclnily Is a (kvorlie resort fui apuneaara derma the haataw aaaana. A large aad onamodWaa Stable ta eataslted le the araaiiaaa. lVraas Very low, aad a loog credit for pert of the parchaae moaey w«l be _ «dfoie(y. AMlyte oooaa BABSBHT. RlaB CHAM3B *0 SBCDBB Valuable Iteming IK 800TT COUNTY.* B A0O A a ran. W HoSbr tor sal. la tracts to salt parthasera, the tbe following dsalrab'e landa; AUY aw, Ttl, K.tM MBA. ir I MT M-lgB a eI-4 l-tofawl-d I wl-tofnwl-4 f ebalf M w halt || a half IS wl-lofeel-d St or no 1-4 tl a M of a .14 at of a else St •say ye a la Soott S sss BiatN years age, aad oeaprlaeaoaieaf the beet lende I have never before beer Jgaisd Inr sMe Imrtdtn CQOk * SABOBMT. iforseleby [ABABOI f AMD WABBABTB.—All id OOOBI far Leasts f OTB a, d. ead S In Blosk IS, comer at Faraham Ldead Third street. legflU Awly te OOOCASABOBBT BalhHag Lets, r ia Sets at fair prices, aed.ail on long credtta te facilitate Improve*!sate. COOK TLMMOMT' Ul aell late le parties whowlh nn<i this ssen, et ederete pr kri. and on n credit ol I, S, an S years OaaeStn^ Monk oC IVotvmc** ruuiwa Wehrashi, »ao. B' BaaaEMT, Prea't. J M. PASgBR, CeehJ T HI aadaralaaed preprtatora et the Bank a Ptoranee, Mebtaaka, are by tbe pra- laloaa at Ita Charter, ladlvtdaaHy responsible for all lie laeaaL aad will rrdeega the Betag ol aa d laetltallim, a 11tseoonter la thedty ot Florence, in cbln.aad a t ettht lolthelr Banking Beaaea, In Ba» - era Bxchsng la apacte at eaam ratea at ether earreaey. OOOB A SARABNT, Davenport I OOOB, HARQB1TT A DOWNBT. Iowa City Vlawa OOOK, BABOBNT A COOK,Fort Dee M^uea I OOOB, BABOBNT A PABKBA, floreaee, Msbrerka. July 7th I8as-dtr _ NEBBASKA LAND AiiENCl. Cook, Ssrgeat A Parker, FtarrHM, - - - - JTkbraaka. W I LI. tlirnd promptly to all baainase roanected With e land Ageaay, etther la Nebrggha, or Western loaa. laMV WM tutjm Mouyht, Sot* one! Locate*. Baelneea for them ran be left with any at ths aa- derslgned OOOK * BABOBNT, Davenport, Iowa OOOK. lABHBNT ADOWNBT, Iowa Olty, do COOK, BARSBMT A COOK, DesMolate, de nohMdtf BU^aiiJMioFuie T HK undersigned hare remov. d to the new hulld- ing in MeMenus A Sbeperd'e BhK-k. on Seooaa atreet, where they will remain dat ing Ibe erection ef their new Bank Building, reedy to attend to bustassa **marchSdtf OOOB AIAROBNT. JAO P Root, JMI.r. NII.I oa J«i.J innur COBB, BILLON A LIKDLEY, Atteraeys sal Ceaasellers at Law, Q/tce :—ln tame butUtmg with ("ewt |- Bmn/ent W Raractler law la tbe Supreme Co art, aad la the Ooarta of Scott, Oedar, CUaleu aad Muaca- tln. flountles, Iowa, aad the ooarta of Bath Island Oount), Illinois. To ear OoUsctlon Department, we devete particu- lar attention. AU bualnese entreated le as will be promptly Aprlll, iaav. te. AT JTOTMCm. ndenlgaed en port, will earn Bielr for business at o'clock A. M., aad Cttaee O N aad alter the Id uf Janusry the Beakers ia the city of Davenport,will earn Die o'clock P. M.' uatlll furth> r uotioe, COOK A BABOBNT, MACK LOT A COBBIN, TALLMAN. POWRRH A Mrl.BAM. CHUBB. BRO;, BARROWS A OO. N10B0LU. OAMPBBLLAOO. Meaaaaoa, LAWKS A BLAKBMOBB. laaldtf The Coparlnerahl|» H RBBTOTOBB ealatiag under tbe firm ef McOr*. gor, Lawee A Blek' more expired J tine ,44b, I8A7, In coaeequeace of tbe death ef A W McOresar. either of the andsrslgaed will alga the name of the lete firm la the seuitaarat of Us affairs, aad WIU alao ooatlaae the Baaklag and Kxcbange bualaeee under tbe style ef Btakeaaere a Lawee at the eld stand on Mam atreet. M B BLAKBMOBB, A J LAWBB, JuaeTTAIf Sarvivlag Parlnara. WIUJAM Deo LAS. WILLI** gnift ^Maraeg al Um. BMTMIJTB MOV MM LBBd Agency, DOOLANA STtJMP, Mala Street, Dareapert, lava. DBALBBa m Beak Melee. Drafts, Sold, BHver aad HaaMm Be. change; OoUectloae made throaghoat the Caiaa Land Wan ants biagbl, aeid,aad loaatad. Baal Ba> lata baaght and sold on Oommlasion; Money laaaad ea unincumbered Beat Batata security; luanaaageltoiadt Taaee paid for aea-raiilialai BgigiliaMw a( Laaa Tlttaa aaade, etc., aee. Measra Oeok A Sargent, Deeenpert, Iowa, •• Macklot A Ocrbtn, de Robert Lowry, Baq, Cashier, Mew Tork. MsgsrsBerrla AOe.TPI III IHgkli •oa. Wm Wright, Newark, MJi Messrs aaaatBarfta A Soaa, Baal Jehaa Baaklna , Bet,, Pi Boberi Mlbkle, Ben, Oa VR B Harrlaen. ftsue Meagre Ohabb Brothers, Baafeeig^ HTMBtaglw.f WM B BeOaat, Haq, MobBe, Ala, L A Bsaalat A Co, Beakarg, St Leal . eath aaael will care aebe. dlscaae, and makes a c-Head-! He tmia taken for < movea the cauee of the I perfectcure rim. Onir oee dose laim (2u dlaMly rettsres CheMe, one da*e due 11 psat d Is a ear* care fot (Um Mori'ue. end e preventive ef (Mm. n o e taken often will prevent the rscarreaee of Mlwsi attacAt, while It relieves all pelgfoi fesl- tags. tf- Only oae battle 1a aeeded ta throw out ef the syetem the ifeeu of medicine after s kag alah- aeea. One bottle tsk-a for JmHUUCS raw ae<e eg utestatal eelor fr< m the sfcie. One doae taken a abort time before eatlag glvaa vig r to the appetite a d makes lad ^Igaet well. One doee of^n repeabsd earee Ulnah IHarrtma in Its wotst forms, while sammsrand be met com- piaiat. yield almost to tbe Bret dese One or tw doeee ca ei attaeka caaaed by Man while for worme ta child ran there is no surer, safer ee eaesdlsr reawly ta th-wertd, ee It *eesr>als 1be'e la o exsggeretloB la theee •istsmeatat they are pu n saber faSe, HMI'we aaa gfgevldeaee to pi ove, while all who use li are giving their aaaalaMat testimony in Its favor _ .„ r.eer, aad all fnen et a Jtfletts Aye. It epe- ral-s with certainty, end thonsaada Sr. willing to leatify-to Uewendar'al virtnsg. _ _ Amsag Ike hundreds ef IA**r ItaMatew e<- fend lo tae puoiic. there ere toae wewa ee hUyre- SXSRJRSS&IT£XT'ISS;I r.Uoa ia truly a Uter fsrifirsltr, yiadarias ike most happy re aMe«» tf wboaeeit llmni laaaa- erablr oerilftaef as haaa he»a gltaa Wlhe giaat vtrtae ef tblg •adickie kg lhaee of tae hMhaat atawBaaia aoelMCSi%e|Mirlt t»be«kttaM SgSaHea aMrwwraa |Me-Mwa Cbaaly Dfttrgf „.v Pjfa Ont JhOmr JMF Battle. v aaBPOBDAOe., Pwprteteri, , IHllMNV B We TOT la Pa** a>ail hy TATLOB A BALLABB M snBgMMlH, BMarklalaad by- who wBThrnlah tta trads a* JmtsgSdAwgat rwo I»ts on the huff, -ornerof streets—Bae aatOstrgefed Alvar view. Beeeralvalaaaie baSdhag tale ea Maia atreete, north of Sixth atreet, for eele vary lew Tea valuable baBdbag Lota oa Baeamd ead'TMrt efBsa years ptSBfiBBMB atnafo.fot gde,a oredM af MMitaaaMMMB. Uia «fM r i AABtioai MIm km* m 0m MRlMI,BllBB4Mfe Twaaty feet (mat sa Msht attest, bygd BALAW aaauslla La OAFFI MI at 11. ~ treat MUTT.Moth* UOUlia^ TU aMMIaa hose, wtthT reamaand geod atebta. LMdaadSta MltcheiPaeddMlaa, aad haaee byS«ealetg,foraale aAag». IS aaree * see *L^P IB, r 8 tf an aaBar AMTVAML T Mile ftsaalhe dty, for aele AHSE^ B MefBwKeeet «tp < nraweal|aaeaaa(gaM the TTTF ef Mneeetlhe, for eele. W B et B w H mai» TF M r eaaMeasregtugggla lasreeef Lead la Weat DAI lapirl, for gale ghaaas WA taaaa dtedeeiee, Baa view adnata Mdljja. Alaeamay va»ae*U traeu efBemlagliaai, la aroeed sad aadi |M»ili Bat I gSa.aadPsfsagegi ^ADS FTWN>EEI theglate, for sale . Welaeita the •tscr.-.'ssr f»!> v ^ HNtettern a*. ALLBB * ouaa, Attarasys A Ci—sBsn at Uw, JAITMA^|^JHEDJJF|TGT aad ease ennr isnww n DAVIHPORT, IOWA. RKMXJWTLON aaA en haatofoe BT V ggerygagtgi tas Blsaa Jrtgaeted le ear eere wM legatee preaa | lalta <atlaa | l ( aa9tavagled| tens SSSESRSSSvsH

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Post on 19-Mar-2021




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Page 1: THE PEOPLE'S WIDEN,€¦ · ll«vin^a largt »t*k of !/*«, w« air pre. |»ared tat«'l 9 CANON It F&BNOH. itoaylltD



In there in »•» Uilng» whlsh we can r*g ^ amon* which la, sud net Hi • leeatef tbsat, 'he

( jnojr OHVM noic or

W. W. McCAMMON A 00-i u-.ler. la aad Btmiderd MBDICINBS,


partlcmlei attention Mien to campoeadlag Pre-a/rytMis. Bene bet "*•' legiadleale will * Ho, gt Brady rt.,1 above Peel OSes; JunSdU Defanpget, tow*

TRUSSES,-for the eooceesfnl treatment hfJHerhla or Baituree that may be worn with tur and nmforl. The • uhecriber hil ilvtn on html * larxe a«eoi luteal of Trowi, embracing the moot compete Tirlrty tr»r eAwl. He |wlm <»rr ol adjustment to all applleaarte,' *l«o tor MM Hu-l'-n"*? hn4m«, tliillr MmtMa, Self-lnject-I ran *rrlnge» Briema^ < lut sad innw< makers.

dtf VSASi II IAI o»v, Apothecary.

J ITBIN "S IIIIHIi br the haodkerchlef, wsr-j rant J |i*naf it, CMnUotly on baud and fcr

eaieby •ttl PRAM II JACOBV, Apothecary.

MVMNIt. ADOOn 10, Hir.

AURKTS Fft VffKli MMdUT. Mir.nt-VMkiT M WNk» nr. Bsw TOM—4. M

-TlecherOaua k (ki ^ - — • & *

HAZIN B )«4 r«e|v«l by li^rw f >»ai the maoafe* tur> is forth* car* and preva» Bum of(h%|pi*4 haiul* A fur MU dlf y»ANi|iJii-oiv, ipotlmry. MHH BRKT8' lltero-At«domlrtelflopporter, %jOr invented by Mr*. (Wrah Belt*, Philadelphia, highly iwu umeod<d by |h«* Medcal Fatally, as l»-lnR thabe>t Instrument of the Bind. I^jf aale by




Drags, Medicines, Cbestfeals, PAIN rs, OILS, DYE FFL UFF8,

WIN DOW OXiAMH ferfiimrry, fancy Jtriiclta,

Surgical iBMtiueBU,

I MINERAL TKETH, AC. , RKRI call the sttentlon of the •lie In their |,rew nt large sick of roods, . Ii they aie lAittfl Ii ut < anuot be surpess«l, i in i|iiallty, »uil which w Mil

j \ . t . < n t n t t i n ' / < > f a h e t < i ' n r < I i u t h r ( ' i f f I . Particular attention will he 1-al'l to .beoumpoand-1 t>K ft

lilYSK'IANN PKKSCUIPTK»NS and family mfriictaes, and the public are assured that !»<>:..• t'ut tbe bent end ( ureal Drugs will ba u»ed f u tlfir a ration.

manh'itltf ^

MpiritN of^Turpeatine, iaatpheae

AM '-OHnU I. A HI) O! I-, U NHBBD OIL, F1S1 OIL* A>«av» OD !>an*l. Alao

I'ainlx, llr> mill in Oil,

Willi i; LhAD, WINDOW liLAr*, and V AllNI^IIKSuf aU dines. Or-trr-* l >r »il arlicl-a in -ui ;iu>: prmn|t4iy filled

Julyitdtf TATlX>HFC BAI.U>KU.

Tr M HH e H,

SunpeiiHury liiiixlu^iw, SlioiiMer liwcs,

11.-1. Birrs- i THKd-AhiMiMiNAi. snri'OR-TBR.S HRIaK INJKCTiNti .SVKIN'OBS of the * X m-TuS' 4 kuid. AU ' iKKAHT rmrB kc, Kc. TAYLOR A. BAI.I.ORO, .1 ivl'tltl 10 1,<- i aire Row, 91 »t.


L U M I i K U .

L I M B E R ! L U M B E R ! AT

CffNNOH A* I,RINRH"H Steam, Saw A Plaiaiag Mills

A N I i Door Sash & BIM I'actor r.

The Lowest Mills on Secoai St., A N D

Thr Largest Lnaber lard la Da-veaport.

it hm aurtmont of; ttuihliug mWaleriat)

ev<*r «*U> r««l Ui Oaveu{H'rt. Coii^ialtiig ol •ill* (MM) r«**t Franili>(f Timber of every (1lmen»lof). IMI.IKM) *' s**ftMined Flouritm, roogh and dratuwd. liXHRKJ " Hani Ho«i«lilfru(u l'i to M feet loug. 44W,<NIU " Fenoinf.

Ml IMM " SlM'aUnitg. *iU.uoo •' »>dliig F'-alb<*r-edKe<1, And H iicb,of

vanoun (lualUi^n. li>0,0»M) »• Clear Lumber for flnlablng, of arery thickoeH#.

80AtnO» " Cut Shlnglrf. " No. I, Sbavt^l Shlnflea. »• Saw. »l M

70I».INR) •« lAth. IU.UUU '• 1'icketf.

ALftO, A Urg-* a««nrtm'nt o* k*>r», Sa»h, Blind*, Wii • <l»w «ti<l |>i«»r Kran>t>1 Mr HJliig anil Ht roll wrk of I'vrry variety an<l<<f Hi' ' *-t su ihu , oonatantly un iian.l. and maoufa« tun » < r<l r at tb« ahorteat liotkv. ll«vin^a largt »t*k of !/*«, w« air pre. |»ared t<» fill (or an-1 Timber, twltlt th<- ulini>at illai>at«'l 9 CANON It F&BNOH. itoaylltD

J A M E S M . C A N N O N , Dealer la Lunber, Skiagle§ aid

1 . K i l l , K O I ( . 1 1 A N I > D U K S S E K , Flooring, Barn Boardu,

t EM IKIl riCKKTh, UOOD, Ac., South Kali Road (Fifth) atn*4, l<rt«e«a Weitarn

Avtuut auJ Ualae» itrwt. Julfl7<ltr

J. W. MKIKHI.fe: Jk CO., UI:vkul IIKA1 KM IN

Lwbfr, Lath, ShlBfflrs,Tinker, Acl < 'omrr CatMiI and Aotmi ttreelt,

Cnu'AOO, ItXINOIS. OI K arr«i »meTiU arc onch aa to laanre at all tUaea a lull *<i|iply of th* 'Ulfinrnt qualltlea ot

Clear Lumber, Joint and SeauUln« i>( all ».xea, audlaoctha, OoMaon l.uuibrr, I^tfa. BhlDflea, kc.

Our flooring, •f Nnnrar and White Pine, *f al*ay» (land ready t.. roni)>ar* with any In thli markrt. * e In rite the ra l. and atirii' Ion o( all oiwit rr and other dealer, •o our mock on hand and facilities for aillsf order* and eontracte. aptdly J. W. 8KINKL1 * OO.

LI MBER ! LUMBER !! rtl nbecrlben wonld reapeettally laform the boUdrrt of DaTmport and the yablle generaUy that ther keepoonetantly OB haw* at their Planing Mill, In Bock Ialand, corner of Rock Klver aa4 Waah-tnctoo .treeta. Seasoned floortnii and WMIn» and all > kladeof flnlahlns lumber of UM beat quality. Oall Hi aanlae tu atodbtloi* mckvlni «l»-wbere.

i. A. BIDOISOV * OO. lobar M. INT-d 1 year

Lumber: Lumber

At the Rack Islaad Saw Mill*

HAVING recrivTd a larfelanpplyof Lofla «• an aow nmnln( onr Mill day and night, and are prepared to receive orders tor all kinds oI Building and Framing Lumber, Latha, Shlngteaaad Fencing. All orders with which our Davenport r.ienda «ayfc-Tor u will he eiecnted with punctuality anddle^l^. MKAD, SMITH fc MABB. Ia<* Island. May SO. I* • dU)

CHIC A«O—MM " —W-l-l •T.tMIKl.i

AfUl* tat UUk. . turn the Innwial 1 <ieM«nesJ

Norel in all ita eUnh, and extr»-atdiaary in ita whob career, Mormon iam hM aaeiiied to be a ptoUcm be yood the Mgacity of the greateat and purest of our aitww. lugenioudy Mrnmaded by thoee who laid in ita councils, with metaphysics! assertion* of the abstract right of self-govern­ment, every remedial suggestion was abandoned in, until the present Administration came into power. The rt-medy which all men seem to arree updon is that which the Federal Exe­cutive will doubtless put into operation. The poisoned fruit has ripened, and is sbout to fall ; and at this moment an evil of the most gigantic proportions promises to subdue before the resolute purpose of the President, and the de­termined co operation which will at' tend the execution of that purpose.— The same energy which rebuked the Know Nothingism excesses in Wash, ington,- the same statesmanship which lias been applied to Kanaas,—will, we predict, prove to be equally ancceeaftil in Utah. Nor will the principal of popular sovereignty be violated in or-ler to bring about a consummation so Jevoutly to be wished. Troopa will be aent there, not to wage war against the deluded hordea in that farotf Ter ritory, but to sustain the laws, and en* courage those who, sick and disgusted with the horrid bestialities which there prevail, require the strong, sheltering arm ef the government to protect them. And if it should happen that in carry­ing out this design, the bold bad men who have reigned so long over their abject slaves should be summarily and effectually punished, we are free to say that public opinion will approve, and public gratitude acknowledge, the pat­riotic energy of the Administration in performing its whole duty. We con-

leas our surprise when we see the gov eminent waiting for the man to coin* ilete this great and indispensable work, t is a field for the noblest ambition.— It in a field for the statesman and the Christian. Sonic such man should be mmcdiatcly instrumental in giving

success to the policy of the Adminis* tration, and would thus win a crown richer than that " the liourbon lost." The fact that inany have shrunk from, and that some have failed in this task, only adds to the necessity for action, and will increase the glory that must rest around him who finally accom* plifihes it. We must have confidence that such a man will l>c found. Kach •risis produces its special hero. Kvery rave and startling emergency brings

forth champions for the right, iliato* ry shows that as the chiefs who led in our councils and in our armies have successively departed the scene of hir inan action, others have come forward to till their place whenever grave pub­lic exigences demanded their appear auce. And so it be with Utah. Already our foreign enemies exult in the belief, and hope, that this is the wound for which there is no balm; that to effect a settlement of the Mormon troubles we have no principle in our Republican creed, which can be appli­ed with success. But the end will show that all such anticipations are vain, and that this great mystery, this enormous, revolting, debasing, dishon­orable, irreligious and immoral fanatic­ism, 'which has already ripened into open rebellion against the Government of the nation, will learn lessons of sub­mission, if not of decency.


•awfceye Inanrance Cm,

DAVBKfORT, IOWA. F\M<m at *o.»»ATMPoara BLOCK, m> \J Ohak»,ft«lh*r,Barrov* O^'i ~ mm *»«»*.

DIRECTORS: J. M. D. Mnen Oea. L DiMipiit, P. Memln, Alfred Saodeis, Charles Le>a!le, C. 0. Parry. I. I' Deesaint, Jne. M. DaMI, a a. Woodward, Juki Omaa, i. W. Wiley, A. I. Barrow, D. L.Bharey.

OFFICERS : I). r. DBSPAIMT, PreaMaat. OHAB. I,—I IS,Treasurer. •4*111. L. SliOBBT, Secretary. 4. a BAaaowa, i_ JAMBB M. DAI ZCLL, j "*• °*-•. a. WOOUWAB1), AxWt Sec'y. D, P. McKOOM, 0— awl Agent.

This is a BoaM Oniaay. It taaaree •crlnalyely •a the sentasl plan. The etoek oenslats at premlimi nutee, aad there le now S7MS0 Hi Nd notrs In fos-seaMon of the Oomgany. All this pravetty can bo reached by pnna rrusa oar ewa Courts, and uBkra a suglcleal gnaraatg that the mem Den will raau inr the sum Insured In case of a lawe. This plaa of Insurance has mf Into general use In the • extern rlitee. beeausf It oanMaee cbeepaess with eefrty, end ke*ye moaey clrcnlallsg at home that would otherwise be sent abroad. JulySSdAwtf


Henry Abbey and his father have both been sentenced to the Vermont State prison, for bigamy. The boy bad two wives, and hia governor six.

There lias liecn ot late sn unusual inor ulity in the Senatorial body, amounting al­most to decimation. Out of the fifty-nine members of the Senate during the last Coir Kress, (there being vacancies from Iudiaua, Missouri and California,) no leas than Ave have already |«s»ed away, vie :

Mesaers. Clayton, of Delaware; Bell, of N. Hampshire; A Jains, of Mississippi; Butler, of South Carolina, and Rusk, of Texas. This record is, we believe, without s parallel in the history of tt)« onuutry.

• • • FAST I'RK B*.—St. 1'anl, Minnemta, is a

fast place—that is, if we msy judge from the way tbsy elutrge for things. A party the other day had to pay $48 for the use of two coaches and a wagon to carry them und their baggage nine miles; and one gen tleman oriored |40 for a pair of horses and light buggy, to be gone only two days, but lu- was too low. To the Falls of St. Antho­ny, nine miles distsut. where stages run hourly, the price is #1, and no one things of putting on an opposition at such low prices. St. Paul, ai the present time, contains u po|>-ulation of 15.0U0. The |ieople don't seem to work much, but appear to get rich l>y " swapping jackets." Land that gives four mullen fetalks to the acre, aells for $100 an a.-re—the niullen stalk harvest bring fob lowed !>y a winter eight months long.

IFA I.I\E IN WUE.IT.—The Rochester D«mo rrat of the 4th says:

1 Wc are informed that a Buffalo firm has just closed a contract tor the delivery of one hundred thousand bushels of Chicago spring wheat at a decline of about fifty cents from present prices. A large decline in Bresdstuffs is inevitable." ' * \9



BERWICK lb SON, PrspriMsn. IT1BK subscribers, desirous of dostuont their large X stoek of sll descriptions wf Lumber, before com-»enctng on their new stock of Logure oflbring grea Inducements topntrhaeois. All who are in want o Lumber, Lath, Stavea, ot Shinglee, are invited to QTimtno onr (took.

dawtf UN WICK A SOW.



M O C M M J r G M A J a .

The •nbecrtber will sail at


•a Taeaiay, Uw tttfc of Aagut,

JMVijmr, oaths gfsnlaas la the Tswn of Bock.

Forty>flTe Oae Acre Loto.

QKSIimiSNiMBviBni^aB man

aENOTAL. I A. BBLIN, Insurance Agent, has inim il Ills /a offloeto Ibis eecuml etory, front room, over the B. B*#reee<4fce, on Pejryatreet betwera tud *

M»y MU

t%re t JKmrUte tn*mrmmee (!•., OP PBILAOBLPUA, PBNM.

Oash Capital

vravwutjrCK cajmr*tjrr, OP PHILADELPHIA.

Authorised Capital *MM00 AmonnU eacarely Innetod *MM» 0. A. BBLBM, Agent tse Bagwynt. OMaa-Orer 17. B. Bzproee OSce, oa Perry, between Second end Third straetg. « Bai'giggll MuMil aOwhte May 4,tf.

itoard •nunranee lonpaay,


[. D. M0RIAKTT, Pa«s i. ii. BHRNAP. SEC.

HAVINO aorepted the Agency of the above saf. ami reliable Company, I aa prepared to issue policies uii the safer clasnee of Properly at aa fair ratea as other reltaHe and well eeubliahed Coinpa-alre. ry lmc« No. 8 Coauaeraial Builtllngs. Batrance IS aad S4 Brady street. 1. P. COATB8. Au*»u


AunTMiet CoMiyaim, Bartford —Chartered lait.

Mnaurmnce Cmmpmny, Of the Olty afWewTork.

CM CuftM.

liuMrMWf Company, Of Hartford.

Cat* CtpiUU $900,00

Insurance C o m p a n y , Of the State of New York. $160,0 Oonaeotlout

Mutual MM* llMMTBHW Co ACQPRN* Cfitml «M0,0L I Asset, llat Jany. I8C« OFFFIOE—Rooin Mo. 1 Hoffmana Block Main at. [aylMftVly] B1MBTI. BOVVMAM, AMI.


OrriCB, Roona He. 1. Maa>->iic Temple. Dearhom St., CMM Jt'eJttO

CAPITAL STWK, $150,000




UKNRV CHAPMAN, Tmw'r. 8. M. G1I.BEAT, Ocnertl Agent a«d Surreyor. Thin Company WM organised on tne 37th day of March, A. I> IH64, andor a Spf '̂tal Charter from the I^KiBiatnre of IHInolK.aiid baxtn«^B n>oinienrc>d under the ruoAt favorable att*i>ic«e. lu eatabUt Anient ban beeo up«4I a Ann and reliable baMU, and ID vkw of Its Kiabiiittf, aoandness and permaumcy^raaliii aa one of th«' first Insitraaoe Gontpanl«» In the cimntry. To thoiie d<«lroaa of protecting themselves aKainat loss or damaca by Fire' or peril* of the tea, they beg leave to olTcr UM followiliit HKPRRBNCBS: • Stone It Witt. Cleveland, O WlUiame li. Au» ry, Chicago.

Morton It Brother, '* Bt»ne It Boomer, *' A* 8. 0nran<ly Pro.t Haclnr It Mlas. Ballroadi ften. C, Northmp, Caah'r HAC. Ck»* Ba&k. Wm. P. Lynde, K»q., MUwanfcee. 4. U. Ct»nroe, Kw|., Ranut. Henry Pamam, Prea't Chicago It E. 1. Bailrond* A. Gilbert. Cash* Com. Bank. Uhicago: Dan. P. Rhiteletf, B»a » Cleveland, O. Hon. John U. Bresttn, Trean'r. of Stat«f OolvmbtM. Tbos. Canipb**!!, Rnq., Spnafffield, 111. Hon. R. Cbainberiin, St. Louio, Mo. Me.tars. Wadsworth» Wells It Scycamore4 Mntiri I B Barch A Co., Chicago Bank. Hun. Wm. MetliU, Coventor <»r Ohio. M^srs. G. W. SUer It Co., Chicago, '< J add, Smith It Pratt, Dixon, IB. Wm. Blatichard. Baa., Morris, HI. Hun. Wm, Trevitt, 8«Cy of 8tate, 0«(onibns»0* Meaars. H. C. AO. C. Cook A Co., BocAlonl^ 111. " H. WhMler, A Son, Aurora. tframtah Cf *e, Kn^.. Buffalo, N T. Wm. B. Puiidyv Bsq., Sprtngflald, Hon. T W. Barlty, Judge Jnpreoie Ooort, Mansflaid; Ohio. Gen. I. Com, Springfield, Til. Bichard Ivera, Baq., Bt* Lonis, Mo.

H PIRtD. Agent at Davenport aad Rock Island. OPF1CI, Davenport, at the STATE DIMOOAAI Oflkoe, Poat Oflkce Building, Brady Street. inly B-t


DtmUUk, JM«fw a A Pod

I7.8.1Mail JAB Packet*.

T H E A L H A X I I A . N. v. wm, «* ml t. ankiHT, -H. J. PAUBB, •

THE KATE CA8SEL, • Jtatltr,

. . • . 0UHT. WAMBISOTOX, . OA no MOOHK,

Ledwlik, H. Qabbeit, Lortob, McQuire,

THB tlbsmhra will run regular!I between Bock laland^lnnnpurt and all pointa above toOalenn, making sure wanectteoe at Oaiena with the follow-ItK boa la. which compose the Minnesota DnHy Packet I Jne ia St. Paul, laaviag Oatsaa at IV o'clock A. M. Steamer Murthern Light, P. Ludwkk, Master. *' Borthern Belie; J. T. Hurd, " Olty Belle, " Grsulte State, M Galena, " Alhaiabra,

The Albambra leaver Rock Island and Davenport lor Galena every Muoday, Wednesday and Friday at t o'dnck A. M, Returning loan s Oakna for Bock Island and Bs Ten port oa Tueeday, Thursday and Saturday at S o'uiock, A. M. Connecting with Xeukuk aud St Louis Packet Ben. Campbell, which leaves oa arrival uf the Alhamhia at • o'clock P. M. The Kate Caacel " ill herbal ter leave Rock Island and Davenport every Tuesday. Thai sday and Hat no da> at 8 o'clock end leaves Dubuque every Monday, Wednesday and Prida> at 8 o I lock, ciMUKcting at Rack Maud wika the X okuk and W. Louts Putot, ai«l at iMtbuquo wttb the Minnesota Ps,-k<t Oo ' Boats to St. Paxil. PaaMUde|>t> aad Sln[-P rs >sn n l> en sura oonaLxtbins at both ends of Uw liar. These boots will give through tickets to all point a above Silan to St. Paal, will also recclpt for height tcallcf the above pointa, ami will p«y partic­ular attention to the delivery of Ibt same. Passengers and shippers can rely npon tb. .tr.cLrst punctuality. a. these boata convey the Mali and must It'avt prosupUy at the hour to make their couaoctlons. M. B —These boats arrive every evening at Pulton Olty In thne for the Chicago train. Bt'RlluWS * PKBTTTMAH, Anents Davenport. J. H. LANOLKY A CO , roWABS A OO , Junldtf Agents. Bock Inland. W. F GRllVBNBl'aV, TKket Agent, Davenport.

84. Laais, Vareapart A tM. Paal PACKET.

The apt*&4itl Btea®er

DENMARK. Cap. R.C. Cray.

—Returns of the surveys of public lands in Kaunas and Nebraska have been received ut the (teneral I And office, embracing near­ly four hundred thousand acres, situated in South Platte, Nemrha and Delaware di­stricts, between the Platte and Kaaaag Ri-

AKKBITIOS »TK.—A murderess named Char­lotte Jones is now in prison in Pittsburgh, I'a., awaiting public execution. A few days ago her sister expressed a wiak that Char­lotte would send her some maney to pur­chase a new dress that she might go to age her hung.

AMKBICAN Sum UT EXULHWD.—At the annual meeting of the Roval Agricultural Society of E'igiand, recently held at Salis­bury. the MW reaper, oalled tiM " Eagle," which oaabuMa reaping and naowiag. in­vented by~A. 11. Caryl, of Maadnaky, Ohio, csrrie<l off the first pnge in that depacttnent, and M*CormicVs machiue the second. The American horse rake, the American bee­hive, Ac., attracted much attention.

Did you ever hear of the wife who wrote to her husband in California, and commenc'd her letter thus:

"Oh tell me not that absence conqoors love!* "the longer you stay away the bet­ter I like you."

^ ̂ G (if CmuwEM m tai Ww.^A com f*at of

30 children, in age from 7 to 14 years, from the Children's Aid Seeiety, left o* Tbwraday arteraoon for the West, under the protection of Mr. C.C. Tracy, of the Newsboy * Tiiitdgirg Hooae. TMa is that gentleman's eighth ex­pedition Westward. The children were mealy dreeaed, and looked exceedingly happy on leaving the city, and song theu-famrdl an«a toXaw VorkaaecrUy.^Ar.r.


asked a

Insarance Company.

MnI.V.0i orgfMaiaaCkaghatitrMt

ST. LOUIS, MO. Cafliali - - asoo^M) WM. DHBBOB, Prest. AD. ABKLCS, Tie* Prse1

QBAS. ABEAM SON, Simslary. B. A.Oaae. ft Meier, Ohaa. V. Meyer irner, A. 0. Oordea, H. J. SpanaBont. f. B.BA1DIN6, Agent, Davenport, Iowa.

HsnryBloe a Wumot,

The undersigned la Agent far this new Inaarano Company, which Is managed by some of the moat sab etantial buslnem men of St. Louia, and Is ready at all Umee to take rlaka on niaiiinable ratea. It should net be overlooked that Uiie Is a good Wsolera 0o«-pany, aad ahoald be eopportedby oar eltiaeaa,lnataa cf being swlodlod ly Baetorn gwladliag^natnaUon of which there are se i P. B. BABD1BS.



VUWT Fig®, Bieretary Mkl Treeapnrer. M. FIRLD, AMI,

Are yen Insured f IP not step right aloe It to the Captain's OBce and have the matter settled as I am sgent tor one of the best Companies In the world, and will In-sere aa anp as any other r.viod company. Mycom-paay la the Quaker city o( Philadelphia, with a cash capital, all paid In, of $''S8,000, and liberty to in­crease It double. If any person Is desironj of being 1 Mured aad wDl take the trouble to enquire into the standing of this company, he wiU be satisfied to give me the risk as none but nod ones win be teken. B. W. M0BR18, Agent of the Qurker City Ine'nce Co. ot Philadel-s. Store on ad street, Srd doer freak Perry St. a tf

Packet between Ml. Louiwand Ml. Paul,

tnochlnK stall tt>*- INTKItMBP1ATK POINTS be-ween the two places. Due notice will be given of her days of sailing r<nnthia port. For freight or pannage at>ply on board or to BURROWS A PRKTTTMAN. May 26 >Hf Arntn.

T H E 0 L D T 1 M E R E S U M E D ! U. ft MAIL. IilWEM


Parket Company,

8taprB(«.jJ2| Canptell, ('APT. LEROYDOItOE,

A. L. Miller, ) Charles W. Atnnuxxm, J ̂

Steaner^l^IllcKM, Capt. J. R'Keack All. Ctsrwine, ) /'/ T. Ben, IL Kingsbury, J ^

OM and after Monday May 11th 1657 the above BOATS fotmloc this line will leave Rock Ialand and Davenport aa follows r The sU-amer i'BRN CAMPBRLL' every Monday, Wednesday and Friday t vening. The1* J. McKEB" every Tuesday,1Thursday and Baturd yevenlng,on the arrival of tbe evi-nlxtg train from Chicago and the Packet from Galena; connects at Moacatlne with the evening traiu from Iowa City; at Rurllii^tfi with (h<< mortiinff train I'aat from Chicago and West from Mount Pl«*aaaat; at R«okuk *ith the great t*. St. Mall Line Steamers Jenny Deans, Thomas Swann and Die Vernon" for Qalncy, Alton and St. Lonls, Returning will arrive at Rock Island In time to connect with thetrainsto Obtcago, and the Boati to Galena, Dunl letb and St. Paal. For freight or passage applyon board or to BURROWS A PRKTTTMAN, Agfe MayfHhdtf. {CaseiU to copy)



Jann«, Doaaelly A Lea.

E n g i n e J t i U i H w o r k

of all description, for flour and saw mlUs,



Trasses, Irsa Vcraadahs, Iraa

RAILING FOR FENCES <k BALCONIES, Ac, Ac, of the latest patterns made toorder.

ALL KJXDS OF AKASS ('ASTIXGS made to order. Eepairlng promptly done.

Fence Re)n.

BARKl',8 patent fence Keys for wire fenoes always on lunil and for sale by JBMMB, DONNKM.T fcLBA,

cor.8.1 and Rock Islands!.

Second Hand Engine*.

THKBB second hand engines for sale very low by JAMME, DONNELLY fe LB A. Juneliltf Daily "Crescent." Iowa rity, "Pemocrst," Tipton, and "Clintonian" DfWitl, cupy 3 month.



Oorner Rock Island and Second Streets. JAHMB, DONSEI.I.* * LKA,

ABB now prepared to execute all kinds of Knjrlne and Machine work for Saw and Flouring mills. Also Oraaaaeatal Haaae rastiaga.

ofswperiur and varied designs. Caps, Sills, Brack-eta, Trusses, Br., of the latest patterns, or mad. to order. N. B. Speela (attention paid to repairing work.— Accident, to irachinery repaired without delay.— Bras4 cast ngs made to order »n short notice. imblSdtfl JAMM1. DONNEL1.T A T.BA.

TUCKER A WILLARD'S AH the corner ol Second and Harrlna sL-eets, KJ where you can buy all kinds of

DOORS, SASH AND BLIND8, of the bertt quality, at the lowest cash prices. White Leatl, Linseed on, Varnish, Japan Varnish, Turpen­tine, and other kinds of Psints. Olased wlndiwacunstantlyon hand, Blinds Trim­med and Painted, Qlars of ail sixes for sale at whole­sale and retail, Slasa set at tfiort notice. Also a good assortment of WALL PAPBB and BORDERS, which will be hung by an experienced Paper Banger, if deelred. Painting done by contract and by the yard. Jobbing done at short notice, If ear friends will give aa a oall, we will try to ea>etbem. nnSni> WILLIAM E. BAUuca, SAMUEL W. BARB EE.

Hi F. MITCHELL, Ageat, Por the knowing well known Compenlre: STAB INSUBAMCBCO, Of Ogdsnbuigb, NT. OhfMal $US,ggg.

MAMAOBBSBm MOTOAL LIPS IMS. 00. OtSpriagflaM. Capital $lga,aas. OPPIOBaaedoornorthaf Pnat Q»ee, over Tailmea Powers a McLean's Bank. Davenport.

Fire am marine wmim mm LOSS

4^: W (IH|I WF PlMe



J.aOAsnau, Bsa^r. •gaAgsWsiiis.JWl laaimiiiHiiai BiMmime PuiMag tm

gSS lr'ia*rr?iTT!*i IT I Itilii^ aa4Mn1gi BimgsiMlaifca HaBillalii, FATsAratb OBeewltAOtty MafghaCoorm. of Brady a»4VM|

W a a d e n P w p a . J. 8. IHSaiT,


J. o.



P R I C B B R E B U C 8 P


T H I S D A Y ! > t

our eatlre atuek of

F i n e L a w n s , K o b e

m u t J M J M m m «••««

will be sffsred at


Our stock Is new and ran aad

1 u « ( i » e H o l d

to make room for fall poKhaaee. ir you want

f I T C . f P H O O D S


E. & K. H. TYNBKS,



G O O D J T E J W S .

Attorney at Lam, W*. £. Barber St Co.,

LAW, LAND A LOAN OFFICE, No. S Orant's Block, Mala st, below Sd,

OAWMJUVOHT, - . MOW*. HI OBIT TO LOAN on leal aad Pmoudae-


LEBAL BUaiBBBB of every klsd falthfany attended to.

1BTLM tnveatigatad and ABtTKCTI given. when required.

BElia and ether lasl i itmaais at wrltlM aare-tally drawa.

LalVB.WAaMAim LOCATBH mm actual Inspection of the landa.

PATBMTS obtained for IWVHBT0BB. BBAL BRATBbongbt and sold oa Ooendlsioa.

urBkXNcn: J W Alntrtt,Bsq. Pres. Bank of Oommersa, BalUmare C B Colemau Bsq,Cashier Mechanics Bank, do P Slkeon BK|. Caahler Bank of Balltaaors/ do Metera Harvey, Carton a MeKaight, do - Canfletd, Bro, A Co, gl » McLean A WllUama, gl

B B Oumegys Is), Oaahier niMgslh Bank, Phllad

w A Porter ftq, OUy SoiMtar, <h> * Hen Jamee Cooper, J. Meaars Boyd a Batae, ^

Hoopea A Tnwagmi, 4o

iisxvjsrrs, w-^Dft BT Leech, Jr, Baa, » mart.,. •aa MM V BuSU, BregM Baafe U

aourt, a, T—m Meaars C^ow, MsCiemj k Oh mJrmm

DrSBOIarto, 5? Bdala Smith Bgq,

Just received per

a superior assortment of


all the styles of

E R f M M J Y G E S ,


an Imawnae variety et ; ,

Cotton A* Linen Fringe*,


latest Imported. SaS styiee of

Dress Rattaas, Hosiery A Clares,

menawomens aad childreaa while, brown, state blue, open warken and

Fancy Kid ft*loves Cleaned

Patterns for chlldrens garments; o latest designs.

JOUTS, JunelSdtf Brady at, bet. 4th aad Sth.

• N S L G I i A t C O .

•yy ILL commence this day and sell their stock

S u m m e r G o o d s ,


B A R A G E R O B E S ,


and varioaa ether goeSa

C O S T .

Wot a few deys. Oall i

N O . 11 L E C L A I R E B L O C K




WHTTB Broeade alike, ; PBBHCB MariAdes.

WllIU Kmbroldered Collars and Baadg,

White, Brown aad Pink Sash Blhhone, Colored Borages for evening dreos.

White and colored SwMeag, Black Lfiog Shawle,

•ztra fine Sax oag Oh sake it and Plain Malnaooka,

Ladiso' Black and white eUkBoso, White aad colored akkt

Seat* Marino Testa and Pants, Ledioa preach BraeHbat Bakae,

White Orspe. aad many other styles of goedi le wMeh we Invite attention.

nlStf UOOMDST., ego. LeOatie


Mmtrm fMHIyilWi wMk

BlmeU Boiled HWk9




ead a fall ata* of rich goods, adapted to the i eaabefoaadat


acaivcNa. QALLAOHIK**.


IU «Matfr Mapcr or

Beeher HoUlaterAWUUaa, , . ..Mag i §a uki o*m«,

Chicaqo, III,

STBCtALIiTICg. la erder to make teem lor eat

T1" • —~w.wT Aad lartba better ooavealeaae o< ear cwstsaasee, wi have takea the SBS akirs reef ally oocamled by D. B. Oeoke *Oe., aad ceeuected Itwlth oarfcmer eatae-sirs prsmtses. Th^satraaae.ta ear aalaa raama am flgiaai Ball la aua


caffjcfum A larser ainrtmiatthaa al^othara la thaalty earn



Flae, aaperSae aad Tapeetry Ingrains. BerllM, Taa-etieu, Btmp aad Volt Carpets, Drnggato,ac.

Oil cioths. Of bo bast Porelan and Domestic Miaafarlaim Bigg

eaeyaro to tweaty-toar feet wide

JHaWsffi. Always aa band a Ur*eatocfc of Oaloa Mattnwa. Also, saporierOoooa Msltlaji, laall wtdthe, g«iu -"le for oaoge, Balooas, Ac.

Mats aad Bags, la great vartatf, Beat thne gUBtaga to $as. !

cmiwsjr COOIM. *» thla deaartmaat we (hall devote Increased attea

We have aow la store aad are dally reoatrlag Bat trnkvidtred^Clotk Curtain*.

amrt Brecafsflss la pattoras and by ysrdj Jhpmiwl BHai wllh bieeateOe borders.

tmrn |OsLa*t«i, •ffnadaseir fleetaete—with trlmsalsgsto mateh:

tsmee Cnrtmin*, which for Beanty of Finish aad Splsndne la galp, cannot be sarpaeeegj—iarying from $S to $100per pair.

WIKMV SHADES. Baaatlfnl'painted end rich Qold Shades, White, Bel

Oreen aad Blue Hollacda.

House furnishing A Upholstery Goods. ttreeeaa of every kind, Feather Beds aad PUowe, BUnki.tsl()allla, Cotton SheelUgp gad Pillow

Linen Goods. TaMeUnena, Napkin a aad Do/liea, tiaan Sheet-gaad Pillow Linens, Mackabacka, Towels, Oraah

Ao., at M par eat leee than asaal prtoaa.


Psrttanlar attention la invited to the feet that we have many of (he beae etyiee aad qaalltlsg of goods that cannot be obtained elsewhere, and we are aow

•bring onr entire atock et Oreetly Reduced Frlcee

Beeeker, BsDlster A Wliblas. Jan la I8S7 d 1 *V 1SS Ltn LVBBKT*


Whalaaala Bwlell >•

G H O C E R 1 E 8 iron, Soli. Ctmtni, Be.

AtiSNTSTOK THK SALS Of ao.Xstrln(aOo^

Celebrated Fire and Thief Proof Soft

E. A T.Falrkssk's Scales. I WB shall keep constantly »n hand a full stow o.

Giooeiies, Which wc uC-r b> the trade ga low *>9ka»ar*Med n BMaasoev U.OZ and pan haaaii wm Rnd oar goods to be of the b>at qual-ty aad warranted equal to nun pie |aa3Sd*wtf

S0O*nB — Meeoovado, Porto Bleo, CUrtikd, Crushed aad Powde. ed, for sale at


rtuBBBMS Bi '.Miiks, Java,alee around OeiTee V ami fcssnn of B. p. a D.

M0I.ASSBS— N. Orleaas, Bagar Uouae, anaIjrux, foraaleat B. P.AD.

T'BAS--Imperlal, l'oang Hyson, Quapuw ier aad ^ BtattTeaa,laraaleet B. P. A D.

SFIOBB—Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon, Qlovee,0ln-gar, Muetard aad Natniegs, at B. P. A D.

^OAPS—Paacy ami Tullet, Family, Braalvo and O Oast He fur sale a. B. P. A B.

/^tANDLBS—Sperm, Adainsntlac,SUarine, Star and vv Tallow, for sale low at B. P. A B.

/ 111*- -Sperm, Solar, Lard, Bank, Boein, Linseed U and Olive, at B. F. A S

PAINTS—White Lead aad liac Paints for sale at B r. A 0.

CtlttAHS—Havaae, Uenaau aud American Breads, J at B. P, A O.

'I1 OBACCO—Natural Leaf, Virginia and Missouri A poaad ^a»«a, Twist, Tlu-yuU and tiuiokiug, for •K' at B. Y. A D.

CANDIB8 aaaorled and fanry, Uutu and Lemon D r o p s , L f l c i a g M — M . F . I t D .

in]ars, boars and barrels, Oltron, Fig B P. I D

PIOKl.Bg—Uaderwootl's brands, a seorted sisee; Pepper Sence^for sale at B F. A D,

PBUNBS Faate aad Currants, at

poWDKB, Shot, I


*' I J. JACKSON, | A' *' ;s, J { J NO. ».



B E T T S .

Fie. » SOUTH MAIM IT , flit, XioiiiAy 3MCo«

fieaersl Csnnlsslaa A Forwariiag Merchasts.

R C r B I E l l l I I : Kenlck A Petterson, Bt Lnals. W S Oilman, do beorge Prgram, So Cant B W Qonld, do Laflln, Smith A Boles, do Oapt J H Johnson, Louisiana, Mo. Flint A Wheeler, Chicago. M ANeef, do Laflln, Smith A Boles, do B H Kennedy A Oo., New Orleeag. AS I arwell A Co., Boston. Starling, McCallough A Co., N. T.

Mar 3d IU7dl* ^




f IQITOB DBALKRS AND OTHBBS ARB TVVI-|j ted to try the Pure Spirits made at the above e>-tabllahment, for which orders are eoildtad. Aleo, American Braady and Ola of fine Savor at Pare Spir­it Prices.

April l4,dtao.

STARCH—Oorn, Peari and Ksnilly, lor ealc at B F. A a

NUT8—Almomla, Hraill, Filberts, Pea. Pecan, Walnals aad Ceeoa, st B. P. A D.

RAISINS—M R and Layer, whole ami s Iwzea. Saltans an>l Malaga, at tt. P. A t>.

CHOCOI.ATK, L*«oa, Bronia, Farina, Tapldoa Whi aten .irtts and Oat Meal. B. P. A l>.

SALT— Kanhawa. 9yra<use, Turk's Island, IJver-pool blown and (Jn.iiuil Alum. B. P. A l>.

CKMKNT—Ixmlavllle and I'tica: Plastering Hal' Stnoeo Plaster. Milwaukee and Batvluaky f >

Ash, 8 tons In store, and for sale b^ B. P A >

BASKBTS—Market H to Is bushel. Oorn aad Clothee, at B. P. A D.

Boards, Oburns, Mups, Ale Helve*, at H P. A D.

/~~1(>RI>AUK—Manilla, Jute llemp, and oott«n ixw-L dase of^sll sioea. B. P fc l>.

FISH—Meekere! fish and smoked HaUlbut, at

GLASS—Window Glass, assorted sites,Tumblers, Jara and DeuiUehns, for sale at B P. A D.

BRIMSTOMR; Sulphur, Sella, Borax. Indigo, In atereend foreeleb? B.P. AD.

MATCHBS—Pleroe A Oo, and St I»uie, for sale at B. P. A l>


BuamriiWA. „ _ „ BBPBBTO: Mesera. P. OnowTBAu.Jr. ftOa,. I _ _ -Caahler AMifcit'anBiflatni^ini I MOW TgBB Messrs. TcsattaA Dea<aa, Bankera,SI. LeMa. Oaahier ArLamo Btaa, Boston. Messrs. a. K. SWIFT, Bao A JOM»aTon,Ohlease JWd end Bilia eeUerfed end si ei ssdi raadU to

ea y port <**. CnuZtaZ£.'mmm

Bills stliikay aa all the Principal cmIm of thr Varied Btahre aad Keeepo

mo ro UT xra aoan

r» Money l>emlt*ei lo Burope la StgAI m»u hieh Can be caehed la any tewa ia Bagtead, in-

£l sat Bpwaida. whKh caa be caehed la land, or Wal«'a$tn

Oct ll-Af



Aad Dealers la EisAaage, DavaBpertt low* itflcs. Brady Hrttt, between Ssssad aad It#

I^XCn.tNHB on sll thsprtaolpal cttlee of the IM a teti Slates, Ureat Brltala, Uelaad, end oeaU>

nental Kuna boagM aad gill. Not>a Aaedrattaueileeted, ead piuiasda nmllHd

to any pert of the United Statae, st lowest ratee Rxuhsoge.

Collecuoas of notes, drafla, aceoeata, legacies aa Inheritances made ia all parts ut the United States Canadas and Burops.

Storks aud Bonds boaght aad avid ea immmlstlBB and ilividends culleeted.

Land Warrauta bought, sold aad located. •Urheage ea miea la the t ailed Male Carp.-uter A Vermllse, New Torkeity. Allu.ny t'Hy Bank. Albany, Mew Tork; BuSblo City Hank, Bufelo, New Torki Baaa of flammnss. Bestsa, Msssafbaaette, Tradesmen's Bank, Philadelphia, Pmnaylvaa Merch A Maanfacturers' Beak, nttabarg. ra MeRim A Oo, Baltimore, M<t, Sliuiore A B-«'herton. Clnr|. n>ll, Ohlo| Luces A Sin. -oa. St Lous, Mo: Cttlten*' Bank, Mew Orlaana, Lai BKSwMt,Biaihae AlQbaelia.Ohleegn, tin


-^lyoODENWABK—Tulni. Palls, Was).

Tlstcher's Patest Lilt ail Foree

PUMP. rg^HlSPump wfU not fr csc and Islssa liable la ret JL out of order than any other in use. snd >i.- hsd

premiums awarded at every foiret which it ha» been eahiblted. Jau28 BORROWS, PRBTTVM AN A DALZKI.L

TILLMAN, POWERS A McLEAM, Baalwr* BB4 BtBUrs Is Bichaapr

Blrlni Been appointed agenta far lbs AM BRIO AN, BUROPRAlf


in snma lo snit imrehasera upon all the principal •iiles awl towns ot

Knglanil Swltserlaad , Scotland Norway Ireland Swolua Prance Ptdatd; Ocrmany Ru.sla Austria aelltria Prussia Haagary Italy Denmark' !*|>ain The Orient

which they will sell at New Tork priors adding Bxf bxngelnNew Tork. "• I r. s ' 'n all|ia ul tbe UiiitM Uag

' • t'.'iiir en " -1. ^ t o.u.bilasiu>aud orders ot all aunts promptly aae-CUte.1

February ao il t •

Iros, Steel, Kalis oifatdl Blacksmith TOOIb,

IRON, Pittabnrgh KoUc-l si,.I Chsrrosl, Sw deaad New Vork refined of all sir.'.; Nail K<nls, a aunerior

article of Swede aad Pittsburgh! Cast Bteel, Nay;or A Oo, round, square, flat and octagon, Kngllsh, Blis­ter, (iermar and Bprlnii Steel; I'lowBf el, all sises; Nails and Spikesof all sii>»; Bellows, IlniS, view. Hammers aud Tones, Stocks and IHe*; Am lis, Mouse Hole, caat aad ateet tassd; Horse Shoes aed Halle, as­sorted Slaeai Wagon, Carriage and Heil Springs; Wa­gon, Dray, and Buggy Axles; Bhevem, S|>a<le*, llraln Scoops of various slses: Orowbnrs^leke,lloe!*,Qrliid-toaes, east HorseMaad HltihlagF».ts, IruaBettle. ad Vaiaaces.


Berrlag's Safes.

E E Jft V Jt L .



A few doors weat or Treniout Huuae, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

-nra would respectfully Inform oar customers and TV the public, that we have reawved Into the

new aad spacious store, No. KM Lake street, where, with ample room and Increased facilities, we shall Leep a much larger, better, and more varied stock of Clothing and Furnishing Hoods far aa aad boys, then ever before. Our ~ Beady-Hade Clothing Department, aa heretofore, every deeertpMoa, style aad grade of seasonable ganaenta, to fit all stars from boys of six yeers, to the largest adult, aqaal la qual­ity aad style to oueteea w.rfe. The Custom Department under the eadnslve managtmeet of Mr. J. F. Gold­smith, formerly wllh Develtn A Co , B'oadwae, New Tork. will be found the moat perfoct, In all Ita atiaslntmeata, la ChHago II wiU at a|l timeg be Mocked with a large aad b autlful aeaei laiaal of fine Cloths, Oaasbneree, Vssilngs, Ac^, which will be meds ap to order In the very best Mew Tork styles, and at moderrle prlcaa.

The Famishing; Department. Ia this department will be fouud Skirts of tbe bid

quality; also, gentlemen' i aader ganaenta of silk, woolen aad aottoa, hoetery, glovei,

suspenders, cravete,tles, etc, etc. Our goods being Ml either auaufactured

ported espreaaly for our trade, and selllBg aa we do an ameaat per snaam equal to tbe trade at eay Bret daaehonse in Hew Tor*, we are enabled to aM.-k ear goods at New Tors Prior*.

Thla is as hambag—we ask aa «»aa*ig<len. aad U oar representations are nntrne do not bay of us.

One Price Only—No Deviation. TJIPFBN BBOIHBBd,

unSdly MB LakaBHeali Chlaaaa.


K. 1m BTOV, TS Bttf BnadiWjp* Sllrest, Alcage, BL,

HAS conglantly on head and la reoetvlng frem Oemeoticut, a superior Quality of Snokee, Hube

Pelloee,Bhafte, Met, SsHas wra, WhlMatresa, Car­riage Parts, Baggy liali, Ac., Ac. Alao, Wagon Spokea and Hube 'or aele. I fraa the eoaatry psaafllyanaaM la April .dSBH. _ _ _

Ansrlcaawaif castpaay, Manalaeturera of

Whips and Lnslies, at every dewsrlptioa.

Store, 71 Randolph at, Chicago, I1L J. JOBSABa oo, Aiwu.

J,|a»a ma kdeatlaa et .tMe

The KQhsrrlbera a.e AK'-nta for M^ri. S. 0. Iterruix A

J« celebrated Pir»* and Tlil*'f iftof Safe. Wa vonld Invite the attention of tlx- public to the fait tliattht**e Safe** hate f«»r yeara stood th«^ te-t cf botb ure, Uiit-f and alao of time. Very many Safes will • a measure <lefy the ft>rmer and yet fall before the latter.

VImsisllilw «L lAeaa BFTTO* areae »«-U toown that tfca M|vtiia oMki asatchanU <ti Hew MM4 Phl-ladelpMattaitJ other make of Saf*--. W> can fur­nish Bafes» of all »l»»a and with anjr dea«*rlptU>n of Locks wanted* ar>i vUl warrant to the ntmoat aU the onalltlM of tbe 8afe*e we s*-U. janMtf BURROW** PRBTTTMAN A DA UBM*.

Falrkaak's Celebrates Scale* Adapted to any repaired oper­ation of weighing, as for Inn. coal, hay, stoek, and for the nseof warehouse, stores, and foaadrlee, and la short for ev­ery kind of bualnese. The treat skill ead Sdellty employed In their manufacture and the de­termination on the part of the manufacturers never to allow

aa Imperfect article logo forth from their estabilsb-meat, has gained for Mr Seale* a repatation that has sever been aarpaared la the whole range of useful


Private Medical Csapaalsa! OB THK

M'nfortnatein Friend.


TO TORNO M K S AND "the'* N<-rvoiis Debility and Chroul: diaeaaes. The first and direct con^eqiteaoe of raci-a* ami abuae of the •canal •y-W ai, U a peculiar dUr aa'd oandltW« of theae tnlnal organa wblch *h» Au­thor in h s TRdAllHR, has called th** special «lla* aa' of Maatnrbatlon. The follow In* dlsonl« rp, stinK In ow rase, tone Hi anaiht-r, are attain tne dtr- ct •unanimft « « a t.f thli <lli«'s,"e, viz B"» mlnal Kml«<i*li>na O'-n^ral

Deb^ity and Kervoiiams*, Distaste for Baulatf. Oioofujr Pr« sentm«-nlf. pain and weakneae lo the

i, impairment uf mental vigor and memory weak aud «aU-r) < eruptions on the fac«* and botly,

titasiM^s of vlciotm dreams and unrffreshing sleep. vnBtneas for marrlase relation. Improper et-ila^iiitj of tbe organs, stricture, costlveaeee, piles«

A". To the (roth of thla, more or teas la ma case, fvi ryanflbver framaellury indulcenaacna

att* st. And further, anv latent or family predlspt>-»*nM«n to dts^aif, aa imbecility, Impetenci*. insanity Ac., Is sliuont snrelf fVftitually <(^velo,«edlntoactlv !•>, and it IN actually tt»« most frequent raa»T* of Hup-*- pialadiaa ta yunu perwma. aa proved h* the tatistioa of ail anuntrles. And thla Is equally trv

of both aeie*.—(if111, If tah*ii in tiny>, this diabase and its cona«*qnencea are perf**cl If amenable to treat' m«'nt

Dr Hnhl^U baa. for many y*ara paat, been <*n-KtdtH U|M>II so many aod dUtr»aaing casea of 'hi* vice, that his attention has been nec^aarlly mock directed to Ita trratment and cure, and he la happy to add. han, beyond tus moat enugafo'- ajtpeeiauons. niatarirt a treatment at enae aafe and eertala, and to**torn* BBtBf^i arwatioaaor aaa^eoaainRila a.

fir fTnl>h**!'s Treatise ahould be obtained by every one, M it will prove a complete safeguardaffalnst Im­position. Il explains th«* nature and oonaeqnenose oi all diseaara of tb«« fen«*rative organa

BJT Tboee living at a dlBtnnor. bv enekiainf two pDsuuta stamp*, in order to pre-pay the poatage, wlQ melve a copy by return of mail, sratl*.

I»r ilubt>eirs experience ia not eito^llfl by any phy­sician, lu the treatment of Private IXaaaaaa of any nature.

Tl»a Bcalea are nnanlaiotialy acknowledged aa the gTAMDARDlaaH traasaetwasby weight.

A lawsuit wblch erase from a discrepancy of weight between oae of Palrbenk'a Scales in use by tbe Bal­timore A Ohio Railroad Company and one of another aiaaafacture was recently tried In the Court of Oonr moo PWa«Baltimore; tbeceae occupied tbe Court tm deys; and iodge Marshall in delivering his decision itated ea the nauMof the evldsaes, that tbe aecura-ay of PAiaaAHS'a SCALES waa estabitehsd beyond all question. For sale by

Btmnows, FRHTRMAN A DATiKI.L. The well kaowa reyatation of these Scales has In­

duced the veadera of Imperfoet and wnrthlrsa balan-eaa to oSbr them as Fairbanks' Soales, aad pnrchae-era have thereby la many aaaaa been subjected to fraud aad impoaition. Tbe manafaeturers have no esatreversy with honorable competitors who trans­act baalneaa In their own aaama, bat regarding the perpetralora of the above fraud, aa punning a couree alike uajuat aad dlahoaorable, they take thla method to caatlon the pabllc of their laiposttlone.

The pabaateeg maaafaetuie uader their ewa In­spection only at their Factory la St. Johnebury, Tt. Fw sale ia Daveapen auely by


St Johnsbury.Tt . May 21. IStd.

tis^irey'sCdekraledCarilsl lila It 1 'hrrrn, but <!<#* not Inebriate.

fllflH aaeqaalled haverageprasrases medMnal pro-A pertte* at tbe Mgtieet order. It Is manuractared

especially for aad by the Proprietor and Patentee, of the best materials, and has a I the merit' witbatit tot deleterious effects of any other (ltn either >'• <>reat BrttalR. Boll aad,«'bis oeaMry f/ett/Vgg'r I 'tit-br.itfi (V-<Hdl b/abss l>e> n adopted by eminent phyalctans as the purest and ami efilcacions >ligu-siv« stimulant aad diareUs a>blah neaafaaturlng akll has yet given to the world.—It Is entirely exempt from those alcoholic drinks which tx r t a thirst for amaaleala. Osdatelaeny gynnt ywaptly filled by tks Pn«>rieter. »eOO«>DPBKT,

Importer of Rrandle«, Uln, Wines, Ac. JuneWdRm Id South William st. M< w Tork

Indies msy the doetor with perfect cmSdenee, as he hat rooms e»p<dally for their treatment, and can cure kuppressloiis, luehorrhea, and all Irregular-itiea apreddy aad eSbctaally, without paut et laeon-veaieace,

Persons living at a dlataaoa, by giving a plala Si slrment o f their caaas, will be atteaded ta punctu­ally, and medicines forwarded by eipreee to all porta of the Uaited States.

Addrese, J BubbsU, M D, bog ISgS P O, CMBago, Illinois.

Private offloe. No Sb Raadolpb st, oppselte the Revere Hotel.



I N V 1 G O R A T O R . rrspsre4 ky DR. KANF0RD,

Pa gveat BrlentMc Ifaileal discovery, and la dally working curea, almost too nn-at to b< Iteve, It

curenaa if by manic, eren IA«/i>af DO**GIVING 6«-ne/ft, and aeldom ruor»* than on** bottle la required ta cure ar>y kind of lAvtr Complaint, from the wo~at Jaoudiin or Dy*pep»ia to a <-«••(« headache, all of vbtch ire the rrault of a Dlaaaaed Liver.

The Liver l<* one of Bi the principal rogolatara of the human body,an'l when It pei forme Ita functioi*a wellf thepov ore of ike aistea are ftaitf clffanpiiil. Vke Vflr dhmaoA ta Mn«at tireiydepKU' nn the Abe Liver for the ; f«»-funetloaa when the bo«eld are at faulMad ft-ra In CHnseqwtiao of —having aaaa >1 lo 4o 5


JVew Sprinar Gootf« •scsftvsi ly

W. €.

OMItPauls ail BaiegeB«g^

JMBalaaUBMk BTMayMker flat JMCaaaea feq. de da

Blrtt BkaMaf!




,.a --.-SXRRJGSR?-


athsr styles effiaad,

S P I I N I S T Y t i t I ayasi iv. e. nsnraere. Skim

WIN ef IMaamralag hM ggtlagts* sg •UfJrJ



Qillalte LeOlahel


Pay Year City Taxes.

'̂SSLXSSISMLSM*M «TM£, g g g I S i — . . . . . . i s


Celebrated, CordiniBittert An Unequalled Tonic A Stomachic.

A POSITIVB and palatable E< nfMy for g-neral Be. A. bility.Dy.pepaia, Lo^ at Appai Ite,and all dlsor • dar af the Blgaative Orgaas.

The laveator and Proprietor of Unrifretft Ctlt-trtited Otrdi'il Bitters in rummending them a- aa aartvalled tonic aad luvlgoraLi, U sustained by the best mrdlcal authorltiee er BWSpe end Enteric,, at well ea by i he moll linden who have tested the . At a reetoratlve they atand aloue. Thousands »ho are aow languishing might awake to new eslsieais y I his powerful renovator The dyspeptic who reaort. to Godfrey's Cordial B Iters, And-, th- ben. fit perma*

I. Dpoa the Vital ersene. they exe cl« a dl ert sanitary infloenee, and vet their agency l« aa mild as salutary. . For general debility, ataking at tbe stomaeb, loas of sp e'ite, sick heads'he, or mental

jg'Jga: rjEXra.",:'r": aaes, and aU dl orders of the aernus system, their benefits ere tomlcaleUe. ...

Parcheaers are ceationed asalael ell ItMllluaa. Central Depot, M South WlilUmstNT

( 4. OBOOODFRST, JaadMba Proprietor.


IjUnS^gpalar ptacjof paUlc resort win be opeo

AF MMJUTB CQJTCERT wittbegMaa eaeh eveaiag by

at half paat seven o'clock.

MM9JW t ot thaWt qaeter, stsll


A LL Bt waat et a Bow Brese for the apgriarhlgg

fSsimwi -•»

of tbat trgan,oae A made It h's • tudy, la a Sw twenty years, to find ^ with to couuteract the SaF whirb it l< UaMe. $M|

To prove that this re-aay person troubled 1^ in sny of Ita forms, has convic:i',ii I. certain. A compoaad has been PW gums and eatraclUnc ub a for the ac Ive vir- ^ Th" . gums remove all B5 fr>m the system, asp- y healthy flow of bile, In- |g^ causing fo >d to digset i^. bio d, giving toae and marhlaery removing pa) caee, ind effecting a ^ aay of the disagreeable BH using or A/in. usually n soi tnd to. s*

f>r.e dose aft^r rating MI the •Ir.mseh and pre. it.. air<l »owsat.- _ ^9

jalgowAe-' label *• lgbtmara. Off 7>my on ,!ose taken W

h e a l t h y a e t i o a e f per peiformeeceef Ita stomach is at fa tilt, the the whole sygtsni suf oae organ—the I.I VBR Its daty. For tbe dl. of tbe proprietors aaa practice of more ihaa tome remedy where-uiaav derangoarnls to

medy l« at last toned, with Liter <b*mpi<iint but to try a botus,



KiBABBBtlT * CBBS, •*. Das Melnae, leva.

of the United Statsa'. am. uf SnAsi .a en a'' Ibe prineipul Cltiea of the Halted Makse e-<4 Bsssps, bought ami aold Meney raaalMgd te Batopg le eight mO., which caa be naahad la any las a la Baglead.Iialaal sr Welae>laana»efBl I

by dlaeolvUig IkM part which Is sol-tues of the medicine, •u rbld or bad matter plying la their piaee a vigoraUng. he etomach w a l l , p a r l f y l n g t h e health to ibe Whole the causae of the dlo-radteal care without alter egfccls, felt hy tral I'oiton that

b$lf«niu(^nwe eight leoeeng the

bowel j gently..nd < ares A ooatlveneaa. One do«e taken after Jr

. . . Ban* tot F . a W. Clark,Bt Loala, Me. B. W. Oark, Dodg. A Oo., New Te(B. *

fcSfdlaagd u.Aactnaati.Oble. SstMtt E&i'HAMlB

0a a0farte of the Datfod States boeaht sad SM. OOOa,BARSBHT A OUOB,

d Lead Agaate. fl. Bee MeiBee.

P0B SALE. TaB BOTBL at Waunrv, IS miles west at Paveatairl, the first ataihsi oa the M A M. Rail rood. The house Is well built, aad i> situ*

awn oa a net a ral etevsttea la the prattle, nomine od-Ing an em ten. IT. view of the surrenieliag eomitry. Tbe viclnily Is a (kvorlie resort fui apuneaara derma the haataw aaaana. A large aad onamodWaa Stable ta eataslted le the araaiiaaa. lVraas Very low, aad a loog credit for pert of the parchaae moaey w«l be

_ «dfoie(y. AMlyte oooaa BABSBHT.


Valuable Iteming I K 8 0 0 T T C O U N T Y . *

B A0O A a ran.

WHoSbr tor sal. la tracts to salt parthasera, the tbe following dsalrab'e landa; AUY aw, Ttl, K.tM MBA. ir I MT M-lgB a eI-4 l - t o f a w l - d I wl-tofnwl-4 f ebalf M w halt || a half IS wl-lofeel-d St or no 1-4 tl a M of a .14 at of a else St •say ye

a la Soott

S sss BiatN

years age, aad oeaprlaeaoaieaf the beet lende I have never before beer Jgaisd Inr sMe

Imrtdtn CQOk * SABOBMT.

iforseleby [ABABOI


far Leasts f OTB a, d. ead S In Blosk IS, comer at Faraham Ldead Third street.

legflU Awly te


BalhHag Lets,

ria Sets at fair prices, aed.ail on long credtta te facilitate Improve*!sate.

COOK TLMMOMT' Ul aell late le parties whowlh nn<i this ssen, et ederete pr kri. and on n credit ol I, S, an S years


Monk oC IVotvmc** ruuiwa Wehrashi, »ao. B' BaaaEMT, Prea't. J M. PASgBR, CeehJ

THI aadaralaaed preprtatora et the Bank a Ptoranee, Mebtaaka, are by tbe pra-

laloaa at Ita Charter, ladlvtdaaHy responsible for all lie laeaaL aad will rrdeega the Betag ol aa d laetltallim, a 11tseoonter la thedty ot Florence, in cbln.aad a t ettht lolthelr Banking Beaaea, In Ba» -era Bxchsng la apacte at eaam ratea at ether earreaey.


OOOK, BABOBNT A COOK,Fort Dee M^uea I OOOB, BABOBNT A PABKBA, floreaee, Msbrerka.

July 7th I8as-dtr _

NEBBASKA LAND AiiENCl. Cook, Ssrgeat A Parker,

FtarrHM, - - - - JTkbraaka.

WI LI. tlirnd promptly to all baainase roanected With e land Ageaay, etther la Nebrggha, or

Western loaa. laMV WM tutjm Mouyht,

Sot* one! Locate*. Baelneea for them ran be left with any at ths aa-

derslgned OOOK * BABOBNT, Davenport, Iowa OOOK. lABHBNT ADOWNBT, Iowa Olty, do COOK, BARSBMT A COOK, DesMolate, de



THK undersigned hare remov. d to the new hulld-ing in MeMenus A Sbeperd'e BhK-k. on Seooaa

atreet, where they will remain dat ing Ibe erection ef their new Bank Building, reedy to attend to bustassa

**marchSdtf OOOB AIAROBNT.

JAO P Root, JMI.r. NII.I oa J«i.J innur

COBB, BILLON A LIKDLEY, Atteraeys sal Ceaasellers at Law,

Q/tce :—ln tame butUtmg with ("ewt |- Bmn/ent

WRaractler law la tbe Supreme Co art, aad la the Ooarta of Scott, Oedar, CUaleu aad Muaca-

tln. flountles, Iowa, aad the ooarta of Bath Island Oount), Illinois.

To ear OoUsctlon Department, we devete particu­lar attention. AU bualnese entreated le as will be promptly Aprlll, iaav.

te. AT

JTOTMCm. ndenlgaed

en port, will earn Bielr for business at • o'clock A. M., aad Cttaee •

ON aad alter the Id uf Janusry the Beakers ia the city of Davenport,will earn Die



The Coparlnerahl|»

HRBBTOTOBB ealatiag under tbe firm ef McOr*. gor, Lawee A Blek' more expired J tine ,44b,

I8A7, In coaeequeace of tbe death ef A W McOresar. either of the andsrslgaed will alga the name of the lete firm la the seuitaarat of Us affairs, aad WIU alao ooatlaae the Baaklag and Kxcbange bualaeee under tbe style ef Btakeaaere a Lawee at the eld stand on Mam atreet.


JuaeTTAIf Sarvivlag Parlnara. WIUJAM Deo LAS. WILLI** gnift ^Maraeg al Um.


LBBd Agency,

DOOLANA STtJMP, Mala Street, Dareapert, lava.

DBALBBa m Beak Melee. Drafts, Sold, BHver aad HaaMm Be. change; OoUectloae made throaghoat the Caiaa Land Wan ants biagbl, aeid,aad loaatad. Baal Ba> lata baaght and sold on Oommlasion; Money laaaad ea unincumbered Beat Batata security; luanaaageltoiadt Taaee paid for aea-raiilialai BgigiliaMw a( Laaa Tlttaa aaade, etc., aee.

Measra Oeok A Sargent, Deeenpert, Iowa, •• Macklot A Ocrbtn, de Robert • Lowry, Baq, Cashier, Mew Tork. MsgsrsBerrla AOe.TPI III IHgkli •oa. Wm Wright, Newark, MJi Messrs aaaatBarfta A Soaa, Baal Jehaa Baaklna , Bet,, Pi Boberi Mlbkle, Ben, Oa VR B Harrlaen. ftsue Meagre Ohabb Brothers, Baafeeig^ HTMBtaglw.f WM B BeOaat, Haq, MobBe, Ala, L A Bsaalat A Co, Beakarg, St Leal . „

eath aaael will care


dlscaae, and makes a c-Head-!

He tmia taken for < movea the cauee of the I perfectcure rim.

Onir oee dose laim • (2u dlaMly rettsres CheMe, one da*e due 11 psat d Is a ear* care fot (Um Mori'ue. end e preventive ef (Mm.

n o e taken often will prevent the rscarreaee of Mlwsi attacAt, while It relieves all pelgfoi fesl-tags. tf- Only oae battle 1a aeeded ta throw out ef the

syetem the ifeeu of medicine after s kag alah-aeea.

One bottle tsk-a for JmHUUCS raw ae<e eg utestatal eelor fr< m the sfcie.

One doae taken a abort time before eatlag glvaa vig r to the appetite a d makes lad ^Igaet well.

One doee of^n repeabsd earee Ulnah IHarrtma in Its wotst forms, while sammsrand be met com-piaiat. yield almost to tbe Bret dese

One or tw doeee ca ei attaeka caaaed by Man while for worme ta child ran there is no surer, safer ee eaesdlsr reawly ta th-wertd, ee It *eesr>als

1be'e la o exsggeretloB la theee •istsmeatat they are pu n saber faSe, HMI'we aaa gfgevldeaee to pi ove, while all who use li are giving their aaaalaMat testimony in Its favor _ .„

r.eer, aad all fnen et a Jtfletts Aye. It epe-ral-s with certainty, end thonsaada Sr. willing to leatify-to Uewendar'al virtnsg. _ _

Amsag Ike hundreds ef IA**r ItaMatew e<-fend lo tae puoiic. there ere toae wewa ee hUyre-

SXSRJRSS&IT£XT'ISS;I r.Uoa ia truly a Uter fsrifirsltr, yiadarias ike most happy re aMe«» tf wboaeeit llmni laaaa-erablr oerilftaef as haaa he»a gltaa Wlhe giaat vtrtae ef tblg •adickie kg lhaee of tae hMhaat atawBaaia aoelMCSi%e|Mirlt t»be«kttaM SgSaHea aMrwwraa |Me-Mwa Cbaaly Dfttrgf „ „.v Pjfa Ont JhOmr JMF Battle.

v aaBPOBDAOe., Pwprteteri, , IHllMNV B We TOT la Pa** a>ail hy TATLOB A BALLABB M snBgMMlH, BMarklalaad by-who wBThrnlah tta trads a*


rwo I»ts on the huff, -ornerof streets—Bae aatOstrgefed Alvar view. Beeeralvalaaaie baSdhag tale ea Maia atreete, north of Sixth atreet, for eele vary lew Tea valuable baBdbag Lota oa Baeamd ead'TMrt efBsa years ptSBfiBBMB atnafo.fot gde,a oredM

af MMitaaaMMMB. Uia «fMri AABtioai MIm km* m 0m

MRlMI,BllBB4Mfe Twaaty feet (mat sa Msht attest, bygd BALAW aaauslla La OAFFI MI at 11.

~ treat MUTT.Moth* UOUlia^ TU aMMIaa hose, wtthT reamaand geod atebta. LMdaadSta MltcheiPaeddMlaa, aad haaee byS«ealetg,foraale aAag».

IS aaree * see *L^P IB, r 8 tf an aaBar AMTVAML T Mile ftsaalhe dty, for aele AHSE^

B M e f B w K e e e t «tp<nraweal|aaeaaa(gaM the TTTF ef Mneeetlhe, for eele. W B et B w H mai» TF M r • eaaMeasregtugggla lasreeef Lead la Weat DAI lapirl, for gale ghaaas WA taaaa dtedeeiee, Baa view adnata Mdljja.

Alaeamay va»ae*U traeu efBemlagliaai, la aroeed sad aadi |M»ili Bat I gSa.aadPsfsagegi ^ADS FTWN>EEI theglate, for sale. Welaeita the


f»!> v ^

HNtettern a*.

ALLBB * ouaa, Attarasys A Ci—sBsn at Uw,


ease ennr isnww n DAVIHPORT, IOWA.

RKMXJWTLON aaA en haatofoe BT V ggerygagtgi tas Blsaa Jrtgaeted le ear eere wM legatee preaa|lalta<atlaa|l(aa9tavagled| tens