the perfect groom

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    A N I N D I R E A D S N O V E L L A

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  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom



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  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom



    D E D I C A T I O N

    > ;+247 4-=$ )+ 7$7-(0)$ )#-1 3++= )+ "#05:0,< > ;+247 #09$ 5$9$& (+,/4$)$7 )#-1

    5+9$4$))$ ;-)#+2) #$& (+51)05) $5(+2&0:$,$5) 1)0&)$7 0

    6$0& 0:+

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom



    A B O U T I N D I R E A D S

    >57-&$071 0-,1 )+ &$9+42)-+5-A$ )#$ /+/240& '-()-+5 :$5&$ -5 @+2)# D1-0< D1 0 (#055$4

    '+& @+2)# D1-05 ;&-)$&1 )+ $5:0:$ &$07$&1 0) #+,$ 057 03&+078 ;$ 1#+;(01$ 9-3&05)

    50&&0)-9$1 )#0) 7$1(&-3$ )#$ 4-9$18 (+51)&0-5)18 #+/$1 057 01/-&0)-+51 +' ,+7$&5 @+2)#

    D1-05 ,$5 057 ;+,$5'Z Z'0

    '//+C+*8 %1#1//1Z Y/1# D*-+' %1 0%'7 Z+%& "0 Y1/ '=1"% %&/$$ #1*%&03

    B0&1, &'- =$$* +* ' ='- #11- $C$/ 0+*[$ &$ &$'/- %&$ *$Z0\ '*- Z'0

    +*[/$'0+*8>7 $-87 '*- '*8/7 '0 &$/ '//+C'> *$'/$-3 R$ &'- %',$* ' -'7 1YYY/1# Z1/, %1-'7 '*- &'- =$$* [>$'*+*8 &+0 =$-/11#3 R"8$ =1]$0 1Y =11,0\

    #'8'^+*$0\ 5_0 '*- %@0&+/%0 #'-$ Z'7 Y1/ =11,0\ 10&-1 '*- =2&)-18 '>1*8

    Z+%& #7 [11,$/7 =11,03

    Where do we hide this stuff? I asked3

    D% Z'0 ' ['/-=1'/- =1] Y">> 1Y &+0 %&+*803

    On#7 &$'-` VD.P` shouted Ashok.

    D 8'C$ &+# %&$ ['/-=1'/- =1] '*- Z$*% %1 %&$ ,+%[&$* Z&$/$ D &'-[>$'/$- 01#$ 06'[$ Y1/ %&$ 6&1%10 1Y V1- '*- V1--$00$0 %&'% #7 #1%&$/@

    +*@>'Z &'- 0$*% Z+%& 01#$ 1Y &$/ /$>'%+C$03

    LISTEN! We need to put our wedding photo somewhere, he said.

    G#H I$1H J$ 5$$7 )+ 1#+; 6+2& ,+)#$& ;#0) 0 4+9$46 (+2/4$ ;$ 0&$8

    dont we?


    Pick out a photo from the marriage album and put it in this frame3 D Z+>>

    hang it up somewhere.


    V+C$* %&$ [&'1%+[ [1*-+%+1* 1Y %&$ '6'/%#$*%\ +% %11, '>#10% '* &1"/ %1

    0$'/[& Y1/ %&$ '>="#3 B0 D >$'Y$- %&/1"8& %&$ 6&1%10\ ' Z'C$ 1Y *10%'>8+'

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    K ;;;11,+*8 01 &'667\ 6/1"- '*- /$>+$C$- %&'% &$/ -'"8&%$/ &'- #'//+$- +*%1 '

    good family.

    Are you done? asked Ashok.D 0,+##$- %&/1"8& %&$ '>="# '*- +* %&$ $*- %11, 1"% %&$ /$[$6%+1*

    6&1%13 D Z'0 Z$'/+*8 ' Z+*$@[1>1/$-\ 0+>, 0'/+ '*- &$ ' =>'[, =>'^$/3 R$ &'-

    ' 0%$/* >11, 1* &+0 Y'[$\ Z&+>$ D Z'0 /'-+'*%\ 0#+>+*8 'Z'7 &'66+>73

    D %11, 1"% %&$ 6&1%1 '*- 8'C$ +% %1 &+#3 R$ 61[,$%$- +% '*- >$Y% %&$ /11#3

    D Z$*% ='[, %1 Z&'% Z'0 %1 =$ a1"/a /11# '*- 0'% -1Z* +* Y/1*% 1Y &+0 1>-

    >'6%16\ %&'% Z'0 #+*$ *1Z3 ?&$ D*%$/*$% Z'0 #7 1*>7 /$Y"8$3 Q&+>$ B0&1,

    Z'0 +* %&$ 1YY+[$\ D 06$*% &1"/0 =/1Z0+*8 %&/1"8& %&$ D*%$/*$% [&$[,+*8 1"%

    /$[+6$0 '*- %/7+*8 %&$# 1"% +* #7 0#'>> ,+%[&$*3 ?&1"8& B0&1, Z'0 >'/8$>7"*'66/$[+'%+C$ 1Y #7 $YY1/%0\ !"*+> Z1">- 6/'+0$ #7 [11,+*83 X$% D *$C$/

    %11, '*7%&+*8 %&'% &$ 0'+- '% Y'[$ C'>"$3 D ,*$Z %&'% !"*+> Y$>% 8"+>%7 '=1"%

    #7 6/$-+['#$*% '*- %/+$- %1 =$ *+[$ %1 #$3

    Ashok peeped inside the room and said, I am going out now. Ill be back

    late, will be eating out, so dont wait up.


    D Z$*% %1 %&$ ,+%[&$* %1 #',$ #70$>Y ' ["6 1Y [1YY$$3 D [&$[,$- 1"% #7Y'C1/+%$ Z$=0+%$ '*- *1%$- -1Z* %&$ +*8/$-+$*%0 Y1/ /05$$& /0=+&013 D Z'0

    0"/$ #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z1">- *1% '>>1Z #$ %1 #',$/05$$&-"/+*8 &$/ 0%'7

    &$/$3 B0&1, &'- =$$* =$&'C+*8 '0 +Y &$ &'- =$$* -$'>% 611/ &'*-\ ="% +% Z'0

    D Z&1 Z1">- 0"YY$/ Y1/ %&$ *$]% %&/$$ #1*%&03 B0&1, [1">- $0['6$ %1 &+0

    1YY+[$ Y1/ ' 811- 6'/% 1Y %&$ -'7 '*- *+8&%\ ="% D Z1">- &'C$ %1 =$ &$/$ '%

    &1#$ >+0%$*+*8 %1 &$/\ '*0Z$/+*8 &$/ b"$0%+1*0 '*- >7+*83

    D Z$*% ='[, %1 %&$ '>="#\ >$'Y+*8 #+*->$00>7 %&/1"8& %&$ 6&1%10 1Y $C$/7

    /+%"'> %&'% =1"*- #$ %1 B0&1,\ Y/1# %&$ 0$[1*- $*8'8$#$*% %1 %&$ >'0%[$/$#1*7 1Y 6"%%+*8 %&$ ,$))- 1* #7 %1$03 BY%$/ %&"#=+*8 %&/1"8& %&$

    $*%+/$ '>="#\ D 0$%%>$- -1Z* %1 ' Y+%Y"> 0>$$63

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;>+*8 #$ +* %&$ #+-->$ 1Y %&$ *+8&% Y1/ %&+0d ?$>> D,,0

    %&'% Z$ '/$ *1% 6>'**+*8 any sort of good news as of now, I replied.

    Sorry! It is just that your mother@+*@>'Z ,$$60 ['>>+*8 M#-))0//0'>> %&$

    time and keeps telling him that you are not pregnant yet.

    D '>/$'-7 ,*$Z %&'%3 )7 '"*% '*- #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z &'- ' [1*Y$/$*[$

    ['>> >'0% Z$$, %1 0&'/$ %&$+/ '*80% '% #7 +*'=+>+%7 %1 6/1-"[$ '* 1YY06/+*83

    )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z '[%$- '0 %&1"8& &$/ +*C$0%#$*% +* #$ '0 ' =/11- #'/$

    Z'0 ' %1%'> Z'0%$\ '*- #7 '"*% Z'0 Y">> 1Y 0"88$0%+1*0 '=1"% &1Z %1 8$%pregnant. She even started suggesting positions best suited to get


    Listen! I have some good news then.D 6'00$- %&$ +*%$/C+$Z +* Q+6/13 D

    Z+ll be joining next month once I get the offer letter.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    N ;;;>$- #$3 B% >$'0% _+C7' Z'0 '=>$ %1

    accomplish what I couldnt.

    Divya! This is greatnews. Wonderful. What will your salary be?Starting will be %Z$*%7@Y+C$ %&1"0'*- /"6$$03 D #'7 =$ +* %&$ T! 6/1c$[%

    team. Wont that be great? Then I can come to California and stay with


    *+7 '+&3-7H .GH I+2 0&$ )++ -55+($5) )+ 1$$ 21 -5 044 +2& ,0&&-$7 :4+&6+$C$- #$ Z&$* D %1>- %&$# %&'% +% Z'0 #7 1Z* #1*$7 %&'%

    D Z'0 0$*-+*83

    Okay. But if you need money for anything just give me a call, I replied.

    I dont think we need money now. Our days of struggle are over Nithya.

    We dont have to depend on M#-)#- 1/ M#-))0//0 Y1/ '*7%&+*8 *1Z3 D*

    '*1%&$/ 0+] #1*%&0\ D '# 81+*8 %1 >11, Y1/ ' &1"0$ '*- 8$% 1"% 1Y here, she

    0'+- $*%&"0+'0%+['>>73

    Q$ >+C$- +* ' -+>'6+-'%$- 1*$@/11# '6'/%#$*% 1* %&$ =7@0%/$$%0 1Y

    )7>'61/$ M"%[&$/7 /1'- %&'% 1"/ M#-))0//08'C$ "0 Y1/ Y/$$3

    I hope +% &'66$*03You have no idea how happy I am, I said fervently.

    I know. Anyway take care. Go back to sleep, she said happily3

    Bye\ take care.

    )7 #1%&$/ Z'0 %&$ $>-$0% +* %&$ Y'#+>7 '*- 0&$ &'- ' 71"*8$/ 0%$60+0%$/3

    R$/ 0%$6#1%&$/ #'//+$- &$/ '% ' 71"*8 '8$ %1 '* '>[1&1>+[ Z&10$ 1*>7

    '[&+$C$#$*% +* >+Y$ Z'0 0+/+*8 #7 0+0%$/ '*- D3 R$/ 0%$60+0%$/ #'//+$- '

    0#'/% '/#7 [1>1*$> Z&1 /$%+/$- '0 ' )'c1/3 )7 Y'%&$/ -+$- +* '* '[[+-$*%\

    Z&$* D Z'0 +* %&$ %$*%& 0%'*-'/-3 R$ *$C$/ &$>- -1Z* ' 6$/#'*$*% c1= '*-

    +* %&$ $*- Z$ Y1"*- 1"% %&'% &$ &'- =$$* =1//1Z+*8 #1*$7 Y/1# 1%&$/0\

    '*- Z'0 =/+*8+*8 +% '% &1#$ '0 0'>'/73 Q+%& -$=%0 '#1"*%+*8 %1 1*$ 40=#

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;$%$>7 1C$/Z&$>#$-3

    )7 "*[>$ Chittappa&'- =7 %&$* /$%+/$- Y/1# %&$ '/#7 '*- &'- ="+>%

    &+#0$>Y ' 0Z'*,7 ="*8'>1Z +* )7>'61/$3 Q+%& *1Z&$/$ $>0$ %1 81\ #7#1%&$/ Z$*% %1 &$/ 0%$60+0%$/ Y1/ &$>63 M#-))0//08'C$ "0 &+0 1>- &1"0$ *$'/

    Madhava Perumal Kovil to stay. My mother became her sisters glorified

    0$/C'*% '*- &$>6$- Z+%& [11,+*8\ >'"*-/7\ '*- &1"0$,$$6+*83

    !1\ %&+0 Z'0 +*-$$- 811- *$Z03 DY _+C7' [1">- 8$% #7 #1%&$/ 1"% 1Y

    M#-))0//0s house both physically and mentally, it would be great for

    $C$/7=1-73 !&$ &'- 06$*% &'>Y 1Y &$/ >+Y$ 0>'C+*8 Y1/ %&$# '*- *1Z +% Z'0

    &+8& %+#$ %&'% Z$ >11,$- 'Y%$/ &$/3 )7 0+%"'%+1* Z'0 &16$>$00 +* '*7 ['0$

    ="% D &'- 0%/+C$* &'/- %1 &+-$ +% Y/1# '>>\ $06$[+'>>7 #7 #1%&$/3e"0% '0 D Z'0 %"/*+*8 1YY %&$ >+8&% %1 0$%%>$ ='[, %1 0>$$6\ %&$ 6&1*$ /'*8

    '8'+*3 D% Z'0 #7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z3

    D,,0F+%&7'` R1Z '/$ 71"d R1Z +0 B0&1,d D c"0% >$Y% 71"/ #1%&$/@+*@

    law at the airport. She has boarded the plane, he said.

    Thats just great!


    Is Ashok there? he asked hesitatingly.

    No. I did not want to talk to him more than necessary. In Y'[% +* %&10$

    %&/$$ 7$'/0\ D &'- 'C1+-$- 06$',+*8 Z+%& &+#3 A*[$ D Z'0 *'fC$ $*1"8& %1

    %&+*, %&'% &$ Z'0 "*'Z'/$ 1Y 1"/ 0+%"'%+1*3 E"% /$[$*%>7 D /$'>+^$- &$ ,*$Z

    $C$/7%&+*8g '*- -$06+%$ %&'% &$ &'- '//'*8$- 1"/ #'//+'8$3

    R$ Z'0 0+>$*% Y1/ ' Z&+>$ %&$* '0,ed, Nithya! Is everything set for your

    #1%&$/@+*@laws visit in US? Where is Ashok? Will he be picking her up at

    the airport?

    He has gone out with Sunil, I said.

    Oh! Will he pick her up or not? he asked hurriedly.

    He told me that he would I said '*- &$0+%'%$-3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    P ;;;- '*7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z -1 %&+0d B*- 71" ,*1Z

    Z&'%\ D =1/$ %&$ $*%+/$ #'//+'8$ $]6$*0$0 %11 '*- 71" &'C$ %&$ '"-'[+%7 %1ask me questions? Just who do you think you are?

    D %/+$- %1 +*%$//"6%\ ="% 01#$%&+*8 Z'0 Z/1*8 Z+%& #7 C1+[$3

    He continued, Just keep one thing in mind. While Saroja is+* %&$ !%'%$0

    D Z'*% 71" %1 #',$ 0"/$ %&'% $C$/7%&+*8 +0 *1/#'>3 !&$ +0 ' &$'/% 6'%+$*% 01

    please dont argue with her or tell her anything. We will speak more about

    this when you come down here. Until then I dont want any more

    discussion about this. Do you understand?

    He didnt ex6$[% ' /$6>7 '*- 6"% %&$ 6&1*$ -1Z*3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;'Z 0%/'+8&% Y/1# Z&$/$C$/ &$

    was. I couldnt sleep after the upsetting call with my father@+*@>'Z3 D b"+[,>7

    %11, ' ='%& '*- 81% -/$00$- +* ' 0'/+3

    Q&+>$ D Z'0 #',+*8 =/$',Y'0%\ B0&1, ['>>$- #$3



    D,,0s flight is delayed by 3 hours. I am at the fucking airport. If my

    Y'%&$/ _$0+,'[&'/7'\ %&$ ='0%'/-\ ['>>0\ tell him, he said in a drunken


    Ok, I replied.

    V1-` R$ +0 -/"*,3 D c"0% &16$ &$ 01=$/0 "6 =$Y1/$ &+0 #1%&$/ '//+C$0 1/$>0$ %&$/$ Z+>> =$ '*1%&$/ [1*Y$/$*[$ ['>> Y/1# %&$ +*b"+0+%+1* 0b"'- +*


    D b"+[,>7 6/$6'/$- >"*[& '*- %&1"8&% D Z1">- 81 '*- #$$% #7 Y/+$*-


    _+'*' 1Z*$- ' /$0%'"/'*% /+8&% '/1"*- %&$ =>1[,3 Q$ =$['#$ Y/+$*-0

    %&/$$ 7$'/0 '813 D &'- =$$* +* %&$ *$+8&=1/&11- 6'/,\ =/11-+*8 1C$/ #7

    hopeless situation and crying. I didnt notice anyone and no one bothered

    me. I didnt know&1Z >1*8 D 0'% %&$/$3 !"--$*>7 D Y$>% ' &'*- [1#Y1/%+*8

    #$3 D% Z'0 _+'*'3 !&$ 0'+- %&'% 0&$ &'- =$$* Z'%[&+*8 #$ Y1/ ' >1*8 %+#$3

    There, there\ -ear! Dont cry.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    R ;;;1C$- D*-+'* 0*'[,0\

    $06$[+'>>7 10,+100\ '*- Z'0 Y1/$C$/ '0,+*8 #$ %1 8+C$ &$/ /$[+6$0 %1 %/73 D

    Z/'66$- %&$/0=+&01+* '>"#+*"# Y1+> '*- Z$*% %1 %&$ /$0%'"/'*%3

    _+'*' +0 ' L4@7$'/@1>- Z1#'* Z+%& 8/'7 $7$0\ =>1*-$ &'+/ '*- ' >1C$>7

    -+#6>$3 !&$ Z'0 Z/+%+*8 01#$%&+*8 +* &$/ *1%$=11, Z&$* D $*%$/$-3 !&$

    >11,$- "6 '*- 0#+>$- '% #$3 D 0'% =$0+-$ &$/ '*- Z'+%$- "*%+> 0&$ Y+*+0&$-

    '*- 8'C$ &$/ %&$/05$$& /0=+&01%1 %'0%$3

    Hmmm. Very nice\ F+%&7'3 D '# %&+*,+*8 1Y '--+*8 ' [1"6>$ 1Y D*-+'*0*'[,0 %1 %&$ #$*"3 ?&$/$ &'0 =$$* ' *1%+[$'=>$ +*[/$'0$ +* D*-+'*

    ["0%1#$/0 &$/$\ 0&$ 0'+-\ $'%+*8 %&$/0=+&01Z+%& /$>+0&3

    How about +% F+%&7'd X1" ['* #',$ %&+0 0%"YY Y/1# &1#$ '*- 0$*- +%

    '/1"*- %1 %&$ /$0%'"/'*%3 D>> 6'7 ['0&3 Q&'% -1you say? she asked.

    Dianas suggestion seemed God@0$*% ="% D '>01 Z'*%$- +% %1 =$ #7 %+[,$%

    1"% 1Y %&$ &1"0$3

    My mother@+*@>'Z +0 [1#+*8 Y/1# D*-+' %1-'73 !1 #10% >+,$>7 0&$ Z+>>take over the kitchen. I can come here and make the snacks, if you dont

    #+*-3 How about that? I asked.

    !&$ 0$$#$- 6>$'0$- %1 &$'/ %&'%3 Sounds better. We can serve%&$# &1%`

    V/$'%3 !1 &1Z >1*8 +0 71"/ #1%&$/@+*@law here?

    For about %&/$$ #1*%&0 D %&+*,3 !&$ #+8&% >$'C$ $'/>+$/ +Y #7 0+0%$/@+*@

    laws marriage gets fixed, I sa+-3

    I still cant understand why you wont leave him? Divorces are also

    common in India. My Indian friend Malathi is divorced and happy.

    D =+% #7 >+6 Z&+>$ D 61*-$/$- &$/ b"$0%+1*3 !&$ *$C$/ /$'>>7 "*-$/0%11-

    Z&7 ' 71"*8$/ 0+0%$/ Z1">- &'C$ %/1"=>$ 8$%%+*8 #'//+$- +Y %&$ 1>-$/ 0+0%$/

    81% -+C1/[$-3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;> #7 %+#$ &$/$3

    I looked directly at her and said, I want to go back to India and start a

    /$0%'"/'*% >+,$ 71"/03 D &'C$ 0%"-+$- &1%$> #anagement.

    !&$ 0$$#$- 6>$'0$- Z+%& #7 -$[+0+1*3

    Thats good. At least you have a definite plan. So when is your sister

    getting married? Does she like anyone? she asked.

    _$06+%$ &'C+*8 #'*7 D*-+'* Y/+$*-0\ _+'*' *$C$/ /$'>>7 "*-$/0%11- %&$

    [1*[$6% 1Y '//'*8$- #'//+'8$03 Q$ &'- 0$C$/'> +*%$/$0%+*8 [1*C$/0'%+1*0

    '*- '/8"#$*%0 '=1"% &1Z 6$16>$ 8$% #'//+$- +* D*-+' 'Y%$/ 1*$ 1/ %Z1


    My sister just completed her engineering. Next month she will be

    c1+*+*8 Q+6/13 !&$ Z+>> *$$- 01#$ %+#$ %1 8$% 0$%%>$- in her job, I said.

    That c1">- =$ '*1%&$/ %&/$$ %1 Y1"/ years. What about Ashoks sister?How old is she? she asked pondering deeply over my situation.

    She is %Z$*%7@%Z1 7$'/0 1>-3 ?&$7 '/$ '[%+C$>7 >11,+*8 Y1/ ' #'%[&3 )7

    #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'*%0 B0&1, %1 Y+*- 01#$1*$ Y1/ &$/ Y/1# %&$ T!3 E"% &$ +0

    not very keen, I said.

    I# *1% 0"/6/+0$-3 !1 71" '/$ 81+*8 %1 >$'- %&+0 0&'# >+Y$ Y1/ %&$ *$]%

    Y1"/ 7$'/03 _1 71" %&+*, +% +0 Zorth it? she asked me directly.

    D Z'0 'Y/'+- %1 '*0Z$/ %&'%3 !&$ Z'0 /+8&%3 D% Z'0 *1% Z1/%& +%3 E"% D c"0%

    *$$-$- %1 6/$%$*- %&'% $C$/7%&+*8 Z'0 Y+*$\ "*%+> _+C7' 81% married. Thats'>>3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    FT ;;;-3 )7 "*[>$ F'/'0+#&'[&'/+ '*- '"*% M'*','C'>+ >1C$- %1 #'%[&@

    #',$3 ?&$7 /'/$>7 %&1"8&% '=1"% %&$ Z+0&$0 1Y %&$ =17 '*- 8+/>3 PC$/ 0+*[$

    M#-))0//0/$%+/$- Y/1# %&$ '/#7\ &$ &'- [">%+C'%$- ' [1"6>$ 1Y &1==+$03 A*$

    Z'0 %1 #'%[&@#',$ '>1*8 Z+%& &+0 8100+67 Z+Y$ h#7 '"*%i\ '*- %&$ 1%&$/Z'0 %1 0&1Z 6$16>$ &1Z -$$6>7 /$>+8+1"0 '*- [&'/+%'=>$ &$ Z'03 ?&$ Y+/0%

    proposal that they had in mind for me was to marry his brothers son Vasu3

    .'0" Z'0 '* 1/6&'*3 R+0 6'/$*%0 -+$- +* '* '[[+-$*% '*- #7 "*[>$

    =$['#$ &+0 8"'/-+'* 0+*[$ %&$/$ Z'0 *1=1-7 $>0$ %1 %',$ &+# +*3 R$ Z'0

    brought to live in my uncles house with his cousin. My uncle financed his

    0%"-+$0 "*%+> %Z$>Y%& 0%'*-'/- '*- %&$* 0"88$0%$- %&'% &$ 81 %1/0)01#040%1

    0%"-7 Y1/ 6/+$0%&11- '*- 8$% #'//+$- %1 #$3 Q$ =1%& Z$/$ #'-$ Y1/ $'[&

    1%&$/\ Z+%& .'0" =$[1#+*8 ' 6/+$0% '*- #$ ' [11,g Z$ Z1">- =$ %&$ +-$'>>1Z [>'00 [1"6>$ '[[1/-+*8 %1 #7 "*[>$3

    .'0" Z'0 *1% +*%$/$0%$-3 R$ -+- *1% Z'*% %1 =$[1#$ ' 6/+$0%3 D Z'0 *1%

    0"/$ &1Z &$ Y$>% '=1"% #'//7+*8 #$3 R$ >$Y% %&$ &1"0$ 'Y%$/ &+0 %Z$>Y%&

    0%'*-'/- /$0">%0 Z$/$ 1"% '*- *$C$/ ['#$ ='[,3

    )7 "*[>$ Z'0 C$/7 '*8/73 D% Z'0 %&$ Y+/0% %+#$ 1*$ 1Y &+0 6>'*0 &'- 81*$

    'Z/7 '*- 01#$=1-7 '[%"'>>7 &'- %&$ [1"/'8$ %1 0%'*- "6 %1 &+#3 R$ &'- '

    =+8 Y'[$@1YY Z+%& !/+-&'/\ Z&1 &'- [1#$ %1 6$/0"'-$ &+# %1 >$% .'0" Z1/,

    with him. Sridhar even offered to take up the cost of Vasus education. But+% Z'0 1Y *1 "0$3 BY%$/ .'0" >$Y% %&$ &1"0$\ D Y1"*- 1"% %&'% "*[>$ &'- %1>- '>>

    &+0 /$>'%+C$0 %&'% &$ &'- 0%1>$* 01#$ #1*$7 Y/1# &1#$\ &$*[$ &+0 &'0%7


  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;+*8 Z+%& [1#6"%$/0 '*- .'0" "0$- %1 Z1/, Z+%& &+# 6'/%@

    %+#$\ '00$#=>+*8 [1#6"%$/0 -"/+*8 &+0 0"##$/ &1>+-'703 ?&'*,Y">>7\ 'Y%$/

    &$ >$Y%\ %&$/$ Z'0 *1 #1/$ %'>, 1Y #7 #'//+'8$3 Q&$* D [1#6>$%$- #7

    %Z$>Y%& 0%'*-'/-\ #7 "*[>$ Z'*%$- #$ %1 0%'/% Z1/,+*83 D Z'0 &$'/%=/1,$*

    but my mother met an old friend of my fathers\ '*- '0,$- &+# Y1/ &$>63 R$

    '8/$$- %1 Y+*'*[$ #7 $-"['%+1* '*- Divyas as well. This\ '8'+*\ &'- *1%

    81*$ -1Z* Z$>> Z+%& #7 "*[>$3

    It was the final year of my college and I had come to my uncles house%1

    &$>6 #7 #1%&$/ #',$ %&$ 7$'/>7 61/%+1* 1Y 0//040, '*- 9070, Y1/ #7

    "*[>$ '*- '"*%3 Q&+>$ Z$ Z$/$ 6/$6'/+*8 %&$ 0&$$%0 Y1/ %&$ 9070,\ #7

    "*[>$ ['#$ %1 %&$ %$//'[$ '*- %1>- #$ &+0 6>'*0 Y1/ #7 Y"%"/$3

    Nithya! Yesterday I was speaking to 5&+**" ,0,03 R$ +0 >11,+*8 Y1/ '*

    '66/$*%+[$ Y1/ &+0 [11,+*8 %$'#3 X1" Z+>> >$'/* ' >1% Y/1# &+#3 R$ +0 ' %16

    [11, *1Z'-'70 '*- &$ +0 '>Z'70 +* -$#'*- Y1/ #'//+'8$0 '*- 1%&$/

    Y"*[%+1*03 R$ 0'+- 71" [1">- &$>6 &+# =7 ["%%+*8 C$8$%'=>$0\ [>$'*+*8

    "%$*0+>0 '*- [>$'/+*8 %'=>$03 R$ Z+>> 6'7 71" %&/$$ %&1"0'*- /"6$$0 Y1/ '

    #'//+'8$ '*- ' %&1"0'*- /"6$$0 Y1/ 1%&$/ Y"*[%+1*03 X1" ['* 0%'/% Z1/,+*8

    Y1/ &+# Y/1# *$]% #1*%&3 R+0 1*>7 [1*-+%+1* +0 %&'% 71" Z+>> &'C$ %1 Z$'/ '

    ,07-10&8 he said with a flourish.

    ?&$* &$ &'- %"/*$- %1Z'/-0 &+0 Z+Y$ Z&1 Z'0 '-c"0%+*8 %&$ 0&$$%0 '*-

    0'+-\ Kanaka! Give71"/ 1>- [1%%1* ,07-10&1%1 F+%&7'3 !&$ ['* Z$'/ %&$#

    Z&$* 0&$ 81$0 %1 Z1/, Z+%& 5&+**".

    D &'- >11,$- '% #7 #1%&$/ Z&1 Z'0 0+>$*%>7 Z'%[&+*8 #7 "*[>$3 !&$

    [1">- *1% '*- Z1">- *1% 0'7 '*7%&+*83

    M#-))0//0` ?&/$$ 1Y #7 Y/+$*-0 &'C$ 0%'/%$- ' ['%$/+*8 ="0+*$00 Y/1#

    %&$+/ &1#$3 D Z'*% %1 c1+* %&$#3 ?&$7 '>/$'-7 &'C$ $+8&% [>+$*%0\ '>>01Y%Z'/$ [1#6'*+$0 %1 Z&1# %&$7 '/$ 0"66>7+*8 Y11-3 ?&$7 Z'*% #$ %1 c1+*

    %&$#3 )7 #1*%&>7 0'>'/7 Z+>> =$ $+8&% %&1"0'*- /"6$$03

    Nonsense Nithya! I know you. Dont aim too high. It wont work. I think

    71" '/$ >"[,7 %1 8$% %&+0 c1=\ %&'% %11 =$['"0$ 1Y #7 /$[1##$*-'%+1*3 ?&+0

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    FK ;;;$ &'- >$Y%3

    Amruthi! Do you know how much money 5&+**" #',$0 Z+%&

    #'//+'8$0d B>#10% %Z1 40=#1Y1/ $'[& #'//+'8$3 DY F+%&7' Z1/,0 Z+%& &+#\&$ Z+>> '>01 Y+*- ' 811- #'%[& Y1/ &$/3 Q$ %&1"8&% .'0" Z1">- =$ 6$/Y$[%

    for her but he turned out to be a wastrel.)7 #1%&$/ '*- D Z$/$ 0%1+['>>7

    0+>$*% "*%+> 0&$ Z$*% -1Z*3 B*- %&$* D ="/0% 1"%3

    D,,0` D Z+>> *1% Z1/, Z+%& 5&+**" ,0,03 D Z'*% %1 %',$ "6 %&+0

    ['%$/+*8 c1=3 DY +% #$'*0 %&'% Z$ Z+>> =$ %&/1Z* 1"% 1Y %&'% &1"0$ %&$* 01 =$

    it. I can support us with my salary, I said vehemently.

    Nithya! Stop it. In the first place you shouldnt have told him that you

    Z'*% %1 %',$ "6 '*1%&$/ c1=3 X1" 0&1">- &'C$ %1>- &+# %&'% +% +0 '*+*%$/*0&+6 1/ 01#$%&+*8 Y1/ ' 7$'/ 'Y%$/ Z&+[& 71" Z+>> 8$% 71"/ 8/'-"'%+1*


    Oh! Why didnt I think about this? )7 #1%&$/ ,*$Z &$/ 0"/C+C'>

    %$[&*+b"$0 Z$>>3

    You go ahead with 71"/ ['%$/+*8 c1=3 D Z+>> %$>> 71"/ '"*% %&'% 71" Z+>>

    *1% 8$% %&$ [$/%+Y+cate unless you work with these people, she said calmly.

    Thank God! I&'- 0'+- /$>+$C$-3

    Q$ Y+*+0&$- >'7+*8 1"% %&$ 9070,1'*- %&$* Z$*% -1Z*3 )7 "*[>$ Z'0

    1* %&$ 9$&0570#%'>,+*8 %1 ' Y/+$*- 1Y &+03 ?&$7 >11,$- "6 Z&$* D ['#$ 1"%3

    M#-))0//0` D '# >$'Cing now. I have to go to college today.

    R$ ['>>$- #$\ '*- &1>-+*8 #7 &'*-\ +*%/1-"[$- #$ %1 &+0 Y/+$*-3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;> &1"0$ %&'% Z$ &'C$ *$'/

    %&$ %$mple tank and paid for their education.

    My uncles friend surveyed me from top to bottom. I greeted his friendand escaped as fast as I could. Desikachari was Ashoks father. I guess after

    D >$Y%\ &$ '0,$- Y1/ #7 &'*-3 R$ &'- =$$* 1* %&$ >11,@1"% Y1/ ' -$#"/$\

    *1*@+*-$6$*-$*% =$'"%+Y"> 8+/> Y1/ &+0 01* '*- D Y+% %&$ =+>> 6$/Y$[%>73

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    FN ;;;> 6/1='=>7 -+$

    1Y 0&1[,\ 1*[$ 71" &$'/ +%3

    My uncles opening statement caught1"/ '%%$*%+1*3

    IC$ 81% ' C$/7 811- '>>+'*[e for Nithya. You/$ *1% 81+*8 %1 =$>+$C$ &$/

    >"[,3 !&$0 81% #'*7 >"[,7 0%'/0 +* &$/ &1/10[16$ %1 '%%/'[% 0"[& '


    I dont understand. Whose proposald

    D Z'0 0"/$ %&'% +% Z'0 81+*8 %1 =$ ' 6/1610'> Y/1# ' %$#6>$ 907-60&\ [11,

    1/ ' -/+C$/3 E"% *1%&+*8 +* %&$ Z1/>- 6/$6'/$- #$ Y1/ %&+03

    My friend Desikachari wants the hand of Nithya for his son Ashok. Do

    71" ,*1Z Z&$/$ B0&1, >+C$0d D* %&$ T!B3 X1" &'C$ 81% ' T! 6/1610'> Y1/your daughter! h$ '**1"*[$- &'66+>73

    A"/ c'Z0 -/166$-3

    Ashok lives in California and is a 01Y%Z'/$ $*8+*$$/3 R$ &'0 =$$* 0%'7+*8

    %&$/$ Y1/ '=1"% %&/$$ 7$'/03 R$ +0 %&$+/ 1*>7 01*3 ?&$7 &'C$ ' -'"8&%$/ %11\

    Z&1 +0 Z1/,+*83 _$0+,' >+C$0 +* B-'7'/ +* '* +*-$6$*-$*% &1"0$g %&$7 &'C$

    Y+Y%$$* '[/$0 1Y >'*- +* %&$+/ C+>>'8$ +* )'-"/'#'*8'>'#3 They dont want

    '*7%&+*83 D &'C$ $]6>'+*$- $C$/7%&+*8 '=1"% 71"/ [+/["#0%'*[$03 ?&$7 Z'*%

    ' 0+#6>$ #'//+'8$3 Q$ ['* &'C$ %&$ #'//+'8$ [$/$#1*7 +* 1"/ &1"0$ '*-

    %&$* Nithya will fly off to the US.

    What are you staring at? Arent you happy? he asked waiting for our


  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;$ %/'-+%+1*'> 8+/> Y1/ &+0

    01*3 !1#$1*$ Z&1 ['* %',$ ['/$ 1Y &+0 01*3 R$ +0 'Y/'+- %&'% B0&1, #+8&%

    marry somebody unsuitable from the US.

    ButD)#-,3$&` Q&7 -1 %&$7 Z'*% #7 -'"8&%$/d Q$ &'C$ *1%&+*8 %1 8+C$

    her. You know that we dont have ' 0+*8>$ 8/'# 1Y gold, exclaimed my

    #1%&$/3Kanaka! Give back Amruthi0 c$Z$>0 %1 &$/3 X1" ['* "0$ %&10$ c$Z$>0 Y1/

    &$/ #'//+'8$3 D Z+>> %',$ ['/$ 1Y %&$ rest of the expenses,0'+- M#-))0//08

    /$'-7 '0 '>Z'70 Z+%& &+0 6/1c$[% 6>'*3

    But D)#-,3$&` !&$ Z'*%0 %1 Z1/, Y1/ 01#$ %+#$3 Q$ &'C$ *1% %'>,$-

    about marriage at all said my mother feebly.

    Listen Amruthi! Do not refuse a good proposal when it is coming on its

    own, he[1']$-3

    I intervened and said, M#-))0//0! I dont want to marry now. I wan% %1

    Z1/,3 D '# c"0% %Z$*%7@1*$years old. And I dont even

    Nithya! I am talking to your mother. Listen\ dont say anything now. I

    am sending Nithyas photo to Desikas son. _$0+,' +0 '>01 8$%%+*8 %&$

    &1/10[16$ #'%[&$-3 DY $C$/7%&+*8 6/1[$$-0 0#11%&>7 %&$* %&$7 Z+>> [1#$ %1

    see Nithya, he said firmly.

    D *1%+[$- %&'% #7 '"*% Z'0 *1% C$/7 &'667 Z+%& %&+0 6/1610'>3

    Amruthi! I wish my daughter had got this proposal. But she didnt. And#7 &"0='*- +0 %/7+*8 &'/- %1 8$% 71"/ -'"8&%$/ #'//+$-3 D*0%$'- 1Y

    '66/$[+'%+*8 &+#\ you and your daughter are questioning him, she said\

    /$#+*-+*8 "0 1Y 1"/ -"%7 %1 6/'+0$ &+# '% $C$/7 %"/*3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    FP ;;;/$'-7 81*$ %1 [1>>$8$ '*- D

    Z'0 '>1*$ '% &1#$3 A"/ &1/10[16$0 &'- matched perfectly and Ashoks

    6'/$*%0 Z$/$ [1#+*8 %1 #$$% #$ 1YY+[+'>>73 )7 "*[>$ Z'0 +* '* '8+%'%$-

    0%'%$\ 0&1"%+*8 1"% 1/-$/0 '*- &'0%$*+*8 #7 #1%&$/ %1 -1 %&$ *$[$00'/7


    )7 [1"0+* e'7'0&/$$ ['#$ '*- %11, #$ +*0+-$3 !&$ Z'0 ' 811- 6$/01*3

    !&$ Z'0 01 "*>+,$ #7 "*[>$ '*- '"*% %&'% D "0$- %1 Z1*-$/ Z&$%&$/ 0&$ Z'0'-16%$-3 !&$ -/'6$- &$/ 0+>, 0'/+ 1* #$ '*- #'-$ #$ Z$'/ my mothers


    ?&$7 ['me. Ashoks mother was the typical ,0,-%&'% 71" Z1">- #$$% +*

    )7>'61/$3 ?/'-+%+1*'>>7 [>'- +* ' ,07-10&\ 0&$ Z'0 C$/7 '"%&1/+%'%+C$ '*-

    -$#'*-+*83 !&$ Y+/$- b"$0%+1* 'Y%$/ b"$0%+1* '% #7 #1%&$/ '=1"% 1"/

    Y'%&$/\ 1"/ C+>>'8$ '*- 1"/ 6/16$/%+$0\ %/7+*8 %1 -$%$/#+*$ 1"/ 01[+'>


    Ashoks father put a stop to all that and said finally that they liked me. I[1">- 0$$ %&'% #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z -+- *1% '66/1C$ ="% 0&$ Z'0 0+-$>+*$-3

    I want Nithya to speak to Ashok now. He wont be asleep 7$%, he took

    1"% &+0 #1=+>$ 6&1*$ '*- -+'>$-3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705


    Hello! I said with a shiver in my voice.

    Hi Nithya! I am Ashok! said a pleasant voice with a long American


    Hi\ I said.

    So my parents met you today. Your uncle sent me your 6&1%18/'6&3 _+-

    you see my photo? he asked.

    No. Not yet, I said slowly.

    Oh! Ask my father to show it to you. I live in California. I am a 01Y%Z'/$

    $*8+*$$/3 D Z1/, Y1/ O?5 !70%$#03 D &'C$ =$$* &$/$ Y1/ '=1"% %&/$$ 7$'/03

    T##%&$/$ '/$ >1%0 1Y D*-+'*0 &$/$g %$#6>$0\ D*-+'* 01[+$%+$0 '*- [">%"/'>

    '[%+C+%+$0 '/$ C$/7 [1##1*3 D '# 0"/$ 71" Z+>> $*c17 +% '>> Z&$* 71" [1#$

    &$/$3 B0 Y1/ #70$>Y\ D Z'*% ' 0+#6>$ 8+/> Z&1 +0 %/'-+%+1*'> '*- [1*0$/C'%+C$3

    )7 Y'%&$/ %$>>0 #$ %&'% 71" '/$ ' &1%$> #'*'8$#$*% 8/'-"'%e,&$ 0'+-3

    D% Z'0 -+YY+[">% %1 "*-$/0%'*- #"[& 1Y Z&'% &$ 0'+- =$['"0$ 1Y %&$


    Yes. I have finished my graduation in &1%$> #anagement.

    Great! Look Nithya. I am a simple guy and I want a simple girl as my

    >+Y$ 6'/%*$/3 D >+,$ %&$ 01"*- 1Y 71"3 !$$ #7 6&1%1 '*- +Y 71" >+,$ #$\ Z$ ['*

    8$% #'//+$-3 D '# [1#+*8 %1 D*-+' *$]% Z$$,3 A,'7?

    Ok'73 D Z+>> 8+C$ %&$ 6&1*$ ='[, to your father.

    I came back into the room and gave the phone to Ashoks father. My

    &'*-0 Z$/$ 0&',+*83

    You spoke to him. Is he still there? he asked.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    FR ;;;-

    &$'/ &+0 01Y% C1+[$ +* #7 &$'-3 M+247 )#-1 3$ )&2$U J-44 #$ )&246 (#05:$ ,6

    4-'$ '+& 3$))$&U

    )7 '"*% 0*'%[&$- %&$ 6&1%1 Y/1# #7 &'*- '*- 0[1Z>$-3 F1Z Z&$* D

    %&+*, ='[,\ #7 '"*% $]6$[%$- B0&1, %1 =$ '0 "8>7 '0 0+* 0+*[$ %&$ 6/1610'>

    Z'0 Y1/ #$3 E"% 0&$ Z'0 0&1[,$- Z&$* 0&$ 0'Z %&'% &$ Z'0 &'*-01#$3)7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 0%+>> "*&'667 '=1"% #$ =$+*8 %&$ 6/106$[%+C$

    =/+-$3 F1Z %&'% 0&$ ,*$Z Z$ Z$/$ %&$ 611/$/ /$>'%+1*0 1Y F'/'0+#&'[&'/+\

    #7 "*[>$\ 0&$ Y$>% %&'% 0&$ [1">- 8$% ' #"[& =$%%$/ 6/1610'> Y1/ &$/ 01*3 D*

    Y'[%\ 0&$ 16$*>7 Y'C1/$- #7 [1"0+* e'7'0&/$$3 D [1">- &$'/ 0*+66$%0 1Y %&$+/

    [1*C$/0'%+1* Z&$/$ #7 '"*% Z'0 %'>,+*8 '=1"% e'7'0&/$$ '*- #7 #1%&$/@

    +*@>'Z Z'0 %$>>+*8 &$/ %&'% 0&$ Z'0 0$'/[&+*8 Y1/ 01#$1*$ >+,$ %&'% '0 '


    E"% #7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z &"//+$->7 6"% '* $*- %1 '>> %&10$ [1*C$/0'%+1*03

    ?&$7 =1%& 8'C$ #$ -+/%7 >11,03 E"% +* '>> Y'+/*$00\ D &'- *$C$/ Z'*%$-

    %&+0 '>>+'*[$3 D *$C$/ $]6$[%$- %1 8$% #'//+$- 01 011*\ 1/ $C$/3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;> &$/ Y$'/0\ [1*C+*[$- #$ %&'% %&+0 '>>+'*[$

    Z'0 V1-@0$*%3 !&$ $C$* [+%$- #'*7 +*0%'*[$0 Z&$/$ /+[& 8/11#0 01"8&%

    611/ 8+/>0 >+,$ #$ Y1/ %&$+/ =$'"%7 '*- 1%&$/ /$-$$#+*8 b"'>+%+$03

    !+*[$ B0&1, Z'0 *1% %&$/$\ D =$['#$ $*8'8$- %1 &+0 Y'#+>7 +*0%$'-3 D%Z'0 ' C$/7 0#'>> Y"*[%+1* Z+%& c"0% %&/$$ '"*%0\ Y1"/ "*[>$0\ Y+C$ [1"0+*0

    and their families. I also met Ashoks sister Anu\ Z&1 Z'0 '=1"% %&$ 0'#$

    '8$ '0 #7 0+0%$/3 ?&$/$ Z$/$ *1% #'*7 6$16>$ Y/1# 1"/ 0+-$ $][$6% Y1/ '

    couple of aunts. Many of my fathers relatives refused to come because they

    couldnt stand M#-))0//0. One of my cousins from my fathers side came

    '>1*8 Z+%& &$/ &"0='*-3

    ?&$ #'//+'8$ -'%$ Z'0 Y+]$- Y1/ %&$ Y1>>1Z+*8 Z$$,3 )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z

    6/$0$*%$- #$ Z+%& ' %$* %&1"0'*- /"6$$ 10&- '*- ' c$Z$>/7@0$% Z+%&*$[,>'[$\ ='*8>$0 '*- $'//+*803 D Z'0 1C$/Z&$>#$-3 )7 #1%&$/ &"88$- #$

    '*- 0%'/%$- [/7+*83

    I didnt speak to Ashok after %&'% Y+/0% -'73 R$ Z'0 '% ' [1*Y$/$*[$\

    01#$Z&$/$ +* P"/16$\ '*- %&$* Z'0 %/'C$>+*8 %&/1"8& P"/16$ 01 &$

    couldnt find the time to call me. My father@+*@>'Z %1>- #$ %&'% &$ Z1">-

    [1#$ '*- 0$$ #$ Z&$* &$ ['#$ %1 D*-+' *$]% Z$$,3

    I didnt think much 1Y +% 0+*[$ Z$ Z$/$ ="07 0&166+*83

    )7 "*[>$ 1"%-+- &+#0$>Y '*- %11, "0 1"% 0&166+*8 %1 .044-%1 8$% "0 '>>

    0+>, 0'/+03

    D =$/'%$- #70$>Y Y1/ %&+*,+*8 01 #'*7 ='- %&+*80 '=1"% &+#3 )7 #1%&$/\

    1* %&$ 1%&$/ &'*-\ Z'0 /$'-7 %1 ="+>- ' %$#6>$ Y1/ &+#3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    KT ;;;$\ '*- #7 Y"%"/$ #1%&$/@+*@>'Z 0[/"%+*+^$- #$ #+*"%$>73 D 0%1>$

    8>'*[$0 '% &+# '*- 1*[$ 1/ %Z+[$ '*- D 0'Z &+# >11,+*8 '% #$ '*- 0#+>+*83

    He didnt 0'7 #"[& %1 #$ $][$6% ' ['0"'> hi. My mother was very

    excited and my sister disappointed because he didnt speak to her.

    ?&$ -'7 1Y %&$ #'//+'8$ -'Z*$-3 )7 '"*% &'>Y@&$'/%$->7 -+- %&$ [&1/$0

    0$% =7 #7 "*[>$3 !&$ /$[18*+^$- %&'% +% Z'0 ' 811- 7 '*- 011* D Y1"*- #70$>Y 0$'%$- *$]% %1

    B0&1, 1* %&$ -'+03 Q$ Z$*% %&/1"8& %&$ #1%+1*0 '*- [&'*%$- 1"/ #'*%/'0

    /$6$'%$- =7 %&$ 6/+$0%3 ?&$* +% Z'0 %+#$ Y1/ &+# %1 %+$ %&$ )#04-. My fathers

    [1"0+* '*- &+0 Z+Y$ 6>'7$- %&$ /1>$ 1Y #7 #1%&$/ '*- Y'%&$/ -"/+*8 %&$

    #'//+'8$\ '*- +% Z'0 +* &+0 >'6 %&'% D Z'0 0$'%$- Z&$* B0&1, %+$- %&$ )#04-3

    E7 #+-@#1/*+*8\ $C$/7%&+*8 Z'0 -1*$3 We went to the registrars office

    %1 8$% %&$ #'//+'8$ /$8+0%$/$- =$Y1/$ /$%"/*+*8 %1 %&$ &'>> %1 =+- $C$/71*$

    Y'/$Z$>>3 )7 #1%&$/ Z'0 C$/7 $#1%+1*'> ="% 0&$ Z'0 ,$6% ="07 =7[1*8/'%">'%+*8 /$>'%+C$03 )7 0+0%$/ &$>6$- #$ %1 6'[, #7 ='803 )7 #1%&$/

    &"88$- '*- =>$00$- #$\ '*- D %11, ' Y1/#'> Y'/$Z$>> Y/1# #7 "*[>$ '*-


    Q$ ['#$ 1"% 1Y %&$ &'>> '*- 81% +*%1 %&$ ['/ '*- 0'% *$]% %1 $'[& 1%&$/3

    The romantic me thought that he would then hold my hand or at least

    0#+>$ '% #$\ ="% B0&1, Z'0 ="07 [&$[,+*8 &+0 #$00'8$0 1* &+0 #1=+>$3

    Q$ /$'[&$- &+0 &1"0$ '*- #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z '*- #'*7 1%&$/ /$>'%+C$0

    %11, %&$ 0&)#- '*- +*C+%$- #$ +*0+-$3 D% Z'0 ' =+8 &1"0$ '*- D Z'0immediately taken to Ashoks room.

    )7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z '*- B0&1, Z$/$ ="07 -+0["00+*8 #7 6'0061/% '*- C+0'

    Z+%& '* '8$*%3 )7 -1["#$*%0 '*- '66>+['%+1* Z$/$ '>/$'-7 Z+%& &+# '*-

    *1Z %&$7 '--$- %&$ #'//+'8$ [$/%+Y+['%$ %1 +% '*- '0,$- &+# %1 $]6$-+%$ +%3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;6 #$ "*6'[,3 F1% %&'% %&$/$ Z'0

    #"[& %1 "*6'[, '*7Z'73 E"% D >$'/*% ' =+% '=1"% B0&1, +* %&$ 6/1[$003

    My brother is a very neat person. He wants$C$/7%&+*8 %1 =$ '//'*8$-

    6/16$/>7 +* %&$ /11# @ [>1%&$0\ =11,0 '*- 5_03 R$ ,$$60 0&1"%+*8 '% #7mother when she folds his clothes. She doesnt do it properly. You have very

    =$'"%+Y"> $7$0\ 71" 0&1">- Z$'/ #'0['/' '*- $7$ 0&'-1Z Z&$* 71" 81 1"%

    with him.!&$ [&'%%$/$- 'Z'7 '0 0&$ &$>6$- #$3

    D '//'*8$- #7 Y$Z 6+$[$0 1Y [>1%&+*8 +* '* $#6%+$- ["6=1'/- -/'Z$/ '*-

    %&$* Z$ Z$*% 1"% %1 %&$ ,+%[&$*3 )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 0+%%+*8 Z+%& '

    [1"6>$ 1Y 1%&$/ ,0,-13

    Nithya! You can help us in the kitchen from tomorrow. F1% %1-'73 V1

    '*- [&$[, +Y 71"/ Y'%&$/@+*@law and Ashok want some coffee, she said.

    D Z$*% %1 %&$ &'>> '*- %&$* %1 #7 +*@>'Z0 =$-/11#3 B0&1, Z'0 0%'*-+*8

    *$'/ %&$ Z+*-1Z '*- #7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 =$&+*- &+#3 )7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z

    Z'0 %'>,+*8 %1 &+# +* ' >1Z C1+[$3

    I came inside and said, ?0,0`D,,0Z'*%0 %1 ,*1Z +Y 71" Z'*% 01#$


    Yes\ get us two coffees.

    Q&$* D 81% %&$ [1YY$$\ D 0'Z #7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z 0%'*-+*8 '>1*$ =7 %&$Z+*-1Z3 B0&1, &'- 81*$ 1"%3 R$ %11, %&$ [1YY$$ Y/1# #7 &'*- '*- 0'+-\

    Ashok had to go to the passport office. He will be back by this evening.

    !11* +% Z'0 *+8&%g B*" '*- #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z$/$ -$[1/'%+*8 %&$ /11#\

    Z&+>$ I was nervous and trembling. I didnt eat much during -+**$/ @ D

    %&1"8&% D Z1">- %&/1Z "63

    B0&1, ['#$ C$/7 >'%$ '*- Z$*% +*0+-$ %&$ /11#3 )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z 8'C$

    #$ ' 0+>C$/ %"#=>$/ Y">> 1Y #+>, '*- '0,$- #$ %1 8+C$ +% %1 &+#3 D $*%$/$- %&$

    /11# %1 Y+*- B0&1, 0+%%+*8 Z+%& &+0 >'6%16 '% %&$ %'=>$3 ?&$ /11# Z'0-$[1/'%$- Z+%& Y>1Z$/ =1"b"$%0 '*- /10$ 6$%'>0 Z$/$ 0%/$Z* 1* %&$ =$-3

    D 6>'[$- %&$ #+>, *$]% %1 &+#3 R$ >11,$- "6 '*- 0#+>$- '% #$3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    KK ;;;01 ' =+% -+0'661+*%$-3

    D 0'+- 1,'7 '*- %"/*$- %1 81 %1 =$-3

    He said, Listen, I want to know you better before we begin our life as a

    #'//+$- [1"6>$3 )7 6'/$*%0 Z$/$ +* ' &"//7\ 01 D 81% #'//+$- ="% +% +0

    *$[$00'/7 Y1/ #$ %1 ,*1Z #7 6'/%*$/ =$Y1/$ Z$ &'C$ '*7 ,+*- 1Y

    /$>'%+1*0&+63 )7 6'/$*%0 '/$ 1>-@Y'0&+1*$-\ %/'-+%+1*'>3 !1 %1#1//1Z

    #1/*+*8 %&$7 Z+>> '0, 71" '>> 01/%0 1Y b"$0%+1*03 ?&$7 Z+>> $]6$[% "0 %1 &'C$

    slept together so dont tell them that we didnt\ 1,'7?

    D% %11, #$ 01#$ %+#$ %1 "*-$/0%'*- Z&'% $]'[%>7 &$ Z'0 0'7+*8 ="% %&$*

    I said, I understand. I will not tell them.

    ?&'% *+8&% D Z'0 %11 %+/$- %1 $C$* %&+*, '=1"% '*7%&+*83 D 0>$6% %&$

    minute my head hit the pillow. I didnt know when Ashok came to bed. But

    &$ Z'0 0>$$6+*8 *$]% %1 #$ Z&$* D Z1,$ "6 %&$ *$]% -'73 D% Z'0 '>#10%

    0$C$* +* %&$ #1/*+*8 Z&$* D Z1,$ "6 '*- D &"//+$- %1 %&$ ='%&/11# %1 8$%


    )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z %/+$- %1 6/7 '0 #"[& +*Y1/#'%+1* '0 6100+=>$ Y/1# #$3

    D %/+$- %1 '[% 0&7 '*- $0['6$- 01#$&1Z3)7 Y'%&$/@+*@>'Z &'- '//'*8$- Y1/ ' %/+6 %1 ?+/"6'%&+ %&$ Y1>>1Z+*8 -'73

    B0&1, Z'0 ="07 6'[,+*8 '*- 0&166+*83 Q$ &'- %1 8$% "6 $'/>7 %&$ *$]% -'7

    01 D Z$*% %1 =$- $'/>7 '*- B0&1, Z1/,$- '8'+*3 D '[%"'>>7 '66/$[+'%$- &+0

    %&1"8&%Y">*$00 '=1"% Z'*%+*8 %1 ,*1Z #$ =$%%$/ =$Y1/$ 0>$$6+*8 Z+%& #$3

    R$ Z'0 C$/7 61>+%$ '*- *+[$ %1 #$ ="% ' 0&'-$ +#6'%+$*% Z+%& &+0 6'/$*%03

    BY%$/ %&$ ?+/"6'%&+ C+0+%\ B0&1, 0%'7$- '% &1#$ Y1/ 1*$ #1/$ -'7 '*-

    %&$* &$ >$Y% Y1/ %&$ T!3 D &'- %1 Z'+% %Z1 #1/$ #1*%&0 =$Y1/$ D [1">- 0%'/%

    #7 #'//+$- >+Y$ Z+%& B0&1,3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;; 01//7 Y1/ B0&1,3 PC$/ 0+*[$ #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z

    '//+C$-\ '>> %&'% 0&$ &'0 -1*$ +0 [11, Y1/ &+# '*- &$ -1$0nt have any choice

    ="% %1 $'%3

    Just one more/2&- ?/7 %&+0 [&"%*$73 F+%&7' =/+*8 %&'% %1#'%1 (#2)5$6

    for him to taste.

    B0&1, #'-$ ' Y'[$ '*- Z'+%$- 6'%+$*%>7 Z&+>$ D 0$'/[&$- %&/1"8& %&$

    =1%%>$0 1Y [&"%*$7 '*- 6+[,>$0 %&'% 0&$ =/1"8&% Z+%& &$/ Y/1# D*-+'3

    _/+66+*8 +* 1+>\ %&$ [&"%*$7 =1%%>$ Z'0 0Z'-->$- +* %Z1 009-5 6>'0%+[

    [1C$/03 D %11, 1"% ' 0611* '*- 6"% 01#$ [&"%*$7 +* &+0 6>'%$3

    Today I am making 21-4-8 =070,30 10,30&8 0//40,'*- >+#$ &010,3

    All your favorites. You must come home for dinner today.

    I knew that he wouldnt come home any time sooner than $>$C$*3 R$ &'-=$$* $0['6+*8 %1 1YY+[$ $'/>+$/ %&'* "0"'> $C$/7 -'7 '*- /$%"/*+*8 >'%$ '%

    *+8&%3 Q+%& &+0 %$#6$/ '% '* '>>@%+#$ &+8&\ +% Z'0 -+YY+[">% %1 =$ Z+%& &+#\ >$%

    '>1*$ %'>, %1 &+#3

    )7 0+%"'%+1* Z'0 Y'/ Z1/0$3 ?&+0 %+#$ '/1"*-\ &$/ C+0+% %1 %&$ T! Z'0

    "*-$/%',$* 01>$>7 %1 [&$[, Z&$%&$/ Z$ Z$/$ >$'-+*8 ' *1/#'> #'//+$- >+Y$

    1/ *1%3 ?&$ 0$[1*- 6"/610$ Z'0 %1 8+C$ #$ #1/$ :605'=1"% &1Z %1 =$[1#$

    pregnant and how I was ruining Ashoks life by not becoming pregnant


    B0 %1 %&$ Y+/0%\ %&$/$ Z'0 *1 6/1=>$# +* 6/$%$*-+*8 %&'% Z$ Z$/$ '

    *1/#'> #'//+$- [1"6>$3 B0&1, Z'0 /'/$>7 &1#$ +* '*7 ['0$3 ?&$ 1*>7

    'Z,Z'/-*$00 Z'0 Z&$* Z$ &'- %1 0>$$6 %18$%&$/ +* %&$ 0'#$ =$-3

    ?&'*,Y">>7\ %&$ =$- Z'0 C$/7 =+8 '*- D 0>$6% +* 1*$ [1/*$/ '*- &$ 1* %&$

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    KN ;;;'Z >+,$ 71"3 F$]%

    #1*%& Z&$* D 81 ='[, %1 D*-+' 71" '/$ [1#+*8 Z+%& #$ '*- Z$ '/$ 8$%%+*8 '

    [&$[,@"6 -1*$3 DY %&$/$ +0 ' 6/1=>$# Z+%& 71" %&$* D #"0% Y+*- 1"%3 )7

    friends 10,3057-\ +0 ' 87*$[1>18+0%3 !&$ +0 '>01 ' C$/7 811- -1[%1/3 Q$

    need to do a scan and find out whether there is any problem

    D /$01>"%$>7 /$Y"0$- %1 >11, %1Z'/-0 &$/ 1/ $C$* %1 /$'[% %1 &$/0%'%$#$*%03 E"% D [1">- Y$$> &$/ $7$0 1* #7 0%1#'[&3 DY 0&$ [1">-\ 0&$ #+8&%

    '[%"'>>7 0['* #$ Z+%& &$/ $7$0 '>1*$ '*- Y+*- 1"% Z&'% #7 6/1=>$# Z'03

    D %/+$- %1 %'>, %1 B0&1, '=1"% %&$ +#6$*-+*8 #$-+['> %$0% %&'% 0&$ #+8&%

    Y1/[$ #$ %1 &'C$3 D %1>- &+# Z&+>$ Z$ Z$/$ +* =$-3

    Ashok! I need to talk to you about something.


    Your mother is pestering me to get a medi['> [&$[,@"6 -1*$3 D &'C$given her many reasons why we dont want kids right now. She is not

    >+0%$*+*83 5'* 71" 06$', %1 &$/ '*- %$>> &$/ %&'% Y1/ %&$ *$]% %Z1 7$'/0 71"

    dont want kids?

    HmmI dont know man.

    I have been listening to this 6/$8*'*[7 %'>, Y1/ %&$ 6'0% 1*$ #1*%& *1Z3

    !&$ Z'*%0 #$ %1 81 '>1*8 Z+%& &$/ %1 D*-+' *$]% #1*%& '*- Z&$* Z$ 81 0&$

    Z'*%0 #$ %1 &'C$ ' #$-+['> [&$[,@"6 Z+%& ' 87*$[1>18+0% %&'% 0&$ ,*1Z03 DY

    you dont tell her that you dont want kids right now\ D Z+>> &'C$ %1 "*-$/81' #$-+['> [&$[,@up. Please Ashok! Speak to her.

    What the fuck\ F+%&7'd D% +0 c"0% ' #$-+['> [&$[,@"63 Q&'% '/$ 71"

    scared of? Why are you pestering me? I dont want to talk to her about this.

    Just leave me alone.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;>$- -1Z*3 D Y$>% %/'66$-

    +* ' 0+%"'%+1* Z&$/$ %&$ Z'>>0 Z$/$ [>10+*8 1* #$ Y/1# '>> -+/$[%+1*03

    You dont understand Ashok. Please try to understandD

    He tore at his hair and screamed, Oh God! I am going to ,+>> %&'% 8"7 %&$#+*"%$ D >'*- +* D*-+' *$]% %+#$3 R$ 0$*% &$/ &$/$ -$>+=$/'%$>7 %1 #$00 #7

    >+Y$3 A,'7` D Z+>> %'>, %1 &$/3 R$ %"/*$- 'Z'7 %1 0>$$63

    R$ -+- 06$', %1 &$/ %&$ *$]% #1/*+*8\ D %&+*,\ =$['"0$ 0&$ >11,$- 0">>$*

    Z&$* D ['#$ ='[, Y/1# %&$ /$0%'"/'*% '*- ,$6% #"%%$/+*8 '=1"% #7 &1>-

    1C$/ &$/ 01*3

    God knows what sins I have committed. All I want is a grandson to hold

    =$Y1/$ D -+$3 DY 71" ['**1% 8+C$ +% %&$* Z&'% +0 %&$ 61+*% 1Y %&+0 #'//+'8$d D

    '>Z'70 ,*$Z %&'% 6$16>$ Y/1# @04$, '/$ C$/7 ["**+*83 F1Z D ,*1Z Z&7

    %&$7 0'7 %&'%3 X1" &'C$ &+# %Z+0%$- '/1"*- 71"/ >+%%>$ Y+*8$/3 Ushas son got

    ' *$Z Z+Y$ =$['"0$ &+0 Y+/0% Z+Y$ Z'0 *1% [1*[$+C+*83 X1" 0&1">- %&'*, 71"/

    stars that we are not doing anything of that sort

    D Z+>>$- #70$>Y %1 +8*1/$ &$/\ '*- >+0%$*$- +*0%$'- %1 B3S3 S''* '*-

    checked my mail. Divya had sent a mail saying that her friend Raginis

    Y/+$*- !/+*+C'0\ Z'0 [1#+*8 %1 %&$ T! Y1/ ' [1*Y$/$*[$3 D &'- =1"8&% &$/ '

    [1"6>$ 1Y %@0&+/%0 '*- ' #',$@"6 ,+% '*- =$*8'7 >1%+1* Y1/ #7 #1%&$/ '>> 1Y

    Z&+[& &'- =$$* 0+%%+*8 +* #7 ["6=1'/- Y1/ #1*%&03 _+C7' &'- Y1/Z'/-$-

    Raginis mailZ+%& Srinivass number. Srinivas was 81+*8 %1 ['>> #$ 1*[$ &$

    /$'[&$- 5'>+Y1/*+'3

    D Z'0 *1% 0"/$ Z&'% #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z1">- 0'7 '=1"% #7 0$*-+*8 '

    6'[,'8$ Y1/ #7 0+0%$/3 )'7=$ D 0&1">- ['>> !/+*+C'0 %1 %&$ /$0%'"/'*% '*-

    &'*- +% 1C$/ %1 &+# %&$/$3

    ?&$ *$]% #1/*+*8\ D Z'0 -+0%/'[%$- =$['"0$ #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 %/7+*8

    %1 6$/0"'-$ B0&1, %1 0'7 :060)#&-#'*%/' '*- [&'*8$ &+0/++5048'0 +% Z'000905- 00)0,3

    Yesterday was 00905- 00)0,+* D*-+' 01 '[[1/-+*8 %1 '0%/1C$-3[1# 71"

    ['* [&'*8$ 71"/ /++504, 0&$ 0'+-\ b"1%+*8 &$/ '"%&1/+%7 Y1/ '"06+[+1"0


  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    KP ;;;7 Z1/$ +%3

    Ashok pretty much said the same thing to his mother, D,,0! I dontZ$'//++504&$/$ '% '>>3 ?&$* Z&'% +0 %&$ 61+*%d

    E"% 0&$ Z'0 /$'-7 Z+%& &$/ V&0#,001)&0\ &$/ $7$0 0Z+##+*8 +* %$'/0\

    Wont you do this for your mother? Do you have to argue with me about

    $C$/7%&+*8d D #'7 *1% =$ '>+C$ %1 0$$ 71" -1 '*1%&$/ 00905- 00)0,?

    51/*$/$-\ B0&1, Z$*% '*- &'- &+0 ='%& Z&+>$ &+0 #1%&$/ Z'+%$- Y1/ &+#

    +* %&$ =$-/11#3

    D,,0` D &'C$ %1 [&'*8$3 D Z+>> [1#$\wait.

    !&$ +##$-+'%$>7 0%'/%$- '66>7+*8 %&$ %/'-+%+1*'> 50,0, 1* &+0

    Y1/$&$'-3 D% Z'0 Y"**7 %&$ Z'7 &$ %/+$- %1 ='% &$/ &'*- 'Z'7 ="% 0&$ Z'0

    Y1/#+-'=>$ Z&$* 0&$ Z'*%$- &$/ Z'73

    D #'-$ 00/0,'*- -74-8 Z&+>$ 0&$ #'-$ B0&1, /$[+%$ *060)#&- W0/0,8

    Z$'/+*8 ' #',$0&+Y% 7#+)-3 R$ 0[1Z>$- '% &$/\ '0 0&$ Z$*% '/1"*- %',+*8

    6+[%"/$0 %1 6"% 1* N'[$=11,3 D% Z'0 b"+%$ Y"**7\ ="% D -'/$- *1% >'"8& '0

    B0&1, Z'0 [>10$ %1 ="/0%+*8@61+*%3 )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 *'+C$>7

    "*[1*[$/*$- '=1"% %&+03Bring th$ 00/0,and serve it to him, she ordered.

    D =/1"8&% 1"% %&$ 00/0, '*- Z&$* D 0$/C$- %Z1 1* &+0 6>'%$\ 0&$

    shouted, Put three more. He loves to eat 00/0,.

    D &'- *$C$/ 0$$* B0&1, $'% '*7%&+*8 01 1+>7 +* %&$ %&/$$ 7$'/0 Z$ &'-

    =$$* #'//+$-g +% 6/1='=>7 Z'0 &+0 Y'C1/+%$ -$['-$0 '813 Q&$* D 0%'/%$-

    0$/C+*8 &+# three more, Ashok shouted, NO THANKS.

    Dont serve it to him if he doesnt want, said my mother@+*@>'Z '0 +Y +%

    Z'0 #7 #+0%',$3

    )7 #1=+>$ /'*8 '*- %&'*,Y"> Y1/ %&$ =/$',\ D Z$*% +*0+-$ %&$ /11# %1

    '*0Z$/ +%3 D% Z'0 '* "*,*1Z* *"#=$/3 5"/+1"0\ D '*0Z$/$- %&$ 6&1*$3 D%

    Z'0 ' 0%/'*gers voice, Hi! I am Srinivas,Raginis friend. Is this Nithya?

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;>$-g D Z1">- =$ '=>$ %1 0$*- %&$ 6'[,'8$ Y1/ _+C7' *1Z3

    Yes. Ragini said that you had a package for me. Can I come=7 %1-'7 '*-

    6+[, +% "6d )7 Y/+$*- +0 81+*8 -+/$[%>7 %1 5&$**'+ %1-'7 01 &$ ['* %',$ +%3 DY+% +0 *1% /$'-7 D ['* 6+[, +% "6 >'%$/3 D '# &$/$ Y1/ 1*$ #1/$ Z$$,3

    ?&'*,03 ?&$ 6'[,'8$ +0 /$'-73 Its just some %@0&+/%0 '*- #',$@"6 +%$#0

    Y1/ #7 0+0%$/3 X1" ['* [1#$ '*- 6+[, +% "63

    N1/ 01#$ /$'01*\ #7 0+0%$/ &'%$- [&1[1>'%$0 01 %&$/$ Z'0 *1 61+*%

    0$*-+*8 %&$#3 )7 #1%&$/ Z1">- *1% %1"[& %&$# '0 Z$>>\ '0 0&$ %&1"8&% '>>

    Y11- +%$#0 Y/1# T! Z1">- &'C$ $88 =7 -$Y'">%3

    Great! Then I will come by and pick it up. I am b"+%$ [>10$ =7, he said.

    Fine no problem. Please come.

    D Z$*% ='[, %1 %&$ ,+%[&$* %1 [>$'* "6 '*- 1*>7 %&$* -+- D /$'>+^$ %&'% D

    0&1">- &'C$ '0,$- &+# %1 [1#$ %1 /$0%'"/'*%3 D &"//+$- ='[, %1 %&$ /11# %1

    ['>> &+#\ ="% B0&1, Z'0 [&'*8+*8 '*- Z1">- *1% 16$* %&$ -11/3 E7 %&$*\ +%

    Z'0 %11 >'%$3 ?&$ -11/=$>> /'*83

    B0 #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z$*% %1 16$* %&$ -11/\ B0&1, 16$*$- %&$ =$-/11#

    door and asked angrily, Cant I have even one minute of peace in my

    room? What do you want?

    R$ &'- [&'*8$- +*%1 ' %@0&+/% '*- 0&1/%0 '*- Z'0 0+%%+*8 1* %&$ =$- Z+%&

    his mothers camera, no doubt trying to delete his photos doing :060)#&-


    Nithya! Nithya! Someone is here for you, shouted my mother@+*@>'Z3

    Ashoks head shot up. In my three years in %&$ T!\ *1 1*$ &'- $C$/ [1#$

    &$/$ Y1/ #$3 R$ ,*$Z %&'% _+'*' Z'0 #7 1*>7 Y/+$*- &$/$ '*- $C$* 0&$ &'-

    *$C$/ [1#$ &1#$3

    Who is it? he asked me curiously.

    D Z'0 Y/'*%+['>>7 0$'/[&+*8 %&/1"8& %&$ ["6=1'/- %1 Y+*- %&$ 6'[,'8$ %&'%

    D &'- 6"% %18$%&$/ %Z1 #1*%&0 '813

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    KR ;;;'Z +*%$//18'%+*8 &+#3 God! Why didnt I ask

    &+# %1 [1#$ %1 %&$ /$0%'"/'*%d?&$/$ Z$/$ %Z1 6$16>$ 0+%%+*8 1* %&$ [1"[&3 A*$ Z'0 Y'+/ [1#6>$]+1*$-\

    #"0%'[&$- '*- %'>> '*- %&$ 1%&$/ Z'0 =/1Z*\ [>$'*@0&'C$* Z+%& +*%$*0$

    $7$03 R$ 0$$#$- %1 =$ >+0%$*+*8 %1 #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z 6'%+$*%>73 R$ '>01

    >11,$- C'8"$>7 Y'#+>+'/3

    )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 +* Y">> Y>1Z3 So what is your /2&9$:0,d Q&$/$

    -1 71"/ 6'/$*%0 >+C$d Q&$/$ does your father work?

    !&$ Z'0 '--/$00+*8 '>> &$/ b"$0%+1*0 %1 %&$ -'/, [1#6>$]+1*$- #'*3 D

    ['"8&% %&$ 1%&$/ #'* 0"66/$00+*8 ' 0#+>$\ enjoying his friends


    I am 1/+8+*'>>7 from Thanjavur. My parents are dead. I live in Mumbai.

    D $*%$/$- %&$ /11# '*- 0%11- *$'/ %&$ [1"[&3 R$ >11,$- %1Z'/-0 #$ '*-

    %&'% +0 Z&$* D Y1"*- 1"% Z&7 &$ >11,$- Y'#+>+'/3

    R$ >11,$- '% #$ 0%$'-+>7 '*- Y/1Z*$- '0 +Y &$ Z'0 %/7+*8 %1 /$#$#=$/

    Z&1 D Z'03

    This is Nithya, my daughter@+*@law,+*%/1-"[$- #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z3

    R$ 81% "6 '*- >10% &+0 Y/1Z*3 D %&+*, &$ Y+*'>>7 /$[18*+^$- #$3

    Hi I am Srinivas. You are

    D ,*$Z &+# '0 .'0"3 B*- Y1/ ' #1#$*%\ D Z'0 ='[, +* %&10$ 0"*@,+00$-

    days that I spent with him in my uncles house.

    Vasu! I am Amruthi mamis daughter, Nithya, I %1>- &+#\ /$#+*-+*8

    &+# 1Y %&$ 6$/01* Z&1 &'- =$[1#$ &+0 0"//18'%$ #1%&$/ -"/+*8 %&10$ Y1"/

    7$'/0 Z$ 06$*% %18$%&$/ 8/1Z+*8 "63

    R$ >11,$- 0"/6/+0$-\ 0&1[,$- '*- '>01 &'667 %1 #$$% #$3 R$ 81% "6 '*-

    ['#$ %1Z'/-0 #$3 R+0 Y/+$*- >11,$- 1* ["/+1"0>73

    Nithya!God! I never thought that I would meet you here

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;>1Z+*8 1"/ [1*C$/0'%+1* >+,$ '

    %$**+0 #'%[&\ +*%$/c$[%$-3

    So how do you know Nithya? she asked Vasu3

    Vasu turned towards her and said, We are distantly related3

    R1Z '6%3 E"% D Z1*-$/$- Z&'% 0&$ Z1">- 0'7 Z&$* 0&$ ,*$Z &1Z


    Nithya! Go get some coffee for the guests.

    Its ok ,0,-. We are in a hurry, said Vasu hurriedly.

    Nonsense. I got coffee pow-$/ '>> %&$ Z'7 Y/1# 5&$**'+3 X1" #"0% &'C$

    some, she+*0+0%$- Y+/#>73

    D %"/*$- '*- Z$*% %1 %&$ ,+%[&$*3 ?&+0 Z'0 81+*8 Y/1# ='- %1 Z1/0$3

    N'*[7 #$$%+*8 .'0" >+,$ %&+0`

    I could still hear her voice. She was on to Vasus friend now.

    So you are Y/1# )"#='+U _1 71" >+C$ +* )'%"*8'd _1 71" ,*1Z e'*',+

    ,0,- %&$/$d PC$/7=1-7 +* )"#='+ ,*1Z0 &$/` my mother@+*@>'Z

    >'"*[&$- ' /'6+-@Y+/$ b"$0%+1* /1"*-\ %1 Z&+[& &$ #"#=>$- 01#$ '*0Z$/03

    D %11, %&$ [1YY$$ '*- Z$*% +*%1 %&$ &'>>3 .'0" '*- &+0 Y/+$*- Z$/$ >11,+*8

    '/1"*-3 .'0" 0+66$- &+0 [1YY$$ 0+>$*%>7 '*- 0$$#$- %1 =$ +* -$$6 %&1"8&%\Z&+>$ #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 %$>>+*8 &+0 Y/+$*- '=1"% &$/ %/+6 %1 _Z'/,'3

    So are you going to Chennai? I asked Vasu.

    F1% +##$-+'%$>73 E"% S'8&'C'* +0 >$'C+*8 %1#1//1Z3 !1 D %&1"8&% D

    would send it with him. Dont worry, it will reachyour mother, he 0'+-\

    >11,+*8 +*%1 #7 $7$03

    So\ &1Z '/$ 71" related to her? asked my tenacious mother@+*@>'Z3

    D Z'0 '=1"% %1 >'"*[& +*%1 a story, when Vasu said calmly, I amNarasimhacharis brothers son.

    G# *+78 5+H

    Oh! Narasimhacharis nephew. I have heard about you.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    LT ;;;>$%3 R$ %11, 1"% &+0 ['/- '*- 8'C$ +% %1 #$3

    Call me when you are free, he said. I guess he meant Call,$ ;#$56+2& 7$0& ,+)#$&X-5X40; -1 5+) 0&+257'Z Z'0 #1/$ +*%$/$0%$- +* %&$ 6'[,'8$3

    What is there in the package? To whom are you sending it? she asked.

    Just some %@0&+/%0 '*- #',$@up items for Divya, I 0'+-3

    I hope they were not too expensive. Anyway\ +% Z+>> =$ 811- %/$'% Y1/

    Divya. She probably cant afford to buy any cosmetics even in India. Next

    %+#$ '/1"*-\ D Z+>> '0, B*" %1 8+C$ &$/ '*7 1Y &$/ "*Z'*%$- >+60%+[,0 '*-

    nail polish.

    Vasus face darke*$-\ Z&+>$ D [/+*8$- +* $#='//'00#$*%3 S'8&'C'* Z'0

    '>/$'-7 1"% Z'+%+*8 =7 %&$ $>$C'%1/3

    ?&'*,Y">>7\ B0&1, #'-$ &+0 $*%/7 '% %&+0 #1#$*% &'C+*8 $/'0$- '>> &+0

    photos from his moms camera. He came and stood behind me. If nothing

    $>0$\ '% >$'0% &+0 #1%&$/ Z1">- Z'%[& &$/ #1"%& Z+%& &+# %&$/$3Vasu! This is my husband Ashok, I said\ +*%/1-"[+*8 B0&1,3

    ?&$7 0&11, &'*-03 .'0" 0#+>$- '*- %/+$- %1 >11, [1/-+'>3 E"% D 8"$00 #7

    #1%&$/@+*@laws words still rankled. Ashok merely nodded and looked at

    &+# '0 +Y &$ Z$/$ Z'+%+*8 Y1/ &+# %1 >$'C$3

    Ok Nithya! I will catch up with you later. Bye.

    R$ %"/*$- '*- 6"% &+0 0&1$0 1* '*- >11,$- ='[, '% #$3 D% Z'0 ' 8>'*[$

    %&'% D Z'0 Y'#+>+'/ Z+%&\ 1*$ %&'% %11, #$ ='[, %1 ' %+#$ Z&$* Z$ &'-

    ,*1Z* $'[& 1%&$/ Z$>>3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;Y3 D

    &'- '>Z'70 Z1*-$/$- '=1"% &+#3 D &'- &$'/- Y/1# 1%&$/ /$>'%+C$0 %&'% &$

    was in Mumbai but didnt know that he &'- =$$* 01 0"[[$00Y">3 D &'dnt

    /$[18*+^$- &+# /+8&% 'Z'73 R$ &'- 8/1Z* %'>>$/ '*- &'- =$[1#$ Y'+/$/\

    Z&+[& Z'0 0%+>> -'/,$/ 0,+**$- %&'* D /$#$#=$/$-3 R$ "0$- %1 =$ b"+%$0,+**7 Z&$* D ,*$Z &+# ="% &$ &'- Y+>>$- 1"% Z$>>3 D% Z'0 &+0 $7$0 %&'% D &'-

    /$[18*+^$- '*- %&$ +*%$*0$ 0%'/$ %&'% &$ 8'C$ #$3 D#'8+*$ %&$ 1--0 1Y

    #$$%+*8 &+# >+,$ %&+0 +* %&$ T!3 BY%$/ &$ >$Y%\ M#-))0//0&'- %1>- $C$/71*$

    %&'% &$ 0%1>$ 01#$%&+*8 Y/1# &1#$\ '*- %&'% Z'0 Z&7 &$ /'* 'Z'73 Q$

    *$C$/ =$>+$C$- +%3

    Vasus visit provided ' *$Z %16+[ 1Y -+0["00+1* +* %&$ &1"0$ Y1/ #7

    #1%&$/@+*@>'Z3 BY%$/ &$ >$Y%\ 0&$ 6/1=$- #$ %1 >$'/* #1/$ '=1"% &+#3 !&$

    %11, +% Y1/ 8/'*%$- %&'% D &'- =$$* +* %1"[& Z+%& &+# /+8&% Y/1# %&$beginning and wouldnt believe me when I told her that I was meeting him

    Y1/ %&$ Y+/0% %+#$ 'Y%$/ '>> %&$0$ 7$'/03 D %1>- &$/ %&'% &$ >$Y% %&$ &1"0$

    =$['"0$ #7 M#-))0//0&'- Z'*%$- &+# %1 0%"-7 '%/0)01#040'*- =$[1#$ '


    How can he leave the house after '>> %&'% F'/'0+#&'[&'/+ -+- Y1/ &+#d

    Doesnt he have any gratitude? He would have become very rich indeed if

    &$ &'- =$[1#$ ' 907-60&.

    !&$ took Vasus visiting card and studied it. What kind of name isCybermax System? It says he is theCEO. It is probably fake.

    D >$Y% &$/ 0&',+*8 &$/ &$'- '*- %/7+*8 %1 /$#$#=$/ '>> %&$ %&+*80 0&$ &'-

    &$'/- '=1"% .'0"3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    LK ;;;> +%0 [1#6$%+%1/0Z+%&+* %Z1 7$'/0 '*- &'- *$%%$- &"8$ 6/1Y+%0 Y1/ %&$ 6'/%*$/03 B 0#'>>

    16$/'%+1* %&'% &'- 0%'/%$- Z+%& %Z$*%7@Y+C$ 6$16>$ &'- =$[1#$ ' 6"=>+[

    >+#+%$- [1#6'*7 Z+%& 1C$/ ' %&1"0'*- $#6>17$$03

    ?&/$$ 7$'/0 '81 &$ &'- #$/8$- 57=$/*$% Z+%& !70%$# )']\ '*1%&$/

    [1#6'*7\ %1 [/$'%$ 57=$/#']3 D '>01 /$'- #'*7 *$Z0 $][$/6%0 %&'%

    -$0[/+=$- 57=$/#'] '0 6/1C+-+*8 1"%0%'*-+*8 ["0%1#$/ 0$/C+[$3 )'*7

    01Y%Z'/$ 8+'*%0 Z$/$ ="7+*8 %&$+/ '00$#=>$- [1#6"%$/0 '*- %&$+/ 0$/C+[$

    Z'0 /$61/%$->7 impeccable. Vasu had been named the Entrepreneur of theYear by an organization called TIE and had been called to 06$', '% '

    [1*Y$/$*[$3 !1 %&'% Z'0 Z&7 &$ Z'0 &$/$ +* %&$ T!3 R$ Z'0 8$%%+*8 '*


    D Z$*% ='[, %1 #7 /11# '*- [&'*8$- +*%1 ' =2&)- '*- c$'*03 D% Z'0

    8$%%+*8 >'%$ Y1/ Z1/,3

    D% Z'0 b"+$% '% %&$ /$0%'"/'*% '*- %&$/$ Z$/$ *1% #'*7 6$16>$ '/1"*-3 D

    0'% -1Z* '% ' %'=>$ '*- 81% #70$>Y ' ["6 1Y [1YY$$3 D Z'*%$- %1 0$*- &+# '


    Hi, it was great meeting you

    It was nice meeting you

    Vasu, Nithya here. Sorry about my MILs comments. It was nice meeting

    71" %1-'73 O$% #$ ,*1Z Z&$* u will b free and I will call u

    D 0$*% %&$ !)! '*- Z'0 6>$'0'*%>7 0"/6/+0$- %1 /$[$+C$ ' /$061*0$ '>#10%


    Its ok. I suppose she is our M#-))0//0s =$0% Y/+$*-3 B*7Z'7 '# '% '

    boring conference so cant talk but I can !)!3 D 8"$00 D Z+>> = Y/$$ 'Y%$/ K

    6# %1-'73

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;$ 1"% 1Y #7 c$'*0 %1 [&$[, +Y %&$/$ Z$/$ '*7 Y"/%&$/ #$00'8$03

    Q&$* -+- " [1#$ %1 %&$ T!d

    D0 &$ #$00'8+*8 #$ Y/1# &+0 [1*Y$/$*[$d D &"//+$->7 %76$- #7 /$061*0$3

    37/0 '81

    Q+%&+* ' #+*"%$ &$ 0$*% #$ '*1%&$/ 1*$3

    BY%$/ #'//+'8$d


    O1C$ #'//+'8$d


    B//'*8$- #'//+'8$ >+,$ ' 811- 8+/>d


    D Z'0 0&1[,$- Z&$* D 0'Z ")$ %11

    It never occurred to me that Raginis fr*- _+C7' [>- =$ 1"/ _+C7'

    E$Y1/$ D [1">- %76$ #7 /$061*0$\ _+'*' ['#$ +* Z+%& ' /$b"$0% Y1/ #1/$

    0'#10'0 '*- D 81% ="07 Z+%& +%3 BY%$/ '=1"% '* &1"/\ D [&$[,$- #7 #1=+>$

    '*- Y1"*- L #$00'8$0 Y/1# &+#3 D 0$%%>$- -1Z* +* %&$ 0%1/$/11# %1 /$'- +%3

    R1Z +0 B#/"%&+ ,0,-d !&$ #"0% = &'667 0$$+*8 " Z$>> 0$%%>$-

    I am going to book a ticket to Chennai once I get back home. I want tosee your mom.

    R u there? R u busy?

    5'* Z$ #$$% Y1/ >"*[& 1/ -+**$/ %1#1//1Zd D &'C$ >1%0 %1 '0, "

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    LN ;;;+*8

    01#$%&+*83 _+C7' '*- D ,*$Z %&'% M#-))0//0 Z'0 >7+*8 =$['"0$ &$ ,$6%

    changing his story about the item that Vasu had stolen, but we couldnt

    [1*%/'-+[% &+#3

    D /$6>+$- %1 '>> &+0 #$00'8$0 +##$-+'%$>73

    D,,0+0 Y+*$3 !&$ +0 &'6673 _+C7' /$[$*%>7 81% ' c1= +* Q+6/1

    D,,0Z+>> =$ 8>'- %1 0$$ 71" 'Y%$/ 01 #'*7 7$'/0

    Am sorry I was busy at work. Thats y I didnt see ur messages

    !"/$3 X1" ['* [1#$ -1Z* %1 #7 /$0%'"/'*% Y1/ -+**$/ %1#1//1Z3 5'* "

    =$ &$/$ =7 I pm

    D Z'+%$- Y1/ &+0 /$061*0$ Y1/ ' Y$Z 0$[1*-0 '*- %&$/$ +% Z'03

    T/ /$0%'"/'*%d

    R$ 0$$#0 0"/6/+0$- ="% D Z'0 8>'- %&'% D Z'0 '=>$ %1 %$>> &+# %&'% D Z'0

    +*-$6$*-$*% %1 01#$ -$8/$$3

    X$03 D Z1/, '% ' /$0%'"/'*% '0 '* '00+0%'*% [&$YWow! Thats great. Send me the address

    D b"+[,>7 %76$- %&$ '--/$00 '*- 0$*% +% %1 &+#3 BY%$/ '=1"% &'>Y ' #+*"%$

    %&$/$ Z'0 1*$ #1/$ #$00'8$ Y/1# &+#3

    Q&$* ['* D ['>> "d D Z'*% %1 %'>, %1 "

    D 8"$00 &$ #"0% =$ Y$$>+*8 1-- #$00'8+*8 #$ Z&$* Z$ &'- *1% #$% $'[&

    1%&$/ Y1/ #1/$ %&'* %$* 7$'/03 ?&$/$ Z$/$ %11 #'*7 %&+*80 %1 0&'/$ '*- +*

    #7 ['0$\ #'*7 %&+*80 %1 &+-$3

    BY%$/ H D Z+>> =$ '>1*$ +* #7 /11# D Z+>> ['>> "

    Q+%&+* ' #+*"%$\ &$ /$061*-$- '*- D Z1*-$/$- Z&$%&$/ &$ Z'0 >+0%$*+*8

    %1 '*7 1Y %&$ 6'6$/0 =$+*8 6/$0$*%$- '% %&$ [1*Y$/$*[$ &$ Z'0 '%%$*-+*83

    Q'% '=% "/ &"0='*-d Q+>> &$ %&$/$d

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;- =7 *1Z3 R$ Z'0 0"[[$00Y">\ *+[$ %1 >11, '% '*- Z$>>

    0$%%>$-3 )y aunts grapevine #'7 &'C$ #+00$- %&$ *$Z03 )'7=$ &+0 Z+Y$ Z'0

    Y/1# )"#='+ '*- #'7=$ &$ &'- =/1"8&% &$/ &$/$ '>1*8 Z+%& &+#3 B0 D Z'0

    #$*%'>>7 %/7+*8 %1 6+[%"/$ &+0 Z+Y$ %&$/$ Z'0 ' /$6>7 Y/1# &+#3

    F13 7 / " 6>'**+*8 %1 -1 01#$ #'%[',+*8

    Great! So he is not married. And why would I do matchmaking for him

    No thanks. I really cant compete with Chittappa

    BY%$/ %&'% %&$/$ Z'0 *1 /$6>7 Y/1# &+#3 R$ Z'0 6/1='=>7 ="07 '% %&$

    [1*Y$/$*[$ 01 D %+-+$- "6 '*- >$Y% Y1/ &1#$3 D% Z'0 0$C$* 6# =7 %&$ %+#$ D

    /$'[&$- &1#$3 )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 0+%%+*8 +* %&$ >+C+*8 /11# Z+%& &$/

    [1#6"%$/ 1*3 !&$ Z'0 ="07 [&'%%+*8 Z+%& &$/ &"0='*-3

    D b"+[,>7 Z$*% %1 %&$ ,+%[&$* '*- &$'%$- "6 #7 -+**$/3 !&$ &'- #'-$

    &+)-1\ 704'*-/+)0)+ (2&&63 D 0+>$*%>7 Y+>>$- #7 6>'%$ '*- '%$ +* #7 /11#3 D

    [1">- 0%+>> &$'/ 01#$ 0*+66$%0 1Y [1*C$/0'%+1* Y/1# #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z3

    Ashok says that he does not want kids right now)'7=$ %&$7 '/$ "0+*8

    .-&+7#or something like thatI dont know what to do

    B 6'"0$ '0 0&$ >+0%$*$- %1 &$/ &"0='*-3

    Yeah she is coming with me to India after two months X$0 0&$ +0

    working in some restaurant V1- ,*1Z0 Z&7 B0&1, +0 '>>1Z+*8 '>> %&+0*1*0$*0$3

    Yes. Those people were from Madurai. What did they say? Did they

    #'%[& %&$ &1/10[16$d A,` O$% #$ ,*1Z Z&'% %&$7 0'73

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    LP ;;;11,+*8 Y1/ ' #'%[& Y1/ #7 0+0%$/@+*@>'Z B*" Y1/

    '>#10% ' 7$'/ ="% *1%&+*8 &'- [>+[,$- 01 Y'/3 D [&$[,$- %&$ %+#$g +% Z'0 '

    >+%%>$ 'Y%$/ $+8&%3 D b"+[,>7 Y+*+0&$- #7 -+**$/ '*- ['>>$- #7 #1#3

    Hello! Nithya!@+442 ,0! she said happily.Nothing muchD,,0! Guess who I met today? I asked her.

    Who? !&$ '0,$- ["/+1"0>73

    Vasu\ I said smiling to myself.

    Vasu. But how? She was predictably shocked.

    Divyas friends friend was supposed to pick a package from me. D%

    turned out to be Vasu. I couldnt believe my eyes.

    !&$ Z'0 0+>$*% Y1/ ' Z&+>$ '*- %&$* '0,$-\ How is he? He came to your


    Yes. He came home. He looks totally different. He actually resembles

    M#-))0//0now, I said voicing the impression that &'- =$$* '% %&$ ='[, 1Y

    #7 #+*- $C$/ 0+*[$ D 0'Z &+#3

    Does he? Did he remember you? How come he is in %&$ US? she asked


    Yes he remembered me. But we couldnt talk much as my mother@+*@>'ZZ'0 %&$/$3 R$ +0 &$/$ Y1/ ' [1*Y$/$*[$ '*- &$ +0 8$%%+*8 '* 'Z'/-\ I said\

    recalling what I had read on his companys website.

    Really! I wish your M#-))0//0[1">- &$'/ %&+03 B*7Z'7 Z&'% +0 -1*$ +0


    I will be talking to him in an hour or so. I will call you later and give you

    '* "6-'%$ '*- =7 %&$ Z'7\ .asus friend Raghavan will be comi*8 &1#$ %1

    8+C$ 71" %&$ 6'[,'8$\ I said

    Okay, say thanks to Vasu. Ask him to call me without fail, said my


    D 0'+- D Z1">- '*- $*-$- %&$ ['>> &"//+$->7\ '0 D [1">- &$'/ ' =$$6 Y1/

    '*1%&$/ ['>> [1#+*8 +*3 D &16$- +% Z'0 .'0"\ ="% +% Z'0 B0&1,3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705


    The flight is tomorrow afternoon. Tell her that I will drop her at the

    airport, he said calmly.

    Ok'7. Are you coming home? C1+[+*8 ' b"$0%+1* Y1/ Z&+[& D '>/$'-7

    ,*$Z %&$ '*0Z$/3

    I will come late. I am going off with Sunil and others for 01#$ Z+*$

    %'0%+*8 in Napa Valley tomorrow. I badly need a fucking break, he said and["% %&$ ['>>3

    He couldnt have p"% +% '*7 =$%%$/3 B*- +% #$'*% D Z1">- =$ [1#6>$%$>7

    1* #7 1Z* Y1/ %&$ *$]% %Z1 1/ %&/$$ -'70` D Y$>% >+,$ [$>$=/'%+*83

    D 0'% 1* %&$ =$-\ 6$*0+C$>7 >11,+*8 '% %&$ 6&1*$3 D% Z'0 '>#10% *+*$ 6#3 D

    '>#10% &'- *1 1*$ %1 %'>, %1 +* T!\ '6'/% Y/1# _+'*'3 B*- %&$/$ Z$/$ 01

    #'*7 %&+*80 %&'% D &'- %1 "6-'%$ .'0" '=1"%3 !1 #'*7 %&+*80 &'-

    &'66$*$-\ 01 #'*7 [&'*8$03 R$ &'- 81*$ 1* %1 #',$ ' *'#$ Y1/ &+#0$>Y

    '*- Z'0 0"[[$00Y"> Z&+>$ D Z'0 0%+>> 0%"[, +* ' /"%3

    e"0% %&$* .'0" ['>>$-3 D [1#610$- #70$>Y '*- %11, &+0 ['>>3


    Hi! Vasu! Back from the conference? I asked. He sounded tired.

    Yes! he said with a sigh. I didnt have much to do but it was 01 =1/+*8

    that I almost fell asleep. Are you back home?

    Yes. I come back by seven 6#. So where are you staying? I asked

    0$%%>+*8 #70$>Y 1* %&$ 6+>>1Z03

    At a studio apartment that we have rented for %$* -'703 D% +0 6/$%%7 [>10$

    to your house.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    LR ;;;> &'C$ %&10$ =+8\ 1*$@

    /"6$$ [1+* $7$0 '*- %&'% 6'//1%@>+,$ *10$3 S$#$#=$/ &1Z D "0$- %1 %$'0$

    you In a flash he was back %1 =$+*8 %&$ .'0" %&'% D ,*$Z Y/1# 7$'/0 '813

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;$ =$%%$/ %&'* '*7=1-73

    No. He didnt. He[1*C+*[$- #7 #1%&$/ %&'% %&+0 Z'0 ' 8/$'% 6/1610'>

    '*- 81% #$ #'//+$-\ I said\ &16+*8 %&'% %&+0 Z1">- =$ %&$ $*- 1Y %&$


    .'0" Z'0 0+>$*% Y1/ ' Z&+>$3 D %&1"8&% &$ &'- ["% %&$ ['>>3

    Hello!Yeah I am there. I think I may have to clean my ears. Did you say that

    he got you married?

    Yes Vasu\ &$ -+-3 B*7Z'7\ >$'C$ +%3 R1Z >1*8 '/$ 71" &$/$ %+>>? I asked

    %/7+*8 %1 [&'*8$ %&$ 0"=c$[%3

    I 0%+>> cant believe it.M#-))0//0getting you a US alliance! Why didnt he

    0*'6 +% "6 Y1/ e'7'0&/$$d _+- 0&e get married before you did? h$ '0,$-3

    D [>10$- #7 $7$03 D Z+0& D &'- %1>- &+# %&'% +% Z'0 ' >1C$ #'//+'8$ '*- D

    &'- $>16$- Z+%& B0&1,3

    Jayashree got married two months 'Y%$/ D -+-3 E"% &$/ '>>+'*[$ Z'0 Y+]$-

    before mine. I guess thats why? I said\ &16+*8 -$06$/'%$>7 %&'% &$ Z1">-

    >$'C$ %&$ 0"=c$[% '>1*$3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    NT ;;; D '# 8>'- %&'% 71" '/$ Z$>> 0$%%>$-3 X1"/

    mother must be so happy for you, he said since/$>73

    D ,*$Z &$ #$'*% Z$>> ="% [$/%'+* %&+*80 Z$/$ =$%%$/ "*0'+-3

    So anyway\ how long are you here? I asked him.

    I am leaving next Monday. Where does your husband work? Is he '

    software professional? h$ b"$0%+1*$-3

    He works at Siemens Communication. Yes he is a 0$*+1/ 01Y%Z'/$

    manager there, I replied mechanically.

    Are you happy? he asked softly.

    J#6 -1 #$ 01=-5: ,$ )#-1 B2$1)-+5U Y+$1 #$ 121/$() )#0) > 0, 5+)U

    Of course I am happy, I answered making my voice l+8&% '*- ['/$Y/$$3

    I am happy to hear that, &$ /$6>+$- &'66+>73

    Did you eve/ /$%"/* to Chennai in all these years? I asked him.

    No. I had no reason to 81 ='[, %&$/$3 E7 %&$ Z'7\ S'8&'C'* Z+>> =$

    going to Divyas office tomorrow, to give your package,&$ /$6>+$-3

    Thanks, I said.

    Then\ Z&'% $>0$d _1 71" >+C$ Z+%& 71"/ #1%&$/@+*@law here?No, she is just visiting. She will leave in another month or so, I said

    &16+*8 %&'% +% Z1">- +*-$$- &'66$* %&'% Z'73

    Ok'73 D '[%"'>>7 ['#$ %1 %&$ T! Y1/ '* 'Z'/- [$/$#1*73 A* !"*-'7 ?DP\

    %&$ 1/8'*+^'%+1* %&'% &'0 061*01/$- #7 %/+6\ Z+>> =$ 8+C+*8 #$ '*

    P*%/$6/$*$"/ 'Z'/-3 Q1">- 71" >+,$ %1 [1#$ Y1/ %&$ $C$*%d D ['* =11,

    %&/$$ 0$'%0 Y1/ 71"\ 71"/ &"0='*- '*- #1%&$/@+*@law, he said.

    No, I said quickly.X1" ['* =11, ' 0$'% Y1/ #$\ '>1*$3 )7 #1%&$/@+*@

    >'Z -1$0*t go out much and Ashok wont be in town.

    Ok'73 R$ &$0+%'%$- Y1/ ' #1#$*% '*- %&$* asked, So\ 71" '/$ '*

    assistant chef in a restaurant?

    Yes. I make Indian snacks there, I replied.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;10%#10% 1Y +%0 '66$'> $C$/ 0+*[$ D &$'/- %&'%3

    Sensing my silence, Vasu asked, What happened? Slept off? You must

    =$ %+/$-3 V1 %1 0>$$63 D Z+>> [1#$ %1 71"/ /$0%'"/'*% %1#1//1Z '*- Z$ ['*

    talk more.

    D 0"--$*>7 Y$>% C$/7 %+/$-3 Yes. Its been a long day f1/ #$3 Q$ ['* &'C$

    dinner at my restaurant.

    Well see. Bye, he said and $*-$- %&$ ['>>3

    I dont know how long I sat there looking at the phone and going over my

    [1*C$/0'%+1* Z+%& &+#3 D Z'0 8>'- %&'% D &'- #$% &+#\ ="% %&$ ="/-$* 1Y

    6/$%$*0$ Z'0 8$%%+*8 %1 #$3 B*- .'0" Z1">- =$ %&$ >'0% 6$/01* D Z1">-

    Z'*% %1 [1*Y+-$ +*\ '=1"% #7 >+Y$3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    NK ;;;7\

    0&$ &16$- %&'% D Z1">- "0$ %&$ Z$$,$*- %1 #',$ ' ='=73

    D -+- *1% %$>> &$/ %&'% B0&1, &'- &+0 1Z* 6>'*0 Y1/ %&$ Z$$,$*-3 D &$>6$-

    #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z %1 6'[, &$/ ='8 '*- Z1,$ "6 B0&1,3

    Make fresh meals for my son and do not add garlic or onion. I dont

    Z'*% 71" [11,+*8 1*+1* +* #7 ,+%[&$*\0&$ 1/-$/$-3

    D Z1*-$/ Z&'% 0&$ Z1">- 0'7 +Y 0&$ ,*$Z !"*+> "0$- %1 [11, [&+[,$* +*

    &$/,+%[&$* $C$/7 Z$$,$*-`

    Tomorrow is 0,09016001 71" Z+>> *$$- %1 #',$/06010,3

    B0&1, Z&$$>$- &$/ 0"+%['0$ ='[, +* &'>>3 !&$ &"88$- B0&1, '0 +Y 0&$ Z'0

    >$'C+*8 %&$ [1"*%/7 Y1/$C$/3

    Stay at home and enjoy a relaxed weekend D /$'>>7 %&+*, ' [1^7

    Z$$,$*- '% &1#$ Z1">- -1 %&$ %/+[,3

    AYYO! WILL YOU JUST STOP IT? &$ 0&1"%$-3

    F1% %&'% +% &'- '*7 $YY$[% 1* %&$ Z1#'*3 !&$ c"0% 6+*[&$- &+0 [&$$,0 '*-

    Z'>,$- 1"%\ Z+%& ' 0">>$* B0&1, Y1>>1Z+*8 &$/3

    D 0'% -1Z* 1* %&$ [1"[& Y1/ ' Z&+>$\ %1 /$>'] '*- "*Z+*-3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;> &'C$ %1 #'*'8$ +Y 0&$ ['>>03 D Z+>> =$ ='[, =7 )1*-'7 'Y%$/*11* '*-

    Z+>> 81 0%/'+8&% %1 %&$ office. It had been almost a month since he spoke to

    #$ 01 *1/#'>>73

    Ok'7\D 0'+-3

    Call me if you need anything, he said.

    Which actually meant Do Not Call Me.D &'- >$'/*% %&'% ' >1*8 %+#$ '813

    R$ 81% +*%1 &+0 ['/ '*- ^11#$- 1YY Z+%&1"% ' ='[,Z'/- >11,3 D &'- %&$

    &1"0$ '*- %&$ Z$$,$*- '>> %1 #70$>Y3


    BY%$/ B0&1, >$Y%\ D '>01 Z$*% 1"%3 )7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z Z'0 /+8&%g +% Z'0

    [>'"0%/16&1=+[ +* %&$ '6'/%#$*%3 D Z$*% Y1/ ' Z'>, '*- $*-$- "6 +* %&$

    6'/,3 D sat there listening to A.R. Rahmans soothing music for some time.

    A>- #$#1/+$0 1Y %&$ %+#$ %&'% D 06$*% Z+%& .'0" 0"/Y'[$-3 D /$#$#=$/$-

    &1Z Z$ "0$- %1 /1'# '/1"*- %&$ /1'-0 1Y )7>'61/$ -"/+*8 D0&290)#-

    ,++90& $'%+*8 Y/$$ /+5:04 '*- -/+*,+*8 5$$& ,+&$3 R$ Z'0 #1/$ >+,$ '

    6/1%$[%+C$ 1>-$/ =/1%&$/ %&$*3 D /$#$#=$/$- &1Z &$ &'- Y1"8&% Z+%& 01#$

    =170 Y/1# %&$ *$'/=7 0>"# Z&$* _+C7' &'- [1#6>'+*$- %&'% %&$7 %$'0$-

    &$/3 R$ Z'0 ' /$=$> '*- '>Z'70 Y1"*- *$Z Z'70 1Y -$Y7+*8 my uncles plans.

    )7 #1%&$/ Z'0 '>Z'70 Z1//+$- %&'% &$ Z1">- 8$% +*%1 01#$ 0$/+1"0 %/1"=>$

    ="% D Z'0 8>'- %&'% &$ >$Y% %&$ &1"0$ %1 -1 Z&'% &$ Z'*%$- %1 -13 B% >$'0%

    1*$ 1Y "0 &'- $0['6$-3


  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    NN ;;;7 ["% %&$ ['>> '*- ['>>$- &$/ ='[,3


    Hi!@+442! Did you finally get the package that I sent you?

    Yes. Thanks. I love the make@"63 S'8&'C'* ['#$ %1 1YY+[$ 7$0%$/-'7 '*-

    gave it to me, she said enthusiastically.

    Good, I said and smiled.

    D,,0 0'+- %&'t Raghavan is Vasus friend is that right? How is Vasu

    0550? I want to speak to him too.

    Yes. They both came to my house yesterday. Vasu is fine. He is here to

    8$% '* 'Z'/-3 5'* 71" =$>+$C$ +%d D Z+>> ['>> 71" *$]% %+#$\ Z&$* &$ +0'/1"*-\ 01 71" ['* 06$ak to him.

    Hey and by the way, do you know Raghavan is Deepas cousin?

    Deepa was Divyas close friend from college. I was surprised. This was

    +*-$$- %"/*+*8 +*%1 ' Z$$, 1Y %Z+0%0 1Y Y'%$3

    Thats a coincidence, I said out loud.

    Yes. Deepa and I are me$%+*8 &+# %1-'7 '8'+*3 Q$ '/$ 81+*8 1"% Y1/ '

    movie. He seems like a nice guy, she said.D 6/1#+0$- %1 ['>> _+C7' '8'+* >'%$/ +* %&$ -'7 '*- $*-$- %&$ ['>>3

    Q&$* D /$'[&$- %&$ /$0%'"/'*%\ D %1>- _+'*' %&'% D Z'0 $]6$[%+*8 ' 8"$0%3

    !&$ Z'0 C$/7 &'667 '*- %11, +% Y1/ 8/'*%$- %&'% +% Z'0 ' -+**$/ -'%$ %&'% D

    Z'0 $]6$[%+*83 !&$ "/8$- #$ %1 %',$ 1YY $'/>7 '*- 8$% /$'-73 D [&'*8$- +*%1

    ' *+[$ 104;0& =0,$$A %&'% D &'- =/1"8&% Z+%& #$ '*- '66>+$- 01#$ >+8&%


    .'0" ['#$ '% '/1"*- 0+]@%&+/%73 _+'*' 0$'%$- &+# '% ' -+0[/$$% %'=>$ '*-

    -/1C$ #$ 1"% 1Y %&$ ,+%[&$* %1 c1+* &+#3

    Hi\D 0'+-\ ' >+%%>$ *$/C1"0>73

    R$ >11,$- "6 '*- 8'C$ #$ '* ]@/'7 0%'/$3 D /$#$#=$/$- ' %+-=+% 1Y

    +*Y1/#'%+1* %&'% D &'- /$'-\ 01#$%&+*8 '=1"% *1% =$$* 0%'/$- '%\ "*%+> 71"

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;11,$- %&/1"8& %&$ #$*" '*- ['#$ %1 %&$ D*-+'* 0*'[,0 0$[%+1*3

    You make these? he asked looking doubtful3

    Yes! D >11,$- '% &+# 1"%/'8$-3

    R$ 8/+**$-3 I will have the assorted snacks platter. Then I can taste

    everything that you have made, he said[&'/#+*8>73

    D Z$*% 1C$/ %1 %&$ [1"*%$/\ 6>'[$- &+0 1/-$/ '*- ['#$ ='[,3

    He smiled at me and asked, Why dont you call your husband and ask

    him to join us?

    He has gone to Napa Valley f1/ %&$ Z$$,$*- Z+%& &+0 Y/+$*-0\ I said3

    Oh! Why didnt you go%11? he asked.

    It wasan office thing. Anyway he wanted to go there with his friends, I

    0'+- >+8&%>73

    Thankfully he didnt pursue the subject.

    So what did you study in [1>>$8$? he asked.

    Hotel #anagement, I answered.Good. And M#-))0//0didnt say anything to that?

    Wel>\ &$ Z'*%$- #$ %1 0%16 #7 0%"-+$0 '*- 0%'/% Z1/,+*8 ="% #7

    fathers friend Chandru T*[>$ 0%$66$- +* '*- Y"*-$- #7 0%"-+$0\ '*-


  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    NP ;;;73

    Nothing\ I answ$/$- '*- >1Z$/$- #7 $7$03

    What nothing? You are staring at me, &$ '0,$-\ 0%'/+*8 ='[, '% #$3

    I was just imagin+*8 Z&'% 71" Z1">- >11, >+,$\ +Y 71" &'- 16%$- %1

    =$[1#$ ' 907-60&8 I said teasingly3

    If I had stayed and had become a 907-60&8 71" Z1">- =$ #'//+$- %1

    me, he said looking +*%1 #7 $7$03

    It was a classic foot in the mouth moment. He reali^$- +% +##$-+'%$>7

    '*- [1"8&$- '0 ' [1C$/ "6 '*- %&$* 6/1#6%>7 [&'*8$- %&$ 0"=c$[%3

    So how is M#-))0//0*1Z'-'70d D &$'/- %&'% e'7'0&/$$ 81% #'//+$- %11d

    How is she? he asked curiously.

    He is just the same. Jayashree got married the same year that I got

    #'//+$-3 D 81% #'//+$- +* e">7 '*- 0&$ +* !$6%$#=$/3 !&$ +0 +* 5'*'-'3 !&$

    calls me now and then, I answered\ =+%+*8 #7 *'+>03

    Still biting71"/ nails (##Z$$$-\ /$#$#=$/+*8 &1Z &$ "0$- %1 &'%$ %&'% &'=+% 1Y #+*$3 A*$ -'7

    &$ &'- 6"% =+%%$/ 5$$,1+> 1* #7 Y+*8$/0 Z&+>$ D Z'0 0>$$6+*8\ %1 0%16 #$

    Y/1# =+%+*8 #7 *'+>03 D /$#$#=$/ 0&1"%+*8 '% &+# 'Y%$/ Z',+*8 "6 '*-

    [&'0+*8 &+#3 E"% &$ &'- =$$* %11 Y'0% Y1/ #$\ '*- &'- /"* 'Z'7 =$Y1/$ D

    [1">- &+% &+#3

    So you are still with Sridhar? I asked.

    We are 0%+>> 6'/%*$/0 +* %&$ 0'#$ [1#6'*7\ 7$03 E"% Z$ >+C$ 0$6'/'%$>7

    *1Z3 D &'C$ #7 1Z* '6'/%#$*% '*- &$ 81% /$#'//+$- >'0% Z$$,3 .'0"

    0#+>$- %&+*,+*8 1Y &+0 1>- Y/+$*- '*- =$*$Y'[%1/3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;$ %1 8$% 1C$/ +%.D0 %&'% &+0 *$Zwifes name? I asked.

    Yes. She is a Maharashtrian. She was his neighbors niece. ?&$

    >+*8$/+*8 0#+>$ 1* &+0 Y'[$ 0&1Z$- %&'% &$ ['/$- '=1"% %&$ Z1#'* Z&1 &'-

    #'//+$- !/+-&'/3

    _+'*' ['#$ 1C$/\ ['//7+*8 %&$ 0*'[,0 6>'%%$/3

    Diana! This is my friend Vasu, I said\ +*%/1-"[+*8 %&$#3 .'0" 0&11,

    &'*-0 Z+%& &$/3Vasu! Diana is the only friend that I have in %&$ T!3 !&$ +0 '>01 #7 =100


    Hi! Nice to meet you..'0" 0%11- %&$/$\ Z+%& 1>-@Y'0&+1*$- 8'>>'*%/73

    You too. Nithya is a very spe[+'> 8+/>3 X1" %',$ ['/$ 1Y &$/3 _+'*'

    Z+*,$- '% &+# '*- >$Y%3

    D [1">- ,+>> _+'*'3 .'0" Z'0 >11,+*8 6"^^>$-3

    Dont mind Diana, she is just pulling my leg, I said and changed thesubject to food. Try this cutlet and tell me how it is. This is our in@&1"0$


    R$ %11, 01#$ '*- *+==>$-3

    Hmm3 Good. Too bad you make only north Indian dishes here, he said\

    01"*-+*8 -+0'661+*%$-3

    What do you mean? I asked3

    What I really want is some /244-6+&0- #'-$ =7 71"/ #1%&$/\ 90)#04=+A#0,32\ 6$550- =0)#-&-=0-+*8 '% &+#3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    NR ;;;> &'C$ %1 81 %1 5&$**'+3 I was quiet for a moment.

    You know my mother used to worry about you so much, I said softly.

    B &+*% 1Y ' 0&'-1Z 6'00$- 1C$/ &+0 Y'[$3

    You have no idea how I felt. When I left Chennai, I was so angry. I

    didnt think '% '>>3 D c"0% %1>- !/+-&'/ 0+/ %&'% D Z'*%$- %1 81 Z+%& &+#3 R$

    #'-$ '>> %&$ '//'*8$#$*%0 '*- D Z$*% 1YY Z+%& &+# Z+%& '>> D 1Z*$- +* %&$

    Z1/>-\ %Z1 0$%0 1Y [>1%&$03 B Z$$, 'Y%$/ Z$ /$'[&$- %&$/$\ !/+-&'/ 0+/ ['#$

    ='[, %1 5&$**'+ '*- &$ #$% M#-))0//0%1 +*Y1/# &+# %&'% D Z'0 Z+%& &+# +*

    Mumbai. Thats when he told Sridhar 0+/ %&'% D &'- 0%1>$* 01#$ c$Z$>/7 '*-

    >$Y%3 D Z'0 01 >"[,7 %&'% !/+-&'/ 0+/ =$>+$C$- #$ 1%&$/Z+0$ &$ [1">- &'C$

    0$*% #$ ='[,3 D ,*$Z +* #7 &$'/% %&'% 71"/ #1%&$/ Z1">- *1% =$>+$C$ %&$

    >+$, but I was also afraid. Does that make any sense?

    ?&$/$ were tears in his eyes and I couldnt help but put my hand in his

    '*- 8+C$ &+# '* 'YY$[%+1*'%$ 0b"$$^$3

    Q$ Z$/$ +*%$//"6%$- =7 _+'*'\ Z&1 &'- [1#$ Z+%& '*1%&$/ %/'7 1Y

    '001/%$- 0*'[,0 Y1/ &+#3We let go of each others hand0 c"0% '0 0&$ 8'C$ #$

    ' 0#"8 0#+>$3 D Z'0 $#='//'00$- '*- =>"0&$- ' -$$6 /$-3

    O"[,+>7 Vasu didnt notice anything. He was %11 ="07 >1'-+*8 &+0 6>'%$Z+%&/0)-1'*- ["%>$%03

    Give me your mothers number. I want to talk to her.

    I dialed my moms number. I knew she would be home now.

    D,,0d F+%&7' &$/$\ I said3

    @+442 ,0. Are you ok? she asked.

    Yes I am fine. Vasu is here with me. He wants to talk to you.

    I gave the phone to Vasu. He took the phone and said softly, ?0,-3

    Vasu here.

    Vasu! I am so glad you are in touch again.

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;11,$- +*%1 #7 $7$0 /$8/$%Y">>73 D 6'%%$- &+0 &'*-3

    [55070.'0"3 O$'C$ +%3 ?&$/$ +0 *1 61+*% +* %'>,+*8 '=1"% %&$ 1>- %&+*80now. I heard that you are getting an award in the US. Congratulations!

    Thanks ,0,-\ &$ 0'+- '*- 0#+>$-3

    How long are you there in %&$ US? Where are you staying?

    I am here f1/ '*1%&$/ Z$$,3 BY%$/ %&'%\ %&$ Y+/0% %&+*8 D '# 81+*8 %1 -1 +0

    to book a flight to Chennai.

    Yes I want to meet you too. Let me know when you are here. ?&$7

    %'>,$- Y1/ ' Y$Z #+*"%$0 #1/$ '*- 'Y%$/ %&$ ['>> $*-$-\ &$ &'*-$- %&$6&1*$ ='[, %1 #$3 Q$ 0#+>$- '% $'[& 1%&$/3

    Thank you.

    You are welcome.

    BY%$/ %&$ ['>>\ .'0" 0$$#$- %1 &'C$ -$C$>16$- ' C1/'[+1"0 '66$%+%$ '*-

    &$ 61>+0&$- 1YY %&$ $*%+/$ 6>'%%$/ 1Y 0*'[,03 D% Z'0 as if he hadnt eaten in

    7$'/03 - #$$% '8'+*\

    Z&$* &$ 061,$, I have two tickets for a Hindi movie tomorrow. Do you

    want them?

    What will I do with two tickets? I asked &+#3

    Watch the movie with your husband, he said\ Y+0&+*8 1"% &+0 +

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    OT ;;; =$ Y+*$3

    Why dont you call and tell him? Then I wont feel bad about taking you

    out, he said finally3

    I will be talking to him tonight. I will tell him then, I said\ '*- 0#+>$-

    '% &+#3

    !1 %&+0 +0 *1% 811-=7$ 'Y%$/ '>>3 D Z+>> 0$$ &+# '8'+* %1#1//1Z3

    Q$ /$'[&$- #7 ="+>-+*8 '*- .'0" Z'+%$- "*%+> D Z'0 +*0+-$ =$Y1/$

    >$'C+*83 D $*%$/$- %&$ &1"0$ &"##+*8 ' =$'"%+Y"> B3S3 S''* *"#=$/3 D

    didnt know what was happening but I felt light and happier than I had ever

    Y$>% =$Y1/$3 D% Z'0 ' Z&1>$ *$Z $]6$/+$*[$3 BY%$/ Y$$>+*8 [1*0%'*%>7 &$'C7'*- #+0$/'=>$ Y1/ '>#10% #7 Z&1>$ >+Y$\ D Y+*'>>7 /$'>+^$- Z&'% +% #$'*% %1

    Y$$> &'6673

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705

    ;;;+*83 D% Z'0 8/$'%3 D >1"*8$- '/1"*- >'^+>7 +* =$- Y1/ 01#$ %+#$3 D% Z'0

    1*>7 $+8&% '*- I didnt have to be at the restaurant until 1*$3 ?&$* D

    /$#$#=$/$- %&'% %&$/$ Z'0 '* 1/-$/ Y1/ ' 6'/%7 %1-'73 D 0&1">- =$ -1*$ =7

    0+] 6# ="% D &16$- I wouldnt be late for%&$ #1C+$ -'%$3D 0#'[,$- #7 &$'-3 >) -1 5+) 0 70)$H D 8"$00 D Z'0 =$[1#+*8 #1/$

    B#$/+['* >+C+*8 &$/$3 D% Z'0 0+#6>7 %Z1 [&+>-&11- Y/+$*-0 81+*8 1"%

    %18$%&$/ %1 Z'%[& ' #1C+$3 Thats all3

    D Y+0&$- 1"% #7 6&1*$ Y/1# "*-$/ %&$ 6+>>1Z '*- [&$[,$- #7 #$00'8$03

    ?&$/$ Z$/$ %&/$$ Y/1# #7 #1%&$/@+*@>'Z3

    X +0 B0&1, *1% 6+[,+*8 "6 %&$ 6&1*$3

    Q$>> Z&7 Z1">- &$d R$ #"0% =$ &'C+*8 Y"* 1"% %&$/$3D b"+[,>7 /$6>+$- %&'% &+0 6&1*$ &'- 01#$ 6/1=>$# '*- %&'% Z$ Z$/$ Y+*$3

    ?&$* D %76$- ' #$00'8$ %1 .'0"3

    Q&'% %+#$ +0 %&$ #1C+$d

    R$ /$6>+$- +##$-+'%$>73

    J 6#3 R16$ +% +0 *1% %11 >'%$ Y1/ "

    F1 6/1=03 D '# Y/$$\ I wrote

    R1Z '=% '* $'/>7 -+**$/ '*- %&$* %&$ #1C+$dR$ Z/1%$ ='[,3

    D 0#+>$- '*- %76$-3

    N+*$3 E$ '% #7 /$0%'"/'*% =7 K %&$*

    F1 *1% 71"/03 D%0 #7 %/$'% %1-'73 Q'%0 "/ Y'C /$0%'"/'*% &$/$d

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    "#$ %$&'$() *&++,

    OK ;;; "0$- %1 /'C$ '=1"% )'0'>' 5"//7 '>>

    %&$ %+#$3 )'7=$ Z$ [1">- 81 %&$/$3

    )'0'>' 5"//7 recommended

    Q$>> %&$* D Z+>> =11, 0$'%0 %&$/$ Y1/ "0

    A,3 R'- =/$',Y'0%d

    Having you

    D '# 0%+>> +* =$-

    O'^7 8+/>3 V$% 1"% 1Y =$-\ 6"% =+40,'*- #',$ =/$',Y'0%

    B# %',+*8 ' =/$', Y/1# =$+*8 ' 811- _DO

    D Z+>> >$% "/ #1%&$/ ,*1Z +* D*-+' '=% %&+0I sent him a making a face smiley and got out of the bed. After a

    >$+0"/$>7 ='%&\ D #'-$ 01#$ Y/$0& =/$',Y'0% Y1/ #70$>Y\ '*- '%$ Z&+>$

    Z'%[&+*8 ?.3

    B/1"*- $>$C$*\ D >$Y% Y1/ %&$ /$0%'"/'*%\ Z'*%+*8 %1 0%'/% $'/>7 01 D [1">-

    =$ 0"/$ 1Y Y+*+0&+*8 %&$ 1/-$/ 1* %+#$3 _+'*' 8'C$ #$ ' [1*06+/'%1/+'> 0#+>$

    Z&$*$C$/ Z$ >11,$- '% $'[& 1%&$/3 D /$'>>7 *$$-$- %1 %$>> &$/ %1 0%16 +%3

    D Z$*% 1C$/ %1 &$/ -$0,3 !he looked up twinkling, So\ &1Z Z'0 %&$ -'%$d

    Did he enjoy it?

    Diana! Itwas not a date. But yes we enjoyed it. Thanks, I said with

    $]'88$/'%$- 6'%+$*[$ '*- %&$* added, X1" ,*1Z &$ +0 c"0% ' Y/+$*-3 ?&$/$

    +0 *1%&+*8 =$%Z$$* "03 B*- Z$ #$% 7$0%$/-'7 'Y%$/ ' %$*@year gap. So dont

    jump to conclusions.

    Honey! My instincts are/'/$>7 Z/1*83 X1"ll see, she said with a*1%&$/


    Oh God! It is useless arguing with71"3 D &'C$ %1 >$'C$ =7 0+] %1-'7\ ="%dont wo//7\ D Z+>> Y+*+0& %&$ /$8">'/ 0*'[,0 '*- %&$ 6'/%7 1/-$/ by then, I


    Ah! So it is another date night today. Q&$/$ '/$ 71" 1YY %1 Z+%& 71"/

    71"*8 #'*? 0&$ '0,$- Z+%& ' 0#"8 0#+>$3

  • 8/13/2019 The Perfect Groom


    @2,$$)#0 ?05-=05705


    D000:#` D '# 81+*8\ D &'C$ Z1/, %1 -13 I left hurriedly\ #'*$"C$/+*8

    %&/1"8& %&$ [&'+/03

    You can leave by Y+C$ +Y 71"want. I can manage, she called out a