the person i admire

John Lennon

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Post on 12-Aug-2015



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John Lennon

He was born on October 9 in Liverpool. John's father worked as a waiter on merchant ships. John's mother was a kind and cheerful. John lived with his mother just 18 months. Thus John was given to Aunt Mary.

His mother encouraged music lessons, taught him to play the harmonica. John's mother also bought a guitar and he spent a lot of time by playing a different tune.

and he decided to form a band. igradi guys at parties in clubs. and this group became known as the Beatles.

Выполнила: Яковлева Настя ученица 7 «А» класса ГБОУ СОШ с Хворостянка, Самарской областиУчитель: Николаева О. П