the plattsmouth daily herald. (plattsmouth) 1883-04-23 [p ].€¦ · the new city lonu.-t-j meet l...

PLATTSIJODTH HERALD. msi.isnKiiiiAiJ.y ani wli.klt BV Tec Plallsuootli Herald PoMishini 60. ! tut c'u kbUCountv l'irn-lr.iy- . Ku'.Uy Time lUrt. llrtmn9 .cliar.) l!i.4lurti Ifvivry, iMlijt--i Card &, ; tliir.l .;itf. J Err. L. STONE, - Citj Editor. Notlc to Advertiser. Col for (llsblav mltrrtlieiurnt or lu auterti.ieiiieiili inut b? Iiundi-t- l in ! tlit Lusiitf 4fefl1i- - nut later ttiuu lu a in. of tlie day lu Hlilt.-- tliey ure to rr Copy Iwt y ItM'Mla uu.l im-i-1- ijOtn -- i miiat be lutbUct lu brur J in nu ll day mnurf II VI iti nti 1 . Hll IUf .VI Jllil;'.-- I .4. Salisbury, Ucutlvl. I.olaoffuu at the rik tonight, liead Warrick's aJ In tod:t's ar. The new city lonu.-t- J meet l hi ey euiii'f. We cull the attention of .mi reader to the announcement of S. t:. Terry in today's paper. A very select crowd of vounjj peo- ple eujoyed a few hours pan time at the rink Saturday evening. Ii get- ting to lc the most popular resort in tLe city. The county commissioners are in session today 'oniinn.i.oner I'ich-ardso- n is not present owiu? .o th sicklier of hia wiJe. '1 ho session is held esieeially lu the iutei est of county Li idgej. ami toiiioriaw thy will stmt out on a tour of inspection. Eolith I'.end hai put three lady teachers into the lield second to none in the fctatc. Mis I.aura MeFarlaud i teaching at Mainland. Mis Corn Well in the Crawford di-tri- ct, and Mijs Maggie JSIieiuht takK charge of the Mullen Ilain li school. ALLo Ht-udri- the idiot who es- caped from the eaie of hit brother at lUller, N"cl.. a. fi-v- v ilayii a;o, wa? f'iruud out in the i oi.iit i v and brought hi this morning; t'lofl. I likeiiiary put him aloard ihc train, pinind a ticket to hi coal and tlai led him for home on Xo. 1. S ue of the sidewalks in tnv.u con- tain :i nuudier of broken hoards and plank, arid they hecuue so y reason of stock promenading on them. On dark nights these daces are danger- ous, an 4 broken limbs may be the re- sult. If there are ordinances against tock running at laige in the city lim- its, why are they not enforced, and if there are none-- why are not some passed? Cattle ruuninx at large aioiiud town arc a nuisance, and the nuisaut-- e should be abated. The luter.Oc-cau- , oa the sM, en leied new departure, iu the r ubli-catio- u of a Sunday edition, thn9 pub- lishing a paper every day in tlie year. Their theory tLat the papers are more thoroughly read on Sunday tlctn any other day m the week a correct one. ubd in order to keep pa-.- e with tl.e demaitdi ol the lioies and 'complete the orbit of duly .' the ati!ilknal la- bor is assumed. The of the Inter Ocean is recognized everywhere and thi new feature will be appreria ted. A short trip west, yesterday, on the II. M.. disclosed the fact that vegeta- tion is fast assuming the garb of the season. and the industrious fanners all along the roa I are getting even thing ready for the biggest harvest Nebraska has ever known. Quantities of corn still remains in cribs, in a number of the towns, and nearly all of it fine looking corn. It is no wonder that such an immense immigration has poured into NVbraska this season, for the rich, loamy soil, turned up all over our broad prairies, is a sutficient recom- mendation of what is here. It can't be beaten. If equalled, anywhere. Herds of cattle and pens full of ho,s. ! too, are other prominent feature no ticed. What, with good, wholesom-la-v- s, j the proper radroad comptitiu . to give u3 the benefits of cotnpetii g markets, and judicious ruanagtrne'i', Nebraska can't do. no others ueedtry to do. Our agricultural report this year will surprise the oldest citizen. I The particiihii s of the Swetin-- eaht as published in the Plattsmouth press, make a poor showing for Un- people of that town. For the sake ol their own good name, if not on the score of humanity, some provision should be made at once for taking care ol the poor, unfortunate maniac Under it present surroundings the affair is a uUgraee to the entire r t uiaha Herald. Fact. How long are Ihe citizens of PlatUrncuth going lo this thlo l so on iu this way. If the L ard of lusanlty commissioners j tcuu't do anything, are there not citi zens enough who have the sympathy far poor, unfortunate fellow belnc-- , that they will go down into their own pockets to assist in the rciiofthat he Is powerless to obtain as he is cir- cumstanced now. He lias reached that stage, now, where his life has be- come a ba-d- en to him, and he would rid himself of ii, . ou!d he obtii.-- i a kulfe or anything else to do it with. It might be au act of mercy to let him do it, but so long as he is to be prevented from so doing, in Ood's name let something be done to help the in an if such a thing is pos.ible. JUver Report A furnished officially lo the War Department. The river at uoon today, tood 7 ft. 10 inches above low water mark. MTIOES OF OLDEN TIM ES. 4 UctItaI of lloblllltie in Happy Hollow. 'I he time was a few year no, w leu the da's!.- - ttnoundiiM of llaj py Hollow resounded with the din of braw L and fields, and when the re- volver was abroad in the land, creal-iu- g items for the prcus by decorating the person ol any one who would cu- ter into a little ineiiiuiMit with the transient denini. In thcuj days it wus no uiicommou thiu for t.r ten who wen; bad citizens to come up from the. r.oted hallow and "paint the twn red," on amusement they seemed to enjoy; but the matinees have grown infrequent, and the hollow has almost been for-sfotte- n. Saturday night, however, the McCi uires, a family who have fig ured heretofore in police circles, gave a dance: we suppose a recherche af fair, and to that came two bloods Ed and Hob Kvcrctt -- who inrticlpn- - tett in the Hippie, the Newport and the llsmerdda until a lato hour. All the guests had departed save these alone, and au informant states tha MKJuIre hinted it was time to "move on," when Mrs. McGiuire stated that thoy need not be in a hurry, and the two dUaussed the idea of putting the old in a ii out uud remaining with the wife aud daughter in a sort of a Mor- mon ucuiiic. To Ibis Mcliiiire object- ed, and he unit his better, or rather woi-j- c halt commciueil a row, the r.v-erct- ttj inlet u red; and the old man was bounced, as he we:t through the door, Kd Kverett blabbed him with a pocket kniic. .lei;uire started up town, Kvcrctt after him to see wheth- er lie had killed him or not, and they Were met by olliccrs who had beennc-t- i licit that an eruption was imminent in the hollow. Ed Kverett waa im- mediately locked up, Mrs. McCluire aud her daughter aiso, whilo Hob Ky- -, erett fled froi the wrath to" come. Meanwhile, MeCJuire was laid out on a tool down at the depot where at 3 a. in. I)r. Livingston was called lo dress the wound. The knife blade had struck the shoulder blade and glsnceJ upward else the coroner instead of the would hare had a case; as it is MeCJuire will recover. The trial of the knifers takes place to- - morrow at which time the domestic life of Happy Hollow will be aired, and judgement rendered accordingly. The masquerade at the skatingVink tonight. KE.tL ESTATE TKANMFEKS. As reported from the Clerk's otlJce each day : Mary Ann Casy lo James P. Finnic, 40 lots in Townsend's addition to Plattsmouth, w d Win. Gulhman and wife to James P. Finnie, lot 2, P. 1:!, Townsei d's addi- - lion, qcd $?i.JT. Ancle W. Smith and husband, to J P. Finnie, let U C.Townsend's addition q C d- - $2:.. tt. li. Windham and wife to .1. P. ' Finnie, lots 1 and 2, li 17. Townsend'a addition, q c d $5o. P. L. Wise and wife to J. P. Finnie, lots 5, C, T and S. B 6. Townsend's addi- tion, also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 10, 11 and 12, Ii 7, Towii3end's addition, qc d 213. .Tu&tide Lilly and wife to Henry Inhelder. a nw('4' d 81,600. T. W. Shryock and wife to A. Louisa Shryock. lot 4, block 90, Plattsmouth, w d A. Louisa Shryock to T. W. Shryock, lot I7y, Louisville, wd 100. A. Louis Shyrock to T. W. Shryock. lot 3, block 94. Plattsmouth, q cd 3230. U. S. to Win. Herold, wji nw'4' 7-- 11. Patent. J. W. Bullis to Chris Dewing, wa se4, 0. v. d-3- 600. W. S. Graff and wife to W. W. Hull, lot 2. block i72,Pluttsmouth.q c d- - $i'0. llobert Matteer and wife to S. T. Longrnwlj 31 12-1- wd $3,000. AmesTeftto Peter A pp. mid. IM lot J, block 1H, Avoea, w d-$- 20. J. W. Johnson and wife to Fred Stnhlraau, nwi 11 1111, w Ctiltren'u LutiCti. ! 1 fhe Percy temperance children en-- , joyed their first lunch at Bock wood's Hall Saturday afternoou. The officers were all present, and the meeting was opened with leading the Bible, music ani prayer. Alter roll call business was suspended to allow the children t enjoy the lunch. The leader of the squads and other otllcers prepared a long table in front of the stage, which was spread with candies, nuts, apples, raisins and all kinds of tobacco in comnou use. This is Mr. Smith's way of introduc- ing Ifesson in tobacco and alcohol. Three soldier companies of boys march- ing with drums, vud eight squads of girlf enjoying a temperance lunch. was too iuch for th dentists and lawyers who occupy the building, and the 250 children resolved to hold their meeting hereafter in Fitzgerald's hall. The first Percy reception will take place next Wednesday night at Fitz- gerald's hall, and programmes and tickets will be out early in the week. If Mahomet will not come to the mountain, tha mountain will go to Mahomet. Shkldom Duew, La vr. A Twxst, President. Secretai y. I'lattamouth, April 3, isS3. The Plattsmouth quadrille band will furnish the music for the mas- querade at the rink touight. TeetL extracted without paiu by the use of Nitrous Oil.h. Oas, at the Dent rooms of Dr. C A. Marshall. Fitzcerald I block. . iSdStewIt Pfrson&l. II. K. Bri?x, of Ouiahu, Sundied in ill's tity. Walter White went to Greenwood this morning. Charles Holmes nerd t" Fonth IVnd tlds morniuj;. Ass't Sup't Thompson tuaed through on No t this iiif rning. T. W. Shrvock. of Weepiuir Water is peeing the capital ot f as-- J today. Mrs, C. Schlunt7, of Ashland i seeing her many friends here today. Dr. Kfller went to Sutton vesterday. He will return tuiuoiiovv. Iivb went to Tecumseh on No. 1 to help liilly Neville out with his bridge work on the branch. u. Hi inhaokle, an oM time riatts-moutliia- n, is working at his trade in Palmira, he b ft for that place today. .Muster Mecliaiii.- - Ifawkswoith went wc?t yei'uday to see iliul tlie boys got started ull right ou their u w run. J. P. Fiunie, of Me nphis, Tena., and a property owner in this city was in the city today and called at the Hi itAi.n offiee. Mrs. I). C. Jtiiiiin aud little daughter came Mown Irorn Lincoln Saturday to viit Mr. J. LMd Il.nirn, who is nw i resident of ilii city. They pn?.cd th Sabl.ath at Stahliiian'ii. Mr. John Kline, who Ii:ls been so well and laoi ably I. now it here for a long time as an employe of tie H. .V M., and at present with Morrisf-e- y Itros., left for Hasting this morning, to take charge of their ollices tliere. frs. Outhmao, a daughter of Jacob Vallery, Sr., who hna been in attendance at his beit;ide dining Ins illness, return- ed th's morning to her home in Lincoln. P. P. Johnson, the Hed Oak capital- ist, was in the cily this morning, con- sulting with his attorney, A. Reeson. John Fitzgerald passed through Plutts-mout- b yester.lay en route ;for Philadel- phia where he at lends the national con- vention of the bind league. Mr. Fitz- gerald has much In store for Plattsnioxth in the near tulnre, as rnr people will learn presently. Prof. Cushiuan, of Chicago, a well i known musical director of extended ac- - qiisintancc in in the city arranging to place the operntta "Fairy Queen"' before the public. Prof. Cushniau has just brought it out in Atchison and its pro- duction requires a large number of children as well as advanced musicians. Let us make Prof. Cushmaii welcome. Arapahoe Latter. AtiAPAnoE, Neb., April 9, 183. IEAit Herald:-T- he much wished for "cut oft" from Hastings to this place has lately received considerable attention, Supt. Holdredge having paid us a visit of three or four days in re- ference thereto. Improvement ia the order of the day. Three new residences buildings, and three or four additions. A late Installation of oilicers of the "G. A. II." proved a success in inter- esting a very large audience .who filled Khe Christian church to overflowing. Yesterday the Baptish church was dedicated. It is a very fine building, and the dedication was a success financially and socially. If any one contemplates coming west let them by all means see Arapa- hoe before they locate elsewhere, and thus save useless regret. 1LS. Child. Death of Frank Carrol. Many in this city and especially the young folks remember Frank Carroll who was a telegraph operator here four years ajo an. I who toad-- . many friends and acquaintances. Since leaving this city he has been occupying a leading po- sition in his work at Columbus, Ohio, where he died last week. The following account of the fnuerul is from the Ohio State Journal : Frank S. Cm roil, the veteran tele- graph operator, w ho died last week, was buried at two o'clock yesterday from Sacred Hert church, on Third avenup. Oyer one hundred operators marched in 111. ilnj-f'- kl i an.l a miili I .. t. w uumln.r ww'rc in aUl.ndance. . ,lt. r"n. road giving passes to all those attend- ing. The sorrow felt at his death indi- cates the esteem in which he was held by his fellow workers. About thirty operators came over the Scioto Valley ami a number were present from Day- ton and Indiauopolis. Nip and Tuok. This play ought to be well acquaint- ed with DesMoines audiences, for it has been produced, at one house or the other, as many as twenty times, and has uniformly drawn good houses, and last night was no exception, for the Academy was packed. Harry Webber was there, the same old "Nip" j as of yore. There was a good deal of curiosity among regular Theater-goer- s I to see how the part of "Tuck" would be handled, since it has been dropped by Mr. Fitzpatrick. Justice requires the admission, which is cheerfully made, that Mr. Theodore fills the role with equal ability, and last night his work was much applauded. Annie Brown, as Lady Beaufort, and Eva Webber, as Frances Dashleigh, did very acceptable work, it is to be regrettad that the make-u- p of the play permits so little scope for Melissa Breslau. who is a very capable actress and a most estimable lady, retiring and diffident in private life as well as a loving wife and devoted mother. The lady has man admirers in DesMoines for her line powers as an actress and for her great worth as a lady. "Nip and Tuck" has remained in Iowa so long and so successfully that it would be a good plan for Jlr. Wehber to register him- - self as a voter. The Hesrister. as is well known, has no mercy on poor theatrical companies, and scores them according to their deserts. On the other hand it believes in commending good temper and encouraging good troupes. Of this class is this company, and so we speak of it heartily. The company goes from here to Winterset and Indianola. and we commend it to the good graces of the people of those cities. They will find it a trood troupe. and the play a capital one. Iowa State Register, DesMoines, Iowa. Holler Skating Kink. Having purchased of Joseph Foid his skating rink in the basement' of Fitzgerald block. I wish to announce that the same will be open every after noon aud evening, and that it will be run Ilist-clas- s in every respect. The prices for admission will be 10 cts. for afternoon and 15 cts. for even ing, ladies free. Price ot ekates 20 cts for afternoon?, "6 cts. for evenings. The masquerade as heretofore announced for Monday evening will not be changea. C. E. Sluck. The best goods for the least money at William Hcrolds. 43 tf Don't fail to go to Phil Young's ior nuytiung in ins line ana save IllOlU'V. A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 23 cents and lodging at same reasonable lates. Farmers aud Commercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf Ladles of Plattsmoutii Dou't destroy your rags, even if you get but little tor them ; they are necessities which we could not do without ; our ed ucation depends upon them; the Bible is made out of rags, and best of all, the greenbacks are muile from them. Yours truly, U7dlf Jacob Lkvi. Bremuer's Crackers at Murphy $r CV.'s. Nii e liue of new glass sets just opened at W. H. Raker's from 40 cts up. Udt r.wll Joe ForJ will have another ! iiaqiici .idv ut the rink Monday evening. d4-3- Cottage House, Sixth street, between Main nnd Pearl, Plattsmouth. Nebr. Keu'tted nnl com-lortabl- y furnisjied. 15oar.l by the day or week. Meals 25 cents. "Board by week at reasonable rales. House com- fortably and pleasantly situated. Give me a call. S. Wka.kk. Proprietor. 4Gdlm Breuiner's Crackers at Baker' Try a can of Domestic baking pow- der and get a Dover egg beater free at W. II. B.ker's. 44dt5 5wtl. A new line of fine dress goods con- sisting of the latest styles and patterns just received at Weckbach'a. 23dtf Bremner's Crackers at Bennett & Lewis'. Bremner's Crackers at Wirckbach's. Fresh home made candies every day at the Phoenix. 39dtf SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under tin head, three cents per line each insertion. To Rent. Furuislied or unfurnished rooms. In' qnire of J. D. Simpson. 43tf The northeast coi ner room in Stadel-nian- 's bakery. Good for oflice or small business. 34 tf F. Stadelmann. For Sale. Fo-j- r lots together in good location in the city of Plattsmouth. Inquire at this office d if Wanted. John B uier has leased the Stohlman place, corner of 7th and Vine street, is prepared to accommodate the public in the way of boarding and lodging by the week or month. 40dlm A few of the handsomest patterns of Wire Flower Stands very cheap at J. R. I OX S. 54d&wlmo Henry Boeck Has au elegant liue of baby carriages for sule very cheap. Also a nice lot of refrigerators and the largest stock of fur- niture ever brought t Plattsmouth at prices that can't be discounted. It will pay you to seo him. d29xw2-t- f Bremner's Crackers at Hansen's. Large stock ol parasols iu ail qtiaii-.tie- s must be closed out cheap at Ba- ker's. 44dlo 5wtl Millinery. Mrs. Johnson & Sweney are now re- ceiving all the latest styles in Hats, Bon- nets, Flowers, Tips, liibbons, &c., in the millinery line, to which they invite all to call and examine before puiclia.sino; elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost. d40ml Asky our grocer for Bremner's Crack- ers every time. Take n other. Try W. H. Baker on Groceries and Canned goods and see how much further your money will go. Cash makes low prices. . 4415twlt Tne Alaska, the best and most con veuient Rfrigerntor in the market. For 3a,e bi' J- - t ox. 43d&wimo All wool bunting, all wool nun's veiling aud other -- 'ress g iods iu all the new shades at W. II. Baker's. 44dt5 ow t It will pay you to read Wise's colO umu in this paper, you may find jus what you want. 39ti Bremner's Crackers at Stadleinan's. Armour's best brand hams $ . 44 " breakfast bacon 1 Drv salt meat i Sugar cured bhoulders 12 At Hatt & Co's. meat market. 40dtf Ice ! Ice I Ice ! Now is the time to contract for your summer's supply of ice. Bedrock prices prompt delivery and superior quality of ice, first come first served by the new ice man. f3ni3 Joe Faiufikld. Ladies, your special attention is called to the new line of drew goods just received at WcckbacJi's. 29dtt A. II. KELLIIK, 121. ii. JtJ? I Graduate hi l'lIAUMACY AN1 MKDIC'INK, Office In Perrv's tlruz stole onuoslte the Per kins Iioumv BANKS. John FitzokhAlD, a. W. McI.aloiii.i.v, President. Cantitcr. FIRST NATIONAL OF PlJVTTSMOUTK. A. Oft-.-r- s the veiy best faciiltlos fur the prompt t raii":ii tl(iii of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, 1'ouds. Gold, Government unU I.oOitl Securltii-- ItoiiKlil and Sold, lViiosllsreeeiv-e- d aud interest allowed on time C'ertlQ-eate- n, lJraftddrawu, available in any lui t ot the United StateM and all I the prlnciiial towns of Europe. Collections made dr promptly remitted. Ulghest market prices paid for County War- rants, State and County IJouds. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A K. Touzalln, John ft. Clark. It Geo. K. Dovey, K. White, A. W, McLaughlin. ERNST WAGNER ARCHITECT. Plans and specifications will be care fully carried out, and full atteution will be given as to safety and durability. LESSONS ON PAINTING in Oil or Water Colors, Crayon and Pencil. OiKce aud studio over Solomon & Na than's store. Main street. .'iTiul H O USE, S J GN , A N Carr GrainiM, 61azia; Paper Edging, KALSOMINING. Ceave oriiers at W ai rick's, llaftstnoiilh. i'nli REAL ESTATE -- (AND)- COLLECTION AGENCY. Law and collection business promp- tly attended to at this office and pro- ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abstracting attended to on short no- tice and satisfaction guaranteed. If there is any thing wc do make a specialty of, it is city aud suburban real estate. Several line farms and 6ome wild land at bargains. Laboring men can get a home by paying month- ly what they now pay lor house rent. Spaco forbids giving but a 6niall percentage of the bargains now on the books at this agency; we uamo the following: Six choice half aero lots, 8 minute from li. H. shops, at from $80 to ijiloU each, and on terms that would make a man ashamed to say he did not own a house, come ana eee, you are not compelled to buy and we woutf give these lots away, but you can get them so they will absolutely cost you noth- ing. Five acre lot j mile from city for $250 part on time. Eleven acre lot J mile from city for $650 this is extra fine. I have three pieces of outside prop- erty which I can sell and under- take to furnish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now- - I will furnish the ground and you the work, work is what hurts me." If u will do the work at a fair price I will give you a clear deed for the laud; if you can't do the work come and see me, I may find some one who will do it lor you. Ten acres for $ 600 00 " " " 600 00 " " " 7iO (X) j " -- Vion oo Several small tracts well improved aud adjoining the city, for sale at reasonable rates. FAKiM Lands. 40 it res, wild $ 600 00 80 " improv'd 1000 00 120 " " 2UO0 00 160 44 6000 00 2'() 4 ' 6200 00 2 10 4 44 C)0 00 Finest stock larm in Cass county 516l!00, long time aud low rate ol in- terest. 160 acres, wild 42600 1C0 44 '4 ifcoo 80 44 1200 0 44 44 160 jicrcs, wild, Itcp. V'y (cash) $1000 CITY PKOPEHTY. Cor. lot 3 bl'ksfrom shops (cheap1$l 00 1 44 3 44 175 2 44 3 14 44 44 if,o b cor o ii H ,rfl 1 44 4 . 175 3 cor 160 2 44 44 X. 6th street (line) 300 1 44 44 V ashington ave44 350 1 44 "1 bl'k from Main st extra 400 Improved city real estato in abun- dance. I can find what you want in this line if you will call and see me. Business houses and lots for 6ale at much lower figures than will bo asked six months hence. Stores and dwellings rented and for rent, rents promptly collected. ., If you don't see what you want iu this column come and ask for it. I've probably missed just what you want. Office open nearly every evening from 6 to 8. Good new house and two fine lots in good location price, 8800. W. S. WISE, Union Qlock. WltatCasli Will Buy AT WILL J, DRUG St. Louis Southern Co. White Lead Best Hoiled Linseed Oil per gallon Spirits Turjientine per gallon. .. . Turp. Japan Dryer per gallon Pure Mixed I'aint per gallon .... Lubricating Oil per gallon Cold Pressed Castor Oil per gallon IS' eats Foot Oil per gallon. ... Lard Oil per gallon Uncle Sam's .Harness Oil per gallon Uncle .Sam's Condition Power. . . . Carpenter's glue per pound Gum Camphor, per pound Pure Whiting Putty (by Window Glass 40 per cent, bladder) per pound, oil' Lit WA" IiroWiiS Cents. Whites -- Flats CO 4 0 "ii ill lift ii u Midi u J I:ivi Ji lor n r I;iivre will ell more o;!s ir tii'i Fiijne &iiiie business in town. Luw A KINK LOT OK MACKLIv KL, LAURA :()KK IIKUiilXG, TROUT, WILD WAVE COD FLSII, A so a choice, lot ol' We Lave a One i !ocU of mzmtm family qroqebie Y-a- y Iii tl MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I !i:ivu In hU.-:- : a t'u.e lino l Queensvare, Glassware, Lamps. &.C. All our g'U are i.ew and fih)i. Will EMails tor Country Profile. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani .'e.t door to Court House, PluttHinouth, Neb, 111&52w3bi M. Oh, (Dm EJ m have arrived, and I ry Goods Tri.-uming- s at any in the u line of rGceries. prices t' d..r, For Sale ! X K Sec. 3, T. V2, 11 . 13. sk i, sec. 3, t: j, r. 13. S. W. 1, See. 3. T. 12, If. J o. and W. Sec, 10, T. 12, II 1 S. W. Sec. 34, T lo, II. 13 E Lot 10, Block 23. " 7 A: 0, " 23. S h " ', " 1 1. Duke's Addition. ! The above described farms aro for sale on long time, 7 per cent, Amdv to R. 13. WINDHAM, Plattsmouth. Neb. STORE per 100 pounds $ 1 40 75 0( "J't 'AO r5 Lr ro :w 20 .oo or, FAFESS. Sali us 50 Cents. (Jilts - Km bos ?od (Jilts $1.10 Prices. stock ol wail T.atx.-r- . etc. can :uii money tlinn ariv other house ii: B. MURPHY & CO. Yes! will continue to .11 & lotions tl i an Queensware owr- - lie? pet tully W. H. Baker. AGENCY FIRE INSURANCE CO'S: CITY, of London, QUI-:i:X- of Liverpool FIUKMAX FUND, of California EXPRESS COMPANIES: AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. WELLS, FAKGO & CO. EXPRESS. Omce la Rock wood Block , with JoUnion Broa Cdcui Dress Goods, Etc., i.owr.i: ij:k ls other house country. Also full AXD 'miietion. with interest. d9tf

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Page 1: The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1883-04-23 [p ].€¦ · The new city lonu.-t-J meet l hi ey euiii'f. We cull the attention of .mi reader to the announcement of S. t:

PLATTSIJODTH HERALD.msi.isnKiiiiAiJ.y ani wli.klt


Tec Plallsuootli Herald PoMishini 60. !

tut c'u kbUCountv l'irn-lr.iy- . Ku'.Uy TimelUrt. llrtmn9 .cliar.) l!i.4lurtiIfvivry, iMlijt--i Card &, ; tliir.l .;itf.

J Err. L. STONE, - Citj Editor.

Notlc to Advertiser.Col for (llsblav mltrrtlieiurnt or

lu auterti.ieiiieiili inut b? Iiundi-t- l in ! tlitLusiitf 4fefl1i-- nut later ttiuu lu a in. of tlieday lu Hlilt.-- tliey ure to rr CopyIwt y ItM'Mla uu.l im-i-1- ijOtn -- i miiat belutbUct lu brur J in nu ll day mnurf

II VI iti nti 1 .Hll IUf .VI Jllil;'.-- I

.4. Salisbury, Ucutlvl.I.olaoffuu at the rik tonight,

liead Warrick's aJ In tod:t's ar.The new city lonu.-t- J meet l hi ey


We cull the attention of .mi readerto the announcement of S. t:. Terry intoday's paper.

A very select crowd of vounjj peo-

ple eujoyed a few hours pan time atthe rink Saturday evening. Ii get-

ting to lc the most popular resort intLe city.

The county commissioners are insession today 'oniinn.i.oner I'ich-ardso- n

is not present owiu? .o thsicklier of hia wiJe. '1 ho session isheld esieeially lu the iutei est of countyLi idgej. ami toiiioriaw thy will stmtout on a tour of inspection.

Eolith I'.end hai put three ladyteachers into the lield second to nonein the fctatc. Mis I.aura MeFarlaudi teaching at Mainland. Mis CornWell in the Crawford di-tri- ct, andMijs Maggie JSIieiuht takK charge ofthe Mullen Ilain li school.

ALLo Ht-udri- the idiot who es-

caped from the eaie of hit brother atlUller, N"cl.. a. fi-v- v ilayii a;o, wa?f'iruud out in the i oi.iit i v and broughthi this morning; t'lofl. I likeiiiary puthim aloard ihc train, pinind a ticketto hi coal and tlai led him for homeon Xo. 1.

S ue of the sidewalks in tnv.u con-

tain :i nuudier of broken hoards andplank, arid they hecuue so y reasonof stock promenading on them. Ondark nights these daces are danger-ous, an 4 broken limbs may be the re-

sult. If there are ordinances againsttock running at laige in the city lim-

its, why are they not enforced, and ifthere are none-- why are not somepassed? Cattle ruuninx at largeaioiiud town arc a nuisance, and thenuisaut-- e should be abated.

The luter.Oc-cau-, oa the sM, enleied new departure, iu the r ubli-catio- u

of a Sunday edition, thn9 pub-lishing a paper every day in tlie year.Their theory tLat the papers are morethoroughly read on Sunday tlctn anyother day m the week a correct one.ubd in order to keep pa-.- e with tl.edemaitdi ol the lioies and 'completethe orbit of duly .' the ati!ilknal la-

bor is assumed. The of theInter Ocean is recognized everywhereand thi new feature will be appreriated.

A short trip west, yesterday, on theII. M.. disclosed the fact that vegeta-tion is fast assuming the garb of theseason. and the industrious fanners allalong the roa I are getting even thingready for the biggest harvest Nebraskahas ever known. Quantities of cornstill remains in cribs, in a number ofthe towns, and nearly all of it finelooking corn. It is no wonder thatsuch an immense immigration haspoured into NVbraska this season, forthe rich, loamy soil, turned up all overour broad prairies, is a sutficient recom-

mendation of what is here. It can'tbe beaten. If equalled, anywhere.Herds of cattle and pens full of ho,s.


too, are other prominent feature noticed. What, with good, wholesom-la-v- s,


the proper radroad comptitiu .

to give u3 the benefits of cotnpetii g

markets, and judicious ruanagtrne'i',Nebraska can't do. no others ueedtryto do. Our agricultural report thisyear will surprise the oldest citizen.


The particiihii s of the Swetin--eaht as published in the Plattsmouthpress, make a poor showing for Un-

people of that town. For the sake oltheir own good name, if not on thescore of humanity, some provisionshould be made at once for takingcare ol the poor, unfortunate maniacUnder it present surroundings theaffair is a uUgraee to the entire r

t uiaha Herald.Fact. How long are Ihe citizens of

PlatUrncuth going lo thisthlo l so on iu this way. If theL ard of lusanlty commissioners j

tcuu't do anything, are there not citizens enough who have the sympathyfar poor, unfortunate fellow belnc--,

that they will go down into their ownpockets to assist in the rciiofthat heIs powerless to obtain as he is cir-cumstanced now. He lias reachedthat stage, now, where his life has be-

come a ba-d- en to him, and he wouldrid himself of ii, . ou!d he obtii.-- i akulfe or anything else to do it with.It might be au act of mercy to lethim do it, but so long as he is to beprevented from so doing, in Ood'sname let something be done to helpthe in an if such a thing is pos.ible.

JUver ReportA furnished officially lo the War

Department.The river at uoon today, tood 7 ft.

10 inches above low water mark.


4 UctItaI of lloblllltie in HappyHollow.

'I he time was a few year no, w leuthe da's!.- - ttnoundiiM of llaj pyHollow resounded with the din ofbraw L and fields, and when the re-

volver was abroad in the land, creal-iu- g

items for the prcus by decoratingthe person ol any one who would cu-

ter into a little ineiiiuiMit with thetransient denini.

In thcuj days it wus no uiicommouthiu for t.r ten who wen; badcitizens to come up from the. r.otedhallow and "paint the twn red," onamusement they seemed to enjoy; butthe matinees have grown infrequent,and the hollow has almost been for-sfotte- n.

Saturday night, however,the McCi uires, a family who have figured heretofore in police circles, gavea dance: we suppose a recherche affair, and to that came two bloodsEd and Hob Kvcrctt -- who inrticlpn- -tett in the Hippie, the Newport andthe llsmerdda until a lato hour. Allthe guests had departed save thesealone, and au informant states thaMKJuIre hinted it was time to "moveon," when Mrs. McGiuire stated thatthoy need not be in a hurry, and thetwo dUaussed the idea of putting theold in a ii out uud remaining with thewife aud daughter in a sort of a Mor-mon ucuiiic. To Ibis Mcliiiire object-ed, and he unit his better, or ratherwoi-j- c halt commciueil a row, the r.v-erct- ttj

inlet u red; and the old manwas bounced, as he we:t through thedoor, Kd Kverett blabbed him with apocket kniic. .lei;uire started uptown, Kvcrctt after him to see wheth-er lie had killed him or not, and theyWere met by olliccrs who had beennc-t- i

licit that an eruption was imminentin the hollow. Ed Kverett waa im-

mediately locked up, Mrs. McCluireaud her daughter aiso, whilo Hob Ky- -,

erett fled froi the wrath to" come.Meanwhile, MeCJuire was laid outon a tool down at the depotwhere at 3 a. in. I)r. Livingston wascalled lo dress the wound. The knifeblade had struck the shoulder blade andglsnceJ upward else the coroner insteadof the would hare had a case; as itis MeCJuire will recover.

The trial of the knifers takes place to--morrow at which time the domestic lifeof Happy Hollow will be aired, andjudgement rendered accordingly.

The masquerade at the skatingVinktonight.

KE.tL ESTATE TKANMFEKS.As reported from the Clerk's otlJce

each day :

Mary Ann Casy lo James P. Finnic,40 lots in Townsend's addition toPlattsmouth, w d

Win. Gulhman and wife to James P.Finnie, lot 2, P. 1:!, Townsei d's addi- -

lion, q c d $?i.JT.Ancle W. Smith and husband, to J

P. Finnie, let U C.Townsend's additionq C d-- $2:..

tt. li. Windham and wife to .1. P.' Finnie, lots 1 and 2, li 17. Townsend'aaddition, q c d $5o.P. L. Wise and wife to J. P. Finnie,lots 5, C, T and S. B 6. Townsend's addi-tion, also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 10, 11 and 12,Ii 7, Towii3end's addition, q c d 213.

.Tu&tide Lilly and wife to HenryInhelder. a nw('4' d 81,600.

T. W. Shryock and wife to A. LouisaShryock. lot 4, block 90, Plattsmouth,w d

A. Louisa Shryock to T. W. Shryock,lot I7y, Louisville, wd 100.

A. Louis Shyrock to T. W. Shryock.lot 3, block 94. Plattsmouth, q c d3230.

U. S. to Win. Herold, wji nw'4' 7--

11. Patent.J. W. Bullis to Chris Dewing,

wa se4, 0. v. d-3- 600.

W. S. Graff and wife to W. W. Hull,lot 2. block i72,Pluttsmouth.q c d- - $i'0.

llobert Matteer and wife to S. T.

Longrnwlj 31 12-1- wd $3,000.AmesTeftto Peter A pp. mid. IM lotJ, block 1H, Avoea, w d-$- 20.

J. W. Johnson and wife to FredStnhlraau, nwi 11 1111, w

Ctiltren'u LutiCti. !


fhe Percy temperance children en-- ,

joyed their first lunch at Bock wood'sHall Saturday afternoou. The officerswere all present, and the meeting wasopened with leading the Bible, musicani prayer. Alter roll call businesswas suspended to allow the childrent enjoy the lunch. The leader of thesquads and other otllcers prepared along table in front of the stage, whichwas spread with candies, nuts, apples,raisins and all kinds of tobacco incomnou use.

This is Mr. Smith's way of introduc-ing Ifesson in tobacco and alcohol.Three soldier companies of boys march-ing with drums, vud eight squads ofgirlf enjoying a temperance lunch.was too iuch for th dentists andlawyers who occupy the building, andthe 250 children resolved to hold theirmeeting hereafter in Fitzgerald's hall.The first Percy reception will takeplace next Wednesday night at Fitz-gerald's hall, and programmes andtickets will be out early in the week.If Mahomet will not come to themountain, tha mountain will go toMahomet.

Shkldom Duew,La vr. A Twxst, President.

Secretai y.I'lattamouth, April 3, isS3.

The Plattsmouth quadrille bandwill furnish the music for the mas-querade at the rink touight.

TeetL extracted without paiu by theuse of Nitrous Oil.h. Oas, at the Dentrooms of Dr. C A. Marshall. Fitzcerald

I block. . iSdStewIt


II. K. Bri?x, of Ouiahu, Sundied inill's tity.

Walter White went to Greenwood thismorning.

Charles Holmes nerd t" Fonth IVndtlds morniuj;.

Ass't Sup't Thompson tuaed throughon No t this iiif rning.

T. W. Shrvock. of Weepiuir Water ispeeing the capital ot fas-- J today.

Mrs, C. Schlunt7, of Ashland i seeingher many friends here today.

Dr. Kfller went to Sutton vesterday.He will return tuiuoiiovv.

Iivb went to Tecumseh onNo. 1 to help liilly Neville out with hisbridge work on the branch.

u. Hi inhaokle, an oM time riatts-moutliia- n,

is working at his trade inPalmira, he b ft for that place today.

.Muster Mecliaiii.- - Ifawkswoith wentwc?t yei'uday to see iliul tlie boys gotstarted ull right ou their u w run.

J. P. Fiunie, of Me nphis, Tena., anda property owner in this city was in thecity today and called at the Hi itAi.noffiee.

Mrs. I). C. Jtiiiiin aud little daughtercame Mown Irorn Lincoln Saturday toviit Mr. J. LMd Il.nirn, who is nw i

resident of ilii city. They pn?.cd thSabl.ath at Stahliiian'ii.

Mr. John Kline, who Ii:ls been so welland laoi ably I. now it here for a longtime as an employe of tie H. .V M., andat present with Morrisf-e- y Itros., left forHasting this morning, to take charge oftheir ollices tliere.

frs. Outhmao, a daughter of JacobVallery, Sr., who hna been in attendanceat his beit;ide dining Ins illness, return-ed th's morning to her home in Lincoln.

P. P. Johnson, the Hed Oak capital-ist, was in the cily this morning, con-

sulting with his attorney, A. Reeson.

John Fitzgerald passed through Plutts-mout- b

yester.lay en route ;for Philadel-phia where he at lends the national con-vention of the bind league. Mr. Fitz-gerald has much In store for Plattsnioxthin the near tulnre, as rnr people willlearn presently.

Prof. Cushiuan, of Chicago, a welli known musical director of extended ac- -

qiisintancc in in the city arranging toplace the operntta "Fairy Queen"' beforethe public. Prof. Cushniau has justbrought it out in Atchison and its pro-duction requires a large number ofchildren as well as advanced musicians.Let us make Prof. Cushmaii welcome.

Arapahoe Latter.AtiAPAnoE, Neb., April 9, 183.

IEAit Herald:-T- he much wishedfor "cut oft" from Hastings to thisplace has lately received considerableattention, Supt. Holdredge having paidus a visit of three or four days in re-

ference thereto.Improvement ia the order of the day.

Three new residences buildings, andthree or four additions.

A late Installation of oilicers of the"G. A. II." proved a success in inter-esting a very large audience .who filled

Khe Christian church to overflowing.Yesterday the Baptish church wasdedicated. It is a very fine building,and the dedication was a successfinancially and socially.

If any one contemplates comingwest let them by all means see Arapa-hoe before they locate elsewhere, andthus save useless regret.

1LS. Child.Death of Frank Carrol.

Many in this city and especially theyoung folks remember Frank Carrollwho was a telegraph operator here fouryears ajo an. I who toad-- . many friendsand acquaintances. Since leaving thiscity he has been occupying a leading po-

sition in his work at Columbus, Ohio,where he died last week. The followingaccount of the fnuerul is from the OhioState Journal :

Frank S. Cm roil, the veteran tele-graph operator, w ho died last week, wasburied at two o'clock yesterday fromSacred Hert church, on Third avenup.Oyer one hundred operators marched in111. ilnj-f'- kl i an.l a miili I .. t. w

uumln.r ww'rc in aUl.ndance. . ,lt. r"n.road giving passes to all those attend-ing. The sorrow felt at his death indi-cates the esteem in which he was heldby his fellow workers. About thirtyoperators came over the Scioto Valleyami a number were present from Day-ton and Indiauopolis.

Nip and Tuok.This play ought to be well acquaint-

ed with DesMoines audiences, for ithas been produced, at one house or theother, as many as twenty times, andhas uniformly drawn good houses,and last night was no exception, forthe Academy was packed. HarryWebber was there, the same old "Nip" j

as of yore. There was a good deal ofcuriosity among regular Theater-goer- s I

to see how the part of "Tuck" wouldbe handled, since it has been droppedby Mr. Fitzpatrick. Justice requiresthe admission, which is cheerfullymade, that Mr. Theodore fills the rolewith equal ability, and last night hiswork was much applauded. AnnieBrown, as Lady Beaufort, and EvaWebber, as Frances Dashleigh, did veryacceptable work, it is to be regrettadthat the make-u- p of the play permitsso little scope for Melissa Breslau. whois a very capable actress and a mostestimable lady, retiring and diffidentin private life as well as a loving wifeand devoted mother. The lady hasman admirers in DesMoines for herline powers as an actress and for hergreat worth as a lady. "Nip and Tuck"has remained in Iowa so long and sosuccessfully that it would be a goodplan for Jlr. Wehber to register him- -

self as a voter. The Hesrister. as iswell known, has no mercy on poortheatrical companies, and scores themaccording to their deserts. On theother hand it believes in commendinggood temper and encouraging goodtroupes. Of this class is this company,and so we speak of it heartily. Thecompany goes from here to Wintersetand Indianola. and we commend it tothe good graces of the people of thosecities. They will find it a trood troupe.and the play a capital one. Iowa StateRegister, DesMoines, Iowa.

Holler Skating Kink.Having purchased of Joseph Foid

his skating rink in the basement' ofFitzgerald block. I wish to announcethat the same will be open every afternoon aud evening, and that it will berun Ilist-clas- s in every respect. Theprices for admission will be10 cts. for afternoon and 15 cts. for evening, ladies free. Price ot ekates 20 ctsfor afternoon?, "6 cts. for evenings. Themasquerade as heretofore announced forMonday evening will not be changea.

C. E. Sluck.

The best goods for the least moneyat William Hcrolds. 43 tf

Don't fail to go to Phil Young'sior nuytiung in ins line ana saveIllOlU'V.

A Square MealCan be had at the City Hotel for only23 cents and lodging at same reasonablelates. Farmers aud Commercial Menwill please bear this in mind. d&wtf

Ladles of PlattsmoutiiDou't destroy your rags, even if you getbut little tor them ; they are necessitieswhich we could not do without ; our education depends upon them; the Bible ismade out of rags, and best of all, thegreenbacks are muile from them. Yourstruly, U7dlf Jacob Lkvi.

Bremuer's Crackers at Murphy $r


Nii e liue of new glass sets justopened at W. H. Raker's from 40 ctsup. Udt r.wll

Joe ForJ will have another ! iiaqiici .idvut the rink Monday evening. d4-3-

Cottage House,Sixth street, between Main nnd Pearl,Plattsmouth. Nebr. Keu'tted nnl com-lortabl- y

furnisjied. 15oar.l by the dayor week. Meals 25 cents. "Board byweek at reasonable rales. House com-fortably and pleasantly situated. Giveme a call. S. Wka.kk. Proprietor.


Breuiner's Crackers at Baker'

Try a can of Domestic baking pow-der and get a Dover egg beater freeat W. II. B.ker's. 44dt5 5wtl.

A new line of fine dress goods con-sisting of the latest styles and patternsjust received at Weckbach'a. 23dtf

Bremner's Crackers at Bennett &Lewis'.

Bremner's Crackers at Wirckbach's.

Fresh home made candies every dayat the Phoenix. 39dtf

SPECIAL NOTICES.Advertisements under tin head, three centsper line each insertion.

To Rent.Furuislied or unfurnished rooms. In'

qnire of J. D. Simpson. 43tf

The northeast coi ner room in Stadel-nian- 's

bakery. Good for oflice or smallbusiness. 34 tf F. Stadelmann.

For Sale.Fo-j- r lots together in good location in

the city of Plattsmouth. Inquire at thisoffice d if

Wanted.John B uier has leased the Stohlman

place, corner of 7th and Vine street, isprepared to accommodate the public inthe way of boarding and lodging by theweek or month. 40dlm

A few of the handsomest patterns ofWire Flower Stands very cheap at J. R.

I OX S. 54d&wlmo

Henry BoeckHas au elegant liue of baby carriagesfor sule very cheap. Also a nice lot ofrefrigerators and the largest stock of fur-niture ever brought t Plattsmouth atprices that can't be discounted. It willpay you to seo him. d29xw2-t- f

Bremner's Crackers at Hansen's.

Large stock ol parasols iu ail qtiaii-.tie- s

must be closed out cheap at Ba-ker's. 44dlo 5wtl

Millinery.Mrs. Johnson & Sweney are now re-

ceiving all the latest styles in Hats, Bon-nets, Flowers, Tips, liibbons, &c., in themillinery line, to which they invite allto call and examine before puiclia.sino;elsewhere. Fancy goods at cost. d40ml

Asky our grocer for Bremner's Crack-ers every time. Take n other.

Try W. H. Baker on Groceries andCanned goods and see how much furtheryour money will go. Cash makes lowprices. . 4415twlt

Tne Alaska, the best and most conveuient Rfrigerntor in the market. For3a,e bi' J- - t ox. 43d&wimo

All wool bunting, all wool nun'sveiling aud other --'ress g iods iu allthe new shades at W. II. Baker's.

44dt5 ow t

It will pay you to read Wise's colOumu in this paper, you may find juswhat you want. 39ti

Bremner's Crackers at Stadleinan's.

Armour's best brand hams $ .44 " breakfast bacon 1

Drv salt meat iSugar cured bhoulders 12At Hatt & Co's. meat market. 40dtf

Ice ! Ice I Ice !

Now is the time to contract for yoursummer's supply of ice. Bedrock pricesprompt delivery and superior quality ofice, first come first served by the new iceman. f3ni3 Joe Faiufikld.

Ladies, your special attention is calledto the new line of drew goods justreceived at WcckbacJi's. 29dtt

A. II. KELLIIK, 121. ii. JtJ? IGraduate hi

l'lIAUMACY AN1 MKDIC'INK,Office In Perrv's tlruz stole onuoslte the Per

kins Iioumv


John FitzokhAlD, a. W. McI.aloiii.i.v,President. Cantitcr.



Oft-.-r- s the veiy best faciiltlos fur the promptt raii":ii tl(iii of legitimate

BANKING BUSINESS.Stocks, 1'ouds. Gold, Government unU I.oOitl

Securltii-- ItoiiKlil and Sold, lViiosllsreeeiv-e- d

aud interest allowed on time C'ertlQ-eate- n,

lJraftddrawu, available in anylui t ot the United StateM and all

I the prlnciiial towns ofEurope.

Collections made dr promptly remitted.

Ulghest market prices paid for County War-rants, State and County IJouds.


John Fitzgerald A K. Touzalln,John ft. Clark. ItGeo. K. Dovey, K. White,

A. W, McLaughlin.


Plans and specifications will be carefully carried out, and full atteution will

be given as to safety and durability.

LESSONS ON PAINTINGin Oil or Water Colors, Crayon and

Pencil.OiKce aud studio over Solomon & Na

than's store. Main street. .'iTiul

H O USE, S J G N , A N

CarrGrainiM, 61azia; Paper Edging,

KALSOMINING.Ceave oriiers at W ai rick's, llaftstnoiilh. i'nli


COLLECTION AGENCY.Law and collection business promp-

tly attended to at this office and pro-ceeds remitted without delay.

Notarial work, conveyancing andabstracting attended to on short no-tice and satisfaction guaranteed.

If there is any thing wc do make aspecialty of, it is city aud suburbanreal estate. Several line farms and6ome wild land at bargains. Laboringmen can get a home by paying month-ly what they now pay lor house rent.

Spaco forbids giving but a 6niallpercentage of the bargains now on thebooks at this agency; we uamo thefollowing:

Six choice half aero lots, 8 minutefrom li. H. shops, at from $80 to ijiloUeach, and on terms that would makea man ashamed to say he did not owna house, come ana eee, you are notcompelled to buy and we woutf givethese lots away, but you can get themso they will absolutely cost you noth-ing.

Five acre lot j mile from city for$250 part on time.

Eleven acre lot J mile from cityfor $650 this is extra fine.

I have three pieces of outside prop-erty which I can sell and under-take to furnish purchaser workenough to pay for them, now- - I willfurnish the ground and you the work,work is what hurts me." If u willdo the work at a fair price I will giveyou a clear deed for the laud; if youcan't do the work come and see me, Imay find some one who will do it loryou.

Ten acres for $ 600 00" " " 600 00" " " 7iO (X) j" --Vion oo

Several small tracts well improvedaud adjoining the city, for sale atreasonable rates.

FAKiM Lands.40 it res, wild $ 600 0080 " improv'd 1000 00

120 " " 2UO0 00160 44 6000 002'() 4 ' 6200 002 10 4 44 C)0 00Finest stock larm in Cass county

516l!00, long time aud low rate ol in-terest.160 acres, wild 426001C0 44 '4 ifcoo80 44 1200

0 44 44

160 jicrcs, wild, Itcp. V'y (cash) $1000CITY PKOPEHTY.

Cor. lot 3 bl'ksfrom shops (cheap1$l 001 44 3 44 1752 44 3 14 44 44 if,ob cor o ii H ,rfl1 44 4 . 1753 cor 1602 44 44 X. 6th street (line) 300

1 44 44 V ashington ave44 3501 44 "1 bl'k from Main st extra 400

Improved city real estato in abun-dance. I can find what you want inthis line if you will call and see me.

Business houses and lots for 6aleat much lower figures than will boasked six months hence.

Stores and dwellings rented and forrent, rents promptly collected.., If you don't see what you want iuthis column come and ask for it. I'veprobably missed just what you want.Office open nearly every evening from6 to 8.

Good new house and two fine lotsin good location price, 8800.

W. S. WISE,Union Qlock.

WltatCasli Will BuyAT WILL J,


St. Louis Southern Co. White LeadBest Hoiled Linseed Oil per gallonSpirits Turjientine per gallon. . . .Turp. Japan Dryer per gallonPure Mixed I'aint per gallon ....Lubricating Oil per gallonCold Pressed Castor Oil per gallonIS' eats Foot Oil per gallon. ...Lard Oil per gallonUncle Sam's .Harness Oil per gallonUncle .Sam's Condition Power. . . .

Carpenter's glue per poundGum Camphor, per poundPure Whiting Putty (byWindow Glass 40 per cent,

bladder) per pound,oil' Lit

WA"IiroWiiS Cents.Whites --


4 0


liftii u Midi u

J I:ivi Ji lor n r I;iivrewill ell more o;!s ir tii'i Fiijne&iiiie business in town.




We Lave a One i !ocU of

mzmtm family qroqebieY-a- y Iii t l

MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR.I !i:ivu In hU.-:- : a t'u.e lino l

Queensvare, Glassware, Lamps.&.C. All our g'U are i.ew and fih)i.

Will EMails tor Country Profile. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani.'e.t door to Court House, PluttHinouth, Neb,

111&52w3bi M.


(Dm EJmhave arrived, and I

ry GoodsTri.-uming- s at

any in theu line of


prices t' d..r,

For Sale !

X K Sec. 3, T. V2, 11 . 13.

sk i, sec. 3, t: j, r. 13.S. W. 1, See. 3. T. 12, If. J o.

and W. Sec, 10, T. 12, II1

S. W. Sec. 34, T lo, II. 13E Lot 10, Block 23.

" 7 A: 0, " 23.S h " ', " 1 1.Duke's Addition.


The above described farms arofor sale on long time, 7 percent, Amdv to

R. 13. WINDHAM,Plattsmouth. Neb.


per 100 pounds $ 1 40



FAFESS.Sali us 50 Cents.(Jilts -

Km bos ?od (Jilts $1.10

Prices.stock ol wail T.atx.-r- . etc. can :uii

money tlinn ariv other house ii:



will continue to .11

& lotionstl i an


owr- - lie? pet tully

W. H. Baker.



CITY, of London,QUI-:i:X- of Liverpool

FIUKMAX FUND, of California



Omce la Rock wood Block , with JoUnion BroaCdcui

Dress Goods, Etc., i.owr.i: ij:k lsother house country.Also full



