the pleasant side effect of being consistent with your internet marketing

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

Over the last few weeks Ive been practising what I teach and being more consistent.

Ive sent a reasonably long email to my list (anything from 500 words to nearer 1,000) and Ive turned it into a blog post.

Most of the time Ive also turned it into slides and a video.

All that takes less than an hour a day, so it doesnt fall into the super-human category.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

But even in this short time, theres been an interesting side effect:

Google is sending slightly more traffic to my website.

Nothing earth shattering internet marketing is probably too niche for that to happen, especially since Im aiming at long tail keywords rather than mass market ones but noticeable.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

Prior to doing this, any traffic at all from Google was a rare event (Bing is still once in a blue moon but thats because Bings update process reflects Microsofts lack of enthusiasm for their own search engine) but now theres a trickle.

Google are tight lipped about the search terms that are being used.

Maybe I could log in to webmaster tools and get a bit of information but thats not something that worries me enough to investigate.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

That comes back to priorities the time spent looking at stats could be better spent creating more content so thats what I choose to do.

If youre not already creating regular new content for your website (even if its not new content daily) and keeping in touch with your list on a regular basis, I think its worth you making a commitment to do that.

Try it for the next 30 days.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

If youre keen, spend a bit of time making a full plan for your internet marketing.

But quite honestly the plan could be as simple as Im going to spend an hour a day creating new content for my website and then keeping to that schedule.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

Set a timer on your phone if you want

Do some quick keyword research using a tool like this, copy your chosen phrase into Google and use one of the results as the inspiration for your title.

If the titles dont grab you, do a list instead

Log into WordPress for your site, put in the title and start typing. Go into brain dump mode type without editing or second guessing yourself

Save the draft and if this is one of your earlier attempts at this method read through your post and amend it if necessary. Dont spend forever doing this. Just enough time to spot any glaring errors.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

Hit the publish button

Tweet and do any other social media bragging

Email your list to let them know youve created new content

If theres enough time today, copy and paste the new content into PowerPoint or similar and publish it on a document sharing site

Record the slides in a voice-over video presentation and publish it on YouTube

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

That looks like a lot but only because Ive broken it down into relatively small steps.

The first few times you do this, chances are you wont get everything done in an hour (I dont always manage either if thats any consolation) but even if it only means you create a new piece of content and do all the associated other stuff every other day, thats probably still better than youre currently doing.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a business just like any other despite the sales letters, you cant just do it once and then trek off to the beach to watch the money rolling in.

You wouldnt set up a real world, bricks and mortar, business and then leave it unattended and the same goes for your internet marketing.

The Pleasant Side Effect of Being Consistent with your Internet Marketing

Do this consistently and in a few months youll have a website to be proud of: lots of content, a reasonable number of visitors, an associated YouTube and SlideShare channel, some followers on Twitter and elsewhere.

Youll probably be making the occasional sale as well.

All with a do-able time commitment and the decision that its going to happen this time.

If youd like more help, click this link.