the potter journal · the potter journal and news item. volume xxiv, no. 22. the potter journal and...

The Potter Journal and News Item. VOLUME XXIV, NO. 22. The POTTER JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. pfBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT CO I'DERSPORT, PA. [Office in Olmsted lilock.) 1 TERMS. * , - 75 FEK YEAR IS ADVANCE. ju,t. N. Maim. S. F. Hamilton, Editor. Publisher. C. J. CURTIS, tourney at Law and District Attorney, (Mce "n MAIS St., (over the Post Office, * COUDERSPORT, PA., viiciw all business pretamine to his profession, special attention given to collections. (umi. AITHCR B MASS. JOHN S. MANN & SON, Attorneys at Law and Conveyancers, COUDERSPORT, PA., Collections promptly Attended to. Arthur B. Mann. Geeerel luur*nce Agent li .Notary Public. s. S. GREENMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (OFFICII OVKB FORSTKH'e BTORK,) COUDERSPORT, PA. D. C. LARRABEE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW (Office in Olmsted lock,) COUDERSPORT, PENN A. SETH LEWIS, Itterney at Law and Insurance Agent, LEWISVILLE. PA. A. M. REYNOLDS, Dentist, (OFFICE IS OLJISTRD BLOCK.) cor DE RS PO RT. PENN' A. Baker House, BHOWN & KEI.LKY, Prop rs., Uonier of SECOND and EAST Streets, COUDERSPORT, PENS'A. Every attention paid to the convenience and comfort of guests. Stabling attached. t Lewisville Hotel, Comer of MAIN and NORTH Streets LEWISVILLE, PA. Good Stabling attached. JOHN B. PEARSALL, I HOUSE PAINTER and GLAZIER, COUDERSPORT, PA. All kinds o( GKAISISC., VAKNISIIING. XC.. done. Orders left at the will tie promptly attended to. S. F. HAMILTON. BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, (Office in Olmsted Work,) COUDERSPORT, PA. C. M. ALLEN, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, LEWISVILLE. PA. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. D. J. CROWELL, " An'fr. E. H. Ball Jointer 3c B-ltiag Machine. si XXKM A Hi>N ING, Cameron co.. Pa. MRI ih SIDfrCUTSHINGLE MA CHINE to i* ioches. Repairing Machines aud General Custom Work 4 to order. 2412-tf John Grom, PAINTER, COUDERSPORT, PA. DRAINING and PAPER H ANGING done with neatness and dispatch. guaranteed. left with ...BAKER HOUSE, 111 <* promptly attended to. J $1.75 A YEAK "Quick, quick ! Betty is dying! Brandy?mustard?everything!" On she sped. Mynherr Kail was at that instant nva-uring a e.iist 111 t, " Dirtv-six incn?now de hack, and dat is all." when Mrs. Bent cried. " Betty's sick ?luandy?quick!" Mynherr grasj t d a hottle. and rns! Ed nip tie hall thin e stairs at a Imund. Betty was dosed with brandy. rubbed, poulticed and immersed in lnuslard-wu- ter, while off strode Mynherr, witli a \n rv lid face, after a doctor. The first one \v:\s out. the second was occupied with a patient. Poor Karl! The tears sprang to his eyes. "Oh! vat if Petty shall die in dis place full of toctors." The third was in, and Karl nearly carried him through the street and up the stairs. As they entered the door, somebody said in a happy, hopeful voice: " There, she's \u25a0 better, don't you see! Iler lips move and she knows us." Mrs. Bent was really giving hack some of the sweet liojie Betty's mother had lies to wed upon hei. The doctor talked profoundly, but everybody understood that Betty had suffered from some kind of a spasm, and was out of danger. As the dear child lay there bundled in blankets, nobody could help laughing and crying at once; even Mary Ann sniffling suspiciously as she gave Betty's neck a tender little tuck-up. The ladies sat together all the afternoon, the Jones- es bringing some hand-work, and Myn- herr Karl tripped up every half-hour to see if all was well. The Misses Jones liegan thinking the infidel German might not l>e so bad af- ter all. as he appeared time after time with a few flowers and many pleasant words. Eliza's missionary spirit began to he fairly aroused in his behalf. The last call before tea. lie sat down and chattered with tlie ladies. At last he turned to Betty, and said: "Now, Petty, vat shall we do for you' cause you get itetter ?vat you like, say?"' "1 know what I'd Uk< mor'n anything else." "Veil,shpeakout. Ton'tpepashful," stroking her brown hair kindly. "Well. I'd like a Thanksgiving din- ner up here?all together, you know," said Betty. "A Thanksgiving tinner! Veil, vy not? We lie tankfnl. nil of us. Dat you get veil. Vat you say. ladies?" The ladies were charmed at the idea. A family holiday is so tedious to |>eo- ple who hurt no family worth speaking altout. Betty's mother declared that s/ir meant to have a "reglar Thanksgiving anyhow," and if the rest was a mind to come, they "was sure of a welcome." It was a wonder that 310 didn't toss off its roof and shake its young sides and caper across the square in pure ex- hilaration over the convivial prepara- tions that went on under its eyes for forty-odd hours thereafter. Von would never have recognized those bustling, cheery spinsters as the Misses Jones of two days before. Mary Ann was a born housekeejter. and people can lie quite an- gelic in their spheres, you know, who are much morelike porcupines than an- gels out of them. After the long rou- tine of stitching and picked-up dinners, the coming feast was as refreshing to her as the sea-breeze to an invalid, mal- arious patient. Deftly she turned out the graduated row of cakes, as light as a feather, destined to develop into a most imposing pyramidal centre-piece, and skillfully she adorned it. wielding a mysterious paper horn, out of whose marvelous insides came miracles of sugar-laced railings ami fringes and in- itials and tuiicorus and eagles and de- signs exceeding rescript ion. Mi's. Bent also resolved to exhibit her culinary abilites, and doomed two chickens to the disastrous fortunes of the press, ltesides concocting an Indian- pudding of such enonuous size, her hus- band declared t here WOuM U-a panic in Indian affairs, to which she replied that they had gone into a big pa 11? ie already, a kind of nonsense that was a healthful sign in the Bent family. Cheerful con- versation. we have perhaps all observed ?like colts and boys and most vigorous things?is inclined to occasionally frisk off into foolish antics of speech. Mynherr had sent up a very fat tur- key, that seemed bursting to moan, as it iay meekly on its back. "Pomposity I was. humility I am ?beware! beware!" What else he had provided was not ap- parent until the hour api>inted. when three most elegant boquets were brought up. with Karl in a dress-coat and white kids beaming behind them. Xor was this all, for lastly he bore his crowning glory to the feast, a basket of Rhine wine. Miss Eliza blushed scarlet. Miss Jones looked severe, and braced herself to speak her mind. Poor Karl, in the mean time, was lift- From the Hearth and Home. NO. 310. CHAPTER I. It was a four-story tenement house, only six months old the autumn of which I write, and was desirable for people with small incomes, because it was clean, it was healthful, and there were two flue maple trees in front. It was on account of the trees that the tall, tidy, fair-faced German tailor had taken the first thx>r. Boxes of vines, of portulaca and pansies, framed the pan- taloons and vests that graced his win- dow, and it was such a pleasure, while doubled up on the table in the back- room, to gaze through the folding-doors between seams, and behold his treasures dangling amid blossoms and foliage, the Blithe fellow would roll out an air from Der Freischutz with such jollity, the two Methodist dress-makers on the next floor were sure to stop the rumble of their sewing-machine to listen. One tine August morning Mynherr Karl sat on his table in a particularly good humor. lie had received two un- expected orders, and his morning-glor- ies were a wonder to see. It was all so j exhilarating, the tailor suddenly drop- ped the light cloth pantaloons, and slid- ing to his feet began the hunting chorus, emphasizing the staccato notes by a dramatic lieating of the air with his right hand, between the thumb and finger of which his needle was retained, the long thread flourishing like the tail of a comet. Presently there was a creak at the door, and through the aperture a brown nose thrust itself. The cornet's toil came down from an uncommonly lofty flight, and the chorus ceased half a bar before the key-note. Back darted the brown nose, and two little hands cJapj>ed a vigorous encore. Mynherr laughed, brought ids polished toes on a line, bowed profoundly, and threw a , kiss toward the aperture. Then a cheery voice said : " Please sing some more ?jilensr do!" Mynherr at once complied by roaring the merriest of all the merry German songs he knew. "Shall tuein little friend Ite so pleased as to valk in?" The aperture registered a mental struggle. It grew wider, as much as to say, "1 like you very much and am com- ing," then disappeared altogether, de- claring, "Oh! I dare not; I'm off, you see," then the door opened sharply and the brown nose came into full view. There were pleasant brown eyes above it, and a rather large mouth smiled lie- low it. and a mass of wavy, tangled hair surrounded it. A clean green gingham I dress, a pink apron, white stockings, and passable boots completed the pic- ture. "Veil, vat name shall I shpeak?" asked Karl, bowing again. "I'm Betty," answered the child sim- ply. "Petty?"repeated Karl. " Veil. Pet- ty, I jie hearty glat to see you. Fare you lif? " "Oh! I live here." answered Betty, "Up stairs, you know. Mother she takes in washing, and father he's dead, and there's nobody but mother'u me. We moved here Monday." "Ah! So ?so." said Karl. "Didn't you see us move?" asked Betty, gaining confidence as she estab- lished her identity. "The man packed our tilings awful. The glass to our cup- , board got broken, and a chiny pitcher was all smashed to bits, and our tin things spilled out of the barrel, and I'm so glad we come here, cause you sing!" Tall Karl was very gem rous. and he was highly gratified "at the genuine ad- miration of iiis new friend, stepping to a shelf, he took up a terra-cotta pitch- er of fanciful shaje. and handed it to the little girl. "Miss Petty," he said, "here is vone nice pitcher vat kom from Sherinany. Dake it vor de vone vat was smashed, mit my most kind ree-sjiects." "Oh! no, no," said lletty, blushing. , "It's ten hundred thousand times pret- , tier'n ours." \u25a0 "Veil, vat of dat? It ish all right. ' Pe gut gil l. Dake it. I say. and we ]e gut neighbors now?alvays." His face was so honest and so earnest Betty took the pitcher with a frank "It's the beautifulest one I ever saw," i and ran up stairs. Later in the day she again entered Mynherr"s apartment. I In her arms she held a brown }Ht. in which a small button-rose was planted. The earth was dry and the leaves had grown yellow, but there were several j courageous little blossoms still adorn- > ing it. Her mother, though engaged in flut- ing at its most critical point, had found time to brush the child's hair smoothly from her forehead and to braid it in one tight little pigtail at the back, upon the end of which a faded blue ribbon, like some gigantic bug in low spirits, was precariously jiendied. With her pigtail and her button-rose, she joyously ran to Mynherr Karl. "Here's something for you, 'cause you gave ma the pitcher." said Betty. "It's to l>e yours for always, ami it's real nice, for ma gave twenty-five cents for it." "O vat a price!" laughed Karl, and, watering it well, lie placed it among his own thriving flowers. Betty, being now equal with her bene- factor, folded her bands behind her and began a conversation. " Do you sing "Shall we gather at the river?" " Shall ve gader at rare?" His great scissors had clipped the hist word as well as the cloth. "At the river," repeated Betty. " Vat river do yon mean ?de Nort River or de East River? " " Why, a river up in the sky. It's a song, you know. We sing it in Sabbath- schoof." " Ah! so ?so. No, I not know dat." "Oh! you must learn it. Wsbeautiful." " Veil you deacli me, and I sing it." "O dear! I can't sing a bit good, hut I'll try." Whereupon Betty started the liymu in the funniest little pipe of a voice that ever was heard. Mynherr's instinct for tune majored the wrong minors and cheered the melancholy flats; and presently the air. introduced bv Betty in rags and tatters, was clothed by his rich voice as with a wedding gar- ment. " It ish a very pretty little ting," said Karl. " I knew you'd like it," answered Betty, stopping to listen to something unusual going on up stairs. The Misses Jones hail been working all day on the side-pleating of two black alpaca suits. Their fingers being cramped and their eyes strained, they were feeling extremely cr no; I think. in their cases, I can conscientiously say. ne rrous. "I hate the very sight of a dress!" suddenly exclaimed Eliza, the younger of the two. " This sleeve's in wrong, and I've got to rip it out, the hateful old thing!" "Eliza Jones!" said Mary Ann se- verely. "it's astonishing you dare to go on so! You ought to lie praising the Lord for dresses to make and hands to make 'em!" " I don't care!" answered Eliza, whol- ly lost to reason and gratitude. "You ouyht to care! It's the devil seeking whom he may devour that makes you talk so." " I don't care if it is!" related the wicked Eliza, contemplating the tight- ly-sewed sleeve. i "O my! what a sinful heart! " ejacu- lated Mary Ann. " How set up you were last Sunday! Verily, 1 Pride goeth before a fall!' " Poor Eliza, ashamed of her anger, burst into tears and sat crying for some time. At last. Mary Ann, forgetting the keen force of her last remark, burst forth vehemently: " Don't tack ildenesson to blasphemy. Liza. Snivelin" wont stitch on pleats nor pull out bastings nor " Mary Ann's teeth came together like a steel-trap, and. crossing the room, she gave her sister a vigorous shake, being so out of temper she could not speak. Verily. " Pride goeth before a j fall." At that moment the familiar music of the hymn was wafted to their dis- tracted tempers. They listened, and all the wrath melted away from them. ?? I wonder it it's that infidel German down stairs!" said Mary Ann. " I'm afraid we'll never gather at the liver if we go on at this rate!" w his- jiered Eliza. Man Ann winced, but she stumbled oil a great truth as she answered: -1 expect, Liza, we're just tired out. stitching and stitching! It makes one feel all on end. and grace sort of oozes out." " Suppose we sing a little too. Seems tome 'twould rest us,"said Eliza. ojien- ing a wheezy melodeon. Mary Ann felt some penance was necessary, and choked down her projiensity to drive work. Thus, as the hymn was ended by Karl's dramatic flourish down stairs, it was immediately taken up by the asthmatic melodeon on the second floor. " Isn't that funny!" exclaimed Betty rapturously. "I'm going up to see who 'tis." The Misses Jones were somewhat startled when their "Come in" was an- swered by a little girl with a bright face, and hair dressed <1 In Johnny Clunaman. "Do sing another. I couldn't help coming in, it was so nice." "Why. child, who are you?" asked Mary Ann. " I'm Betty, and Jive on the fourth." " The washerwoman's daughter, you knovf," said Eliza to Mary Ann. "Oh!" said Mary Ann. just a whit | frigid. COUDERSPORT, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1872. " I came in to hear you sing," persist - ed Betty, Eliza, though of uncertain temper, was naturally good-natured and fond of children, and at once sang another hymn, and yet another, to the delight of the child. "Do come in again. Betty."said Eli- za at last, impulsively dropping a kiss on Betty's clean face. "Don't lie hasty, Eliza," said Alary Ann, with dignity". Betty tripped up stairs, humming the last tune in her absurd voice. As she passed the partly-opened door of the back-room 011 the "third," she peeped cautiously in?and O deary me! the song flew away as though it had only come by a mistake. There sat a forlorn bit of a woman in rusty black, crying like a child. "What makes you feel had? "asked Betty, stepping in. Can't 1 do some- thing? I'm reetl sorry." v "1 was thinking of my poor, dead baby, that's lost and gone, little girl." said the woman. " Somebody was sing- ing. and it made me think of her." "Oh! do come up and sec mother. We've got a baby up in heaven too, a little speck of a teenty-tawntv baby; and mother says he knows a great deal nior'll I do?mor'n she does, too. Per- haps he knows your girl baby, you see. if the angels let 'em play together. Do come up. and let's ask mother." *: Walk in! walk in! Glad to see ye." said Betty's, when Betty herself had explained. "Perhaps I oughtn't to have come up, but your little girl :-aid you'd lost a baby, and life's so different!" she soblied. "80 'tis! so 'tis!" said Betty's moth- er," hut there's two ways look in* 011 it. after all. I set great store on my Sam- my. His father,, ye see. died just as Betty'u I was cafculatiii' to go West and settle with "im. Samim "s tar e was about all I had to keep his father's looks by. Betty's like my folks, the Calkin- ses. But, la me! what a sinful creator' I'd be mournin' for 'im. when tiie good Lord Jesus and lots of angels is takin' care of'im. No danger of the Lord's lettin' 'im forget his mother serubbin" down here! I've thought and thought 011 *im sometime, when I've l>een a workup jmrtikelar steady, till 'fore I knowed what I was doiu", I've laughed right out, thinkiu" how grand he must l>e, and how he'd run to meet me. when Jesus called me to go too. It's a great thing for us wicked mortal women to have adarlin' mite of an innocent baby up in glory." " 1 was so lonesome. I never thought of that," said desponding Mrs. Bent. "Husband and I haven,t taken much comfort since baby died." " 1 wouldn't 011 no account lie dis- couragin", but seems to me w,i\ of takin' it does no airthly nor heavenly good, and is unpleasant all round. It seems awful presumin" to think we ken fix things so much lietter'n the Lord, who knows everything, back'ai ds and for'ards." There was a step on the stairs, and Mrs. Bent ran down with the hint of a smile on her face. "I've seen everybody in the house." said Betty; "they're awful nice." " What a cricket you be, Betty!"said her mother. CHAPTER 11. The weeks went on, and the two ma- ples in front of No. 310 lieid up their torches of pale gold togreet theaut iiiun. The people in the house all knew Betty, and had grown to l>o very fond of iier. Otherwise the occupants of I. e house were iinacquaiiiti d with eaeii other, if we may except the third and fourth, as Mrs. Bent had many times been up to | l>e cheered by a quaint seimon from Betty's mot In r. The little girl was in school most of I the day, but every afternoon she called upon Mynherr Karl, who always wel- comed her with a bright " Hi. mine Pet- ty, how pad girl vas you to-day?" and if the child really had trials and failures to report, his "All! veil, don't feel pad. all 1 tetter next time," was sure to bring hope to her heart again. Occasionally she dropped in to see the Misses Jones, and every Sunday went to the new Mission-school with Miss j Eliza. The mutual relations or non-relations : of 310 stood in this wise, and were like- ly so to stand, when one night Betty awoke in a high fever. The morning found her no lietter. and Mrs. Bent sat at her bedside until noon, when the child suddenly came out of a long sleep with staring eyes and a set face, upon which great drops began to gather. Mrs. Bent knew by instinct that Bet- ty's life was precious to every inmate of the house, and she flew like a flash down | the stairs, bursting into the room where the Misses Jones were tranquilly sewing 1 on two shades of brown poplin.

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Page 1: The Potter Journal · The Potter Journal and News Item. VOLUME XXIV, NO. 22. The POTTER JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. pfBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT CO I'DERSPORT, PA. 1 [Office in Olmsted lilock

The Potter Journaland News Item.





CO I'DERSPORT, PA.[Office in Olmsted lilock.)


ju,t. N. Maim. S. F. Hamilton,Editor. Publisher.

C. J. CURTIS,tourney at Law and District Attorney,

(Mce "n MAISSt., (over the Post Office,* COUDERSPORT, PA.,

viiciw all business pretamine to his profession,special attention given to collections.


JOHN S. MANN & SON,Attorneys at Law and Conveyancers,

COUDERSPORT, PA.,Collections promptly Attended to.

Arthur B. Mann.Geeerel luur*nce Agent li .Notary Public.






(Office in Olmsted lock,)



Itterney at Law and Insurance Agent,


A. M. REYNOLDS,Dentist,



Baker House,BHOWN & KEI.LKY, Prop rs.,


Every attention paid to the convenience andcomfort of guests.

Stabling attached.t

Lewisville Hotel,Comer of MAIN and NORTH Streets


Good Stabling attached.



Allkinds o( GKAISISC., VAKNISIIING. XC.. done.Orders left at the will tie promptly

attended to.


BOOK AND JOB PRINTER,(Office in Olmsted Work,)


C. M. ALLEN,Surgical and Mechanical Dentist,

LEWISVILLE. PA.All work guaranteed to give satisfaction.

D. J. CROWELL," An'fr. E. H.Ball Jointer 3c B-ltiag Machine.


i* ioches.Repairing Machines aud General Custom Work

4to order. 2412-tf

John Grom,


DRAINING and PAPER H ANGING donewith neatness and dispatch.


left with...BAKER HOUSE,111 <*promptlyattended to.


$1.75 A YEAK"Quick, quick ! Betty is dying!

Brandy?mustard?everything!"On she sped. Mynherr Kail was at

that instant nva-uring a e.iist 111 t,"Dirtv-six incn?now de hack, and datis all." when Mrs. Bent cried. "Betty'ssick ?luandy?quick!"

Mynherr grasj t d a hottle. and rns! Ednip tie hall thin e stairs at a Imund.

Betty was dosed with brandy. rubbed,poulticed and immersed in lnuslard-wu-ter, while off strode Mynherr, witli a\n rv lid face, after a doctor. The firstone \v:\s out. the second was occupiedwith a patient.

Poor Karl! The tears sprang to hiseyes. "Oh! vat if Petty shall die indis place full of toctors." The thirdwas in, and Karl nearly carried himthrough the street and up the stairs.As they entered the door, somebody saidin a happy, hopeful voice: "There, she's

\u25a0 better, don't you see! Iler lips moveand she knows us." Mrs. Bent wasreally giving hack some of the sweetliojie Betty's mother had lies to wed uponhei.

The doctor talked profoundly, buteverybody understood that Betty hadsuffered from some kind of a spasm,and was out of danger.

As the dear child lay there bundledin blankets, nobody could help laughingand crying at once; even Mary Annsniffling suspiciously as she gave Betty'sneck a tender little tuck-up. The ladiessat together all the afternoon, the Jones-es bringing some hand-work, and Myn-herr Karl tripped up every half-hour tosee if all was well.

The Misses Jones liegan thinking theinfidel German might not l>e so bad af-ter all. as he appeared time after timewith a few flowers and many pleasantwords.

Eliza's missionary spirit began to hefairly aroused in his behalf.

The last call before tea. lie sat downand chattered with tlie ladies. At lasthe turned to Betty, and said:

"Now, Petty, vat shall we do foryou' cause you get itetter ?vat you like,say?"'

"1 know what I'd Uk< mor'n anythingelse."

"Veil,shpeakout. Ton'tpepashful,"stroking her brown hair kindly.

"Well. I'd like a Thanksgiving din-ner up here?all together, you know,"said Betty.

"A Thanksgiving tinner! Veil, vynot? We lie tankfnl. nil of us. Dat youget veil. Vat you say. ladies?"

The ladies were charmed at the idea.A family holiday is so tedious to |>eo-ple who hurt no family worth speakingaltout.

Betty's mother declared that s/irmeant to have a "reglar Thanksgivinganyhow," and if the rest was a mind tocome, they "was sure of a welcome."

It was a wonder that 310 didn't tossoff its roof and shake its young sidesand caper across the square in pure ex-hilaration over the convivial prepara-tions that went on under its eyes forforty-odd hours thereafter. Von wouldnever have recognized those bustling,cheery spinsters as the Misses Jones oftwo days before. Mary Ann was a bornhousekeejter. and people can lie quite an-gelic in their spheres, you know, whoare much morelike porcupines than an-gels out of them. After the long rou-tine of stitching and picked-up dinners,the coming feast was as refreshing toher as the sea-breeze to an invalid, mal-arious patient. Deftly she turned outthe graduated row of cakes, as light asa feather, destined to develop into amost imposing pyramidal centre-piece,and skillfully she adorned it. wieldinga mysterious paper horn, out of whosemarvelous insides came miracles ofsugar-laced railings ami fringes and in-itials and tuiicorus and eagles and de-signs exceeding rescript ion.

Mi's. Bent also resolved to exhibit herculinary abilites, and doomed twochickens to the disastrous fortunes ofthe press, ltesides concocting an Indian-pudding of such enonuous size, her hus-band declared t here WOuM U-a panic inIndian affairs, to which she replied thatthey had gone into a big pa 11? ie already,a kind of nonsense that was a healthfulsign in the Bent family. Cheerful con-versation. we have perhaps all observed?like colts and boys and most vigorousthings?is inclined to occasionally friskoff into foolish antics of speech.

Mynherr had sent up a very fat tur-key, that seemed bursting to moan, asit iay meekly on its back. "Pomposity Iwas. humility I am ?beware! beware!"What else he had provided was not ap-parent until the hour api>inted. whenthree most elegant boquets were broughtup. with Karl in a dress-coat and whitekids beaming behind them.

Xor was this all, for lastly he borehis crowning glory to the feast, a basketof Rhine wine. Miss Eliza blushedscarlet. Miss Jones looked severe, andbraced herself to speak her mind.

Poor Karl, in the mean time, was lift-

From the Hearth and Home.NO. 310.

CHAPTER I.It was a four-story tenement house,

only six months old the autumn ofwhich I write, and was desirable forpeople with small incomes, because itwas clean, it was healthful, and therewere two flue maple trees in front. Itwas on account of the trees that thetall, tidy, fair-faced German tailor hadtaken the first thx>r. Boxes of vines, ofportulaca and pansies, framed the pan-taloons and vests that graced his win-dow, and it was such a pleasure, whiledoubled up on the table in the back-room, to gaze through the folding-doorsbetween seams, and behold his treasuresdangling amid blossoms and foliage,the Blithe fellow would roll out an airfrom Der Freischutz with such jollity,the two Methodist dress-makers on thenext floor were sure to stop the rumbleof their sewing-machine to listen.

One tine August morning MynherrKarl sat on his table in a particularlygood humor. lie had received two un-expected orders, and his morning-glor-ies were a wonder to see. It was all so

jexhilarating, the tailor suddenly drop-ped the light cloth pantaloons, and slid-ing to his feet began the hunting chorus,emphasizing the staccato notes by adramatic lieating of the air with hisright hand, between the thumb andfinger of which his needle was retained,the long thread flourishing like the tailof a comet.

Presently there was a creak at thedoor, and through the aperture abrown nose thrust itself. The cornet'stoil came down from an uncommonlylofty flight, and the chorus ceased halfa bar before the key-note. Back dartedthe brown nose, and two little handscJapj>ed a vigorous encore. Mynherrlaughed, brought ids polished toes on aline, bowed profoundly, and threw a

, kiss toward the aperture. Then a cheeryvoice said :

"Please sing some more?jilensr do!"

Mynherr at once complied by roaringthe merriest of all the merry Germansongs he knew. "Shall tuein littlefriend Ite so pleased as to valk in?"

The aperture registered a mentalstruggle. It grew wider, as much as tosay, "1 like you very much and am com-ing," then disappeared altogether, de-claring, "Oh! I dare not; I'm off, yousee," then the door opened sharply andthe brown nose came into full view.There were pleasant brown eyes aboveit, and a rather large mouth smiled lie-low it. and a mass of wavy, tangled hairsurrounded it. A clean green gingham

I dress, a pink apron, white stockings,and passable boots completed the pic-ture.

"Veil, vat name shall I shpeak?"asked Karl, bowing again.

"I'm Betty," answered the child sim-ply.

"Petty?"repeated Karl. " Veil.Pet-ty, I jie hearty glat to see you. Fareyou lif? "

"Oh! I live here." answered Betty,"Up stairs, you know. Mother shetakes in washing, and father he's dead,and there's nobody but mother'u me.We moved here Monday."

"Ah! So ?so." said Karl."Didn't you see us move?" asked

Betty, gaining confidence as she estab-lished her identity. "The man packedour tilings awful. The glass to our cup-

, board got broken, and a chiny pitcherwas all smashed to bits, and our tinthings spilled out of the barrel, and I'mso glad we come here, cause yousing!"

Tall Karl was very gem rous. and hewas highly gratified "at the genuine ad-miration of iiis new friend, steppingto a shelf, he took up a terra-cotta pitch-er of fanciful shaje. and handed it to thelittle girl.

"Miss Petty," he said, "here is vonenice pitcher vat kom from Sherinany.Dake it vor de vone vat was smashed,mit my most kind ree-sjiects."

"Oh! no, no," said lletty, blushing., "It's ten hundred thousand times pret-

, tier'n ours."\u25a0 "Veil, vat of dat? It ish all right.

' Pe gut gil l. Dake it. I say. and we ]egut neighbors now?alvays."

His face was so honest and so earnestBetty took the pitcher with a frank"It's the beautifulest one I ever saw,"

i and ran up stairs. Later in the day sheagain entered Mynherr"s apartment.

I In her arms she held a brown }Ht. inwhich a small button-rose was planted.The earth was dry and the leaves hadgrown yellow, but there were several

j courageous little blossoms still adorn-> ing it.

Her mother, though engaged in flut-ing at its most critical point, had foundtime to brush the child's hair smoothlyfrom her forehead and to braid it in onetight little pigtail at the back, upon theend of which a faded blue ribbon, likesome gigantic bug in low spirits, was

precariously jiendied. With her pigtailand her button-rose, she joyously ran toMynherr Karl.

"Here's something for you, 'causeyou gave ma the pitcher." said Betty."It's to l>e yours for always, ami it'sreal nice, for ma gave twenty-five centsfor it."

"O vat a price!" laughed Karl, and,watering it well, lie placed it among hisown thriving flowers.

Betty, being now equal with her bene-factor, folded her bands behind her andbegan a conversation.

"Do you sing "Shall we gather at theriver?"

" Shall ve gader at rare?" His greatscissors had clipped the hist word as wellas the cloth.

"At the river," repeated Betty." Vat river do yon mean ?de Nort

River or de East River? "

" Why, a river up in the sky. It's asong, you know. We sing it in Sabbath-schoof."

"Ah! so ?so. No, I not know dat.""Oh! you must learn it. Wsbeautiful."" Veil you deacli me, and I sing it.""O dear! Ican't sing a bit good, hut

I'lltry." Whereupon Betty started theliymu in the funniest little pipe of avoice that ever was heard. Mynherr'sinstinct for tune majored the wrongminors and cheered the melancholyflats; and presently the air. introducedbv Betty in rags and tatters, was clothedby his rich voice as with a wedding gar-ment.

" It ish a very pretty little ting," saidKarl.

" I knew you'd like it," answeredBetty, stopping to listen to somethingunusual going on up stairs.

The Misses Jones hail been workingall day on the side-pleating of twoblack alpaca suits. Their fingers beingcramped and their eyes strained, theywere feeling extremely cr no; I their cases, I can conscientiously rrous.

"I hate the very sight of a dress!"suddenly exclaimed Eliza, the youngerof the two. "This sleeve's in wrong,and I've got to rip it out, the hatefulold thing!"

"Eliza Jones!" said Mary Ann se-verely. "it's astonishing you dare to goon so! You ought to lie praising theLord for dresses to make and hands tomake 'em!"

" I don't care!" answered Eliza, whol-ly lost to reason and gratitude.

"You ouyht to care! It's the devilseeking whom he may devour that makesyou talk so."

" I don't care if it is!" related thewicked Eliza, contemplating the tight-ly-sewed sleeve.

i "O my! what a sinful heart! " ejacu-lated Mary Ann. "How set up youwere last Sunday! Verily, 1 Pride goethbefore a fall!'"

Poor Eliza, ashamed of her anger,burst into tears and sat crying for sometime. At last. Mary Ann, forgettingthe keen force of her last remark, burstforth vehemently:

"Don't tack ildenesson to blasphemy.Liza. Snivelin" wont stitch on pleatsnor pull out bastings nor "

Mary Ann's teeth came together likea steel-trap, and. crossing the room,she gave her sister a vigorous shake,being so out of temper she could notspeak. Verily. "Pride goeth before a

j fall."At that moment the familiar music

of the hymn was wafted to their dis-tracted tempers. They listened, and allthe wrath melted away from them.

?? I wonder it it's that infidel Germandown stairs!" said Mary Ann.

" I'm afraid we'll never gather at theliver if we go on at this rate!" w his-jiered Eliza.

Man Ann winced, but she stumbledoil a great truth as she answered:

-1 expect, Liza, we're just tired out.stitching and stitching! It makes onefeel all on end. and grace sort of oozesout."

"Suppose we sing a little too. Seemstome 'twould rest us,"said Eliza. ojien-ing a wheezy melodeon. Mary Ann feltsome penance was necessary, and chokeddown her projiensity to drive work.Thus, as the hymn was ended by Karl'sdramatic flourish down stairs, it wasimmediately taken up by the asthmaticmelodeon on the second floor.

"Isn't that funny!" exclaimed Bettyrapturously. "I'm going up to see who'tis."

The Misses Jones were somewhatstartled when their "Come in" was an-swered by a little girl with a bright face,and hair dressed <1 In Johnny Clunaman.

"Do sing another. I couldn't helpcoming in, it was so nice."

"Why. child, who are you?" askedMary Ann.

" I'm Betty, and Jive on the fourth."" The washerwoman's daughter, you

knovf," said Eliza to Mary Ann."Oh!" said Mary Ann. just a whit

| frigid.

COUDERSPORT, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1872."I came in to hear you sing," persist -

ed Betty,Eliza, though of uncertain temper,

was naturally good-natured and fond ofchildren, and at once sang another hymn,and yet another, to the delight of thechild.

"Do come in again. Betty."said Eli-za at last, impulsively dropping a kisson Betty's clean face.

"Don't lie hasty, Eliza," said AlaryAnn, with dignity".

Betty tripped up stairs, humming thelast tune in her absurd voice. As shepassed the partly-opened door of theback-room 011 the "third," she peepedcautiously in?and O deary me! the songflew away as though it had only comeby a mistake. There sat a forlorn bitof a woman in rusty black, crying likea child.

"What makes you feel had? "askedBetty, stepping in. Can't 1 do some-thing? I'm reetl sorry." v

"1 was thinking of my poor, deadbaby, that's lost and gone, little girl."said the woman. "Somebody was sing-ing. and it made me think of her."

"Oh! do come up and sec mother.We've got a baby up in heaven too, alittle speck of a teenty-tawntv baby;and mother says he knows a great dealnior'll I do?mor'n she does, too. Per-haps he knows your girl baby, you see.if the angels let 'em play together. Docome up. and let's ask mother."

*: Walk in! walk in! Glad to see ye."said Betty's, when Betty herselfhad explained.

"Perhaps I oughtn't to have comeup, but your little girl :-aid you'd lost ababy, and life's so different!" shesoblied.

"80 'tis! so 'tis!" said Betty's moth-er," hut there's two ways look in* 011 it.after all. I set great store on my Sam-my. His father,, ye see. died just asBetty'u I was cafculatiii' to go Westand settle with "im. Samim "s tar e wasabout all I had to keep his father's looksby. Betty's like my folks, the Calkin-ses. But, la me! what a sinful creator'I'd be mournin' for 'im. when tiie goodLord Jesus and lots of angels is takin'care of'im. No danger of the Lord'slettin' 'im forget his mother serubbin"down here! I've thought and thought011 *im sometime, when I've l>een aworkup jmrtikelar steady, till 'fore Iknowed what I was doiu", I've laughedright out, thinkiu" how grand he mustl>e, and how he'd run to meet me. whenJesus called me to go too. It's a greatthing for us wicked mortal women tohave adarlin' mite of an innocent babyup in glory."

" 1 was so lonesome. I never thoughtof that," said desponding Mrs. Bent."Husband and I haven,t taken muchcomfort since baby died."

" 1 wouldn't 011 no account lie dis-couragin", but seems to me w,i\ oftakin' it does no airthly nor heavenlygood, and is unpleasant all round. Itseems awful presumin" to think we kenfix things so much lietter'n the Lord,who knows everything, back'ai ds andfor'ards."

There was a step on the stairs, andMrs. Bent ran down with the hint of asmile on her face.

"I've seen everybody in the house."said Betty; "they're awful nice."

"What a cricket you be, Betty!"saidher mother.

CHAPTER 11.The weeks went on, and the two ma-

ples in front of No. 310 lieid up theirtorches of pale gold togreet theaut iiiun.

The people in the house all knew Betty,and had grown to l>o very fond of iier.Otherwise the occupants of I. e housewere iinacquaiiiti d with eaeii other, ifwe may except the third and fourth, asMrs. Bent had many times been up to

| l>e cheered by a quaint seimon fromBetty's mot In r.

The little girl was in school most ofI the day, but every afternoon she calledupon Mynherr Karl, who always wel-comed her with a bright "Hi. mine Pet-ty, how pad girl vas you to-day?" andif the child really had trials and failuresto report, his "All!veil, don't feel pad.all 1tetter next time," was sure to bringhope to her heart again.

Occasionally she dropped in to see theMisses Jones, and every Sunday wentto the new Mission-school with Miss

jEliza.The mutual relations or non-relations

: of 310 stood in this wise, and were like-ly so to stand, when one night Bettyawoke in a high fever. The morningfound her no lietter. and Mrs. Bent satat her bedside until noon, when thechild suddenly came out of a long sleepwith staring eyes and a set face, uponwhich great drops began to gather.

Mrs. Bent knew by instinct that Bet-ty's lifewas precious to every inmate ofthe house, and she flew like a flash down

| the stairs, bursting into the room wherethe Misses Jones were tranquilly sewing

1 on two shades of brown poplin.