the predict project: enhancing dddas/infosymbiotics ... · informs 2015, philadelphia, pa, 3...

The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics Systems with Privacy and Security Li Xiong and Vaidy Sunderam Students: Layla Pournajaf, Daniel Garcia-Ulloa, Xiaofeng Xu Dept. of Math and Computer Science Emory University INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240

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Page 1: The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics ... · INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240. DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm • Ability to

The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics Systems with

Privacy and Security

Li Xiong and Vaidy SunderamStudents: Layla Pournajaf, Daniel Garcia-Ulloa, Xiaofeng Xu

Dept. of Math and Computer ScienceEmory University

INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015

AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240

Page 2: The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics ... · INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240. DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm • Ability to

DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm

• Ability to dynamically integrate generated data into

an application; feedback loop to steer measurement • Acquisition – measurements, streams, databases

• Assimilation – preprocessing, aggregation, fusion

• Analytics – simulations, decisions, knowledge discovery

• Action – incorporate new results, feedback to above

• Platforms & Domains • Internet of Things (IoT), Smart(er) Systems

• Physical, chemical, biological, engineering, weather

• Medical, health, transport, infrastructure, military, disaster

• Trends: InfoSymbiotics – Big data and Big computing

• Evolution: ubiquitous sensing/informatics/multimodal

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From the Sensor-Scale to the Exa-Scale

• Hierarchical DDDAS

• Devices • Embedded devices

• Sensors


• Participants

• Regional/Central • HPC Clusters

• Exascale machines

• Data/knowledge


• Networking

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Multilevel DDDAS Systems

• End-to-end data/compute/control flow & interaction

*Original figure due to Dr. Frederica Darema

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Next Generation DDDAS/Infosymbiotics Systems

• Participant/data privacy

• Identity, location and data are all sensitive

• Uncertainty

• Measurements/observations subject to error

• At exascale, intermittent failures are inevitable

• Cloaking/obfuscation for privacy

• Handle privacy & uncertainty within unified rubric

• Aggregation, fusion and summarization

• Transformations in the presence of uncertainty

• Secure high-performance multiparty computation

• At each DDDAS level, perform local computations and

analytics, cooperatively with mutually untrusted peers

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Foundational Work

• Privacy Preserving Data Collection with Feedback Control

• Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation with Feedback Control

• Secure Data Collection and Aggregation

Privacy Preserving Data Collection

Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation

Data Modeling Sensitive Data



Data streams

Data Contributors Trusted Aggregator

Privacy Preserving Feedback Control








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Next Generation DDDAS

• Privacy-preserving, secure acquisition High-performance

• Fusion/aggregation of uncertain data secure distr. comp.

• Prediction/correction/application steering + feedback loop


Page 8: The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics ... · INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240. DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm • Ability to

Privacy Preserving Participant Management

• Feedback-controlled assignment of

cloaked mobile participants to targets Task management feedback

Measurement feedback

Input/steering data

• Challenges: maximize coverage, minimize

cost; handle mobile participants/targets

Page 9: The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics ... · INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240. DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm • Ability to

DDDAS Secure Tasking

Page 10: The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics ... · INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240. DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm • Ability to

Mobile participants/sensors: feedback + prediction

a) Exact Trajectories b) Uncertain Trajectories

Predictive/Corrective scheme

augmented with mobility model





Xt ∼ p(Xt | Xt−1) Zt ∼ p(Zt | Xt) Z1:t = Z1, . . . , Zt

p(Xt | Z1:t−1) = Σ p(Xt | Xt−1) p(Xt−1 | Z1:t−1)

p(Xt | Z1:t) =

p(Yt | Xt) p(Xt | Z1:t−1)

Σ p(Yt | Xt) p(Xt | Z1:t−1)

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DDDAS Enhanced Cloaked Tasking

• TC: Sum of participant to assigned-target distancesTU: Sum of valid assignments/target normalized to requiredPC: Penalized cost – sum of cost + uncovered penalty

Page 12: The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics ... · INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240. DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm • Ability to

Data Assimilation under Uncertainty

• Objective: Aggregation/fusion of unreliable

observations for analytics/decision-making

• Spatio-temporal crowdsensing example:

• M participants (unreliably) report about

• N events at one or more of R consecutive times

• Observations ∈ S = {s1, s2, … sv} or ∅ (missing)

• Determine “state label” at location lj at time tk

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Truth Inference Approach

• Hidden Markov Model using iterative approach to

determine transition probabilities

• Challenges: methods for other aggregation/

fusion/assimilation functions with uncertain data

• Algorithm summary

• Initial guess history + heuristics

• Seek max posterior probability

• Semi- and un-supervised learning

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High-performance Distributed SMC

• Secure Multi-Party Computation

• Guarantees that computation does

not reveal private input

• Possible approaches

• Shamir’s secret sharing scheme

• Perturbation based

• Homomorphic encryption schemes

• Efficiency (secure sum)

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Security Schemes – Experiments

• Secure sum protocols in different schemes for nparticipants.

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DDDAS Software Toolkit

• Scalable and stateless distributed computing

• Small footprint for sensors and field devices

• Low latency, low power communications

• Adopt models/features from FreshBreeze/ROS/HELib

• Deployable at field regional levels, interfaces to traditional

supercomputer simulations

• Algorithm libraries for SMC, distributed computation

• Building block modules (multiplication, division, matrix


• Higher level functions (distributed Kalman filter, statistical

summarization, global optimization functions)

• Challenge: robust uncertainty-resilient implementations

adaptively balancing utility (accuracy) and efficiency

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• Next generation DDDAS/Infosymbiotics systems

• Ever expanding platforms – Internet of Things, Smart Systems

• Unified systems/software model for numerous applications

• Requirements and expectations

• Privacy and security – of participants, data, computation

• Uncertainty – resilience to errors, faults, obfuscation, (mis)trust

• Autonomous local and hierarchical analytics, decision makeing

• The PREDICT project

• Feedback driven dynamic management of sensor-participant systems

with privacy protection

• Trust-aware data synthesis, aggregation and validation

• Secure high-performance distributed computing software

Page 18: The PREDICT Project: Enhancing DDDAS/Infosymbiotics ... · INFORMS 2015, Philadelphia, PA, 3 November 2015 AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240. DDDAS as a Unifying Paradigm • Ability to

Thank you • Acknowledgements

• AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240

• Project team

• Investigators: Li Xiong, Vaidy Sunderam

• Students: Liyue Fan, Slawek Goryczka, Layla Pournjaf, Daniel

Garcia-Ulloa, Xiaofeng Xu

• Project URL


AFOSR DDDAS FA9550-12-1-0240