the promotion of universal women's rights in nigeria]

1 THE PROMOTION OF UNIVERSAL WOMEN RIGHTS IN NIGERIA: THE CASE OF WOMEN NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS. UDOCHUKWU A.O. OGBAJI 1 ROSE NWANKWO 2 1 LECTURER, DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, NWAFOR ORIZU COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, NSUGBE ANAMBRA STATE NIGERIA. Email: [email protected] . (+234)8033486531, (+234)7082729455 2 CHIEF LECTURER, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC OKO ANAMBRA STATE NIGERIA. (+234)8033352793 Abstract This study is an evaluation of the women non-governmental organizations on the promotion of universal women rights in Nigeria. It should be noted that issues and concerns in discriminations against women and the need for emancipation of women has become central to the enjoyment of fundamental women rights and to the attainment of national developmental goals. The study therefore examined three women NGOs namely: the FIDA – International Federation of Women Lawyers, NAWOJ – Nigeria Association of Women Journalist and the WIN – Women in Nigeria. These three NGOs are selected because they are not mere money making organizations and they exist in almost all the states of the federation. The descriptive survey design is adopted in this study. We adopted it because it utilizes several techniques and research instruments to elicit vital information and generate empirical data, upon which the evaluation report is made. This study considers the human resource development approach, anchored on the ideology that further development of human civilization can only be strengthened when women are empowered so as to free themselves from oppression, exploitation and from patriarchal structures. It was found that women NGOs have greatly enhanced the international human rights of women in various aspects of life. This study amongst other recommendations suggests that there is need for adequate training and provision of training aids for members of the NGOs to enhance their service. Introduction The term “Non Governmental Organizations” (NGO’s) is defined as any organization that is neither governmental nor profit oriented (World Resource Institute, 1992: 216). Koehn

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This study is an evaluation of the women non-governmental organizations on the promotion of universal women rights in Nigeria. It should be noted that issues and concerns in discriminations against women and the need for emancipation of women has become central to the enjoyment of fundamental women rights and to the attainment of national developmental goals. The study therefore examined three women NGOs namely: the FIDA – International Federation of Women Lawyers, NAWOJ – Nigeria Association of Women Journalist and the WIN – Women in Nigeria. These three NGOs are selected because they are not mere money making organizations and they exist in almost all the states of the federation. The descriptive survey design is adopted in this study. We adopted it because it utilizes several techniques and research instruments to elicit vital information and generate empirical data, upon which the evaluation report is made. This study considers the human resource development approach, anchored on the ideology that further development of human civilization can only be strengthened when women are empowered so as to free themselves from oppression, exploitation and from patriarchal structures. It was found that women NGOs have greatly enhanced the international human rights of women in various aspects of life. This study amongst other recommendations suggests that there is need for adequate training and provision of training aids for members of the NGOs to enhance their service.


The term “Non Governmental Organizations” (NGO’s) is defined as any

organization that is neither governmental nor profit oriented (World Resource

Institute, 1992: 216). Koehn and Ojo (1997 cited in Idenyi, 2002: 1) define NGO to

mean “those found in voluntary, collective action sector of the economy where the

dominant instrument of control and compliance is voluntary, based on value

commitment and share belief in collective mission in contrast to coercion’s in the

public sector and profit or monetary reward in the market sector.

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However, we have some formal NGO’s that are organized by the government

which are set up to liase between NGO’s and the government to coordinate all

activities relating to the purpose and objectives of the NGO’s and advise the

government. Some of them are: National Committee on Women and National

Development (NCWND), Better Life for Rural Women (BLRW), Family Support

Programme (FSP), and National Council of Women Societies (NCWS) etc.

Non-governmental organizations are growing in number and influence,

especially in the developing countries of the South. The reasons for this are

complex. Local groups form NGO’s in response to specific needs, such as new

opportunity to get ban credit, environmental protection or Human Right (Koehn and

Ojo, 1997). There are many NGO’s working in various ways to address vital issues

affecting different aspects of the society, most of them do not take cognizance of

women issues properly. Yudelman (1997) opines that it is partly in consequence of

the above statement that many new NGO’s exclusively for women were started.

However, since the United Nations held its first world conference on women in

Mexico in 1975, women issues have risen dramatically. That conference was

followed by the United Nations Decade for Women (1976) and then major

conferences in Copenhagen 1980, Nairobi 1985 and the Beijing-China in 1995. The

Conventions arising from them have generally made a case for the improvement of

the status of women and their integration into the mainstream of the development


Statement of the Problem

Despite the burgeoning of women Non-governmental organizations, the

literature is replete with arguments that the proliferation of these NGO’s

notwithstanding, the status of women have not really changed for the better. If

anything, extensive discrimination against women continues to exist. This study

intends to prove that some women NGO’s have made an impact on the lives of

women at least in Nigeria. This study will also attempt to evaluate the role of three

women NGO’s activities which promote change in domestic laws to enhance the

human rights of women.

From the foregoing, the following research questions become imperative:

a. To what extent has the women Non-governmental organizations enhanced

the international and domestic human rights of women?

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b. To what extent has the women Non-governmental organizations enhanced

the status of women politically, socially, and otherwise?

Objectives of the Study

The following constitute the objectives of this study:

a. To examine the extent to which women Non-governmental organizations

enhance the international and domestic human rights of women.

b. To examine the extent to which women Non-governmental organizations

enhance the status of women politically, socially and otherwise.

Significance of the Study

The volume of work on women’s rights and emancipation is increasing, but

not much has been done on the aspect of women and women Non-governmental

organizations. This study is an analytical discourse on the promotion of women’s

rights with a focus on the contribution of women’s NGO’s towards the promotion of

these rights.

This study therefore compliments other existing studies and also helps to

advance our knowledge on the rudiments of women’s rights in Nigeria. It is geared to

fill the gap in knowledge between women’s rights and women’s NGO’s in Nigeria. It

aims at making some generalizations that can provoke interest for further research in

this field. Invariably, it will also serve as a source of material for further studies.


Yudelman (1987) has expressed the view that although there exist women

organizations which claim to advance the interest of women; many NGO’s still fail to

integrate women into their programmes. She identifies institutional leagues, cultural

constraints and competition for scarce resources as factors responsible for this

failure. Thus, she argues that “although many NGO’s have tried to work within the

framework of the local cultures which are often patriarchal and view the role of

women primarily in terms of home and family; also the competition for scarce

financial resources has often meant that funds intended for women’s projects are

diverted and used for other purposes”.

Sophie Oluwole, former co-ordinator of General African Studies at the

University of Lagos, does not rule out frustration and marginalization as the reasons

why women are seizing the mantle of leadership in private organizations. She says;

“women have been marginalized and pushed to the wall. They need to fight for their

interest and be relevant in nation-building” (Oluwole, 1996:9).

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According to Brown and Korten (1989), the relief agencies, which started in

the 1940’s and 1950’s, and the newly emergent NGO’s of the past few decades,

have tended to view women solely in terms of their domestic roles. They maintain

that, although in Latin America, the church played a major role in the development of

the grassroots efforts to fight poverty, the church’s effort did not envision a changed

role for the women.

Most observers and analysts have tended to view women NGO’s role as a

catalyst in the development process. Ekejiuba (1996) is one of such people. She

sees women associations and organizations as a catalyst for change. She claims

that this is premised on her belief that women, both as individuals and groups and as

managers of homes, families, communities, as well as nurturers of future citizens,

have long concerned with ensuring the environment that is conducive to peace and

development in the society. She puts it thus:

Ample evidence exists in literature of the extensive use of body symbolism by women’s Associations, to bring about change in government policies. These include the Dancing Women’s Movement of 1925 which organized against the negative aspect of culture change in Nigeria such as prostitution and the oppressive and inefficient courts established by the British, the now over-publicized women’s war of 1929 which protested taxation of women (Ekejiuba, 1996: 9-B.10).

Mba (1982) echoes this view when she writes that women NGO’s raised

women’s consciousness and advocated and got bills passed lowering the bride

price, abolishing all trafficking in children and condemning all forms of discrimination

against women. Their concern include such international issues as protesting French

atomic test in the Sahara and supporting South African women involved in South

African treason trials. She explains the other attempts at forming alliance among

several women’s group that have survived till today is the Nigerian Council of

Women Societies (NCWS) in 1959. The NCWS aims at promoting increase

representation, welfare and progress of women especially in education. It ensures

that women are given every opportunity to play an important part in national affairs.

In the views of Miles and Finn (1989), the question of whether women’s

movement has been successful (or not), is extremely complex. According to them,

success can be judged relative to a movement’s stated goals, or it can be judged

according to some higher standards of social justice. They are therefore of the view

that instead of focusing on the tangible gains that women have achieved, efforts

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should be made to explore the more subtle ways in which the movements have

shaped consciousness.

According to Basu (1995), she asserts “even women’s movements that

ultimately define themselves as autonomous from male dominated parties and

institutions are often intertwined with broader movements for social change”. She

further adds that, “women’s movements are associated with a broad range of

struggles: for national liberation, human rights, and democratization of authoritarian


The available literature which was reviewed shows evidence that NGO’s in

general and women NGOs in particular have plans to achieve their aim of

adequately contributing to the promotion of women’s human rights. This study hopes

to bridge the gap between the contrasting views that, though women have a

common problem of oppression, their priorities are different and so cannot speak

with one voice, which lead to the arguments that women’s movement is all noise and

no action. It is said that despite the purported attention of women’s development

issues, there is no real singular achievement by whatever means or yardstick it is

being measured.

There is a lot of work done on NGOs generally carried out by the World

Resource Institute, titled “Policies and Institutions: Non-governmental

Organizations”. These works trace the origin of NGOs generally and the regional

differences, it also enumerates the strengths and weaknesses, the key organization

factors, government-NGOs relation and emerging trends and also the achievement

of some women NGO’s.


During the period 1970-1980 women consciousness occurred as increases in

oil revenue resulted in an appreciable degree of affluence opportunities for social

mobility as contractors and as business women increased (Idenyi, 2002).

Correspondingly, wealth based elitist clubs mushroomed. They expend huge

sum of money at the death of a member to ensure befitting burial television and

press announcements, burial and funeral ceremonies. As women continue to draw

global focus, the changes achieved in the status over the years though have been

uneven and on the whole modest in economy, education, health and in government

yet the “silent revolution” is slowly gaining in strength. There is the undercurrent of

confidence and cooperation among women that is new to the world and has great

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promises. It is indeed very logical to peer into the 21st century through the eyes of the

women for according to Karl Marx, the opposition of women in general is the index of

the progress and development of society (Idenyi, 2002).

Women are indeed the center points of human development and societal

sanity. Let us look at the periods in the development process of women NGOs. This

study will look into the activities of three women NGOs namely: International

Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), Nigerian Association of Women Journalist

(NAWOJ), and Women in Nigeria (WIN).


In 1944, a group of women lawyers from Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Puetor

Rica and the United states of America met in Mexico and formed themselves into an

association for the purpose of promoting women’s right through their legal training.

Today this association has matured into an organization with millions individual

members in 79 countries (Idenyi, 2002).

FIDA is the acronym of the Spanish Federation International de Abogades,

which English translation is International Federation of Women Lawyers. It is a

voluntary association for professional female lawyers. They raise fund for running the

organization through monthly dues and levies paid by members. They equally get

support and funding from donor agencies when they have any project at hand. FIDA

was formed to enhance the welfare of women and children in particular as well as

the general public. According to the former secretary of FIDA Bayelsa, Mrs. Elsie

Timi, FIDA believes that: “if a woman’s welfare is enhanced legally, socially,

economically and educationally, then her right is guaranteed”.

FIDA have identified that women are in the deplorable position which they are

today because they are not empowered educationally and economically. They

equally identified cultural practices which are harmful to women as part of the

reasons which relegates women to the background and these includes: widowhood

practices, female genital mutilation and inheritance practices etc. They carry out

several activities which enhances the welfare of women and creates awareness to

their rights, duties and obligations thereby promoting the rights of women. They do

this through enlightenment campaigns. FIDA undertakes campaigns on drug abuse,

traditional harmful practices, violence against women and women building peace,

career counseling and also run a walk-in-free legal clinic, all these are carried out

through seminars and workshops in communities and through the mass media.

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There are several examples of women whose rights have been legally

reinstated but whose identity FIDA disallows us to disclose for security reasons but

the document is there to be verified. They equally have scholarship scheme for girls,

disabled and indigent children. They equally have a Bill Drafting Committee that was

mandated to look into the possibility of producing Draft Bills on the issues identified

during workshop, after following all legal procedures; it will be passed into law. On

the whole, FIDA’s activities towards the promotion of International Human Rights

especially Women and Children’s Right include Legal Aid for women, counseling and

legal research.


NAWOJ is an umbrella organization of female journalists working in mass

media regardless of ownership structure. It is an arm of the Nigerian Union of

Journalist (NUJ). It is an off-shoot of the NGO’s conference in Beijing-China.

NAWOJ is thus guided by the constitution of its parent body, Nigerian Union

of Journalists (NUJ) and the bye-laws of NAWOJ. It was formed in Nigeria in 1981

and has branches in virtually all the states of the federation. Their main aim is to

enhance the professional advancement of women journalist, who hitherto is being

neglected in their work places, as well as to educate, inform and sensitize women in

development efforts.

However, NAWOJ generate fund to embark on its programmes from foreign

donor agency like the John Hopkins University; Centre for Communication

Programmes (JHU/CCP), United States Agency for International Development

(USAID), other members of international community and the state government. They

also made members to pay levies to meet up their financial obligations, NAWOJ

pays its monthly dues directly to its parent body, NUJ, and the NUJ does not remit

any money to NAWOJ.

NAWOJ engages in various activities which are geared towards enhancing

the status of women. Some of their activities include a civic education programme on

democracy and governance carried out in 1999 by NAWOJ Rivers Chapter and

JHU/CCP and USAID, the programme was aimed at increasing women’s

participation in decision making process. Their primary objective is to strengthen the

capacity of women to advocate for women’s right agenda and to strengthen the

capacity of NGOs to hold elective officials accountable to women’s right agenda in

the state. The association focus largely on communication based intervention such

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as building capacity of women journalist to advocate for gender issues through radio,

television and print media. They also engage in a nation-wide campaign against

political violence, campaign against drug abuse and an aggressive publicity stunt

and enlightenment of mothers about the benefits of immunization and the dangers of

the six killer diseases.

NAWOJ is a professional NGO that has acquired credibility over the years as

an NGO that is responsive to the needs of women and children and is actively

involved in enhancing the status of women in governance and politics. The testimony

is evidently bore in the amount of attention and prominence currently being given by

the media to matters of socio-political elevation of women.


Women in Nigeria is a non-governmental organization which originated from

the enthusiasm and interest evoked by the first women in Nigeria conference held in

1992 in Zaria. It was at this conference that a group of dedicated women from all

over the country committed themselves to the task of establishing an organization

which will work to improve the living condition of Nigeria women. That was because

they identified that majority of women like majority of men suffer from the exploitative

and oppressive character of the Nigeria society but women suffer additional forms of

exploitation and oppression (Idenyi, 2002).

Women therefore, suffer double oppression and exploitation as members of

subordinate class and as women. The founding fathers believed and the

organization still maintains that the liberation of women cannot be fully achieved

outside the context of the liberation of the majority of Nigerians. WIN is present in all

the states of the federation and membership is for both women and men who are

committed to the course of enhancing the status of women in particular and

Nigerians generally. WIN is not a professional organization, people from all works of

life can be members, it is a voluntary organization. They pay monthly dues,

occasional levies and organize personal donations from philanthropists and

companies. They use the fund raised to carry out their activities and projects.

WIN usually organize annual conferences during which forum is provided for

intellectuals experts and members of WIN to exchange views on the research

findings and experiences on the condition of women in different parts of the country.

Some of their past conference themes focused on:

1990 - Women and HEALTH (Lagos)

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1991 - Women and Economy (Maiduguri)

1992 - Women and Violence (Zaria)

1993 - Women and Environment (Jos) etc

WIN engages in the publications of journals that contribute significantly to the better

understanding of the conditions of women as well as stimulating debates and further

study of aspect of women conditions of life in Nigeria. They equally carry out

economic empowerment programmes for rural women where the women are given

loans to facilitate their trade and also educate them on the usefulness of co-

operative societies through which the loans are disbursed to them. They equally use

both the print and electronic media in their campaigns on issues that will enlighten

and strength women human rights.

WIN has impacted on the lives of women in so many ways. For instance, WIN

has been at the Mock Tribunal on violence against women since 1998 and has

provided legal aid to women in distress who by virtue of their poverty are unable to

take up their own cases of oppression. For example, the husband of twelve (12) year

old Hauwa Abubakar who caused her death in 1987 – 1988 was legally prosecuted

by WIN, this example is allowed only because the case was publicized in the media.

There are other cases of women who have benefited from the legal aid gesture

which for obvious reason, we cannot mention.


We hypothesize that women NGOs serve as catalysts in the development

process and as effective promoters of international human rights of women.

Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework that informs this study is the human resource

development approach. It is an approach that leads to profound and lasting changes

for women by recognizing not just their reproductive role but also their productive

roles, as active participants in the economy. Using contextual framework, the human

resources development approach argues that “women’s needs are intricately bound

up with the priority needs and aspirations of the National and must necessarily be

viewed as features of overall national development and the advancement of the total

society (Williams, 1971).

This approach underscores the point that development at the highest level

cannot be achieved without women. The goal of the human resources development

approach is identical to the goal of development itself, namely “creating better lives

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with greater freedom and well-being for members of the family, the local community

and the society as a whole” (ECA, 1971). The strongest proponents of this approach

arise out of women’s engagement in the struggle for liberation of their countries and

in the subsequent readiness to participate in shaping their new nations.

The ECA pioneered the human resources development approach as early as

1971. That year, it identified women as economic producers and community

managers. That recognition of women’s centrality to development justified the

creation of ECA women’s programmes in 1972 and later 1975. This approach

challenged the modernization theory’s premise that the benefits of development

would “trickle down” to women and others. It made women’s access to productive

resources a development issue, bringing with it self reliance and setting priorities.

Relying on the fact that women comprise more than half of the productive human

resources of the country, the approach sets conditions for their full participation in

development. These include ways to lessen the burden of women and to increase

their productivity by providing access to resources such as education, technology

and income, often through women’s own solidarity groups. An important condition

that calls for women’s active participation in planning and policy setting (Idenyi,


The theory relates to this study in the sense that the development of Nigerian

society like any other society cannot be fully achieved by men alone, therefore,

empowering women and allowing them to take their position to contribute their own

quota to economic activities, and participate fully in development process of the

society is their right.


Data for this study was collected mainly through descriptive survey design.

This was necessary so as to be able to capture the entire domain of the study.

Consequently, both the primary and secondary sources of data collection were

explored. Primary sources of data were questionnaire instrument and in-depth

interview. The questionnaire instrument enabled us to elicit information on the

problematic which the study seeks to unravel. The questionnaire instrument was

structured along the close ended format and administered in such a way that made it

fairly representative of all shades of opinion and interests. This was complimented

with in-depth interview with some present and past executive members of the NGOs

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and some of their parents’ bodies like the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), and

Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ).

Secondary sources of data include information retrieved from journals,

newspapers and magazines.

The study covered the entire 36 states of the federation made up of 6 geo-

political zones – namely: South-South, South East, South-West, North-West, North

Central and North-East. A sample size of one thousand two hundred was originally

selected. The choice of one thousand two hundred (1,200) is informed by the

consideration of some human and financial face (Obasi, 1999). Also considering the

homogenous composition of the nation, our belief is that a sample of 1,200 is large,

representative and reliable enough to allow us make generalizations.

The study adopted the multi-stage sampling method which involves sampling

in successive stages such that at each stage selection is made using any of the

known probability sampling methods (Nnabugwu, 2004). This was done to help us

save time and cost. In the first stage, the study adopted the stratified sampling

technique to get respondents from the six geo-political zones in the country. This

was to ensure a fair representation of all shades of opinion, interest and groups in

the state which could have been lost to the chance factor (Obasi, 1999). In using the

stratified sampling technique, the study further adopted the disproportional stratified

sampling technique in the sense that the numerical strength of the geo-political

zones were not considered in the representation into the sample (Nnabugwu, 2004).

Thus, in the distribution, the six geo-political zones got 200 respectively.

However, in the South-South, we picked Rivers State, in the South-East, we

picked Anambra State, in the South-West-Lagos, in the North-West – Sokoto, in the

North-Central – Kaduna and in the North-East we picked Plateau State. The choice

of these major States is also based on two major reasons. First, there seems to be a

very high concentration of people in these States as a result of urbanization.

Secondly, they occupy important positions in the socio-economic and political setting

of the country.

The presentation and analysis of data were carried out using both descriptive

qualitative and quantitative methods. While qualitative analysis was merely

descriptive and theoretical, the quantitative method employed appropriate statistical

tools particularly the frequency distribution and simple percentages. It suffices to

note that the study suffers some limitations. First, the study suffered slow rate of

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response from the respondents. Yet at the end of the exercise, we were not able to

retrieve all the questionnaires given to the respondents. Out of the 1,200

questionnaires distributed, only 874 were returned. Second, the study suffered from

shortage of finance. No doubt a study of this nature requires enough funding if

possible from donor agency to ensure a comprehensive study. Third was the

unwillingness of some bodies like the Nigerian Bar Association and the Nigerian

Union of Journalists of some State Chapters to release basic information needed for

the study.

However, it must be pointed out that spirited efforts were made to address

some of these limitations. For example, we have to rely on interviews, magazines

and newspapers to get some of the needed data.

Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

Our fundamental concern in this study has been to attempt an explanation on

the role of women NGOs in the enhancement of the condition of women through the

promotion of their human rights. This arose as a result of insinuations from some

analysts (male and female) alike who are saying that all publicity on women

empowerment by women NGOs is all noise and no action and the conferences and

seminars are tagged “Jamborees”. After the analysis that followed our observation, it

is only for it to be succeeded by some recommendation of a preferred course of


The NGOs studied are FIDA, NAWOJ and WIN. These NGOs were selected

purposely because of their wider coverage, they have branches in most of the States

of the Federation and they are the most vocal, apart from the NGOs started by the

wives of Heads of State like the Better Life for Women, Family Support Programme,

Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication (WOTCLEF) and the Gender and

Development (GEDE) Foundation.

This paper therefore argues that in the Nigerian experience, women NGO’s

have influenced a wide range of emancipatory movements amongst women since

the Beijing era and have greatly enhanced the international human rights of women

in various aspects of life like health, politics, education etc.

This study found that the activities of these women NGOs are geared towards

development and enhancement of women human rights in Nigeria. Although the

changes achieved in the status of women so far have been uneven and on the whole

modest, yet the silent revolution is slowly gaining in strength as we already notice in

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the increase in the number of women in government and politics, and even in the

echelon of private sector. All these were achieved by these women NGOs through

seminars, conferences, workshops, television/radio jingles, radio/television

discussions and debates, posters, handbills, press release etc, and also the

provision of legal aid to ensure the protection of human rights and the integrity of

women in a crisis situation.

We therefore make the following recommendations:

a. There is need for adequate training and provision of training aids for members

of the NGOs in order to provide more qualitative service. There should be a

continued expansion of collaborative activities with other women NGOs and

donor agencies, these calls for improved and efficient information handling

and management.

b. Attitudes, habits and conventions which oppress women ought to be

condemned so as to have equal and full participation of the entire human

community which will go a long way in enhancing and engendering

sustainable growth and development.

c. The women movement in Nigeria will have to draw its leadership definitely not

from wives of the ruling elite, but from women who have demonstrated a high

degree of commitment to the ideals of feminism.

d. Finally, the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development should

co-operate with women NGOs in the implementations of gender sensitive

programmes through comparative programme analysis and review.

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