the pronunciation of english consonants in …bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada...


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Page 1: THE PRONUNCIATION OF ENGLISH CONSONANTS IN …bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada konsonan rangkap. Beberapa bunyi berubah agar kata-kata tersebut menjadi lebih mudah





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 124214024








Page 2: THE PRONUNCIATION OF ENGLISH CONSONANTS IN …bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada konsonan rangkap. Beberapa bunyi berubah agar kata-kata tersebut menjadi lebih mudah






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 124214024








Page 3: THE PRONUNCIATION OF ENGLISH CONSONANTS IN …bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada konsonan rangkap. Beberapa bunyi berubah agar kata-kata tersebut menjadi lebih mudah


Page 4: THE PRONUNCIATION OF ENGLISH CONSONANTS IN …bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada konsonan rangkap. Beberapa bunyi berubah agar kata-kata tersebut menjadi lebih mudah


Page 5: THE PRONUNCIATION OF ENGLISH CONSONANTS IN …bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada konsonan rangkap. Beberapa bunyi berubah agar kata-kata tersebut menjadi lebih mudah


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Just because you took longer

than others, (it) doesn’t mean

you failed. Remember that.

(quoted from Google)


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Nathan & Eva


Page 9: THE PRONUNCIATION OF ENGLISH CONSONANTS IN …bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada konsonan rangkap. Beberapa bunyi berubah agar kata-kata tersebut menjadi lebih mudah



The completion of this study would not be done without the support of

others. Accordingly, my first gratitude is addressed to my Jesus Christ the

Almighty for the unconditional love, blessings, and mercy in my life.

I am deeply indebted to my favourite thesis advisor, Anna Fitriati, S.Pd.,

M.Hum especially for her understanding of my obstacles in writing this thesis, her

supportive guidance, and her huge encouragement when I am not sure to be able

to finish this thesis. I deeply thanks to co-advisor, Adventina Putranti, M. Hum

whose constructive criticism and advice perfect this work.

My tremendous thanks go to Sanata Dharma University for giving me the

scholarship during my study. I also would like to thank all the lecturers and staff

in English Letters Department, especially Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S.,

M.Hum. who always encourages me when I am down and Arina Isti'anah, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. who has inspired me to take phonology as my thesis approach.

My everlasting thanks are expressed to Mom, my brothers, Dityo and his

family whose love, generosity, and sacrifice truly encourage me. I convey my

immense thanks to Elnathan and Evangeline to whom this thesis dedicated for all

their happiness and spirit which truly motivate me to finish my thesis.

Finally, it is my fortune to appreciate my good friends; Alexandra

Fenetta, Agatha Ayu Lisa, Julyan Adhitama, and Christopher Tjia who give me all

enormous help and support in completing this study. I also thank to Natalia

Dessensia and Maria Novenia for their kindness to lend me their laptop.

Dian Oktavia


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TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL PAGE ...................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ................................................................................. iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................ v


KARYA ILMIAH ............................................................................................. vi

MOTTO PAGE ............................................................................................. vii

DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ xiii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... xiv

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ................................................................... 4

D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................ 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................ 6

A. Review of Related Studies ............................................................. 6

B. Review of Related Theories ........................................................... 10

1. Theory of Phonology .................................................................. 10

2. Theory of English Consonants ................................................... 11

a. Place of Articulation .............................................................. 11

i. Bilabial ............................................................................. 11

ii. Labiodental ...................................................................... 12

iii. Dental .............................................................................. 12

iv. Alveolar ........................................................................... 12

v. Retroflex .......................................................................... 12

vi. Palato-Alveolar ................................................................ 12

vii. Palatal .............................................................................. 13

viii. Velar ................................................................................ 13

ix. Glottal .............................................................................. 13

b. Manner of Articulation .......................................................... 13

i. Voiced and Voiceless Sounds .......................................... 13

ii. Oral and Nasal Stops ....................................................... 14

iii. Fricatives ......................................................................... 14

iv. Affricates ......................................................................... 14

v. Approximants ................................................................... 15

c. Consonantal Features ............................................................. 15


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i. Labials .................................................................................. 16

ii. Coronals ............................................................................. 16

iii. Anteriors ............................................................................ 16

iv. Sibilants ............................................................................. 16

3. Theory of Jamaican Creole Phonology ....................................... 16

a. Jamaican Consonants ............................................................. 17

b. Jamaican Phonological Rules ................................................ 17

i. Labialization ....................................................................... 18

ii. Palatalization ...................................................................... 18

iii. Obstruent Neutralization ................................................... 18

iv. Obstruent Weakening ........................................................ 18

4. Theory of Phonological Process ................................................. 19

a. Assimilation ........................................................................... 19

b. Dissimilation .......................................................................... 19

c. Segment Deletion ................................................................... 20

d. Insertion ................................................................................. 20

5. Theory of Standard English ......................................................... 20

6. Theory of Jamaican Creole Language ......................................... 20

C. Review of Related Backgrounds .................................................... 21

D. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 21

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 23

A. Object of the Study ......................................................................... 23

B. Approach of the Study .................................................................... 24

C. Method of the Study ....................................................................... 25

1. Data Collection ........................................................................... 25

2. Data Analysis .............................................................................. 26


A. Rihanna’s Pronunciation of English Consonants in the Songs

Entitled “Work” and “Man Down” .................................................. 27

1. The Distribution of English Consonant Pronunciation ............... 27

a. Rihanna’s Pronunciation of English Consonants in “Work” .. 28

b. Rihanna’s Pronunciation of English Consonants

in “Man Down” ........................................................................ 30

2. Phonological Processes ................................................................. 32

a. Consonant Deletions .............................................................. 32

i. /n/-deletion ......................................................................... 32

ii. /v/-deletion ......................................................................... 33

iii. /t/-deletion .......................................................................... 34

iv. /d/-deletion ......................................................................... 35

b. Consonant Changes ................................................................. 35

i. Affrication .......................................................................... 36

ii. Alveolarization .................................................................. 37

1). Velar Alveolarization .................................................. 37

2). /ð/-alveolarization ........................................................ 38


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3). /θ/-alveolarization ........................................................ 39

iii. Glotalling ........................................................................... 40

b. Consonant Insertion ................................................................ 41

i. Palatalization ....................................................................... 41

B. Factors Affecting Rihanna’s Pronunciation ...................................... 42

1. Phonological Aspect ................................................................... 42

2. Social Background ...................................................................... 45

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .................................................................... 47

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 49

APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 51

Appendix 1: The List of The Different Pronunciation of

English Consonants in “Work” ...................................... 51

Appendix 2: The List of The Different Pronunciation of

English Consonants in “Man Down” ............................. 52

Appendix 3: The Lyrics of “Work” ...................................................... 53

Appendix 4: The Lyrics of “Man Down” ............................................. 56


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Table 2.1 English Consonants ...................................................................... 15

Table 2.2 Jamaican Consonants ................................................................... 17

Table 4.1 The Summary of Rihanna’s Pronunciation in “Work”

and “Man Down ........................................................................... 28

Table 4.2 The Summary of the Different Pronunciation of

English Consonants in “Work” ..................................................... 29

Table 4.3 The Summary of the Different Pronunciation of

English Consonants in “Man Down” ............................................ 30

Table 4.4 The Phonological Process of /n/-deletion .................................... 33

Table 4.5 The Phonological Process of /v/-deletion .................................... 33

Table 4.6 The Phonological Process of /t/-deletion ..................................... 34

Table 4.7 The Phonological Process of /d/-deletion .................................... 35

Table 4.8 The Phonological Process of Affrication ..................................... 36

Table 4.9 The Phonological Process of Velar Alveolarization .................... 38

Table 4.10 The Phonological Process of /ð/-alveolarization .......................... 38

Table 4.11 The Phonological Process of /θ/-alveolarization .......................... 39

Table 4.12 The Phonological Process of Glottaling ...................................... 40

Table 4.13 The Phonological Process of Palatalization .................................. 41


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OKTAVIA, DIAN. The Pronunciation of English Consonants in Rihanna’s

Songs Entitled “Work” and “Man Down”. Yogyakarta: Department of English

Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

Pronunciation is an essential thing in any spoken language. However, no

person pronounces word exactly the same. Thus, standard pronunciation is

sometimes needed in order to avoid misunderstanding. English is one of the

languages which has a standard pronunciation because it is spoken by billion

people around the world. This study analyzes the pronunciation of a famous

singer, Rihanna, in her songs entitled “Work” and “Man Down”.

This study focuses on two problems. The first problem concerns with the

way Rihanna pronounces English consonants in her songs, specifically entitled

“Work” and “Man Down”. The second problem concerns about the possible

factors affecting the pronunciation.

In order to make the analysis focus only on English consonants, the writer

employs a purposive sampling method in collecting the data because the sounds

which are not included as English consonants will be discharged. For the analysis,

the study employs phonological and sociolinguistic approaches. The phonological

approach contributes a lot in answering the first problem formulation. The

sociolingustic approach is applied alongside with the phonological approach to

reveal the possible factors influencing Rihanna’s pronunciation.

For the result, this study comes up with some findings. Most of the

English consonants found in the data are pronounced the same as those in the

standard pronunciation rule which is the Received Pronunciation (RP). However,

some English consonants are pronounced different from the RP. There are some

sound changes which occur through some phonological processes. They are

deletion, affrication, alveolarization, palatalization, and glottaling.

Moreover, by observing the environment of the sound change, the writer

found that there is consonant cluster simplification. Some sounds are changed in

order to make the words easy to be pronounced, such as the deletion of /t/ and /d/

in final position of consonant clusters. The absence of sound /ð/ and /θ/ in

Jamaican Creole also affects Rihanna’s pronunciation. In addition, the other

factors affecting Rihanna’s pronunciation come from Rihanna’s social

background and Rihanna’s music genre. Rihanna is a Caribbean descendant and

reggae music are really influencing her career music. Thus, Jamaican Creole also

affects her pronunciation. It is proven by the finding of palatalization, one of

Jamaican Creole’s characteristics, in the analysis.


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OKTAVIA, DIAN. The Pronunciation of English Consonants in Rihanna’s

Songs Entitled “Work” and “Man Down”. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra

Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Pengucapan merupakan satu hal yang mendasar dalam bahasa lisan. Akan

tetapi, tidak ada satu orang pun yang mengucapkan sebuah kata dengan sama

persis. Oleh karena itu, standar pengucapan terkadang dibutuhkan untuk

menghindari terjadinya kesalahpahaman. Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu

bahasa yang memiliki standar pengucapan karena Bahasa Inggris diucapkan oleh

milliaran orang di seluruh dunia. Studi ini menganalisis pengucapan seorang

penyanyi terkenal, Rihanna, dalam lagu-lagunya berjudul “Work” dan “Man


Studi ini terfokus pada dua rumusan masalah. Masalah yang pertama

membahas cara Rihanna mengucapkan konsonan Bahasa Inggris dalam lagu-

lagunya, terutama yang berjudul “Work” dan “Man Down”. Masalah yang kedua

membahas faktor-faktor apa saja yang mungkin mempengaruhi pengucapan


Untuk membuat analisis hanya terfokus pada konsonan Bahasa Inggris,

penulis menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dalam mengumpulkan data

dikarenakan bunyi-bunyi yang tidak termasuk dalam konsonan Bahasa Inggris

tidak akan digunakan. Pada tahap analisis, studi ini menggunakan pendekatan

fonologi dan sosiolinguistik. Pendekatan fonologi berperan banyak dalam

menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama. Pendekatan sosiolinguistik diterapkan

bersama dengan pendekataan fonologi untuk mengungkapkan faktor-faktor yang

mungkin mempengaruhi pengucapan dari Rihanna.

Hasilnya, studi ini mendapatkan beberapa temuan. Kebanyakan dari

konsonan Bahasa Inggris yang terdapat pada data diucapkan sesuai dengan aturan

standar pengucapan, Received Pronunciation (RP). Akan tetapi, beberapa

konsonan Bahasa Inggris diucapkan berbeda dari RP. Terdapat beberapa

perubahan bunyi yang terjadi melalui beberapa proses fonologis. Proses

perubahan bunyi tersebut seperti penghapusan, affricatization, alveolarization,

palatalization, dan glottaling.

Selain itu, dengan melakukan observasi pada keadaan sekitar perbuahan

bunyi, penulis menemukan adanya penyederhanaan pada konsonan rangkap.

Beberapa bunyi berubah agar kata-kata tersebut menjadi lebih mudah diucapkan,

misalnya penghapusan bunti /t/ dan /d/ di posisi akhir dari konsonan rangkap.

Ketiadaan bunyi /ð/ and /θ/ dalam Bahasa Kreol Jamaika juga mempengaruhi

pengucapan Rihanna. Rihanna merupakan seorang keturunan Karibia and aliran

musik reggae. Maka dari itu, Bahasa Kreol Jamaika juga sangat mempengaruhi

pengucapannya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan penemuan adanya proses

palatalization, salah satu karakteristik Bahasa Kreol Jamaika.


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A. Background of the Study

An important thing that a human being has as a tool to interact with each

other is language. As a normal human being in any nations, spoken language

comes first rather than written language. “Speech is the only universal medium of

linguistic communication among all normal human beings (ie excluding the deaf

and dumb, some congenital idiots, etc)” (Robins, 1996:77). Thus, spoken

language is really essential as a medium of communication between people.

When people can speak in a certain language, they are considered as

having the ability to produce sounds which imply certain meanings. In

consequent, they also have the capacity to understand the sounds produced by the

others. In this case, they share the same knowledge of a particular language. One

of language knowledge, specifically in spoken language, is the knowledge of

sound patterns. Every language has their own sound patterns in order to

distinguish one to another, including English.

English is considered as an international language. Stevenson affirms

that “English is the only language used in international air traffic control and is

virtually the only language of a whole range of other activities from scientific

research to pop music” (1994:87). In other words, English is used in any aspects

around the world. Therefore, English is spoken by both native and non-native


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English speakers as an official or a second language. Since it is used globally, the

standard pronunciation is formed in order to avoid misunderstanding.

According to Jones in Mencken, “no two persons pronounce exactly

alike. The differences may arise from a variety of causes, such as locality, early

influences, social surroundings, individual peculiarities, and the like”(2006:319).

Hence, there is a possibility that someone can pronounce English words different

from the standard one due to some factors. This phenomenon commonly happens

in a person that uses English as a second language. Eventually, in some cases,

people who use English as an official language frequently pronounce English

words not appropriate with Standard English. Even a public figure such as a

famous singer Rihanna in some occasions does not follow the standard rule of

English pronunciation.

Robin Rihanna Fenty, or known as Rihanna, is one of the famous singers

in American music industry. She is actually a Barbadian who starts her career in

the United States as a singer. She was born and grown up in Barbados, the

Caribbean Islands. Her father is a Black Barbadian and her mother is a Black

Guyanese. Her music career is mostly influenced by Jamaican singers and Reggae

music. Thus, Rihanna is really identical with the things related to the Caribbean.

In January 2016, she released a new single entitled “Work”. Taj Rani of

Billboard (2016) mainly states her successful song although many people criticize

her pronunciation and describe it as “gibberish”. Many people, especially

American, do not understand what words Rihanna actually pronounces. Based on


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this phenomenon, the pronunciation of English words produced by a famous

singer, Rihanna, is a challenging topic for this study.

In this study, two Rihanna’s songs entitled “Work” and “Man Down” are

taken as the object. The songs use English and have similar music genre. Since the

objects are songs, the study examines mainly about the sounds of the words,

especially whether the singer pronounces English words properly or not based on

the Standard English pronunciation.

According to Fromkin et al, there are two types of sounds in any

languages (2011:195). They are consonants and vowels. However, this study only

focuses on consonants. The reason is if a speaker pronounces the consonant of a

word incorrectly, it will change the meaning of the word and make a

misunderstanding on the hearer. Actually, it might also happen to the vowels. Yet,

the different pronunciation of the vowels frequently does not affect the meaning

of the words. Thus, this study only examine consonants.

There is a primary reason to conduct this study. In Sanata Dharma

University, many analyses concern with English pronunciation produced by those

who use English as a foreign language. Yet, this study analyzes pronunciation

produced by a person who uses English as her first language. It would very

interesting because not all native speakers pronounce English words exactly

appropriate with standard English. There must be some possible factors why this

phenomenon happens, such as society, profession, or anything else.


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Additionally, this study will give the readers some knowledge about

which English pronunciations are appropriate with the standard one. It also

enriches the reader’s knowledge what things may influence someone in

pronouncing the words.

B. Problem Formulation

In order to limit the scope and objectives of this study, two study

questions are formulated as follows:

1. How does Rihanna pronounce English consonants in her songs entitled

“Work” and “Man Down”?

2. What are the possible factors affecting the pronunciation?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation, this study aims to achieve two goals.

Firstly, the writer would like to examine the way Rihanna pronouncing English

consonants in her songs; whether the pronunciation is appropriate with the

Standard English. In conducting this study, two songs are exclusively taken from

different album. They are “Work” from the album named ANTI and “Man Down”

from the album named Loud. The phonological processes due to the different

pronunciation would also be analyzed. The result of this analysis is contributive in

discussing the second formulated problem.

Secondly, this study is intended to investigate some possible factors

which influence the pronunciation. By exploring the sound pattern and its

environment, the phonologically factor which influences the different

pronunciation are found. Furthermore, the result of the first analysis will be


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related to sociological aspects, such as Rihanna’s life background and the

influence of her music genre, in order to solve the second problem. Shortly, the

writer would like to highlight that certain circumstances have an essential role in

the way Rihanna pronounces English words.

D. Definition of Terms

There are three terminologies used in this study. Therefore, the

definition of these terms will be explained first in order to prevent

misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

The first term is pronunciation. Pronunciation is the terminology

frequently used in this research. According to Chomsky in Trask, “pronunciation

is the manner in which speech sounds, especially connected sequences, are

articulated by individual speakers or by speakers generally” (1982:291).

The second term is English consonants. According to Fromkin et al,

“English consonants are sounds in English produced with some restriction the

vocal tract that impedes the flow of air from the lungs” (2011:195). There are 24

sounds included as English consonants. They are [p], [b], [m], [f], [v], [ð], [θ], [t],

[d], [n], [s], [z], [l], [r], [ʃ], [ʒ], [tʃ], [dʒ], [j], [k], [g], [ŋ] , [h] and [ʔ].

The last term is song. Myers and Simms state that song is “a short lyric

verse accompanied by music. Ususally, the lyric is simple, direct, and

conventional so as not to compete with the music” (1989:286). It means that song

is created by combining simple lyric with music.


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A. Review of Related Studies

The main purpose of this part is to review several studies related to this

study. There are two previous studies and two papers taken from certain journals.

These studies conduct to the discussion about pronunciation, phonological

processes, and Creole languages. Most of the related studies applied

phonological approach. Therefore, these studies support the writer in developing

ideas of the topic study which mostly about the pronunciation.

The first study dealing with English mispronunciation is conducted by

Rahardjosidhi (2016). Rahardjosidhi‟s study mainly discusses English

mispronunciations done by the students of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta. He

examines how the students, Indonesian native speakers, mispronounce consonant

sounds of English words. His study focuses on English final alveolar-alveolar

and velar-alveolar consonant clusters mispronounced by the students.

In conducting his study, some students contributes to his research as the

participants. Then, he presents and analyses clearly what sort of alveolar-alveolar

and velar alveolar consonant clusters are mispronounced by the participant and

how the mispronunciation pattern is. Moreover, the findings of analysis also

include how intralingual and language interfference contribute to the

mispronunciation. The result of Rahardjosidhi‟s study is that English speakers, in

this case those who speak English as a second language, have some difficulties in


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pronouncing English words correctly. The difficulties come from language


In spite of the similar topic about the pronunciation of English

consonants and its factors, this study has a larger scope than Rahardjosidhi‟s.

Unlike Rahardjosidhi‟s study which only concerns in alveolar-alveolar and velar-

alveolar consonant clusters mispronunciation, this study deals with pronunciation

in any English consonant sounds in general. Furthermore, this study has a

different object of analysis. While Rahardjosidhi explores the pronunciation of

the students of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta who are foreign language speakers,

the writer examines pronunciation done by a native speaker. Another difference

is also found in data collection method. Rahardjosidhi collects the data by

recording the participant‟s pronunciation. On the other hand, the writer gathers

the data by listening the songs.

The second study is done by Ismartono (2009). Ismartono also applies

the similar approach with Rahardjosidhi‟s in conducting her analysis. The study

particularly aims to discover phonological characteristics of Black English

through the phonological processes occurred in songs. Due to the analysis focuses

on Black English, Ismartono takes specifically Black singer‟s songs as the object

of the study. Thus, in intending the analysis, she examines 50 Cent‟s songs in

album Curtis. In collecting the data, she only focuses on Black English words

such as nigga, tryin’, and gimme.

By writing down the phonetic transcription of 50 Cent‟s pronunciation

and comparing it with Standard American English pronunciation, she finds out


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several sound changes. In findings of discussion, several types of phonological

rule are applied in order to present the phonological processes due to the sound

changes occurred in the songs. As a result, there are eight phonological

characteristics of Black English in the songs. One of the example is that velar

consonant will be alveolarized if it occurs in the final position of the word.

The methodology and approach applied by Ismartono contribute to this

study. This study uses the similar theoretical grounds on different object. While

Ismartono‟s object is taken from Black singer‟s songs, this research examines

songs from Caribbean singer. In addition, the findings of analysis in this study are

also different from Ismartono‟s findings. This study does not only focus on

phonological process due to sound changes, but also the external factors which

affect the changing.

The next study uses not only phonological approach but also

sociolinguistic approach. It is taken from journal written by Karli and Larsen

(2014). One of the objectives of their study is to compare Caribbean Creole

English (CCE) and Standard American English. The comparison is based on

phonological, lexical, and syntactical characteristics. Karli and Larsen employ the

students of Roosevelt High School Washington D.C. as the object of their

observation. The students specifically are native English speakers who grew up in

Caribbean. There are three types of CCE students. Those are Guyanese,

Trinidadians, and Jamaicans.

By interviewing the CCE students, Karli and Larsen observe three

important things. They are how the students pronounce English words, what sort


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of vocabulary they use, and how they arrange words into a sentence. In findings of

analysis, there are certain patterns how the CCE students pronounce English

words such as the word “home”, in SAE /hom/, is pronounced as /om/. Another

objective of Larsen‟s study is to investigate why CCE students have serious

academic issue than other students. By applying sociolinguistic approach, Karli

and Larsen find out that such Creole language is not legitimized in American

school. Thus, it becomes serious challenge for the CCE students. This finding is

appropriate with Nero‟s statement that Creole language is considered as “not the

right kind” because Creole English has a history of being spoken by slaves (in

Larsen, 2016:13).

The contribution of Karli and Larsen‟s study in this study lies on the

findings and discussion. The findings in Larsen‟s support the writer in doing the

analysis. The examples are the findings of phonological characteristics of CCE

and the negative perspective of CCE among native English speakers. Those

findings help the writer to answer the problem in this study. This study deals with

CCE due to the fact that the object used CCE, especially Jamaican Creole. Despite

the fact that this research has the similar topic with Larsen‟s, the methodology and

object of the study are different.

The last is another study about Creole language taken from Journal of

the International Phonetic Association: Illustration of IPA published by University

of the West Indies. One of the journals written by Harry (2006) mainly concerns

about Jamaican Creole. In his research, Harry describes clearly the various

Jamaican Creole based on phonological aspects. He explains phonological


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characteristics of Jamaican Creole, such as palatalization, labialization, obstruent

neutralization, and obstruent weakening.

The explanations contribute to this study‟s discussion. For example, the

writer uses the characteristics of Jamaican Creole phonology in Harry‟s to identify

the phonological characteristics which appears in Rihanna‟s pronunciation.

Whereas the main topic and discussion of this study is almost the same, Harry‟s

discussion about Jamaican Creole is more complex than this research. The writer

only concerns on general Jamaican Creole pronunciation while Harry‟s discusses

about sociolinguistic variation of Jamaican Creole such as acrolectal, mesolectal,

and basilectal varieties.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Phonology

One of linguistic studies, particularly about spoken language, is

phonology. Phonology is the study of how speech sounds form patterns. The basic

units in phonology are phonemes, allophones, and phones. Phonemes are defined

as abstract mental representations of the phonological units of language, while

phones are the pronunciation of a phoneme. Allophones are a group of phones as

the realization of the same phoneme. To distinguish them, linguists use slashes

/…/ to indicate phonemes and […] square brackets to present phones and

allophones (Fromkin, 2011:234).

In phonology, individual phonemes which are called segmental

phonemes consist of consonants and vowels. It is a part of segmental phonology.

Another thing in phonology is suprasegmental phonology, which is related to


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suprasegmental phonemes. Stress, intonation, rhythm, and tone are kinds of

suprasegmental phonemes.

2. Theory of English Consonants

This study is primarily concerned with pronunciation and the errors.

Therefore, it is necessary to mainly review on segmental phonemes. Segmental

phonemes are divided into two types which are consonants and vowels. In this

part, only English consonants are discussed because the main focus of this study

only on English consonants.

According to Ladefoged, consonants are produced with some obstruction

of the airstream in the vocal tract (1993:5). Thus, consonants are characterized as

a group of sounds which is produced by constraining the airflow in the vocal tract.

There are 24 English consonants, which are classified into two groups based on

their place of articulation and manner of articulation.

a. Place of Articulation

Firstly, the consonants are classified based on their place of articulation.

Place of articulation refers to the where in the vocal tract the speech sounds are

produced. Ladefoged classifies consonants based on the place of articulation

specifically as follows:

i) Bilabial

Bilabial sounds are articulated by bringing both lips together

(Ladefoged, 1993:6). [p], [b], [m] are included as bilabial sounds.


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ii) Labiodental

Labiodental sounds, [f] and [v], are produced by raising the lower lip up

to the upper front teeth (Ladefoged, 1993:6).

iii) Dental

[ð] and [θ] are classified as dental sounds made with the tongue tip and

upper front teeth. According to Ladefoged, there is a difference between

American English and British English in producing the sounds [ð] and [θ]. Most

speakers of American English produce both sounds by inserting the tip of the

tongue between the upper and lower teeth, while most speakers of British English

produce the sounds by putting the tip of the tongue close behind the upper teeth.

In order to distinguish it, American English uses a term, interdental, to classify [ð]

and [θ] (Ladefoged, 1993:6).

iv) Alveolar

Alveolar sounds, [t], [d], [n], [s], [z], [l], [r], are pronounced by moving

the tip of the tongue up towards the alveolar ridge (Ladefoged, 1993:6).

v) Retroflex

Retroflex are produced by raising the tongue tip up to the back of the

alveolar ridge. [r] is included as this sound (Ladefoged, 1993:7).

vi) Palato-Alveolar

Palato-alveolar sounds are produced by raising tongue blade up to the

back of alveolar ridge. The sounds included as palato-alveolars are [ʃ] [ʒ] [tʃ] [dʒ]

(Ladefoged, 1993:7).


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vii) Palatal

By raising the front part of the tongue to the hard palate, the sounds [j]

are produced (Ladefoged, 1993:7).

viii) Velar

To pronounce velar sounds, the back of the tongue is raised to the soft

palate or velum. The velar sounds are [k], [g], and [ŋ] (Ladefoged, 1993:7).

ix) Glottal

In addition, according to Fromkin, there are two sounds called as glottal

sounds, [h] and [ʔ] (Fromkin). [h] is produced from the airflow through the open

glottis, while [ʔ] occurs when the air is stopped completely at the glottis by tightly

closed vocal cords. Consequently, [ʔ] is called as glottal stop (Fromkin,


b. Manner of Articulation

Secondly, in distinguishing consonants, linguists also categorize them

based on their manner of articulation. The manner of articulation refers to the

variation of airstream flows. According to Ladefoged, “The articulators may close

off the oral tract in a short or long period; they may narrow the space

considerably; or they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching

each other” (Ladefoged, 1993:8).

i) Voiced and Voiceless Sounds

In this part, the vocal cords have a big role in distingushing sounds.

Voiced consonants occur when the vocal cords are vibrating, while voiceless

sounds are produced when the vocal cords are apart. By knowing this manner of


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articulation, the sounds from the same place of articulation such as labiodentals [f]

and [v] can be distinguished. Sound [f] is classified as voiceless sound, while [v]

is voiced sound (Ladefoged, 1993:2).

ii) Oral and Nasal Stops

When the soft palate is blocking the air from escaping through the nasal

tract, the oral sounds are produced. The sounds [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g] are

included as oral stops (Ladefoged, 1993:8). Unlike, oral stops, nasal sounds are

produced when the air is stopped in the oral cavity but the soft palate is not in its

raised position, then air escapes can go out through the nose. This manner of

articulation is appropriate to distinguish alveolars [z] and [n]. Both sounds are

voiced alveolar sounds. However, [z] is identified as an oral sound and [n] is a

nasal sound (Ladefoged, 1993:8).

iii) Fricatives

When friction occurs because the airstream is partially obstructed, the

sounds are called fricatives. The sounds consist of [f], [v], [ð], [θ], [ʃ], [ʒ],[s], [z],

[h] (Ladefoged, 1993:10).

iv) Affricates

Affricate sounds consist of [dʒ] and [tʃ]. Ladefoged (1993:11) explains

that “an affricate is simply a sequence of a stop followed by a homorganic

fricative.” Thus, the sounds are produced by a stop closure followed immediately

by a gradual release of the closure that produces an affect characteristic of a



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v) Approximants

Approximant sounds are produced when an articulator is close to another,

but without the vocal tract being narrowed. According to Ladefoged, there are two

kinds of approximants; lateral and central (1993:10). [l] is a lateral sound, while

[r], [j], and [w] are included as cenral aproximants.

The simplification of English consonants classification above can be

drawn as the table below:

Table 2.1 English Consonants

Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-


Palatal Velar Glottal

Stop (oral)

Voiceless [p] [t] [k] [Ɂ]*

Voiced [b] [d] [g]



[m] [n] [ŋ]


Voiceless [f] [ɵ] [s] [ʃ] [h]

Voiced [v] [ð] [z] [ʒ]


Voiceless [tʃ]

Voiced [dʒ]


Central [w] [r] [j] [w]

Lateral [l]

(Source: Ladefoged, 1993: 37) *glottal stop symbol from Victoria Fromkin

c. Consonantal Class Features

Consonantal is a subclass of a major class feature of consonants.

According to Fromkin, there are four categorizations of consonantal. They are

labials, coronals, anteriors, and sibilants. What consonants which belong to these

consonantal class features are discussed as follows:


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i) Labials

Labial sounds are produced with the involvement of the lips (Fromkin,

2011: 211). Bilabials [p], [b], [m] and labiodentals [f], [v] are included as labials.

ii) Coronals

Coronal sounds are produced by raising the blade of the tongue (Fromkin,

2011: 211). The consonants included as coronals are the interdentals [ɵ], [ð]; the

alveolar [t], [d], [n], [s], [z]; the palatals [ʃ], [ʒ]; the affricates [tʃ], [dʒ]; the liquids

[l], [r].

iii) Anteriors

Anteriors are sounds produced by the front part of the tongue (Fromkin,

2011: 211). They are the labials [p], [b], [m], [f], [v]; the interdentals [ɵ], [ð] and

the alveolars [t], [d], [n], [s], [z].

iv) Sibilants

Sibilants are a group of conconants which produce a hissing sound due to

the friction made by sibilants (Fromkin, 2011: 211). Those consonants are [s], [z],

[ʃ], [ʒ], [tʃ], [dʒ].

3. Theory of Jamaican Creole Phonology

Before analyzing the cause of the different pronunciation produced by

Rihanna, it is necessary to know the characteristics of Jamaican English Creole



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a. Jamaican Consonants

According to Devonish and Harry (2004:456), Jamaican Creole has 21

consonants. The classification of Jamaican Creole phonology is as shown on the

table 2.2:

Table 2.2 Jamaican Consonants

Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Post-


Palatal Velar Glottal Labial-


Nasal [m] [n] [ŋ]


Voiceless [p] [t] [k]

Voiced [b] [d] [g]


Voiceless [tʃ]

Voiced [dʒ]


Voiceless [f] [s] [ʃ] [h]

Voiced [v] [z] [ʒ]

Approximant [ɹ] [j] [w]




(Source: Harry, 2004:456)

From the table 2.3, interdental sounds [ð] and [θ] do not exist in

Jamaican Creole phonology as they exist in English sound features. Furthermore,

there is no glottal stop sound [ʔ] in Jamaican sound features. The absent of three

sounds [ð], [θ], [ʔ] makes Jamaican Creole differ from English.

b. Jamaican Phonological Rules

Similar to English, Jamaican Creole Phonology also has some rules. This

kind of rules become the characteristics of the language. In this part, there are four

phonological rules which are provided based on Devonish and Harry (2004).


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i) Labialization

In Jamaican Creole, the obstruent sounds (stops, affricate, and fricative)

are labialized when they occur before a sequence of back vowel followed by a

non-back vowel. The illustration below is the example of labialization taken from

Devonish and Harry (2004: 458):

/buai/ [bwuai] [b

wai] „boy‟

/gu + an/ [gwuan] [g

wan] „go on‟

ii) Palatalization

Like labialization, obstruent are palatalized before a sequence of non-

low front vowel and back vowel (Harry, 2004:458). One of the example as


/giaad/ [gjia:d] [g

ja:d] „guard‟

iii) Obstruent Neutralization

The contrast between velar and alveolar stops is neutralized before a

syllabic lateral (Harry, 2004:459). The data below are the example of obstruent


[bakl] „bottle‟

[takl] „tackle‟

[aigl] „idle‟

iv) Obstruent Weakening

Devonish and Harry assert that voiced stops [b], [d], [g] are implosively

articulated as[ɓ], [ɗ], [ɠ] (Harry, 2004:459). Implosive articulation means that the


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airstream is controlled by moving the glottis downward to push the air from the

lungs. For instance:

/biit/ [ɓi:t] „beat‟

/dag/ [ɗag] „dog‟

/guud/ [ɠu:d] „good‟

[ɓ], [ɗ], [ɠ] symbolyze the implosive voiced stop sounds [b], [d], [g].

4. Theory of Phonological Process

A phonological process refers to a dynamic system in which units

change as they come into contact with other units in the system (Wolfram and

Johnson, 1974:88). There is a certain phonological rule applied in each

phonological process. The function of the phonological rules in a grammar is to

provide the phonetic information necessary for the pronunciation of utterances

(Fromkin, 2011:244).

a. Assimilation

Assimilation is a rule that makes neighboring segments more similar by

copying or spreading a phonetic property from one segment to the other (Fromkin,

2011:246). For example, the word sandwich. It should be pronounced as

/sænwɪdʒ/. However, the alveolar nasal /n/ assimilates to bilabial /w/ by changing

the alveolar into bilabial /m/. Thus, it is pronounced as/sæmwɪdʒ/.

b. Dissimilation

Dissimilation is a rule in which a segment becomes less similar to

another segment. For example, the words fifth come to be pronounced as if they

were spelled fift (Fromkin, 2011:248).


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c. Segment Deletion

Phonological rules may delete entire phonemic segments. In

phonological process, units which occur in same context are lost in others

(Fromkin, 2011:250).

d. Insertion

Phonological rule may also insert consonants or vowels, which are called

epenthesis. It occurs less frequently than segment deletion (Fromkin, 2011:250).

5. Theory of Standard English

Standard language is made by a certain nation with the aim that it can be

used in formal matters. Standard English is also made by a particular English-

speaking country. It is a form of English language which is accepted nationally

(Thorne, 1997). Because of English is used in many countries around the world,

nowadays, there are many Standard English. One of them is Received

Pronunciation (RP).

Received Pronunciation is developed in British Isles, which nowadays is

used in many countries around the world. It is also used in many formal aspects

such as the language used in the government, education, economy, and

technology. Thus, it is also used as a basic in this study.

6. Theory of Jamaican Creole Language

Wardaugh (1992, 59-60) asserts that “a Creole defined as a pidgin that

has become the first language of a new generation of speakers. A creole has native

speakers.” It means that Creole language is actually a language developed from a

combination of different languages and obtained as native language by children.


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Most of Creole language can be found in the Caribbean area due to the history of

slavery conquered by European. Hancock lists 35 of 127 Creole languages are

English-based (in Wardaugh, 1992:63).

One of Caribbean Creole is Jamaican Creole. Jamaican Creole is

English-based Creole with West African influences spoken in Jamaica. Wardaugh

(1992:66) states that “The sounds of a pidgin or creole are likely to be fewer and

less complicated in their possible arrangements than those of the corresponding

standard language.” It can be said that Jamaican Creole consists of fewer sounds

than English. As a result, it is really possible that Jamaican Creole has a little

different from the standard one.

C. Review of Related Backgrounds

Robin Rihanna Fenty, or known as Rihanna, is one of famous singers in

American music industry. She was born and grown up in Barbados, Caribbean

Islands. Her father is an Afro-Barbados and Irish descent, while her mother is

anassi Afro-Guyanese.

Rihanna is grown up with reggae music. Since she was a child, she

idolizes Jamaican singers, such as Bob Marley. Jamaican singers are identical in

reggae music. As a result, Rihanna‟s career in music cannot be separated from

reggae music.

D. Theoretical Framework

All of the theories explained above are very essential in answering the

formulated problems of this study. Firstly, the theory of phonology becomes

fundamental stand of the whole study. As stated above, phonology is the study of


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human sound patterns. Therefore, it is very crucial to determine what and how

sounds are produced. Secondly, the theory of English phonology is employed to

understand English sound features. Furthermore, the aim of using English

phonology is to point out mispronunciations. Thirdly, the theory of Jamaican

Creole phonology provides phonological features of Jamaican language,

especially segmental sound features. It later would be used alongside English

phonology to find out sound features used by Rihanna.

Fourthly, considering that the mispronunciations cause sounds change,

the theory of phonological processes is the proper guideline in identifying the

changing of sounds. It is then used alongside the preceding theory, Jamaican

Creole language, in order to find out the cause of mispronunciations. Lastly, the

theory of Jamaican Creole Language contributes to highlight that a certain

circumstance may influence the way people pronounce English words.


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A. Object of the Study

The objects of the study are two songs popularized by Rihanna. The

songs are specifically taken from different albums. The first song entitled “Work”,

released on 27 January 2016, is taken from album ANTI. The music of the song is

a combination of dancehall and reggae. The second song is entitled “Man Down”

taken from album LOUD. This song, released on 3 May 2011, uses reggae music.

The genres of both songs are identical with Caribbean Island, especially Jamaica.

Both songs were nominated in several famous music awards in some

countries. One of the examples is American Music Awards. Although they are

having good reputation, several criticisms come to them. The criticisms come

from her pronunciation which is not clear for some Americans. For this reason,

this study would like to analyze the sounds of English words produced by

Rihanna. Thus, Rihanna’s pronunciations are taken as the object of the study.

The linguistic elements of this study are, exactly, phonemes. The

specific objects of this study are English segmental phonemes which consist of

English consonants and vowels. The data are listed in the form of words.


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B. Approach of The Study

Two linguistic approaches are applied as groundwork in this study. The

first one is phonological approach. According to Fromkin (2003: 273),

“Phonology refers either to the representation of the sounds and sound patterns in

a speaker’s mental grammar or the study of the sound patterns in a language or in

human language in general.” In other words, phonology deals with human sound

patterns. It is used since this study focuses on Rihanna’s pronunciation of English

words. As stated above, phonological approach deals with human sound patterns.

The data of this study are sounds produced by Rihanna. Therefore, phonological

approach is appropriate to analyze something related to sounds, in this case the

pronunciation and the process of sound changes.

The second one is sociolinguistic approach. Holmes (1992:6) defines

that “sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society

by identifying the social functions of language and the way it is used to convey

social meaning”. It means that sociolinguistics deals with the use of language in

social context. Since it relates language and society, it can be said that there is a

relation between speaker’s social background and the language usage, in this case

the pronunciation. Consequently, sociolinguistics is the suitable one used in this

study to examine whether or not Rihanna’s social background contributes to her


Based on the explanations above, phonological approach is contributive

in answering the first problem formulation which is how Rihanna pronounces

English words, especially in producing English consonants. On the other hand,


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sociolinguistic approach, complemented by phonological approach, is the strategic

approach to find out possible factors affecting the pronunciation.

C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

In gathering the data, the writer uses purposive sampling study, a

technique which requires selecting certain units based on a specific purpose

(Teddlie and Yu, 2003:80). Therefore, the taken data is used for a certain purpose.

In this case, the purpose is to analyze pronunciations. Since the study only

requires some English words which consist of English consonants in the songs, a

sample study is the most suitable method for collecting the data.

There are several steps done in order to collect the data of the study. The

first is searching the lyrics of the song entitled “Work” and “Man Down” on the

website Next, they are written down in a piece of paper. The

second is writing down phonetic transcriptions of each word of the song lyrics

which is appropriate to Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Standard Received

Pronunciation is chosen as the comparison with Rihanna’s pronunciation. The

third is listening to the songs. In listening to the songs, headset is the best device

used to know the pronunciations precisely. The fourth is writing down the

phonetics transcriptions of Rihanna’s pronunciation. The last is putting both

phonetic transcriptions into several tables.


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2. Data Analysis

In order to point out whether Rihanna’s pronunciation is similar to the

RP, both phonetic transcriptions are compared. As stated before, Longman

Pronunciation Dictionary is used to compare them. Moreover, the study also aids

the phonological processes to enlighten how the sound changes because of the

different pronunciation with the RP. The phonological processes also help the

writer in identifying the environment of sounds which are pronounced differently.

In addition, the writer provides the theory of Jamaican Creole and the

discussion about Rihanna’s social background as one of the possible factors which

affects the pronunciation. In order to connect the pronunciation and the influences,

the writer tries to find out the phonological characteristics of Jamaican Creole

through the phonological processes. After that, the findings of the phonological

processes are related to Rihanna’s social background in order to find out that her

social background may affect her pronunciation.


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A. Rihanna’s Pronunciation of English Consonants in the Songs Entitled

“Work and “Man Down”

In this section, the writer would like to present and discuss the data

collection of Rihanna’s pronunciation of English consonants in the songs entitled

“Work” and “Man Down”. After analyzing the data, most of English words in

both songs are pronounced exactly appropriate with the Received Pronunciation

(RP). On the other hand, there are some words pronounced differently from the

RP. There are some English consonants and vowels which are pronounced not

appropriately. However, as mentioned in the previous chapter, this analysis only

focuses on the English consonants.

Additionally, after finding the different pronunciations, the writer

considers that there are several sounds changed. For instance, a sound changes

into another sound, some sounds become silent, and the others are added a new

sound. Thus, in this section, the phonological processes will also be discussed.

The distribution of the data and the phonological processes are presented as


1. The Distribution of English Consonant Pronunciations

The first discussion focuses on the occurrence and the number of English

consonants pronounced by Rihanna in her songs “Work” and “Man Down”. The

discussion of the data distribution is divided into two parts. The first one discusses


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the data taken from the song “Work” and the second one focuses on the data of

the pronunciation of English consonants in the song “Man Down”. Based on the

data, most of the words are pronounced exactly similar to RP. Nevertheless, some

words are pronounced different from RP. The summary of the Rihanna’s

pronunciation in both songs is covered in the table 4.1 as follows:

Table 4.1 The Summary of Rihanna's Pronunciation

of English Consonants in “Work” and "Man Down"

The Title of Songs Same with RP Different from RP Total

"Work" 98 21 119

"Man Down" 122 22 144

Total 220 43 263

From the table 4.1, there are two hundred and sixty-three English words

which consist of English consonants in both songs “Work” and “Man Down”; a

hundred and nineteen words are in “Work” and a hundred and forty-four words

are in “Man Down”. Two hundred and twenty words are pronounced similar to

RP, while forty-three words are pronounced diversely. The details of the analysis

in each song are presented as follows:

a. Rihanna’s Pronunciation of English Consonants in “Work”

The data, as seen in the table 4.1, shows that from a hundred and nineteen

words consisting of English consonants in the song “Work”, ninety-eight of them

are pronounced as in RP. However, twenty-one of them are pronounced

differently. The summary of the English consonants pronounced differently in

“Work” is presented in the table 4.2:


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Table 4.2 The Summary of the Different Pronunciation

of English Consonants in “Work”

Initial Medial Final Total

[t] 0 0 10 10

[d] 0 0 2 2

[θ] 0 2 1 3

[ð] 3 1 0 4

[ŋ] 0 0 4 4

Total 3 3 17 23

Based on the table 4.2, from the twenty-one words, there are twenty-

three English consonants which are pronounced different from RP. The writer

discovered there are two words which each word consisting of two consonants

pronounced differently. The writer also categorized English consonants which are

pronounced differently into three groups. They are in the initial, medial, or final

position of the words.

The sounds which are in the very beginning position of the words belong

to the initial one. In contrast, the sounds belonging to the final position are those

which is placed in the end of the words. Furthermore, the sounds which do not

belong to the initial or final are categorized as the medial. The example is in the

word something [sʌmθɪŋ]. Two consonants [θ] and [ŋ] are pronounced as [t] and

[n]. The other words only consist of one, for example in the word the [ðe]. The

consonant [ð] is changed into [d].

From the two examples, it can be observed that [θ] is in the medial

position of the word, [ŋ] is in the final position, and [ð] is in the initial position of

the word. Based on the data, three consonants pronounced differently are in the

initial position, three consonants are in the medial position, and eighteen

consonants are in the final position.


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It also can be seen in the two examples mentioned before that there are

various consonants which are pronounced differently. There are five sorts of

consonants classified based on their place and manner of articulation. They are

alveolar voiceless stop [t], alveolar voiced stop [d], interdental voiceless fricative

[θ], interdental voiced fricative [ð], and velar nasal [ŋ].

The sound [t] pronounced differently ten times and its position is in the

final position of the words. The pronunciation of [d] is twice in the final position.

The pronunciation of [θ] is three times in the medial and once in the final. The

pronunciation of [ð] is once in the medial and three times in the initial. The

pronunciation of [ŋ] is four times in the final position.

b. Rihanna’s Pronunciation of English Consonants in “Man Down”

As being discussed previously, there are a hundred and forty-four English

words in this song which consist of English consonants. Twenty-two of them are

pronounced different from RP and the others are pronounced exactly the same as

in RP. The summary of the English Consonants pronounced differently in “Man

Down” is presented as in the table 4.3:

Table 4.3 The Summary of The English Consonant Different

Pronounciation in “Man Down”

Initial Medial Final total

[t] 0 0 9 9

[d] 0 0 4 4

[θ] 1 0 0 1

[ð] 3 0 0 3

[ŋ] 0 0 4 4

[n] 0 0 1 1

[v] 0 0 1 1

total 4 0 19 23


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From twenty-two words, the writer found twenty-three English

consonants pronounced not the same with RP. There are two words which each

word consisting of two consonants pronounced differently. The example is in the

word thinking [θɪŋkɪŋ]; [θ] and [ŋ] are pronounced as [t] and [n]. Otherwise, the

others consist of one English consonant with different pronunciation.

Nineteen consonants pronounced in a different way are in the final

position. In addition, there are four consonants in the initial position and there is

none in the medial position with different pronunciation. Similar to the data

analysis in the song “Work”, in “Man Down, the English consonants pronounced

differently are also varied. Different from the previous discussion, there are seven

variation of consonants found in this song.

Five of them are similar to the data analysis in “Work”. They are [t], [d],

[θ], [ð], and [ŋ]. The next two consonants are nasal stop [n] and labiodental

fricative [v]. The English consonants frequently pronounced not the same as in RP

are [t] which is in the final position of the words. [t] is pronounced differently

nine times. Occurring in the same position, in the final of the words, [ŋ] and [d]

are pronounced differently four times.

The next consonant pronounced in another way is [ð] which its position

is in the initial words. It is diversely pronounced three times. The other

consonants found in this song such as, [θ], [n], and [v], are pronounced differently

once. The position of [θ] is in the initial, while [n] and [v] are in the final position

of the words.


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2. Phonological Processes

After finding the fact that Rihanna pronounces some English consonants

in a different way, there are some phonological processes follow the changing

sounds. There are three main sorts of phonological processes; consonant deletions,

consonant changes, and consonant insertions. The details of the analysis are

presented as follows:

a. Consonant Deletions

By observing and analyzing the data, the writer considers some

consonants are deleted in some certain conditions. In other word, a phoneme is

not pronounced in a certain environment. Based on the sorts of the consonants,

there are five classificationsof consonant deletions. The consonant deletions found

in this study are /n/-deletion, /v/-deletion, and the final consonant cluster deletion;

/t/-deletion, /d/-deletion. Each of the deletion processes is described as follows:

i) /n/-deletion

The first process of deletions is /n/-deletion. The data presents that there

is only one word experiencing this phonological process. The word is one found

in the song entitled “Work”. The process how the alveolar nasal stop sound [n] is

eliminated is presented in the table 4.4:


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Table 4.4 The Phonological Process of /n/-deletion










Underlying Form [wʌn mi:] [wʌn mi:]

n-deletion - [wʌ mi:]


Representation [wʌn mi:] [wʌ mi:]

Table 4.4 shows that the phoneme /n/ occurs after a vowel and in the

final position of a word. Yet, it is deleted because in the song lyrics the word one

is followed by me which has an initial sound [m]. Thus, [n] is deleted when it is in

the final of a word and preceding the bilabial nasal stop sound [m].As the result,

the surface representation becomes /wʌ/.

The rule is:

/n/ → [ø] / V _____ [+bilabial nasal]

ii) /v/-deletion

The second process of deletions is /v/-deletion which is more or less

similar to the process of /n/-deletion. From the data, there is only one process of

/v/-deletion. It is in the word give found in the song entitled “Man Down”.

Nowadays, this phenomenon commonly happens in some variaties of English

language. The description on how the labiodental voiced fricative sound [v] is

deleted shows in the table 4.5:

Table 4.5 The Phonological Process of /v/-deletion









Give Underlying Form [gɪv mi:] [gɪv mi:]

v-deletion - [gɪmi:]


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Representation [gɪv mi:] [gɪmi:]

The phoneme /v/ happens in the final position of a word and follows a

vowel. The words give should be pronounced as [gɪv]. However, in the lyrics give

is followed by the word me. Thus, [v] in give is eliminated when it precedes the

bilabial nasal sound [m] such as in me. As the result, the pronunciation of give me

becomes [gɪmi:] without sounding [v].

The rule is:

/v/ → [ø] / V _____ [+bilabial nasal]

iii) /t/-deletion

The third deletion process is the final consonant cluster deletion; /t/-

deletion. The alveolar voiceless oral stop sound [t] is deleted when its position is

in the final position and preceded by another consonant. In other words, it can be

said that [t] is deleted if it is as the final consonant cluster. From the data, [t] is

deleted under four circumstances. Firstly, when its position is after the velar

voiceless stop sound [k] such as in act and expect. Secondly, when the alveolar

sounds [s], [n], and [l] are preceding [t], such as in the words just, didn’t, and

dealt. The process is described as in the table 4.6:

Table 4.6 The Phonological Process of /t/-deletion










Underlying Form [delt] [delt]

t-deletion - [del]


Representation [delt] [del]


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Based on the process presented in the table 4.6, the word dealt in RP

should be pronounced as /delt/. On the other hand, Rihanna pronounces it as /del/.

Thus, the words deal experiences t-deletion rule. The rule is:

/t/ →[ø] / C _____#

iv) /d/-deletion

The last consonant deletion is another final consonant cluster deletion;

/d/-deletion. Almost similar with the previous discussion about /t/-deletion, the

alveolar voiced oral stop sound [d] is also deleted when its position is in the end

of the word. It happens when /d/ is preceded by the alveolar nasal sound [n]. For

example, in the words and, mind, behind, and happened. The process is presented

as in the table 4.7:

Table 4.7 The Phonological Process of /d/-deletion










Underlying Form [maɪnd] [maɪnd]

d-deletion - [maɪn]


Representation [maɪnd] [maɪn]

Table 4.7 shows the first circumstance which is the sound [d] in the final

position and preceded by the sound [n].

Thus, the rule is:

/d/ → [ø] / [+alveolar nasal] _____#

b. Consonant Changes

Not only consonant deletions, but the process of consonant changes are

also found in the data. There are three kinds of consonant changes. They are


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affrication, alveolarization, and glottalization. The more detail of these processes

are presented as follows:

i) Affrication

The first consonant change discussed in this part is the changing of the

alveolar voiceless oral stop sound [t] becomes a palatal voiceless affricative sound

[t ]. In phonology, this kind of the sound change is called as affrication. Trask

states that “affrication is a phonological process in which a plosive acquires a

fricative release” (2008:14). In this case, it can simply be said that affrication

occurs when plosive consonants [p, t, k] are replaced by an affricate consonant.

An example of affrication found in the data is in the word neglect. The process is

described in the table 4.8:

Table 4.8 The Phonological Process of Affrication









Neglect You

Underlying Form [nɪglekt ju:] [nɪglekt ju:]

Affrication - [nɪglekt ʃu:]


Representation [nɪglekt ju:] [nɪglekt ʃu:]

Based on the table 4.8, [t] is pronounced as [t ] when its position is in the

end of the word and preceding another word which has the palatal glide sound [j]

as the initial sound. In the lyrics, the word neglect is followed by the word you.

Therefore, neglect which should be pronounced as [nɪglekt] after being followed

by [j] changes into [t ]. Therefore, neglect you is pronounced as [nɪglekt u:]. The

rule of this process is:

/t/ # /j/ [t ] / ______ V


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The other words experiencing exactly the same process of affrication are don’t

you, that you’ve, and what you.

Furthermore, the same process of affrication under a different

circumstance happens in the word with you. If the consonant replaced by [t ] in

the previous discussion is the sound [t], the consonant replaced in the word with

you is the interdental voiceless fricative sound [θ]. For this case, affrication

happens when the sound [θ] becomes [t ] if its position is in the final a word and

preceding the initial sound of another word; [j]. Therefore, the rule is:

/θ/# /j/ [t ] / ______ V

ii) Alveolarization

Another consonant change is the changing some sounds into the alveolar

sounds such as [n], [t], and [d]. The changing process is called as alveolarization.

Alveolarization is a phonological process occurring when a non-alveolar sound

becomes an alveolar sound. There are three types of alveolarization discussed in

this analysis. They are velar alveolarization, /ð/-alveolarization, and /θ/-

alveolarization. The three processes are explained as follows:

1) Velar Alveolarization

The first alveolarization happens is the velar nasal sound [ŋ]. Therefore,

it is called as velar alveolarization. The data analysis shows that the velar

alvolarization happens in 8 words. 4 words found in “Work” are hurting, trying,

something, and nothing. 4 other words are thinking, living, facing, and playing

found in “Man Down”. An example of the phonological process is presented in

table 4.9:


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Table 4.9 The Phonological Process of Velar Alveolarization










Underlying Form [lɪvɪŋ] [lɪvɪŋ]

/ŋ/-alveolarization - [lɪvɪn]


Representation [lɪvɪŋ] [lɪvɪn]

According to RP, living should be pronounced as [lɪvɪŋ]. Based on the

table 4.9, the position of the velar nasal sound [ŋ] is in the end of a word and

preceded by the vowel [ɪ]. However, [ŋ] is replaced by the alveolar nasal sound

[n]. As a result, it is pronunced as [lɪvɪn]. After observing the data, the words

having an ending sound [ŋ] experience this kind of phonological process. Thus, it

can be said that [ŋ] becomes [n] when its position is preceded by a vowel [ɪ] and

in the final of a word. As a result, the rule is: /ŋ/ [n] / V______ #

2) /ð/-alveolarization

Another sound which is alveolarized is the interdental voiced fricative

sound [ð]. The sound [ð] is changed into the alveolar voiced oral stop sound [d].

A number of words found in Rihanna’s pronunciation experience these processes.

They are bother, that, the, and them. Table 4.10 is provided in order to describe

the process.

Table 4.10 The Phonological Process of /ð/-alveolarization










Underlying Form [ðem] [ðem]

/ð/-alveolarization - [dem]


Representation [ðem] [dem]


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From the table 4.10, the initial phoneme /ð/ is alveolarized into /d/ in

some certain conditions. Firstly, /ð/ is changed into /d/ when it occurs in the

beginning of a word. Therefore, the rule is:

/ð/ [d] / # ______

Secondly, the /ð/-alveolarization also happens when the sound [ð] is in

the middle of a word. /ð/ in both conditions is always followed by a vowel. The

rule is:

/ð/ [d] / V______V

Additionally, the sound /ð/ also experiences the process of

defricativization. Defricativization means the changing process of fricative into

non-fricative, in this case oral stop.

3) /θ/-alveolarization

The last type of alveolarization found in this study is /θ/-alveolarization.

It is the changing process of the sound /θ/ becomes /t/. There are three words of

the data experiencing this phonological process. They are something, nothing’s,

and thinking.. The example of the process is presented as follows:

Table 4.11 The Phonological Process of /θ/-alveolarization










Underlying Form [sʌmθɪŋ] [sʌmθɪŋ]

/θ/-lveolarization - [sʌmtɪŋ]

/ŋ/-alveolarization - [sʌmtɪn]


Representation [sʌmθɪŋ] [sʌmtɪn]


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Based on the table 4.11, the interdental voiceless fricative sound [θ] is

changed into the alveolar voiceless oral stop sound [t]. Yet, the sound /θ/ also

experiences defricativization process. The changing sound due to the process of

alveolarization is almost similar to the previous discussion on the /ð/-

alveolarization. It also happens in some conditions. The first condition is if the

sound [θ] is in the beginning of a word, for example in the word thinking.

Consequently, the rule is:

/θ/ [t] / # ______

The second one is if it occurs in the middle of a word such as in the word

something represented in table 4.11. The sound [θ] is followed by a vowel in the

first and second condition. Therefore, the rule is:

/θ/ [t] / V_____V

iii) Glottaling

The next phonological process found in Rihanna’s pronunciation is called

glottaling. According to Trask, glottaling is the replacement of an oral plosive by

a glottal stop (2008:160). From the data, the glottaling process is found in three

words, which are get, had, work, dirt and it. The process is presented as follows:

Table 4.12 The Phonological Process of Glottaling










Underlying Form [get] [get]

Glottaling - [geʔ]


Representation [get] [geʔ]


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It can be explained that the alveolar voiceless stop sound [t] is changed

into the glottal stop sound [ʔ]. This process also happens in the word had. The

alveolar voiced stop sound [d] is changed into [ʔ] if the position of the sound [d]

is in the end of a word. The last, [ʔ] also replaced oral plosive stop [k] as in the

word work. Thus, the rule is:

/t/ [ʔ] / ______ #


/d/ [ʔ] / ______ #


/k/ [ʔ] / ______ #

c. Consonant Insertion

There is also a phonological process of consonant insertion. Insertion or

epenthesis occurs when there is a phoneme is inserted into a word in a position in

which no segment was previously present (Trask, 2008: 132). One kind of

consonant insertion occur in this song is called as palatalization which is

discussed as follows:

i) Palatalization

According to Trask, palatalization is a phonological process in which a

non-palatal segment is converted into palatal or palato-alveolar. Based on the

data, there is only one word experiencing palatalization. It is the word care found

in the song “Work”. The example of this process is discussed in the table 4.13:


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Table 4.13 The Phonological Process of Palatalization










Underlying Form [keə] [keə]

Vowel Change - [ka:]

/j/-insertion - [kja:]


Representation [keə] [kja:]

The word care which in RP should be pronounced as [keə] is changed

into [kja:]. In this word, two phonological rules are applied. They are vowel

change and insertion. However, the focus in this part is only the consonant

insertion which is [j]. From the process shown in table 4.13, it can be said that the

palatal sound [j] is inserted between /k/ and /a:/. As the result, the rule is:

/ø/ [j] / [k] ______V

B. Factors Affecting Rihanna’s Pronunciation of English Consonants

1. Phonological Aspect

The first factor affecting Rihanna’s pronunciation comes from

phonological aspect. The standard pronunciation which is RP mostly affects

Rihanna’s pronunciation. It is proven by the large number of words pronounced

by Rihanna which follows the rule of RP. On the other hand, there are also some

factors influencing Rihanna in pronouncing some words by not following RP’s


As being discussed previously, the pronunciation of the sound [θ] is

changed into [t]. The reason why [θ] is easily replaced by [t] rather than other

consonants is actually because both sounds have close place and manner of

articulation. [θ] and [t] are voiceless sound. [θ] is an interdental sound while [t] is


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an alveolar sound. The place of articulation of interdental and alveolar sound are

close. They also have the same major class feature consonant which is coronal.

It also happens in the sound [ð] which is changed into [d]. Both sounds

have close place and come from similar manner of articulation. [ð] and [d] are

voiced sound. [ð]is an interdental sound while [d] is an alveolar sound which their

place of articulation is close. They are also categorized as the same major class

feature consonant which is coronal. The changing sound of interdental fricatives

/θ/and /ð/, are recognized through the absence of English consonants in Jamaican

Creole. As mentioned in the previous chapter, there is no interdental fricatives in

Jamaican Creole phonology. Therefore, it is easier to be pronounced if the

interdental sounds are changed.

Furthermore, the sound [t] and [d] are deleted in a certain condition.

Based on the observation, the voiceless alveolar oral stop [t] is deleted when it is

in the final position of consonant cluster and followed by voiced sounds. For

example, in the lyrics, the word wasn’t are followed by the word right. Wasn’t

consists of three consonant cluster alveolar-alveolar-alveolar [znt] while the first

sound in the word right is voiced [r]. It also happens in the words act, text, just,

dealt, can’t, went, front, and expect.

The words dealt, can’t, went, and front consist of final alveolar-alveolar

consonant cluster while the words act, text, just, and expect consist of velar-

alveolar consonant cluster. In addition, the data shows that these words are

followed by the words which their first sound is voiced sounds such as like, me,


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get, with, even, of, and shot. Since there is an alveolar or velar sound preceeds [t]

and a voiced sound, [t] is deleted in order to make the pronunciation more simple.

The voiced alveolar oral stop [d] also experiences the phonological

process of deletion. It can be seen in the words and, mind, happened, and behind

that consist of two consonant clusters which are alveolar-alveolar [nd]. These

words are followed by the words which have consonant as their initial sounds

such as bars, to, and my. Almost similar to the explanation about /t/-deletion

previously, in order to simplify the pronunciation, [d] is deleted because there are

an alveolar sound and another consonant surround it.

Deletion process frequently happens in Rihanna’s pronunciation. There

are three consonants, [n], [v], and [t] which are eliminated. As described in the

previous subchapter, the ending sound of the words one, give, and let are deleted

if the initial sound of the next words is [m] in the word me. Additionally, these

deletion processes happen several times in some accent, especially in non-

standard English pronunciation, in order to make an easy pronunciation.

Assimilation process also happens in Rihanna’s pronunciation. For

example, in the lyrics, the ending sound of the word that, [t], is followed by the

initial sound of the word you, [j]. [t] is changed by [t ] rather than other

consonants because [t ] has close place of articulation with [j]. [t ] and [j] are

palatal sounds. However, [t] does not totally change into the sound which has the

same place articulation. The changing sound still has the same feature with [t]. [t]

and [t ] are voiceless sounds. Moreover, both comes from the same major classes

of consonant which is coronals.


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Another thing influencing Rihanna’s pronunciation phonologically is the

changing sound of the velar nasal [ŋ] into the alveolar nasal [n]. Based on the

data, all the ending sound [ŋ] in the words having such as hurting, something,

trying, nothing, thinking, facing, playing, and living, are replaced by [n]. As seen

in the data, [ŋ] is in the position after a vowel [ɪ]. There is a reason why the

alveolar nasal stop [n] replacing [ŋ] rather than another nasal or velar sound. It is

due to the influence of the vowel [ɪ]. According to Ladefoged, [ɪ] has features of

vowel, based on the position and height of the tongue, which are front and high.

Thus, it is easier to change [ŋ] into [n] because the tongue position while

producing the sound [n] is in the front and high.

2. Social Background

The second factor affecting the pronunciation is Rihanna’s social

background. The role of society conveys the influence on Rihanna in acquiring

the language used in her songs. As mentioned in the previous chapter, Rihanna’s

father is an Afro-Barbados and Irish descendant, while her mother is Afro-

Guyanese. It means that Rihanna has a mixture of Afro-Caribbean descendant.

She was born and grown up in Caribbean Islands. Thus, it can be said that

Caribbean language affects her language usage, in this case her pronunciation.

The majority language which is developed in Caribbean Islands is a

creole. Some European languages are used as a creole-based because, historically,

European people colonized the Caribbean Islands. Thus, the language used in

Caribbean is mostly affected by the language used by European colonies, such as

English, French, Portuguese, and Dutch. The examples of the countries which


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have English-based creole are Jamaica, Guyana, and Barbados (Wardaugh 1992:


Due to the fact that Rihanna’s childhood is in Barbados, the language

used in a daily conversation is Barbadian Creole. On the other hand, in this

research, the writer discovers that Rihanna also uses Jamaican Creole in “Work”

and “Man Down”. As explained in the previous chapter about her music genre and

career life, she is really influenced by Jamaican singer and music. Therefore, there

is a possibility that she uses Jamaican Creole in those two songs. It is proven by

the finding of some phonological characteristics of Jamaican Creole in Rihanna’s

pronunciation. The first one is the absence of the interdental sounds [θ] and [ð].

The second one is phonological phenomenon of palatalization.

Furthermore, by relating the results of analysis in part A and Rihanna’s

life background, it also proves that Rihanna’s pronunciation is influenced by more

than one accent. For example, there is glottaling phenomenon which several times

happens in non-standard British accent.

Moreover, the pronunciation of Rihanna is also influenced by her

profession as a singer. As a singer, she always relates her life to music. Any music

genre is mostly informal. Thus, the use of non-standard English is also common in

any music genre, in this case reggae and dancehall music. It also proven by the

findings of non-standard English characteristics in Rihanna’s pronunciation. For

instance, the loss of final consonant cluster and the deletion process of the ending

sound which followed by bilabial nasal sound like in the words let me, give me,

and one me.


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The study achieves to answer the two problems of the study. Firstly,

answering how Rihanna pronounces English consonants in the song entitled

“Work” and “Man Down”, the writer determines that, from 263 words, 220

English words are pronounced exactly appropriate with RP. However, 43 of them

are not pronounced appropriately. Form these 43 English words, the study

concerns on English consonants. The English consonants which are pronounced

differently are categorizes into three groups. The categorization is based on the

English consonants’ position. They are initial, medial, and final position.

The analysis results there are some phonological processes happen due to

the different pronunciation. Deletion processes frequently occur in Rihanna’s

pronunciation. The sounds [t], [d], [n], and [v] are deleted when it occurs in the

final position of consonant clusters. The sounds [t] and [θ] also experience

affrication process which changes it into the sound [t͡ ʃ] when they occur in the

final position of words and followed by the sound [j].

The sounds [ð] and [θ] are also changed into [d] and [t] due to the

absence of the sounds in Jamaican Creole phonology. Consequently, the velar

sound [ŋ] is changed into [n]. There are the process of palatalization and

glottaling. In the glotaling process, the sounds [t], [d], and [k] are changed into a

glottal stop [ʔ] when they occur in the final position of words. The palatalization

process happens when palatal sound [j] is inserted between [k] and a vowel.


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Secondly, answering what possible factors influencing Rihanna’s

pronunciation, the writer finds that the factors come from phonological and

sociolinguistic aspects. The environment of how the sounds are produced affects

how the sounds are changed. In addition, the social background of Rihanna such

as the Afro-Caribbean descendant and Jamaican music genre contributes to her

pronunciation. In a conclusion, people could not pronounce exactly the same as

the standard language because many factors affects them.


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Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams. An Introduction to

Language: Ninth Edition. Wadsworth: Wadsworth Cengage Learning,


Giergerich, Heinz J. English Phonology: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge

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Heidi Dulay, Martina Burt, and Stephen Karshen. Language Two. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1982.

Ismartono, Estu Kuncoro. A Phonological Analysys of Black English in 50 Cent's

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University, 2009.

Ladefoged, Peter. A Course in Phonetics: Third Edition. New York: Harcourt

Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, 1993.

Mahon, A. Mc. An Introduction to English Phonology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh

University Press, 2002.

“Man Down”. Man Down Rihanna Lyrics. (

rihanna/mandown.html). August 28, 2016.

Mencken, H. L. The American Language. New York: Knoph Doubleday

Publishing Group, 2006.

Montgomery, Martin. An Introduction to Language and Society. London:

Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1986.

Rahardjosidhi, Kris Rahardian. Mispronunciation of English Final Alveolar-

Alveolar and Velar-Alveolar Consonant Clusters by the Students of SMA

Santa Maria Yogyakarta. Undergraduate Thesis. Yogyakarta: Sanata

Dharma University, 2017.

Rani, Taj. How Rihanna’s “Work” Made Dancehall Reign in Pop Music (Again).

Billboard. March 2, 2016. (

pop/6889497/rihanna-work-dancehall-essay). September 17, 2016.

Robins, R.H. General Linguistics: Fourth Edition. New York: Longman, 1996.


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Stevenson, Robert. Global Communication in the Twenty-First Century. New

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Thorne, Sarah. Mastering Advanced English Language. Basingstoke: Macmillan,


Trask, R. L., A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology. New York: Routledge,


Wardaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Second Edition. Oxford:

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Appendix 1. The List of The Different Pronunciation of English Consonants

in “Work”

English Words RP Rihanna’s pronunciation

Dirt [dɜ:t] [dɜ:ʔ] Work [wɜ:k] [wɜ:ʔ] Care [keə] [kjɑ:]

Hurting [hɜ:tɪŋ] [hʌtɪn]

Trying [trɑɪjɪŋ] [trɑɪjɪn]

Something [sʌmθɪŋ] [sʌmtɪn]

Nothing [nʌθɪŋ] [nʌtɪn]

Bother [bɒ:ðə] [bɑdɑh]

That [ðæt] [dæt]

The [ðe] [de]

With you [wɪθ ju:] [wɪt͡ʃu:]

Don’t you [dəʊnt ju:] [dəʊntʃu:]

That you’ve [ðæt ju:v] [dæt͡ʃu:v]

Neglect you [nɪglekt ju:] [nɪglekcu:]

Act [ækt] [æk]

Text [tekst] [teks]

Just [dʒəst] [dʒəs]

Dealt [delt] [del]

And [ænd] [æn]

Had [hæd] [hæʔ]

Get [get] [geʔ]


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Appendix 2. The List of The Different Pronunciation of English Consonants

in “Man Down”

English Words RP Rihanna’s pronunciation

Didn’t [dɪdnt] [dɪdn]

Wasn’t [wʌznt] [wʌzn]

Can’t [kɑ:nt] [kæn]

Went [went] [wen]

Front [frʌnt] [frʌn]

Just [dʒəst] [dʒəs]

Expect [ɪkspekt] [ɪkspek]

And [ænd] [æn]

Mind [mɑɪnd] [mɑɪn]

Behind [bɪhɑɪnd] [bəhɑɪn]

Happened [hæpənd] [hʌpən]

It [ɪt] [ɪʔ] Get [get] [geʔ]

Thinking [θɪŋkɪŋ] [tɪŋkɪn]

Facing [feɪsɪŋ] [feɪsɪn]

Playing [pleɪjɪŋ] [pleɪjɪn]

Living [lɪvɪŋ] [lɪvɪn]

That [ðæt] [dæt]

The [ðe] [de]

Them [ðem] [dem]

One [wʌn] [wʌ] What you [wɒt ju:] [wɒt͡ʃu:]


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Appendix 3. The Lyrics of “Work”

Work, work, work, work, work, work

He say me have to

Work, work, work, work, work, work!

He see me do me

Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!

So me put in

Work, work, work, work, work, work

When you all gon'?

Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn

Me no care if him

Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting

[Verse 1 - Rihanna:]

Dry!... Me a desert him

No time to have you lurking

Him ah go act like he don't like it

You know I dealt with you the nicest

Nobody touch me, you the righteous

Nobody text me in a crisis

I believed all of your dreams, adoration

You took my heart and my keys and my patience

You took my heart on my sleeve for decoration

You mistaken my love I brought for you for foundation

All that I wanted from you was to give me

Something that I never had

Something that you've never seen

Something that you've never been!


But I wake up and act like nothing's wrong

Just get ready fi...

[Chorus - Rihanna:]

Work, work, work, work, work, work

He say me have to

Work, work, work, work, work, work!

He see me do me

Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!

So me put in

Work, work, work, work, work, work

Ner ner ner ner ner ner!


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When you all gon' learn, learn, learn, learn, learn!

Before the tables turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn!

[Verse 2 - Rihanna:]

Beg you something please

Baby don't you leave

Don't leave me stuck here in the streets, uh huh

If I get another chance to

I will never, no never neglect you

I mean who am I to hold your past against you?

I just hope that it gets to you

I hope that you see this through

I hope that you see this true

What can I say?

Please recognize I'm tryin', babe!

I have to

[Chorus - Rihanna:]

Work, work, work, work, work, work

He say me have to

Work, work, work, work, work, work!

He see me do me

Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!

So me put in

Work, work, work, work, work, work

When you all gon'

Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn

Me no care if him

Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting

[Verse 3 - Drake:]

Yeah, okay

You need to get done, done, done, done at work, come over

We just need to slow the motion

Don't give that away to no one

Long distance, I need you

When I see potential I just gotta see it through

If you had a twin, I would still choose you

I don't wanna rush into it, if it's too soon

But I know you need to get done, done, done, done

If you come over

Sorry if I'm way less friendly

I got niggas tryna end me, oh


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I spilled all my emotions tonight, I'm sorry

Rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'

How many more shots until you're rollin'?

We just need a face to face

You could pick the time and the place

You spent some time away

Now you need to forward and give me all the...

[Chorus - Rihanna & Drake:]

Work, work, work, work, work, work

He say me have to

Work, work, work, work, work, work

He see me do me

Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!

So me put in

Work, work, work, work, work, work

When you all gon'

Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn

Me no care if him

Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting

[Outro - Rihanna:]

Mmmmm, mmmmm

Mmmmm, mmmmm

Work, work, work, work, work, work

Mmmmm, mmmmm


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Appendix 4. The Lyrics of “Man Down”

I didn't mean to end his life

I know it wasn't right

I can't even sleep at night

Can't get it off my mind

I need to get out of sight

Before I end up behind bars

What started out as a simple altercation

Turned into a real sticky situation

Me just thinking on the time that I'm facing

Makes me wanna cry

Cause I didn't mean to hurt him

Could've been somebody's son

And I took his heart when

I pulled out that gun

Rum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum

Man Down

Rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum

Man Down

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In central station

In front of a big ol' crowd

Oh, why? Oh, why?

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In central station

It's a 22

I Call her Peggy Sue

When she fits right down in my shoes

What you expect me to do

If you're playing me for a fool

I will lose my cool

And reach for my fire arm

I didn't mean to lay him down

But it's too late to turn back now


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Don't know what I was thinking

Now he's no longer living

So I'm ‘bout to leave town (yeah)

Cause I didn't mean to hurt him

Could've been somebody's son

And I took his heart when

I pulled out that gun

Rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum

Man Down

Rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum

Man Down

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In central station

In front of a big ol' crowd

Oh, why? Oh, why?

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In central station

And I never thought I'd do it

Never thought I'd do it

Never thought I'd do it

Oh, gosh

Whatever happened to me

Ever happened to me

Ever happened to me

Why did I pull the trigger

Pull the trigger, pull the trigger – boom

And end a nigga, end a nigga life so soon

When me pull the trigger, pull the trigger, pull it 'pon you

Somebody tell me what I'm gonna, what I'm gonna do

Rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum

Me say one man down (oh, let me say)

Rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum, rum, pum, pum, pum

When we went downtown

Cause now I am a criminal criminal criminal

Oh, lord have mercy now I am a criminal


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Man Down

Tell the judge please gimme minimal

Run out a town none a them can see me now

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In central station

In front of a big ol' crowd

Oh, why? Oh, why?

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In central station