the prophet daniel

 The Prophet Daniel  There were many great prophets throughout the ages, yet Daniel stands out as a preeminent figure. Daniel was a big foundat ion in the development of proph ecies in general. The book of Revelation even has tons of similarities between its words and the prophetic words of the prophet Da niel. The book of Revelation was crea ted by the apostle John shortl y before 100 A.D. Daniel lived in a time when the Hebrews were in exile during the Babylonian exile. During that era of time, the Babylonians conquered the Fertile Crescent (including Israel). So, the first Te mple was ruined by the Babylonian s. Therefore, the Hebrews were captured, kidnapped, and subsequently sent

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The Prophet Daniel 

There were many great prophets throughout the ages, yet Daniel stands out as a

preeminent figure. Daniel was a big foundation in the development of prophecies in

general. The book of Revelation even has tons of similarities between its words and the

prophetic words of the prophet Daniel. The book of Revelation was created by the

apostle John shortly before 100 A.D. Daniel lived in a time when the Hebrews were in

exile during the Babylonian exile. During that era of time, the Babylonians conquered

the Fertile Crescent (including Israel). So, the first Temple was ruined by the

Babylonians. Therefore, the Hebrews were captured, kidnapped, and subsequently sent

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into Mesopotamia. It was another form of oppression against the Hebrews. Then, the

King of Babylonia desired Daniel to interpret the dream that he witnessed. All of the

astrologers & occultists couldn't formulate the accurate interpretation of the dream.

Daniel made known to the King about the complete analysis of his dream. The prophet

Daniel was a great prophet like Isaiah (the defender of the poor), Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and

other human beings. Daniel wrote that there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets andmakes known what shall be in the latter days from Daniel 2:28.

There is no question that we live in an unique time in the beginning of the latter days 

(since there are flying machines, society is changing, Israel is here, the weather patterns

are in a strange phrase of existence, we have a high level of simultaneous and rapid

communication [like the Internet, cell phones, blackberries, satellites, e-mail, and other

modes of advanced technological devices], etc.). What is happening now in the 21st

century is that tons of people are waking up composing of numerous backgrounds.

People legitimately seek truth, justice, peace, educational reforms, investments in our

infrastructure, rights for workers, and a moral commitment to an end of the war onterror. This present war on terror is an evil war since it uses deception as a means to

 justify its wicked acts under the guise of “patriotism” and religious “fervor.” Many fake

people try to use God in an exploitative fashion and then later on they want act tough

again. Sometimes, a man doesn’t need to yell to the roof tops. Sometimes a man can

act or move in silence to get the job done. That’s a real lesson in life. Some folks

refuse to mix religion and politics, but how can you make a difference in the world if

you exclude discussions on religion or moral ethics. You can’t. Also, it’s important to

fight against materialism and abhor an unique form of social bigotry (that promotes the

lie that if you look eclectic, if you have eclectic tastes, if you act differently than a

stereotypical model of manhood or womanhood, then you are inferior. Frankly, you are

not inferior. You are not less than another human being because of how you talk, what

clothes you dress or wear, or what your interests are. You are special and you are

unique created in God’s image. Western society falsely equates numerous folks acting

nice as a sin. Let it be known that being nice is never a sin or a detriment to true human

character). True human character is defined by courage, love for humanity, strength,

overcoming obstacles, and being inspired to promote righteousness in society. The truth

is that any human being irrespective of their physical appearance or any

distinction is equal to any other human being. We are determined to be human beings

and not to be ashamed of what we are. Subsequently, the naysayers say leave America if

we don’t like the conditions in America. That’s foolishness, because throughoutAmerica’s history, dissenters have expressed their dissatisfaction with the corruption in

America. Expressing legitimate grievances against some corrupt policies in America is a

part of not slander, but the expression of the freedom of speech, the freedom of the

press (including the freedom of assembly, and the right to protest). We have the excellent

right to protest for right.

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We don’t have to live under silly peer pressure or uniformly plus unconditionally submit

to hypocritical societal norms. We should have independent thinking and true freedom topromote real values instead of the values of greed, of prejudice, of arrogance, of mental

slavery, and of materialism. Fighting against poverty (like dealing with the problems in the

ghettoes, Appalachia, and other poorer areas in the world in order to create solutions),

fighting against health care disparities, and believing in an end to the killings of millions

worldwide via immoral wars are great duties to perform to achieve a victory. In the final

analysis, people wants some improvement and be concerned with the poor, the sojourner,

and the downtrodden (including the outcast). It’s very hypocritical for some to yell about

redistribution of wealth when for decades; there has been a radical redistribution of wealth

from the poor the rich via immoral, reactionary financial policies. I am going to fight like a

man firmly for my destiny, my liberties, and for real reforms being articulated in the


The state of mind of the prophets was in the mindset of living in ancient Middle Eastern

history plus culture. They were like everyday human beings and wrote about events that

were fulfilled in the future. People have the right to believe in what they want. Organized

religion is what I don’t follow and believing in spiritual principles from the prophets

doesn’t mean that I support state run religions. I don’t and I reject any institutions of a

theocracy in any society. Lies exist among many groups, but true spirituality can overcome

deceptions. Also, being masculine isn’t a sin and being feminine isn’t a sin either. It’s a sin

when people exploit masculine and feminine influences in the Universe as an excuse to

harm or immorally dominate both genders. Also, many of the prophets’ words came true

and this has nothing to do with hanging on to nefarious socio-political and religion-

economic propaganda. Many human beings have great characters and died without

experienced a 2 faced personalities including many of the ancients. The early church is

made up of the first followers (including other people) during the first few centuries of

Christianity. They were independent, strong, and had a growing following. That is the

early church. The real early church weren’t made up of ignorant people, because the early

church had access to the Torah, the Law, the words of the Prophets, the rest of the Tenakh,

and other information at their disposal. They believed in moral living and loving kindness.

They were brave to oppress the oppression from the Roman Empire and some died forstanding up for their belief systems. Many in the early church can have reasoned debate

and exist with an authentic, real conversation on issues. This has occurred before. Also,

many interpretations of life in the world exist, but moral absolutes are real in the Universe.

These moral absolutes don’t have many interpretations. They are real. They are true and

 just like we shouldn’t kill innocent people, treat your neighbor as yourself, help the poor,

and love God with all of your heart & strength. The real church is made of true believers in

God simply. The concept of church was invented by Jesus, his apostles, and Jesus’

followers. The church concept was invented to unify believers, do the communion, and

have spiritual growth in the Christian religion. People discuss these issues all of the time in

the world. Many languages in the Scriptures aren’t passive, aggressive nonsense.

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The book of Daniel had words that existed in the Book of Revelation as written by the

Apostle John. When John wrote the book of Revelation, the beasts, the 3 ½ years timing,

God’s throne etc. alluded to Daniel’s great visions. The book of Revelation mentions that

there will be the mark of the Beast. The mark comes and the Beast wants everyone to take

his mark in their forehead or hand, so they can buy or sell food. Those who refuse to have

the mark will be beheaded. Those who take it according to the book of Revelations, God

will cast into the lake of fire. The prophecy shown by the apostle John mention that the

city of Babylon would be burned and destroyed for being involved in killing innocent

human beings and its corruption. The prophecies from Jesus Christ, Paul, Peter, and

others mention that the time of Noah would be similar to the time of the end of the age. Itisn’t a secret that our times are similar to the times back then. Today, we have families

fighting each other, earthquakes in record times (even in Virginia in August 23, 2011. It

affected D.C. with its Masonic, phallic, and pagan image of the Washington

Monument), we have economic uncertainly, we have hatred, we have materialism, the rich

continue to oppress the poor, recreational drug use is here, the glamorization of evil is

abound, and we have blasphemers as well like Ricky Gervais. Some Baptist and Protestant

Christians in Mexico have been oppressed as well because of their religious beliefs.

That’s wrong since I believe in religious freedom. Earlier in the month of September,

approximately 70 Evangelical Christians in the village of in the village of San Rafael

Tlanalapan, Puebla were expelled from their homes by local authorities after

traditionalist Catholics told them that if they remained in their homes past September

12th they would be “crucified or lynched.” Crop levels are doing down in America. The

world reaps what it has sown. The New Age is stronger now than even 5 years ago. Just

 before the arrival of the Beast or Antichrist, these events will come. The Beast will act as a

man of peace and try to claim to seek peace. There is good news. The good news is that

people can change and accept the grace of God and follow his commandments. Also,

scholars have refuted the Zoroaster/Christ link myth completely. No one is too proud for

prayer. So, if you going through bad times or good times in your life, there is nothing

wrong with prayer to the Lord to help you out in the journey of life.

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the ram and broke its 2 horns. The ram with 2 horns are the Medes and the Persians while

the goat represents the King of Greece. Daniel specifically mentions this. Daniel 8:8 says

that the goat is the first King of the Empire (refers to Alexander the Great). Daniel says that

his Kingdom will fall (at the height of his power) and it will be divided into 4 horns from

one toward the 4 winds of Heaven. This is all cited in Daniel 8:8. In real life, when

Alexander the Great's Empire fell (when he died in 323 B.C. He was born in 356 B.C.), itwas divided among the 4 Generals of Alexander (being Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy,

and Seleucus). Alexander died before he was 40 years old. Phillip (or Alexander’s half

 brother), Alexander II (one of his legitimate son), and Hercules (his illegitimate son) were

all killed and Alexander's general took over the power base of the Empire. Antiochus IV

Epiphanes would ruthlessly persecute Jewish people took in the 2nd century B.C.

 Josephus confirmed the prophet Daniel's authorship and wrote about Alexander the Great

knowing about the book of Daniel from his Antiquities of the Jews book. Josephus lived in

the 1st century. By 169 B.C., the Greeks lost control of ancient Macedonia to the Romans.

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Augustus Caesar was the first Emperor of Rome whose reign lasted from 31 B.C. to 14A.D. The ancient Romans were mostly descendants from Indo-European tribes (that

came in the Italian Peninsula in ca. the mid 3rd millennium B.C.) like the Latins, Sabines,etc. Ancient Rome was very much agricultural. As early as 8,000 B.C., there were rock

drawings in Valcamonica in Italy. The 3rd millennium B.C. Remedello culture is said to bethe first Indo-Europeans civilization in that region. They took over the Po Valley todevelop cooper smithing. The Beaker culture came into Italy as well, which was a secondwave of immigration from the late 3rd-early 2nd millennium BC. They used bronzesmithing. In the mid-2nd millennium BC, a third wave arrived, associated with theTerramare culture. The Terramare culture takes its name from the black earth (terremare)residue of settlement mounds, which have long served the fertilizing needs of localfarmers. Sardinia has the Nuragic civilization with towes, dolmens, and menhirs. The Iron

Age came from the 8th to the 5th century B.C. This was called the Villanovan culture,which is related to the Urnfeld culture that gave iron working to the Italian peninsula.

They or these Indo-European tribes took influence in the development of their Empirefrom the ancient non-Indo-European peoples called the Etruscans. They existed in Italyin ca. 800 B.C. with their center called Viterbo. Their citadel was called Acquarossa and

it was destroyed in ca. 500 B.C. The Etruscans had an abundance of civilization fromTemples, art, travel, etc. The Etruscans developed their own culture and even had theirown alphabet that I knew about back in the 1990’s. Ancient Rome evolved ortransformed itself from a Republic into an Empire. Ancient Rome was a mighty empire.Ancient Rome would be divided as shown in the 2 legs of iron in Daniel's prophecy. TheRoman Empire was split in 2 among the Eastern Roman Empire (whose capital wasConstantinople or modern day Istanbul) and Western Roman Empire (whose head wasRome). The Roman Empire experienced the physical existence of Messiah ben David orthe prophet & Messiah Yeshua. Old prophecies described Yeshua as being called theSon of God (Psalm 2:2, 7,12), being born in Bethlehem in order to rule Israel plus becalled God (Micah 5:2), he was born to a specific young Hebrew maiden (Isaiah 7:4), heis called the everlasting Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6), he is called Salvation as found in Isaiah

62:11, and he was terribly assaulted in his own nation (Isaiah 52:14). There are otherlike minded prophecies that definitely confirm that Jesus Christ is a veryimportant figure in history. Jesus promotes loving your neighbor, the defense of the poor, he promoted justice, and he disagreed with the oppression done by the Roman Empire. 

During the Roman Empire, the 2nd Temple was destroyed. The prophet & MessiahYeshua talked about the destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of Jewish peopleworldwide. This is a historical fact that happened in ca. 70 A.D. under the power of TitusVespasian. This was the beginning of the Diaspora (and the suffering of the Jewish

people). The Roman Catholic Church was split into the Catholic Church and the GreekOrthodox Empire. The 10 feet of clay mixed with iron has many interpretations. One is ofthe 10 European tribes that conquered Rome and others feel it's the final AntichristEmpire with 10 Kings with 10 regions worldwide. There are the 4 beasts shown byDaniel.

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You don’t discuss about the prophet Daniel without mentioning his seventyweeks prophecy. Daniel 9:24-27 mentioned that:

“…Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy

city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make

reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and

to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know

therefore and understand , that from the going forth of the

commandment to restore and to build  Jerusalem unto the Messiah the

Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street

shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And afterthreescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:

and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the

sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of

the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant

with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the

sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of

abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation,

and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate…” 

The prophecy was given to the Prophet Daniel by the Angel Gabriel. Now, the

commandment to restore and build Jerusalem came from Nehemiah 2:1-6. This command

was established in the first day of the Hebrew New Year, the first of Nisan, in the 20thyear of the reign of Artaxerxes, King of Persia. That date, as proven by Sir Robert

Anderson in his epic work, The Coming Prince, was March 14, 445 BC. 445 B.C. is the

time of the command to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. As per Daniel 9:25, that 

command would begin the countdown to "Messiah the Prince." Many Biblical

scholars mention that the 70 week period details a long period of time. There is the first69 weeks that terminated with the First Coming of the Messiah. Weeks in the Hebrew

language refers to years, therefore 1 week is equated to 7 years. The 70 th week will endwith the Second Coming of the Messiah. Further, the early church looked forward to

a coming Antichrist and thus a future time of Great Tribulation. Sir Robert 

Anderson wrote in his The Coming Prince on page 184: 

"That the seventieth week will be the last seven years of the dispensation, and the

term of the reign of Antichrist, is a belief as old as the writings of the Ante-Nicene

Fathers." [Emphasis added]

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Clarence Larkin adds in his Dispensational Truth on page 5:

"...This view [that chapters 6-19 of The Revelation are future and thus transpire

during the future 70th week of Daniel], while it dates in modern times only from

the close of the Sixteenth Century, is really the most ancient of the three [schools,

the Preterist, the Historical and the Futurist]. It was held in many of itsprominent features by the primitive Fathers of the Church, and is one of the

early interpretations of scripture truth that sunk into oblivion with the growth of 

the Papacy, and that has been restored to the Church in these last times..."

Even Irenaeus (120-202 A.D.) of the early Church wrote the following: 

"This is also the unjust judge, whom the Lord mentioned as one 'who feared not

God, neither regarded man,' to whom the widow fled in her forgetfulness of God, -that is, the earthly Jerusalem, - to be avenged of her adversary. Which also he shall

do in the time of his kingdom: he shall remove his kingdom into that city, and shall

sit in the temple of God, leading astray those who worship him, as if he were Christ.

To this purpose Daniel says again: 'And he shall desolate the holy place; and sin has

been given for a sacrifice, and righteousness been cast away in the earth, and he has

been active (fecit), and gone on prosperously.' ... And then he points out the time

that his tyranny shall last, during which the saints shall be put to flight, they who

offer a pure sacrifice unto God: And in the midst of the week, he says, the sacrifice

and the libation shall be taken away, and the abomination of desolation shall be

brought into the temple: even unto the consummation of the time shall the 

desolation be complete. Now three years and six months constitute the half-week."

[Against Heresies, Book V, XXV, 2] 

"But when this Antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign

for three years and six months, and sit in the temple at Jerusalem; and then the Lord

will come from heaven in the clouds, in the glory of the Father, sending this man 

and those who follow him into the lake of fire; but bringing in for the righteous the

times of the kingdom, that is, the rest, the hallowed seventh day; and restoring to

Abraham the promised inheritance, in which kingdom the Lord declared, that 

'many coming from the east and from the west should sit down with Abraham,

Isaac, and Jacob.'" [Against Heresies, V, XXX, 4]

Scholars believe that Daniel’s 69 weeks prophecy lasted from 445 B.C. to the 30’sA.D. (in the end of Jesus Christ’s life). Gavin Finley, M.D. used the 360 day peryear calculation. A week is 7 years according to some theologians. So, Gavinbelieved those 69 weeks times 7 weeks equals to 483 holy days. 483 days times 360days are equaled to 173,880 days in solar years (or years plus 24.7 days in calendaryears). According to Gavin: “…And when is our finishing day? As we shall see the173,880 day time line comes to its terminus on a very auspicious day in thePassover month of Nisan in 32 A.D., specifically Nisan 10 of that year. As we

shall discover, that Nisan 10 date was 5,888 moons and 8 days later….With those

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extra 24 days we shall measure out the days from the spring equinox points toreach out to those two auspicious dates, the decree of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah in445 B.C. and the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem of Jesus at "Messiah the Prince"in 32 A.D...” So, as we see that the prophet Daniel was a great leader and one of thegreatest prophets in human history. That is why it’s easy to see that the great feasts

as mentioned by the prophets (including the prophet & Messiah Yeshua ben Joseph) relate to future prophetic times.

Here are some quotes from two respected and authoritative Jewish sources:

Rabbi Abraham ben Ezra (12th century): "All the heathen shall look to me to see what I shall

do to those who pierced Messiah, the son of Joseph."

Rabbi Moshe el Sheikh, chief rabbi of Safed: "I will do yet a third thing, and that is, that

'they shall look unto me,' for they shall lift up their eyes unto me in perfect repentance, when

they see Him whom they pierced, that is Messiah, the Son of Joseph; for our Rabbis, of 

blessed memory, have said that He will take upon Himself all the guilt of Israel, and shall thenbe slain in the war to make an atonement in such manner that it shall be accounted as if Israel

had pierced Him, for on account of their sin He has died; and, therefore, in order that it may

be reckoned to them as a perfect atonement, they will repent and look to the blessed One,

saying, that there is none beside Him to forgive those that mourn on account of Him who died

for their sin: this is the meaning of 'They shall look upon me.'"

Liberation isn’t found in Empires oppressing human beings, but in the power of

the Creator of the Universe. People fighting for justice is always a cogent, strong,and legitimate way of seeking true peace. Regardless of what this generation says,

character, decency, strength, and improvement are real qualities to embrace not

fake bravado or a narrow minded, materialistic philosophy.

One mostly accepted interpretation is that the 4 beast represent 3 ancientEmpires and the final Antichrist Empire. Another interpretation is that the 4beasts represent the modern age Empires and the final beat is the Antichrist

Empire. Most religious scholars believe that the non-descript fourth beast

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outlines an unique worldwide Empire (with the horn outlining the mouth of beastor Antichrist). The prophet Daniel says that in the days of the final 10 kings shallthe God of heaven set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed (in referenceto the Millennial reign of Yeshua and the eternal Kingdom of the Most High). The10 Kings ruling the Earth has been predicted by the Apostle John in the book of


By Timothy

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