the prophets and the poisonous food. who prays before eating? who thanks god after eating? who...

The Prophets and the The Prophets and the Poisonous Food Poisonous Food

Upload: hassan-ketcham

Post on 15-Dec-2015




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The Prophets and the Poisonous The Prophets and the Poisonous FoodFood

Who prays before eating? Who thanks God after eating? Who makes the sign of the cross over

food before eating?

Elisha ElijahElisha Elijah

Elisha was teaching Elisha was teaching the sons of the the sons of the prophets. They prophets. They were 50 menwere 50 men

They loved to listen They loved to listen to his stories to his stories because they were because they were useful and sweetuseful and sweet

One day there was a famineOne day there was a famine But the Lord said: “I will not neglect you”But the Lord said: “I will not neglect you”

““You must be You must be hungry. Come and hungry. Come and have dinner with have dinner with me”me”

Elisha ordered Gehazi his servant to put a big pot on the fire and make some stew for them.

Gehazi, the Bad DiscipleGehazi, the Bad Disciple

Gehazi was a disobedient lazy Gehazi was a disobedient lazy discipledisciple

He did not go to the fields to bring fruits because the fields were far away.

Instead, he found a vine, and picked as many gourds as he could carry.

A GourdA Gourd


Who were Elisha’s guests? How many prophets were there? Why did they like to sit with him? What did Elisha order Gehazi to do? What did Gehazi do? What was the result of Gehazi’s


Elisha did not eat Elisha did not eat with them. He only with them. He only served them.served them.

“O man of God, there is death in the pot!”

“Do not be afraid as God says: And if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them”


Elisha stood up to serve and teach them. They glorified the Lord for this miracle that

He performed through His prophet Elisha. Then they left him saying: Thanks for your

hospitality and teachings. Pray for us. What the Lord says is always true: “And when they drink any thing deadly, it will by no means hurt them”.

ConclusionsConclusions In the story, gourd was poisonous. In the story, gourd was poisonous. In our life, ______ is poisonous.In our life, ______ is poisonous. Sin.Sin. Gourd + Flour = Good FoodGourd + Flour = Good Food Repentance + Incarnation of Christ = Eternal Repentance + Incarnation of Christ = Eternal

Salvation Salvation God does not make a miraculous deed unless it is

necessary. Miracles should always glorify God not human beings. Any miracle that does not glorify the name of God and

to the benefit of people is not a true miracle. Pray so that the Lord may send His blessings and

bless the food offered to you, make the sign of the cross over your food, and thank God after eating.


“And if they drink any thing deadly, it will by no means hurt them” (Mark 16:18)