the protestants froude

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  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE




    WHERE changes are about to take place of great an en ur!ng "o"ent# a k!n of prologue#on a s"all scale# so"et!"es ant!c!pates the true open!ng of the ra"a$ l!ke the f!rst rops %h!ch

    g!&e not!ce of the co"!ng stor"# or as !f the sha o%s of the real!t' %ere pro(ecte for%ar s !nto

    the future# an !"!tate !n u"b sho% the "o&e"ents of the real actors !n the stor'.

    Such a rehearsal of the Engl!sh Refor"at!on %as %!tnesse at the close of the fourteenth centur'#

    confuse # !"perfect# !sproport!one # to out%ar appearance barren of results$ 'et conta!n!ng a

    representat!&e of each one of the "!)e forces b' %h!ch that great change %as ult!"atel'effecte # an foresha o%!ng e&en so"eth!ng of the course %h!ch !t %as to run.

    There %as a *uarrel %!th the Pope upon the e)tent of the Papal pr!&!leges$ there %ere !sputes

    bet%een the la!t' an the clerg'#+acco"pan!e # as !f !n&oluntar!l'# b' attacks on the sacra"ental

    s'ste" an the Cathol!c fa!th#+%h!le !nno&at!on !n octr!ne %as acco"pan!e also %!th the

    ten enc' %h!ch character!,e the e)tre"e e&elop"ent of the later Protestants+to%ar s pol!t!cal

    republ!can!s"# the f!fth "onarch'# an co""un!t' of goo s. So"e account of th!s "o&e"ent

    "ust be g!&en !n th!s place# although !t can be but a sketch onl'. - ollar r' -/01 has a h!stor' of !ts

    o%n$ but !t for"s no proper part of the h!stor' of the Refor"at!on. It %as a separate pheno"enon#

    pro&oke b' the sa"e causes %h!ch pro uce the!r true fru!t at a later per!o $ but !t for"e no

    port!on of the ste" on %h!ch those fru!ts ult!"atel' gre%. It %as a prelu e %h!ch %as pla'e out#

    an sank !nto s!lence# ans%er!ng for the t!"e no other en than to "ake the na"e of heret!c

    o !ous !n the ears of the Engl!sh nat!on. In the!r reco!l fro" the!r f!rst fa!lure# the people sta"pe

    the!r hatre of hetero o)' !nto the!r language$ an !n the %or miscreant # "!sbel!e&er# as the

    s'non'" of the %orst spec!es of reprobate# the' left an !n el!ble recor of the popular est!"ate of

    the follo%ers of 2ohn W'cl!ffe.

    The ollar stor' opens %!th the !sputes bet%een the Cro%n an the See of Ro"e on the

    presentat!on to Engl!sh benef!ces. 3or the hun re an f!ft' 'ears %h!ch succee e theCon*uest# the r!ght of no"!nat!ng the archb!shops# the b!shops# an the "!tre abbots# ha been

    cla!"e an e)erc!se b' the Cro%n. On the pass!ng of the 4reat Charter# the Church ha

    reco&ere !ts l!bert!es# an the pr!&!lege of free elect!on ha been conce e b' a spec!al clause to

    the clerg'. The pract!ce %h!ch then beca"e establ!she %as !n accor ance %!th the general sp!r!t

    of the Engl!sh const!tut!on. On the &acanc' of a see# the cathe ral chapter appl!e to the Cro%n

    for a cong5 -5l!re. The appl!cat!on %as a for"$ the consent %as !n&ar!able. A b!shop %as then

    electe b' a "a(or!t' of suffrages$ h!s na"e %as sub"!tte to the "etropol!tan# an b' h!" to the

    Pope. If the Pope s!gn!f!e h!s appro&al# the elect!on %as co"plete$ consecrat!on follo%e $ an

    the b!shop ha&!ng been furn!she %!th h!s bulls of !n&est!ture# %as presente to the 6!ng# anfro" h!" rece!&e -the te"poral!t!es- of h!s see. The "o e !n %h!ch the great abbots %ere chosen
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    %as prec!sel' s!"!lar$ the super!ors of the or ers to %h!ch the abbe's belonge %ere the

    channels of co""un!cat!on %!th the Pope# !n the place of the archb!shops$ but the elect!ons !n

    the"sel&es %ere free# an %ere con ucte !n the sa"e "anner. The s"aller church benef!ces#

    the s"all "onaster!es or par!sh churches# %ere !n the han s of pr!&ate patrons# la' or

    eccles!ast!cal$ but !n the case of each !nst!tut!on a reference %as a "!tte # or %as suppose to bea "!tte # to the Court of Ro"e.

    There %as thus !n the Pope-s han an author!t' of an !n ef!n!te k!n # %h!ch !t %as presu"e that

    h!s sacre off!ce %oul forb! h!" to abuse# but %h!ch# ho%e&er# !f he so unfortunatel' please #

    he "!ght abuse at h!s !scret!on. He ha absolute po%er o&er e&er' no"!nat!on to an Engl!sh

    benef!ce$ he "!ght refuse h!s consent t!ll such a e*uate reasons# "ater!al or sp!r!tual# as he

    cons! ere suff!c!ent to !n uce h!" to ac*u!esce# ha been sub"!tte to h!s cons! erat!on. In the

    case of no"!nat!ons to the rel!g!ous houses# the super!ors of the &ar!ous or ers res! !ng abroa

    ha e*ual fac!l!t!es for obstruct!&eness$ an the conse*uence of so large a conf! ence !n the

    pur!t' of the h!gher or ers of the Church beca"e &!s!ble !n an Act of Parl!a"ent %h!ch !t %as

    foun necessar' to pass !n 0789:;. /

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    The language of th!s Act %as stu !ousl' guar e . The Pope %as not allu e to$ the spec!f!c

    "etho s b' %h!ch the e)tort!on %as pract!se %ere not e)pla!ne $ the ta) upon presentat!ons to

    benef!ces# e!ther ha&!ng not 'et !st!ngu!she !tself be'on other !"pos!t!ons# or the 4o&ern"ent

    trust!ng that a "easure of th!s general k!n "!ght ans%er the es!re en . ucrat!&e

    encroach"ents# ho%e&er# o not '!el so eas!l' to treat"ent$ nearl' f!ft' 'ears after !t beca"enecessar' to re:enact the sa"e statute$ an %h!le recap!tulat!ng the pro&!s!ons of !t# the

    Parl!a"ent foun !t es!rable to po!nt out "ore spec!f!call' the !ntent!on %!th %h!ch !t %as passe .

    The popes !n the !nter&al ha absorbe !n the!r turn fro" the hea s of the rel!g!ous or ers# the

    pr!&!leges %h!ch b' the" ha been e)torte fro" the aff!l!ate soc!et!es. Each Engl!sh benef!ce

    ha beco"e the founta!n of a r!&ulet %h!ch flo%e !nto the Ro"an e)che*uer# or a propert' to be

    !str!bute as the pr!&ate patronage of the Ro"an =!shop> an the Engl!sh Parl!a"ent for the f!rst

    t!"e foun !tself !n coll!s!on %!th the 3ather of Chr!sten o".

    -The Pope#- sa's the fourth of the t%ent':f!fth of E %ar III. # -accroach!ng to h!"self the s!gnor!esof the benef!ces %!th!n the real" of Englan # oth g!&e an grant the sa"e to al!ens %h!ch !

    ne&er %ell !n Englan # an to car !nals %h!ch coul not %ell here# an to others as %ell al!ens

    as en!,ens# %hereb' "an!fol !ncon&en!ences ha&e ensue .- -Not regar !ng- the statute of

    E %ar I.# he ha also cont!nue to present to b!shopr!cs# abbe's# pr!or!es# an other &aluable

    prefer"ents> "one' !n large *uant!t!es %as carr!e out of the real" fro" the procee s of these

    off!ces# an !t %as necessar' to !ns!st e"phat!call' that the Papal no"!nat!ons shoul cease.

    The' %ere "a e !n &!olat!on of the la%# an %ere con ucte %!th s!"on' so flagrant that Engl!sh

    benef!ces %ere sol !n the Papal courts to an' person %ho %oul pa' for the"# %hether an

    Engl!sh"an or a stranger. It %as therefore ecree that the elect!ons to b!shopr!cs shoul be freeas !n t!"e past# that the r!ghts of patrons shoul be preser&e # an penalt!es of !"pr!son"ent#

    forfe!ture# or outla%r'# accor !ng to the co"ple)!on of the offence# shoul be attache to all

    !"petrat!on of benef!ces fro" Ro"e b' purchase or other%!se. /?1

    If statute la% coul ha&e touche the e&!l# these enact"ents %oul ha&e been suff!c!ent for the

    purpose$ but the !nfluence of the popes !n Englan %as of that subtle k!n %h!ch %as not so

    rea !l' efeate . The la% %as st!ll ef!e # or st!ll e&a e $ an the struggle cont!nue t!ll the close

    of the centur'# the leg!slature labour!ng pat!entl'# but !neffectuall'# to conf!ne %!th fresh

    enact"ents the!r !ngen!ous a &ersar' ./@1

    At length s'"pto"s appeare of an !ntent!on on the part of the popes to "a!nta!n the!r cla!"s

    %!th sp!r!tual censures# an the nat!on %as obl!ge to resol&e upon the course %h!ch# !n the e&ent

    of the!r resort!ng to that e)tre"!t'# !t %oul follo%. The la' lor s /91 an the House of Co""ons

    foun no !ff!cult' !n arr!&!ng at a conclus!on. The' passe a fresh penal statute %!th proh!b!t!ons

    e&en "ore e"phat!call' str!ngent# an ec! e that -!f an' "an brought !nto th!s real" an'

    sentence# su""ons# or e)co""un!cat!on# contrar' to the effect of the statute# he shoul !ncur

    pa!n of l!fe an "e"bers# %!th forfe!ture of goo s$ an !f an' prelate "a e e)ecut!on of such

    sentence# h!s te"poral!t!es shoul be taken fro" h!"# an shoul ab! e !n the 6!ng-s han s t!ll

    re ress %as "a e. -/;1
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    So bol a "easure threatene noth!ng less than open rupture. The Act# ho%e&er# see"s to ha&e

    been passe !n haste# %!thout eter"!ne cons! erat!on$ an on secon thoughts# !t %as hel

    "ore pru ent to atte"pt a "!l er course. The strength of the oppos!t!on to the Papac' la' %!th

    the Co""ons. / 1 When the sess!on of Parl!a"ent %as o&er# a great counc!l %as su""one to

    recons! er %hat shoul be one# an an a ress %as ra%n up# an for%ar e to Ro"e# %!th are*uest that the then re!gn!ng Pope %oul e&!se so"e "anner b' %h!ch the !ff!cult' coul be

    arrange . /B1 =on!face I . repl!e %!th the sa"e %ant of (u ge"ent %h!ch %as sho%n after%ar s on

    an analogous occas!on b' Cle"ent VII. He !sbel!e&e the anger$ an ar!ng the 4o&ern"ent to

    perse&ere# he grante a preben al stall at Wells to an Ital!an car !nal# to %h!ch a presentat!on

    ha been "a e alrea ' b' the 6!ng. Oppos!ng su!ts %ere !nstantl' !nst!tute bet%een the

    cla!"ants !n the courts of the t%o countr!es. A ec!s!on %as g!&en !n Englan !n fa&our of the

    no"!nee of the 6!ng# an the b!shops agree!ng to support the Cro%n %ere e)co""un!cate ./081 The Court of Ro"e ha resol&e to tr' the !ssue b' a struggle of force# an the 4o&ern"ent

    ha no alternat!&e but to surren er at !scret!on# or to perse&ere at all ha,ar s# an res!st theusurpat!on.


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    that# on the %hole# the' %oul an ought to be %!th the Cro%n# loialment, l!ke lo'al sub(ects# as

    the' %ere boun b' the!r alleg!ance. /071

    In th!s unusual an e"phat!c "anner# the three estates agree that the Pope shoul be res!ste $

    an an Act passe -that all persons su!ng at the Court of Ro"e# an obta!n!ng thence an' bulls#

    !nstru"ents# sentences of e)co""un!cat!on %h!ch touche the 6!ng# or %ere aga!nst h!"# h!s

    regal!t'# or h!s real"# an the' %h!ch brought the sa"e %!th!n the real"# or rece!&e the sa"e# or

    "a e thereof not!f!cat!on# or an' other e)ecut!on %hate&er# %!th!n the real" or %!thout# the'# the!r

    notar!es# procurators# "a!nta!ners an abettors# fautors an counsellors# shoul be put out of the

    6!ng-s protect!on# an the!r lan s an tene"ents# goo s an chattels# be forfe!te .-

    The resolute att!tu e of the countr' ter"!nate the struggle. =on!face pru entl' '!el e # an for

    the "o"ent# an !n ee for e&er un er th!s espec!al for"# the %a&e of Papal encroach"ent %as

    rolle back. The te"per %h!ch ha been rouse !n the contest# "!ght perhaps ha&e carr!e the

    nat!on further. The l!bert!es of the Cro%n ha been asserte successfull'. The analogous l!bert!esof the Church "!ght ha&e follo%e $ an other channels# too# "!ght ha&e been cut off#

    through %h!ch the Papal e)che*uer fe !tself on Engl!sh bloo . =ut at th!s cr!s!s the ant!:Ro"an

    pol!c' %as arreste !n !ts course b' another "o&e"ent# %h!ch turne the current of susp!c!on#

    an fr!ghtene back the nat!on to conser&at!s".

    Wh!le the Cro%n an the Parl!a"ent ha been engage %!th the Pope# the un ulat!ons of the

    !spute ha penetrate o%n a"ong the bo ' of the people# an an ag!tat!on ha been

    co""ence of an analogous k!n aga!nst the sp!r!tual author!t!es at ho"e. The Parl!a"ent ha

    la"ente that the ut!es of the rel!g!ous houses %ere left unfulf!lle # !n conse*uence of the

    e)tort!ons of the!r super!ors abroa . The people# %ho %ere e*uall' con&!nce of the neglect of

    ut'# a opte an !nterpretat!on of the pheno"enon less fa&ourable to the clerg'# an attr!bute !t

    to the te"ptat!ons of %orl l!ness# an the self:!n ulgence generate b' enor"ous %ealth.

    0798. Th!s for" of !scontent foun !ts e)ponent !n 2ohn W'cl!ffe# the great forerunner of the

    Refor"at!on# %hose austere f!gure stan s out abo&e the cro% of notables !n Engl!sh h!stor'# %!th

    an outl!ne not unl!ke that of another forerunner of a greater change.

    The earl' l!fe of W'cl!ffe !s obscure. e%!s# on the author!t' of elan # /0?1 sa's that he %as born

    near R!ch"on # !n Forksh!re. 3uller# though %!th so"e hes!tat!on# prefers Gurha". /0@1 He e"erges

    !nto !st!nct not!ce !n 0798# ten 'ears subse*uent to the pass!ng of the f!rst Statute of Pro&!sors#

    ha&!ng then ac*u!re a great O)for reputat!on as a lecturer !n !&!n!t'# an ha&!ng earne for

    h!"self po%erful fr!en s an po%erful ene"!es. He ha "a e h!s na"e !st!ngu!she b' attacks

    upon the clerg' for the!r !n olence an profl!gac'> attacks both %r!tten an orall' el!&ere those

    %r!tten# %e obser&e# be!ng %r!tten !n Engl!sh# not !n at!n. /091 In 079@# Isl!p# Archb!shop of

    Canterbur'# appo!nte h!" War en of Canterbur' Hall$ the appo!nt"ent# ho%e&er# %as "a e %!th

    so"e !rregular!t'# an the follo%!ng 'ear# Archb!shop Isl!p '!ng# h!s successor# anghan!#

    epr!&e W'cl!ffe# an the sentence %as conf!r"e b' the 6!ng. It see"e # ne&ertheless# that no

    personal reflect!on %as !nten e b' th!s ec!s!on# for E %ar III. no"!nate the e):%ar en one of
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    h!s chapla!ns !""e !atel' after# an e"plo'e h!" on an !"portant "!ss!on to =ruges# %here a

    conference on the benef!ce *uest!on %as to be hel %!th a Papal co""!ss!on.

    Other Church prefer"ent %as subse*uentl' g!&en to W'cl!ffe$ but O)for re"a!ne the ch!ef

    scene of h!s %ork. He cont!nue to hol h!s professorsh!p of !&!n!t'$ an fro" th!s off!ce the

    character of h!s h!stor' took !ts co"ple)!on. At a t!"e %hen books %ere rare an !ff!cult to be

    procure # lecturers %ho ha truth to co""un!cate fresh ra%n fro" the founta!n# hel an

    !nfluence %h!ch !n these a's !t !s as !ff!cult to !"ag!ne as# ho%e&er# !t !s !"poss!ble to o&errate.

    Stu ents fro" all Europe flocke to the feet of a celebrate professor# %ho beca"e the lea er of

    a part' b' the "ere fact of h!s pos!t!on.

    The bur en of W'cl!ffe-s teach!ng %as the e)posure of the !n olent f!ct!ons %h!ch passe un er

    the na"e of rel!g!on !n the establ!she theor' of the Church. He %as a "an of "ost s!"ple l!fe$

    austere !n appearance# %!th bare feet an russet "antle. /0;1 As a sol !er of Chr!st# he sa% !n h!s

    4reat aster an h!s Apostles the patterns %ho" he %as boun to !"!tate. =' the contag!on ofe)a"ple he gathere about h!" other "en %ho thought as he ! $ an gra uall'# un er h!s

    capta!nc'# these -poor pr!ests#- as the' %ere calle +&o%e to po&ert' because Chr!st %as poor+

    &o%e to accept no benef!ce# lest the' shoul "!sspen the propert' of the poor# an because#

    as apostles# the' %ere boun to go %here the!r aster calle the"# /0 1 sprea out o&er the countr'

    as an ar"' of "!ss!onar!es# to preach the fa!th %h!ch the' foun !n the =!ble+to preach# not of

    rel!cs an of !n ulgences# but of repentance an of the grace of 4o . The' carr!e %!th the"

    cop!es of the =!ble %h!ch W'cl!ffe ha translate # lea&!ng here an there# as the' tra&elle # the!r

    costl' treasures# as sh!n!ng see po!nts of l!ght$ an the' refuse to recogn!,e the author!t' of the

    b!shops# or the!r r!ght to s!lence the".

    If th!s ha been all# an perhaps !f E %ar III. ha been succee e b' a pr!nce less "!serabl'

    !ncapable than h!s gran son R!char # W'cl!ffe "!ght ha&e "a e goo h!s groun $ the "o&e"ent

    of the Parl!a"ent aga!nst the Pope "!ght ha&e un!te !n a co""on strea" %!th the sp!r!tual "o&e

    aga!nst the Church at ho"e# an the Refor"at!on ha&e been ante ate b' a centur'. He %as

    su""one to ans%er for h!"self before the Archb!shop of Canterbur' !n 07;;. He appeare !n

    court supporte b' the presence of 2ohn of 4aunt# Guke of ancaster# the el est of E %ar -s

    sur&!&!ng sons# an the author!t!es %ere unable to str!ke h!" beh!n so po%erful a sh!el .

    =ut the -poor pr!ests- ha other octr!nes bes! es those %h!ch the' !sco&ere !n the =!ble#relat!ng to sub(ects %!th %h!ch# as apostles# the' %oul ha&e one better !f the' ha shrunk fro"

    "e l!ng. The !neff!c!enc' of the clerg' %as occas!one # as W'cl!ffe thought# b' the!r %ealth an

    b' the!r lu)ur'. He es!re to sa&e the" fro" a te"ptat!on too hea&' for the" to bear# an he

    !ns!ste that b' neglect of ut' the!r %ealth ha been forfe!te # an that !t %as the bus!ness of the

    la!t' to take !t fro" !ts un%orth' possessors. The !n&ect!&es %!th %h!ch the argu"ent %as

    acco"pan!e pro uce a %! el':sprea !rr!tat!on. The re!ns of the countr' fell s!"ultaneousl' !nto

    the %eak han s of R!char II.# an the conse*uence %as a rap! sprea of !sor er. In the 'ear

    %h!ch follo%e R!char -s access!on# cons!stor' (u ges %ere assaulte !n the!r courts# sanctuar!es

    %ere &!olate # pr!ests %ere attacke an !ll:treate !n church# church'ar # an cathe ral# an
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    e&en %h!le engage !n the "ass$ /0B1 the contag!on of the gro%!ng anarch' see"s to ha&e touche

    e&en W'cl!ffe h!"self# an touche h!" !n a po!nt "ost eepl' angerous.

    H!s theor' of propert'# an h!s stu ' of the character of Chr!st# ha le h!" to the near conf!nes of

    Anabapt!s". E)pan !ng h!s &!e%s upon the estates of the Church# !nto an a)!o"# he taught that

    -charters of perpetual !nher!tance %ere !"poss!ble$- -that 4o coul not g!&e "en c!&!l possess!ons

    for e&er$-/

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    le h!" !nto oubtful state"ents on the nature of the euchar!st$ he ha entangle h!"self !n

    ub!ous "etaph's!cs on a sub(ect on %h!ch no "! le course !s reall' poss!ble$ an be!ng

    su""one to ans%er for h!s language before a s'no !n on on# he ha thro%n h!"self aga!n for

    protect!on on the Guke of ancaster. The Guke Dnot unnaturall' un er the c!rcu"stances

    ecl!ne to encourage %hat he coul ne!ther appro&e nor un erstan $ /

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    %as "a e poss!ble be!ng hel to be epen ent upon ortho o)'. =ut the ollar s ha beco"e

    pol!t!cal re&olut!on!sts as %ell as rel!g!ous refor"ers$ the re&olt aga!nst the sp!r!tual author!t' ha

    encourage an countenance a re&olt aga!nst the secular$ an %e cannot be surpr!se #

    therefore# that these !nst!tut!ons shoul ha&e s'"path!,e %!th each other# an ha&e un!te to

    repress a anger %h!ch %as for"! able to both.

    The b!shops# b' th!s Act# rece!&e arb!trar' po%er to arrest an !"pr!son on susp!c!on# %!thout

    check or restra!nt of la%# at the!r %!ll an pleasure. Pr!soners %ho refuse to ab(ure the!r errors#

    %ho pers!ste !n heres'# or relapse !nto !t after ab(urat!on# %ere sentence to be burnt at the

    stake+a rea ful pun!sh"ent# on the %!cke ness of %h!ch the %orl has long been happ!l'

    agree . Fet %e "ust re"e"ber that those %ho con e"ne teachers of heres' to the fla"es#

    cons! ere that heres' !tself !n&ol&e e&erlast!ng per !t!on$ that the' %ere but fa!ntl' !"!tat!ng the

    se&er!t' %h!ch ortho o)' st!ll ascr!bes to Al"!ght' 4o H!"self.

    The t! e %h!ch %as thus sett!ng back !n fa&our of the Church ! not 'et# ho%e&er# flo% freel'# an%!thout a check. The Co""ons consente to sacr!f!ce the heret!cs# but the' st!ll cast %!stful looks

    on the lan s of the rel!g!ous houses. On t%o se&eral occas!ons# !n 0?89# an aga!n !n 0?08#

    spol!at!on %as ebate !n the o%er House# an representat!ons %ere "a e upon the sub(ect to

    the 6!ng. /

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    people# %ere s%orn on enter!ng the!r off!ce to use the!r best po%er an !l!gence to etect an

    prosecute all persons suspecte of so he!nous a cr!"e. /

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    been ! le$ the' ha pl!e the!r bus' tasks %!th stake an pr!son# an &!ct!" after &!ct!" ha been

    e)ecute %!th "ore than necessar' cruelt'. =ut !t %as all !n &a!n> pun!sh"ent onl' "ult!pl!e

    offen ers# an -the reek- of the "art'rs# as %as sa! %hen Patr!ck Ha"!lton %as burnt at St

    An re%s# -!nfecte all that !t ! blo% upon.- /7

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    ca"e !n s!ght of the to%n the' returne thanks to 4o %!th claspe han s$ for fro" W!ttenberg#

    as heretofore fro" 2erusale"# procee e the l!ght of e&angel!cal truth# to sprea thence to the

    ut"ost parts of the earth. -/7;1 Th!ther ca"e 'oung Patr!ck Ha"!lton fro" E !nburgh# %hose -reek-

    %as of so "uch potenc'# a bo':enthus!ast of nature as !llustr!ous as h!s b!rth$ an th!ther ca"e

    also fro" Englan # %h!ch !s here our ch!ef concern# W!ll!a" T'n al# a "an %hose h!stor' !s lost !nh!s %ork# an %hose ep!taph !s the Refor"at!on. =eg!nn!ng l!fe as a restless O)for stu ent# he

    "o&e thence to Ca"br! ge# thence to 4loucestersh!re# to be tutor !n a kn!ght-s fa"!l'# an there

    hear!ng of uther-s o!ngs# an e)press!ng h!"self %!th too %ar" appro&al to su!t the clerg' of the

    ne!ghbourhoo # /7 1 he %as obl!ge to fl'. 3ro" 4loucestersh!re he re"o&e to on on# %here

    Cuthbert Tunstall ha latel' been "a e b!shop# an fro" %ho" he perhaps looke for

    countenance !n an !ntent!on to translate the Ne% Testa"ent. Tunstall sho%e l!ttle

    encourage"ent to th!s enterpr!se$ but a better fr!en rose %here he %as least looke for$ an a

    on on al er"an# Hu"fre' on"outh b' na"e# hear!ng the f!er' 'oung enthus!ast preach on

    so"e occas!on at St Gunstan-s# took h!" to h!s ho"e for half a 'ear# an kept h!" there> %here-the sa! T'n al#- as the al er"an eclare # -l!&e l!ke a goo pr!est# stu '!ng both n!ght an a'$

    he %oul eat but so en "eat# b' h!s goo %!ll# nor r!nk but s"all s!ngle beer$ nor %as he e&er

    seen to %ear l!nen about h!" all the t!"e of h!s be!ng there. -/7B1 The half:'ear be!ng passe #

    on"outh ga&e h!" ten poun s# %!th %h!ch pro&!s!on he %ent off to 4er"an'$ an the al er"an#

    for ass!st!ng h!" !n that bus!ness# %ent to the To%er+escap!ng# ho%e&er# %e are gla to kno%#

    %!thout %orse conse*uences than a short !"pr!son"ent. T'n al sa% uther# /?81 an un er h!s

    !rect!on translate the 4ospels an Ep!stles. Thence he repa!re to Cologne# %here he began to

    pr!nt. =e!ng alar"e b' threats of se!,ure# he carr!e the half: co"plete t'pes to Wor"s# an

    there an e !t!on of 7888 cop!es %as f!n!she an sent to Englan .

    After%ar s he settle at Ant%erp# %here# un er shelter of the l!bert!es of the c!t'# he establ!she a

    pr!nt!ng press# an # ass!ste b' 3r!th# co"pose a ser!es of books %h!ch %ere to acco"pl!sh for

    the teach!ng of Englan %hat uther an elancthon %ere acco"pl!sh!ng for 4er"an'. Such

    &olu"es as the people "ost re*u!re %ere "ult!pl!e as fast as the press coul pro uce the"$

    an for the !sse"!nat!on of these prec!ous %r!t!ngs# the bra&e on on Protestants are # at the

    ha,ar of the!r l!&es# to for" the"sel&es !nto an organ!,e assoc!at!on.

    It !s %ell to pause an look for a "o"ent at th!s s"all ban of heroes$ for heroes the' %ere# !f

    e&er "en eser&e the na"e. Jnl!ke the f!rst refor"ers %ho ha follo%e W'cl!ffe# the' ha no

    earthl' ob(ect# e"phat!call' none$ an e*uall' unl!ke the"# perhaps# because the' ha no earthl'

    ob(ect# the' %ere all# as I ha&e sa! # poor "en+e!ther stu ents# l!ke T'n al# or art!sans an

    labourers %ho %orke for the!r o%n brea # an !n tough contact %!th real!t'# ha learnt better than

    the great an the e ucate the !fference bet%een truth an l!es. W'cl!ffe ha ro'al ukes an

    noble"en for h!s supporters+kn!ghts an !&!nes a"ong h!s !sc!ples+a k!ng an a House of

    Co""ons look!ng upon h!"# not %!thout fa&our. The f!rst Protestants of the s!)teenth centur' ha

    for the!r k!ng the cha"p!on of Hol' Church# %ho ha broken a lance %!th uther$ an sp!r!tual

    rulers o&er the" al!ke po%erful an !"bec!le# %hose h!ghest concept!on of Chr!st!an &!rtue %as

    the estruct!on of those %ho !sobe'e the!r "an ates. The "asses of the people %ere
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    !n !fferent to a cause %h!ch pro"!se the" no "ater!al a &antage$ an the Co""ons of

    Parl!a"ent# %h!le conten !ng %!th the abuses of the sp!r!tual author!t!es# %ere labor!ousl' an)!ous

    to %ash the!r han s of hetero o)'. -In the cr!"e of heres'# thanke be 4o #- sa! the b!shops !n


  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    repeat !tself bet%een the flesh an the sp!r!t# the for" an the real!t'. 3or a %h!le the lo%er

    ten enc!es are hel !n check$ the "ean!ng of the s'"bol!s" !s re"e"bere an fresh$ !t !s a

    l!&!ng language# pregnant an suggest!&e. =' an b'# as the "!n passes !nto other phases# the

    "ean!ng !s forgotten$ the language beco"es a ea language$ an the l!&!ng robe of l!fe

    beco"es a %!n !ng:sheet of corrupt!on. The for" !s represente as e&er'th!ng# the sp!r!t asnoth!ng$ obe !ence !s !spense %!th$ s!n an rel!g!on arrange a co"pro"!se$ an out%ar

    obser&ances# or techn!cal !n%ar e"ot!ons# are con&erte !nto (ugglers- tr!cks# b' %h!ch "en are

    enable to en(o' the!r pleasures an escape the penalt!es of %rong. Then such rel!g!on beco"es

    no rel!g!on# but a falsehoo $ an honourable "en turn a%a' fro" !t# an fall back !n haste upon

    the nake ele"ental l!fe.

    Th!s# as I un erstan !t# %as the pos!t!on of the earl' Protestants. The' foun the ser&!ce of 4o

    bur!e !n a s'ste" %here obe !ence %as !ss!pate !nto superst!t!on$ %here s!n %as e)p!ate b'

    the &!car!ous &!rtues of other "en$ %here# !nstea of lea !ng a hol' l!fe# "en %ere taught that the!r

    souls "!ght be sa&e through "asses sa! for the"# at a "one' rate# b' pr!ests %hose

    l!cent!ousness !sgrace the nat!on %h!ch en ure !t$ a s'ste" !n %h!ch# a"! st all the tr!cker' of

    the par ons# p!lgr!"ages# !n ulgences#+ ouble:face as these !n&ent!ons are+%ear!ng one

    "ean!ng !n the apolog!es of theolog!ans# an *u!te another to the "ult!tu e %ho l!&e an suffer

    un er the!r !nfluence#+one pla!n fact at least !s &!s!ble. The people substant!all' learnt that all

    e&!ls %h!ch coul touch e!ther the!r sp!r!ts or the!r bo !es# "!ght be escape b' "eans %h!ch

    resol&e the"sel&es# scarcel' !sgu!se # !nto the pa'"ent of "one's.

    The superst!t!on ha l!ngere long$ the t!"e ha co"e %hen !t %as to pass a%a'. Those !n %ho"

    so"e cra&!ng l!ngere for a Chr!st!an l!fe turne to the heart of the "atter# to the book %h!ch tolthe" %ho Chr!st %as# an %hat he %as$ an f!n !ng there that hol' e)a"ple for %h!ch the'

    longe # the' flung as! e# !n one noble burst of enthus!ast!c pass!on# the !sgu!se %h!ch ha

    conceale !t fro" the". The' bel!e&e !n Chr!st# not !n the bo%!ng roo # or the preten e %oo of

    the cross on %h!ch he suffere $ an %hen that sa!ntl' f!gure ha once been seen+the ob(ect of

    all lo&e# the pattern of all !"!tat!on+thencefor%ar ne!ther for" nor cere"on' shoul stan

    bet%een the" an the!r 4o .

    Jn er "uch confus!on of %or s an thoughts# confus!on par onable !n all "en# an "ost of all !n

    the"# th!s see"s to "e to be transparentl' &!s!ble !n the a!" of these -Chr!st!an =rothers$- a th!rst

    for so"e fresh an noble enunc!at!on of the e&erlast!ng truth# the one essent!al th!ng for all "en

    to kno% an bel!e&e. An therefore the' %ere strong$ an therefore the' at last con*uere . Fet# !f

    %e th!nk of !t# no co""on ar!ng %as re*u!re !n those %ho %oul stan out at such a t!"e !n

    efence of such a cause. The b!shops "!ght se!,e the" on "ere susp!c!on$ an the e&! ence of

    the "ost aban one &!lla!ns suff!ce for the!r con&!ct!on. /?

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    !nf!r"!t!es# the flesh shr!nk!ng before the rea of a eath of agon'+thus !t %as that the'

    struggle on$ earn!ng for themselves "art'r o"+for us, the free Englan !n %h!ch %e l!&e an

    breathe. A"ong the great# unt!l Cro"%ell ca"e to po%er# the'ha but one fr!en # an he but a

    oubtful one# %ho long bel!e&e the truest k!n ness %as to k!ll the". Henr' VIII. %as al%a's

    attracte to%ar s the persons of therefor"ers. The!r open bear!ng co""an e h!s respect. The!r%orst cr!"e !n the b!shops- e'es+the translat!ng the =!ble+%as !n h!s e'es not a cr!"e# but a

    "er!t$ he ha h!"self long es!re an author!,e Engl!sh &ers!on# an at length co"pelle the

    clerg' to un ertake !t$ %h!le !n the "ost notor!ous of the "en the"sel&es# !n T'n al an !n 3r!th#

    he ha "ore than once e)presse an an)!ous !nterest. /?71 =ut the con&!ct!ons of h!s earl' 'ears

    %ere long !n '!el !ng. H!s feel!ng# though genu!ne# e)ten e no further than to p!t'# to a es!re to

    reco&er est!"able heret!cs out of errors %h!ch he %oul en ea&our to par on. The' kne%# an all

    the -brethren- kne%# that !f the' pers!ste # the' "ust look for the %orst fro" the 6!ng an fro"

    e&er' earthl' po%er$ the' kne% !t# an the' "a e the!r account %!th !t. An !nfor"er epose to the

    counc!l# that he ha aske one of the soc!et' -ho% the 6!ng-s 4race ! take the "atter aga!nstthe sacra"ent$ %h!ch ans%ere # the 6!ng-s H!ghness %as e)tre"e aga!nst the!r op!n!ons# an

    %oul pun!sh the" gr!e&ousl'$ also that "' or s of Norfolk an Suffolk# "' or ar*u!s of

    E)eter# %!th !&ers other great lor s# %ere &er' e)tre"e aga!nst the". Then he Dthe !nfor"er

    aske h!" ho% he an h!s fello%s %oul o see!ng th!s# the %h!ch ans%ere the' ha t%o

    thousan books out aga!nst the =lesse Sacra"ent# !n the co""ons- han s$ an !f !t %ere once

    !n the co""ons- hea s# the' %oul ha&e no further care. -/??1

    T'n al then be!ng at %ork at Ant%erp or Ha"burgh. an the soc!et' for the !spers!on of h!s

    books thus prepar!ng !tself !n Englan # the author!t!es %ere not slo% !n tak!ng the alar". The!solate !scontent %h!ch ha pre&a!le h!therto ha been left to the or !nar' tr!bunals$ the

    present anger calle for "easures of "ore s'ste"at!c coerc!on. Th!s ut' naturall' e&ol&e on

    Wolse'# an the off!ce of 4ran In*u!s!tor# %h!ch he no% assu"e # coul not ha&e fallen !nto

    "ore co"petent han s.

    Wolse' %as not cruel. There !s no !nstance# I bel!e&e# !n %h!ch he of h!s spec!al "ot!on sent a

    &!ct!" to the stake$+!t %oul be %ell !f the sa"e pra!se coul be allo%e to Cran"er. There %as

    th!s !fference bet%een the Car !nal an other b!shops# that %h!le the' see"e to es!re to

    pun!sh# Wolse' %as contente to s!lence$ %h!le the'# !n the!r con uct of tr!als# "a e escape as

    !ff!cult as poss!ble# Wolse' sought rather to "ake sub"!ss!on eas'. He %as too %!se to suppose

    that he coul cauter!,e heres'# %h!le the causes of !t# !n the corrupt!on of the clerg'# re"a!ne

    unre"o&e $ an the re"e ' to %h!ch he truste # %as the !nfus!ng ne% &!gour !nto the const!tut!on

    of the Church. /?@1Ne&ertheless# he %as eter"!ne to repress# as far as out%ar "easures coul

    repress !t# the sprea of the contag!on$ an he set h!"self to acco"pl!sh h!s task %!th the full

    energ' of h!s nature# backe b' the %hole po%er# sp!r!tual an secular# of the k!ng o". The

    countr' %as co&ere %!th# h!s secret pol!ce# arrest!ng suspecte persons an search!ng for

    books. In on on the scrut!n' %as so str!ct that at one t!"e there %as a general fl!ght an pan!c$

    suspecte butchers# ta!lors# an carpenters# h! !ng the"sel&es !n the hol s of &essels !n the r!&er#

    an escap!ng across the Channel. /?91 E&en there the' %ere not safe. Heret!cs %ere outla%e b' a
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    co""on consent of the European 4o&ern"ents. Spec!al offen ers %ere hunte through 3rance

    b' the Engl!sh e"!ssar!es %!th the per"!ss!on an countenance of the Court# /?;1 an there %as an

    atte"pt to arrest T'n al at =russels# fro" %h!ch# for that t!"e# he happ!l' escape . /? 1

    S!"ultaneousl' the Engl!sh Jn!&ers!t!es fell un er e)a"!nat!on# !n conse*uence of the

    appearance of angerous s'"pto"s a"ong the 'ounger stu ents. Gr =arnes# return!ng fro" the

    cont!nent# ha use &!olent language !n a pulp!t at Ca"br! ge$ an at!"er# then a neoph'te !n

    heres'# ha gro%n suspect# an ha alar"e the hea s of houses. Co"pla!nts aga!nst both of

    the" %ere for%ar e to Wolse'# an the' %ere su""one to on on to ans%er for the"sel&es.

    at!"er# for so"e cause# foun fa&our %!th the Car !nal# an %as !s"!sse # %!th a hope on the

    part of h!s (u ge that h!s accusers "!ght pro&e as honest as he appeare to be# an e&en %!th a

    general l!cense to preach. /?B1 =arnes %as less fortunate$ he %as far !nfer!or to at!"er$ a no!s'#

    un%!se "an# %!thout ret!cence or pru ence. In a !t!on to h!s offences !n "atters of octr!ne# he

    ha attacke Wolse' h!"self %!th so"e%hat &ulgar personal!t'$ an !t %as thought %ell to s!ngleh!" out for a publ!c# though not a &er' terr!ble# a "on!t!on. H!s house ha been searche for

    books# %h!ch he %as suspecte # an (ustl' suspecte # of ha&!ng brought %!th h!" fro" abroa .

    These# ho%e&er# through a t!"el' %arn!ng of the anger# ha been happ!l' secrete # /@81 or !t "!ght

    ha&e gone har er %!th h!". As !t %as# he %as co""!tte to the 3leet on the charge of ha&!ng

    use heret!cal language. An ab(urat!on %as ra%n up b' Wolse'# %h!ch he s!gne $ an %h!le he

    re"a!ne !n pr!son preparat!ons %ere "a e for a cere"on'# !n %h!ch he %as to bear a part# !n St

    Paul-s church# b' %h!ch the Cathol!c author!t!es hope to pro uce so"e salutar' effect on the

    !saffecte sp!r!ts of on on.

    Vast *uant!t!es of T'n al-s publ!cat!ons ha been collecte b' the pol!ce. The b!shops# also# ha

    subscr!be a"ong the"sel&es /@01 to bu' up the cop!es of the Ne% Testa"ent before the' left

    Ant%erp$+an unpro"!s!ng "etho # l!ke an atte"pt to e)t!ngu!sh f!re b' pour!ng o!l upon !t$ the'

    ha been successful# ho%e&er# !n obta!n!ng a large !""e !ate har&est# an a p'ra"! of

    offen !ng &olu"es %as rea ' to be consu"e !n a sole"n auto da f .

    In the "orn!ng of Shro&e Sun a'# then# 0@

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    f!n place# -!n go%ns of a"ask an sat!n.- Oppos!te the platfor"# o&er the north oor of the

    cathe ral# %as a great cruc!f!)+a fa"ous !"age# !n those a's calle the Roo of Northen$ an

    at the foot of !t# !ns! e a ra!l# a f!re %as burn!ng# %!th the s!nful books# the Tracts an Testa"ents#

    range roun !t !n baskets# %a!t!ng for the e)ecut!on of sentence.

    Such %as the scene !nto the "! st of %h!ch the s!) pr!soners entere . A secon platfor" stoo !n

    a consp!cuous place !n front of the Car !nal-s throne# %here the' coul be seen an hear b' the

    cro% $ an there upon the!r knees# %!th the!r fagots on the!r shoul ers# the' begge par on of

    4o an the Hol' Cathol!c Church for the!r h!gh cr!"es an offences. When the confess!on %as

    f!n!she # 3!sher# =!shop of Rochester preache a ser"on> an the ser"on o&er# =arnes turne to

    the people# eclar!ng that -he %as "ore char!tabl' han le than he eser&e # h!s heres!es %ere

    so he!nous an etestable.-

    There %as no other rel!g!ous ser&!ce> "ass ha perhaps been sa! pre&!ous to the a "!ss!on !nto

    the church of heret!cs l'!ng un er censure$ an the kn!ght "arshal le the pr!soners o%n fro"the stage to the f!re un erneath the cruc!f!). The' %ere taken %!th!n the ra!ls# an three t!"es le

    roun the bla,!ng p!le# cast!ng !n the!r fagots as the' passe . The contents of the baskets %ere

    heape upon the fagots# an the holocaust %as co"plete. Th!s t!"e# an unbloo ' sacr!f!ce %as

    ee"e suff!c!ent. The Church %as sat!sf!e %!th penance# an 3!sher pronounce the pr!soners

    absol&e # an rece!&e back !nto co""un!on. /@

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    author!t!es thought onl' of crush!ng %hat oppose the"# espec!all' of crush!ng talent# because

    talent %as angerous. Wolse'-s noble an)!et' %as to court talent# an !f poss!ble to %!n !t.

    The 'oung Ca"br! ge stu ents# ho%e&er# !ll repa! h!s conf! ence Dso# at least# !t "ust ha&e

    appeare to h!" # an !ntro uce !nto O)for the r!s!ng ep! e"!c. Clark# as %as at last

    !sco&ere # %as !n the hab!t of rea !ng St Paul-s Ep!stles to 'oung "en !n h!s roo"s$ an a

    gra uall' !ncreas!ng c!rcle of un ergra uates# of three or four 'ears- stan !ng# /@@1fro" &ar!ous

    colleges# for"e the"sel&es !nto a sp!r!tual free"asonr'# so"e of the" pass!onatel' !ns!st!ng on

    be!ng a "!tte to the lectures# !n sp!te of %arn!ngs fro" Clark h!"self# %hose %!ser fores!ght

    kne% the r!sk %h!ch the' %ere runn!ng# an shrank fro" allo%!ng %eak g! ' sp!r!ts to thrust

    the"sel&es !nto so fearful per!l. /@91

    Th!s l!ttle part' ha been !n the hab!t of "eet!ng for about s!) "onths# /@;1 %hen at Easter# 0@

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    the sea. Accor !ng hereunto I %rote "' letters !n all haste poss!ble unto "' brother# for aster

    4arret to be h!s curate$ but not eclar!ng %hat he %as !n ee # for "' brother %as a rank Pap!st#

    an after%ar s %as the "ost "ortal ene"' that e&er I ha # for the 4ospel-s sake.

    3eb 0 . -So on We nes a' D3eb. 0 # !n the "orn!ng before Shro&e:t! e# aster 4arret eparte

    out of O)for to%ar s Gorsetsh!re# %!th "' letter# for h!s ne% ser&!ce.-

    The "ost !"portant person be!ng thus# as %as suppose # safe fro" !""e !ate anger# Galaber

    %as at le!sure to th!nk a l!ttle about h!"self$ an suppos!ng# naturall'# that the "atter %oul not

    en there# an that so"e change of res! ence "!ght be of a &antage for h!s o%n secur!t'# he

    "o&e off fro" Alban Hall Das un ergra uates !t see"s %ere then at l!bert' to o to 4loucester

    College #/9

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    'ourself an utterl' un one "e. I aske h!" %h' he %as not !n Gorsetsh!re. He sa! he ha gone

    a a'-s (ourne' an a half$ but he %as so fearful# h!s heart %oul none other but that he "ust

    nee s return aga!n unto O)for . W!th eep s!ghs an plent' of tears# he pra'e "e to help to

    con&e' h!" a%a'$ an so he cast off h!s hoo an go%n %here!n he ca"e to "e# an es!re "e

    to g!&e h!" a coat %!th slee&es# !f I ha an'$ an he tol "e that he %oul go !nto Wales# anthence con&e' h!"self# !f he "!ght# !nto 4er"an'. Then I pu! on h!" a slee&e coat of "!ne. He

    %oul also ha&e ha another "anner of cap of "e# but I ha none but pr!estl!ke# such as h!s o%n


    -Then kneele %e both o%n together upon our knees# an l!ft!ng up our hearts an han s to 4o

    our hea Tenl' 3ather# es!re H!"# %!th plent' of tears# so to con uct an prosper h!" !n h!s

    (ourne'# that he "!ght %ell escape the anger of all h!s ene"!es# to the glor' of H!s Hol' Na"e# !f

    H!s goo pleasure an %!ll so %ere. An then %e e"brace an k!sse the one the other# the

    tears so abun antl' flo%!ng out fro" both our e'es# that %e all be%et both our faces# an

    scarcel' for sorro% coul %e speak one to another. An so he eparte fro" "e# apparelle !n

    "' coat# be!ng co""!tte unto the tu!t!on of our Al"!ght' an "erc!ful 3ather.

    -When he %as gone o%n the sta!rs fro" "' cha"ber# I stra!ght%a's ! shut "' cha"ber oor#

    an %ent !nto "' stu '$ an tak!ng the Ne% Testa"ent !n "' han s# kneele o%n on "' knees#

    an %!th "an' a eep s!gh an salt tear# I ! # %!th "uch el!berat!on# rea o&er the tenth chapter

    of St atthe%-s 4ospel# /9?1 pra'!ng that 4o %oul en ue h!s ten er an latel' born l!ttle flock !n

    O)for %!th hea&enl' strength b' h!s Hol' Sp!r!t$ that *u!etl' to the!r o%n sal&at!on## %!th all go l'

    pat!ence# the' "!ght bear Chr!st-s hea&' cross# %h!ch I no% sa% %as presentl' to be la! on the!r

    'oung an %eak backs# unable to bear so huge a bur en %!thout the great help of h!s Hol' Sp!r!t.

    -Th!s one# I la! as! e "' book safe# fol e up aster 4arret-s go%n an hoo # an so# ha&!ng

    put on "' short go%n# an shut "' oors# I %ent to%ar s 3r! es%! e DChr!stchurch # to speak

    %!th that %orth' "art'r of 4o # aster Clark. =ut of purpose I %ent b' St ar'-s church# to go

    f!rst unto Corpus Chr!st! College# to speak %!th G!et an J al# "' fa!thful brethren an fello%s !n

    the or . =' chance I "et b' the %a' a brother of ours# one aster E en# fello% of ag alen#

    %ho# as soon as he sa% "e# sa! # %e %ere all un one# for aster 4arret %as returne # an %as

    !n pr!son. I sa! !t %as not so$ he sa! !t %as. I hear # *uoth he# our proctor# aster Cole# sa' an

    eclare the sa"e th!s a'. Then I tol h!" %hat %as one$ an so "a e haste to 3r! es%! e# to

    f!n aster Clark# for I thought that he an others %oul be !n great sorro%.

    -E&ensong %as begun$ the ean an the canons %ere there !n the!r gre' a"!ces$ the' %ere

    al"ost at agn!f!cat before I ca"e th!ther. I stoo !n the cho!r oor an hear aster Ta&erner

    pla'# an others of the chapel there s!ng# %!th an a"ong %ho" I "'self %as %ont to s!ng also$

    but no% "' s!ng!ng an "us!c %ere turne !nto s!gh!ng an "us!ng. As I there stoo # !n co"eth

    Gr Cott!sfor # /9@1 the co""!ssar'# as fast as e&er he coul go# barehea e # as pale as ashes DI

    kne% h!s gr!ef %ell enough $ an to the ean he goeth !nto the cho!r# %here he %as s!tt!ng !n h!s

    stall# an talke %!th h!"# &er' sorro%full'> %hat# I kno% not$ but %hereof I "!ght an ! trul'

    guess. I %ent as! e fro" the cho!r oor to see an hear "ore. The co""!ssar' an ean ca"eout of the cho!r# %on erfull' trouble as !t see"e . About the "! le of the church "et the" Gr
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    on on# /991puff!ng# bluster!ng# an blo%!ng l!ke a hungr' an gree ' l!on seek!ng h!s pre'. The'

    talke together a%h!le$ but the co""!ssar' %as "uch bla"e b' the"# !nso"uch that he %ept for


    -The octors eparte # an sent abroa the!r ser&ants an sp!es e&er'%here. aster Clark# about

    the "! le of the co"pl!ne# /9;1 ca"e forth of the cho!r. I follo%e h!" to h!s cha"ber# an eclare

    %hat ha happene that afternoon of aster 4arret-s escape. Then he sent for one aster

    Su"ner an aster =ets# fello%s an canons there. In the "ean t!"e he ga&e "e a &er' go l'

    e)hortat!on# pra'!ng 4o to g!&e us all the %!s o" of the serpent an the har"lessness of o&es#

    for %e shoul shortl' ha&e "uch nee thereof. When aster Su"ner an aster =ets ca"e# he

    cause "e to eclare aga!n the %hole "atter to the" t%o. Then es!r!ng the" to tell our other

    brethren !n that college# I %ent to Corpus Chr!st! College# to co"fort our brethren there# %here I

    foun !n G!et-s cha"ber# look!ng for "e# 3!t,(a"es# G!et# an J al. The' all kne% the "atter

    before b' aster E en# %ho" I ha sent unto 3!t,(a"es. So I tarr!e there an suppe %!th the"#

    %here the' ha pro&! e "eat an r!nk for us before "' co"!ng$ an %hen %e ha en e #

    3!t,(a"es %oul nee s ha&e "e to l!e that n!ght %!th h!" !n "' ol lo g!ng at Alban-s Hall. =ut

    s"all rest an l!ttle sleep took %e both there that n!ght.-

    Sun a'# 3eb.

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    -I %as brought !nto the chapel#- the latter cont!nues# -an there I foun Gr Cott!sfor # co""!ssar'$

    Gr H!g on# Gean of Car !nal-s College$ an Gr on on# War en of Ne% College$ stan !ng

    together at the altar. The' calle for cha!rs an sat o%n# an then /or ere 1 "e to co"e to the"$

    the' aske "e %hat "' na"e %as# ho% long I ha been at the Jn!&ers!t'# %hat I stu !e #- %!th

    &ar!ous other !n*u!r!es> the clerk of the Jn!&ers!t'# "ean%h!le# br!ng!ng pens# !nk# an paper# anarrang!ng a table %!th a fe% loose boar s upon tressels. A "ass book# he sa's# %as then place

    before h!"# an he %as co""an e to la' h!s han upon !t# an s%ear that he %oul ans%er

    trul' such *uest!ons as shoul be aske h!". At f!rst he refuse $ but after%ar s# be!ng persua e #

    -partl' b' fa!r %or s# an partl' b' great threats#- he pro"!se to o as the' %oul ha&e h!"$ but

    !n h!s heart he -"eant noth!ng so to o.- -So I la! "' han on the book#- he goes on# -an one of

    the" ga&e "e "' oath# an # co""an e "e to k!ss the book. The' "a e great courtes'

    bet%een the" %ho shoul e)a"!ne "e$ at last# the rankest Phar!see of the" all took upon h!" to

    o !t.

    -Then he aske "e aga!n# b' "' oath# %here aster 4arret %as# an %h!ther I ha con&e'e

    h!". I sa! I ha not con&e'e h!"# nor 'et %!st %here he %as# nor %h!ther he %as gone# e)cept

    he %as gone to Woo stock# as I ha before sa! . Surel'# the' sa! # I brought h!" so"e %h!ther

    th!s "orn!ng# for the' "!ght %ell perce!&e b' "' foul shoes an !rt' hosen that T ha tra&elle

    %!th h!" the "ost part of the n!ght. I ans%ere pla!nl'# that I la' at Alban-s Hall %!th S!r 3!t,(a"es#

    an that I ha goo %!tness thereof. The' aske "e %here I %as at e&ensong. I tol the" at

    3r! es%! e# an that I sa%# f!rst# aster Co""!ssar'# an then aster Goctor on on# co"e

    th!ther to aster Gean. Goctor on on an the Gean threatene "e that !f I %oul not tell the

    truth I shoul surel' be sent to the To%er of on on# an there be racke # an put !nto !ttle:ease./9B1

    -At last %hen the' coul get noth!ng out of "e %hereb' to hurt or accuse an' "an# or to kno%

    an'th!ng of that %h!ch the' sought# the' all three together brought "e up a long sta!rs# !nto a

    great cha"ber# o&er aster Co""!ssar'-s cha"ber# %here!n stoo a great pa!r of &er' h!gh

    stocks. Then aster Co""!ssar' aske "e for "' purse an g!r le# an took a%a' "' "one'

    an "' kn!&es$ an then the' put "' legs !nto the stocks# an so locke "e fast !n the"# !n %h!ch

    I sat#. "' feet be!ng al"ost as h!gh as "' hea $ an so the' eparte # lock!ng fast the oor# an

    lea&!ng "e alone.

    -When the' %ere all gone# then ca"e !nto "' re"e"brance the %orth' fore%arn!ng an go l'

    eclarat!on of that "ost constant "art'r of 4o # aster 2ohn Clark# %ho# %ell n!gh t%o 'ears

    before that# %hen I ! earnestl' es!re h!" to grant "e to be h!s scholar# sa! unto "e after th!s

    sort> -Galaber# 'ou es!re 'ou %ot not %hat# an that %h!ch 'ou are# I fear# unable to take upon

    'ou$ for though no% "' preach!ng be s%eet an pleasant to 'ou# because there !s no persecut!on

    la! on 'ou for !t# 'et the t!"e %!ll co"e# an that# pera &enture# shortl'# !f 'e cont!nue to l!&e

    go l' there!n# that 4o %!ll la' on 'ou the cross of persecut!on# to tr' 'ou %hether 'ou can as

    pure gol ab! e the f!re. Fou shall be calle an (u ge a heret!c$ 'ou shall be abhorre of the

    %orl $ 'our o%n fr!en s an k!nsfolk %!ll forsake 'ou# an also hate 'ou$ 'ou shall be cast !ntopr!son# an none shall are to help 'ou$ 'ou shall be accuse before b!shops# to 'our reproach
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    an sha"e# to the great sorro% of all 'our fr!en s an k!nsfolk. Then %!ll 'e %!sh 'e ha ne&er

    kno%n th!s octr!ne$ then %!ll 'e curse Clark# an %!sh that 'e ha ne&er kno%n h!" because he

    hath brought 'ou to all these troubles.-

    -At %h!ch %or s I %as so gr!e&e that I fell o%n on "' knees at h!s feet# an %!th tears an s!ghs

    besought h!" that# for the ten er "erc' of 4o # he %oul not refuse "e$ sa'!ng that I truste #

    &er!l'# that he %h!ch ha begun th!s !n "e %oul not forsake "e# but %oul g!&e "e grace to

    cont!nue there!n to the en .# When he hear "e sa' so# he ca"e to "e# took "e !n h!s ar"s an

    k!sse "e# the tears tr!ckl!ng fro" h!s e'es$ an sa! unto "e> -The or 4o Al"!ght' grant 'ou

    so to o$ an fro" henceforth for e&er# take "e for 'our father# an I %!ll take 'ou for "' son !n


    In these "e !tat!ons the long Sun a' "orn!ng %ore a%a'. A l!ttle before noon the co""!ssar'

    ca"e aga!n to see !f h!s pr!soner %as "ore a"enable$ f!n !ng h!"# ho%e&er# st!ll obst!nate# he

    offere h!" so"e !nner a pro"!se %h!ch %e %!ll hope he fulf!lle # for here Galaber-s o%nnarrat!&e abruptl' forsakes us #/;81 lea&!ng unco"plete # at th!s po!nt# the "ost &!&! p!cture %h!ch

    re"a!ns to us of a fract!on of Engl!sh l!fe !n the re!gn of Henr' VIII. If the curta!n fell f!nall' on the

    l!ttle group of stu ents# th!s narrat!&e alone %oul furn!sh us %!th rare !ns!ght !nto the

    c!rcu"stances un er %h!ch the Protestants fought the!r %a'. The stor'# ho%e&er# can be carr!e

    so"eth!ng further# an the strangest !nc! ent connecte %!th !t re"a!ns to be tol .

    on a'# 3eb.

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    esperate c!rcu"stances# as he tol the =!shop# the three hea s of houses conce!&e that the'

    "!ght stra!n a po!nt of propr!et' for so goo a purpose as to pre&ent the escape of a heret!c.

    Accor !ngl'# after a full report of the po!nts of the!r success# Goctor on on %ent on to relate the

    follo%!ng re"arkable procee !ng>

    -After aster 4arret escape # the commissary being in extreme pensiveness, knew no other

    remedy but this extraordinary, and caused a figure to be made by one expert in astronomyand

    his judgment doth continually persist upon this, that he fled in a tawny coat south-eastward, and

    is in the middle of ondon, and will shortly to the sea-side! He %as curate unto the parson of

    Hone' ane. /;71 It !s l!kel' he !s pr!&!l' cloake there. Wherefore# as soon as I kne% the (u g"ent

    of th!s astrono"er# I thought !t e)pe !ent an "' ut' %!th all spee to ascerta!n 'our goo

    lor sh!p of all the pre"!ses$ that !n t!"e 'our lor sh!p "a' a &ert!se "' lor h!s 4race# an "'

    lor of on on. It %!ll be a grac!ous ee that he an all h!s pest!ferous %orks# %h!ch he carr!eth

    about# "!ght be taken# to the sal&at!on of h!s soul# open!ng of "an' pr!&' heres!es# an e)t!nct!on

    of the sa"e.- /;?1

    Tues a'# 3eb.

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    a spec!al letter# !n a !t!on to the co""!ssar'-s c!rcular$ an the fa"!l' connect!on act!ng as a

    spur to h!s natural act!&!t'# a coast guar ha been set before 4arret-s arr!&al# to %atch for h!"

    o%n the A&on banks# an along the Channel shore for f!fteen "!les. All the 3r! a' n!ght -the

    "a'or# %!th the al er"en# an t%ent' of the counc!l# ha kept pr!&' %atch#- an searche

    susp!c!ous houses at aster W!lk'ns-s !nstance$ the %hole populat!on %ere on the alert# an%hen the ne)t afternoon# a %eek after h!s escape# the poor heret!c# footsore an %ear'# ragge

    h!"self !nto the to%n# he foun that he ha %alke !nto the l!on-s "outh. /;91 He *u!ckl' learnt the

    anger to %h!ch he %as e)pose # an hurr!e off aga!n %!th the best spee %h!ch he coul

    co""an $ but !t %as too late. The chap"an# alert an !n efat!gable# ha hear that a stranger

    ha been seen !n the street$ the pol!ce %ere set upon h!s track# an he %as taken at =e "!nster#

    a suburb on the oppos!te bank of the A&on# an hurr!e before a "ag!strate# %here he at once

    ackno%le ge h!s ! ent!t'.

    Satur a'# 3eb. < . W!th such# happ' success %ere the goo chap"an-s efforts re%ar e . Fet !n th!s

    %orl there !s no l!ght %!thout sha o%$ no pleasure %!thout !ts allo'. In !"ag!nat!on# aster

    W!lk'ns ha thought of h!"self con uct!ng the pr!soner !n tr!u"ph !nto the streets of O)for # the

    hero of the hour. The sour for"al!t' of the la% con e"ne h!" to !ll:"er!te !sappo!nt"ent.

    4arret ha been taken be'on the l!bert!es of the c!t'$ !t %as necessar'# therefore# to co""!t h!"

    to the count' gaol# an he %as sent to Ilchester.- aster W!lk'ns offere h!"self to be boun to

    the sa! (ust!ce !n three hun re poun s to !scharge h!" of the sa! 4arret# an to see h!"

    surel' to aster Proctor-s of O)for $ 'et coul he not ha&e h!"# for the (ust!ce sa! that the or er

    of the la% %oul not so ser&e# -/;;1 The fortunate captor ha therefore to content h!"self %!th# the

    consc!ousness of h!s e)plo!t# an the fa&ourable report of h!s con uct %h!ch %as sent to theb!shops$ an 4arret %ent f!rst to Ilchester# an thence %as taken b' spec!al %r!t# an surren ere

    to Wolse'.

    Thus unk!n ha fortune sho%n herself to the ch!ef cr!"!nal# gu!lt' of the unpar onable offence of

    sell!ng Testa"ents at O)for # an therefore hunte o%n as a "a og# an a co""on ene"' of

    "ank!n . He escape for the present the hea&!est conse*uences# for Wolse' persua e h!" to

    ab(ure. A fe% 'ears later %e shall aga!n "eet h!"# %hen he ha reco&ere h!s better nature# an

    %oul not ab(ure# an !e as a bra&e "an shoul !e. In the "ean t!"e %e return to the

    Jn!&ers!t'# %here the author!t!es %ere bus' tra"pl!ng out the re"a!ns of the conflagrat!on.

    T%o a's after h!s letter respect!ng the astrologer# the War en of Ne% College %rote aga!n to the

    G!ocesan# %!th an account of h!s further procee !ngs. He %as an eff!c!ent !n*u!s!tor# an the

    secrets of the poor un ergra uates ha been unra&elle to the last threa . So"e of -the brethren-

    ha confesse $ all %ere !n pr!son$ an the octor es!re !nstruct!ons as to %hat shoul be one

    %!th the". It "ust be sa! for Gr on on# that he %as an)!ous that the' shoul be treate

    len!entl'. Galaber escr!be h!" as a roar!ng l!on# an he %as a ba "an# an ca"e at last to a

    ba en . =ut !t !s pleasant to f!n that e&en he# a "ere bluster!ng arrogant off!c!al# %as not %holl'

    %!thout re ee"!ng po!nts of character$ an as l!ttle goo %!ll be sa! for h!" hereafter# the

    follo%!ng passage !n h!s secon letter "a' be place to the cre !t s! e of h!s account. The tone !n%h!ch he %rote %as at least hu"ane# an "ust pass for "ore than an e)press!on of natural
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    k!n ness# %hen !t !s re"e"bere that he %as a ress!ng a person %!th %ho" ten erness for

    heres' %as a cr!"e.

    -These 'ouths#- he sa! # -ha&e not been long con&ersant %!th aster 4arret# nor ha&e greatl'

    peruse h!s "!sch!e&ous books$ an long before aster 4arret %as taken# !&ers of the" %ere

    %ear' of these %orks# an el!&ere the" to Galaber. I a" "ar&ellous sorr' for the 'oung "en. If

    the' be openl' calle upon# although the' appear not greatl' !nfect# 'et the' shall ne&er a&o!

    slan er# because "' or -s 4race ! sen for aster 4arret to be taken. I suppose h!s 4race

    %!ll kno% of 'our goo lor sh!p e&er'th!ng. Noth!ng shall be h! # I assure 'our goo lor sh!p# an

    e&er' one of the" %ere "' brother$ an I o onl' "ake th!s "oan for these 'ouths# for surel'

    the' be of the "ost to%ar l' 'oung "en !n O)for $ an as far as I o 'et perce!&e# not greatl'

    !nfect# but "uch to bla"e for rea !ng an' part of these %orks.- /; 1

    Goctor on on-s !ntercess!on# !f t!"! # %as generous$ he ob&!ousl' %!she to suggest that the

    "atter shoul be hushe up# an that the offen !ng part!es shoul be !s"!sse %!th a repr!"an .If the ec!s!on ha reste %!th Wolse'# !t !s l!kel' that th!s &!e% %oul ha&e been rea !l' acte

    upon. =ut the =!shop of !ncoln %as a person !n %ho" the sp!r!t of hu"an!t' ha been long

    e)orc!se b' the sp!r!t of an eccles!ast!c. He %as stagger!ng along the last 'ears of a l!fe aga!nst

    %h!ch h!s o%n reg!ster /;B1 bears rea ful %!tness# an he %oul not bur en h!s consc!ence %!th

    "erc' to heret!cs. He %oul not "ar the co"pleteness of h!s barbarous career. He s!ngle out

    three of the pr!soners+4arret# Clark# an 3errars / 81 an espec!all' entreate that the' shoul be

    pun!she . -The' be three per!lous "en#- he %rote to Wolse'# -an ha&e been the occas!on of the

    corrupt!on of 'outh The' ha&e one "uch "!sch!ef# an for the lo&e of 4o let the" be han le

    thereafter. -/ 01 Wolse' ha 4arret !n h!s o%n keep!ng# an ecl!ne to surren er h!". 3errars habeen taken at the =lack 3r!ars# !n on on# /

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    thro%!ng !n each f!rst the!r fagot# an then so"e one of the offen !ng books# !n token that the'

    repente an renounce the!r errors.

    Thus %as O)for purge of heres'. The state of !nnocence %h!ch Gr on on pathet!call'

    la"ente / ?1 %as restore # an the hea s of houses ha peace t!ll the!r rest %as broken b' a ru er


    In th!s s!ngle spec!"en %e "a' see a co"plete !"age of Wolse'-s persecut!on# as %!th &ar'!ng

    eta!ls !t %as carr!e out !n e&er' to%n an &!llage fro" the T%ee to the an -s En . I %ell on

    the stor!es of !n !&! ual suffer!ng# not to colour the narrat!&e# or to re:a%aken feel!ngs of b!tterness

    %h!ch "a' %ell rest no% an sleep for e&er$ but because# through the 'ears !n %h!ch !t %as

    struggl!ng for recogn!t!on# the h!stor' of Protestant!s" !s the h!stor' of !ts "art'rs. No r!&al

    theolog'# as I ha&e sa! # ha as 'et shape !tself !nto for"ulas. We ha&e not to trace an' slo%:

    gro%!ng elaborat!on of op!n!on. Protestant!s"# before !t beca"e an establ!sh"ent# %as a refusal

    to l!&e an' longer !n a l!e. It %as a fall!ng back upon the un ef!ne untheoret!c rules of truth anp!et' %h!ch la' upon the surface of the =!ble# an a eter"!nat!on rather to !e than to "ock %!th

    unreal!t' an' longer the Al"!ght' aker of the %orl . We o not look !n the a%n!ng

    "an!festat!ons of such a sp!r!t for subtlet!es of !ntellect. Intellect# as !t e&er oes# follo%e !n the

    %ake of the h!gher &!rtues of "anl' honest' an truthfulness. An the e&! ences %h!ch %ere to

    effect the %orl -s con&ers!on %ere no cunn!ngl' arrange s'llog!st!c e"onstrat!ons# but once

    "ore those loft!er e&! ences %h!ch la' !n the cal" en urance b' hero!c "en of the e)tre"!t!es of

    suffer!ng# an %h!ch touche +not the "!n %!th con&!ct!on# but the heart %!th a "!r!ng


    In the conclu !ng 'ears of h!s a "!n!strat!on Wolse' %as e"barrasse %!th the !&orce.

    G!ff!cult!es %ere gather!ng roun h!"# fro" the fa!lure of h!s hopes abroa an the %reck of h!s

    popular!t' at ho"e$ an the act!&!t' of the persecut!on %as so"eth!ng rela)e # as the gu! !ng

    "!n of the great "!n!ster cease to ha&e le!sure to atten to !t. The b!shops# ho%e&er# cont!nue #

    each !n h!s o%n !ocese# to act %!th such &!gour as the' possesse . The!r courts %ere

    unceas!ngl' occup!e %!th &e)at!ous su!ts# co""ence %!thout reason# an con ucte %!thout

    (ust!ce. The' su""one arb!trar!l' as suspecte offen ers %hoe&er ha the "!sfortune to ha&e

    pro&oke the!r !sl!ke$ e!ther co"pell!ng the" to cr!"!nate the"sel&es b' *uest!ons on the

    !ntr!cac!es of theolog'# / @1 or allo%!ng sentence to be passe aga!nst the" on the e&! ence of

    aban one persons# %ho %oul not ha&e been a "!ss!ble as %!tnesses before the secular

    tr!bunals . / 91

    It "!ght ha&e been thought that the clear percept!on %h!ch %as sho%n b' the House of Co""ons

    of the !n(ust!ce %!th %h!ch the tr!als for heres' %ere con ucte # the !sregar # sha"eless an

    flagrant# of the pro&!s!ons of the statutes un er %h!ch the b!shops %ere enable to procee # "!ght

    ha&e le the" to recons! er the e*u!t' of persecut!on !n !tself$ or# at least# to re"o&e fro" the

    off!ce of (u ges persons %ho ha sho%n the"sel&es so s!gnall' unf!t to e)erc!se that off!ce. It

    %oul ha&e been !n ecent# ho%e&er# !f not !"poss!ble# to transfer to a c!&!l tr!bunal the cogn!,ance

    of op!n!on$ an # on the other han # there %as as 'et a"ong the upper classes of the la!t' no k!nof !spos!t!on to be len!ent to%ar s those %ho %ere reall' unortho o). The es!re so far %as onl'
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    to check the reckless an ran o" accusat!ons of persons %hose offence %as to ha&e cr!t!c!se #

    not the octr!ne# but the "oral con uct# of the Church author!t!es. The Protestants# although fro"

    the ate of the "eet!ng of the Parl!a"ent an Wolse'-s fall the!r ult!"ate tr!u"ph %as certa!n#

    ga!ne noth!ng !n !ts !""e !ate conse*uences. The' suffere rather fro" the eagerness of the

    pol!t!cal refor"ers to clear the"sel&es fro" co"pl!c!t' %!th hetero o)'$ an the b!shops %eree&en taunte %!th the sp!r!tual !ssens!ons of the real" as an e&! ence of the!r !n olence an

    "!scon uct. / ;1 anguage of th!s k!n bo e !ll for the -Chr!st!an =rethren$- an the cho!ce of

    Wolse'-s successor for the off!ce of chancellor soon conf!r"e the!r apprehens!ons. Wolse' ha

    chast!se the" %!th %h!ps$ S!r Tho"as ore %oul chast!se the" %!th scorp!ons$ an the

    ph!losopher of the #topia # the fr!en of Eras"us# %hose l!fe %as of bla"eless beaut'# %hose

    gen!us %as cult!&ate to the h!ghest atta!nable perfect!on# %as to pro&e to the %orl that the sp!r!t

    of persecut!on !s no pecul!ar attr!bute of the pe ant# the b!got# or the fanat!c# but "a' co:e)!st %!th

    the fa!rest graces of the hu"an character. The l!&es of re"arkable "en usuall' !llustrate so"e

    e"phat!c truth. S!r Tho"as ore "a' be sa! to ha&e l!&e to !llustrate the necessar' ten enc!esof Ro"an!s" !n an honest "!n con&!nce of !ts truth$ to sho% that the test of s!ncer!t' !n a "an

    %ho professes to regar ortho o)' as an essent!al of sal&at!on# !s not the rea !ness to en ure

    persecut!on# but the courage %h!ch %!ll &enture to !nfl!ct !t.

    The seals %ere el!&ere to the ne% chancellor !n No&e"ber# 0@

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    b!shop fa!le !n secur!ng a con&!ct!on# %as he at l!bert' to eta!n the accuse person an' longer

    on the sa"e charge# because the result %as not sat!sfactor' to h!"self. These pro&!s!ons %ere

    not preposterousl' len!ent. S!r Tho"as ore shoul ha&e foun no !ff!cult' !n obser&!ng the"

    h!"self# an !n secur!ng the obser&ance of the" b' the b!shops# at least !n cases %here he %as

    h!"self respons!ble for the f!rst co""!ttal. It !s to be feare that he forgot that he %as a (u ge !nh!s eagerness to be a part!san# an per"!tte no punct!l!ous legal scruples to !nterfere %!th the

    "ore !"portant ob(ect of ensur!ng pun!sh"ent to heret!cs.

    The f!rst case %h!ch I shall "ent!on !s one !n %h!ch the =!shop of on on %as pr!nc!pall' gu!lt'$

    not# ho%e&er# %!thout ore-s countenance# an # !f 3o)e !s to be bel!e&e # h!s eff!c!ent support.

    In Gece"ber# 0@

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    t'rann' %h!ch ha crushe h!"# an cla"our!ng for (ust!ce !n the eaf ears of pe ants %ho kne%

    not %hat (ust!ce "eant.

    If th!s ha occurre at the beg!nn!ng of the centur'# the pr!soner %oul ha&e been left to !e# as

    countless "ult!tu es ha alrea ' !e # unhear # uncare for# unthought of$ the &!ct!" not of

    el!berate cruelt'# but of that fr!ghtfullest portent# foll' ar"e %!th po%er. Happ!l' the 'ears of h!s

    !"pr!son"ent ha been 'ears of s%!ft re&olut!on. The House of Co""ons ha beco"e a tr!bunal

    %here oppress!on %oul not an' longer cr' %holl' unhear $ Ph!l!ps appeale to !t for protect!on#

    an reco&ere h!s l!bert' ./B91

    The %e!ght of gu!lt !n th!s !nstance presses essent!all' on Stokesle'$ 'et a port!on of the bla"e

    "ust be borne also b' the chancellor# %ho f!rst place Ph!l!ps !n Stokesle'-s han s$ %ho took part

    !n the !llegal pr!&ate e)a"!nat!ons# an %ho coul not ha&e been !gnorant of the pr!soner-s

    ult!"ate fate. If# ho%e&er# !t be thought un(ust to charge a goo "an-s "e"or' %!th an offence !n

    %h!ch h!s part %as onl' secon ar'# the follo%!ng !n!*u!t' %as %holl' an e)clus!&el' h!s o%n. Irelate the stor' %!thout co""ent !n the a ress of the !n(ure person to ore-s successor . /B;1

    -$o the %ight Hon! the ord &hancellor of 'ngland ()ir $! *udeley+ and other of the ing s


    -In "ost hu"ble %!se sho%eth unto 'our goo ness 'our poor be e"an 2ohn 3!el # ho% that the

    ne)t "orro% upon t%elfth a' #/B 1 !n the t%ent':f!rst 'ear of our so&ere!gn lor the 6!ng-s H!ghness#

    S!r Tho"as ore# 6n!ght# then be!ng or Chancellor of Englan # ! sen certa!n of h!s

    ser&ants# an cause 'our sa! be e"an# %!th certa!n others# to be brought to h!s place atChelsea# an there kept h!" Dafter %hat "anner an fash!on !t %ere no% long to tell # b' the

    space of e!ghteen a's$ /BB1 an then set h!" at l!bert'# b!n !ng h!" to appear before h!" aga!n the

    e!ghth a' follo%!ng !n the Star Cha"ber# %h!ch %as Can le"as e&e$ at %h!ch a' 'our sa!

    be e"an appeare # an %as then sent to the 3leet# %here he cont!nue unt!l Pal" Sun a' t%o

    'ears after# /!n &!olat!on of both the statutes#1 kept so close the f!rst *uarter that h!s keeper onl'

    "!ght &!s!t h!"$ an al%a's after close up %!th those that %ere han le "ost stra!tl'$ often

    searche # so"et!"es e&en at "! n!ght$ bes! es snares an traps la! to take h!" !n. =et%!)t

    !chael"as an Allhallo%een t! e ne)t after h!s co"!ng to pr!son there %as taken fro" 'our

    be e"an a 4reek &ocabular'# pr!ce f!&e sh!ll!ngs$ Sa!nt C'pr!an-s %orks# %!th a book of the sa"e

    S!r Tho"as ore-s "ak!ng# na"e the Suppl!cat!on of Souls. 3or %hat cause !t %as one he

    co""!tteth to the (u g"ent of 4o # that seeth the souls of all persons. The sa! Pal" Sun a'#

    %h!ch %as also our a '-s a'# to%ar s n!ght there ca"e t%o off!cers of the 3leet# na"e 4eorge

    Porter an 2ohn =utler# an took 'our be e"an !nto a %ar alone# an there# after long

    search!ng# foun h!s purse hang!ng at h!s g!r le$ %h!ch the' took# an shook out the "one' to the

    su" of ten sh!ll!ngs# %h!ch %as sent h!" to bu' such necessar!es as he lacke # an el!&ere h!"

    aga!n h!s purse# %ell an trul' keep!ng the "one' to the"sel&es# as the' sa! # for the!r fees$ an

    forth%!th carr!e h!" fro" the 3leet D%here he lost such poor be !ng as he then ha # an coul

    ne&er s!nce get !t # an el!&ere h!" to the arshalsea# un er our grac!ous so&ere!gn-s
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    co""an "ent an S!r Tho"as ore-s. When the Sun a' before the Hogat!on %eek follo%!ng#

    'our be e"an fell s!ck$ an the Wh!tsun on a' %as carr!e out on four "en-s backs# an

    el!&ere to h!s fr!en s to be reco&ere !f !t so please 4o . At %h!ch t!"e the keeper took for

    'our be e"an-s fees other ten sh!ll!ngs# %hen four sh!ll!ngs shoul ha&e suff!ce !f he ha been

    el!&ere !n goo health.

    -W!th!n three %eeks !t please 4o to set 'our be e"an on h!s feet# so that he "!ght %alk

    abroa . Whereof %hen S!r Tho"as ore hear D%ho %ent out of h!s chancellorsh!p about the

    t!"e 'our be e"an %as carr!e out of pr!son # although he ha ne!ther %or nor ee %h!ch he

    coul e&er trul' la' to 'our be e"an-s charge# 'et "a e he such "eans b' the =!shops of

    W!nchester an on on# as 'our be e"an hear sa'# to the Hon. or Tho"as Guke of Norfolk#

    that he ga&e ne% co""an "ent to the keeper of the arshalsea to attach aga!n 'our sa!

    be e"an$ %h!ch th!ng %as spee !l' one the Sun a' three %eeks after h!s el!&erance. An so

    he cont!nue !n pr!son aga!n unt!l Sa!nt a%rence t! e follo%!ng$ at %h!ch t!"e "one' %as g!&en

    to the keeper# an so"e th!ngs he took %h!ch %ere not g!&en# an then %as 'our be e"an re:

    el!&ere through the 6!ng-s goo ness# un er suret!es boun !n a certa!n su"# that he shoul

    appear the f!rst a' of the ne)t ter" follo%!ng# an then a' b' a' unt!l h!s !s"!ss!on. An so

    hath 'our be e"an been at l!bert' no% t%el&e "onths %a!t!ng a!l' fro" ter" to ter"# an

    noth!ng la! to h!s charge as before.

    -Wherefore# the pre"!ses ten erl' cons! ere # an also 'our sa! be e"an-s great po&ert'# he

    "ost hu"bl' beseecheth 'our goo ness that he "a' no% be clearl' !scharge $ an !f books#

    "one'# or other th!ngs see" to be taken or kept fro" h!" other%!se than (ust!ce %oul # eftsoons

    he beseecheth 'ou that 'e %!ll co""an !t to be restore .

    -As for h!s long !"pr!son"ent# %!th other gr!efs thereto apperta!n!ng# he looketh not to ha&e

    reco"pense of "an$ .but co""!tteth h!s %hole cause to 4o # to %ho" 'our be e"an shall a!l'

    pra'# accor !ng as he !s boun # that 'e "a' so or er an go&ern the real" that !t "a' be to the

    honour of 4o an 'our hea&enl' an e&erlast!ng re%ar .-

    I o not f!n the result of th!s pet!t!on# but as !t appeare that Henr' ha !ntereste h!"self !n the

    stor'# !t !s l!kel' to ha&e been successful. We can for" but an !"perfect (u g"ent on the "er!ts of

    the case# for %e ha&e onl' the sufferer-s ex parte co"pla!nt# an ore "!ght probabl' ha&e been

    able to "ake so"e counterstate"ent. =ut the !llegal !"pr!son"ent cannot be e)pla!ne a%a'#an cannot be pall!ate $ an %hen a (u ge per"!ts h!"self to co""!t an act of arb!trar' t 'rann'#

    %e argue fro" the kno%n to the unkno%n# an refuse reasonabl' to g!&e h!" cre !t for e*u!t'

    %here he %as so l!ttle careful of la%.

    Fet a fe% 'ears of "!ser' !n a pr!son %as but an !ns!gn!f!cant "!sfortune %hen co"pare %!th the

    fate un er %h!ch so "an' other poor "en %ere at th!s t!"e o&er%hel"e . Jn er Wolse'-s

    chancellorsh!p the stake ha been co"parat!&el' ! le$ he possesse a re"arkable po%er of

    "ak!ng recantat!on eas'$ an there !s# I bel!e&e# no !nstance !n %h!ch an accuse heret!c %as

    brought un er h!s !""e !ate cogn!,ance# %here he fa!le to arrange so"e ter"s b' %h!ch

    sub"!ss!on %as "a e poss!ble. W!th Wolse' heres' %as an error+%!th ore !t %as a cr!"e.

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    Soon after the seals change han s the S"!thf!el f!res reco""ence $ an # the chancellor act!ng

    !n concert %!th the"# the b!shops resol&e to obl!terate# !n these e !f'!ng spectacles# the

    recollect!on of the!r general !nf!r"!t!es. The cr!"e of the offen ers &ar!e +so"et!"es !t %as a

    en!al of the corporal presence# "ore often !t %as a reflect!on too lou to be en ure on the

    character an hab!ts of the clerg'$ but %hate&er !t %as# the alternat!&e la' onl' bet%een ab(urat!onhu"!l!at!ng as !ngenu!t' coul "ake !t# or a rea ful eath. The hearts of "an' fa!le the" !n the

    tr!al# an of all the confessors those perhaps o not eser&e the least co"pass!on %hose

    %eakness betra'e the"# %ho sank an !e broken:hearte . Of these s!lent sufferers h!stor'

    kno%s noth!ng. A fe%# unable to en ure the "!ser' of ha&!ng# as the' suppose # en!e the!r

    Sa&!our# returne to the anger fro" %h!ch the' ha fle # an %ashe out the!r fall !n "art'r o".

    at!"er has tol us the stor' of h!s fr!en =!lne'+l!ttle =!lne'# or Sa!nt =!lne'# /0881 as he calls h!"#

    h!s co"pan!on at Ca"br! ge# to %ho" he o%e h!s o%n con&ers!on. =!lne'# after escap!ng

    through Wolse'-s han s !n 0@

  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    racke !n the To%er b' or er of S!r Tho"as ore. Enfeeble b' suffer!ng# he %as then brought

    before Stokesle'# an terr!f!e b' the col "erc!less e'es of h!s (u ge# he ga&e %a'# not about h!s

    fr!en s# but about h!"self> he ab(ure # an %as !s"!sse heartbroken. Th!s %as on the

    se&enteenth of 3ebruar'. He %as onl' able to en ure h!s %retche ness for a "onth. At the en of

    !t# he appeare at a secret "eet!ng of the Chr!st!an =rothers# !n -a %arehouse !n =o% ane#-%here he aske forg!&eness of 4o an all the %orl for %hat he ha one$ an then %ent out to

    take aga!n upon h!s shoul ers the hea&' bur en of the cross.

    The follo%!ng Sun a'# at the church of St August!ne# he rose !n h!s seat %!th the fatal Engl!sh

    Testa"ent !n h!s han # an - eclare openl'# before all the people# %!th %eep!ng tears# that he

    ha en!e 4o #- pra'!ng the" all to forg!&e h!"# an be%are of h!s %eakness$ -for !f I shoul not

    return to the truth#- he sa! # -th!s Wor of 4o %oul a"n "e# bo ' an soul# at the a' of

    (u g"ent.- An then he pra'e -e&er'bo ' rather to !e than to o as he ! # for he %oul not feel

    such a hell aga!n as he ! feel for all the %orl -s goo .- /0871

    Of course but one e&ent %as to be looke for$ he kne% !t# an h!"self %rote to the =!shop# tell!ng

    h!" %hat he ha one. No "erc' %as poss!ble> he looke for none# an he foun none.

    Fet perhaps he foun %hat the %!se author!t!es thought to be so"e act of "erc'. The' coul not

    grant h!" par on !n th!s %orl upon an' ter"s$ but the' %oul not k!ll h!" t!ll the' ha "a e an

    effort for h!s soul. He %as taken to the =!shop of on on-s coal cellar at 3ulha"# the fa&our!te

    ep!scopal penance cha"ber# %here he %as !rone an put !n the stocks$ an there %as left for

    "an' a's# !n the ch!ll arch %eather# to beth!nk h!"self. Th!s fa!l!ng to %ork con&!ct!on# he %as

    carr!e to S!r Tho"as ore-s house at Chelsea# %here for t%o n!ghts he %as cha!ne to a post

    an %h!ppe $ thence# aga!n# he %as taken back to 3ulha" for another %eek of torture$ an f!nall'

    to the To%er# for a further fortn!ght# aga!n %!th !neffectual %h!pp!ngs.

    The e"an s of char!t' %ere thus sat!sf!e . The p!ous =!shop an the learne chancellor ha

    e)hauste the!r "eans of con&ers!on$ the' ha !scharge the!r consc!ences$ an the la% %as

    allo%e to take !ts course. The pr!soner %as brought to tr!al on the

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    l!st of those %ho %ere -trouble - !n &ar!ous %a's !s so e)tens!&e# as to lea&e no oubt of the

    s'"path' %h!ch# !n on on at least# "ust ha&e been felt b' "an'# &er' "an'# of the spectators of

    the "art'rs- eaths. We are left# !n th!s !"portant po!nt# "a!nl' to con(ecture$ an !f %e %ere

    better furn!she %!th e&! ence# the language of or !nar' narrat!&e %oul fa!l to con&e' an' real

    not!on of perple)e an &ar!ous e"ot!ons. We ha&e gl!"pses# ho%e&er# !nto the !nner %orl of"en# here an there of strange !nterest$ an %e "ust regret that the' are so fe%.

    A poor bo' at Ca"br! ge# 2ohn Ran all# of Chr!st-s College# a relat!on of 3o)e the "art'rolog!st#

    estro'e h!"self !n these 'ears !n rel!g!ous esperat!on$ he %as foun !n h!s stu ' hang!ng b'

    h!s g!r le# before an open =!ble# %!th h!s ea ar" an f!nger stretche p!t!full' to%ar s a

    passage on pre est!nat!on. /08@1

    A stor' e&en "ore re"arkable !s connecte %!th =a!nha"-s e)ecut!on. A"ong the la' off!c!als

    present at the stake# %as -one Pa&!er#- to%n clerk of on on. Th!s Pa&!er %as a Cathol!c fanat!c#

    an as the fla"es %ere about to be k!n le he burst out !nto &!olent an abus!&e language. Thef!re bla,e up# an the '!ng sufferer# as the re fl!cker!ng tongues l!cke the flesh fro" off h!s

    bones# turne to h!" an sa! # - a' 4o forg!&e thee# an she% "ore "erc' than thou# angr'

    re&!ler# she%est to "e#- The scene %as soon o&er$ the to%n clerk %ent ho"e. A %eek after# one

    "orn!ng %hen h!s %!fe ha gone to "ass# he sent all h!s ser&ants out of h!s house on one prete)t

    or another# a s!ngle g!rl onl' be!ng left# an he %!th re% to a garret at the top of the house# %h!ch

    he use as an orator'. A large cruc!f!) %as on the %all# an the g!rl ha&!ng so"e *uest!on to ask#

    %ent to the roo"# an foun h!" stan !ng before !t -b!tterl' %eep!ng.- He tol her to take h!s

    s%or # %h!ch %as rust'# an clean !t. She %ent a%a'# an left h!"$ %hen she returne # a l!ttle t!"e

    after# he %as hang!ng fro" a bea"# ea . He %as a s!ngular person. E %ar Hall# the h!stor!an#kne% h!"# an ha hear h!" sa'# that -!f the 6!ng put forth the Ne% Testa"ent !n Engl!sh# he

    %oul not l!&e to bear !t. -/0891 An 'et he coul not bear to see a heret!c !e. What %as !tK Ha the

    "ean!ng of that a%ful f!gure hang!ng on the tortur!ng cross su enl' re&eale !tselfK Ha so"e

    !nner &o!ce aske h!" %hether# !n the pra'er for h!s persecutors %!th %h!ch Chr!st ha parte out

    of l!fe# there "!ght be so"e aff!n!t' %!th %or s %h!ch ha latel' soun e !n h!s o%n earsK 4o #

    !nto %hose han s he thre% h!"self# self: con e"ne !n h!s %retche ness# onl' kno%s the agon'

    of that hour. et the secret rest %here !t l!es# an let us be thankful for oursel&es that %e l!&e !n a

    change %orl .

    Thus# ho%e&er# the struggle %ent for%ar $ a forlorn hope of sa!nts le the %a' up the breach# an

    pa&e %!th the!r bo !es a broa roa !nto the ne% era$ an the nat!on the "ean%h!le %as

    unconsc!ousl' %a!t!ng t!ll the %orks of the ene"' %ere %on# an the' coul %alk safel' !n an

    take possess!on. Wh!le "en l!ke =!lne' an =a!nha" %ere teach!ng %!th %or s an %r!t!ngs#

    there %ere stout Engl!sh hearts labour!ng also on the pract!cal s! e of the sa"e confl!ct# !nst!ll!ng

    the sa"e lessons# an "eet!ng for the"sel&es the sa"e conse*uences. Speculat!&e superst!t!on

    %as to be "et %!th speculat!&e en!al. Pract!cal ! olatr' re*u!re a rougher "etho of


    E&er' "onaster'# e&er' par!sh church# ha !n those a's !ts spec!al rel!cs# !ts spec!al !"ages# !tsspec!al so"eth!ng# to attract the !nterest of the people. The re&erence for the re"a!ns of noble
  • 7/24/2019 The Protestants FROUDE


    an p!ous "en# the resses %h!ch the' ha %orn# or the bo !es !n %h!ch the!r sp!r!ts ha l!&e #

    %as !n !tself a natural an p!ous e"ot!on$ but !t ha been petr!f!e !nto a og"a$ an l!ke e&er'

    other !"ag!nat!&e feel!ng %h!ch !s sub"!tte to that ba process# !t ha beco"e a falsehoo # a

    "ere superst!t!on# a subst!tute for p!et'# not a st!"ulus to !t# an a perpetual occas!on of frau .

    The people brought offer!ngs to the shr!nes %here !t %as suppose that the rel!cs %ere of greatestpotenc'. The clerg'# to secure the offer!ngs# !n&ente the rel!cs# an !n&ente the stor!es of the

    %on ers %h!ch ha been %orke b' the". The greatest e)posure of these th!ngs took place at

    the &!s!tat!on of the rel!g!ous houses. In the "ean t!"e# =!shop Sha)ton-s unsa&our' !n&entor' of

    %hat passe un er the na"e of rel!cs !n the !ocese of Sal!sbur'# %!ll furn!sh an a e*uate not!on

    of these ob(ects of popular &enerat!on. There -be set forth an co""en e unto the !gnorant

    people#- he sa! # -as I "'self of certa!n %h!ch be alrea ' co"e to "' han s# ha&e perfect

    kno%le ge# st!nk!ng boots# "uck' co"bes# ragge rochettes# rotten g!r les# p'l- purses# great

    bullocks- horns# locks of ha!r# an f!lth' rags# gobbetts of %oo # un er the na"e of parcels of the

    hol' cross# an such pelfr' be'on est!"at!on. -/08;1 =es! es "atters of th!s k!n # there %ere!"ages of the V!rg!n or of the Sa!nts$ abo&e all# roo s or cruc!f!)es#