the puget sound matl~ · no. ". i ii i& ber brlahl llon,h' la.i, lato 10" c·u...

NO. ". I II i& ber brlahl Llon,h' la.I, lato 10" c·u ). . Lout h.r .hO lllder . M l·• • ul til tbo blt.l In til,. oura-r Au ot :U. rMartt'. Lb. Dew .,e rr Ol bruugh t haure , o. L(tt1IGl." th. r",. eute ul l' tJII1 In t lu ruor•• 1 '••1. .. IAe t. wit 1 lUI' ,..d oul\ uo Hh b r , "Thu lDYlllAlrl i.ll .olvud,' !,,".lnr IUIII 1l\th 11r111K till hllr hah lt. UN. , rth YI .... ,: u o : I aw " Lhur lIurprl•• ,1 at "ll Dlu. 1011 ii i) u5' . t.ulu ., "Quito truu: 111 (1" 0 MO•• tbo nut LJ.,II. ..'ou uaD't .p' AOlI t b o}' liu. rlr t h l'QI ..t uD1tJll n jf to · AA thoy .t umul .d UI) lta l,. . " ClI"1 a rt' m ..Un A' • due joll. tOKflt lle r "t o l1r oI IJeII.f1." w ll Mtu "'\uIl wu at. tbuir. ,'· r. tu rDoll Mr• •:1. ... 11. " Well. Margaret. do 1011 tblull uuw t J,.t 1 uDllont.lhltll e Ilahar.. of au o l, t h ?. .. lIow mil tu rtlHIIlt-r a vow ill lJuba U lK.lI u " thuo but munth ?" " 1110 not ka o,," .hou t _')m o tr illa It" t month.'· uiJ. Mar,Art't . tJlu . b ItJA' ... rnll IlM" ,'OUIIKW ul. "nllileru her D\outtJ Wi'll lo. t. tWfln' \' 1"."'. 1' .111 will ho ""ill. 'I' b" dhmer IUlrt1 wu 10llR In muatu · t UK th"t unniUIi' .so lli u ..a ..J. WNO IIto'd. of COUh U, lIu t Allnt wbo h NI d r" ..... H.I AD h our t: I ::: " T lltl weatllt 'r wn.t III" . AtTltO... 4 yo u ," MM, "" 011 all u. tlull .. tll tc h • ..tor. Url u ff .,ou nll tho wluo. fJmitu" - to th" LUll or . .vtllliojf. tll'. ro"t, I am IIOt .,. Iell. '. "I rt'"Uy t'lUlHl tu tu wum In.y fud . r"tlw loau yu u oUIJM , to IUloVO. ····.. tL u .. lit 1\lI nt 10 U mll6n, 1I t:I IUnQAuml . n otb " r m llt.oh, to.)," "nIl Neill .. h"hit lUI I "" 'ut til' "tAlr ... Al'\ ll lla rc,)' WIUI flhllK"d I.) h elp mu . an ll .. hon .... rt' M 11t.. d tim IRn,lI o". wll.v- " " W,.I1. S" IIIIl 'l" '· Ir.., r,)' IIAM lao ,llt1 l1Qt Lhlnk HI. V.I · UUt!Il"''1lulvlcn ..t.lOu lJ w tluo wUo Awa v a nd "0 lin kb lMl tl nu,.. - a. d- Mld_ lnJ .. ar o (! OM'lIiI U<I, Auut AlarKar .t ,' · Ill ••,,, a ",r"aL f AVorite with hoth tlut 1.oriJfl lli 1111" li,.fOel no to IIl n lIonorn" MUll "" I)Ou'Otl a8''''' . an,1 In tho famll, ''Y ftf weuL 1.01 tllo Ilamn of :'tlAl ur ," J f'n1l1 J•• t t) Lad ' ". - I '{'llU ohoi" 1J "I un"r i. A Rna' ol t). mnnt in thu eooln... &ad tl. inUo.... of f1I1D1P1U drl.... Kqu.r. 110 ' an tl, hllloll Q cUlUu ill. t1on ",armen'" 01 thlnl bUL nut .,,,r1 Jlno. l ",pUIII. Ire Mill lor work· on wh n O.Oll ot .. a or el IIn " o 1". 0 a D11 ('aml,rin. A. l or IIUk. It ah l)l1ill lln l, 1.0. wnrn oooAai o n" Uy, ftvnn by th e ric h. III ol.... In hot weBIt'ror r lHlu lI ... lro. WIII,' HArw . nt '. ,r co lAf,, ' t, L..lth anl l tho l' ,f tlWJ, .,. Uon 01 lh . oU_ elf),b · InK. It tloo. b O' adel te wA rmth. it. Gau he aha n"Nl of .... . .ad It .b"or lJa lIl.' It o l.. l..... u' 81 olotu ,. _lIlob , IU tho 0"1 01 "toa t wornen, d' Of\.tlb w."'. tIr eMolUul h.,. oo wtth tJlolb"".' It la D otl l'"ahl. lilat laclllt'll . DJab a IIr... t. dhpl.y on l'Jloo..lolI" I. h iTIb l -t lie Wl\tm ",.th.,. .M ApL to bd .Io,.,n:zli,ln th n In terwal. j lh.,. kb4)J up the I lt' ,U- .11 th e thn e, I\gtl tb n,. aHornal.e 1I8t P, .lioal .' l ouillrolu ."J .Jie&Jla,· log' tmforft tho g alA of til, LQuILl ,• "Il to Ih a,. Lbelr pr h '101 . Th'" J. n o dell . lo r -'---- -"' ...:.. . . .a t- Ta,lolll .- N.h " 1' ..14 " llh oa_ OQu ae 01 b utter . ''' 0ou uoel 01 dour, an "Bhth of aD I DOh, . tld liD. 10. 111 I"'tt' r-n. " Itb h. 'T akt ''' 0OR OOM of ftnl!lty srat .' ahNN. bo."" ap In. a bowl with lb . , olk. 0' hrQ ••••• aDel pepper, :;:::'1':'0 work III .. .• ,... '.I" 01 0..... 1 ftll _h paM, p ••• 1111 u.. "'lattiN, "'a ban them. ID • lIlodeI'aM 0 "" to I pair of lo ven" '"8rownatowlI. tAli., w.r. ordehd hI tb." JMrent4 too ali" l' lb. I, beelUN ttl.., .. ,.,. , .MU la, bim tbat In tbrM ,.nil4e WOD apin r 808I,. hi ••Ue.t.!ou · but h. wouL! nol lubmU &0 ea e b a ..1• .ad oommi U4d ••lolde UDder IMr wta40w. -.-. -..;;-:.:=== 110 tlecldoll an oworturo. Tim IUI"t of t"en(,. 1 ('a", h.d olll"rthl .... 01. anLi hi) ;::. Iuto f••Of . no roalt from Ill. c h . lr, r. thor M lo wlv Ami tr OllllJltUKly· 1t lutlltl lit.! all owu,l. an tI r. llpootf lllly kl .lMt d h "r . A 1111 11h of M. rK. rvt'lI u. n. l l, tI lt h no nee trying to IJIftk" hll k " 11t' 1l b ot4 cu r hUllrtll "ro full of UUI eeme th ou RtJ\II Iny denr," "tlltl luo, "" 1 111 tb" '" hi a ull.. lr c lueo to hou . l\nll JUl\ul\HtM I to I'U'" "" Mh lllllllllf ul her luuul. " It ·. t WOllt,. ,e" r. Illn l'" wn Iltul ml . M" rUllr lll l. ""11 . YOt 1 lovl' yuu IU tlf\llrly nt In rt y ·d vlI M I dl tl.' twont,.·dve, "nil llom " thu "l1 [ ha, . tl. rflll to 401HI that you htlVU lIo t fo rgu t.. Uln Ino." " So , J uhn, , liavo 1I0vor l or Kfltt on )'011. " "h, rllJllifli1. " Anti hno vo 10" 'orulvun mo"" lu. ukud . . " 1 .. u m i..ln forrm·J . 'r hftro _ .. noth · ' nM' to ro rRl vtl." "\'Ull ""llro to o IIl\rll 111'0n !U fO, it h Clb t 1111 twont y Ilitl 11 not "I't'tlk "")tlnf,r • " 1I(\c' 8 ua" . :\[ rRMtlt. I WlUl .... 1 th at th e flut overturoll _ho ultl Cll lDO fr OUl 1 0 11." " F rom 111\ 1 11 :\Iarwaret. RlI. hlnM . t' l lloc t rno to an..ko on r· " Uut 10U lun_ d"nAIIU ." ho returnNl. bltntiiD Io( towa,, 1 h. r a, th o tlwh to as .lh ki n hflr." "\ VLLnll lo .rOll IlUOIIU?"trho erh·II.l hll w, 'DK 11 . ,..11 aW1\1 . " :-4"y. nay ." .. hI .John J-:h , t,II. lOuth · iDR).'" " \'ou fnlllll kDo ..... :'t(IH Ha rt.'t. 'haL " 011 nllllh· tba flnl aolv"n c l' '' ,' ' " I did no ..uch thlug'." ret llnl ... 1 :\(n r · le"r"L. DI' \' er hl"" u M 'JOko o 11.,1 YOll ·' U·hat?" " Wl'JII- KI .. m il ," )f1U!Jlfr ot wa, now r lOl,lI,. o tJ'n nJ I·.I . ,'ou/' "hH " l l,r Cl tuM t I ll1lt nnt . re "1 wM lllw, ,, ," it "II Mo fll.' lUI 11011.. 1 1110 ," •• },UlIt "" "On IllY oatll, :thrHlIr.·t, I ll nVffr Ilitl. " " 1 1111' 111)"" YOIl kll ow ,..111\ ' lUI uatll 1M ." lIaid (.,:Ollr toll(lV, 110 Illlt fllll.)·. "I th ink 110. I h"vo elll' HIM h In tlo wlLh lhom III (lllllr t ," .. llh ..t U/l. " J will do 1I 10 M ; J will tuku my ' h .. t l OU a"lkol1 ruo," . toll cl lookl nMat hlru with n Un ah on llt'r llolll'atn ro lll'uk'l. t h ln kj fl;( LlRt b., reall y uul., ml'/Iul to l,url'lt'l hur. "J olia •. vo n kn ,)w n1 Q h utl ur ," Mho 'laM lI uftl ,. " \' 0 11 Rtf' Ilo in" th "lto Ill" . hu t .,"u n Ilho nlt 1 IIltt ," ,.. l/ I: ki. .. . " n,1 II ",, 'hi. l'ur ul " Oi l. you URr· Jill" I" " 'I'htre i. IIOmu (lUll III tim III'l t room lot erle l) 1-:1 w1.'11. (lUll Ib uy . Imr t Ilk o "u llty ' S (Oll it" 3f. r" I" . \' 1I" Mo. t 1III000n, who whl l hor cou. ln lhrry WI '" .. lvanolliK to U\@otthem. '" am "a r,, '. Aunt 1\fllrKnr"t ," orh ·,1 St'l liA. "wo tIC11 not Ill l'IUl tn 1HI f'1 " 'fIl M · dr ollpcre. hut [ W"M MI J \II ot \II·llUli 1 Mot hi Irum &n ';; rhlo ,Ii.. t I ('l I m o \1' ) w"rl ll my to Ilr ftll 'l. anll IfArr,. " Ho it . 1"1'(."''' , And 1 011 h.vlt 1.0... " f. ir cbOfl b . "Th" IIr o t. r.thtlr rlflreo." ..h ,) re · IIrn of tl lfl k ilill fOlI'" hft AAlc,-l(). l.u Rhlng ;"h llt thero. WII will DoL IIlU lall'" ouLof AC hool. " IO S ovorth o)oM. S o1llo. I am uUutr lIu r· I,ritted at ,Jour oo nJ llcL." N,ld Aunt Ma,. K" r ot . pru ul ,.. " Colno, OOIUO. Lh l ll . 0n·L tt o t Ilrh,d H ur,)'. " Wu . ro ralkly onongh to kOi '1J yo ur •...,re t , hu t I (l. n IUlllun ,.on we havo no t. beon followlul( )'our AO'NI ftlAmp lo," "I . ho u ld thin k not ," Mill Nolll'" '" iii;:r .... kl!d a ny hocly to killl 111 0 ill nlllQY " '1' 111111 who k l" lInll ,"ul whn w.... dar· S ifill. atoutty , "Db. Nelll o1 l.0u ..hl6lnnflClncl littl e .w ".rlel IIlOItJ 1 thro llKh th o rooln. DIUI • wbole IIho.tIt of klllllo. fol1o.. e(1 tbl ll a rrlOtion AI.e an Umr.t. "OOOtl bft ... III I" th "y all 81 CIAlnHJf.ll1ot o nee. '"Th e" la A th lrd couvh, In tb lll 1'00111••, .,1. c.n tIl... fro m hi. poeket. . Til n nrell ght .... IIfJOP q Ulllnchf'ol l ADd oYery corner of lho room llI uDl lo. tetl . bul no nlber par tl. . " .rlO to 1.00 "ltD. Har r1 . 0" M.r . El • • ll l ook ed be hintl (Jortal n. An,' obal ,.. ADd o. rfiN a Utcb t loto tho oo n.. r nLory • • hlll,.l .r.... . bout ... . od ODe IDUl l t.w btMn r. la7 lng tric k on oat ..Id th e tw o • • nt flme n. re · luminl · "Or lb. roo m la blnalecl,'· 1U,...tetl Oo u r t.eoa,.l a I .hla per. ' " SS the 'pirlt 01 Mt. y.l. oU..... tried Nell lo, " lor 10 morro w t. lb e fourlotloLh of Februar, ," " 'rhe 1NMO!l "b.o b ir d. ohooae lb.lJo metee,' · _ Iel H""1:" .od-" Bnt be WM hlterrupt.ed hI who == I, = ----=---.---. _- -- Bonlu hall a rlND be tw ee n All"" Mtlf K" re t Cou rto nll1 and of tbe mar riaHn. li Onln Umo lll lllr WAr th MI". CtlI lrhlll"y fuunll tl mL ahu tuul been too hal ty ill hor dc olel on , Ih al th tl roo porta IIhl) 1i1l .1 r.ctll.,oJ fr o m wel t-rueen - IO U Ir icluJtt w eru O:ll ' ftllurall·.l. e nd Iu DU"I,. 011" 0" uu true j bu t t hn IU, co \'t1ry 1. '. 010 tnc) latl) for hor 10 rl' pt\ir her error, Mr. J ulitt Rlw o fl, hur l o t flr, h ll. tl 10(&fu r Calif ut 'l ll\. t\llIl ..rgn ret Courlon AY grow Iuto 1\11 old ma ili. t h:::'; UUlIt Inlo rnllt Itl tb,.h· ..lll f)rI· In,.o "rr" i r" ..UtI mOrftOYMf :\I r : CCIIH ttflla! hlill IUJllC aHu forK 0ltlln lbft Ila m e of J ohn lo:h¥ f)l1. .h OD . HI,hl ,.d " la.. an lt. Itu ukoll 'h u la w.)', ' " IIIl had rttlnl nutl (who b il l' Meal, bo h ll,l no Itl co.. lin WtllJ b l·ioKlug tho lotl g' ..urll lof("th or. D UL " 0 II WI'". The r<' Wl\tl ll. "'tn r t An.1 Ilo ho,,", II. tlu.h "uti JIo conatrllln('ti d lllko of the hAndlt i a lltl then Ih " I " W" M llo Bourot hot",·.·,·,. th"m, for IUJlI h" r co n' t·'t 1l4H1 tu bn Yinw kuo"n tho utho r hf'lroro. Wo 1'4 11 'l'ar('ol ,. t lle rdr u r fol . I tO "u r l'r h cll ..l Ihe Itl'n. lvo· fttt lt l1t1.) thtlt 1\[At Klott'L h... lI..or" lHU 'J.I. .\ furtuiHbt ' po n t III U ooun· 1,le \lohh n ucrnt . lJulla h lhl d laeo ur"ll ch . t Ih o Vl'(lf" lil", 1 '11Ih l.. 11 0 11t(flll rfOn<,f" in their f' . liQIf" for onn fluflthor. h l1L bolh .. tlln 11I1U11l'nt or pr uucl tu Wilke lilly o\lIr hut'!I tn ,,",,rI1,, "' I"Clco llc lll lIo u . 'rllll rn !, 110Il un M IIUlt mAny un lo, tn . nato poup !o 1 11\\' 0 .tuml,I.·,1 on r thlll IIAm·l lItonf' . '1'wo IleGl,le L...,,·o h OOll 'Uy oJ tr ul v lon .1 0 11 10 unoll",r. but oit b e r Irun. I' r111u or tli tllllu IIC6 1 or Ilfith _111i hoH' 1 Hill lo utt hll cnnr,lllll in nMh a,u n ll" llr mutlu. !:lud th 'l t.wu IIwolI tu• It ill u fi ftn t l nllOH [mt. 'e ll .. r! to pr nvAut .u('l, a (,1\1I"t ro l,ho . tli nl u tll lrll Ihlrt1 ..,IIO I,M '' It>ll io o UII Ilu utl y r oJUuvotll £! n l.oll(.lc:d thnt I'r l'l ...... m14 til" unlou. 1l1l11 lifOr' th o JnUOh' llh u lIt 'tl u Rlco ul ma tc h· mt'k l'r Ilu,y &uII fulrly LJo u r o r' KltL iUlo NCJ t1l1 l.1h fr lolllll y m f'd h,t or lH111 . h' Plwll I.ot" .. 't' n J I)hn flllil :\ln rl:4"rct Co u r to D"Y . tUhl o lt'unl h 'll pri do flU iii. "!tIn nn l\ Ilru tll'lh r ". un fl on h,- 'u 'Wl!t ll tl ll' " t n Ulh Un g .Ir ll IT' ll. an ,\ ,TQhn thu. 1I 1\f'ol ll.n q,.,1 It(. lIt"Yi lmt th u 11lwllht.1" t rea lu " IIh ll fOUHh L tlg"l nllt tbu ..ton ullanti ", ,,ru Ita far from u ult)· all o,.or. M.rtrKrvt ·t1 1\ 1I1 tlr(uun ll "I%cr lit , h "w",,·er. towarll llin Oro, rnhhhlK hill hollllll with lIa tl " llc t! OIl flull t!1l' If\h n l nJ;: "Ah ,M iM "C u1Irwn", .n uth iuKClAn m"ko nr OC'l m louk lin ('ho'-'r(1I1 "M r\ 1 IIoIlyi ly th u t\ ' l)l, hl e . I hoI''' )'on weru not UAUMh L In Lil,. rl,in tlli.. .. rt. 'rll uulI .·· "I W i llt lI ut uut," roturnoll MI"a Con r tfO· nay. ",\t th l. t!m lJClf Lhu y ellr lUurnl ng lIeCOlII to loll tho 11 ... t tirn" f,Jr CO Il.tittl- tioDal uu r cl"d. I \lo·"lk lIet",.,,,n twoh o a nd uno," " ''Cllo Wintflr·.. Walk at :-ioon,' Wilit i, ltCo _ llur alto"? •. UJi". a 'b' a.:ouLb_m .IJ. of Ib• •I. ,., bill" Aad wh. 1I 'hI' wO'lCl. 't·nooool!' lh. nonb.,Q bl .., 1b . ... uoQ . m ll... ,.111111:11 all It .. ta Jr' . Alld 11 .. " 11 ••.ra:Ub "' 1.1lI. · .. " 11"y. " co r rOt'lOII "Ol cou reo. I ror gliUlua all 1111 "odr,)' . A wa n KOl wr nUy Iloe. unl erlllIi. ,I "'. women on ,1 c h ild ran ah o nt hhu," " ADel yo r1 Ir.quentlv wbflll ho uall th el a ," ..Iel lIt li l MCuuHl'n",y. look l ng.t tb"ft ro. "1'rue. Yet e ,.on MhouM tho I,ootlo nataara Ille out 01 ,. rna n. Lborfl I" a c er ' lain lou llno.. a ntl ll c.oftnolJlt into hi" Ufo hy bninK ltrollHht iuto c c.on t.a t "lth wom en aD,1ch iltlre n: ' " Whil flt ofton with wom l'n Ih o 10" 1'1 of l lootrf, clrUtl\ lulo tron,huenlu!i"m. whoro t i"o t u "ooi al no. l with tillt "t(!rnor co m · " 'I'hat .h u,, _ !1m, Ilel'Ollclcnt th e ono .. .. ia u llon th o uUlor. " nil 110w it .... .. nnflr In' on ,lol1 th at olth"r .hou l ll llv o alone ." ltIl.. Courto naytll ..,c reot1y (lh " n R" ll t lao lubj oot Ilnd btlJ.f tln tnlk lng oh out. the lo u" tP.lugMlma . " Ha wing lJflCU AO muah, I II." ur all, tak o An In\(lrMt In whd I. KoinK 00 In tb o wor ld ," IIhll ....Id. nnd lID lh o oonu rlallon Ilrlfl.1II 1lnto d llfurllnt lIub· juel ... It want oll h.lf lIn h Ol1r to d inner ti m l'. antl no oth Cl r mOlllhn ll (II th Q hou tWI d l.·li· r: ::;; .Olt th elln 11 111,. hlun I1er., ,. . l\LalArlDK in· to Lh e aro .... tl lODHh thft1 wor e tr, ln, to fillil Ir eah fu el lor dl tou ... loo In th l 6tlm tta. Now .od alatn • De w to p lo wu lIt.& rtoJ. Br"t b1 00. l ocI Iben tb e othttr j but aft ooh,hur acIf liood to han muoh to .. ,. Lhfll y dtiYotod tlu,lr .ll.ont ioD to the tb ouRhUnl .cr t1t1ny 01 tI., fire. Thl a = b e"''''U .0,1 I l'tcriDined to mall. . mo re ,I , oroaa o lfort; Juhn E lw oll dJcl th" from th o t\re. anti ope ned tb olr li p. \0 1I l )('o.k j the ir .," m. L. Aoel th. ,. "l)l h... 1. Th.,. w.. • rUlitlo, I.ul tb e wortl. " kl... 01." lIOundec1 A.htly tbroUlb tbe room. Joha EI.en .tarted, .h tl. thrill 01 fll. ..nrll . b ot tbroulh b lm . At l..t. n did•_ _ ur to hi. \bal II . .. 0<1c1 SOUND T h or o nru 1/),000 1Il. IIr" en'" a ro und 8(. 1. 1·hlrtoon IIn llllt ro k,·" III Clnolnn. tl on Uu.1 :!th i tn'llIl ly (lIl.,I. 1 111 t hd . h ip . T tru t ra vfth,r 1I1l11t, 1Jfl lol lt c1 letl In th u of MIIY, 8 l1 mu,,1 Crl PI'C,Hlll lllltl tw o ch lMrnll wore bur n ed In II room III \\''d T ru y. ..... York wh ich 1 I&Illhlli Iroru Or u CI'I ,d C" rM . .\1 thQ Clncl llllnli rArl'" July lilh, I.Il l1a Onl lt W ClII t hr uj>.(ourlh'l dlu h In l"llll, II( N l'huJIl won o u e 1\1ll 1 ., hllH 111 11 11 III t O uy' WUII one 1I 11 t.! II (ourth diL"h In (r ulII g "ro lJlO 1 111 11,,,,,1 Olllullll Ull 'h u 12th t'll t ou tu to Ut ll. h. 'l·h,'y o l'CUl' lnJ "111,,, .n I'o llch o.. ttllli r lulretl "IKht Ir(Jl"ht c..rMrvr It'' '' 1l 11 ll: 0• A t1allllhh'r of E nw: llah (l l'lI flr,,1 "'ii tlUornphll1 to fI ' ,, (1I11' h,'r i1.n d nil ( 1oI1ir w er u Ilrowu,- ·\I. Till' WIIII." n" Hrlllt,. "o,,, t' l lllu\'l!' tt fro lll I l ll n oll1• • hot u!I,1 k ll lt·.1 t.'ultJlU' ll IUl II e lmrle. CuluUlt\n, II!tl,.'riU iI, :'I,·ltllmlne o. \\' t.f .• whn 10 urr e . t Bo' li "'''' f llll!:,I. •Jo h n lIurn I< ll" "Ill.. IJI...1 rfl("'nl ly "t \·lr.,lnll, I\n l' r Illlik l lliC btoll llfO..l. (1 ('110"11'1. 1)00, IIIKkolO o lt'v o ll BUrH(. ·. o( I:lul", nomhll,I II'll:lltuO. Ti m IIIvI,I· UN l lIt (rum n yu Itl _Ix mllll n n ... W 'r lOIJIIM Wtlr. ' 10JIIft',1 h)' RU ll('d ,h'lI t UII Ih •• I. .... n, N. I ·X!t·I.• loli . :!'l ,.. lit·" \II""t uf l'"IUI .\Il I(lIIl n, '1'f' I 41'1. n il t h tl 1:!l ll . ,- ·ul)-,-· ,1 \I v till' II .. lll1ln", uf l\ wh .... ·1 UllU t:Ol\d l ""I, idl ,II,,"'" 11 111 1'111 f W Ill tl,o Ir llc k . T wo u rR1QrA In n ... Iu l,."t ath · h ur l , Ark .. 'ItlArr ,·!t·.1 oVI' r IU' "' IIUtn t' u t \\'lh' lI . 'yl(' r, \\ h'l' e nrvUllwu t ulul th.!or lt>1I h ••k III 17 I, "cl '·"CII IOI' II. " . ... 1' CuUllt ll. , '1Il11 of 'h" (I. '" !lhn r..l fIIolllLI'r ll III 1,.u li tUII ,," L If.h() 18k.· .. t il" I· .. t, ,",rn ,, Ir l..h vluw, h .11I lJe",u 1"'IIlJlt:lllt!d to n ·..hrn Ihll l,rl·..,I,JN ll')' of thu (I·dur" tl on o( lI w h('Clf,IlA' , ur clh · uU.!l\ct loll " ilh hi .. ,\ rnun 'lI, m u,1 \\' a hIIJII, ner n "tI or rnv, I.. alil il t h ull cutl ilht lI ,., tllrlJllt Cl f U,A AlulHunn, WIM rllll 110\'l'n lJ)' lJlooll·IIOU U,l ll 111101 J"I II· II , Whl' fl' It.. l 'O)II ( " ... ud . nlll:ht II h UlIdr l!,l llf lllt ' lllIt un \\' . 1· tiOIl, In tl 'u ,ll n w: til IIur n him " UVII lot the IJCI!IIV1 '( hiM rr llllfl. tJllt IlImlt,. 1I 11112ell hi m .10 ttlu t fl '" wllllrn hili vlcllm WtllI (oulld cllIllo!. Ill . ""'1" IhaL hu lh",uw:lt t ..lUI WIUt tI W(ltnn ll whu hl" LI Outl h\ln at 1\ tl l" l• . A InrKo COlli' II (rMn 1- :1 I'll. 10 to Clilllun· 1111."W IU. UU lII'kIHI \.V 1111111' 11 " ",h fJ Wt'r ll cOul·ulI.. .. 1 11I . IUil ho lu"lt tlll 8 rto,1 11 vo U" V II. tllf! IlPIJrt1>trh..,I. T h" tlrln' r Wili ki ll tol l lliul 1'11 1111 , ..UII lIt nx l:i ollntur P UKh "1 1C1.. tlll·... ·(j ft\·tor no r o r IUIII.HlII, """.. t. ',IJlttl rfO'l. T ill! r lf".... n ll: ..f11 cIlfub"ll Ollt o ( t llt.' CC )oIc h l,u lh'l UI,(, o"lttl . ltl l' lIn,1 " II '''U''"l,t 1tlw Wil li &11 '-' IUiOl to an ti Wil li '-'ltllItJrl'd whll,' f·" d"IIVllrlll l( to !l oo l ll plll ni ollt o( COllch . T ho ' ·".lch w".. hu rn.d a llcl II n" ", (O, II,an 0111 or po..a ("Qllllty, WI''' ..hI)' aD,1 klllt',l lIt II lIr· u lto-, ( 'tIl. . on tI, t' tttli. lJy " Ilttl5rhh'Jr, hI .., nil 01,1 11111.11 ' ll fo m l'tl U. K. Pill" r. T ho Bu .. or. k, w f'k t'11 1:11 11 "" hi " wil il R I'nn" a :,1 11 ,'; 8 rt'd L .I r o. 011" hall " nll, u1hIK d t!'t.'f' IU>t'tI .. h im IlIlIt" flliv ' l'lt lt' r " aa . rrell•.] I nd ,,1' l't',1 In Lh e ca lilo llo,.._u. 1'1 11f Ileoplo I\rQ, or Iyu c hlllj( y I w l;:i t'U6IIlt o( (n.III.1I1, "' loOrlll und or di,tu o( lll" 7t h In. t. 1 0. 11 (0110'1 "' : 'rho a lOc" r IIIulu rKo 01 th o Hlh llll COllat W llltrll f1·c ,!!v fl lll u .d IlVa (rom 1.011 "1 1 1I1 1lo1IJ . It IIIIIIlPP OIN'!,J 'h aL th o IIIlln " lck l!!1 urI thu letl o,1I III a cl " . cd ch,,"t or «·"' MP. a. t llll bun dlo Wil li 'I"ll u tl rf . Til" f ll ulN IILIlLuli tl u t b" " WtUU(o r them. W(!f1J leU"rrt to 111 11 w l( u lIlHI lIuvora l 1,,10 ' WrfOl' k a ilo I' e 'ornln" I\Jt hore Ilt c OII»l ot l.. uf. :-iuT&- 'rh ti «luloll line IItea mCl r Ar izo na , CnJlt1l11i Mllrr lIY. fro m J.I\'orl'l.Iol f' I' N'fJW \' ork . (rorn l. luee nOll towli J uly Pr l, o "l tf)OlllIiI ilL\\ ' l lIIb l t.·llo li lIt'Il.ll lln t li ff 12th, volunt", .,. ha vo lI. r,lI, lanltuJ ffum " IIr" Oil wh ich rll1om..n ''' 'r . cook In". All ortl ur "'1\11 .1" ro rtllfll1y 1""\l1lI1 t h llt h ttllc.. (<lfLll no IImall canwnrfl•• ru to bo l1a(Oll bfOY Ond the .. 'b:::,I: they cannot nnw l Oolit th .,lr o wn III" ."' D. alva baron or hu e. national h oh d . )' at nl(lht. ·f h . Canadl.u t.e.. m n ucllb,,", 2U men. co mmanded b1 Col. Glbbn"" wbo I. a("eOunted the bo. t I ho t hi Canada. T h l. II thtllr 'h tr t.l wlalt to WlrnM"llon. 10 18; 9 be w.. _ Inn er of tho Prin e. of \\".1..Lbe A lfr ed .Dd AI. ... n dr l. cnnC •• t a'l,1 Inte r.. un iver llily ul. 1I. ·h. T lul 1.lLor ... .. nol ftq ll hfld at ' 1111 Ilr. . 'fho . dunLt.1I w.. In (u or of Oafu r.l. Th . ol he r 11"0 mAtch r. Were ftn l' h ..cJ, bu t the . 11 ) not be kno .. n unLIl tv-mor row. 8 1r J ohu alAo at tI,. lord mA,.ol'. baoquet to tb. 0010111.1 rep,...a tlU. ... LA WASHINGTON TERRITOItY. I;A'!'unUAY, JULY 23 ,1 8 I. It" Tr. • •F.U . ... P Il '1''' DA.TF.. l. JOKJI' L u ,lItw A . W. E" OLl, THE PUGET C. I', "'.r'r. .r. r, MtS l u,lt1ot •• IlUI •• W.T. IV•• ••••• orr. Wbatoom Co•• W. T. VOl•. 9. trow tbe mfcfdlo of AUStill to tbtr O"t of Ilept ember. i. b. rely .nil "f.r1 rroIlS•• M1 c:ollection of bArd, Uor · d" 1'10••,.1. n rr choit .... Flowor S" d a, 1&01.. Ind oLber Orn a01lmLaI TriO' ADO IIbrubb,'l" II . O. 8., .. 1.1 .. . . J. C. U AU' U . LtIl c••••,.W . T. Mon., l OA ned al fa tate hoUl ht .nd l old , t"rUl' to l collect!oa. madl, coo,. ,ancln l , f tC. •. .K AUIT CI T,.. W. T. Will p rltctlN' bl.lrore tile 1>1"lr lct ('ourl of Wh.L('oln CtJunty. C. H. PROF ESSIONAL. CARDS. Otl,,:. on th fl ro rll fO rof Front Iud Celurn- bhuu ....t' . lIl'. tul n. ",11 1ho CUlI rl_ o f \\' I . h · .. .... . " ..... ""'H tll POWRR. I' ROPRI&TQR. L. P. SMITH" SON. W atchmakers, _ . ... ,,- PUDL18UJ: D Il:V I:RYolJA.TVRDAY ...."1•• WO. T. 'VIII aU •• ,, 1 t hfl 'fOrm'" of t hlO D1"lrl <' t CmrL (or W h atto ul CQun l )' . ••"1 •• W. T. A. T. UIOnT. ATT OII N EY AT I , A W, HALLER" UOLE. AttoroO Ill and CounH lon It La ". AT T OII NEY AT LAW, J Oli N n lo:S S :h. "TT. Proprietor. J•• Iln . ... a Il".'UII' SEA'M'LE, W. T. Deal. ,. In W.tch... CIOI·k". J fl, ..lry a nd SUnrw.,e of tile b•• t qUAllIy. All k iDde o f of .. 1.3:' Nt "( 1 7 0tUMI.... hTII UYF., " I .Uar, NURSERY. ATT Il ONY. VS AT I, A\\' , Will I'raetl c:elo all thfl Co u r"" ul \\' ..,, 11. In.,ton T errit or y . 0 .. 11 0 . Mr .l .c a ry I" a N olary Pub lic: and eom· miNlon l'lr of D.6:I1. (or Orf'. ,m .nd C . ll fo rn la . BI:LLINCHAM BAY O. McNaught. f erry lind As n CQt' s"' .: r.Ons .AT·I .AW LA. CONNJEaU. T he Pugnt Sound l\lnll. NEWS SUIDIAUY. • 11 .. ..• I' I Ollll nATRa I 00. Y••r ,ln &l1 , . tleotO fJ t'O a, . 1101l. 1t " ·.. I 00 ( I U.I• •• • '" 1 A. (12 UDM ) tl rt' In.. r1loD 1l 00 .•d . "' •. ; i'li.;:.. n

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Page 1: THE PUGET SOUND MATL~ · NO. ". I II i& ber brlahl Llon,h' la.I, lato 10" c·u ).. Lout h.r.hOlllder . '.~'~I'i~ ·IUDt~~ ~~I?~l:l o~r'~:alldt:lIoo~ Ml·••ul ~t til tbo blt.l

NO. " .



ber brlahl Llon,h' la.I, lato 10" c·u ).. Lout h.r .hO lllder .

' . ~'~I'i~ ·IUDt~~ ~~I?~l: l o ~ r'~:alldt:lI oo~Ml·• •ul ~t til tbo blt .l In til,. oura-rAuot :U. rMartt'. Lb. Dew .,e rr Ol rJ.I~br uugh t h aure , o. L(tt1IGl."

\'~ I th. r",. eute .noll~h . ul l' tJII1 In

I~ r ".~ltl~\t '::: b:.~~i~ tlulDt:~"u~:'~;N~lfo '" ruor•• ~Qlt)U ' 1'••1. 1 ·~I.. I Ae t.:~~l o~ r h)l l . wit 1 lUI' ,..d oul\ uoHh b r,

"Thu lDYlllAlrl i.ll .olvud,'!,,".lnr IUIII1l\th 11r111K till hllr hah lt. UN. , rth YI... .,:uo: ~~~~~~~:t.~ 1 I aw " Lhur lIurp rl••,1at

11l~~:~'~II/n ~:r.·Mry:.!·N~llfu;'?~I ~r·A~~~~~~~~~rut . "ll Dlu. 1 011 ii i ) u5' . t.ulu . ,

" Quito t ruu : 111 (1" 0 MO•• tbo nut LJ.,II.~,~~ol n"~~~ :~~rr~l~~~..'ou uaD't .p'

AOlI tbo}' liu.rlr t hl'QI ..tuD1tJll n jf to ·Ml~ho r AA thoy .tumul.d UI) lta l,..

" ClI"1 a rt' m ..Un A' • due joll. tOKflt lle r"t o l1r oI IJeII.f1." w ll Mtu (Joll rt~n., .

"'\uIl wu a t. t bui r. ,' · r. tu rDoll Mr• •:1... . 11. " Well. Ma rga re t . d o 1011 tblulluuw tJ,.t 1 uDllont.lhltlle Ilahar.. o f auol, th ? .

~~~I~~~1hl';1~ 11 ..lI ow m il tu r tlHIIlt-r avow ill ~'ou r lJuba U lK.lI u " thu o butmunth ?"

" 1110 no t ka o,," .hou t _')m o tr illa It" tmonth .' · uiJ. Mar,A rt't . tJlu . b ItJA' ... rnllIlM" , 'OUIIKWul. "nllileru h er D\outtJ Wi'll

.t~!'rbt1~yu lo.t. t Wfln' \' 1"."'. 1' .111 will

~1:i:H~~fJ~Of~f:~i :~ ~I~I:~·: U:OUth r~I::~r:b~ho "" ill .

'I' b" dhmer IUlrt1 wu 10llR In muatu ·tUK th"t unniUIi' .so lli u ..a ..J. 1I ~' r1WNO IIto'd. of COUh U, lIu t Allnt ~.rlta ret•wbo h NI d r".....H.I AD hour .~o-.b.t

~~ai~tlll~u t:I: : : ~h.:e~e~D~r~~:t.-~~~iV~f~~~Il~~'i~k:lirtiul: oll~ LJ :h~i r' I~~.,~;:

" T lltl weatllt 'r wn.t III" . AtTltO...4 you ,"Ii ~ MM, "" 011 all u. tlu ll .. tll tc h• .. to r . Url u ff .,ou nll t h o wluo. fJmitu"- to th" LUll or .

r"~ : ·~·O~~I~{~'i~~il~'~ ~~ 'tI11~. I~:: ~~ )Jt rn~~.vtllliojf. •

"~o . tll'. ro"t, I am IIOt .,. Iell. '." I rt' "Uy t' lUlHl tu tu wum In.y fud .

YI~:I jkllk~~wa~~{ ~~(~~{ 'lt:I"U;lr.l ii~oi'ir"tlw loa u yu u oUIJM , to IUloVO. ~rrl Utl.~~~r~ ,'~~:Jl' ;~I,~t\ll~;;!'~t.h.;i·~~ ;l,~'

····..i t: ~.:. tL u 1 :~~;ot~~"IW I~:" t 1\lI nt

)1 1,~S~tt:lJ~lu ll tin "' II , 10 U mll6n, .~d 1It:IIUnQAuml . notb" r mllt.oh, to.)," "nIl Neill ..

:~~~";Iolt't~~rvllk:':;) :t:~\~ll~~ o~~rO I~~h"hit lUI I "" 'ut til' "tAlr ... Al'\ ll l la rc,)' WIUIflh llK"d I.) h elp mu . an ll ..hon .... rt'M11t..dtim IRn,lIo". wll.v- "

" W,.I1. S" II IIl 'l"'· I r.., r,)' IIAM lao ,llt1 l1Qt Lhlnk HI. V.I ·

UUt!Il"''1lulvlcn ..t.lOu lJ w tluo wUo Awava nd "0 lin kb lMltl nu,..- a. d - Mld_ l n J .. ~ar o (!OM'lIiIU<I, Auut AlarKar .t,' ·

I II '1'rhO. ' I~; ;:i~:~~~~3 iia =~, ~!:~l "~I~~~I:=' \~~ I~I:I~ I ~::~~ i=.i wi:~~ ~:ll:n:::'~o':k~u:.Ill••,,, a ",r" aL fAVorit e with ho th tl ut1.oriJfl lli 1111" li,.fOel no to IIln lIon orn" MUll"" I)Ou'Otl a8'''''. an ,1 In th o famll, ''Y ftfweuL 1.01 tllo Ila mn of " ~l.~·h :'tlAlur,"

J f'n1l1 J ••u~(j;.~Ad'l;; t t) Lad '".- I

'{'llU ohoi" 1J" I un"r i. A Rna' ol t).mnnt in thu eool n... &ad tl. inUo.... off1I1D1P1U drl.... Kqu.r. 110 ' an tl,hlllollQ cUlUu ill. t1on ",armen'" 01 thln l bULnut .,,,r1 Jlno. l ",pUIII. Ire Mill lor work·on wh n O.Ollot ..aorel IIn" o 1". 0 a D11('a ml,ri n. A. lor IIUk. Itah l)l1ill lln l, 1.0.wnrn oooAai on" Uy, ftvnn by th e ric h. III

~::::;:r'.~ttl~n/terW~Ann otw:t~n:.~U.:11ol....nH~I""' In h o t weBIt'ror r lHlulI... l ro.

WIII,' :iltKi~· r~~':~~T1'i'~t ~~Ii.o,ol,h~~o zn 1..oIn.U()n HArw . nt '. ,r co lAf,, ' t, L..lthanl l tho l' ,f tlWJ,.,.Uon 01 lh . o U_ elf),b ·InK. It tloo. b O' adel pqr~"bI1 tewA rmth. it. Gau he aha n"Nl of .... . .ad It.b"or lJa lIl.' It o l..l.....u' 81olotu,. _lIlob ,IU tho 0"1 01 "toa t wornen, d' Of\.tlbw."'. tIreMolUul h.,.oo wtth tJlolb"".'

It la Dotll'"ahl. lilat laclllt'll. wb~ DJab aIIr... t . dhpl.y on l'Jloo..lolI" I.h iTIbl -t lieWl\tm ",.th.,. .M ApL to bd .Io,.,n:zli,lnth n Interwal. j lh.,. kb4)J up the Ilt' ,U-.11 th e thn e, I\gtl tb n,. aHornal.e 1I8t P,

,lr.~~I.~ .lioal .' louillrolu ."J.Jie&Jla,·log' tmforft tho g alA of til, LQuILl , • • "Il

hll~I~~~m~~~;~'r~o~:i~I;'I~:'~:~tLe.,~~~t~~il~{=kwr~~ ~~:~'t~'ririZb~to Ih a,. Lbelr pr h '101 . Th'" J. n o dell .

u~Jkl.:i.~'~=ra-::tie~c::,~~.~~ lo r-'---- -"'...:.. . .

. at- Ta,lolll .- N.h " 1'..14 " llhoa_ OQuae 01 butter. '''0ou uoel 01 dour,

~'r~i:~ ~~iID I~tt~n: ::'U::qW~:k~~DG~a n "Bhth of aD IDOh, . tld liD. 10.111I"'tt' r-n. " Itb h. 'Takt '''0 OROOM offtnl!lty srat.' a h N N . bo."" ap In. a bowlwith lb . , olk. 0' hrQ ••••• aDel pepper,

=~~!::Di,~ :;:::'1':'0;~t:work III t~r.. ~b1lt.•,...'.I" 01 0.....1ftll _h paM, p•••1111 u.. "'lattiN, "'aban them. ID • lIlodeI'aM 0"" to I ftoa~.

• pair of lo ven" '"8rownatowlI. tAli.,w.r. ordehd hI tb." JMrent4 too ali"l'lb.I, ~oarUnll' beelUN ttl .., ..,.,.

~::'~,=tlo~~.~~~l"'J~ ,.MUla, bim tbat In tbrM ,.nil4e WODapin r808I,. hi••Ue.t.!ou · but h.wouL! nol lubmU &0 ea eb a d~l•..1• .adoommi U4d ••lolde UDder IMr wta40w.

-.-. -..;;-:.:===


~bi~i/~~y!ri:~'~1:;~~1~~ .a~t~~~; jll tl~~:~110 tlec ldoll an oworturo. Tim IUI"t o ft"en(,. 1 ('a", h.d olll"rthl ....01. anLi hi)

;::.~~fb~e'c!;~iw~~I~~~IOtu~~1~k~~~QI~:h;Iuto f••Of .

n o r oalt from Ill. c h . lr, r. t hor Mlo wlvAmi tr Olll lJltUKly· 1t lutlltl lit.! all owu,l. an tIr. llpootf ll lly kl .lMtd h"r . A 111111h of~~~~'I~=ok.h' r-lI r"tl M. rK. rvt'lI u.n. ll,

tI lt h no n ee t ry in g to IJIftk" hll k " 11t'1lbot4 cu r hUllrtll "ro fu ll o f UUI eemeth ou RtJ\II Iny denr," "tlltl luo, "" 1111 tb" '"hi a ull.. lr c lueo to hou . l\nll JUl\ul\HtMI toI'U'" "" Mh lllllllllf ul her luu ul. " It ·. t WO llt,.,e" r. Illn l'" wn Iltulml . M" rUllr lll l. ""11.YO t 1 lovl' yu u IU tlf\ll rly nt In rt y ·d vlI M Id ltl.' t wont,. ·d ve , " ni l llom " thu"l1 [ ha , .tl. rflll to 401HI that you htlVU lIo t fo rgu t..Uln Ino."

" So, J uhn, , lia vo 1I0vor lor Kfltton)'011. " "h, rllJllifli1.

" A nti hno vo 10" ' or u lvun mo "" lu .ukud . .

" 1 .. u mi..ln forrm·J . 'r hftro _ .. noth ·' nM' to ro rRl vtl."

"\'Ull ""llro to o IIl\rll 111'0n !UfO, it h~r~:ll;~ dj':~~:':I::,'i~I~I. "lt Clb t 1111 twonty

Jo~:~!~Y Ilitl 1° 11 not "I't'tlk "")tlnf,r •

" 1I(\c'8 ua" . :\[ rRMtlt . I WlUl Ih'~ r1 n lll ....1th at th e flut o ve rt u roll _ho u ltl Cll lDO fr OUl10 11."

" F rom m~?" 111\111 :\Ia rwa re t . RlI. hlnM.;~:~"'1Wt~t;~:~? 1. "IU t' l lloc t rno to an..ko o n r ·

" Uut 10U lun_ d " nAIIU." ho r et u rnNl .bltn ti i DIo( towa,,1 h. r a, th o tlwh to as .lhki n h flr."

" \ VLLnlllo .rOll IlUOIIU?" trho erh ·II .l hll w,'DK 11 . ,..11 aW1\1 .

" :-4"y . nay ." ..hI .John J-:h , t,II. lOuth ·iDR).'" " \'ou fn lllll kDo..... :'t(IH Ha rt.'t. ' h aL" 011 nllllh· tba flnl aolv"n cl' '' ,' '

" I di d no ..uch t h lug'." re t llnl ...1 :\(n r ·le"r"L.1I 0'~ 1.: 1 :1 1~1.~1 DI' \'er hl"" u M'JOkoo 11.,1 YOll

·' U· hat ?"" Wl'JII- KI .. m il ,")f1U!Jlfrot wa, now r lOl,lI,. o tJ'nnJ I·.I .

~~~~b~it;:o)~"~~t~~u~it n~lu~.' '' '1 , 'o u / ' " hH" l l,r Cl tuMt I ll1lt nnt . re"1 wM lllw,,, ,"

it "II Mo fll .' lUI 11011..11110 ,"

,.o'~ .~o:'lI·tl~n~~,••f l~hi~l l li~f:: II "' : ~~yl~. },UlIt """On IllY oa tl l , :thrHlIr.·t, I ll nVffr Ilitl. "" 1 1111'111)"" YOIl kll ow ,..111\' lUI ua tll 1M."

lIaid ~I ilt ll (.,:O llr to ll(lV, 110 Illlt f llll.)· ." I th ink 110. I h" vo elll'HIM h In tlo wlLh

lhom III (lllllr t ,"

I" :;~~~ '!~~\.AW.:~I~ l l l ~1'k"..llh oj' ~ l: j~ '..t U/l." J will d o 1I10 M; J will tuku my ~nth

' h ..t l OU a"lkol1 ruo,"~hr6l'R fj , t . toll cl lookl nMa t hlru with n

Unah on llt'r l loll l'a tn ro lll'uk'l. t h ln kj fl;(LllRt b., reall y uu l., ml'/Iul to l,ur l' lt'l hur ."Jolia •.vo n kn ,)w n1 Q h utl ur ," Mho 'laMlIuftl, . " \' 0 11 Rtf' Ilo in" th "lto t~ ·~ Ill" .hu t .,"u n Ilhonlt 1 IIltt ,"

ro:'~,i .u"n~)I ~\;~~'(;~liu7;; ~lli)~I~lI t l~~~I:I~11 1 ,..l/ I:ki...." n,1 II ",,'h i. l'ur ul " Oil . you URr·Jill" I"

" 'I'htre i. IIOmu (lUll III t im III'l t roo m loterle l) 1-:1 w1.'11. (lUll Ib uy M I , r"~j( . Imr t Ilk o"u ll ty c rt· ~hueM . '

tw'~:I,I~'~h~ld:~'~int::;~~ II ,t~~1 1~:~~,.~~U~:;S (Oll it" 3f. r" I" . \' 1I" Mo. t 1III000n , who whl lhor cou. ln lhr ry ~brt l n . WI'" .. lva nolliKto U\@otth em .

'" a m "a r,,'. Aunt 1\fllrKnr"t ," orh ·,1St'l liA. "wo tIC11 not Ill l ' IUl tn 1HI f'1" 'fIlM·dr ollpcre. hu t [ W " M MIJ \II ot \II·llUli 1 Mot h iIrum &n';; rhlo , Ii..t I ('l I m o \1') w"rl ll my~~~~~inO~it1,n~~:, ~ I) to Ilr ftll'l. a nll IfArr,.

" Ho it . 1"1'(."''' , And 1011 h.vlt 1.0... "

Ei~r:I\~'.li~JI~i~K':~~tl 'O I':l~~ I~;':~el fi~~~f. i r cb Oflb .

"Th" IIr o t. r.thtlr rlflreo." ..h ,) re ·

tn~'TI~I~ IIrn of tllfl k ilillfOlI' " hft AAlc,-l().l.u Rhlng ;"hllt t h ero. WII will DoLIIlU la ll'"ou Lof AC h ool."

IO S ovorth o)oM. S o1llo . I am uUutr lIu r·I, ritted at ,Jou r oo nJ llc L." N,ld Aunt Ma, .K" r ot . pruul,..

" Colno, OOIUO. Lhl ll . 0n ·L tt o t Ilrh,dHur,)'. " Wu . ro ralkly onongh to kOi'1Jyo ur •...,re t , hu t I (l. n IUlllun ,.on we havono t. be on foll o wlul( )'ou r AO'NI ftlAmp lo,"

" I . ho u ld thin k not ," Mill Nolll '" '"iii;:r....kl!d a ny hocly to killl 111 0 i ll nlllQY

" '1'111111 who kl" lInll ,"ul whn w.... th ~ da r·

11~'r~:~k'iI~~~I;~f~f~·~ClI ~~~\f~!l ' S ifill.atoutty ,

" Db . Nelll o1 l.0u ..hl6lnnf lClncl littl e

c~Kj~.~:~ik\~ .:-~~r:~ .r;~~k~:~ft~K I".w ".rlel IIlOItJ 1 thro llKh th o rooln. DIUI• wb ole IIho.tIt of klllllo. fol1o.. e(1 tbl lla rrlOtion AI.e anUmr.t.

"OOOtl bft...IIII" th "y all 81 CIAlnHJf.ll1oto nee. '"Th e" la A thlrd couvh, In tb lll1'00111••,

Qui~;{~:~:':r.~t~~;r~'~ ;~I~~i:wfl.':,~~:• .,1. c.ntIl... fro m hi. poeket. .

Til n nre ll ght .... IIfJOP q Ulllnchf'oll ADdoYery corne r o f lho room llI uDllo.tetl .bul no nlber par tl. . " .rlO to 1.00 "ltD.Har r1 . 0" M.r . El • • ll look ed be hintl(Jortal n. An,' obal,.. ADd o. rfiN a Utcb tloto tho oo n..r nLory • • hlll,.l.r.... . bout

iliflolJr~:,::~I;t ~r... . od ~.m.U&. ;u~m, ODe IDUl l t .w btMn r. la7 lng •

tric k on oat ..Id th e tw o • • nt flme n. re ·luminl·

"Or lb. roo m la blnalecl,' · 1U,...tetl~ Oo u rt.eoa,.l a I .hla per. '

" SS the ' pi r lt 01 Mt. y.l.oU... .. triedNell lo, " lor 10 morrow t. lb e fou r lotlo Lhof Februar, ,"

" 'rhe 1NMO!l "b.o b ird. ohooae lb.lJometee,'· _ Iel H""1: " .od- "

Bnt be WM hlterrupt.ed hI X.I1~. who



= ----=---.---. _---


Bonlu lu l "I1Ut1 e rd4n~luR' hall a rlNDbe tw ee n All"" Mtlf K" re t Courto nll1 a nd

:~~ll l;;I;a:iI~~~I~ I~:11 t:~l tl~:t:e~k l~~t~:rof t be marriaHn. li Onln Umo lll lllr WArthMI". CtlIlrhlll"y fuunll tl mL ahu tuul beentoo hal ty ill h or dc olel on , Ih al th tl roop or ta IIhl) 1i1l.1 r.ctll.,oJ fr o m wel t-rueen ­IO U Ir icluJtt w eru O:ll' ftllu ra ll·. l. e nd IuDU"I,. 011" 0" uu true j bu t t hn IU, co \' t1ry1.' . 010 tnc) lat l) fo r hor 10 rl' pt\ir h er e r ro r ,Mr . J ulitt Rlw ofl , hur lo t flr, h 10(&fu rCalif ut 'l ll\. t\llIl ~J..rgn ret Courlon AYgrow Iuto 1\11 o ld ma ili.

a~~~I~~:~I,n~ltll~I:~'~::~ I :~~~~r~I{~i~t'f· th:::';tW~r~·,~I:u,~~ · 't:~:l niJll ' UUlIt Inlo rnllt Itltb,.h· ..lll f)rI· In,.o "rr" i r" ..UtI mOrftOYMf:\I r : CCIIH ttflla! hlill IUJllC aHu for K0ltllnl bft Ila m e of J ohn lo:h¥f)l1. ·l'tH~ rtll fo rt.' .

. h OD . II :lY ir l ~ ( HI,hl ,.d " la.. anlt. Itu ukoll'hu la w.)', '" IIIl h ad rttlnl nutl ( who b il l'

J::':~~: l:tu~~~h:ltll~lhi::~ )'ott)ht~'~OI\\~~;Meal , bo h ll,l no Itlco.. lin WtllJ b l·ioKlug tholotl g'~l' lI rKlnr1 lo ..urll lof("th or.

D UL " 0 II WI'". The r<' Wl\tl ll. "'tn r t An.1Ilo ho,,", II. tlu. h " uti JIo co nat rllln('ti d lllko o fthe hAndlt i a lltl then Ih " I" W" M llo Bourothot",·.·,·,. th" m , for IUJlIh" r co n' t·'t1l4H1 tubn Yinw k uo"n tho utho r hf'lroro. W o1'4 11 ' l'ar('ol ,. t lle rdr ur fol . I tO "u r l'rh cll ..lIh e Itl' n. lvo· ft tt lt l1t1.) t h tlt 1\[At Klott'L h...lI..or" lHU'J. I. .\ fu rtuiHbt ' po n t III U ooun ·

~ ~'~~jl~~~~:r\11t~~ r;iltl~nI1~,t~1 t~,' ~';~rl~~~~1,l e \lohh n ucrnt . lJulla h lhl d laeour"llch . t Ih o Vl'(lf" lil",1 '11Ih l.. 11 0 11t(flll rfO n<,f" intheir f' . l iQIf" fo r onn fluflth or. h l1L bolh.. · ~It· tlln 11I1U11l'nt or pru ucl tu Wilke lillyo \lI rhut'!I tn ,,",,rI1,, "' I"Clco llc lll lIo u .

'rllll rn !, 110Ilun M IIUlt mAny un lo , tn .nato poup !o 111\\' 0 . tuml,I.·,1 on r t h lllIIAm·l lItonf'. '1'wo IleGl,le L...,,·o hOOll'Uy• oJ tr ul v lon .1 0 1110 uno ll ", r . but oit be rIr un. I' r111u o r tli tllllu IIC61 or Ilfith _111ih oH' 1 Hill lo utthll cnnr,lllll innMh a,u n ll" llrb('~b mutlu. !:lud th 'l t.wu IIwolI ~h lch

:~I:t~~ . 1.;I::~rg~! 'i: 7i:O'o~'~~~1~h~~~II~~. tu•It ill u fiftn t lnllOH [mt.'e ll..r! to pr nvAut

.u('l, a (,1\1I"t ro l,ho . tli nl u tll lrll Ihlrt1..,IIOI,M '' It>ll io oUII Iluutl y roJUuvotll £!n l.o ll(.lc: d t hnt I'r l'l......m14 ti l " u nlou. 1l1l11lifOr' th o JnUOh' llh u lIt'tl u Rlco ul ma tc h·mt'k l'r Ilu,y houora1Jl~ &uII fulrl y LJou r o r' KltL iUlo 1 1 1 ,, ~· . NCJ t1l1l.1h fr lolllll ym f'd h,t or lH111 . h' Plwll ~ I.ot"..'t' n J I)hnl-~ h,",· 11 flllil :\ln rl:4"rct Co u rtoD"Y. tUhlo lt'unl h 'll prid o flU ii i . "!tIn nn l\ Ilru tll'lhr".un fl on h,-' u 'W l!t ll tl ll ' "t n Ulh Ung

ki~~~:,::tt~a v~h l~~: t~ ~~lft wl~,~~rot r~~II\ll~ '.Ir ll IT' ll. an ,\ ,TQhn thu.1I 1\f'ol ll.n q,.,1 It(.lIt"Yi lmt th u 11lwllht.1" t rea lu " IIh ll fOUHhLtlg"l nllt tbu ..ton ullanti ", ,,ru Ita far fr omu ult) · a ll o,.or .

M.rtrKrvt·t1 1\ 1I1 tlr(uun ll "I% cr lit, h "w",,·e r.

::~~~~Jul: ~ IW~~ ll ~II I :,tll~: lr~i~~;::I ~~I, ~ ~~1towarll llin Oro, rnhh hlK h ill holllllll withlIa tl " llc t! OIl flu ll t!1l' If\hn lnJ;:

"Ah ,M iM"C u1Irwn", .n uth iuK ClAn m"k on r OC'lm lou k lin ('ho'-'r(1I1"Mr\ 1IIoIlyi ly th ut\ ' l)l,hle . I h oI''' )' on we ru n ot UAUMhL InLil,. rl,in t lli.. .. rt. ' r ll uulI . ··

"I W i llt lI ut uut," rotu r noll MI"a Con r tfO·nay. ",\t th l. t!m lJClfLhu y ellr lUurnl nglIeCOlII to loll t ho 11... t tirn" f,Jr COIl.tittl­ti oDa l uu r cl"d. I \lo·" lk lIet",.,,,n t woh oa nd uno,"

" ' 'Cllo W i ntflr ·.. Walk at :-ioon ,' Wiliti, ltCo_ llur alto"?

~fllt.1J:~~:an';-:b:::a:~~~ 11::." uA::r~e~~Ir1DOll• .UJi".a ' b' a.:ouLb_m . IJ. of Ib• •I. ,., bill"A ad wh. 1I ' hI' wO'lCl. 't·nooool!' lh. nonb.,Q bl..,1b . ...uoQ . m ll... ,.111111:11 a ll It .. ta Jr' .Alld 11.. " 11••.ra:Ub " ' 1.1lI. · .." 11"y. " corrOt'lOII~"'rA'an· l ."Ol cou reo. I I~U I ror gliUlua all 1111

"odr,)' . A wan KOlwrnUy Iloe . unl erlllIi.,I"'. women on ,1 c h ild ran ah ont h h u ,"" ADel yor1 Ir. q ue nt lv wbflll h o uall

th ela ," ..Iel lIt li l MCuuHl'n",y. look lng.ttb"ft ro.

" 1'rue. Yet e ,.on Mho u M tho I,ootlonataara Ille o u t 01 ,. rna n. Lborfl I" a cer 'lai n lo u ll no.. a ntl llc.oftnolJlt I n '"~tl in tohi" Ufo hy bni nK lt ro llHht iut o c c.on"lth women aD,1ch iltlre n: '

" Whil flt o fton with wom l'n Ih o 10" 1'1 o f

llootrf, clrUtl\ lu lo tron, hu e n lu!i" m . wh orot i"o t u "ooi al no. l with tillt "t(!rno r co m·

:~:n.::~:o:tr::;:::, \'; ~i,'~~~'l~~I~~ t ,IIJltt.k ." 'I'ha t . h u,, _ !1m, Ilel'Ollclcnt th e ono

.... ia u llon th o uUlor . " nil 110w it ......nnflr In' on ,lol1 th at olt h" r .hou l ll llvoalon e."ltIl.. Courtonaytll ..,c reot1y (lh" nR" ll t laolubjoot Ilnd btlJ.ftln tnlk lng oh out. th e

:'n~~:r~le:t:r~'i :~3:1~~~i\I\ ~(O~ ~I::"i:ll:~ I:.~lo u" tP.lugMlma .

" Ha wing lJflCU IIhrn~1 AO m ua h , I II."urall, tak o An In\(lrMt In whd I. KoinK00 In tb o world," IIhll ....Id. nnd lID lh ooonu r l a ll o n Ilrlfl.1II1lnto d llfurlln t lIub ·juel ....

It wantoll h.lf lIn hOl1r to d inner tim l'.antl n o o th Clr mOlllhn ll (II th Q hou tWI

~~~l~:i\~fi:~~~~~~.~~ l~t,~ dl.·li·r:::;;.Olt th elln 11 111,. hlun I1er., ,. . l\LalArlDK in·to Lh e a ro .... tl lODHh thft1 wor e tr, ln, tofillil Ir eah fu el lo r dl tou ... loo In th l6tlm tta.

Now .od alatn • De w to p lo wu lIt.&rtoJ.Br"t b1 00. l ocI Ibe n tb e o th ttr j but aft

ooh,hur acIfliood to han muoh to ..,.Lhflly dtiYotod tlu,lr .ll.ontioD to thetb ouRhUnl .cr t1t1ny 01 tI., fire. Thl a

~~;eirk:a:::~I~i1.:oM:~:~::=be"''''U .0,1 Il'tcriDined to mall. . mo re,I , oroaa o lfort; J uhn E lwoll dJcl th "

:l:::I~~~D.~;~h :"~r~wOD tb~t:u~~from th o t\r e. a nti ope ned tb olr li p. \01Il)('o.k j the ir .," m. L. Aoel th. ,. "l)l h...1.

Th.,. w.. • rUlitlo, I.ul tb e wortl." kl... 01." lIOundec1 A.htly tbroUlb tberoom .

Joha EI.en .tarted, . htl. thrill 01fll. ..nrll . b ot tbroulh b lm . At l..t.

.~4u.~~rl::~~~::I~~tI~ ~:.~n.d::n di d • _ _ ur to hi. \bal II . .. 0<1c1


T h or o nru 1/),000 1Il. IIr" en'" a round8(. 1.

1·hlrtoon IIn llllt ro k,·" III Clnolnn. tl o nUu.1 :!th i tn ' llIl ly (lIl.,I.

PI ~~0\~l il:~::~,S:1,~I:r::.r' l1 1111 t hd . h ip .

T tru t ; . r Ul ~ 1 1 t ra vfth,r 1I1l11t,1Jfllol lt c1 letlIn ~IR,l iI ~ II ~~M th u ~') l h of MIIY,

8 l1 mu,,1 Crl PI'C,Hlll lllltl tw o ch lMrnll worebur n ed In II room III \\'''d T ru y. ~ o .....York wh ich 1I& Illhlli Iroru Or u CI'I, d C" rM.

.\1 t hQ Clncl llllnli rAr l'" July lilh , I.Il l1aOnl lt WClII t hr uj> .(ourlh 'l d lu h In l :l ~ .l" llll, II( N l'huJIl won o ue 1\1ll1 ., h llH 111 1111I II ~ : · I t O uy' WUII one 1I11 t.! II (ourt h d iL" hIn ~ ; J.l t .

~ l nrnJuIl ru n \'l~ r tll (r ulII g "ro lJlO 1111 11,,,,,1l h ro ll ~ h Olllullll Ull 'h u 12th t'll tou tu toUtll. h. 'l·h ,'y o l'CUl' lnJ "111,,,. n 1 1I' ~ II I.· n tcorI'o llch o.. ttllli r lu lretl "I Kht Ir(Jl" h t c..rMrvrIt '' ''1l11ll:0•

A t1allllh h'r o f E nw: llah ~I a )' ur (l l'lI flr,,1

11;·1~ ~ 1~0(~ : : l ~"'ii~~l~·ir::' 1~~~f1l ll:I~ I ' ~ III~;~ill :~~;tlUornphll1 to fI ' ,, (1I11' h ,' r i1.n d nil (1oI1ir w er uIl row u,-·\I.

T ill ' WIIII." n" Hrlllt,. "o,,,t' l lllu\'l!'tt fro lllI l ll noll1• • hot u!I,1 k ll lt·.1 ~I. t.'ultJlU' ll IUlIIe lmrle. CuluUlt\n, II!tl,.'riUiI, :' I ,· ltllm lne o.\\' t.f .• whn w" r 't1I t1 o lll l' t1 l1~ 10 urr e . t I h ~ m .

Bo' li "''''f ll ll!:,I.•Joh n lI urn I< ll" "Ill.. IJI....1 rfl("'nl ly "t

\ · lr.,lnll, ~ llr i IlK~ . I\n l' r Illlik l lliC btoll llfO..l.(1('110"11'1.1)00, IIIKkolO o lt'v o ll BUrH(.·. o ( \' Ir ~I:lul", nomhll,I II'll:lltuO. Ti m ( · " I.~ t l' IIIvI,I·UNl lIt (rum n yu Itl _Ix mllll n n ...

T""· e nl)' ~fuu r W' rlOIJIIM Wtlr. ' 10JIIft',1 h)'RU ll('d ,h'lI t UII Ih •• I. .... n, N . I·X!t·I.•loli .:!' l ,.. lit·" \II""t u f l'"IUI .\Il I (lIIln , '1'f' I 41'1. n ilt h tl 1:!l ll . ,-·ul)-,-·,1 \I v till' II .. lll1ln", uf l\

w h ....·1 Ull U t:Ol\d l ""I, idl ,II,,"'" 11111 1'111f W Ill tl,o Ir llc k .

T wo u rR1QrA In n , 1t' L"t ltl ~ ...Iu l,."t ' ·ath ·hur l , Ark .. 'ItlArr ,·!t·.1 oVI' r IU' "'IIUtn t'u t\\'lh' lI . 'yl(' r, \\h 'l ' e nrvUllwu t ulul th .!or lt>1I

~~.~"e l:'Il;~,I" lt l~.fl h 'l~dll~III;.I••k ~IN:~ : I~\:~y hi.t~III 17 1 1 1 ~I· l! .i I, "cl '·"CIIIOI'II.

" ....1' CuUllt ll. , '1Il11 o f ' h" (I.'" !lhnr..lfIIolll LI'r ll III 1,.u li tUII ,," L If.h() 18k.· .. t il"I· .. t , ,",rn ,, Ir l..h vluw, h .11I lJe",u 1"'IIlJlt:lllt!dto n ·..hrn Ihll l,r l·..,I,JN ll')' o f t hu (I·dur" tl ono( lI w Il lltlr", I IlII~, lt' iull 'JlI h('Clf,IlA', u r clh ·u U.!l\ct loll " ilh hi .. C()lI r~ I' .

,\ rnun 'lI, m u,1 \\' ahIIJII, ner n "tI o r rnv,I..hlu~ alil i l t hull c utl ilht lI ,., t llrlJllt Cl f

~1~~~lI n~ I ::~ ~lci'I '{U,A fJl' it~~ltlll\I{:~ 1 '~~I~~lt~~~AlulHunn, W I M rllll 110\'l'n lJ)' lJlooll· IIOU U,l ll111101 J"I II·II,Whl' fl' It.. l 'O)II ( " ...ud . ~1 \H lt l.yn lll:ht II h UlIdrl!,l llf lllt ' lllIt un ~curt! tl \\' . 1·tiOIl, In tl 'u ,ll n w: t il IIurn him " UVII lot theIJCI!IIV1' ( h iM rrlll lfl. tJllt IlImlt,. 1I11 112ell hi m.10 t tlu t fl '" wllllrn h ili vlcllm WtllI (oulldcllIllo!. Ill. ""'1" IhaL hu l h",uw:lt t ..lUI WIUttI W(ltnn ll wh u hl"LIOutl ' '' I ~ lr l il t h \ln a t 1\tl l" l• .

A InrKo COlli' II (rMn 1-:1 I'll.10 to Clil ll un·1111."WIU. UUlII'kIHI \ .V 1111111'11 " ",h fJ Wt'r llcOul·ulI.. ..111I . IUill ho lu"lt tlll 8 rto,1 11 voU" VII. tllf! I~ OIl I· 1t IlPIJrt1>trh ..,I. T h" tlrln' r Williki ll tol l lliul 1'1111 11, ..UII lIt n x l:iollntu r P UKh"11C1 ..n" . ln ~I R "," tll l· ...·(j ft\·tor no r 1I ~1J ,l r lt k llo r IUIII.HlII, """ .. t.',IJlttl rfO 'l. T ill! r lf"....n ll:..f11cIlfub"l l Ollt o ( t llt.' CC)oIc h l, u l h ' l UI,(,o"lttl. ltl l' lIn,1 " II " ~ {" " " ',I ' ''U''"l ,t I'U~It , 1tlwWil li &11'-' IUiOl to 1(>lI.v~ anti Wil li '-'ltllItJrl'dwhll,' f·" d"IIVllrlll l( to !l oo l ll plll ni ollt o (t lt ~ COllch . T ho ' ·".lch w" rn.d a llcl II~~r1,~;~~',I:~~ :~~C~~:II~li l~I:~ L h~I ~~J:; II~iJ.rn

l·~h",rl l n"", (O,II,a n 0111olth~ 1I o r ~hri·po..a ("Q llllt y, WI''' ..h I)' aD,1 klllt',l lIt II lIr·u lto-, ( 'tIl. . on tI, t' tttli. lJy " Ilttl5rhh' Jr, hI..,nil 01,1 11111.11 ' llfo m l'tl U. K . P ill" r. T ho

f.~:,t~(Oh.!~~~~,I,~ I : I~ I~ (O(~:;: : ~~ ~Ul1adlJ~~~~ t~' Itl~~n:~~:~~HII ·~lt~~;." ~~~~~1 ·tolll~h~~~~:1 ~~l:~Bu .. or. k, w f'k t'11 t h ~ 1:11 11 "" hi " wil il R I'nn"

~I~~~ '1~ '{t;I~I~~~~ :,': rlh,~'~~'" ~} ~~~.t,~OWi.:~Il~ :11::II~:~fl~~:a : :~~~rZ~matOr:~o':~I~~l'r:,111,';8 rt'd L.Ir o. 011" hall " nll,u1hIK d t!'t.'f' IU>t'tI

~~..t~~~, ~~~I ~:tlt h~~~Wht ~117~ h~~~~~k111: ~ ~h im IlIlIt" flliv ' l' lt lt' r " aa . rrel l• .] I nd,,1' l't',1 In Lh e ca lilo llo,.._u. 1'111f Ileoplo I\rQ,~~~'~~ll.i:~ I~;;~I ;J:;~Il~l;~e "" tM o r Iyu c hlllj(

z~~ue:~ r~~\~f~llllt~ ·CI~I I~~ ytl:)l r~:I~:: :~ r.wl;:it'U6IIlt o ( (n.III.1I1,"' loO rlll undor d i,tu o ( lll"7t h In.t. 1 0.11 (0110'1"': 'r h o a lOc" r III ulu rKo01 th o Hlh ll ll COllat Wllltrll f1·c ,!!vfllllu .d IlVa

C~C~~~~f:lIlti~Ii~~~I~I : r ll'~~:I~:Ul:;r·lIbO~~·~~(rom 1.011 "1 11I1 1lo 1IJ . It IIIIIIlPP OIN'!,J 'haL th oIIIlln " lck l!!1 urI thu le tl o,1I III a cl " . cdch,, "t or «·"' MP. a . t llll bun dlo Wil li 'I"llu tl rf .Til" fllulN IILIlLuli tl u t b" "WtUU(o r t he m.

~:I,'t~:ttjlt~t~~~.:~I I~h'l':;~QI~~ .C~n·o~~:h:r.W(!f1J leU"rrt t o 11111 w l( u lIlHI lIuvo ra l 1,,10 '~flun'" WrfO l' ka ilo I' e'o rnln" I\Jt hore Ilt

~:~~:u'~I~~II~I!io~;I ~~ ~~~~~~ ~,~:~ 1,:~r~ ;o~k~n~o cOII»lot l.. u f.

:-iuT&- 'rh ti «lulo ll line IItea mCl r Ar izona ,CnJlt1l11i Mll rr lIY. fro m J.I\' or l'l.Iol f'I' N'fJW\' ork . ' ~I Il611 (rorn l.luee nOll towli J uly ~,1 .

Pr l, o "l tf)OlllIiI ilL\\' l lIIbl t.·llo li lIt'Il.ll llnt li ff 12th, II hhotl ~ h volun t",.,. ha vo lI. r,lI,

rl:~)II~~~~;~;~;~I~JK~~r"k ;u ,~ 1:~II'YI~~ t t~~~~la nltuJ ffum " IIr" Oil wh ich ~mo ~colc hrll1om..n ''''r . cook In". All ortl ur "'1\11 .1"ro rtllfll1y 1""\l1lI1 t h llt h ttllc..(<lfLll no IImallcanwnrfl••ru to bo l1a(Oll bfOY Ond the

~~II;:~~~~~~~~:..~~ n~I,~u~c:~~tn~:C I~~;i:rll ':I~~L hd~~rr:,lIi:q~e"l~eL::r~ 'b:::,I:they ca n not nnw l Oolit th .,l r o wn III"."'D.alva baron or hu e. national h oh d . )' atnl(lht. ·f h. Canadl.u t.e..m n ucllb,,", 2Um en. co mmanded b1 Col. Glbbn"" wbo I.a("eOunte d t he bo. t I ho t hi Can ada. T hl.II thtllr 'h tr t.l wlalt to WlrnM"llon . 10 18; 9be w.. _ Inn er of tho Prine. of \\".1..•

~~:~.o.Thtn~~~:.~n~~(~:~ el~"~~"n t~lIre(t~~Lbe A lfr ed .Dd AI. ...ndrl. cnnC•• t a'l,1Inte r..un iver llily ul. 1I.·h. T lul 1.lLor .....nol ftq ll hfld at ' 1111 Ilr. . 'fho . dunLt.1Iw.. In (u or of Oafu r.l. Th. olher 11"0mAtch r. Were ftnl'h ..cJ, bu t the r~.ull . 11 )not be kno .. n unLIl tv-mor row. 8 1r J ohu

~~~oo,~Wi~i:tn:~hp t:-l~ol.-:: ~~,~e.~~hJalAo at tI,. lord mA,.ol'. baoquet to tb.0010111.1 rep,...atlU. ...


It" Tr. • •F.U . ... P Il '1''' DA.TF..

l .

JOKJI' L u ,lItw

A . W. E" OLl,


C. I', "'.r'r. .r. r, MtS l u,lt1ot

••IlUI •• W .T.

IV•• • • • • • orr.Wba Wbatoom Co•• W. T.

VOl•. 9.

~r.;HF,~:rn, ~~~~hll: Cher:Ie:I~~':"U~i:::t row tbe mfcfdlo of AUStill to tbtr O"t ofIlept ember. Tbl.'re~ i. b. rely .nil "f.r1rroIlS• •

M1 c:ollection o f bArd, ~r,nnlal Uor ·d" 1'10••,.1. n rr choit..... Flowor S" da,1&01.. Ind oLber Orna01lmLaI TriO' ADOIIbrubb,'l"

II . O. 8., .. 1.1.. . . J . C. U AU' U .

LtIl c••••,.W.T.Mon., lOAned a l fa tate hoUl ht .nd

l old , t" rUl' to l co ll ect!oa . madl,coo,.,ancln l , f tC. • .

.K AUIT CI T,.. W . T .

Will p rltctlN' bl.lrore tile 1>1"lr lct (' o u rlo f Wh.L('o ln CtJunty.

C. H. n.,~rOKD,


Otl,,:. on th fl ro rllfO r o f Fro nt Iud Celurn­bhuu ....t' . lIl'.tul n.

n ~~~~ t~~n~~)~ ~' ",11 1ho CUlI rl_ o f \\' I . h ·

.. ....."......""'H tll POWRR. I' ROP RI &TQR.


W a tch m a k er s ,


...."1• • WO . T .

'VIII aU •• ,,1 t hfl 'fOrm'" of t hlO D1"lrl <'tC m r L (or W h atto ul CQun l )' .

••• "1•• W . T .



Attor oO Ill and CounH lon It La".


J Oli N n lo:S S :h."TT. Propr ietor .

J • • Iln . ...a Il".'UII'SEA'M'LE, W. T.

Deal.,. In W.tch... CIOI·k". J fl,..lry a ndSUnrw.,e of til e b• • t qUAllIy.

All k iDde o f,,~ellll . o f re~l r..

~~rl:i:::Ob.;-~~~::r::~Je::~~o1:3~ 1.3:'t~:B!:rD~c:tiJ~~or~I:::' ~lt~~~anoJNt"(1 7 0tUMI....


hTII UYF., 1IA1~t:8 " I.Uar,


ATT Il ONY. VS AT I , A\\' ,

Will I'raetl c:elo all th fl Co u r"" ul \\' ..,,11 .In .,ton T erritor y .

0 I.::.~~:~ ..~~T? 11 0 .

Mr .l.c a ry I" a N olary Pub lic:a nd eom ·miNlon l'lr o f D.6:I1. (or Orf'. ,m .ndC . ll fo rn la .


O. ~ .lfA LUJL

McNaught. f erry lind "cN .u ~ht.

A 'rrO R. ~' E Y ! As n CQt' s"' .: r.Ons .AT·I.AW


T he Pugnt Sound l\lnll. L.-\.n~S'r NEWS SUIDIAUY.

• 11....• I' I Ollll nATRa I00. Y•• r ,ln &l1 , . tleotO f J t'Oa,. 1101l. 1t " ·.. I 00

( I ~ U . I • ••• ' " 1A . p~Qa,. (12 UDM ) tl rt' In..r1loD 1l 00lt~nb'u,.:'i.~~'u0ctL:~:.[~I~.D.iit'i.r.•d."'•.;i'li.;:.. n

Page 2: THE PUGET SOUND MATL~ · NO. ". I II i& ber brlahl Llon,h' la.I, lato 10" c·u ).. Lout h.r.hOlllder . '.~'~I'i~ ·IUDt~~ ~~I?~l:l o~r'~:alldt:lIoo~ Ml·••ul ~t til tbo blt.l




G ,\ C II I~ S,


DE.l.LEIl L'i



- -tOt--

G .

A N'D R 1: 'W S·~- - "- - - ·

L,t CO~~EJl , W. T.

•1 .

F. W'.

L. ' L.




McCor mick BDd Duo~eye Solf..DindorB, Duckeyo an d C bRmllio D ltcap8M &.3:(owors , Gard en Od T Sulky n "k cs, l>ictntor F an Din g M ill e , our ow n~!n~~'aCJturo j Boede .... Plo we, Harrow., Cu ltivalo ra , H a rpoo D8. B or .. na,.

or.ul, Crad loa, Scylhes, S oa tb a, F o rks, Rake l Ac, &0.

Th c I'lll cst Stock of Mcchnllics' TooIH.A GHAND ASSOn 'I'MEN'l' Ol~ UT I,EU Y .

Tb e mo.t Comple le Slook 01 8portln/l Good. III th e TorriloJ •

.Aloo ke0l.'a ooo. tanUy on ba DII A good ' aU1'l'ly 01 E :Tll A8 for allle.di D" macbln.., .n" I..t uu~ no~ loael, EVEI\Y MAOHI~E ISO UAIIANTEED, an d pDIinto the '. 6eld uy I oOUll,ele nt m'D.

F . W . W U S TR O F F ,SEATTLE, W. T" Dos 14.

II I:T 'n:n ·n u :\, ( : ,I :\' III: ~ ECI' III: 1) I :LU:"'III:nE.

• ,v H : Y ?DE C.\t:HI:: W I' IlG Y F OIl CASH.

DECAl: SE AI.! , OUIt HOODH Ail E H l:LECT~: I> l,! on r olvn Iinyere.UE CA r SE Ol lr ~tod, 18 the lJ t< !H-'\ I!!"lIr tf> l! Rlltl CU('RPCIIl0 11 t he Hound.

DEC.\ l ' S": lh l\ i ll~ lur l:(\ 1! 1J nUtl ticeuring Onat B RrS-Rin l ,"'1.1 (' lU I ntrur; 1 10 llh·i.l ti tho Protil with Ou r C'u llloIUC rti.

A~D Don 't BRill Our GooflRn1. H iJ:h !'d cc..'1'0 :\Il1L: o You PII ~' (or Bnll D cUtll .

--. 1ut - -III(a .. : ~'1· ,'UU'I: " .tJI) . 'un f .OIa:I::\' ,t ~ J) JUt'· IIIJ'I~H .

GRO ' E R I E S - P H I 'h LIST1 n "I'1' (I) HeEll 1'1011r .. , •• . , . $0 00 1 l ack Corn ~ I ('n l , nu 11 ,8 , • . . tiOli 3 n~ , C. H. Coffeo 1 uu 1 I' :.!5 n'H . . , . 7 61 U, HC!lt J npa n T t.·'l . . . . ..• . 00 1 10 Itllf . .. . 40I k f'g: 0 010 1111 S~'rl1 p . . 4 25 I "nck Onl ~rcfl l , 10 nil' .. , .. . tHi1 n, 0 00<1 'l"oho« o , (;0 I " ok Il u<kwhcol Uour, lO lL. GO1 hox Tb oloM C. \\' . Sorap. . . i 5 -to t1.o s . Uel\ns , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 OU1 bas &oIIp , :.!O 11ftI'M . . .•. .• .. 75 JI" m!\. V tL l a c : S idel , 1 20i a nd~ OJ." S ilver O los!t Hta reb . , . . . 25 ~hou ill crl , 10e.Z'1Dtc Cu rrlln tM , 1210 ItJ. G roin pepp er , 25<.", nl.I :) y<l lJ~8t Cnlico •• • • . .. . . 1 00 1 Loog ·liuod letl Hpno o .. • .12 ! ,IA Cnhol Sboolinll ... .. .. 1 00 I I .. 8uo vel. . ..Con of Ile. t Cool OiL . . . . . .. 2 00

tJr.\ I.I. OTm :1l 0 0 008 AT I'R OP ORTlOS .\TELY 1o0W I'R 1 C .:~ .

GOODS will 1.>0 la id nt t lie nLo \'o price" O~LY for CRHh o r G o od~l ercb ll D,ta ulo Prod uco. ,,·m (l R,' l.iighcst marke t p rice tor lJ ic.l el. Funaotl PrulU in ex ch nDgo tor O ood ll.

L. L , ANDREWS, L .. OOfU1er , W. T .


o U H I JI )1 E X S E S 'I' () C K 0... 0 0 0 D S,~o,,· on 'lIulIl .. n .1 In . ·on"I" .. t fl ec'e1llt b ) ' Ste ll Ill er.

CUS :"o l:-lT I Su OP

n iT (ioo tls, C!othl ll::, lIools IIIII! ShIll'S, lfllrllwnrc,Orock ery. Tobacco, Ula8l w are, G rooeriel t

Frovhlon , . Sat h e l . Door s, F a ln h ,Oll e Tinware and

A GRIC ULT UH ....L I~rPLE:\[ENTS·- - tot--


" ' 0 h(lr t:l by g ivo noli Nl th ut I ' OIA nnd nUn ti lls d aie~We Wlll Ext end No Moro Or edlt.


Ht'nHzing t h o I I11WCDlJC Alh' n Dtngc~ nccl'llingo ali ke to uotb Duyc r ,Selfthru uKh tl l(l JU ~diulD 01 •


COIN T ' ALK S ,,\S() so uoss


P Ir:.U .£lla IN


Notlc~h':.f. eA.f.r~~~~t~;~. Pur·l ' !'t. I •.\SI) IH T fr t-: . 0 1.'0 11'1,\. \\" T,

X otico h herell)' gi ve n tl lRt, inco rnp linnc o with th o pro\' j"ion s oftho net o t C ODUrCl;H aP J)ro"ctl J Uli ea, I ht~, (On titlt·l1 " ,\11 nct ror t he"" Ie o f timber Inlhl. in th e St nl eR o(Ct\li tor ni l\, O.·eKon , ~l.: t'Utll\ . nnu\\·a ~b i u lot t o ll T IJII'it ol·.,·.. ' :i A)l l' r.L " ' .P " Lt:, o f ' \"hntcorn <":O UlIt ." . Wo. h·in g't on TI1I'li t or~' , hl1~ t l ji ~ d 'l~' til f'u

~Il~ :~~~t h21~oElliItoi l:~~iti~~~ O~o ,t~ J'.' li~;

f].;::~ ~I~ir t~~ ' ~\~ i~~I~ ,t~t'lOl~f~~i~I ~~ :An\" IHitl nll per llon lt cinilllioa th l.

" ol'l~lJh th o s nid tlclic riLotl lUlul . ol'nIl\' Jlort lpll th nrout , "' 0 h o r!')'h~' I' e ­q uh otl tn filo thoir d ninlll iu t hh~(J1llco within Hb.:l}· (Ull) tl llp t from thutl "to hen 'o l , .

Gi" cn nntl er Ill,"h And ot my omce,in Ol l ' l"r;in . " • . 'r .• t l.liPi l 1tli day ot) I.!, .\ . . 1881.

.T. T . Rn OW); .H,,:rl.t:tt ...f lbo:: '-a nd u thc f.' .

TO J. II Il c.: .. " !II F: It Ill,

I n tl is po8inK o f re lJJDAn ta ot their

1':xt ollsh'c Sto!:l! 0" Gool!S.

so'n CF: I. I l r r~ b)' given. Illnl In('Iur ­IItln('t· u e 1111 o rllcr o f 1I11J Pr" llIllo' ( ' ..u r t

(O f W !l rll l' l l llI ( 'u lllll\', Wn hhlll iull Turltu.rr . 1Illld" n il 1!Lt.· rll ilrl" l'uth till)' IIf J Ulie,1" ':11, I II 11. ... Ulll tiU tl f I h e };iltnttJ uf 8 ,UII 'lIel J , 11m 0 11 llt·l·l·lI-I·.I. Ibu ulllIN llljlllt·\I.l l.c .\t l m l ll l ~ l rR t u r o f /lohl t:.otnh' , \\ III l!1lnll'uhll (' ., \lell o/l to ~ 1 1t' hlll t1nl Lltldt'r f li t(' I' h. ClU tl ~llh ll· t;t 10 Ctlll l :nll ll t lOlu ")' t ill.!,,(,Ill l ' ru!.lIllt' Cu ur l . n il :-4. \ ·r l' It D.\ \ . th e;lllll1 llny (lr .'111)' , 11:1·"1 1. b...t \H CII till' huu rllo f \1'11 o·('It.('k III lh e lU' lruhuc l\l lll thc .d·tln l: " r IIle 11 1111 u ll Ihul llu)', Itl wit : ltl ~u 'l'IlI(:k In IlIl' nller ntJllll. Itt l llu rt". ltlcllnlo f D . ~1. \\' 11 111:11 111, In :-Olllll lllh I' rn l lll l ,In Wlmll'nlh ('ulllll)' " ftUcu l,l . nil thl.'

;\1~1hJ'. l:J:~ ~~I',l n ~lIl":':t'l tll :~f ,::I ..."i~h~ I~~\I;~ ;IUJl l 1I1I Ihu r l ~ht . tit II' nlHI Ir.h: re.t Ih lltIh l.!. nld ellll, lt' h Ut " "(lu IU,t' 11)' OP('fllll ulilIf Il,w or othe r wh .., ol ht' r ll iltn tlf III uti·dll illu lu tllill o f 1111' ",ItI ~'\ l1I ucl J . IIr:l '3011 lit III'" tlllle o f 111 dl'l\lb, In RU li io 11 11lh ut ,ln 10 1, pi, I'l ' tl r I' lIfl :1:1 uf lantlhilia' nn,1 hl' luil' In \\' " I (' tl lII ClI UII C,)' " fllre

!l·~:111·'l, J ' :: 1 ;.: 'ilc~~~I,I I: ~I~. I\I ; I ~I~~l e ~I, ) IIII:I ~ II :~i ;

~!I:: :~~nll~~ '.III~I:~~~' r1~~~ll~l~.): "r; ~l:l~t:~:1~~fc~~I)' 8cn'n.toWll t h lp lI um ber lh h l)" Ix lI o rtho f r.\lI ~I~ ' lin'" I: U,t. . \ 1".1. nl tll . lll t' tim "nnlll,llll'e nn<J u pon IU U,,' terlll . IIlilt uf

~~~,:i);IR~II~{ tlll:I:~?:~~I~~ tl~~ri ~ f t~~:~I~llllt l~ht li,t\' or .'"uP. I""'l. •

W. II. }·Ot'T:"' , .\ .Imlnh t r fll lor of IheI ~. I " ! ,, uf ~alll ud J . Brat un uce'l l.

Jul)' 2_~ ", .

Suila mAde to orcin fl om tb~ mos tlleniceaL le a o,l . cvli h R'OfXl -i. Sam .JlI~.. o f g oo.],.. with d ir t c t io D!t I,;,relf-meuurem~nt , .flat to U.DV atl-

lhe 'I OD ap pli ca ti oo . -H o..'1 a1...0 on bBnll ftn exte nsive

aUQrtwPDt " f renlly millie clo t hingo.nd OenlJl f ' u rn iabin" 0 00<13.

All RI Jl od .rn l~ '·rl c ••

EXEOUTOR'S N OTIOE,IS Tilt: l 'U~' IlT 01' 1o\. 1:"i0

c·•••an. '. \\ 'll'lll ll ," l " Ii ·r<',rll,"")·. In I h r ' " 111.tfOr .. l ihl' I':. " ' '' ' I .t ~1 . ·. I", t II, " Ill It h . , l l"' '' fl ~ ''. I.

111~l' ·II.' :'~ I~;I~'l'~ f ~ ~? :;~~i;~~Itt ~~::I::t~ :,1,'';I~'~":'~ :; ~\~II.. u..,Io·r. IIII ,I uu·.111••·' d ll 'IIO I""'<'u-I"r .. ' I ll.' ,·. t" t, · II r Ih,· ''' It&t I IH·' ·ll ~I~ I. w menh' .1 will ""\II t" .IR,,,,·nt Wlj,II . lul .\' 1l,l rll llt,~ 1 tnl' r" " 'lh' h)' 1lI1"",It 'r t ~~ lI. ·. t "li t " r th " l· r" l utt .·t '"url ..' "'11I1I ' ·"ulIl)' . \" " . hl ll ll l " " Tl' rr ll ur)·.,Iu l ",j Ih , ' IU h ,IllY'" ~l ,, )' , 1....1.

1I~,~i~';~ : ~ ~~: !'~ ~~i : ~ ~~ rl'i~'~~:i,P') ~~!:I ~.i' ~;; ~~ :~\~l~:llo ~ ..... . ,-..I . IlIro' r' ·'l ulr...1 too l 'r•••-n t 11,1· ''' ' In t".

:i~~ ~; :l:~ 11',r;;I':;,"r"I~~·I.\· ~~:~r::'::~ t .:~III.~~ Itllll::l:··;.?i:,~~ ~...1 ••, " ,'UI ,,'. II. nr·" , ~I I I, I, " I hl~ ,.. . j ,h 'n ,·u In

t~~i:~~~ 'or\\~.~'~'~lu~t'II:I~. ~~ll l:;·;..~~llir·I~.I }" ~~' ~l·r lllu ......J.

pr ob uh le cud o f t b o ,,-11010 mnUorjt hnt tLo,>' IUII s1. R'0 with tho hufful o ~-=----=--==::=---==~

nud e ther wlld gRIUO whic h Iurui..htll lth e m "i tla th u 1Ill' 1\lJ 1l Co r eub ai...te uceIn t he lr uutlve Mlnlc ; R prnco "i whichlll~ beeu alowly lUL .uu ol)' g oi ng o n(rorn th ., ul'uiuniu ll. o f t he ccn tuct ,'1'he nohl., 1' (:, (UOIII nnd ~tul',,"n ll­

ItOUR o f S bW J',OIlII\' III , th o On l!itll1:fnud S l!uecnll o r ~l.." " Yor io , who Iur ­IIi IUIII th e ~r(ln ' wnerior », ()tRt o ,~

QLlll ,J uPl " ,>' h..Ru ll l'8 [1 '1 th o h er oes of

:~~~i~;~ ~~:I~"II" ~~o h:I~·~ t~~~;~e~1 : ~:I':?i :~(:" ili:~~~,oi :, tl!,o ~ll~~~r ~ntotl ll~D~i:'i tt~~~T ho th At RtlOlUpll. o r th o P~ ritnn ~ to H"....U hl~I.)I~I~~l l t\I ~~!i !:jl-,d omeet lca te t hem by eer vitu de WOl' t.1 ... . w . 1:l"01.t:, .\ lIl1 f1W )· r'lf 1;. 1.. 11.'. J)'IOn.. u neueceeet ul All would Im'fc beentho a ttolilpt to l ce to tl olDolft ic T R 'S S A LE.. ..u,lll."· lhe ,,11,1 UOO&t. of Iho (ur. ADMINIS RATO8itf4. Th o lIext. OXpOdUHHlt, " hit:h OF REAL E STATE ." nit t (.lellu cnto rm d C h rif4linui1.&th cUl,wn" nllondot1 with no holter M\J1.,'Celll'lju ntlor e " (Jf)· d ogfp(l o f c ultmo th uIfl\\,n l:p IIntl ll'6 pu·tlo mluRt ol!, ou \l ' tolIo ovtH'co me u,. n 10 '11' or ,'i liiil.' ·,wh ich bl.'Ro tt Ctl I~u l l d og m .lod themto n LCl\Fttly t'o llllition. 'Eba coh Cl f

~\~~' I.~~~~~l~,ti~~: ~111~J~'i t:II (\h~ oll~~~~l i lUHltl IlI'OCC'tlt uf eu ucn tit>n cnn 0 \'01'c lH\ lI ~o it Pi IInt u ro. hu t l ~u~1 .. to lin ·l1l11.. it " I,,"OCfl' llt i n POW&I' , t 1l0 ulli ·m" lo rmttll t o r wh ich is oJtiu('tio n ,The p roQ't'nit o n. ot ou r A u~lo ':; I1Xfl ll

rncn ..... e r u i\!I iQ'UOl'llll l, ali blu um'ou snud 118 ht'Rth en itlh R!I th o ·\.uw riCIIIlI nd inl1H. hil t nny Ul (l Or~' o f Il ltti UIIc ivili zl\ t io n bl,,,ell u l'un th eir d UH'nr ­ter DOlI hltJtol·)· th o oxpe rience nlHIeltperimouh o f cen t ur il!1I 111\1'(' pr o, '·od to be fl1l1nci o ull. Th oJ we!,e o f nd itTul' rnco a llli bnturo , with lbeinMtin ctiYo ele me ntll at .l roQT eo+ ~ nnd"J"ptnLilitr: W6re iruitUtI 'ft! nud rellll­it)· "ru nlgamnt ctl with tll eir ruol'('e n ligh le ne d cODq uerOI'II, Lccowi n Lr nbOlUoJ;{e neo u'l poop Ie . T ho wLi te­ho.\'o int orwnrri l)ll nu d e olmllit e tl williIhe I Ulli :\u!t up on th i!t co ntinent (o rcenturi es . hilt hnve lIover lUun lgnw u­ted : t he t wo rnces ,nre nll l1ilftin ct10·l1M' u lh(')· wel-c in th e boginuiuS i ~ •• _tbe pruJ:t'II\' o f these i n tu l'lnnfl'inge ~hn "e 10"'" \·ltn,tit,>·, nnd tho 1I101· tn li ong t twlII IS mu ch Arl'n lo l' tb nu 10eit he r 01 tll o lIumixell r nOOll, } ' i ft)·~'enl'" "'SO h"otl rt·lh or th o ) (In li u p'tnluil h,l!'1 of ) li c h ig l\ u . , r hu.:on"in nuu~lin ll e lJotn wor o hRlt·hreed'l , welleducn tud . ncco mpli . hcd , a n,1 OCI.'U­N 'i ng t ho high (,ltt Rocinl po !Sil ion.Th~ro nr e n -r)' ftlw of th ~ru o r th (:it·POPItori h' to Lo fo und tb tu'o 1I0 W .

AlhJlIl tlUl tim o o r lh o pA <4I1URe of Illeu OIH\t iou I"w 10 th u J;UUlllr:. in 01 0­(.Con , COlJgru of d onntetl I' lI('ct ion o(Iz,"tl to c ,'c r,. h n lC·brCE'tl cLilll o (I ud inn llnd whit o JlAleutngo ill Wis.tlo lllliu -inchhliu J: l ho nck uo ", l e t l ~ ('· tl

ohl hlro n o f J otT. V n,' ill, O tio . 'l \ "igg innd WRU \" o thc u , not Lurn in wt.'d·loc le Alm lll 3 ,000 1)I'o \'Otl " V tb,.il·a lnu nlJ. ch iod.,· t lll'l.luJ{h n ttl)rllll."ti whoUI)uuh t th em fo l' ,'c ry little . nud it isanto t o ..n~' th "t not ono of Ilr ~ olig i.URI tl 0 UC!J1I, o r lh o In·irHo( Ihl) M lllt' ,

i"l 1l0W in (lO'l .' '' ld i io n o f I' dou " ll\im or n cent 01 it lt procefllJ ". I~ i k e

1J.r f il l' tbe R l'l'!; ! (' r \Jro port io n ut tL uufProprintiuns mnl 0 ror th e bf?Deth J E.&- tO.. .u lbe I nllia nl!l , th~ p.ntip'i tur wb om ----- .--------It WOAiutonol. d r. ceh od lillie ot no SAM UEL KENN EY,ad "ftnt o'; 8 from it .

'fhe In,l i,m pbilnnlbropi. t , An,1 MER 0 H AN T T A I LOR,ref orm e N bR"e DU e l' ltuccfeJ e,l io SE.\TT LE. \r . T .impro"i ng their con llition ~n.u'teth ey hnvo net er con~iot e rt:-tl tb ~ir

peeu li r na ture Bnll lti l'lpotoit io D, bu tpr oceed ed up on Ib o Ih eo r)' th nt th e,.wore "overn oll hv the i lIIot iultand WQrc ,u nolluble to tbe .ame intlu­couct'" ,..b ieb " o" ero th e conthct o fIh o \~b it 08 . 1 'h o c1e8cen ,lnn tHof H llmwore u rou J(ht to the b igh et t d eJ{rnof ch ili zo.tio n to wb icb nuy of therace lml1 ncr nt ta ined th rougb lhcir

~1~:U~::r;\:~\~'i i~r:~i~~I~~I~'e ~:::: BELLINGHAM BAY COAL CO,by th eir O'''n nch ie' ·eluent... . hUlth rou gh lIl e ad vRnce in ci vilizntion .

~: ~~i, ~~;i'!~ic~·h iJ~' ih~e'X~,:~:ic~t~ GENE RAL MERCHAN DISE,I ndioll. nre 0 IJpo-lUn>' he .u uju. SO h OIllC, \\'. T."Bte d, b u t th ey e R n Devcr ho Oh In.v- _ed 0< Auuj.clod to the ro"mint , e( AI\ E ST IL L O~'I'Em~Gour b ighor civ iliZrlt io n with ou l c ruMh.inll oUllboir monhood. which weuld EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTSmak e l hom p o.up crtc and vA~nhofHlf1.

::~~~nn~o ):~:I~~~~ II~?iJl~:~:~~ t h~~i;(aota our t " llinn POHC.)"lRM,lrOIll Iho;~ll~i:~II:~I~I(~ CA r. f. }: .\ltL\~E DAnOA1Nso f Ih fHI n od mill io ns o f t rfll u8uro, nlltlbenofitt ing non o b ut th e hUllIRI1 ,'ul ­t ur o. who f" Uen u pon. th o IJpoill!l U("nr nn ,1 t he IUlfTo ri ng'Ro t th o poop le ,in lh o pon istont nud futil o un'u rt torev orflo nnt ure bv Innklu" wb it l) IUOUou t 01 I llllin llll, . U nl il t lio U ov (lr u­mou l t r ealJ them B8 n n n1it:ln r Rce,"hoso pre judices nnd cu" tom!t it illhou nd to re llpeot and whose rightaAI th o ori Wbl\ l )JOtIIIOltI Ora of tho lo ili t. ill n Mor od tluty to protec1. aga insttbe rJ\p lloih ' ot ou r o wII cit izenl , \,.itbliberty to on Joy thoir own . ooin. l cu s ­to ms a nd relfRioDS ri lell, hoMi ngth em in Lbo lDtlan Hmo I tri etl y nIU Q'Dablo to ou r lB\\". lo r th e p lot ect ioo

~f1J\:r::~lfti:~ ~Orerl .)· ·ot~l (,~~rtifrth!t~la. t of t bo raCll lUlIl ~en eEterwinll.t­ed fro Ul 'he fnoe 0 1 tb e onrth.

T he In d lllD P r o bl em .

lIr . Ca , l ..S a b u rz ,a u llt fJ Ur 11 1 5~ luell

01 a rolionnl IlId lnn (IolicJ In tb e:'-or th Arnericnu Hoview 118 roll ow8:

I . The ",re.' lu l d l\oger IlllRlflni( ovur theInd l. n ' toce nrlll<e ' Irllm Ih e fRCI lhl t . ,,·!tll

~~~~~ ~:rat:h·~;~ \tl~:b~\!~~:~ltll~:~·~~~1 tl~lhe WRy o r whttl f, COII)( 110 1l1,. Cll ll tld "thede"elopem enl o f 'lif cuunlry."

2, .'- r.llnn.1 Indian IlOlIc)- wlll mako ItII' pr lnclplli poli cy 10 av~rl IhlllllQng t trrom the rt'd m on by doln~ Ifhll wl :1 lk:mo,l beoeltd ullo them, a. well lu the

~~o~.~:,P I~c~~:~I~o'. ~~t1bi~lt~~:~t~~1Ih' l ad laa ' wllb lbI 10 tlu elup'IQloi orIbe c oua t ry."

a . To . ccompllllh lhl. obJ« 1 It I. o fpr....lo&' necr u lty 106ft Ihe 1011 I, nl 10work, to t llUCAle tbelr )'0\1111 of lJnch lex.

i:~dl.Owi~'~~~e I:;;I.~ ~iQi~t1fvi~~~t~:n~·r~~~1~3~~I:~,:~n~~::~~I:oU~:II::r:~r ·t ~:I~1. 011 wblcb Ih ey d o Dol need for C'U III.... .

~~Iti~~~·~~l,eb~~~Ii~~i:t"a~a~~t~I~~~n~eOlnpuo "llo n. lhu. op" olOI II to ae Pfn lMlltl ' ad ealerprh o.

T he poli cy he ,o OUIUDe<! la ap l 10 bolook ed upon wllh dllf""ur by 1"' 0 CI Ol~k'

~~hrt~~~~~be ~l~iy:~~bt~d~a~hl'': d~:dIn di an. " aad w ho de noUnce n ery ' tlcug.Dill on or tbe In tlll\n ', r lgll'" on r)'du.l re to pro mo, o hi' .....nncemeolla cl\·-

~~~~:f,:rt: .:~k~"a~c~:~I;~e~tf l ~"II:~111~~pit .. wbo, In lhel' l re.lmfnl o f Ihe l ndhl nq ue. 'l ou , 1'1"1 no ' t'P N 10 Il1rrounllingolrcumtt ance. . Ilnd I U'pee l n er)' r oll c)"co nlempl..lla g a !'t'dUCUO D of Ihl hldh,a" "rVAUon. of beln, II IChl:me or l r,01l1i9lIoa aad robberbKone n u ~ "1 ' 1lecu .. tor.

ila~~:~~n~~~~~ I~";;~~. t il ll~ul :r:l~oc~ond, lbe, do not 'b elnllleivu bellnl. IfIbey an t Ma l lb lo. Ihat I" oal}··n.... )'l'lrlbenrlO 01111100 ' of acr es or ""Iu"bl" landwill In aDY r"" or Ule country I tIII bl

;;rolq~~::I~n· 1.. ~~~~~I~eUt~ ~rll fh fJgl~Ii'.d:~. ,. 10 lwrnpolled 10 Ihe 1111.0l or of hOll llecollillo o. lad or belag ro bbed of 1Il1'Ir

~n~ l:d~:.d~.D~~~~~rw~:~I~~t'tb~e:~~La to ll ihal "blC:~, III lon~ .. Ibey kt'tol)II,

~.~~.~v~~~~Kep~~lan~l~fi It~lr :,~c~:coml"'a..UoQ will be of . real ad Yallt.i''0 \beoIM1v" .od lhe lr wblt e nelahbunaUb . No l ru e f' lend o f lbe ln lB.n willbn llale to cboole lbe 1. 1101' Une of ptlllt'"U oal InInllr" A('CON wllh rulNllnllalJUllico . bumnlJUy. lhl cl..mullan . nJ".U.tII.' ' he red mea. a nd lbe I t ne tlllalft rata of lbe ouunlr7 .

Wuh1qton T erritory,

B4TttJWU , J tiL y 2S, 1881.

za ~s... u _

THI I'D..",.,.,. <ootlooOl to 1m·pro,• • And , CODlhleriDK tb e cu.r 01 bl. lol uri.., I. ,loln l1Idmi... uly, Tb lo ill tho ."hotallee 01abe &elegrapb io ne w. ecaceml eg th e.... up to Ibe bour 01 lloioll topn...

l'UGET SOUND MAIL. ~~ r~r;~~I\~~ 1~lf~ Ch'~I: I~~I :~~·~\~I~'r 1~1~~=============:I C;~iU~:~,:r~'.'.~~ti" :I~o ~~~~: ,~,~~~ro ;h~l~ ':~"~

wRler II,.... .·,e,1i wuter hkc. almUDtl nil

===========:0._-:: ,(;itet~~,,~~~r~~~~~ 1 nl~~r,~~~~~~ rwiN~c:~.'~MII".ol P us el &lund , wh ich cu" en I'I n. rt .. of enU) -one lillie•• with "I nlol' nn tl' ­' bum. blo IImpl,1 Willen. I."k o Ch~IM'. Iny'lII" trn \'t' llA h ln. lo n, 1... llllar,,('r ; " w l~ rtlla ll.o III thu mid t o r th e 1,ll ln ' , lu 1111 IIIIM~cleh nf roc k, wht cb lWt'ma I II Illu 'e openedfSI " " . " 10 tt'('e lyo the waters , Th ,ruck,. _""II• • tand hund red. of t eet I.f .ll:hIn . hno. ' pt'rpt: ftdlcul ar dl recucn• • ntl tnel ~nK'th o f tha IAlto I" t h irty mir es. T he... . h.." an clear , bdllu tUu l and c all1l, anti

~I~i; ,~~~qth~ l:i,:1.' ~~:i ~~:~~ 1:\'I~ :;\~I:~:~~Ib i. ma rnloull em hlUlll nl' . put. ~li n ('r,, 1I. "'H , alk a lin e anll . ulphu ou l, I I I It)poU" ' renllu k l llif curfll\"'e pro pertl e .ar e alto Ie uud . ~I ed l~d 1..1c". .. IMiCl!bf>dy, It ngu ilibed rQr III. Mro lill .Ik",

~~li l l~:o~~f.'J 1:1~~;n~i.:"r~~o~l: ;~t~lr ~n';:fl~~i~~~~5' ~,J 1i.:.~I~~~I~~:~~, i'l~%n~i ~r~~, "nltLtll~~~f.:~~I~~~l\in~u~~~;,. , ·I~~~I~il rll~~~tI~I'~I~th er Ihe limo nnr Ihe ' paCt> 10 d"II"rlhc.T he O('CAn, ,ou nd, rlvelll fInd luke. Are

CITI. I ", Aaa..... uu You blVe an,d llie fre(l lll' llleti by m)'rll\d. o r fo wl 10 ~,,"on ,

~",. ca ltlael and alar NUleI••mlllu.,,1 ~~~, .1~ 1 ~~~I~I~~ ,~·II~~t'fJ~~~~~~I~.~~I~;c~ , :~ ~=·~~~:id~U;~o~~~ea:~:;"'n~~"~~::I~II; cod. llallblll, tlnu n cJt fll. aturgelJu. Amell .

aad Cooklloc l, m, COIl' plClt IJfp ew, ~rc~:~~h c~r"'~t',~i; 0 ~~r~~ n3~;~ ~~~ ~W~brou.bltbe pll oeta In leM ' 10 1\)«1 while lhou t" nll dollan " 'flrt h III protSucl"l1 nn nll­laoUIt , obla la ect a (Iu. rle r o r a million girl " 11,, }' rtecn h Ulltt ro.t bOftltl nrt't.'n ,l(IHlr d

~o:r:s~'Qra;I~I:: '~~ [,~:~df~I'.;n~I." '~~I i~~ ~~~nfr. 1~I~e "~: ~ ~~n~J~ :~~O~:~~ll,~' h ~~m~l~ ~~~aame or Zion 1 uQ . .., d Zion .I.l mon th ' c hlt' t"· u nne d iii Ih o Inrge nu d 01l1llerllU'.. Ibe lOnlb! tor quo, 10" threo col uma . of c' l" b11. h mcn u for lhtl pu rp ll 0 on Ihothe blbl' be ror. ' be r" I, lon, 10 ..... e ' ....lIr. Tho) grow 10" mOIl 'l fflU ~ . lle , A'Woodhull h um tJeeebe q de"l ftred un · Ilftf,,:r Ur tn-d 'ly rcrer . 10 on... "lrMn wh icheould mind . tb oul bt bar mlfM b1 Ihe wel,(he tSo l~hly and " of ·balr pllund ; ni no·

~u'r'i~~;.1 ':iir;~~' a~'ep~o b~)'n:e::icC:: '.!:I:l~l ~f~ll~~ itlr~~~t ~':efJr ~3Ik~~I~ O~:l::~~:-aa:~D":JE(~~~~lf:~~i~e;'~li"~d . ~~~":~ t':,:.l z oT~:~~:;ll~' ~~lr~I:i " :ilr~un~~,~i:ln~t~ i.

I" ,. worth "·Ir . (,"Ujfhl lind , "ltt d ll rlnjllhe prt'f.'n' veIn IU " nd Denr OI)'lI1f1ll'1 a re IM loCe nnd fuund pclncll,.lIy InOr.y ·. Ifarbor. fo ll1l1neo e (11I8nlll l<,,, .Of cla m. Ihfr c lue .e'f e ra l v!'rietl elil . sn\lln. nd I. rl{e. lIome welghlnr len or l',·l.'I"epoumh "piece . Th ere are .I, Qothe r . hell

~:~'o,~~~ ' 1r~~I~~' c':ntoriJegt~~~~ r~I:IY:::;fon.l . " nd Ilt Rlrh·• .

In Wdler n Will hlngton Ihere to re l4e 'r CD10 It n mlll loD" 01 ncrf!. of 111 0,1 " 'hleli cn nbe u llll ' ed lor a..;rleuhu rtl\ anti grlt.zlnl;

~)I~~~~~~:;n, I;~11.unvJ": 1 1::b~~u11~11~d ~~ l ~~!l fi rlll~~

~~:let1~~~ht!: 'il ~~il~~~~·~~~~pr?,~~ri~.I);~I :lIyalell. such cr np'" of hol' . )Cr"ln . \ '('" I'l n­bJ~s . !luI''' ' IIi\x And rrult lU ( hU t! ne" Nhr lu re . ccn. Thtre III 11 0 belttlr coun l r)'for Krnzlng an d dal r)" pllrp 'l u. Auabunrlln cf'l Or frt', h, pur., water. ~hlldt' fln,1


~:I~.~ll l;:::I~I:t: a~~I ~o::~ln~:tI~~~~ f:L~~-fur no .... mUcb o f Ili ll In I' n lllll",1 wlhl .. r.neM. Lei no Ol"n mlt l"Ko me, Inr II willf\·t.t ulre lAbor. cnllfll/ol'U1'1111 11l1"lII j(ClIH' t1 II'lulltS uo nal uml trro w, h anti 10 lit Ihe CHun,try :or cu m forln ble re,l tlonru, Ctl r ll will

~~~I ~~dr: ill~ .1~~~·llIlh~OI~I~:~:1 ~~~n ~I (l~~I :101 ,

0090W08 NaWI.LL detene. 'm u cb....dll for the d .ep Inta re.l be I.IIllelfHUng ID be bAlf 01 our Terri lo·ry, II ..Id.nced by th e frequentlattan lrom hie pao " hleh 'ppo. r InJ:aaWrn paJ>ln , deecripU ve 01 lb .NeoUfaft of our as pirin g youn goolllmon"llIlth. Th e 10140. 1 of tb..ellatamenta "a lind 10 tb e ~(onmoutu

Inqlllrer, pllbU.b.d II Fro ehoM, :i.I " tb. former home o f tbo O Ofor·nor. II ill I TefY .10ba rRle andtrnlhful nhlbll , Ind .how. thotOoe. N."ell baa devot od mucb tim e10 Ihe eludy of lh e atlrRelioD' ondadvutall" 01 tue Terri tory overwhich h. p....ld.. " ilh mark ed g roeeI nd dignity. Tbe foll owing Ie onutnel lrom tbe lelu.r roferr eol10 :

Wublal&oD Terr llorr bo rden on Orlt l' b

~~~htnr~a':b~~onno~~..~~~foi~~'rtl:~, ~I~~and lb. 10" , .. 111" parall el or IlItilu de j 11

~do~1 l~~·b~.~l~ l~n,~'I. ::;~~~ etbouMatllMl,Ulrl wll.s, lJ:1..k IWrOrll .nTmllllone or " r'll--Io area eq~~ In nl.nlkt Ih. 81al. or N. ... Y.rk and an Ibe Now

::-~~~:J1::,e:.~c;::~n'f():~lbl: itaA:r:'~e Cue.demOd ulale• • wblcb run DC. rlyaortb and Molh. aDd d l, ld . Ih_ T t rrll ClI ),

;:',':bl~~na::alo::-~ llrcDrd e:I~~ I °fr~on~n eb olber 10 pl,'l eal r barael er l. tfc. an tieUID"-, aDd larrel, lo prod uclloul . Tbo'W.., eonl. ln. olouotalo, . rOrel la. "' I~r.

... ml"raJ.. a1ln"I.1 bollom. , rich lou.h aoel1bllt ,ruln, anti a,..rfeuh ura ll .ndl .n... .u.1 be "'ehe or dr lH o million. orac y, lIo'lll' . nd I'!'d aN. cedlln ...pi Id" , 'pruc. , p iDe and olhe r va r l·..... at fora& 'reel, U tl mDek of II l uehIIID~r u I. DOl to be lould f Jse,.,llere ;lhe8, ..d cedv.. apechan , arv of enanoou.1 &'10' u d arow tb . Tb a raf: of Ibe ruJl

=lIo~~:=~::-:O~O~~l~:.' .Dn~ l:an;~~ilMm a,. meuured for rour :een r..L AIrt••d but Inrorma m. lhl" he hal cu i" ,OOD tee' of lumtwr l rona a .10.le IrN .

l~~:;':;~:: ~~f~~~~,d::lr~~~..bleb lMUlU" . lxly.fuur ti el rour Inch ­• 1. cln: am r.,.r.ce. T wo bun dre d mill ......r r,..1 o' lumbe r _ eft' . blpped d ur otal lb. .... ,nt l~ ' b. marke l. o f Ihlworld . Celli d fpD, It.. n l. l In la~

:t::~ ~~~~I:~{ ~:I~~~I·~~~t:P::~Bo" ..d bui ll tHlSns uolll rl. ld _lib an lbra­elM. bllumlnous anti cullo O1alr. lol coa l.

:.:.:a~:~~..~la.":. :I;";:.,k~lb:aS~~f;lI'ul'J'IOned 10 lb o mark ell or 1M lSaclftc ,aot1 art readU, .....Uabl . ror moiaurloCt ur.lo. II-rpo.g. Tbue mloM are . Iread,

bf:-':~ ~I,.lo~I~:Q~.~ I~:v~~::':

:~a.,-;:~':'-::::11~,~1.b;~..:~ei:~e:~abIInd.nce, .ad .evenl fou ndr l" aa dOU.., Iroa worka are In 'lI cceuful ope,a·

~:Pled~: J::~:u;a~~Q:orC&~'~ :i~'00ld••1I..r, copper. cloolbar, 1.... plum-

~n~~n.~~i:a~ado~~it:: t~~;lIM _oM Yalulble or tbeJO "m, 10lim e,be ' . .....1, deTtl o(led. Marble. f.l'anl'••=...~~m=:i' a1l~ v:~eU;:&::~:."lp a ~:::ber: r~~l:~: oTer~l:ZYUtae- . Th. noMa sbo"" collitala , all.... buiKJ ,. aod Illleti of lbe Pac lno coal.f lb. Ualled 8Ia&H eoulb".rd. exceptlIM t.7 . r au 'naeleat......rta. thl 00-

~:::'':~~.~7a::u'::-::,~ii• f .~kb .. Ude ---Ipe~ ,be 10-

::o:.~=:r~:"~ ua~~~"~W·.t~=10 _"..... _ ... b.... bM.r:-= .., abDDd.... ,.lItoIu dot., KDrt'OlLLlL OOXIrU:JITlI .

••::: ~:::-~...~~-Ww::: Tb. Iudia n ]lro Llem baa beeD 0 00.....,..: u4 -.all ,,_~ are CIO'n.Nd 0' the leadiDf Il uos ti ooa In th is co uo-__ 01 II'l' from ill ....1 ... lIlomonl till lbe~httUJIL'~;: ,.= ta:e:-ft~; prMeO' time , aDd though th o .blNt

=-o:m~~~~Ift-:i ~~l=~eha~~d~~tede':h~~rob:.~:-~::~4~': I:'~'~ abi lity t,) ita lov_tiga tioo a nd db ......., IiNrkory ou... lat d I euooiou, it is apparel.atl, no nea rer a.....,........~~ r;~,;i:.: .alation DOW tbaD it tr.. "bOD th e...,... .,.~vl.. obeuQC't re.~ . '.0noM were tint bro ug:bttogetbe r.... ...............rnl .e,... 100the _10. eo il aad the 1A0it.=:7':""":'a~:'::':'I, .:': Ihough~ul bave ";m! to repnllhe_ 1ft ....... _ . _ 01"1" . IS'ladioA 01 Ihl lDWaD .... II tba

Ta.uw ..wn ft . A " .UUlU f . The Irre ­p....lbl. In d ecc. Dlrio Googe F rln·oJa T ralo , pJ>lon to he Incnpnl>le e l""IDILI ..riOUITI. .. 01 anythlnll­1101 aUD 01 Ibe alu.mple<1 .......inn·""0. Tha oth.r d.y be tenderOlI hi,Hnlc.... couD. el to d e toud Guit ­..... UpoD the follo"ln ll po.tal en,, 1I dd..uad In enro 01 m atriel Atto roeyCorkhill .

Page 3: THE PUGET SOUND MATL~ · NO. ". I II i& ber brlahl Llon,h' la.I, lato 10" c·u ).. Lout h.r.hOlllder . '.~'~I'i~ ·IUDt~~ ~~I?~l:l o~r'~:alldt:lIoo~ Ml·••ul ~t til tbo blt.l

S . DAXTDR &. CO"Henlt lo, W. T,

1)C'tlIOrH10 nnc11~ x})ort.era at





WOOL, HIDlS AND FURl,"' tl t whlch we pRy the h1 at l ell~ Valllt Prlttl

J' ICtlIO lINul tor l'r1eo 1.11111

D McD ON OUGH, P roprietor.

Hol b l\ wenh for Lbo

.'.\ 111 () IlfH'm ,II 1I0 l 'llnON 1\'1II 8K l'

All 01 wh lcb "'0 o rrer 10 lbo 1,,,,10

At Ba n F rancl. oc Price••

Watches. OloeD. andJE"\VELRY.



JJtt't1I1Tf In 0 '






4:W4 C;ORTEI ,(Fidolgo hla..d ,1 W. T.

J n m III ('IIII. II\u t IC t tl p~ IIII~cl


NEW 00008( olulltlln~ 111 Ilflrlo t :"' 1111,11l uud "'IIoII Cy

I), y ( It,.,th tlf 1111 k lntl ll ~ I I II ·. no ll Iwy. 'l lull llnfJ 1\1111 fJt'fll lt l 'u rn lllhloR' f1n,"l1 l

~~: ~~': I ,~;:t · ~ J l ; ll ~u d~~ I :~'i.~ l ll i~~~t_ .H~ ::~~~IUIII ZOOll lll" nt Itf All killti. lIu.1 .Ite• •S Ulllll' l lIt " ll ld IltJ"111" rd, . a ll a n,1l: u t ltlry .h Ull AIlII :oi1,1I" I (J Il 'W" nr .. nll t! Crot:kuYIUr ll){. lulil 1'1I1l.;lJl 11t:tl ld ll t lt.

A.Dd Mallca' .......m ••' • •WATO HES AND n:1VELRY

C.,.lu U, Rop ll1 n ,1 .nd War raDled.

A• no \nl A N & CO.,D U1 IRa I !'I

Senttle, W. T.8\0'0 on Ocold.D lai II<IU".,

t 'fcl ' rtolll ti"",t IIl1 nd" I II I'oll"uill . nll!'4 \ ~ I H.\ S ( I-' l fl t il l ( ...h, Bud wil l..' 11 n ~ ( lit nfllilt li n.' ( 11C:IlP~ ll t

'fu " II fl'l rl l{H(rolll n d l. ' ltnc:o t wlll KI,.a", lId ,,1 h:Utll, Ih llt " III Jill) them fur(' I Inhlll

I r hrr y A r,,' 1 1111 0 fir ,,11 ~uotl. 11111 1111,hOI t In n 1- lrat d"lIlI ( ulill t r 7 ~ t tJ r tl

• It 1111 \\ lu I I I/H O 1Il " II ~ l I U II I" 1111r Wfllllt1" " ) - I ' I t;lI . t ll l \ l ll ll (l (' n 1 11 1111 ( j: lI " rn ulentl mt ) " U \\ 111 I t l ~'fl . .. I1...11ed ~ Il b ) oorIIb1Kuh".

Or l.loll .o llc lt cd I Slltl, fQC t loo Wllulntoell ,

WA1>DI~LL ... Mr L ES,

. Bonllle , W. T

_ ___ WM. MONKS,


WAit J:CllUlI :oiS 01 oil Jo ocripllon• •

'1'11 1: J, U)I )I I s'r o n E.\l tho 1110 lt ll uf tlll,! :\U C,bllf k U1"ver .

~Auon lH 10' 11,0 ctl ol,rn tedHUI' J:IIIO II HTO\"I:S , th o LCKt tbo '1ft »o ld on t bo l'ncUIlJConl t .

C.\ 141J tlnd oXlm lne lb . cele b rated'\' oo I1.lJurn i lig

RANOU, CODKIHOa. HUTINO STOVEI'lIn , .J.. pnn." '" :t' u r l, h,.1 "'are

P UJ\[ P8 .II'IIIII'llte, Jlrll ss (1111111H, &C.

H Ull tl. InrHe " rul ('hulen l\8sorlrnon l o l

0I:~ 1 : 1 , ,\f, )/l:nCII ,\ :oiDlHlJCo,.,. tulllI, on lln nll, \\ hiuh will

h,l ,Hlld to customorH nt th o 10" oILpr UCH

\\n;;r ~i~lt,~ C~~(ltl(~:t ll:l~~lIn}~~~~d~f;l:roMu IIR tn' D of c h Rrgo


n lI ol e Jlul e B tl d It elllil Deale r_,.

On nil t f . nnllupWllfth In thon lJu\ . lint u t UUlltl... l " 111 t"k o

10 ' · f' r CI' .. t . on l ur t.:. _h.

J u l) 2 -.)"1'



Ju',, :.-JIwo


FOR BALD.One 2d-band DuokllYo H aneller

and Selt ·rako Reaper ; GDd .110000:zd·ha lld Ducker' M ownr .

ODO 2<\·bond Hcbullor W"l!OU,ODe apGn Hon u, .P.l, pu,•. blo odoJ 1le'kohlre Pill • .TorlDe ...y. Apl'l , 10-

I . ... O. OACH~:8 .

:_-- -- -- --- -=- ~ - ----

------_ ._ -_.-



}o'ur Cahtoguo lIddrellll

A . J ANOt:n80N A. M , P II KI IU I':l'lT.

MEA'lvrLE, W. T.


STEAMER J. B. LIBBEY,c..\pr T UO:; Blt \ XS O:i , 11 tcr.

C,UUI ".:H~ T il l : ", H. !tI4"'"

1.('4\(-. Kfonttlo on rrlll ",. H to r L uConnrr, nnd w"1 p orlH, roturn\ og OP~t\t u rdn , "

I. t ,\"';,, S c"tt fo :\lon.1R~ ' f"r JACo nllor , Sul1owo nn,l ",ay vo r la, fUll)

ret u rn .


Ih~Owr.i l n~~;:WI:helt·tlt::~U:~tl~~tP~n' I~l~hOtUCl at ltne of tllO'lu lelelt a nd lie8t kep tha lel, In the Terrlt «ory

1' 0 1.lqllORA HOL D

r::~t~~h lntl ,:ci:; .r:;.::'rt..C~ ~II I~I:~~ot~l~~eep tbo ' able "lJr pllcd ",!t h tho iiI:'" Ihenl .,ket eln a(fo,d. nod I u IK."Q Ib d thelood I. cuo ked a ll d IM' rYOdlC!eun,1 10 DUothe r hon N In th o T llrrlluly. A Ilrl l:rel lUn IC room for th Cl accom mod ation nflJueatl •

Co l1f'g'tl Cou r"e, HClcn hli oJ'Conn o.S oruml COUl1l0, Plld <":olnmerehll

e OU l lI O\( ' n I' ro tell01l "nd Sptrlltl T e. rl ultlIJUlH\lIn l{ IIUlltlC 011 tli u ~lUu rlll. 1 11 cblu g('ti t 31r U U Will il

T he UlllvCl rlllly ytRl ron l l ~t . n' tll, r . I t:lrnbc~ I II D lng o n th o tint W td ll "lf.h~1 ' lJr


JOH:-l llt{}Ll:oiN1- - - -

Jun to I IOW"'- _

1'10 " .c;r."arU.. wbo hu t' p" ltl .~ W pcr aere

lor lan d. ,ulrf'ON'II to 'uue 1J"'t:n ",lIh ln ., .Urna ., ~rllll ' a re en tl Utld 10 a re funl l u lune h" lf th o "II IUIIIII

I 'li n nnw ~fllle( IIp<< th p 0 d nln..rartlea In hl .. nd, " no hn n,h l. IIr WhllcomCu uIltiU " III do n' ,,11 In cull n n 'bit

J . ,\ OJl.LI ~AXU.

lVO C I~~h~I'f4:.f.r,~~f.-:~ICi:' ,~~ I'ur-1'. H n h lrl d I....nel o m('lI. U1)'tnllla, "' . TNuUr" I. " fo rntly . Iv"" Ihal 111 ro "' I.lhoneu

willi l it , "'''1\11. 1111I. 11" 1,, \ c t ul • " Il lt~ • • "I I..1'!"lv('oI1 Ju nll ll, 11I'TN ' IltlU"f\ " '\11.\ 1'1 , .. , 1111'... l fO ul Th"'''' r 1."'111. III lIl " "(f. r• • fI' (; lilt",...~::r ~~,. ~~~';.\'tW l~ A~:~~ 1~:"I,',~U Ift\ r. ~~~~~ ;ru unty, " ....h ln• •uu 1I,m t" r,.. h ... Ih l. ,IllY

m:~I~ ::I ::r"~"Jl~i ~~::~~'~~I ,Ii:I ;~ T'~~~\t'lli~~"'r:::' ~~r' t: rt\~" It.. So 4 hu t ctl th ll

t h~r~.'::~:.::::I I::.'t\ 1; 1~~r~;~~~ ~'.:.!:;" ,~lli~.",::~ r.,~... h.rt' l~ r~\III """II(,- ~t" Ih ' Ir ( It. l mll l n l hl ..

:I)r;~~~~~. :I~~I~i :~nr:~ .:i:~J;:~t:~f~~~~~.\ lJ , lMI

J T.DHO WS, 1Cl-.I,t(Or)1 0 " 7-10",

Notice of Applic ation 10 Pur·chase Timbe r L a nd

C S I J!IO lr lc l l llhll Ollh t'.( )I) lIll lln, '\ r~ .. tl ... 1"1\ , ,.. 10) IIh " . l lilli . I II ' '101 1 II In .

~lI h Ih . loro'I I..I"n I I h r , . 1 .. r I "'lItr'. ~KI I 1'0 " . I h ill ' I l or. 1\1111. ,1 '\It \ . 1 t ,rII , . .. 11.. .. 1 l i m it" l ..ul l lIl t h, ...' 0110.. .. ' • • 11

~~r:~l~nr.'· : "'r; ;: i~ i~ ,~v '~I : 'i l ~':: ~, ,\~ \\ 111.1.:;~ : :;~n::1.rH,·,~'t:':.III~:'.tl l;N~ ~t.~rN;:[li: ,~I :~: l '.I.I~" t : ~~~Ih' ~I l. , r .. ~ 1 1"n SOl 'Jr, 111 1" "' '' _" 11' II~I '~~ l l ,~Hll1 ' s " I • I~ I u f I h l! \\ Uhu ll ' II'

~1':!:;:~ 'r~~rt ,;.I~~::(r~?:,;I~II':I~~ll :li~I~Hi:J~::r£;~ft~~'I~'';".Ilr:~~ 1· lr~ Illl l '.I I I :!:~i" ~~ifl ~: ld l\:~~~, rUi:,OI\III I' l a," T ,thf, I h r 1..1,b l ) ..1'1111" \ I I

,::-:-:::c::-:===--=:-::::~- I I "" I

:oiOTICE OF ~lSAL r noor .t· lot 1.\ !'f ll lJ r r U I'(A T OI Yl U I \ \\ T .

Jul) -III I. 'N.. II{'f' I_ h" ITb) _ltf'1I Ihlll Un " KlI h ull"

I" lr ll, I ltn In II III I lu..- n l. d """, t' " t I lI h n lt n n

~;i~'p~, ~I~I~:: ,~~~~ ;~t\t\:"~IIII~i.~ :~ I~:I; :~.~~~)~ ~ : I:;}':Illt t) dl ') " t ' 111(11_' ,' I)I.-I..tIl II ,, ", d"'I ~1

~~Ji :,I: II~'II~'.f.\.~x··~::1:, :~ ~;d~II'I: I~:~1i.!!lt~:I:1Th"mm, I' J, nkltl. J 11111 \ (rl h l " ..h " n I I Itt hi" IIInrkhlln n n il " t ' IU' Ill '" l .. h" lOl \\ h ul '("tl ln l,.:uu n ly , " T J

J Il' y 1'1....\""

T il t: trAil . ' ."IIJ r.1"W~ICl l':

". '"Tn t ), 'fI.IH" . Il l ..,......llllhlll'"'tllr. ·111" 11111 ' . 1111 U IU l"I.'" . nul,.'.....) ( 1111' '''' 111 t':

f~'~~ I~~~"I~lrt1;::I;f.'~An "fI:~· (r: ~"':~llll r~ ';~,~W~~\I{':,~t'tI:~ 11111111) IIr ln lllri r h tl fl u t. ' h u l

LOCAL ~EW8 AND COMMENTS.:::-:=-=- '~3"1 ~~==== ::- --=====-

ofO~uT::~~:~~lon~~:ti:I~OI~ u~:::~~~~cer or th o 13t b hl al re utnrk.. : II ~f r.

A. w. Ullah , th o newly np polnt edCollector of C UMt ORU , ncco m jJlllHl'tlby 1.I1s wlte, bro ther 811\1 E ,\ Ley.meu, ureived lu HE!uttlu Insl even tng,OD hi" W l\~ to Port Tc wneeud , "heroh e will at o nco tek u cb argo or th ooffil.:o . II IH hroth ur, C lJ DnHll nnd:'tlr I..eymnu 1\111 bot h be RlvonclorkltbllJlI in tho CUl lom HO ~I "oOther ch nn llo,ll will ho mnd o, bu tcnuuo t J et be nnn cunced . Mr. DothI" nbout fort y) ORrIl old And 11M thenpp cnmn ce uf bolng a th orou gh bu ..11 0111' tuun Ho \\111110 doubt, tuuke''11 nccf'pt uLJlo Co llec tor 10

IT IIIpr6tt~ d etlnltel) l ottlot1 n o"tha t th o 1( I\lUI/\ " Colony \t1l1 IO(' Rl l'

in th l" county , 00 And nrlJoitHll1f tile01 J ru pln IDRI Mh, \titll th eir IUIi'Hl II' '''poiut 011 Sn rullth Ielnud 01 peu in su leI'h l'l Colo ll~ I it I'" "nill. hRHR foll o w.tug ot ec veru l hu ndr ed "trollRi butCH n If n hundred tn mill es or themlocat e l\t nm ",h en point i ll tllilflaca ht , \ \ 0 blud l be welt pl en (1(1.Th e m o ro th o merrier nnd th e be tte r101 tli"1I Gnd RII , concer ned ,tor th o) hur e nn e b undun t ti ~ ltl (010IHHf\t1an \\'0 wlsb th em all pc eal­b 0 "t1CCO-'d 6n ll pr ospe rt ty .

Tn r. II n TP;D 'I~:~r - At t ho Ea "t ,nu u nu' IIII, cold , hneL:"uti "PUll""o tl euuuu e r liM been s ucced ed b~

Inteu eo he nt, T he martoh t~ record slif o uo week In C incin na ti, "ho \\ " 60

A)o~ ~~r:~ ~~t~.~~:bil~ i1~~~~~~~oo fl~:~:uu ulo ni"lil nll U'I tlJflt th o rutuh tl cntlv lIot forw ,. III tho II ro,:i "ed c et ltl OU"Ii"", not nfl'~cte, l th e atwasllhorlc con:1111011"of thlll ,," orltJ.

)) 1I 0TOO~~0 n p r l" ~or b UlliuO"i4 , :\Ir J ud kll1f1 could nottake bill tlont lnJ.t "RlIcry to l' l tlnlg oJ l~s t 'l ICk. n" annQun ced . li e lin"IIOW chQ II~fJd hi" r nic u in h o llll Rhout"OUl"north H u \\ III tnIL e in tllllHkn~l l fin t , to ",h ldl pl M O h e \O.allrOIUO\ O tOo ll l" . )I r J IIlU" n lof 1m..g h (In pcrftj( t Hnllll fl LC llO IJ 10 LI!'!hu euf " ork d u rlns.: h i S b\ ,) 1II0 n l i i 110·

JOlllll fi t I. n Con ncl , nlltt \\ 0 fo hnl lnh\ U.\8 ho g lntl to lI u t e h UI ro tul n .

Tll r. c ll c~f-t h; m '~I. nh n1\\hl:cRhl on tho II tl ~ l", " 1 110 1I01l.bind ing runper nno " ton111 tl l rCl III",r

__" 111 I QU)I replnco UJ flI ll , ..av ll III n (owwook" tbl.. '''111 Lo thn lm'u tlll "Un ·collu,ol JI ,t,icl l" oLoLI, I.. ILo'1·orrlto..,. .

'I'm :\1Ann:TTA li~ rn , :\t n Co ol••

!, rUp l w to r , wh ic h hR!t hut' II cl o"o,1o r Ih o Ill,..t J OIU I ii' RRRII1 O pO Il f..r

th o r ecepl lon at gu eltta

~ln " ' II L h )1 TI SkIlUI , n youngg'm Jualo of Ann Ar bo r. M ICIIl RRU,I ,nw ::;choo l, 111\11 openod n tnw oOiCl,.'in l .a Co nlle r 111 co nuf;lch oll wIl h th o~ (cS"lI~h t drill , o f SCl1ttlo.

ll r ll lt...It ' L,-~lr H o\urd II 140 WI8wu un il el1 in lunt rlrnom' ""lt ll ~1 1 w 8DU Hle T urc,)', h,) Hov 0: 11.-'\"n180I1,nt &mttl o. on th o evuDlDg of tho131b ID. I.

Til . SUp-'-O"-O-C-o-llr-t-o~1 Ibo T err i·tor,) bna heo n in ti Olt8 1QD at OJ,.ml;>lRd ur log tbe I)••t weok or m or e, wltba lull D OD e \ prc , " n t

A It Cn' HT AL 'VIi.Il r1 S0 " W OII cole­IJrll tod ot Lbe reltld one o of ~l r. Glu1lUr. Arch ~e lMfrou on 11\8t l....rid o\o U lll ng', ",IJlch walt (\ 'H~ry plOO fo;Ol itntTidr to the r cclpienta a ud PRIIIUIpnlita o f t bo occGalou

F,umN'o ~JAcntNKnY -Mr. J . G.Saucr, wb o I' introdu clug tb o Du ck·e)e Self IJlul10nt 10 tUII Jocnll tJ I

Will,durin" bhl OCcAliioonl "blen coin 11 01~b bori ng dllStric t8, lon e hi ..bUlllnORIJ 111 th " hnnd . at ~Ir L. L .And rew. , wh o wilt ~IVO t1l 0lto iot or­oste d nil nocclJllar.,· mform"tioo . H owill keep o n hnud cluriog' th e lIoa"o oW nllono ODJn lull liDO 01 Elt,OO10Rooom pa Dy Solf·Dinl1ers

AT theO~~OOliDQ' 01 atoc k ·boldon 01 Iho PUijot HOUDd To le·~rol'b Co., Cy, oo Wolko', Willlo..n entoo . T T. :\Uuor, C O. DllrtlettODJ N. D . Hill wo,o eloctod l, uol. o'At tbo meoting at t rulJtee. , T. T.Allnor wnHelec led. l lr ol ldeot. N . D .Hili SoC'Otoly, onJ O. 0, Do,lIolt'I' rtUII:lurer.

- ....,.--,--.,-=AT lbo cill elocLlo.. at SooUlo 10. 1

week , L . 1 . Sm ith WU.S roolect eu

~~:bo~ww~::~\ec~~ao~i:~C;:l; al~jo~~K ee non llnd Tb omas CIAoOy Coun..oilm en for tb o h t ward, \V. A.. J on­nloll. , J OLD Colllne oD,1 Ch... Mo­D Oollltl 2d wa rn , ~(OIiCI K eele r andM . Len.luor e 3d ,yoru .

Tu. Ladl08 ~1 188100arr So cioty ofFidalgo will meet at )Ir. Bow mAD"on 1I010rd.,. Jol. 3 101, ot 11 A. M .,lIy rtKluolt (If MrS,~TADi , P r e1f.

TOB larbP(J IItltllmer 'ViI1nmett. , be·longing to the Oregon Impro vemeDtCo ., i. now loading a t Beattie, a Duwill tak o ."oy no"l, 4,000 1000 01COAl; probal>ly the 1I\1'g8" ca rg o oyercarri. d frOID lb o BounJ porta .





Page 4: THE PUGET SOUND MATL~ · NO. ". I II i& ber brlahl Llon,h' la.I, lato 10" c·u ).. Lout h.r.hOlllder . '.~'~I'i~ ·IUDt~~ ~~I?~l:l o~r'~:alldt:lIoo~ Ml·••ul ~t til tbo blt.l





to, lb •"~u." U .. ..IID .

MI~IIP . Cllortal N,. ..."

BtU"'.....Glycerine Lotion

'Iu t b, •...,.• •


• 1• • • •



$81).00 1

r. olferlng ~..:W filII olzOO7'ocla,o VI"l!!ht }'Iall"". "ar·",mt NI for fI, e ye. ..... at th olow Ilrl eo of

$275.0015·oet.,. Loring k mak., (' ,'L­AC.: OIlOASS at th o rodllcell\II'leo of

\\- ' . ~. VAlli .cnV'I' V & K • c o .,A.,DUI. !'orOaod , O~Il.

( '"1111 1111 t'Xlimluf' th ...,." lllAtrunlt'nta.


pI~~~8~ ~ 8n8i~~

Sm ON UARRIS,P I A "T li T .. n.~. P'~ F, A IUI AII'I.

' · . r ll_II.0,..

SI:llOS IIARRl !l.

OOo........e...tolt-.J. AdYaD_IDa4.

Porila••• O""..

For Sale by all Druggists and WineM, rchants.

W • •• ' U , It U UIU .. cu .• A r •• ••

",b lch .,. at . lre<:U.. . (_ :11" mal .rial 'uer CO·d a,

a. lb., luro la tb . dar' of th . oM l raul&h

\' Ic.ror·

PERUVIAN Brn:~~~__"'.'1 . '.'.'0.,1" ••us upo••ppll........... ~

... Orde, dlrllClnd ....... lb.lal'J. eoDUOIMloft'p.ld 10 tranIlD I'II.atl,

P,,~~,...~· p~li~~ r. .......u..I_.1'0, . ,) fOm.Gll ..n d Root."fI"" " 1".U, I'unt&il Or

W h ol ....I• •I"1I\oo~

" ••nl for

~t::r:~~U,CII:~::!'I~::~:~~.~:~M.~:..... pruU&ltd b,. . 0 I n~rmltuDI f ITI . , . frOID

" b ICll.b. . .. tr•...t bJ the Wilt of Ih Dat i.. rem­

1'0.11. lb . I' I RL" "IAH n A.RK or. .. U . .. oU.d ID

tlta l.lllUa,. 01 ' b . ()QUOit " " Qulaqulaa " a n. te ,

rul fo, bn rifCO.~r, . 00 b" nhlf1l to K'lropo 1ft

ItlJ. Ib.lou o.s uc.d Ih l' I'm ...', 10 l[lpt. t D. wb .... n• • • 110 0 " 11ulld., ,a rlou. lI&mM, UDIII UII I*Q.II

call,,] II CI !'I'CBONA. In beaor of Ih lalJ, '11 110

h . 4 btl'lu llb\ Ib"m Iba t .blch "aa mor, p, act oua

Iba ll Ib.,oJd Of lb. In l"U. Tu chit Ih , . auar ..

I .PM of 1"0 bUDdr• .), . Ihl lln r J..n . •cl, a c. bAlI

, IUD u. nothlo . \0 tak ,I" 1'1...., II .trote' ua ll,

ell,.. a morbid . J>~ Ul' fo, Ulnllda tlll b, r.-tor·

Ir. lb. lI.tural loa. ol lb , . IOID&cltl . II a ll&Cl ll.

l~t"lY, 10" ur Uq', ol' .. II dUH a fu.,. a ll4 d.·

UfO,. b,.,h ' 11 '... 1 b . fIO", . ful loulc ~ Irtu. o f

tbo Clucbona I. plfJO'. rutl In tiht





-0--.."r or tur ltlar 10 l'otm. Uon a0 4 d.crlp"'a c.t&I~. add~

SEYMOUR, SABiN & CO.•o mu and ta lu, noc"•. H""I~n t1NMI. btI."..u ' ronl .ad f ju t . 1'0,lI ao.s.

fd -c ~l a >-0 r-


~0 >- (J ;::


~ :;:, nc · .,~

., [l"I ~ "oj ttl 0.. 'I::J :r


-< a 0 ;-0

~0~ ..-.J::J , >- "l0 Q, IJj['J :z R<>::J :;: c l'1III 0.,

en to> :l.a · ~ CtlIII 0


~= 0 ::s

['J I!' [l"I ::s l>n

~ ~ Ctl,..

> 8 • 0 ..... "~ ; .r ~

c: ,.":<

~en ~[l"I- - --

SIBSON, CHUROH & co.,p ort.lond , Orogon .


In 'h. , .... ,,,.. , ., " II tin... r" r th . abo••C0 1nn,oc I IUu.

A ll d ........ f'o ,. l .. rG~nl.tlo" •• ' u Yal u ••,o r T. r _ . o f 1.· .. P•••" ..I.n'.

C" I.l:U l"l ',\ "' ~ U .'AICL " :rwU ""0. fu,...Ie In 101.10 . u ...

• ' . n c-Il lu .,k. r urnl. h a d rr• • u .. . I,p llf. ·lI un . J.~

1'8 ,..,.,., t ••••• Op p . . ... (' U llOMn u O r ••_ .

CRAS. lIIRSTEL .&: CO.,'~FI,. 101' , • • r I_II. Or

Imporu,. .nd Whul_l.. v..I.,,, In .

D R. SUR:M:.A.N,Eleetrlo Physlolan and Surgeon

CIGAltS AND TOB ,\ CCOS,IillT ATIO!lf&a"Y. llfOTIU,.., TO ... ....

l"1J'TLF.I\ Y. K1"(.' .

~~:r:,I·tl ~::,~ . Tn~&."i':·t'sat.~.:•.::.~·...atln .._.·"'·,..,.. , ......

IIilPJ:CIA L I"IJKCOllN'T1f1%'1 ftC·nOO L RI)()"'"

o. B . BIRD, M . D .,H omooo ral.hto Phyal ctan •

OR STETlt1 C £.4. 'y AN n NU I' O ~O .V,

.'n(.bo.,. M orrlllo ll .- ...."'. bl CM" 1It wl lh An. II '. Pboo

1~~.~~i~lt~~~o..'.~n·l~h~"'~~~~~'.t bUll"

l~t~~,t:t1~G'~=;:;.nd r-t mor'tln •• ,,"In• •1"¥l~.~r~I':\";'::I~~rQr::N1 ul'O" Ohlll. l l'kt pl'aIlll e• .-::":~;.lIrr ItalIC' '' " 'lulr. ~':1'i:'.t!~1:~~ t::.~ ~.(lt'r:;

:,~~J~'o~~m "<l }:I~rh;:~~o';; ~':i· Il In.hmlly "' 11I'tl'lI "r ,. nU.<l, ..n,!

INloIl" tt"t'lu,h . ".rre!.\~1~~.~r:r



187 Third. " JO. I " •• d .

l) E~:~.!.t J~I~~.IOIl'; ~~'\~I:~h':t~~~~N(i ~~;to:lJ'U'tl ll<l• • • wiloonn, tll"J.ff .nlt MI. Jnht'l t ......t:::r::. "::-" ,~;:''..!;l,'l~ ~: ~..t':::~~':'~::nrI~~''l~0b'~~'I":o~~~:r..:.~~,irl1:{ rtOn1. In IHw •

Minnesota Chief Threshers and Engines.---THE OHIEF IS GU.A.EANTEED- TO IH -


W, b a ~. oom, 10 Ib, P"CIPI O 0041 T 10 n." . Uh ou r

J . B. KNAPP &: CO.•Oommission Merohants

AND PURCHASINg AgENTS.All Gno ,I. on l ~t)••tnn.

Jr'OOL, O R AI.V. DA IRY PllO D U(JT6 Alii''RDrr6 .A 1II'ltOl.t1.rr.

AriCO' loOtP&n"OU', P.&.o, J)auh t........

267 P int , Orttl(o'l

b~:·.~:\~;t:..':::~::~.'::t.~~~..... No.u ... IDr ....... otb.f&ot' ......... ~

Least Expensive Thresher in the Market,

Ou r ELWARD EQUALIZING P OWER Iathe 8Impl..,aDd SlroDlI:...t Power made.'- - 0- -

OUR W4CUI"lj l OR TUI8 T RAD !!: A RK BlaLt' lttP!CIA L L Y FOR T U lt: <.'OAH." OENTd rOR 1'111 CJlI. KDk " UD

The Llghtelt Runninll ,Th e Beat Grain Clean ing ,

The Greatest Grain Saving,The FnstOlt Seed Thr"hins- A!'IDTIIH- .



V arnishes:

••~L a No ......"·t:• . a.. r ..........rollTLA.lIf n . OIL

lDX SHI:l? " E :I>4:J?I: E lD "

Ul r l'<'t from :i ll" }·ork.

K..p. Colnpl.tlll Swell .,f

"" 0 0" W"~"'ln."aehln• • ,. lII.w MIU. and .an• •

M. e i.' ...... • T oul • •" ••••u 1C"1II1111_..... noll.,..,. h . ,n , 1I d anti 1"0"'• • 1·.mP'!,. •••n Uo", • • uo_,1, .. brl••UulII 011 • •II' nd C.h.u.. ' ran.,H n.. r ,. Wlh'.I•••u' Mlllllbln.rr,

~:~~::fC..~"~::,IV~'';_.•p Gte .Ord,,. fM m Ibu~ou nl". CUed.", Ub:pm mptnM

J. G. Dt1RNER & CO.,


Q f'I '0111TR J'O .~ r O ,.·Jo'/CA., I 'OHTI. AS fJ.

D••J. MALARKEY &: CO.,'~mmlsslon Merchants,

wn oLa..u.. D.A~U m

C AN D Y STO R E_It AS I ' , .. crVNKll o r

[ vt ry Description or PlaIn and hnoy Can.diu . Wholu lle Dnd Rela ll.

K ' ~~:~l::'IJ I~:"' ~~ ~~,~ ,t~X:.~~lrr~f:H~~"" . neh t'O. "' bo l ~u, l e bUJ. " c, n ,{'Ir upo o bu,ln l"

~uu~,~'r: ~DI,r~t,t\; d'."~crr~~~~:'3·L~nJ: t~;:.r:( :l li,IlU U UI ' 0 In. t ,..10 . _u<l ... uallu f&Clun lb .I .l i ..n ...., I. " I II 1\1, tl. a .),. Olv. u. a t rl. 1 ord, rauoJ•.,. IO' r oUII4IJ .

GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,.·ortllgn and Domlllltle Prodllee.

•• -....&M....~r-4... a ........

•~~'::t;J; ~~~~ 'Z~~~'l.~lnailed . ,.. _ , ","'I.'-n.L1BEIUL OA8B AD" Al'CElI IUDK O.

COllll.lllllXElITll., . .... . _ ••0'" ......-r.PO~

OREGON MACHINERY DEPOT.. 3 Fro n l . t•• 1'0 " la h d .


Portland BusiuBSS Diraclory !

A.bell·. "r. ..I" nu.0\1 Ih ~ ~Ia l" "'" Ir JU t r. ln ~pfl, .·ran k O .

,\twlt of 1"Orl1110 " II, It,ok n r. t prvm lum forIl\r~t.''' t p h ot Llff'lplile w o rk, I'hOIOarrap h lcv te w a, col o red Ilh o l O1:r llJlll ill, c IILlne l pho.

ij~~:J~::'II\~~~I~~ 1 r.I~\~nto'lll~I~~ :..~~R~O~I;~I~~~I' 1I01t! Ilht J :io 1 fo r ul'Pr lor Klll tt!,.1 . .. hlbi ­lion In hie line . Abvll lea ,l. rhe lu t o fll itt HtRtlJ III l h tl op in ion o f co ur peteuterlllt.'lII.

Th, "J ... l ifl;.;~n l'orh~""" lIou....... J .D. ll. , r!" '11 .k r"., HIT Th iN 1t,.CI' n... , Yam .h ili, l·oft laIlJ . Or. Til, t\nut "'lOrtln"~ 01,..ta n,1 ehc..'. I......... . n.l em lJrt'llJ etl .. III O"~D .

n ,~::'~~nr:~\~r.;~~~~n~:~:t~~~~:.I NiD.r b, d,lala.- II. N .. ('o. - , ~. ", i4..,1 ' . ~ " -'11

e A,. r ...."l·11K'O JlA.RKE'1'&Y4rmera' " " N.

Did 1°11 oter think ot th" amoDn t of

~~~uro~t Jd~:~~i~\~o.~~~.::~; ~r:a:l~O~J1a ro enou gh , DOli Do t too urucb, and torth oflO U.iDA' at a 1\llllAaCf> from th e -u­lage to rtlw ombor Ihal. 1.110 .to<-k of Ito n r .an g ar. t a, etc .• I. fl·p t.nlabed in d ueI.hne? Do 10U nur th ink of th e D1UII.l·tud e 01 be r ollro. "all .(ntl t'. ? Bhe mu .trb 6 M'Jl to Ilrop"_ b ruk'a .t o r oee eeee

~;t'~)~tr l;tir;:l t~I:~tJtoR~~tO~~:~ r~fu~:b:~1with tholr dlnne re. 'flier. r. "", th lAli ng 1.1111wa king both. lunchtor I.lio nllm , loa1be d inner, 1I111'lHlr to lJt,tuede rl'Rt11 -t th o proper timo . tho wneb ­lng , .t~ rcbIDg lind ir on luA' at O)O UllU ,tho c" ro at mil k, Incl udin g tho makin s 01butl er. an,1 cbees u, nllli the in ovlt a bl ewub l D" 0' tll. htl" . lu .UI1 I111 l1 t bvre IIIa n athli thmal wor k u f J lioklu g, pr eeee v­inlf. canning ot tr u lt , ryl ng o f I\Pll lel ,

~h~U~t'l f ll~\~[,\r:~~\n:1:~p~'hi:I~Ct~l l~ i~her 101 in hlltc ll or l u~ timo. 'J.' llou th oro

~IIo~~~\~rl~~ll~~~~'~~If, i:~:~~,:S,"~ri~~rulJgan IM I·lJI\lIOot hor II\\.JOfll. Twi ce a yrnrlIOWO. h Olno oh-",ulng. Bl t ho way. 0 '"n Iho too. u hOllllckoop,r laM to contont'with , l1irt i. th o gr eat."t . fih o mill Kailla coWl , leh J vlotor,. un ll th ink to rOlwlleupon thf' " rui IUlQ1U, l l' nKlg otwmt4-but

~~t:I ::~:"~I~I~~~~r~·I\II~b:kir-::~rae.~S~Dot b ol' II. I\ t bay .

Thoro i. tho uH> utlinr . too. Hewingwaoblut'. are g l ea t Llohing _ \.J ilt tb oyCAn not ltOt in ~ Ila t~h or l1"r n ..Iooklu gi .I don't meun oll th~ t hlnKII \.J,.Wit" of

~~~i~:' ~':t t~~;:~;m;i~l~~ i~·h':I~e~i}~ll~ Dot 1H)••u..... I d IJD'1 know n8t bf'rtli. lIoorrew tldJ' In Ih e pr e. eut . tRto o t th eworlet . It Ik'e fllllo to ~ ontl ot th t" ill", oth fo whi ch n1\ll1t llQbnrn l' U wo bEoar ot h·er ill•• bu t whftl. I tlo I\.Ik. I. ft ll uo appro·

~~~o:O~I' ~l~:~~-:to,":D'tL~:t t~~t ia~::moo tAII\D,l ph,.. . ic~ l, l , ar tl M g ront, a tfthing .. eo nlllo.lerot:l, th o....o f tho othe rM S . W Om l!'D n ro not . o eblhl hlh that 1\

IIttlo . ywpatb,· now a DII Ih e D. or a t"i..Do ..l~lB'meD' 01 tlu'lr flforte a nd sac·mR.'o• • mllok" th orn Im aRiDo tholr Cl\St'wOl'K'th n Ih' lI. I toll TOil . w e D an.lhu . b&n,l. : " It .Iooth gOO.., lik e B me lli ·

d~n:~' :ff~ ~n~)~~Lk~r(.oS;i~l:lli~:O:::;or it .


ID th. ,Ia ,k .nll . I(>I)my.bado.Via .tUf ln ColuraJo

Bat &.1.....1J_.a chl.t\al n ot th, Cu.;F,..,.n .. bl.e" ...·" nt h (III Mackin.(t.r bl. t..1U"" tLMut1 lackIn, )

"", ", be , hu n~~~ bUl'k wa. lIIa,I" oll W' , our

r.°:'th~:~~~':b~l:~.~~'::h . . ...Iaun.... Oil Ih. ran • • • 1' bour b-(O,..

A G·I h i. hu,' ... 1111.. 1 . llh ~rro••Wbu h.lhou. hI Lba' on Ih" morru ..

'tha, rail M IObI. aud "".'1 I ~ to Ih, cf'O" d Itt,) Dl'nlo,. 1

fl.,JUD,1him W'oOoI hi. ,.,. ,.,Ion .......­U . ro-I l.ooltl " f mu,. fI..~e

On Ih..Im ok. ·bou " o( th" ....ul., ' " 1.1.1.", ­And lh . t, mun l. to lU " , ball••IIU.h ,1


:kll~I~;I~~;,:~I;IRAJ~'I~~UtI" , ' h. hom.. ot .. ur.,.. (a l' ou t ou ' nn ' h41 1,1. ln

"Tb.,. ... I lfl (" {It,I, " ' ha l_ I. r. OlI d w. n. t I ,

An,l 10' oOlt,l1. mllftl.,, '· r .rn .I1~Ih .

Whll. IhouChu of tr>' y v_' iI'un Oll' 4". hl1bra in I"

WIU, a , . lIlh"" 10u,1 " 1l'I1InJ ,I' ''11.1, bu nounlallll_ k. , h. l>ount!Ol!

T tol h ll (. " an ll J'DNtI &I ne·., bll..t .lan('901h..forel

~,~f' ~~:I~~~I:~~~I·(:~uil~r;:~uC~i TWl,luM h. dUOoI ' h. t ..,u.,..J"f'C'eflll hom. wUh..,.. ,

Wa. ~bo du <'er~lIm l a arl

o,TJi,i~;,~tot1l'i;~:~:; J~~T~1~1-J.U Ah . no ' a Iholl... n,I .... rmln.l a _ u • • '41bl. lJln llM hid, war m!l,. _

JI. ',j Mlfa . lUllI, on • ,.110. Jack.!" . nNt .-{ I' lIck .

All Ar ed lad -IAn" La ml'u t.