the quantmod package -...

The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework Version 0.2-5 Date 2007-10-16 Author Jeffrey A. Ryan Depends zoo,Defaults Suggests its,DBI,RMySQL,fCalendar Maintainer Jeffrey A. Ryan <[email protected]> Description Specify, build, trade, and analyse quantitative financial trading srategies LazyLoad yes License GPL-3 URL R topics documented: Delt ............................................. 2 Lag ............................................. 3 Next ............................................. 5 OHLC.Transformations ................................... 6 apply.monthly ........................................ 8 breakpoints ......................................... 9 buildData .......................................... 10 buildModel ......................................... 11 chartSeries .......................................... 12 first ............................................. 15 fittedModel ......................................... 16 getModelData ........................................ 18 getSymbols.FRED ..................................... 19 1

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Page 1: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial

The quantmod PackageOctober 19, 2007

Type Package

Title Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework

Version 0.2-5

Date 2007-10-16

Author Jeffrey A. Ryan

Depends zoo,Defaults

Suggests its,DBI,RMySQL,fCalendar

Maintainer Jeffrey A. Ryan <[email protected]>

Description Specify, build, trade, and analyse quantitative financial trading srategies

LazyLoad yes

License GPL-3


R topics documented:Delt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Lag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5OHLC.Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6apply.monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9buildData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10buildModel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11chartSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15fittedModel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16getModelData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18getSymbols.FRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


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2 Delt

getSymbols.MySQL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20getSymbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22getSymbols.csv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26getSymbols.oanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28getSymbols.rda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31is.quantmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32modelData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33modelSignal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34period.apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35periodReturn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36periodicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37quantmod-class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38quantmod-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39quantmod.OHLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40setSymbolLookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41specifyModel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43to.period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44tradeModel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46weekdays.zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Index 50

Delt Calculate Percent Change


Calculate the k-period percent difference within one series, or between two series. Primarily used tocalculate the percent change from one period to another of a given series, or to calculate the percentdifference between two series over the full series.


Delt(x1, x2 = NULL, k = 0, type = c("log", "arithmetic"))


x1 m x 1 vector

x2 m x 1 vector

k change over k-periods. default k=1 when x2 is NULL.

type type of difference. log (default) or arithmetic.

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Lag 3


When called with only x1, the one period percent change of the series is returned by default.Internally this happens by copying x1 to x2. A two period difference would be specified with k=2.

If called with both x1 and x2, the difference between the two is returned. That is, k=0. A oneperiod difference would be specified by k=1. k may also be a vector to calculate more than oneperiod at a time. The results will then be an m x length(k)

Log differences are used by default: Lag = log(x2(t)/x1(t-k))

Arithmetic differences are calculated: Lag = (x2(t) - x1(t-k))/x1(t-k)


An matrix of length(x1) rows and length(k) columns.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

OpOp OpCl


Stock.Open <- c(102.25,102.87,102.25,100.87,103.44,103.87,103.00)Stock.Close <- c(102.12,102.62,100.12,103.00,103.87,103.12,105.12)

Delt(Stock.Open) #one period pct. price changeDelt(Stock.Open,k=1) #sameDelt(Stock.Open,type='arithmetic') #using arithmetic differences

Delt(Stock.Open,Stock.Close) #Open to Close pct. changeDelt(Stock.Open,Stock.Close,k=0:2) #...for 0,1, and 2 periods

Lag Lag a Time Series


Create a lagged series from data, with NA used to fill.

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4 Lag


Lag(x, k = 1)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod.OHLC':Lag(x, k = 1)

## S3 method for class 'zoo':Lag(x, k = 1)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame':Lag(x, k = 1)

## S3 method for class 'numeric':Lag(x, k = 1)


x vector or series to be lagged

k periods to lag.


Shift series k-periods down, prepending NAs to front of series.

Specifically designed to handle quantmod.OHLC and zoo series within the quantmod work-flow.

If no S3 method is found, a call to lag in base is made.


The original x prepended with k NAs and missing the trailing k values.

The returned series maintains the number of obs. of the original.


This function differs from lag by returning the original series modified, as opposed to simplychanging the time series properties. It differs from the like named Lag in the Hmisc as it dealsprimarily with time-series like objects.

It is important to realize that if there is no applicable method for Lag, the value returned will befrom lag in base. That is, coerced to ’ts’ if necessary, and subsequently shifted.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also


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Next 5


Stock.Close <- c(102.12,102.62,100.12,103.00,103.87,103.12,105.12)Close.Dates <- as.Date(c(10660,10661,10662,10665,10666,10667,10668),origin="1970-01-01")Stock.Close <- zoo(Stock.Close,Close.Dates)

Lag(Stock.Close) #lag by 1 periodLag(Stock.Close,k=1) #sameLag(Stock.Close,k=1:3) #lag 1,2 and 3 periods

Next Advance a Time Series


Create a new series with all values advanced forward one period. The value of period 1, becomesthe value at period 2, value at 2 becomes the original value at 3, etc. The opposite of Lag. NA isused to fill.


Next(x, k = 1)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod.OHLC':Next(x,k=1)

## S3 method for class 'zoo':Next(x,k=1)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame':Next(x,k=1)

## S3 method for class 'numeric':Next(x,k=1)


x vector or series to be advanced

k periods to advance


Shift series k-periods up, appending NAs to end of series.

Specifically designed to handle quantmod.OHLC and zoo series within the quantmod workflow.

If no S3 method is found, a call to lag in base is made, with the indexing reversed to shift the timeseries forward.

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6 OHLC.Transformations


The original x appended with k NAs and missing the leading k values.

The returned series maintains the number of obs. of the original.

Unlike Lag, only one value for k is allowed.


This function’s purpose is to get the “next” value of the data you hope to forecast, e.g. a stock’sclosing value at t+1. Specifically to be used within the quantmod framework of specifyModel,as a functional wrapper to the LHS of the model equation.

It is not magic - and thus will not get tomorrow’s values. . .


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

specifyModel, Lag


Stock.Close <- c(102.12,102.62,100.12,103.00,103.87,103.12,105.12)Close.Dates <- as.Date(c(10660,10661,10662,10665,10666,10667,10668),origin="1970-01-01")Stock.Close <- zoo(Stock.Close,Close.Dates)

Next(Stock.Close) #one period aheadNext(Stock.Close,k=1) #same


## Not run:# a simple way to build a model of next days# IBM close, given todays. Technically both# methods are equal, though the former is seen# as more intuitive...ymmvspecifyModel(Next(Cl(IBM)) ~ Cl(IBM))specifyModel(Cl(IBM) ~ Lag(Cl(IBM)))## End(Not run)

OHLC.TransformationsExtract and Transform quantmod.OHLC Columns

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OHLC.Transformations 7


Extract (transformed) data from an object of class quantmod.OHLC. Column names must containthe complete description - either Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, or Adjusted. This is the defaultfor objects of class quantmod.OHLCIn the case of functions consisting of combined Op, Hi, Lo, Cl (e.g. ClCl(x)) the one periodtransformation will be applied.

For example, to return the Open to Close of a particular quantmod.OHLC object it is necessaryto call OpCl(x). If multiple periods are desired a call to the function Delt is necessary.

These functions are merely for speed the model specification process. All columns may also beextracted through standard R methods





x An object of class quantmod.OHLC


Internally, the code uses grep to locate the appropriate columns. Therefore it is necessary to useinputs with column names matching the requirements in the description section


Returns an object of class zoo


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also


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8 apply.monthly


## Not run:getSymbols('IBM',src='yahoo')Ad(IBM)Cl(IBM)ClCl(IBM)removeSymbols('IBM')## End(Not run)

apply.monthly Apply Function over Calendar Periods


Apply a specified function to each distinct period in a given time series object.


apply.weekly(x, FUN)apply.monthly(x, FUN)apply.quarterly(x, FUN)apply.yearly(x, FUN)


x an object of class zoo

FUN an R function


Simple mechanism to apply a function to non-overlapping time periods, e.g. weekly, monthly, etc.Different from rolling functions in that this will subset the data based on the specified time period(implicit in the call), and return a vector of values for each period in the original data.

Essentially a wrapper to the quantmod functions breakpoints and period.apply, mainlyas a convenience.


A vector of results produced by FUN, corresponding to the appropriate periods.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

breakpoints, period.apply, to.monthly

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breakpoints 9


zoo.ts <- zoo(rnorm(231),as.Date(13514:13744,origin="1970-01-01"))


apply.monthly(zoo.ts,sd)apply.monthly(zoo.ts,function(x) var(x))

breakpoints Locate Breakpoints by Date


Extract index values of a given zoo object, where the returned index is equal to the last date of eachrecurring period.


breakpoints(x, by = c(weekdays, weeks, months, quarters, years),...)


x zoo object with index of class Date

by period to be indexed from

... currently unused


Given a zoo object with the appropriate index type, breakpoints will return a numeric vectorcorresponding to the final rows in each period specified.

For example, by=years would return the index values matching the last observation in each cal-endar year. Similarly, by=weeks would match the last observations in any given week.

The final index returned corresponds to the last observation in the data object, as this may be usefulfor calculating “values to date”.


A numeric vector which can be used to extract rows from the given data object.


The last value in the returned vector most likely does not mark the end of the specified period, ratherit marks the end of the data.

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10 buildData


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

period.apply calculate values for each interval

Examples <- zoo(rnorm(31)+10,as.Date(13514:13744,origin="1970-01-01"))breakpoints(,by=weeks)

bp <- breakpoints(,by=quarters)[bp]

buildData Create Data Object for Modelling


Create one data object from multiple sources, applying transformations via standard R formulamechanism.


buildData(formula, na.rm = TRUE, return.class = "zoo")


formula an object of class formula (or one that can be coerced to that class): a sym-bolic description of the desired output data object, with the dependent sidecorresponding to first column, and the independent parameters of the for-mula assigned to the remaining columns.

na.rm drop rows with missing values?

return.class one of "zoo","data.frame","ts","its","timeSeries"


Makes available for use outside the quantmod workflow a dataset of appropriately transformedvariables, using the same mechanism underlying specifyModel. Offers the ability to applytransformations to raw data using a common formula mechanism, without having to explicitlymerge different data objects.

Interally calls specifyModel followed by modelData, with the returned object being coercedto the desired ’return.class’ if possible, otherwise returns a zoo object.

See getSymbols and specifyModel for more information regarding proper usage.

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buildModel 11


An object of class return.class.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

getSymbols, specifyModel, modelData


## Not run:buildData(Next(OpCl(DIA)) ~ Lag(TBILL) + I(Lag(OpHi(DIA))^2))buildData(Next(OpCl(DIA)) ~ Lag(TBILL), na.rm=FALSE)buildData(Next(OpCl(DIA)) ~ Lag(TBILL), na.rm=FALSE, return.class="ts")

## End(Not run)

buildModel Build quantmod model given specified fitting method


Construct and attach a fitted model of type method to quantmod object.


buildModel(x, training.per, method, ...)


x An object of class quantmod created with specifyModel or an R formula

training.per character vector representing dates in ISO 8601 format of length 2, e.g. c(’1992-01-01’,’1992-04-01’)

method A character string naming the fitting method. See details section for availablemethods, and how to create new methods.

... Additional arguments to method call

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12 chartSeries


Currently available methods include:

lm, glm, loess, step, ppr, rpart[rpart], tree[tree], randomForest[randomForest], mars[mda], poly-mars[polspline], lars[lars], rq[quantreg], lqs[MASS], rlm[MASS], svm[e1071], and nnet[nnet].

Additional methods wrappers can be created to allow for modelling using custom functions. Theonly requirements are for a wrapper function to be constructed taking parameters quantmod,, and . . . . The function must return the fitted model object and have a pre-dict method available. It is possible to add predict methods if non exist by adding an S3 method forpredictModel. The buildModel.skeleton function can be used for new methods.


An object of class quantmod with fitted model attached


See buildModel.skeleton for information on adding additional methods


Jeffrey Ryan

See Also

specifyModel tradeModel


## Not run:getSymbols('QQQQ',src='yahoo')q.model = specifyModel(Next(OpCl(QQQQ)) ~ Lag(OpHi(QQQQ),0:3))buildModel(q.model,method='lm',training.per=c('2006-08-01','2006-09-30'))## End(Not run)

chartSeries Create Financial Charts


Charting tool to create standard financial charts given a time series like object. Serves as the basefunction for future technical analysis additions. Possible chart styles include candles, matches (1pixel candles), bars, and lines. Chart may have white or black background.

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chartSeries 13


chartSeries(x,type = c("auto", "candlesticks", "matchsticks", "bars","line"),show.vol = TRUE,show.grid = TRUE,name = deparse(substitute(x)),time.scale = NULL,technicals = NULL,line.type = "l",bar.type = "ohlc",xlab = "time", ylab = "price", theme = "black",up.col,dn.col,color.vol = TRUE, multi.col = FALSE,...)




x an OHLC object - see details

type style of chart to draw

show.vol display volume on chart?

show.grid display price grid lines?

name name of chart

time.scale what is the timescale? automatically deduced

technicals a list of technical indicators and params (yet to be added)

line.type type of line in line chart

bar.type type of barchart - ohlc or hlc

xlab derived time scale

ylab y axis label

theme ’white’ or ’black’ background

up.col up bar/candle color

dn.col down bar/candle color

color.vol color code volume?

multi.col 4 color candle pattern

... additional parameters


Currently displays standard style OHLC charts familiar in financial applications, or line chartswhen not passes OHLC data. Works with objects having explicit time-series properties, at present

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14 chartSeries

limited to quantmod.OHLC data as returned by In theory any zoo objectconforming to OHLC conventions can be coerced to a quantmod.OHLC object, and thus charted.

Line charts are created with close data, or from single column time series.

Future versions will allow for additional charting functions to be called subsequently which willallow for additional information to be display on the chart, such as technical indicators/studies, aswell as entry and exit points given a particular trade strategy.

line.type and bar.type allow further fine tuning of chart styles to user tastes, as do theaddition of up.col and dn.col arguments.

multi.col implements a color coding scheme used in some charting applications, and followsthe following rules:

grey => Op[t] < Cl[t] and Op[t] < Cl[t-1]

white => Op[t] < Cl[t] and Op[t] > Cl[t-1]

red => Op[t] > Cl[t] and Op[t] < Cl[t-1]

black => Op[t] > Cl[t] and Op[t] > Cl[t-1]


Returns a standard chart plus volume, if available, suitably scaled.


Most details can be fine-tuned within the function, though the code does a reasonable job of scalingand labelling axes for the user.

This is mostly a proof-of-concept function. It is currently being rewritten with S4 style constructsto better facilitate the addition of technical analysis indicators, as well as more dynamic updatingfor adding additional series and rescaling.

Additional motivation to add outlined candles to allow for scaling and advanced color coding isowed to Josh Ulrich, as are the base functions (from TTR) for the yet to be released technicalanalysis charting code


Jeffrey A. Ryan


Josh Ulrich - TTR package and multi.col coding

See Also


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first 15


## Not run:getSymbols("YHOO")chartSeries(YHOO)

barChart(YHOO)candleChart(YHOO)matchChart(YHOO,theme="white")lineChart(YHOO)## End(Not run)

first Return First or Last Element of Data


A simple generic function to return the first or last element or row of a vector or two-dimensionaldata object.



## Default S3 method:first(x,...)

## Default S3 method:last(x,...)


x 1 or 2 dimensional data object

... additional args - unused


A simple wrapper to extract the first or last element of an object.


A one element/row data object


Jeffrey A. Ryan

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16 fittedModel




fittedModel quantmod Fitted Objects


Extract and replace fitted models from quantmod objects built with buildModel. All objectsfitted through methods specified in buildModel calls can be extracted for further analysis.


fittedModel(object)fittedModel(object) <- value

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':formula(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':plot(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':coefficients(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':coef(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':residuals(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':resid(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':fitted.values(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':fitted(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':anova(object, ...)

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fittedModel 17

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':logLik(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'quantmod':vcov(object, ...)


object a quantmod object

x a quantmod object

value a new fitted model

... additional arguments


Most often used to extract the final fitted object of the modelling process, usually for further analysiswith tools outside the quantmod package.

Most common methods to apply to fitted objects are available to the parent quantmod object. Atpresent, one can call directly the following S3 methods on a built model as if calling directly on thefitted object. See *Usage* section.

It is also possible to add a fitted model to an object. This may be of value when applying heuristicrule sets for trading approaches, or when fine tuning already fit models by hand.


Returns an object matching that returned by a call to the method specified in buildModel.


The replacement function fittedModel<- is highly experimental, and may or may not continueinto further releases.

The fitted model added must use the same names as appear in the quantmod object’s dataset.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also



## Not run:x <- specifyModel(Next(OpCl(DIA)) ~ OpCl(VIX))x.lm <- buildModel(x,method='lm',training.per=c('2001-01-01','2001-04-01'))


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18 getModelData

coef(fittedModel(x.lm))coef(x.lm) # same

vcov(fittedModel(x.lm))vcov(x.lm) # same## End(Not run)

getModelData Update model’s dataset


Update currently specified or built model with most recent data.


getModelData(x, na.rm = TRUE)


x An object of class quantmod

na.rm Boolean. Remove NA values. Defaults to TRUE


Primarily used within specify model calls, getModelData is used to retrieve the appropriateunderlying variables, and apply model specified transformations automatically. It can be used toalso update a current model in memory with the most recent data.


Returns object of class quantmod.OHLC


Jeffrey Ryan

See Also

getSymbols load data specifyModel create model structure buildModel construct modelmodelData extract model dataset


## Not run:my.model <- specifyModel(Next(OpCl(QQQQ)) ~ Lag(Cl(NDX),0:5))getModelData(my.model)## End(Not run)

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getSymbols.FRED 19

getSymbols.FRED Download Federal Reserve Economic Data - FRED(R)


R access to over 11,000 data series accessible via the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank’s FREDsystem.

Downloads Symbols to specified env from ‘’. This method is not to becalled directly, instead a call to getSymbols(Symbols,src=’FRED’) will in turn call thismethod. It is documented for the sole purpose of highlighting the arguments accepted, and to serveas a guide to creating additional getSymbols ‘methods’.


getSymbols.FRED(Symbols,env,return.class = "zoo",...)


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded

env where to create objects. (.GlobalEnv)

return.class class of returned object

... additional parameters


Meant to be called internally by getSymbols (see also).

One of many methods for loading data for use with quantmod. Essentially a simple wrapper to theunderlying FRED data download site.

Naming conventions must follow those as seen on the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis’s websitefor FRED. A lookup facility will hopefully be incorporated into quantmod in the near future.


A call to getSymbols.FRED will load into the specified environment one object for each Symbolspecified, with class defined by return.class. Presently this may be ts, its, zoo, or timeSeries.


Jeffrey A. Ryan


St. Louis Fed: Economic Data - FRED

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20 getSymbols.MySQL

See Also

getSymbols, setSymbolLookup


## Not run:# All 3 getSymbols calls return the same# CPI data to the global environment# The last example is what NOT to do!

## Method #1getSymbols('CPIAUCNS',src='FRED')

## Method #2setDefaults(getSymbols,src='FRED')# OR



########################################### NOT RECOMMENDED!!!########################################### Method #3getSymbols.FRED('CPIAUCNS',env=globalenv())## End(Not run)

getSymbols.MySQL Retrieve Data from MySQL Database


Fetch data from MySQL database. As with other methods extending the getSymbols function,this should NOT be called directly. Its documentation is meant to highlight the formal arguments,as well as provide a reference for further user contributed data tools.


getSymbols.MySQL(Symbols,env,return.class = c("quantmod.OHLC", "zoo"),db.fields = c("date", "o", "h", "l", "c", "v", "a"),field.names = NULL,user = NULL,password = NULL,dbname = NULL,...)

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getSymbols.MySQL 21


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded

env where to create objects. (.GlobalEnv)

return.class desired class of returned object. Can be quantmod.OHLC (default for “yahoo”OHLC data), zoo, data.frame, ts, or its. (zoo)

db.fields character vector indicating names of fields to retrieve

field.names names to assign to returned columns

user username to access database

password password to access database

dbname database name

... currently not used


Meant to be called internally by getSymbols (see also)

One of a few currently defined methods for loading data for use with quantmod. Its use requiresthe packages DBI and RMySQL, along with a running MySQL database with tables correspondingto the Symbol name.

The purpose of this abstraction is to make transparent the ‘source’ of the data, allowing instead theuser to concentrate on the data itself.


A call to getSymbols.MySQL will load into the specified environment one object for each Symbolspecified, with class defined by return.class.


The default configuration needs a table named for the Symbol specified (e.g. MSFT), with columnnames date,o,h,l,c,v,a. For table layout changes it is best to use setDefaults(getSymbols.MySQL,...)with the new db.fields values specified.


Jeffrey A. Ryan



David A. James and Saikat DebRoy (2006). R Interface to the MySQL databse.

R-SIG-DB. DBI: R Database Interface

See Also

getSymbols, setSymbolLookup

Page 22: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial

22 getSymbols


## Not run:# All 3 getSymbols calls return the same# MSFT to the global environment# The last example is what NOT to do!


## Method #1getSymbols('MSFT',src='MySQL')

## Method #2setDefaults(getSymbols,src='MySQL')# OR



########################################### NOT RECOMMENDED!!!########################################### Method #3getSymbols.MySQL('MSFT',env=globalenv())## End(Not run)

getSymbols Manage Data from Multiple Sources


Functions to manage Symbols in specified environment. Used by specifyModel to retrievesymbols specified in first step of modelling procedure. Not a true S3 method, but methods fordifferent data sources follow an S3-like naming convention. Additional methods can be added bysimply adhering to the convention.

Current src methods available are: yahoo, google, MySQL, FRED, csv, RData, and Oanda.


getSymbols(Symbols = NULL,env = .GlobalEnv,reload.Symbols = FALSE,verbose = FALSE,warnings = TRUE,src = "yahoo",symbol.lookup = TRUE,...)

Page 23: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial

getSymbols 23

showSymbols(env=.GlobalEnv)removeSymbols(Symbols=NULL,env=.GlobalEnv)saveSymbols(Symbols = NULL,

file.path=stop("must specify 'file.path'"),env = .GlobalEnv)


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded

env where to create objects. (.GlobalEnv)

reload.Symbolsboolean to reload current symbols in specified environment. (FALSE)

verbose boolean to turn on status of retrieval. (FALSE)

warnings boolean to turn on warnings. (TRUE)

src character string specifying sourcing method. (yahoo)

symbol.lookupretrieve symbol’s sourcing method from external lookup (TRUE)

file.path character string of file location

... additional parameters


getSymbols first looks to the local environment for matching symbols. If found, the next symbolin Symbols is attempted, if not found, it is skipped and a warning will be displayed. Upon comple-tion a list of loaded symbols is stored in the global environment under the name .getSymbols.

Objects loaded by getSymbols can be viewed with showSymbols and removed by a call toremoveSymbols. Additional retrieval methods can be created simply following the S3-like nam-ing convention where getSymbols.NAME is used for your function NAME. See getSymbols.skeleton.

setDefaults(getSymbols) can be used to specify defaults for all passed getSymbols ar-guments. setDefaults(getSymbols.MySQL) for arguments specific to getSymbols.MySQL,etc.

The “sourcing” of data is managed internally through a complex lookup procedure. If symbol.lookupis TRUE (the default), a check is made if any symbol has had its source specified by setSymbolLookup.

If not set, the process continues by checking to see if src has been specified by the user in thefunction call. If not, any src defined with setDefaults(getSymbols,src=) is used.

Finally, if none of the other source rules apply the default getSymbols src method is used(‘yahoo’).


A call to getSymbols will load into the specified environment one object for each Symbol specified,with class defined by return.class.

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24 getSymbols.csv


While it is possible to load symbols as classes other than zoo, quantmod requires most, if not all,data to be of class zoo or inherited from zoo - e.g. quantmod.OHLC. The additional methodsare meant mainly to be of use for those using the functionality elsewhere.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

getModelData,specifyModel, setSymbolLookup, getSymbols.csv, getSymbols.RData,getSymbols.oanda,,, getSymbols.FRED,


## Not run:setSymbolLookup(QQQQ='yahoo',SPY='MySQL')

getSymbols(c('QQQQ','SPY'))# loads QQQQ from yahoo (set with setSymbolLookup)# loads SPY from MySQL (set with setSymbolLookup)

getSymbols('F')# loads Ford market data from yahoo (the formal default)

setDefaults(getSymbols,verbose=TRUE,src='MySQL')getSymbols('DIA')# loads symbol from MySQL database (set with setDefaults)

getSymbols('F',src='yahoo',return.class='ts')# loads Ford as time series class ts

## End(Not run)

getSymbols.csv Load Data from csv File


Downloads Symbols to specified env from local comma seperated file. This method is not tobe called directly, instead a call to getSymbols(Symbols,src=’csv’) will in turn call thismethod. It is documented for the sole purpose of highlighting the arguments accepted, and to serveas a guide to creating additional getSymbols ‘methods’.

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getSymbols.csv 25


getSymbols.csv(Symbols,env,dir="",return.class = "zoo",extension="csv",...)


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded

env where to create objects. (.GlobalEnv)

dir directory of csv file

return.class class of returned object

extension extension of csv file

... additional parameters


Meant to be called internally by getSymbols (see also).

One of a few currently defined methods for loading data for use with quantmod. Essentially asimple wrapper to the underlying R read.csv.


A call to getSymbols.csv will load into the specified environment one object for each Symbol spec-ified, with class defined by return.class. Presently this may be ts, its, zoo, quantmod.OHLC,or timeSeries.


This has yet to be tested on a windows platform. It should work though file seperators may be anissue.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

getSymbols, read.csv, setSymbolLookup

Page 26: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial



## Not run:# All 3 getSymbols calls return the same# MSFT to the global environment# The last example is what NOT to do!

## Method #1getSymbols('MSFT',src='csv')

## Method #2setDefaults(getSymbols,src='csv')# OR



########################################### NOT RECOMMENDED!!!########################################### Method #3getSymbols.csv('MSFT',verbose=TRUE,env=globalenv())## End(Not run) Download OHLC Data From Google Finance


Downloads Symbols to specified env from ‘’. This method is not to becalled directly, instead a call to getSymbols(Symbols,src=’google’) will in turn callthis method. It is documented for the sole purpose of highlighting the arguments accepted, and toserve as a guide to creating additional getSymbols ‘methods’.

Usage,env,return.class = c("quantmod.OHLC","zoo"),from = "2007-01-01",to = Sys.Date(),...)


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded

env where to create objects. (.GlobalEnv)

return.class class of returned object

from Retrieve no earlier than this date

Page 27: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial 27

to Retrieve though this date

... additional parameters


Meant to be called internally by getSymbols (see also).

One of a few currently defined methods for loading data for use with quantmod. Essentially asimple wrapper to the underlying Google Finance site for historical data.

A word of warning. Google is the home of BETA, and historic data is no exception. There is a BUGin practically all series that include the dates Dec 29,30, and 31 of 2003. The data will show thewrong date and corresponding prices. This essentially makes it useless, but if they ever apply a fixthe data is nice(r) than Yahoo, in so much as it is all split adjusted and there is forty years worth tobe had. As long as you skip the holiday week of 2003. : )


A call to will load into the specified environment one object for each Symbolspecified, with class defined by return.class. Presently this may be ts, its, zoo, quantmod.OHLC,or timeSeries.


As mentioned in the details section, a serious flaw exists within the google database/SQL. A cautionis issued when retrieving data via this method if this particular error is encountered, but one can onlywonder what else may be wrong. Caveat emptor.


Jeffrey A. Ryan


Google Finance:

See Also

getSymbols, setSymbolLookup


## Not run:# All 3 getSymbols calls return the same# MSFT to the global environment# The last example is what NOT to do!

## Method #1getSymbols('MSFT',src='google')

## Method #2setDefaults(getSymbols,src='google')

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28 getSymbols.oanda

# ORsetSymbolLookup(MSFT='google')


########################################### NOT RECOMMENDED!!!########################################### Method'MSFT',verbose=TRUE,env=globalenv())## End(Not run)

getSymbols.oanda Download Currency and Metals Data from


Access to 191 currency and metal prices, downloadable as more that 36000 currency pairs

Downloads Symbols to specified env from historical currency database. Thismethod is not meant to be called directly, instead a call to getSymbols(dQuote{x},src=dQuote{oanda}) will in turn call this method. It is documented for the sole purpose of high-lighting the arguments accepted, and to serve as a guide to creating additional getSymbols ’meth-ods’.


getSymbols.oanda(Symbols,env,return.class = "zoo",from = "2007-01-01",to = Sys.Date(),...)


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded - expressedas a currency pair. (e.g. U.S. Dollars per Euro would be expressed as a string“USD/EUR”. The naming convention follows from, and a table ofpossible values is available by calling oanda.currencies

env where to create objects.

return.class class of returned object

from Start of series expressed as "CCYY-MM-DD"

to Start of series expressed as "CCYY-MM-DD"

... additional parameters

Page 29: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial

getSymbols.rda 29


Meant to be called internally by getSymbols only.

Oanda data is 7 day daily average price data, that is Monday through Sunday. There is a limit of2000 days per request, and getSymbols will fail with a warning that the limit has been exceeded.


A call to getSymbols(Symbols,src="oanda") will load into the specified environment one object foreach ’Symbol’ specified, with class defined by ’return.class’. Presently this may be ’ts’, ’its’, ’zoo’,’quantmod.OHLC’, or ’timeSeries’.


Jeffrey A. Ryan


See Also

Currencies: getSymbols.FRED, getSymbols


## Not run:getSymbols("USD/EUR",src="oanda")getSymbols("USD/EUR",src="oanda",from="2005-01-01")## End(Not run)

getSymbols.rda Load Data from R Binary File


Downloads Symbols to specified env from local R data file. This method is not to be calleddirectly, instead a call to getSymbols(Symbols,src=’rda’) will in turn call this method.It is documented for the sole purpose of highlighting the arguments accepted, and to serve as a guideto creating additional getSymbols ‘methods’.


getSymbols.rda(Symbols,env,dir="",return.class = "zoo",extension="rda",col.names=c("Open","High","Low","Close","Volume","Adjusted"),...)

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30 getSymbols.rda


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded

env where to create objects. (.GlobalEnv)

dir directory of rda/RData file

return.class class of returned object

extension extension of R data file

col.names data column names

... additional parameters


Meant to be called internally by getSymbols (see also).

One of a few currently defined methods for loading data for use with quantmod. Essentially asimple wrapper to the underlying R load.


A call to getSymbols.csv will load into the specified environment one object for each Symbol spec-ified, with class defined by return.class. Presently this may be ts, its, zoo, quantmod.OHLC,data.frame, or timeSeries.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

getSymbols, load, setSymbolLookup


## Not run:# All 3 getSymbols calls return the same# MSFT to the global environment# The last example is what NOT to do!

## Method #1getSymbols('MSFT',src='rda')getSymbols('MSFT',src='RData')

## Method #2setDefaults(getSymbols,src='rda')# OR

setSymbolLookup(MSFT='rda')# OR



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########################################### NOT RECOMMENDED!!!########################################### Method #3getSymbols.rda('MSFT',verbose=TRUE,env=globalenv())## End(Not run) Download OHLC Data From Yahoo Finance


Downloads Symbols to specified env from ‘’. This method is not to be calleddirectly, instead a call to getSymbols(Symbols,src=’yahoo’)will in turn call this method.It is documented for the sole purpose of highlighting the arguments accepted, and to serve as a guideto creating additional getSymbols ‘methods’.

Usage,env,return.class = c("quantmod.OHLC", "zoo"),from = "2007-01-01",to = Sys.Date(),...)


Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded

env where to create objects. (.GlobalEnv)

return.class class of returned object

from Retrieve data no earlier than this date. (1990-01-01)

to Retrieve data through this date (Sys.Date())

... additional parameters


Meant to be called internally by getSymbols (see also).

One of a few currently defined methods for loading data for use with quantmod. Essentially asimple wrapper to the underlying Yahoo! finance site’s historical data download.


A call to will load into the specified environment one object for each Symbolspecified, with class defined by return.class. Presently this may be ts, its, zoo, quantmod.OHLC,or timeSeries.

Page 32: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial

32 is.quantmod


Jeffrey A. Ryan


Yahoo Finance:

See Also

getSymbols, setSymbolLookup


## Not run:# All 3 getSymbols calls return the same# MSFT to the global environment# The last example is what NOT to do!

## Method #1getSymbols('MSFT',src='yahoo')

## Method #2setDefaults(getSymbols,src='yahoo')# OR



########################################### NOT RECOMMENDED!!!########################################### Method'MSFT',env=globalenv())## End(Not run)

is.quantmod Test If Object of Type quantmod


Test if object is of type quantmod or quantmodResults.




x object to test

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modelData 33


Boolean TRUE or FALSE


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

specifyModel, tradeModel

modelData Extract Dataset Created by specifyModel


Extract from a quantmod object the dataset created for use in modelling.

specifyModel creates a zoo object for use in subsequent workflow stages ( buildModel,tradeModel)that combines all model inputs, from a variety of sources, into one model frame.

modelData returns this object.


modelData(x, data.window = NULL, = FALSE)


x a quantmod object

data.window a character vector of subset start and end dates to

remove training period


When a model is created by specifyModel, it is attached to the returned object. One of the slotsof this S4 class is


an object of class zoo containing all transformations to data specified in specifyModel.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

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34 modelSignal

See Also



## Not run:m <- specifyModel(Next(OpCl(SPY)) ~ Cl(SPY) + OpHi(SPY) + Lag(Cl(SPY)))modelData(m)## End(Not run)

modelSignal Extract Model Signal Object


Extract model signal object from quantmodResults object as an object of class zoo.




x object of class quantmodResults


For use after a call to tradeModel to extract the generated signal of a given quantmod model.Normally this would not need to be called by the end user unless he was manually post processingthe trade results.


A zoo object indexed by signal dates.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also


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period.apply 35

period.apply Apply Function Over Specified Interval


Apply a specified function to data over a given interval, where the interval is taken to be the datafrom INDEX[k] to INDEX[k+1], for k=1:length(INDEX).


period.apply(x, INDEX, FUN, ...)


x data to apply FUN to

INDEX numeric vector specifying indexing

FUN an argument of type function

... additional arguments for FUN


Similar to the rest of the apply family, calculate a specified functions value given a shifting set ofdata values.

Useful for applying arbitrary functions over time, as when INDEX is the result of a call to break-points.


A numeric vector with length INDEX


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

breakpoints apply.monthly

Examples <- zoo(rnorm(31)+10,as.Date(13514:13744,origin="1970-01-01"))bp <- breakpoints(,by=weeks)period.apply(, INDEX=bp, FUN=function(x) sd(x))period.apply(, INDEX=bp, FUN=sd) #same

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36 periodReturn

periodReturn Calculate Periodic Returns


Given a set of prices, return a quantmod.return object of returns calculated during specifiedperiod.


periodReturn(x, by = months, from = NULL, to = NULL)

allReturns(x, from = NULL, to = NULL)dailyReturn(x, from = NULL, to = NULL)weeklyReturn(x, from = NULL, to = NULL)monthlyReturn(x, from = NULL, to = NULL)quarterlyReturn(x, from = NULL, to = NULL)annualReturn(x, from = NULL, to = NULL)


x zoo object of state prices

by character string indicating time period. Valid entries are weekdays, weeks,months, quarters, years. All are accessible from wrapper functions describedbelow. Defaults to monthly returns (same as monthlyReturn)

from character string representing dates in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 1992-01-01). De-faults to beginning of dataset

to character string representing dates in ISO 8601 format (e.g. 1992-01-01). De-faults to end of dataset


periodReturn is the underlying function for wrappers:

• allReturns: calculate all available return periods

• dailyReturn: calculate daily returns

• weeklyReturn: calculate weekly returns

• monthlyReturn: calculate monthly returns

• quarterlyReturn: calculate quarterly returns

• annualReturn: calculate annual returns


Returns object of class quantmod.returns with ending dates of each period indexing the re-turns

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periodicity 37


The final row of returned object will have the current period return to last date, i.e. this week/month/quarter/yearreturn to date.

By default, if from and/or to is missing, they will be set to the dataset beginning and end, re-spectively. One or both may be set, and will subset the data, inclusively, after all calculations havebeen made. The values must be character strings representing dates in ISO 8601 format. (e.g.1992-01-01).

Additional methods to handle ts and data.frame objects will enable automatic conversion tothe suitable zoo object as returned by a call to getSymbols


Jeffrey A. Ryan



See Also



## Not run:getSymbols('QQQQ',src='yahoo')allReturns(QQQQ) # returns all periods

periodReturn(QQQQ,by=years,from='2003-01-01') # returns years 2003 to presentperiodReturn(QQQQ,by=years,from='2003-01-01',to='2004-01-01') # returns year 2003

rm(QQQQ)## End(Not run)

periodicity Approximate Series Periodicity


Estimate the periodicity of a time series like object by calculating the median time between obser-vations in days.


periodicity(x, ...)

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38 quantmod-class


x a zoo-like object with a Date based index

... unused


A simple wrapper to quickly estimate the periodicity of a given data. Returning a statement of themedian number of days between observations.


An object of class ’difftime’


This should be extended to handle non-zoo objects, though that hasn’t happened :


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also



zoo.ts <- zoo(rnorm(231),as.Date(13514:13744,origin="1970-01-01"))periodicity(zoo.ts)

quantmod-class Class "quantmod"


Objects of class quantmod help to manage the process of model building within the quantmodpackage. Created automatically by a call to specifyModel they carry information to be used bya variety of accessor functions and methods.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("quantmod", ...).

Normally objects are created as a result of a call to specifyModel.

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quantmod-package 39

Slots Object of class "character"

model.spec: Object of class "formula"

model.formula: Object of class "formula" Object of class "character"

model.inputs: Object of class "character"

build.inputs: Object of class "character"

symbols: Object of class "character"

product: Object of class "character"

price.levels: Object of class "zoo" Object of class "Date" Object of class "Date"

fitted.model: Object of class "ANY" Object of class "zoo"

quantmod.version: Object of class "numeric"


No methods defined with class "quantmod" in the signature.


Jeffrey A. Ryan



quantmod-package Quantitative Financial Modelling Framework


Quantitative Financial Modelling and Trading Framework for R


Package: quantmodType: PackageVersion: 0.2-5Date: 2007-10-16Depends: zoo,DefaultsSuggests: its,DBI,RMySQL,fCalendarLazyLoad: yesLicense: GPL-3URL:

Page 40: The quantmod Package - · The quantmod Package October 19, 2007 Type Package Title Quantitative Financial

40 quantmod.OHLC

The quantmod package for R is designed to assist the quantitative trader in the development, testing,and deployment of statistically based trading models.

What quantmod IS

A rapid prototyping environment, where quant traders can quickly and cleanly explore and buildtrading models.

What quantmod is NOT

A replacement for anything statistical. It has no ’new’ modelling routines or analysis tool to speakof. It does now offer charting not currently available elsewhere in R, but most everything elseis more of a wrapper to what you already know and love about the langauge and packages youcurrently use.

quantmod makes modelling easier by removing the repetitive workflow issues surrounding datamanagement, modelling interfaces, and performance analysis.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

Maintainer: Jeffrey A. Ryan <[email protected]>

quantmod.OHLC Create Open High Low Close Object


Coerce an object with the apporpriate columns to class quantmod.OHLC, which extends zoo.


as.quantmod.OHLC(x,col.names = c("Open", "High",

"Low", "Close","Volume", "Adjusted"),

name = NULL, ...)


x object of class zoocol.names suffix for columnsname name to attach unique column suffixes to, defaults to the object name... additional arguments (unused)


quantmod.OHLC is actually just a renaming of an object of class zoo, with the convention ofNAME.Open, NAME.High, ... for the column names.

Additionally methods may be written to handle or check for the above conditions within otherfunctions - as is the case within the quantmod package.

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setSymbolLookup 41


An object of class c(’quantmod.OHLC’,’zoo’)


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

OHLC.Transformations, getSymbols

setSymbolLookup Manage Symbol Lookup Table


Create and manage Symbol defaults lookup table within R session for use in getSymbols calls.





... name=value pairs for symbol defaults

Symbols name of symbol(s)

confirm warn before deleting lookup table

file filename

dir directory of filename


Use of these functions allows the user to specify a set of default parameters for each Symbol to beloaded.

Different sources (e.g. yahoo, MySQL, csv), can be specified for each Symbol of interest. Thesources must be valid getSymbols methods - see getSymbols for details on which methodsare available, as well as how to add additional methods.

The argument list to setSymbolLookup is simply the unquoted name of the Symbol matchedto the desired default source, or list of Symbol specific parameters.

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42 setSymbolLookup

For example, to signify that the stock data for Sun Microsystems (JAVA) should be downloadedfrom Yahoo! Finance, one would call setSymbolLookup(JAVA=’yahoo’) or setSymbolLookup(JAVA=list(src=’yahoo’))

It is also possible to specify additional, possibly source specific, lookup details on a per symbolbasis. These include an alternate naming convention (useful for sites like Yahoo! where certainnon-traded symbols are prepended with a caret, or more correctly a curcumflex accent. In that caseone would specify setSymbolLookup(DJI=list(name="^DJI",src="yahoo"))) aswell as passed parameters like dbname and password for database sources. See the specificgetSymbols function related to the source in question for more details of each implementation.

All changes are made to the current list, and will persist only until the end of the session. To alwaysuse the same defaults it is necessary to call setSymbolLookup with the appropriate parametersfrom a startup file (e.g. .Rprofile) or to use saveSymbolLookup and loadSymbolLookup tosave and restore lookup tables.

To unset a specific Symbol’s defaults, simply assign NULL to the Symbol.


Called for its side effects, the function changes the options value for the specified Symbolthrough a call to options(getSymbols.sources=...)


Changes are NOT persistent across sessions, as the table is stored in the session options by default.

This may change to allow for an easier to manage process, as for now it is designed to minimize theclutter created during a typical session.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

getSymbols, options,



## Not run:## Will download QQQQ from yahoo## and load DIA from MySQLgetSymbols(c('QQQQ','DIA'))## End(Not run)

## Use something like this to always retrieve## from the same source

.First <- function() {require(quantmod,quietly=TRUE)

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specifyModel 43


## OR


specifyModel Specify Model Formula For quantmod Process


Create a single reusable model specification for subsequent buildModel calls. An object of classquantmod is created that can be then be reused with different modelling methods and parameters.No data frame is specified, as data is retrieved from potentially multiple environments, and internalcalls to getSymbols.


specifyModel(formula, na.rm=TRUE)


formula an object of class formula (or one that can be coerced to that class): a sym-bolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specifcation aregiven under Details.

na.rm remove all incomplete rows.


Models are specified through the standard formula mechanism.

As financial models may include a variety of financial and economic indicators, each differing insource, frequency, and/or class, a single mechanism to specify sources is included within a call tospecifyModel. See getModelData for details of how this process works.

Currently, objects of class quantmod.OHLC, zoo, ts and its are supported within the modelformula.

All symbols are first retrieved from the global environment, without inheritence. If an object is notfound in the global environment, it is added to a list of objects to load through the getSymbolsfunction. getSymbols retrieves each object specified by using information as to its location specifiedapriori via setDefaults or setSymbolLookup.

Internally all data is coerced to zoo,data.frame, or numeric classes.


Returns an object of class quantmod. Use modelData to extract full data set as zoo object.

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44 to.period


It is possible to include any supported series in the formula by simply specifying the object’s sym-bol. See *Details* for a list of currently supported classes.

Use getSymbols.skeleton to create additional methods of data sourcing, e.g. from a propri-etary data format or currently unimplemented source (Bloomberg, Oracle).

See getSymbols.MySQL and for examples of adding additional func-tionality


Jeffrey Ryan


See Also

getModelData,getSymbols, buildModel,tradeModel,formula setSymbolLookup


## Not run:# if QQQQ is not in the Global environment, an attempt will be made# to retrieve it from the source specified with getSymbols.Default

specifyModel(Next(OpCl(QQQQ)) ~ Lag(OpHi(QQQQ),0:3) + Hi(DIA))## End(Not run)

to.period Convert OHLC data to lower periodicity


Convert an OHLC or univariate zoo object to a specified periodicity lower than the given data object.For example, convert a daily series to a monthly series, or a monthly series to an yearly one.

The result will contain, if applicable, the open and close for the given period, as well as the maxi-mum and minimum prices over the new period, reflected in the new high and low, respectively.



to.period(x, period = months, ...)

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to.period 45


x OHLC type object

period period to convert to

... additional arguments


Essentially an easy and reliable way to convert daily data into any commonly required periodicity. Itis important to note that all dates will be aligned to the end of each period, e.g. the row correspond-ing to August 2007 would become ’2007-08-31’. This is different than what would be downloadedfrom yahoo as a monthly series - as yahoo illogically using the beginning of the month to signify amonth - i.e. the first date available, not the 1st!

It is also possible to pass a single time series, such as a univariate exchange rate, and return anOHLC object of lower frequency - e.g. the weekly OHLC of the daily series.

It is not possible to convert a series from a lower periodicity to a higher periodicity - e.g. weekly todaily, as that would require magic.


An object of the same type as x, with new periodicity.


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

as.quantmod.OHLC, getSymbols, apply.monthly


## Not run:# download daily US/EU exchange rate from# the FRED systemgetSymbols("DEXUSEU",src="FRED")getSymbols("QQQQ",src="yahoo")

# look at the data : )DEXUSEU # univariate time seriesQQQQ # OHLC already

# now it's a yearly OHLCdex1 <- to.yearly(DEXUSEU)

# first monthly, then to yearlydex2 <- to.yearly(to.monthly(DEXUSEU))

identical(dex1,dex2) # it's the same!

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46 tradeModel

q1 <- to.yearly(QQQQ)q2 <- to.yearly(to.monthly(QQQQ))

# these don't match - sometimes dates# are off depending on when cutoffs# occur - so BE CAREFUL when converting# a converted object!identical(q1,q2)## End(Not run)

tradeModel Simulate Trading of Fitted quantmod Object


Simulated trading of fitted quantmod object. Given a fitted model, tradeModel calculates the sig-nal generated over a given historical period, then applies specified trade.rule to calculate andreturn a tradeLog object. Additional methods can then be called to evaluate the performance ofthe model’s strategy.


tradeModel(x,signal.threshold = c(0, 0),leverage = 1,return.model = TRUE,plot.model = FALSE,trade.dates = NULL, = TRUE,ret.type = c("weeks", "months", "quarters", "years"),...)


x a quantmod object from buildModel

signal.thresholda numeric vector describing simple lower and upper thresholds before trade oc-curs

leverage amount of leverage to apply - currently a constant

return.model should the full model be returned?

plot.model plot the model?

trade.dates specific trade interval - defaults to full

exclude the period trained on?

ret.type a table of period returns

... additional parameters needed by the underlying modelling function, if any

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weekdays.zoo 47


Still highly experimental and changing. The purpose is to apply a newly contructed model frombuildModel to a new dataset to investigate the model’s trading potential.

At present all parameters are very basic. The near term changes include allowing for a trade.ruleargument to allow for a dynamic trade rule given a set of signals. Additional the application ofvariable leverage and costs will become part of the final structure.

Any suggestions as to inclusions or alterations are appreciated and should be directed to the main-tainer of the package.


A quantmodResults object


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

specifyModel buildModel


## Not run:m <- specifyModel(Next(OpCl(QQQQ)) ~ Lag(OpHi(QQQQ)))m.built <- buildModel(m,method='rpart',training.per=c('2007-01-01','2007-04-01'))

tradeModel(m.built)tradeModel(m.built,leverage=2)## End(Not run)

weekdays.zoo Extract Parts of a zoo Object


Extract the weekday, month or quarter. This documents the methods for the zoo class.


## S3 method for class 'zoo':weekdays(x,abbreviate=FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'zoo':months(x,abbreviate=FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'zoo':quarters(x,abbreviate=FALSE)

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48 weeks


x a zoo object with index of class Date

abbreviate logical. Should names be abbreviated?


weekdays and months return a character vector of the names.

quarters returns a character vector of Q1 to Q4


Jeffrey A. Ryan

See Also

DateTimeClasses, quarters, weekdays, months

Examples <- zoo(rnorm(31)+10,as.Date(13514:13744,origin="1970-01-01"))weekdays(

weeks Extract Weeks, Years of a Time Series Object


Extract weeks. This is a generic function, methods for zoo classes are documented here


weeks(x, abbreviate)

years(x, abbreviate)


x zoo object with index of class Date

abbreviate abbreviate the results


Behaves exactly as weekdays, months and quarters from base with the obvious difference in thatthe method extracts the weeks or years of the object.

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weeks 49


A numeric vector giving the week number corresponding to each observed date for weeks, andyear for years.


further notes The zoo object’s index must be of class Date, or coerceable to such.


Jeffrey A. Ryan



See Also

weekdays, Date

Examples <- zoo(rnorm(31)+10,as.Date(13514:13744,origin="1970-01-01"))weeks(

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∗Topic classesquantmod-class, 37

∗Topic datagenbuildData, 9Lag, 3Next, 4

∗Topic datasetsgetModelData, 17getSymbols.oanda, 27

∗Topic datagetSymbols, 21getSymbols.csv, 23getSymbols.FRED,, 25getSymbols.MySQL, 19getSymbols.rda,, 30modelData, 32quantmod.OHLC, 39

∗Topic miscLag, 3Next, 4

∗Topic modelsbuildModel, 10fittedModel, 15specifyModel, 42tradeModel, 45

∗Topic packagequantmod-package, 38

∗Topic tsLag, 3

∗Topic utilitiesapply.monthly, 7breakpoints, 8chartSeries, 11Delt, 1first, 14is.quantmod, 31modelData, 32

modelSignal, 33OHLC.Transformations, 6period.apply, 34periodicity, 36periodReturn, 35setSymbolLookup, 40to.period, 43weekdays.zoo, 46weeks, 47

Ad (OHLC.Transformations), 6allReturns (periodReturn), 35annualReturn (periodReturn), 35anova.quantmod (fittedModel), 15apply.monthly, 7, 34, 44apply.quarterly (apply.monthly), 7apply.weekly (apply.monthly), 7apply.yearly (apply.monthly), 7as.quantmod.OHLC, 44as.quantmod.OHLC (quantmod.OHLC),


barChart (chartSeries), 11breakpoints, 8, 8, 34buildData, 9buildModel, 10, 16, 17, 43, 46

candleChart (chartSeries), 11chartSeries, 11Cl (OHLC.Transformations), 6ClCl (OHLC.Transformations), 6coef.quantmod (fittedModel), 15coefficients.quantmod

(fittedModel), 15

dailyReturn (periodReturn), 35Date, 48DateTimeClasses, 47Delt, 1difftime, 37


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first, 14fitted.quantmod (fittedModel), 15fitted.values.quantmod

(fittedModel), 15fittedModel, 15fittedModel<- (fittedModel), 15formula, 43formula.quantmod (fittedModel), 15

getModelData, 17, 23, 33, 43getSymbolLookup

(setSymbolLookup), 40getSymbols, 10, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26,

28, 29, 31, 36, 40, 41, 43, 44getSymbols.csv, 23, 23getSymbols.FRED, 18, 23,, 23, 25getSymbols.MySQL, 19getSymbols.oanda, 23, 27getSymbols.rda, 28getSymbols.RData, 23getSymbols.RData

(getSymbols.rda),, 23, 30

Hi (OHLC.Transformations), 6HiCl (OHLC.Transformations), 6

is.quantmod, 31is.quantmodResults (is.quantmod),


Lag, 3, 5lag, 4Lag.quantmod.OHLC (Lag), 3Lag.zoo (Lag), 3last (first), 14lineChart (chartSeries), 11Lo (OHLC.Transformations), 6load, 29loadSymbolLookup

(setSymbolLookup), 40LoCl (OHLC.Transformations), 6logLik.quantmod (fittedModel), 15LoHi (OHLC.Transformations), 6

matchChart (chartSeries), 11modelData, 10, 17, 32modelSignal, 33

monthlyReturn (periodReturn), 35months, 47months.zoo (weekdays.zoo), 46

Next, 4Next.quantmod.OHLC (Next), 4Next.zoo (Next), 4

oanda.currencies(getSymbols.oanda), 27

OHLC.Transformations, 6, 40Op (OHLC.Transformations), 6OpCl, 2OpCl (OHLC.Transformations), 6OpHi (OHLC.Transformations), 6OpLo (OHLC.Transformations), 6OpOp, 2OpOp (OHLC.Transformations), 6options, 41

period.apply, 8, 9, 34periodicity, 36periodReturn, 35plot.quantmod (fittedModel), 15

quantmod, 16quantmod (quantmod-package), 38quantmod-class, 37quantmod-package, 38quantmod-show (quantmod-class), 37quantmod.OHLC, 39quarterlyReturn (periodReturn), 35quarters, 47quarters.zoo (weekdays.zoo), 46

read.csv, 24removeSymbols (getSymbols), 21resid.quantmod (fittedModel), 15residuals.quantmod (fittedModel),


saveSymbolLookup(setSymbolLookup), 40

saveSymbols (getSymbols), 21setSymbolLookup, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29,

31, 40, 43showSymbols (getSymbols), 21specifyModel, 5, 7, 10, 11, 17, 21, 23, 32,

33, 42, 46

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to.monthly, 8to.monthly (to.period), 43to.period, 43to.quarterly (to.period), 43to.weekly (to.period), 43to.yearly (to.period), 43tradeModel, 11, 32, 33, 43, 45

unsetSymbolLookup(setSymbolLookup), 40

vcov.quantmod (fittedModel), 15Vo (OHLC.Transformations), 6

weekdays, 47, 48weekdays.zoo, 46weeklyReturn (periodReturn), 35weeks, 47

years (weeks), 47