the quill & quiver - · teresa taylor secretary ... number of timber...

Sherwood Chapter HOG is sponsored by Robin Hood Harley-Davidson 216 Queens Road, Beeston, Nottingham. NG9 2DP. 0115 968 3250 The views and comments contained in this newsletter are the personal views of the contributors and are not those expressed by HOG UK, Harley-Davidson, their authorised dealers or agents SHERWOOD CHAPTER The Quill & Quiver Volume 0911 Hospice Presentation

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Sherwood Chapter HOG is sponsored by Robin Hood Harley-Davidson

216 Queens Road, Beeston, Nottingham. NG9 2DP. 0115 968 3250 The views and comments contained in this newsletter are the personal views

of the contributors and are not those expressed by HOG UK, Harley-Davidson, their authorised dealers or agents






The Quill & Quiver

Volume 0911

Hospice Presentation

Thanks guys (committee members) for the position of Editor I didn‟t realise that I was jumping up and down so much for the new job but thanks anyway.

The combined Derby, Nottingham & Mansfield Christmas Dinner was a huge success, thanks to all of you who supported this function, and for coming along, the camaraderie was brilliant – a good night was had by all!

During the evening we raised the grand sum of £202 for the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance. Many

thanks to all members who kindly donated raffle prizes, and even bigger thanks to all members who dug dip into their pockets, without too much arm twisting from Karen and Carolyn, myself and Shirley. Much appreciated.

Here‟s hoping that Steve Fox still has some Cherry Brandy left for Christmas!

Unfortunately we seemed to have a slight problem with the Accounting; one meal did not appear to have been paid for on the night! If anyone forgot to pay for their meal can they please reimburse your Chapter Director; Mr Pete Clifford, as he paid the extra on the night.

To date I have only had one of the three nominated Quill & Quiver entries – I have entered the one received to date – the other two entries will be entered in the next issue (come on guys get the entries to me – closing date 4 Jan 2010).

Our thanks and appreciations go to Carol Wright for her many years as „Rita the Greeter‟, unfortunately due to family commitments Carol is stepping down from this position.

I would like to thank Dai for his help and assistance in enabling me to step in to his shoes as the new Editor, a massive learning curve and a hard act to follow, and over the coming months I hope to be able to add to the Quill & Quiver in my own southern tongue!

Down to business; Legend Rally 2010 – Can any volunteers that wish to help with this rally please contact Dai (Lincoln Rep & Historian), all offers of help are appreciated.

Monthly meetings at the Festival Inn Trowell will be every fourth Thursday, 8.00pm prompt.

Winter Social Programme; I will issue a detailed calendar in the next issue of the Quill & Quiver. If you have any ideas please send to Mr Activator (Paul Allen the Smiling Assassin).

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All – don‟t get the bikes too dirty!!

Sherwood Chapter

Committee Members

2009 Pete Clifford Chapter Director

Kev Taylor Assistant Director

Ann Clark Treasurer &

Ladies of Harley

Teresa Taylor Secretary & Membership

Ian Page Editor &

Derby Rep

Darren James Head Road Captain

Andy Fellows Webmaster &

Photo Coordinator

Richard Stevens Dealer Representative

Glenn Page Safety Officer &

North Nott’s Rep

Mick Baines Area Representative

(Nott’s & Leics)

Dai Gunter Historian & Lincoln Rep

Paul Allen Activities Officer

Jane Confrey Ladies of Harley

Position vacant Liaison Officer

(Rita the Greeter)

Contact Details: The Editor

Sherwood HOG [email protected].

Editor’s Bit

What a year!

It’s been. It was enjoyed. Now, the riding is behind us, apart from, “The Brass Balls Ride”

Thursday 31st December 10.15am at Robin Hood H-D. Depart 10.30am ride to Friendly Farmer, Newark. Depart Friendly Farmer at 11.30am if it’s minus 4 degrees like last year leave for American Diner northbound on A1, if not we go southbound on the A1 for the American Diner on the northbound carriage way at Stamford for a tasty burger and curly fries. For Your Information; After talks with Ian Jennings, Dealer Principal, some by-laws are on the way to make sure we don’t have a large political build up before the next AGM and indeed the 2011 AGM. The Committee is in the midst of making some changes on term length for the whole Committee and a different length of term for the Director. Reasons for the difference is, so there is some sort of overlap involved with new Committee members and Director that helps keep the Chapter going in the same direction. All of this was agreed with Ian Jennings and both candidates for directorship well before the AGM this year. There has been a lot of chit chat and if you like, “back stabbing” behind some members backs and we don’t really need it to happen again. Only trouble is we can’t stop it happening. One thing I will say is if you are not happy with the running of the Chapter then get off your arse and bring your complaints forward to me, failing that go elsewhere, the Chapter doesn’t need it. Nobody has as yet come to me so things will carry on as they have this last year, in a democratic way, moving forward and not standing still as some people have mentioned. The Committee were not happy about the “accounts” being handed out at a Chapter meeting one month later than the AGM and also without the other three Principal Officers and Dealer Principal even getting a look at them! There will be a set of Accounts to look at, at the AGM. On a lighter note: The Chapter had a very successful rally, a massive amount of ride outs to so many places of interest, too many to mention. All of which were supported very well and organized by your Road Captains and not to mention the countless social nights, all of which were very well supported. Rally News: Much earlier than expected Thoresby Estate has informed us that there will be a number of timber lodges up and ready for rent at next year’s Legend Rally. The site is within the Estate and about a mile and a half away from the event. The lodge site will be linked with the rally site via a private road. However there will be some sort of transport laid on to ferry you back and forth. Xmas bash: The late Xmas doo has taken some time to get together. Haggle? Haggle I did, and got happy hour all night at the bar, and never let it be said that traffic wardens are what you think they are. With two calls to NCP I got £12.50 off 24 hour parking. So for 5 quid a ticket you can park in the St. James Street car park. You buy your parking tickets through Sherwood Chapter when purchasing your party tickets and yes anyone can come along. See flier in this issue. All that is left for me to say is, have a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Pete……07815 181 152

Scrowle On

Hi folks, the last newsletter of the year, I hope. It only seems a few weeks ago I was looking

forward to the first big ride out of the year, Hoggin the Bard. Now with only the Brass Balls

run left to do where has the year gone? They do say time seems to go faster the older you get

so I am naturally worried about getting out of my teens.

Seriously though, it’s gone in a year of great rides & events with hardly a space left in the

calendar to fill. On behalf of myself and all Chapter members I would like to say a big thank

you to everybody who has organised or helped with an event or ride out. I hope we have even

more for next year; a tall order but we can do it.

Thanks to everybody who came to support handing the cheque over to the Nottingham

Hospice a couple of weeks ago. £4,500 is a very nice tidy sum to hand over just before

Christmas so thank you for all your efforts. Especially Carol & Dawn who seem to be able to

part us from our money so easily, well it is for a good cause.

A few bikes braved the earlier rain and at least they could get parked up at the hospice. I

followed Pete, Carol & Teresa from Robin Hood to the hospice in the car and haven’t got a

clue how we got there. I know it took about 20 minutes to get past the Victoria shopping

centre and then parked miles away at the side of the road. Well it felt like miles anyway, give

me open country roads or even motorways anytime. No prizes for guessing I hate cities.

Going to have to keep this short or I will be late getting to the shop for the Christmas party

and then it’s off to visit friends in Germany for a few days first thing in the morning. Gill has

been hinting recently that she would like something small and shiny for Christmas with the

emphasis on shiny rather than small, medium or large would be just as acceptable. I said I

would see what was on offer in the chrome department at Robin Hood’s Christmas party sale.

The bruises are fading nicely now thank you, it would appear she was talking about

something called jewellery whatever that is.

So from myself and Gill have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you get what

you want, and want what you get, for Christmas.

R a m b l i n g s from your

A s s i s t a n t D I r e c t o r



Firstly, the usual warm Sherwood Welcome and a big Hello to new members

Stephen Allen Carl Danvers James Anderton Simon Thompson

There might not be many ride outs planned for them to join, but we can regale them over the winter months with tales of summer riding, mishaps and mayhems, tips and slips, and what they have to look forward to once the spring arrives. With nothing but rain and winds set in for last weekend, seeing Ian (Page) tidying up the photo wall in the shop gave me a mission for a wet dreary Sunday afternoon. I hunted through my photo files for piccies taken of the various Parades of Flags over the years. The only picture that couldn‟t be found was for St Tropez in 2005, when Gillian and Clive had the honours (and also unfortunately the worst Parade of Flags of them all!) so if anyone has a photo I can use, please email it to me for printing out. With that exception, all the others photos are now on the wall, along with an impressive array of rally banners for each event, and the plaque bearing the names of the flag flyers (an excellent idea of Dave‟s as a historical record). I bet not many Chapters have been so well represented over the years as the internationally famous green hats. Already looking forward to St Tropez and the European at Lugano, (albeit a short but expensive trip methinks!). Just to recap on the membership report I gave at the AGM, we have had 64 new members join the Chapter this year (so far), giving us a total of 270 members. Interestingly, each year the new members total seems to be between 60 and 70, so we are running at a very good average, despite the „credit crunch‟. I would also like to use this space to give a big thank you to Pete and Carole Wright for all their efforts and contributions to the Chapter over the past 9 years. They will be greatly missed, and a loss to the Chapter as they have been an integral part of the Chapter since just after its inception, Pete being Mansfield Area Rep, then Senior Road Captain, and finally Treasurer (as well as being Santa on the Toy Runs). Carole has been instrumental in making new members feel welcome, especially at the first “dreaded” Chapter meeting when you are alone in a sea of faces. It was her naturally warm and welcoming personality that inspired the „Rita the Greeter‟ position. Members she has introduced at Chapter meetings have gone on to forge strong friendships. And of course she has been a master at making you all put your hands in your pockets and purses to buy raffle tickets, and donate raffle prizes for the fund raising, amassing a whopping £4500 for the Hospice. On that subject, although there is a report in this issue from Steve Fox regarding the cheque presentation to the Nottingham Hospice, I would add that it was wonderfully moving to see how much they achieve and how grateful they were for our fund raising. It was my first visit there and it‟s a glorious old building, but very homely and inviting inside. It‟s a shame we are not continuing to support them, as after all, not to be too glum in the festive season, we all may use it one day! Wishing you all a very happy and shiny Christmas, and prosperous New Year,

Sherwood chapter’s secretary

Has something to say Something to Say


Well since my last contribution to the Q&Q it hasn‟t quietened down any with lots still going off even though many members have put their precious babies away for the winter months to keep them away from the dreaded salt. Tuesday the 27th October saw the Derbyshire Area at yet another venue, the Bonnie Prince Charlie at Chellaston with yet another excellent turn out, and with access directly off the A50, easy to find. This flitting around from one venue to another is very popular with the members and keeps it interesting, instead of going to the same old, same old and with the internet and mobile phones is not a problem at all. It also has the added benefit of being close to everyone‟s doorstep at some time during the year, with members suggesting and recommending local hostelries and now we also have a new and keen Derbyshire area rep with Ian Page it looks set to get even better. Thursday the 29th October was the Chapter AGM and let‟s hope that we can bury the differences and now go forward to the benefit of the Chapter as a whole. Saturday the 31st saw me leading the ride out to the OK Diner on the A38 at Willington by a testing route down country lanes that most of the riders and pillions didn‟t even know existed and for me that‟s what it‟s about, introducing members with local knowledge, to parts of our areas that they didn‟t know about and maybe they will visit again with their other friends and families. After everyone had their fill of the delights the OK Diner we all dispersed knowing that this was probably one of the last group ride outs we would be going on this side of Christmas. Tuesday we all met up at the Denby Lodge and another good turn out and an opportunity for Ian to cut his teeth and host his first meeting as Rep with all going well and another good turnout of members from far and wide. On Thursday 12th November Robin Hood held a Tech Night as they do every now and then, this one specifically for giving advice on laying your bike up for the winter from the expert mechanics. It‟s not quite as straightforward as you might think and the advice on preparation is invaluable and also very interesting, also covering bringing the bikes out of storage and preparing them for the road after the winter. Many thanks to the technicians for their time and valuable experience. Tuesday the 24th saw the Derbyshire Area at the Clock Warehouse at Hoskins Wharf where they made us very welcome and what a lovely situation at the side of the canal at Shardlow. I can‟t remember the last time I laughed so much especially with Bunny‟s sense of humour taking the mickey out of Ian over his choice of riding machine, enough said. It was also good to see George and Marilyn again after an absence due to work commitments. Thursday 26th November saw us all back at the Sherwood Chapter meeting at the Festival where the Road Marshals received their Road Captains badges and Darren James the Head Road Captain took it upon himself to conduct a quiz, which always turns out to be a hoot and other antics „key on a piece of string?‟ especially challenging when there‟s a chair tied to the other end, so thanks again Darren, Shirley says you can have the key back when she finds it. The feedback I‟ve

Mr Activator Pagi’s Activities Officer / Co-ordinator Bit

received on the 8.00pm start time have been very favourable allowing members that come from further afield to get home at a more acceptable time on conclusion of business, and Len Smith is happier too. Well over 60 of us turned up for the Derbyshire and North Notts. Joint Xmas party at the Denby Lodge on Tuesday the 1st of December and what a party it was too, and for £12.95 each the food was excellent! I think congratulations are in order to Lon and Sally from the Lodge for doing such a good job catering for us all. If this is an example of what Ian Page can organise I‟m certainly looking forward to seeing what else he‟s got in store for us. Dawn and Glenn Page organised the raffle and there were some great prizes with Ian conducting an auction and in total over £200 was raised for the charity. We even had our Chapter Director Pete Clifford with the lovely Sam to open the proceedings. Don‟t forget to send your photos through to the web site. This must definitely be one of the best and most well attended area Xmas bashes we have ever had with members coming from all over. Carole Wright our „Rita the Greeter‟ announced that she was standing down due to family commitments, it is hard sometimes to juggle all the balls and I personally wish her all the best for the future. Carole has done a lot of sterling work over the years, organising some great parties and raffles and was one of the main people with her husband Pete along with John and Shirley Whitworth who made Sue and myself so welcome when we first joined, some years ago. Due to time and distance it‟s not always possible to get to the other area meetings and see our friends in Lincolnshire and North Notts. So it would be great to have some feedback for the Q&Q from members in those areas. We really do need contributions from all members for the Q&Q to keep it going, and be representative of the membership as a whole, and in the process supporting our new magazine editor Ian Page, because of the great job Dai Gunter did he‟s got a hard act to follow. Quite a few members are booking in for the „Rally With a Chalet‟ at the end of February 26th to 28th and after talking to Jack Carter who went last year it sounds like a cracking rally and you can go in your car to this one. As many of you know from the last Chapter meeting Pete Clifford is in the process of organising the Sherwood Chapter late Christmas Doo, so remember to leave Saturday January 30th 2010 free and let‟s party. Wednesday 2nd December saw the first of the Road Captain‟s meetings hosted by Darren James. Looking at the calendar of ride out‟s for 2010, and if all goes according to plan there will be a lot to choose from and a variety that cannot fail to please everybody, I‟ll keep you posted. As members on the committee we always attempt to represent the views and requirements of the membership so you must tell us what you want from your Chapter, approach us even if the questions that you want to ask appear to be a little delicate, we are approachable and want to represent your aspirations for the future. If you‟ve heard something that you would like clarification on then ask otherwise you will never know the answer, you know what I mean. Anyway for those of you that I do not see over the holiday period I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Better a wise enemy than a foolish friend

Paul Allen (Pagi) The Smiling Assassin. Activities Officer/Co-ordinator 01/12/09 Mob: 07970861865 fax: 01332292261 Email: [email protected]

Hello one and all and greetings from The Pacific Ocean. Some of you may

know that the previous company I was working for went bust late June.

Anyway after a 6 week break and thanks to Johnny G I found myself out in

The North Sea. This job was going fine and there was a chance of returning before fate dealt

me a blow!

New seismic company starting, Do I want a job? First question was where, how much and when?

Answer - New Company is based in Singapore and will be working Australia and Far East etc,

salary was reasonable and when? Start in early October!

So after much deliberation (about 5 nano seconds) where do I sign!! I mean North Sea or Far

East, if only all decisions were that easy!

The one problem was Jane and I were booked on holiday in Egypt when I was due to join the

ship. Never mind will have to cut my holiday short!! And that’s how I found myself winging my

way from 350C to 20C after travelling over 40 hours!!!

Luxor to Cairo, Cairo to Dubai, Dubai to San Paulo, San Paulo to Santiago and Santiago to the

southern most city in the world Punta Arenas , Chile.

Head road captain’s words of solemnity

Apparently there is an argument that Ushuaia in Argentina is the southern most city but Punta

Arenas with twice the number of inhabitants has a greater claim, so let’s just say this is the city

and they are the southern most town.

I mentioned 20C, well that was before it snowed! Patagonia is just coming into summer and it


Very pretty but come on I had just left the wonderful sunshine of Egypt and no big coat!!

Punta Arenas (after snow)

There was someone who enjoyed the weather though -

Ppp pick up a penquin!

Sherwood Chapters Traditional Late Christmas Dooooo


The Britannia Hotel

St James Street, off Maid Marian Way



Saturday January 30th 2010

Ticket dead line 14

th Jan

Arrive 7.00pm for 8.00pm silver service dinner

Soup of the day

Full xmas roast, veg, stuffing etc etc

xmas pud/sweet of the day

Mince pie and coffee.


Carriages 2 am

All for just £22.50

Buy your tickets and get the

booking reference number for

discount on your hotel room

Ticket dead line 14th Jan so

book early


Now here is the piece de resistance

Bar times 7pm-1.30am

Fosters, J Smiths, Strongbow. £1.50 per pint

Guinness £2.00 per pint

House wines and house spirits £1.50 per glass

Looking for a room for the night?

Overnight stay at the Britannia Hotel

Double/Twin £50 Inc breakfast

To book contact Mel @ Britannia Hotel: 01159 884 073

24hr parking:

£5.00 per car, please fill in the form if you require this service

Name/s............................................................................................................................................ I would like..........ticket/s for the Late Xmas Dooooo at £22.50 per person: Total.................. I would for the NCP St James street car park at £5.00 per car: Total................... Vegetarian/s........................ Cheque Total................. Cheques payable to: Sherwood Chapter HOG

m/v Bergen Resolution

So after arriving and joining the m/ Bergen Resolution and spending 5 days in port (and losing

money in the most southern casino in the world) we left for the 24 day transit across the

Pacific to Wellington, New Zealand. First though the passage through the Magellan Straits.

Magellan Straits named after the 1st European to transit through in 1520. Until the Panama

Canal opened in 1914, the Strait of Magellan was the main route for steam ships traveling from

the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.

Magellan Strait, a far different experience to the Suez Canal!

What amazing scenery and a wonderful place to watch wildlife especially birds. Albatross wing

span takes some believing. Whilst we were in port one of the Antarctic cruise ships came in. I

must say that I am tempted, as I believe the whale watching and ice flows etc would be really

great to see.

The transit across, 5,500 miles, has not lived up to Pacific Oceans Latin translation Tepre

Pacificum “Peaceful Sea”.

Let’s just say it has been interesting, the highest recorded swell has been 15m (50 feet).

Makes for some interesting walking and bruises, not for those that suffer sickness I must add.

Note: Big coat purchased

Hope all is well with you all

All the best


Sherwood Chapter Charity 2009

Hi all, well this is the start of a new year for the charity, which for this year is the Air Ambulance which was voted in at the AGM, £159.12p was carried forward from last year. On Saturday 14th November around 45 members went to the Nottinghamshire Hospice to present our cheque for £4,500. Mo who is in charge at the Hospice was in tears, so grateful for what we have done, and how much it will help them. This month at our monthly meeting we had a Xmas raffle organised by Jane and Alan, which raised £81, also a Hamper which raised £27, Sue and Martin made the Xmas cake (Xmas characters which went into the raffle) and gave a Candlestick which was so unusual; both these items we auctioned - the cake made £23 and the Candlestick £25. Darren - Head Road Captain, did a quiz which made £22; one of the two winning teams donated their winnings £10. Two cuddly toys were sold and made £20, a total of £208 was raised. Many thanks to Polly for help selling raffle tickets, Stuart and Tanya helping folding tickets and counting money and of course Jane and Sue for a really great job you both did, you were really appreciated well done, many thanks to all of you for a great start to the new charity. Well this is my last report as I am resigning from the Committee, I have had many years of happiness helping to raise for our charities and getting to know so many new members it has been great, I wish whoever takes over from me all the best, I am sure they will do as good a job, if not better, than myself. Well for the last time, much love to one and all.

(Rita the Greeter) Carole xxx


Thanks to all the guys at the shop for the tech night- Nov 12th. Whether you plan on running your Harley through the winter or storing it there was loads of advice on hand. I've now done all the things I didn't know needed doing to help keep my bike in pristine condition. Cheers guys - your help is much appreciated.

Malcolm Pritchard

Rita the greeter

Hi Folks! I’m writing this the day after the Christmas party at Denby Lodge.

May I say a big thank you to Ian the new Editor for organising it and I’m sure

everyone had a very good time.

Down at the shop the hot news is we have a new website. It’s the same web

address, i.e. New features included are a

sign up to our newsletter and e-mail, a gallery featuring pictures of staff and

customers bikes, your garage facility, a finance quote page, an up to date stock

of all bikes we have and much, much more. We are also already a month into (how time

flies) our winter labour rate which is an excellent saving on the norm. So if you have any

work that you have been putting off or wanting accessories fitted to your bike, now is the

time to book.

There are lots of new clothing and gifts in store including another new back print on tee shirts

and other apparel. The winter tech night went very well which included a talk on laying up

your beloved machine. We will be doing more themed nights in 2010. Drop us a line if you

have any suggestions for new themes.The Buell story so far is that we had an influx of ten

models, all of which, bar two or three, have now been sold. There is up to £2,800 discount

off a new a liquid cooled 1125R so strike whilst the iron is hot!

I myself am gearing up at this present moment in time for my inaugural plum duff ride which

takes place on Saturday 12th

December. Destination: unknown, mode of transport: unknown,

weather: unknown. Come prepared!

That’s about all, apart from, keep your ideas coming through for future events. Have a great

Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the coming year.




Christmas Party – Derbyshire / Nottinghamshire / Mansfield

Around 60 members from all over the Sherwood Chapter area descended on Denby Lodge for dinner

on the evening of Tuesday 01 December 2009.The staff hastily provided extra tables and seating to

ensure everybody could be catered for. The menu consisted of three courses chosen from a set

menu of choices. The food was tasty and the staff worked out of their skins to provide all the dishes

to right recipients. I think in the end just about everybody got what they ordered. After the meal

there was a large raffle draw with numerous prizes ranging from bottles of alcohol to cosmetics and

perfumes. Some generous people returned their prizes and an impromptu auction was held which

boosted the total to around £200 for the charity fund. A further three raffle prizes were drawn and

these had the added requirement for the winners to write reports for the Quill & Quiver – one to

report on the Shop Party, one for the No Jacket Required BBQ at the shop and I was the lucky (?)

winner to write this brief report. The night was a very enjoyable one (from what I can remember!) I

would like to take the opportunity to thank Ian for organising the event.


Tales from robin hood

Hi Folks

So you think you heard the last of me now that I've handed over the reins to Ian as Editor...

well sorry to disappoint you, but here I am - this time, I'm writing as the Historian & Lincoln

Area Rep for the Chapter.

Ok, straight down to business then...

Thanks to Vince Fellows, my efforts for the latter days of 2009 are going to be extremely

easy, but I still need to make an appeal to you all:

There are many side events that take place around the Chapter - please do let me know

what they are and if you can give me a little detail, then I can keep tabs of it all, and

hopefully get it into the annuls of history (well, Sherwood Chapter history anyway).

That was my Historian bit... And now for my Lincoln Area Rep bit... There are a small cluster

of Lincoln Area Sherwood members that meet every other Wednesday evening at the

Centurion in North Hykeham - those of you who fancy a Wednesday evening out, complete

with a Chapter/biker flavour, and a meal if you want it, then please do come along and join

us. We meet at 7:30-ish (a little earlier in the summer) and have a good chin-wag.

That's it from me



NO JACKETS AT ALL Following on from the success of the famous Sherwood Chapter summer BBQ’s, Saturday 5th December saw a new dimension in culinary art at Robin Hood HD. Two Haute Cuisine dishes were on offer, with ingredients from around the world (but mainly from Arnold and Eakring): a spicy little number from John Tonks in the form of a Chilli Con Carne, and a dish with a story to tell, from the world renowned Eakring Curry House of Pete Clifford – a ‘Lamb Ba Dam Ba Dam Black Betty’, garnished with freshly chopped chillies and coriander. Both dishes were excellent. It would be hard to choose the winner of the Sherwood Chapter Master Chef. Although not many turned up on bikes (only the hardened Ilkeston crew – eh Eric) and a couple of others, there was a good turn out on the day, with people arriving throughout the afternoon to sample the food and have a look around the bikes on display. Glen was seen trying out the new Denim Black Fatboy for size, but soon realised that the foot controls would have to be mounted on the front forks to fit his long legs. There was even young baby Joshua accompanying Grandma & Grandad, who was eyeing up a Sportster 883 for when he’s a little older (better start saving Al). Don’t know if Richard would take a pushchair in as part-exchange? It was a great day, and for those of you who didn’t make it, you missed a real treat! Thanks to Pete and John, and the crew at Robin Hood – the Chilli and Curry certainly warmed us up for the ride home on such a cold day!

Nick & Fiona (Calamity)

Sherwood’s historian

As is tradition at this time of year, the annual trip to the Nottingham Hospice took place in

November on what turned out to be a wet and windy day.

This was to be our final trip to the Hospice to make our Chapter's final presentation of the

monies so generously donated by all members over the past year - donations made in the

form of Raffle prizes - emptied pockets and various other dubious methods used by Carole

'Rita' Wright and her well trained team of fleecers, arm twisters and bullies whose one aim

in life is to part the owner of cash (male or female) from their hidden beer and food


This team of 'Persuaders' regularly turn up in various guises at all sorts of meetings - and

mingle amongst the unsuspecting gathering generally managing to part coin from owner -

with very little effort - and much skill.

The fruits of this year’s labour totalled £4500.

What can one say - it is a tribute to the efforts of Carole and team in getting that sort of cash

out of us - the members - and the absolute generosity of everyone who bought and donated

raffle prizes, emptied pockets and did other bits to help towards this magnificent total

which makes this Chapter more of a family than some others we encounter as we go

through the years.

The reaction of the Hospice Staff, when we arrived was wonderful - they couldn't thank

enough the 2 dozen or so of us who braved the weather and traffic to represent the Chapter

membership. We were introduced to visiting members of the public as 'The Local Harley-

Davidson club' - followed by a quick explanation as to why we were all there - I think before

Joe Public took fright and bolted for the door!

We stood in a spectacular old building surrounded by volunteers and staff whose job it was

to help patients and families whose lot in life was to spend time in this place - From a

personal point of view it felt very humbling. Several years ago sadly I had cause to have to

become involved with another such place - and on that occasion was very thankful that such

people and places exist. Because of the way these places are funded it falls to people like us

to help - and on this occasion - we did our bit!

Our money will help towards the running of the Hospice and for that - we were thanked.

And I think we should all be proud to have made this last gift to the Hospice, so substantial.

Once again - thank you to all - and let’s look forward to doing the same next year for our

new Charity - the Air Ambulance.

Steve Fox

Sherwood Chapter Annual Charity Presentation 14/11/2009

Logging on………………………………………….. Season’s greetings Sherwood Chapter Members, how fast has this year gone?! Well it’s time to wrap up your Harley’s (and Ian’s new Buell) for most of us, and start grabbing a pen and some note-paper to start writing down your Harley accessories/clothing Christmas list for Santa. It’s been a great ACTIVE year for me and many others of you out there. It gave me almost a full riding season out on the Nightster before it’s gearbox decided to stop working and the engine had to be stripped. Because of the strip down I decided it was time for a change as I have had a number of problems with my Nightster. It was time to UPGRADE! So I’m now a proud owner of a Street Bob. Many thanks to Karen for letting have a sit on her Street Bob numerous times… I hope it didn’t get too annoying. By the time you read this all the Road Captains and Road Marshals would have had all the meetings required to knock up next year’s events calendar. I’m sure all will be revealed very soon. As far as the website goes it’ll be updated with the new events calendar when everything has been confirmed. I hope you like the Christmas theme that’s on the site at the moment. Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and all the best for 2010. Not long ago and far away, Santa was getting ready for his annual trip...but there were problems everywhere. Four of his elves were sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones so Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind schedule. Then Mrs Claus told Santa that her mom was coming to visit. This stressed Santa even more. When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two had jumped the fence and were out, heaven knows where. More stress. Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the boards cracked and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys. So, frustrated, Santa went into the house for a cup of coffee and a shot of whiskey. When he went to the cupboard, he found the elves had hidden the liquor and there was nothing to drink. In his frustration, he dropped the coffee pot and it broke into hundreds of little pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found that mice had eaten the straw it was made from. Just then the doorbell rang and Santa cussed on his way to the door. He opened the door and there was a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said: "Where would you like to put this tree Santa?" And that my friends, is how the little angel came to be on top of the Christmas tree. ………………………Logging off…….Andy - Yungin………Log off successful!



* 2 cups flour

* 1 stick butter

* 1 cup of water

* 1 tsp baking soda

* 1 cup of sugar

* 1 tsp salt

* 1 cup of brown sugar

* Lemon juice

* 4 large eggs

* Nuts

* 2 bottle wine

* 2 cups of dried fruit

Sample the wine to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the wine again. To be sure it is of

the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat

one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point

it's best to make sure the wine is still OK. Try another cup... Just in case. Turn off the mixer

thingy. Break 2 eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.

Pick the frigging fruit up off floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the

beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the wine to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Check the wine. Now shift the lemon juice and

strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or some fink. Whatever you can find.

Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat

off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the wine and wipe

counter with the cat or dog.

Go to Tesco and buy cake.

Bingle Jells!

John Tonks

Christmas cake respite

We have had numerous emails and text messages about the Beaver. So Sam and I thought it was

About time we organised another week end of fun, money raising and a little bit nudity. So get this.

Due to popular demand

Yes it's back

Hoggin the Beaver

Get it in your diary!

16th 17th and 18th July 2010

Same place same time same format and

probably the same price

More details will be on
