the radiation protection kit

The Radiation Protection Kit How to Develop the Ultimate Defense By Katrine Volynsky

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How to protect from radiation effects


Page 1: The Radiation Protection Kit

The Radiation Protection Kit How to Develop

the Ultimate Defense

By Katrine Volynsky

Page 2: The Radiation Protection Kit

We are constantly bombarded with frightening news and panicked

reporting from the internet, television and social media. It is diffi-

cult to sort out true from false, but one thing is for sure: toxic and

radioactive threats are everywhere these days. Thankfully, there

are natural and accessible solutions to heal your body from all

kinds of pollution, regardless of its source. Amazingly, the process

for restoring health and vitality is universal – it’s all about strength-

ening your body with harmonious, high-vibrational energy fields.

Your body is more than a series of biochemical reactions – chemis-

try does not cause who we are – it is an effect of our far more sub-

tle bio-electric fields, whose resonance underlies our visible reali-

ty. The physical realm is a manifestation of more subtle energies,

and all thought, matter and energy is vibration. Nicola Tesla said it

best: “everything is frequency, energy and vibration.”

Our bodies are constantly being affected by other energy fields.

Long-term exposure to fields of harmony or distortion determines

whether an individual organism survives or dies, respectively. As

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evidenced by the emerging fields of bio-physics, high energy fields

with coherent patterns support life and healing, while incoherent

ones create disease.

Energy in all its forms – waves, particles, electric fields, chemi-

cals and radiation – affects our bodies. When the energy is potent

enough, we may see sudden positive or negative shifts in a per-

son’s biochemistry.

Examples of this are acute radiation sickness and examples of

“faith healing” or “medical miracles”. Dr. Bruce Lipton’s The Biol-

ogy of Belief demonstrates how energy fields created by our own

minds can influence health and even our genetics.

Amplifying Your Bioelectric Field

All living organisms generate their own bioelectric field, which was

once referred to as the “aura.” Not too long ago, auras were in the

realm of the mystic but today, these unseen subtle fields can be

measured using technology like Kirlian photography. There is con-

siderable evidence suggesting that the strength, intensity, and am-

plitude of your bioelectric field is the primary component of your

health. This field can be affected by a variety of electric, magnetic,

radioactive, biochemical and emotional factors.

Keep in mind that all living organisms are supported by subtle

electromagnetic fields. These fields operate on specific frequency

bands. Bacteria that are harmonious to the body will resonate with

frequencies corresponding with noble metals like gold, silver and

platinum. Bacteria that are harmful to the body resonate with fre-

quencies related to heavy metals like mercury, lead and aluminum.

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Radiation Increases Mutation

Whenever any organism is subjected to radiation, the organism

begins to mutate. While mutative processes over millennia result

in the evolution of the many species of life on the planet, muta-

tions caused by organisms subjected to higher dosages of radia-

tion result in disease and death.

Since the essence of life cannot be destroyed, the process of mu-

tation is how living things reorganize themselves into higher and

more complex forms, each successive stage with a higher vibra-

tional frequency.

The sun’s recent increase in electromagnetic energy has had a pro-

found impact on us. Climate change, earthquakes, tsunamis, vol-

canic eruptions and even increases in technological advancements

are occurring by both the hands of man and the influence of solar

activity on the bioelectric fields of everything on the planet.

Radiation is Essential to All Life Processes

The sun is the Earth’s greatest source of radiation. It has its own

electro-magnetic radiation cycles, which shape everything from

the climate and the movement of the oceans and winds, to the

evolution of each and every species. As such, it is the source of

almost all living energy on earth. However, its enormous influence

means that humans are extremely vulnerable to shifts in its elec-

tromagnetic fields.

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Fortunately, humans can adapt to these shifts. It is important to

understand that those who accept, adapt, and take action will in-

crease their own chances for survival.

Environmental stressors are actually an opportunity for evolution

– widespread changes are forcing man to evolve from Homo Sapi-

ens to Homo Spiritus, a species more in tune with itself, its environ-

ment, and the other species on the planet.

You have been given a choice: you can align yourself with a posi-

tive lifestyle supporting health, evolution, and life; or buy into the

plethora of negative doctrines promoting fear, destruction and

death. Life is advancing, evolving, and organizing itself in higher

more complex forms, and you can be a part of that.

Too Much Information, Not Enough Action

Too much information can be a problem, especially if it comes

from conflicting sources. Trying to figure out what to believe and

what to do is confusing. When it comes to health, many people try

to incorporate everything they hear about without enough thought

put into why or how they should use these practices and prod-

ucts. I’ve put this guide together based on my experiences in over-

coming radiation exposure, my coaching practice, and a decade

of work with many health professionals. I will share with you the

best techniques and products to maximize your health and protect

yourself from pollution.

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The following pages discuss simple practices and nutritional strat-

egies to help our bodies get healthier in this time of adversity. It is

a good time to realize that healthy, everyday lifestyle practices can

prepare you for almost any natural or manmade event. With the

right attitude and knowledge, these seemingly catastrophic events

can propel our evolution by increasing our compassion and grat-

itude, deepening our connection to all living things and the earth


Katrine’s Exposure and Recovery from Radiation

I was born and raised in Russia. We were not so far from Chernobyl

when its nuclear catastrophe struck our nation. We watched tele-

vision and saw Chernobyl victims scarred forever; we listened to

reports of acid rain and nuclear waste; we tested water and soil

supply for radioactivity every day in my grandmother’s garden. I

was five years old.

Although shocked and frightened, my family had no idea that we

would all be affected by the aftermath of this toxic rupture: my

grandmother got cancer twice, my cousin was diagnosed with

leukemia at 19, my mother later developed skin cancer and I was in

and out of hospital throughout high school with chronic illness.

When I moved to North America in my early twenties, I found that

the Chernobyl fallout had severely poisoned me with radioactive

heavy metals. After finding no solutions through the Western

medical system, I decided to recover my health through alternative

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methods. I quit my glamorous careers in fashion and finance and

for two years, I focused my passion and energy on health and de-


Thankfully, life blessed me. I found amazing teachers and gifted

professionals who helped me to regain my health and vitality. Now,

I am happy to share the strategies that worked so well for me and

many others.

Keep in mind that the advice I am giving is not medical in nature.

If your health suffers due to radiation, I feel that it is always best

to work with a health professional in your area. However, it is al-

ways good to be aware and give your body the tools to deal with

stressful situations. I have shared my own story to demonstrate the

actions I took to overcome extreme radioactive exposure. Expe-

rience is a wonderful teacher and I can only hope that mine may

benefit you.

Everything is Frequency, Energy and Vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

Scientists like Dr. David Bohm have suggested that all matter is

frozen light. Dr. Albert Einstein and other pioneers demonstrated

that light is both a wave and a particle. Psychiatrist and conscious-

ness researcher Dr. David Hawkins generated a working model

identifying, categorizing, how different energy fields support or

discourage life.

Every atom is essentially 99 percent space. Our cells interact with

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each other and with the surrounding environment through electri-

cal impulses and vibration. It might sound a little esoteric, but more

and more evidence shows that the higher the vibrational state of

your body and consciousness, the less susceptible you’ll be to dis-


In Staying Alive in a Toxic World, my co-author and I discuss many

studies that state the benefits of defending against outside toxins

through nourishing our cells with higher, finer frequencies. This can

be through consumption of living water, live foods, quality sup-

plements, and through meditation, spiritual practice and positive


Today, the potential nuclear fallout is not that much different than

what happened in Chernobyl. Metals from radioactive explosions

are the heavy and dense. Their energy is inharmonious low-vibra-

tional, so we must offset them by bolstering ourselves with harmo-

nious, high vibrations.

Seize the Opportunity

The more fear and anxiety, the less the body can cope with ad-

ditional stress from radioactive fallout. First of all, accept what is

going on. Keep calm and understand that all events are a part of

evolution, no matter how unnatural the cause might seem.

Seize the opportunity to become healthier and more aware. Many

of the strategies listed below are daily practices that both help you

in this situation as well as prepare the body and mind for any toxic

invasions in the future.

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PART 1: The Radiation Protection Kit

#1 Monitor Radiation Levels

Pessimistic newcasts, end-of-the-world experts, caustic blogs and

fear-based communication will weaken your body. Before you do

anything, go out and measure exactly how much radiation you are

actually being exposed to. Accept that radiation from blown reac-

tors will travel to most of the world. Since radiation levels will vary

from region to region, only time will tell how extensive the damage

might be. As such, it is best to not rely on opinions, fear monger-

ing, or hearsay.

In Russia, we tested our own soil, water and area for radioactivity

using Geiger Counters. If you cannot buy one, find someone in your

area who has one. Back home in Russia, we only had one count-

er for the entire town, but with the rise of the internet and social

media, finding a Geiger Counter should be easier than ever. Also,

check out, where others who have

tracked levels share their information on maps. Again, use it as a

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tool for awareness and judgment – avoid panicking about anything

you may find.

#2 Cut All Dairy and Sugar

Cows are like vacuums – they will pick up all the ionized radioac-

tive materials and pass them on to milk products in highly concen-

trated doses. In Chernobyl, research showed that consuming dairy

products from affected regions increased the risk of exposure by

up to 300%. Milk proteins bind concentrated levels of radioactive

iodine in a structure that drives it deeper into cells, making it hard

to remove.

Sugar decreases your immune system response and allows heavy

metals to deposit more quickly into your bones and tissues. Sugar

also lowers your bioelectric field, making you susceptible to low vi-

brational energies like radiation, heavy metals, toxins, viruses, and


Remember: all choices in life either raise or lower your energy field.

Processed foods, chemicals, most-manmade electromagnetic de-

vices and radiation lower your energy field. Organic food, probiot-

ics, enzymes, herbs, and positive music will raise your vibration.

Eat More Raw Vegan Foods

Animal products from regions affected by fallout are more concen-

trated in radioactive elements than vegetables in the same regions.

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According to Dr. Gabriel Cousins, research in Germany showed

beef containing 30 times more radioactive iodine than leafy vege-


If you want to decrease your exposure, try to eliminate processed

foods or animal products, and remember to supplement yourself

with high quality raw protein. Your body needs amino-acids to

rebuild tissue and keep your functions healthy (see the recommen-

dations below).

I went on a raw vegan diet for two years in order to help my body

detoxify. If your constitution and climate allows for such a diet,

this lifestyle is one of the best ways to support and accelerate nat-

ural detoxification and elevate your bio-electric field. Before taking

on such a lifestyle, however, I recommend hiring a qualified expert

on nutrition to help you build the right regime for your lifestyle,

age, genetics, and current state of health.

Generally, one should eat a diet high in nutrient- and mineral-rich

foods and low in animal protein. To reduce your exposure to con-

taminants and to create an optimal environment for health and

healing, consume food rich in sulfur, fiber and probiotics. Raw fer-

mented foods like sauerkraut are extremely helpful. After the Na-

gasaki bombing in 1945, there was a hospital that had recorded no

deaths due to radiation exposure. Dr. Akizuki, the head physician

that hospital, had his patients on a special diet that included miso

soup, tempeh, fermented pickles, brown rice, mushrooms, Chinese

cabbage, green tea, carrots and pumpkin. This diet has since been

studied and separate components allowing for success have been


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#3 Wash your Fruits and Vegetables

Wash all of your produce before eating it. For the best results,

wash it in high pH water from an ionizer to remove any remaining

residues of pesticides and other contaminants. If you do not have

an ionizer, diluted natural soap such as Dr. Bronner’s in water will

also remove residues.

#4 Limit Exposure to Other Toxins

Limit exposure to powerful electromagnetic fields, radiation, com-

mercial produce, commercial personal care products (shampoos,

skin care), fluoridated and chlorinated water, alcohol, processed

food and other household toxins. Toxins have a cumulative effect

on the body, so the less there are, the better you will be able to

cope with exposure to radiation.

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# 5 Keep Your Elimination Channels Open

Your body is set up to function effectively when all of its channels

of elimination are open. Dr. Alex Carol kept a chicken heart alive

for over 35 years by removing the metabolic toxins and feeding

it essential nutrients every day. He proved that you can lengthen

cellular lifespan dramatically through proper maintenance and the

right environment. Ensuring that pathways of toxin elimination are

open is crucial to successful recovery from any toxic exposure.

Adopting an ongoing practice of detoxification and a supportive

diet will make a huge difference in how your body reacts to stress.

Doing so will help you rejuvenate and regenerate your tissues and


Liver Cleansing – You are toast without a healthy liver. It is our

largest internal organ and a vital detoxification system in the body.

Unfortunately, damaging the liver is much easier than people think

-- 75% of North Americans have compromised livers. Your liver

does many things: it produces bile to aid digestion, it processes

nutrients, filters blood, and breaks down potentially toxic substanc-

es into harmless ones that your body can use or excrete.

While the liver does not directly filter radiation or factor in the

chelation of heavy metals, it plays a major part in keeping blood


Liver cleansing should be done at least twice a year for mainte-

nance purposes; it’s like changing oil in your car. There are numer-

ous cleanses that are self-administered and easy to follow. They

usually involve certain combinations of herbs, apples, and absti-

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nence from alcohol, fatty foods and animal protein. In addition to

these, some of the easiest ways to cleanse your liver are coffee en-

emas and castor oil packs. Please visit my website (www.katrinev- for more details on how to do these.

During times of radioactive exposure and heavy metal buildups,

the liver has extra work to do and requires your support. One of

the best ways to support it is to cut down on the intake of bad fats

and sugar. The liver tends to store excess fat and sugar—if your

diet is full of both, it strains the liver and its ability to filter out tox-


Nutrients valuable to boosting liver function are B vitamins, sulfur

foods, vitamin C., milk thistle, dandelion root, leafy greens, miso,

radishes and turmeric.

Again, please consider doing coffee enemas for support and de-

toxification. They are amazing at energizing the body, clearing out

waste and regulating enzymatic functions. I have been using them

for years and absolutely swear by them.

Kidney maintenance – The kidneys are the major organs of elimi-

nation. Kidneys are small, especially relative to the amount of work

they do. They are located just below your mid-back. Often, lower

back pains are actually calcium kidney stones or overworked kid-

neys. If your kidneys are overworked and undernourished, your

body cannot effectively resist radiation or rid itself of products of

free radioactive damage. Kidneys are hugely helpful filters for our

bodies. They literally suck poisons out and take them to the intes-

tinal tract and bladder to be safely eliminated. They produce urine,

control calcium deposits in the body and regulate pH levels, the

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last of which is important to protecting yourself against radiation.

Unfortunately, kidneys are organs at risk to low-level radiation and

are also sensitive to organic solvents, silica, uranium, lead, mercury

and cadmium.

Diets high in sugar, animal protein and sodium also contribute to

kidney stress. In Chinese medicine, the kidney is known to store

and be negatively affected by fear. Of course, during fallout, fear

and panic is predominant and kidneys take on extra stress from

these emotions.

Drinking too little or too much water can place stress on your kid-

neys as well. Not drinking enough is easy to change. With the in-

vention of micro-clustered and ionized water, it is easier than ever

to consume large amounts of water. I recommend drinking a ratio

of one-half to one ounce of water per pound of body weight of

ionized water. It is helpful to irrigate the body like this, but exces-

sive hydration can put extra stress on your kidneys.

Most of the people I met in the ionized water industry have blown

out kidneys. It is of crucial importance to provide kidney support

while undergoing hydration therapy. It is simply too much filtration

for most kidneys to handle. If you are planning on hydrating with

large amounts of water, be sure to include renal support formula

into your daily regime. The one I use and love is Rena-Ven by Pre-

mium Research Labs.

To help the kidneys, consider lowering sugar and animal product

intake and switch to healthier, mineral-rich salts like the Himalayan

and Celtic salts. Organic calcium consumption is also recommend-

ed. Foods such as sesame seeds, dulse, kelp, egg yolk, buckwheat,

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beans, almonds, avocados, beet greens, cranberry juice, broccoli

and oats are high in organic calcium. They should be consumed

fresh and organic to obtain their benefits. Parsley, uva ursi and net-

tles are also beneficial for kidney health. I also highly recommend

learning Qiqong practices for healthy kidneys. In my own journey

to health, following special breathing and energy techniques made

a huge difference.

Kidneys work hard during detox and elimination, so it is best to do

a renal cleanse and supporting diet before cleansing for the liver

or colon. A very easy cleanse for kidneys is to drink distilled water

while eating and juicing watermelon for one to three days. This can

flush out and prep them for more work.

Lymphatic system – The lymphatic system is twice the size of the

circulatory system and is the key physiological system for protec-

tion against viruses, fungi and bacteria and other invasive organ-

isms. It is composed of vessels and nodes responsible for maintain-

ing the health of cells and tissues. Lymphatic vessels are open to

interstitial fluid, which bathes the cells removing excess proteins,

toxins and products of metabolism and brining nutrients in. If lym-

phatic flow becomes stagnant, the interstitial fluid around the cells

becomes stagnant. If the fluid around the cells is stagnant, the cells

die. If lymph does not flow freely, the body cannot remove excess

fluid from tissues, cleanse them of radio-nucleotides or pull heavy


The main reasons lymph flow becomes blocked are: a sedentary

lifestyle; acidosis of tissues; surgery; drugs and other contami-

nants. The body needs to move in order to move the lymph. Daily

rebounding (jumping exercises on a small trampoline), walking,

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dancing and yoga will help with that. Rebounding is the best way

to get the lymph working again – as you jump up down, all your

cells expand and contract and the lymph fluid can flow. It only

takes ten minutes of these exercises a day to get the process go-


The second reason why lymph stops moving is acidosis of tissues.

Acidosis is caused and aggravated by acidic diets and stress; we

will discuss how it does so later on. Other causes of slow lymph

flow are medical and recreational drugs, toxic chemicals and heavy

metals. Surgery can also damage the lymph system and leave en-

ergy blocks that can have lingering effects.

You can change the situation for the better by raising the quality

of your food, using digestive and systemic enzymes to clean up the

undigested protein and by combining dietary changes with deep

breathing practice. I recommend John Ossipinsky’s lymph-acti-

vating daily practices ( As the creator of

“Lymphpractic body work”, he has an excellent way of correcting

lymphatic system toxicity.

Blood cleansing – Having healthy blood is instrumental for gener-

al wellbeing, especially in times of increased radioactive exposure.

The circulatory system has multiple functions that all cells depend

upon: it transports oxygen from lungs to tissues and carbon diox-

ide from tissues to lungs; it carries nutrients, vitamins, hormones; it

ferries waste to our kidneys; and it protects us from invaders and

produces antibodies that fight infections. It is crucial to maintain a

healthy acid-alkaline balance in the blood and keep it clean from

toxins and undigested proteins. During radioactive exposure, free

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radicals can damage blood and create toxic byproducts. These can

negatively impact bone marrow, inhibiting the production of red

and white blood cells, and lead to anemia.

Blood quality must be healthy for the lymphatic system to do its

job. The pH quality of the blood should always be balanced. The

pH factor ranges from a scale of pH-0 to pH-14. A pH of less than 7

is acid and more than 7 is alkaline. Healthy blood should be slightly

alkaline, between a pH of 7.3 and 7.45.

A poor diet consisting of excess sugar, white flour, fatty foods,

caffeine, alcohol, food additives and preservatives will clog the

bloodstream with toxins, fat, cholesterol and mucus. When these

accumulate in the organs and the delicate pH balance upset, the

body will attempt to neutralize the excess acid by puling alkaline

minerals from bones and connective tissues.

Since chlorophyll is very close in composition to hemoglobin it can

oxygenate the blood by increasing the production of red blood

cells, neutralizing acidity and eliminating toxins. Its detoxifying

and immune-boosting qualities may be helpful for heavy metal

build up and optimal health. Chlorophyll is also rich in vitamin K,

which forms a compound in the body that inhibits the formation of

calcium oxalate crystals, which in turn promotes healthy kidneys.

Regularly drinking green juices, taking green supplements and eat-

ing dark leafy greens will provide the body with chlorophyll. There

are also a number of blood-building herbs such as nettles, echina-

cea and burdock root. Hydrogen Chloride (HCL) supplements also

help digestion and building bio-available iron, which will assist in


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An easy cleanse to assist blood purification is to fast for one to

three days on chlorophyll and coconut water fresh from the fruit

(avoid using coconut water that has been bottled). Coconut water

is very close to blood plasma in structure, so it is amazing for cor-

recting pH, provide electrolytes and detoxifying the blood. I usu-

ally combine it with a high quality fiber supplement twice a day to

keep waste elimination efficient during the cleanse.

Colon cleansing – “All disease starts in the colon.” A famous truth

in health! As the waste evacuator, the colon plays a vital role in our

overall health. Unfortunately, it is very rare nowadays to find some-

one who is not chronically constipated. Many people believe that

having one bowel movement per day or every two days is enough,

or normal. This is not so. The body is built to eliminate after each

meal. Today the unfortunate reality is that everyone needs to

cleanse their colon regularly. You would be surprised how much a

clean colon can change one’s personality – most of us are literally

full of crap, and it shows in expanded waistlines and poor attitudes.

It is now common to have 2 to 5 lbs of compounded fecal matter in

the colon due to lack of fiber, chronic dehydration, consumption of

junk foods and impaired digestive processes. This putrefied matter

slowly poisons the blood from the inside and is a breeding ground

for bad bacteria and parasites. When you are cleansing and pro-

tecting yourself from heavy metals or radiation, it is important to

have healthy bowel function. As your body neutralizes radioactive

and toxic materials, it has to be able to eliminate them through the


There are several colon cleanses on the market that you can en-

gage in two to four times a year. A lot of them are based on psylli-

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um, and are non-habit-forming. Dr. Schulze, Blessed Herbs, ColoniX

and the Clean Program are some of the ones I trust and recom-

mend for a generic cleanse. Colon hydrotherapy, enemas and cas-

tor oil packs take it to the next level and are extremely effective.

I have done many colon hydrotherapy sessions during my road

to recovery and highly recommend them to anyone interested

in gaining health. Changing your diet to include more fiber, raw

foods, ionic magnesium and aloe vera juice is also an excellent step

towards a lifestyle of detoxification and health maintenance.

Skin Cleansing – The skin is your largest organ and another “kid-

ney” in its own way. The body uses it to eliminate toxins through

sweat and sometimes rashes and hives. These are nothing but the

body trying to push the toxins out. During any kind of cleansing

or exposure to radioactive elements the skin can be supported

through dry skin brushing (please see instructions at the end of

this booklet) and through infrared saunas and detoxifying baths.

All three stimulate the release of toxins and open the pores. During

detox you should refrain from using any skin products that are not

natural. Actually, it is best not to put anything on the skin after a

dry skin brushing, sauna or detox bath so that it can continue push

the toxins out. My rule of thumb for skin products is simple: if you

cannot eat it, then do not put on your skin. Your skin will metab-

olize whatever you put on it, so steer away from products whose

ingredients you cannot pronounce as well as any others you know

to be synthetic.

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#6 Drink the Best Water Possible

Proper hydration is perhaps the most critical factor in maintaining

health. Dehydration leads to a weaker immune system because the

body can’t to remove toxins from its cells. To deal with radiation,

we need to consume a lot of good water. I have my clients drink

one-half to one ounce of water per pound of body weight. How-

ever, avoid tap, bottled, reverse osmosis, or distilled waters. They

contain toxins and the body has more trouble absorbing them.

Most municipal and ground water supplies ate contaminated with

pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and agricultural runoff, not to

mention added chlorine and fluoride. No matter what source your

water comes from, you should treat the water correctly before you

drink it. Ideally, the water should be filtered, ionized, micro-clus-

tered and programmed with positive intentions.

Besides being a great solvent for all sort of materials, both good

and bad, water is also a great medium for storing and transmitting

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information. Everything water comes in contact with leaves behind

a subtle energetic signature in the molecular structure of the fluid.

In my last book, Staying Alive in a Toxic World, I dedicated 30 pag-

es to identifying all the agents that affect the quality of your water.

If radioactive contamination does spread around the world, all

ground and spring waters will be affected. Although radioactive

isotopes have not yet spread everywhere, their vibrational signa-

tures may have already affected water worldwide.

Purifying your water physically, chemically and energetically is

probably the most effective actions you can take to increase your

resistance to radiation or other pollution.

The best option is to get a high-quality ionizer with a pre-filtration

device. The next best thing is a pre-filtration device plus water

restructuring device. Another option is to distill your water and

use Dr. Patrick Flanaghan’s MegaHydrate or Crystal Energy (www., or a vortex device, or add fulvic acid-based vita-

mins and minerals.

Finally, to erase lingering harmful energy signatures, be sure to

give thanks and generate good intentions when you drink any wa-

ter. Directing your love and gratitude into water, and even writing

positive words and affirmations on water containers helps remove

unintended vibrational signatures and will optimize your water.


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# 7 Exercise Daily

Daily exercise increases heart rate and moves the lymphatic fluid,

easing the removal of toxic waste from your body. Exercise is one

of the best cures for a negative mental state as well. We suggest

daily walking, biking, or bouncing on a rebounder trampoline like

the Cellerciser.

# 8 Get into the Sunshine

Contrary to popular belief, being out in the sunshine is actually

great for the body. We are literally composed of very condensed

light energy – we are essentially light. Thus the human body is

nourished directly by sunlight, and indirectly by eating food, espe-

cially plants, which get their energy from the sun.

In his book Sunlight, Dr. Zane states that a series of exposures to

sunshine following exercise decreases resting heart rate, blood

pressure, blood sugar and lactic acid in the blood. It also increases

in energy, strength, endurance and stress tolerance.

Other studies show that full spectrum lighting has healing bene-

fits. Children living in rooms with full spectrum lighting developed

a third the number of cavities suffered by those staying in rooms

with fluorescent lighting. This is because vitamin D development

is dependent on sunshine and the body requires it in order to ef-

ficiently metabolize calcium. Dr. John Ott conducted a series of

studies on mice and living under different light conditions. He

found that mice living under full spectrum light were the most re-

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sistant to cancer and took longer to develop cancers that mice

living in other types of light conditions.

Another study by Dr. Smith Sonnborn showed that damaged cells

can be repaired with Near Ultraviolet Radiation, effectively revers-

ing aging. These and more studies discussed in the book Light:

Medicine of the Future by Dr. Jacob Liberman show that specific

types of light are able to repair genetic damage and can also stim-

ulate life extending capabilities in DNA.

What about skin cancer? Skin cancer is actually directly correlated

with the use of sunblock. Sunblock is usually loaded with carcino-

genic chemicals. It is over-exposure – not exposure – to the sun

that causes damage. I recommend regular and even daily sunbath-

ing for least 20 to 30 minutes in natural sunlight.

Sunlight assists in the development of melanin, which is the most

primitive and universal pigment in living organisms. It is produced

in the pineal gland and abundantly found in organisms from fungi

to advanced primates. It appears to be located in areas providing

vital functions to the body. For example, in vertebrates, melanin is

not only present in the skin, eyes, ears or central nervous system; it

can also be found in the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus and ad-

renal glands. Melanin is abundantly present in the viscera, including

the heart, liver, arteries, muscles, and gastrointestinal tract.

Furthermore, melanin has been found to protect against radiation.

Einstein University in Israel conducted a series of studies on mel-

anin and its response to gamma rays. The researchers discovered

that melanin alters oxidation processes and electrical currents, and

hope to use their findings to develop anti-radiation drugs.

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There are also studies on fungi and their anti-radiation qualities.

Certain fungi in Chernobyl demonstrated no increase in free radi-

cals after exposure to gamma radiation. Studies found that these

mushrooms contained unusual amounts of melanin that altered the

radiation effects. Another study from Chernobyl showed that bio-

film microbial communities are naturally resistant to ionizing radia-

tion. It happens that these bacteria were exposed to large amounts

of UV light from the sun and developed their radiation resistance

from this sunlight exposure.

Melanin also proved to be protective for bone marrow cells in can-

cer treatments. In the study published by International Journal of

Radiation Oncology and Biological Physics, researchers hypoth-

esized that “Melanin, which is insoluble, could be delivered to the

bone marrow by intravenously administrated melanin-covered

nanoparticles … protecting it against ionizing radiation,” and uti-

lized it during radiation therapy.

To receive the advantages of sun exposure, however, it is import-

ant to keep melanin nontoxic. Bad eating habits and not enough

Vitamin B can make melanin damaging.

#9 Avoid Pacific Seafood and Seaweed from Above the Equator

More and more reports are coming in with radioactive particles

found in fish all over the Pacific. It just isn’t worth the trouble. If

you do decide to eat fish from the Pacific Ocean, I recommend

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taking a product like ProPectinTM to block the absorption of any

radioactive particles that could be present.

#10 Use North Atlantic Kelp and Seaweed Only

The only non-contaminated kelp and dulse I have seen on the mar-

ket comes from Iceland. It is clean, pure and very effective. You will

need the seaweed as part of your mineral rich diet.

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PART 2: Daily Supplement Protocol

Besides the general healthful practices discussed above, I have

developed a four-pillared protocol to deal with radioactive and

heavy metal. The full protocol and clinical research will be pub-

lished in my upcoming book on radiation to be released later in

2014, but for now please enjoy these four basic steps:

The Four Pillars of health and detoxification lifestyle are:

1. Removal of toxins

and blocking absorption of radioactive particles

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2. Re-mineralization of tissues

through diet and supplementation

3. Repair of Cells and DNA

using enzymes, antioxidants and hydration protocols

4. Recalibration

of cells with meditation, quantum technology devices and energy

The idea is to supply the body daily with all it needs to function

efficiently during low-level radiation exposure. It will protect the

body from absorbing radioactive particles through food or water,

rid the body of heavy metals and protect from ongoing toxic ex-

posure. This is not a therapeutic dose protocol—this is an every-

day protocol to stay ahead of the curve.

Upon Rising on Empty stomach

Water with aloe vera juice and 2-3 drops of detoxified iodine

Fulvic Acid based Mineral and Vitamin Blend

2-3 g of vitamin C or one packet of liposomal C

2-3 caps of MegaHydrate


Anti-Radiation Protein Smoothie

1-2 tbsp Elite Green Protein from Health Force Nutritional or oth-

er chlorella/spirulina blend

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1 serving of hemp or rice protein

1 tsp Medicinal Mushroom Blend

1 tbsp raw almond butter or coconut butter


1/2 tsp germanium angstrom mineral

1/2 cup of any blend of berries,

1 cup almond milk and/or water or ice

2-3 systemic enzyme capsules

Before Meals (take on an empty stomach, up to 3 times a day)

1 tbsp organic sulfur and 2-3 grams of vitamin C in warm water

Optional: 2-3 systemic enzyme capsules

Before Main Meal (especially if it contains fish, seafood or animal protein)

1 Packet of Propectin

2-3 systemic enzyme capsules with your meal

Before Bed

2-5 probiotic capsules

2-3 drops ionic magnesium

Optional: melatonin

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Include one 16-24 oz freshly pressed green juice with a base of


General Diet Suggestions:

Plenty of fermented vegetables (especially cabbage), fermented

non-soy miso, plenty of raw, living foods, lots of herbal teas

and water. Use low-glycemic index (low GI) sweeteners such as

Lakanto and Stevia.

Supplements Needed (In order of importance)

Detoxified Iodine - check on or Am-

azon. You can also use seaweed extracts and supplements like

RadIodine from

Plant Digestive Enzymes - I use Masszymes, these are the en-

zymes I used for my own recovery

ProPectinTM an apple pectin based detoxifier. Please see my site

for details on where to buy.

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Probiotics - are my favorite, look for 15

strands at least, especially L. Plantarum

Fulvic Based Mineral and Vitamin Blend - are monoatomic high

frequency minerals and vitamins

Vitamin C – Lyposomal vitamin C from LIveOn Labs or whole food

vitamin C from Health Force Nutritional

MegaHydrate -

Organic Sulfur - Organic Sulfur Matrix or any other reputable


Ionic Magnesium -

Chlorella/Spirullina Blend - I love and use Elite Green from Health

Force Nutritional, make sure your source is clean

Hemp Protein - I use

Rice Protein – Sunwarrior

Germanium -

Medicinal Mushrooms - Longevity Warehouse, Sun Portions,


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I hope you enjoyed reading this ebook, if you have questions or would like to set up a consultation please visit my web site and send me a message and we can schedule a conversation. Thank you and I wish you a healthy, happy life. - KV