the raven times january issue

I hope all of you had a safe and wonderful winter break. As you may or may not know, this year we will be having our first graduating class. This will not only be a stepping stone for our seniors but a mark in history for CCHS. So in these upcoming months I implore you all to be here at school every day, on time, and ready to work. Remember when you do your best you are not only rewarded by the community, but by the person who counts the most; yourself. LET‘S GO RAVENS Harold Roney Here are a couple of things that Mrs. Page would like to remind you for this month. She is currently taking sign ups for the Feed the Hungry Dinner on Jan. 24, so if you‘d like to help out in this event you know where to go. Also there will be no school on the 17 th of this month which is Martin Luther Kings Birthday. On February 1 and 2 the tenth graders will be taking the CAHSEE for the first time. Don‘t forget to study sophomores! On February 19 th our Booster Club will be hosting our first annual Fashion Show. Everyone make sure to attend. J. Pacheco Our garden project, known as the ―Food Pyramid‖, is pesticide free and will cover approximately 5000 square feet and will hopefully act as a food source for our district cafeteria program, a local pollinator garden, and as a teaching tool for a myriad of classes such as biology, earth science, chemistry, geography, and health. Various community partner organizations are actively participating in the creation and maintenance of our pollinator garden. In addition we hope to provide student tours from our elementary and middle schools to show how neighborhood gardens play an important role in supporting both the environment and community. Lastly our city council has actively worked on and supported this project.‖ If you have any questions about how you can assist in making our garden a success please don‘t hesitate to ask. Jim Clark Special points of interest: Jan. 26 Minimum Day Feb. 9 Minimum Day Feb. 18 Lincoln‘s Birthday Feb. 21 Washington‘s Issue Highlights: Happy New Year 2011 2 Surviving College 3 Sabriel 4 OHV Heaven 5 California City High School January 18, 2011 Volume 2, Issue 6 The raven times My return back to California City was very heart- warming in many ways. I have been given the opportunity to be a part of the first CCHS gradu- ating class. Many of which I had the privilege of teaching in previous years. CCHS has been for- tunate in obtaining some of the finest educators this state has to offer and a staff that truly embrac- es student achievement. You the class of 2010 have been given the tools necessary to achieve your life‘s dreams. Many of you have endured painstaking hours of study and practice to make it to this point in time. Take the skills you have developed to make the life you so deserve. I am anticipating even greater things of our future grad- uates. Our current students have laid the founda- tion of success. They continue to show improve- ment in all aspects of a high school. Our sports and academics continue to soar. I am truly hon- ored and blessed to be a part California City. Thank you students, staff, and community for letting me be a part! David Croy Your FAFSA needs to be done by the end of this month. The website is If you would like to apply for community colleges the website is If you have any questions you can contact the counselors at the community col- lege. Go to to register online for your SAT and to to register online for your ACT. For all juniors I recommend taking your Sat or Act test this year. You can visit the website csu- You may retake the test if you don‘t like your scores. You may do this as many times there are test dates, and you can see Ms. Laci or Ms. Williford. We both would like to wish all the seniors luck getting into the colleges they applied for. Brittani Becker Page by: Melody Matlock Newspaper Editor: Monerah Al-Ghannam Mustangs Vs. Raven Rivalry 6 Scavenger Hunt 7

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Page 1: The  Raven  Times  January  Issue

I hope all of you had a safe and wonderful winter break.

As you may or may not know, this year we will be having

our first graduating class. This will not only be a stepping

stone for our seniors but a mark in history for CCHS. So

in these upcoming months I implore you all to be here

at school every day, on time, and ready to work.

Remember when you do your best you are not only

rewarded by the community, but by the person who

counts the most; yourself. LET‘S GO RAVENS

Harold Roney

Here are a couple of things that Mrs. Page would like to

remind you for this month. She is currently taking sign

ups for the Feed the Hungry Dinner on Jan. 24, so if

you‘d like to help out in this event you know where to

go. Also there will be no school on the 17th of this month

which is Martin Luther Kings Birthday. On February 1

and 2 the tenth graders will be taking the CAHSEE for

the first time. Don‘t forget to study sophomores! On

February 19th our Booster Club will be hosting our first

annual Fashion Show. Everyone make sure to attend.

J. Pacheco

“Our garden project, known as the ―Food Pyramid‖, is

pesticide free and will cover approximately 5000 square feet

and will hopefully act as a food source for our district

cafeteria program, a local pollinator garden, and as a

teaching tool for a myriad of classes such as biology, earth

science, chemistry, geography, and health. Various

community partner organizations are actively participating

in the creation and maintenance of our pollinator garden.

In addition we hope to provide student tours from our

elementary and middle schools to show how neighborhood

gardens play an important role in supporting both the

environment and community. Lastly our city council has

actively worked on and supported this project.‖ If you have

any questions about how you can assist in making our

garden a success please don‘t hesitate to ask.

Jim Clark

Special points of interest:

Jan. 26 Minimum Day

Feb. 9 Minimum Day

Feb. 18 Lincoln‘s Birthday

Feb. 21 Washington‘s

Issue Highlights:

Happy New Year



Surviving College 3

Sabriel 4

OHV Heaven 5

Ca l i f orn ia C i ty H igh Schoo l January 18, 2011 Volume 2, Issue 6

The raven times

My return back to California City was very heart-

warming in many ways. I have been given the

opportunity to be a part of the first CCHS gradu-

ating class. Many of which I had the privilege of

teaching in previous years. CCHS has been for-

tunate in obtaining some of the finest educators

this state has to offer and a staff that truly embrac-

es student achievement. You the class of 2010

have been given the tools necessary to achieve

your life‘s dreams. Many of you have endured

painstaking hours of study and practice to make it

to this point in time. Take the skills you have

developed to make the life you so deserve. I am

anticipating even greater things of our future grad-

uates. Our current students have laid the founda-

tion of success. They continue to show improve-

ment in all aspects of a high school. Our sports

and academics continue to soar. I am truly hon-

ored and blessed to be a part California City.

Thank you students, staff, and community for

letting me be a part!

David Croy

Your FAFSA needs to be done by the end of this

month. The website is If you would

like to apply for community colleges the website

is If you have any questions you

can contact the counselors at the community col-

lege. Go to to register

online for your SAT and to to

register online for your ACT.

For all juniors I recommend taking your Sat or

Act test this year. You can visit the website csu- You may retake the test if you don‘t

like your scores. You may do this as many times

there are test dates, and you can see Ms. Laci or

Ms. Williford. We both would like to wish all the

seniors luck getting into the colleges they applied


Brittani Becker

Page by: Melody Matlock Newspaper Editor: Monerah Al-Ghannam

Mustangs Vs.

Raven Rivalry


Scavenger Hunt 7

Page 2: The  Raven  Times  January  Issue

Page by: Kayla Noack


Year has started with a big bang! 2011 is finally here!

Our seniors have 4 months left until graduation; this

year will be our first graduation ceremony, in Cali-

fornia City High history.

New Years resolutions are a pact or promise

that you make to yourself, to see if you can keep it

through out the year, or make a goal of anything, to

see if you can achieve it. There are tons of New

Years resolutions, such as becoming a vegetarian, to

save animals, or losing weight to become healthier.

It could range from playing less video games to

becoming more social, learning how to cook, or to

get better grades.

Some Ravens around campus were asked what

their resolutions are. When Sonya Hernandez was

asked, she said, ―My New Year‘s resolution is to

begin to get the best grades I can earn, to be a nicer

person and build a better relationship with my step

dad.‖ Well Sonya, it‘s a New Year and time for a

new start, so try your best in school and show people

that you really want to be a better person.

―I want to try my best in school and get better

grades and try to my best to dunk at a higher level

in basketball!‖ says Frederick Reliford .Trying your

best is really easy, just never give up and set your

mind to dunking and you‘ll get better every time.

―I would like to build up my courage to sing in

front of people!‖ says Celeecia Jenkins .So with

your beautiful voice and the New Year, sing your

heart out!

―I would like to get a job and learn Mixed Martial

Arts.‖ says Anthony Cummings. Anthony you

should submit your applications to some business

and try getting involved in some Martial Arts classes.

―I would love to become a smarter person and

bond with my younger sister.‖ says Elizabeth Corne-

jo. Elizabeth, I think it‘s time to try your hardest and

never give up on your education, and try hanging out

with your younger sister a little more often.

Whatever your New Year‘s resolution is, surely

it‘s a good one and with hard work you achieve all

your desires.

Samantha Lyle & Precious Earley

We recently sur-

veyed the seniors at California City High

School, asking them what they would like to

do when they graduate. These are the results

we received:

-8 students said they want to attend a UC

-20 students said they want to attend a CSU

-2 students said they want to attend a Private


-31 students said they want to attend a commu-

nity college

-8 students said they want to attend a trade


-11 students said they want to join the military

-8 students are undecided on what they want to

do. Veronica Rios

Snow In the Desert?

January 31st is the national ‗Backwards Day‘.

It‘s just like the schools‘ backwards day, except

you can go as far as you want with it. If you are a

right-handed person, you do everything with your

left hand, and vice versa. You can have dinner for

breakfast, and break-

fast for dinner. You

wear all your cloths

backwards, and walk

backwards…. Just be

sure not to drive


It can be a really

fun activity, but per-

sonally I think its only a nice idea for elementary

students. Maybe if you baby-sit or have a younger

sibling it would be a great idea to keep them oc-

cupied. So enjoy the New Year. Happy 2011!

Kim Calderwood

Martin Luther King Jr.

To our excitement California City

got snowed over on Winter Break. Most peo-

ple were hoping it would have snowed on

Christmas or even the day we had to go back

to school, but hey at least our little desert town

got some snow! Unfortunately the snow didn‘t

last very long but

for the two days it

did last, it was

certainly a time

where us desert

kids had a great

time. Kids all over

California City were outside making snowmen,

having snowball fights, and making snow an-

gles. Having snow in the desert was defiantly a

surprising and memorable event. Of all the

past years California City had snow, this year

definitely had the most. The snow in the desert

was a great way to start off 2011!

Jordon Holmes

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January

15th, 1929, in Atlantic Georgia. He was a promi-

nent leader in the African American civil rights

movement. Often presented as a heroic leader in

of modern American liberalism. In 1955 he led

the Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found

the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in

1957. His efforts led to the March on Washing-

ton in 1963, which is where he delivered his fa-

mous "I Have a Dream" speech.

In 1964, Martin Luther King Jr. be-

came the youngest person to receive the Nobel

Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation

and racial discrimination. 1968 he had refocused

his efforts on ending poverty and stopping the

Vietnam War. Unfortunately at 6:01 p.m., April

4, 1968 he was shot on the second floor balcony

at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.

King was pronounced dead at St. Joseph's

Hospital at 7:05 p.m. His autopsy revealed that

though he was only thirty-nine years old, he had

the heart of a sixty-year old man. The cause of

this might the result of

thirteen years of stress in the civil rights move-

ment. To honor Martin Luther King Jr. for all he

has done, we celebrate his day of birth and how

much he gave to the United States of America.

Cheyenne Trujillo

Page 3: The  Raven  Times  January  Issue

Acquired by Eddica Diaz

1. Firework – Katy Perry

2. Grenade – Bruno Mars

3. We R Who We R – Ke$ha

4. What‘s My Name? – Rihanna ft. Drake

5. Raise Your Glass – P!nk

6. Tonight (I‘m Lovin‘ You) – Enrique Iglesias

ft.Ludacris & DJ Frank E

7. The Time ( Dirty Bit) – The Black Eyed


8. Black and Yellow – Wiz Khalifa

9. Just The Way You Are – Bruno Mars

10. Just A Dream - Nelly

For those of you looking

for a job, here are a few

tips you can follow to get

a better chance at obtain-

ing work. For starters,

you can always put it

more than one applica-

tion to one single business, but make sure you call in to

check on it every 7-10 days just to be sure they checked

out your application and to see if the job has already

been filled. While filling your application, positivity is

key. When you put someone down as a reference, be

sure that you do not put any family member down. A

teacher, a friend, or a friend‘s parent would be best.

Also, a very important thing to remember; Do not

bring your friends or family when you go to ask for an

application or when you go to fill one out.

Wondering what you should wear to an interview?

If you are a girl, try putting your hair up, wearing close-

toed shoes (does not include sneakers), dress pants

and a nice shirt that doesn‘t show a lot of skin. For

boys, try a button-up shirt, a nice pair of pants (no

jeans), and a pair of your best shoes. If your hair is long

enough, style it nicely but try not to do spikes or leave

it messy.

When you are in an interview, it helps to always be

positive. Smile a lot, to show them you are a positive

person. No one wants to hire

someone who is always going to be


Page by Samantha Lyle

Surviving College is a new column created by Ja‘Nette White to

inform college bound students of things they should know when

entering college. But, beware this is not everyday information that

you can get from a counselor. This is information that you neces-

sarily would not think about, it wouldn‘t come to your mind when

you‘re preparing for college. It is definitely information that will

play a huge role in your college years, yet they can be quite stressful.

In future newsletters some of the topics that will be discussed are:

How to Deal With a Roommate

Getting Everything Situated in the First Few Weeks

College Relationships

Making RESPONSIBLE Plans for Spring Break

Staying Healthy and Eating Right

To get this column started I thought I would review some of the

college myths that float around various Universities like:

1. Beer before liquor, never been sicker. As soon as you have

had a handful of drinks there‘s a great chance that you‘ll be

sick the next day, granted that mixing different liquors does

not help the situation either. Just know your tolerance level

and try to maintain them. Note: Drinking before the age of

21 is illegal. You can and will be prosecuted in a court of

law if caught. So be smart and wait until you are the legal


2. Date rape is common. The 1998 amendment to the Higher

Education Act of 1965 declared that any Title IV-eligible

school must publish an annual report detailing, among

other things, crime statistics. In 2006, the University of

Nevada-Las Vegas (enrollment 27,429) reported zero

forcible sex offenses, and the University of Wisconsin-

Milwaukee (enrollment 28,356), had four. Reduce your

vulnerability considerably by doing things like never leaving

your drink unattended and never walking on campus alone

after dark.

3. College years are the best years of your life. Many adults

look back on college as a time when they were free from

most real world responsibility, and now they are stuck in

the daily grind of the working class. College isn‘t always the

best time of your life per se; just enjoy the freedom you

have while you have it. Make every minute count.

4. You Will Keep In Touch With All Your Old Friends. On

your high school yearbook, I guarantee your friends will

write little notes like BFF (Best Friends Forever) and

LYLAS (Love You like a Sis) or DEC (Don‘t Ever

Change). You will meet so many new people in college that

it will be difficult if not nearly impossible to keep in touch

with all of your old high school friends.

5. You Cannot Escape The Freshman Fifteen. It makes since

that people would believe this myth. It is your first year

away from home in a new environment, with no parentals

telling you what to do and how to eat. Staying up late nights

cramming and fasting on nothing but Starbucks Coffee and

fast-food joints, you liable to put on a few pounds. Re-

searchers at Cornell University found most students gain an

average of 4 pounds during their first 12 weeks of college.

Note: Although this isn't a lot of weight, it's 11 times higher

than the typical weight gain for 17-18 year olds!

Raven Writers'

Raven Writers is a new column in the school paper

where students can have a chance to publish their work.

If you have an article, poem or story that you would like

to contribute, please drop it in one of the Dear Alice

boxes in any of your English classes for a chance to be

published in next month‘s paper. ―Crying Out‖

Life is a pain in his eyes

One day goes good the other bad

Tears fall from his eyes

A constant cry out for help

He‘s crying out

He seeks love from

Gentle beings of a person

His cry out to be rescued

From sin, hurt, pain, stress

Is unanswered he grows

Weary, unconfident his

Cry out for help grows silent

He‘s crying out

He runs as fast as he can

To the quickest escape

His crying is dead

So slow, unforgiving

His life has been taken

From under his toes

He‘s crying out

Life is a long way away

But so short you can‘t

Always run from your feelings

He‘s cried out Celeecia Jenkins

Taxes today are seriously getting way out of hand!

There are so many things with an overpriced tax and

the government most likely sees no problem with it.

Gas prices are starting to rise again and there is

really nothing we can do about it. Some people have

been making it with very little to no money to spare.

Because of these tax raises less and less people can

go out and spend their money like they used to be

able to. The less people go out and spend, the more

taxes will have to increase in order for our economy

to be stable. Although it isn‘t in the greatest shape.

People need to go out and spend a little more mon-

ey so our prices in needed

items can decrease! Thomas Williamson

Kayla Noack

Page 4: The  Raven  Times  January  Issue

Page by: Kayla Noack

Well great movies are here, from

―Burlesque‖ to

―Tron: Legacy,‖

it‘s your prefer-

ence. Lately the

one getting the two

thumbs up is

―Burlesque.‖ As

the movie reviews

put it, ―Burlesque‖

you would think to

be risqué. Actually,

it‘s a great story

about a small town girl.

Ali played by Christina Aguilera is a

small town girl just getting off the bus from Iowa.

When she hears a performance, then she finds

―Burlesque‖, a club that would make a Las Vegas

casino proud. Tess played by Cher performs

―Welcome to Burlesque.‖ We learn that Christi-

na Aguilera is an orphan as Ali of course. This is

the back story of ―Burlesque.‖ Hope you go and

see it because it sounds like a good story right?

Samantha Robinson

In the first of three successions, Sabriel

brings its readers to a world of reality and fiction,

good and evil, and takes these elements to magi-

cally hook the reader so they won‘t want to put

the book down. Being the

first of the series, you are

introduced to Sabriel, a

youthful girl, whose father is

the famous Abhorsen. He

helps put the dead creatures

to rest and prevents them

from entering the world of

the living. Sabriel is soon summoned to help him

because he is trapped in death and Sabriel must

come to the rescue. Throughout the novel, she

encounters several vicious encounters. But can

she defeat them and save her father? Read this

marvelous book and find out for yourself.

Megan Rymer

Trail vs. Race Bike So, you think you want to dirt bike but

have you thought of the type of riding you truly

want to do….open trail riding or track? For your

comfort and desires the major makes of the larg-

er dirt bikes make two versions of the same bike,

a trail bike and a race bike. Trail bikes are built

slightly different then the race bikes, giving you

more comfort on long rides. A race bike is stiffer

in the suspension and has a different gear ratio

that helps a rider take corners, jump table tops,

and speed through the flat sections faster.

Even though either bike

can be ridden on the

trails or the track but

you need to be aware

that a trail bike is not

designed to race on a track nor is the race bike

meant for a long ride on the open trails. Also, a

race bike does not have the emission controls

and is registered as a ―red sticker‖ bike, meaning

it can only be ridden in most parks during the

winter months only. Before looking at bikes

know what you want to do first. It will give you

the best possible ride for you.

Jerremy McIntire

2010 is Long Gone!

It was a lovely year for music. From

Vampire Weekend to Kanye West it had diversi-

ty. I hope you all know who Kanye West is. He

had one of the

top rated new

albums of 2010,

it was ranked

number five, it

was titled,‖ my

beautiful dark

twisted fantasy‖.

Have you heard

of it?

Kanye‘s persona as said in the review,‖ has always

thrived on his weaknesses as much as his

strengths -- and his awareness of them.‖ Also,

after his fiasco with Taylor Swift at the 2009

MTV was a total disaster. I know you all remem-

ber that, I know I do. He faced the ridicule of

bloggers, fellow musicians, and of all people the

president of the United States. He was hated for

a while, but e rose again though thankfully with

this hit of an album.

Samantha Robinson


Snowboarding is one of the biggest

sports in winter. There are plenty of places

around here that you could go. Mountain High is

the closet resort from California City. There is

also Big Bear and Mammoth. All of these resorts

have gotten a lot of snow fall this past week.

Mountain High got

about 16 inches, Big

Bear got about 18

inches, and Mam-

moth got 9 feet of


Snowboarding is fun and easy for peo-

ple of all ages. It is a great family activity, and you

will have a blast with your friends. So this winter

season come out and visit one of these fine re-

sorts. Have fun, be safe, and go shredding!

Scottie Mckern

New Year means new awesome video

games and Playstation 3 has you covered. In fall

of this year the 3rd Uncharted will be coming out

and it‘s already expected to be the Video Game

of the year. As all video gamers know Uncharted

2: Among Thieves was titled Video Game of

2010 and the 3rd is expected to be far better. Also

coming out in fall is Batman: Arkham City which

is the sequel to the critically proclaimed Batman:

Arkham Asylum.

Robyn Harris

Page 5: The  Raven  Times  January  Issue

Dear Alice,

My girlfriend and I have been dating for over a year

now, but lately I see myself looking at other girls.

Should I end things with my current girlfriend and start

dating someone new?

Something new

Dear Something New,

Dating in high school is very difficult. We are young

and indecisive. I‘m sure you care about your girlfriend

a lot, but high school is a great opportunity for us to

learn about dating. There is nothing wrong with mov-

ing on to someone new if you are no longer interested

in who you are currently with. It is unfair to yourself as

well as your girlfriend to stay with her if your feelings

for her have changed. Alice

Dear Alice,

I want to become healthier and fitter, it was

my New Year‘s resolution. I‘m not overweight,

but I‘d love to become more toned and health-


Better Me

Dear Better Me,

It is such a great idea to get healthier and start

exercising more. Setting that goal as a New

Year‘s resolution is a wonderful way to motivate

you to stick to that goal. Try eating more fruits

and vegetables, lean meats, and be sure to exer-

cise at least three times a week. Having your

friend‘s do it with you will not only make it

more fun, but make you even more motivated

to stick to that goal. Alice

―The difference between a successful person and others is not

a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack

of will.‖

Vince Lombardi

―Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted.‖

Eleanor Roosevelt

―The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in

moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of chal-

lenge and controversy.‖

Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Alice

Page by: Samantha Lyle

This handsome fellow is a native of California and has been

teaching for thirty long years.

He is happily married with two adult children. For safety

reasons, however, he doesn't wear his wedding ring while he

works. He continuously strives to make sure the environment

for students is a safe one. He also loves to tell a story or five.

Who is it?

If you think you have the answer, write it as well as your

name down on a piece of paper with your name on it and put

it into the 'Dear Alice' box in Mrs. Perez's classroom. The

winner will be drawn at random and announced in next

month‘s paper

Megan Rymer

The nice, slick, beastly, Toyota Taco-

ma sitting out in the parking lot belongs to sen-

ior Devin Ublasi. This 2000 Toyota Tacoma is

complete with a newly designed front bumper

enhanced with four off road lights. It also has

black rims with mud tires and a three inch lift.

He usually goes off roading with all his friends

and it helps to have a nice durable truck like his.

Aaron Alexander

Our own little corner of the

Mojave Desert is a dirt rider‘s dream come

true. Not only does the open desert of Cal

City draw thousands of OHV (Off Highway

Vehicle) enthusiasts every major holiday,

but so does Jawbone Canyon, a BLM park

situated at the end of Nueralia Road. As

part of a large OHV area which includes

Red Rock Canyon and Dove Springs, Jaw-

bone is an open riding area for riders. This

means that the riders do not have to stay on

designated trails only. While out there be

sure to visit the visitor‘s center, take a break

at Jawbone Canyon Store. Jawbone has not

only miles of trails but also has open camp-

ing areas and lots of hills to climb. This

area not only draws the OHV crowd but

also is an enjoyment to hikers, horse back

riders, or someone just wanting to appreci-

ate the beauty of the desert, especially the

spring wild flowers. But, be extra careful,

Jawbone is the home to some poisonous

snakes, namely the Mojave Green. Remem-

ber that the desert is home to many wild

Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8th,

1935. In Tupelo, Mississippi to father Vernon

and mother Gladys. At the young age of thir-

teen his parents relocated to Memphis, Tennes-

see. In 1953 he then began his career with Sun

Records. Elvis played all kinds or genres of

music such as Rock and roll, pop, rockabilly,

country, blues, gospel, R&B. Presley's first RCA

single, "Heartbreak Hotel", released in January

1956, was a number one hit. Conscripted into

military service in 1958, Elvis re-launched his

recording career two years later with some of

his most commercially successful work.

In 1968, after seven years away from the

stage, he returned to live performance in a

celebrated comeback television special that led

to an extended Las Vegas concert residency

and a string of profitable tours. In 1973, Presley

staged the first concert broadcast globally via

satellite, Aloha from Hawaii, seen by approxi-

mately 1.5 billion viewers. Prescription drug

abuse led Elvis Presley to death in 1977 at the

young age of 42.

Makayla Gomez

Page 6: The  Raven  Times  January  Issue



Christmas break is over

which means baseball practice

has officially begun. Every day

after school we will be practic-

ing at the field and then work-

ing out in the gym. If you want

to play baseball don’t waste

any time, come down and start

practicing so we can be the

best team this school has ever

had! Practice starts now; it’s up

to you to show up.

Aaron Alexander

Varsity Soccer

The girl’s varsity soccer team

has been working real hard

over the winter break. Their

next game is on January 11

against Bishop. This will be the

first girls varsity league game in

the history of this high school.

The girls have been improving

over this period of time. Wish

them luck on their upcoming


The boy’s varsity soccer

team had a soccer game over

the break and it was a very

close game but they were not

able to pull it off. The score was

3 to 2. The boy’s soccer team

has a game on the January 5

against Vasquez at Vasquez.

Their next game is on Friday

the 7th against riverside prep at

Victor Ville. Wish the soccer

teams luck on their upcoming


Will Hawkins


Softball workouts are currently tak-

ing place. If there are any questions

as to times and concerns please ask

Ms. Merrick.

Clean Out

Page by Thomas Williamson

Page 7: The  Raven  Times  January  Issue

Just for fun


Virgo (8/22-9/23) —An argu-

ment turns into a discussion

about redecorating, whether

that's an online-profile revamp

or new piece of art in the living

room. Put your heart into color

schemes and be open to the outrageous and unfamiliar

Leo (7/23-8/21)—It is not arrogance, this feeling you have.

You don't think you're better than other people. But you

have high standards and you deeply believe that you're worth

it. That sort of pride is, as circular as it sounds is something

to be proud of. And it will pay off handsomely in your life.

Libra (9/2310/23)—Power just isn't yours, so let go of it.

Once your hands are free, do something a whole lot more

fun, like knit or cook or play games. Power hang-ups were

just causing you trouble anyway.

Scorpio (10/24-11/22)—Make your words kind even if

what you're saying has a razor edge. Attitude is everything, so

be direct and firm and avoid ugly criticisms. Hide that wilted

flower in a bouquet of loveliness to keep people happy.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/22)—You're telling it like it is, and

you're getting a good response from other people. Someone

like you, who knows what they want and isn't shy about

going for it, does well in the world of romance.

Capricorn (12/23-1/20)— Something you've wanted for a

long time, possibly something love-related might come to

your door. One of the hardest things to figure is what to do

after you get what you want.

Aquarius (1/21-2/19)- If power seems to be a tug-of-war

game between you and those around you, then maybe you

should drop the rope and walk away. Independence might

make you a superpower to be reckoned with on your own


Pisces (2/20-3/20)- Loving people support and encour-

age you, and you have to repay them in kind. So show

loyalty and support while giving sound advice and respect-

ing everyone's privacy. You can do it.

Aries (3/21-4/20)—The impulse to be saintly and assist

others in all aspects of life motivates you into high gear

and helps you to come up with plans for making the world

a happier place.

Taurus (4/21-5/21)--Share your thoughts, because people

will be transformed by your visions and walk in a new way.

Change the world by talking energetically about your

wishes and values. Baring your persuasive soul pays off..

Gemini (5/22-6/21)—Your love life makes no sense. As

soon as you think you're onto some kind of understanding

of it, a contravening fact occurs to you. There is a very

good chance you're thinking about this too hard. Matters

of love (and not-love) never make rational sense.

Cancer (3/22-7/22)—Keep all your money tucked away,

because a clever scheme may try to pull it right out of your

hands and burn it in front of you. So be cautious and

shrewd, because you can't be outsmarted if you're on your


Check Out Your Horoscope!





















































Page by: Melissa Garza Obtained by: Melissa Garza

Scavenger Hunt

I‘m in a room with a bunch of equations. If your hands get

dirty there‘s plenty if sinks to wash the dirt away. You must

be careful because certain liquids can harm you. If you‘re a

skilled artist your drawing could be put up on the wall.

Where am I???

If you think you have the answer, write it as well as your

name down on a piece of paper with your name on it and put

it into the 'Dear Alice' box in Mrs. Perez's classroom. The

winner will be drawn at random and announced in next

month‘s paper.

Bradley Galipeault

Interview With Senior Advisor/ Mr. Troop

Upcoming Events

Fundraising is going to be held for the senior class.

It will be an early spring fundraiser.

Ideas of any fun type of fundraising are needed.

Ideas For Fundraising

The idea of holding a talent show is now being discussed.

Students will enter the talent show and purposely act goofy to

attract the audience and humor them as well, somewhat like a call


There will be food provided for any interested purchasers to go

along with the entertainment.

If any one feels they have any better ideas feel free to share it with

the officers of the class, which are Tess Searcy and Capryce Collins.

Or you can go to talk to the class President Karlina Hernandez.

Senior Highlights

Career Day is on May 5, 2011. Seniors will be going to Magic

Mountains and the tentative ticket price will be about $25.

Graduation Day is on May 25, 2011.

The ceremony will be held here at CCHS.

The question to whether it will be held on the football stadium or

gym is still being determined.

Mr. Troop is forming a committee that will be in charge of plan-

ning the graduation ceremony and they will be the ones to base the

decision on where the ceremony will be taking place.

If any seniors are interested go and see Mrs. Alexander or Mrs.

Dodge. You must be a senior and only four or five individuals are

needed for the committee.

Grad Night is on May 26, 2011. Seniors are going to Disneyland

and the ticket price will be $65.

Seniors should also look forward to the Junior and Senior prom.

Seniors do not have to worry about anything the junior advisors are

taking care of it all. The juniors are going to be putting on a party in

honor of the seniors.

All the seniors have to do is purchase a ticket.

Mr. Troop enjoys his job as the Senior Advisor and is glad to deal

with all the seniors this year. So if you have any ideas or suggestions

about anything above feel free to go and

share with him your thoughts. Eddica Diaz