the raw food diet

THE RAW FOOD DIET Kosher unbiased facts whether you like them raw or seasoned and seared.

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Page 1: The raw food diet

THE RAW FOOD DIETKosher unbiased facts whether you like them raw or seasoned

and seared.

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Raw History 101

We do not know its chief origins beyond theories, although several people influenced the beginnings of a diet and culture most commonly referred to as “Raw Foodism.”

Sylvester Graham, who was an American Dietary Reformer, experimented with an effective cholera treatment in the early 1800’s consisting of raw plant foods and purified water. You however may also enjoy “Graham Crackers” because of his experiments.

Maximillian Bircher-Benner MD & a Nutritionist out of Switzerland was able to recover from Jaundice by eating large amounts of raw apples. This lead him to research human health relative to the consumption of raw vegetables. He founded a sanatorium still in practice today. It emphasizes a very structured schedule with a balanced diet, Spartan-like exercise and gardening.

Leslie Kenton’s book called “Raw Energy” introduces the study of “Raw foodism” which advocates a diet comprised of 75% raw food to prevent disease, promote energy, and improve overall mood.

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Myplate & Raw Food Diet


Very flexible to several dietary restrictions or lifestyles.

Serving sizes, total RDA, caloric expenditure are explained to each individual from credible sources.

Safe food handling and healthy preparation advocated.

The importance of vegetables and fruits are emphasized.

Very restrictive even if animal products are implemented.

Data specifics or daily plans originate from a panel of never ending debate.

Safe food handling and emphasis that no food should be cooked.

The importance of plant foods (specifically raw) is emphasized.

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Why the raw food diet?

The raw food diet was established as an alternative means to a healthier, more active lifestyle.

The research behind this diet is limited at best. While the research amount is magna infinium, it is only based on the effects consuming raw foods has on the human body.

We do have evidence however that certain foods are more nutrient rich when eaten raw. We also know through history which foods contain certain nutrients.

The sources of this knowledge are legion and at your fingertips.

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Good bad & the ugly

It is an excellent way to drop excess weight like leaves in autumn. It can help flush out or detox your body to assist in remedy of

specific conditions. Skeptics could cite with universal renown that someone who

begins to consume only raw foods will experience discomfort for a week or so.

After the discomfort phase most people report feeling very well, some of these people even say they had never felt better.

It is a VERY difficult diet to stay motivated on due to its restrictions. Especially if the participants are vegan. Most people do not follow this diet for that very reason.

You could also argue that it may be harder for someone to acquire macronutrient abundant foods based on their agriculture per region. This could make the diet either more affordable or more expensive, excluding the cost of equipment such as a juicer or dehydrator.

Assuming money isn’t a problem, your next challenge is time.

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Would I recommend it?

Short answer here is yes/no. I would recommend that every nutrient is important. I would advise anyone to talk to a doctor or dietician

before trying the diet. I urge caution, as no authoritative concrete evidence has

been established on making this diet a commitment. If losing weight is your focus, the diet would make this a

lot easier. If you have been on the diet and have already lost weight,

ask a dietician or doctor how to maintain the diet in a healthy manner should you choose to do so.

Personally, I could never be on this diet because I love bacon, and bacon isn’t very good raw.

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Will I be able to cut calories?

Yes! You will find that cutting calories is very easy on this diet.

Macronutrients will be limited to certain foods. The fact that you will be consuming food raw

means that in most cases digesting the food will shift your GI tract into overdrive. Not to mention chewing on foods like celery burns calories even before digestion starts.

As far as balance goes, this does mean you will need to consume a large amount of certain foods to keep a healthy caloric intake.

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Is this good for you? For anyone who eats meat, not at all! Your risk of foodborne illness will

skyrocket. Can it help with certain ailments? Sure! Can it help you lose weight, lower cholesterol and detox the body? You

bet! Is it good for you long term though? Many health experts will say no. Doctors claim eating only raw vegetables and fruit decrease the risk of

cancer in most cases, whereas cooking them does the inverse. However raw vegan diets lower bone density and significant dental

erosion in both men and women have been noted. Amenorrhea and being underweight can also result for women on a raw vegan diet.

There is much heated argument everywhere about whether or not this diet is healthy and will likely promote mental /emotional stress even if you are able to follow the diet to the letter.

Due to its highly restrictive nature almost any doctor will advise that children not participate.

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Nutritional content and exercise?

The raw food diet is very micronutrient rich.

It has limitations on how the body can absorb macronutrients.

Experts advise against intense resistance exercise or intense cardio while on this diet.

Aerobic workouts, pilates, yoga etc… are the only things specifically recommended in the diet.

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Sense and Sensibility!

Whether or not this diet is sensible is a matter of debate and circumstance.

A Vegetarian will likely tell you that it would be very difficult or unnecessary over the long term. A Vegan would likely tell you the same.

Everyone may come to the conclusion that this could be a sensible means to boost your immune system in time of illness, aid in detox, or to lose weight easier.

On the unreasonable side you have the raw foodism movement. Any affiliate of “raw foodism” per se will not mention anything negative about the diet. They tend to only provide scientific evidence which promotes raw foodism ideals and omits any evidence to the contrary.

I was even able to find an Acupuncturist & Herbologist who happens to be a Vegetarian, posting on a website called “Mind body green” that the diet doesn’t make much sense to her.

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Needs of individuals!

This is where the diet has great potential and can really shine!

It continues to be a proven alternative of shredding weight off of you.

It can bring cholesterol back to optimal levels. It is shown to make certain illnesses more bearable and

shorten their duration. It gives most people a positive mental and emotional kick.

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How much does it cost?

You will need a dehydrator or juicer. This not only creates an initial, hefty price spike, but also has the potential to be a time vampire.

Cost of foods vary from region to region, assuming their availability.

If you participate in resistance training or prolonged cardio, you may find yourself broke and frustrated enough team up with Mario & rob Donkey Kong of his bananas.

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There is an exhaustive source of support for this diet. There are about as many groups associated with raw

foodism as raw foodists themselves so finding one you like will not be a challenge.

You will likely be encouraged very much by others who participate in it.

On the flipside, you may find others who will think you are crazy.

If you follow the diet you follow the diet, and if you don’t you don’t. Accountability for new raw foodists is encouraged as the diet is extremely hard to start and even harder to continue.

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What about you?

Maybe you want to lose weight or lower cholesterol. Maybe you just ran a 10k. Maybe you just completed a 20-40 day religious fast. Or maybe you just have a sore throat and eat a pineapple. This diet is probably a viable avenue to approach these scenarios. Making this a long term change for you will be exhaustingly difficult; especially if you are a Vegan, and bear in mind most doctors will not advocate the diet as a long term committed diet.

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