the reader can't hington star. · • the reader can't.'it ilio win fi in.11* .ill...

The Reader Can't .'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti- HINGTON STAR. The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU 27. WASHINGTON, WAR HEX COUXTV, X. .)., TlIUIiSDAV, .IL'f.V UIO'i. SL'UPCIMrTION": SI.50 PER YEAH "Named for President Amid Wild est Enthusiasm. Silver in I'latform But imperialism is tlm Lending Issue- Stevenson, Townc or Hill Will be Named for Runnlnj! Mntc Friday. - William Jennings Uryan wan iinani- .motiHly nominated for "lho Presidency by tho democratic National Conven- tion In Kaunas City at S o'clock Thura- day night. Tho amiouncomfmt of the nomination hy'Uhnlrinniv Homl«r«nn waa received with long continued np- plaiiHu and it WIIRS:30 befnro the Hpnak- er could ho hoard again. At S:3:i thoconvention adjourned to moot at 10:a(J Friday, when tho candi- date for Vieo President will ho soloc- tetl. It seems certain now that ox-Vico President Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illi- nois, ChnrlcH A. Towno of Minnesota or f>itvtd B. Hill of Now York will ho uained. ('rni'lman to thoJournal flays : "Itwas tho '.reunion of tho Democ- racy of the nation, si reunion absolute, nhicero and spontaneous. Kvery lino division— Kant, West, North, South, oldlluo or now line, city or country —wns swept away by that roaring brilliant soa of color "and wound, the like of which was never seen hol'uro in any convention. Tim whoto party flowed together in an uiHtaut. Tlio scenes o{' this afternoon defy description. The famous Chicago Con- vention was tamu compared to this one. It was almost a tornado." Tho silver plank waa drawn by Mr. Bryan and is ono of thu leading foa- ttires of tho platform, hi tho Commit- teo on Resolutions tho qiiu-Htion was decided by a baro majority of two " \*ot(.'s after an eleven-hour session, Oklahoma and Hawaii neither of which has anuluutonil vote, practically decid- ing thu question by voting in favor of free silvor. The resolution, which was carried by a vote of 'iti to *J4, is as fol- io Wri: '* Wo reiterate the demand of tho 'platform of lSSui foran American tiimti-! cial system niiidu by iho Amurlcmt peo-1 plo for thnniHelves which Hhnll restore ! and maintain a bimetallic prico luvol, j and as parfofsuch aystom theinimcdi-! ate restoration of. the free and unlim-j ited coinage of silver and gold at tho j present legal ratio of Hi to I, without | wailing fur thu uM or 'cuiiauiit of any ' other nation." All tho JCastorn StiittH except Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamp^hircy Vi»r- mout and Delaware vutt-d ugniridt any specific declaration fitvorablu to silver. Tho debate on tho question is pit id to have been a moat masterful ono and tlio ablest over r.ernrdecl in thn hintnry of any political convention. Trusts are treated in no uncertain language, all tho well-known antagon- ism of the party to theso combing ions beiug thrown into it. [mperinlismlihd militarism are likewise denounced and nioh of Uii» town; committco on ere* dontiats, Frank iMcDermott; commit tea on rules and order of biiHineaa, James K. Marti no: committee on reaoIutlonH, W. D. Dalv; imimhor National -flom- mittec, \Vm\ IJ. flottrloy; Vim P r u - dent, Congressman Joshua Salmon of thin district. Ton Philadelphia Rocord Keporter Sonator CorniHli mild : " Tlioro novor was mich a aituation presented to tho American peoplo na is now before them. Here in a defeated eandidato for the 'Presidency keeping himsolfto tho front for four yearn and Hweeplng tilings before him like an Iowa harvester. "You can't tell mo that this enthus- iasm comes from Iho country alone. It comes from tho wholo people, and as Hiiro an tho sun rises in November BO sure will Itryan ho President. " It in in tho air. Thopeople want it that way, and when tlto people want anything good and hard they usually got it." ^_^ ^ The Week or I'lays. Lylo's Players, whoclotted a week's ongitgemunt al the Opera House la«t Saturday night, are playing this week in Clinton, and next week will be at High Hridgn. The audiences on Fri- day and .Saturday nights were much Strange Wreck on the Lacka- wanna Tuesday. DUE TO A BROKBK AXLIJ Two Frcijjhi Trains Collide With Awful Results Near Hcnryvlllc. A Fireman mill Two llroksmcn Killeil and a Conductor Badly Injured. Ono of tho worst and most pocuh. r railroad accidentH of the year on t'jo IjiLclcawanmi' (jeeurred WednestHy about midnight when two trains on separato tracks collided at Durkin's Cut-near Henryville, PH., resulting in tho death of three persons and tho ser- ious injury of another. While engine No. SSS, hanling an east-bound freight, was coming down tho mountain just west of HonryviUe, a freight car truck broke down causing TilK NATION'S IMIVL'IIUAY Tie Glorious Holiday Celebrated in Royal """ Old lime Style. Washington anil Many Surrounding Towns Observe The (treat Occasion. What with the pealing bolls and roar- ing aaluteaof artillery, imposing pu* ratiOH and splendid bursts of political I oratory, public games and sports afiold and tho dazzling dlsplayH of fireworks at night thero was nothing left undono Wednesday by thopeoplo of thia great nation in tho celebration of Indepen- dence day. All ovor the land flags and banners waved, processions paraded tho highways in happy enthusiasm, tho vaulted firmament echoed the myriad joyous sounds of celebration of a freo people united now and forevormoro, and on a thousand piatfurnm tho in- spiring and magnetic story of our na- tional giviilticHs wan rttheiti'atid to de- lighted ears. So it has been for many generations; HO it will he, wo fervently pray and confidently believe, until Iho end of time. Tlio celebration begtin in Washing- ton early Tuesday night and it was long after the midnight hour Tluirsduy before tho Inst enthtmiaRt slowly wend- ed hia way homeward over tho deserted and holltterml streets. Ahowling mul- titude of men and b'ny*tnok pnn«ppnion of the atroots Tuesday evening and many a dollar went up in noise und smoko in tho next thirty-six hours. Toward midnight the revelry was at its hoight and tho air resounded on every sick) witli tho ringing of hand build, the hlaro of horns and tho blast of giant crackers. Tlio overplus of powder in the air seemed to raise the martial spirit in OIIIQ and several small engagements occurred with painful but not Herious results. Ono young man fired off a blank cartridge full in the face of ano- 1 ther, filling the liittei's face and'Ryes with powder. Alittlo later tho victim 'of thojoko set upon the joker and ad- | ministered such a thrashing that the iouug man's friends were compelled I to assist himhome. At four o'clock the Orientals in all tnuir splendor and gorgeousness ap- peared on tlio street headed by a drum corps, and the last hope of sleep van- ished from tho borough. At 7 o'clock a ni., the procession augmented by a large concourse, of small boys made its 1 iat round and disappeared into the | mysterious region from whence it came. Outside the ball games tho day was HAD WEBBED TOES Physical Peculiarly May Be a Key to a Fortune. IMtOOK.SEEilS COMI'LETE Jnlm Bowers Visits Vonkcrs anil Has Miser's Body Exhumed. Facial Resemblance Between Duid and Living Said to Ik Remarkable. John Bowers of Changowater and his son, John It. Bowers of this place, wont to Yonkors, X Y., last Monday In tho interest of the senior Sir. How- era 1 claim to tlio large citato left by tho late William Bowers of th;»t frtty. It will bo remembered the last named Howers died a charity patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Yonkurn, last March; but upon examination it was found ho had loft fully $100,000 in cash and prop- erty to which thero were no known he.lrs. Tho facts got into the nowB- papers and L. A. Bowers reading of tho matter induced his fattier to inves- tigate. Thoresult convinced thoBow- ers family that the dead miner was their father's brother who disappeared iniitiy yearn ago. Last Monday John II. Iiowora and iiitj father, together with their lawyer, called on the Yonkers authorities and secured permission toexhume thobody buried in St. John's cemetery there. In tho preaonce of these and a number of other witnesses, the grave was open- ed and thocasket raised to the surface. When the glass was removed tho body was found to be well preserved and there was no difficulty in noting all its features and characteristics. Tim fa- cial resemblance between tho dead and living was most remarkable. "Uncover his feet," said Mr. Bowers, whon he had composed himself. "I can prove it by them," ho added, "See if tlia third and fourth toes arc not webbed together as mine are. My brother's wore just like my father's." It only took a moment. And thero wero tho toes webbed by a tissue of skin Justus he said. Mt'. .Rowers waa con- tent then, and the witness*.: noted the striking resemblance. Then thtr body wan rein tarred. "•"••*'.'• ... To a iKaw York World reporter the .',,'''' ( older Mr, Bowers said: '" '"' UOFXGSOX T1IEDLVM0XI) High DridRC Team Defeats thu Washing- toniritis in a Ten Inning Game. T«« Overwhelming Victories for llic Home Club with the Cliiitunlans, Yu KCKIH and littlo ll-jtica! our Uile of wee: ; Oh, listen to r Uile of wee: Anil ll uaniu to pii.v> on I he thirtieth tiny oJ thu sixth montri tlmt thuro CHIIIO from out oft lie steel worlu and other outbuild- ings of Jluntonlun county, commonly known as High Bridge, a large multitude win) juurnuyiiiK over iho pluatunt IIIHMIIIUI diilCM came uisu unto tliu city of WHSIIIHK* ton, and rcjillnti tliclr wtary horse-, they tarried for a liUlu Hhlluto play with the doughty organ tuners a g.iinw ot bauubnll. Tlieii tlio peoplo ofs Wasliinston, seeing tooHligliUiis* of tbflr blututu nnil wcuk- rlWIJOKEX'S-GREAT FIRE. pl s s of tbflr blututu lghd g uk- oHligliUiis* of tbflr ticHHOt their looks, laughed among thuiii- .solvts scornfully, ervint.' out aloud: "What is Uifcymi liavu brotmht\HKttinat us? Are we, thucoiKiuerorH of men, to contest with boys'." 1 And with-further indulgence In tho merry hit, Im, Uit-y went to tlio Hold of biiltlu to rtjolec In the .slaugliter of ttio hinucents. lint surely the wnys of the game baseball th th udrtitiiiidlnu; of tho finite y the wnys of the game iirpasseth thu undertitiiiidlnu; of tho finit or io! iteiLinoto puss that with much ex- vileniuiit tliuconltst wnged tn nnd fro tor tun innlDBB till tliosottiiiK of tho HUH, uml thomenol'lllph Brliigo waxliif,'ttron« in tl t f i i v l o r nroso In thomenollllph Brliigo waxliif,t« tlio encouragement of ineir valor, nroso In h i ti HOMand delviiif; tlio encouragement of ineir val, tho air capturing wiirm HIIOM, and delviiif; in tiie eartli they dug up numerous hits, and, l'urther, in tliu last inning they nkitii tlivcurves ot tho miKlity fticl'her to thu t'iir ends ul Lhoball Held, wl Most Appalling Catastrophe the State Has Ever Known. Two Hundred "Lives, Three Ships and Vast Properly Lost. UI Story nf Hrutnl Tug float Captains inhumanity Toward Sufferers. Tho most appalling disaster this State has ever known occurred laHt Saturday afternoon when three great ocean Htoamships, the immentje wharves of tho North German Lloyd Steamship Company, tho Hamburg-A mor ionn Steamship Company and Thlngvalin Steamship Company, a vast storage warehouse, twelve ciuialboats and six barges were destroyed by fire at Ilobo- ken. Tho actual number of lives lost will, in all probability never be known, but it is certain that not less than two hundred peoplo met •< a horrible fate Sorueestimates plico'R nhiii iLu L'ltuio by Tour counts to three,. ., ,, ~ Hiitl fnllltm on eacli olliur'tt nuclei! they wupt j ship; thoBremen, a twin screw pasBen- the tcaraof joy thnt come to those who vin a groat tljjht, Now aderttiegjime find ended tho Wnsli* in«toi with gathered together and conversed another in tho pat lance anrcitsUf [>iio cruully aayins tliat tho ri^ht lltlder In his tjait rescmLleth tho ice wa«on, and lie, waxing wrothy, exclaimhiK that tho in- Held reniindi hy, exc, ith him of cigar and wooden men. But Io1 from the hox ollice cometh the meny clink, clink or tho elus- ive shekel, for tho ni'mitsioii was twenty uid tho asHeiiiblaBC Inrfje, and on theeoun- toimncc of tho iuaii»KCiiiciit appeareth a iniile of ineflable pence. Flli is th O p Following is the ECOIO : larger than dimmr tho « ulior part ot I thit the week, but the company put up i splendid display of fireworks. I At Hackottstowu the day was ob- f served with a grand celebration by the I Red Men autlOcld Fellows. A numbor I of visiting lodges were present and the parade was held in tho morning. At 2 =zz i o'clock a great throng congregated on him to Xew York to set them. He [ then disappeared and that was tho hist I time Iw.w him until today. --:: i "A peculiar tiling about our family is the web-foot. Father waa web-footed to the rlrst joint, the same as lam, white Wiiliam's does not quite- roach thejoint. Father used often to say thnt he d itk d h l d h firsts I.IHS perio 1 * dl"f th e\cr,\ e\enmg b f l i p , g rogardlefiH"of- tho number of peoplo in front. "Camillo" WBH presented Fri- day night iitul was put on in an excell- ent manner, but it was in tho comedy bill on Saturday night that, the company he C ba scandals md Puerto We m bM1 on fj"-»«'»r •> «"' "mttho com,mny rnrlffmrinrllii'irii^Un nninillv B.T,™,1 BOOIlied to make its biggest lilt. MlBS iko-otl "r t isloubUe.S!Ihu s t r n S t ]i " ir<1 " m llMr - Ohrlstio Hid a cake-walk .platform on whir;h>tho Democratic saved Engineer Cog'izer of the west- fl , J the outskirts of town and viewed"-ii he made a mistake and should have •--•'• "'-- - ---'•'-- -;...:.-•:...-:- ntiiiitid meafter him instead of William because my foot waa more likehis. "William would never say anything about himself or his people even when at home. There was one more brother, but he died about; ten years ago in Ne- braska. J) • • . •• •". Another John" Bowers has put-in a claim for the estate and proposes to put iip'a big fight for it. Ho is from Water town, N. Y., ana there may pos- than fifteen hundred visitors wero in Mini KJI !iU>- ruii- hy 1 IV; I '1 II IIV. me •)•• irii'lL-lv „,] ,.,[. -Mill. Si ttiii FiTIll Wllli ; i.ff 'liltfli' 1 , Wui- ii ; Kin I'liUViI .'.',... H out: Ii O II • lj 0 > ;:;!ii!i" .laW, Wilrm- ii-iii'k . •_'. M . O.x. . llrdi-ri.' mit—1 .Siluie f w'ni iiii J 0 , IIL ::. •it. ii Il'lM y imtU'tl Ii I. (• 1 I II O " 1 1 . 1. Tivo rfi.rm.-tti- 1 Mi-I'li-Tsoii .nil—..ff II 111). 1>\ III i"*" l 'Kf[«lH- B v .' L'liiiilr'"- n\L l—;: 1!—1 .k'1-".' i. 11; ..ff.-r- tdi..'.l a nil On the Fonrtii the locals got into slinpe fate. SonieeHtimatea pl.ico i *.ie number as high aa flvo hundred. The loas in property ifl at least §10,000,000. ,. Tnc Btoamships destroyed were tho ijSaale, aflhiglo screw passenger Bteatn- ger and freight boat; the Main, a twin Hcrow freight and passenger steamer. All threo of these ships belonged to the North German Lloyd Company. The Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, the fastest and one of the largest passenger ships in the world, had a narrow escape from total destruction. Tliere wero hundreds uf men on each of the destroyed steamships and a few women. There were crowds of deck laborers and employees on all of the piers. There wero nien, women and children in tho caualboatB and men on tho barges and lighters. So quickly did tho fire spread that escapo for all these hundreds was cut oft" almost be- fore they kiiew the llro had atarted. Men working in tho holds:of tho threo steamships wero shut in by walls . - of flames. It was impossible to reach them in any way. Men on tho pier jumped into tho water to save them- selves. Many were saved; others eank before help could reach them. How tni'ny perished hi the ships will, per- haps, never bo learned. The flames wero . no fierce that they consumed many* bodies. r: The three steamer, roaring masses of flame, drifted down the bay and new lio stewn along tho Jersey coast. As they drifted, dozens of meu and women jumped into thewater, many to riseno more. TIIG flames started among a largo pile of cotton bales on pier 2' of tho North German. Lloyd Steamship Company and spread with such remarkable rapidity that in fifteen minutes tho entire prop- erty of the company, taking in over a .T third of a"••Hkils' of• watci 1 ' front, was — completely enveloped in a huge blaze. The flames started so suddenly and gained such headway that the people on the p'.ers and on the numerous ves- sels docked wero unable to reach the and captured tho nudieneo.eoniplGtely. Portland, Pa., celebrated hi good old | sibly bo a Ion veH, n former New York nnd Orange* A. ...tion, thethttiidm'otisami uiinantrollnble-'j longer in the quidt precincts of tliii acclamation^^ David U. Hill an tlio j borough. TJio Common Council in a principal upponont of re-tttittemtsut of deuidtidiy uninteresting meeting Muti- the free silver issue. "It'was astrtigglo j day night concluded to rid tho town of - between'tho convention"•ami onu ihim' the nuisance," and Tor, tho- preseiit- tho' with calm eyes and strong, sot mouth, old time hell will warn the public in sitting bosido u tolephoiio in far awuj" caao of a blaze..-.. ^.-.Nobi-aska. Thia may. bo bossimu, but it .... AIL tho members were present ..ex-. "is tli¥li'o33iym of* principle, nofctho boas- cept'Menars^' Jolinstbri'"arid'i3owdr8)"th6 ism of a inaehine" says a correspond- latter being in Yonkers with his lather. " ent. ;•;••;;•'• .;';.."-V '•.:/".' :".: v : ."• ."'/. i ^Ordinarily Mayor. Dawes would have :: ^TI*.-.JiVi!l l .!LlH^l.E?,'. 1 ^','°{ l i'>', a t»tod 111n11 imed the absent ones ono dollar each, ••';•'.tiniest) _th*' ire/j-coiintgtT'ot*"'tillVBI' 1 "at. iG . buL*in^viow-ol—their.,:j:r.s.vio.LU l :SOO/t;.!| n : bound trainR wero from four to eight hours.lato Wednesday morning on ac- count of tho disaster/ to 1 was niadc..,:i ieacliug plunk 'in-tho platform howould not bo a candidate, but tho fight over thia nGe'tion of tin p in party's policy was yesterday carried nto'tho convtmtloivuud Lho WIHIICH of t ld tiii havior tho matter was.juot,.mentioned. Tho gtirbago" cToinniitteo""reported having leaned tho Cole:lot for a dump- ing yround at ?7u per yoar and their action was approved. Tho Hoard ,.of tho groat party loader "'triumphed— | Uoalth applied for their usual annual tho Free' Silver plank went in thu plat- j appropriation of ijtOO and the amount form. WHOordered paid Thu. New "Jersey dulogtition • lofc "<-• « •->••• Jprsoy City last Sunday ovening in two spociai earn over, tho Pen nay Ivan la I -:.~nii!i i nad_and-arrived in Kansas City j —'. Home'tinie' Tuesday; morning. -Ivobov't I -f .Davis, one of tho dolctfatcs-nt-large, I .iJ-Avas unablo to go and"his alternate, s J . M.urphy, took his placo7 A |['" : - lnrgo crowd of Domqcratiu frionds 3™'^VbrdTah r :ii:t"iul : Lo'-!ifle : t;ho" party "•oft'-and: '-'all through the.State-^thei',. wore 'loudly -»! choorod a^ovo'ry staLiou. '"•'• -..^Vhen the party roached the Wee tern ; : metropolis they found tlio greats city.:," 1 : inass'oi' flags aiid buntinc. Evor- ;/ v iVhero hung pictures,_of William ,i;" ^Bryan, and words of bhcouragomoub and wolcomo greeted tho ens torn visitors on every hand.' Arbriiss band and-'a-citizens' committeo escorted ::,,-theni to.themRgnifioeiit.VictprinTTotel Iwhere commodious State headquarters •., wero immediately opeuo'd.- ;,.,'• '••:-. «i~7~ .The delegates held a cauens on tho ~ ""way to' Kansas City.. and. elected the. Xiinn Ucsldonci 1 litirgltirfzcd Again,"" AVhen S. W, Nunn, tho well known and .enerKetic,..E.or.t_.C.olden._inereliant tiairie down "stairsrtd put ""oil" his'shirt the morning of tho Fourth, it hail dis- appeared from"thtfchair on which lie' had, . Diligent search about tho .house failed to discovoi* tho missing garment but it did reveal-thai burglars had entered during the night and carried oil* not only thoshirt 'but-near- ly al 1 the other clothing about thoplace. ''Nearly all the finer dresses belonging M N 'il'dht "Mi r ,.,',. —v r j• r : —,! i nini win HOC oe aa targe aa mo aouuie sploiuluj. iirmvorks display concluded buildinR.whiohvformorlv -8tood.-thcro, the celebration mthe evening. About, bntwith the improved machinery bdnij four thousand people were present, j l t i n nofc w:n}30 h is needed nil provtd rather cany marks for-Washing- iting tho ships, scattered Jn all direc- - Ono of them was iluyler Wester- tiona. Ao all means of exit were cut rivals in barbarity anything'^vui 1 be- fore witness s'd in tlie-t-iviiiiiOa- world. It is that soiiie ttlg boat captains'left bnniau beings to drown because the poux'-wtBt.c:he» would not figiee to';pfiy •:• • for being saved. . The hepi'tless/.meii," :. bGnt'oiilyon prej-in'g'Upun tlit-ir -help-'' less fellow-creatures and the desire for . salvage..not only..refused help to the .. drowning*hicaj out thrust them down' i into tho water with cruel boathooks. These inhuman, monsters witnessed the spectacle of men, women and child- ren slowly roasting to "death "without^-T* ninking an otf'ort to nave them. ...3Iahy ••. in :i!td out ileldinj: Next Saturday the boys pl.iy at ( A TRAGIC DEATH. "-• Suceussi'til Coiuunt 1*111 William WOIHII, u night, kiln-tender |. Tlio William 13. Krauso & at tho National Terra Cottii Company's works at Port M'umiy, through a most unusual acfiiilent mot a verv sudilen and tragK.death Thursday afternoon iiUlio Port-nmrniy hotel \vulsh who ceriient plant near "Martiii's Creek r now turning out 1,1)0.0 bnirols of cement per day and is giving employment to two h d d h d iht d d }bois of *tho' tug. .Tho 7lecl^liahtV : had asked thn drowning. , h i h i l d p p l b 1 s in t]iitj""viciiuty*"ft T erii"cuS" toil "I havp'no inorieyj' but T'lKdo j ppr cent., and in souio.oasfS inoi'L 1 , rc- di h k h l anything for you, I'll be your slave uc:ii:g; tho workmen to the same low l i i forover if you will oniy save me, h f l h scale thai existed proviouatotho slight y y , tho unfortunate reply. "Then," says h k g py two hundred hands night and day. iidyaneti, granted last Spring. There g Port-nmrniy hotel, \vulsh, who aturday afternooii the workmen y was'.ijii.-.trouble.vt'sultiii i b k t Saturday afternooi ill take :i lioliday.'nt w a boat hook into tho jiian irric^inn about forty year diki h l g duction, tbo workmen :ia a rule being i j s souder atulthe pooi' fellow ea.ik, henefttlvtho l ago, had" beoh"drinkin d d | oy. o heavily" tor | tirm'will serve a lunch to all hands. ht f to Mrs. Nuiin am'ivlier''daughter, , g tec poor to risk a C'a'ike. They are con- i g evornl days and was Sadio, wero taken and they were lefc polo So feet high will bo planted and a fronted, liowovcivby .ii^ni.osfc. unffl v'or- y Children who jumped ofl" the burning opening ii bottle of beer in the hotel with ^practically' nothing but their ling 15 by135 feet run up. Speeches-will able prospect, tho i'roa""companies de- existed uni of S(i,'27 as tho' 1 ) borouch'a..-,income :rimo WHHcommitted nor ha to the prices of two 'slightest -siiflpeption as to whom from_Hcensesi,,eto.ictlurinK the month. Tiio following, bills were, read and ordered paid :""' '"" ,-^ J. D. Grofl", freight on atpnq .....? Or.Cii Daniel Dllt?,.wall .paper...;...;;...i\\... 3.00 c Nrshropo, pollee;.;r...:.:;.r.:v..7:;..:'-IO.OO Jos*. 0. Thompson, poor orders.;, 17,00 .1. P. Cole, sheen klllud'by dCK......... G\! Street Ooinniiwionwr'B iinyroll^ perpetrators wore. ""Thiti is"tho third 1 timo this hquse lias boon entered hy burglars .witliin tho lafit vearancl^eaeh.Utne. little olso than clothing lias b^nn' taken;" Only last fall tho family wore,,compelled to pur- COHt " 6fic. $1.00;, " " Bflc. ill not bo considered hi our Milltn- : " ery Dcpnrtnicnt. 15c, ISo. and '20c. Summer Dress Goods at 10c. . _ ( _: ^y^ ^_ School tuachcrs ..will jjqoii bo In dcintind towmhtp, lluiiterilon county, bolonging to tlio'estate of the' lato"Judg'o Haun, are ottered at private sale. ^ r , GEURKTT, 1 _ JEFFERYJ'.J Dnied : July 5,1W0. 4\v. The vacsr.t lots on State street nnd West wages of tho workmen, would, no itewfir^sircdt,in thohiirmigh of 1 Wiifhiiifj- doubt, bo cut to a ligure lower than ton, nnrta tract ofKooi 1 .-'timber Iaiul coii- ever existed at any previous timo in about2i acres, situate in .Lobnnon that branch of 'itidnjtry. .. ,-.. Physiutnns aro thu friends of tho family. ARPER Whik h th f i d f th Marion Stuart,' n leadings tlrucgltt of Muncle, Ind. She only weighed 00 pounds whon her doctor in Yorktown unid' Bbo must soon die. Then she licgfen to uso Dr. King's New Discovery nnd gained 37 ponnds ; in; welght.anu .WHS.,eonip!steJy.n it has cured thousands of hope- y y HARPER Whiskey h the^ friend of the oviir iiuUuiitordon count i i 1 ' C H \V P iy , p e p c.Uaso ontiro now butlHa as a [;hicf had relieved them of everything of valuo ;». j . uratt, postftgo ,.„.„,......;...„'.;.... I.JJ Washington U., L. & P.Uo., .llghta. 210 SS .: NrJeniiina* Warron County Drugstore. %; "^ im&ai^yjgn -lerw^ss^!' •» -• -"•< *etj :i:

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Page 1: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU

• The Reader Can't. ' i t iliO win fi in.11* .illtliv local Hi-wit wltti- HINGTON STAR. The Matter Can

m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli



"Named for President Amid Wildest Enthusiasm.

Silver in I'latform But imperialism is

tlm Lending Issue-

Stevenson, Townc or Hill Will be Named forRunnlnj! Mntc Friday.

- William Jennings Uryan wan iinani-.motiHly nominated for "lho Presidencyby tho democratic National Conven-tion In Kaunas City at S o'clock Thura-day night. Tho amiouncomfmt of thenomination hy'Uhnlrinniv Homl«r«nnwaa received with long continued np-plaiiHu and it WIIRS:30 befnro the Hpnak-er could ho hoard again.

At S:3:i tho convention adjourned tomoot at 10:a(J Friday, when tho candi-date for Vieo President will ho soloc-tetl. It seems certain now that ox-VicoPresident Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illi-nois, ChnrlcH A. Towno of Minnesotaor f>itvtd B. Hill of Now York will houained.

('rni'lman to tho Journal flays :"Itwas tho '.reunion of tho Democ-

racy of the nation, si reunion absolute,nhicero and spontaneous. Kvery linodivision— Kant, West, North, South,oldlluo or now line, city or country—wns swept away by that roaringbrilliant soa of color "and wound, thelike of which was never seen hol'uro inany convention. Tim whoto partyflowed together in an uiHtaut.

Tlio scenes o{' this afternoon defydescription. The famous Chicago Con-vention was tamu compared to thisone. It was almost a tornado."

Tho silver plank waa drawn by Mr.Bryan and is ono of thu leading foa-ttires of tho platform, hi tho Commit-teo on Resolutions tho qiiu-Htion wasdecided by a baro majority of two

" \*ot(.'s after an eleven-hour session,Oklahoma and Hawaii neither of whichhas an uluutonil vote, practically decid-ing thu question by voting in favor offree silvor. The resolution, which wascarried by a vote of 'iti to *J4, is as fol-io Wri:

'* Wo reiterate the demand of tho'platform of lSSui foran American tiimti-!cial system niiidu by iho Amurlcmt peo-1plo for thnniHelves which Hhnll restore !and maintain a bimetallic prico luvol, jand as parfofsuch aystom theinimcdi-!ate restoration of. the free and unlim-jited coinage of silver and gold at tho jpresent legal ratio of Hi to I, without |wailing fur thu uM or 'cuiiauiit of any 'other nation."

All tho JCastorn StiittH except Maine,Massachusetts, New Hamp^hircy Vi»r-

• mout and Delaware vutt-d ugniridt anyspecific declaration fitvorablu to silver.Tho debate on tho question is pit id tohave been a moat masterful ono andtlio ablest over r.ernrdecl in thn hintnryof any political convention.

Trusts are treated in no uncertainlanguage, all tho well-known antagon-ism of the party to theso combing ionsbeiug thrown into it. [mperinlismlihdmilitarism are likewise denounced and

nioh of Uii» town; committco on ere*dontiats, Frank iMcDermott; commit teaon rules and order of biiHineaa, JamesK. Marti no: committee on reaoIutlonH,W. D. Dalv; imimhor National -flom-mittec, \Vm\ IJ. flottrloy; Vim P r u -dent, Congressman Joshua Salmon ofthin district.

Ton Philadelphia Rocord KeporterSonator CorniHli mild :

" Tlioro novor was mich a aituationpresented to tho American peoplo na isnow before them. Here in a defeatedeandidato for the 'Presidency keepinghimsolfto tho front for four yearn andHweeplng tilings before him like anIowa harvester.

"You can't tell mo that this enthus-iasm comes from Iho country alone. Itcomes from tho wholo people, and asHiiro an tho sun rises in November BOsure will Itryan ho President.

" It in in tho air. Tho people want itthat way, and when tlto people wantanything good and hard they usuallygot it." ^_^

The Week or I'lays.Lylo's Players, who clotted a week's

ongitgemunt al the Opera House la«tSaturday night, are playing this weekin Clinton, and next week will beat High Hridgn. The audiences on Fri-day and .Saturday nights were much

Strange Wreck on the Lacka-wanna Tuesday.

DUE TO A BROKBK AXLIJTwo Frcijjhi Trains Collide With Awful

Results Near Hcnryvlllc.

A Fireman mill Two llroksmcn Killeil and aConductor Badly Injured.

Ono of tho worst and most pocuh. rrailroad accidentH of the year on t'joIjiLclcawanmi' (jeeurred WednestHyabout midnight when two trains onseparato tracks collided at Durkin'sCut-near Henryville, PH., resulting intho death of three persons and tho ser-ious injury of another.

While engine No. SSS, hanling aneast-bound freight, was coming downtho mountain just west of HonryviUe,a freight car truck broke down causing

TilK NATION'S IMIVL'IIUAYTie Glorious Holiday Celebrated in Royal

" " " Old lime Style.

Washington anil Many Surrounding TownsObserve The (treat Occasion.

What with the pealing bolls and roar-ing aaluteaof artillery, imposing pu*ratiOH and splendid bursts of political Ioratory, public games and sports afioldand tho dazzling dlsplayH of fireworksat night thero was nothing left undonoWednesday by tho peoplo of thia greatnation in tho celebration of Indepen-dence day. All ovor the land flags andbanners waved, processions paradedtho highways in happy enthusiasm, thovaulted firmament echoed the myriadjoyous sounds of celebration of a freopeople united now and forevormoro,and on a thousand piatfurnm tho in-spiring and magnetic story of our na-tional giviilticHs wan rttheiti'atid to de-lighted ears. So it has been for manygenerations; HO it will he, wo ferventlypray and confidently believe, until Ihoend of time.

Tlio celebration begtin in Washing-ton early Tuesday night and it waslong after the midnight hour Tluirsduybefore tho Inst enthtmiaRt slowly wend-ed hia way homeward over tho desertedand holltterml streets. A howling mul-titude of men and b'ny* tnok pnn«ppnionof the atroots Tuesday evening andmany a dollar went up in noise undsmoko in tho next thirty-six hours.Toward midnight the revelry was at itshoight and tho air resounded on everysick) witli tho ringing of hand build, thehlaro of horns and tho blast of giantcrackers.

Tlio overplus of powder in the airseemed to raise the martial spirit inOIIIQ and several small engagements

occurred with painful but not Heriousresults. Ono young man fired off ablank cartridge full in the face of ano-

1 ther, filling the liittei's face and'Ryeswith powder. A littlo later tho victim

'of tho joko set upon the joker and ad-| ministered such a thrashing that theiouug man's friends were compelled

I to assist him home.At four o'clock the Orientals in all

tnuir splendor and gorgeousness ap-peared on tlio street headed by a drumcorps, and the last hope of sleep van-ished from tho borough. At 7 o'clocka ni., the procession augmented by alarge concourse, of small boys made its1 iat round and disappeared into the

| mysterious region from whence it came.Outside the ball games tho day was

HAD WEBBED TOESPhysical Peculiarly May Be a

Key to a Fortune.

IMtOOK.SEEilS COMI'LETEJnlm Bowers Visits Vonkcrs anil Has

Miser's Body Exhumed.

Facial Resemblance Between Duid and LivingSaid to Ik Remarkable.

John Bowers of Changowater andhis son, John It. Bowers of this place,wont to Yonkors, X Y., last MondayIn tho interest of the senior Sir. How-era1 claim to tlio large citato left bytho late William Bowers of th;»t frtty.It will bo remembered the last namedHowers died a charity patient in St.Joseph's Hospital, Yonkurn, last March;but upon examination it was found hohad loft fully $100,000 in cash and prop-erty to which thero were no knownhe.lrs. Tho facts got into the nowB-papers and L. A. Bowers reading oftho matter induced his fattier to inves-tigate. Tho result convinced tho Bow-ers family that the dead miner wastheir father's brother who disappearediniitiy yearn ago.

Last Monday John II. Iiowora andiiitj father, together with their lawyer,called on the Yonkers authorities andsecured permission to exhume tho bodyburied in St. John's cemetery there.In tho preaonce of these and a numberof other witnesses, the grave was open-ed and tho casket raised to the surface.When the glass was removed tho bodywas found to be well preserved andthere was no difficulty in noting all itsfeatures and characteristics. Tim fa-cial resemblance between tho dead andliving was most remarkable.

"Uncover his feet," said Mr. Bowers,whon he had composed himself. "Ican prove it by them," ho added, "Seeif tlia third and fourth toes arc notwebbed together as mine are. Mybrother's wore just like my father's."It only took a moment. And thero werotho toes webbed by a tissue of skinJustus he said. Mt'. .Rowers waa con-tent then, and the witness*.: noted thestriking resemblance. Then thtr bodywan rein tarred. "•"••*'.'• ...

To a iKaw York World reporter t he .',,'''' (older Mr, Bowers sa id : '" '"'

UOFXGSOX T1IEDLVM0XI)High DridRC Team Defeats thu Washing-

toniritis in a Ten Inning Game.

T«« Overwhelming Victories for llic HomeClub with the Cliiitunlans,

Yu KCKIH and littlo ll-jtica!our Uile of wee: ;

Oh, listen tor Uile of wee:Anil ll uaniu to pii.v> on I he thirtieth tiny

oJ thu sixth montri tlmt thuro CHIIIO fromout oft lie steel worlu and other outbuild-ings of Jluntonlun county, commonlyknown as High Bridge, a large multitudewin) juurnuyiiiK over iho pluatunt IIIHMIIIUIdiilCM came uisu unto tliu city of WHSIIIHK*ton, and rcjillnti tliclr wtary horse-, theytarried for a liUlu Hhlluto play with thedoughty organ tuners a g.iinw ot bauubnll.Tlieii tlio peoplo ofs Wasliinston, seeingtooHligliUiis* of tbflr blututu nnil wcuk-


pl s sof tbflr blututu

l g h d

guk-oHligliUiis* of tbflr

ticHHOt their looks, laughed among thuiii-.solvts scornfully, ervint.' out aloud: "Whatis Uifcymi liavu brotmht\HKttinat us? Arewe, thu coiKiuerorH of men, to contest withboys'."1 And with-further indulgence Intho merry hit, Im, Uit-y went to tlio Hold ofbiiltlu to rtjolec In the .slaugliter of ttiohinucents.

lint surely the wnys of the game baseballth th udrtitiiiidlnu; of tho finite

y the wnys of the gameiirpasseth thu undertitiiiidlnu; of tho finitor io! iteiLinoto puss that with much ex-

vileniuiit t l iuconltst wnged tn nnd fro tortun innlDBB till tliosottiiiK of tho HUH, umlthomenol ' l l l ph Brliigo waxliif,'ttron« intl t f i i v l o r nroso Int h o m e n o l l l l p h Brliigo w a x l i i f , t «tlio encouragement of ineir valor, nroso Inh i t i H O M and delviiif;

tlio encouragement of ineir v a l ,tho air capturing wiirm HIIOM, and delviiif;in tiie eartli they dug up numerous hits,and, l'urther, in tliu last inning they

nkitii tlivcurves ot tho miKlity fticl'herto thu t'iir ends ul Lho ball Held, wl

Most Appalling Catastrophe theState Has Ever Known.

Two Hundred "Lives, Three Ships and

Vast Properly Lost.

UI Story nf Hrutnl Tug float Captainsinhumanity Toward Sufferers.

Tho most appalling disaster this Statehas ever known occurred laHt Saturdayafternoon when three great oceanHtoamships, the immentje wharves oftho North German Lloyd SteamshipCompany, tho Hamburg-A m or ionnSteamship Company and ThlngvalinSteamship Company, a vast storagewarehouse, twelve ciuialboats and sixbarges were destroyed by fire at Ilobo-ken.

Tho actual number of lives lost will,in all probability never be known, butit is certain that not less than twohundred peoplo met •< a horriblefate Sorueestimates plico 'R

nhiii iLu L'ltuio by Tour counts to three,. . , ,, ~Hiitl fnllltm on eacli olliur'tt nuclei! they wupt j ship; thoBremen, a twin screw pasBen-the tcaraof joy thnt come to those whovin a groat tljjht,Now aderttiegjime find ended tho Wnsli*


gathered together and conversedanother in tho pat lance anrcitsUf

[>iio cruully aayins tliat tho ri^ht lltlder Inhis tjait rescmLleth tho ice wa«on, and lie,waxing wrothy, exclaimhiK that tho in-Held reniindi

hy, exc,ith him of cigar and

wooden men. But Io 1 from the hox ollicecometh the meny clink, clink or tho elus-ive shekel, for tho ni'mitsioii was twentyuid tho asHeiiiblaBC Inrfje, and on theeoun-toimncc of tho iuaii»KCiiiciit appeareth ainiile of ineflable pence.

F l l i is th Op

Following is the ECOIO :

larger than dimmr tho « ulior part ot I thitthe week, but the company put up

i splendid display of fireworks.

I At Hackottstowu the day was ob-f served with a grand celebration by theI Red Men autlOcld Fellows. A numborI of visiting lodges were present and theparade was held in tho morning. At 2

=zz i o'clock a great throng congregated on

him to Xew York to set them. He [then disappeared and that was tho hist Itime Iw.w him until today. --:: i

"A peculiar tiling about our family isthe web-foot. Father waa web-footedto the rlrst joint, the same as lam,white Wiiliam's does not quite- roachthejoint. Father used often to say thnthe d i t k d h l d h

firsts I.IHS perio1*d l " f th

e\cr,\ e\enmgb f l i

p , grogardlefiH"of- tho number of peoplo infront. "Camillo" WBH presented Fri-day night iitul was put on in an excell-ent manner, but it was in tho comedybill on Saturday night that, the companyhe C ba scandals md Puerto We m bM1 onfj"-»«'»r •> «"' "mttho com,mny

rnrlffmrinrllii'irii^Un nninillv B.T,™,1 BOOIlied to make its biggest lilt. MlBSiko-otl "r t isloubUe.S!Ihu s t r n S t ]i"ir<1 " m l lMr- Ohrlstio Hid a cake-walk.platform on whir;h>tho Democratic

saved Engineer Cog'izer of the west-

f l , J the outskirts of town and viewed"-ii he made a mistake and should have•--•'• "'-- - ---'•'-- -;...:.-•:...-:- ntiiiitid me after him instead of William

because my foot waa more like his."William would never say anything

about himself or his people even whenat home. There was one more brother,but he died about; ten years ago in Ne-braska.J) • • . •• •".

Another John" Bowers has put-in aclaim for the estate and proposes toput iip'a big fight for it. Ho is fromWater town, N. Y., ana there may pos-

than fifteen hundred visitors wero in

Mini• KJI!iU>-ruii-hy 1


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out: IiO II •

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. O.x. .llrdi-ri.'



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i"*"l'Kf[«lH-Bv. ' L'liiiilr'"-




i. 1 1 ;..ff.-r-


a nil

On the Fonrtii the locals got into slinpe

fate. SonieeHtimatea pl.ico i *.ie numberas high aa flvo hundred. The loas inproperty ifl at least §10,000,000.

,. Tnc Btoamships destroyed were thoijSaale, aflhiglo screw passenger Bteatn-

ger and freight boat; the Main, a twinHcrow freight and passenger steamer.All threo of these ships belonged to theNorth German Lloyd Company. TheKaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, the fastestand one of the largest passenger shipsin the world, had a narrow escape fromtotal destruction.

Tliere wero hundreds uf men on eachof the destroyed steamships and a fewwomen. There were crowds of decklaborers and employees on all of thepiers. There wero nien, women andchildren in tho caualboatB and men ontho barges and lighters. So quicklydid tho fire spread that escapo for allthese hundreds was cut oft" almost be-fore they kiiew the llro had atarted.

Men working in tho holds:of thothreo steamships wero shut in by walls . -of flames. It was impossible to reachthem in any way. Men on tho pierjumped into tho water to save them-selves. Many were saved; others eankbefore help could reach them. Howtni'ny perished hi the ships will, per-haps, never bo learned. The flameswero . no fierce that they consumedmany* bodies. r:

The three steamer, roaring massesof flame, drifted down the bay and newlio stewn along tho Jersey coast. Asthey drifted, dozens of meu and womenjumped into the water, many to rise nomore.

TIIG flames started among a largo pileof cotton bales on pier 2' of tho NorthGerman. Lloyd Steamship Company andspread with such remarkable rapiditythat in fifteen minutes tho entire prop-erty of the company, taking in over a.T third of a"••Hkils' of• watci1' front, was —completely enveloped in a huge blaze.

The flames started so suddenly andgained such headway that the peopleon the p'.ers and on the numerous ves-sels docked wero unable to reach the

and captured tho nudieneo.eoniplGtely.

Portland, Pa., celebrated hi good old | sibly bo a Ion veH, n former New York nnd Orange* A.

...tion, thethttiidm'otisami uiinantrollnble-'j longer in the quidt precincts of tliiiacclamation^^ David U. Hill an tlio j borough. TJio Common Council in aprincipal upponont of re-tttittemtsut of deuidtidiy uninteresting meeting Muti-the free silver issue. "It'was astrtigglo j day night concluded to rid tho town of

- between'tho convention"•ami onu ihim' the nuisance," and Tor, tho- preseiit- tho'with calm eyes and strong, sot mouth, old time hell will warn the public insitting bosido u tolephoiio in far awuj" caao of a blaze..-..

^.-.Nobi-aska. Thia may. bo bossimu, but it .... AIL tho members were present ..ex-."is tli¥li'o33iym of* principle, nofctho boas- cept'Menars^' Jolinstbri'"arid'i3owdr8)"th6ism of a inaehine" says a correspond- latter being in Yonkers with his lather.

• " ent. ;•;••;;•'• .;';.."-V '•.:/".' :".:v: ."• ."'/. i ^Ordinarily Mayor. Dawes would have:: ^TI*.-.JiVi!ll.!LlH^l.E?,'.1^','°{li'>',at»tod 111n11 imed the absen t ones ono dol lar each,••';•'.tiniest) _th*' ire/j-coiintgtT'ot*"'tillVBI'1"at. iG . buL*in^viow-ol—their.,:j:r.s.vio.LUl:SOO/t;.!|n:

bound trainR wero from four to eighthours.lato Wednesday morning on ac-count of tho disaster/

to 1 was niadc..,:i ieacliug plunk 'in-thoplatform ho would not bo a candidate,but tho fight over thia nGe'tion of tinpinparty's policy was yesterday carriednto'tho convtmtloivuud Lho WIHIICH of

t l d t i i i

havior tho matter was.juot,.mentioned.Tho gtirbago" cToinniitteo""reported

having leaned tho Cole:lot for a dump-ing yround at ?7u per yoar and theiraction was approved. Tho Hoard ,.of

tho groat party loader "'triumphed— | Uoalth applied for their usual annualtho Free' Silver plank went in thu plat- j appropriation of ijtOO and the amountform. WHO ordered paid

Thu. New "Jersey dulogtition • lofc "<-• « •->•••Jprsoy City last Sunday ovening intwo spociai earn over, tho Pen nay Ivan la

I -:.~nii!iinad_and-arrived in Kansas Cityj —'. Home'tinie' Tuesday; morning. -Ivobov'tI -f .Davis, one of tho dolctfatcs-nt-large,I .iJ-Avas unablo to go and"his alternate,

s J . M.urphy, took his placo7 A|['":- lnrgo crowd of Domqcratiu frionds3™' VbrdTahr:ii:t"iul:Lo'-!ifle:t;ho" party "•oft'-and:

'-'all through the.State-^thei',. wore 'loudly-»! choorod a^ovo'ry staLiou.'"•'• -..^Vhen the party roached the Wee tern;: metropolis they found tlio greats city.:,"1:

inass'oi' flags aiid buntinc. Evor-;/viVhero hung pictures,_of William ,i;"^Bryan, and words of bhcouragomoub

and wolcomo greeted tho ens tornvisitors on every hand.' Arbriiss bandand-'a-citizens' committeo escorted

::,,-theni to.themRgnifioeiit.VictprinTTotelIwhere commodious State headquarters

„ •., wero immediately opeuo'd.- ;,.,'• '••:-. •«i~7~ .The delegates held a cauens on tho~ ""way to' Kansas City.. and. elected the.

Xiinn Ucsldonci1 litirgltirfzcd Again,""AVhen S. W, Nunn, tho well known

and .enerKetic,..E.or.t_.C.olden._inerelianttiairie down "stairsrtd put ""oil" his'shirtthe morning of tho Fourth, it hail dis-appeared from"thtfchair on which lie'had, . Diligent search about tho

.house failed to discovoi* tho missinggarment but it did reveal-thai burglarshad entered during the night andcarried oil* not only tho shirt 'but-near-ly al 1 the other clothing about tho place.''Nearly all the finer dresses belonging

M N ' i l ' d h t "Mi

r , . , ' , . —v r j • r :—,! i nini win HOC oe aa targe aa mo aouuiesploiuluj. iirmvorks display concluded buildinR.whiohvformorlv -8tood.-thcro,the celebration m the evening. About, bntwith the improved machinery bdnijfour thousand people were present, j l t i n n o f c w:n}30 h is needed

nil provtd rather cany marks for-Washing- iting tho ships, scattered Jn all direc- -Ono of them was iluyler Wester- tiona. Ao all means of exit were cut

rivals in barbarity anything'^vui1 be-fore witness s'd in tlie-t-iviiiiiOa- world.It is that soiiie ttlg boat captains'leftbnniau beings to drown because thepoux'-wtBt.c:he» would not figiee to';pfiy •:• •for being saved. . The hepi'tless/.meii," :.bGnt'oiilyon prej-in'g'Upun tlit-ir -help-''less fellow-creatures and the desire for .salvage..not only..refused help to the ..drowning*hicaj out thrust them down' iinto tho water with cruel boathooks.These inhuman, monsters witnessedthe spectacle of men, women and child-ren slowly roasting to "death "without -T*ninking an otf'ort to nave them. ...3Iahy ••.

in :i!td out ileldinj:Next Saturday the boys pl.iy at (


"-• Suceussi'til Coiuunt 1*111William WOIHII, u night, kiln-tender |. Tlio William 13. Krauso &

at tho National Terra Cottii Company'sworks at Port M'umiy, through a mostunusual acfiiilent mot a verv sudilenand tragK.death Thursday afternooniiUlio Port-nmrniy hotel \vulsh who

ceriient plant near "Martiii's Creek rnow turning out 1,1)0.0 bnirols of cementper day and is giving employment totwo h d d h d i h t d d

} b o i s of *tho' tug. .Tho7lecl^liahtV:had asked thn drowning.

, h i h i l d p p l b 1

s in t]iitj""viciiuty*"ftTerii"cuS" toil " I havp'no inorieyj' but T'lKdojppr cent., and in souio.oasfS inoi'L1, rc-d i h k h l

anything for you, I'll be your slaveuc:ii:g; tho workmen to the same lowl i i

forover if you will oniy save me,h f l hscale thai existed proviouatotho slight

y y ,tho unfortunate reply. "Then," saysh k

g p ytwo hundred hands night and day.iidyaneti, granted last Spring. There

gPort-nmrniy hotel, \vulsh, who aturday afternooii the workmen y

was'.ijii.-.trouble.vt'sultiiii b k

t Saturday afternooiill take :i lioliday.'nt w a boat hook into tho jiianirric^inn about forty year

d i k i h lg

duction, tbo workmen :ia a rule beingi

j s s o u d e ratulthe pooi' fellow ea.ik, henefttlvtho

lago, had" beoh"drinkin

d d

| oy. oheavily" tor | tirm'will serve a lunch to all hands.h t f

to Mrs. Nuiin am'ivlier''daughter, , gtec poor to risk a C'a'ike. They are con-


gevornl days and wasSadio, wero taken and they were lefc polo So feet high will bo planted and a fronted, liowovcivby .ii ni.osfc. unffl v'or-

yChildren who jumped ofl" the burningopening ii bottle of beer in the hotelwith ^practically' nothing but their ling 15 by 135 feet run up. Speeches-will able prospect, tho i'roa""companies de-

existed of S(i,'27 as tho'1) borouch'a..-,income :rimo WHH committed nor ha to the prices of two'slightest -siiflpeption as to whomfrom_Hcensesi,,eto.ictlurinK the month.Tiio following, bills were, read and

ordered paid :""' '"" ,-J. D. Grofl", freight on atpnq .....? Or.CiiDaniel Dllt?,.wall .paper...;...;;...i\\... 3.00c N r s h r o p o , pollee;.;r...:.:;.r.:v..7:;..:'-IO.OOJos*. 0. Thompson, poor orders.;, 17,00.1. P. Cole, sheen klllud'by dCK......... G\!Street Ooinniiwionwr'B i i n y r o l l ^

perpetrators wore.""Thiti is"tho third1 timo this hquse liasboon entered hy burglars .witliin tholafit vearancl^eaeh.Utne. little olso thanclothing lias b^nn' taken;" Only lastfall tho family wore,,compelled to pur-


" 6fic. •$1.00;, " " Bflc.

ill not bo considered hi our Milltn-: "ery Dcpnrtnicnt .

15c , ISo. and '20c. Summer Dress Goodsa t 10c. . _ ( _: ^ y ^ ^_

School tuachcrs ..will jjqoii bo In dcintindt o w m h t p , l luii teri lon county, bolonging tot l io 'es ta te of t h e ' lato"Judg'o H a u n , areottered a t private sale. •

^r, G E U R K T T , 1

_ . . . i n JEFFERYJ'.JDnied : July 5,1W0. 4\v.

The vacsr.t lots on State street nnd West wages of tho workmen, would, noitewfir^sircdt,in thohiirmigh of1 Wiifhiiifj- doubt, bo cut to a ligure lower than

ton, nnrta tract ofKooi1.-'timber Iaiul coii- ever existed at any previous timo about2i acres, situate in .Lobnnon that branch of 'itidnjtry. .. ,-..

Physiutnns aro thu friends of tho family.ARPER W h i k h th f i d f th

Marion Stuart , ' n leadings tlrucgltt ofMuncle, Ind. She only weighed 00 poundswhon her doctor in Yorktown unid' Bbomust soon die. Then she licgfen to uso Dr.King's New Discovery nnd gained 37ponnds ; in ; welght .anu .WHS.,eonip!steJy.n

i t has cured thousands of hope-y yHARPER Whiskey h the^ friend of theoviir iiuUuiitordon count

i i 1 ' C H \V Pi y , p e p

c.Uaso ontiro now butlHa as a [;hicf hadrelieved them of everything of valuo

;». j . uratt, postftgo ,.„.„,......;...„'.;.... I.JJWashington U., L. & P.Uo., .llghta. 210 SS

.: NrJeniiina* Warron County Drugstore. % ; "

im&ai^yjgn -lerw^ss^!' •» • - • -"•< *etj : i :

Page 2: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU


S T E \ V A l t T . S \ I L L E .TlKwecboicosulriUiHinI y*lUul etsntlo*

men nil, Mcftsro. Damon, Munon, WilllnntH,Bolitho, Broadhead and Lewta, who lltid ahabitation and a homo with Mr. And Mrs.A. C. Smith In the large mid comfortabloold mansion occupied yenre ago by PhilipWellor, deceiaod, concluded lo MrmnUychristen the delightful oM place. Mondnyowning of last week was chotten iis tliutimo, and in the presence of the <>iie*Uiwho had gladly accepted tlio honor ofbeing present (and all stood an sponsors),a handsome blue Us;? on which the name,"Dew Drop Inn," hnd boen henutitullyworked In white by the Misses Broadhe.idof Eastcn, wns with cheers and aunt* Hungto the evening breeze (which unfortunatelydidn't breeze a little bits from a tall lUestaff tbat bad been planted directly in frontof the quaint old homestead. After theceremonies of christening hittl been con-cluded, jollity reigned supremo, dancingwas Indulged In, songa were SUIIR, retreah-monts served, and R «e3oral good time all

H A C K I S T T S T O W XJohn S. Menaah and family or Jersey

City took possession of the Kvcritt housoon High street for the summer lust Satur-day.

Prof. J. Madison Porter and family camefrom Button on Saturday in hlsmitomoblloand apunt A fotv diiytt with bid mother onMain street.

BLOO.MSBUl tV .Mr. and Mrs. Tlieo. Ttonman visited

friends in FreouianHburp on Sunday.MIw Ucllly of Plilllipsburcr was enter-

[ tnlned lai<t week by the Misses Molick.John Lottof Brooklyn was the Rucst of

his ptirenU livru tost week.Mr.,mid Mrs. Harmon of PhilHpsburg

tcrtnineil at the homo of Ed. F.1.III.O1.VV., y WtTB t "ittTIHUlt'l]Mr. and Mm. W. M. Everitt and daURh- i At)I(, o n s u m] t i y .

tor huve Ukon roonin tit tho American' r , , _ . „ , . _ _r pi,_.,,nM , ,„ Hn«,,H.

a » ! « . ,s°rk8»' {isrsss&yiurij: Kit..MMs sas MSi's l loi«;r &s;tt<sr s


August 22

ythe Mount Oltro supper oc-,

with : Conitiiunion bcrvices were observed in! both Predtiyturii'ii and Methodist c .lurches; on Sunday.

*>ir. uuu _nn*. jerry ib> uuui HV ti/nuuLkbu " • . -tho CAIIIP meeting itt North lliickettatown : Tho farmers are now in tho midst of

- • their harvest which is very good. Tho

supper a fair will be held.Mr. and Mrs. Jerry It. George- conducted

lost Sunday.H. I>. Fitts and family wont into camp

at Culver's Lake, last Saturday. Mr*.Uicdenger is occupying the Fitts house inonncclloti with her boarding bouse...President McCornilck and family are o:-

Cup.vinf: tho Cook property on Washington

their harvest which Is very grecent rise in Hour and the western scarcity

O H L A W A K I J .' J. L. Smith nnd family have returnedhomo from Mltcholl, Indiana, nftor a fitaytboroof several months on business.

OnioT. Hlggtns, wlfo and daughter areheru from Now York city in their summerhomo about ono mile south of town.

BortSnyderand wife uuent Saturday-1Columbia and attended the funeral ofIrvin Bruqler, who was killed on tbo N.V. &, N. E. It. R. near Columbia.

Communion sorvlcon woro held in tboI'rcsbyterinn church Sunday. There wasAlarconttomlanceand Itev. Homy IluLlorof Blairatown preached an excellentsonnoii.

The Ladles' Aid Society of the PeesbY-tersan church met at J. H. Albertson'HWednesday and had a nice time. Refresh-ments wero served in their orchard.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlofl Hutchinson celo-lutttuJ lliwlr Oral wedding- miiiivttimiryThursday evening. About tweuty-tlve oftheir friends were present and an elegantrepast was served.

S*mtiel Jouet* and wife of spentWednesday hero with James Jones, bis

.jaVeiilledtholrminwrth tir'icYit'vTsions I 8 o n - ' "tof dollar wliuiit. The season here ha» ! A K°od representation of Delaware peo-boon Hodrv that tho hnvcron Isverv thin. I P'° attended Fresbytory at viennn lastJ ^ K ^ f t ?«lli MM,JXtora i'lll be! »«*. A commlltoojnM sainted to In-„ tou\ faiiura. I vosllRatetho trouble bore. Many wonder

1 "•^^0 lL I OJT* l R*^n quartette composed of Mrs. A. 0. Smlita, | , Mrs. W. P. FerRiunn mid children are in

l.eto-HulM,ter and family bnvearrlve.1 j Be .m hna completed the I:on mid cuililreu

Mountains for a fewMlaa Annie Thompson, J. 8. Weller and A. tbe AdirondackC. Smith. But Hverytliinc haa an urnlins \ weeks.and tho party said sood titurit and sepunlt-1 The Hoard of Education have

from Jcr-ev City and taken up tho cc-i *-»nj-ini» I I . I I null coinpiorai loein.-eupnnrr or their Bummer residence on I provoniontn to his residence southoftown,Center Squire. i which includo painting nnd papering.

Mis. Jacob WIMovor ia spending some! Mr. Stifrls boarding with Edward Pat-timo with ft iiindn in Orange. ! U _*>? ""ft.13 employed in Sinllh, Hoyt

xt year. If enoluh. . . , , , _. n n i .T, . i MIHUMH* .an "- SJcuiei it is prolMbW" tlmtM?."IHam"\\

Sr' MB S i c i « IMlsa " °" - ' wl11 " 1 " b l ' ' " " ' '••"••""""l-Kremer, Misses Braadheiiit -lid Slurp of i ;>lr. fllil, Mrs. Wi Hum •l.o»H and Mr;.Easton. Rose Weller, Aenm Hanot. Jose-1 Me-Ols ol Now,irk have relurneil to llnck-phino Barber. Annie Thompson. Lizzie I «tsto;vn lor the summer. 1 ley n i e. W a r of Stcwarl-ville; E. -\.;.! rented tho turnuticd uuu.e ol Mrs. I'.tlyEdward Everett, B. I.oirther ai-.d J . lm 10:1 I'lune street.Kase. I Warren R. Ward has >e.ur-d a position dipbtheretic sore throat.

Rumor has i t tha t 0 . B. Stockcr Is ur<- ion tbe l-ong Island r.iilroid fir tho sum-. R u n l o r h a s i t lhai t w o marriages willing his claims and qualidcations upon tne;ti:er. ^ !enua_ uur town to ic--_'.i_ tbe joyouymeniberswl1 the Township Commute, for, Mrs. W. n . Muttler of, S. D., is chimes of tho wedding bells in the nenrthe place made vacant in the Board ofjspendlnj: a few weeks with relatives in '< future.

uleaiu-r from Greenwich, fuller the law j T h - family of lieorce W. Tlllman will i Philadelphia" wire gue-tVlast"wce_'nt A!chap. WO, sec. S . " Township Committees l u o v o t 0 Enston. Mr. T.llman is an en-: o . Crovollns's.shall forthwith by resolution til! su.h va- j-incer on the Lehisli Valley railroad and Ieaney.' j ilaekett-stown is an inconvenient point at!

Art Godfrey ot £cr.._to:! arrived Friday' which to live. Harry Tillmaii has a posi-and remained th. " ' " - - • • • - ' ••-• • - —

of new uniforms. ' j " r f spending a few days hero with bisThnSalvatlonAnnybaa secured tho rao! „ , . _ , ! . I.™/1" ,, , „ , tof Ibo Commons for a series of nightly | Charles Smith and ramily of Rocksburir

meetings to be held tho last of the month. a P 0 ' " Sunday with J. c . bmltli.Mrs. J . B . J. lihoiles is spendioB some! ..Alvn Osraui; bnd a larc-e forco on hail '

timo with friends in the Cat.skills.Wnltor Smith and family have been con-

fined to tlieir home tbe past week with

cool cooksYou'll not need to regulate your cookingby the thermometer when you get aWickless Blue Flame Oil Stove. On thehottest days you can cook whatever youchoose, in whatever way you wish, with-out suffering any additional discomfortwhile cooking, The comfort you'll gainis only one of the advantages of using a

Blue | | |Flame 'vJ'JIJI

It is liandier than a coal stove and cleaner and cheaper. The Wicidess BineFlame Oil Stove is absolutely safe; it burns ordinary kerosene, without wicksand causes nt:iiucr smoke, smell nor soot. :

Mmle In vnrlolm sizm for viirlona-slzctl famine*; sol.l nt prli-rn In Bitlt ntty Hl/pi!pocketboolis—wherever stovis uromilil. Ktho ilt>iilrr'/"r.f iiuMiAVolhcm, write to tlio


I I l l l l l \ 'bLM t. _ L l » l | I . JCht^bi l U ' L b \J*t - 11144. .1 |

I Monday nt tho raising of his barn and >• • -lifted!

York I!, „ , I „ J\.

Clark Briico nnd ramlly or No^ITl o l i f ' l \ I l

Master Hoy ihinsbercer returned homo jlast week after( spending aovcral days in [

Vlfred of' Ull_or, i'a-> with friends and relatives.

Don't TubflCCO Spit anj Smoke Your Lire Anny.Samuel Vliet was entertained Sunday at! T,° «» ' ' w ^ « ° ras"s' »•") '0"-'ve,r' b J " ™... i «.-_:.. i .i LI i i \*i:,.v i uelk-. lull of life, nerve antt vlcor, taltc Ni

!is on here. The beauty of the stylos, the chnmcter.of the workmanship and the reasonableprices of our road vehicles have insured a sale in practically every instance when a perspec-tive buyer has visited this repository. The better grades "have the call, for at best the cost

=„". of a handsome, dependable vehicle is not high priced when you buy as you can buy here.

the _ridgepoVt"Morniiw _-ion. • :"" ' Southerl-nd'aiid"iK"ilo"rford"or Orange". \ , , , , . ;„ ,„ f n , ,„., ,,.„.,., i Euseno Beck U K » U I I I B Kdward DuettThe crazy man Birk-r-who was hken The funeral services were conducted from , [ « " « « « «"• '«» '»«M of Centrevllle with his hay and harvest,

to Be"ider. ?nd dven f_char« of Sheriff i his late home Monday afternoon. | « l}son bkloncr recently jraduated a ; w m U r i l A m , r u . s ,„• Blnirstown was hereCole by.Constable C«llo« ashort time! Miss May Sanford of New York will | '^° ; ?I.PSll., Fdith ihnrr^r l t t ° B a m t o l j Saturday.since has been released trom custody and .'scend her vacatiomvith her relativesat J. j m s t-™3'". • " " r -anu-n i rn r . Tbe first hor^lTOscarrisco made its ap-taken to his home in New York by his sis-' w. Moore's. Her vacation begins on the Char es Johnson of Easton was the 5uest; p O a n , | l c l ! j , , t o l v - last week.

which caused IIUL

Frunb Beet has pit . t o l a drove of cstttlcter who cameafter "him, the ident'itiontioo i Mth or'July. """ = j of bis sister, Mrs. Jotin B. Smith, Sunday.!being complete. The jul physician thinks 1 ^^ Lou[se Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Hance af Phillipnburg was | pi*aturVnK*back" ofiowii. wViieh" lits oivJrathat Barber w;is sutleriug irom alooholi-iu > R o b e r t j o h [ l s t a n p Horace Ellsworth and with friends in thia vicinity lust week. j for sole.

.-V^u.f'\"f._!!.''..." Kieorao 6. .Ferrle, all ofBropklyu, were Wm^E. Anderson, a graduate of Stew-j A< J t McCain of Dclawaro was In townS S L ^ .™S.lmile.!*__ .^ i 1 . ulh?._8*Jui'r '\$ I Fowrb^JuiyTl^Itora a{ H."V. Johnston's | a r ^ j ^ e ^ r ^ i ^ ^ C o U e ^ hasjic- j j ^ rweek^He is H erVat pouUr.^raiser'nn.i iclaimed in this column at the time ofincarceration here, but .the . idea. wnsconsidered; the wise opinion was that hewas simply a crazy man: nothins other.

Burglars are reported to hive visited. t u c t . u u uliUKtor iho second time, the home ut ftiilip , p *5ruitb TheHuDce, a few evening^ si nee, but failed to decorated also.obtain an entrance. They were discoveredtrying to get in by Mr. Hance's son, Isaac,who was armed with a loaded sun,somehow singularly failed to shootagine a burghtr trylu^; to etl'ectan ontrance Mr", Godwin will open her summerand a man of the home coverin™ him with home on Schoolcy's ulountainas a board-

ing house, tier brother will act as man-ager.

, cepted a position as carhier in the largest I hnsshipped suveraUhousMtidi-"of eggs for!The residents facing the block boi'titled \ mercanule house J iUha to ty . His many hatching this season. '

_, h y l t

| > t ] d

by Church. Sloore and Jetl'arsou streets i friends here wish him succet..contributed for a display of tire works on j Many from this place attended the com- j j n portHiid**--Fourth, under the direction of Louis ' nieqccracnt cxorciaea st Lafavei^ College ;

iu=es were tastefully | last week und heard Will D. Litt.i.deliver._. . i the Latin Salutatory. It Is reported thatDr. CUvin Terrlbcrry and daughters of i he bus accepted a position as tn"-..;.Latin

lay with friends 1i

•u;i bur ' Paterson re-opened their summer home on'ot ' Im-1 Schooley'a Mountain last Saturday.

Aid mathamaticti at his alma mater.That ho would llll the position with croditis undoubted as he was a prize winner in

The Epworth Leasuo was in charge of'Rev. H. P. King Sunday evening. Thesubject was'• When la a Nation Safe?N e t S n d a bsubject w a s W h e n la a Nation Safe?Next Sunday evening it will be Ion" by J.M. Young, subject: "The Power of SmallThings."

T h d

a loaded gun, in easy shooting distance and—oh, well, almost any man would he apt

Theodore Becfe: captured a large snake, , I iasl week and found upon examining it

Mrs. Charles Alpaugh of Flemington was t h n t i t bf l l l fourteen rattles.

Strader.Billy Thompson, one night last week

was awakened by a noise that induced himto believe that dome one was robbing hischicken house. His dog was kicking upa rumpus and he heard a chicken squall: so,after arming himself witn his trusty re-volver, he proceeded to ' Investigate, nottaking the trouble" however to change or.arid'anytbing to his scanty bedroom attire. 1lie didn't find any thieves, but he did tiadhis dog worrying tin o!d hen that had es-

Mrs. Wm. VanN'alts of East Orange, X.J., is spending a month with her father,Chas. Odmun, on Sharp street. .

Cadet Charles T. Wade has bein orderedin Newport on the U. S. ilag ship, NewYork, with Commander Sampson incharge. Uncle b_,m changed the order onMou'iiy. . - - •_ j --

Hmi^li on Bunionsand successful trealment, only.cons-

Mrs.Charle A p g h o f Flemngths guest of friends here last week.

Rev. Mr. Rhodes, there were also reading,recitations, reports of officers, and the in-stallation of tne following otlicers for theyear: 1st V. P., John Picket; 2nd V. P.,Elanor Apaar; Secretary, Edith Groveling;Elanor Apgar; Secretary, EdiTreasurer. Mildred Creveling.-

J. J. Beck and sister, Mre. Mary Pierce,were the guests of friends in Newton.

Tbe lot and house of the lato ElizabethBeck, deceased, was sold Saturday andJacob &. Aodread was the purchaser; con-sideration, $i,'_:oo.

Clinton Beck of Xewton spent Sundaywith relatives la town.

Mrs. Phoebe M. Cook, who hns beenspending a few weeks with relatives here,

Miss Maggie Messenger of Philadelphia | returned homo last week.vas a guest last week of her sister, Mrs. G-. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanse spent last

I week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas..Wolf atwas a g lB. Kremer.

j : A number of our young folks went toI Eastou Friday evening to witness thei graduating of Louis Anderson from the


White -Mai) Turned Yellow.

Our stock includes heavy wagons.'as well as buggies, surreys and foad'wagbns,which is'supplemented with' "•;" " ". •

The Most Complete Line of Farm machineryincluding McCormick Reapers and Mowers, the Reed and SpririjMpoth Harrows.

Repairs and Castings of all Kinds. : : : ' " ..•-—-••••

dove-like tender expr-saioHS :tha* fell froihis lips, the residents of "Hurlem1

.a nHdnight revel. But where" was "tlienight artist? Where was he'.1 The ser-vice was worth all manner of trouble t>

: - ,.oy m ai l .

I...- „ .,.. . . _•uniyimii-. -

If gray, Wells'Hair Balsam gradually rstorts to original culor. black or brow

n\ ' V ~i '"",'" UHguisueu uursuu Ht LIIK atiuiu juiiie, i ue treated by LUU uixti, uuui>ui"», uutuneiniat, Jersey prOphete_s of the class hnd to,;be absent benefit. Then he was ndvised to try

and so the prophecy was read hy one of Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomachthe juuior,clus3, Miss,.EJj/.abeth Kreiuer, of and Liver remedy, and he writes: "Afterthis place. It would nave been' itupo-aitbie {-tRlciiig'two'-boilies-:3-waa;•wuuiij ciiiau.1' •for tiie authoress herself to h^ve given ; A trial proves its matchless merit for all [more expression lo the reading than did Sttmach, Liver and Kidney troubles.••• " 'only 50 cents. Sold by F. N. Jenkins,•:


p ind I b m n I Walterstri5io Ba"ke«»to>v,i Sat

Mis3 Mnttie Ease of Ledgewood in with township has 'decided to rotnin two i compa^iy^vftsVn^litjr rulalivea, MiTand Mrs. L . ft. Ka_e. teachers at New Hampton. • .. . _; several young people from Phillipaburg.- j m q ( ,n ft h t

We regret to say that Mrs. Andrew C. j xt the closing exercises of New Hump-'! The hearts of many' in this vicinity were i urdiivSmith has been a suflerer lor several day3i t o n p,,Mic school Principal-^ Shepherd Unddened lutt Wednesday by the death of i Vesta Strunk 'oi' iAmc Hill. Pa., willpast from an attack ut her arch enemy— distributed diplomas of honor tcTthe follow- one of the brightest nnd most lovable t" ' " "rhBumatwmtnndjuat when the, wave h u r .,apil_: Willie Abel, Laura Wellor, Bloomstury's many lovely children, Plor

.s flncst work. Lelia Shephunl, Jiobort UrnberBer, Lnurn MeCreaj th« only child nnd _olace to h>-

ipend hRr vacation with Mrs. S. 11. Headj at this place.. ........... ., - -

A birthday surnrise was given .in honor

Wo will ship a CORNISH PIANO or CORNISH ORGAN anywhereupon the distinct understanding that if it is not satisfactory to pur-_chaser after 12 monthc' use we wilt take it back.1

>, Could tinijthiiw if. iniirr. f<\lr, anything more ttbrrut, nny-thtmj more cuncttttivc of our fmthin thete instrumentsT

The Unique Cornish Plan of Selling Pianos and Organs

theater-of Isaac Sbipnuii ofthis pl«!«. .. , T h o c o i n m e n c o m o n L . B M r e l M ^ o f the!K. Thompson is in the hay trnde to Junction public schooTwcro intorestlmr. I

t t h n g p u r c h a s e d thci My " • - " 7 J •• -»• • > '

.•saddens very many.prostrated tiy tbe blo

t ll t Lh d

Mr. mid J[rs..John Luijiing sday with'frienda at AllamVtjhy.

d hiquite an extent, having-purchased the! Mi-H Celeste Riddle contributed two solos sul'1113 unable to r<niy to Lhc nnd reali/.t-1 jg i?owler started on his extended cycle(rraw on Lhe several properties of thol't'Jthe njusienl part of the pro-ram-o'neoP-!-l03•thnt-• "or- t i i i r l mS .««» left .her. .bhe_; Monday. _EdiaoirCement Company, ana wuitili huh t h o mimtKirs being in response to an en-1 hi!s U i e slneerwt• oympntliy nr;vrrv--m*n!ri ^\i^1Vl»iVriiu3~!uTd"so-;i ispent Sitnrdnyhaving cut and readj; for sjile." Ills "ad" (:0I.e. «he\waa K(ieompanled on the piano I w b o m o o r " w l U l h e r " l I l0 r Htld l t l l i lcI I0!1-! in Elaekettstown.' ~ " " by her sister, Miss Blanche. | The barn on the farm occupied by Ohm | A , , s c h n o l h i w re(,ei) t- beiM1 o r .

Miw Cora Wellor of Bnyonnc arrived at t'nin v-rts to »Uy destroyed by re 1 st ^ , , 1 ^ ^ l h o hor.cHt.of theyoung pooploher. home hove last week, being I|l at the I }^.?^\"M™,""%tfn " .Jl15.\* J-pi^-T, i " f Uiis place, undur tl.e uhlo. leHdurniilp oftime. -M this writing she is somowhut i h v e h\"f K ! l i ft b t i ? ! h^',fs w e r o hli

rv,'(1'1 Prof. GcnrgL* Honglaud.

improved. : • . " • "- . - I « ^ r ^ i i » ? ; « « » s ^ l i i T p a r t l i i 1? P' J ^ ' ^ I Cor>ku in »uvl,,K an nrteslnnAbraham Prills, near Iinlayd-ile.-la still j S o r e d bv SSa i i co partially I __ ,, , , _ , ,. K____ ;]...K! _, :il u.

seriously 111 with stomach trouble. , , , Thc'hairtaam hai-won two very decisiveIlerbort Soil, roUtivo or William Soil of victorie» over teams from Phiilipsbunj.

Imlayclii.c, was lii.jotJ recently at • the gov- O n thn mth thuv completed outclassed tlioeminent iron works at OHlh-Iieih!Qhc:ir;:Tr^,,nis wi,,m,t._..^ to Sftiir-

in another column gives full pirticulA display of fireworks will be made in

our public square on -Ith of July evt-nicg-weather.permitting of coursc._

Mlss'liuth Uodfroy and -Miss "May Aukur:man left for Sow York on Totisdny last en

• route to St. Augustine, P!orida,..the homeof the latter. They will go by steamer-Comnncinj as far «H Jacksonville, Fla.

well bunjil at hia burn,:]\vliii:h will

Over a Quarter of_aMillion Satisfied Customers

Ci.:~-:. '.LNV

' ' Lewis nnd EtKaiiiH-I SYiiiHi ofiM~='--»jiiiil Hmmol Oiirris of Stilln'utor visited

'/': relatives nu<i iVieViJ lierc 0:1 Sat;!rd:ij «!iO: ^Suildny. . •-. - "

.1 of Eilucaiio:! met at Ca]•Saturday night, Juelcotu»1 tor next tunfor Mllibrook

...for Caluo.'" ;. .

t ti'2ndr*" The 'iowere Jason U. T

M i Dl

neighlK)Vwas a g rturn, Tho doctors hnd «iveu up nni'-rucoverv. , Monk a txttt-lo of CTaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe

~d t t

nil liopos |.o»in»,,\vhJl.diut.ur-! ''»»"'••"!•


h!eli will bo ttddrcuod to

We Warrant Our Pianos and Organs (or 2 5 Yrs.

i i .wtiii-aTiraiwii in u... ;:i»i.«.•aI:i:«i:^; ili:The Cornish Patent Musical Attachment


',itii!oi!ii.M,]i uiiv COIt MSI I OI-I.ANir s-J(l <iu Hit- ']INI lirlut.. ir.yuii buy i\r O K M S H I11A NO.

iltntn 11

,r- iirtlnrri'O.lsNlHI!



f \ I.Hlc M I'..-U- (I---

•".-."....__:/- -cgular bodilyfJin ._,... . ,.ti;, , ::.. ltcalth and areaf energy;- Only 25. cenla at

_:. ---•p.-Xv-iltnikiuH1 Wiirrcn County Drug Store. on, Jf. D.

" Plonsnnt... Palni _ ,.„,..,Ooot'. Never Slcl.oiii.WcnHen, or (irliin.ltJc, i'l.c,


I I . V tit W . i r i v i i , l A m l . u n . t l u iUlh t h i . v

lii r f V K l t I l

-UAb Ki-iiHioCUK.._ \VH.I.I.\'M..(1. HA.


Special Sale of Paint" . i; \< • . •-- .

for thirty days. Put


• " • « • ;

Page 3: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU



That a majority of our buying public have implicit faith in our ad-vertisements is daily proved by results. That there are some peoplein this community who do not believe in the truth of any advertisedstatements goe* without savin;;. They are not to be blamed for this.

. MA burnt child dreads •lire." So an oft luimln'gged buyer is shy ofbeing again humbugged. .

This store reaches for the doubting ones, and desires to prove Ithem that in its advertising it slates facts—only facts1—plain, pure ansimple.

Shirtwaist Facts. [White Goods. Special Items.

The proving of them will like-; We call them special becauswise prove us and add a nc'.v friend they are high grad-.* goods at modto the store, or make an enemy, ;est prices, and a modest price herand we're not making enemies of; means a low price,our public. Nut if we know it. j Victoria Lawns from Sc to ;;c. The quCaintuic Waist, latmderoJ oollnr.'tll'l cuffs ' i f h d

at 2;c.BiK assortment at .«c up.fthitcl.awnW.iists, ;oc,;;c,.7/,ri.iO"P-Hibbou Waists at Sz 09: value S3.50,Lawn Waist, sailor collar, ttickeJ yoke,

at ?!.'«..

A l

qily of these goods we guarantee 2percent. Mter Mian the same priceK»ds anywhere.

our summer goods that were uto i

Summer Separate Skirls.

Cool they are. Comfortable •they are. 'Cost ing you. just what;you ought to pay for up-to-date, ;stylish, dependable garments of!this sort. •Ladies' Coven Skirl al </K. ICrasli Skirts trnni .jtv In jr.r^i. iWhite Pujue Skirts frum In >

nicely irimnttu with enibroiJtry inserlion.

Wash Ooo'ds Whittle.

The maker whittled his price toclean his stock. V\'e whittle againtn make the selling rapid. Gethe first swing if possible.

.Sc Ginghams, 5c.Sc Percales, ;c.Calico and Chally. jc.<5ooJ Muslin, re."

For the Hot Days.

Thin, gauzy underwear for youd N ' d hiMisses' Skirls in wasii n'-^iis. .i'x, 7S"-', '»"• Good sorts. Need we emphasize

the absolute economy of our prices?Ladies' from tf up toOne lot 2,c lisle threjj, lace trimmed

A Wrapper Purchase.

'•'. Don't waste time and worry by t n l ( l l | I J l

-c 'on jur i i i " up a new h..,us<.- s o w n , ' ciiilJreci"*s K.-iu-if vtsts »• ...mis. A. u,for it is t ime w a s t e d in t he face of ity, from IOC up, aorordiim to size.tile following : Ladles' fast black hose, silk clocked, jrop'LaJies' Wrappers Irnm ;<ic In -i - : . «tikli; ;<x: lo close, y/:. .' '

Those Jaunty Summer Hats. Some Summer Specials.Plain standard styles in Sailors, S l | . e n ,, f r o m t | | e

newest shapes in s U l , H | p o i n t to stand alonenovelties and•••trimmed straws. Costs hut little

to own one. • •Liidk'S1 S.'iilnrs, 251;, jric, ; ;c 311J

These prictrs ;iu- much below regular. •- ones. •' • -• •

O n e lot I;ulies* rt'.-ulv-tfi'we.'ir half, were;<s hii*\\ :i> r i . f / j ; tu close, <XK.

Now is tlu- tinit' in I;;i'»'e niiiliiu-ivwork dam. So reasonable offer re-

" fused: this stock must l>n closed mil.


You'llfivir you the bare lacts.quickly do the rest.One lot 2<)C Ribbons, ;i[| colors; to close,

at Kjc; 1 inches wide.See our V)C Slimmer Corset; better at 400

.;MK1 W, lonu or short.Covert Clolh. 10c.New lot LaJies' Muslin Underwear.New SUirts. New Corset Covers.

You will tincl it in your pmfjt to visit this store as we positivelyclose out all goods at cm! of season, ami will be ofierin^ some temptingbargains in al! departments. ~


33 E. Washington Ave., Washington, N.;J.

INJUNCTIONS ANI> INDIA.Ono thing which will not bo neglected

In tho platform to kn adopted In KansasCity on July 1th in tbo matter of a plankH((niiwt "gyvenuinjiil by Injunction. ' Intho licnt of former curnpulgna, tbo op-nonciilHof prosresflivo politicitt meiumreaiiuvo flurcoly cicnou'-cud any movomonta^a!nst tliisHpociuH of tyranny, and iitivonought to linprcHH tho puoplo with tbo ldcnthat any political action ngaimt "govnrn-nicnt Ity Injunction"—tho unjust UHO oftlio power of Injunction—would bo nviolent blow lit our wholu judicial HVBtom;and one which would engender In tliomind* of our pcoplo a disregard, If notcontempt aixl hatred, far tlio courts andtiwir procci'scih Hucli a svm\t ivouJd he, in-dt-ecl, H calamity; lor fitlhblu jii all humanInstitutions lire, tlio courtx htill rumnlntile most etlluicnt uriyinu In tho titiito forthe prefer vat ion :\rA the troiifif!rvat!2n cforder ftiid .1 crci t mciuiurc of justice...'....

lint, nftor nil, u wholesome rohpect fortho indiufury enn only bo iniiltitaino-1 U8u OI'UH ]tower. Tho momentUs power Is abused tt IIIIH It-ielf, by thatiihuH-j, done more to itH own Injury midthy tn|urv»f thosyntem built on It thanIII- net of any nulMtiur. When thotuiu|t!t;M ol' jubilee arc profiincd by tliocotiHijioiiH, ot iinuoiiHcioiiH nutu of theirotllciiilH, their dit;nIty urn) even ttieir sta-bility aru Imperiled. All justice dotis notrtalilc in tho written, lnw, and it 1H quitopdstlhlu, mid not If'frcfuiently the casethut grave injustice nun been clone by 11tstrlot ailherL'iice to the letter of tho lawmid with due U*!:ul fnnnrtlity and processTlio violation of justice In tlio fwtunneoand ctiarnctur of curtain lujuuctions^ninL-t i d u i recent labor troubles—to any


A Former Resident of Ilrouthvay Tellsof tho Bleak Northwest nnd

liln Kx[K*rlonro8.William A. Dailoy, who left Broadway

to seek bla fortunu In tbo Went aboutfloven yoara ago. and who is now In theKlondike, rtcuntly Hentaloritfuiiil hiter-citing Icttor to bin brothorfl imd «isternanioiitf whom »r« JUIUOH Diilloy of Bruuilway and Wilson tuid M!tw Margaret Dnilejor WasbliiKlou, of which wo are p r Hlefred to reproduce a part.(red to reproduce a part.

Mr. Duiiuy l»illsol tbo liapplnics nnd...>mfort h» derives from bel.nir A Christianfind BDCUIM nt longtu of otber personnlnmtterfl. Tlio letter Is largely devoted lotila experiences In reaching tho gold Holdsfrom hiH present homo In California find adescription of tbo country and modo olliving.


April 22«d 11)00.DKAK BllOTIIKHH AND HlSTKIW:

1'orhnp.i 11 llltlo doHcrlpttou of this coun-try, itH inhabitant}*, Itfl gmno etc., rnflyIntcrcityou. I tuppoHO tlmt you are nilfHinlliar with the methods of reachingthe Klondike, but I will start from Seattlemid tell you how I got here.

In company with H\X olhurH, I Hailed onthe .steamer "Queen," February 1, 1S.TS,mid a week later landed at Hknguay, alterit more or less exciting voyage. Tim Htvetiof IIH hml about «ight tons of urovisionavhich we were compelled to freight bymnd Hleds Curly MIIOH over llio mountalnH.t points, able only to haul fifty

nothing of other instances—haa been re- pounds at a time, wo would leave our pro-(•P'WKIIIIU for tho term "government by vhion alongside the road, and haul thatinlunutlon." lifty pounds forwnrd n few miles; then,

'Urkllyat.d simply mated, nn injunction r«lnrning to tho Imno of mippIlcH, wouldin it-t legal nlirtithY woe • Is mi order of\_court dlructed to a certnin person or per-

thenimtuiding tbuni to do or forbiduing

to do certain things. This orderlimy ho Ii nil toil or unlimited in point of thetime over wtiicli itn apumtlon may ox lend,hi miepciwu nearly nil of the \nwa on ourKlMnti' f»""k" nn- Injnrictimi-* to rir, Bnt)not to do certain thlr-yn, nnd it would Hoothnt iiny otlier upcuitW pmvurof Injunctiony

oiilcl bo' 11 imetiu'HiId nntunilly

o u t

vsury. At all ovuntH one[ipoHt* ttmt no order ofHid nntunlly iippoHe ttmt no order of

jtul^e or court would innko n punhhuble(leui;u for it imtn to do what be had a pcr-ct right Ui do. AH toe men doing whnt

tlicy liavo no rltfhttodo—thcronroutrendyi l U'v under whicti they can be pun*

t i h bU un

But inl fb

inny CHd b

they can be punH men have been

din ny C C men have been

expressly forbidden by a court to do thoseth h i h th b " I l i b l "

py n by cujyi which they bavo

I Thi iInalienable"y i y Inalienable

rigtn UMIO. This in "weHrini> tho livery>f htuvttu to serve the devil in" with a•ongeincL!— and it h just this iHurpittlony the judiciary whien iw compreiiended

11 "•iovernment by injunction." 3fthomrrmti enjoined dUrumirdH the injunctionud does u-hut it siiyH bu slmll not do, he is•rought bufnrc the same judgo, who IH—nod tlio iojdiiction and is punished forontempt ot court—the jMiriinhnieiit beingriru or less severe. The judge is a man

with fueling and very often In Hunteuoing'iruontumpt bu intiy bo guided more byliinK'jIf IIH u man than by bitiiHelfitH limust judge. Justice would require thatrosecutin/'.. witness and judge shouldu ditlurtiit'r *--?rK(ins In nil cases.Then again injunctions have been issued

involving people having nothing whatever1 do witu the action al issui*: tiitd it wasot KO lone ago thut a Texas judge grantedii injunction forbidding one man to i

ruuuut thh operation, until all our. 1:01dad been brought up. Kvoiit unity woreached a chnin of laltcs and waited untiltlio fourth of June, 1SWI, wbun wo builttwo boats and sailed through thCHo lakesto tho Yukon lUver—more than UUO miles.Olio hurtired und eighty miles down thoVnkoTi wtt IiimM nt ruw.son City on Juno2i>th. Our voyayo hud beyn n very tern-pcstuouHone.Hiid at one point wo woreeompollo;' to biro a pilot. On tho trip


Wurren County i t lch In Indian Lore—3I(iny Ki'iiiIndcrA ol the I'Jc-

About a inilo abovo Delaware Htntionon tho Ulair&town railroad remains a grim,(dient reminder ol the indent Inhabitantsof tho DoUwuro Vulloy. At this purlieu-lnrnjmt, JnrilnriH tiavo cut into tlio nlntorockua cavity twenty-eight Inches In dia-muter and three feet deep, very smooth,cylindrical, and Hbapod liko tlio interior olit Unit] kiln. Without a doubt tho IndiansIn tho dny» ot old were nccnilomed to

" ; xniln to this "mill" witeru It, wanground Into powder hHtono pCHtlc. Many II

!iy Ilint

burning with aarrow bend;

cpwo lived well as tho


pilot.river a

On t e tripnd hikes arei I I d

wo lived well as tho river and h e arfull of trout, pickerel, white IHII andsalmon.

On July third we drifted down theYukon to "Forty J-IIIc River, tlfty miles be-Inw DnwKon, when) we began to prospectgold and have kopt at It over since with-out much success. I have about made upmy mind to quit prospecting ntid wort:lor Wtiget. until fait. The pay huru \a onedollar per hour and exptntes about twodollars por day. There Is plenty of wildgame all through this country. Moose,weighing tux or seven hundred, are to buKeen dally, usually alone. Cinibou,weighing two to three hundred, nro fre-mienlly scon sixteen and eighteen hundredfn a drove, Prom these we bavo all thefreHh meat we want and have cnoitgti pro-vision to ittHt us until November. Dogteams are quite oxponsive, being worthfrom T75 to ?£j0.

We have only two seasons, summer andwinter—mostly winter, which lusts fromOctober until June. Four months of thewinter Is very cold,tho thermometer drop-)ing as far ns 70 below. We work out un-

.11 it gets Rfly below but colder weatherthan that seems to freeze'one's hnicfl.have had all my fingers and my nosefrozenseveral times, but do not seem to mind it,

Htonu hatcliots or toin»Iifiwk» and stonopipe 1 havu htivnTouml hi tliu iluUU In thatlocality in recent yours and art; Htill oc-cfiMoitHlly picked up.

Warren county i.t rich in Indian Ion..Upon tlio farm 0!' John Monster, one tnilewent of Illairstown, HtandH Hun.iot Hock.This In a huijo lime Htono bhaft abouttwenty-tlve feet high nnd ten feut in dia-meter. Thin silent ohnft, stsindlr.c tipthere liko a hravu imd faithful sentinel,

id commanding a NWet-piuu view of tliuheiuliful I'aulin.4 Kill valluy.the fur-famedDolawaru Wuier Ci.ip, ami the great scopeof country ns fur west, us linnpurand PunArirvl,iuid nasL Into Sussex county as farus tho prominence upon which is built thoYellow Fmiitti cUurch, win it,is ^unorallvconceded used by the Indians utt a HlpnalHtntion. Their method was to build llroson prominences throughout the valley.In this way Intelligence wan transmittedfrom points in Pennsylvania to tho Gap,from thence to Sunset Itock and fromtliere lo the high ground in Sussex, in theneigh tin--li nod ofSwartswoad Lnke,n oncefnmnu*i Indirin enrnping ground, ".

Tho to]i of this rock M liullowed out andA basin over n foot in depth is formed,This cavity is burned to a red color. Thecountry surrounding this rock was oncethickly Inhnbitod by the redskins. In tlioilulds Hbuut Iliiirn-vil.uru', Columbia, Wal-nut Valley nnd Vail to this day are foundarrow hotdsand tomahawks, which havebeen used in th i chanc and In their battleswith thoir white brothers. Many pestlesof H'.OIIC over fourteen inches in lengthhiivo UIHO been found In thr.*' locality. OnJohn Painter's farm, two miles wtst ofUlair.Htown.Ptanfisa large lhuestono rockIn tho ek-ft of which atout forty years agowas found two Indian sku Is. Tne writerbnsHcen tlieso specimens, and until a fewyears ago Imd ono of tbo lower jaws in hispossession. It wns very liirge tinil wouldtit over tho check of a Warren countypolitician. Tliere had undoubtedly beena buttlo in that vicinity between rivulu nndthis rock of ages tus been niado to servo astho last resting placo for their bodieswhilo their spirits sped on toward thohappy hunting grounds.

At JoiinfionsburPi'ias been found piecesof Indian pottery'of rndo design. TheDelaware and Paulina Kill valleys are in-deed rich in legends relating to our redbrother**. They enjoyed mrtny an excitingchase of the wild doer and other wildgame common to the forests in tboso daysand we can only wish that they may nowbe living the name HcentiHovcTHttain withinthe con lines of the poor Indian piiradlse—"the happy hunting grounOs."-Strouds-Ijurg Times.

WHOSE FAULT WILL IT BEif your family are some day obliged to Jo without the com- 2forts which yu'ur'famine's now provide'fur them. A policy Sof Life Insurance in The Prtiiientiiil may be secured whichlSwill protect them against such financial loss. S


Home Office, T l i r QDHRf~fclT!•!I InsuranceCo.Newark,N.i. I l i t r n U U C l i I IML of America.JOHN P. DRYDEN, President. UliQMt B. WARU. 3d V. res't «nd CouniLESLIR D. WARD, Vice Prea'i. FORREST F. DRYDRN, Secretary.

A. V. LUNGER, As»t. Siipt., Washlniflon National Hnnk liuHdlnir. Broad Streetand \V. Wushlnston Avc, Wa*hint;!on, ti, J.

iy wnyspeikor eoinnniiiicito with an-1 Wo wear very liaht clothing und I Imvitber nuin'.H wife. It happened tbnt tho worked all winter in a littlo thin en,

ion enjoined nftnrward nifit the w[f« ! which you would not tbinlr of wearing incraon njoined n t ilt.nd spoke r.o her. Ho was prnmutly clnp-ifdinjail lor three days and lined ?100or t c p t of court. ' iVhat arc law

d l f if j d

y e iNew Jersey. Sometimes I tie a hundlcerchief over my eais and on my feet I wena thick pair of German t-oaku and a pair oi

f b k f c i r i l i k th I d iitid juries mid courlK fur if judges are to ! of buckskin 'moccasins like the Indians use.ave Mitch powei'.' It is tlieso tilings and j Tho oil in leather would freeze und freezniiiy otiiors tlint might bo named which one'a bringing the court* in dLirupulc and Tbiniiiouth wt have to melt Ice in unitlaktng the penplo (eel that tyranny ami I to got. water, taut next month we can pickppression nhtdc where justice and I wild ilowoM all about us. Sonietimts youliiit v should reign. "Oovernmont bv In- can pick (lowers with one hand and touch

unction"—the nbime of the power o'f in- snow with the other. The frost neveunction— i-i a usurpation of power and a > leaves the ground inoro than a few incbe_ .. ._ ..irpjitloi. . . ......iolation of the rights of th« pcopU.

There i-f grave danger to be (eared if itmtlnut.s and the Democratic party rccog-

tizcs Unit•he Oil

p y tjmuch an it did

AS NEAT AS WAXme the stylish three-piece Parlor Suits we are now turning out.Every suit m i d e j n . ^

•Cr'^vi*vision r ~ .

factory suits are not worth the room they occupy.

; ail idea_qf..\vhat we.ican..furnish jpr $25covered witli fine silk brocatelle of damask; every, piece adifferent color. A full dozen colors to select from. Othersuits at $29," $32p$35r.?'42" arid iip'l ;. :

FORD & FLEMING,! :U , W A S H I N G T O N , N. J . , June 29, •• '" •

Will RestoreStrength,Energy ,.:

AND THE AMBITION THAT NATURE7tffEMDED ALL TO HAVEA Nerve Tonic a.'id Blood Builder. Brings the pink plow to

pale chcelts nhtt restores thu"-firc of yoiilli. Ily mail'50 cents perbox; 6 boses_$2.5O,.>ylth our, bankable "'guarantee', to cure^o^refund the money paid. Send for.circular and copy of ourbankable guarantee bond.

i ^ l t ^ f i t O O l A t e r ^The Social Reform Club's

recommends the pnssnge of-'uing: ., ''•'•• T ' i j i h l l

This qutsitian in important; and I.wouldIwell on it'longer did I not know that Itan write another day and perhapsilluminate it more. "The Social IteiormUlub of New York through a committee ofits moat eminent members, lawyers all,has discussed this matter very exhaustive-ly and made an interesting report whichhas been sent all over the country withthe idea not only of Influencing wisepolitical action on this point, but also toinduce State and Xationai legislation onthe subject. This, of course, includesNowJersey tind it oiler3 an opportunity for thenext Legislature to distinguish itself bya sensible law on this subject limiting thopowers of judge-) in this respect. It canensily be E;CU:I that v.'ith-trusts and monop-

and soul and electing them" that thopeople will be completely at their mercyif these judges can .continue to HO grosslyabuse tho power of injunction as theyhave sometimes done in the pnst. The

Eople of New Jersey through their nextgisldture should act., in this matter be-

eommitteolaw provid-

. .junctions shall not be issuedfigi.i 11st any but parties to the action, their~genta. servanta and attorneys.

2. .Thiit_wheii..nn -injunction,-, howevervalid in part, prohibits Unlawful use ofthy highway, or tbo right of freo speech,or hiwful combination to advance jointinterests, it shall bo void in toio.- rt. Ttmtail pers-tins/ivhbaro charged withdisobedience of an injunction in respectof. n matter-which might be; the subjectof indictment, shall have the right to de-mand a trial by jury upon issues of fact tobe properly framed.

•I. That whenever tho question, whether^injunction, pending .an-.actiori, should

be grunted in a labor dispute, deponds up-on the determination of questions of factarising on conflicting aHidaviU, cither sideshall hiivc tho right to demand thai u jurybo forthwith empanelled to try_tho. sumo

pou issues properly Bottled. ' ' hV- "The matter is up to the people of New

Jorsuynndthey should not bu backwardin inking hold of it in tho right fashion. /;

Tliat, the people of the United States-arcnot deaf to any cry for nid is well provedItythejtlzo of.tlie subscription toward J.linroiiet of the* famine stricken people ofIndia, It docs our people honor and Iwould bu tho last ono_to criticise theirgenerosity. So far as tbo'l'nmine in Indiais concerned there are facts which tend tonrovo that the generous people of thoUnited States aro performing aduty whichIndia and Orent Britain aro well able to.nttond ,,io. On, May 2SMi Lord George

md as far down ns anyone has ever £the earth is frozen. Some of the prospecholes nro down two and three Hundredfeet. The country is heavily wooded withsninll spruce trees and these nre user! ex-

i l d i b l itrees and these nre use! exfuel and in building oper-

nttonri ,,io. On, Mny 2SMi Lord GeorgeHamilton; Secretary for India, on tliu floorof thcf;British House of Commons, soldthat ho did not think it wise for GroutBritain to appropriate any Vioney for thoi-nliof of the famine; that India's resourceswore a.ufliuiont for ruliuf work; tlmt theroworn more paupers in England in pro-portion to population than there woreJi)Itidin.'iind tlmt ho didn't believe In an np-prbprinMnn becntise it would futer.rnrewith th" l low of l t c O h i t ; " "Wh

small sprucetcnsively asatiortH.

None of the birds of Alaska are singersbut all aro very beautiful. In the'winterthey all turn white as do also tho rabbits.The waters are full of gameflsh wblcb arealways ensily caught. When they beginto go down stream in the fall, we put irtraps and catch enough to last us alwinter.

We have about two months in summerwhen there is no darkness and some ofthis time the sun is only out of sight fromthirty minutes to two hours. In thosummer the air is full of mosquitoes andgnats, which nearly cat us to death. Inf.he winter there is one month when thodays am only a few hours long but there

Hg'hts light up the country like electricity.I hope to seo you all some time beforemanjviiontiis and hope you will all writeto mo',-.t Fort Cudahy, North West Torritory. •••' Your brother,


" A V c r y K a s t Train.-;Spenkin» of faat trains it seldom occito the local observer that ono of the fastest

^ dtruns in the S

i i f

te is mnde on tho BelvlderoP l i R iDivision of the"l>erinsyivania Railrond. Jt

should be remembered tlmt this road runsfor.seventy -uiileu, nearly.;the .whole dta-tanco close to the water's edge,"is singletrack throushout and has 'innumerablecurves, many of tbum very sharp, yet itsfastest train makes bettor time than theLuckuwanna Limited, Black Diamond Ex-press, Pennsylvania .Limited or EnipiroState Express, all noted trains running overtwo, three or fourrtrack rottds. Tho trainleaving Manunkachnnk nt7:3Sa. ni., andLohigh Junction nt S;07, maintains an tivc-

0 speed of 5S miles an hour from the

yards. Mail pouches nro caught at all sta-tions and several slow-downs havo to bemade, hence tho actual speed exceeds amilo-a-minute, nnd a good part of that 35miles ia madc.nt tho rate of from 65 tc~TOmiles air hour. "From the lower end ofLiuiibertvillo to the Trenton yards a sptsedof more than CO milts'iin" hour is averaged,and,from there to Philadelphia over 50miles an hour. This run is umde with nnordinaryjocqniqiive and three or four daycoaches. '"

.Pretty J u n e "WeddingFory pretty Juno wedding tool: 'place

on Wednesday, Juno 27th, at tho homo ofMr. Robert Draney in Warren Paper Mills,when IIIB daughter, Elizabeth Howeli, witsunited in raarriapo to Erwin Mnnucl RothofBothlehum, Rov. Pritclmrd1 oillciitiiig.Miss Mary B. Draney, sister of the bride,acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Frank Kellyas best man; Tho bride was attired in agown of bine Inmdowne trimmed in white,and carried a shower bouquet of white car7nations.!; Tbo bridesmaid's droas""was"bfyvhita orgnndle, and slio also carried car-nations. , - .i*

Guests from Colorado and Iowa, Enston,Bethlebom; itendington, Riogclsville, Now

Fell Through ii Bridge.[.Prom our Delaware Correspondent.]

On Saturday evening an unknown manfell through the culvert whilo in the act ofjumping from a trnfn nn the Ltcknwnnnn.Later fie was found by a party from borepnd taken to the depot when Dr. Beck ofPortland, Pa., was summoned to dress his

' which were ninny and scornedtie was immediately turned

wound;i'pry seinver to Overseer Kornhcck, who senthim to the poor farm Sundny. It isthought he may not recover. Several per-sons have fallen through these culvertswithin the Inst few months.-Althoughnone have bten fatally hurt yet someseriously..

SAYS"I doctored vjiih two of

the best doctors Snihe'ciiyfor two years and had norelief until I used thePinkham remedies*

"My trouble was ulcer"ation of the uterus* I suf-fered terribly, could not \sleep nights and thought'sometimes that, death.would he such a relief^:

"To-day I am a well wo-man, able to do my ownwork, and have notapatoe

" I used four bottles ofLydia £"« Pitikham's Vegp",table Compound and thrre-packages of SanativeWash and cannot praisethf* mtaificinBsenauahm"—MRS* ELIZA THOMASp634 P*heSt*, Eastots, Pa*

Mrs* Pinkham advisessuffering women withoutcharge*

Ly'dla E. Pinkham Med. Co."; Lynn, Mass.'

This Big Store is MagnificentlyStocked for Spring Business.

A stock much greater than we have ever before presented. Agathering of merchandise, correct in style—high-grade in quality—com-plete in assortment. And, prices here are lower than the samevalues can be had elsewhere.

It Wii! Pay You to Shop Around This Season.Owing to the large increase in the cost of raw materials—Cotton,

Wool and Silk—which go to make up the general Dry Goods l i n e -much higher prices are prevailing everywhere.

W e a n t i c i p a t e d our w a n t s v e r y l a rge ly , and bought in suffi-cient quantity, where possible—enough to supply' our,- wants for sixmonths to come—except on restricted price articles, which are com-paratively few, and you will find the great majority of merchandisethat we offer this'Spring at T H E OLD PRICES, which, we ail know,are the lowest that dry goods merchandise was ever offered for. Theselow prices "will last oniy"as long as present stocks last.

Old Prices will Prevail in Our Carpet Department.n Tapestry Carpets, 50c, <5;c, - ; c , S5C.

Ingrain "Carpets, 25c, 35c. 40c, 50c, 65c, $1.00.Velvets, Bodies, Axrninslers and Savonnienes, S'.oo, S ' . -5 , 51.50.

Old Prices will Prevail in Our Cloak and Suit Department.In fact, we will give much better values this Spring Season than

ever before.Al l "Wool Su i t s , nule'd for pcrfccliuii of fitand finish; 5 i o , ? i 5 ,

SlS, S20, S22.50, S25. ••--Jackets, 53.75 to 520.00. •

Old Prices will Prevail in Our Dress Goods Department.All Wool Fabrics, from 25c up.Popular Homespuns, 75c to gi.50.Black Crepons (a big lot just opened—much under price), $1.00

JS1.2;, Si.50 and $2,00. :.

Old Prices will Prevail in Our Hosiery and Underwear Dep'ts

"Olu?r!fices"wiirpf'e'v'a'il'ih' our''CotJion"an"d:\VriifeT"Gbo"dI"l3ep1't "'*Old Prices will prevail in our Domestic Dry Goods and Linen

Department, \yith a few exceptions in cottons.

By anticipating our wants we are in a position to give you mer-chandise at lower prices than elsewhere. We are selling (for we sellas we buy) many articles and fabrics less than we could_replace them for.

When you come to our city, try" us. We know you will be pleased..with what you buy. We

and.we'will allow all

carry reliable-goods only, and, if through aout not as represented, come to us

5 .Mi1,. ••!>.- nl.l iiixliuiiioa way'. Sv,,l- / ... i:-.r::il'y lliu'^fewviinie!;;1


Dry Goods, Carpets, Upholstery, Cloaks and Suits.I » W W W W I V W »

WORTHWe frequently meet people who are not aware

: of ouLpecujiar. ability.; furnish upon the most 1:

favorable terms — = " "• •_ „• .._-;...

Everything in interior Trim,

Fine Doors, Windowsr"

Balustrades, Etc.,;_•-•.. Vesy'arKi the' products of the most '.celebranted miiisj

__...• in. the^ountry, .and about as quickly as if these •

Page 4: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU





1 YEARS1.50; 6 MOS., 75c: 3 MOS., 40c

Tlio 'Republican spell binders willhardly flnil appreciative lta tenurewhen they preach prosperity this fullin the furnace towns of this State andPeniiBylvimiu. V :

CAKXKG1K FAVOKS MMEINLKV.According to Frick'a testimony, Cur-

negle's income last year was S-t»,-000,000 or $71,42$ n ilsiy. Tiie incomeof the average working nmn is -*"2 perday. This ' shows'"Llmt" Curiiegin isworth to society us much us 3o,00i)working men ami laborers! Atletist

, he draws from society as much pay asthat many. Ami yet Carnegie doesnothing but draw the money—doesno useful work, personally createsnothing, and is a leech pure and simple,

If allowed to go on unchecked undera Republican administration, in tenyears Mr. Carnetrib's income willdouble. Should he live long enough,unhampered by legislation, ho will bethe industrial master of the country."Why not shut off 'Carnegie's• smnor-plato contracts this year and place himon an equal footing "with other manu-facturers? The election of William J.Brvan sounds the death-knell of Car-

The attitude of thoTtflniibUpnn part 'on the trust question, us indicated b;tho speeches delivered In Congress,may bo epitomized aa follows: Ke-nolved, llrat, We nro in the hands oJthe trii-strf. Resolved, second, Tl:trustfl aro abominable ami intolerableand Resolved, third,1 Thnt wo' surren-der imincdiiitely to iho trituUi,

Tho laborer i.t tlie list to fool thoftecta of pnwpority and tho tlrst onon whom tho fruits of adversity p.rvisited. Although the country is Blip,poaed to have* hud fviir yc:irs of "goodtiniest," wagon vroeo atxly advancfldabout a year ago and then tho genera!averapo was less than llvo pbr cent,Already tlio iiutji'u of ten por will

[hictioiiH nro being poatod in variou:parts of tho country.

Sl'IMKCTS KOH STUDV.Here nro 11 few of the tliinjrx that voters

will do well to make mi I'MpvcIal study obetween now and election day;

Tltti Mgvr urn bill nit'il bucC smiiulul.The t'liiam liil collusion between John D

Rockefeller and Secretary Oiiire.The Urnfl' oppre-nlon of the Porte

Tlie United State* army nut rap.'* on HILCmier d'AIcuc minor*, authorized by Win.McKinley.

Thefts, murder ami 111U1 innate me tit intlie Philippines.

Posto'Hce rascality iind embezzlement inCuba.

Tlio Hiy-IVuncefote-treat;;, by wlijHiwe are to build an fstlnnhn i*nti:il wlilkKitijliind commands it.—N. Y.

AtHiiit four hnndivd pfo|ili> ntu«ti'lodtho races at tlie Hiiukettstovvn DrivingP.irk on the afternoon of tlm Fourthand witue^t 'd several inti-rt-Mdimrai

f o r o n o o f thy la rges t c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o ' 'jV: ]t\^l\-.f IT.*!, f,,,,'!,][| „, l l l i W

Mark Hann.1'3 £30,000,000 campaign; ' .pj]Q j - I l l l l t c | j ruv hi'tu-ptm Drf u m l > I Cox's great horse lijnito,'-2:«Q\, ami

"*^*~* jSunnyside, :*J0!., belonging to* R. S.Mr. Bryan, in his criticism of the re- * Mulhnll of Morriotown, for MOO a side,

suits of the l'mlndelpma Convention:! was not concluded owinir to the Isite-ut' the candidates htt refused Ur sny mesa of tho hour but tli« three heatsanything; but as to the platform hoi which were nui showi*] thy wonderfulwas clear that it was disingenuous ami j KoinS qualities of either animal. Thdeceptive. "Theonly position mken jn r a t nOut was declared "110 raco" :iin the platform which is at all positive the owners had agreed that shouldtind free irom ambiguity,' says Mr.Either honw break tim heat should boBryan, "is the declaration in favor o f | n m o v e r , uouito made a batl breakthe single gold standard, but oventhis case the failure of the platform tocommend the eitbrtsmadeby tlio l'resi-

soon after the start. Tho judges. Dr.A'Keron of Junction, Charles Ritten-liouso of the Gazette, James L. Shields

dent, to secure an international Mine-[nmi John Hnnce did not like the artallic agreement shows the money , raiigemont and stated that when thplank of the Republican party in liL'tf horses came out again the rule shoulwas a fraud.


ildnot apply.

In tho second heat Benito brokotwice but finished a close second, Sun-

"' Tho thirdHnnna has demanded ^0,000,000 "-V9i t l e winning in 2:31.,om the trusts and monopolIatB as a ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ J i : "fro:

campaign contribution. Such a fundin the hands of such an exper-ienced corruption^! can do much

and was the best race of the day. Theior.se3 came in neck and neck and

Benito won by a nose in 2:'25. The

sincere conviction of the truth of tKeir} Cox'a Ferina \Vilkp3 In a similar man-cause, but only "by aeir.interwt. Even 1 lier- v l? !>• outran SnnMower inif snch a fund is used onlv-. through ! t w " tieatC* ,

- -legitimate'channeU "it vcan\lo-raucli .- :-^o U v i l l lf a i KVnr , P001: cpnduicaand when the fund supports a fair tel^^e track and the loug wait betweencause, scruples an to the methods of! n iCDH thl{ a«dienco was an enthusiast!"using it are usually not troublesome. !one.> n m l l h o s - e w!l,?' 9 ta-V0tl x° se,e t h *

It mav safely bo said there are about! entire card run oil were well pleased5,000,000 Democrats in tho cor.ncrv and j W I t h LhtJ J a . v s s P o r t -, , e yas many Republicans. The remaining!3,000,000 voters may he classed as lloat- jers Their votes control every national:

A Smlilou Dcnlli.

p teiMft^w ithis year, .Mark proposes to "rely wholly j uppareiitly'go'od'li'enltb'at'io o'clock Fri-upon the otlier scheme, and it remains | dny morning. -Vn Lour later sbc wasto be seen how successful he will be. ! found unconscious and at •! o'clock the

bone3t voter in the land.'' fund"tbrty-ibiir years neo they moved to"Eternal vigilance is the price of i Washington. Three children were born

liberty," more~so today than ever be- ' to thom'of whom Joseph ami Charles \ \ \fore - j are now dean. AusjiisMi!' alone survives

. : land he is located in New York. There'. •.•""'• '-1 ' ' •• * : * * • " " •' i sire also two sisters and two brothers liv

Most Democrats1 have convinnpri! ins: M a Andrew Martini's oi',.t'hillipa-

journals four years ago.

. _onr.onr,ntry .nml wrpfik mir* 1 donn-diuT to n mnliUm!" of friend*. Th..than forty years of Bryaniam could | funeral service nt the house Tuesday after-have (lone. The jjreat majority of!"0011 was conducted by Dr. Barnes andDemocrats, dissatisfied with efther! w a s l^riiely attended. Tho remains werenomination in ISM. have concluded I m ^ r r »» t l i e Washington comciery be-that it is much better to reconcile them-A _!_" "'iZ^l^i!™! •:

solves to the ulifiusiidr cuiiditicns, and j - L — - • u~C(|(nn"""lir ia~ii"'*ew*7iot-to keep within their liar'tv lines, rather i m ' B • ^ "than to take anotheV such course of! C^nge water ™ tJie scene of atreatment as thev have been subjected ! l\r.a">' l o m f w?d-*?'.PB • ft"flay whento in the past.-trenton True Ameri-j M>sa Ma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.aan, one of the bolting Democratic : Jacob Snyder ot that place, was united

• • ! in matrimonial bonds to Mr. Edwin V.Jones, Jr., of Spranton, The ceremony

.was perform eft in the presence of tlioA.NANIAb HANNA. i immediate family by Kev. j . ]}. L'm-

Hore are some of Mark ILinna'sjberper, pastor of tlie Musconetcong.. '.alatonients.miidt! duvins. the past .two ' Valley Presbyterian church.- tlie .rinti

''"years1:1"' •- - - «• •• • ; being used. Miss JeriniaSnyder1, sister"The Engliah government 13 as yood ; of tho bride, was maid of honor «nd

as'ours." • " ] the best man was Mr. Henry linaclfof. "Large combinations of capital have X«w York r;ity.

existed for 200 years in.England," ! Tiie bdclH' wan attired in a [jowir of"Tlie great commercial success of: old rose silk. Her traveling dre^j waa

England ha» been due to those'sauiui of Ijhie brunddoLh. Mr. jlnd Mrs..• trusts." . i Jones aro npanding Mieir-:honey-moon

"Those"corabinnttons known as trusts ;at the Delaware Water Oap", after. arenota'poiEtiCfil question atall, They j whiuh th«y will take up their residence

are simply and purely a business ijues-Jin Scranton.tion." ' ~ '>i~Jl:-..... ' i ' . , ." .;_.-_,.711'

"The trusts have the best men in the ! -..,,„ , , , , ... ."""... country at their head. I believe m ' . /'•• ' " ° ( t l l l H ' h l ! 'rouiiip.

their organization." ;- i --'All hope of saving the .lives of M/ri"I think the trusts will result benc-! f^ 'St^1*' ' aJK l the minmtcra in Pekin

1 rilciiilly tn the men who 'work.Jn .the L'V, . LJfiRn.. S,1V0", a]> and it is believed"factories." "• "" r ~" ""•'•• tney nave almKiy-neonslnuginored by

-• - • • • tho "Boxers." It w positively knownthat the German minister- has bee,-umurdered. Trwenty thousand Gorma'.l(•roypa and several gnnboata }iave been

West Portal Again the Scene ofa Big Fake.


Imaginary Drummers Supposed To Have [

Foujjht a Terrible Duel.


: IOC, for your picnic dinner,

Oi! Cloth, 2 yards square, ?I.Kruit aiul Vegetables.

Produce taken in exchange.

AXFORD GROCERY,Cor, Betvtderc and Carlton Avcs.


i ; the place forLawn Mowers,

Garden Seeds of all kinds,Window Screens,

Fly Doors and 'letting,Summer Lap Spreads

and Blankets,Oi! and B/uef/ame toves,

Refrigorators,Hammocks, Lawn Swings,Rubber and Cotton Hose.

. . . . 'M. A. MASTEN.Successor to S. H. Shields.

Storv Orixiuulcd tn I he i:LTli!o Brain of anUnscrupulous Reporter.

All Warron and Huntordon countieswore shocked to read hi the Now YorkWorld last Thursday morning of afearful, fatal duol between rival drum-uerd at West Portal. Tho STAU, readyo i;o to preas, hurriodly madu 1111 elVort r

to conllnn the tcrriblu .story, but us; keep? nice rind soliJ in warm weitther andcommunieation with West Portal is by ;L-0St« hit !8c per 1b—Don't cat poor butter,"".th it roundabout-roil tp, nothing could j __ _ _ „ .,,,-,

Jwirnoil in tlmo for last Timradiiy'a: S U M M E R M E A T S ,edition. Then, too, thu rule had a vury i , \u.-kerel—this vnr 's c-nch • Nice

Uiliv" souiul that ejiuaed many t o i A l ''1:i*-htrel ll\l!t > ' ; i r s / „ n* „view "it with suspicion and it W l 8 (fresh Ham. sliced it pitrferred: B:iwn, Bo-hought best to omit all mention of the loRiia. DrieJ Beef and CinneJ Aleuts ofiftalrin viow of tho fact thattho article! an kinds. Potted Ham only ;c ;uul Bone*hud not beon telegraphed from West j 1;. 11Portal but had evidently been written jin Xew York. s

Tho story with all its horrifying do- jtaila just ;is printed in the World is ns|fullows : . ,. !

" riolomoii Scruss^i of Chicago, and j'hilip llilipot, ol St. Lotus, rival drum-!

:ners for I'lirming-itnpletnunt houses, (jimr-;

relied over the distribution of triulo nt ,West I'ort^ii, >". J., .ycsienlHy morning,:Hotti Oruw pistol.s nml beg.ui limit;. •3oriiKSs felt uiurtitlly wuitiulud nml died a ;iliort 'tvhile lutt!i-. VvhilesJcruirns lay dvwg jllilipot, with -i[nokiuj; pistol still in hand, '•tell io tnu sround. A bullet hud entered ;his client. Ho eiinnot iccovor. tlio doctors ;

Will tint, reprpsiHitinij the C. A. Houston ;

uis bucii tnivellinu UiruHiro LUintcraoii•oimty torn week or mtiru. tjcm^gii, repro-:

SLMilin't; the iMacDonald Harvester Com-pany, of Cliicas;o. tins Doen covering tlie

territory.' ' '.i^ercd because their s:i!e« have been

inttrrupti'd by tlio presence oi1 11 rival,!uach of the orumnieis hue been ."oudini;iiesiiifjcs to the other. They did nteet until;'esterday aiid a personal quarrel followed.;The ilr^t time ihe men met In a tiivern5

11 West Portal. Before they could Il^tit;they were separated. They shook hund>,:

and it was thought that further trouble:would be averted. <.

An~hour after the lirst quarrel the men i )at-uhi met in the i;;vnrn, ami an ar^utnuni : Swas begun as to the merits of the iimehin- \ \cry sold by them. IC.ich cluimed to suil: \th*e superior class of poods. ! \

No one was in the tavern except the bar- •' 1.tender whou the men ftieed eacd ottier to jliirlit. For a second -ttieywreatled about.i -j?~r-~r-:v.-.v'-rrrrrrr-the room and then, breaking away they •ran to <;ither end of the counter. Both jdrew pistols nnd beiran shooting. i• Not until the lust chamber of tmth pistolsivas emptied did tho tlritiR cease.

" ru i done lor," yelled aoruiiifs, mill ho ;"ell forward unconscious, i

Fatally wounded himself, II ill pot!.epped forward and continued snipping |

:iis pistol. Then with a moan ho lurched I•orward and fell by the side of his victim, j

During the fuMtUde the bartender had ;juijht safety In flight. When lie returned '

Scruggs was all but dead. He riieri t:c:'orc ;physician could be summoned, Ilillpot's ;^ndltion was almost hopeless last night, \The families of both men have been \

notified of the tragedy." ""::',Thursday afternoon a reporter hur-i

•ied to AVest Portal expecting to Hud i;hat uaually quiet village in about tho |'ame state of exciteniflnt that followed i:he bursting of the big industrial ijubble there four years ago. The! THE1 | n * * l

nation the plainer their hoof-beatsseemed to say "Fake.FaUe, Fake." Thelittlfc stream, that trickles down out of.he mountains'and'buries itself in theall grass on the other side of the roadLppearud to ec-ho back "Fake, Fake, -,, . . . ,•"abe." Rven the birds laughed j n ; to particular peopl.

Hot WeatherWearables

of nearly every description lor

the ladies and children wii'l be

found here in the must stylish

fabrics and most beautiful de*


Li^ht Weight Under-

wear for Both Sexes,

All Ages.Particular attention is also

called to our new line of Hosiery

and Handkerchiefs. We have

several things.a little better than

others. Take time to investigate.


Commence Promptly on Time.

Do not wait for details during these July days.

Come as often as you can and be assured you will

find bargains worth your attention. 9

COLORED SHIRT WAISTS Iare being slaughtered this week. Come while the 2

assortment is good. ; 9

Great Sale of Embroideriesat Special Prices.

\ie. gheir joy, and a wee sparrow alightingm a rail said as plainly as 'tis printed j make up" losses from poor accounts.

dimA. B. Van Doren, Prop'r.

Only the choicest of .Meats. We caterModerate profits sa'-

Isfy us. Cash buyers are not requireJ to.

W I T H •• W H E A T ; ••••


Flour must he very much 'higher.!

WL- are j=upplit.-il with pk'ii'y of the!best—our t.unous l.ily White, on:which we c.\n quote you an inside;price.

Cur Jim.) Cofirt. best ii town. 35cniiui. . It is delicious... 1On: UVkiMiit! Breakta^t C'.'ffee ;it 25c";

A' p.tutiJ is :i trade winner. Try it. iGM-'i Coi:cei:i tile beau at Ioc the |

pound. It wiii-.-urprist: you. '"" " / . 1Our Teas at 40c :i:;J GOc tin* \\niud ;irc!

.\'rv m 1J1 >tij\j:'iuii *.» :niy in MWII at tlie iu W i e p r i . v . . : . . . . ]

Kits 01 !:e Creatn S;iit :n to jviitiJ pock- jels. i'u!y 10c. Thi? i> ;t MIJ-CIKI! Quality. |

Try B-onk<' Bcii.'iiie Snap: S cakes'!»|wnuu bitx. only'25c the bu.N. ".

Succt. Piu:'K!e>. Suur Pickles. iMttleJ vi \loose: RakeJ Beans, pl.'iin or with tomato!sauce : PotU'J jiii-J I'Jt'vik\i Ham tor picnics i

-;Bverythin^ nr any thin t; you wain fresh j

niid'ai our well known low prices.

Soda Crackers, Ginger Snaps, Lemon j

Cake. 5c the pound. . ; " '•:--1 • . i

Water White Kerosene Oil. 10c gallon, j

Prati's Sto\'e Gasoline, l ie Kiiiiun. {

We want vour trade.


TS.No matter what you see advertised, be assured

you will fi:\J its duplicate on our counter at as low

prices in every instance, and generally lower in


BUS i I Tl IE A S T O F N , F»A."

'•On the Corner."

ere, "Fake, Fake, Pake." Over in theif»Wl ii mowing machine rattled oil' thonocking refrain on its entire journey a steady customer.

A few purchases we believe will make

ngfue pufl'ed out "Fake, Fake, Fake,1' ji "it tugged at Us mighty load. jJust at thi3 point the team swept i

lown into West Portal and ;at least a [lozen people stuck their heads out of!he windows of as many houses to see'[localise of so much commotion.-;At the ho^l, when tho reporterumped out., the proprietor, withoutjiving him time to ask the question.imileil a broad sniile and said "FakeJTake, Fake." Then he explained that:e had read the story and that it did

not contain one scintilla of truth,that itwas" without tho slightest foundation jin fact. _JJp. such _men as Scriiggs and ;IlillpyRiad'cSVer been heard of in that

Building, east of Uehlein's.' 0 ! •


icig'hborhood and no reprnsentatives j cj. .. = : n ._..... fnr .,.„,, -,. cpl=.-t f•f the two companies menfit.:ied, if s c o l e s l n 'Own IOI VOU IO Stli_a [lucli companiesexist at all. have over , , , L r ' . ., ,een known in that section of iiuntor-1 Headquarters for up- to-da t

"What harm can those trusts do "thepeople of this country ? ?I

"The formation of trusts-is a step

"ThPS'-Rre not intended to increase despatched to avenge bin dwitli./AL'profits |>nt to reduce cost." ,. Jpreacnt^ there uro^only iiU,000 inter '

ail Stntes. There never were more of Congresa to treat the miittor.1

thiin ab'Mita haLf-doxei:, and they all;have be'eirdiMSOlvad•untl'.converted1 in- • " I). P. Wilbcr, Projiriutor of tlu^.Crnin-tn InrgQ^corocj'ationiJ..'.'. - Lt.....; !?2"." Stock Farin

eel"a6'any"trusts' J 1


afire" while sweat rolled in tor-! hl-ir U r i i f "Aft A virtfrom his fevered brow. All tho j U k l \ K LdSl d M J X I U

lending newspapers in the countryd_\vU'efl him for details of the-tiwful'me and" he had been buBy nil day

repeating the one word,"FaUe."(VB before amted,'" thoiystory' was 'not.

sent in"from West"Pbrtiil and theWorld.declines to .state where ii got

It is fjuile jirobal)le that soniR peiv-grenatiu reporter went to the newseditor of the paper and sold- him' iho"dream" iit a lute hour Wednesdayniwht-rsn liitf, in.fnfiti,- Unit no onnfirm-ation could be liad and, as too i're-q t y happons in metropolitan news-paper ;otllecs, the" World printed, it,runnin^'the riak of the tale -£eing afake. It ia not unlikely tliat the origi-nator of tho wild >yarn .swindled thepaper--out of'considerable money if!.!;}ivi,v paid him as-tlifiy! usually do for |"flxclusive" filoi'ies.1. . ... I


.;.' We carry the largest stock in this.county. ' ' '" -:

Everything in the Shoe Line : Nothing Else. '

•A-stock-largeMhan the combined stocks of all the othera [lOm.

o-date summer specialties for, youths , wopien, misses and, children, in tan aiid

Also comfortable,little shoes for the

•drryjj:hon\^ O. Plant'sShoes for Ladies.

Shoes, both black and tan •.: .Oxfords, both black and tan

$2.00, $2.50, ?3.00, $1.7.5, $2.00

Saturday Summer Half-Holidays,nj; SaturJ;iy. .K:[y"7!li. Store closes noon. Saturdays.

Open FriJuy Eveniims.

ANNUAL JULY BARGAIN SALE.There will then gointo effivt one of the most remarkable money-suviiiH movements in the July history of the State of New Jersey.

A. Big1 "Overstock Merchandise"yathereJ in immense quantities in anticipation of ul!-;irourui price-

'-„ adwtnces has to be disposed of in short or.ier, conse-quently we shall, in fact,

Create a Bargain Era -of genuine economics in..high grade personal wear and home

needs altogether without parallel henihouts.

Come and Share the Money=savings.

No Agents.- No Branch Stores.

707 to 721 Broad St.Newark, N. J.

Free.. Deliveries

AVaii Orders.

Clothier and J^urmsher

•••-When-you" want shoes, see

Striking Novelties in IVSens andBoys' Straw Headwear. "4

j No dimtulty here iii fitting'you, for we have ali the bra ids from finest| splits to coarsest roughs. All the leading bands both plain and fancy.

Washington's Only Shpe Store.H:ive you seen our Stniw Alpines, the la tes t nove l ty in head wear,


UKS and C«H'k Kuitclirs.r u c t i i K e o p t i t c r i t l d a n c G o r

tojiciics, IJuctlus, Wood nml WaterIlcii iiugs, Ants, Hats," Mice, e i c r

U n g l i nn-Ttii.'*."--l.boucli. tiQiaonouH, ifiirturi with iini'o is fiioHt ofluctive. In I'.iet itia Hie only tliina that will jinrmiinentlv(tnniliiliite-iSeci Jhips and Cock ]tojic:lics.As-an fcxlfirmiiintor nf JiKis and Mice," Kmiifli on ltata'MH t,ho old rclitiblo thatmU'or' Ihils or (li^iippoints. Thoy, clonV 1

o." Js .sold nil nrotiiifltlic]world., Isuswlby all civMxud intionspf!thoKirth. Is tho most cxtchsivW fli d , liiio baHt known nml hua tho largest'

"suie'of hiiy'hrticla oTitsi'iiirid on this"fiVce"ofMie globe. .Itcivt-a aaU.srnutiunu>:ory llnit,vBeware nf imitations, 1 employ no pod-dlora. Hnve a siiis|iloion ^f-finy dunlwr uf-ferine substitutes said to..1 bo aa good. .-15c.a n d 2 5 c , . ••• • ° " •;" ••.;• •"" :,'•

Also a. fine lineTof Summer Caps of every description,

' U

Ik'tfcr vlnin a. 1'iiitio, Orj;i:;iV<'»r JFiipic Jlox,, sings and ialk'fi as well an plays, diVd(ion'LcosLiiH iniioh;. JtrcpriKliKM-sUiointiKicol'illl.viiislninioiit—l.iniii ornroht'slra—tclisst'orics nnd Mi),??.-- the old fiimiliin- hymns nswi'llim tlu; ]»fjpulur pongs—it is always rtsmly.

"logura or all tlcakTBi'or NATIONAL i'HONOaKAl'UX'O., MS Fifth" Avc.', New York, *

the only kiiui iiv the Stuto that give}itymT(:6>iif6ririii^\volteriii^\ve:uircr*Lisle ihrcatS; Silk finislictl Balbriggitn and Egyptian yarn1, 25c ,44c ,98c

If you-(lilive not bought your summer siiit yet come in and see what we"/!•... • have. Surely''no man can fail to find.lK.fTc the desired

Page 5: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU



T h e Celebrated Sc ran ton Coal1 ... AT itin'AlL.

Washington, N. J., Mnrch 3!, 1000.At Urn I),, 1.. ,u W. It. It. Eluvntod UtiutiM, nt

Jioinl of firm r IK lit liuiiJ atroutuljov,- Now Wind-••aorlioiui.

(Inito , ( t.nflj.orton.Et'K •! .no per ton.biovi..,., l.'W por ton.Ctiotttitijt..... 4ilj.»rton.•l'c i(ti-rnnvl by Miiut'-joinjinnips

No.-JUhorttiiul) ».Jftii

' Holiest aualltli

Coal loaded dlro

.iorton.r lllMitiiltKiim uutil. J5.M pur ion.}K ntwuj-K OQ lmiid, dry (untlur

ct from cliuttu (ovor screens) It


SUPERIOR LEHIOH VALLEY COALcftu bo obtnlntHl o»lj-nt our ctiiiton nlonp tlio

* Morrttt Cnuul, ut Ita junction with llolvldoreAvouuo.

KBK M.i*> per ton- Stovo. 4.6(1- " '•

Choati'ut 1.5H " "H«ii.... 3.S5 t l "All conl Uti'Icr Cover and tluilvurod to WIIROQ

ovor Scnviw. Tint »npt«rlorlty of IIUIIIRII VnlloytCoul lien In tlin fact tliiLt It In 1'inlur, burnsIouf,'fir, Riven fur Hi mom lnwil, tmms uf> clofinwr—thn ht'Ht, ihorolnrtt th.- clit-rippat.

Illiuiitliiouit Conl 93.30 i>i<r tou." •II. L. CUNE A CO.

LATEST TIME TABLE.TO xi:\v VOJIK., ;,. m.; -t-j.-t"...lit. •7.1.-., •;,:!i;,*l",r,ii


in nlilrtirn.- iy. *11..V1:'.,•., * M.VH ..iil.v; 1 I ,I


ri ••. in.; I'.l.'i S:itnnl:i,Vi

Edward Lnitigranted a pens

EitMt StroudrNntionn

;'illii of Mont (inn lint hMiiof?12 per month.

. „ , . it to have n. nowvltlm cnpltnl of $24,000.'

MisHNottto'Cirnonlcr of Hnnkettstownw«H tiio KUCH: tn'Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. OullckMondny,

J. Scotleld oi* Gorman Vnllov hiw enteredIho oniploy ' •" Hornbakcr & Ilowurs ustlriHinith and lumber.

A conimutn it Ion from fiwlmi hns beenreceived wlii i wo can not publish becausewo do,not k> 'vv tho author.

Tho oubjet:' ''or tho sermon at tho Uap-ttat nhiircii t iliffht iicrvlco Sunday ovon-ing In " Tin- aJthAi] Motliur,"

Mm. Cat' • •Ino D. Gnrrisof PhllHpsbiirp:died Monde night at tho homo of her son,John Watn« ro, ogod SO years.

Htiprom* Court Juatico Lippcncottdropped <li; nl Thursday noon In JerseyCity mat P- io was about to board n trainfor Trent- • .

Uncalle-' i*>r lottera at tho Washington»r letters at tho Washingtonukondinc Juno 30 were nd-

'.llowrs: MIHS Mary Chrlstcnd S MMikl S

ncftllepoHtofilct-dresBodn .llowrs: MIHS Mary Chrlstcnfen, D. J . [jyndon.S. McMickle, S.imuclTaylor.

Wilbur .1, Pyloa, a tcn-yeftr-old boy nndtho gran- • .11 of Mr. J. H. Pyles of nearflze i 'tedover tliirtybUBholaof strnw-

k Mr. Pyles had 210flnzen, |berries Ii)UHll0l.4

The Ogreatlypa perin

ml att

e d v two weeks.lorries.

'•ra HOUHO Pharmacy hns been(proved In nppcaranco by ru*

[t prcsenta 1111 unuHUitlly ncnt

JlereajUr tit) ativertitements will bechanged on Wednesday except under. extraordinary circumstances. Copy forchanges should be handed in Monthlymorning.

OrpbHiis' Court will be In session at ltel-vlderu Friday.

nnd att'n *tivo upijtmninco in iUi new dress,Jobn JI. -'urson did tho hanging.

Daniel rfpangonberBf'H romodelod douliletcnom'ciir, on Huhn street 1H being paintednnd pap> rod throughout, and n new coatwill adoi*n the outnide. Pafntors Ha tinmid Kolmrtson are doing the work.

Tho Mnptlst Sunday Scliool 'picnic ntLow's Hollow Wodnoidny was n grand sic-t-eiis in r very way. Miolmel Ilcnrv Dejiueringed up a merry-go-round which fur*nislicd innusciiiunt for all througliout theday.

The July number of McCluiV* MaynzinucnntnliiH uevenil uotnlile featiiruH, amongthem ii story by Umlynrd Kipling, articleson W, ,J. It-vnn, r... Itiilwayf in Clilnn, and

11 our (iipluiutitiij relations with Urcntftritnin.

Tlie Liickjuvaiinii hint Sunday ran Itstlrnt Sunday vxcursion through Wiishing-on to Dul.iwaru Water Gup. AliuuUlncu

hundruil people were aboard.tho spucliilLrfiin. It in not unlikely MICJMO" oxcuniionswill heroiiftei- bo run every Sunday.

The number of .ST.ut borrowers will in-crease after Into week. 1'tjrsona, whn tnkonew.Hpaperd niul pay for Llicm nlinutd notloan tiiLMii to tlio pumirioiiH,mid those whohave allowed themselves to be droppedfrom tbu publishers' lints fnrnon-payniHiil.

There Is but onu real cstnto transfer to>ticed from Irmt wtek'H transnctinii!

n The membcniofthe W. A. A. and tJicirindk'H enjoyed an informal danco in As-sociation lull Tuesday iilgbt.

Tlio United States Express Companywill forward Frco of charyo any money in-tended for tlio India famine sulTercra.

Uy a vote of tho Prcnbytorinn coiifrresa-tiou ft him boon decided to hold no eveningpreaching services during July and August.

Thomas Urucli claim!) to have discover-ed go.'d ore upon his placo at Broadway.Spcclt.ionH of tho oro have boon sent awayforasfmyinfj.

Oovornor Voorhcoa has nppointcd ex-Prosecutor Wm. A.Stryker a notary pub-lic under tlio now Jnw, nnd hln commimionarrived today.

J. K. Bryant lias Increased his force ofciorks by tho employing of Frank Dniloy,« populitr young man who will doubtlessdevelop into a hustling clothing salesman.

Ex-Judgo Job B. Decker of Sussex coun-ty died on Wednesday, aged 72 years. JIowaaa prominent farmer and a man heldIn high esteem. Tho funeral will bo holdSaturday. ,

Tho Totii Ahstinoiico Loagno will meetin tho M. E. cliapol Friday ovening at 8o'clock. A full attondanc1 is requeued n«business of Importance will come beforethe meeting*

Tho STAB desires to thank ita corres-pondents for their promptness In sendingin news letters this week. It enabled yoprintcrn to celebrated the liver Gloriousjust like other people.

The North End ball team oflMiiliipsburgdefeated tlie Alerts, atoo oft hut place, lastSaturdny afternoon, by a score of If! to 15.Thero wart IL very b'm attuuduneo nnd tliugame proved unusually exciting.

A»!U.*inMyinaii Hiram White en mo heroTuesday and took bin invalid son, Rots,buck t" Rnnti'OHtownwith him. Mr. Whitehas been very klndlv cured for hc-re for along time by Mr. and Mrs. J. I<\ (Jullck.

The I'rcHbyterfau church lawn will bean(illriictivu place tomorrow (Friday) niijht,when tbu Hnrnent Workers wll.nmial fcHtival. Ico cream,

- ild theircako and

'sweet-sixteen" waltresaes. Say, don'tini^s il.

Freestioldt-r-f Cutler nnd Townseud andSteward LcUln of tlio County Farm, ao-eompanied by the wives, visited the Sus-sex county farm luht Thurddtiy and wereroyally entertained by the Sussex feteward

Philip Ritty's horse ran away Tuesday,being frightened by tiro crackers. Itstarted from bis tin shop and when infront of the Seedham factory the lines be-came Untied In a wheel, and threw thehorse, I t was not badly injured howevor.

Dr. P. 1', Farrow, while shooting oil'fire-works at his homo last evening, had threelingers of tils right ha ml badly injured bythe explosion ut a large lire cracker, liewill be haudieipped in his work for acouple weeks but will be assisted by Win.

I)r. llnlu, tlio Womlor-Workcr nnd Moil!-cilia Man. with liN comedy troupo of foiir-toen peopk' will lie liere all nuxt week nnd

' lightly t i l r l i n n i t iiml t tt i r . V i . i i 1 1 .1 • . . , Blvu 11 iilifhtly oiiturtiiiiinaoiit iimlor n lent.John U. UullLThiw milled a line Mack Tlio doctor anil his iiorlornniice in well

team to Ills livery utahle equipment. j spoken of by the p.ipers ill Orange, Dover• i i . . ! , . . . . - . . . ! M . 1 . . . . ' . . ! I . . . . . . I . , . » . -*» . . I .

n^ _ - ^ . . . t « f l \ 1 < ^ U M . . . l . . . . « • . . - - -A receiver will d'Hiiitlesi be named lor imd Morristown.

tliuCiirturuLStovI Company of Hockotts-[ FostorSInchlr ofl'liiilipstmrg nccldoiit-town today. j iy shot himself ii ' -the, mouth lust Tin

_ , forthe sodii water custoiiu'rs of the WarrenCounty Drill* Store. Ho hns just put in anelectric fan nenr tlie fountain so that youmay bo cool without as well as within. Astu the quality of tho noda served iwk anynictiibtf of the STAR furcu, whu rc-uunllyunjuyed Mr, Jenkins' hospitality.

Simuel, tlie eigbt-yoar-old son of SimuclSohooley, met with a frightful accident

TliC Kalr ut IIjifkelLslovtii.Tho fair nnd festival for tho bcnctlt of

St. Mary's ehuruh, Huukuttstown, closedSaturday oven ing with an unusually largoattendance. Tho articles donated woredisposed of. The Fomalo Minstrels, whichwas tho princlpitl uttraction of tho ovcnlng,proved a great success Thy diflcrcnl jmriHwere taken admirably and were frequentlyand heartily applauded. Tho Interlocutorshowed himself fully equal to tho charac-ter nnd won tho approval of his audloncoby frequent and loud applause Tho or-chestral music for tho minstrclii wns ren-dered by jMisfl Agnes Uyrno and Prof.Kicband was of a lino order. Tho best of orderprevailed every ovanlue. The mulfuiiuutendered mi unanimous vote of thnnkstoMr. Dildinu and those who took part forexcellent entertainments given.

He Wns a ;John Spangenberg, the nged father of

ex-Uouucilmau Daniel Spnngonbcrg ofWashington, died at his home In Sunny-side, Huntcrdon county, Wednesday oflust week, nnd was burled on Friday inClinton. Mr. Spnngcnberg had reachedthe extraordinary old ago of nearly fl-fyears nnd death wns tho result of a gener-al weakness which had been growing onhim for the past He had long beenan active member of tho Presbyterianchurch and thu funeral was held in thechurch of that denomination in Clinton.Aside front the son already mentioned, heis survived by two others, Jacob of Asbury,and J. W. Spam;t:iibt;rir of Fletnlngton,and two sisleifl. Mrs. Emma Smith of Sun-nysidn, and Mrs. Howard CroUsIuy ofNewark.

CENT A WORD COLUMN.Advertisements un<lor thin liiwi nrc (e.iamnoJ

.1 the itnlform rnt«nf on« c«nt a word, but noadvertisement will be received for lota IIIB- 15ceuLs for tho Urat 1,'inortlon.

Fort S»AI.K— TninsDliinted celery phi.ts.Reuben i l , Hryari, New Mnniutqu. 7-5-tf

Foil REST—The homestead'of tho lateJudge Hiinri, corner of Hulvidero avenue jand East Warrou slr«t)t; with large andconvenient burn. Inquiro of Oscar Jefiery.

7-5-tfFoil SAM:—Two huimies and a set of

harness. Will soil very reasonably. In-tjuire at St. Cloud Stables. G-iJS-tf.

FOLWD—A roll of Ingrain carptf. Ownercan liavc HUMIU bv calling nt 92 TaylorBtieet and paying for this notice.

THUUSDAY, JULY 12TII—Administrator'ssale of tho personal property of JoslahA pgar, deceased, upon the premisus be-ween Chaiigowntcr nnd Woodglen. Jos.

W. Apj>:ir, Admr.

FOK SAIJK—IlHi'idsome hand-made phae-oii In splendid condition; will Hull at a

bargain, It. Q. Eower.s, Jr.Nice blue tish at S cents per pound at]

:inlor's lUti and oyster market. '



A special offer to'close

out the remainder of

our Ladies' Bicycles.


This is the lowest price

ever asked for the

wheel I now offer you,

so avaij'yourself of

this, the best oppcr- i

tunity ever presented. !• • • • • i



Dell & ilarxsetiyMen's Outfitters,


Money is Savedonly in one way and that is by making judicious expenditures of the

money we acquire through our efforts. If you have not as yet learned,

the lesson of saving, come here and make a start. We save you

enough on your suit to buy a good hat or a pair of shoes. Try i t .

Men's Suits at S5.00 Young Men's Suits at....S3.50

Young Men's Suits at . . . . 5.00Young Men's Suits a t . . . . 6.50Young Men's Suits at . . . . 8.00

and up to 12.00

Men s SuitsMen's SuitsMen's Suits

and up


att o . . . . .


. . . . .10.00


r Men's Summer Furnishings.Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear, Underwear—Every requirement of dress.

Reliable qualities backed by prices so uniformly low as will

Forcibly prove to you that wo can save you money.

FOIL RENT—House uf tevuSchool street; town wnter.WJIlurd AlioRcr.

rooms on 1nriuirft of

fl-BUf" . |W. K, Thompson, Stcwartsvillo Station,

ilers for sale 75 tons hay, in tlio field—-clear timothy, clover and timothy mixed.'iOwcstcasli price possihle.Foil SALE—Young bay enrringe liorso;

wo buggy find harness. Inquire at STARtflice. , >, li-2S tf.

WAXTPD-Throe Tenchera for Poljat-OIIK schools. Apply to Jolin S. Hunt,

Clerk, itiegiesville. N. J. (i-2S-:jt.

Foit SALU CHEAP—A iinndsomo violin,

city last Friday.children.

Lytlia Heller, the l'equcst nirl who himbeen in jail at Stroudsburg for the pnattwo months, accused of concealing thedeath n( her Infant child, has been releiisedIn -«300 bull.

The search for gold at Woodglen hasabout ueen given up for tlie present andthe promoters are now giving tlioir at-tention to working an iron ore mine on theHams farm near Anthony.

Tlie indexing of tlie countv brinks inSussex county" has cost fl.OOO for twentyvolumes. In Kunterdon it cost f200 pevolume. Tho to Warren waspretty heavy but it did not come up tothese figures... .'

Frank Biifron'n bus which' was wreckedin a runaway accident a few mouths ago,will bo homo from the shop"Saturday. Ithas been practically rebuilt, and nut inan excellent oomliUuu by Uuorge Synderofltiegelsville.

Tho oldest living person in Wurrencounty is now said to be Mrs. KlizabothWilliFiniH who lives with her daughter,Mrs, Hunghiirt, near Mt. Hethcl. She Hmore tlnin nineiy-six and is vigorous inmind and body.

HacketUstown -lias elected these newv.-teiiuinJi'sT-'for the "ensuing year: W\ H.

f H k l H i h S l l Mi

Republican and Democratic PresidentialnominecH will he found in the AiiiuricauMonthly Itovluw of Reviews for July. Dr.Charles B. Spalir writes of Mr. Rryiwi nndtho principle!) tiiat ho represents, while afriend of President McKinlev tolls of hispersonal traits and the record made by h\aadministration.

JohnTeat.s hnd a narrow escape fromfrom what might have been :i serious acci-dent on Monday of this week. He and hisbrother, IClwood Tents of Xe\v York, andthe lattcr'n.son were llrmi,' otl' their rHYvxwhen, by some inialmp, one of tho punswent oil" at the wrong tinit!. The bulletHtruck John's ankle and passing throughtho flesh came out on the other hidi

rather painful for tlio t!AddleS. Wilson, thu


1 beloved wit'o

u i T f o r theSavage of HrooklyMarion Me A. ChMi J l i

g yHigh Scliool; Miss

ti f B dy , g ;

M r Me A. Christie of Biivonnu andMiss Julio Connolly of Milford, Mass.,grammar grades, ... ..

Charles Itarris, rormerly a resident ofIlnrdwick township, was dangerously in-jured in a runawny accident at Haleville,JIunterdon county, a few days ngo. His

.skull was fractured and thoro is lillle hope'of hU recovery. Mr. Harris ia .seventy-four years old.

David R. Konkloof NanUviek townshipgave shelter and food to a former IVhand named Uogart and his supposedwife, last week. A day or twe 'pnlrdisappeared with $2S or M

< lute:. Konldi

money, and Ilia [taut,'liL^r's f,'old watch anilaonio wearing apparel.

r-"::jTlii;'-wbrlr:or--{,Mtlier!iig 'the iiidiibt.rlitlcensus of Warren county has already bo-

. , «uii.. Clarence Walton* of Pliillipsburg i-ithe.enumerator for that city and Wash-ington. The industrial 'Hoheiiiilu requiresover 100 entries for. each establishment,showing every exuendituru, every., dollarreceived, the prollH oariifd nnd the run-ning'tsxpeii-Hus. The work must lie com-pleted by AugiiHt 1st. .;

Tlinr«l<i.y morning tlie HtniHinnl OilTriist'H property at CQtisttil)lc Monk, nearUayonne, wm •iinic!:'.i»y"ii»l]Lninfi mid ten

-minutes later tho great oil tunks were• blazing. Moro than 500 acroa of building,tanks and rellncriuf wore burning al onujtime and HO intense waa tho hunt tlmtllio (lire enuiiies and llru l) could not, got

. within six liloclcs lire. At least, onu. life was lost anil moro than $1,000,000 of

properly destroyed. 'Wlille descend!IILJ: the steps nt Urn eti-

:* t-Miiee to fin nmirtnieiitii of hi.i dim^hter,Mrs. Ilenrv .)oliiiStoii,..SiiTidjiy morning,tlio vonerabto ICIijali X. Dilts sUppud and

ofex-SheriirW. Hoivnrd Liky, proprietorof hnke'd Motel, Flemingtnn, died of a

1 complication of nilutcnta riuiuiny cvuniir'1 "after an illness of sixteen month''. She Usurvived by her father. Jo^iuii Wilson, wholived with her; a sister, Mm. William Mar-shall of New York, and one daughter, AIUHBlanche. Mrs. Luke wns very highly es-tctiined in Flcmiugton, and loaves a tiobtof friends who exucudingly regret herdeath.

The 7:10 a. m. trai irtti i m nlces

of Senator Cornish's good work in secur-ing the boon tlirougb Coiujressnutn Sul-[iion. Those benefited fuel deeply indebt-ed to .Senator Cornish and have asked ufto proclaim tho fact.

Jonop!i W. Ap^nr, administrator of theestate of the late Josiali Ap«ur, will sellthe personal property at public sale uponthe premises at Newport, between Change*water and Woodglen, on Thursday next,July l'ith, commencing at 12 o'clock. Anadvertisement in another column gives nlist of the uoocls to be disposed of, includ-ing several relics. There is also a bigvariety of tools and utensils, lumber andhousehold gooda.

• On Friday afternoon, before JusticeCrevelingaud a jury, the auitof Jlalph Dc-remor against J. Calvin Thorp was triedand a verdict of twelve dollars rendered infavor OrDurtiijtur, who was represented bycx-ProHcculor Strykor. Lawyer Jtlforyconducted the defense. Tlie action wasbrought to recover damages for the use ofa wagon and harness nnd Htorage. Thedcfeiidiint tiled a sot-oil1 for work, labor androut of a building.

Mrs. Charles Oerber fell from a cherrytree at her home in Changewater lust Fri-day and narrowly cscapotl very serious in-jury. While the fall was only about tenfoot, the ground under the tree was strewnwith sharp rocks and had she struck onthese the result might have been fatal. Asit was she .struck on a grnssyspot and re-

onlywas called and

a grasy p t and reere shaking up. Dr.

treating the uufortuuitble to be about.

ince beenite lady whn is

good connections nt Mnnuukachiink forUelviderc, notwithstanding the fact thatno connection is visible on the latest timeschedules. The Pennsylvania train leavesMuumikfiuhuiik ntS:£>. The evening trainleaving hurt* at 3:30 al»u stops at Manunka-chunk to loavu passenirers for Bulvidero.The train arriving in Wiibliiugton at t0;45p. m. should also stop at Mmiunkacluink,and thus make it passible to leave Belvi-dere as lute as 9:51 and reach here the samenight. .-•,.

Dr. England went to Paterson last Tues-ciny, taking with him MM. S.imuel lt:iy of,Wo*t Wasliingtonavonue, wln» bus enteredCue Patcrson City Hospital to be treatedforiitumar. Mrs. Hay hits boon altliclcdfor a long timu, Ijut of late Im** grown somticir-worae thnt it was decided p nothing vented arepetition of tho "demoiwt

toirolhur with tlio uiiniltivuus »f tii'd Cor U'oim^y dolegation nnd othcrsprciat partiesni Ii fiiftin-v riiMi'd t!n> ti,'cr'«iirv •niinnii ' k ° tlirouch to tho Kiuisns City Convonliou.It Is iViViev ii ™>~m -h,"^i" ; ! ) " ^ i ! Th« Hrst train r« nrrivo nnrried the New

Mr. It. P.Cummins "and bride returnedflatunlfi'jj from their honeymoon trip toNew York and the East. About a hun-dred boys, more or less, surrounded thehome of the nowly wetlded'couple Mon-day eveuing and mndo tlio night hideousfor everybody in th« neighborhood. Thegenial Hod declined to come forth how-ever and toward midnight tho serenadingparty went home promising to return tiionext night. Mr. Cummins sent down sev-eral boxes of cigars Tuesday and thus pre-

only. tf. | a'rnl for a while this nUtion lookedItliongli the Kourtlr'of July hail nrrivedthrnnilnys aiieici of sclicdulo-.timu. All

iidruii penple_wlio tlie trains were prnltily decor.ited andwere loudly ehocreJ by^the asdumbledmullituno. • •-••

AppliWashington avenue, 7-2Stf.

Foit HK.VT—Tlireo dwelling houses. In-. ; — ,L ,*< f \ . . . rm i c_..... . i . . . . . n r.iquire of Daniel Spangonberg. G-21-tf.

i bicycle

Wash ''''GoodsAt Q. W, Beers'

We show more wash goods thanyou expect to find, in qualities|better than you are looking fur, at |prices lower than you really ex-1pectedtopay. I

Here are some June sales:

Lawns, 8c and 10c.

Dimities, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, ISc.

Colored Piques, 15c.

White Piques, 12 l-2c, 20c, 25c, 30c

Russian Ducks in black and navy,

polkadots and stripes, best qual-

ity, fast colors, 12 l-2c.

Dublin Linen, 10c.

Covert Cloth, 10c.

SPECIALS.Ladies' Ribbed Vests, 10c to 25c.

Ladies' Ribbed Pants, 25c.

All of my 75c and 98c Pulley

Belts reduced to 50c and 60c.


The New Shoes. •All tlie wanted leathers, all the newest shapes. A step into this de-

partment will do more than an hour's talking.

We have the. Sole Agency for: the famous

Quality Shoes ForAll sines and widths.

FOR SALE—New =75 chainlifor -*iB. Imjuiro at STAR office.

FOR SALE—500 bushels seed buckwheatat tho Warrington Mills. G-21-JI.

FOR SALE—Gentle black mare, weightthirteen hundred, first; class condition.Price reasonable. Geo. W. Fisher, Pen-well Mills, X. J, G-21-3t.

FOR SALE —Twelve shoats. WilliamAllshoiue, Xow Vfllnge; N. J. ,. 0-21-tf.

WANTED—Thoroughly competent girlfor general housework. Ooou wages tothe right parly. Address W, care of STAR.

Desirable dwellings, large' and small, forrent. Wm. A. Strykor.

CAIIHAGK AN'ii CELUKVPLASTS for saler any quantity; delivered within the

borough upon request, or carefully packedfor shipment to distant points. 11. i).Price, Allcgcr street.

FOU5AMS~990!) Winter Cabbage plants;IS cents por 100; 90 cents for ,=500: same rateby the 1,000. Jerumiau Keafer, Washing-

»n. . (M4-3t.W A N T K D — O n e thousand pigs and shouts,

a t highest cash price; if you have any forsale, write me. Wm. Tinsmnn, Port Mur-ray, X . . J . . tf.

T o LOAN* FOR CLIENTS—Several- thous-and dollars on Hrst mor tgage , in sums tosuit borrowers. Loans negotiated fnp.lend-ers and borrowers. Witomey.

FOB SALE —SecondSlater's repair shop.

A". Sfcryker, At-

Liand bicycles at


no matter how small.' lib matter

how larg*—plain'or fancv.

,:- We.are in business- to, any- "

.. thing in (he building fine, espe-

.-. dally, carpentering, ("or anybody.

We'll build a .-costly residence,

a modest cottage, .a barn or a.

chicken coop, and do it as it ought

• " • ' o l j e c l o n e . - -" •....; • --'-

We are capable contractors, andrespansibie, too. - We are .goodmechanics and. !ia\'e h:ui a uiJe

FUKSALI-]—Bicycles and sundries. Slit-ter's Bicycle Store.

TrcAtXKD NUKSK.—MI.-w Annie Diiflbrd,medical, surgical and obstetrical nursing.Address:—Washington, N. J. 7-29-tf

Go to G. S. Mattisoii's for crayon andpicture frames, lfl Taylor street... 'ALLKINDS oi-;-lIoRSES-ni.iybo foumli

ibrmilo or uxuliangc at all times at ourstables in Asbury, N. J. Uivo us a call.Win. C. Smith A Son. 3-15-tf.

ALHUMS, BIBLES, Clocks, Lace Curtains:ul UHRS let out on lime. ,K C. Snydcr,

W a H l i i t i y t o n . _ ••• •-- " • , - • • • • • •

Miss L. D. AVEUT,' dress maker, is • engiiguments to patrons' rositleucoa, "atf 1.2S per dny. City experionce. Rooms*.t IS Broad sir '-""- ' ; ...

Jas. P. Deremer's Sons,Washington, N. J.

Public Sale


Great July Clearing Sale.You can get this month for a quarter to a third off some

i of (lie best Bargains of the season.

Lawns and Dimities, some at half prices.Silks, excellent quality, cheap.

: Ribbons, substantial sayings.

! "• Laces, cheapest ever offered! Shirt Waists get marching orders.! Dress Skirts, new styles, low prices.

Neckwear, pretty, summery kind.Underwear, light weight, light prices.

Wrappers, cool and cheap.

White Petticoats,'prettier than ever.Corset Covers, beauties at. low prices.

. Tailor-made Suits at tempting prices.Calicoes, Muslins and Ginghams at old prices.



A DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCEwas al! right for ambitious colonies, but Joes not

do for an^'ambUioib-jcueicr. "i'-fninkiy^iiake^"^'''""""^'":

A DECLAkATiON OF DEPENDENCE• . • upon you for your favors. . . . . .

.-But'I hope,.by.assiduous attention to vour.v.'ishcs.-iiv-farnNhlng you the best-and prettiest and latest soods at the lowest 'prices, 'and by the expert work-manship which will be put upon your repairing, anJ the ca're we take In test-ing your eyes and iittiiig your glasses, to induce you, in:- time, to depend uponme for your needs in my line, so that DEPENDENCE DAY. for both of us, willJ

last tJic vear 'round. -•- ~


Our Policy

tfell to Luij p iiinooiiHuIoiis aIll:rgan h

Dilts ipc n i e . lie was rondured cl)r the tld HOJuewhal lirutHwi, Dr, ! vented.a

ftpmiw] tji i« niiar. at. t.h.r- tnno,' tout., wont down

wus'ririvcii in liia-'mllotiry-C. Dllfe.~=^

tiic.diflereiit lil'o'ln

miHOij t i>omu.'by.-his

Ncttrly II C».Moro llu\n four tm

aiitlinrtMl Ttiun-tila.vnij'litnt Sielsnu "Uncli.Totn's CiUin" tout show nn LtiO".It;ilVjr,v ioLh;ul n imrrow csdipe I'roni seiious iiL-cideiit |, •< -^_^.

0 o'clock. Tlio hhow wiw in HiU mlng - A o 1 1 K "wlicatliounluBtrncfc Uiu-Lcnt. Tliu C l t \H ' l l "u»ry Myo .v>is'roi:ke<l Miiisiviiycdaud tlio mi it fiuurtid | nf OxToril nnd lUthoroi i-iflorc-iii.-nuri! i,, forruntH." TUQ cnnVil rurjlied [C7a ».flov'rt llnttliiig-Witrlw. tti . ,

bill, rolk'umtui Sliropo p>e-UlH>tl nL l»a liomu Jast-'l-'ritliiy of Htoimieh,vuH not until the. trouble, npud .OS vn^^s. Hi: hud buon ne1 -sl.lo Ut;t(, Lliu *'iti?.on iif' Ibr'-a.lrtv-iU-o !.vonrs but

- ' • • • - " • ' T.ilyoiifH^n Bulvlduro wliero*.•oil knowii; Vor ninny yonivt

roii" foil, in Uionnnl ruVh, ii«t" furViIiriiioiv 1 *'« coniiiictud a butcher shop but of lulu I 'no oniMViiH Hurt. ' ' " - ,. ,-; I h*>* iuian i!»»nnoctod with n conm-iil Htorts.iu j •j.i\ iVw aeconda ii Ft o r Un; 1-isi," uer^nii lea ! Oxlbrij... .Since UH onrh* nmiilioijii licrltatl \

t,li6. tout tit*) rcntjor polo hn'tko lolling ' boon fi iiicinlior of tho 1'rosliytt'riiin church Idown tliu wliolo' caiiviiH roof - 13vorvividy ;»'d Iho I'nnernl scrviep was condnulcri in ' -

• • ' •• • ~~ • • • • • ••••- ~' '• J - M o n d a y , H u v . M n i f t i i o f i "11 "Vicfc Cllno of I'lill-1

is to give you the advantage of our

years of experience in.skill ami "of our

Personal Property.

TlILTItSDAV, .IL'l.V. \-J, lit

fiimiitiL- iiiill;L' j:icw ivuirmi "^mii.-s. luu-fnrltImv tint I s t m w i ! i i l l l i x n i s i l n K l



"ability to .idjust the

mum.price to Ihe mini-1

wi l l-• luU'tS


H'tfL'lt'H 11


n i .

IT 1111

lOtll. 1H, •! i ;

I'll. v< forJU iiijtl lii^'.T

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iirilV;'',rB•Ii v.-|




i ' l


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t v



i .\ 1 i l I K r iSJII.III I

nlll pick


_Mii to.'.]>


k \>\;\\\k.

Ut, l.»l D!

'u i ' i ! ' ! . !1

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II ir

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II •II 11I-hlie r

V1 ,

H I! t c


i f

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Wrn i t


Oxronl CIII^IMI I)l(>s. |, a liiplilv ruHpoetcil citizen !

UMyoraor'•* bormuh,

" H l O I l l l " '

who, With Lhti lUiHlHlimcc of oth-lrs, oitr*. l!ir,O(ur sur^uil nut into the ilrnwnini; Uvort fo:rlocl Him into hinTimoon-low yiirdn _«,wii,v, MlOriii. DOBUM of woinuii with llitlu child- ho wan n\-

muni. . . Mich us l,,MiH mi.i hnliliiiy;. viiitw, liwWi^uYvi; ! . .^-"" ' J

•'I'heeradiaMiic^SL-ritourbuslri^^Hnl^S^vis-id assurance that, ine found,- ^ ' ^ f ^ / ^ , WF^ }™jfc j - ,-iim of our business policv is li:i^:; In iruo. ^£ -• • • '-"",-,•

^ • •• C . M H l U l . i n ; . m i ' i K ' l ; i ' . . w i i n n . l / i v i . f v . I r ! . v • ; . J V ^

_ ::^I-^:.. • -•::. -,. ,:,- Jl!tfyiiVaa-!.V;ii--l!«f:*!n,i..r.- l - _ : 2 £

/\djusteit>ie t o fit


to -4,fefet


on policies1 in Wusliiiigton ^t'.l.Oii". Tho nwiu'd for aholu-r mid tho lioinca-nf Wni-j Hint church fi" Mondny,Industrial (•'ninn'mies puid citi^n-ilie Htntu : t c r GulinU, A. H. Uvurlt t ' ind suvunilothurs I Molvidero nnd U«v. h. OU\

11 more tluin ^'2,nuu,n00 and thu total amount j in thy nuhjlibarhood worn tims iitUlizurt j Upsbura olliuiiiliiji^

I have just relumed from New, Yorkwith the- Jjitesf (,NOVRLTIES' inSUMMER JEVELRV t..r^pn ie and

7-I00U them ov&r, .-. . " ..

mid out by Jill !tf« fninpnnicH in Nu\v Jer- witlHiutceiTmouy. , ,. . , , . •„••„- -•"" "•' V - • scv W7I"H ?S,SG5;5 it. Of this sum (ho follow- X\\ tiio i-esidontfl of uppur Hul^ldcro ave- isons,Th'n latter holfi)*Tiiqiidori;•

;• "•- iti":-places riiccived-'tho nmmntls named: line throw opi'ii Ihoir homes to thu tliip-|>!iicob or Craiirord. WjiHor ofb, -i ' IJlniratowis•J't.lV.itj.IJovor, $i),a)0; lliu-ketla- [Mny crowd and in several eases hujlt. up ; town and Guorgo(of Wiislilnstoii

. . '.'"'. . l.nwn, f (JlinjTfTaiiicsburc. • ,*3,S5<ll ITiVpu, wiirM lirun for tliu wonn-'ii nnd children, j " — • - • — • —' -.1 ion: MorriHtown, fWS.OUO; Nowton, The show gathered up the dtshtis nf. in ; Or. Swan's I(?mon IMiosphatc-? 10,150; Oxford, §3.100; i'rttorson,^S011,55(i; outlit/and left town us K-JOII an tiio storm makca 1U Pints. At, all - gro

_ ; _ ' 7 r l'liillipsburer, $28,050. . ... ": •. .~7f.Z .-• •...'subsided. .... -.,. ' . . . .

,y»v,fcOTl,,,,r A-DAVIDSON,inckcus.jg-. Jeweler and Opticist,

n COI, |3y. f - '." .WASHINGTON, N."j. ; 'sra' -iintl: ~-, ':;:•? .jC• _;.:;_ Uckawanna Watch

SSummer" Goods,-





-'-••Pdris Gfceii.

Hammocks. .. -

"'Refrigerators. ;i

Screens," 25c up.:.

Blue Flame Qil Stoves.

Bicycles, $2,7.77.

l; Morgan & Wright Tires. ,

Lawn: Hose.

Insurance Gasoline Stoves.

Four-burner Oil Stoves, $1,50.


Page 6: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU


SHERIFF'S SALE.. . ' lx CiMNccitv o r Xi:w Jiaiw

Ilchi'tviiJi-nilitm U. CnnpiT, I tMid John 1\, ft nx.,

tiinialilv.Ma.v tcrni, l'jny.tii:tii:ni: A. ANdl.i:, Sotii'lto

By vlrlm-nfUu'iilmvi' «tmr>l writ t->illrfCtoil itiul deliver"), UHIICI nut uf tin-Cooinmmvr.v ul.\«-w.lcrw.v, I lutvrK'vti-ihtintul will trl! nt luiiilk- 'Vt'tiiiuciitIloiifi'in llflvMcn-. hi tin- Gunnynuil Mute ill Xi'w JiTM-y, on

ti.V'JTJtl>AY, JIM.Y 1IK-IWWII (!•<• huiin of, ini.l l l i Vti> wit, lit X p. Hi., all ilK'fMll.iwliiK-rlwriln-rft ract or tuirvi'l ,if Itmil an.I i-tvmU.-. ..llmite.Ivlncainl lifluirlii iln> toM-it-iilt* <>f u\f.<nl.ln

t'hui'niim.vnf Wiirttw, biilttil sun! lio

r.cirlnuisii; n! ilu-No. 10.', ami rn:i-inine >|i-t;r.TH inn) ttwx; tiit-mi- t2»forty-olicht i i l ll

comeTo many, a face which should still besmooth mill fair. Worry doesn't brinethem. There uri; IK» d ies filial aiw "

UELVIUI21U3.Dr. CbnrleV Lnublichnrid ~" fifiiiily ~cues mm anxieties j

to furrow the face. They arc the signs jscraiiton, Va.\ nroBtoppIiicnt tho Atiiori-- - - - . . . . . . i . . .... .onornbio landlord, A.of phvsical suffcrinjli graven by the hand j can House. Thu venurnblo Inmlloi

of Tain. It is the KiiUlcst result ol thu | haubueh, In thu father of tlio doctor,disease?: which af-fect the woinntilyorgans that theyw r i t e pi.u'jilv iJiesntl lxvonl oi suf-

in thparts.


Frank HiiycP, the well-It ttovvnhorwoninn,has Roiio to inku clmriro of n KoiitleiiiHii'.H

b H t h l l I 'MajjdcO.-Wintffpmjd UrnceT. Winter,

of ISerkeley, Cnl., have been stopping-fura few duys at thu American House The

f erkeley, Cnl., have ee o p p gfew duys at thu American House. The

yoiini* iriilfM are cranildnuehti<ra of thovcm-tabltt Iltinfttl P. Winter, who at onetime mis shorlU'of Warren county. .Tliolrfather, who Is buried In tlio Belvldere

t dt hi,ceinutcry, wand PiirkTh

P r e itncdThe younj; Iinlics will

Is buried In tlio Belvlderes deputy i-herill'when Carter

h d , many yearsI tl

y ytlio .

eii»t, vbitlut; friemlrf at dlilerunt

oii U. Dailoy of lMiIllUwhun:*oso renmins were bmuuht hure for hur-Thur.sild.v ljnt, formerly lived at thears", just lielow town, llfs HJ»I5 W 71

1'h id h d i t f, j t l tow

1'he papers ."aid hef v r uut IJr GrillUh

JI5 W 7t of Hun-

h l

Spot Cash Prices I

High-Class Horse Shoeing! L-Having become more anil more impressed

nth the indisputable fact—evidenced in

t\ vcr um Dr. GrlJlUli b.iid thatttcatlt \\Aii ilue to liiryi.fjitt-t.

Mrs. S. K. UttcrKitii, of Jainesbiirc;. N. J.,unit Mrs. M. A. Laird,-or I'tiilnilulphin,were vWtors to Bulviiltro List week. Tliesel.tdlcs jire rtuugliten of the lute A. N. Hus-ton, who yours ntro conducted a liirse husi-HWS in lielvi'li'iu mid did a prosperoustrmiu lit ttit? turner of Front and Mautficld

, John Driscoll, nbrothyr-ii.-luw of Morrisi,, ' '•M1i ui!,1

C-1Si1.rL jMuMrlcfc, has been very ill at tho hitter'sl- rrl-t-'i Kivnrrc V'v'. • home for several week*, with typhoid lev-

. . L . A . . — 1 , . . . ,1 I . , i i . ^ i I... ,,,M1 ...........brt

AtAKKSllOltO.Calob InROrsoll, below town, had a bum

raising on Saturday. Ho haa been latelyimtllittf extensive-repairs upon liln - dwell-ing houno and Is now raiding to his formbulldiuga.

Mr. And Mia. Frank Voucht And childrenHpout Saturday nnd timidity with his siator,Mrfl. Peter Van Syekle, lii Delaware, tufacounty.

Mr. nnd Mrs, John U. Mnyberry spentSunday lit Huckettstcuvn an mieslu ot hissinter, Mra. Ferdinand Wildrick, andfamily. :

Miss 1'dlth nice of Kerr's Corner, wholins been attend In p tlio Stroudshurc Nor-mnl Hehool, is at her homo for dm Htnntnervacation. Shu will teneh nt llocksburgtho coming year.

Mini Stella Hurry of Xewark is » git ait ntherunele'M, D.ivid Hymaii.

Mr. nnd Mm. Edward X. ofBrooklyn are boarding ;it John 11. Ues-ehcrer's.

Mrs. Garret Hurt of Knoxville, Iowa,ntul son, Van Horn, nro at, tlie home ufhir brother. Win. 1*. Van Horn.

Mr. and Mrs. Win. A, Kerr entertainedher brother, Irvln Simmons of Ilttc.."lts-Unvn anil riiater, Kill-; oY I'oiv«;rvlllo, overHuiiilay,.luue'Jlth. Misi Himmon* .sailedon the'Jlith for I/uidon. She H a delegateto tlio Christian Kndcavor convention heldin that city.

Thcstflgc driver had a runuwiiy in townSfatuiday morning. The luuwa tuok frtRhtlit t!ie iitubfL-lln at Inched to tho stage.They ran at H great rate for a abort timebut were caught before any damage hadbeen done.

11 Coming events cast their atiadoivs lie-foro them." Tho tlrecrhckcrs and miml!

of ttie liltlo folks

nearly every line ot busings—that person:who pay spot cash are entitled to anil ilo re>celve a discount froi.i IUt prices. I have de-cided to make it a decided object to my patronsect to my p o n

at the time theyci dcciJed oto pay me for my serviceare perlormej.

The $2.00 grade of shoeing, Si.75" 1.75 • " " " 1.50" 1.50 '*. " 1-25

Resetting of Axlos, 25c to 75c.New Tires nnJ Resetting oi Tires, and all

other kinds of work at a biii reduction ForCash. The above prices will be granted onlyupon spot cash payment.

J. T. BELL,Broad Street. WASHINGTON , N. J Dr. I'iero: for aJPrescription1 and silike a new rer.«nn,mv liealtli. Life i* a blicalth. I have told a Rrcnt m;about tlic great iia-diciucs I to

Dr. 1'ierce's Connnnii Sense Medioal( Adviser, 100S \v>\y,c*, sent free on receiptI of stamps lo pay co^i of liiailinij otih.I Send 21 cue-cent stamps for papvi i\>v-

ered book, or 31 cents for cloth. Ad-dress Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, >'. Y.

ehikhen of .summer vne.itithe daughter of Mr. miford.

We are sorry to nute the death of XathanA. Kerr flt Newton on Juno SJrd, of con-s l l l l ] p . ; 0 l l i n B ( . d 2 7 y c n r ) l . H o w ^ fl SOI1 ofHnmnton Kerr, formerly of this county.Th J l h l d i Nwton T

: No Good

, ,„ „ „ . Hnmnton Kerr, formerly of this county.Mary, widow m ex-Pherifl Owen \ \ . The Juneral niis held in Newton on Tut-n-

Faust, and mother of Morris and Henry d n v j t m e .^^ ituV< 1 . A , MeUury ofW. Faust, dniBijlMM, of Bulvidore, died nt! Marktburo olllcintlns.thehntiifOf l<pr snii-in-lHW, near FO(;O1H-< "

hf d 73 * - ^ -ville. Pa., tlielMthof Ju".t\ npal . - .Stew survived by nine children. 1 Mrs.C. £. VimUeusi'ii of Kilhourn, Wh".,

O.Vordnml Bulvldere met on the ),n]l| was nlltictcd with stomach trouble amii field.'it wits a low cob drtv for K«.u-1 eoiHiliimticm for a IOHR time. S>ho.Myv"Iberrv's colts mid for once their banner 1 have triid :•.»»>-prepimto.w, but none

•tr-ii'prt in thi-tinst ^core 11 to 7 in favor', have done im> t he pood lliat CtiHinber-lon io i i lund^St ic rs Iain's Stomach and Liver Table ts.lmve."!oiMOJt,innu4iiu<!Ucr&. i These Tablets an " * '

WALNUT VALLEY.Ervin Heck is building a largo bnrn on

his recently purchased lann."Tbomiut SwarU and family returned

homo Sunday from a week's visit withMr. S'H pareiiU ut Bowmanatown, i'ft.,making the trip by wngon.

MISH Cora Heck and UcorcoDonnlsEpentSaturday In Euston.

William Emory of Myers' Ferry visitedfriends at Mt. Vurnon Sunday.

Gcorgo Kink ntul wife of Helvidere spentSunday nt I'otor Mcrlclc's.

Jvxvf/U D.Wii I* painting lite rcsldcnrr,,Mutter Robbie Heck Isotio of the latest!

to join our list of bicycle riders.MISH Minerva Klrkhulfof Newark Is

spending this week with her mother here.'Walton Hill of Now York and Miss Jcn-

nlo Hln/.icr of Ilelvidere were guests ofJnmcH D. IIII1 nnd family Sunday.

Miss Dizfi tancc of Hope IsHpendlnc aHhort vacation with her parentH in town.

Henry Waldron of New Durhainwas tho_,ie«tof .Miss A. M.Titimin Saturday andSunday.

A new Ljirl linn arrived nt the home ofMr. and Mm. Ami row Snovtx..,

Miss Cora Heck is the proud passessorof a handsome oriran.

Worthies* curs visited J. 3. Krvine'aflock of thicxheep, killing four and wound-ing Bevernl, Frhlny nigbt.

Miss Jennie Anderson t;Hve a lawn partySaturday evening to about titty of herfriendtf.

II. U. Ciiipr nnd family of llnckciuack. nsued Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. AnthonyLance.

The Hoard of Kduciilion >»>» liirL-d Mi.-sMary B. Smith of Knowlton to tench theWalnut Vailcv scliool, nnd Judson Una*berry ot'llnincKburt; to teach nt Mt. Ver-non.

will dispute tlie claim that Gulick'.sIce Cream is the bust tlavore J and

...mostilli-'rotinii ^ari«;frictnry fidelicacy sold in Washington.

We use the best of everything \in making

GULICK'S !GE CREAM.How often you hear the remark:

'•This is not as good as Gulick's." \The reference may be made either < j

•••••• to our ddicicus Ice Cream.Creamy. *.;Bread or Superior Cake. It is true, >'.however, that our productions arenearly the a:rr.e ol perfection andpeople recognize the fact.



SAVINGS BANKiMorristown, New Jersey.


SECHET«ai AND TBE«SiJB£R-H. T . '••„'•_'_.

52,222,955 o3

52,020,070 o i '

5 202 rSc" c"1

! Ttwasu urent day for tho Mcnnonltes! i " " " * " "! here Thursday, ami thty gathered in from ! »'nP|n^ 'I Wnshinnton i.nd Hatk«ttMown und inade i"^u"-! thinys deekiedly lively. In tho afternoon

nd L i e r T a b t s velets are for sale at J. A. Allen

:, Oxford; F. N. Jtnkltin, Wn^

Hikiedly lively. In tho afternoonj I'oiir'eonverts were iniineruud in the DL-1H-;I wure tiver in the pretence of a thrpim of jj<ipe;-tiitrirS wlio weru orderly und well be-(' lutvid. Tnose JmtntT^eti were Mrs, Vu

V I K N N A .Mr. and MrJ. Joseph Saiinders of Dover

are spcndiiig tlm Fourth with their

ASSETS, - - -


SURPLUS, - - -

•flNTUkKST is ileclnr

tirofit* uf Uie'previol

Mrs. 1'. H. Cum-

•,1 nuil JM

» sis ir.<i

.lav • jam

.pt-cttvcly.tonJenco SollcitcJ.

evera! ot the sisters were d»"iily wrounht; the s"<Ht of his eousiji upon and becamu so excited that they : mins, over Sunday.jcnuid not coiinin themselves umlfellinj Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iliince of Elizabeth| neuriy every directior. tome of them be-! n ro spending the week at the home of his! soinins.' as riijid an iron. This trilling in-1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. fiance.

. ichlbiitofthenieL'tuigdidnotfltum to sen-j Mbs Marcuret Plemiits left on Mondfly•joufciyai'ea tnc Driitnrtiu whu uuiitmuuii, t SnOnd the summer with her sister in

i!n»l!ii.'ftiidahoullnBanvocif«roiiHlv nH be- ij-vi^u,,, ..fore. TLc spectntors, however, did not j T b £ R ' v Mr. Musgrove, returned mis-juiijoy tuusetneimdsonioottheml]urridly!8lon! l ry | r Om India, now buttled in John-i RbHcnted themselves for fear, we presume,, H o n a b u r i J a s uastor orthoChristianchurcb.jotRomcihitiE; bappumug-to tuein. l-ind-wife, ep!!"d on Vk'nim friends lust

Latest Dentistry.

Messrs. Ketchan.. I lute putting down

nd Angle coutemp-j Tuesday." "" " Ceorse.Pitt and wife of.Ebenczer «pent

Witch Haze! 01!Till! VlhV. OINWUCXT.

One Application Gives Relief.It cure:! Plica or He

payemciit line. They have bean admiring | Sunday with his mother in this town.Vdvidw-e"viti<?n'iieiJaiik a'ml will now try ! A B r e a t «>«•»>' oj"Mr citizens cclcbrtan« outdo'it. H'really begins to look as'.the ever glorious In llackett.stown.though we were about to enter upon nn The exceedingly.dry weather is the causeago of street improvement in our town. of much anxiety among the farmers.

A wealthy Brooklym'to has purchased "'Mr. and Mrs. D. J. DeVrles nnd littlethree acres of rough, uneven land near ! son of Newark itre the guests of Mrs. De-Foul Rift—the roughest he cotild find—for Vries' mother, Mrs. Huubt-r, this week. '•125 per acre anrlwill erect a tine sumnu'ri The phonograph entertainment in thecottage thorconV He wns very favorably-^ HCbool house Saturday night was bulsiiuily

JIUJ y . Reli

Tcotli Filled with Gold, $1 and up.Teeth Killed with Silver, T."<;.

•-•'A sot. ortcetli,-i|fo,-.—™__»_ L.,.C™.-Best set ol'tceiii, $S.

Our?8Betdmmlc no litmtWhere thCjtet'tthe moniSiifr ciBameuu.v b.v nvancc. •I'tfthBclence will ]n-i

of i-iIT Inn

in In)uiihiIlllOil


'til 'in- (iiv inueli voi• our, tiutive thflr t


fi pay for

K-L-iii m aw .lays•sidy 'in 'n: a sin"

a L a i1

theni ln j : ti#lu tli


res Burns, ScaMs and Ulccratlor.s niul Con-tractions from Uuras. Thu lltllef Instant—lieallngwontlertul.

It cures Torn, Cut or Lacerated Woumls ntulUnilses.

It euros Dolls, Carbuncles, felons," Runrmimls,"_Ulcers. Old Soros, Itchlni; Kruinloiis. Scurfy or

scaldilead."""" ""' "'' ' " """It cures Inflamed or Caked Drci

It c. Invaluable.res Salt Itheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruption

Chapped Hands, fever Ullhiurs, Soro Lip*rns, Cantons;-Sere anil Chafcl f

Stin i't Insects, Sl o Bil udSl

ipressed with the rocks and swift currentof I he river at that point. . j

The firemen in some parts of the Statebegin to feel uneasy over the prospects ofn hip hill of expense each year for thomaintenance of the Firemen's Home atBoonton. It ia an elegant place and willtake dollars to run it.

Our venerable bridge tender, Mr. Hutch-ison, is very ill and may not recover. Hehaa had charge of the old Delaware bridgefor many years.

„ . . . The Odd Follows elected the following-"-••-. ••""""poittcers Thursday evening:. X. G., Robert

" " I Bodine: V. C, Ira Sarson ; 3sc., Henry W.!'Faust. The' officers will be. installed thof second Thursday evening in July by D. D.| H, E. i'rey of Stewartsville.

.,:Genrce Widenor bus opened a shoe shopon Mill treet in tli'VCavhart building

attended as that kind" of an eiitcrtainmenthas become an old thing to the peoplehereabout;Memorial services will be held in the

Methodist church Sunday morning Inhonor of tho latti Mra. Emmett Cummins,whose sudden death from a throat affectionwas fully chronicled in the STAII threeweeks ago. The services will be union.

Partial P»»t«.nf.twtli jnic In with mild wltli-" ou t plates,/.ftllej '..rli:^.---.vor!;. - All !;!ai!so!

artllkliil t^th itnii<lv..^lt 'wurk I.- fully war-ran ted. ' •%-

Philadelphia Dental Rooms, I-212 Northampton St., Easlon, Pa. -L

:•- .. Offii.-.- 0],-i, Fn»::i 7 r,- in. to S p. in;.:,1;

WanolargTWo aro now offering sovertil o<\>

styles of Upright Pianos, both new j&nd. second hiuul grt-nt rtnluy.

mezit or- liberal discount allowed foic a s l i . WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. '••*

Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and S 1.00Sold by Dfuggislsi or sent pre-paid on receipt of price.

H U M P H R E Y S ' M E D . C O . , 'Cor. AVilllinii A .lohn sSi-.. M:\V YOKK.

.,:Genrce Widenor bus o p e d a s o e son Mill street in tli'VCavhart building.

The friends of John Sharer are not allow-ing him to suffer, but on the contrary theyare keeping the family iii>DrovisIons andmoney during their period of illner"

What Shall We Have fur Dessert?This question arises in the family every

day. Let ua uiuwur il Unlay I L Try Jull-0,a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre-pared in two minutes. No boiling! iibbuking! simply add a little boiling waterand sot to cool. Flavors:—Lemon, Orange,Raspberry and Strawberry. (Jet a packageat your grocers today. 10 cis.

Sl>Kr>'GTOWN.Sundny while Stnnfynl Slni.-k«r nnd \•ifft

were returning from St. James1 (Straw)'L h h h t h i h t o k fight

.v,..^.. v.^....^, - . . t . . e I were returning irom o t . j n m e s - (Dtrawj• . . The Freeholder)) nre having some much | Lutheran church their horse took fright

~ ^ — needed repairs made to the county jail, j and ran away. Mrs. Stocker, being fright->.<-3«-?>.-<^«>.^rie>>6 '-They, mean that the county prison shall be ,j oncd,jmi:pcc!.out_and ..wtia rendered un-

i\ put in a good sanitary condition betore | conaeioua. She wns carried into the house«• tbf-y quit. . ; (of George IIoaElnnd nearby and a doctorn > Hiohnrd Hixson was removed to the hos* | Bimimoned. Slie still remains in a veryS | pital a few days ngo for treatment for a i critical condition. The borse wns mopped

icverc injury to his left eye, while working j by Mr. Stocker after running about it mile.>?ii!!2 l l " ! ! ? ™ 1 ! ! ' ^ * ! " / ^ ! " - ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ i-*Mia«es Annie ;Freer and Mnbel MelickFloyd Dn'

3 and 5 West 18th St.. New York. 1

Easton Trust Go,v - R.' E.;JAMES, President.

, . JOHN BACON, Treajurer

ACCOUNTS"Pays Intercut on Tliii* t.

thoratootSpcr.scut. . .__ ..KeutB, Jliikes Iiiventmento, ExeuiUoefiTrustu

SL *h. '-, .^a(e D e P ° s l t »!••]"» ( o r kent.

:'_Cor. Centre Square &JS. 3d St., Easton.Pa

by n "spi - „ — -- -btone in the quarry with a aiedpe iiamnier.

It has been demonstrated by experiencethnt consumption can be prevented by theearly use of One Minute Cough (Jure,This Js, the. favorite remedy for coughs,colds, croup, nstlima. grippe nnd all throatmid lung troubles. Cures quickly. F. N.Jenkins, Wnrren County Drug Store.

K O C K P O K T .spending:^";, wcck.j

Morristown. GjMr. nnd Mrs; Edward Osmun of Hnck-

ettstown and William OsimirC-of Flanders



i, ?

You db not'have so' much cash inyourpocUet as you used to have,therefurt, you cannot pay so much

• for.your, goods as in former ttinrt. • "i KOCKl**We will help you in our" l i n e - ^ ^ i x ^ l ^ " ; - ^ ^ ; 1 ^ 1 ; . ^ , ! , 1

Drugs andmedicines ~-

so you will.have a balance.

Our prices are based upon mod-

ern business methods and our profits

a r c s m a l l . 1 ' - •••-••- ; - •• - o •"•

. Come let us meet.


Two dotirs from post-offic^"

nviscm >?lSo injured on thohand ^ ^ y v t i a friend in S o n 7•mvl" striking him while breaking * . . . . * e . „ . , . _ n i

V HorUiamiUOn Street ft- TOS ' V ^•"

HPU: .FloraItigtonj'N. J.Artlatlo Florul DoulguB

...lurulaliotl lor nl] occa-alons at eliort notice

RUPTURE CUREDBy-'tlie Pamous jSherman Rupture Appliance•nd Tr«tnient. No oiwmtioii or <lott>titloiiIroui biifiiiL-Hs, .KxiuiiIiitttUui t r t e . . haec,

-Lvomturiiuitl Ht-'nrlty.r/om BtninKUliitcil Her-."nlftWitllo under'treatment.- i l n t ' T l l 1

v rail to-Curv.. VOT (nrth*:r l inrtculaw.••cnll ro' ndtlrww W. K. i lwlmn & Sons, H

Thomtts St,, Ni'W York-.v, :

;iaited tlieir sister, Mrs. A. Florcgar,~-:la3tSaturday.

.Mrs. Frank Mitchell and children ofWashington spent last Thursday with Mrs.Jacob 11. Davis. :>

Mrs; Joseph Hondersbot returned'to herhome at Morristown after spending a weekwith frientla here.

James Ucatty ia on the sick list.Ml S3 Jennie Stewart nttendeO tho funeral

of Mrs. E. Strador at Washington Tuesday.-William-Lunger and wifu wore nmong

the visitors here Sunday.,;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perry of Port Mur-ray spent Sunday with tier parents, Mr.and Mra. B. Oaroy. . :

Miss Mnbel Smith and Hat Liu Donnellvare spending a wtek with friends in Al-lentown. O, One hundred Hungarians nre expectedto arrive at the"Alpha\!PorUand cemunt-works this week.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel D. Carpenter en-tertained a number of friends from Alphalust Friday evening. Refreshments,whichcons!sted't;Of.- ice vcr«»m .ami '-nake, were

I served to,, which, all did ample justice.Mon h'nrorl n- woli =fnr -Tsiao.. /.ollnrs last

'week." They htruck water 'at a depth of.thirty-five Jvot..v

.MisseaMabut Young nnd Hattic Fulperr/f JinHiti^n-pnid n visit, to -thia town on'their wheels ifiat'FridnyT Mi»s~Young wnsthe guest of Miss Mabel Melick, and MissFuller of her sister, Mrs, Dr. Albright.

There are no better pillHinadb lhan De-Witt's Little JSarly : Risers. Alwaysproui|)t and certain.- F.'N. Jenkins, Warren County Drug Store.

Have your Worms got Horses ?h l h ?Aro they gotthif.llihi a

tliolr foud ? " l->o they "DR. Eni:HSON'S Kmnvov,iurn;:r;-cat!:cr alive, Iro:a horses and

I ill ii ih U U l l

nk ? Are limy "OIwoat Hinl-woiry r""DKAUSHOT"

i Ir rcmnvov,urn;:r;-cat!:cr alive, Iroa horses ancattle. It will imriiy iho UUiuil, uorroct ivml toiup tlio Blomacli and stronytlien tlie nerves; ;

• Dlroctlons wltli oiich lios. SoliI by 'Irugglataor uont by mull upon rouolpt of Fifty Cents.

C. B. Smith & Company,

311en Eckel, nt Washington TueHday.Mr. und Mrs. Jac"b Dereinor und child-

ren'.'or Hnckctlstown visited.her futherh c r c l t i s t w e e k . •• • ' :•-••."""" w •

Miss NcllieDanlcy and cousin, A. Ketch-am of Newark, wero visiting friends inWnshipgton Tuebday.

Newark vl&itors' in town arc Messrs.1

Andrew Ketchnm and Elmer Clayton.-•Mr. ami Mrs, .Goorfto Wyokoff of PortColden wero guests of Mr, andt^Mrs. E.Cravatt Sunday. n,..,..... ' "' ' '•" r

Qeorpo Stewart of Morriatown was visit-ing his brother Joseph last week. 4

Messrs. Milier Anderson, George. Smithand Roy' Opdvko of Port Colden weroamoug the visitors here Sunday.

The prepanitory year at the Blair Pre*bytorinl Academy has been discontinuedand those who uro nblo lo Uiko a ,rtgularcourso only will bo admitted.

Mr.-!and.-Mrs. !)•• C: Carter nnd somefriends nro spendingnomo Mmn-wUh MissRuth Llnderman nt Fisher's ltt.lancl.

...'.'" nd' Mrs. Malvin J. IJuuflold ofKnowlton wure ia town on Wednesdaylast. " ' '

Wm.J-iUiidy of Warrington was hero onbusinesH Satiirday. ,_. ' . _.:;;

The Htockholden ,.ofi, the now nntionalbank will muet ut the.Bluirstown Hotel on

:for the* purpose ofSaturday/June Tth^iorgrtnlzing, elc, v;-

week foichubert loft on Tuesdayr his trip to Germany. Tindoctor

nays he is going to hunt up a temperancesociety ovcrin his native land.

M1B9 Iioralne Vail 1H the owner of arubber-tire wagon.-Sheriff Oo)« of Hnlvidero made a pleas-ure call hero on Monday,"

Wo enjoved on "-Monday n.. pleasant calfrom>J. .Wesley AnRiu of Polkvillo. Mr.

It Suvwl His Los.P. A. Lnuforth of LnOrangc, Ga., suf-

fered for six niontlis vitlt a frightful run-ning sore on (tin ii'g, but writes that lluck-len's Arnica Salve wholly cured It in livedays. For Ulcers, Wound?, Piles, It's thebest salve in the world. Curo guaranteed.Hold by F. N. Jenkins, Warren CountyDrugstore.

C O L U M B I A .Miss Mtiiu Drtvciipuit of Dtilvidcro in

.spending a month with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. C. L. Davenport.

Miss Amelia Gei"se. H Ourmitn Inily, diedit her home on Wednivilny of last week

of pnmlysiH, nRcd 71 yenrs, '2 tnotitlis nndlays. She t.s survived hy one brother

mid sister. Interment on Friday morningin the Kiurviuw comotcry.

Mr. and Mrs. J. I. H. Weller nnd littledaughter of Jersey City weru unturtninedl.y Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Weller over .Sun-day.

Miss SMIio Crissnitui returned homeWodnestlav from the liiist ritroudsburg.Normal fof her vacation. •'

Chester King of I'liillipsburg .spenteveral diiv* hmt week with his brother

Uev. II. I'.'KiiiL'.Miss Virginia Fvatis of New Ycrnoh is

stopping with fMr. nnd Jlra. William

Although it w'i3 a .stormy evoninir theEpworth Lsiiguti took in over £20 histThursday evening at their lewtivnl;

Mr. Crissman lias piirchnsed tho M. W.Weller house en Water St., Wiiere UrnntSmith now lives.

Mrs. .loneph Andresa of Hope was ucaller in town last Wednesday.

Alice of Newark is visiting hergrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. li. D. Shufer.

Mi?s Maine Mast left 1-ist Saturday forthe Water Gap for the tnminer.

Florence Snover of.Ptillwater'is vi.sitingwith friends at [his rhice.

Grfluville Ulazk-r of Knowlton was acaller in town lust Saturday.

Rev. II. P. Kinir preached an excellentpatriotic sermon to ti largo audience Sun-day afternoon.

A Magnificent Portrait of


Reproduced In Ten Colorsfrom a Lnte Photograph, forwhich Air. Urynn speciallysat, a t the r;, |ucst of theI'ulillshers, .

SIZE n s : i INCIIKS)will be published shortly. It; ptlnttrj (or us on heavyplate-paper, In a lorni suitable(or IrnmiriB, by one o( thelarcestart lilhouraph houses in Amer-ka. In tlic,famous' Frencli styleof color-plate work, f veryDemocratic lamlly will want one"I tlicsc lianJsoine pictures o(•Mr. Hryan. It must be remem-bered that this picture will be inno sense a cheap chromo, butwill be on example o( the veryhighest style of .illuminated, print- J.iliKs.ltv.-ill he an ornament tc"''any library « diawiiiK-rooin!Our reaJers can h.ive the BryanI'nrtrait al what it costs us (name-ly, ten cents per copy! by merelyTilling out the coupon beiow, ami-sending it to this office at once.There will be such a demand forHie portrait when il is published

• advise sending ordt-rs in advance. As many copies as may be desired can beone coupon, providing ten cents is spnt for each copy. Write name and address, and remit in coin or post.ise stamps.

that \v<had onplainly

The'-Washington-Star,-Washington, N. J.Hor tlif eiiclosfd remittance of- Cents Send me

copies ot the Hon. Wm. J. Bryan's Portrait in colors, as described in the Si AJ*.

Name • . . . ' . . . . . . . . . , ,.

Date • Addrfis -. .

You Ray Nothing• for, t h e

when \-oii buy ;\ "New Roya!" ?*.i\v-in« machine. There art; 'no toney.tieiietal .uiJ special agents anJ theirtraveling expenses for you to lielp1

pay. Tliese machines come directI from one of1 the uLlest a:ul best known* factories in the country and wo sellI them with the Atoderate Dry Good;;i SUore Profit added to the factoryjcost. They1 are fully-warranted toij IO years, and wilt £ive as good satis-faction as any of the makes that sell

j for double the price of • the "NewI Royal." Come in, look them over—ihave one sent to.vour home on trial if von will.

Huron Dillon II.111.The great race horse, son of Huron

Wilkes; Cherry Crolt 2.22.1, 'son of Nut-wood 2.1S, and lied Luke 215V, are thelending stallions at Glen Moore Stock farmthis year. Barron Dillon's fee is $50, butanyone having a mare well bred in trottingor pacing lines, or with trotting nnd run-ning blood crosses, can breed to the twolatter horses freo this year. Mares keptby the year for £75.00. Before you breed;—isit the farm or write for descriptivo.cir-

Jerlpn.1N.'ij'., (m1Jplifl».^rn.1f.ny.'I-*Mlii«iruilea north ol'Trenton. . ... ,...-. .,•.,'


Powder, a marvel of healing, cures any jsore on man or heast, 25c. nt drugKiats, orhy mall. K. S. "WELLS, Chemist, Jersey


The Elegant New AutomaticBlueflame Cabinets are fully pro-tected-.against drafts; sit down onthe iloor where they belong, no :dirt holes underneath, and the top.and drum are removable, making

.:»,!! parts of the, stoyo ftasily.accessv:.;j;_;_;^..Hble for LJL^I'IVItTgr'^cin^'improvefi/"•. .• Tti! • along the .•lincrcvc"r:..the.-.iS99;:-JL™skeleton frame stoves. "Certainly "nothing like the Automatic Blue-"

_ Jr.'niid Mrs. C. A. Daniel and Mr, andMra. Georgo Coleman had .i very pleasantdrive through northern Sussex Sunday.

Mr. »nd Mra; Charlt-H Griggs and familyof Newton passed Sunday in this plncevith tier parents.Miss Irene Crispin of] Newton wns the

guest of rcr cousin, Miss Cora Wilson, lastweek. . ' - . , ' . . .

Andrew Jlibijr of Hope spent Snturdny'itii'hts sister, Mrs, Lemuel Harden.Lemuel Harden passed part of last weekitli his mother in Bluiratown.Mra. John Runyon is entertaining her

son Harry from iNew York city.Ernest Pollard of Newark is stopping

with relatives near this pliice.Geo, Cooper has purchased a now hay

loader. It is very interesting to watch itd o . t h e .w o rk . .•----_•...;.-.._ ..•„..;-.--• ,.• _ _ . -

Mrs. Herbert Drnke entertaineir htrmother from Johnsonburg onoTdny lastweek. > ^T?obr~Ucorgi). wliiiu-ri'Jiijg iiiB~uicyc!c

one day last week met with quite an acci-dimt:--:'Fhfi ttro cume off one of his wheels,throwing hiui to the ground; ••" —

Mrs. Hamtiel Buckloy and dnughler

A nuinber of tho veterans attended thesoldiers' reunion nt Mr. T. WUlett's lustF r i d a y . . •••- ; . , . .• . ...

flame has been conceived."NO WICK to tiim and adjust. :^O.VALVE,to = open: and c!ose,,nr to,:;,:

Iciik-of to-ciuu—noovcrtlows.- BLUEFLAME—Intensely hot. NO SOOTor smoke—cannot. NO DANGER—Nothing to explode or tal<e lire.. Fillwhile burning if you wanfto.-NONOISEorroaringsound while burning.NO RETORT or pressure tank needed, buMhe oil burns as gas from thesurf-ice -supply NO TROUBLE in operatin«. A -tliiid woman has used-,the stove safely-and successfully. NO SOLDERED OR LEAKY JOINTSaround the bowl or near the burner, all parts being securely fastenedand brazed. It burns common everyday kerosene oil, as used in lamps.

We should very mucli like to have you investigate these stoves,.for we,believe from many years' experience that none equal them.


J M PEOPLE'S EiVSPORilimrIiinrielise Reductions: in Millinery.

l;l wish to close out my entire stock of hiitiy flowers, chiffons," mu-lines, etc., and will-sell them from this date on at such -reduced pricesthat everyone.will be able to li'uy. " --• • : , ; ' . . ^ - -

Jaunty.Sailors for 19c, 25c and 50c.">-.-•••• Stylish Trimmed Hats and Untrimmed Hats.

Gome in am] get the prices. ;:;We will sell them cheap. •-. -•

,, "-""-1" DRESS CpbDS. ; = , ,;,You 'will find. wei-Jiave some bargaiiisT in Wash Goods, Linens and

-White .Goods, Muslin-rand Knit Under\, Hosier^;;..=.<!:. Satchels, Telescopes and^Trunks1'.'"""




I Have a full line in the "Grocery Department at the proper prices.'Soda CrackersV" r, • ' " • " ~" ,,;:i

^ Coffee^Cake' g t S c j j e r p o u n d . ^ '••

Ginger Snaps J . v '•' • ,,,..•"(i kv Give me a call'at Jf'

3 E'." WiShiH^ton"fiii/e. aridlZ^Broad Street, ^ Washington, N, 1

Page 7: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU


OXFOi£I>.Tlio following nlllcorM were electod at

the lant mooting of Mount-Nn-Mnro Ijorlge,No. 14H, K.of K: U 0., Edward Sharps;V.O., Charles Wloaburii: M. at A., Prod.Peterson; I1., N. Litnipsfilro; M . a t W . , I.C. Hunt; I .U., Georga Hoffman; 0 . G.,Gcorgo Trlmmor.

Fred. MoHlorof Bridguport,Conn,, whileBtonlln? a rldo on a, Lnckuwanna coul trainon MonJny nfght full from tho cant nndWHS found nnnr the rolling mill, lying 11 Aprecarious condition,.and died shortly nf:or.The body was removed to Sharps' under-taking establishment, whoro 1b was pre-pared for buriul.*

Mr. nnd MrH. Win. Blessing and son ofWarwick, N. Y. t are enjoying a ahort visitat thohomoof Mr.anil Mrs. Marx Blessing.

John Stoltor of New Haven, Conn,, la nvisitor ab tho homo of his parents, Mr. andMrs. Albert Stoltor.

The family of Lev! Tico nre quarantinedon account of ono of tho children havingthe diphtheria.

Mr. and Mra. Jacoi) Hnrlinan nnd sonBenjimin or StuUngtan, Pa., are visitingroIntivoH in town.

The following otllcors woro olectfld byLiberty Council, No. 11, Jr . O. U. A. M., toHervo for tho •u.sulng lorm: C , KdwardScharror: V. U., John UlusaliiL'; II. Ser'y.Charles Ii. Fluhtql; A. it. a.,Win. H. Itopp:P. a., Cbark'H- niomtnir; -.Trtititi., Juini» W.O'Brlon: Con,, Gcoree Hunt; War., JosephLittle; I. S., Harry Ztilauf; 0, S., WilliamShnrrer; Truntco, John Ucliwulkort.

Henry Myor^, a well-to-do citizen of UIHplnno, ult'd at his homo on Holvideru avu-nuc lant Friday aftnrnoon from dropay, hehnvinii been a HiiU'jrur for a long time.Mr. Myers WHS woll knuwn and IIHH en-gaged in various linen of business. IIOUIHOsorvuel IIH asscHsor fur n. nuinhor of turnis.The funeral HOrvIiiCH were held at hla lateresidence MoiuUynfcornoon, Kov. K.ClarkClinoolliciating. IntMrmiint tviw tnntlo ntHlllHldc cemetery with Odd Fellow midMasonic rltun. A largo family of grown upchildren survive him.

On Friday morning rienth camo to therelief of Henry Ilnrlimi, who iiaHsnlleredft lout* time from cancer of the throiit. Thefun oral took place Monday morning, Itev.E. Clark CHno of I'MIIIpiiburtf UIIICIHUIII;.He wan hurled nt Hillsidu cemetery withOdd Fellow an* Masonic honors. Mr. Hur-ling wiu4 well known, and was nn export irfthe It last furnace lino, having cluirgu hoi

Helen May. Infitnt daughter of Mr. andMrs. Joshua You tij of 87 Howard olrouL,died Friday owning,

P«ler A, Hl' had a linger mnsliedwhllo coupling card Friday evening.

On Wednww' y evonlngof last week E,M. Roth, of iljttilohom, Pa., nnd BIIUJElizabeth F. I'ranoy of Warren PapoiMills, worn ui 1 od In marriage by Rov, T.0. Prltchnrd »• theparaonage of St. Jnuics1

Lutheran churjh.The nnnuni oxcuralon of the Warron

Foundry omi'1 ivoa will ho run to ConeyInland on Jui. £trd.

Sunday o-' nings nervlco In tho Mainstreet M. Ii •: mrcti waaono of song, witha chorus of -uvuiily vofcen accompafnedby an orchc* ra.

Card3givt 4 tho time of arrival and do-parturo of tit) malls havo been preparedandean be obtained from carriers or bycalling nt t>o ['bjillpaburg post olllco.

Hov. S. A). Bebout, pastor of the MainStreet Mot 1 itllsb church from 1SS3 to 1S01,died at bin •IOIIIQ ab Little Falls, on Sundaymorning, in1 or a brief illncsi. He Is sur-vived by hi 1 wife and five children.

Mrs. S ''tli Carhart, nn aged- lady ofItlver utru' t, wan run down by a bloyolo1

while retfi'-ding from church .Sunday, nndwas aorion .ly injured about tho head andface. Ttm name of tho rider could not belearned.

John *r«-'imp, ngad 76 years, foil from ncherry t ' - t fast Friday at his home onWarrens cat and died. Death was duoLo parnl> •>iamo froisra.

Mary A , wife of Conrnd Fnulstich, diedFriday of a complication of discuses nt tierhome i l l Filltnoro street, aged 15 yesirH.Shu Is HUI vived by her huHband and twoHuns, Alli-ud and Hurry FuulHticli of thisplace, ami hor mothor, Mrs. Uliziboth Al-

1, and .several lirothers and Histers.iber of Phllllp'-iburg bilkers have

ii of the heart. The tlccoaeedGermany to thia country in

for niftnyfoil 01 •burg,

for ninny yc.ira. Ho Is survived bv thofollowing children : Thomas J., of Philllps-

" ' " " " •' W'ilH "... Henjiunin of Easton, _ . .Scniuton, Mrs. LotUo Daniel of Newport,K.I,, Mrs. Hrmna'Krlcs of Washington,Mra. Hnchel Myers of Dover, Mrs. AlaryCooper, Mrs. Agnea Pureoiland Miss EllaHurling. ... ; .

Tho employees of tho Empire Iron andStoel Company received a present tho lirmof tblH month hi the shape of reduction Inwagest, as follows: Miners, 25 per cent jfurnace men, 15 por cent; present laborers,'10 per cent—and some laid oil'altogether.Look out for a "blue" winter here.

Mitt* Tillio Dritihaugh of L'amden Inspondlng hor vacation with hor parents In

...-..•this place...-. ". '.Miss Penrl Slack of I'hillipsburg is visit-

: ing friends here. AJohnston Conil8h>i«;'our favorlto for

•Governor over hero,Mrs. Galloway of High Bridge is visiting

Mrs, John Vossoler.MisH Mary Ciirmlchaol is entertaining

Now York trlcndd.Geo. Triniiner had tho misfortune to fall

i...out of ft cherry tree a few days ago, hutreceived no serious injuries.

mined tiio prtco of b«cents a loaf.

id from four to live

f Maddock ha.4 purchased the biwi-neH3 of L'o-opcrativoBtore Xo. 1, at SouthMain and Fox streets,

Mrs. John Brady has gone to St. Charles,Minn., to npeii'1 - your with her brother,

Michael Lea>*y was released from thoJIuIvidcrejailHaturduy.

Charlos Eaoi -dbnch, of KoRton. and MlfwIil/zie Hlcbard-, daughter of Mr. and Mra.Philip Richards, were wedded Thursdayevening last at tho homo of tho bridornparents, on First street. Flrthtown. Tho1

eeromony won performed by the Rev. S. 11. jJones.

(Jlmrles A. Holt, of JIteulah Willover, daugb

THey City, and StoroFhlr. nnd Jl

id Aliasil Mra.

UeorgoO. Willover, were wedded evening at tho homo of tho b>*Ido'sparonts, on dltgroaves street. Itev, \V\ \V.Case, of Itutlierford, thin State, brother-in-law of tho bridegroom,'performed ttie


Tbo wily statesmen recently gathered atPhiladelphia bad of courao a definite pur-pose In their minds when they devoted theilrst and longest part of their platform—for no other subject ia treated at anythinglike tho samo length—to this moribundmonoy issue, which on tho floor of Con-gress only a few weeks ago they declaredto bo closed, settled nnd dono with. Theysay comparatively little about trusts.—Bal-timore Sun.

SAX JUAN HILL.SOUK tor P)«it doc« not tako muc

In that story of San Juan Hill. It onlypulled Itoosovclt through for Governor Intho tromendous vote of the Stato of NewYork by tho boggarly plurality of twelveor fifteen thousand.—Cincinnati Enquiror.

H003EVELT.Even "Teddy" Is a boss contribution to

tho Republican national ticket. Ho Is arough and ready sugar coating for .the dosowhich tho people are asked to swallow.—Itocord.

TUB FOUNDATION FOK itOBHEItY.A few well-turned words in tho platform

about tho American flag on the aeon laysthe foundation for the robbery of ovoramndred million dollars in shipping noun

ties, and not ono in a thousand will recog-nize tho lino to which thuHe words ttro tobo put. The corrupt-preference of thoNicaragua canal scheme, by which morehundreds of millions of dollars of Govern-ment money aro to ho expanded in thoovercoming of natural obstacles, is only

iuted at in a glittoring phrnfje, which saysnothing of the cost, nor of the bribery

hich has pushed this particular schemeso far on its way through Congress.—Troti-uii True American.

*—ICUlfifl On Tho Track.

[From our Columbia Correspondent.]About!) o'clock on Wednesday evening

if laat week Irvin Brugier of this vic-inity was killed by a freight train on thoLohigh & Now England railroad while on

in way homo. The train was runningmckward and the crew did not know of thoho accident. His mangled body was found

Thursday morning junt above town near thoesidonco of Jacob Vrootn by Henry andUhert Allen, two section hands of Hainea-urg, who were (joing.^c Portland on the

land-cur. Tho barking of Brugler'a dog,

In some cases the external signs of Contagious Blood Poison arc so slight that thevictim ia firmly within the grasp of the mounter before the true nature of the diseaieIs known. In other cases the blood Is quicklv filled with this poisonous virus and theswollen glantls, mucus patches in the moutli, sorc3 on Bcalp, ulcers on' tongue, sorethroat, eruptions on skin, copper colored splotches, and falling hair and eyebrows

leavft no room for doubt, as these are all untnistatable signs of Contagious Jllood Poison.Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Poisoii. These poisonous min-

erals never yet inside a complete and permanent cure^of Contagious Dlood Poison. They drive the diseaseback into IJie nyatem, cover it up_ for a while, but ft breaks out again in worse form. -These powerful minerals produce mercurialrheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off. WCoroury andpotash muko wrocks, no t ouros, and tiiofie who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pain.

S. S. S. acts in an entirely different manner, being a purely vegetable remedy; it forces the poison out of the system, nn<instead of tearing down, builds up and invigorates the general health. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this specific virus, anutherefore the only cure for Contagious 31ood Poison. No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear, eventhough pronounced incurable \\y the doctors, S. S. S. can he relied upon to make a rapid. ptr..unent cure. S. S. S. is not anew, untried remedy: an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a sure and unfailing cure for this disease. It is thoonly purely vegetable blood medicine known.

Mr, II. J.. Myers, 100 Mnllteny St. Newark, N. J.,•pread nil over my body. These soon broke out lr '-t Into sores, nml it ia easy to Imagine the

"nrtors CJUM do m- no s ^ 1 had spent atried various patent medicine*, but they d

terrible bliiml (Ilseaie, which nns in ipols at first, but afterward)ffering I endured.' lie fore I became convinced that thondred dollas l iJ ;i tlr AV I t l iy

hey did not rencli the disease. When I had finished my firsted, and w.1.1 dellehtcd with the result. The Urge, red iplolches

on my chest began to grow paler nnd smaller, and before long disappeared entirelv. 1 regained mylost vrelKlit, became stronger, and tuy appetite Improved. I vnt soou entlicly well, and my sltia asl as a piece of glass," •

Send for our Home Treatment Boole, which contains valuable information aboutd i h l d i i f lf t t O d i l d t t i


bottle of S. S. S. I vrai jon my chest began to grlost vrelKlit, became stronclear as a piece of glass,"

d f

hesitate to write for any Information or advice wanted. We m k e no charge whatever for this. All correspondence is held in the most sacred confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA-

ceremony, asslHted by Itev. E. V. King. which had watched by tho dead bSdy allMrH. Rebecca Ann StovoiiHon, wife of night tlrnt attracted thoir attention and

&&?SSSfroinnllcation of dlaho la.Hiirvivcd by h

of dlwateH, agc-d SO yours.d by her Iiusband and eifiht

Ilcrtt for the Bowels.No mattor wlmtailayou, lieaditcho to a

caneor, you will nover Ret woll until yourbowels are put rieht. CASCARBTrf helpnature, euro you without a gripe of pain,produce easy natural movements,costs youlust 10 cent.1 to start getting your healthIMUIG. UASCARCTSCandyCatharUe, thegenuine, put up in metal boxea, every tab-let has C. C. C. stamped on It. Beware ofimitations.

«10O Rewiiril #100.The renders of this paper will be pleased

to leiirn that there Ia at least one that ticience has bee:: ahlo to curei il i t d t h t i C t h Hl l '

J U N C T I O N .Mrs. George Green of Brooklyn visited

at Mr. and Mra. Geo. Quick's last week.

upposed ho wiw either sitting« • « "

I m a n -or Bleeping on the track. He won terriblymuti In tod, Ills body boingsevered. He was43 years old and untnarriod. He in survivedby a mother, two brothers and two fiiwterH.The funeral was hold at tho house Satur-day afternoon, Rev. II, P, King ofllciating.Interment in Fair view cemetery.

stylish, comfortable HER HICKbacauso Fitett Count. .Wet I'ramiset.

It pays us to havo a woman find


oMctly as It iaadvertlsed—a porfeciahos, but without tho fancy profitthat a woman expects to pay. Threo

d d ach one is euarantaed00 S3.50.

»*7 that a woman ex•*ff Krada3 and eac

• -3? —$2.50 — 53,0

Htcwartsvillo has its first grammar schoolenmmencement this (Friday) evening: intho Presbyterian cburcli of that,ginnirif,'at elyht o'clock. There aro eight Igraduates aa follows: Bessie Viola Oberloy,Mary Heller Stone, Mabel Rlnehart, Louise

s Lola Ttioniaoa tlie latter psi

Sullivan moved his family to• . 1 . . 1 • 1 v . m

1 guest of I Kennedy Godfrey, Myrtle;rt of laat Stone, Jesao Oberley and C

in .11 it« stage:, and Hint U Catarrh. Hall's E l S a l i one day l , i . i

id Charles Hamlcn,Tho salutatorian is Jesse Oborley and tho

valedictorian Mabel Hinehart. Prof. P. T,

nelni* HcnnHtitnlfnnRi-dlwnso. requires a " ,constitutional treatment. Hall's:"Catarrh ..rhe..H(1(

Cure ia taken internally, acting directly V e w , e -upon tho blood and mucous surface of 'leP.afted, ono was .formerly Miss Anniethe system, thereby destroying tho fouu- S m! t h- o l d c 3 t dauRhtor of Mr. and Mrs. C.dation of the diseiLso, nnd giving the , P1 Smith. Ho age was 2<J years. She had

•Vli- Atwood, the county nupcrintundent{schools, will deliver nn nddrosa to tho

id death of Mrs; Frank Smith of grnduatos and Rov. J .O. Yoder will pre-k occurred Sunday evonin^. The

aa-.,formerly Miss Annie sent tho diplomas. ;The other features of tho program are '

the following essays: '.'Ended, Yet JustIndie

Address, F. J.OHENKV & CO.,Toledo, O. r .

.Sold by Druggists, 75c.Hail's Family Pills are the best.


len. An orchestra will furnish music anda largo attondanco is expected.

* • * . . * » . . « . * » - « " • . . . T T . . * w * > 4 4 . b « ' « ' I U M U l . 1 ^

bury were guosts of Mr. and Mra. C. R.Dullart lust Sunday.

Miss ICatherine Me 11 nith returned homofrom New York city last Fridiy, whoreshe hiia,,..bepiii;_engag(jd. us . kindergarten

:....:::.. t e a ' c i i u r . " '"••"•" '

, Miss Annie DuIUrL ami MUH -IforUmSmith of Newark nre home for their usualHummer vacation.

Mrs. C. L. Mother of Now York cit;. - piiKsod Sundiiv ninl Mondny of tht1

with Murttu Wyckolf and family.

k cityweuk

yMr. and Mrs. Thomis Dalrytnple oi'

Olcn Uardncr visited Mr. and Mrs. JamesMelroy on SuiHiay Just. I*

A. J. Cawleyof Whitc'uuusc, who soldout »I:j bakery to John Vc\r,3 and-Godt'reyTriitiHite of thU pinco, moved his fmnily•here this week, lie will' erifingo in thomilling businen.4 with his brother, Frank,aHSoon ILS the new mill in erected. Messrs.Trnnstie and Pells left on Saturday to tnki--charge of the bakery at Whitehousu. Welwlah them success.

Mr. and Mrs. Boekley aud son, Nallian,of Philadelphia arc bdii^-'cnlcrt'iiiicri atthe homo ofhis sister, Mrs: C. S. Shiner,

Miss Borthn. Watson Is homo' from..BJooiutleld, w l i e l•-in toncfiliijT.__

Watson Is homofromosliu spent tlio piist year

• " ' : " " \ • • • •

Tho State School Report;,; .iTlie.iitinuHl r6purLuf-Lho State-Board ofEducation and of the Superintendent ot\'iriRtructiotrhh.S"jus't"*oocn -issued. H, un-1fortunately, shows that 102 fewer children 1

Hardy spent tho past week at Plalnlleld.Miss Mabel Young and Miss Hnttio Ful-

per took a trip to Sprlngtown on theirwheels last Friday.

tlio happy posseaaor of a new wheel._-P.crcy.Hu5hC3..oCNc,varfc has been 3 pen fl-ing a"we«k with his parents, Mr, nnil Mrs.F. S. Hughes. - ..:-:•• . .

Jos, Movvery and children, Ml\s Gethaand Charlus, luft on Monday for a "vacationtrip of several weeks to Western Penna.

Miss Anna Houston is visiting her pur-oiiUutElfeabetU. - : - | reI, „„„ aitonce,)

Oar town presented a deserted appear-1 • ,,,', .„_„ oz n,,;ir!roancc on tho Fourth. Many people attond-1 y e i t r ' l h o r e n r 0 2a childre,od thoctilubrutlunti at Hi|*h Bridge,Blooms- yenrs of ago in tho county mialhitry, ilrickottstown and other places, nnd 9L under, UftceiTlie snmil boy WHS in evidonco however,

il tluiHo that worj loft behind were. . tintallowed to forget the day. In ilio eveninga good crowd was assembled on the M, lawn to partako of the bountifulprovision made 1of that church.

Jacob Goi-gas, aged 51 yenrs, who wasstricken with apoploxy on his engine inthe Central vurd at 1'hillipstuirg a fewUcuks Hgu, died Thursday night at tliohomo of his son-iii law, Howard Ueiumont,at Mercer and Jullurdon streets, in PiiIHlps-burg. Deceased is survived by liin wife andtiirooehildron—Mrs, Beaumont and Josephand Rogffiu Oorgas. lie is also survived byhiii p:uantH, Mr. and Mrs. William Gorgns,and soveral brothers and sisters. Mr, Qnr-mia waa a moinborof tho ICnfghtH of Malta,

attended school in this county during thoks t school year than in the proceedingone. Thore are 273 children in the countyattending private schools and 1,333 ehild-

10 school • during"1"tiiechildren over ton

.bio to readyears who arc cm-

ployed in factories, mines and stores. Wnhivo 9G coloroii children and 0.1S3 child*

Aiiromlneiit .MontrpnlciiTtfyriia-i, tinH. Dixnn, lipctor St. --luilf- IIIK! IloChrist Church (;iittiutlra|. \vrite<:—ecricl ywi n tI'El-.r.Y DAVI9'l'AlS-KH.LBIt. I !

timi which du-crvi's full imlilic com1


SI8REYou can add much to your home comforts by visiting

our store, and especially the basement. Here youwill find many things at little cost, r".

Refrigerators, $6.50 to $22.00.Ice C'-iists,- 4.49 ani up.

Galvanized-lined Water Coolers, $1.49 to $3.75.Stone Water Coolers, $1.49 to $1.75.Stone Water Filters, $3.75 to $5.25.. Hammocks, 75c to $2.75.

Oil Stoves, 49c, 89c and $1.25.Gas Stoves, $1.35, $1.98 and $2.59.

Baby Carriages, $7.98 to $18.50. ..... . .Go-Carts. $4.98 to $11.50.

Clothes Hampers, $1.50, $2.25 and $2.75.Porch .Cushions, 25c and 50c.

Fruit Jai:s—the Gilchrist,—best jar made—not acheap jar, but a good jar. Pi.its; $1 perdoz;

quarts, $1.20; half'gallons,' $1.40.Window Screens, 35c to 50c. Best quality only.

Screen Doors, 85c, 98c and $1.50. Ml sizes.Bamboo Porch Curtains, best outside of

split bamboo:4 x 6, 60c; 6 x 8, $1.20; 7 x 8, $1.40;

8 x 8 , $1.60; 10x8, $2.00. ..These prices include pulleys and cords, complete.:.„ ^~..A/pri/..Hpcirclhl(a.fnr- Ci ijrjn-jnrrnjrjfQi-f

—.Large line,,also,:.oLTe!escopes, Grips, Bags and 'Dress Suit Cases. . . . . " . .

ren unvaccinated. Seven children in thecounty aro deaf-mutes.

t3,ocItJ. tJ ' | . There^was nn average, of 0.3 months ofI school in the county and 167 pupils were

neither absent or tardy. Eighty-nine percent, of all enrolled pupils were presentevery day. The average salary paid innleteachers in the county Is^lS.21 per monthand the female teachers $31.0f».

ttoyal Arcaimtnnotivo one

. guest of her Mister, Mrs. P. 1J, Konnody." • "Wm. Ban<r|iiirtaiid fitmllv of Junction

-.inilJohn_Cllnnji.ini'rnmlt.vo'rNow Villiigu,were onturtiiined at tho home of isaac (.->. -:-'Givai

. Smith on Sunday last. ..-;:-. . . j 1,• A t the union meeting in the M. MS* 'church liust Snndiiy evening Itov. P. B.ICounuily prttiicUed a very inturctitiuc tntn-

,. purii'i(:o serinpn. lllsaubjuct was: "Thoinfluence""of tho driiik- Imbit upon .our.

HarryS«l)bina of X e \ \ 0 ' o r k city wasthp.gntmt.o'1 Pr.. F. J. hnUtuw and familyfroifi'/Hiiturday until Holiday.'

Mra. Oillcspio of MorrMown paid , iibrief visit 10 her daughter, A£ra. 0 . F." Ml-nian, Insfc wuvk, . (;> , . ,

A. M. Poor and family 0!' Asbm-y." I'arkar-'-lmiirding 11L O. K. Curpontur's.

Mis* A nun HliieHot' your borough liasboon'si>uridi 1 iiiVi .lew days with lu-.r sistor.Mrs. F. J . Lnlllcm-. •-'irlrr-'- ' ''' '

.Jell-O, Tho New Oi'sscirt,

{ileases all tho family. Four flavors;—jOinon, Orange, Raspberry inul Scmwv

it-nerliootl of Loco-j berry. At your grocers. 10 cts. Try "itof Phillipiiburgr Tlioj today;-r:r;.i-01LUUH

I11 en Wheat harvest began J unc 27th—iibout nty I s ll loutl 1) . ^ _ _ . . . .

1 innaiiq a clean skin" No I week earlior than usual., Hay is selling attic.tuty"witiioiit it. CascaraU, Cntidy Catiiar-1'?12 per luudj dclivorod from tho." •'-'

stirring'111*> itie lazy livec and tlfiving all'iiii-......:..-_.. from t j 1 0 1 ) O [ j v > ijL.sin io.,lay tu

inipluM, boils, blotclus, blackheads,sickly bilious takim

out it. CasciuvU, Candy C'athar-1our lilni>flniirl kwp it/li-arij-liy The Lehiiion Towtuihlp Committee will

h l l lt t t 'N I l t T d th

;kly bilious ta. _.., -beauty foi-k-u i-tiits;VAl!.t „„

yists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,25c,50e;"'"

'ANTHONY." Mrs. AaronGray -I* very sick nnd •<} Jr.

Mn;..KV«nk Apgnr nrirto n pionMrs.SuHii}i Apijar Momlny.

Alex. Aiicior-'ion is lovcling >i \lii« Junclioii Water On. >i

muetat'New Hanipton on Tuesday,-tinlot!} inst., nt 1(1 o'clock in tiui morning, torevise tlio tax cluplicato.

Tho cold storugu housi

•Mirny'tliousuntls have boon rtstormMo•hoiiltli'iujil 1lia;j\jlncifi It.V Uio^ti.-nti-borlaiu's Ooi:pii liemedy. If :illlictc-riwil.huny throat 01; lung Iroublo," give it 11 trialfonit issuro l,(i pro' ,.tiiat.hav.O resislud tillollior troatmont1 for

r. yours, havo .viuUliitl lo tliibiOtnudy nnd nor-

work at, tho limn iron mi no far l\vor until the ..harvest is cndtid.

Mis:> Carson of Onumu -ihor iitiruntu.

of I3d ward Hum-

Iiiglii of last week nndrobbud of 11 "qiiiiiiitity"oftlnsbuttor, pot ttoerf, moat and vegetablesbloretl tliurein,

Tho Hoard of Education of LebanonTo-.vnsliip lias callcil nn o!c«tion to bo heldIn-Miii Wnnrfgion HOIIOOI ho»«e nn tho 21th

I inst., ut '2 p. ni., for fcho pui-posu of uiitliori-

, At the same linio-ttio'old school buildingwill bv olI'tit'tHl ut public Hiile.

,i Tho Oimirjjowalcr KnufV factory,1 onci n |yhive of indu.slr.y, is now ilciurltn'H'.ivo,for|I lliu nits anil tlio butH. that riilu the.roost.

'! J.lko. "J.-'aiL' Auburn" oW Olminow'ii (k'aurtud •villrtfit;.i;~—u—

Jolv!i..Sinith, who lives one milo from

Reid's New YorkIce Cream

• is obtainable only at the remodel--ed and renovated restaurant of

P. L. THOMAS,in the Burd Building, 52 E, Wash-ington Avenue, which is also apleasant placeto dine or Itindi. u

Meals All Hours.Mere will also be found Fruit,Confectionery, Tobacco and Ci-

ift "Drinks..;;; J j T "

WM.;A. STBYKEU.No, 20 B. Washington Are.,

Washington, N.J.Coanttoll or-aMJaw.

Sapromo Court Commltwloner,nnd Special Master In OtaaaOflr?.

Practitioner In nilU. S. STATE AND COUNTY COURTS.

"S ' . . . , . 1900


Attornej-Ht-Law, Solicitor t n dMaster in Clianccry. / ,


DEALER IN KKAL BSl'ATX.Office next door to the St. Cloud Hotel,

Washington Avoouo.

c,B. SMITH, M. D.,

Washins ton , N. J .(8 to a a. m. -

Office hours. < 1 to 8 n. m.(ti.30 to 8 p. m.

0dee nnd rcal'lonce,iart Wewt WuHblagton Ave.

Telephone connuctloii.

P. P. McKINSTKY, 31. D.,

Wanhington, N. J .

fS to 9 a.m.Hoe hours.-' 1 to 3 p, m.

(.8 to 7.30 p.m.Sdttdays, 1 to 2 p. m. only,

'elcphoae connoutlon. .

H M. COX, M. D.,

Washington, N. J .

Telephone oonuectlon.

|7 to 9 a, m.a hours, h to a p.m.

I? to V p. ra.

fH. STITI3S, >I. I).,

' to 9 a. in. )•1 to s;p. in. Ii to 7 J). 111. )

107 Eoat Waahingtoa Ave.,

Oflloo lioura. Waalilugtou, N. J


Oilieo ami Ilostilt'iice,1 133 BuUidcrc Avenue, Washington, H. J,

f 8 to 10 n. in.ttiLi: Iluuitsj I to •! |>. 111.

I 0:if0 to a ]i. in.I>ln.ii«.rt of tliv Kyp, NOHP, Ear ami Throat

a Spvclittty.

" D X. JACOBUS, M. D.,

67.KullroadAvoQue,Washington, N. J .

•T\R. G. T. VOX,

(ntn'mi TO snow CAUSK.. .- , •/ . . „ ; - AiM-ii/TKiiJi/AlT). l i m

' Wllll'iiin ii'. VlJill! ' { onAf l iu l i i l s i r a tu ro f't-stji t-> off' sn.i

I'.-JI«.-<] iw fin- .-is In- r a n 'iltsirnvi1

whi-iThv !l iinni'fii-s l lun . Hie nwot Ktil«l lU'ii | .-"»'ii n a l U r f Insiiillfh i M . h ' h ( « : w ! : w i i t . M i i - a i i i i i . | . l lcai i . i i i of ±!t\]\;ii | iiil '"i<ir:iti>r, Hoflln^'-fiti ' t li t l i ' i ! l ! i " H;IIU'i i ' i i ' : iS ' i | ili,.il M-iKni '(.i[ ivilt , , . . • • - -<• ' • • •'

]:ui|l!«!ltf!ii:l':it;it'l« ;itit|SiT.'i

•lir'Uli .ilit.V. Of •Ana;

. A. n. mnii,• s i . ' . t [ n i i u -*;" ";>'- r i . t l , l iU>-

e w i a o r i s | U i ^ _ _

Get's TH-ere!- When you haveA good thing

'• •' Push it alone ! [iWe're. Pushing— \\

Are ready now, and invite the attention of, ._ the.seeker fOr pine and.ihinss.rniidsiof-pjne

-—or dnqrs .o.nd. windows and the things,••" : that 'make th::'vTrne. : v>

•We wilimcet you on Quality, Price and Accommodation.

& SON,Lumber^Yard and Mills."" a ^

OUkvaai! rtHM..-uce, 172 Main Street,B A . T H , F>A,

"111'1" llnur-.—Frnm 0 n. m. to-i p. ia. PriC-llce lliiiitoii to dIt<L>aHea of the

EYE, EAR, HOSE ASD THROAT,anil inijuntintnt of glusHt'a . ,..,„_,. ..

Dr. 1'nx \v\i\ illrtL-oiitlniit! practice for oneyear aftur June 1 nth, o winj» tu IIIH absence InKuropf. TIIONL' (k'.slrlnj,' cuiinulttitlou aliouldnote tltfri fact.


-pvR. P. J. ECKEL,

Dent i s t .

Washington, N, J.OIHca and resilience,

Opposite St. Cloud Hotel.



T O S . B E I J i DE R E J I E K ,

• . .AroWtcet , - : -•.'-•:

3i East Washington Ave.,

;on, N. J.

•-V-V V . W Y C K O F F ,

nsvirance and Real Esta te Agent,

WASHINGTON, N. 1Telephone CnU No. 31.


O. F. STAATES. Prop'r..

auriiiisaoil In location, lu.'coinmotlatlott anamnnaccmenr. Ponnanont aiid transient guestswell ontortalueU. I'ricos reiisonnbln. - -:.-:: :.-.

Evorj- room homed ;by stenn, and lighted DJoleetrlolty. " • . . ..

• V T

~ ; • • " ! ! " " .

v i. ;. GARDEN1 HOSE

will c;il! if you are ill need of ;u!v special lilu'iif l-actory, PiLimbiii!^,Sttiaui and Mardw.ue Supplies ap.J want to sm'e speciii! ir.'iitrLiciitins re- ••-•

i,garc!instli:::;i!Hl suiteJ-ra yoiir ptrilciilar case. Tiiere U. nu l:uii''nsivo liiie of these goodsT Thrv 'a re . ' - : ••

Our Representative

pthe co.milry ~c.myii!K,'s...more txte

Wiishlngtdp AVc, \vi£yhiugton, N. J. ~


J . BOSS I iAKK, I ' rop ' r .

: F ^ ^ 7 . 'l.n'ltllf"'!i Gracious grouuda,

oleotrlc llguts. a'.cam, Iroo 'b»a to

find from (ilitralu^ A iiloftaaut Htlin.

tm'.rretreat. -.


. HcmMolcd mm Vory Cor.Kmtnlnr Purnlahei.";

S B , ,[lw'o;l9>i,*iTo. " ' " c ° t 0 " l o":.?1 1 0 n

Steam liwjit lu every rooih, all othor modornBonrdluK itncJ.LSviry Stfililes attached. :'Stag*

moettf trains ou D., L. A w . KK. Kr.JlrWe«i1lfi.

p , tlitit'ttvocliiHdtoof fiunous livalthroaortH fnilod to'hono'lH, havti lu'on »nrinu- mmmmm



Page 8: The Reader Can't HINGTON STAR. · • The Reader Can't.'it iliO win fi in.11* .ill tliv local Hi-wit wltti-HINGTON STAR.The Matter Can m.'t iiriicllcnily all tli I 3:'.I) YEAK-M'MBKU

• ' ' . , . . ' / f . • . ; ' • - . ' • ' - . • - ,


'PERSONAL MENTION.A Week's Record of the (Movements ol

'••-.-•:.- the People You Know.

Soda! Events of the Six Days Briefly Chron-

icled lor Quick Perusal.

Mr. George Williams loft here Saturdayto take a position It) Philadelphia.

Mr. Harry Hobbiug of New York city', hns been visiting Washington iVienus.

Mr. Joseph D. Johnson wns conlincd tohis home part of hist week by sickness.

Misa Miriam Spoirs Is visiting her brotherin Huzk'lon, PH.

Miss Sadie Wyiumi la entertaining hercousin from Boston, Mass.

Mr. Harry Bnyor-of Scran ton wns withfriends here ovur dundny.

Miss Carrio Anclo has been spendingseveral daysln Hackuttntown.

izzia Firth of PIiMIpsburc is beingentertained by Miss Liiin Spcirs.

Mr. Daniol Spniigunbcrg, Jr., was homofrom Brooklyn a few days this veefe.

Miss Lillian Donnelly lias been sufferingsince lust week from it sprained mikle.

Mr. and Mrs, Mont ford Hutching!) visit-il relatives fn Atmiiiidnle over Sunday.

Lodge Elections.t'to Trlbo No. SO, I. 0. It. M., elected tho

following new officers Friday night;Prophet, Paul Aagaard: Baohom, Alfredllushj senior sagamore, Charlea Edgortonjunior sagamore, William Donee; trusteeJuacph Clluu; jtnltur, Hurvoy Price.

At the regular meeting of MansfieldLodge, No. :*_', J. O. 0.1-\, held Saturdayevening last, tbo following olllcers vetoelected for tho ens i t K G J Hevening last, tbo following olllcers vetoelected for tho ensuing term: K G., J. H.MIers; V, U , p. J. Eckel; Secretary,T. II.tiullck: Trustee, (18 mouths) Nathan Curl;Janitor, John S. Lewis. Tho oilicont willbo installed Saturday evening by D. D.U. M., Hurry 13. Frev, of Warren Lodge,Xo.53, oi" b:eivartsvij]ft A good attvaii-

l t d

William Barker.Dr. P. X. Jacobus made a trip to 1'iiiori-

Tille, 2f, "V., last Thnrsdny to make a cullon some of his pntionts.

Miss Florence Slater of Tlncketislowuwas a t»uestat tho home of Mr. and Mrs.J. It. Bryant over Sunday.

. , _ -a \~ui iautii, .jv., WhitileM CuttlntT: C. of E., i

„ L. D. am! Elizabeth Cummins of I Smith: M. of 11., J. M.CIinniborlfn: II. 1\,Jersey City lire visiting rulatlvcs here until; \\'m. Andrew: S. II., J. P. Miirlutt; V. II.,niter the Fourth. j It, Dereiner.

Mr. Huburt of PhllfldtilpbiA is here \ stnrlii*lil Lodge, Jfo."iO!, K. of P., Thurs-to spend .some time witli relatives in tins ; day evening hu-t, elected the following olli-ptncannd Oxiord. i cers tor Uio ensuing term: M. of \V., John

Tho Franklin Fcnaco wrkmen aro on-joying it " prosperity" vacation, tho fur-unco at that place having been blown outand closed down.


Without help,a bald spot nevergrows smaller. K

J keeps spreading, until at last yourfriends say, "Mow bald he is get-ting." Not easy to cure an old bald-ness, but easy to stop the firstthinning, easy to check the firstfalling out. Used in time, bald-ness is d

Derr and other Mends hero this week. . u two wuuka' visit hero. • TJ |U mw o n- l c u r s of American AdvocateDr. G. T. Fox, the well known eye and j Miss Nellie Snyiier of Hnzen was the i Cointcil, II. of IJ.» ulectvel last Friday night

ear specialist of Bath, Pu., accompanied guest of her imcle, Mr. /-iljsi Snycler, from j H r c a s follow*: Junior ox-councilor. Lizzieby bis family, will spend a year in Europe. Saturday till Tuosday. \ young; junior councilor, Corn

i Franco.-* Seward of Cheater has been | Miss Helen Loscy of Jersey City hns sttfptnnti; councilor, Urrtv Lewis as^ocln'

color to faded or gray hair, all thedark, rich color of early life. Youmay depend upon it every time. Itbrings health to the hair.

SI.CO a bottle. All druggist!." I lme used ymir IT.ilr Vigor ami am

erpflflyple.iai'i! wlili It. I lmufliilvusiidone bottlo of It, ;tnil yet' my liafr haaStopped fulling out and has started u>grow ngaiii niii-ly." Jui.irs WITT,

Xarcb W, law. •- Caiiuvsi, S. UaJf.

Wrlla (ho Doctor,If you .1" tint nl.titln nil the brtiflftM yon

oxpacttd frtitii tliib tiic of 'he Vigor, writuthel)oCU)i:il)«iit it.

Address, DE. J .C . ATKU.* Luirell, Naif.

Now For a HotOitiTime!

We're ready for it, and pro-pose, to make trading just ascomfortable as possible forour customers.

Healthful, RationalFood for Hot Days!

Noodles, .Simi-kllnji D r i n k s ,l:or soup or side dish. Something new.' Uoot lioer. Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda,Pure Hour anj eggs. .Wore nutritious; extra size; two cents 1-acU for the liottle:than meat. pjukaKe., lOoj per bottle l^(>

IceRoot Beer K.vtruut,

Our Brand is the best in the worM; priceJ^£ k K. T h ^Gre . - i i "O. K." lir.wJ.... .V

Salt , iO-Ifc> Jbeig, lOc.) Saw Ctuim-.l Soups, ;,j ' Ox Tall,-Mock' Turtle, Chicken, Clam

j Cliowdor; tnnke seven portions l " c

Best Boilecl Ham, pound,20c.Qtllljk I)MM!l'ls; JM if's OlIlH,'

MaJe in a niiiuite. Hro-man-i;e-!o!i, nz; \ A healthful, nutritious l>ruakfast fooJShreddeJ Wlu'.it Miscuit, 13c; Jello, 10;;: wlikli takos but a jiffy to prepare: price.Jellycon paclia^L- t i le ! ycrpackage. , uu?

Try our Delicious Summer BologneiS« I ml Drfsciiii;, J a m a i c a (Jin •*<>••,

The genuine, lull si/e Koyat Durkeo anj . Pure and of Full Strength. It shouM be in"My Wire' Urauds. M t i c 2."IL* i cv.-ry liuitiL-: buttle ;./..„ .....Ulu

Miss Jean Pauline Brtrtron accompiimed u wcuk with herher aunt to Scranton last week for about a < John J. /entne, infortnight's ttity with Mr. and, Mrs. CharlesWeston. "•':•

Vera Swnyze, little daughter of John B,Swayze is dangerously ill with remittentfever at her home on West Washingtonavenue.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Beatty had as their

§ucsts on Sunday, Mrs.! Osiuuu of'ewarfe. and -Mrs. Keziali Anderson of

Anthony.MIFS Carrie Crane and Mr. Archie Hum-

mel of High Bridge were'gucsta of the for-1

wcuk"with"hei:"pi1Vronts7 Mr."and Mrl! ' w e e h*

Mr. Whittled WhUesell'and daughter,., , 1 U i l l v

Miss Minnie of >ewurk, were bundiiy, ,-or,i a t I ,j Frenelitu-ni. rihe lived . there)guests of Mr. and -Mrs. William sbipniiin. {,,nt|j tt]« spring of 1S&' IV.VMI bv rea-on of

Miss Jennie Cornish expects Miss Auna ; thv dumb, .jf her t'aiher in lSSlj and laterHewett of Jersey City to visit her for a ; the itroft^ional occupation of her brother, jmonth. Him will probably be here today. : Ur. P. J. K.'fceS, and liie miirrijige of hur i

the guest of heruuitt, Mrs. J. \V. Oilbough,i'or 53voral days.....

MkwB'miioUe Davis has been..entertain-.Mi J i Htl ' of ilakettstowu

MkwBmiioUe Davis ha ting Miss Jennie Hotl'uian of ilankettstowu

Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Bayjiss of Oxford i ditys previous to her dtiitli she eiune todrove 10 liosetnoiit, Huntcrdoii county, on r help tier sister, Mrs. Griiiith, remarkingT u « d « y , tu spuiid n \\—u ••- : " - I T . . • , . <. . ? ,. /•._. L- 1.... ..... m...iB l l 1

or su withi,1 parents.

j , , ^ C a r o t j n e Snvder and Mrs. Mary ]

l I d f tl U h

x well i.he felt. On .Saturday, the 2Jndt1 complained of fee!iMET tired. Thin- - ,-v-- . . . . . = j u a . a»wl..i-_- ^«-,iii:i.r.iiu - U 3 . .u.uj . . ••- Hiui i ucreastid from day to day. Wednes-ior several days. Gulea Imvc moved from tl>u Uut uvc-r thu - day a pi;,Viici:m wascHlled who pronounced

Mr. Alfred Dcremer and bride of Mar- old W. C. T. U- rooms to the Hut in the Uhe exhaustion due tu a weakening of the•tin1" Cr*»«"b «t mined horeover Sunday with I i»n*nh Wdlcr building Icirculutioii. The cessation came suddenly.

""" Mra.C. B.SmItb..m!M^r.Mi^ tl.. At_ the iiRo ol •» =he united withtin1" Cr*»«"b «t mined horeover Sunday with Ihis parents, fhey were on their way |h " ^'" - - J - " -~ '"-home from their Sho I

Mr. Sylvester Grofl' and daughter werehere from Bloouitield from Monday antilTuesday. They came particularly to seehis sister, Mrs. O. M. "Weik, who is very ill.

Miss Annette Treso and Henry Martin

rhere he is now employed. They will! The fii.icrul wns held on Tuesday. Afterboard for si while, perhaps moving there j prayer bv Dr. iiarnea ac the homo of Mr.later. >\ \ iiritlith, tut body was taken to the 1'rcshy-

Mr. I. \V. Jenniii"s of Cliiniii^on Colo- i terian church at Mt. Pleasant, HunterdonMaa* * „ - J •• rado.isspendHiiisoiiietimointhisvici.iitv.! county, where funenit services were con-

Voorhees, editor of the Fleming ten Demo- He has been the "uest of Mr. George W t ducted by UCJV. Horace D.&Lssrtmnn ot Par-erat—Advertiser, were married at the k«K(, ftnd Mr. William Stewart for the past j sippany. The interment was in the familyhomo </ t h e b r i ( l e i l 1 f l f?min" t 0» last! week • ' " jplot in the cemetery adjoinin? the churuh.

me uThursday.

Miss Blanche Davis entertained

i Iced Tea or'.Coffee.| Spfclnl IlhMiil T.'n, ih .toe Mnuha and .lava CollVi-, II)..: liflui lAlriv S[ htl 'IVH, lit .MM- : Spi-ciul r.inv-c, \\t l!O(;; Kitii'M Trluii i t ihTrmlh 7.V- <>nml Ittti CollVi', '2 1 hit 'jr.c

j Full SIK C"i:JaiscJ ,Mllk...l>r; :t «.'ftii.-, ^oc,:lVarl Barley ."u MiFruit Jar Kiil-tvis ."o ti»/. 'Our Host Cornstarch.paciiaee .~c

1 he deiiiution now in Hit- Cur \ F.,n;y New .Wackvrtl We Best LaunJry Starch .,..'.'. .",; ID

What i§ 'an Opflcist?


tury anJ the StanJarJ Oictimi-:iries.coinpareJ,\vItli other wordsless intimately ivLtfd to the

yBest N0iw.1v Mackerel iri(; ]ii ' Fresh Ginger Snaps. Lemon Cakes. OysterT l i b*.' boxes .Watches .. t'-'e Crackers, Nic Nacs ; o r lhFresh Compressc J Cikes, kept in re- Fresh Apples in gallon cans, tine for pies. !!."(•

Iriserator .' -Jc : Kerosene Oil, 5 gallons 50t.-physico me^haniiiil correction <<ivision L\v means o! lenses, is asfollows:

-Opilcfsi: A rcrsvn sUIIleJ cren^aseJ in the stujy of optics :•optir< helps th-it branch ot phys-iaii science which treats *of the]properties or light, lenses and Imirrors: of the construction of I „ . „ , . _ ^ •. , . « ,the eve and the hnvsot vision." i bP?.C!3l 3 a l e S 1H DrV' UOOjaS 31)0 ShOCS.

••Optician: One who makes or I . ' P A "•."... ' - ': ' 'r- ^ - T*r""- " "•""."""*.."", i i , " " "sells optical ^b«es and instrti-' R l & G l G o r s e t i i . Summer Corsets, Shirt Wiiists, l.iuiies' Wrappers, •- ic.IlU'IltS."

"Oculist: A physician wlios1

spec':i!*v is diseases of the eye ;]

Consequently theopticist alone

Appeal to.the opticist. respectingthe eyes as. you wo'.iM to thedentist coiiCerninj; the teeth

Extra Choice Sugar Cured H.ims, Per Pound, 13c.Extra Choice Lean Breakfast Bacon, Per Pound, 13c.

Good Cigars, Fifty in a Box, 50c.Cosmo Buttermilk Soap, 7c Per Cake..

New Lot Agateware, All Large Pieces, 25c Each. •

GUI and see u s ; we wan.t vour t rade .

j . B. HAMPTON,4 and 6 W. Washington Ave.

ihusV* mother, Mrs. ilaryf. There vra* a, big sunrise m KarrsviUe

A. Davidson,Opticist,

Washington, N. J.

We handle all brands. Quality linked with Quantity.

Try our Bathing Salt—26c Per Sack.

""Saturday -evening.- rucy- reiurii-• this morning.

•U~UUIUL| i-ritmy. ' . -• ••- '"" "~ jftillvroLinded years."worked~itirthe morn-„ Mr. and Mr?. \\ tltin.111 Trimmer of East; j , , , , [n t j l e i,ay tidfl, when he came in

Miss Edith Jacobus, who has been [Church street havebeen entertaining her to"din tier" great was his astonishimjnt toteaching ."icbool at Pleasant Hill, near | mother and sifter, :\Irs. f.i. Sauntiers \w\ ; his lioTuu in the possession of such nChester, Morris county,-is home for liurt Miss Louise S.umuers. of Bernardsville, for ; host of friend". He the best of theChester, Morris county,is home fvacation. She hits been engaged to teachthere another year.

Ma week.

-Mr. "Win. B. 'Crevclinc-YorK-Friday to spend sev

host of friend. He the best of t eituation and endeavored as bast he could

iu du justice to-U»e r««»tnliat,"liart beenii S

here another y e a . Mr. Win. B. Crevclinc went tu N«w | iu du justice toU»e r««»tnliat,liart b e n•"MKsLuiiEjer of Stanhope, ".viio'is visit iuyj YorK-Friday to spend several days.-'•'He i iaiii, u femuro ufwhiuli was atraSuntlane*her "nuniiMrciiW,:-Mr. and Mrs. .rohn i witnessed the (jreat 'vamity boat nice c<\; of ice cream that had been prepai-ed as

• Hann, in Anderson, was heard it? a sweetly j the Hudson in which the C. of P. c I i t !I b M s E v e r t t ' H ( s was

Park Saturday to attend Ihe'munifil Sunday ; Cornish street. They came to FU'inhiKton ,school conventioPL. Tliey will probably be i by train Sunday anil drove .here Monday; iaway from home nine or ten dayd.

prayertil'iil old bymn'ueet Kgain."

God IJC with you till


SWAN'SLemon,Orange andWild Cherry

Phosphates,Cheaper and more refreshing than Ront Beer

For sale by all Grocers anJ Druggists.


;-:rMr. anil iMrs, Ciiarles Cox, Sr,, nnddaughter.-Miss Vina, and Mr. "and airs.

l V

Frank Yan Sycklc,Billiardand'Pool

Sank Building: Next Door to Post• Office.

SiN Splendid Tables—Courteous Treat-merit,

Full Stock of Fine Cigars and Tobacco.

F o r a cielightfu!-and refresiiing BATH call on us and we will

show you just the kind of soaply.oii want. \

Have you looked at our Detachable Handle Bathing Brush? Only 50c.

Meat Duality;;;;;:;:' We buy tli'e fine, he.-svy, Lorn-fcii West-ern Beef." It costiKis mo'rt.- Uian to kill thinative product and ensts more than thelighter wei^liU v.:hieh are coni^ionly sold.' ^but'sucH meat insures tender, juicy roasts I1 and steaks and f ives good satisfaction. : **

acob C. Bowers a m / s ,rOTO to'Koeksburg; tinturiiay ami mn

OVi 1* (!!g')t-.T;nt'if-hn^-'1-9.'rl*l/-.n'V.^X-^Pine, rotnruing Sunday nttcruoou.

C ot ee s , ,i,::nd suL tirud utisilv. If you havcsmurUntj

or tight shucsj try Allen's Foif-Kiisu,[tcoolstiio loot and1 makes' 'walking 'oisy,C l i fc'ut, i i

to the "Hold-MtosMargaret V. Wnnio left towr.Tuen-1up . i a t ] , l i r j r . i M * ivoefc'oSTAit, 1 wouldsnvy of liwl wook for K v«c«iijm-; tour Slio t h t b t rtliQ O ! ' 6 d d I

•j:.Ncw..Jerse;•• Bnth, Va;

!£?•>' ••' '- OHuton Monday, and returned by tho ijvayi"t-'^~""•--•-of 3choole>i?a-Moiiiitain:.:wherer"rMri-;

"'" H Mert when a girl Her familyz± HenryM o i i i i t a i n w h e r e r r M r ;hen a girl. Her, family

U l l l \f P l l

jene Nrtifii wh'«:fci .wtsi*th;? orily packageIMiirhod. *The'tiora«?H, which were hit»h

spirited, stopped at the command of theyoung'fannfir who continued to hold onto the roiiiffdurinft tho fray, in which, bytho way, no.pen-kniyefl were drawn orthought of. After a .view momenta' delaythe •thlrtouiiislioppers proceeded on theirway home. The women and children

rmmoisOole. Mn*; Hhivo and Mrs. Bodlnc of-Lhcparty:were.-Irinhtunud hut no OIIUnreslstersand Mrs. Henry is their cousin;j was hurt. ft£?P T n K T n i n T E E N l

CitrciiTKwoliQiiiiiWuuiiiif fcut, inunits, bilsLots and calloii'i .spots.

d b i r l l ii,coni.s mid


ppiiin and fjiodny Sold

conis mid biinRriisjirall piiin and fjiesrest and cu.T.fort. Try it to-dny. Sold l>yalt'tlrucgiata and shou Htorcs for 251). TrialpiickfigtiFliEE. Addms, AHon H. Olm-slcd, Lelloy, NI'Y. ;!. .;" -

EniT<Sn STAII :—AS one who enjoyed theevening of tlie Fourth looking at tho linedisplny of iireworlrs Riven by Hon. J. 13,Corniah 6nhialawn,IdeHire'topiibliu]y ex-press my thanks for tho'rich1 trunt ho,.,I know.I express the" thnnka ot thoseveral1 hundred people who, Uico myself,-witnessed the finest display ever given Inthe borough. ; OsCAJi-JtiPFKRY.

Dr. Seip,The Oculistfrom Easton "

visits;:WashiiifilonSecond anti Fourth Fridays Monthly,

,, from 2to C p. tu. r--"•""•'•" at..St. .Cloud Hole!.

FreeyE^c Emxo I notions.

Notice of SultnlH-rotiVj;rll list'will hi- in

Lhf s lxl l i .III.V «.f J u l y IK'XV, l i t T ) " . J ] i . . ' " l i l ' -U T I I I (.1 Aj.rfl, l u m e n f l i t imil i i lKiwnni : ; .

Jinl.sJAV.', K x c u t i l u r .

,-. !).-ili»l, J I : M r.)!!, j000. ' . .

Kpdoiruyspepsia- Cur6=^ ~ : "Digests what you- eat."

Great'rumble in Prices on ^

•- .-, - You must see .them- to"judge" the^yalues^ r^'-

EVERY\ONE AT BARjGAIR tFancy''Colored- Percales,: were 50,c; now. 41c | f

explain l< - " ^ : 65c;-/ '1":; 5.0c AFancy Jl~ " :" , " S5c; ' '", 70c-• -J>

" , " " **""$ J»00 I /DC /..™ j ^ , ;

White Lawn (all over) andtucked, were $1.25; now 99c

Every garment freshr clean, and crisp. •

' ,-__ Yours for Bargains, - ,,


NorthwesternMutual Life Insurance Co.

of Milwaukee, Wis,


Thinking Men Procure Them.Money Saved to Insured.


by returning attached coupon filledin, when proof of tlie superiority ofthis company over many otherswill be mailed to them.




l-ill out tliis coupon and returnto me.

Henry Johnston, Dis't Agent,Washington, N. J,

I ' in i iSm:—Mm |>I |ir..ii..-IU..IHMilIll'lUi.,! fi].|.|-..v..l |.l.ll. foMIU'llLI'.

Hi I Illnli.

V.'iir. ! - M li


tlraw m;ui\' customers to theluituly store on West Wash-ington Avenue.

All our fruit, Ivrries and vegeta-

b l e s :ire Horns Picked and Fresh

every day.

If you wan t some real fineStrawberries,Pineapiies.String Heaiis,Pens.

'• Onions.• ' Cal'hase.

New I'utatoes,or anytliing else of the sensor., re-

member, that you can-sfet it.........always fresh, at „_.

THE BLUE FRONT,L. M. Davis, Prop'r.

Opposite Cornish's Factory.

[HARNESS ]I OF ALL KINDS [j Hors>: Coolers and Sheets, || ' " L a p - • O u s t e r s ; - Har= ;Tip3 , - - - • •-;•:

T .. Hlynets, Whips, Trunks, f1 -"Valises.?t the lowestpos- . jj - ; "iibic-i.Vrcesr-"---..;:.;--:;---"-:-. j

j S. T. VANNATTA jZ I ho Horse anil carriage'Furnisher: : ' : -"; '"'•-

L,, „,__.„—,.—...—.„—.,._!


a FarnieK W a n t sin the way of Farm Machinery,Plows, Wagons and Castingsis supplied, upon the most fav-,;;"orSbie-teruis1 at lhe*old estab-lished-; # •• ;;: - ~'^-

Washing.tbn: ••~: Foundry.

R. Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor.


t National Bank. ,