the red cloud chief. votj -€¦ · :ne"ws; quick hire! tnroutih train?!...

.' u ' iswe-i- 3 -- T -- VotJ Vt3R-K- , RED CLOUD CHIEF iTsLisnri) kvi::iv niua.AV at The Red Cloud Chief. to StS ti: 3D, 1TZ22A3SJL. j , , - . r.. '1 M. 1, THOMAS, i s U i:Hln- - hikI Ircirirrr. "Mental Vi&lancr istfie price vf IJlurly." and $l j0 a yuir i thr o M Kcd Cloud Chief, rZ-tHS- :-- $:x: rear if rs:i :: Air:x. H ,. I! BED CLOUD. WEBSTER CO- - XII5RASKA.T!U-RSI)AY- . JULY l. IS-- !. XO. ! l ttr- - M "- - ) - 00 EAST -- VI V THE- - Chicago M - Tto Rfsi";vny- - 2, 330 IIIIBS OF ROAD., J, 5. GILHAM, It i- - t..e.-- lJ KT :ut-aiiJ-'- FT r ut-b- it ween ' TToltSKY AM) CorX-l.IjO- 'l AT I AW. Council Bluffs r : ;j, j OJJirt'fff rfwr TTir.Tn 't l.uL u ftro CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE rEM-i:(rn- . - xi:mK ni ua 1 j !.irt KAT and NoKTH. " VrV TV? ilsntreol, Tcrcrto. Detroit, Cicare-- i i r". -- v I C r- - il tra Uinc 1 uhUe Greater Facilities! AM) Woe Advant: ges 1 Lan ji 5 ofhr r vl r lir Trt. I -- t.i. i.VI "i LitADlcwn-- n 'I t ttnttci! Ei J nnl Chicago J 1 (Mill HtlllJl 1 i PULLMAN HOTEL AP ! j :j.i'ottin t t.. , -- Miuf. tr ri" - FIlU--l t A- -. Mi. 41.3 Rt nr . - . -- . ; j.k- - .. ..--- . ........ j i.z c:zcsei arc j;ei:is..; i r. -- i ;- -.r. tj -- "ra i ' trwiw ar- - ! ijunC"'! ' vilhmviimkpf. J MiIUt r .i 1 i .' ail n.iMliru nujrv- - , tuctio! alt ! .olt ciiiilj. J. 1 rrat F,- :-t Srcecd- - Anl cvoryaiitien m.'nrrran ei;t iii.ikcuiiiirafy trit'IC !'lr:i-ai- lt A' ( O.MFOKTAIMJ-:- ! ! - J l'u '.man Sle";-J-- . oti a?! Night Ti:tin. ' j. ecpis s avC'Tj.t.e iumw.i An, iinr.l Rli.!T th.- - 'IhmuKli Traini; of the I md iwethe ' m ! I im i 1)h. I jf . II Wl-'- il tltr 1it tTaTrllllk- - OPtilDnT'i'lMtlfTT' "'U m'.l I ii v vour ttrkc'f iv this Uoulu rAml M1L.1. lAMl usb oltlKR. :. Tirte: f.rcz;s can :e:i jcz Thr3- -i uiarrao Free of Caarrc. j MAna 1r-i,- n F.itnpin street. (..r Kth. muI ! ' i 'n I'niriJir le.t. V,,ut-- .l I hitl '1 ickr. ofti... llnhVayaml Vrnrl -- in'-. I. A " -- W. U lri(.U ajiii I .iin I'kcim"-Tran-f--r 1U I. v.r oftc In 0.lra.i t' ana I inn TaiJi.- - Ti-- l't tm -- an Fmqri-e- . ot5" - r M:trxuecy M- - V- - ti.n. L.liliT'. iiuii . l I , :t I!mii 'Jick-- t ''flicty. .i ilicet aii .11 . t .it!irfl-wj.n.i- "' " oV. I lCt'C'i'l i v inrj. .. iii. " - - i I j I J ' fsi vf r 94 i 8 rOU -- i3 ..a toCSr .ir'Sv . J!iC White JiraJowjUfflBriBK SEWI.XR ?IA HIXES , ROS!KSGN - IMTNN TI. (I!I. j t .Tit- - v ii tvr njtr triV-- i i-i- ieu rojiri.irrEsiiiv with hvkuy r.rii.i.TY or Tin: i..rKT iMnavi:i) ma- - t 1UNKUV. AM AKK rji:rvi:KJi to J M VM I'AC- - tiki: Standard Trade Vehicles, i --r- cu a- &- J'Miyi W..i).N'!-- . A(il)."-- , Rankins I lOt.M (.).... Nutinmil l.ri)I.UY SPRING WAOOX5. . 1 1 II kle;at isbbwstek lii'GGY. FA KM EUS" TWO-SEATE- 1 ) CARRIAGES. ETC . ETC.. ETC. . -- r:nl for l)p-i- ji and I': to WAl.ON CO. 4 v Cnn-iiinat- i Onin t "good :nE"ws; Quick Hire! Tnroutih Train?! Cloe ConneRtioiis ! No Delay ! Burlington Route ! "- -v f'j'i-'- i '7 Tic r C' Lowest rate of Fare will be made. Through Car? will be run from r., x. l.Poiatt . in Southern ebra?ka t Chicago. A ten nnnafei counettfiua will be made at Pa- - t ei6ic Junction. i AT 1"HICAG0 close connections will alwayi i be made to the eat. outheat end north. J -- leepinc car bor'hr reserved at the Lincolr i t.l..f ..i-f- i I.v Ti.p?rru?h or oh m.D.irjtiiin f from n Kivcr to Cbicaco. TO ST. LOUIS AND . THE SOUTH, j I The burlmcton routehsrc a sy,tciuirtnrousli j ?leep-r- s CJOe connertiou between tea , Ifv'our1 Bivcr Sulfonic I ra-ence- rs takmc thi lino bare the bet of accommodations- - Pullman sleeper run rcsa- -' arly trotn lisiun iitver to si. i.outt-- . TO 1'KORIA, rNDIANAPOLTS, CIN j ClNNATi. AND TUfi j SNTTH-KAST- . aThis ii? the onlyreliable route to ihcnnth- -j ea-- t. Connections are t Peoria with the ' X. P. i W. and I. a. k W. Railroads lor Indian- - j apolit-- ' Cincinnati. Columbnf. and all central I anbiuuthera Ohio, Kcuscy. tonthern Iwiiana, pnJISff 2ABS. Gssi Heals r.t 75 scsis, When you jo C3rt bs sure and tr el erer tbs j C. i W- - I:e if jou visit to t e SAFE aal cojs- - J for table ana aeire to traiei p:eaiiy. i A. E. T'TZ LI". T. l.n ELL. ' io'r.1 G"cdI Ft A"Tts't & i:rsixn& imtrsro?: r. ZF- ' . O. C. CASE, i ttokm.y .n i.w. ' ijjut iji iloor iiorflt f (iarinrt. iti:i rurii. MX. .!!.. on- - made i.,ricfn,r remitted. W. C. REILLY, A TTUJ.NFY AXD OOr.N'SKLOR AT1.A"V. JTA. MO Kt.t EttTATC ICC2T Red ClooC. "Seb. Attrntino '""ivm to Oflction. timer- - with C. Ti. l'OTTin:. nl Kel ClouJ 1'niK Murt. Knwiv C H.AWT.F.Y, ttorsev and rurNSEii a? law. Office Farley's Drug Store. .. a .... .." J- -' ". J AMKS 1 'A1 RT)' riORNt.V AND COUXSEI.OTl AT LAW U'i - NlR- - V.'irt i.rartiriWJil! te"mrcf thcFiate. rf(IDlt n::iiti'.n cirt- -i tn kII buinc. itmtel j thirre, wt n tuo (ail nwc juhmui julyl-- 7 S.ICaivt. 3. J. K -. c. VV. KL-Y- . iHuaiDiiitim. UeJ Cli'inl. Nrli. NcbraflcR. KALHY BROS,, ATTORN J YS AT LAW A REAL ESTATE v AtiENTS. Wfll :,rsrlirc in all the r,mrt.-- ,n NcaAa n nfl ruTtnirn iTjinia. coflt cf.cii' jTi.rJiiily at- - luJ,,d tiar.(iiorr.-ai......ltnt--oliri- t. - 8. 14- - Ft HQRICEQP ATH1C PHYSiClAN, 1 . S. IViis-io- Surpcon. tstrOvvirr. over Kah-- Hros. law office. J SED CLOUD. :33EASEA em:!es:t a. hall m. d. Physician & Surgeon, RED CI.Ol 1), NEK Avi-i- Pursinn R -- f M K It. !. C oflir OTrr Jnlm-.- m A ri'i 1r Mrc R,i-itcii- cr liver I". Xhau;'f ftiiru l'.ii:n j. yt. xiose'a.. 31 i. -- LI.KCTK Physician and . Surgeon, ....fl.. t.i. wnl : -- ! atten'i. ii t..O-f..tri- r. ami ''? di jMsi of an.l -- Mtrccry. Du-ck- of ihr Ee aii'i I ar hargei iin.ik - iatc. Oiliccovcr uurwd J'rui; avt-- j J AS. .15. CALLkS'DCK. jPHYSICIAiN7 AND SURGEON, ( VI loRATHI'- - - Hiv.I..) I'mtnjit attrti'ianrp fu a!l call? in the practice ot niu.ii iiiot or fancwy. CW 1 I -- . XERR VSKA. J MuLAWII I.I . i . K u.:.iu.r. oii'Lis, Knit. oonn. .e. moi:nyh.i.e iwtos., P racticing P hy sicians. MUX'IL A VMROY. XERRVSKA. All iir.ifeiional calls will receive our prompt and unctul ttcuticn. ;0m Dk. H. A. B.A1RD, SRESIDEITT DENTIST. ED ( i.onx NERRAi-- K V. . . Ricb.vil5on. S. Garbor. Richardson & Garter, DEALEfSiN X.IVE STOCK and cattle. .1. 1" Sit . C. Smith l.R.Tnoni-s- o. lr. Virt C.-i- ( a.h. Firt l.alT.licr Firt Rank. Beatrice Nat Bank Nat. diiK N.b. immicc co. rwcco. .Smiil irors ft fl hompson, IT BANKERS, ill make cillcc'tons ia ny part of the Ti ieU ?tatf Sell c chance apos the pnnci- - I j! e:wtvm itinc Ijonn ti uney upon improved 'S. PaJdck.l' First National Bank Sew York. Camtiri.iRe Valley National Rank. Cambri.lsc XeTv York. -- " :t O SVI AK A Sample Room, TWO RoORS WEST OK IlOV's HOME. Kocptm hnnd the br.n nrand of Wines. I.nUon. Reer. Ale. anil fine A share of the public pntronac x Miltceted. ritOrJUETOR BED CLOUD Drug Store, And Dealer In Drugs, EViedicines Paints, 'Oil Q ?V AfrlTl"I ' All cnod ni on h nd: und to which I invite the attention ot . e pub;;- -. a"1 HE WRY COO It I3li i Feed, $ wc Stable, J D. POST, Prop. HED CLOUU. Wagon Company.urssr Sl'IJiTxt Allow lntor! ut'fa time del o;ita, and lrai.j--- .t actaccncral bams. i . t j ,....,.,..,. oih Rank. A. M)AUI rUADt. in- - and n;a.e tur". "or I'rrri'lritt, SADIES A. C.AKFIELr., " fJiu. Vr IV- I'rruil-iV- . V37ESTE1L A AI.THCH, iii.i iin itmi aft.Vr y""K nu-nt.- - ,u-wc- h v,tiiI wr? V vj r.'' "" -- cUI,-,I '" "! mrMiim .4 Ka-f- eh liter,tur. ''"'. Mt-ud- mti-. !.. ,nrmr.I mmn.1 r"1" Kru ful1 nwl Mirhril of I'm.-- - V"' S"1.-- - ? U Cln--- of thatjn-tnnt- n. l,eJ- - Uirc Jw-- . "" ti-- ; uhidi he i.aruAtmg Ite Artl.-i- r liictd ?; In- - np,hM rse;- - Mnt. Hi Ins4. rtukrr U UAU mm Ktdr mllt- - T-iP1- : .yy 4iw VIeB5EP-vViPl-- ' f & IBB9Ba3iVBBBBBBBdlr "e LIVES OF The Candidates. t Gen. James A. Garfield. thk rne-- i or the f mc f.o mvrr.vnox KiiR THE ri'fc.xIIEXrY HH KtlMV fcTJ:rf.rtl.h. WITH IIATUTY W IHK'I TEirilLT. VVP-1T- E EXATOH HI- - KJtVICE? 'X THE HIS Ct,S;US&K"M. 1HX-OK- D. fJii. 37iii'-A- . CiarfifM wa l.orn in .. i WMlMfioiiii:k-vc!iil.'Noi. 111. Ki- - pan-ji- -- Acr- hoth r.f Kuirisii.l fatlfcr. Ahralm7.i Oar- - ficM, W horn in (t-r- - pfiuntv, S. V., Uit ilv l.a,l liwnl ir. Ma.-va..!,- ,,: -- Ht- f.r "cnoratioii.. Hi- - TnothtrV. , ni.ii.K-r- . TiaiiK- - ua. Klizii Hallon and rhe niece of tin- - R'. Ho-r- .i I5al-loi- i. ririted rniv-r-alL- t rh'rjryniaii N' liAinji-hi- r. in whirli ch ua- - onrn. Jnim tv:i- - ih younge-- t of muI hi- - father ilioI in S?.S, leaxmc I)?-- ! rhildron lfn'ii(hnt -- oWy on ihf-t- r inotht r. Mr- - G.tificJi! a- - woirris of f'lii.uLahlv Lu'iinc-- M . ti- -. and hr that Juntos in-hfri- hi- - icr-i'ivcru- ig nature ,.Yuh tlu aid of her throe older loy- - lie managed to Mtprort hi'ielf and the family on tin tittle farm left hir hti-lu- and .lame-- , from hi eailie-- t , ohJhji-- d aid to tlie ixtent of hi- - nhiiity in the :eii,ral work ahout his home Uiit he liked work, nnd it ua- - -- ail of him when hov that theie "not n lazv hair in hi- - head." lie a poor hov. and aw no m can.-- of making a living but by manual labor, and he applied him.-e- lf to learn the trade til a earpenter. Purine: the mm-inc- r months he toiled early and late on his mnlhorV farm, and the winter days he pa-.-- ed at Lis carpenter's, bench. There was a village school in Orange, where the citi7en- - met on winter even-ui'j- s to read and di.-c- tt the book-win- ch they pi cs-e- d. and thi ymmg Garfield attended, puking up such in- formation he could in the capacity of a listener. No observer of boy, listening to tiie radiu of a newspaper at the age of 1C, could hv any po?-ibi- li: have foreseen in him the future leader a great National pprly. Ready money was commodity of which young farmer and carpenter saw little, and as the ambition to -- ecure an education, which had been growiug on him hi.- - mind wa-- - oiKMied to the ecnt; of world m the village -- chool.' couhl be reah?ed bv means of nionev. ne naturally cast about hi:n ftr -- ume vocation which would bung him that article. The vmiiu ..inai ji.isseti wuiuii a snort u:-uin- ce of the Garfield farm, and James discovered that the canal-me- n were paid in cash, and made better wages he could realize by farming and carpentering. In hi- - seventeent'n ear he determined to become caiMl-ma- n, and secured a position as diiver of one of the boats. His caie and attention to his business attracted the attention of his tuperior, and he was soon pro- moted 10 the more dignified post of holding the tiller of the uoat. He con- tinued in tills business, saving what little of his earnings he could, for about 1; mont lis, until the of 1S4S. when he determined to advance a step, and ship as a sailor on the lakes. At this time, however, an attack of fever and ague prevented his executing his plans, and drove him back to his mother's house an invalid. Tlie sickness proved the turning point in his life, anil a result of it, James A. Garfield, in-.te.- of burying himself in forecastle of a ship, became one of the leading men in the American Republic He remained prostrated in his moth- ers house for tluee months, and during that time made the acquaintance of Samuel D. Bates, who was teaching the district school that winter. Bates so fired the pi young GariieH, which had almost died away" umier the influence of his canal boat that he determined to forsake his idea becoming a sailor, and make an at- tempt to secure an education, lie was accompanied to Chester Academy by cousin and another young mau from his village, and the three with them frying-pan- s ittrd j thev too to pay for board hard, and progressed rapidly.- - lie worked mornings, evenings, end Satrtr- - daj-i- t m the crtrjwintexs shopcfChstc, 1 ifl iu: -- ruaiixiMfl :- - e.m ln I Tue e inx'tiutiif hi- - -- irnhr- !Kn .i , .... .. i. t(-.- j AIT' "llilllliri ta &A9 rci LJH1 - ! iH'jMltlv muI tlm iut4 u tiKV Iik Miiwn frrf tf. wrr wrm. In!im!b ttik hir t.4l trfe..t bd ii?.i ... I..ft iV.. ..) ..I..... uiil wit? t.t htuI. . In 1.;4. Mr 'srfrM. ihf n h rrfcr 4" . . . .4r ... t cniirhiHcti tiit 1h LfH-- w t jh?m aminMUfti fr j MOM to ((:!(. Mid lit only drwa.-- k ; lin fr In- - or 11,m- - Jr.- - live vtr .f viitflv :iiI v.'iirk. ! Vud fili-lt''- 4 fi.'! fr iurjH. . nix! lr !I no a :ltjf nit'Mtotilxtf- - ilr iHvt' unm K r'ra! hunirNl tMKr. H RiVi h" S'luiotnv. howi'.i-r- , Uml for hur a remits :it. f- - rt!v xm IMTM-wiu-- y of i.urnw.. muh-I- i ok . 1L.I... m,. .. t -- itf il iisiu ill Z"l !' ji rrnu 'Xfixi I .aurtMil to alraiiit nm tiic moti . tt-- I a- - MH'tirnv a ht ni-ura- a'- iIk-- v n"ha hjtlip fU!i ina!i, Ltn hal!h an! rolu-- t, fouini no Juik-wl- ; m -- tttw , mc ,Mir.r ttiii'intit ixmmc Ui'ik i i . i . ?. . . . i lcailv to in- - rtilif. anl m ;. twn vc:ir.- - l'r"r hrs Kditii.oti. hi wa- - iff ml - uai'!. h.'Hrmz oil' the Mitjih-nii- ! honor oflt:- - rla.-- -. uhich i -- tiiio-! at WllIlKlil- - H-- - :iUl'i!l'' th Ili!lP-- t With-- m thr- - mil of thi ia.-timti-on to the "r.uluati:';: n; mhcra. (firfii'M v. "" voa- - f at"- - ani .I. a a a . I .. f i Ml j !.. "II Oa A4 n i ... Tx iirtfthtomiunt:m.nd!Urt T,Bl,.llk i,e...-n.M.ii:t.iwl(- Iwi i...iu ...v.l V ..,!' M - t: :: z I ri ria4 v bj wiiiittT'. r it i t. .' ;.r vrral i t 1 . j WVrf ,rf U(r u "- - fl " " T "J""1, i ; cro-ht- r '' n , U j W P-- .r l m' ngn-k-- . tlr ufW f'.f BN4tel OLutxh Xem fc. Lt.n4.iu: Jl I'm fl -- 'ht- .n Luil bI.. cjw. ftlil - kjfeiii ' m fJ QfBSKUBSltrfm&Bav!&t!l& Fr I : - I .. Xrw a a of i i it from 1 il- - a va 1 of a tlie but a the than a fall the ambition of the a took dishes, were poor kf-- u a 1 i- - i Init ! ... I ,.- -. j. 1 c I ; ' & 1 L w f 4 j 1 lvul. a tho of t lnl n-- -. fl'trfi.'M wj - -- f ni Joni rii -- iA Kan a fdufiilton flnth ' ahiint ll:r ! 01 U2'i-- t. !!!. , hi diplor.a. and a d-l- t of Jl." m:ni'i.I n 11:1 - xxhen he wa- - lif- - liatl iio time tor h'l-ti- n- til- - I'M- - 1105 now w:i to find -- onii'tliintr t- - do fn'e hi:n.-e- lf from debt Uffr j until raivr cjiwi-d- . Hi-goi- ng college, he lined the t coii-phmio- ih militarv -- erie. of the iple.- -, hettcr known :: .. ? Tir. ) i AiHpociiuc", itiu th-- ir founder. ; ! . .. 1 in ..;. .i-.- .i .ne.MuiutT v iiiiiiMicii. 1 in wTiii In-titut- e." in Hiram, wa the eol'rt-- e of tin ?rrt. and it Was natural that .Mr. Garfield should turn hi- - eve to the ! struggling litt'e college which he had left a- - a iiunil but two vear- - lietor'- - ' He nturned to Hiram, where he was made l'rofessor tf Latin and ('reel: in the in-titu- te. Plain liung and hiirh thiiikiriix was the order of the d.iv : i the institute. The teachers were j.or. j the pupils were poor, and the colh-g- e w:j- - poor, but th'-r- e wa- - a great deal of hard, huttilui :udy done, and main ambnidM- - j.ian- - formed. iTof. ('r- - field. after the first iad pre-jiile- of the institution, and in this eapacitv he net tmlv tmisht and hv tuied, hut jireacheti. Ac. ording to the eieed of tne "JM-cipIe- ," any per.-o-n having the power, was entitled to . preach, and the president of the col-- j lece wa.5 expected to deliver a sermon , every undav :i? a oait of hi- - oilirial ! dut. l'ri-ile- nt (iariield j.r.t lied with great force, and fame -- j,r;.d I all through the Cnmpbelite It Wiu- - this fact that cae n-- e to the I storv that he had been minister, a 1 t'torv which lie has taken occa-io- n t' i denv pub.' .. on sevenil occ:u-ion- s. I In iJviT, while l'rofessor of Latin atld I Greek at ih' Ecu. tie Institute, Mr. J Garfield wa married to AIi- - Lncretia ' Kudoljih, the daughter of farmer liv-- 1 ing n"nr Hiram, who-- e ac(iuaintau e h had made while at the ,..t., ., .....o 1 n.n 11 oiitTir -- iii- k atLZ? .1 iiuni.. 1.11: y ri ma rnaae wa-o- ne purely ot lo.e. and i mucii of the hushaiuLt pro-nert- tv m : life has been due to the quiet induence ofi ihe wife. "Tic ...w. J'irrnM .... ..... ?c .. futiof .., tlrmritftil .. V.. fc,. ..... tnvnnn fmid of re.m"ii- - I aud study, and of a warm heart- - Two vears after his marriage the olitual life of Gen. Garfield began, llis r-mous had attr.icteAl attention to him. and in 1S.V.' he w:l- - brought forward h j thu aiiri-elarti- y people of Portage Summit Counties as their ea.ndtd.t fnr j State Senator. He w-a- s electeil, and, j young he wra.. he at once took high rank m the Uhio Legislature, as a man unu-tial- lv well informetl on die subje t.- - of legislation, and cd'ecuve and power- - fiil in debate. He seemeti always lire- - iKireil to peak. and always spoke i lluenllv and well. the secession 1 of tlie Southern States began, Mr. Gar- - ! field' course was manlyand outspoken, and he was among tne tortmost to inaiiiUlin the right of the National wvernment to coeree seceaed Mates. Gen. Garfield's military military career was of unture !o subject him to trials on a large scale. He was appointed Colonel of the Forty--eeon- d j Ohio Keghuenl, August 14, 1SG1, but it was not until Dec 14th that orders for the field were received. The reg iment then sent ta CatletL-bur- g, I jr.t and Col. Garfield tcss ordered j to report to Gen. Buell in person. That J tjccer onierea nun 10 anvp tne iorees j imder Hunipnrey ilarshall out cf the! fcartdv Valle-- , i asien KTentuckv. The vdJrd rLTJSl rfrL- - .- - Taiy i i --- - 'in" twirun .-- - w. . rn urt. th Khk nuy trf i. ,'.w. i-- i.fwiiMA4( MtHiuitl h4 , - ,.,-- . - ' iimlrr J- - .vtriAmp-- : n-r- inen, i , iimr iu&toU nd rtr vtlJ.-V- 0 nl ati tiif ."'lv Ifj. w f Mr-4in- ll twannif . th. .;. . Gnrfr:. ck :n 1'rt-.wUi- n: -- ' in ruall Vnti t a am. wjr ; rW VitHii u jtr:t-- t iu- - tfi- - (" ..a. i - iiv .. . . i IMlIin.'i .'irtCrfCTMl - " " ,'"". J awl hi- - trtK.jjc ht VfttMwir 1 fonrnrU in ili frt toitKennc drki- - Uri .Mju.-im- ii Ki- - ii. ... lutud Uta cku) -- Mfe rt f4l. V x )n " ""' , I aJk- - itluua.n ! Mirnpr .. k.l I H th, - rl .tfflHM. n u, m t ivp -- f. MrHrA ... i.. 2- - , u W jUv. lr Arthur til m i r - tin-- 1 i - . . .. - i4kkii n.i n.ji 11 . uuii t xirrmiT it .. :i ." " it S :,. lw Jun.o, m , A hiiii-i!- f w- ' life ' ly. II.- - wa I- - to a as- - aa fta thi result hi 2') nr-- " rolh'mat' hi- - liH r. and hi? military to had j , Ht hsv D1-- 1 .;. ar wa- - . hi.- - aiiruit . 1 ..,.,... - !. and . as 'tVhen net was i ma. iWFni Anil rMmniit f ht ni.- n M i.iinH. ;h raiv rf m th. tetlKW.? M nprtitfiw Uv 'h. arl wr. tmff the rb-- n Mtrii n 'I WI.T T- - "rd fiuatioft Hi- - Ui ni-Ui- y, fexer .ml ign. rot.- - trartcl intJM- - ly? .4 bH w-P- w ucrTHi'. w.i- - ajctrajto "iii wir jiiioi'i- - !.- - I:i-,- t .:' W .xili, oi.'. Gva , or.r'u t inn (.t-- l.cran-a-- ( aii-- f I of wf In thi- - po-it.- on he remained J the battle of Chiek.iniaii-.'.i.fpt- . 10 and -o. 1.?., and for hi brave-- y and t:'ii - ! ( b.ii.... ... .1... .... 1. . 11 .;-u- iji ui m.ii tiv yi.f j .promottnl to tlie. rank of "dajor-Gvn- - I eral. . .t ;....! :i:. .. ri. .vi 1111- .- jH.1111 i:,v ninii:T cant-- r h , Gen. Gartb'id jiraetititHv eano- - . an J etui. In 102. while ab-e- nt with the army, nnd with-u- t -- ohictation on hi- - part. he had f.een iecti to I omrrev-- , irom the oll t.iddm dit-.n- et ithe j K'rh in which he re-id- rd altli ('lieV- - ins wait lit- - path of tisefuJnr lay m j the direction to which hi con-t'uien- k-. 1 he resigned hi- - I.e. 0th. j 1SG'. and en:-i- - i upon the dune- - if a j fateMiians hie. In ( ongre he Mt once tok a high nnl. rai from his j .dmi-.-io- n to the Ilou-- e of Ilenro-nta- - t .: . .1 i . . ! ie- - in me prteni nine :ie ua.- - ieeu ' an active, energetie, hanl work, r He became known a- - a powerful' -.tker. remarkably reidy, and tlwa-- 1 ;le-ti- e in delwte, while in he eo:n- - mittoe- - t.e oroe! him- - If an nivalu- - : work r Hi- - iNtrJv renominat' d him bv o'elanialio.i on Ue expiration ef hp len-!- . oh! ii hi- - return U the : Ilotl-- e w;is twn a ICndlitg place on il leading cvusmittee on U.-- s and Me....--- . Here he iniluenee I He -- tudied the whole range of finn- - i cial niu-tio- n.- with the a ithntv of hi- - college day.-- . m tliat lie ii as one ofiiie ab!e-- r oTfiitrXifHi- - nal hr.a.11 iers. He Ir.- - lit trartr, 1 and !.:- - partr ?j..,hI bv him", I aueieh to the Tmrtv-mia- h. i r..i. v. -- :. ....... r.- - 1 AiiJ&.Kftri- - 1 oni -- hipi ... . ., ' t izrrjt -- . - - vote of the liepublicnu caucus for thi-po-iti- an honor never conferred !c-fo- re on any man by any party m the Kate ol Uiuo. head is uni-.-uali- y binge, and ht- - fore head remarkatilv hu'ti. Ii nmr. I light-brow- n hair and beard, and etes. a nrominunt nr-e- . and James, are attending-.-cJwki- I in New. Hamrx-hir-e, wxdle tlie two younger. Irwin and AUram. live with their parents. Ill- - only daughto-- . 3Hry, is htndcnie, girl of about twelve Hi m.'thr-- r L- - still living, and forms one of hi fa;mlr. Gen. Garfiitd has a bouse in Wsiihiie'tn... where h. spends his winters, antt a farm in Alen-- 1 tor, Lake County Ohio, where nt inrpifc au his tune when nor engaged at the capital. Hk farm eoninriis J 125 acres of land, which t highlv culir- - ;irev.;rienB ut tbs fatuidin4 fotv a....... -- . ..V .w.a.W V. .... ...A ... .....4. Aliireh. r.fiioil tfi. n...i.i,.i..i. ppearsince. Gen. GnriioH h rrv j commanding and imnrta-five- . He; st.ind- - mi feet high, and br4l- - shouldered and -- trough- built. I Ifa K T '- - - - - -. P i- - wm) wfH" !. rS nnw . termrfiK. 4a i wi bp) iwiw w np : rTm5 t.r Ji lr oW5. ( rtM". W jrrt - ?Va&e)lAu JL Mm rnacter A Arnv.r w w w-w- v " rwr -- vtwtT. m Tir tivriot . ..: TjiHrrinM4r-r.ii- , a1! i .irmtfrtrci y VMS I Wn. tlMfUJ" A. VrtKur m Wro n ' c v. . i'v.... . i . . it.4 . if. f. M..W ' 1 ' - " IT ..-- -- .'... .j.tbeokkMtcfririiv TiA--f- JI utber t: . nhnr, a JWJi( l..- -. - l. .1 4 ut Uirt a tf BT UB.KXM W BkBkBW B.aBkSi fc j r Atilni Ir ., ,..,Mi. t.,,,. ... .u . i... .Um , ... ., . ... i w-.- .... I u a sp A.M iBmaaiana b mru BwaaawMBViB . ( Aftrf w u ' , ,.llrT . 4, t0 , I . -.i J i- -. i....... I - " , VPOT- ! V' H50m lo ae 1hMiI i - , , . N;w YnH uh- - nr rfr JiuUr E D -. K flUUvttl. .n r ttriife iuai.!.-- i ' I lite liur. ht formisl Mrtn4rrht ru itf" ifttmi Jrmi vimi r.n mii Hry 1 vHiiarr, vtth iir ntntii. of unM'Uri:u; in i U a, m Ir thr t MMMtlhn ihfv nmutiri Kof m U ; 'n4rn .tat in ivh A an ltjri ,Mie. lnuiri Ur ciI nmirn'f! i N- - ' Yrk. iHti Uiey hnne call lleir j t J mihI enttml uoti h - . . -- -; ! rarcvr nlmot trHit thr ftiwl Arthur touii ttltnrard9 iurnl tii duwch'.-- r f tHlnAMt Hn4'ti I'mlcd Stuti'- - Nn'.v, nh I : i.' -- 'it, aim! who cjUimK Ki-- ot ihrtsn i dCHth inokirf( i. t'K'a ('jtjrtf) a tHO m4i to !!. Mi.iow jti rv. '.!. Uon f the eottr'ifcntMti lnnver) h' ilu- - Hlrl . that .wm-H- .. Mr Arthur. died oiiy a hwt time avo. In !,!' Junaih.ui ami Jiiht-- t !m-- i nton. irinman Unh4ilr-- , tttt-iuhit- s I 1 t ettiiprair to l.-- . wtnie h ) York 1'wiii if iihHjr f x lmiT ' lnti;iii('tmht i.i with Ihem Th ' -- iavv on uirir arni in .mw 1 . ! lioditiK that th- - Tf 111 a I ud ! hlierty, abandonil tioM- - !i,tr. :laiiM-- J tnjt that. thrv wt. Ir" 'Ih--- t j r" mlri.-- d that they tt! ihh return t int. lKtKt-c- '. mid a nt'xi lawvuit - the Mt-- ie Arthur, Uwi h jrrtcttt iHnrrcr, Uil Ufr on th ' I ground that, a their ovrtr hnl ' hroucht thetii t ft.te -- m1 v4unUrjl I ! tloiv cmld not he d niHler toe Uifltifv tinv m Jixljp Ii'. i n ' ihrid a deri-io- n holding tliat tin v 1 ronld not. atxl onh'nng lW I'inin'ij 1hvs- - to he hh.THSnl. A ImwS of ratf-- , enl u) from th SNitli. AtMi :h ir ! 1:1111.1 atithoried l n Attnrnt-T;ieii- il rf that jU1' to ac-4- -l , m taktnsr an appeal. Wilhnm V ' KvartK ami Cher A. Arthur v. ! ntjdoyed to rpre-e- nt the peph hi. I they won their en', whieh tlo-- n w.-i- t to the jMiprrsiic Calft ef th I i,i;.-.- i rtn'e.-- . Ciiarle -i th' eii- - of tlie -- laveh4ler-. ImiI he wa- - heateil, and .1 h'njr wn taken tw--r- 1 the e:n.iiieiiMttfMi of tin- - h. iek ra--- tJii Arthur vra a deh9ate tn lh- - ionveiioii u uratoH lhat f.e.tid. d . ' the h'etiiiMicHn iM.-t- y. In h- -l he h.-n- i . . . - - .. . t the IwW ot Ilil'l4r, .tjer.'! ! tl . 'jt,. .,l" N'ew Y..rk mimI m.ji n' , n.lxaner.1 tn thut of ln.irt.r...'irt. r . l.fni-ral- . MtXUll lie Hi'hl Ulltli the . xp tini f ;.i- - !nn'ui i.irm ..f ..iii.-- . .o higher eiicotiiiuin th he pi-- i iijmki him than thr invtitioit of the fio f ,,a: niUi(nih Uie war rtcemmt .f f. jjite of New York wj, tini- - Lnwr .Ur Hint iil'mii iilkinr l.ln w. jt - t);tt (xrx MIMh:n,i ttl,d uiiw.d in, n.i uitluwit'.h..'n. . rf n fioitar. Th" rrowtti U'ne ?rinci i v pflrt"d .if remarkable. f-f.- l.i .- - t!r IMJ " v- -. range nr'-- r ' 1 t:. tn at pre'nt Fc NF.WhJOUSS -- LEA LI--: I- N- w Groceries and IToticns, , I "r'i' '-- G I ni:i:rv-k- v iH. u- - o . .'.J ,C P--- V .w reM.-- t, '" ' " . examine . mt g.-- i- i' ..rf. - k r T SAM'L GARSER, lrL"R IK try Goods and i Groceries- - ? Ruidy Made Clothing! We Have ihe Lanjest ... . - Stflnk III Thj VallftV inn Uifl . J 1.1U Wlil . Bat De UnfSerSOlU. ? Give Ui a call, one and all lti fuj ''k. - .,,1 tl.a .ttli nf '" .li r r- - ..,. tilt lind cf never in Sai7' " CftyHl. fiM --. Samuel West, . t ta Tobacco, Cigars CONFECTIONERY. ii INMJ' II- - Yy 1$ '(u;'XtTt-- : llV!-- K. .......... irvi t- - IN! i i;vr " CTL Pv it 2 fp gj v SlJft s I &9 . A ) T t Crcajca Parlor, Vh" ill ml ) .' rv silvnr t ImiWi jtr ?' i :rtlt .?K-tt-l t trt ! of AinvbrU A MMwt K tw i NlM k ?R0UD?:T i HARSH, .rNfi 1 mi i i STOVES, C.'uhlr ItOr!t. k Hcnfltrtrrr iomc and bec n : wc will not he UNDERSOLD. Kolcomb SrosM JIt In 2.3 r',a 0 ITS 1J? A & (? V :J W V'V i W ' ;' 7 f Ir CIIKAP Cw rA-H- . ol U be tl ii'l " wi. ! u dc .! -- Ml fUI a. CALL ON Til KM rrtJS fO.-t-r'- .. swl 4f. -- 01 uRtoT.. Ht "I.t)lt K!V GO iVl E Tor 1 oar LUBVSBER? D: MMBKK ArKHr.TV. tufi i:ka7 r; 71 n I.iihi'.I Vrlcrn -p- y- REO CLOUD roriv-thi- Fort'.-fotirt- h, lurty-nfir- .. '.,-...- -. .i J"- - ' "' !""" and Fortx -- sixth Omtrre-.e--. , '. ' - . , ,, , .. . . mff"- - In Jannn-- v lasihe v.x- - electM to the 'V lT w 'r """"- - - " '- -- ftf tTf Seuate to till Uie of (;. 'n.ur- - " . V. "' vi l ' I A i mnn . li.i r.frik- - .. ' Jill ""' 11. In Hi- - vatcn. ? which; he ri;rvtln- - tV,j. U . ' - r tisr t . tW U01XTM 1F.l A'.V-- n - IS ' O CO f- - i. C3 3 9 rl -- rr e &2 txo J - I S Ii C3 J: 4 t 1 2 r CO ijPAJ BOTTLE. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE t a rar n Ot J fi ts r r,f v frrin.-l(ii- p, y j ii'rri ul -- avnti u! th-- j u3tftrl'M I .-- . f f j reyjijre bonpt3 i n'rrinr r b axl a-- il foil Urcrt.&t all Miet . ta jr ! prfrzt ltj- - n.r'Sloo are ktr-ir- rt wb rofirrwi I 7 weii hi(rouit ii-- t trBiot4lx rs two ;ear -- j inut KtJ-,- t pTa -- are lis-- tiiaUr w ii.-- it t'l ear- - & t r . to a-- i e"ujr!i?y raije rnt.-f- c ,.... lisjtrjr.1r ::iteci iiii- - 7ai-- r Zv2L T !.j..t v b- -x - .s i5 jr " j I Crated i Kr-rtai- l f- -f t'a r in o; Tir. n.osiB rrtUx trxrr mu. Swrs rat--r iJ to lf 1 se i Stk tar 0ae AiL JLtvcrAaH. . iit f JJik ' ."?ls3-Ai- r fe.Ji.ltf 3- - J. Kdsl Kijc.ryC r'aiW. Vj. fl--v t r5rnjil fry ttyrt ux Jitcarr lrt. I aa apv tti tsuu 'ai jr srJaruiJ iH - di'lUneM eni ot. Is tre '. aftr iWBB(Uft,s arilt&efM r xratiTeJ rr - - (Bttifrl 1 Tll!U!lli MMC Ki!nrl fe, suhiil. , Is-ew- . Very tlr yir- - JuH.x ' . -- f .dim. fcr 2Utx I me t 1'lT llMWfTWK WJ- -l 1V -- I.C.I j... ' 9 osrsstYlc-j?.i- r btc lrrlixlaus. . " - . .... - . . Koirrtitvi. mil cheek-- . He is tn all 1 V kt nnl k: irlv h w. sd atietir tryrt 1 - 13. thing- - escett brain work and e-i rm.WMA m l ca.frei th aUns-o- t. I voted to his wnte and chthlnm. of whom t urr . ! E.r . Z -- ".it ,r! he has five li"ing two having ditsl in Wrkt 0t- - Jf . Mtsfcttetr ii hck mw .4, I infaiicv. and ,,H'' wp w .irBWBa.MtWi j Enwrc-r- h Flt. Vt. FcV. --31. 157. aiu hem General a recretiticn tires, ,rl- - -- ,J mv;! Ice v7 VmU. Nnltl NEB. lS 'latns xzA rrj lASiCli k.f - 1 ?rv.'.-)n:- , ari.'mnfT, WiiMIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMBMfcM.M.Mr - V K&W JfcMiiffpMrMMMJMPMPMlB.BBBBII..WwBBMWwBBnBMfcJM '. Jii T.SiiliB.liliW.lilililifcT.n.S5M?M.lilililililililililililililililililil. Harness Shop, J. L MILLER. I w ?:M ti. MmI itit v f t fct Epr. CsJ: r ?! tec !i Parlor. Bedroom FORNIX ORE- - .MATTlkStffi, Kll i W' Si I C I T V BAKERY in ofwinsiw ri iy iiiv;aiii A. Ituler Incli rrupr. I. K t m.i '.inn mitt.-- . M I 'NriTlMXI.BY CIV W-- n Mm!. ' " - T I I . ' !,. ! . il . ! l Jl 1 Wt t r . . It: - KKI t I 1 ! Mhl:-- K a CHBOACO Lu?iberYard Vr 1 ni t I ll!l. '" . Wte j Krp n..r'lf Vt. -- j I l.tllllhrr, I Mf KltlKKlr fcwi j linn. I. ! ntr I riHfl 'l ItMtlUtttv I'nii'f rtr PLATt & KKKKS Jroi5Licior. W-- r BKSTiV -- k m,'rr t Mt '! t rtk. 111 Ml f'-- i - ?14, wvl vw inil, wmo itimm yt.wl fw W. I r V ... . W 'fc. r MHr-- . utk-- twn.. II Mk ' M f w M rv t tlt to 'H a Ml Hi I nM- - 7 jr r 4 ei, . lit alk4 rin f-- e !. tnr .. ivi .)r ml nmrnrmMt A tiij'i C Ami1 Ma Mm ; cv feecctric roicit J kit WiO uMlltM 13 WAIT. klw4; ,. ". .r 1 .ll.t ' l? 'A? M e-- Wt ' s rr. nim .tiwM nf t.viat. " 1 fr (. t'ftl en !- -, CT ' I ".' ' f . (. rr al ;.. t , fmt.m, b V JM f -- ' A ur to imm 4 TKZ CST RFOfrnz CTl (. . Hum. .,-- .. W. V. V. A nrtil tl ef iI the srsr oxa.f.T .tt.1; Tar Oaty n Penny Voc cx 3 Af-4- , ""vtrt ta flat "- - . Sr,.ii tj.i j?Ji, TiQttVTXL.iLt CTlie, i rfnr iar a jJri jt-t- t Te1-rn.i.ti- twllpfUJ w. Il-kltt- i; ttrST flC2aX .... - fk .- -. - w... - ..Uw.., c EXll51.T.lCtrr .r r , f- -i 7.. J ..4fQ' as R " "'"C " . ,w OCX ?)lt a. MtzmrottU: 6. I K 1 V X L l S ? 1 EzZ?r?Zljr' J W WM K.( fw . yl-jj- r nwW flH

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Page 1: The Red Cloud Chief. VotJ -€¦ · :nE"ws; Quick Hire! Tnroutih Train?! Cloe ConneRtioiis! No Delay! Burlington Route! "- -v f'j'i-'-i '7 Tic r C' Lowest rate



' iswe-i-

3-- T


iTsLisnri) kvi::iv niua.AV at The Red Cloud Chief. to

StS ti:3D, 1TZ22A3SJL. j

, , - . r.. '1

M. 1, THOMAS, i s U

i:Hln-- hikI Ircirirrr. "Mental Vi&lancr istfie price vf IJlurly." and $l j0 a yuir i thr o M Kcd Cloud Chief,


$:x: rear if rs:i :: Air:x. H ,. I ! BED CLOUD. WEBSTER CO-- XII5RASKA.T!U-RSI)AY- . JULY l. IS-- !. XO. !l ttr-- M "-- )


00 EAST-- VI V THE- -

Chicago M - TtoRfsi";vny- -

2, 330 IIIIBS OF ROAD., J, 5. GILHAM,It i- - t..e.-- lJ KT :ut-aiiJ-'- FT r ut-b- it ween ' TToltSKY AM) CorX-l.IjO- 'l AT I AW.

Council Bluffs r :;j, j OJJirt'fff rfwr TTir.Tn 't l.uL u ftro

CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE rEM-i:(rn-. - xi:mK

ni u a 1 j !.irt KAT and NoKTH." VrV TV?

ilsntreol, Tcrcrto. Detroit, Cicare-- i ir". -- v

I C r- - il tra Uinc 1 uhUe

Greater Facilities!AM)

Woe Advant: ges1 Lan ji 5 ofhr r vl r lir Trt.I -- t.i. i.VI "i LitADlcwn-- n 'I

t ttnttci! Ei J nnl Chicago J

1 (Mill HtlllJl 1 i


:j.i'ottin t t.. ,--Miuf. tr ri" - FIlU--l t A- -. Mi. 41.3 Rt nr

. - . -- . ;

j.k- - .. ..--- . ........ j

i.z c:zcsei arc j;ei:is..; i

r. --i ;- -.r. tj --"ra i

' trwiw ar- - ! ijunC"'! ' vilhmviimkpf. J

MiIUt r .i 1 i .' ail n.iMliru nujrv- - ,

tuctio! alt ! .olt ciiiilj. J. 1

rrat F,- :-t Srcecd- -

Anl cvoryaiitien m.'nrrran ei;tiii.ikcuiiiirafytrit'IC !'lr:i-ai- lt A' ( O.MFOKTAIMJ-:- ! !

- J

l'u '.man Sle";-J-- . oti a?! Night Ti:tin. '

j. ecpis s avC'Tj.t.e iumw.iAn, iinr.l Rli.!T th.- - 'IhmuKli Traini; of the I

md iwethe '

m ! I im i 1)h.I

jf . II Wl-'- il tltr 1it tTaTrllllk- - OPtilDnT'i'lMtlfTT'

"'U m'.l I ii v vour ttrkc'f iv this Uoulu rAmlM1L.1. lAMl usb oltlKR.

:. Tirte: f.rcz;s can :e:i jcz Thr3- -i

uiarrao Free of Caarrc. j

MAna 1r-i,- n F.itnpin street.(..r Kth. muI ! ' i 'n I'niriJir le.t.

V,,ut-- .l I hitl '1 ickr. ofti... llnhVayamlVrnrl -- in'-. I. A " -- W. U lri(.U ajiiiI .iin I'kcim"-Tran-f--r 1UI. v.r oftc In 0.lra.i t' ana I innTaiJi.- - Ti-- l't tm

-- an Fmqri-e- . ot5" - r M:trxuecy M- -

V- - ti.n. L.liliT'. iiuii . lI , :t I!mii 'Jick-- t ''flicty. .i ilicet aii

.11 . t .it!irfl-wj.n.i-"'" oV. I lCt'C'i'l i

v inrj. .. iii."- - i






fsi vf r 94


8 rOU--i3 ..a toCSr .ir'Sv . J!iC




- IMTNN TI. (I!I. j


.Tit- - v ii tvr njtr triV-- ii-i- ieu rojiri.irrEsiiiv with

hvkuy r.rii.i.TY or Tin:i..rKT iMnavi:i) ma- -

t 1UNKUV. AM AKKrji:rvi:KJi to J

M VM I'AC- -

tiki:Standard Trade Vehicles,

i--r- cu a- &-

J'Miyi W..i).N'!--.A(il)."-- ,

RankinsI lOt.M (.).... Nutinmil


1 IIkle;at isbbwstek lii'GGY.



-- r:nl for l)p-i- ji and I': toWAl.ON CO.

4 v Cnn-iiinat- i Onin t

"good :nE"ws;Quick Hire! Tnroutih Train?!

Cloe ConneRtioiis ! No Delay !

Burlington Route !

"- -v f'j'i-'- i '7 Tic r C'

Lowest rate of Fare will be made.Through Car? will be run from r., x. l.Poiatt .

in Southern ebra?ka t Chicago.A ten nnnafei counettfiua will be made at Pa--

tei6ic Junction. i

AT 1"HICAG0 close connections will alwayi i

be made to the eat. outheat end north. J

-- leepinc car bor'hr reserved at the Lincolr i

t.l..f ..i-f- i I.v Ti.p?rru?h or oh m.D.irjtiiin f

from n Kivcr to Cbicaco.



The burlmcton routehsrc a sy,tciuirtnrousli j?leep-r- s CJOe connertiou between tea ,

Ifv'our1 Bivcr Sulfonic I

ra-ence- rs takmc thi lino bare the bet ofaccommodations- - Pullman sleeper run rcsa- -'

arly trotn lisiun iitver to si. i.outt-- .



aThis ii? the onlyreliable route to ihcnnth- - jea-- t. Connections are t Peoria with the 'X. P. i W. and I. a. k W. Railroads lor Indian- - japolit-- ' Cincinnati. Columbnf. and all central I

anbiuuthera Ohio, Kcuscy. tonthern Iwiiana,

pnJISff 2ABS. Gssi Heals r.t 75 scsis,When you jo C3rt bs sure and tr el erer tbs j

C. i W- - I:e if jou visit to t e SAFE aal cojs- - J

for table ana aeire to traiei p:eaiiy. iA. E. T'TZ LI". T. l.n ELL. 'io'r.1 G"cdI Ft A"Tts't


i:rsixn& imtrsro?: r.

ZF- '


O. C. CASE,i ttokm.y .n i.w.

' ijjut iji iloor iiorflt f (iarinrt.iti:i rurii. MX.

.!!.. on- - made i.,ricfn,r remitted.


JTA. MO Kt.t EttTATC ICC2TRed ClooC. "Seb.

Attrntino '""ivm to Oflction.timer- - with C. Ti. l'OTTin:. nl Kel ClouJ1'niK Murt.

Knwiv C H.AWT.F.Y,

ttorsev and rurNSEii a? law.

Office Farley's Drug Store... a .... .."

J- -' ".J AMKS 1 'A1 RT)'


V.'irt i.rartiriWJil! te"mrcf thcFiate.rf(IDlt n::iiti'.n cirt--i tn kII buinc. itmtel j

thirre, wt n tuo (ail nwc juhmuijulyl-- 7

S.ICaivt. 3. J. K -.

c. VV. KL-Y- . iHuaiDiiitim.UeJ Cli'inl. Nrli. NcbraflcR.


v AtiENTS.Wfll :,rsrlirc in all the r,mrt.-- ,n NcaAa

n nfl ruTtnirn iTjinia. coflt cf.cii' jTi.rJiiily at- -

luJ,,d tiar.(iiorr.-ai......ltnt--oliri- t.

-8. 14- - Ft

HQRICEQP ATH1C PHYSiClAN,1 . S. IViis-io- Surpcon.

tstrOvvirr. over Kah-- Hros. law office. J


em:!es:t a. hall m. d.Physician & Surgeon,


Avi-i- Pursinn R -- f M K It. !. C oflirOTrr Jnlm-.- m A ri'i 1r Mrc R,i-itcii- cr

liver I". Xhau;'f ftiiru l'.ii:n

j. yt. xiose'a.. 31 i.-- LI.KCTK

Physician and.Surgeon,

....fl.. t.i.wnl : -- ! atten'i. ii t..O-f..tri- r. ami''?di jMsi of an.l --

Mtrccry. Du-ck- of ihr Ee aii'i I ar hargeiiin.ik -iatc. Oiliccovcr uurwd J'rui;

avt-- j


( VI loRATHI'- - - Hiv.I..)

I'mtnjit attrti'ianrp fu a!l call? in the practiceot niu.ii iiiot or fancwy.

CW 1 I -- . XERR VSKA.

J MuLAWII I.I . i . K u.:.iu.r.oii'Lis, Knit. oonn. .e.

moi:nyh.i.e iwtos.,

P racticing Physicians.MUX'IL A VMROY. XERRVSKA.

All iir.ifeiional calls will receive our promptand unctul ttcuticn. ;0m

Dk. H. A. B.A1RD,


. . Ricb.vil5on. S. Garbor.

Richardson & Garter,DEALEfSiN

X.IVE STOCKand cattle.

.1. 1" Sit . C. Smith l.R.Tnoni-s- o.

lr. Virt C.-i- ( a.h. Firt l.alT.licr FirtRank. Beatrice Nat Bank Nat. diiK

N.b. immicc co. rwcco.

.Smiil irors ft fl hompson,IT

BANKERS,ill make cillcc'tons ia ny part of the

Ti ieU ?tatf Sell c chance apos the pnnci- -I j! e:wtvm itinc Ijonn ti uney upon improved

'S. PaJdck.l' First National BankSew York. Camtiri.iRe Valley National Rank.Cambri.lsc XeTv York.

-- " :tO SVI A K A


Kocptm hnnd the br.n nrand of Wines.I.nUon. Reer. Ale. anil fine A share ofthe public pntronac x Miltceted.


Drug Store,And Dealer In


Paints,'Oil Q ?V AfrlTl"I '

All cnod ni onh nd: und to which I invite the attention ot.

e pub;;- -.


I3li i

Feed, $ wc Stable,J D. POST, Prop. HED CLOUU.

Wagon Company.urssr

Sl'IJiTxt Allow lntor! ut'fa time del o;ita, and lrai.j--- .t

actaccncral bams.i . t

j ,....,.,..,. oih Rank. A.


in- -




"or I'rrri'lritt,SADIES A. C.AKFIELr.,

" fJiu.

Vr IV- I'rruil-iV- .


iii.i iin itmiaft.Vr y""K nu-nt.- - ,u-wc- h v,tiiI wr? V vjr.'' "" -- cUI,-,I '" "! mrMiim .4 Ka-f- eh liter,tur.''"'. Mt-ud- mti-. !.. ,nrmr.I mmn.1 r"1" Kru

ful1 nwl Mirhril of I'm.---V"' S"1.-- - ? UCln--- of thatjn-tnnt- n. l,eJ- - Uirc Jw-- .

"" ti-- ; uhidi he i.aruAtmg Ite Artl.-i- r liictd ?;In- - np,hM rse;- - Mnt. Hi Ins4. rtukrr U UAU mm Ktdr mllt- -

T-iP1- : .yy 4iw

VIeB5EP-vViPl-- ' f &



The Candidates.t

Gen. James A. Garfield.thk rne-- i or the f mc f.o mvrr.vnox

KiiR THE ri'fc.xIIEXrY HH KtlMVfcTJ:rf.rtl.h. WITH IIATUTY W



fJii. 37iii'-A- . CiarfifM wa l.orn in.. i

WMlMfioiiii:k-vc!iil.'Noi. 111.Ki- - pan-ji- --Acr- hoth r.f Kuirisii.l

fatlfcr. Ahralm7.i Oar- -

ficM, W horn in (t-r- - pfiuntv, S. V.,Uit ilv l.a,l liwnl ir. Ma.-va..!,- ,,:

-- Ht- f.r "cnoratioii.. Hi- - TnothtrV. ,

ni.ii.K-r- . TiaiiK-- ua. Klizii Hallon andrhe niece of tin- - R'. Ho-r- .i I5al-loi- i.

ririted rniv-r-alL- t rh'rjryniaiiN' liAinji-hi- r. in whirli chua- - onrn. Jnim tv:i- - ih younge-- t muI hi- - father ilioI in S?.S,

leaxmc I)?-- ! rhildron lfn'ii(hnt -- oWyon ihf-t- r inotht r. Mr- - G.tificJi! a- -woirris of f'lii.uLahlv Lu'iinc-- M


ti- -. and hr that Juntos in-hfri-

hi- - icr-i'ivcru- ig nature ,.Yuhtlu aid of her throe older loy- - liemanaged to Mtprort hi'ielf and thefamily on tin tittle farm left hirhti-lu- and .lame-- , from hi eailie-- t, ohJhji-- d aid to tlie ixtentof hi- - nhiiity in the :eii,ral work ahouthis home Uiit he liked work, nnd itua- - --ail of him when hov that theie

"not n lazv hair in hi- - head." liea poor hov. and aw no m can.-- of

making a living but by manual labor,and he applied him.-e-lf to learn thetrade til a earpenter. Purine: the mm-inc- r

months he toiled early and late onhis mnlhorV farm, and the winter dayshe pa-.-- ed at Lis carpenter's, bench.There was a village school in Orange,where the citi7en- - met on winter even-ui'j- s

to read and di.-c- tt the book-win- ch

they pi cs-e- d. and thi ymmgGarfield attended, puking up such in-

formation he could in the capacityof a listener. No observer of

boy, listening to tiie radiuof a newspaper at the age of 1C, couldhv any po?-ibi- li: have foreseen in himthe future leader a great Nationalpprly.

Ready money was commodity ofwhich young farmer and carpentersaw little, and as the ambition to-- ecure an education, which had beengrowiug on him hi.-- mind wa-- - oiKMiedto the ecnt; of world m the village

-- chool.' couhl be reah?ed bvmeans of nionev. ne naturally castabout hi:n ftr -- ume vocation whichwould bung him that article. Thevmiiu ..inai ji.isseti wuiuii a snort u:-uin- ce

of the Garfield farm, and Jamesdiscovered that the canal-me- n werepaid in cash, and made better wages

he could realize by farming andcarpentering. In hi- - seventeent'n earhe determined to become caiMl-ma- n,

and secured a position as diiver of oneof the boats. His caie and attentionto his business attracted the attentionof his tuperior, and he was soon pro-moted 10 the more dignified post ofholding the tiller of the uoat. He con-tinued in tills business, saving whatlittle of his earnings he could, for about1; mont lis, until the of 1S4S. whenhe determined to advance a step, andship as a sailor on the lakes. At thistime, however, an attack of fever andague prevented his executing his plans,and drove him back to his mother'shouse an invalid. Tlie sickness provedthe turning point in his life, anil aresult of it, James A. Garfield, in-.te.-

of burying himself in forecastle of aship, became one of the leading men inthe American Republic

He remained prostrated in his moth-ers house for tluee months, and duringthat time made the acquaintance ofSamuel D. Bates, who was teaching thedistrict school that winter. Bates sofired the pi young GariieH,which had almost died away" umier theinfluence of his canal boatthat he determined to forsake his idea

becoming a sailor, and make an at-tempt to secure an education, lie wasaccompanied to Chester Academyby cousin and another young maufrom his village, and the threewith them frying-pan- s ittrd jthev too to pay for board

hard, and progressed rapidly.- - lieworked mornings, evenings, end Satrtr--daj-i-t m the crtrjwintexs shopcfChstc, 1

ifl iu: --ruaiixiMfl :- - e.m ln I Tuee inx'tiutiif hi- - -- irnhr- !Kn

.i , .... .. i. t(-.- jAIT' "llilllliri ta &A9 rci LJH1 - !

iH'jMltlv muI tlm iut4 utiKV Iik Miiwn frrf tf. wrr wrm. In!im!b ttik hir t.4l trfe..t bdii?.i ... I..ft iV.. ..) ..I..... uiil wit? t.t

htuI. .

In 1.;4. Mr 'srfrM. ihf n h rrfcr 4"

. . ..4r... t cniirhiHcti tiit 1h LfH-- w

t jh?m aminMUfti fr jMOM to ((:!(. Mid lit only drwa.-- k ;

linfr In- - or 11,m- - Jr.- - live vtr .fviitflv :iiI v.'iirk. ! Vud fili-lt''- 4

fi.'! fr iurjH. .

nix! lr !I no a:ltjf nit'Mtotilxtf- - ilr iHvt' unmK r'ra! hunirNl tMKr. H RiVih" S'luiotnv. howi'.i-r- , Uml

for hur a remits :it. f- - rt!v xmIMTM-wiu-- y of i.urnw.. muh-I- i ok .

1L.I... m,. .. t-- itf il iisiu ill Z"l !' ji rrnu 'Xfixi I

.aurtMil to alraiiit nm tiic moti . tt-- I

a- - MH'tirnv a ht ni-ura- a'- iIk-- v

n"ha hjtlip fU!i ina!i, Ltn hal!han! rolu-- t, fouini no Juik-wl- ; m -- tttw ,

mc ,Mir.r ttiii'intit ixmmc Ui'iki i . i . ?. . . . i

lcailv to in- - rtilif. anl m ;. twnvc:ir.-- l'r"r hrs Kditii.oti. hi wa- - iff ml -

uai'!. h.'Hrmz oil' the Mitjih-nii- !honor oflt:-- rla.-- -. uhich i -- tiiio-!at WllIlKlil- - H-- - :iUl'i!l'' th Ili!lP-- t With--m thr- - mil of thi ia.-timti-on to the"r.uluati:';: n; mhcra.

(firfii'M v. "" voa- - f at"- - ani






I ..f i



Oa A4ni ...Tx

iirtfthtomiunt:m.nd!Urt T,Bl,.llki,e...-n.M.ii:t.iwl(-

Iwi i...iu ...v.l V ..,!' M - t: :: z I

ri ria4 v bj wiiiittT'. r it i t. .'

;.r vrral i t 1 . j WVrf ,rf U(ru "- - fl " " T"J""1, i ; cro-ht- r

'' n , U j W P-- .rl m' ngn-k--. tlr ufWf'.f BN4tel OLutxh Xem fc.

Lt.n4.iu: Jl I'mfl -- 'ht- .n Luil bI.. cjw.

ftlil -

kjfeiii '

m fJ QfBSKUBSltrfm&Bav!&t!l&








aa of



it from

















were poor



i- - i

Init !

...I ,.- -.








1 L w f




lvul. a tho of t lnl n-- -. fl'trfi.'M wj - -- fni Joni rii -- iA Kana fdufiilton flnth ' ahiint ll:r ! 01 U2'i-- t. !!!. ,

hi diplor.a. and a d-l- t of Jl." m:ni'i.I n 11:1 - xxhen he wa- -lif- - liatl iio time tor h'l-ti- n- til- - I'M- -

1105 now w:i to find -- onii'tliintr t- - dofn'e hi:n.-e-lf from debt Uffr j until raivr cjiwi-d- . Hi-goi- ng

college, he lined the t coii-phmio- ih militarv -- erie.of the iple.--, hettcr known ::.. ? Tir. ) iAiHpociiuc", itiu th-- ir founder. ;!

. ..1 in ..;. .i-.- .i

.ne.MuiutT v iiiiiiMicii. 1 in wTiiiIn-titut- e." in Hiram, wa the eol'rt-- e

of tin ?rrt. and it Was natural that .Mr.Garfield should turn hi- - eve to the !

struggling litt'e college which he hadleft a- - a iiunil but two vear-- lietor'- - '

He nturned to Hiram, where he wasmade l'rofessor tf Latin and ('reel: inthe in-titu- te. Plain liung and hiirhthiiikiriix was the order of the d.iv : i

the institute. The teachers were j.or. j

the pupils were poor, and the colh-g- e

w:j- - poor, but th'-r- e wa- - a great deal ofhard, huttilui :udy done, and mainambnidM- - j.ian- - formed. iTof. ('r- -

field. after the first iadpre-jiile- of the institution, and in thiseapacitv he net tmlv tmisht and hvtuied, hut jireacheti. Ac. ording to theeieed of tne "JM-cipIe- ," any per.-o-n

having the power, was entitled to .

preach, and the president of the col-- j

lece wa.5 expected to deliver a sermon ,

every undav :i? a oait of hi- - oilirial !

dut. l'ri-ile- nt (iariield j.r.t liedwith great force, and fame --j,r;.d I

all through the CnmpbeliteIt Wiu-- this fact that cae n-- e to the I

storv that he had been minister, a 1

t'torv which lie has taken occa-io- n t' i

denv pub.' .. on sevenil occ:u-ion- s. I

In iJviT, while l'rofessor of Latin atld I

Greek at ih' Ecu. tie Institute, Mr. J

Garfield wa married to AIi- - Lncretia '

Kudoljih, the daughter of farmer liv-- 1

ing n"nr Hiram, who--e ac(iuaintau eh had made while at the,..t., ., .....o 1 n.n11 oiitTir -- iii- k atLZ? .1 iiuni.. 1.11:y rima rnaae wa-o- ne purely ot lo.e. and i

mucii of the hushaiuLt pro-nert- tv m :

life has been due to the quiet induenceofiihe wife.

"Tic...w. J'irrnM.... ..... ?c .. futiof.., tlrmritftil.. V.. fc,. .....tnvnnn fmid of re.m"ii- - I

aud study, and of a warm heart- - Twovears after his marriage the olituallife of Gen. Garfield began, llis r-mous

had attr.icteAl attention to him.and in 1S.V.' he w:l-- brought forward h j

thu aiiri-elarti- y people of Portage a.idSummit Counties as their ea.ndtd.t fnr j

State Senator. He w-a-s electeil, and, j

young he wra.. he at once took highrank m the Uhio Legislature, as a manunu-tial- lv well informetl on die subje t.--of legislation, and cd'ecuve and power- -fiil in debate. He seemeti always lire--iKireil to peak. and always spoke i

lluenllv and well. the secession 1

of tlie Southern States began, Mr. Gar- - !

field' course was manlyand outspoken,and he was among tne tortmost toinaiiiUlin the right of the Nationalwvernment to coeree seceaed Mates.

Gen. Garfield's military militarycareer was of unture !o subjecthim to trials on a large scale. He wasappointed Colonel of the Forty--eeon- d j

Ohio Keghuenl, August 14, 1SG1, butit was not until Dec 14th that ordersfor the field were received. The regiment then sent ta CatletL-bur- g, I

jr.t and Col. Garfield tcss ordered j

to report to Gen. Buell in person. That J

tjccer onierea nun 10 anvp tne iorees j

imder Hunipnrey ilarshall out cf the!fcartdv Valle-- , i asien KTentuckv.The vdJrd rLTJSl rfrL-- .- - Taiy i

i --- - 'in" twirun .-- - w.. rn urt. th Khk nuy trf i.,'.w. i-- i.fwiiMA4( MtHiuitl h4 ,- ,.,-- . -

' iimlrr J- - .vtriAmp-- : n-r- inen, i


iimr iu&toU nd rtr

vtlJ.-V- 0 nl ati tiif ."'lv Ifj. w f

Mr-4in- ll twannif . th. .;. .

Gnrfr:. ck :n 1'rt-.wUi- n: -- 'in ruall Vnti t a am. wjr ;

rW VitHii u jtr:t--t iu-- tfi- - ("..a. i - iiv .. . . iIMlIin.'i .'irtCrfCTMl - " " ,'"". J

awl hi-- trtK.jjc ht VfttMwir 1

fonrnrU in ili frt toitKennc drki- -Uri .Mju.-im-ii Ki-- ii....

lutud Uta cku) --Mfe rt f4l.V x)n " ""' ,


aJk- - itluua.n ! Mirnpr.. k.l I H th, - rl .tfflHM.n u, m t ivp -- f. MrHrA ... i..

2-- , u

W jUv. lr Arthur til m i r -

tin-- 1

i -. . .. -i4kkii n.i n.ji 11 . uuii t xirrmiT it .. :i ."

" it S :,.lw

Jun.o, m,

Ahiiii-i!- f w-





II.- -





as- -




result hi 2') nr-- "rolh'mat' hi- - liH


and hi? militaryto had j , Ht hsv

D1-- 1


ar wa- -



aiiruit . 1 ..,.,...

- !.and









rMmniit f ht ni.- n M

i.iinH. ;h raiv rf

m th. tetlKW.? M nprtitfiw Uv'h. arl wr. tmff the rb-- n

Mtrii n 'I WI.T T- -

"rd fiuatioftHi- - Ui ni-Ui- y, fexer .ml ign. rot.- -

trartcl intJM- - ly? .4 bH w-P- w

ucrTHi'. w.i- - ajctrajto "iii wir jiiioi'i- -

!.-- I:i-,- t .:' W .xili, oi.'. Gva

, or.r'u t inn (.t-- l.cran-a-- ( aii-- f

I of wf In thi- - po-it.- on he remained J

the battle of Chiek.iniaii-.'.i.fpt- . 10 and-o. 1.?., and for hi brave-- y and t:'ii - !(

b.ii.... ... .1... .... 1. .11 .;-u- iji ui m.ii tiv yi.f j

.promottnl to tlie. rank of "dajor-Gvn- - I

eral.. .t ;....! :i:. .. 1111-.- jH.1111 i:,v ninii:T cant--r h ,

Gen. Gartb'id jiraetititHv eano- - . an J

etui. In 102. while ab-e- nt with thearmy, nnd with-u- t -- ohictation on hi- -part. he had f.een iecti to I omrrev-- ,

irom the oll t.iddm dit-.n- et ithe jK'rh in which he re-id- rd altli ('lieV--ins wait lit-- path of tisefuJnr lay m j

the direction to which hi con-t'uien- k-. 1

he resigned hi- - I.e. 0th. j

1SG'. and en:-i- - i upon the dune- - if a j

fateMiians hie. In ( ongre he Mt

once tok a high nnl. rai from his j

.dmi-.-io- n to the Ilou-- e of Ilenro-nta- - t.: . .1 i . . !

ie-- in me prteni nine :ie ua.-- ieeu 'an active, energetie, hanl work, r He

became known a- - a powerful'-.tker. remarkably reidy, and tlwa-- 1

;le-ti- e in delwte, while in he eo:n- -

mittoe- - t.e oroe! him- - If an nivalu- - :

work r Hi-- iNtrJv renominat' d himbv o'elanialio.i on Ue expiration efhp len-!- . oh! ii hi- - return U the :

Ilotl--e w;is twn a ICndlitg place on illeading cvusmittee on U.-- s andMe....--- . Here heiniluenee I

He -- tudied the whole range of finn- - i

cial niu-tio-n.- with the a ithntv of hi- -college day.--. m tliat lie iias one ofiiie ab!e-- r oTfiitrXifHi--

nal hr.a.11 iers. He Ir.-- lit trartr, 1

and !.:- - partr ?j..,hI bv him", I aueieh to the Tmrtv-mia- h. ir..i. v. --:. ....... r.-- 1AiiJ&.Kftri- - 1 oni -- hipi... . .,' t izrrjt-- . - -

vote of the liepublicnu caucus for thi-po-iti-

an honor never conferred !c-fo-re

on any man by any party m theKate ol Uiuo.

head is uni-.-uali-y binge, and ht- - fore

head remarkatilv hu'ti. Ii nmr. I

light-brow- n hair and beard, andetes. a nrominunt nr-e- . and

James, are attending-.-cJwki- I in New.Hamrx-hir-e, wxdle tlie two younger.Irwin and AUram. live with theirparents. Ill- - only daughto-- . 3Hry, is

htndcnie, girl of abouttwelve Hi m.'thr-- r L-- still living, andforms one of hi fa;mlr. Gen. Garfiitdhas a bouse in Wsiihiie'tn... where h.spends his winters, antt a farm in Alen-- 1

tor, Lake County Ohio, where ntinrpifc au his tune when nor engaged

at the capital. Hk farm eoninriis J

125 acres of land, which t highlv culir--

;irev.;rienB ut tbs fatuidin4 fotv

a....... -- . ..V .w.a.W V. .... ...A ... .....4.Aliireh. r.fiioil tfi. n...i.i,.i..i.

ppearsince. Gen. GnriioH h rrv j

commanding and imnrta-five- . He;st.ind- - mi feet high, and br4l--shouldered and -- trough- built.


Ifa K T'- - - - - -.

P i- - wm) wfH" !. rSnnw . termrfiK. 4 a i

wi bp) iwiw w np :

rTm5 t.r Ji lr oW5. (

rtM". W jrrt - ?Va&e)lAu JL

Mm rnacter A w w-w- v "

rwr -- vtwtT. m Tir tivriot...:TjiHrrinM4r-r.ii-, a1! i

.irmtfrtrci y VMS I

Wn. tlMfUJ" A. VrtKur m Wro n '

c v.. i'v..... i. . it.4 . if.f. M..W ' 1 ' - " IT ..-- -- .'....j.tbeokkMtcfririiv TiA--f- JI

utber t: .

nhnr, a JWJi(l..- -. - l. .1 4 ut Uirta tf BT UB.KXM W BkBkBW B.aBkSi

fc j r Atilni Ir

., ,..,Mi. t.,,,. ... .u . i... .Um, ... ., . ... i w-.- .... I

u a sp A.M iBmaaiana b mru BwaaawMBViB

.( Aftrf w u ', ,.llrT . 4, t0 ,I . -.i J i- -. i.......I - " , VPOT- !

V' H50m lo ae 1hMiI i -, , .N;w YnH

uh- - nr rfr JiuUr E D-. K flUUvttl. .n r ttriife iuai.!.-- i '

I lite liur. ht formisl Mrtn4rrht ruitf" ifttmi Jrmi vimi r.n miiHry 1 vHiiarr, vtth iir ntntii.of unM'Uri:u; in i U a, m Ir thr

t MMMtlhn ihfv nmutiri Kof m U

; 'n4rn .tat in ivh A an ltjri,Mie. lnuiri Ur ciI nmirn'f! i N- -

' Yrk. iHti Uiey hnne call lleir j t

J mihI enttml uoti h - . . -- -;

! rarcvr nlmot trHit thr ftiwlArthur touii ttltnrard9 iurnl tiiduwch'.-- r f tHlnAMt Hn4'tiI'mlcd Stuti'-- Nn'.v, nh I : i.'-- 'it, aim! who cjUimK Ki-- ot ihrtsn i

dCHth inokirf( i. t'K'a ('jtjrtf) ..ila tHO m4i to !!. Mi.iow jti rv. '.!.Uon f the eottr'ifcntMti lnnver) h' ilu- -

Hlrl . that .wm-H- .. Mr Arthur.died oiiy a hwt time avo.

In !,!' Junaih.ui ami Jiiht-- t !m-- i

nton. irinman Unh4ilr-- , tttt-iuhit- s I

1 t ettiiprair to l.--. wtnie h )

York 1'wiii if iihHjr f x lmiT '

lnti;iii('tmht i.i with Ihem Th' -- iavv on uirir arni in .mw 1 .! lioditiK that th- - Tf 111 a I ud !

hlierty, abandonil tioM- - !i,tr. :laiiM-- J

tnjt that. thrv wt. Ir" 'Ih--- tj r" mlri.-- d that they tt! ihh returnt int. lKtKt-c- '. mid a nt'xi lawvuit -the Mt-- ie Arthur, Uwi h jrrtctttiHnrrcr, Uil Ufr on th '

I ground that, a their ovrtr hnl' hroucht thetii t ft.te -- m1 v4unUrjl I

! tloiv cmld not he d niHler toeUifltifv tinv m Jixljp Ii'. i n '

ihrid a deri-io- n holding tliat tin v 1

ronld not. atxl onh'nng lW I'inin'ij1hvs- - to he hh.THSnl. A ImwS of ratf--

, enl u) from th SNitli. AtMi :h ir! 1:1111.1 atithoried l n

Attnrnt-T;ieii- il rf that jU1' to ac-4- -l

, m taktnsr an appeal. Wilhnm V '

KvartK ami Cher A. Arthur v. !

ntjdoyed to rpre-e- nt the peph hi. I

they won their en', whieh tlo-- n w.-i- t

to the jMiprrsiic Calft ef th I i,i;.-.- i

rtn'e.--. Ciiarle -i

th' eii- - of tlie -- laveh4ler-. ImiI hewa- - heateil, and .1 h'njr wn takentw--r- 1 the e:n.iiieiiMttfMi of tin- - h. iekra---

tJii Arthur vra a deh9ate tn lh- -

ionveiioii u uratoH lhat f.e.tid. d .'the h'etiiiMicHn iM.-t-y. In h--l he h.-n- i

. . . - - .. . tthe IwW ot Ilil'l4r, .tjer.'! ! tl .

'jt,. .,l" N'ew Y..rk mimI m.ji n', n.lxaner.1 tn thut of ln.irt.r...'irt. r

.l.fni-ral- . MtXUll lie Hi'hl Ulltli the . xp

tini f ;.i- - !nn'ui i.irm ..f ..iii.-- .

.o higher eiicotiiiuin th he pi-- iiijmki him than thr invtitioit of the fio f

,,a: niUi(nih Uie war rtcemmt .f f.jjite of New York wj, tini- -Lnwr .Ur Hint iil'mii iilkinr l.ln w.

jt - t);tt (xrx MIMh:n,i ttl,d uiiw.d in,n.i uitluwit'.h..'n. .

rf n fioitar.

Th" rrowtti U'ne ?rinci i vpflrt"d .if remarkable.

f-f.- l.i .- - t!r IMJ" v- -. range nr'-- r

' 1 t:. tn at pre'nt



Groceries and IToticns,, I

"r'i' '-- G I ni:i:rv-k- v

iH. u- - o. .'.J ,C P--- V .w reM.-- t,'" ' " . examine. mt g.-- i- i'..rf. - k r T


try Goods andi

Groceries- -?

Ruidy Made Clothing!

We Have ihe Lanjest... . -Stflnk III Thj VallftV inn Uifl .J 1.1U Wlil


Bat De UnfSerSOlU. ?

Give Ui a call, one and all

lti fuj ''k. -

.,,1 tl.a .ttli nf '" .li r



tilt lindcf never in Sai7' " CftyHl.

fiM --.

Samuel West,. t ta


ii INMJ' II- -Yy 1$

'(u;'XtTt-- : llV!-- K.

.......... irvi t- -

IN! i i;vr "

CTL Pv it 2 fp gjvSlJft s I &9

.A ) T t

Crcajca Parlor,Vh" ill ml )

.' rv

silvnr t ImiWi jtr ?' i:rtlt .?K-tt-l t trt !of AinvbrU A MMwt

K tw i NlM k

?R0UD?:T i HARSH,.rNfi 1 mi i i

STOVES,C.'uhlr ItOr!t.


Hcnfltrtrrriomc and bec n : wc

will not he


JIt In

2.3 r',a 0 ITS 1J? A & (?V:J W V'V i W ' ;' 7


Ir CIIKAP Cw rA-H- . ol U

be tl ii'l " wi. ! udc .! -- Ml fUI a.


rrtJS fO.-t-r'- .. swl 4f.-- 01 uRtoT.. Ht

"I.t)lt K!V

GO iVl ETor 1 oar


tufi i:ka7 r; 71n I.iihi'.I Vrlcrn

-p- y-


roriv-thi- Fort'.-fotirt- h, lurty-nfir- .. '.,-...- -. .i J"- - ' "' !"""and Fortx --sixth Omtrre-.e--. , '. ' - . , ,, , .. . . mff"- -

In Jannn-- v lasihe v.x-- electM to the 'V lT w 'r """"- - - " '- -- ftf tTfSeuate to till Uie of (;. 'n.ur- - " . V. "' vi l ' I A imnn . li.i r.frik- - .. ' Jill ""'



Hi- -

vatcn. ?

which; heri;rvtln- - tV,j.


. '

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' O


f-- i. C33


--rre &2

txo J -I S Ii

C3 J:

4 t

1 2




KENDALL'SSPAVIN CUREt a rar n Ot J fi ts r r,f vfrrin.-l(ii- p, y j ii'rri ul --

avnti u! th-- j u3tftrl'M I .-- . f f jreyjijre bonpt3 i n'rrinr r b

axl a-- il foil Urcrt.&t all Miet . ta jr! prfrzt ltj- - n.r'Sloo are ktr-ir- rt

wb rofirrwi I 7 weiihi(rouit ii-- t trBiot4lx rstwo ;ear -- j inut KtJ-,- t pTa --are lis--

tiiaUr w ii.-- it t'l ear-- & t r . to a-- ie"ujr!i?y raije rnt.-f-c ,.... lisjtrjr.1r

::iteci iiii-- 7ai--r Zv2LT !.j..t v b- -x - .s i5 jr " j I

Crated i Kr-rtai- l f- -f t'a r

in o; Tir. n.osiB rrtUx trxrr mu.

Swrs rat--r iJ to lf 1 se i Stk tar

0ae AiL JLtvcrAaH. . iit f JJik '."?ls3-Ai- r fe.Ji.ltf

3- - J. Kdsl Kijc.ryC r'aiW. Vj. fl--v

t r5rnjil fry ttyrt ux Jitcarr lrt. Iaa apv tti tsuu 'ai jr srJaruiJ iH -

di'lUneM eni ot. Is tre '. aftriWBB(Uft,s arilt&efM r xratiTeJ rr - -

(Bttifrl 1 Tll!U!lli MMC Ki!nrl fe, suhiil. ,Is-ew- . Very tlr yir-- JuH.x '

.-- f .dim. fcr 2Utx I me t1'lT llMWfTWK WJ- -l 1V -- I.C.I j...


9 osrsstYlc-j?.i- r btc lrrlixlaus. .


-. .... - . . Koirrtitvi.

mil cheek-- . He is tn all 1 V kt nnl k: irlv h w. sd atietir tryrt 1 - 13.thing- - escett brain work and e-i rm.WMA m

l ca.frei th aUns-o- t. Ivoted to his wnte and chthlnm. ofwhom t urr . ! E.r . Z --".it ,r!he has five li"ing two having ditsl in Wrkt 0t- - Jf . Mtsfcttetr ii hck mw .4, I

infaiicv. and ,,H'' wp w .irBWBa.MtWi jEnwrc-r- h Flt. Vt. FcV. --31. 157.

aiu hem General arecretiticn tires,

,rl-- -- ,J mv;!











- 1 ?rv.'.-)n:- , ari.'mnfT,

WiiMIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMBMfcM.M.Mr - V K&W JfcMiiffpMrMMMJMPMPMlB.BBBBII..WwBBMWwBBnBMfcJM '. Jii T.SiiliB.liliW.lilililifcT.n.S5M?M.lilililililililililililililililililil.

Harness Shop,


I w ?:M ti.MmI itit v f t

fct Epr. CsJ: r ?! tec !i

Parlor. Bedroom


.MATTlkStffi, Kll

i W' SiI


BAKERY in ofwinsiwri iy iiiv;aiii

A. Ituler Incli rrupr.I. K

t m.i '.inn mitt.--. M I


W-- n Mm!. ' " - T

I I . ' !,. ! . il . ! l Jl 1 Wtt r. .

It: -KKI t I 1 ! Mhl:-- K a


Vr 1 ni t I ll!l. '" . Wtej

Krp n..r'lf Vt. -- j

I l.tllllhrr, I Mf KltlKKlr fcwij linn. I. ! ntr I riHfl 'lItMtlUtttv I'nii'f rtr


Jroi5Licior.W-- rBKSTiV -- k m,'rr t

Mt '! t rtk.111 Ml f'-- i - ?14,

wvl vw inil,wmo itimm yt.wl fwW. I

r V ... . W 'fc. rMHr-- . utk-- twn.. II Mk ' M fw M rv t tlt to 'H a Ml Hi InM- - 7 jr r 4 ei, .

lit alk4 rin f-- e !. tnr.. ivi .)r ml nmrnrmMt A tiij'iC Ami1 Ma Mm ;

cv feecctric roicitJ kit WiO uMlltM 13 WAIT.

klw4; ,.". .r

1 .ll.t' l? 'A? M e-- Wt' s

rr. nim .tiwM nf t.viat." 1 fr (. t'ftl en !- -,

CT ' I".' ' f . (.rr al ;.. t , fmt.m, b

V JM f --' A ur to imm 4


(. . Hum. .,-- .. W.V. V. A nrtil tl ef iI

the srsr oxa.f.T .tt.1;Tar Oaty n Penny

Voc cx 3 Af-4-, ""vtrt ta flat

"-- . Sr,.ii tj.i j?Ji,TiQttVTXL.iLt CTlie,

i rfnr iar a jJri jt-t- tTe1-rn.i.ti- twllpfUJ w. Il-kltt- i;

ttrST flC2aX ....- fk.- -. - w... - ..Uw..,c EXll51.T.lCtrr .r r , f- -i

7.. J ..4fQ' as " "'"C " . ,w

OCX ?)lt

a. MtzmrottU: 6.






S ? 1 EzZ?r?Zljr' J W WM


fw . yl-jj- r nwW flH