the rifleman series (part 8)

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  • 8/14/2019 The Rifleman Series (Part 8)


    The Rifleman Series -- Part Eight: Ammo and Sights

    A few caveats/suggestions:

    1) Avoid Indian surplus 7.62 like the plague. Scanning the boards over the past few

    months, the horror shows (stuck cases, etc.) far outweigh any savings gained by the

    cheap price.

    2) Folks shooting calibers other than 7.62 will find food for their machines as well.

    The key part is to buy as much as you can now, while ammo is cheap. Youll need

    enough for learning, teaching others, maintaining your own skill, and supplying

    your Rainy Day/Decade fund. Thats a lot of ammo a lot more than you have

    right now, Ill bet. See suggestions #4 and #5 below.

    3) If you can do it, many dealers will give you a substantial cash discount if you

    pick up at their location (plus you save shipping costs and (sometimes) sales tax).

    The money you save can pay for the trip, believe it or not! Contact the dealers and

    see what theyll do for you.

    4) You need more ammo. Buy at least a case for each rifle today. Plus at least 5

    mags for each riflebuy more if you need em.

    5) See suggestion #4. Really.

    If you remember one thing about ammo, it is thisyou can never have enough

    ammo, let alone too much. Figure out how much you will need over the next year,

    and multiply that amount by five, at least. Then take that amount and multiply it by

    five again. Thats how much ammo every Rifleman should have on hand for each

    rifle, all of it easily accessible. Anything less, and you are taking a chance thatwhat can be easily purchased today will be so in the future.

    Wanna bet on that? How much?

    How about your life? How about your country?

  • 8/14/2019 The Rifleman Series (Part 8)


    Do you really want to take that chance?

    Enough about ammo. Now, lets talk about what you need to get that ammo to go

    where you want it to godownrange, on target, in a tight group, at a high rate offire.

    Sight settings and trajectory are keys that will unlock many doors. Itll take a bit of

    work to learn what you need to know, but then a Rifleman never shys away from

    the work need to defend Liberty.

    There are two basic sets of facts you need to memorize. The first is the relationship

    between where you shots are hitting on the target, the measurement unit ofminutes of angle also known as MOA, and your sight settings.

    MOA is what your sights are graduated in, whether an M1/M1A or scope. Well

    talk about other rifles later.

    As the first step, you need to know that 1 MOA = inch at 25 meters. That

    distance is important, cuz thats where youll be doing a lot of practice shooting,

    until you acquire Rifleman skills.

    That same 1 MOA equals 1 inch at 100 yards. How? Ratiosthat icky stuff you

    avoided back in school. inch is to 25 yards as 1 inch is to 100 yards. Put another

    way, 100 yards is four times as much as 25 yards, right? And 1 inch is four times

    greater than inch, right?

    Memorize this ratio so that you have it down cold: 1 MOA = inch at 25 yards =

    1 inch at 100 yards = 2 inches at 200 yards = 3 inches at 300 yards = 4 inches at

    400 yards = 5 inches at 500 yards.

    Memorize that ratio, and you are ahead of 95% of shooters in America, sad to say.

    Do it, and you will be on you way to thinking in MOA whenever you adjust your

    rear sight or scope.

  • 8/14/2019 The Rifleman Series (Part 8)


    Now, lets apply that ratio to some shooting situations. Well start at 25M (which

    is actually 27.32 yards, or 82 feetwere talking close enough for Government

    work, as the saying goes), and have you fire three good shots at your 1 black


    You go downrange, check the target, and find that the center of your group is 1

    inch below the aiming point, and inch to the left of the aiming point.

    First step is to ask yourself if you fired good shots. If not, your group is of no use

    to you, so go back and fire 3 good shots. Keep at it, using your sling, the

    Riflemans Guide (, and your

    training until you do.

    Assuming that the first group were all good shots, its time to think about how to

    adjust your rear sight. If you have a Garand or M1A, your job is simple. All you

    have to do is remember that each clickwindage or elevationis equal to 1


    Heres how you do it:

    1) Inches: How many inches, for both elevation and windage, is the center of my

    group away from my aiming point? In this case, you are 1 inch below the aiming

    point (elevation), and 1/2 inch to the left of the AP for your windage.

    2) MOA: The second step is to convert your inch calculations from step #1 above

    into MOA for that distance. You have memorized the fact that 1 MOA = inch at

    25 meters, so what you need to do is figure out how many inch units (or MOA

    units) there are in your 1 inch low elevation, left windage calculations. Anybody

    know the answer? Anybody? Bueller???

    Thats right 1 inch low elevation equals 4 inch units, which in turn equals 4

    MOA low. inch left windage equals 2 inch units, which equals 2 MOA left


    3) Clicks: Now that you know what your elevation and windage errors are, its a
  • 8/14/2019 The Rifleman Series (Part 8)


    simple matter to adjust your M1/M1A sights, on which 1 click for standard sights

    always equals 1 MOA for both elevation and windage. You know, based on your

    calculations above, that you are 4 MOA low, so add 4 clicks up elevation (thats

    the left-side knob) on your rear sight. You should be turning the knob back towards

    you to add elevation. Same drill for windage, which is the right-side knob on yourrear sight. Your windage error is 2 MOA left, so add 2 clicks right windage

    (checking the markings on the knob so that you know you are turning it the right


    Now, when you fire your confirmation 3-round group and those 3 shots are each

    good shots, your rounds should be hitting right at your aiming point.

    Bingo! You have established your 25M zero, which also equals your 200 yardzero, because of the trajectory of the standard NATO load. You are also only one

    step away from setting your Battle Sight Zero (BSZ), which allows you to shoot

    without worrying about sight settings all the way out to 275 yards.

    Next time, well set that BSZ, talk about sighting-in other rifles, and reveal the

    secret to consistent hitting out to 500 yards.and beyond!

    See ya next time!

    Next time, Fred will talk about battle sight zeroes, trajectory, and other "secrets" of

    the Rifleman.