the rilao bible


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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Page 1: The Rilao Bible


Page 2: The Rilao Bible


Two Worlds Collide

Page 3: The Rilao Bible


Chapter One: How the World Came to Be - The History of Rilao !Chapter Two: Geography of the Island !Chapter Three: Cultural and Societal Traits !Chapter Four: Technologies and Transportation !Chapter Five: The Current Social Structure and Religion !Chapter Six: Languages, Architecture, and other Characteristics !!

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HistoryThe city of Rilao was one not one found, but birthed. The creation of this land can be

credited to three people. The first is a man that goes by the name of Charles Kent Brassard,

born January 1st, 1923 in Montclair, New Jersey - a state located on the east coast of America.

After meeting the love of his life at Harvard University and receiving his Bachelor’s degree in

electrical engineering, he fled with his soon to be wife to Los Angeles, California in the year

1945. This is where he met the second creator, a mysterious man who titled himself Mr. X.

! Mr. X was a simple man who lived in his lab nestled in the valley of the Hollywood

Hills. Not much is known about him, for he destroyed all documents marking his existence.

The only record of his life is contained in the journal of Mr. Brassard.

! Mrs. Brassard was able to find work in assembling aircrafts for World War II while

Charles was out of work. One day while away from his role as a house-husband, he met Mr. X

at a utility store. Charles eventually moved into Mr. X’s lab, where they spent several years

working on their project. Meanwhile Mrs. Brassard was to raise the family. In 1969, Mr. X fled

Los Angeles after receiving warning from the government due to his suspicious activities.

Some theories suggest he was a victim of the Charles Manson murders. Regardless, Charles

was still to carry on the project.

! What they had been working on was what ultimately led to the creation of what we

know as Rilao today. The two had been working on a teleportation device in anticipation of

the Red Scare - a time of high fear in the United States and anticipation of a nuclear attack.

The goal was to be able to use the first “O” in the Hollywood billboard to relocate inside the

Cristo Redentor of Rio- both of which can be seen in Rilao today. Once the first round trip

was completed in the 1980’s, Charles allowed few people to use it, one of which told the

government shutting down the operation. The entire hollywood sign and surrounding area

was fenced off from the public, the government claiming it was a hazardous area and

punishing trespassers with jail time.

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Charles passed in 1994, leaving his journal to his newborn grandson in his will, who

would grow up to be the third and final creator. His parents named him after his grandfather,

his name was Kent Brassard. On his 18th birthday in late November of 2012 he received his

journal after anxiously waiting. His family assumed that Charles was an astrologist, which is

why it was a shock to find out almost his whole life was a lie. Though, Kent was still

determined to prove to the world that the portal was still active. After numerous attempts for

attention, he finally exposed it via news helicopter after a series of grand thefts. The world

became outraged and locals raced to the O to see it first hand. On December 12th, 2012, the

portal became unstable which marked the creation and birthdate of Rilao. Those who

experienced the shift in space from Los Angeles described it as being slingshotted into the

land of Rio.

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! When both cities collided, Rilao adopted both the coasts of Los Angeles and

Rio forming an island in what we believe is formerly known as the Pacific Ocean. The

coasts of both Rio and LA were the most population dense areas and therefore the

coasts of Rilao are the most packed. The interior of the island is mostly forested with

tropical fauna adapted from the city of Rio. Though this is left largely unpopulated due

to the fact that little progress has been made in restoration.

! The damage from the Great Collide has yet to be solved, although the coastal

areas have made a substantial amount of progress.

! The island has a variation of altitudes. As you reach further inland you will

notice that the elevation climbs, leading up to the cliffs where the remains of the

portals stand - unaffected by any of the Great Collide events.

!Seen from almost any point in Rilao stands the Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer)

and atop him is the “O” from Hollywood, which floats around his head as if it were a

halo. However the remaining letters have been scattered around the island.

! Beyond the island is a realm unknown and unexplored.

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Culture & Society

! The population of Rilao is estimated to be slightly over 6 million, a much smaller

amount than the world before the Great Collide and assumed to be the maximum number of

sustainability. What happened to the remainder of the population is still unknown. Nearly

2/3 of the population originates from Los Angeles, the other third being from Rio. These

numbers also align with the proportions of geography from each city.

! Different sectors of the island vary from others in terms of cultural traits. The

beaches are much more advanced in progress of restoration. Their life is work oriented. Jobs

solely include rebuild work. From ages 12-70, coastal Rilao residents are expected to

contribute to fixing the city, limited to their own zone. Before children reach the age of 12,

they are educated on the history of Earth, insistent to keep memories alive. Their slogan

comes from George Santayana and his famous quote “Those who cannot remember the past

are condemned to repeat it.”

! Further inland lies more chaos. They are still considered under the control of the

entire island but they chose to disobey the orders of the third creator. They live like

Neanderthals without social structure. Most Rilao residents avoid the area and live in

ignorance to the mysteries that lie in the tropical forrest. Less than 10% of the Rilao

population resides there.

! Aside from the jungle rebels, most of Rilao enjoys the change of leading a simpler life

free of the complications of the traditional 21st century lifestyle.

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Technology &


! In the Great Collide, a lot of advancements in modern science and technology were

lost. Since the 19th century, residents of Earth relied heavily on automobiles for

transportation, which ran on fossil fuels to propel forward. They managed to eliminate the

use of trains which is now what Rilao utilizes. The land that Rilao is located on is rich in

coal, which is used to power trains. Since the collide the island been unable to support cars

due to the scarce amount of fossil fuels. Residents of Rilao also believe it is more efficient

and has created several jobs - including the restoration of Los Angeles’ Union Station. There

are still cars on the island but they are considered a novelty item due to their limited use.

! One major technology lost was the ability to communicate with others wirelessly.

Before the Great Collide humans had a huge dependence on cellular service for

communication. Rilao also lost the use of the World Wide Web, or the “internet” as most

called it. These technologies allowed communication across the globe but since our

population is limited to this small island - we fail to see the need to reestablish these dead

forms of communication.

! Rather than furthering connections, Rilao focuses it’s scientists towards

reestablishing America’s health technologies.

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Social Structure

After the shock of the Great Collide, the third creator stepped forward and initiated a

new social system that was best suited to rebuild Rilao. He chose a communist style where all

of the citizens work the same amount of hours and all receive the same amount of pay. Most

agreed upon this system because it could set aside potential conflicts so the city could focus

on rebuilding. However, most believe this is what drove away the rebels. They believe an 18

year old man should not posses the power to rule a country. The rest of the population

supports his decisions.


Any knowledge of preexisting religion and been replaced by an unnamed worship to

the elements: fire, earth, water, and air; for they provide all the necessities of life to Rilaoans.

! Rilaoans also pray to the three creators: Mr. X, Charles K. Brassard, and Kent

Brassard. Only one of the three have lived through the Great Collide.

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Rilao is a melting pot of all sorts of architecture from remaining structures to those that are in the process of being rebuilt. There is one consistent style that appears more so than others and that is the style created by Frank Llloyd Wright - who designed the lab of Mr. X, the first creator. Some of his original work stands today.


All languages excluding spanish and english are becoming dead. Although since most of the population comes from the United States, english is growing in both written and spoken aspects. Slowly spanish with phase out from existence.


The third creator deemed that the US Dollar should take over as the only existing currency. However, most enjoy bartering favors rather than having a physical form of currency.


It is assumed that animals not native to either Rio or Los Angeles have gone extinct. Some speices from the Los Angeles Zoo have survived, such as the tiger, elephant, and giraffe among several others. These species have quickly evolved to their new habitat and it is expected each species will evolve to survive.

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