the rise of democratic ideas

Students will be able to: Explain the historical influence of Greco-Roman culture and Judeo-Christian tradition upon Western civilization. Module 1 The Rise of Democratic Ideas Lesson 1 The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome Athens Builds a Limited Democracy _____________________ system for controlling _______________ _____________________rule by a king or queen Aristocracy rule by a small group of ________________________ families _____________________ - rule by a few powerful people Democracy “rule of the ___________________ In Athens, adult ____________ citizens formed an assembly. Reforms of Solon Solon - ___________________ Avoided war by outlawing __________ slavery and canceling debts Established _____ classes of citizenship based on ____________________ Allowed any citizen to bring _______________ Only __________ of the population were citizens 1/3 of the population were _______________ Cleisthenes Enacts More Reforms Cleisthenes Considered the founder of _______________________ in Athens Created the Council of 500 to propose ____________ Chosen at ___________________ 1/5 of residents were ___________________

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Students will be able to:

Explain the historical influence of Greco-Roman culture and Judeo-Christian tradition upon Western civilization.

Module 1

The Rise of Democratic Ideas

Lesson 1

The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome

Athens Builds a Limited Democracy

_____________________ – system for controlling _______________

_____________________– rule by a king or queen

Aristocracy – rule by a small group of ________________________ families

_____________________ - rule by a few powerful people

Democracy – “rule of the ___________________”

In Athens, adult ____________ citizens formed an assembly.

Reforms of Solon

Solon - ___________________

– Avoided war by outlawing __________ slavery and canceling debts

– Established _____ classes of citizenship based on ____________________

– Allowed any citizen to bring _______________

– Only __________ of the population were citizens

– 1/3 of the population were _______________

Cleisthenes Enacts More Reforms


– Considered the founder of _______________________ in Athens

– Created the Council of 500 to propose ____________

– Chosen at ___________________

– 1/5 of residents were ___________________

Greek Democracy Changes

____________ public officials and jurors

____________ _______________________ – citizens govern directly

Democracy ended after war with ____________ then invasion by Macedonia

Greek Philosophers

Socrates – ____________ approach (Socratic Method)

Plato wrote The _______________________ – philosopher-kings

_________________________– examined the nature of the world & human belief

The Legacy of Greece

Logic and ________________________

_______________ Democracy

3 ___________________ of Government

Rome Develops a Republic

Republic – citizens ____________ for leaders

____________________ (or indirect) democracy

Twelve Tables – written __________ code in the Forum

2 _______________ – elected for one year terms

– One ran the ____________________________

– One controlled the _______________________

– Checks & _____________________________

The Roman Senate

– 300 members that served for ____________

– Issued __________________ and interpreted laws

– _______________________ - leader with absolute power

– The Republic collapsed in 27 BC and Rome was ruled by an

____________________until 476.

Bread and Circuses

Entertainment events paid for with _________ $

Free admission; satisfy the ______________

Circus ___________________ – Rome’s largest race course

– ___________________ races


_______________ trained to fight

Could win ___________________

A poor showing could mean __________________

The Legacy of Rome

________________ Civilization – mix of Greek & Roman (Greco-Roman) Culture

Latin & _____________________ Languages

Architecture – arch, dome, ___________________, aqueducts, and roads

Roman __________ – fair & just

Strengthened ___________________________ cultural tradition

Lesson 2

Abraham - Left Ur to go to _______________

Isaac (_______________) & Ishmael (_______________) ____________& Esau

Joseph – to _______________ (sold as a slave)

Exodus from _______________ Ten ______________________ - basis of civil and religious laws Wrote the ____________________ (1st 5 books of the Bible) ____________________ - led the Hebrews back into Canaan

1000 BC ____________ - first king ____________ - Powerful King – subdued Israel’s enemies

– Goliath Solomon

– _________ and wealthy - Proverbs – built the ____________________

Split: Israel (north) & Judah (south)

Assyrians (722 BC)

Babylonians (586 BC) – Nebuchadnezzar – destroyed the ____________________ – Daniel &Hebrews exiled – Hebrews called __________________

____________________ conquered Babylon – Jews return to Jerusalem; rebuild ______________

Greeks Romans – Jews __________

____________________ - belief in one God (all powerful) Judaism Chosen people

– ____________________ - binding agreement Torah Ten Commandments

– _______________ your father and mother Justice and Morality

– ____________________ - spiritual leaders – ethics - _______________standards of behavior

____________________- scattering of people forced to leave ____________________

kept their “identity” Influenced ____________________ and ______________

The Rise of Christianity

Jews and the _____________________ Religious _________________

__________________ called for Jews to revolt

__________________ – savior sent by GOD

The Life of Jesus _______________ – story of Jesus’ life as written by 4 of his apostles

Jesus was born around 4 BC in ________________ & raised in Nazareth


At age __________, he began preaching and performing miracles around the

Sea of Galilee

Jesus’ Message One God

Ten Commandments; teachings of the prophets

Messiah, __________ of God;

______________________ salvation and ____________________ life

_______________ others - including your enemies

Death on the Cross Jewish priest accused him of ________________________

____________________ thought he might lead a rebellion

He was tried and ____________________

Resurrection Jesus _____________________ to his disciples

___________________ – follower that spread Jesus’ message

___________________ – “messiah or savior”

Believers became the first ____________________________

Spread of Christianity ________________ – excellent conditions to spread Christianity

Work of Paul__________________ – Spread Christ’s teachings to __________________

– Wrote ___________________ – letters to churches

Jewish Rebellion AD 66 – a band of Jews rebelled

– Romans stormed ________________________

– Ended at ______________________ in AD 73

AD 132 – 2nd rebellion – Jewish political state ceased to ________________

– ______________________ – dispersal of the Jews


Christians were suspected of ___________ to Rome; Persecuted

_________________ – people who suffer or die for their beliefs

Survival: people were impressed by the Christians’ willingness to _________

for their beliefs

Widespread ______________

Triumph AD 313, Emperor ________________ issued the Edict of Milan – ended the

persecution of Christians

Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the __________ religion of Rome

When the Roman Empire collapsed, the __________ inherited many of its


Early Christian Church Priest – __________ church leader

__________________ – supervised several local churches

__________ – bishop of Rome (heir to __________); leader of the whole


Disagreements; _________________ – contradictory beliefs

New __________________ added (Gospels, Epistles, +)