the road to ai …place of snails. abraham joshua jesus lot achan genesis 13:3 joshua 7-8 john 11:54

The Road to Ai place of snails

Upload: emerson-lawrenson

Post on 28-Mar-2015




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Page 1: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

The Road to Ai …place of snails

Page 2: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54
Page 3: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Abraham Joshua JesusLot Achan

Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Page 4: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Abraham’s Tent pitched between Bethel & Ai where he built an altar and called on the name of the LORD

Page 5: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54


Page 6: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Khirbet el-Maqatir …..Ai

Page 7: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Strategic Location

Page 8: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Ambush Site

Page 9: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54
Page 10: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Size: ~10 acres Population: 12,000

Page 11: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Sin of Achan

Robbed God

Page 12: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

“And a heap of ruins unto this day”

Page 13: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Rebuilt by time of Jesus

So from that day on they planned together to kill Him. Therefore Jesus no longer continued to walk publicly among the Jews, but went away from there to the country near the wilderness into a city called Ephraim and there He stayed with the disciples….

Now the chief priests had given orders that if anyone knew where He was, he was to report it, so that they might seize Him John 11:53-57

Page 14: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

June 2013, Underground hiding system discovered

…to be continued

Page 15: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54

Byzantine Monastery Church

Page 16: The Road to Ai …place of snails. Abraham Joshua Jesus Lot Achan Genesis 13:3 Joshua 7-8 John 11:54
