the role of uip: uip as a service · non-rid 3% 8% 26% open hopper 5% covered hopper 5% powder...

The role of UIP: “UIP as a service” BeWag General Assembly 9th of May 2018, Brussels (BE) Gilles Peterhans Secretary General UIP

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Page 1: The role of UIP: UIP as a service · non-RID 3% 8% 26% open hopper 5% covered hopper 5% powder hopper 4% open high-sided & open box 3% 6% 13% 8% coil 2% 7% other 10% non-RID RID class

The role of UIP: “UIP as a service”

BeWag General Assembly9th of May 2018, Brussels (BE)

Gilles PeterhansSecretary General UIP

Page 2: The role of UIP: UIP as a service · non-RID 3% 8% 26% open hopper 5% covered hopper 5% powder hopper 4% open high-sided & open box 3% 6% 13% 8% coil 2% 7% other 10% non-RID RID class

14 National


UIP – International Union of Wagon Keepers

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26% open hopper5%

covered hopper


powder hopper4%

open high-sided & open box3% 6%






non-RID RID class 2 RID but not class 2 open hopper covered hopper

powder hopper open high-sided & open box car-carrier intermodal flat

coil covered other

Results fleet data collection 2017 – wagon typesUIP – approx. 205’000 freight wagons out of 210’000

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Twitter Linkedin

UIP – stay informed

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UIP – External working structures


Members: 14 national associations




UNECE, OTIF, UNIDROIT, RSRD2, national associations, etc.

Council of the EUEuropean


Council of Transport Ministers

TRAN Committee

European Railway

Agency (ERA) *


Other int. associations

Other organisations

MEMBERS• keepers• workshops• shippers• NoBos• manufacturers• ...

ERA Administrative Board

European Commission

Commissioner for Transport

* ERA draft recommendations for EU COMMISSION on safety and interoperability

RISC: Member statesSERAC: Member states

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Existing links with international rail organisations

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2001 2004 2007 20081991 - 1996

railway packages






DIR 91/440/EC:

Independence from state Accounting separation Sound finances

DIR 95/19/EC:

Track access charges and capacity allocation:

Concept of capacity allocation body, allocation priorities and principles

Safety requirements @ EU level

DIR 95/18/EC:

Concept of license valid throughout the EU

DIR 96/48/EC:

Interoperability of high speed rail

DIR 2001/12/EC:

Unbundling Greater opening to

international freight market

DIR 2001/13/EC:

Conditions for granting of licences

DIR 2001/14/EC:

User-changes and allocation of infrastructure capacities

Safety certificate

DIR 2001/16/EC:

Interoperability of conventional rail

1st Package

DIR 2004/51/EC:

Full opening of internat. & domestic freight services

DIR 2004/49/EC:

Definition of safety rules at European level

DIR 2004/50/EC:

Harmonisation and clarification of interoperability requirements

2nd Package

DIR 2007/58/EC:

Opening of international passenger transport

DIR 2007/59/EC:

Certification of train drivers

3rd Package

DIR 2008/110/EC:

Update of safety rules

ECM Art. 14 (a)

DIR 2008/57/EC:

Interop conventional update








Legislative path to liberalisation and Single European Railway Area

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Freight transport in the EU-28 modal split of inland transport modes (% of total tonne-kilometres)

Source: Eurostat, May 2017 (actual)

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Freight transport in the EU-28 modal split of inland transport modes (% of total tonne-kilometres)

The national views....

Source: Eurostat, May 2017 (actual)

Industrial & environmental policy

Heterogeneity of national system (technical/oparational)

Economic dependency product/market

Traffic and network density

Competition between passenger –freight

Strategy and financial situation of the incumbants

National laws on working hours, administrative workload, taxes,..


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• Insufficient growth of rail markets

• Poor consumer satisfaction

• Fragmentation of rail markets and diversity of national standards

• Low profitability due to product customisation, capital-intensity of investments, long product lifecycles, and long and costly authorisation procedures

• Reliance on public subsidies

• Increasing global competition in the rail industry

• Technical know-how in decline with 30% of sector workforce retiring within next 10 years

Key challenges of the rail sector

Source: EC presentation, Council Land Transport Working Party, 01.2014

Background of EU PolicyWhite paper 2011 – 4th RP – Single European Railway Area

Transport White Paper 2011

• Optimising the performance of multimodal logistic chains, including by making greateruse of more energy-efficient modes.

• 30% of road freight over 300 km should shift to other modes such as rail or waterborne transport by 2030, and more than 50% by 2050, facilitated by efficient and green freight corridors. To meet this goal will also require appropriate infrastructure to be developed.

• Set up a fully functional and EU-wide multimodal TEN-T ‘core network’ by 2030, with a high quality and capacity network by 2050 and a corresponding set of information services.

• By 2050: Ensure that all core seaports are sufficiently connected to the rail freight and, where possible, inland waterway system.

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DIR 2012/34/EC:

(1) strengthening the power of national regulators

(2) improving the framework for investment in rail

(3) ensuring fair access to rail infrastructure and rail related services

REG EU 2016/2337:

Normalisation of the accounts ofRUs

RECAST 1st Package 4th Package

2013 -20162012

REG EU 2016/2338:

Award of public service contracts for domestic passenger transport services by rail ('PSO Regulation')

DIR 2016/2370:

Opening market for domesticpassenger services by rail

Governance of the railinfrastructure

REG EU 2016/796:

ERA regulation

DIR 2016/798:

Definition of safety rules at European level (RECAST)

DIR 2016/797:

Harmonisation of interoperability requirements (RECAST)






New TEN-T guidelines

Connecting Europe Facility

Freight corridors 913/2010/EC





Improve liberalisation framework

Intermodal level playing field–

Combined Transport Directive ?

Legislative path to liberalisation and Single European Railway Area

Technical pillar

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EC Work Program

Revision of Combined Transport Directive

MFF – EU Budget

3rd mobility package


Revision of Combined Transport Directive

MFF – EU Budget

EU Freight logistics strategy

Council Presidency Agenda

Bulgaria (January – June):

Eurovignette, CT directive, social dumping

Austria (July – December)

Finalisation + MFF + 3rd mobility package

Topic Works and deliverables Who

Combined Transport Directive 92/106/EEC

• Joint sector position paper published, and UIP amendment proposals addressing specific articles sent to MEPs and BG Presidency

• Discussion on Amendments at EU Parliament 26.04 – 14.05, vote foreseen on 10th of July


Rail Freight Corridors • Report on Sector priorities (TEN-T 2016) to be produced for July 2018• Development of handbook (contingency and crisis) with PRIME and

RU Dialogue


Innovation & Digitalisation

• Follow-up on wagons and freight related projects• Proposal on e-documents to be included in 3rd mob package• UIP video on keepers’ view published, strategy to be discussed at GA


Implementation of the 4RP Technical Pillar

• Participation at EC Expert Group, ERA Workshops• Frequently Asked Questions online:• Status legal acts voted:


UIP, TC Interop, TC Safety

EU policy 2017- UIP activities and way forward

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Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027

April 25-27 April, Ljubljana, TEN-T days, Joint Declaration on MFF

Website: and Twitter


UIP position papers: &


Today Tomorrow

EC estimated rail investments needs 2021 – 2030: EUR 430 bn

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4th Railway Package – secondary legislationRISC Rolling Plan (as per 31st January 2018)

Legal textsStatus secondary legislation

RISC 8206.2018

RISC 8311.2018

RISC 8401.2019

RISC 8504.2019

RISC 8611.2019

RISC 87Q1.2020

RISC 88Q2.2020

Draft Com IA on TSI NOIApplication existing wagons


Draft Com IA on TSI NOI 4th RP aspects


ERA intermediate report TSI NOIrevision - Technical issues


ERA Recommendation for Com IA revised ECM-Regulation


Draft Com IA on EVR specs V

Draft Com IA on TSI WAG4th RP aspects


Progress on transposition of 4th RP technical pillar at national level


P = Presentation, V = Vote

The 4th RP – technical pillar brings by substantial reforms: Shift of technical and safety rule-making from the national to the EU level (& reduction of national rules); Issuing of safety certificates and vehicle authorisations by the ERA; Fees and charges levied by the ERA on applicants for its certification, authorisation and approval activities; Creation of new tools and processes by the ERA (IT portal, board of appeal, pool of experts, etc.).

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Activities linked to noise at European levelStatus and next steps



From recast 1st RP(Art. 35)


From MFF 2014-2020


From EC roadmap


Next steps in a nutshell

NDTAC to be evaluated during 2018: first consultation online -> citizens, waiting for target stakeholders consultation

CEF Call for noise priority: expected beginning 2019, format may be different (lump sum)

Revision of TSI Noise see next slide

UIP Letter to European Commission asking for direct funding of LL blocks – April 2010

UIP technical note on operational aspects of using LL brake blocks – February 2016

UIP guidelines on CEF calls for noise reduction – June 2016

UIP/UIC survey on fleet development 2016 -2022 – Mai 2016

UIP activities relating to reducing noise emissions at the source

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Draft of the Technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock — noise’ NOI TSI - Version 2.0, 17th April 2018

Quieter routes: Part of the network of a minimum length of 20 km in the geographical scope of this TSI, on which the annual average daily operated freight trains in 2016 during night time is higher than 12 (new appendix D)

Entry into force: probably 12.2024 (timetable), ERA Impact Assessment still to be finalised Exemptions: Historical brake blocks (new appendix E) + degraded operations + national

>20 Trains

≤20 Trains

≤10 Trains

≤5 Trains

Exemptions BE FI NO PL SE

No application of quieter routesuntil…

2033 Date tbd Date tbd

1:1 retrofitting solution not available√ √

Tyred wheels√ 2036

Need of kink-valve√ √

Need to use wheels compliant with the requirements set out in EN 13749-1

1Bg or 1Bgu brake configuration√

Wagons designed for “S” traffic equipped with “SS” brake

ERA received more proposals from EU MS – those will be evaluated(end of April 2018)

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UIP – Internal working structure

UIP Office3.5 FTE

TC Safety (8) TC Interop (9)TC Data Exchange

(6)TC GCU (20)

TC Economic Evaluation (9)

D. Zindo (EB)R. Kogelheide (Ch)S. FrankeV. NicaisePh. LalucJ. Kudlinski (new)S. GavardI. Saabel

(EB)J. Wirtgen (Ch)D. GilliamC. PianaO. BehrensE. HoegeleX. PoulainM. PokornyB. Wieloch

PA. Benthin (EB)S. Lohmeyer (Ch)J. FeindertE. FallouKH. Fehr

J. Mansbart (EB)Th Heydenreich (Ch)CA. RivièreI. TramblayK. ElsnerM. Morrocu

F. Walewski (EB)M. Vaerst (Ch)D. ParkerI. SaabelJ. FriessU. SwertzX. PoulainW. LeopardiS. Palomares

GCU Working Group(19)

Chairmen informal coordination

NA committee (14)

Representation of all national associations


J. Feindert (Ch)PA. BenthinKH. Fehr+ 16 NA represent.

ECM Support Group (11)

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What With whom Subject

ECM revision and cooperation of Certification Bodies

ERA, Certification Bodies, other RBs

• Review of final draft (ERA ECM WP on 02.05.2018)• Way forward on Safety Critical Components + CB inquiries

(published on ERADIS)

JNS Normal procedure «broken wheels»

ERA, NSAsOther RBs

• Inform about state of play GCU letter (implementation of short-term measures), works of JSG

• Launch of new ERA SAIT-JNS WP & NP on «sliding brakes»: status & next steps


NSAs, MS, UN, other RBs

• RID 2019: decision of EU Council on amendments & impact for wagon keepers

• «Big container issue”: way forward & UIP position• Use of TDG guides (risk acceptance criteria): prepare infor to be

shared with NAs

Review main activities Topical Committeesnon-exhaustive lists

TC Safety: last meeting 26.04.2018 (together with Interop)

What With whom Subject

Fleet data collectionNAs, GCU - UIC and ERFA

• Provide comprehensive data to support policy-makers in shaping the future of transport policies

• Increase credibility and awareness about independent Wagon Keepers' businesses

TC Economic Evaluation: no new meeting planned yet

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What With whom Subject

RSRD2 Sector companiesOther RBs

• Data quality & delivery of mileage information• Change requests implemented + planned

ERA Registers + TAF TSI implementation

ERA, NSAs, NCPs, other RBs

• State of play - legal acts (revision TAF + EVR Implementing act)• Way forward on Company codes & reference files

Digitalisation & data exchange «within the sector»

EC, ERA, NCPsOther RBs, Consultants

• State of play ITSS1, ITSS2 + future plan• Interface with VPI-DB harmonisation of data exchange• Status development of GCU communication platform + eWDR

TC Data Exchange: last meeting 03.05.2018

What With whom Subject

TSI WAG revision ERA, NSAs, other RBs• Status of amendments relating to 4th RP• Outcome of discussions on route compatibility, impact for

wagon keepers, RUs & evt. GCU

TSI NOISE revisionEC, ERA, NSAs, other RBs

• Final draft to be submitted to RISC: position of UIP

RASCOP & StandardisationEC, CEN, UIC, Sectorcompanies

• Status JPCR + UIP/CEN liaison (work programme)• Interface with relevant norms WG• Status of EN update and new work inquiries (DDD, …)

TC Interop: last meeting 26.04.2018 (together with Safety)

Review main activities Topical Committeesnon-exhaustive lists

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What Next steps

Ad-hoc WG on Appendix 15 and Appendix 16 (new)

• Development of GCU communication platform with IT provider, trustee and project management team

• Finalise amendments of Appendix 15, 16 and 4 for vote in June

Ad-hoc WG on ECM/Art. 19Finalise amendments to Art. 19 to ensure coherency between ECM requirements for workshops (maintenance delivery) and GCU

Excel version of Appendix 9 Annex 1Agree on a single excel list to be published on GCU website in order to facilitate integration of damage codes in legacy systems

Letter to signatories on implementation of JNS Urgent measures to reduce risk of broken wheels

To be submitted beginning of April to signatories. Objective: assessment of implementation of the measures within the Sector (via online survey)

Short list! of amendment proposal related to Appendix 9/11 and Appendix 10

See for on-going editorial corrections

UIP to discuss internally a proposal for voluntary arbitration (outcome of expert meeting in 12.2017)

Signatories seem satisfied with services offered by GCU via website (outcome of online survey)

TC GCU: next Joint Committee meeting 12.06.2018

Review main activities Topical Committeesnon-exhaustive lists

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TEN-T/CEF are important step in the right direction, but more financial efforts are needed at national level (e.g. lower infrastructure charges & predictability of available funding)

Rail Freight Corridors are key but they need to be implemented in an harmonised manner

Implementation of the Technical Pillar of the 4RP

Digitalisation and automatization of operations/processes

Simplification and harmonisation of technical and operational rules

Sector priorities and common objectives within the actual legislative framework

reduce conflicts between regulatory approaches

+closer cooperation with all stakeholders

________________________________________competitive rail freight services

Liberalisation remains the best mean to provide better quality of services through competition but a competitive Single Railway Area needs more than structural changes

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Thank you for your attention!


Secretary General

[email protected]

Austria Belgium CzechRepublic

France Germany UK Hungary


Italy Netherlands Poland Slovak Republic

Spain Sweden Switzerland

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Wittenbrink, P. (2012b), Systemkostenvergleich Straße/Schiene, in Güterbahnen, 2/2012, S. 14-17.


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International legal frameworkfor the transport of dangerous goods

ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation IMO: International Maritime OrganisationECE: Economic Commission for EuropeOTIF : Intergov. Organisation for intern. transport by rail

*RID: Appendix C of COTIF 1999








ROAD - (ECE) Inland Transport Committee





INLAND WATERWAYS -(ECE) Inland Transport



United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods


International regulatory


International regulations

Regulations Concerning

the International Carriage

of Dangerous Goods by

Rail (RID) 2011

Publisher:The Intergovernmental Organization for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF)

National rules