the roman army: supremacy and organization caesar’s campaign in gaul

Oughton 2011

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Oughton 2011. The Roman Army: Supremacy and Organization Caesar’s Campaign in Gaul. Life of Caesar. Born 100BCE Julian family Aunt married to Marius Military service in Asia Minor Civic crown for saving life of fellow citizen Office Quaestor – 68 Aedile- 65 Praetor- 62. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Oughton 2011

Born 100BCEJulian family

Aunt married to MariusMilitary service in Asia Minor Civic crown for saving life of fellow citizen

Office Quaestor – 68 Aedile- 65 Praetor- 62

Security Protection of ‘provincia’

Checking the advance of the Germans

Promotion for Caesar

First triumvirate- 59 Pompey- land reform for veterans in the East Crassus- tax benefits for equestrian interests

Caesar – consulship in 59, governor of GaulCaesar goes to Gaul- 58

The Great Revolt Phase V (52): Gallic revolt unified under Vercingetorix, various conflicts which set the stage for the Siege of Alesia!!! (Caesar’s greatest moment)

Closing Exchanges Phase VI (51-50): Mopping up remaining tribes and setting up the oncoming conflict with the Senate

Rome and the Gallic tribes had fought one another since ca. 4th cent. BCE Gallic sack of Rome in 390 BCE

By the late 3rd cent., Rome had subdued and organized the province of Cisalpine Gaul Centered in and around the Po Valley (No. Italy), leading to the establishment of Roman colonies there and further conflict in this area

Rome expands into Transalpine Gaul to connect Italy with Spain via land route in late 2nd cent.

Migration of the Helvetii against the Aedui forces Caesar to defend the Roman allies Phase I (58): Campaigns against Orgetorix and Ariovistus

Caesar turns against Belgae Phase II (57-56): Defeat of Belgae, Lts. attack maritime tribes in the West

Crossings and Revolts Phase III (55): Crossing the Rhine and the Channel, interrupted by small revolt

Phase IV (54): Second Invasion of Britain and Belgic Revolt, mop up of smaller revolts (53)

57 B.C.

55 B.C.

57 B.C.

Written 52-51BCPolitical purpose

Came from East of the Rhine390 took Rome and burned it123-118BC- Rome conquers part of Gaul (transalpine) calls it Provincia

113-102- invasion of a group of Gauls called Cimbri/Teutones; Marius beats them

Factions in Gaul Many small, independent states Loose confederations No strong governments

Citizen farmer-soldierShort campaign seasonGreek-Influenced Tactics employed on flat terrain

Group cooperation over Individual Exploits, but Timocratic organization

Military service compulsory on all male citizens of age

Based upon the economic “classes” which were established by property ownership Equites, 5 “infantry” classes, proletarii

Each class subdivided into “centuries” Early Republican Hoplite Army: Equites as cavalry; 1st 2 Classes as heavy “hoplite” infantry; 3rd/4th Classes lighter infantry; 5th Class as skirmishers/ supernumeraries; proletarii in support roles

Determination Ex: Siege of Veii (ca 405-396 BC)

Reserves of Manpower Based on conquest and successful organization of Italian peninsula

Nearly continuous wars between 6th and 3rd Centuries BC

Crushing defeats at Lake Trasimene (25K dead) and Cannae (50K) and they raise still another army

Inventiveness and Adaptability


Contact with the Hellenistic Kingdoms in the East forces Rome to restructure and adapt its Military system yet again Long term conflicts abroad complicate and call into question the “soldier-farmer” ideal

Gradual movement away from structure based on economic classes, leads to the eventual removal of property qualifications

These changes are traditionally credited to Gaius Marius, but they were more likely a prolonged series of slight alterations

Property qualifications removed so all citizens could enlist -> leads to volunteer army, not the general conscription of the past

Stipendium regularized and equipment provided to all enlistees

Regularized Equipment: All infantry classes carry two pila (redesigned), a gladius, and a scutum slightly more oval in shape

They usually wore mail armor and a semi-spherical bronze helmet

New training emphasized the use of the gladius

TunicTrousersSandalsHeavy cloakHelmet- galeaCoat- loricaShield- scutumJavelin- pilumSword- gladius

century [centum, hundred] = 80 men

2 centuries = 1 maniple = 160 men

3 maniples = 1 cohort = 480 men10 cohorts = 1 legion = 4800 men

Legatus- deputies, assistants Caesar introduced putting one legate in charge of every legion during the battle

Quaestor- financial officerPraefectus fabrum- chief engineerTribunus- each legion had six; some good military officers, others rich youth

Centurio- commanded centuries; 60 in each legion; fought in the ranks; must be brave

Aquilifer- carried the eagle; carried by first centurion of first cohort

Signifer- standard carrier; gathering point

Tubicen- trumpet playerBaggage train (impedimenta)Auxilia- infantry; not roman; funditores (slingers); sagitarii (archers)

Cavalry- no Roman cavalry but did employ Gauls