the rubaiyyat edited

Omar Khayaam [ 1050- 1122 ] THE RUBAIYYAT

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Omar Khayaam [ 1050-1122 ]THERUBAIYYAT


PERSIAN EMPIRERefersto any of a series of imperial dynasties centered in Persia.Achaemenid Empire(550330 BC)Parthian Empire(247 BC224 AD), also called the "Arsacid Empire"Sasanian Empire(224651), also called the "Sassanid Empire" or the "Empire of Empires"Samanid Empire(819-999)Saffarid Empire(861-1000)

tHe rubaiyatA collection of quatrains originally written inPersianand numbering about a thousand, attributed toOmar Khayym

RubIs a poem, or verse of poem, consisting of four lines. It refers specifically to a Persian quatrainQuatrainsSome quatrains comprise entire poems, while others are part of a larger structure. In Persian Literature a form of epigram expressing a thought or ideaRubaiyyatIs a collection of four line verses often known as quatrains in English

Omar Khayyam - A Persian astronomer, mathematician and poet.There is no direct evidence that Khayyam was the author of any of the quatrain attributed to him

Robert von Ranke Graves was an English poet, novelist, critic and classicist. He produced more than 140 works.


Edward FitzGerald(31 March 1809 14 June 1883) was an English poet and writer, best known as the poet of the first and most famous English translation ofThe Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.1st edition 1859 [75 quatrains]2nd edition 1868 [110 quatrains]3rd edition 1872 [101 quatrains]4th edition 1879 [101 quatrains]5th edition 1889 [101 quatrains]

Graves-shah While Dawn, Day's Herald Straddling The Whole Sky, Offers The Drowsy World A Toast 'To Wine', The Sun Spills Early Gold On City Roofs Day's Regal Host, Replenishing His Jug.Fitgerald Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to flight: And lo! the Hunter of the East has caught The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light. Romanized Farsi Khurshid kamandi sobh bar bam afgand Kai Khusro i roz badah dar jam afgand Mai khur ki manadi sahri gi khizan Awaza i ishrabu dar ayam afgand.

Omar Khayaam [ 1050-1122 ]THERUBAIYYAT

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica the poems reveal a man of deep thought, troubled by the questions of the nature of reality and the eternal, the impermanence and uncertainty of life, and mans relationship to God. What is Rubaiyat all about?