the ruling and description of ghusl

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  • 8/12/2019 The Ruling and Description of Ghusl


    he Ruling and Description of GhuslShaykh AbduLlah bin Saalih Al-Ubaylaan

    His book As-Salaat pg! "#-"$%

    As for &hat is related to Ghusl' &hich is &ashing the entire body &ith &ater' then the basicrule &ith regard to it is Allaah(s saying)

    *And if you are in a state of se+ual i,purity -anaabah%' then purify i!e!&ash your entire bodies%!/ 0Surah Al-1aa(idah) 23

    And Allaah(s saying)*4 you &ho belie.e! Do not co,e near the prayer &hile you are in adrunken state' until you kno& &hat you are uttering i!e! &hen you are not drunk%'nor &hen you are in a state of se+ual i,purity 5anaabah% 6 unless you are tra.elingon the road 6 until you ,ake Ghusl i!e! &ash your entire body%!/ 0Surah An-7isaa) 8#3

    Ghusl is di.ided into that &hich is 9aa5ib obligatory% and that &hich is 1ustahabbreco,,ended%!

    As for the obligatory Ghusl' then it is to be done after se+ual intercourse' regardless of &hetherone e5aculated or not! A ,ale is obligated to perfor, ghusl if 5ust the head of his pri.ate organenters the fe,ale pri.ate organ%' e.en if it is for one second! This is based on the hadeeth ofAbu Hurairah radyAllaahu anhu% &ho said) Allaah(s 1essenger sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam%said)*9hen a ,an sits in bet&een the four parts of a &o,an and enters into her forintercourse%' the ghusl beco,es obligatory!/ Reported by Al-:ukhaaree and 1usli,! ;n1usli,(s report' there is the addition) *

  • 8/12/2019 The Ruling and Description of Ghusl
