the sabbath revised_april_2014

Unravelling the uncomfortable Sabbath Question

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Post on 13-May-2015




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  • 1.Unravelling the uncomfortable Sabbath Question

2. Cosmic Background Explorer 3. When it comes to the question of the origin of life you have only two basic positions. Either matter always existed or God always existed. The evolutionist says that matter always existed. 4. The Arch of Titus Luke 19:41-44 "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation. 5. The Arch of Titus Within the vault can be traced the seven- branched candlestick, the golden table, and the sorrowful train of Jews, as the captives bear the desecrated relics of the destroyed Temple beneath the cruel eyes of their conquerors. So, after eighteen hundred years, the solemn marble commemorates a tragedy than which calamity 6. 1704 Sabbaths Jesus was approx. 33 years old when he died. Thats 1716 Sabbaths (33x52) If he became aware at the age of 12, then he consciously obeyed the Sabbath commandment 7. Has Time Ever Been Lost? 8. Is Saturday still the Sabbath Day? The Julian Calendar was established and in use 40 years before the birth of Christ. This is the same calendar we use today, except for ONE change. This change 9. Is Saturday still the Sabbath Day? In the 16th century it was discovered that the Julian year was 11 minutes longer than it should be. By 1598 it was discovered that 10 extra days had accumulated. 10. Is Saturday still the Sabbath Day? To correct the Julian calendar so that it was in sequence with Easter, Pope Gregory XIII decreed that 10 days would be omitted from the calendar in 1582. 11. Is Saturday still the Sabbath Day? So, by this decree, Thursday 4th October 1582 would be followed by Friday 15th . The calendar reform finally promoted by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582, in his bull Inter Gravissimas rested on Nicolaus Copernicus new mathematical calculation of the motions of the heavenly bodies. 12. Is Saturday still the Sabbath Day? Inquiries made in 1932 to the United States Naval Observatory, in Washington D.C., and the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London, England, have also confirmed that the weekly cycle of 7 days as observed today has not been altered, and remains as it has been since before the time of Christ. 13. Is Saturday still the Sabbath Day? So both history and the Bible make it quite clear that Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday is indeed the seventh day, which has been kept by the Jews for millennia, even to the present day. The true seventh-day sabbath of God has not been lost, therefore our Saturday is the same day of the week today as the seventh-day Sabbath of creation. 14. Some amazing facts on 7-day week? 1. The 7-day week was almost unknown amongst ancient cultures. 2. It come from antiquity through the Jews who preserved it while surrounding nations desecrated it. 3. Even the Egyptians had no 7-day week which is why the Jews had to be reminded of it when their captivity ended. 15. Some amazing facts on 7-day week? 1. The day comes from the rotation of the planet. 2. The month comes from the moon circling the earth. 3. The year comes from our earth going around the sun. 4. But the week comes from One place i.e. Gods command to observe the 7- th day Sabbath. 5. 40 times the Bible refers to Sunday as the First day of the week. 16. Closing Thought We are puni s hed by our s i ns not f or t hem. ~ El bert Hubbard 17. We are punished by our sins not for them. ~ Elbert Hubbard