the san francisco call.a lisoing baby lister has many times been beaten down beneath his blows and...

A lisoing baby lister has many times been beaten down beneath his blows and saved from death only by instant action, while *tood apart In the face of superior strength and with maniacal shrieks of laughter gloated over his brutish deed. From torturing his baby plater when for a moment the eyes of parents or guardians were turned from him, he would assault any livingthing before him. Deprived of this means of gratifying his abnormal tendencies, he would inflict cruel injuries upon himself. This mad baby would drive his skull against a granite pillar with apparent im- pur.'.ty, only to again hurl him?elf head roremost to the floor or pavement and end his paroxysm with a burst of sobbing laughter— the laughter of a maniac. ___ scientists say, arr.rng the raving imbeciles of his kind. There is no other place on earth for tiny Montee Ledderhos. Though of shuffling, unsteady gait, without u?e of tongue or sign, his diminutive but sinewy body 1? over alert to obey the mandates cf his distorted brain. Scheming and cver an ally to death, he is a menace to the public safety, small as he is, while he is outside of prison bars. A MERE baby wil'. be committed to the madhouse by Judge William P. Lav.-lor to-day. A commitment consigning Montee Ijt-dcierrioF, a toridlmg youngster 4 years of age. to the asylum for the insane at Napa was drawn up In the office of the County Clerk yesterday morning. The signature and seal of the court will be affixed to-day and the child, perhaps in the arms of a guard, will be carried from his home to dwell until death, the" "The asylum for the insane is plainly the place for him. HI3 mania is to destroy, to kill and to maim . himself. There is no doubj that he will be a source of endless worry to the management of the Napa Asylum, and I fear that the trouble he will cause may result- in a demand being made that he be discharged from that Institution and committed to the Home for the Feeble-minded. Though there is no doubt that the ; Home for the Feeble-minded is better fitted for the care of such 1 youngsters or rather simple-minded youngsters— in my opinion the only safe place to keep him is in the asylum. His mania at any moment might cause him to seek" gratification . among tho helpless Inmates of the Home, for the Feeble- minded, and even though he may be the source of endless worry to the Insane Asylurr) His Proper flbode. . "The child Is plainly insane. He cannot be classed among the simple minded. Simple-minded patients are commonly divided into three classes idiots, imbeciles and cretins. The line of demarcation between the three degrees Is; however, only relative. The idiot Is the person absolutely bereft of intelligence, and tho other two ascend the scale.' The difference between a simple-minded person and an Insane person Is plain. The so-called simple- minded person, who comes within the three degrees named, is usually, or most always, to be more correct, congenitally so. In his case there is a deficiency in the brain. He was never gifted with full mental capacity, and his advance or the opposite would not find him another place on the mental scale. Insanity, in the strict sensa of the term, is usually acquired through injury or abuse of nature. The term insanity presupposes that the patient up to the time of, the affliction was the possessor of a normal mind, but that disease, injury or abuse disorganized its functions. These latter con- ditions are manifested by this baby patient. I have gathered from the clinical history of the case that both the lad's father and mother were nornial people of sound intelligence. .The story of the lad's injury when an infant, the result of a fall from a hammock, has also been made known to me, as well as the fact of his subsequent fever or measles, which is usually accompanied by fever. . Doubtless the child's insanity was caused by. the fall, aided perhaps by the fever, but from ray examination. of him, being assisted with such meager details of his life, I am unable to assign the exact cause of his condition. After completing his examination Dr. Lustig said: Her health broken from long and constant •worry and watching, the lad's mother, when all hope had gone, gave up to her illness. Her hus- band, Theodore Ledderhos, had her removed from their home, 2501% Lar- kln street, to St. Winifred's Hospital. There she will undergo an opera- tion in the hope that her life may be saved, but a doubt hangs upon the hope. After, her removal to the hospital Master Ledderhos was taken in charge by Mrs. Barbee.- His constant attempts to commit murder and to end his own existence by, butting his abnormal skull against harder sub- stances finally caused .her' husband to make the complaint on which he was taken before the Insanity Commission. appeared on the plate. This was the cause of the child's insanity. The dark spot marked where the skull had thickened from the wound received in infancy, and behind it the dim traces of degenerated brain tissue and blood clots could be discerned. To remove the cause of the lad's insanity would be to kill him. A large and vital portion of the brain was involved, and to lift from it the bony cover that is bearing down so cruelly upon it would only serve to free the blood vessels that long ago degenerated under the pressure, and almost instant death, so the physicians say, would be the reward of their labors. L ' ! :• '¦:'. Upon this clinical history, of -the case the physicians of the College of Osteopathy decided that a radiograph— an X -ray photo— of the child's skull should be taken as preliminary to an operation, if such was found to be reasonably certain of successful result. The baby patient was taken to the laboratory of E. Fleischman, 611 Sutter street, and subjected to the ray. The result was marvelous :rom tho standpoint of the radiographer, but it extinguished the last spark of hope that remained in the _ minds of the child's parents. Just at the base of the skull a large dark spot fin Operation Would Mean Death- Baby Ledderhos has been an enigma to the physicians of this city since he was four months old. Recently he was treatc/3 by Dr. C. N. Mil- ler. That physician passed the case by a3 hopeless. Physician after phy- sician was consulted In the hope that at least the child's brutal habits might be corrected. Dr. Louise Heilbron, who is now a resident of San Diego, was tho last to attempt to relieve the child. She had the youngster removed to the California College of Osteopathy. There it was decided that the lad's insanity was congenital from birth but was perhaps aggra- vated by the existence of pressure on the brain from a wound jreceived some time in infancy. The child's parents remembered a falKthe lad received when but four months of age. He was left in a hammock sleeping one day, when a playful youngster ran against the hammock. The baby was thrown out and struck in tho bed of a little creek on the back of his head. From that day his health began to wane. Finally he was taken with j> fever. For weeks he hovered between life and death, and then began to improve. But along with the light of health in his eyes there came the flash of insanity. As a baby of eight months there was upper- most in his mind a passion for brutal things. Anything he could lay his dimpled baby hands upon he would crush or hurl to the floor. This de- structive temperament developed with his months until the taking of life seemed to be the aim of his existence. Judge Lawlor said that if Dr. Rethers, who is acting with Dr. Lustig on the commission, would agree that the child was not simple-minded. but insane he would sign a commitment consigning him to the' Napa Insane Asylum for treatment. Dr. Rothers was called upon to make an ex- amination of th« child. He immediately pronounced the lad insane, and with Dr. Lustig: signed the certificate setting forth the nature' of the chTTd's malady. This preliminary disposed of, the commitment was drawn up. The little patient was led back to Mrs. Barbee's home to await the coming of the Sheriff, who will take him to the asylum. The commitment will be presented to Judge Lawlor this morning. His signature will be aflixed and Jlttlc Montee Ledderhos will leave his birthplace to go to/ the home where in all probability the remaining years of his life will be passed. . ' J. W. Earbee, who affixed his name to the warrant upon which the child was arrested, was called to the stand. He testified that for over three years the child's parents had labored in vain to develop the child's morality. He was vicious, destructive, murderous and brutal, the witness said. A email fortune had been expended on him in an effort to secure relief, but without result. Even the lad's mother had despaired of effect- ing a cure, lie said, and the safety of the child's relatives as well as the public demanded that he be deprived of the power to do wrong. Commission to give his views of the case. Dr. Lustig said that the case was plainly one of insanity and r.ot simple-mindedness. The lad, in his opinion, he paid, should be committed to the asylum for the insane. MOXTEE LEDDERHOS, THE BABY MANIAC. AND AN X-RAY OF HI S SKULL. THE DARK SPOT WITHINTHE WHITE CIRCLE AT THE BASE OF THE SKULL SHOWS THE SEAT OF AN INJURY WHICH PRESUMABLY CAUSED HIS INSANITY. THE RADIOGRAPH, WHICH WAS MADE BY E. FLEISCHMAN. IS REMARKABLE FOR CLEARNESS AND DETAIL. THE YOUNGSTER'S BACK MOLARS. NOT YET THROUGH THE GUM, BUDDING AS IT WERE, CAN BE PLAINLY SEEN. THE TINY PATIENT'S SKULL IS ABNORMAL BOTH IN SIZE AND FORMATION. Physicians Are Unable to Even Suggest a Remedy. Hat Pin Was Favorite Weapon Wlien He Was Angry. A Fall In Infancy Is Assigned as Cause of Malady. Infant Sister Victim of His Brutish Assaults. Tiny Montee Ledierlios, Four Years of Age, Is Insane. An Assassin at Heart, ¦ He Seeks Lives of Relatives. MERE BABY ADJUDGED A MANIAC AND WILL BE CURBED IN HIS MURDEROUS TENDENCIES AFTER BEING COMMITTED TO THE INSANE ASYLUM AT NAPA Montee Ledderhos, though but four, years of age, has been adjudged a maniac by the Insanity Commission. He will be com- mitted to the Asylum for the Insane at Napa by Judge William P. Lazvlor to-day. The youngster is t)ic son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo- dore Ledderhos, who reside at 2501 1-2 Lar- kin street. Whai the child was but a fezv months old he suffered a fall from a ham- mock. He fell in the bed of a creek and it is bclicz'cd so seriously injured the base of his brain at that time tJiat his present insanity may be attributed to the accident. Members of the Insanity Commission zvho examined him, however, arc unable at this time, owing partly to the absence of a detailed clinical his- tory of the case, to advance a positive opinion as to the cause of his malady. Since the child's injury he has been constantly under the care of physicians. 'Everything known to medical science zvhich zvas zvithin the pozver of his parents' limited means to procure zvas tried in the hope of at least relieving, even though a complete cure zvas impossible, the sufferings of their baby. All efforts to aid him haz'c been futile, herzvever, and the fight to secure his commitment to an asylum has just been won. In all probability the remainder of his years on earth zvill be passed behind the bars of a madhouse. Homicidal and suicidal mania have caused Montee Ledderhos' relatives to seek his imprisonment. Without provocation he will assault any lii'ing creature zvithin his reach. His favorite weapon is a hatpin, but zvithout one he is equally dangerous. Deprived of the opportunity to gratify his lust for murder the tiny maniac zvill cruelly injure himself. But- ting into stone pillars and throzving himself head foremost to the pavement are common practices zvith him, and unless closely zvatched ' he zcill continue battering himself until uncon- sciousness comes. His brutal and murder- ous treatment of his baby sister is past under- standing. He zvould frequently assault her zvithout zvarning, and zvhen stopped by pa- rents or guardian would conclude his par- oxysm of rage zvith bursts of screaming and laughter. From infancy he was of destruc- tive disposition, and this tendency gradually dcz'cloped until he is more brute than human. He will throw anything that comes into his hands at any one zvho is near at the time. Since his birth he has not spoken, but endea- vors to express himself by means of unintel- ligible noises. His murderous inclinations prcz'entcd his admission into the Asylum for the Feeble-minded, and in the absence of a bet- ter remedy or safer home he zvill be com- mitted to the asylum. VOLUME LXXXVIII— NO. 128. SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1900. price rrvE cents. "His skull i3 most peculiar in formation. What I would call knots stick out all over his head, except the forehead, which recedes and Is low. He refuses to walk steadily alone and constantly throws himself head foremost to the pavement. For this reason it is always necessary that two persons accompany him—one on each side to support him If. Indeed, they are not called upon to defend the passers-by. During his life he haa never spoken a word. His language is an incoherent jargon and Is punc- tuated with devilish screams that freeze one's blood. His commitment to the asylum will save those who now keep him perhaps from a fate as pitiable as that which has befallen his mother. Th«re may yet be a chance to save him from death in the asylum: It would be better that It occur on the operating table when scientists are bending over him seeking •to dispel the cloud that darkens his mind." '.'He will sneak up behind an Intended victim and without warning will inflict what injury he can. Hatpins are a favorite and dangerous weapon in his hands. He will stab and slash at any one who attempts to interfere with him. Great caution must be used In approaching him. for no one caa tell what weapon he may have concealed in his hand. "He was always brutal in his habits. Frequently, when he was not watched, he would steal upon his baby sister, grasp her by the hair and hurl her to the floor. Then he would attempt to stamp out her life, anrt more than once her tiny neck has borne the imprint of hi3 heels. Again. he would strike her and hurl anything he could get hold of In an evident hope of maiming her. Only the day before yesterday he assaulted his father. "Without a word of warning he picked up a stove-lifter and hurled it with all of his maniacal strength. The iron missile struck his father on the chest and Inflicted a painful wound. Had Mr. Ledderhos been struck on the head the result would have been serious. "When sitting at the table, without warning he will grasp the cloth and hurl the dishes to the floor. Those that remain unbroken he will break if the opportunity Is afforded him. Curbed In his desire, he will work himself into a frenzy and then can only be cared for by main force, and It takes considerable to handle him. Always Brutal In His habits. "Ever since he was Injured when an infant Montee has been Incor- rigible," said Mr. Kaeintz yesterday. "I was to have testified as to hla actions before the Insanity Commissioners to-day, but I was so busy" that I could not get there. If any more testimony la needed, however, I will be glad to go. The little fellow should have been In the asylum long ago. Though the doctors say he' Is hopelessly Insane, I am of opinion that ha would not have been as bad as he is had he been placed in the asylum, wfiere he could have received proper attention, two years ago. Though his mind is disorganized, he has sufficient left to profit by the leniency of his parents, who were wont to gratify his every desire when by some peculiar action on his part they knew that he had a desire to gratify. Though he Is? not a medical expert, Kmanuel Kaeintz. who resides at S Golden place, shares the opinion advanced by Drs. Lustig and Rethers. Kaeintz is an uncle of the unfortunate child who is about to be committed to the madhouse. With the rest of the child's relatives, he had long hoped that pome relief for the baby's awful malady might be found. Even now ho has hopes that when the youngster grows stronger, if the fates so decree, an operation may be performed with successful results. asylum officials, for humanity's sake he should be allowed to remain there until the end." Early yesterday morning the lad was taken before Judge Lawlor for examination. His aunt. Mr?. J. \V. Earbee. who has been keeping the ehiM with h«r at ZZ1? Lombard street, assisted by a friend, led the child into court. E>r. D. D. Lustig was called upon as a member of the Insanity Formal y Declared to Bz Inscn:. Cver two years ago the attention cf the California Society for the Prevtntlrn of Cruelty to Children was called to the strange condition of this lad's mind. The mother, wearied of her efforts to stay the homicidal and fuicidal ;rndcr.cie3 of her rhild. Fought the a'id of the society in an effort to plac; him in the Home for the Feeble-minded. Ledderhos was tafcen tofere the directors of this Institution, but they rejected him. They caid there was no room, but other children entered dally. The courts were appealed to, but orders for his commitment to the home were regularly evaded. F"or ivo y«*ars the ft£ht between the California Society, the courts and tJie fllrectoni cf the Home for the Feeble-minded was carried on. Finally the society was forced to pursue a different line of proceeding. The fact that the lad wan not focble-minded, but was the possessor of a mind of normal strength but hopele?sly disorganized, became generally known ar.d the asylum for the Insane alone remained as a refuge for him. In Napa Asylum, however, his jangled mind may take full sway, but by to-night that institution may harbor a scene unparalleled throughout these fr.lsed States— tb« s=eene of a baby boy, his tiny arms he'.d fast in leathern p'raps, pacing the floor of an asylum cell with no one but himself on whom to vent his lust for murder. His mother, ill perhaps unto death, the result cf worry over hrr baby's terrible affliction, is lying in St. Winifred's Hos- pital. Her husband and friends have despaired of her life and say th6 hour of her knowledge thnt her boy has gone to live behind the bars of an uytma wfll be the hour of her death, unless they can nurse her back to health before she learns the truth. The San Francisco Call.

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call.A lisoing baby lister has many times been beaten down beneath his blows and saved from death only by instant action, while h« *tood apart In the face of superior

A lisoing baby lister has many times been beaten down beneath his

blows and saved from death only by instant action, while h« *tood apart

In the face of superior strength and with maniacal shrieks of laughter

gloated over his brutish deed. From torturing his baby plater when for amoment the eyes of parents or guardians were turned from him, he wouldassault any livingthing before him. Deprived of this means of gratifying

his abnormal tendencies, he would inflict cruel injuries upon himself. This

mad baby would drive his skull against a granite pillar with apparent im-

pur.'.ty, only to again hurl him?elf head roremost to the floor or pavement

and end his paroxysm with a burst of sobbing laughter— the laughter of amaniac. ___

scientists say, arr.rng the raving imbeciles of his kind. There isno other place on earth for tiny Montee Ledderhos. Though of shuffling,

unsteady gait, without u?e of tongue or sign, his diminutive but sinewy

body 1? over alert to obey the mandates cf his distorted brain. Scheming

and cver an ally to death, he is a menace to the public safety, small as heis, while he is outside of prison bars.

AMERE baby wil'. be committed to the madhouse by Judge

William P. Lav.-lor to-day. A commitment consigning MonteeIjt-dcierrioF, a toridlmg youngster 4 years of age. to the asylum

for the insane at Napa was drawn up Inthe office of the County

Clerk yesterday morning. The signature and seal of the courtwill be affixed to-day and the child, perhaps in the arms of aguard, willbe carried from his home to dwell until death, the"

"The asylum for the insane is plainly the place for him. HI3 mania isto destroy, to kill and to maim .himself. There is no doubj that he willbe a source of endless worry to the management of the Napa Asylum, andIfear that the trouble he willcause may result- in a demand being madethat he be discharged from that Institution and committed to the Home forthe Feeble-minded. Though there is no doubt that the ;Home for theFeeble-minded is better fitted for the care of such 1 youngsters

—or rather

simple-minded youngsters— in my opinion the only safe place to keep himis in the asylum. His mania at any moment might cause him to seek"gratification .among tho helpless Inmates of the Home, for the Feeble-minded, and even though he may be the source of endless worry to the

Insane Asylurr) His Proper flbode.

."The child Is plainly insane. He cannot be classed among the simpleminded. Simple-minded patients are commonly divided into three classes

—idiots, imbeciles and cretins. The line of demarcation between the threedegrees Is;however, only relative. The idiot Is the person absolutely bereftof intelligence, and tho other two ascend the scale.' The difference betweena simple-minded person and an Insane person Is plain. The so-called simple-

minded person, who comes within the three degrees named, is usually, ormost always, to be more correct, congenitally so. Inhis case there is adeficiency in the brain. He was never gifted with fullmental capacity, andhis advance or the opposite would not find him another place on the mentalscale. Insanity, in the strict sensa of the term, is usually acquired throughinjuryor abuse of nature. The term insanity presupposes that the patient

up to the time of, the affliction was the possessor of a normal mind, butthat disease, injury or abuse disorganized its functions. These latter con-ditions are manifested by this baby patient. Ihave gathered from theclinical history of the case that both the lad's father and mother werenornial people of sound intelligence. .The story of the lad's injury when aninfant, the result of a fall from a hammock, has also been made known tome, as well as the fact of his subsequent fever or measles, which isusually accompanied by fever. . Doubtless the child's insanity was causedby. the fall, aided perhaps by the fever, but from ray examination. of him,being assisted with such meager details of his life, Iam unable to assignthe exact cause of his condition.

After completing his examination Dr. Lustig said:

Her health broken from long and constant •worry and watching, thelad's mother, when all hope had gone, gave up to her illness. Her hus-band, Theodore Ledderhos, had her removed from their home, 2501% Lar-kln street, to St. Winifred's Hospital. There she will undergo an opera-tion in the hope that her life may be saved, but a doubt hangs upon thehope. After, her removal to the hospital Master Ledderhos was taken incharge by Mrs. Barbee.- His constant attempts to commit murder and toend his own existence by,butting his abnormal skull against harder sub-stances finally caused .her' husband to make the complaint on which hewas taken before the Insanity Commission.

appeared on the plate. This was the cause of the child's insanity. Thedark spot marked where the skull had thickened from the wound receivedin infancy, and behind it the dim traces of degenerated brain tissue and

blood clots could be discerned. To remove the cause of the lad's insanitywould be to killhim. A large and vital portion of the brain was involved,

and to lift from it the bony cover that is bearing down so cruelly uponit would only serve to free the blood vessels that long ago degenerated

under the pressure, and almost instant death, so the physicians say, wouldbe the reward of their labors. L'!:•'¦:'.

Upon this clinical history,of -the case the physicians of the College ofOsteopathy decided that a radiograph— an X -ray photo— of the child'sskull should be taken as preliminary to an operation, ifsuch was foundto be reasonably certain of successful result. The baby patient was takento the laboratory of E. Fleischman, 611 Sutter street, and subjected to theray. The result was marvelous :rom tho standpoint of the radiographer,but it extinguished the last spark of hope that remained in the


of the child's parents. Just at the base of the skull a large dark spot

fin Operation Would Mean Death-

Baby Ledderhos has been an enigma to the physicians of this city

since he was four months old. Recently he was treatc/3 by Dr. C. N. Mil-ler. That physician passed the case by a3 hopeless. Physician after phy-sician was consulted In the hope that at least the child's brutal habitsmight be corrected. Dr. Louise Heilbron, who is now a resident of SanDiego, was tho last to attempt to relieve the child. She had the youngster

removed to the California College of Osteopathy. There it was decidedthat the lad's insanity was congenital

—from birth

—but was perhaps aggra-

vated by the existence of pressure on the brain from a wound jreceived

some time in infancy. The child's parents remembered a falKthe ladreceived when but fourmonths of age. He was left ina hammock sleepingone day, when a playful youngster ran against the hammock. The baby

was thrown out and struck in tho bed of a little creek on the back of hishead. From that day his health began to wane. Finally he was takenwith j> fever. For weeks he hovered between life and death, and thenbegan to improve. But along with the lightof health in his eyes therecame the flash of insanity. As a baby of eight months there was upper-

most in his mind a passion for brutal things. Anything he could lay hisdimpled baby hands upon he would crush or hurl to the floor. This de-structive temperament developed with his months until the taking of lifeseemed to be the aim of his existence.

Judge Lawlor said that ifDr. Rethers, who is acting with Dr. Lustig

on the commission, would agree that the child was not simple-minded. butinsane he would sign a commitment consigning him to the' Napa InsaneAsylum for treatment. Dr. Rothers was called upon to make an ex-

amination of th« child. He immediately pronounced the lad insane, andwith Dr. Lustig: signed the certificate setting forth the nature' of thechTTd's malady. This preliminary disposed of, the commitment was drawn

up. The little patient was led back to Mrs. Barbee's home to await thecoming of the Sheriff, who will take him to the asylum. The commitmentwillbe presented to Judge Lawlor this morning. His signature will be

aflixed and Jlttlc Montee Ledderhos will leave his birthplace to go to/ thehome where in all probability the remaining years of his life will bepassed. . '

J. W. Earbee, who affixed his name to the warrant upon which the

child was arrested, was called to the stand. He testified that for over threeyears the child's parents had labored in vain to develop the child'smorality. He was vicious, destructive, murderous and brutal, the witness

said. A email fortune had been expended on him in an effort to securerelief, but without result. Even the lad's mother had despaired of effect-ing a cure, lie said, and the safety of the child's relatives as well as thepublic demanded that he be deprived of the power to do wrong.

Commission to give his views of the case. Dr. Lustig said that the casewas plainly one of insanity and r.ot simple-mindedness. The lad, in hisopinion, he paid, should be committed to the asylum for the insane.



Physicians Are Unableto Even Suggest a •


Hat Pin Was FavoriteWeapon Wlien He

Was Angry.

A Fall In Infancy IsAssigned as Cause

of Malady.

Infant Sister Victimof His Brutish


Tiny Montee Ledierlios,Four Years of Age,

Is Insane.

An Assassin at Heart,¦ He Seeks Lives of




Montee Ledderhos, though but four,years of age, has been adjudged a maniac bythe Insanity Commission. He willbe com-mitted to the Asylum for the Insane at Napaby Judge William P. Lazvlor to-day. Theyoungster is t)ic son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo-dore Ledderhos, who reside at 2501 1-2 Lar-kin street. Whai the child was but a fezvmonths old he suffered a fall from a ham-

mock. He fellin the bed of a creek and it isbclicz'cd so seriously injured the base of hisbrain at that time tJiat his present insanitymay be attributed to the accident. Membersof the Insanity Commission zvho examinedhim, however, arc unable at this time, owingpartly to the absence of a detailed clinical his-tory of the case, to advance a positive opinionas to the cause of his malady. Since thechild's injury he has been constantly under

the care of physicians. 'Everything known tomedical science zvhich zvas zvithin the pozver

of his parents' limited means to procure zvastried in the hope of at least relieving, eventhough a complete cure zvas impossible, the

sufferings of their baby. Allefforts to aidhim haz'c been futile,herzvever, and the fight to

secure his commitment to an asylum has justbeen won. Inallprobability the remainder ofhis years on earth zvill be passed behind the

bars of a madhouse.

Homicidal and suicidal mania havecaused Montee Ledderhos' relatives to seek his

imprisonment. Without provocation he willassault any lii'ing creature zvithin his reach.His favorite weapon is a hatpin, but zvithoutone he is equally dangerous. Deprived of theopportunity to gratify his lust for murder thetiny maniac zvillcruelly injure himself. But-ting into stone pillars and throzving himselfhead foremost to the pavement are commonpractices zvith him, and unless closely zvatched '

he zcill continue battering himself untiluncon-sciousness comes. His brutal and murder-ous treatment ofhis baby sister is past under-

standing. He zvould frequently assault herzvithout zvarning, and zvhen stopped by pa-rents or guardian would conclude his par-oxysm of rage zvith bursts of screaming andlaughter. From infancy he was of destruc-tive disposition, and this tendency graduallydcz'cloped untilhe is more brute than human.He will throw anything that comes into hishands at any one zvho is near at the time.Since his birth he has not spoken, but endea-vors to express himself by means of unintel-ligiblenoises. His murderous inclinations

prcz'entcd his admission into the Asylum forthe Feeble-minded, and in the absence of a bet-ter remedy or safer home he zvill be com-

mitted to the asylum.


"His skull i3 most peculiar in formation. What Iwould call knotsstick out all over his head, except the forehead, which recedes and Is low.He refuses to walk steadily alone and constantly throws himself headforemost to the pavement. For this reason it is always necessary thattwo persons accompany him—one on each side to support him


they are not called upon to defend the passers-by. During his life he haanever spoken a word. His language is an incoherent jargon and Is punc-tuated with devilish screams that freeze one's blood. His commitment to

the asylum will save those who now keep him perhaps from a fate aspitiable as that which has befallen his mother. Th«re may yet be achance to save him from death in the asylum: It would be better that Itoccur on the operating table when scientists are bending over him seeking

•to dispel the cloud that darkens his mind."

'.'He will sneak up behind an Intended victim and without warning willinflict what injuryhe can. Hatpins are a favorite and dangerous weapon in

his hands. He will stab and slash at any one who attempts to interferewith him. Great caution must be used In approaching him. for no one caatell what weapon he may have concealed in his hand.

"He was always brutal in his habits. Frequently, when he was notwatched, he would steal upon his baby sister, grasp her by the hair andhurl her to the floor. Then he would attempt to stamp out her life, anrtmore than once her tiny neck has borne the imprint of hi3 heels. Again.he would strike her and hurl anything he could get hold of Inan evidenthope of maiming her. Only the day before yesterday he assaulted his

father. "Without a word of warning he picked up a stove-lifter and hurledit with all of his maniacal strength. The iron missile struck his fatheron the chest and Inflicted a painful wound. Had Mr. Ledderhos beenstruck on the head the result would have been serious. "When sitting at

the table, without warning he willgrasp the cloth and hurl the dishesto the floor. Those that remain unbroken he willbreak ifthe opportunityIs afforded him. Curbed Inhis desire, he will work himself into a frenzyand then can onlybe cared for by main force, and It takes considerable tohandle him.

Always Brutal In His habits.

"Ever since he was Injured when an infant Montee has been Incor-rigible," said Mr. Kaeintz yesterday. "Iwas to have testified as to hlaactions before the Insanity Commissioners to-day, but Iwas so busy" thatIcould not get there. Ifany more testimony la needed, however, Iwillbeglad to go. The little fellow should have been In the asylum long ago.Though the doctors say he' Is hopelessly Insane, Iam of opinion that hawould not have been as bad as he is had he been placed in the asylum,wfiere he could have received proper attention, two years ago. Thoughhis mind is disorganized, he has sufficient left to profit by the leniencyof his parents, who were wont to gratify his every desire when by somepeculiar action on his part they knew that he had a desire to gratify.

Though he Is? not a medical expert, Kmanuel Kaeintz. who resides at SGolden place, shares the opinion advanced by Drs. Lustig and Rethers.Kaeintz is an uncle of the unfortunate child who is about to be committedto the madhouse. With the rest of the child's relatives, he had long hopedthat pome relief for the baby's awful malady might be found. Even nowho has hopes that when the youngster grows stronger, if the fates sodecree, an operation may be performed with successful results.

asylum officials, for humanity's sake he should be allowed to remain thereuntil the end."

Early yesterday morning the lad was taken before Judge Lawlor forexamination. His aunt. Mr?. J. \V. Earbee. who has been keeping the ehiMwith h«r at ZZ1? Lombard street, assisted by a friend, led the child intocourt. E>r. D. D. Lustig was called upon as a member of the Insanity

Formal y Declared to Bz Inscn:.

Cver two years ago the attention cf the California Society for thePrevtntlrn of Cruelty to Children was called to the strange condition ofthis lad's mind. The mother, wearied of her efforts to stay the homicidaland fuicidal ;rndcr.cie3 of her rhild. Fought the a'id of the society in aneffort to plac; him in the Home for the Feeble-minded. Ledderhos wastafcen tofere the directors of this Institution, but they rejected him. They

caid there was no room, but other children entered dally. The courts wereappealed to, but orders for his commitment to the home were regularlyevaded. F"or ivo y«*ars the ft£ht between the California Society, the courts

and tJie fllrectoni cf the Home for the Feeble-minded was carried on.Finally the society was forced to pursue a different line of proceeding.The fact that the lad wan not focble-minded, but was the possessor of amind of normal strength but hopele?sly disorganized, became generallyknown ar.d the asylum for the Insane alone remained as a refuge for him.

InNapa Asylum, however, his jangled mind may take full sway, but by

to-night that institution may harbor a scene unparalleled throughout thesefr.lsed States— tb« s=eene of a baby boy, his tiny arms he'.d fast in leathernp'raps, pacing the floor of an asylum cell with no one but himself on whomto vent his lust for murder. His mother, illperhaps unto death, the result

cf worry over hrr baby's terrible affliction, is lying in St. Winifred's Hos-pital. Her husband and friends have despaired of her life and say th6hour of her knowledge thnt her boy has gone to livebehind the bars of anuytma wfllbe the hour of her death, unless they can nurse her back to

health before she learns the truth.

The San Francisco Call.