the san francisco call (san francisco) 1910-04-05 [p...

THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1910. 13 HOUSES FOR SALE AA— THIS' FULLHft COMPANY. 322 PACIFIC BLDgITmARKET ST., AT 4TH. PHONES— DOUGLAS 1023 and J1023. The largest and most complete \u25a0 list \u25a0of flats, rooming and apartment bouses in California. IF there's a buyer in town he willown this! 48 room modern apartment house; -rent only $200; 5 year lease: 17 rooms, completely fur- nished, balance rented unfurnished; clears $150 . per month: $I.Boo.. buys it; this Is the best thing for the money that has been offered for «g 10 years; no cards given. FULLER CO. . 3S ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR $1,650! Completely furnished; clean; all rented;. rent only ?110. Can you beat it? This is another bar- gain; this week only. THE FULLER CO. WOULD you buy a house that will pay for. Itself in a year? We have a modern 40 room one that willdo that, and we can demonstrate the fact. Exclusively with THE FULLER CO. FLAT, 5 ROOMS; RENT $28: ONLY $125. Downtown transient; 14 rooms; fine; clears $100. CORNER; 23rooms; good; only $1,250. CLASS A HOTEL; very handsome; pays $850. . THE FINEST BIG COR. APT. HOUSE INS.F. 64 ROOM MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE; rent only $275; 40 of the rooms HANDSOMELY FURNISHED; all full; clearing $175 every ' month; price for 2 days only $2,600, part cash; rooms are all large, light and 'sunny; this is a great buy. Exclusively THE FULLER CO. 140 ROOMS, CLEARING $200 PER MONTH; rent only $100; long lease; building Included in price; will pell or exchange -for other property or good business; here's a money maker for only $2,500: come fast for this. Exclusively with THE FULLER CO. 1 \u25a0' WE have 28 rooms, furnished, for lease. We have 64 rooms, \u25a0 partly furnished, for rent. WE HAVE A BERKELEY COTTAGE for ex- change for San Francisco rooming house. . WE HAVE THE BEST ROADHOUSB INCA£= IFORNIA: PRICE, LOCATION, INCOME ALL. RIGHT. . . .. THE FULLER CO., EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE BEST. HANDSOMELY furnished boarding and rooming \u25a0 bouse; all oak, walnut aud rosewood furniture; piano included; finest location in Oakland; pat- ronage always good; selling account sickness only; no agents. Address box 4177, Call offlce, . Oakland. $2,700 Northsldo apartment house; 30 rooms; guaranteed to clear $175; other business forces to sell: investigate. 20 * A sth st. - PARTNER wanted in a well established busi- ness to buy new stock; foundation laid for a good Investment for man or woman; chance to back a son. Address box 4153, CaU offlce, Oakland. EDUCATIONAL FRENCH— REMOVAL NOTICE— FRENCH. Prof. Marcel Clarinval of Lafarette School is now located in his > new quarters in tbe Whitney building, 133 Geary st.' near Grant ay. ECOLE NOUVELLE School of Languages, 1845 Laguna St.; French, Spanish, German; 3 les- sons, wk., day course, $4 mo. ;\u25a0 evening, $2.50. HEALD'S ENGINEERING—DAY AND NIGHT; CIVIL,MINING. ELECTRICAL, ARCHITEO- TpRE. ASSAYING. 425 McALLISTER ST. ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mining, mech., survey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; est. 1864. Van der Naillen School, 51st and Tel., Oakland. SPANISH ACADEMY— Pure Spanish taught. Prof. Roman R. de la Pena; new and modern methods. 1151 Polk st. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 2531 Washington st. near Fillmore Send for ctr- cular. . \u25a0 CANTOX School English Chinese taught Ameri- cans, native teachers. 23 Canton Bk., 649 Krny. WESTHAUS studio, 892 Halgbt. china painting classes Wed.. Sat. and Sun., 50c; 16 for $5. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON. Individ, inst. Math., Bookteping, Eng., etc. ; day,' eve. 507 Halght st. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 2142 Sbattucr ay., Berkeley. Cal.. next to First national bank. BUSINESS COLLEGES HEALD'S BUS. COLLEGE— SHORTHAND, TYP- ING, ENG. BRANCHES. 425 McALLISTER. MERRILL-MILLER COLLEGE, 733 Fillmore st.; a select school of business; day and evening. SAN FRANCISCO Business College. 908 Market st. at Eddy; day or evening sessions. \LL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 1256 Market st. OertUlea^nbllc TOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C. P. A.. 306-308 Claus Spreckels (Call) building: phone Kearny 4151. MARK LANE, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds, 149 Montgomery st. ; phone Kearny 2620. Under McEnerney act, complete, $35. Title Co., 931-3 Monadnock building. 8d and Market sts. _ ATTORNEYS 4.A—DIVORCE; costs $12; quick, quiet; ftdrlc* free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy: probation of es- tates; g<Vral practice. 1028 Market st.. r. 12. ADVICE FREE, Divorces. Collections, Estates. Attachments, Bankruptcy. Corporations and all cases. Rms. 601-2. 830 Market; open evenings. QUICK, quiet, complete decree for \u25a0 $20; open Thursday evenings. 1112 Market St., room 122. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess, Notary Public. Rooms 1108-14. Call building. J. M. C. MURPHEY. attorney at law. suite 1011, First National Bank building: Donglas 1374. PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY, STRONG A CO.—Founded 1860; U. S. and foreign patents; Inventors' guide; 100 me- chanical movements free. 1105 Merchants' Ex- change building, San Francisco. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. Pat- ent offlce, 1201-2 Metropolis bank—Patents, trademarks and copyrights; tel. Kearny 4815. HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 417 Ist Nat'l Bk.. Oak.; phone Oak 2754. ARTIFICIAL teeth; this one thing I do. Dr. O. B. Wilson, 323 Geary, suite 605; tel. Dong. 4300. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515 Fillmore st. near Oak. VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating' pills 60ld; price -$2.50 by express. Jener Syringe and tablets, price $5. By express only on re- ceipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS, whole- sale druggists, 7th and Broadway, Oakland. MRS. MARY ADAM, grd. midwife and specialist for female trouble; home for confinement; con- sultation free; h. 1-5 p. m. 3004 Frultrale ay., Oakland; phone Merritt 1993. DR. WARREN EMERSON; specialist; diseases women; consult, free. 1304 Fillmore cor. Eddy. DR. WARREN EMERSON, specialist; diseases women; consult, free." 1304 ' Fillmore cor. Eddy. PHYSICIANS DR. WONG HIM, HERB DOCTOR, Permanently located. 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. Gough and Octavia. MATERNITY jHOMES BAY VIEW SANATORIUM, iMATERNITY—, O'Farrell corner Broderlck; phone West -5501. Beautiful sunny rooms, large grounds; central; reasonable. \u25a0 •? . STRICTLY private home for confinement cases; resident physician in attendance; best refs. 1131 -Laguna st. cor, Eddy; phone West 5964. S. F. LYINGIN HOME. 1191 Oak st.— Adoption. Diseases women and children; confinement, $25. HOME for confinement; attendance $20. 1543 Stelner,st. near Geary. Hours 12-1:30, 6-7 pm. A— PRIVATE home, for the sick; confinement specialty; adoption; special treatment for all female troubles. 171 East 14th St.. Oakland.- HP-M ES. I ^P.R - .JAYAf j ?P-?.;-:--2-- : ... ,. HOME and care - for \u25a0 Invalids " or aged persons. 3421 25th st. near Mission; phone Mission 4620. POPULAR REMEDIES RICORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. Sold only by.E. B. JORGENSON, 644 \u25a0 Kearny St., San ' Francisco. Mall orders a specialty. Send for circular., SANDERSON'S Co., savin and cotton root pills; pure remedy for female troubles; price $2 per box. - Red Raven Drug Co.. 012 Market st .- ; SEXOID, a marvelous cure for weakness In men; money returned 'if it-fails; price $1 per box. Red Raven Drug Co.; 912 Market st. LARGEST stock of - trusses " and elastic goods in the city. Clark-Gandlon Co..' 1108 Market st. HEALTH MOVEMENT ' "VIAVISCIENCE OF HEALTH," J natural \u25a0 non- Eurgieal; cloth bound, 400 page book ' free. Ap- ply by mall. .636 Pine st. Lecture for women \u25a0 Thursday -at 2:30 p. m. - -: . \u25a0•\u25a0-.-- T .pfeß_AjPY>^^^^ STERNBORG'3 institute; massage, electric light \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0* and Nanbeim- baths. 409-410 Whitney building. \u25a0 THERAPEUTIC -TREATMENT LYDIA SMlTH—Electric light' and baths; ner- ,tous diseases. Apt. 35. 1300 Golden Gate ay. CITYREAL ESTATE—Continued THOMAS E. HAYMAN. Suite lftuO, First National Bank building. Montgomery, and Post. Kearny 1703 $7,000 cash— l26o-62 Jackson st-, north side of Leavenwortb; marine view; 3 new high class flats of 7-7-6 rooms; 5 feet space be- tween buildings; lot 3 27:0x137:6; rented low at $I,6oo' per annum; full price only $12.- 850: reduced from $15,730; lot tilone worth $6,000: building would cost $9,000 to build, making price $2,000 cheaper than you can build it. This Is positively the biggest bargain on Nob Hill. $3,200 cash— Carl st. at Clayton; full price re- duced to $3,200;-2 of tbe prettiest and b»-«it built new « room flats with garage in the neighborhood; lot 26x100, with an additional 50x37:6* with stable In rear; rents for $1,116 per annum. ThU Is a sacrifice. $5,250 cash— Near Halzht and Masonic; 3 of th« \u25a0 finest 6 roo'-n flats In the neighborhood; :• full price reduced to $10,750: can't dupli- cate them fpr less than $2,000 more. This is certainly the cheapest 3 flats in the neighborhood.- . -• .-;.-:;-.\u25a0.,- $2,100 cash— Three nearly new 5-6-7 room flats near 22d and Castro: large lot: rents $l.t»>© per annum; full price reduced to $3,500. This is an absolute sacrifice. $6,000 carti Haves st. business property: lot 27:6x120; double froutage; rented low at $1,700 per annum; price reduced to $12,500 subject to an ©ftVr. ThU must be sold; get your ofTer in quick.- •' $B,soo— Jackson St., north side,- between Jones and Taylor; flue marine view lot, 50x137:6; reduced from $11,000; must be sold; $2,000 cheaper thap anything In the dUtrict. $1,030—4 room cottage on O st. bet. 9th and 10th ays., y, block from new proposed car line; sewer within 100 feet; a bar- gain. Terms, $500 cash. $45,000— Northwest corner of Franklin and Hayes sts., with 3 frontages; size of lot . -75x120 feet. This In a fine business Tor- ner, and properly improved woold bring a handsome, return on the Investment. $26,000 Lot and' improvements on Castro st., near . 18th. A fine business property, » \u25a0 bringing in monthly rentals of $253. Ren- tal value steadily Increasing. HUNT, OSTEYEE & BANZ. 145 Montgomery st. Branch Offlce. 723 II St. IRRIGATED LAND $17.00 Cash an Acre— sl7.oo VIRGINSOIL GARDEJJ SOIL A new district Just opened on the famous TURLOCK DITCH in Stanislaus county, only 110 miles from San Francisco. The most successful irrigation enterprise In the world- Completed at a cost of over $2,500,000. The cheapest water rate in the United States but 40c an acre for alfalfa last year. Thousands of successful, contented, prosper- ous farmers have made fortunes in the vicinity. This soil will grow practically anything. ' Rich, sandy sediment loam. Situated on the banks of tbe San Joaqula river In Stanislaus county. Nearer to San Francisco, Stockton or Sac- ramento than any other accessible territory. We will sell NOW for $S3 an acre. $17 cash, balance on easy terms. If yon are interested we will take yon to . the property, leaving San Francisco at 7:40 a. m. and returning to tbe city the same day. Special excursion rate $4.65. SPECIAL >• We have two 20 acre pieces of this land Jnst plowed which we will deliver at prices quoted above. ? ~: J. W. WRIGnT & CO., Exclusive Agents, 125 Sutter st..' S. F. 12.300 ACRES $12.50 PER ACHE ONLY Best GRAIN. CATTLE. HOG and SHEEP land in the upper Sacramento valley: well watered, well located, good railroad and steamship trans- portation facilities. Over 4.000 acres grain land; 500 acres alfalfa land, balance land covered with oak timber; excellent hog land: timber worth considerable. Ranch fenced and croas fenced; necessary corrals.. Residence of 8 rooms, fair condition, cottage for help, two large barns, good well and plenty of living water for all pur- poses. About 250 cattle Included in sale price. Only $12.50 per acre; terms one-third cash, bal- ance to suit. C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY, - 702 Market st. OAK GROVE FARMS. In Santa Rosa valley; level, rich, virgin soil; railroad depot a block from tract: 5 cent fare to Santa Kosa; gas, electricity, telephone, free mail delivery. \u25a0 ;. .'- , RINCON PARK. Gently rising foothills, overlooking the city of Santa Roea; cleared land, orchard and woods. We are selling the above tracts for $130 an acre up, one-fifth cash, balance like rent. Wal- nuts, fruit, berries, poultry are money makers here. Call or write. SANTA ROSA REALTY CO., 638 Market st.. San Francisco, Cal. * Elks' building, Santa Rosa. Cal. TO MEN WITH MONEY We can make 100 per cent for you on some special land investments on line of new R. R. now being built in the best county in Cali- fornia; lands level, rich, productive, all ua- der ditch system; prices low, $40 to $50 per acre; safe, sure, profitable. We : bare sold thousands of acres and are reselling at double cost price. Ifyou have $5,000 to $30,000 you can not' afford to neglect seeing us, and do it now. Do not delay. See STANLEY. Manager. GEO. H. MURDOCK & SOX, 01 Bacon bldg., Oakland. MEXICO COLONIZING LANDS "~ Allsize tracts from 5,000 acres to 1,000.000; several different states; prices 73c to $3.50 an acre; easy terms; exchange considered; stock ranches, improved, with stock. 73.000 acres up, easy terms; 5,000 to 15.000 cattle, horses, mules; graded $2.25 to $3.75 per acre, stock and improvements, patent title; hard- wood, mahogany, also pine timber lands, $1 to $2 per acre, terms easy, location for export and borne trade no better. BURNHAM IN- VESTMENT CO.. 573 Eddy st. SMALL RANCHES, IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. V ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS IN FTTLL BEARING. 10 acres or more in the beautiful Santa Clara valley; only 2 hours from San Francisco; prices range from- $100 to $200 per acre. Easy terms Ifdesired. If . you are looking for a small ranch with good soil, beautiful location aod ideal climate, c«« us about SAN MARTIN. C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY. : ~;.t-' 702 Market St. CALIFORNIA LAND - -- $35 AN ACRE $1 an acre cash, 75 cents monthly; no'taxes; bo interest; 5 acres or more choice alfalfa and fruit land; 5 boors from San Francisco; river through property; station on ground. Positively the best land offer of the year. Call or write CALIFORNIA HOME & LAND ASSOCIATION, 602 and £03 Phelan bids.. 760 Market st. MERCED COLONY. ~ * Alfalfa, corn and fruit lands adjoining tbe city limits of Merced, in small tracts; prices $73 to $150 per acre; easy terms; Irrigation water $1 per acre; 2-transcontinental railroads and 3 main county roads traverse Merced colony; markets, churches, schools, stores, creamery, alfalfa meal mill, all convenient; literature on application. CO-OPERATIVE LANDAND TRUST CO., 595 Market St., Balboa building, San Francisco, or Merced. IRRIGATED LAND, " $60 to $73 per acre. Including perpetual water rights. San Joaquln , Valley. Level land, rich sediment loam; great alfalfa, corn, fruit, vegetable and dairy country. Good markets. \u25a0 C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY, 702 Market St.. . AN ACRE OR 51ORE IN THE COUNTRY Close to good town; ground very fertile; good fishing and hunting; trout stream through land; an Ideal place summer or winter; $75 an acre; $10 down, $2.50 month. More land if wanted. CALIFORNIA HOME & LAND ASSOCIATION. 802 and 803. Phelan bldg.. 760 Market st. 20 ACRE fruit ranch; about 1.500 bearing trees; small dwelling house: well *. 1 mile from Vaca- . ville; this .Is . something worth while looking into; will trade for improved or nnimproved San Francisco property: the price of this is $4,500. Box -3684.- Call office. IRRIGATED FARMHOMES UNDER THE KUHN project in Glenn county. Sacramento valley, of- fer tbe greatest opportunities available In Cali- fornia. Send for free printed matter, or 10c for beautiful booklet In colors, n. L. HOLLISTER & C0.f.507 First National Bank bldg.. S.T. 5 acre tracts on the Ocean Shore, a quarter of a '. mile to station; finest garden truck land la the state; a small payment down and easy monthly payments will start yon on the road to.prosperity. PEOPLE'S LAND CO.. «3O Monadnock . bid.. San Francisco, agents. BARGAIN 5 and 10 acre tracts; ideal for \u25a0 chickens: 3 miles from Hay ward. In Castro val- ley; $150 per acre; easy terms. EXCHANGE REALTY CO.. 1070 Broadway. Oakland. FOR farms, stock ranches, orchards and vineyard \u25a0 and timber lands call or send for new descrip- tive catalogue.' ROTHERMEL t, CO.. 247 Russ building. Montgomery »t.. San j Francisco. $23 \u25a0 down, $10 monthly, buys 5-10 acres good, level land, near station: on 2 railroads: In Ala- meda county. PROGRESSIVE REALTY CO.. : 180 Sutter st.. room 301. San Francisco. $100 down secures 20 acre* of fine land, balance \u25a0 in ; 10 years, i -JV H. MATTHEWS & CO.. 47»- 473 Monadnock building. San Francisco. CaL 1 1 FOR ,'sale 5 - years' lease - (on . shares > of 70 : acre, well stocked alfalfa, ranch; $400. Ad- dress box 3604. Call office.- . ; FOR farm, stock ranches and timber lands see McFAUL & EDWARDS, 237 California st. : LIVERMORE" reaIty: ready for occupancy; IV, \u0084 acre chicken and >berry farm: an exceptional .buy. .-For full ' particulars call on W. - W. \u25a0 MADGE,'. 1666 Otb ay.. Oakland. ' . MILLVALLEY "- REAL*' ESTATE 1 ; TO 5 acre lots. . $300 an acre ;12 mlnntes to station; wooded; fine-i marine \u25a0 and .mountain view. ATTHOWE REALTY CO., 25S Market, j WANTED 7. passenger touring car; first cla^ condition. Reply, stating price and full par- tlculars. box 3696, C«U office. ' . RELIABLE Auto Brokerage Co., dealers in new and tligbtly used autos. 343 Golden Gate ay. CRAWFORD AUTOMOBILE, * 1.500; NEW. WESTERN HORSE- MKT.. Valencia at 14th. PAC. Aluminum Brazing Works can braze your broken alum, castings. 430 Van N>sg: Pk. 5120. 1910 PIERCE, 4 cylinder, shaft drive. 2 speed, free engine; single cylinder, belt drive, free, engine. 0 bp. ; send for advanced catalogue. J. T. CHICK. 312 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. PIERCE, R. S. Emblem motorcycle* and bicycles. JOHX T. BILLA- CO . 357-9 Golden Gate ay. AUTOMOBILE OARAGES ' HAMILTON SQUARE GARAGE, GEARY AND STEINER STS.: AUTO STORAGE; SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES L. H. & B. 1. BILL, 643 Golden Gate ay. Headquarters for Solar lamps, Vesta batteries, Panhard oil. Diamond ch»lng_and_parts : HORSES. HARNESS AND "WAGONS A— 2o head of mares and horses always on hand, $15 up; also wagons and harness that you are looking for; pony outfits that it will pay you to see: cheap; must sell; will trade. 565 4th st.. Oakland. EXCHANGE furniture or household goods for one or a pair of horses suitable for delivery. H. SCHELLHAAS, Oakland, furniture dealer, 40S 11th st. - 25 HEAD horses, mar**, wagons, harness, by a contracting outfit: no reas. offer refus«l. 11 KiMllng 'st. off 11th bet. Howard and Folsom. WANTED Sonnd. young mare, quick, good pul- ler, weight 1.250 or more; no fancy price; will go country if necessary. P. O. box 413, S. F. DELIVERY wagon. In good condition; for bakery or grocery. Information at 18th and De Haro. WOODLAWN Stables, 617-33 Grove St.; horses $1.25 day; borprs & wag.. $9 wk.: bdg. $20 mo. ROOFING ROOFS, any kind, repaired, painted. A. HILL- MAN. 508 E. 12th st.. Oakland. * Drop postaL JUXlTEp^Jg.J£S^^anKSy Inc. _ r H. R. HOPPS. President. ALL KINDS OF ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN1763. * BUSINESS CHANCES x . . , ? . * .. •;\u25a0\u25a0' :--V; . ' X. ' I HAVE SEVERAL GOOD PAYINGSA- LOONS, ranging in price from $700 to $4,500; I have carefully investigated every saloon, that I have listed, and I do not handle them unless they are right; look me up at the banks and find out whether I am all right to deal with or not; then call and we will talk things over. GROCERY—Nice little place: rent $15; receipts $15 per day; price $375. CIGAR STANDS from $200 up; any loca- tion you wish; also one for rent. . GEO. A. HERRICK, 1003 MARKET ST. FOR SALE 150 vending machines; price reasonable. MEAT MARKET Good horse and wagon; HIGH CLASS TRADE: price $1,000. NOTICE—This market Is doing $55 a day business with a monthly rental of $40 a month. GEO. A. HERRICK, 1005 MARKET ST. CONFECTIONERY business, with 4 living rooms; clearing $100 a month: PRICE $600. HERRICK, 1005 MARKET ST. BUTCHERS, ATTENTION— The only butcher shop in good country town, elegantly equipped; must be sold, as owner has other business; price $1,200: rent $40 for shop and slaughter house; fullest investigation invited. COUNTRY HOTEL; established in 1557; a safe investment for good hotel people; located on main road to Del Monte; price $8,000, In- cludes building, bar, dining room and 17 furnished bedrooms; terms, half cash. For full particulars nee ' •'. \u25a0 CLARKE & MAGNUS. 830 Market St.. r. 507. $375 Hotel dining room, in good location north of Market, clearing over $100 monthly; own- er's departure compels immediate sale; make offer. CLARKE &. MAGNUS. S3O Market St. GILLIES & CO.. BUSINESS BROKERS. No Charge for Listing a Euslness. $600 Restaurant; cost $2,000 to «^ulp. $730 Saloon; we guarantee this buy. $I.2oo—Delicatessen; doing $40 dally. $1.200 Laundry; will exchange for real estate. $2,7">0 Saloon; positively a money maker. $3.500 Meat market; outside city; $100 dally. If you want to tell your business spc us. GILLIES & CO.. 102S Market st.. room 22. HOTELMEN, ATTENTION! We have one cf tbe best bargains in the state to offer for a few days; 28 room hotel, with of- flce. dining room and barroom; 2 billiard and pool tables; rent $125; 5 year lease; doing a good business; In a thriving town about one hour's ride from S. F. ; price $4,000. THOMPSON & SPILKER. 2SO Bacon block. Phones— Oakland 7794, A-1736.., HOTEL aud beach resort, for accommodation of over 1,000 people; income $1,000 per day; fully equipped; worth $250,000; big excursions every week: want a rood manager who has bad wide experience with $5,000 to $15,000. Box 4168, Call office, Oakland. A BUSINESS partner wanted who has for in- vestment from $5,000 to $10,000 in a busine»s that will pay 20 per c»nt per annum; this is a safe and sound deal and will stand In vest i- gatlon. Box 3737. Call offlce. i BARGAIN—2 lots. 23x100 each; value $700; In- stallments $5 per month; will sell my Interest for $100. I am broke and unable to keep up payments; investigate it; close to railroad. Address box S6S3, Gall offlce. AT invoice Well stocked grocery, living rooms; cheap rent; location and trade good: must be sold on account of sickness; make offer. 1359 47th ay.. Sunset, near Ocean boulevard. CONCESSION for drug store on the Stanford university campus has Just been granted; ex- cellent location; no competition; low rent. For full particulars address THE ERNEST WIL- SON CO.. Palo Alto, Cal. CORNER GROCERY; fine location: 2 nice living rooms; good place for man and wife or a young man; reasonable rent; cash trade; worth $2,00(1. will take $1,500 cash; don't write, come and see it; no agents. 2443 California st. SALOON in fine location, doing good business; rent very low; Felling out on account of leav- ing city; come quick If you want this; will sell cheap. J. HAY SMITH &CO., 872 Broad- way. Oakland. SELECT rooming bouse of 22 rooms for sale on account of other business; all modern con- veniences; no agents. Inquire Eagle bouse, Natoma and 4th sts., between 1 and 3 p. m. IF you have $250 and services to invest in a light manufacturing business that will pay $100 a month, see G. HIAM, 068 Broadway. NICELY furnished bouse. 12 rooms, $900, includ- ing fine piano; all full; low rent; a bargain. G. HIAM, 9«8 Broadway. . \u25a0:.-;. BRANCH bakery acd ' confectionery * for sale; trade established; fixtures new; see this at one«. A. C. BRANSON, 2581 Shattuck ay., Berkeley. FOR sale Grocery at Invoice; new stock and fixtures; 4 living rooms; rent cheap. 2616 Boulevard ay., Frultvale.. PLUMBING shop for rent; also blacksmith wanted at Mclrose depot. GILBERT WYMAN, phone Merritt 3842. » WANTED Capital to finance, or a reliable per- son to promote a first class invention; ble monoy to be \u25a0 made. Address S. 8., 222 Hotel Metropole, Oakland. $7,500 Hotel, bar and restaurant near Msrket St.; 160 rooms; rent $500; 7 year lease; bar re- ceipts $35 dally; best ever offered for the price. KREDO. 87 Third st. I HAVE a business opportunity for a young man with $2,000 that will bear strict investi- gation. Call on or address C. C. D1LL,~"219 Bacon bldg.. Oakland. FOR sale Lunchroom and restaurant at depot, San l'rancisco; will clear $300 to $400 per month; cheap rent; long lease: $2,ooo. cash takes It; worth $3,000. Address F. H. R., Call agency, San Jose. . ' \u25a0 FOR sale A good newspaper route in a good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- HART. Circulation Department, S. F. CalL ;-. FOR sale A good paying route on The Call in Alameda county. Apply to J. R. LENHART, Circulation Dept., S. F. CaU, 3d and Market. WE have best opportunity in state for steady young man to invest $50 and services; big wages assured. Address box 3707. . Call office. : FINE chance for a man with * little money -to bay half Interest in a merry go round in fine condition. Apply :.»;.*» 4th St.. Oakland. COMMERCIAL AUDIT COMPANY. BUSINESS BROKERS. 313 Metropolis Bank bldg. Phone Butter 10. DELICATESSEN store for sale; good business. Address F. MILLER, 209 University ay., Palo AltO.' ' -V \u25a0\u25a0 . . \u25a0 \u25a0 * ; •\u25a0 \u25a0 '. \u25a0' ; - : A—sl.3o0 Saloon business: cause sickness;- 5 -years' lease. Monte Carlo Saloon. 123, East st. ROUTE on this paper for sale Oakland and . Berkeley. Phone Piedmont 4208. .- . N FOR sale, cheap Poolroom and cigar stand.' 674 22d st. nr. t-an .Pablo ay., Oakland. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE . ~. FOR sale or rent 3 new buns slows; largo-lots: 5 rooms; also bath, butler's pantry and laun- dry; modern and attractive; instantaneous gas- boilers In kitchen* corner fireplace . and side- board in dining room; mirror door in bedroom; drop leaf shelf linen closet in bathroom; larg» entrance hall: slldine doors connecting parlor, hall and dining room; French windows to aw% porch: on 4 streets; near ear line and Key iioute; in central Oakland: terms same as rent. W. B. THOMAS & CO.. 4920 Telegraph ay.. Oakland. Cal. $130 cash. $10 monthly: bard ftni.ih cottage. S rooms, basement: 30x100; good location: .1 minutes to electric cars; city water: a bar- gain: price only $1,330. $3<X> rash, $10 monthly; house. 7 rooms, bath: workshop, large tank anil windmill, barn: very Urge lot. 100x200; fruit tre««s: 1 minutes to cars and school*; land wortn tho money: price for all. $3,500. CaU or wml for circular. 43S 9th *t.. Oakland. H. Z. JUNES, land owner. FOR SALE IX OAKLAND— One block from Piedmont station of Key Route: fine new cor. residence, with garage; pric«* $3,230: a snap: come and see it. Corner of Rldjaway ay. and Howe st.-- \u25a0 .-. FOR SALE. 2 houses on one lot between Shattuck and Telpgraph; price «.00O; always rented. 1«24 Mllvla st; phone Berkeley 3322. ~ HERE IS YODR CHANCE New 5 r. bungalow Just completed; near Key Route; marine view; $300 down. bal. li«» rent; $3.000. Owner. 1420 Broadway. Oakland. FOR sale 5 room cottage; improvements; barn; with or without furniture; no reasonable prie« refused. 122 Warren st. near Piedmont ay. BEAUTIFUL French bungalow, with oak floors and grand location; must be sold less than cost. Phone Piedmont 1513 lmmedtstoly. - BERKELEY REAL ESTATB HERE is an opportunity to buy a place for less J than tt really is worti; It Is a dwelling con- sisting of 7 large room* and basement; lot la 40x100; located at ISI3 - Woolsey St.. South Berkeley station; this property has to bo sold at once to settle an estate: t&e appraised value Is $3,500; for a quick sale it can be had for $3,100: can give a good title at once; open for inspection every day until sold; come at once. W. C. MORAN A CO.. South Berkley. FOR sale In Panoramic way. 3 elegant new residences: all modern; polished oak floors; grand marine view; also 12 lots: terms. In- quire HENRY ROWE. owner, 53 Panoramic way. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE WHY not build a house to suit yourself? Now .is a good time to do so. I have three of the finest building lots ia the city of Alameda ; one a corner on north side of the leading resi- dence avenue, snrrounded by the best class of improvements: absolutely gilt edged; conve- nient to everything; to bona fida home build- ere I will name a very reasonable price. Ad- dress Owner. 1415 Chestnut St.. Alameda. RICHMOND REAL ESTATB WE HAVE THE BEST BUY INPOINT RICHMOND. Near the Pullman Car Shops. Wher» YOU Should BUY. Will 'cost yon FIVE DOLLARS a montll. McEWEN BROS.. 473 Pine st. WILL sell a choice business or resldencv lot la the center of Richmond; handy to new Pull- man plant: small payment down aad balance $5 monthly; chance to make a big profit: will show property free of expense. C. W. MED- I.ER. 47S Pln« st. HAYWARD REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME SEAR HAY- WARD. Sightly and np to tbe minute: 1mile from Hay ward postofflce: 5 room anxr bungalow; bath, pantry and battery; splendid barn; gas- oline engine and tank; water piped all orer the plac*; all In frnlt, several varieties; $6,000 takes it. witn 4 acres of good soil, term*. HAYWARD REALTY CO.. Castro st. near A. S. C. SMITH, manager. Open Sunday. FRUITVALE REAL ESTATB BARGAIN $1.200 House of 4 rooms, lot 30r138. close to school and car line; $300 casd. balance $10 per month. S. A. PLEA3ANTS. 3801 E. 14th st Phone Merritt 31. Closed Sundays. BARGAIN 5 room h«use. bath, gas and electric- ity; lot 5Oxl«5; fruit trees, berries, wire for pens, barn; make otttt; must sell. 3U31 Pleltner ay.. Frultvale. * MUST BE SOLD—S room bungalow, modern: lot 30x130: 3SII Washington St.. Frultvale, Cal.; make me aa offer. GRANT FOX, 1319 21st ay.. Oakland. Cal. FOR THE FAMILY.. _____ "v --'V--' San Francisco. April 3. 1910. Mr. Rent Payer Dear Sir: Why not let ns persuade yon to get a home of your own? Don't you think this tUin? of paying rent has gone on loos enough? Let us tell you about the great bis lots we have In Burlingatne. 50x115 feet and larger, for $330 and np. on very easy terms. $50 cash. $10 monthly. Raise your own chickens, vegetables, and get all the bene- fits for the children which the bright sunlight always rlv»s. The population of Borlingame has doubled In the last 2 years, »o it mast be a nice place to live. All lots ready to build en; street work done, sewer and water mains laid; only 23 minutes from San Francisco by S. P. R. R. trains er San Mateo cars- in Mission st. Call or send for maps and prices, or. better still. go today to Burlinzame. Our offlce la opposite the station. LYON * HOAG. <£G MARKET ST. BARGAIN Five room cottage, basement and barn; corner lot. Inquire box 243. Burling- ame. Cal. « BARGAIN For sale, best location San Mateo Park, lot 171x238. fine 10 room home, con- crete basement, attic, -veranda, artesian water works, barn, bearing fruit, ornamental trees, flowers. Box 133. Bnrilngam<». IN Rosa For sale, tbe best spot on Lagunitas road: corner lot. 102x182. with improvements. Inquire A. BAUER, on premises. MARINCOUNTY REAL ESTATB SAN ANSELMO. Mill Valley. San Rafael prop- erties. Atthowp Realty ComDanr. 233 >fark«t. FOR sale 1acre ranch; good -house, barn; wind- mill and orchard: 5 minutes to CapltoU beacH. Address ED DAUBENBIS. Santa Crna. CaL RANCHES, houses and lorn for sale or trade. Send for list. F. H. PARKER. Santa Cruz. HOMES, ranches, acreage, exebanse: liat. DAVIDL. WILSON. Santa Crqa. CaL JSAN JREAL i_ ESTATB 7 LOTS and 1% acres in San Anselmo. $1,500. on account departure. Apply 513 Commercial bldg.. San Francisco. PALO ALTO REAL ESTATB FOR sale or exchange for Oakland or S. F. sub- urban property Lot 30x200: 2 story boas*. Apply owner. 3760 Piedmont ay.. Oakland. REAL ESTATE -TO EXCHANGE WILL exchange for nnimproved property, T room house; 6 basement rooms; large barn; cement basement: paying for Itself: a chanc*. C. LEHMAN. 1547 Prince St.. South Berkeley. 4 NEW cottages; rent for $73 per month: one block to local; to exchange for ranch. Address owner. 3715.9 th st.. Golden Gate. Oakland. CITY and country property sold, exchanged: list property with ns for results and square deal*. EPSON CO.. 1063 Broadway. Oakland. WE can seenrw yott an advantageous offer for your property. FIDELITY REALTY CO.. 789 Market st. * THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1631 riLLMORE ST. \ ROSS PROPERTY WE have 3 fine properties for sale or to rent. Particular* at oor office. HUNT. OSTEYEE A BANZ. 14S Montgomerr st. MAYFIELD PROPERTY HIGH CLASS Improved lots: ctty water; 12 mlnntes on car Qne to Stanford university. If yon see them yon will boy: $130 eacb; small payment down. W. R. BARTLEY. 530 Phelaa . bonding. * V LU3IBER FOR SALE SHINGLES. $1.50; rnstic. $22: flooring. $20: Ua- ' ing. 810. S3 10th »t...San Francisco. >"" PROPERTY W ANTED WANTED A lot In the Richmond district; tbe - price most be reasonable. Box 3730. Call. HOME BUILDERS NO MONEY REQUIRED .; If you own a lot I will build you a homa on easy terms. -Expert estimates furnished on alterations, showing bow to increase Income. FELIX MARCTTSE. 135 flatter St. _^ gIL^LANDS^^ r.-wirvww. AS exceptional opportunity to procure - oil land near producing wells. Call or address H. 3. TOLEK COMPANY. 463 lltH St.. 10-12 a. aa. j*L23l. SALE—Mt«c«II«neo M»M »— ConMniied \u25a0*H T e must f * n !d lln<> '" mr Prices, quality of Eood* ar* guaranty up with those *«vbo are rrmorlcg or giving ap business: we give sDd If%- ,, K ** tl»* old reliable furniture dealer. H. *y" Hth st. at Franklin. Oakland. roK sale— New Victor talking machine- record cabinet and 50 records; cost over $100; will sell for lewi thin half price. Call forenoon or after « p. m. 2008 Grove st. .-\u25a0:*'>?: * A 2d hand building and plumbing material, lumber, doors, sash, closets, sinks, pat. chlm- n»y. Wrecking Co.. 16<5 Mission bet. 12th-13th. FOR 6ale^ 4 room ark. beamed and paneled . crninrs; good condition. DR. C. D. MOORE, 2032 ghattuck ay.. Berkeley: tel. Berk. 3572. AA— All Fires standard water pipe and menvr casing. ruarante«d good as new; get our prices. Wfisshtnm Pipe Works. 133 11th et. "NEW Jnmbcr. rough and finished doors and win- dows for 5 room cottage; must sell. Box 320. \u25a0 IIOS Valencia. SECOND HAND PIPE. Largest dealers in standard pipe and screw eating, dipped: prices right; guaranteed first clasp. Pacific Pipe Co.. Main and Howard sts. LARGE Joricki pipe machine, complete, from Vt inch to 4 Inches inclusive, for sale. A. H. KNOCK. 310 12th st.. Oakland. PrRINGTIME—We have the finest of spring floss or sanitary beds. H. SCHELLHAAS. fur- nlture. nth t=t. at Franklin. Oakland. RESTAURANT, furnished living rooms; rent $12.50; over $500 value In sight; going away; $400 takes it. 153:1 Eddy st. BILLIARD and pool cloth cb*ftp; bulls, chalk, oue tips, other euppUes. tAUTENRIETH. 336 Market 6t. Andrrasbrrg Roller canaries. $3. Valencia Bird Store. G. 11. STEGER. 7-%S Valencia Let. 16-19. A—BOOKS BOUGHT. KING'S BOOK STORB. 17:6 Market ft. tbOTe Gough; tel. Market 4763. JAPANESE niehtlagales, $2.50. R. H. HEGER. 515 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. LAUNCH. CO ft., 5 ft. beam. 5 horse Schneider esglce; all new; $225. Box 3C16. Call office. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, bat and safe for sale; cheap. 579 McAllister st. /IWALL PAPER. 3VjC a roll; bouse linings. BV-C yd.; camples mailed. MERIGAN. 1447 Ellis. ARMY twits at factory prlc*«. W. A. PLUM- MER CO.. SW. cor, of Front and Pine sta. *^i*"GLI?H fox terrier puppies for sale; thor- f F. SEARS. 5W Merrlmac St.. Oak. EDISON AGENCY— Moving picture machines and C!ms: bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. SAFE Second hand; outside 45x30x26: inside 2gx 19x13; $70. 850 Mission St. above sth. BOOKS nnd libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO.. 1158 Market st. phone Market 836. SAFES— New and second hand, all sixes. THE HERMAN SAFE CO.. 120-130 Folsom st 1 LARGE double door Hall safe, with burglar rb«^t. 233 California st. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS \u25b2 A— WANTED— Art in all Its branches; artists who have paintings, watercolors, carving, stat- cary. or any one who produces art. The Art Ad. Co. have opened a branch of their New York Art Gallery for tbe purpose of handling art ob a percentage for all artists or thot* wbo btTe art of nx.v kind for sale. Cell or eddrets ART AD. CO.. 933 Van Ness ar. DSESS SUITS, tnxedos, Prince Alberts end other ccitc booght. I_ SKOLL. 707 Goldea Gate ar.; pfcone*— Market 46M. Home £2233. WANTED— WeII boring contracts. Address Pneu- Tietir Wei! Hortcg Co.. G4l Haight ay.. Als. F^mvjjigroßs SAMPLE eal. fine 4 yr. old claret 60c. Me- \ Donald Co.. 181fl Polk: nh. Frank. 1»31. CIfKU. AR ,_ANJ3 _STORE_FJXTURES__ BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 7C3-7CT Mission si.: telephone Sutter 533. __;__;_ _. J<O CXSMITHS KEYS at factory prices. Key Works. 861 Clay , t-t.. Oakignd. Phones: Oakland 6717. A 2574. _ DRESS MAKING iiACDOWELL'S Dress Making and Millinery School. 121 Geary st. near Grant ay.; evening class**; patterns cot to order. Ponglas 4731. LADIES' TAILORS The greatest sale after Easter of pure Irish linen mits made to order for $25; also a great sale of exquisite novelties of all kinds of cloths made np in tailor made suits, the latest stiles, for 545. J. FERO. 365-370 Sutter Bt. Ol'R $.Vi suit will be $100 after May 15, 1910. KAPLAN'S Laidips' Tailoring. C 22 Golden Gatt ay. Tiftr Van Xf>». San Fr«noi«(*o. Ofcl. MJILLINERY WILLOW plcmps made from old feathers, 35c " .*^ r*r inch: cleaning, dyeing, renovating: all •*» rparanfpd. 42<j Phe'nn bidg.. S. F. BUTTONS AND PLEATING B:ewart's lining, trimming store, pleating, em- broid.. buttons, but. boles. 128 Eddy. Fkln. 2546. Stale's liutton works. 222 Ellis and Mason, ph. I": art. 4521 md C 452 1: maif orders solicited. JAPANESE TAILORS THE HINOY. mer. teilor for American ladles and fTts: fit guar. ICIOV4 Geary St.: West 6617. LEATHER GOODS WALDEMAR lIOFER. Sl9 Van Neas ar. near Eddy st. Sec how I make bags, purses, etc.. from **sl. walrus and alligator: also repairing. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A A UPRIGHT BARGAINS. Rudolf. u- r '\u25a0 >'• montb.B.. $195 ko«J as new 220 \u25a0 I'oolf, itflls for $425 new 215 Vosp, fancy hurl walnut 323 - Vcw. regular $450 style 325 French, fine condition 75 CaMe, a f-usp. see it 00 ' Antl»ell. rery *ood value 145 Harvard, walnut case 165 , \u25a0 .».!>; Everett. Hardman, Ludwig, Chickerlog and otliert. Mast be seen to be appreciated. Easy terms— s6 per moutu. EENJ. CLRTAZ &. SON. 113 Kearny st. CROWN and Concord Pianos, exclusive agency; \u2666\u25a0tey terms; Combinola Player, $900: best on \ . tlie market; 10 inch disc records, 25c each. r rrliile they Ust; 2d band Electric Slot Banjo. S100: Edison. Victor. Zonophone Machines and litcords. BACIGALUPI. 941 Market st. PIANO barg'alns— $«O0 Weber for $250; $400 Taffargirc. $2O0; $300 Fischer. $125. and $500 Proemi at half off, $3 a month. HORNUNG, C.9 San Peblo ay.. Oakland. rni.tMßlA «;RAFONOLA REGENT—Don't buy r. talking machine until you have heard this wonderful musical Instrument. KOHLER tt. CHASE. 2<? OTarrell tt. VV.\7.r. •ortifi'-ate of $105: good for deposit on ai;y of Ell»*rt;' music stoics in tbe states; make ..cVr. W. BUCKMASTER. Bedding. Cal. AA Unredeemed storage pianos almost given away to pay storage and advances. WHITE- HEAD'S Piano Storage. 1426-28 Market. S. F. $:*-.". Bargain; must be sold: fine bigh grade up- right; payments. SCBMITZ. C2l Van Ness. PIANOS to rent; cartage free this week. C. O. HOBNUNG. 1240 Market near Bth and Larkln. HNE Rrelnway upright piano for sale, cheap. 1240 Market st. near Otb and Larkln. - I'IAXOS for r«nt; no cartage this week. BY- ' jV^RON MAUZY,250 Stockton St. 2 WEBERS. Al condition. $90 and $85. HEINE PIANO CO.. 87 Stockton ft. T V JPEWRITER,S ES__ MONARCH Visible Typewriter—ln the Monarch k vielnje Typewriter all the writing is la full *• f!gbt all tbe time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and inspect. Before purchasing ring op Doujlai 4113. er call at 307 Bush st. WOLF & ISENBRUCK, Dealers. SPECIAL. $33 Smith-Premier or Remington re- built. Secure information L. & M. ALEXAN- DEB. 612 Market st. , . - Brand new visible typewriter $40; other cheaper. PACIFIC TYPEWRITER CO.. 107 Montgy. St. TYPEWRITERS All makes sold, rented, re- paired. 81K Broadway. Oaklaod: tel. Oak. 9219. aptomobiles 'bargains in second hand autos. '05* Peerl«*s roadster. 'Oft Peerless 7 passenger touring car* '07 Thomas 60. 7 passenger touring car. '07 Boral; a snap. , H. O. HARRISON COMPANY. PEERLESS MOTOR CARS, - 540 Van Ness ay: near Golden Gate. FOR tale Price $500 and-, upward; several '09 end *07 White toorisg cars,, taken la trade for '06 car* and thoroughly overhauled by our mecbtnlcs from oor factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. 300 Van Ness ' a venae, San Francisco. RUNABOUTS, roadsters and touring cars, in cood ruccicc order, at prices tliat make them hurgsin*. CANNING A VINTON AUTO CO., 2 ttorf*. 455 and 489 Golden Gate ar. I Maxwell touring car. 1 National Electric with exide batteries. In fr*t clan- shape; will trade for diamonds or real 1 estate. A. C. HULL. 192 12tn «t.. Oakland. fcal* I—Electric1 Electric automobile. Victoria; safest ' for Is die*; nearly new; bargain for cash : owner going east. Address 107 Bacon build- ing. Oakland. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 - 1010 POPE HARTFORD car. fully \u2666quipped, at reasonable price on account of owner going to Europe. Call at 62 Post st.. room 32f. FOR sale A profitable automobile business, con- sisting tnainly of sclllne. in San Joaquln ral-' ley. Address box 3622, CaU offlce. MONEY, loaned on furniture, pianos and other se- . \u25a0 turity;.lowest rates; most favorable terms in the city; see others, then see me and be con- "< vlnced ; I ' will . save you money : \u25a0 $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan. Phone. Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER. 13009 16th - st., southwest corner Mission, room 35. .. -- ;" •\u25a0\u25a0". MONEY \u25a0 loaned .salaried j people. ; women .keeping bouse and others upon their own names wlth- : out Security ;: easy payments ; save money by trading here; offices in 65 principal cities. TOLMAN. Room 949. Phelan bldg-. San Fran- cisco, \u25a0 and Room ;9, 460 13th St., Oakland. FURNITURE— . ' LIFE INSURANCE- SALARIES— Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Company, " . . 443 Pine st. BALDWINJEWELRY CO., Gold and Silver Smiths, 29-33 Kearny st: '"\u25a0--• LOAN DEPARTMENT. , SALARIED persons and WAGE EARNERS can obtain LOANS at reasonable rates without red tape or delay, at 433 PHELAN BLDG. PHONE DOUGLAS 3244. AAA SALARIED men and women accommodated . without delay or publicity. Home Credit and Investment Co., 321 Phelan bldg., 3d . floor. AAA Wage earners, either men or women, can . make a loan in strictest confidence at the Em- ployes' Credit Co., room 424. Monadnock bldg. SALARY LOANS Ladies and gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bought. 813 Merchants* Ex. bldg.; phone Donglas 1411. ON furniture, pianos or any security. BECKER. Monadnock building. 6SI Market st.; room 297. BORROW money at 2 pet. on diamonds and Jew- elry. GARIN LOAN CO., 1118 Market opp. 7th. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without ln- dorser. \u25a0 MORRELL. 1022 Monadnock building. SALARY loans; other propositions. San Fran- clbco Discount Agency.' 4ll Pacific building. MONEY TO LOAN— REAL ESTATE ANY.amount; lowest rates. on first and second mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided Interest, estates in probate; no delay. . R. Mc- COLGAN,- rooms 502 and 504, Claus SpreckeU (Call) building. Market and 3d sts. FIRST mortgage loans at 5)4 per cent; 2d mort- gages, estates, legacies and undivided interests at lowest rates: no delays. HERMAN MUB- PHY. 180 Sntter St., rooms 301-2. ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages, or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER, Monadnock hldg.. 681 Market. A— DEAL DIRECT WITH LENDER. •'--:/ First and second mortgages; bank interest. SHADBURNE CO.. 503 Monadnock building. MONEY WANTED If you want to place your money on long or short loans, real or personal property, good interest and Al security, apply rooms 601-602. Westbank bldg.. 830 Market st. OWING to sickness, must dispose. of shares re- liable California gold mining company, last st&ge of development. Particulars address box 3533, Call offlce. ' - WANTED—To borrow $15,000; tilt edge se«ur- ity; liberal rate of Interest. Address box 3722, Call office. San Francisco, for Interview and full information, i HIGH rate of interest for loan of $10,000 on thoroughly equipped mine. Box 4173, Call, Oakland. . FIRST mortgage. $7,500, on good Income city property: no nrokeracp. Box 3658. Call offlce. _^^^ - i,.*jEGAL NOTICES [ MY wife slaving, left my bed and board and children, March 30, I -will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her. THEOBALD WAD^L. HAVING bought ont Mike Thannkos at 95 4th St., I will not be responsible for his bills. HARRY KIAPOS. j CITY^ REAL ESTATE w^ , AUCTION—AUCTION. \u25a0^> AUCTION— AUCTION. ESTATES— BANK FORECLOSURES. This will be an unusual opportunity of secur- ing a cfi?ap piece of property; do not fall to at- tend this sale. . . Tbe following very desirable properties will be 1 sold at aurtion . MONDAY, APRIL 11, AT 12 NOON, AT THE OFFICE OF WILLIAMS & SURRHYNE, 12S SUTTER ST. ESTATE OF JOHN F. ENGLISH. NOT SUBJECT TO COURT PROCEEDINGS. 403-403-407 Clayton st. near Oak; 32 story residences of 7 rooms and bath each; will be sold separately. FOLSOMST. MANUFACTURING SITE. North line of Folsom st. between Bth and 10th; 2 lots, 25x75 feet each; must be sold; an oppor- tunity to secure a bargain. ESTATE OF M. H. WEBSTER. -"--• SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION OF SUPERIOR . . COURT. . Downtown corner lot, Pine st. northeast cor- ner of Jones; 43x82:6 feet; an unusual oppor- tunity to spctire a beautiful building site for an apartment building; we have tenant for store at $100 per month. . ' ESTATE OF VICTORIA BACIGALUPI. NOT SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION OF SUPE- RIOR COURT. 2936-293S Webster st. near Union: 2 new sub- stantial flats of 0-7- rooms and bath; rents $55 per month; lot 25x100 feet; mortgage $4,000; building Insured for $5,000. WESTERN ADDITION CHOICE FLATS. x " ' \u25a0 1160-1162 Fell st. near Devlsadero; 2 flats of 6-7 rooms and bath; rents $62.50 per month; lot \u25a025x137:6 feet; mortgage $3,500; building in- sured for $3,000; this property must be sold. HOWARD ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY. . 2305-230814 Howard st. near 10th—Store with flat above of 5 rooms and bath; rents $47.30 per month; lot 21:3x71:6 feet; mortgage $3,000; building Insured for $2,500. LAGUNA ST. FLATS. 1808-ISOBV4 Laguna st. near Bush 2 flats of 5 rooms each; rents $65 per month: lot 22:11x 82:6 feet; mortgage of $3,000: building insured for $3,500; will positively be sold at. a bargain. ESTATB OF JAMES W. HAMILTON. SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION OF THE SUPE- ::•/;: RIOB COURT. > TSB Hayes st. between Buchanan and Web- ster Subtantlal, 2 story, bay window residence of 6 rooms and bath and lot 2.1x90 feet; mort- gage of $3,000 can remain If desired; building insured for $3,500. WILLIAMS & SURRYHNE. 128 BUTTER ST. BARGAIN— SIXTEENTH AND MISSION STS. $4,000— A pickup; A DOUBLE FRONTAtJE lot, , 30 feet on each street at heart of Mission; surrounded by Mission bank, Anglo bank, . ; ; - etc. Don't delay on this; it will not last long. . (7065) BALDWIN & HOWELL, 318-324 Kearny st. $6,ISO— SNAP IN DOWNTOWN LOT—s6,lso Owner leaving 'for the east has authorized us to ! offer this choice Pine st. lot at a sacrifice price of $6,150; worth $6,750 at least; a sure turn , for some one. . •\u25a0-\u0084' '. ' BALDWIN & HOWELL. 313-324 Kearny st. ADJOINS THE CORNER DOWNTOWN $5,000 Leaven worth st., vicinity of California: fine level lot with double frontage; one of the best buys we have to offer; fiats would pay well. . (7009) BALDWIN A HOWELL. 318-524 Kearny st. ~~~T .i. LAST LOTS LEFT Beautiful marine view lots on sunny side of Clay St., close to Taylor; desirable district; large lots, 28x137:6; on car line; close In; sunny and with a beautiful view; ONLY $5,600. (7085-7056) BALDWIN & HOWELL, 31S-324 Kearay st. CHAMBERLAIN h CO., real estate agents." for- «. merly 334 Mills . bldg.. removed to 304 Call building. .. . -\u25a0 RICHMOND—DE WOLF, Geary st. at Cth ay.— *. 149 tub ay. near. Lake st.; must be sold; 2 story round, front; 4 bed, diner, 2 drawing: rooms: V =your \u25a0 price \ and terms asked: for; hotye vacant : and open; only one can buy; get there yourself . BARGAIN— 2 lots, 23x100 each; value $700; in- stallments $s;per month: -will sell my Interest for $100. 1 am broke and unable to keep up payments; , investigate it: close to railroad. ' Address box 3683. Call offlce. , -.. $1.800 Fine cottage, of. 4 rooms; good location: $200 cash, 'balance at $15 monthly; if: you are V'itlred paying rent; this is your chance to own •': your own, home. Apply 3215 Mission st. McENERNEY SUITS AT $35. \u25a0'-" \u25a0• V LAWYERS' TITLE INVESTMENT CO. . 20S Balboa Building. 'MARKET and 2D STREETS. $250 each;: 3 level building lots; Prentis St., \u25a0 only \u25a0 2 blocks from Cortland - ay. cars. - ED- 'GENE-J. SULLIVAN CO.. 636 Market st. .: $3,4so— New,', 6,n»m house. Including- street "work: "basement finished.,- 332 Diamond st. -:.: near - 20th. ."/ "\u25a0"\u25a0:-\u25a0.;: \u25a0-'\u25a0'. - -'-^ \u25a0:''\u25a0;' -v, FOR sale-^T wo brand new cottages below -cost >\u25a0; on '. terms. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. Inquire 3J. CAVAGLIERI, 632 San ;'i>Bruno ay.V: \u25a0'.•'. '-.-''-\u25a0:\u25a0:'•'\u25a0'-'\u25a0-."•: ..'-\u25a0-.. ' HAVE Standard TltZe Insurance Company, Mills ,- j ; bldg., insure your. title; save, time and money., SNAP New. modern,' up' to date apts. For par- >vtlcnlars see Jas.rA.>McCullougD,"722 Pac. bldg. CHEAP building lots. -,% block from cars; street . ; iwork done; cash. C. X. ; Blender; 845 Pac bid. FOR' SALE—Two swell new fly». room flats. Just ' .; completed; ;;anap.V'.l334-6: llth. ay.; \u25a0 Sunset. :.i $1.750-^Modern ' 51 room "cottage." 23x120; : Sunset." KRALISHECK, 1233 O'Farrell St. ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free, DR. COTTINGHAM. S3O Market st. ; hrs. 10-4. RUPTURE CURED ' * "DR PIERCE'B ELECTRIC TRUSS"; a wonder- ful, invention; 35 years In use. Address PIERCE & SON. 1417 Chestnut St.. Alameda. MATRIMONIAL- MAN of 36, with good'posltlon In city (has lot in Spokane reservation) jwouldI like to corre- spond with lady not over 35. with some means; object amtrlmony. Box 3702, Call office. MARRIAGE paper, with photos and. P. " O. ad- dresses, 10c, silver or stamps; many wealthy. Cupid., P. O. box 121, Oakland, Cal. 1 - ELITE marriage bureau for lonely people; cfr- cular 10c. 954 Broadway. Oakland. . \u0084 '\u25a0 THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1051 FILLMORE ST. _ BUSI^E^S^I^HLSONALS^ _ REMOVAL NOTICE. TO THE PUBLIC. RUTHENE SATITARIUM, 1710 Sutter st, moved to 1121 MASONIC AY. near PAGE; 4 car lines pass sanitarium. -. ALL DISEASES TREATED; curable diseases cured; rupture cured without knife or truss. '*"';\u25a0'\u25a0 : .-. " ' f '' " " \u25a0 A— WIGS and TOUPEES that defy detection; v.en- tilated; perspiration doesn't affect them; wig making a life study; men's private wig depart- ment. 2271 Cal. St. near - Webster, Mr. G. Lederer in charge. LADIES' HAIR GOODS— Transformation, switches, puffs, artistic wig making, shampooing. G. LEDERER, 1809 Fili- . more st. near Sutter. Established 1866. MAGNETIC physical healing; a vital science. MRS. HOLSHOUSER. 351 Pacific building; hours 10-9; greatest magnetic operator; spine, ' nerve and poor circulation: all Ills. * OLAF HANSEN. PROFESSIONAL MASSEUR; ELECTRIC BATHS and GENERAL EXPERT. . Treatment at parlors, 317 Hastings bldg., Post and Grant ay.; 10 to 6 daily. Tel. Doug. 2559. LADIES' friend, monthly regulator: THE EM- PRESS, price $2 box; a French pill; never falls and harmless. GEO. SMITH & CO.. exclusive agents, druggists. 400 12th 3t.. Oakland. MME. FRANCINE, European, most scientific deep wrinkle treatment, 026 16th St., Oakland, cor. Grove; phone Oak. 7511. Come and get a chin strap; you need it;everybody needs it. MME. FRANCINE. European, most scientific deep wrinkle treatment, 626 16th st., Oakland, cor. Grove; phone Oak. 7511. Come and get a chin strap; you need it; everybody need 3 it. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, M. T., electro thera- Seutles and massage. Office and residence 613 1111s st. near Hyde. Franklin 2957. MISS IDELL, 1906 A Sutter St.— Electric mas- sage, select patronage; agent for Van's Mexi- . can Hair Restorative. Hours 9to 12. 2 to 10. MECHANO-THERAPIST, expert operator; tub, mineral and steam baths; massage; mom. A. T. P. A. 1705 O'Farre 11 St.. apts. 1 and 2. FRANKLIN Electric Institute— Elec. treatments : and massage, 535-7 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary. MRS. C. ROSE, Mgr. ; hrs. 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at lees than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Fillmore bet. Elllg and O'Farrell. T. HAUPTLI GUERIN CO., THE~ FASHION HAIR STORE, removed to 831 Van Ness ay. between Eddy and Ellis sts. ,^~.. . JEAN BUES. Turkish and tub baths; electric vibratory treatments; first class equipment, j Room 328. 34 Ellis st. | A TREATMENT given by Mme. Booth to re- store lost womanhood and manhood. 2000 Sut- ter st. ' . MRS. IRVING, form. 2053 Sutter St., now lo- cated 235 Kearny: scalp and obesity treatmt. ELECTRO Thermal Inst. Rheum., nervousness, massage. Mrs. Sandberg, 1802 Fillm. West 14S0. GOLDSTEIN CO., theatrical and masquerade cos- tumers, removed to 833 Market st. opp. Powell. ALMA CORTEZ, electric vibrator specialist. 943 Van Ness. ay. cor. O'Farrell st.. suite 307-300. HOT salt baths (medical); massage for both sexes. 526 9th St.. Oakland. -\u25a0 PERSO N' ALS PERSONAL U. 36 Am not sufficiently posted to answer question, but fear it may be "no." Send your address and will return your dollar. SPIRITUALISM MADAME LA VERNE, Psychic Palmist. Most Wonderful Spiritual Healing. 1200 A G. O. ay. La Verne will your past and present .tell, And part of your future. Just as well. And when the doctors can not cure your ill, We make you well without nostrum, drug or pill. - -\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0• ~ \u25a0 AA— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance medium: consultation $1, at her home, 1164 O'Farrell; by letter. 4 questions, $1; phone Franklin 0024. REV. BESSIE BARDSLEY. trun psychic trance medium, spiritual adviser; ladies 25c; 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 1016 Fillmore st. AA— MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD. ord.; con-, daily, 10-4; circles Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 p. of. 1430 Fillmore st. LOTTIE BUSWELL, spirit read.; lessons dally; cir. every night.. 1359 Webster nr. O'Farrell. MRS. S. SEAL, spirit mm.; consultations dally; officiates marriages, funerals. 786 McAllister. A— HENRY MANSFIELD, World's greatest trance clairvoyant, palmist, as- strologer, mental telepathist, will cause things to be as you desire; tells everything, names, dates, important information; all revealed; health, love, marriage, ,bus., mm., . treasure, changes, law suits: Imparts good luck; removes evil influences. 1302 FILLMORE ST.. cor. Eddy. FOR READINGS BY MAILSEND $1. ZAZELL, psychic healer, ordained medium, life reader aud adviser; 3 questions by letter, 50c; crystal gazing. 1116 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. MISS ZEMDAR. a voting, gifted clalr. and palm.; a wonderful- prophetess; hours 10 to 10; L: 50c, O. $1. U52 Hayes bet. Laguna and Buchanan. A— EVA FAY, 1122. Market—I don't ask you to have faith, but prove to you facts; hrs. 10-9. MME. \u25a0 LEONIDA, honest readings; 10 a. m. to Bp. m. except Sunday. 814 McAllister st. Mme. Starr of Oaklaud at Hotel Carllng, S. F., 1154 Mrkt.. r. 3: troth or no Day: bet. 7 and 8. PALMISTRY REV. MME. BUSHNELL, formerly 919 Jones, now 209 Kearny; &to 5 ex. Sun. ;tel. Douglas 3670. MME. FELIX Palmistry I and card reading; hrs. 10 n. m. to 0 p. m. 3195 16th St.: BOc and $1. . FIiV'AJNCIAL _ R. WHITEHEAD &. CO.. 412-413-414 First National Bank building, Oakland, CaL . Stocks, bonds and gilt edge Investment secnrl- tles bought and sold; money loaned on realty and approved securities. \u25a0 \u25a0 "ABBOTT Buys Bonds" ;Ocean \u25a0 Shore \u25a0or Cal. Safe Dep. books; money loaned. 636 Market St. COMPANIES incorporated and organized; most favorable charters. Nat'l Inc.. 811 Mills bldg. MINES AND. MINING GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought; cash; assaying COc. PIONEER ASSAY CO.. 131 6th st. near Howard. ~ \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' " $2,800 Gilt edge , Oakland real estate security; interest 6 per cent net. 5 per cent discount if taken at once. Box 4172, Call offlce, Oakland. BOSCHKE dredger stock for ! sale cheap. 420 First National Bank building, Oakland. OCEAN SHORE RY. BONDS \u25a0 FOR SALE. D.E. BESECKER. 248 PACIFIC BUILDING. MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL. BLAKE'S BAZAAR.IIOB VALENCIA ST. ' . MONEY TO LOAN "WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE" We advertise to make loans to salaried people as cheap as. any company In the city and cheaper than a > majority .of them, 7 without : security or lndorser, \u25a0 and we do it. We willmake you a loan on short notice \u25a0 without inquiry I of ! your friends or relatives.' H All of our employes are gentlemen and you ' are assured courteous treatment. . Pri- vate. Money costs only for time in your posses- sion. GREAT NORTHERN LOAN CO., 616 Phe- lan bldg., 6th , floor. Offlce open until 6 p. m. Monday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. "BANKERS TO THE PEOPLE" : - We loan all salaried employes the same as. the bank's loan tho employers. .All we require Is that are a steady . worklngman'on-av"gal- ary." All business strictly confidential. , No se- curity. : No indorser. You may. repay the loan In easy : Installments arranged to : suit your 1 in- come. . Our special rebate plan saves you paying high interest. Lowest rates.. .WESTERN LOAN CO., 40S Call bldg. Open 8:30 a. .m. ' till 6 , p. m. : Mondays and Saturdays till - 8 p. m. AA Strictly confidential ; : loans \u25a0on ' fur.; \ pianos, livestock, warehouse receipts or- security of any kind; loans can be repaid in easy, wkly., mthly. or yrly.'paymts.; It: Is easier. to:pay } one than . a number; don't fail to call and see us. ILL- \ INOIS FINANCE CO., ' for. ILLINOIS ' TRUST ; . C0.,. 1516 Eddy. st.. 1 half block from \u25a0 Fllimore.- AAA HOUSEHOLD LOAN' COMPANY " r : s > WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON FURNITURE/ PIANOS, ETC.; $10 to $200; LOW COST; CONi FIDENTIAL; HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. \u25a0 : v n \u25a0•-' -\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 call, write or phone -. .-- ? 857-0 PACIFIC BLDG., 4TH1 AND MARKET. PHONES DOUGLAS 3265—HOME ; J1741. . :\u25a0 ~ Oakland Offlce 518 First National, Bank bldg.' WE LOAN MONEY TO I PEOPLE WHO k HAVE PERMANENT- EMPLOYMENT; : no -, lndorser: confidential; no; red' tape \u25a0> methods; $1 week "\u25a0pays $15 loan,; $2 week pays $30 loan,' $3 week \u25a0 ; pays . $45 - loan,' -$4 week * pays .$60 loan. I Call and see us. .THE I ROYAL . INVESTMENT •'\u25a0 COMPANY, i 750 Phelan: bldg. -\u0084r.-f.; 7 . A—A^-GOLDEN ; STATE LO AN; OFFICE. 47 , 3d St.; liberal loans; lowest rates.". Jv^V-'"

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1910-04-05 [p 13] · the san francisco call, tuesday, april 5, 1910. 13




PHONES— DOUGLAS 1023 and J1023.The largest and most complete \u25a0 list \u25a0of flats,

rooming and apartment bouses in California.

IF there's a buyer in town he willown this!48 room modern apartment house; -rent only

$200; 5 year lease: 17 rooms, completely fur-nished, balance rented unfurnished; clears $150. per month: $I.Boo.. buys it; this Is the bestthing for the money that has been offered for«g 10 years; no cards given. FULLER CO. .3S ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR $1,650!

Completely furnished; clean; all rented;. rent only?110. Can you beat it? This is another bar-gain; this week only. THE FULLER CO.

WOULD you buy a house that willpay for.Itselfin a year? We have a modern 40 room onethat willdo that, and we can demonstrate thefact. Exclusively with THE FULLER CO.FLAT,5 ROOMS; RENT $28: ONLY $125.

Downtown transient; 14 rooms; fine; clears $100.CORNER; 23rooms; good; only $1,250.CLASS A HOTEL; very handsome; pays $850..THE FINEST BIG COR. APT. HOUSE INS.F.

64 ROOM MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE; rentonly $275; 40 of the rooms HANDSOMELYFURNISHED; all full; clearing $175 every'• month; price for 2 days only $2,600, part cash;rooms are all large, light and 'sunny; this is agreat buy. Exclusively THE FULLER CO.

140 ROOMS, CLEARING $200 PER MONTH;rent only $100; long lease; building Included inprice; will pell or exchange -for other propertyor good business; here's a money maker foronly $2,500: come fast for this. Exclusivelywith THE FULLER CO. 1 \u25a0'

WE have 28 rooms, furnished, for lease.We have 64 rooms, \u25a0 partly furnished, for rent.

WE HAVE A BERKELEY COTTAGE for ex-change for San Francisco rooming house. .



HANDSOMELY furnished boarding and rooming\u25a0 bouse; all oak, walnut aud rosewood furniture;piano included; finest location in Oakland; pat-ronage always good; selling account sicknessonly; no agents. Address box 4177, Call offlce,.Oakland.


Northsldo apartment house; 30 rooms;guaranteed to clear $175; other business forcesto sell: investigate. 20*Asth st.


PARTNER wanted in a well established busi-ness to buy new stock; foundation laid for agood Investment for man or woman; chance toback a son. Address box 4153, CaU offlce,Oakland.


Prof. Marcel Clarinval of Lafarette School isnow located in his >new quarters in tbe Whitneybuilding,133 Geary st.' near Grant ay.

ECOLE NOUVELLE School of Languages, 1845Laguna St.; French, Spanish, German; 3 les-sons, wk., day course, $4 mo. ;\u25a0 evening, $2.50.



Civil,electrical, mining, mech.,survey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; est. 1864.Van der Naillen School, 51st and Tel., Oakland.

SPANISH ACADEMY—Pure Spanish taught.Prof. Roman R. de la Pena; new and modernmethods. 1151 Polk st.

THE BERLITZSCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 2531Washington st. near Fillmore

—Send for ctr-

cular. . \u25a0

CANTOX School English—

Chinese taught Ameri-cans, native teachers. 23 Canton Bk., 649 Krny.

WESTHAUS studio, 892 Halgbt. china paintingclasses Wed.. Sat. and Sun., 50c; 16 for $5.

PROF. T. A. ROBINSON. Individ, inst. Math.,Bookteping, Eng., etc.;day,' eve. 507 Halght st.

FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 2142 Sbattucr ay.,Berkeley. Cal.. next to First national bank.



MERRILL-MILLER COLLEGE, 733 Fillmore st.;a select school of business; day and evening.

SAN FRANCISCO Business College. 908 Marketst. at Eddy; day or evening sessions.

\LL court reporters recommend Gallagher-MarshBusiness College. 1256 Market st.

OertUlea^nbllcTOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C. P. A.. 306-308 Claus

Spreckels (Call) building: phone Kearny 4151.

MARK LANE, Notary Public and Commissionerof Deeds, 149 Montgomery st.;phone Kearny2620.

Under McEnerney act, complete, $35. Title Co.,931-3 Monadnock building. 8d and Market sts.

_ ATTORNEYS4.A—DIVORCE; costs $12; quick, quiet; ftdrlc*

free; no charge unless successful; title to realestate restored; bankruptcy: probation of es-tates; g<Vral practice. 1028 Market st.. r.12.

ADVICE FREE, Divorces. Collections, Estates.Attachments, Bankruptcy. Corporations and allcases. Rms. 601-2. 830 Market; open evenings.

QUICK, quiet, complete decree for \u25a0 $20; openThursday evenings. 1112 Market St., room 122.

HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T.Hess,Notary Public. Rooms 1108-14. Call building.

J. M. C. MURPHEY. attorney at law. suite 1011,First National Bank building: Donglas 1374.


and foreign patents; Inventors' guide; 100 me-chanical movements free. 1105 Merchants' Ex-change building, San Francisco.

CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. Pat-ent offlce, 1201-2 Metropolis bank—Patents,trademarks and copyrights; tel. Kearny 4815.

HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat-ents. 417 Ist Nat'l Bk.. Oak.; phone Oak 2754.

ARTIFICIALteeth; this one thingIdo. Dr.O. B.Wilson, 323 Geary, suite 605; tel. Dong. 4300.

DR. IRA G. LEEK—AII kinds of dental work.515 Fillmore st. near Oak.

VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating' pills60ld; price -$2.50 by express. Jener Syringeand tablets, price $5. By express only on re-ceipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS, whole-sale druggists, 7th and Broadway, Oakland.

MRS. MARY ADAM,grd. midwife and specialistfor female trouble; home for confinement; con-sultation free; h. 1-5 p. m. 3004 Frultraleay., Oakland; phone Merritt 1993.

DR. WARREN EMERSON; specialist; diseaseswomen; consult, free. 1304 Fillmore cor. Eddy.

DR. WARREN EMERSON, specialist; diseaseswomen; consult, free." 1304

'Fillmore cor. Eddy.


HERB DOCTOR, Permanently located.1268 O'Farrell st. bet. Gough and Octavia.


O'Farrell corner Broderlck; phone West -5501.Beautiful sunny rooms, large grounds; central;reasonable. \u25a0 •? .

STRICTLY private home for confinement cases;resident physician in attendance; best refs.1131 -Laguna st. cor, Eddy; phone West 5964.

S. F. LYINGIN HOME. 1191 Oak st.— Adoption.Diseases women and children; confinement, $25.

HOME for confinement; attendance $20. 1543Stelner,st. near Geary. Hours 12-1:30, 6-7 pm.

A—PRIVATE home, for the sick; confinementspecialty; adoption; special treatment for allfemale troubles. 171 East 14th St.. Oakland.-


-.JAYAfj?P-?.;-:--2-- :... ,.

HOME and care-

for \u25a0Invalids"

or aged persons.3421 25th st. near Mission; phone Mission 4620.


•for• men's private diseases. Sold only by.E. B.

JORGENSON, 644 \u25a0 Kearny St., San'Francisco.

Mall orders a specialty. Send for circular.,

SANDERSON'S Co., savin and cotton root pills;pure remedy for female troubles; price $2 perbox.

-Red Raven Drug Co.. 012 Market st .-;

SEXOID, a marvelous cure for weakness In men;money returned 'if it-fails; price $1 per box.Red Raven „Drug Co.; 912 Market st.

LARGEST stock of-trusses

"and elastic goods in

the city. Clark-Gandlon Co..' 1108 Market st.


"VIAVISCIENCE OF HEALTH,"J natural \u25a0non-Eurgieal; cloth bound, 400 page book 'free. Ap-ply by mall. .636 Pine st. Lecture for women

\u25a0 Thursday -at 2:30 p. m.-

-: . \u25a0•\u25a0-.--

T.pfeß_AjPY>^^^^STERNBORG'3 institute; massage, electric light

\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0* and Nanbeim- baths. 409-410 Whitney building.

\u25a0 THERAPEUTIC -TREATMENTLYDIA SMlTH—Electric light'and baths; ner-

,tous diseases. Apt. 35. 1300 Golden Gate ay.


THOMAS E. HAYMAN.Suite lftuO, First National Bank building.

Montgomery, and Post. • Kearny 1703

$7,000 cash— l26o-62 Jackson st-, north side ofLeavenwortb; marine view; 3 new highclass flats of 7-7-6 rooms; 5 feet space be-tween buildings; lot327:0x137:6; rented lowat $I,6oo' per annum; full price only $12.-

850: reduced from $15,730; lot tilone worth$6,000: building would cost $9,000 to build,making price $2,000 cheaper than you canbuild it. This Is positively the biggestbargain on Nob Hill.$3,200 cash— Carl st. at Clayton; full price re-duced to $3,200;-2 of tbe prettiest and b»-«itbuilt new « room flats with garage in theneighborhood; lot 26x100, with an additional50x37:6* with stable In rear; rents for$1,116 per annum. ThU Is a sacrifice.

$5,250 cash— Near Halzht and Masonic; 3 of th«\u25a0 finest 6 roo'-n flats In the neighborhood;

:• full price reduced to $10,750: can't dupli-cate them fpr less than $2,000 more. Thisis certainly the cheapest 3 flats in theneighborhood.- . -• .-;.-:;-.\u25a0.,-

$2,100 cash— Three nearly new 5-6-7 room flatsnear 22d and Castro: large lot: rents $l.t»>©

per annum; full price reduced to $3,500.This is an absolute sacrifice.

$6,000 carti—

Haves st. business property: lot27:6x120; double froutage; rented low at$1,700 per annum; price reduced to $12,500subject to an ©ftVr. ThU must be sold;get your ofTer inquick.- •'

$B,soo— Jackson St., north side,- between Jonesand Taylor; flue marine view lot, 50x137:6;reduced from $11,000; must be sold; $2,000cheaper thap anything In the dUtrict.

$1,030—4 room cottage on O st. bet. 9th and10th ays., y, block from new proposedcar line; sewer within 100 feet; a bar-gain. Terms, $500 cash.

$45,000— Northwest corner of Franklin andHayes sts., with 3 frontages; size of lot. -75x120 feet. This In a fine business Tor-ner, and properly improved woold bringa handsome, return on the Investment.


Lot and' improvements on Castro st.,near .18th. A fine business property,

» \u25a0 bringing in monthly rentals of $253. Ren-tal value steadily Increasing.

HUNT, OSTEYEE & BANZ. 145 Montgomery st.Branch Offlce. 723 IISt.

IRRIGATED LAND$17.00 Cash an Acre—sl7.oo

VIRGINSOIL GARDEJJ SOILA new district Just opened on the famous

TURLOCK DITCH in Stanislaus county, only110 miles from San Francisco.

The most successful irrigation enterprise Inthe world-

Completed at a cost of over $2,500,000.The cheapest water rate in the United States—but 40c an acre for alfalfa last year.Thousands of successful, contented, prosper-

ous farmers have made fortunes in the vicinity.This soil will grow practically anything.'

Rich, sandy sediment loam.Situated on the banks of tbe San Joaqula

river In Stanislaus county.Nearer to San Francisco, Stockton or Sac-

ramento than any other accessible territory.We will sell NOW for $S3 an acre. $17 cash,

balance on easy terms.If yon are interested we will take yon to. the property, leaving San Francisco at 7:40

a. m. and returning to tbe city the same day.Special excursion rate $4.65.

SPECIAL >•We have two 20 acre pieces of this land Jnst

plowed which we will deliver at prices quotedabove. ? ~:J. W. WRIGnT & CO., Exclusive Agents,

125 Sutter st..' S. F.

12.300 ACRES$12.50 PER ACHE ONLY

Best GRAIN. CATTLE. HOG and SHEEP landin the upper Sacramento valley: well watered,well located, good railroad and steamship trans-portation facilities. Over 4.000 acres grain land;500 acres alfalfa land, balance land covered withoak timber; excellent hog land: timber worthconsiderable. Ranch fenced and croas fenced;necessary corrals.. Residence of 8 rooms, faircondition, cottage for help, two large barns, goodwell and plenty of living water for all pur-

poses. About 250 cattle Included in sale price.Only $12.50 per acre; terms one-third cash, bal-ance to suit.

C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY,-702 Market st.

OAK GROVE FARMS.InSanta Rosa valley; level, rich, virgin soil;

railroad depot a block from tract: 5 cent fareto Santa Kosa; gas, electricity, telephone, freemail delivery. \u25a0 ;. .'-,

RINCON PARK.Gently rising foothills, overlooking the city

of Santa Roea; cleared land, orchard and woods.We are selling the above tracts for $130 an

acre up, one-fifth cash, balance like rent. Wal-nuts, fruit, berries, poultry are money makershere. Call or write.

SANTA ROSA REALTY CO.,638 Market st..

San Francisco, Cal. *Elks' building, Santa Rosa. Cal.

TO MEN WITH MONEYWe can make 100 per cent for you on some

special land investments on line of new R. being built in the best county in Cali-fornia; lands level, rich, productive, all ua-der ditch system; prices low, $40 to $50 peracre; safe, sure, profitable. We :bare soldthousands of acres and are reselling at doublecost price. Ifyou have $5,000 to $30,000 youcan not' afford to neglect seeing us, and do itnow. Do not delay. See


01 Bacon bldg., Oakland.


Allsize tracts from 5,000 acres to 1,000.000;several different states; prices 73c to $3.50an acre; easy terms; exchange considered;stock ranches, improved, with stock. 73.000acres up, easy terms; 5,000 to 15.000 cattle,horses, mules; graded $2.25 to $3.75 per acre,stock and improvements, patent title; hard-wood, mahogany, also pine timber lands, $1to $2 per acre, terms easy, location for exportand borne trade no better. BURNHAM IN-VESTMENT CO.. 573 Eddy st.



10 acres or more in the beautiful Santa Claravalley;only 2 hours from San Francisco; pricesrange from- $100 to $200 per acre. Easy termsIfdesired. are looking for a small ranch withgood soil, beautiful location aod ideal climate,c«« us about SAN MARTIN.

C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY.:~;.t-' 702 Market St.


$35 AN ACRE$1 an acre cash, 75 cents monthly; no'taxes;bo interest; 5 acres or more choice alfalfa andfruit land; 5 boors from San Francisco; riverthrough property; station on ground.

Positively the best land offer of the year.Call or write

CALIFORNIA HOME & LAND ASSOCIATION,602 and £03 Phelan bids.. 760 Market st.


Alfalfa,corn and fruit lands adjoining tbe citylimits of Merced, in small tracts; prices $73 to$150 per acre; easy terms; Irrigation water $1per acre; 2-transcontinental railroads and 3 maincounty roads traverse Merced colony; markets,churches, schools, stores, creamery, alfalfa mealmill, all convenient; literature on application.

CO-OPERATIVE LANDAND TRUST CO.,595 Market St., Balboa building, San Francisco,



$60 to $73 per acre. Including perpetual waterrights. San Joaquln,Valley.

Level land, rich sediment loam; great alfalfa,corn, fruit, vegetable and dairy country. Goodmarkets. \u25a0

C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY,702 Market St.. .

AN ACRE OR 51ORE IN THE COUNTRYClose to good town; ground very fertile; goodfishing and hunting; trout stream through land;an Ideal place summer or winter; $75 an acre;$10 down, $2.50 month. More land if wanted.

CALIFORNIA HOME & LAND ASSOCIATION.802 and 803. Phelan bldg.. 760 Market st.

20 ACRE fruit ranch; about 1.500 bearing trees;small dwellinghouse: well*.1 mile from Vaca-. ville; this .Is .something worth while lookinginto; will trade for improved or nnimprovedSan Francisco property: the price of this is$4,500. Box -3684.- Call office.

IRRIGATED FARMHOMES UNDER THE KUHNproject in Glenn county. Sacramento valley, of-fer tbe greatest opportunities available InCali-fornia. Send for free printed matter, or 10c forbeautiful booklet Incolors, n. L. HOLLISTER& C0.f.507 First National Bank bldg.. S.T.

5 acre tracts on the Ocean Shore, a quarter of a'.mile to station; finest garden truck land lathe state; a small payment down and easymonthly payments will start yon on the roadto.prosperity. PEOPLE'S LAND CO.. «3OMonadnock . bid.. San Francisco, agents.


5 and 10 acre tracts; ideal for\u25a0 chickens: 3 miles from Hayward. InCastro val-

ley; $150 per acre; easy terms. EXCHANGEREALTY CO.. 1070 Broadway. Oakland.

FOR farms, stock ranches, orchards and vineyard\u25a0 and timber lands call or send for new descrip-

tive catalogue.' ROTHERMEL t, CO.. 247Russ building. Montgomery »t.. San jFrancisco.

$23 \u25a0 down, $10 monthly, buys 5-10 acres good,level land, near station: on 2 railroads: In Ala-meda county. PROGRESSIVE REALTY CO.. :180 Sutter st.. room 301. San Francisco.

$100 down secures 20 acre* of fine land, balance\u25a0in;10 years, i-JV H. MATTHEWS & CO.. 47»-473 Monadnock building. San Francisco. CaL 11

FOR ,'sale—

5-years' lease -

(on . shares > of 70:acre, well stocked alfalfa, ranch; $400. Ad-dress box 3604. Call office.- . ;

FOR farm, stock ranches and timber lands seeMcFAUL & EDWARDS, 237 California st. :

LIVERMORE"reaIty: ready for occupancy; IV,\u0084 acre chicken and >berry farm: an full

'particulars call on W.


\u25a0 MADGE,'. 1666 Otb ay.. Oakland.'. MILLVALLEY"-REAL*'ESTATE

1;TO 5 acre lots..$300 an • acre;12 mlnntes to• station; wooded; fine-imarine \u25a0 and .mountainview. ATTHOWE REALTY CO., 25S Market, j


7. passenger touring car; first cla^condition. Reply, stating price and full par-tlculars. box 3696, C«U office.

' .RELIABLE Auto Brokerage Co., dealers in new

and tligbtly used autos. 343 Golden Gate ay.


PAC. Aluminum Brazing Works can braze your

broken alum, castings. 430 Van N>sg: Pk. 5120.

1910 PIERCE, 4 cylinder, shaft drive. 2 speed,free engine; single cylinder, belt drive, free,engine. 0 bp.; send for advanced catalogue.J. T. CHICK. 312 San Pablo ay.. Oakland.

PIERCE, R. S. Emblem motorcycle* and bicycles.JOHX T. BILLA- CO. 357-9 Golden Gate ay.




L. H. & B. 1. BILL, 643 Golden Gate ay.—

Headquarters for Solar lamps, Vesta batteries,Panhard oil. Diamond ch»lng_and_parts :


A—2o head of mares and horses always on hand,$15 up; also wagons and harness that you arelooking for; pony outfits that it will pay youto see: cheap; must sell; will trade. 565 4thst.. Oakland.

EXCHANGE furniture or household goods forone or a pair of horses suitable for delivery.H. SCHELLHAAS, Oakland, furniture dealer,40S 11th st.

-25 HEAD horses, mar**, wagons, harness, by a

contracting outfit: no reas. offer refus«l. 11KiMllng'st. off 11th bet. Howard and Folsom.


Sonnd. young mare, quick, good pul-ler, weight 1.250 or more; no fancy price; willgo country ifnecessary. P. O. box 413, S. F.

DELIVERY wagon. In good condition; for bakery

or grocery. Information at 18th and De Haro.

WOODLAWN Stables, 617-33 Grove St.; horses$1.25 day; borprs &wag.. $9 wk.: bdg. $20 mo.

ROOFINGROOFS, any kind, repaired, painted. A. HILL-

MAN. 508 E. 12th st.. Oakland.* Drop postaL

JUXlTEp^Jg.J£S^^anKSy Inc. _r



BUSINESS CHANCESx. . •, ?. *.. •;\u25a0\u25a0' :--V;

. 'X.


IHAVE SEVERAL GOOD PAYINGSA-LOONS, ranging in price from $700 to $4,500;Ihave carefully investigated every saloon,

that Ihave listed, and Ido not handle themunless they are right;look me up at the banks and findout whether Iam all right todeal with or not; then calland we will talk things over.

GROCERY— Nice little place: rent $15;receipts $15 per day; price $375.

CIGAR STANDS from $200 up; any loca-tion you wish; also one for rent. .



150 vending machines;price reasonable.


Good horse and wagon;HIGH CLASS TRADE: price $1,000.

NOTICE—This market Is doing $55 a daybusiness with a monthly rental of $40 a month.


CONFECTIONERY business, with 4 livingrooms; clearing $100 a month: PRICE $600.


BUTCHERS, ATTENTION—The only butchershop in good country town, elegantly equipped;must be sold, as owner has other business;price $1,200: rent $40 for shop and slaughterhouse; fullest investigation invited.

COUNTRY HOTEL; established in 1557; asafe investment for good hotel people; locatedon main road to Del Monte; price $8,000, In-cludes building, bar, dining room and 17furnished bedrooms; terms, half cash. Forfull particulars nee '

•'. \u25a0

CLARKE & MAGNUS. 830 Market St.. r. 507.$375

—Hotel dining room, in good location north

of Market, clearing over $100 monthly; own-er's departure compels immediate sale; makeoffer. CLARKE &. MAGNUS. S3O Market St.

GILLIES & CO.. BUSINESS BROKERS.No Charge for Listing a Euslness.


Restaurant; cost $2,000 to «^ulp.$730

—Saloon; we guarantee this buy.

$I.2oo—Delicatessen; doing $40 dally.$1.200

—Laundry; will exchange for real estate.


Saloon; positively a money maker.$3.500

—Meat market; outside city; $100 dally.

Ifyou want to tell your business spc us.GILLIES& CO.. 102S Market st.. room 22.

HOTELMEN, ATTENTION!We have one cf tbe best bargains in the state

to offer for a few days; 28 room hotel, with of-flce. dining room and barroom; 2 billiard andpool tables; rent $125; 5 year lease; doing agood business; In a thriving town about onehour's ride from S. F.;price $4,000.

THOMPSON &SPILKER.2SO Bacon block. Phones— Oakland 7794, A-1736..,

HOTEL aud beach resort, for accommodation ofover 1,000 people; income $1,000 per day; fullyequipped; worth $250,000; big excursions everyweek: want a rood manager who has bad wideexperience with $5,000 to $15,000. Box 4168,Call office, Oakland.


BUSINESS partner wanted who has for in-vestment from $5,000 to $10,000 in a busine»sthat will pay 20 per c»nt per annum; this isa safe and sound deal and will stand Investi-gatlon. Box 3737. Call offlce. i

BARGAIN—2 lots. 23x100 each; value $700; In-stallments $5 per month; will sell my Interestfor $100. Iam broke and unable to keep uppayments; investigate it; close to railroad.Address box S6S3, Gall offlce.

AT invoice—

Well stocked grocery, livingrooms;cheap rent; location and trade good: must besold on account of sickness; make offer. 135947th ay.. Sunset, near Ocean boulevard.

CONCESSION for drug store on the Stanforduniversity campus has Just been granted; ex-cellent location; no competition; low rent. For

• full particulars address THE ERNEST WIL-SON CO.. Palo Alto, Cal.

CORNER GROCERY; fine location: 2 nice livingrooms; good place for man and wife or ayoung man; reasonable rent; cash trade; worth$2,00(1. will take $1,500 cash; don't write,come and see it;no agents. 2443 California st.

SALOON in fine location, doing good business;rent very low; Felling out on account of leav-ing city; come quick If you want this; willsell cheap. J. HAYSMITH &CO., 872 Broad-way. Oakland.

SELECT rooming bouse of 22 rooms for sale onaccount of other business; all modern con-veniences; no agents. Inquire Eagle bouse,Natoma and 4th sts., between 1 and 3 p. m.

IF you have $250 and services to invest in alight manufacturing business that will pay$100 a month, see G. HIAM,068 Broadway.

NICELY furnished bouse. 12 rooms, $900, includ-ing fine piano; all full; low rent; a bargain.G. HIAM,9«8 Broadway. . \u25a0:.-;.

BRANCH bakery acd 'confectionery*for sale;

trade established; fixtures new; see this atone«. A. C. BRANSON, 2581 Shattuck ay.,Berkeley.

FOR sale—

Grocery at Invoice; new stock andfixtures; 4 living rooms; rent cheap. 2616Boulevard ay., Frultvale..

PLUMBING shop for rent; also blacksmithwanted at Mclrose depot. GILBERT WYMAN,phone Merritt 3842. »


Capital to finance, or a reliable per-son to promote a first class invention; blemonoy to be \u25a0 made. Address S. 8., 222Hotel Metropole, Oakland.


Hotel, bar and restaurant near MsrketSt.; 160 rooms; rent $500; 7 year lease; bar re-ceipts $35 dally; best ever offered for theprice. KREDO. 87 Third st.

IHAVE a business opportunity for a youngman with $2,000 that will bear strict investi-gation. Call on or address C. C. D1LL,~"219Bacon bldg.. Oakland.

FOR sale—

Lunchroom and restaurant at depot,San l'rancisco; will clear $300 to $400 permonth; cheap rent; long lease: $2,ooo. cashtakes It;worth $3,000. Address F. H. R., Callagency, San Jose. .' \u25a0

FOR sale—

A good newspaper route in a gooddistrict in this city. Apply to J. R. LEN-HART. Circulation Department, S. F. CalL ;-.

FOR sale—

A good paying route on The Call inAlameda county. Apply to J. R. LENHART,Circulation Dept., S. F. CaU, 3d and Market.

WE have best opportunity in state for steadyyoung man to invest $50 and services; bigwages assured. Address box 3707. .Call office.:

FINE chance for a man with * little money -tobay half Interest in a merry go round in finecondition. Apply :.»;.*» 4th St.. Oakland.


313 Metropolis Bank bldg. Phone Butter 10.

DELICATESSEN store for sale; good business.Address F. MILLER, 209 University ay., PaloAltO.'

'-V \u25a0\u25a0 . . \u25a0

\u25a0* ; •\u25a0

\u25a0 '. \u25a0' ;- :


Saloon business: cause sickness;- 5-years' lease. Monte Carlo Saloon. 123,East st.

ROUTE on this paper for sale—

Oakland and. Berkeley. Phone Piedmont 4208. .-. N

FOR sale, cheap—

Poolroom and cigar stand.' 67422d st. nr. t-an .Pablo ay., Oakland.

OAKLAND REAL ESTATE . ~.FOR sale or rent

—3 new buns slows; largo-lots:

5 rooms; also bath, butler's pantry and laun-dry; modern and attractive; instantaneous gas-boilers In kitchen* corner fireplace .and side-board in dining room; mirror door in bedroom;drop leaf shelf linen closet in bathroom; larg»entrance hall: slldine doors connecting parlor,hall and dining room; French windows to aw%porch: on 4 streets; near ear line and Keyiioute; in central Oakland: terms same as rent.

W. B. THOMAS & CO..4920 Telegraph ay.. Oakland. Cal.

$130 cash. $10 monthly: bard ftni.ih cottage. Srooms, basement: 30x100; good location: .1minutes to electric cars; city water: a bar-gain: price only $1,330.

$3<X> rash, $10 monthly; house. 7 rooms,bath: workshop, large tank anil windmill,barn: very Urge lot. 100x200; fruit tre««s: 1minutes to cars and school*; land wortn thomoney: price for all. $3,500. CaU or wml forcircular. 43S 9th *t.. Oakland. H. Z. JUNES,land owner.

FOR SALE IX OAKLAND—One block fromPiedmont station of Key Route: fine new cor.residence, with garage; pric«* $3,230: a snap:come and see it. Corner of Rldjaway ay. andHowe st.--

\u25a0 .-. FOR SALE.2 houses on one lot between Shattuck andTelpgraph; price «.00O; always rented. 1«24

Mllvlast; phone Berkeley 3322.~HERE IS YODR CHANCE

New 5 r. bungalow Just completed; near KeyRoute; marine view; $300 down. bal. li«» rent;$3.000. Owner. 1420 Broadway. Oakland.

FOR sale—

5 room cottage; improvements; barn;with or without furniture; no reasonable prie«refused. 122 Warren st. near Piedmont ay.

BEAUTIFUL French bungalow, with oak floorsand grand location; must be sold less thancost. Phone Piedmont 1513 lmmedtstoly.


BERKELEY REAL ESTATBHERE is an opportunity to buy a place for lessJ than tt really is worti; It Is a dwelling con-

sisting of 7 large room* and basement; lot la40x100; located at ISI3 - Woolsey St.. SouthBerkeley station; this property has to bo soldat once to settle an estate: t&e appraisedvalue Is $3,500; for a quick sale it can be hadfor $3,100: can give a good title at once; openfor inspection every day until sold; come atonce. W. C. MORAN A CO.. South Berkley.

FOR sale—

In Panoramic way. 3 elegant newresidences: all modern; polished oak floors;grand marine view; also 12 lots: terms. In-quire HENRY ROWE. owner, 53 Panoramicway.

ALAMEDA REAL ESTATEWHY not build a house to suit yourself? a good time to do so. Ihave three of the

finest building lots ia the city of Alameda ;one a corner on north side of the leading resi-dence avenue, snrrounded by the best class ofimprovements: absolutely gilt edged; conve-nient to everything; to bona fida home build-ere Iwill name a very reasonable price. Ad-dress Owner. 1415 Chestnut St.. Alameda.



Near the Pullman Car Shops.Wher» YOU Should BUY.

Will'cost yon FIVE DOLLARS a montll.McEWEN BROS.. 473 Pine st.

WILL sell a choice business or resldencv lot lathe center of Richmond; handy to new Pull-man plant: small payment down aad balance$5 monthly; chance to make a big profit: willshow property free of expense. C. W. MED-I.ER. 47S Pln« st.


WARD.Sightly and np to tbe minute: 1mile from

Hayward postofflce: 5 room anxr bungalow;bath, pantry and battery; splendid barn; gas-oline engine and tank; water piped all orerthe plac*; all In frnlt, several varieties;$6,000 takes it. witn 4 acres of good soil,term*.

HAYWARD REALTY CO..Castro st. near A.

S. C. SMITH, manager. Open Sunday.



House of 4 rooms, lot 30r138. close toschool and car line; $300 casd. balance $10 permonth.

S. A. PLEA3ANTS.3801 E. 14th st Phone Merritt 31.Closed Sundays.


5 room h«use. bath, gas and electric-ity; lot 5Oxl«5; fruit trees, berries, wire forpens, barn; make otttt; must sell.

3U31 Pleltner ay.. Frultvale.*

MUST BE SOLD—S room bungalow, modern: lot30x130: 3SII Washington St.. Frultvale, Cal.;make me aa offer.GRANT FOX, 1319 21st ay..Oakland. Cal.


--'V--'San Francisco. April3. 1910.Mr. Rent Payer

—Dear Sir:

Why not let ns persuade yon to get a home ofyour own? Don't you think this tUin? of payingrent has gone on loos enough? Let us tell youabout the great bis lots we have In Burlingatne.50x115 feet and larger, for $330 and np. on veryeasy terms. $50 cash. $10 monthly. Raise yourown chickens, vegetables, and get all the bene-fits for the children which the bright sunlightalways rlv»s. The population of Borlingamehas doubled In the last 2 years, »o it mast bea nice place to live. Alllots ready to build en;street work done, sewer and water mains laid;only 23 minutes from San Francisco by S. P.R. R. trains er San Mateo cars- in Mission st.Call or send for maps and prices, or. better still.go today to Burlinzame. Our offlce la oppositethe station.



Five room cottage, basement andbarn; corner lot. Inquire box 243. Burling-ame. Cal. «


For sale, best location San MateoPark, lot 171x238. fine 10 room home, con-crete basement, attic, -veranda, artesian waterworks, barn, bearing fruit, ornamental trees,flowers. Box 133. Bnrilngam<».

IN Rosa—

For sale, tbe best spot on Lagunitasroad: corner lot. 102x182. with improvements.Inquire A. BAUER, on premises.


erties. Atthowp Realty ComDanr. 233 >fark«t.

FOR sale—

1acre ranch; good -house, barn; wind-mill and orchard: 5 minutes to CapltoU beacH.Address ED DAUBENBIS. Santa Crna. CaL

RANCHES, houses and lorn for sale or trade.Send for list. F. H. PARKER. Santa Cruz.

HOMES, ranches, acreage, exebanse: liat.DAVIDL. WILSON. Santa Crqa. CaL

JSAN JREALi_ ESTATB7 LOTS and 1% acres in San Anselmo. $1,500.

on account departure. Apply 513 Commercialbldg.. San Francisco.


FOR sale or exchange for Oakland or S. F. sub-urban property

—Lot 30x200: 2 story boas*.Apply owner. 3760 Piedmont ay.. Oakland.

REAL ESTATE -TO EXCHANGEWILL exchange for nnimproved property, T roomhouse; 6 basement rooms; large barn; cement

basement: paying for Itself: a chanc*. C.LEHMAN. 1547 Prince St.. South Berkeley.

4 NEW cottages; rent for $73 per month: oneblock to local; to exchange for ranch. Addressowner. 3715.9 th st.. Golden Gate. Oakland.

CITYand country property sold, exchanged: listproperty with ns for results and square deal*.EPSON CO.. 1063 Broadway. Oakland.

WE can seenrw yott an advantageous offer foryour property. FIDELITY REALTY CO..789 Market st.



\ ROSS PROPERTYWE have 3 fine properties for sale or to rent.

Particular* at oor office.HUNT. OSTEYEE A BANZ. 14S Montgomerr st.

MAYFIELDPROPERTYHIGH CLASS Improved lots: ctty water; 12

mlnntes on car Qne to Stanford university. Ifyon see them yon will boy: $130 eacb; smallpayment down. W. R. BARTLEY. 530 Phelaa. bonding.


V LU3IBER FOR SALESHINGLES. $1.50; rnstic. $22: flooring. $20: Ua-

'ing. 810. S3 10th »t...San Francisco. >""



A lot In the Richmond district; tbe-price most be reasonable. Box 3730. Call.


NO MONEY REQUIRED.; If you own a lot Iwill build you a homaon easy terms.

-Expert estimates furnished on alterations,showing bow to increase Income.

FELIX MARCTTSE. 135 flatter St.

_^gIL^LANDS^ r̂.-wirvww.

AS exceptional opportunity to procure-oil land

near producing wells. Call or address H. 3.TOLEK COMPANY. 463 lltHSt.. 10-12 a. aa.

j*L23l.SALE—Mt«c«II«neo M»M»—ConMniied\u25a0*H Te must f*n !d lln<> '" mr Prices, quality ofEood* ar* guaranty up with those *«vbo arerrmorlcg or giving ap business: we give sDd

If%- ,,K**tl»* old reliable furniture dealer. H.*y" Hth st. at Franklin. Oakland.roK sale— New Victor talking machine- record

cabinet and 50 records; cost over $100; willsell for lewi thin half price. Call forenoon orafter «p. m. 2008 Grove st. .-\u25a0:*'>?:*A

—2d hand building and plumbing material,

lumber, doors, sash, closets, sinks, pat. chlm-n»y. Wrecking Co.. 16<5 Mission bet. 12th-13th.FOR 6ale^

—4 room ark. beamed and paneled. crninrs; good condition. DR. C. D. MOORE,

2032 ghattuck ay.. Berkeley: tel. Berk. 3572.AA—All Fires standard water pipe and menvr

casing. ruarante«d good as new; get our prices.Wfisshtnm Pipe Works. 133 11th et.

"NEW Jnmbcr. rough and finished doors and win-dows for 5 room cottage; must sell. Box 320.

\u25a0 IIOS Valencia.SECOND HAND PIPE.Largest dealers in standard pipe and screw

eating, dipped: prices right; guaranteed firstclasp. Pacific Pipe Co.. Main and Howard sts.LARGE Joricki pipe machine, complete, from Vt

inch to 4 Inches inclusive, for sale. A. H.KNOCK. 310 12th st.. Oakland.

PrRINGTIME—We have the finest of springfloss or sanitary beds. H. SCHELLHAAS. fur-nlture. nth t=t. at Franklin. Oakland.

RESTAURANT, furnished living rooms; rent$12.50; over $500 value In sight; going away;$400 takes it. 153:1 Eddy st.

BILLIARD and pool cloth cb*ftp; bulls, chalk,oue tips, other euppUes. tAUTENRIETH. 336Market 6t.

Andrrasbrrg Roller canaries. $3. Valencia BirdStore. G. 11. STEGER. 7-%S Valencia Let. 16-19.

A—BOOKS BOUGHT. KING'S BOOK STORB.17:6 Market ft. tbOTe Gough; tel. Market 4763.

JAPANESE niehtlagales, $2.50.R. H. HEGER. 515 San Pablo ay.. Oakland.

LAUNCH. CO ft., 5 ft. beam. 5 horse Schneideresglce; all new; $225. Box 3C16. Call office.

NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, batand safe for sale; cheap. 579 McAllister st.

/IWALL PAPER. 3VjC a roll; bouse linings. BV-Cyd.; camples mailed. MERIGAN. 1447 Ellis.

ARMY twits at factory prlc*«. W. A. PLUM-MER CO.. SW. cor, of Front and Pine sta.

*^i*"GLI?H fox terrier puppies for sale; thor-f F. SEARS. 5W Merrlmac St.. Oak.

EDISON AGENCY—Moving picture machines andC!ms: bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st.


Second hand; outside 45x30x26: inside2gx 19x13; $70. 850 Mission St. above sth.

BOOKS nnd libraries bought. THE HOLMESCO.. 1158 Market st. phone Market 836.

SAFES— New and second hand, all sixes. THEHERMAN SAFE CO.. 120-130 Folsom st

1 LARGE double door Hall safe, with burglarrb«^t. 233 California st.

MISCELLANEOUS WANTS\u25b2A—WANTED—Art in all Its branches; artists

who have paintings, watercolors, carving, stat-cary. or any one who produces art. The ArtAd. Co. have opened a branch of their NewYork Art Gallery for tbe purpose of handlingart ob a percentage for all artists or thot*wbo btTe art of nx.v kind for sale. Cell oreddrets ART AD. CO.. 933 Van Ness ar.

DSESS SUITS, tnxedos, Prince Alberts end otherccitc booght. I_ SKOLL. 707 Goldea Gate ar.;pfcone*—Market 46M. Home £2233.

WANTED— WeII boring contracts. Address Pneu-Tietir Wei! Hortcg Co.. G4l Haight ay.. Als.

F^mvjjigroßsSAMPLE eal. fine 4 yr. old claret 60c. Me-

\ Donald Co.. 181fl Polk: nh. Frank. 1»31. CIfKU.


Mission si.: telephone Sutter 533.

__;__;_ _. J<OCXSMITHSKEYS at factory prices. Key Works. 861 Clay ,

t-t.. Oakignd. Phones: Oakland 6717. A2574.


iiACDOWELL'S Dress Making and MillinerySchool. 121 Geary st. near Grant ay.; eveningclass**; patterns cot to order. Ponglas 4731.

LADIES' TAILORSThe greatest sale after Easter of pure Irish linen

mits made to order for $25; also a great saleof exquisite novelties of all kinds of clothsmade np in tailor made suits, the latest stiles,for 545. J. FERO. 365-370 Sutter Bt.

Ol'R $.Vi suit will be $100 after May 15, 1910.KAPLAN'S Laidips' Tailoring. C22 Golden Gattay. Tiftr Van Xf>». San Fr«noi«(*o. Ofcl.

MJILLINERYWILLOW plcmps made from old feathers, 35c"

.*^r*r inch: cleaning, dyeing, renovating: all•*» rparanfpd. 42<j Phe'nn bidg.. S. F.

BUTTONS AND PLEATING• • B:ewart's lining, trimming store, pleating, em-

broid.. buttons, but. boles. 128 Eddy. Fkln. 2546.Stale's liutton works. 222 Ellis and Mason, ph.

I":art. 4521 md C452 1: maif orders solicited.

JAPANESE TAILORSTHE HINOY.mer. teilor for American ladles and

fTts: fit guar. ICIOV4 Geary St.: West 6617.


Sl9 Van Neas ar. near Eddy st.Sec how I make bags, purses, etc.. from

**sl. walrus and alligator: also repairing.



Rudolf. u-r '\u25a0 >'• montb.B.. $195ko«J as new 220

\u25a0 I'oolf, itflls for $425 new 215Vosp, fancy hurl walnut 323- Vcw. regular $450 style 325French, fine condition 75CaMe, a f-usp. see it 00'Antl»ell. rery *ood value 145Harvard, walnut case 165,

\u25a0 .».!>; Everett. Hardman, Ludwig, Chickerlogand otliert. Mast be seen to be appreciated.

Easy terms—s6 per moutu.EENJ. CLRTAZ &. SON. 113 Kearny st.

CROWN and Concord Pianos, exclusive agency;\u2666\u25a0tey terms; Combinola Player, $900: best on

\ . tlie market; 10 inch disc records, 25c each.r rrliile they Ust; 2d band Electric Slot Banjo.S100: Edison. Victor. Zonophone Machines andlitcords. BACIGALUPI. 941 Market st.

PIANO barg'alns— $«O0 Weber for $250; $400Taffargirc. $2O0; $300 Fischer. $125. and $500Proemi at half off, $3 a month. HORNUNG,C.9 San Peblo ay.. Oakland.

rni.tMßlA «;RAFONOLA REGENT—Don't buyr. talking machine until you have heard thiswonderful musical Instrument. KOHLER tt.CHASE. 2<? OTarrell tt.

VV.\7.r. •ortifi'-ate of $105: good for deposit onai;y of Ell»*rt;' music stoics in tbe states; make..cVr. W. BUCKMASTER. Bedding. Cal.


Unredeemed storage pianos almost givenaway to pay storage and advances. WHITE-HEAD'S Piano Storage. 1426-28 Market. S. F.


Bargain; must be sold: fine bigh grade up-right; payments. SCBMITZ. C2l Van Ness.

PIANOS to rent; cartage free this week. C. O.HOBNUNG. 1240 Market near Bth and Larkln.

HNE Rrelnway upright piano for sale, cheap.1240 Market st. near Otb and Larkln.- I'IAXOS for r«nt; no cartage this week. BY-'jV^RON MAUZY,250 Stockton St.

2 WEBERS. Al condition. $90 and $85. HEINEPIANO CO.. 87 Stockton ft.

TVJPEWRITER,S ES__MONARCH Visible Typewriter—ln the Monarch

k vielnje Typewriter all the writing is la full*•f!gbt all tbe time; other makes, second hand,at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair andinspect. Before purchasing ring op Doujlai4113. er call at 307 Bush st.



Smith-Premier or Remington re-built. Secure information L. & M. ALEXAN-DEB. 612 Market st. , . -

Brand new visible typewriter $40; other cheaper.PACIFIC TYPEWRITER CO.. 107 Montgy. St.


All makes sold, rented, re-paired. 81K Broadway. Oaklaod: tel. Oak. 9219.

aptomobiles'bargains in second hand autos.'05* Peerl«*s roadster.'Oft Peerless 7 passenger touring car*'07 Thomas 60. 7 passenger touring car.'07 Boral; a snap. ,

H. O. HARRISON COMPANY.PEERLESS MOTOR CARS,- 540 Van Ness ay: near Golden Gate.

FOR tale—

Price $500 and-, upward; several '09end *07 White toorisg cars,, taken la trade for'06 car* and thoroughly overhauled by ourmecbtnlcs from oor factory.


San Francisco.

RUNABOUTS, roadsters and touring cars, incood ruccicc order, at prices tliat make themhurgsin*. CANNING A VINTON AUTO CO.,2 ttorf*. 455 and 489 Golden Gate ar.

IMaxwell touring car.1 National Electric with exide batteries. In

fr*tclan- shape; will trade for diamonds or real1 estate. A. C. HULL. 192 12tn «t.. Oakland.


—Electric automobile. Victoria; safest'

for Isdie*; nearly new; bargain for cash:owner going east. Address 107 Bacon build-ing. Oakland.



-1010 POPE HARTFORD car. fully \u2666quipped, at

reasonable price on account of owner going toEurope. Call at 62 Post st.. room 32f. •

FOR sale—

A profitable automobile business, con-sisting tnainly of sclllne. in San Joaquln ral-'ley. Address box 3622, CaU offlce.

MONEY,loaned on furniture, pianos and other se- .\u25a0 turity;.lowest rates; most favorable terms in

the city; see others, then see me and be con-"< vlnced;I'will. save you money :\u25a0 $2.25 weeklyrepays $50 loan. Phone. Market 3029. GEORGEW. MILLER.13009 16th

-st., southwest corner

Mission, room 35. . . - -;" •\u25a0\u25a0".

MONEY \u25a0 loaned .salaried jpeople.;women .keepingbouse and others upon their own names wlth-: out Security;:easy payments ;save money bytrading here; offices in 65 principal cities.

TOLMAN. Room 949. Phelan bldg-. San Fran-cisco, \u25a0 and Room;9, 460 13th St., Oakland.


SALARIES—Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Company," . . 443 Pine st.

BALDWINJEWELRY CO.,Gold and Silver Smiths,

29-33 Kearny st:'"\u25a0--• LOAN DEPARTMENT. ,

SALARIED persons and WAGE EARNERS canobtain LOANS at reasonable rates without redtape or delay, at 433 PHELAN BLDG. PHONEDOUGLAS 3244. •


SALARIED men and women accommodated. without delay or publicity. Home Credit and• Investment Co., 321 Phelan bldg., 3d .floor.AAA

—Wage earners, either men or women, can. make a loan in strictest confidence at the Em-

ployes' Credit Co., room 424. Monadnock bldg.SALARY LOANS

—Ladies and gentlemen without

security; notes and commercial paper bought.813 Merchants* Ex. bldg.; phone Donglas 1411.

ON furniture, pianos or any security. BECKER.Monadnock building. 6SI Market st.; room 297.

BORROW money at 2 pet. on diamonds and Jew-elry. GARIN LOAN CO., 1118 Market opp. 7th.CASH loaned to salaried men on note without ln-

dorser. \u25a0 MORRELL. 1022 Monadnock building.

SALARY loans; other propositions. San Fran-clbco Discount Agency.' 4ll Pacific building.

MONEY TO LOAN—REAL ESTATEANY.amount; lowest rates. on first and second

mortgages on real estate, legacies, undividedInterest, estates in probate; no delay. . R. Mc-COLGAN,-rooms 502 and 504, Claus SpreckeU(Call) building.Market and 3d sts.

FIRST mortgage loans at 5)4 per cent; 2d mort-gages, estates, legacies and undivided interestsat lowest rates: no delays. HERMAN MUB-PHY. 180 Sntter St., rooms 301-2.

ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort-gages, or any security; no delay; lowest rates.O. W. BECKER, Monadnock hldg.. 681 Market.

A— DEAL DIRECT WITH LENDER.•'--:/First and second mortgages; bank interest.SHADBURNE CO.. 503 Monadnock building.

MONEY WANTED—If you want to place your

money on long or short loans, real or personalproperty, good interest and Al security, applyrooms 601-602. Westbank bldg.. 830 Market st.

OWING to sickness, must dispose. of shares re-liable California gold mining company, lastst&ge of development. Particulars address box3533, Call offlce.

' -WANTED—To borrow $15,000; tilt edge se«ur-

ity; liberal rate of Interest. Address box3722, Call office. San Francisco, for Interviewand full information, i

HIGH rate of interest for loan of $10,000 onthoroughly equipped mine. Box 4173, Call,Oakland. .

FIRST mortgage. $7,500, on good Income cityproperty: no nrokeracp. Box 3658. Call offlce.

_^^^-i,.*jEGAL NOTICES [

MY wifeslaving, left my bed and board andchildren, March 30, I-will not be responsiblefor any bills contracted by her. THEOBALDWAD^L.

HAVING bought ont Mike Thannkos at 95 4thSt., Iwillnot be responsible for his bills.





This will be an unusual opportunity of secur-ing a cfi?ap piece of property; do not fall to at-tend this sale. ..

Tbe following very desirable properties willbe 1sold at aurtion . •




403-403-407 Clayton st. near Oak; 3 2 storyresidences of 7 rooms and bath each; will besold separately.

FOLSOMST. MANUFACTURING SITE.North line of Folsom st. between Bth and 10th;

2 lots, 25x75 feet each; must be sold; an oppor-tunity to secure a bargain.


Downtown corner lot, Pine st. northeast cor-ner of Jones; 43x82:6 feet; an unusual oppor-tunity to spctire a beautiful building site foran apartment building; we have tenant for storeat $100 per month. . '



2936-293S Webster st. near Union: 2 new sub-stantial flats of 0-7- rooms and bath; rents $55per month; lot 25x100 feet; mortgage $4,000;building Insured for $5,000.


" '\u25a0

——1160-1162 Fell st. near Devlsadero; 2 flats of

6-7 rooms and bath; rents $62.50 per month; lot\u25a025x137:6 feet; mortgage $3,500; building in-sured for $3,000; this property must be sold.

HOWARD ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY. .2305-230814 Howard st. near 10th— Store with

flat above of 5 rooms and bath; rents $47.30 permonth; lot 21:3x71:6 feet; mortgage $3,000;building Insured for $2,500.


1808-ISOBV4 Laguna st. near Bush—

2 flats of5 rooms each; rents $65 per month: lot 22:11x82:6 feet; mortgage of $3,000: building insuredfor $3,500; will positively be sold at.a bargain.


> TSB Hayes st. between Buchanan and Web-ster

—Subtantlal, 2 story, bay window residence

of 6 rooms and bath and lot 2.1x90 feet; mort-gage of $3,000 can remain If desired; buildinginsured for $3,500.


, 30 feet on each street at heart of Mission;surrounded by Mission bank, Anglo bank,

. ;;-

etc. Don't delay on this; it will not lastlong. . (7065)

BALDWIN & HOWELL, 318-324 Kearny st.$6,ISO— SNAP IN DOWNTOWN LOT—s6,lso

Owner leaving 'for the east has authorized us to!

offer this choice Pine st. lot at a sacrifice priceof $6,150; worth $6,750 at least; a sure turn,for some one. . •\u25a0-\u0084''. 'BALDWIN & HOWELL. 313-324 Kearny st.


—Leavenworth st., vicinity of California:

fine level lot with double frontage; one ofthe best buys we have to offer; fiats wouldpay well. . (7009)

BALDWIN A HOWELL. 318-524 Kearny st.


Beautiful marine view lots on sunny side of ClaySt., close to Taylor; desirable district; large• lots, 28x137:6; on car line; close In; sunny andwith a beautiful view; ONLY $5,600.

(7085-7056)BALDWIN & HOWELL, 31S-324 Kearay st.

CHAMBERLAIN h CO., real estate agents." for-«. merly 334 Mills.bldg.. removed to 304 Call

building. .. . -\u25a0

RICHMOND—DE WOLF, Geary st. at Cth ay.—*. 149 tub ay. near. Lake st.; must be sold; 2 story

round, front; 4 bed, diner, 2 drawing: rooms:V=your \u25a0 price \and terms asked: for; hotye vacant: and open; only one can buy; get there yourself.BARGAIN—2 lots, 23x100 each; value $700; in-

stallments $s;per month: -will sell my Interestfor $100. 1 am broke and unable to keep uppayments; ,investigate it: close to railroad.'Address box 3683. Call offlce. , -..


Fine cottage, of.4 rooms; good location:$200 cash, 'balance at $15 monthly; if:you are

V'itlred paying rent; this is your chance to own•': your own,home. Apply 3215 Mission st.

McENERNEY SUITS AT $35. \u25a0'-" \u25a0• VLAWYERS' TITLE INVESTMENT CO.. 20S Balboa Building.• 'MARKET and 2D STREETS. •

$250 each;: 3 level building lots; Prentis St.,•\u25a0 only \u25a0 2 blocks from •Cortland

-ay. cars. -

ED-'GENE-J. SULLIVAN CO.. 636 Market st. .:

$3,4so— New,', 6,n»m house. Including- street"work: "basement finished.,- 332 Diamond st.

-:.: near-20th. ."/ "\u25a0"\u25a0:-\u25a0.;: \u25a0-'\u25a0'. - -'-^ \u25a0:''\u25a0;' -v,

FOR sale-^T wo brand new cottages below -cost>\u25a0; on '. terms. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. Inquire3J. CAVAGLIERI, 632 San;'i>Bruno ay.V: \u25a0'.•'. '-.-''-\u25a0:\u25a0:'•'\u25a0'-'\u25a0-."•: ..'-\u25a0-..


HAVE Standard TltZe Insurance Company, Mills,-j;bldg., insure your. title; save, time and money.,


New. modern,' up' to date apts. •For par->vtlcnlars see Jas.rA.>McCullougD,"722 Pac. bldg.

CHEAP building lots.-,% block from cars; street. ;iwork done; cash. C. X.;Blender; 845 Pac bid.

FOR' SALE—Two swell new fly».room flats. Just'.;completed; ;;anap.V'.l334-6: llth.ay.; \u25a0 Sunset. :.i

$1.750-^Modern '51room "cottage." 23x120;:Sunset."KRALISHECK, 1233 O'Farrell St.

ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free,DR. COTTINGHAM. S3O Market st.;hrs. 10-4.


"DR PIERCE'B ELECTRIC TRUSS"; a wonder-ful,invention; 35 years In use. AddressPIERCE & SON. 1417 Chestnut St.. Alameda.

MATRIMONIAL-MAN of 36, with good'posltlon In city (has lot

in Spokane reservation) jwouldIlike to corre-spond with lady not over 35. with some means;object amtrlmony. Box 3702, Call office.

MARRIAGE paper, with photos and. P."

O. ad-dresses, 10c, silver or stamps; many wealthy.Cupid.,P. O. box 121, Oakland, Cal. 1

-ELITE marriage bureau for lonely people; cfr-

cular 10c. 954 Broadway. Oakland. . \u0084'\u25a0




moved to 1121 MASONIC AY. near PAGE; 4car lines pass sanitarium. -. ALL DISEASESTREATED; curable diseases cured; rupture curedwithout knife or truss. '*"';\u25a0'\u25a0 •:.-.

" '

f' '" "


A—WIGS and TOUPEES that defy detection; v.en-tilated; perspiration doesn't affect them; wigmaking a life study; men's private wigdepart-ment. 2271 Cal. St. near

-Webster, Mr. G.

Lederer in charge. LADIES' HAIR GOODS—Transformation, switches, puffs, artistic wigmaking, shampooing. G. LEDERER, 1809 Fili-. more st. near Sutter. Established 1866.

MAGNETIC physical healing; a vital science.MRS. HOLSHOUSER. 351 Pacific building;hours 10-9; greatest magnetic operator; spine,'nerve and poor circulation: all Ills. *

OLAF HANSEN. PROFESSIONAL MASSEUR;ELECTRIC BATHS and GENERAL EXPERT.. Treatment at parlors, 317 Hastings bldg., Postand Grant ay.; 10 to 6 daily. Tel. Doug. 2559.

LADIES' friend, monthly regulator: THE EM-PRESS, price $2 box; a French pill;never fallsand harmless. GEO. SMITH & CO.. exclusiveagents, druggists. 400 12th 3t.. Oakland.

MME. FRANCINE,European, most scientific deepwrinkle treatment, 026 16th St., Oakland, cor.Grove; phone Oak. 7511. Come and get a chinstrap; you need it;everybody needs it.

MME. FRANCINE. European, most scientific deepwrinkle treatment, 626 16th st., Oakland, cor.Grove; phone Oak. 7511. Come and get a chinstrap; you need it; everybody need 3it.

MRS. L. E. HARTMAN,M. T., electro thera-

Seutles and massage. Office and residence 6131111s st. near Hyde. Franklin 2957.

MISS IDELL, 1906 ASutter St.—Electric mas-sage, select patronage; agent for Van's Mexi-. can Hair Restorative. Hours 9to 12. 2 to 10.

MECHANO-THERAPIST, expert operator; tub,mineral and steam baths; massage; mom. A.T. P. A. 1705 O'Farre 11 St.. apts. 1 and 2.

FRANKLIN Electric Institute— Elec. treatments: and massage, 535-7 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary.

MRS. C. ROSE, Mgr.;hrs. 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at

lees than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the Londontailor. 1432 Fillmore bet. Elllg and O'Farrell.

T. HAUPTLI GUERIN CO., THE~ FASHIONHAIR STORE, removed to 831 Van Ness ay.between Eddy and Ellis sts. ,^~.. .

JEAN BUES. Turkish and tub baths; electricvibratory treatments; first class equipment, jRoom 328. 34 Ellis st. |


TREATMENT given by Mme. Booth to re-store lost womanhood and manhood. 2000 Sut-ter st.

' .MRS. IRVING, form. 2053 Sutter St., now lo-

cated 235 Kearny: scalp and obesity treatmt.ELECTRO Thermal Inst.

—Rheum., nervousness,

massage. Mrs. Sandberg, 1802 Fillm. West 14S0.GOLDSTEIN CO., theatrical and masquerade cos-

tumers, removed to 833 Market st. opp. Powell.

ALMA CORTEZ, electric vibrator specialist. 943Van Ness. ay. cor. O'Farrell st.. suite 307-300.

HOT salt baths (medical); massage for bothsexes. 526 9th St.. Oakland. -\u25a0



Am not sufficiently posted toanswer question, but fear it may be "no."Send your address and will return your dollar.


Wonderful Spiritual Healing. 1200 AG. O. ay.La Verne will your past and present .tell,And part of your future. Just as well.And when the doctors can not cure your ill,We make you well without nostrum, drug or





AA—MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance medium:consultation $1, at her home, 1164 O'Farrell;by letter. 4 questions, $1; phone Franklin 0024.

REV. BESSIE BARDSLEY. trun psychic trancemedium, spiritual adviser; ladies 25c; 10 a. 8 p. m. 1016 Fillmore st. •

AA—MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD. ord.; con-, daily,10-4; circles Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 p. of.1430 Fillmore st.

LOTTIE BUSWELL, spirit read.; lessons dally;cir. every night..1359 Webster nr. O'Farrell.

MRS. S. SEAL, spirit mm.; consultations dally;officiates marriages, funerals. 786 McAllister.

A— HENRY MANSFIELD,World's greatest trance clairvoyant, palmist, as-

strologer, mental telepathist, will cause thingsto be as you desire; tells everything, names,dates, important information; all revealed;health, love, marriage, ,bus., mm., . treasure,changes, law suits: Imparts good luck;removesevilinfluences. 1302 FILLMORE ST.. cor. Eddy.

FOR READINGS BY MAILSEND $1.ZAZELL, psychic healer, ordained medium, life

reader aud adviser; 3 questions by letter, 50c;crystal gazing. 1116 Broadway, Oakland. Cal.

MISS ZEMDAR. a voting, gifted clalr. and palm.;a wonderful- prophetess; hours 10 to 10; L:50c,O. $1. U52 Hayes bet. Laguna and Buchanan.

A—EVA FAY, 1122. Market—Idon't ask you tohave faith, but prove to you facts; hrs. 10-9.

MME. \u25a0 LEONIDA, honest readings; 10 a. m. toBp. m. except Sunday. 814 McAllister st.

Mme. Starr of Oaklaud at Hotel Carllng, S. F.,1154 Mrkt.. r.3: troth or no Day: bet. 7 and 8.

PALMISTRYREV. MME. BUSHNELL, formerly 919 Jones, now

209 Kearny; &to 5 ex. Sun.;tel. Douglas 3670.


Palmistry Iand card reading; hrs.10 n. m. to 0 p. m. 3195 16th St.: BOc and $1.


412-413-414 First National Bank building,Oakland, CaL .

Stocks, bonds and gilt edge Investment secnrl-tles bought and sold; money loaned on realty andapproved securities. \u25a0 \u25a0

"ABBOTT Buys Bonds";Ocean \u25a0 Shore \u25a0or• Cal.

Safe Dep. books; money loaned. 636 Market St.COMPANIES incorporated and organized; most

favorable charters. Nat'l Inc.. 811 Mills bldg.

MINES AND. MININGGOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought; cash; assaying

COc. PIONEER ASSAY CO.. 131 6th st. nearHoward. • ~

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'



Gilt edge,Oakland real estate security;interest 6 per cent net. 5 per cent discount iftaken at once. Box 4172, Call offlce, Oakland.

BOSCHKE dredger stock for!sale cheap. 420First National Bank building, Oakland.




"WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE"We advertise to make loans to salaried people

as cheap as. any company Inthe city and cheaperthan a >majority .of them,7 without :security orlndorser, \u25a0 and we do it. We willmake you a loanon short notice \u25a0 without inquiryIof!your friendsor relatives.' H All of our employes are gentlemenand •you

'are assured courteous treatment. . Pri-

vate. Money costs only for time in your posses-sion. GREAT NORTHERN LOAN CO., 616 Phe-lan bldg., 6th, floor. Offlce open until 6 p. m.Monday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock.

"BANKERS TO THE PEOPLE" : -We loan all salaried employes the same as. the

bank's loan tho employers. .All we require Isthat are a steady .worklngman'on-av"gal-ary." • Allbusiness strictly confidential. ,No se-curity.: No indorser. You may. repay the loanIn •easy :Installments •arranged to:suit your1in-come..Our special rebate plan saves you payinghigh interest. Lowest rates.. .WESTERN LOANCO., 40S Call bldg. Open 8:30 a. .m. 'till6,p. m. :Mondays and Saturdays till-8 p. m.AA

—Strictly• confidential;:loans \u25a0on

'fur.; \ pianos,

livestock, warehouse receipts or- security of anykind; loans can be repaid in easy, wkly.,mthly.or yrly.'paymts.; It:Is easier. to:pay }one than. a number; don't fail to call and see us. ILL-

\ INOIS FINANCE CO.,'for. ILLINOIS'TRUST;.C0.,. 1516 block from \u25a0 Fllimore.-AAA


"r :

s> WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON FURNITURE/PIANOS, ETC.; $10 to $200; LOW COST; CONiFIDENTIAL;HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. \u25a0:vn\u25a0•-' -\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 call, write or phone -. .--

? 857-0 PACIFIC BLDG., 4TH1AND MARKET.PHONES DOUGLAS 3265— HOME;J1741. . :\u25a0~

Oakland Offlce—

518 First National, Bank bldg.'

WE LOAN MONEY TOIPEOPLE WHO k HAVEPERMANENT- EMPLOYMENT;:no -,lndorser:confidential; no; red' tape \u25a0> methods; $1 week

"\u25a0pays $15 loan,;$2 week pays $30 loan,' $3 week\u25a0 ;pays. $45

-loan,' -$4 week *pays .$60 • loan. ICalland see us. .THEIROYAL .INVESTMENT•'\u25a0 COMPANY,i750 Phelan: bldg. -\u0084r.-f.; 7 .

A—A^-GOLDEN;STATE LOAN;OFFICE. 47,3dSt.; liberal loans; lowest rates.". Jv^V-'"