the science of getting rich_ lesson 2

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  • 7/27/2019 The Science of Getting Rich_ Lesson 2




    Thoughts Become Things

    The Law of Attraction and FacingResponsibility For Who and Where You

    Are Todayn Lesson 1 we explained that you are more than just a piece of organic matter. Your

    very essence is one of a spiritual nature with the ability to attract into your life that

    which you focus your attention on.

    The problem is this

    Very few human beings realize the latent potential they have to alter their own lives. They

    walk in blindness, complaining about outside forces debt, bad relationships, lack of

    opportunity while remaining clueless to the power they already possess, the power that

    can alter their current reality.

    The much-revered Indian saint, Vivekananda, who lived over 100 years ago explained it

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    You are DIVINE. This is the core message in Vivekanandas words.

    So the Big Question is:

    How Then, Do We Begin to Get OurselvesOut of Our Current Situation and Claim

    the Abundance We Seek?

    The Law of Attraction

    his is how Bob Proctor explains the Law of Attraction:

    We all work with one infinite power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws.

    The natural laws of The Universe are so precise that we dont even have any difficulty

    building spaceships; we can send people to the moon, and we can time the landing with

    the precision of a fraction of a second.

    Wherever you are India, Australia, New Zealand, Stockholm, London, Toronto, Montreal,

    or New York were all working with one power. One law. Its the Law of Attraction!

    The Secret is The Law of Attraction!

    Everything thats coming into your life, you are attracting into your life. And its attracted

    by virtue of the images youre holding in your mind. Its what youre thinking. Whatever is

    going on in your mind, you are attracting to you.

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    To understand the Law of Attraction, let us first understand its underlying counterpart,

    The Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that EVERYTHING vibrates (everything

    moves). Everything ever created from the smallest atomic particle to the largest

    skyscraper; is in a constant state of energetic motion. What looks solid is not. Even

    concrete, glass and steel is energy in constant motion.

    We live in an ocean of motion!

    What this lesson teaches us is that you have a power within you that is far superior to any

    circumstance or situation around you you have free will over what you want to think.

    And these are the very thoughts that are in charge of directing power to whatever you

    choose in your lifetime.

    But here is the thing you need to understand

    Unconscious Attraction and Conscious Attraction

    Whatever you think about, whether its good or bad you attract into your life.

    Whether you want it or not is irrelevant think about something you DONT WANT and

    you attract it into your life.

    Unconscious attraction is what happens when we let our uncontrolled thoughts run free.

    Worry about getting out of debt and thats what you attract MORE debt.

    Worry about getting old and youll start experiencing the effects of old age.

    Worry about whether or not he or she loves you and you attract uncertainty into your


    Every worry just serves to bring to your reality that which you think about.

    Worry and youll be sorry.

    Now, this may sound scarythe idea that every unconscious thought you have attracts

    that which you think of into your life.

    But dont worrybecause the reverse also happens.

    Every happy, joyful thought is also attracting into your life the positive thing youre

    thinking about.

    Now heres the best part. Theres a simple formula we want you to understand:

    What this formula means is that your thoughts, magnified by the EMOTIONS behind your

    thoughts, equal the things that you attract into your life.

    Emotions are powerful. Thinking about a goal that youre only half-excited about is not

    going to help you manifest that goal too fast. But think about a goal that really makes you

    excitedmakes you weep with joy because the excitement of attaining it is so wonderful

    NOW youre adding power to your thoughts and really using the Law of Attraction.

    If your thoughts are a vehicle to move you towards your goal your emotions are the fuel

    that power this vehicle.

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    So the good news is that your positive thoughts, because they excite you so much more

    and often have much more emotions attached to them tend to be a lot more powerful

    than your negative thoughts.

    It is easier to attract the good than to attract the bad.

    Accept Responsibility for Where YouAre TodayOr Youll Be Powerless toChange

    f the Law of Attraction is as simple as that, why arent more people wealthy, even

    gratified about the state their lives are in?

    Well, most people dont take personal responsibility for their present results. They

    honestly believe the cause of their current results lies outside of themselves, due to

    conditions or circumstances they have no control over.

    Most people are ignorant of the Law: You attract into your life everything that is in

    harmonious vibration to you.

    The key to mastering the Law of Attraction is to understand that you are responsible for

    everything in your life. EVERYTHING. At some level consciously or unconsciously, you

    attracted every person, every job, every idea, every illness, every joy and every bit of pain

    into your life.

    This leads to some interesting questionsdo communities that are victims of crime

    waves or war attract these things into their lives? The answer is YES but well discuss that

    in more detail in lesson 3 when we talk about Group Manifestation

    Once you Accept that You are the Maker of Your Own

    Reality, You Will See that You Have the Power to Change

    That Reality into Anything You Wish

    We generally let our outside world control our inside world.

    We have to reverse this. Our thoughts dictate what we attract!

    Weve got to let the inside world take charge of our outside world!

    What you Think, And What You Feel, And What Manifests

    is Always a Match. No Exceptions.

    Esther Hicks, author of The Law of Attraction ,

    How to Use the Law of Attraction in Your Favor:

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    Lets take a good look at your results in your life. As you read these questions, make a

    mental note of the answers in your mind:

    What kind of relationships do you have?

    Are you in love?

    What are your friends like?

    How do you communicate with family members?

    What is your income?

    What is your business like?

    How about the health of your body?

    What do you THINK of your body

    The thoughts you just thought . . . the answers that surfaced before you could stop them .

    . . are responsible for programming your current results!

    If you dont like the results in your life, you need to change your thoughts.

    Thats ALL that the Law of Attraction is about.

    This is an orderly universe. Nothing happens by accident. The images you plant in your

    marvellous mind instantly set up an attractive force, which govern your results in life.

    You are a living, breathing magnet. As you read this article. Things Conditions

    Circumstances and People you know and even some you dont know are marching to

    you like obedient soldiers to aid in the manifestation of your images. Wouldnt you prefer

    those soldiers helping you with your positive images?

    Take a few moments each day to monitor what is going on in your mind What are you

    thinking about? How are you feeling? If youre not feeling the way you want to feel, begin,

    instead, to visualize what you want rather than what you dont want. Your vibration will

    instantly change. And when your vibration changes, your results follow that upward flow.

    Your circumstances right now are ONLY your current


    And current reality CAN CHANGE.

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    Getting Out of the Current RealityTrap

    We tend to spend an overwhelming amount of attention on our current situation. We

    think about things the way they ARE rather than the way they SHOULD BE. Because our

    dominant thoughts are on our current situation these thoughts tend to be about daily

    worries, current lifestyle, how much money we currently have, the state of our currentrelationship, and so on. These mediocre, passive thoughts do nothing for us!

    All these thoughts do is simply keep in our lives our daily worries, current financial

    situations and current relationships. This is why CHANGE comes SLOWLY for most of us.

    We get obsessed with the way things ARE rather than the way things COULD be.

    And so we remain stuck in our lives year after year observing the same things.

    No growth, no abundance, no new wonderful discoveries or ideas nothing. This is called

    the Current Reality Trap.

    The sad thing is, , it does not have to be this way. You do not have to stay stuck inmediocrity. We are powerful, amazing beings but sadly, many of us do not realize our

    own beautiful potential.

    This is the difference between mediocre people and successful people. Mediocre people

    dwell on the present. Successful people look excitedly to what COULD be.

    Weve all heard of millionaires who suddenly went broke and lost everything. The amazing

    thing about these people is that they usually, with remarkable ease, gain back their

    wealth. This is because while their physical wealth may have been lost through bankruptcy

    or bad investments their mindset their INNER wealth is focused on riches. And so

    riches pour back to them quickly. Its the Law of Attraction at work.

    A Simple Technique to Begin Escaping the Current Reality


    We want to share with you a simple exercise you can do to help correct your thoughts

    and move you towards more abundance.

    Jane earns a decent income but shes not happy. She still has car payments, she wants

    to send her kids to a better school, she needs to save up for her graduate level education.

    But no matter how hard she works, she just never has enough. And to top it off she

    owes the credit card companies tons of money.

    Odds are you know someone like Jane.

    Most of us in Janes situation will start to focus on what we DONT have. But the problem

    is, when you fuss and complain about not having enough you attract more bills to pay.

    Jane might set a goal to get out of debt. This, too, is the wrong approach the goal of

    getting out of DEBT keeps you forever in DEBT. Youre thinking debt, debt, debt and

    thats exactly what you attract into your life.

    This is how Jane would change her mindset once she attains mastery of the Law of


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    First she would change her goal. Her goal would no longer be get out of debt. Her goal

    would be absolute financial freedom. Now shes focusing on a positive. She would spend

    a few minutes every morning just day-dreaming about what shes going to do once she

    attains financial freedom.

    The next thing Jane would do is auto-correct her negative thoughts. Her initial thought

    might be:

    Im so badly in debt I dont know what to do.

    I dont have enough to get the things I seek in life for myself and my family.

    Slowly, shed start correcting these thoughts:

    I have a home, my kids are happy. I have a loving family.

    I have a nice job with an opportunity for a raise.

    I am healthy.

    I shouldnt feel so bad many people dont have a house or a loving family.

    My debt will be paid off when I start saving just a little bit every month.

    There are people far worse off than I 1 billion people worldwide have to survive on less than a

    dollar a day.

    Im grateful that I have a job and a middle-income lifestyle.

    I like the idea of being rich.

    Im grateful that I have a car, nice clothes, can eat 3 meals a day, and can take the occasional

    vacation most people cannot afford this.

    I can believe that more money and multiple streams of income will open up to me in the near


    So, by gradually changing her view of her circumstances, Jane corrects herself from

    negative thinking to positive thinking.

    Slowly, her thoughts and dreams get bolder:

    I believe my talents will help me earn more income soon.

    I will soon have a business for myself.

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    I can see myself owning a 6-bedroom home by 2014.

    I will have one million in the bank within 5 years.

    Jane has started shifting into a mindset that lets the Law of Attraction flow freely in

    her favor rather than against her.

    Notice that her thoughts essentially shift from:

    Im so badly in debt I dont know what to do.


    I will have one million in the bank within 5 years.

    Its a gradual shift, with small incremental boosts in your self-belief. But once you get

    started, youll notice that the positive thoughts begin to come faster and easier as you go


    Tiny coincidences will begin to happen. Maybe Jane will get a small raise, or shell learn a

    way to control her debt from a chance meeting with a financial advisor. New ideas and

    opportunities will start flowing her way this stream of coincidences are The Law of

    Attraction at work.

    Watch out for them, embrace them and follow them these tiny signs from the Universe

    will help give you the motivation and belief to keep moving towards greater and greater


    The current results you have in your life are based on your current belief. Your present

    income is based on your belief of what youre capable of earning. As you go through this

    program, you are going to re-evaluate what you see as truth what you believe. When

    you re-evaluate a situation, you will find that your results will change.

    What have you subconsciously attracted into your life (good or bad)? Share you

    experiences below.

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  • 7/27/2019 The Science of Getting Rich_ Lesson 2


    Stay tuned for the next lesson . Were in for an exciting


    In Lesson 3:

    The First Step to Activating the Law in Your Life

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    Ralph Mikolajczak Cleveland, Georgia

    Like most people's lives, mine has been a constant up and down. Over the years

    though, I have received most everything I put my mind on. In 1975 I bought the big

    utility of f road vehicle I wanted, a fter thinking about it and researching for nearly two

    years. I visualized a house with a swimming pool, and I got it. Then I wanted a big

    cabin in the mountains, and I even wrote down what it would look like; and I got that,

    even though I had to move to a different s tate (my choice). When I wanted more

    money, I changed jobs and even profess ions, to double and quadruple my income. I

    wanted a beautiful wife, and I got that, too (several times ;).

    But most amazing to me is the realization of the trip to a particular American Indian

    region in Arizona in 1976, where I always wanted to go. A region of which I made a

    report on while still in high school, in the early sixties, IN GERMANY, and neve r

    knowing, how I would be able to get there. Well, the Universe made it possible for me

    to move here and see it.

    Yes, the mind is an amazing "thing", and we do have the power to control our lives.Oh... And by the way... I am just a "normal" person. I do walk with both feet on the

    ground, and I do think realistically. But I make MYOWN reality.

    Reply Like Follow Post 41 minutes ago

    June Bouffard Works at Freelance Interior Designers/Decorators

    I am positive my communication skills on Facebook will improve. This really is a great

    article!! It's a message we all need to hear,please take 5 minutes to readi it..

    Reply Like Follow Post 6 hours ago

    Jenny Stephen Thebarton Girls Technical High School

    Loneliness and lack ofselfesteem, through living in past experiences from

    circumstances f rom my infancy through to past marriage.

    Reply Like Follow Post 6 hours ago

    Ram Lal Naithani As ADVISOR/AGENT IN GURGAON/NCR at Max Life Insurance -

    Khushiyon Ki Planning

    this lesson tells in simple and easy to follow steps how to get out of Current RealityTrap and move to think about what we like to at tract in our lives-RAM

    Reply Like Follow Post 5 hours ago

    Monika Jain Panjab University, Chandigarh

    I'm experiencing positive outcomes by changing my mindset and thought process... ... It

    really works (Y)

    Reply Like Follow Post 3 hours ago

    Natalie Daa l Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles

    A great article with lots of positive insights for those who are willing to practice and

    make it t here lifestyle.

    Reply Like Follow Post 5 hours ago

    Luene Maxwell Institute for Integrative Nutrition

    I attracted a new job and a loving relationship. My nex t att raction is abundance and

    financial freedom.

    Reply Like Follow Post 5 hours ago


    Alexander OShea

    I have always believed that I was destined for something better. I must believe it can

    be achieved. Thank you.

    Reply Like Follow Post 59 minutes ago

    Nancy M Armstrong McIntosh

    I have att racted a loving relationship.

    Reply Like Follow Post 4 hours ago

    June Bouffard Works at Freelance Interior Designers/Decorators


    Reply Like Follow Post 6 hours ago
  • 7/27/2019 The Science of Getting Rich_ Lesson 2


    How to Set the Right Goals

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