the seamless robe - lillian dewaters

1 THE SEAMLESS ROBE Lillian DeWaters It is never too late! To paraphrase Whittier’s words: For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest of these: It might have been!Let us say: For of all glad words of tongue or pen, The gladdest of these: It never has been! Separation, affliction, limitation never have been! Evil of any kind never has been and never shall be in My Kingdom, for in Me is perpetual Harmony and the experience of changeless love, understanding, and glory. Concern yourselves therefore wholly with Me; with My ideas; and with My universe.

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Lillian DeWaters

It is never too late! To paraphrase Whittier’s words:

“For of all sad words of tongue or pen,

The saddest of these: It might have been!”

Let us say:

“For of all glad words of tongue or pen,

The gladdest of these: It never has been!”

Separation, affliction, limitation never have been!

Evil of any kind never has been and never shall be in

My Kingdom, for in Me is perpetual Harmony and the

experience of changeless love, understanding, and

glory. Concern yourselves therefore wholly with Me;

with My ideas; and with My universe.



HO, every one that thirsteth for peace, and yearneth for

understanding. Come ye to the feast; yea, come, eat

and drink without money and without price.

The banquet is prepared; the hour is at hand. We need

look neither in the past nor to the future for we live in

perpetual Good now, and we can experience it now.

“The Seamless Robe,” symbolizing wholeness and

perfection of Being, contains within itself infinite

blessings which are ours to know and ours to

experience in earth as in Heaven.

The Truth is our own Being, and its immortal Good

may be brought right into our daily living. We need

not suffer any sort of limitation. Freedom, peace and

certainty are the natural qualities of Being, awaiting our

recognition and acceptance.

Could the Kingdom of Heaven be within us, as Jesus

said, yet a mist or a wall hide it from us? Could this

world be for us nothing but a course of instruction,

teaching us the good and true only through tests and

trials? Must we have been limited and bound by

sickness and the fear of death, by sin and its penalties,

in order to understand the nature and quality of our

Being? Is there an Understanding which will make

darkness light before us? Let each face and answer

these questions.

“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the

gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.”

These “glad tidings” are that we can experience

freedom and harmony NOW, that we can enjoy health

and happiness THIS INSTANT. There is no suffering

body to be healed nor any person or circumstance to

improve in our favour. We need not delay in

accepting the life of perpetual peace and certainty now,

ready and finished in earth as in Heaven.



Life and its perfect experience are one and identical,

now and here available. Not only shall we understand

that our true Being includes our ever-present and

eternal Health, Harmony and Happiness, but we shall

also understand how to express this Fact in our present

existence. The hour is come for us to understand

perfect Life and what it includes.

The belief that our well-being depends upon certain

conditions, persons or things may be relinquished, for

were this true then living would be at the mercy of

circumstances. Health, Wealth, Harmony and

Happiness are ours not by thoughts or works: they

inhere in our Being and are our very Nature. We need

only know and accept this to be so and conform with

our Being to experience this Reality now and here.

Take health out of thing and thought; out of the power

of person, circumstance, object and thing. Let your

confidence in all these be surrendered to the one

all-transcendent Being.

Ever speaks the living Truth: “I am the one and only

Reality, without dreams or delusions. Omnipotent,

omniscient, omnipresent. I know all; I am all. Here

in My ever-present world I act without need of any

way, or method, of deliverance. For in My world there

is no evil to be delivered from, inasmuch as the

darkness and the light are both alike to Me. There is

no false world in which I could express Myself. My

world is as real and as perfect as I am. There can be no

denial of the perpetual harmony of My Being. Verily,

verily, thou mayest know the Real and express the fruit

of the Spirit in earth as in Heaven.”

WHEN one supposes that sickness or limitation has

gotten a hold upon either his body or his affairs, he can

stand still, awake and aware in the one Presence,

knowing, “Naught can disturb; God is my peace.”

For peace and the certainty of the Good now and here is

our normal consciousness.



One keeps himself awake by learning what Truth is, by

practicing it, and being it; by accepting no false gods or

untrue beliefs. The epistle of James states clearly:

“The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then

peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of

mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without

hypocrisy.” We have nothing to do but to understand

that all is harmony and perfection always.

Life is not limited to person, place, or thing, for Life

includes all, and is Self-existent Spirit. The nature of

Life is to live, consequently there is nothing in it to die,

inasmuch as Life is God everlasting. Moreover, Life

cannot be sick, or injured, or rendered inactive or

over-active, for there is no quality in Life to produce

such phenomena; nor is there any other power which

could change, harm, or interfere with Life’s action,

since it is the action of God and therefore immutable

because it changes not, and inviolable for the reason

that there is nothing to challenge it. So Life is never at

the mercy of personal beliefs, fears, doubts, fancies of

any kind, inasmuch as Life is supreme, all-transcendent


Many times we have heard it said that fear and discord

&ring suffering into our lives. Let us lovingly and

gladly accept the larger perception that suffering

should not be accepted as a penalty for fear, for wrong

thought, or for mistakes of any kind.

Since there is no consciousness of imperfection in

Perfection there could be no condemnation for man,

whether for his fears, his ignorance, sins, or any erring

belief. There is no censure in divine Wisdom nor

penalty in divine Love which might be brought to bear

upon him. The sayings that “The wages of sin is

death,” and “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he,”

are transcended when a higher understanding of Life is

revealed. Saith the Truth of Being:

“Though your sins be as scarlet (in your eyes), they

shall be as white as snow (in Mine).”



Divine Intelligence does not include the recognition of

“suffering” of any kind, therefore it is time that we

refuse to be held or bound ‘by any such outgrown

theories, and come to know our perfect Life and its

experience as possible now and here.

Do you hesitate to accept this insight fearing that

thereby appearances of evil might increase, or that one

might become too complacent in self-righteousness?

He who hath ears to hear will hear; he who is thirsty for

the higher righteousness will drink from this living

Fountain, and “it shall be in him a well of water

springing up into everlasting Life.”

Verily the time is here to set aside the supposition that

spiritual growth means the way of the cross, for

suffering need not be the only means of bringing us into

higher understanding. We may “grow in grace” as the

lilies grow.

Old theology taught that through trials and afflictions

we enter the Kingdom: but let us be willing to rise

above theology and accept the clearer illumination that

we live in Heaven now, and Good comes to us because

it is the nature of our Being.

God’s incessant activity is peace, harmony, joy and

blessedness, which is ever full, ever complete, perfect

and present. Man is unfallen, therefore we can

transcend beliefs in his regeneration, restitution and

salvation, and bring about the vision and experience of

perfect Being here and now.



THERE will be a great world awakening when it is

seen and felt that “suffering” is not evil in itself, ‘but a

signal: a signal for that individual to stand still and

obey the precept “Know thyself,” — become better

acquainted with the meaning of Life and its natural,

peaceful activity. There is no evil in God; there is no

sin, suffering or death in the sight of God. It is

inevitable that Life, or Being, shall be true to Itself,

shall eternally know and experience Itself: so to “know

thyself” means to understand one’s true Self and to

LIVE and EXPRESS it, — for “knowing” includes


Life is Self-governed and Self-expressed. Thus if we

seem to be arrested in our progress and placed in

prisons of various kinds, they are not to be thought of as

evils but as signals that we shall pause and come face to

face with what Life requires of us, and then fulfil it.

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying,

This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right

hand, and when ye turn to the left.” — Isaiah

Today there is a crying out to be delivered from

discords, afflictions and limitations, and as never

before a great effort is being made to rid existence of

these. If attention should be taken from these

conditions and given over wholly to the understanding

of Life and to the knowledge of what It includes, then

“all these (good) things shall be added unto you.

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what

doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to

love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” —


You see, there is no real affliction or limitation to be

healed, or remedied, or prayed over, or treated, but

there is your Life and Being which is to be known,

understood and expressed.”



Haven’t we been trying too long to overcome sickness,

sorrow and suffering by various modes of treatment,

instead of letting them go and giving our whole

attention to discovering the Truth of Life and what it

requires of us? Truly, we live only to accept and

express our perfect Being. We should know then that

whatever does not conform to Peace, Love and

Harmony must be given up. Paul had a clear vision of

this when he said:

“Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be

joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterwards it

yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them

which are exercised thereby.”

People who seem sick wish material or mental help so

as to be well, whereas the point to consider is neither

one of mental nor physical harmony but of spiritual

Wholeness, which includes both mind and body. At

one time when Daniel was troubled with fear he was

comforted by an angel which said to him: “Fear not,

Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine

heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy

God, thy words were heard.”

“Greater WORKS than these shall he do,” need not

mean only greater healing works, nor a larger

proportion of deliverances from limitations, afflictions

and sorrows, but transcending this a wider and deeper

understanding of Life and what it includes, — and

particularly what it requires of us.”

The reference to “greater works” has really not so much

to do with healing, or with the removal of discords from

experience, as with the opening of the perception to the

fuller recognition that one is to conform in his daily

living to the Reality of his Being.

Though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and

though I give my body to be burned, and have not a

genuine understanding of Life, so that I LIVE and

EXPRESS my true Being, it availeth me nothing!



Our daily experience is in Heaven. Our health,

wealth, happiness and harmony ever abide in our own

Being, and are to be realized and expressed in

EVERYDAY LIVING. And truly there is no evil in

all-inclusive Reality, for “The darkness and the light

are both alike to Thee.”

“They all shall know Me, from the least of them unto

the greatest of. them, saith the Lord.” This is not a

theory but a fact. Often what is called “suffering” and

seems an unnecessary experience is only considered so

because of surface judgement; for it may be right at this

point that one is to become better acquainted with his

true Self, and be more willing and ready to LIVE in

harmony with it. The place whereon thou standest is

where thou shalt know thyself, — for God, thy eternal

Good, is omnipresent.

“If I ascend up into Heaven, Thou art there; if I make

my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there. If I take the

wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts

of the sea; even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy

right hand shall hold me.

If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the

night shall be light about me, Yea, the darkness hideth

not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the

darkness and the light are both alike to Thee.” —


When “suffering” brings one into a more sympathetic

understanding of Life, and so enables him to express

Love more tenderly and truly, then the “tribulation” is

not to be remembered as evil, but as “angels entertained


Losses, diseases, limitations, are but names given to

certain times in one’s experience when his own Being

has called a “halt;” where, knowing nothing outside

Itself, it requires a more perfect view of Reality and

footsteps following more closely the One who said,

“Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth

unto Life.”



Let us therefore look away from appearances called

“evil,” and let us examine OURSELVES and see how

closely our daily living is measuring up to the standard

of our perfect Selfhood. Let us see that there is really

no sin, sickness or suffering to be considered, healed,

prayed for, or treated: but Life as it really is, is to be

known and experienced, naturally, simply, trustingly,

in God’s eternal Now.

“WHEREFORE henceforth know we no man after the

flesh,” admonishes the apostle Paul. Let us cease to

think of man as a creature of flesh and let us know him

as spiritual Being. How foolish it is to believe in the

appearances of sinful man, sick man, ignorant man,

poor man, when in Spirit he is not that way at all!

What about the pictures flashed on the screen of the

drama of “material existence?” Many of them depict

depression, fear, loss, lack. What are we to do about

them? Weep and wring our hands, force our way up to

the screen and attempt to stop or change the pictures, —

directing our attention wholly to them? Indeed, No.

“But,” you say, “there is my brother in sickness, in sin,

in lack, what shall I do to save him?” You cannot help

anyone permanently by seeing him “after the flesh.”

Save yourself the reactions of painful sympathy by

turning from the picture. Take care that you do not

just take another seat in the house where you can still

peek around the corner, (so to speak), but leave that

state of consciousness entirely, and face in the right

direction. Turn to God, — perfect Life and its

expression. Here you see that there is no one to be

carried off to prison, to be deprived of friends, or aid, as

it appears; none who are sick or sinful, for Being

includes all individuality, and outlines perpetual and

universal happiness and harmony.



Eternity is now and here. This very instant is filled

with heavenly Reality. Happy indeed are we when we

apprehend and express this glorious present actuality!

Neither dreams nor thoughts, nor powers, nor plays,

nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor

depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us

from the Reality in which we now “live and move and

have our being.” Perfection is “the same yesterday,

and today, and for ever.” The more we see Perfection

expressed everywhere, — in every blade of grass, in

every beast of field, in every thing of earth — the more

will we be assured of happy experiences.

Did Daniel ask to be delivered from the lions’ den?

Did he upbraid the counsellors and governors for their

drastic actions toward him? Did he plead with the

king to save him from such a cruel fate? Nay, but “he

went into his house, (Understanding), and his windows

being wide open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, (his

soul ready and willing to stand still in Being), he

kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed,

and gave thanks before his God, as he did before time.”

Nevertheless Daniel was cast into the den of lions, a

great stone was laid upon the mouth of the den, and he

was left with his own Being.

The king, worried over the safety of Daniel, came

hastily the next morning to see if haply he might have

been delivered from death. And Daniel, entirely

unharmed, answered him saying: “My God hath sent

his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they

have not hurt me.” And hearken closely to his further

reply: “Forasmuch as before Him innocency was found

in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no


How shall WE fulfil this essential and seemingly

difficult requirement of “innocency?” it may be asked.

Let us “know no man after the flesh.” Know no self,

no man, no thing, no law, no world after appearances,

but “Present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

Present every blade of grass, every star of heaven,

every one of earth perfect, as his Being is perfect.



How should we expect to understand the Christ-Truth

unless we open our vision to receive it, our hearing to

hear it, and our hearts to love it? “Verily,” saith the

Spirit, “all loving to be real at all must be My loving,

and all living and acting to be real at all must be My

living and My acting. The form may be named a bird,

but there am I as life, as joy, as beauty. The form may

be named man, but there am I ever aware of the

greatness and grandeur of Myself as Life, Love, Power,

Truth and Glory.

The form called “man” expresses the fullness of

Myself, the infinity of Being, the immortality of Life,

Truth and Love. Verily I am Life and I am the

experience of living! I am Love and I am the

experience of loving! I am Intelligence and I am the

experience of knowing! Verily Being and experience

are one, not two!

The exalted concept of Heaven as Now and HERE IS

irresistible. It lifts us as with wings to the state of joy

and peace. What darkness can withstand the light?

What dream can persist after our awakening? What

lack can continue when we contact the Wealth of the

one Being? Since divine Truth is omnipresent, then

divine Truth is here and now. Since divine Love is

omnipotent, then divine Love is here and now. Since

divine Life is omniscience, then divine Life is here and

now. Neither time, nor place, nor person, nor thing,

shall be able to separate us from this Truth, this Love,

this Life manifesting in experience as perfect thinking,

hearing, seeing, feeling, understanding, which Christ

Jesus declared “is at hand,” and “within us,” — for you,

for me, for all alike.

Then let us drink from the River of Life. Let us walk

in green pastures, rest beside still waters, and dwell in

the house, (Understanding), of all-blessedness forever.

What if the rains descend, and the floods come, and the

winds blow and beat upon us? That cannot fall, or fail,

which is Life, Truth and Love.



“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is

in Heaven is perfect,” instructed Jesus. We should

therefore give up all sense of Self as person, body,

mind, and abide in the consciousness of Self as infinite

impersonal Being.

HAVE we accepted the belief that we govern ourselves

individually through our personal thoughts and

feelings? Then let us recognize and receive the higher

vision, — that of changeless Harmony and Perfection,

wherein all individuality is the one Life, the one Now,

the one Being. The individual is better governed when

he gives up all belief in separate personal thoughts and

feelings, and abides wholly in the consciousness of one

universal Intelligence, Activity and Power.

We may indeed rejoice to give up personal

responsibility when remembering Jesus’ words: “It is

your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom ...

Come unto Me, and I will give you rest ... Whosoever

drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never

thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him

a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Being is ceaselessly operating, — all-harmoniously it

embodies and includes all action, from the perfect

opening of a rosebud to the perfect thinking, hearing,

seeing, feeling and knowing of individual man. Its

mode of operation is Love, Harmony, Peace and Glory.

There could not enter into Being any thought of lack, or

loss, or doubt, or fear, or ignorance. Life could not

die, be put to sleep, or made to dream falsities; Truth

could not be deceived or confused; Love could not be

converted, regenerated or redeemed.

How then should one look upon discord? Whatever

enables one to understand and to experience his

Perfection more fully is not evil, although on the

surface it may appear so. Said Jesus, “Every branch in

me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every

branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may

bring forth more fruit.”



That discord is inevitable and universal, as it seems to

be today, is not the correct viewpoint, or proper attitude

of thought. It is impossible that both Good and

non-good could be universal. There is nothing true

but the Truth. Therefore Truth and Heaven are

UNIVERSAL and INFINITE, to be experienced by us


Let the word “Now,” capitalized, transcend all

suggestion of time, and denote the changeless Reality.

When we say or hear the word ordinarily, we think of

the moment correlated with the clock; but when we

think of it as the Now, we feel a new quality, like an

all-pervading Presence. In this Now no “healing” is

necessary or possible for the Now is already perfect and

complete. It INCLUDES an activity which is

perpetual harmony, — a natural and involuntary

wholeness and goodness. The Now is what is really

so, besides which nothing else does or can exist.

All the natural functions of existence here on earth

when more fully revealed will be understood as the

functions of Life, itself, — Life which is indivisible,

supreme, eternal. Our existence in this living Now

may be an experience filled with tenderness, peace,

perfect health and happiness. Nor could we see and

experience our eternal Good without being it.

The Now of Eternity is neither time nor space, yet it

includes all time and fills all space. Eternity is

indivisible time and boundless space, including and

comprising the experience of uninterrupted joy and




SPIRIT is the ever-present and infinite Substance from

which all true form-creation is produced. “Both riches

and honour come of Thee, and Thou reignest over all;

and in Thine hand is power and might; and in Thine

hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all ...

With God all things are possible,” is the inspired Word.

Therefore we should never try to fill our experience

with satisfaction by appealing to visible form-creation

for it, but obtain all good directly from invisible Mind,

or Spirit.

To obtain our abiding good from invisible Spirit is the

only possible way. How should we hope to

experience joy, satisfaction, and the abundance of

all-good without turning and looking to the Substance

of it? If we wish the sunlight, we place ourselves in

contact with the sun. Similarly if we wish to enjoy the

fruits of the Spirit, we must come in contact with Spirit.

Realizing that eternal Life is not one experience and

our daily existence another, Spirit of one Nature and its

expression another, we see and feel our existence to be

one with all living, and our living to he one with Being,

and this Being and its experience to be ours NOW.

So we find our joy continuous and uninterrupted, not

dependent upon yesterday or tomorrow; but an

experience which depends wholly upon ourselves.

Since the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, as Jesus

affirmed, it is surely always possible for us to

experience its harmonies and blessings.

Theories about God and man will never hold our

attention and devotion for any length of time. We are

so constituted that nothing but the Seamless Robe, or

the Truth of Being, will completely satisfy. All things,

thoughts, times and persons representing the one

Presence are INCLUDED in the one infinite divine

Being. How else could God be All-in-all?



Of what value is a Heaven to us apart from where we

are now living? Or Wholeness which we cannot

experience this very instant? Or Peace and Happiness

which could at any moment be impaired or terminated?

We must be willing to concede that Heaven Perfection,

to be at all must be NOW and HERE.

Let us look past the report of discord, destruction and

limitation, and grasp the importance of standing firmly

with the Soul-insight which comprehends only

Perfection. Should ears report discord, the eyes

unloveliness, the feeling disturbance, it is possible to

transcend such reports and experience Soul-perception

instead. This will always report truly. Sight, hearing,

thinking, feeling, are really not personal possessions

any more than are the multiplication table, the air, or

the sunlight.

As personalities we possess nothing. As one Being we

are all. The one All includes all. This is why we can

never lose sight, hearing, feeling or knowing. They

are eternally inherent, active and imperishable in one

unchangeable Being. Safe, certain, sure; omnipresent,


The things we see and handle are not structural as they

seem to be. The chair in your room, the book you are

holding, the house in which you dwell, the tree outside

your window, when viewed correctly are all ideas of

Mind. Infinite Mind includes all natural formations

and such are IDEAS manifested in outline and colour,

— real and tangible.

Solidity is not added to the weightless idea, nor could

there be mortality in Spirit. The universe in which we

live is a universe of spiritual Ideas which are

substantial, immortal and practical, — apprehended

and utilized according to the degree of one’s

illumination. To one the vision is spiritual, while to

another the vision is “material.” As we come to know

that in the one Presence all is Mind and Its ideas,

former views will pass away and the Kingdom of

Reality will become more clearly visible to us.



“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But

when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in

part shall be done away.”

“And I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God

Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.”

Our sleeping dream illustrates, to some extent, how

Being, Mind, and its phenomena may be understood.

In our dream we see, hear, feel and act but without

corporeality. In our waking experience we say we

hear with ears, see with eyes, and walk with feet; but all

the while it is Mind which so functions, — for Mind

includes all natural action, volition and formation.

REJOICE that the time is here to look away from laws

“of matter and thought” unto heavenly Grace. The

word “Grace” means unmerited good; free gift. Such

grace declares: “To him that worketh not, his faith is

counted for righteousness … Not by might, nor by

power, but by My Spirit.”

Grace announces: “For the earth shall be full of the

knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea ...

Now is the day of salvation … Neither do I condemn

thee ... In an hour as ye think not the Son of man


When Jesus tabernacled with men he did not teach

bondage but freedom. He did not teach limitation but

abundance. He produced bread without seedling and

harvest, without grinding and baking. He produced

fish, without bait or hook, without water or net. He

produced money, without mine or mint, without labour

or press. He produced raiment, without hands or

machinery. Ever we can hear Being say,

“The place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”



Then why should we wait longer? and for what? Have

we not been under the “law” or “schoolmaster” long

enough, and is it not high time “that we might be

justified by faith?” And further: “Who did hinder you

that ye should not obey the Truth?”

The book of Genesis informs us of light preceding the

sun, of grass preceding the seed. Jesus tells of “water”

from which if one drinks he “shall never thirst; but the

water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of

water springing up into everlasting life.” Jesus also

mentions “meat”, nourishing and satisfying, but which

unbelief and misconception “know not of.” We read

of a burning fiery furnace, of a den of lions, of a great

storm of wind powerless to harm, for Man has

dominion over all, — yea he is Lord of Heaven and

earth. “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in


VERILY it requires courage, faith and purity to be

willing to exchange our confidence in laborious study

for the free and natural expression of revealed Being.

But when we let go the feverish yearning for spiritual

advancement, give up the mental effort directed toward

persons, places and things, and standing still allow our

real Being to prevail for us, we are blessed with

heavenly experience now and here. Saith this Being:

“There is no God beside Me:

I girded thee, though thou hast not known Me;

That they may know from the rising of the sun, and

from the west,

That there is none beside Me.

I am the Lord, and there is none else.”



As one begins to feel the involuntary exaltation and

freedom of Spirit he rejoices in true peace and

certainty, — the natural joy and blessedness of Being.

To try to add goodness to oneself, or to assume virtues,

is not the same as to radiate the natural goodness which

springs spontaneously from Being. And trying to

remove discords and limitations from experience is not

the same as involuntarily losing them in the glad

moment of Self-consciousness. Over-arching and

suffusing all labour and achievement is Reality, which

is “the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” Here

Being and experience are identical.

How luminous and exalting to understand that our

Being is Self-sustained and Self-governed! Often,

despite our deep earnestness and eagerness to hold to

the Truth, we feel a separation. O, the peace and rest

when we lay down the burden and responsibility,

realizing that “I of mine own (personal) self can do

nothing!” Then, indeed, it is that the Wisdom, Love

and Power of our real Being becomes ALL to us.

Then it is that we walk in green pastures and rest

besides still waters.

Ever speaks the Christ: “Come unto Me, all ye that

labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am

meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto

your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is

light ... Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see

God.” This purity is the natural quality of Being.

Verily as “death is swallowed up in victory” so mental

effort is swallowed up in natural, spontaneous

illumination, and the notion of separate personality in

the one Self-existent Being. This revelation is

at-one-ment with the Truth of our Being.

Our own Being impels us to turn naturally to it for help,

for strength, for understanding. And as we do this, —

as we turn from confusion and disturbance to face

Truth in ourselves, lo, the darkness is light before us,

and our world is Heaven.



One should advance naturally from the “taking

thought” position to the calm and certainty of Life and

Being. Many of us at times find ourselves crying with


“My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Why

art Thou so far from helping me, and from the words of

my roaring? O my God, I cry in the daytime, but Thou

hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent.”

As we release ourselves from the struggle with thought

and personality, and from over-anxiety for spiritual

understanding, and in stillness know, Naught can

disturb, God is my peace, we find ourselves free from

fear and turmoil, and altogether sure and calm. Such

certainty makes the moment not time but Eternity, not

place but Heaven, not personality but identity in the

one Being. Such understanding solves the seeming

problem and we find our freedom and wholeness

uninterrupted and at hand. Then with David we


“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. I will

dwell in the house (Understanding) of the Lord


“The Seamless Robe” is a verbal expression denoting

the indivisible glorious Infinite. “And there shall in no

wise enter into it any thing which defileth, neither

whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie.”

What can prevent us from beholding this Reality, from

experiencing it, from being it? Nothing, when we see

our Peace, our Goodness, our Completeness as our

natural eternal Being.



EVERYTHING at every moment is exactly the same as

Being conceived it, — “very good.” Have we not had

moments when we were completely filled with joy, rest

and exaltation? Right in the midst of the perplexing

problems we can eat from the “table” which forever

stands spread for us in an ever-present, eternal Now.

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of

mine enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil; my

cup runneth over.”

No matter how we may try to describe, or analyze, the

Infinite, we know that God is more than anything that

has ever been thought or said, for when we have said

that God is our peace, our happiness, our knowing, our

abundance of all-good, still God is more than all this.

How can the Infinite be explained, or be encompassed

by thoughts or words? It cannot. Infinity must be


Almost all the teachers of other times were influenced

more or less by their belief in the law of “an eye for an

eye.” We find this belief running all through the Old

Testament. This is what makes Jesus so much more

lovely to us. He taught humility, grace and love,

saying, “Thy sins be forgiven thee.” So we should all

forget our former trespasses, and keep forgetting them

until they are entirely blotted from memory. Isaiah

tells of such revelation, or Christ-Truth, coming to him

as follows:

“Remember ye not the former things,

Neither consider the things of old.

I, even I, am He that blotteth out

Thy transgressions for Mine own sake,

And will not remember thy sins.

Arise, shine; for thy light is come,

And the glory of the Lord Is risen upon thee.”



Nor should we remember the mistakes of others.

When we are still and quiet in the presence of the one

Reality, we can remember perfect Life and its

expression, and forget everything else but this Good

and this Perfection. The always-present Christ assures

us all, “If we know these things, happy are ye if ye do


DID it ever occur to you that all good belongs to us

because it is our very Being? We have been taught to

call homes, lands, moneys, material things but they are

not. SPIRIT is the substance of all and SPIRIT

includes all.

While the ordinary meaning of the word “thing” is An

object of structure, such as that which has weight and

occupies space, a better definition of it is, An object of

thought, a distinct idea in Mind. When we have this

true concept, then we can understand a “thing”

correctly. We can realize that Creation includes no

structural thing but consists of EXPRESSED IDEAS.

For instance, when we feel that we need money, or

anything natural to our daily living, our first thought

may be of the cost, or of the time it takes to procure, or

that we must deal with certain people and

circumstances in order to obtain it. But we really need

to deal with no one except ourselves. There is no

“outside” to Being. Being is our all, so we do not need

to depend upon persons, places, times, or

circumstances for our help.

“He hangeth the earth on nothing,” visioned Job. Our

world depends upon nothing outside of ourselves. We

should learn how to promote experiences of plenty and

satisfaction from Heaven within rather than attempt to

obtain them from circumstances without. And our

first perception should be that as Spirit is not structural

or material neither can its expression be structural or

material. All Natural things are, primarily, ideas,

without cost and without price; not dependent upon

persons, places or times for their existence but

coexisting with Being.



Sooner or later we are bound to find out that our own

Being is our Source of all supply. We are brought to

realize that ever-present abundance of all Blessedness

is forever ours to understand and ours to experience in

the Here and Now. This is the fact. No doubt at

times it may seem to us that such could not be, that

people, circumstances and conditions must certainly

govern or control our lives and bring either harmony or

discord. This is not true.

Why should we limit ourselves to the notion that we

have not sufficient understanding to think the right and

enjoy the right in our daily experience? Are we not

that Spirit which is all-Intelligence? Perhaps the

problem does seem difficult and overpowering at times,

but there is that in us which can transcend all

difficulties and walk safely over and through all


Could there be any condition apart from the one

all-inclusive God, Good? Is not this infinite Spirit

Self-sustaining, Self-understanding, Self-supporting?

There is no problem too small or too great to be

understood in its right light and transmuted into

Harmony. There is no reason why any of us should

think he cannot find complete satisfaction in the

ever-revealing Now. The discerning Paul saw this

when he wrote to the Corinthians:

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it

entered into the heart of man, the things which God

hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath

revealed them unto us by His Spirit.”

The fact is that Spirit being infinite, this precludes the

possibility of any “thing” unlike Perfection, Harmony,

Peace and Abundance. No matter what seems to be

contrary, this is the FACT, otherwise God, Good,

would not be ALL.



When rightly viewed all natural formations from the

sand of the sea to the stars in the heavens are formations

of Mind, or Consciousness. So likewise are all natural

formations from a pencil to a palace. We should not

think of creation as separated into two groups, — one

“spiritual” and the other “material”. All right useful

things representing spiritual Ideas are ever present and

directly at hand.

ALL things are yours” is an inspired statement. Verily

all things are ours because such “things” are not

material or structural, (as believed), but are

thought-form, or the form of pure Consciousness. All

(natural) things are Ideas manifested.

Ideas are not material but spiritual, or the true mental,

so likewise is their expression. Spirit, Mind, is the

only Creator. There is none other; and Creator and

creation are one. Isaiah’s prophesy is for today, and

for Eternity.

“Thy people shall all be righteous:

They shall inherit the land forever,

The branch of My planting, the work of My hands,

That I may be glorified.

For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, And as the

garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring


So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to

spring forth before all nations.

The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, And the lion

shall eat straw like the bullock; They shall not hurt nor

destroy in all My holy mountain, saith the Lord.”



This blessed state of the new Jerusalem, this wealth,

joy, happiness and harmony of the perfect Land, is to

be found in one’s own Soul and is to be experienced in

the Here and Now. Indeed, Jesus’ life shows that

spiritual Reality is to be seen and utilized right in the

midst of human experience. He says: “Your Father

knoweth that ye have need of these things ... All that I

have is thine.” And how could this be? Only by

seeing in the temporal the substance of the Eternal, the

material flooded with the light of the Spiritual.

Spirit — Soul rejoices in its inherent and intrinsic

righteousness, peace, beauty and blessedness which

forever continue to appear from their boundless and

inexhaustible Source. The disclosure and revealment

of infinite Mind in ideas and forms is constant and

perpetual. Such revelation is what has been termed

“states and stages of consciousness.”

Jesus’ concept is, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be

done in earth, as it is in Heaven.” Well, as this

Kingdom comes to our perception and view then earth

will be Heaven, will it not? For as long as we have

two kingdoms, — one of Heaven and one of earth, we

are proposing two powers and two creations. If we are

to have ONE Creator and ONE creation, — the

seamless Robe — then it is imperative that we let go

beliefs of divisions, boundaries, separations and

limitations, and accept one Universe, — Heaven here

and now.

Thus as we see Heaven expressed in earth, our only

experience is Heaven. As we harmonize spiritual

Ideas with the natural earthly things, our vision is one

of unity, oneness. As we realize that the Eternal is all

that is right and natural, our experience is that of


Truly our identity is one with infinite Being, which

cannot be separated or divided, but can efficiently

supply us with all good.



MANY of us seem slow to reach a satisfactory solution

of our daily problems because we still believe that we

are in a “material” world, subject to “material” laws

governing time, money, weight, place, et cetera. Let

us always bear in mind that all natural things are really

true mental forms, or forms of true thought, occupying

no space, having no weight, coming from Mind, or

Spirit. Spiritual ideas and their corresponding forms

are continually being more fully revealed to us from

our own Nature.

The true Creation is free, “without money and without

price,” and is available now to meet whatever our need

may require. The “Father,” — our own Selfhood —

not only “knoweth what things ye have need of, before

ye ask,” but “rewards us openly;” that is, manifests the

desired thing in the FORM meeting the HUMAN need.

“I will work, and who shall let it?” Can any one or any

thing stop the Truth from being the Truth, — from

operating intelligently and understandingly always?

“For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who

hath been His counsellor? For of Him, and through

Him, and to Him, are all things.”

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of

man, that he should repent: hath He said, and shall He

not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it


ABOUT a half-century ago, Mary Baker Eddy, a

teacher of great spiritual insight, when pondering this

momentous subject, wrote in her text-book Science and

Health as follows:



“All must give place to the spiritual fact by the

translation of man and the universe back into Spirit. In

proportion as this is done, man and the universe will be

found harmonious and eternal. Thought will finally be

understood and seen in all form, substance, and colour,

but without material accompaniments.” — Pages 209,


“Science, understood, translates matter into Mind.”

— Misc. page 25.

Indeed this is the voice of Truth. Matter must be

translated into Mind, for actually there is no matter: all

is Mind. Paul wrote understandingly: “We understood

that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that

things which are seen were not made of things which

do appear.”

How shall we translate “man and the universe back into

Spirit”? By feeling and knowing that Spirit, Mind, is

all. All! By letting our hearts melt into an infinite

tenderness toward the ideas and thoughts which are the

“things of Spirit” now and here before us. For how

could we ever hope to behold the Creation of Spirit at

hand while we fail to recognize it, and instead call it

“materiality,” or “illusion?” The natural things about

us, belonging to our natural living, are not finite, or

material, as supposed, but are of Mind, Spirit,

cognizable according to our comprehension and

understanding of Being.

Calling things by their rightful names will aid us in

viewing them in their rightful light. “But,” one asks,

“will they not age, deteriorate and appear to die just the

same?” Does it trouble us what seems to be taking

place about us when we KNOW that it isn’t so in

Truth? And shall we not now and here begin to know

the Truth about “things?”



“FOR they shall all know Me, from the least of them to

the greatest of them,” visioned the prophet Jeremiah.

As we hold in our hearts the spiritual realities of Being,

we are bound to see them expressed everywhere.

The FORMS of Spirit such as rocks, trees, grass, sky,

animals, man, are not “matter,” but Mind expressed.

“The living God made heaven and earth and the sea,

and all things that are therein.” Like reflects like.

Spirit reflects Spirit. These spiritual forms are both

tangible and substantial to Spirit. Let us be ready and

willing to see them this way.

“The desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.

And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the

thirsty land springs of water. No lion shall be there,

nor any ravenous beast. Instead of the thorn shall

come up the fir tree.

The sun shall be no more thy light by day: but the Lord

shall be unto thee an everlasting Light, and thy God thy


Such is Self-creating, Self-sustaining, Self-governing

and Infinite Being! We see that there is no distinction

between Spirit and Nature. And this teaching is not

pantheism as there is no “in” or “out,” and no “finity”

to Spirit which is ALL.

Spirit cannot be deranged, impaired, or discordant, for

Spirit is the infallible and immutable Infinite. Spirit

expresses itself in sight, hearing, feeling, knowing, and

likewise in all forms, colours, beauty and loveliness.

Moreover, Spirit includes infinite individuality: yet

Spirit is one Whole, one Unit, one Mind, one Being,

one Experience.

The teaching of Jesus forever admonishes us: Come

forth from misconceptions. Stand upright on the

Truth of Being. Arise! Open your eyes and ears and

learn that you are free Spirit, — flawless, triumphant

Being. “And the glory which Thou gavest me, I have

given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.”



All natural activity, such as hearing, seeing, thinking,

feeling, resting, eating, walking, is of the one Spirit,

God. All natural beauty, glory, grandeur, is of the one

Spirit, God. All natural joy, peace, love, gladness, is

of the one Spirit, God. How could any other statement

be true when Spirit, God, is infinite, universal and

all-inclusive? “In my Father’s house, (infinite Being),

are many mansions, (continuous revelations of


There could be no beginning or end to that which is one

all. There could be no within or without, no division

into times, places, persons or things, to that which is a

Unit, a Whole. Verily, verily, Life and Life’s

expression are the same One.

YOU may ask: Is there such a thing as spiritual form?

Most certainly. Why should it seem impossible for

you to consider the natural world and the things

belonging to your normal consciousness as in and of

Spirit, therefore forms of Spirit? The one Mind, or

Spirit, is infinite and so includes all in one. The things

pertaining to, and essential to your normal state of

living, are not structural or solid as they seem to be, for

rightly viewed there is no matter, — ALL IS MIND!

There can be nothing outside of the all-inclusive One.

This is our platform of Truth. What is termed solidity,

or what is called a material object, merely denotes a

state of consciousness, for in our present state of

spiritual comprehension we may be seeing, “as through

a glass darkly.” It might be said that in our present

“mansion,” or state of spiritual revelation, we are not

viewing “things” and “forms” as we will view them

when we open our perception wider and LIVE Reality

more abundantly. Jesus speaks plainly:

“I am come that they might have life, and that they

might have it more abundantly.”



Spiritual objects are forms of spiritual thought and they

will “finally be understood and seen in all form,

substance and colour, but without material

accompaniments.” As we experience perfect Life

“more abundantly,” we begin to view everything about

us in a more perfect way, and the “material

accompaniments,” such as weight, solidity,

impermanence, time and place, vanish from our


NOT a single blade of grass, a leaf, or a flower is

“material,” but of Spirit and therefore SPIRITUAL. It

is Mind which conceives, outlines and forms Ideas

which “multiply and replenish the earth.”

Jesus’ declaration that “your heavenly Father knoweth

that ye have need of all these things,” unquestionably

assures us that whatever we need in wholesome,

normal experience, our very Being can and will supply.

Let us forever remember that God-Being is supreme.

There is none else. Let us always be glad to let go of

partial childish thoughts for the fuller Insight. All that

we declare to be the expression of God must be

INCLUDED in God-Being. The Unexpressed and the

Expressed, — visible Creation and in-visible Spirit —

all is one Presence, one Eternity, one Infinity, one All.

CERTAINLY we can be freed from limitations and

discords as we comprehend more clearly Life and its

meaning, — remembering that nothing has power or

presence but the one infinite Being and its one

ever-harmonious expression.

Does any of us seem to be placing power in time,

person or condition? In that hour when we turn from

such speculations and understand where Power is, and

understand where Substance is, and understand where

Activity is — right in one’s perfect Being — then shall

we know that it is possible to experience in our daily

living the joy, happiness and harmony of Heaven.



The events which are called separation, loss, lack and

inharmony are not so considered by divine Intelligence.

The Truth says, Do not I fill Heaven and earth? Am I

not then expressed in earth as in Heaven? Is not

visible Mind-expression and invisible creative Power

one and the same?

We do believe in a Presence, a Power, which is

All-in-all and besides which there is none else. We do

accept this God-Presence, this God-Power to be perfect

and complete now and here. Then how could there

really be a world of rulers and subjects, judges and

criminals, healers and patients as it appears? A world

of sins, punishments, deaths? Face these questions


Is there, or is there not, any other Power or Presence

than one universal Being and its one universal

expression? One perfect finished Kingdom at hand

now and here, ready this very instant to be seen, felt

and appropriated?

Verily, verily, universal Being is immaculate Life

which cannot vary, or alter, or misunderstand. That

Life which is seen in bird, beast, man, is not a separate,

personal life but is divine Life, seen in the eternal

continuity in Nature. So mighty, pure, radiant,

irresistible, spontaneous, ideal, nothing can interfere

with it or mar it, for it is infinite Being, without

beginning or end. Says the inspired Word:

“Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power, and the

glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in

the Heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the

Kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above


The heavens are Thine, and the earth also is Thine; as

for the world and the fullness thereof, Thou hast

founded them.



Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,

and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom

is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Who

created Heaven, and the things that therein are, and the

earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and

the things that are therein. Look unto Me and be ye

saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there

is none else.”

Eternally saith the one Presence: I am that Life which

expresses Itself in all forms of Nature which are

beautiful, radiant, true. My Life is My Love in all,

over all and All. I recognize no personal body, no

personal virtues or ambitions. There is none but Me,

— Self-existent Being! Therefore what can disturb?

This understanding is everlasting health, sweet

interchange of confidence and love, and perpetual

wealth of all good in earth.

LET those who “sleep,” awaken and look up, and let

those who feel chained by false beliefs, break loose.

“Return every man to his house (perfect

Understanding).” Our only Being is Spirit, our only

home is the Realm of divine peace, everlasting love,

and the abundance of perfect good “at hand.”

In the effulgence of this realization we cannot conceive

of “treatments,” or prayers, as being necessary; we

cannot remember sickness, separation, loss or

depression. Here is this Kingdom of supernal

loveliness and well-being we have no memory of, or

belief in, limitation, finity, or impermanence of any

kind. “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new

earth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor

come into mind.”



Our “treatment” is the understanding that nothing is to

be changed, nothing is to be added nor subtracted. We

speak Truth for the glory of God, — it is our very

Nature expressing itself. We speak Truth not because

we lack but because we HAVE; not because we expect

but because we HAVE RECEIVED. We do not speak

to heal the sick nor to enlighten the ignorant, but that

immortals may drink of the living water, — the River of

the water of Life!

With derision the Jews said of Jesus, “He maketh

himself as God.” But Jesus, understanding the “I” and

the “Father” as One, could truly say, “He that hath seen

me hath seen the Father.” In proportion as we, too,

understand that the “Father” is our own Being, and so

let the individual “I” be one with it, are we aware of our

own true Self-hood. Then indeed have we let the “I”

go unto the Father.

We forget short-comings and misunderstandings when

we turn from them to real Being. The man on the bed,

asleep, need do nothing in order to lose the dream than

awake. This will automatically take care of all the

dream situations, no matter how difficult or how

distressing they seem. He has not actually departed

from his daily living and well-being for he is in his

room safe, well and happy. Similarly, our

misunderstandings of Life and their consequent

discords and limitations will disappear as we are

wakeful and mindful of Perfection and live in accord

with it.

“Is there a God besides Me? Yea, there is no God; I

know not any.” Then do we need to worry over past,

present or future conditions? Can anything stop or

change Life in its perpetual and ever-intelligent

government? Do we need to concern ourselves with

laws dealing with sin and punishment, ignorance and

penalties? Not if our hearts are aflame with the

gracious word of Jesus Christ: “For God sent not His

Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the

world through him might be saved.”



Before his reconciliation with Esau, Jacob turned his

attention within, and here it was revealed to him by his

own Being that the power of divine Love transcends all

sense of resentment and misunderstanding, and reigns

supreme in earth as in Heaven. It was then that he

looked, and, behold, he saw his brother’s face as

though he had seen the face of God. “I have seen thy

face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou

wast pleased with me,” were his gracious words to


“Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm

of the Lord revealed?” asks Isaiah. To them who are

ready and willing to accept the revelation that Good

cannot be evil. That Life cannot be death. That Spirit

cannot be matter. That Love cannot be hate. That

Intelligence cannot be ignorance. That Perfection

cannot be imperfection. Yea, that one infinite Life,

Spirit, Love, Intelligence, Perfection, is immutable,

Unchangeable NOW AND ALWAYS.

“GOD is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” We

are all to discover, even as Jesus exemplified, that we

need take no anxious thought for our health, wealth,

happiness or pleasure, for we are now in the finished

Kingdom where all such blessings are the natural and

simple expressions of living.

“How then,” it is asked, “shall I gain the understanding

equal to the transcending of my problems?” By lifting

attention from them to that “secret place of the most

High” where an understanding of yourself and of your

problems will ‘be revealed to you. It is a fact that your

being is whole and complete NOW; you need not

continually affirm wholeness, deny self, nor contradict

unpleasant conditions, but you can catch a clearer

glimpse of Reality and understand and embody the

spiritual qualities your real Being includes. This

illumination is your AWAKENING to that Truth which

“shall make (and keep) you free.”



For instance, have you allowed your heart to become as

adamant? O, be willing to welcome a change of heart.

“And a new heart also will I give you and a new spirit

will I put within you; and I will take away the stony

heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of

flesh.” God alone is your ability to know what is real

and right and true always, and God is the ineffable

tenderness of irresistible divine Love over-brooding

all. Said Paul,

“Today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your


Turn from the selfish, hardened sense and enter your

inner sanctuary, rejoicing to allow the ever-presence of

the Kingdom of heavenly Love to shine in your heart

now and here. For listen further to Paul’s astonishing


“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,

and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a

tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of

prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all

knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could

remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and

though I give my body to be burned, and have not love,

it profiteth me nothing.”

What kind of a God are you accepting? A God who

sends or sanctions sorrow, separation and disease? A

God who can not, or will not, deliver you now and here

from misunderstanding, fear and despair? A God who

permits corruptions, tribulations and afflictions?

Listen to the Psalmist: “In Thy Presence is fullness of

joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for

evermore.” And Job discerned: “If they obey and

serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity,

and their years in pleasures.”



Why should any one ask God to help him bear burdens

so terrible as grief, pain, worry or fear? How could

any one ever persuade himself to believe in a God who

requires man to suffer that he may be strong, to pray

that he may be redeemed, or to die that he may enter


Beloved, now is the accepted time. Now is the instant

to understand your own Being and gain a wholesome

perception of its requirements. Acquaint now yourself

with your real Being and you will find peace.

Understand that the natural and intrinsic qualities of the

Self are love, faith, purity, goodness, kindness,

understanding, trust and tenderness. When we are

holding to bitterness, hardness of heart, fear, sorrow

and despair, we are ‘turning from our Perfection and

holding to a “sleep” from which we can awaken. As

Paul continues:

“Now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is

our salvation nearer than when we believed.”

“Behold, now is the day of salvation.” Now is the

instant to take your thought away from your problem,

as such, and face God in yourself. Now is the instant

to know perfection, harmony, holiness, — your true

God-being, and all that it includes. The Christ-Truth

is ever saying, Come into the understanding of your

Nature, your real Selfhood which is spotless,

boundless, free. Your real Selfhood is Understanding,

Power, Love, Goodness, yea, all that “I AM” includes.

When will error be dissolved and entirely fade from

sight? it is asked. When we cease to recognize two

powers, two creations. When we see our being as the

Divine, Heaven in earth, and this moment as the eternal

Now. “I am the Way”, said Jesus. Is our Nature

different from that of Jesus Christ? Not at all.



“I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness,”

was the vision of David. To “awake” with His

likeness is to UNDERSTAND and EMBODY our true

state of Being, our true Self which knows only peace,

bliss and harmony. And this native estate is already

prepared to be experienced every moment. “And thine

ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the

way, walk ye in it.” This way is the “awakening,” the

coming face to face with our Reality which ever

strengthens,. guides and directs us in paths of joy,

peace and glory.

Let us eat from the Table which is prepared for us in the

very presence of our problems. This Table is the

ever-presence of the Heaven of true spiritual Ideas

which, as we assimilate, deliver us from all evil. What

are some of these spiritual Ideas? That Perfection is

boundless, limitless, ever-available, and at hand. That

the all-Good is changeless love, perfect understanding,

complete joy, power, peace and harmony for each and


LET us take an inventory of our Self and discover just

what is our intrinsic Nature, — what are our God-given

qualities and abilities.

It has been quite generally accepted that the body

follows the mind, or that thought governs and controls

the body. But suppose the thoughts are unruly when

we want calm, fearful when we want confidence,

ignorant when we want understanding, are we not then

limited and condemned by our own thinking? And if

we could not control our thoughts we would seem in a

helpless state, would we not?

There is something, however, which over-arches and

transcends thought. It is Being, — our own

transcendent Being. So as we place our faith and

vision here, and are willing and receptive to the Truth

of our Being, our thoughts are good naturally, and our

bodies are healthy naturally.



“If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall

be full of light.” When a discordant condition, which

we have been educated to call by some particular name,

seems to be present, we can practice introspection.

Certainly nothing is out of order in the Kingdom of

Heaven within, and so a contradiction could not be

present before us. Our struggle ceases as the temporal

and the Eternal become ONE to us, and as we conform

our living with our Being. Our realization of the

eternal Now, and so of changeless and universal Love,

Kindness, Purity and Goodness, constitutes our Light

‘and Door, our Way and Resurrection.

“Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar

off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall

not see him? Do not I fill Heaven and earth? saith the

Lord.” — Jeremiah

“I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for

ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from

it. That which hath been is now; and that which is to

be hath already been.” — Solomon

The experience of the enlightened is harmony, peace,

rest and understanding. Each and all of us has the

“quickening Spirit,” the “Mind which was also in Jesus

Christ.” This Christ-Mind is the real Self which never

sleeps nor dreams, which never fears nor worries, but is

all-hearing, all-seeing, all-knowing, all-acting,

all-wise, — all-sufficient always, with no labour or

effort of any kind; with no striving or yearning, with no

doubt or uncertainty.

“Ye shall not need to fight in this battle; stand ye still,

and see the salvation of the Lord with you.” He who

would SEE should be willing to look with honesty,

tenderness and understanding Love. He who would

HEAR should quietly listen to the call of his own

Being. He who would KNOW should have his soul

attuned to the eternal Now.



“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour,

and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all

malice. And be ye kind one to another,

tender-hearted, forgiving one another. For our

conversation is in Heaven. Let your speech be always

with grace. That ye may stand perfect and complete in

all the will of God.”— Paul

“A day in Thy courts is better than a thousand,”

confided the Psalmist. When we let our problems

serve as stepping stones instead of obstacles, we sooner

transcend them and realize “a day in Thy courts.” We

may see a chaotic appearance of discord and misfortune

instead of the true happiness and harmony of Life, but

by letting go the responsibility for both misfortune and

happiness we are bound to perceive that the natural

good of Being is expressed everywhere, and is always

at hand to be appropriated.

A “day” means a state of consciousness, the

illumination of spiritual understanding. There are no

measurements of Eternity. There is no past nor future;

everything is Now. All takes place in an indivisible,

continuous revelation and activity of Life.

Thus the more we close our minds to thoughts of

trouble, and open them to the perception of “Heaven at

hand,” and “Christ in you,” the sooner are we lifted

over the hard places of the problem into the bliss of

Reality. Since we are in God’s perfect world and are

entitled to joy, sweet companionship and all delights,

let us understand such blessedness as our

ever-available and eternal birthright, including

dominion (through enlightenment) over all which

would seem to contradict it.

Teachers may come and go, theories rise and fall, but

the great truth that Spirit is all, and that all is Spirit will

be increasingly Understood, until the beliefs of

“matter,” and of “mental cause and effect,” are

forgotten, and the heavenly Kingdom of Mind and

Spirit is felt to be ALL.



WHAT is “repentance” but the surrender of the

personal ego, — personal will, responsibility, fear,

pride, labour and strife? True humility is not

weakness but is spiritual recognition of the Immortal,

the Eternal, the Incorruptible in earth as in Heaven.

Self-harmony is true humility. It is confidence, rest,

quietness. Self-harmony does not reap its peace from

the without but from the within. It is to be naturally

honest, fearless, joyous, generous, considerate, loving

and kind. Self-harmony is a calmness of thought and

action based upon spiritual conviction that there is no

one or no thing to come or go in the Substance which is

forever complete, perfect, finished and at hand.

“When this (im)mortal shall have put on, (accepted),

immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying

that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”

Why need one be continually adjusting, transposing

and equipping his thoughts, body and affairs? Why

should he not accept the finished Kingdom now, walk

by still waters, and rest in green pastures?

Moreover, how could one expect to experience habitual

harmony of mind and body if he speaks one language

and lives another? For these must be harmonized,

must be brought into unity which is the only true

atonement. To speak words of Truth, no matter how

glowing, is not equivalent to a life of pure thinking and

right acting. One may speak of Truth fluently and

glowingly yet live as though unacquainted with it: but

to LIVE Truth truly requires that complete surrender of

the “personal” which automatically discloses the divine

Nature, — infinite tenderness, thoughtfulness,

goodness, love and mercy toward everything and




How beautiful and satisfying is the charm and radiance

of a life that is lived and expressed naturally! And this

experience may be for each of us as we give up the

responsibility of trying to do the work for ourselves, or

for others, which is already perfect, and has been

completely finished since the day “when the morning

stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for

joy.” Indeed, this glory should shine from us as

naturally as fragrance exhales from the rose.

It is sad that we have not always known this, but have

so long believed that we should assume a personal

responsibility for our virtues, or that we should study

ourselves into the Kingdom of Heaven, devoting some

of our time to spiritual things held distinct and separate

from the pleasures and duties of daily home-and-family


“Verily the time cometh, AND NOW IS, when the true

worshipers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in

Truth.” We should express the real Self right in our

daily living and not wait for certain times, places,

persons or things. What freedom, what liberation, to

see that our Being requires nothing from us except that

it may be all! The enslavement of man, whether to

appetites of the so-called material senses, or of the

so-called higher sense, may be renounced as the

maturing child relinquishes first his rattle and later on

his electric train.

Human responsibility has no place in the already

finished creation of Being. The incessant and intense

desires to get spiritual understanding is quite as

intoxicating and enslaving as are the more fleshly

appetites. Isaiah perceived: “They are drunken, but

not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.”

Many have brought division into their homes, and sad

experiences into their lives through harbouring this

false responsibility. Here is the song of Moses: “My

speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the

tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass.” Such

is the natural loveliness of Being.



The divine life is expressed in home, person, thing, —

all human existence, even as the Master said, — “Thy

will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven.” The home of

sweet companionships and unselfish delights, the circle

of wise tenderness and holy loveliness is the tabernacle

of God. It could not be otherwise. Let us rejoice to

know that Heaven reveals Itself to us quite as much in

the warmth and glow of happy family communion, in

the touch of friendly hands, and in the pure pleasures of

daily living, as in the solitude of the retreat, or the

shrine. We need not divorce ourselves from the

natural joy of living in order to have His name written

in our foreheads. Intense thinking and studying, as

well as laborious striving for spiritual understanding,

are really unnecessary, pitifully unnecessary.

Thousands of years ago Solomon wisely said:

“Of making books there is no end; and much study is a

weariness of the flesh.”

As we stand STILL in Being we find peace; we find

rest; we find health and happiness. These are ours

wholly apart from anything we might think, or say, or

do. We have only to lay claim to them. Every true

thought, word and act expresses our divine Being.

STANDING still” might be said to be the receiving of

Spirit, because Spirit seems to come to us. Yet again,

it might be said to be the welling up of the fountain of

Spirit, because it is happening within oneSelf. Such

experience is of course not distinct from oneself but in

fact is one’s very Self. Standing still does not signify




It is difficult to explain in words how God may be seen

in perpetual action and yet be known as stillness, for

this understanding must be spiritually discerned.

Intellect reads, studies, describes and explains; but

Intelligence stands still in understanding, simply Being.

Even in the midst of fear and trembling the loving

receptive heart may find this resting place, knowing

that God is always to be heard and felt, for God is

EVER present.

This Self-existent Life, this knowing one’s Self, does

not imply inertia, but is Peace and Certainty in action.

It is Fullness, Perfection, Blessedness at hand,

Infallible Self-existent Life means, “I AM THAT I

AM,” — “the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.”

“Which thing is true in Him and in you, because the

darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.”

WE see Jesus expressing his view of Perfection as


LAYING ON OF HANDS. St. Matthew reports:

“And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side,

when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried, saying,

Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David. And

Jesus stood still and called unto them, and had

compassion on them, and touched their eyes; and

immediately their eyes received sight, and they

followed him.”

St. Luke reports: “Now when the sun was set, all they

that had any sick with divers diseases brought them

unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them,

and healed them. And they were amazed, and spoke

among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for

with authority and power he commandeth the unclean

spirits, and they come out.”



We also find Jesus tenderly wooing their FAITH in

him, in God, and in themselves, — for he understood

the oneness of Being. “And when he was come, into

the house, the blind men came unto him, and he saith

unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They

said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes,

saying, According to your faith be it unto you.” And

to the “woman which was a sinner,” he said: “Thy sins

are forgiven. Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.”

Jesus sometimes expressed a REBUKE to the erring

belief: “And he rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea,

Peace be still. And the wind ceased and there was a

great calm.”... “And Simon’s wife’s mother was taken

with a great fever. And he (Jesus) stood over her and

rebuked the fever and it left her; and immediately she

arose and ministered unto them.”

At one time Jesus WITHDREW himself bodily from

those who sought to kill him:

“And they took up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid

himself, and went out of the temple, going through the

midst of them, and so passed by.”

It is clearly seen that whether Jesus rebuked,

commanded, stood still, requested faith, or expressed

any other ways of healing, nevertheless to the

discerning eye it is all the SAME way. Jesus was the

way unto himself. He was true to himself, —

Self-knowing, Self-acting Being. What did it matter

whether he spat on the ground, and made clay of the

spittle and anointed the eyes of the blind, or whether he

cried, Be open! or whether he stood still in the midst of

them, or what the mode his inspiration took? He was

the way, he was the Harmony, he was the

understanding, he was the Kingdom in earth as in




Wholeness, Harmony, Peace and Perfection were

brought to sight and sense not because of Jesus’ mode

of speech, or his mode of action, but because he acted

spontaneously and in harmony with Self-knowledge.

He acted in illumination, and whatever he saith came to

pass because of himself, — his pure, perfect Being.

Jesus understood the Now, he knew heavenly

wholeness, abundance, peace and joy to be within each

and all alike. Jesus knew BEING to be true, perfect,

whole always, and he accepted no lesser vision. Jesus

LIVED and EXPRESSED the Truth and Perfection

which was his very Being. And to us all he says: “At

that day (of your illumination) ye shall know that I am

in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you … I and my

Father are one ... I have yet many things to say unto

you, but ye cannot bear them now.”

We may repeat Jesus’ words and actions and still reap

no “healing” results; but let us understand Jesus in

Spirit and in Truth and we shall come face to face with

wholeness, harmony and abundance. Healing is not a

question of statements, of what to think, or how to do,

but is a state of Being.

Being is its own Way, and whatsoever Being includes

will express Itself, and its finished perfection. Many

of us have discovered that our words and acts of

“healing” will not bear repetition. That is, we may

think a certain way today, or speak certain words today,

and lo, we experience the Answer. To-morrow we

may wish to see harmony expressed in other situations

and we use again the thoughts and words of yesterday

only to find there is no response. Why is this? To

show us that we should not depend upon ways, or

methods, or thoughts, or actions, but know ourSelf to

be perfect and eternal always.



We always have ourSelf at hand, and our-Self

INCLUDES right thinking, right knowing and right

acting. Thoughts, words, books, teachers may all fail

us, but as we know “I AM THE WAY” and just

naturally express this Truth of Being, we lose sight of

person, of thinking, of studying and learning, and come

naturally into the understanding of harmonious Being

which automatically expresses itself. Understanding

and expression is one and the same. Spiritual

consciousness is conscious only of Perfection.

PROBABLY we all labour with things and thoughts

until we accept true Being and its expression to be one,

and to be present at the very place where we stand: then

“separation” is swallowed up in Unity; we see that

there were never “two;” there has been, and is, ONE

only “God, (the one only Being), is Light, and in Him

(in Being) is no darkness at all.”

In giving up the personal sense, in finding all to be each

and each to be all, we do not lose ourselves, for we are

the One and the One is us. It is not a question of

getting, or of taking, but it is a state of being and


We are told by Jesus that a house, (consciousness),

divided against itself, (double-minded), cannot stand.

We have all felt two-natured at times, as though we

were living first with one side and then with the other,

and these natures have seemed contradictory.

However with divine Insight and Revelation “earth” is

converted into Heaven, “Time” into Eternity, “place”

into Infinity, and the “mortal” into Immortal Being.

St. John writes:

“The kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms

of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for

ever and ever.”



Too many times we hold fast to that which we should

relinquish. When we are willing to say and to live

“Thy will be done,” and just remain quiet and

receptive, our own Being reveals to us the necessary


Instead of “attaining perfection” or “stopping the action

of the human mind,” we are to let the Spirit bear

witness, — by the positive recognition and realization

of eternal Perfection now, and of no reality but

ever-present good. Job, in a moment of such

illumination said: “I have heard of Thee with the

hearing of mine ear, but now mine eye seeth Thee.”

This “eye” sees only ineffable tenderness present

everywhere, and an all-pervading Love, mindful of all.

They who have been quickened by the Spirit realize

that only from the “heart” or Soul, proceed the natural

and involuntary warmth, tenderness and illumination,

— the innocence and purity of Being — for without

this quickening there seems labour, strife, and struggle.

Yes, the daily experience is in Eternity. All our health,

wealth, happiness and harmony abide, forever finished

and perfect, in our Being, and can be brought right into

our daily living. When we see that we are really living

in the great Now, and in the present Eternity, then we

are recognizing the reign of universal Harmony. The

seamless Robe is this finished Perfection. This “robe

of righteousness,” (which Isaiah mentions), typifies

THE TRUTH OF BEING which Jesus presents as

immaculate, perfect, one. The Truth of Being, — “I

and my Father are one” — is not like putting a piece of

new cloth to an old garment, for it transcends “healing”

by lifting the consciousness into a fuller

comprehension of the oneness and allness of perfect

Life and its expression. The Truth of Being is divine

Nature, — a completely perfect Whole without spot of

blemish. The seamless coat which Jesus wore typifies

his understanding and teaching to be whole, perfect,

and indivisible, — “Now the coat was without seam,

woven from the top throughout.”



In divine Nature every thing is known as it is; that is, —

harmonious, complete, perfect and good. To see this,

even in a degree, helps one to experience natural Being,

for no separation of life, or love, has ever taken place in

Spirit; no cessation of peace, harmony or happiness

could ever come to pass in the one universal Presence.

Being is perpetually expressing its own glorious quality

from its own glorious Nature. Being is “the seed

within itself,” — the ever-flowing Fountain of eternal

Life, Truth and Love. It is neither Lo here! or, lo

there! but is the Kingdom of Heaven within us.

When one realizes this Kingdom, he understands that

Self-revelation is natural and is “the bread which

cometh down from Heaven, that a man may eat thereof,

and not die.” For him the eternal Promise is fulfilled,

— “And they shall teach no more every man his

neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the

Lord: for they shall all know Me, from the least of them

unto the greatest of them.”

INDEED it is wonderful and glorious to study the life

of Jesus and also to read such books as are helpful and

enlightening to us in our daily experience, but nothing

can supplant the eternal fact that “I AM THE WAY.”

Each individual discovers for himself that whatever

Truth he has found in books he finds in his own Being.

Truth eternally embodies Itself in individual thinking,

knowing, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling and

acting, for Truth is individually all and universally one.

Truth is final in the sense that it is all, but how could the

final word of Truth ever be spoken when Truth is

infinite and is forever Self-revealing?

This does not mean that we should discontinue reading

the printed page, but that we read with newness and

freshness of vision, — for joy and delight in greeting

that which already we have discovered for ourselves,

and in our own Being.



When we vision Jesus’ life on earth bow incomparable,

exalted and consistent it was! And he said, “My peace

I give unto you.”

How can this peace of Life, Truth and Love, be given

unto us? It cannot, unless we desire, recognize and

willingly accept it.

The Christ transcends the laws applying to “fallen”

man, and presents Man as immaculate Innocence,

spotless Purity, and natural Good without addition or

subtraction of thing or thought. The Christ says, “The

Kingdom of God is within you … Thou art whole ...

Today, thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” How many

of us are accepting the presence of Jesus Christ only in

our midst? “And when they had lifted up their eyes

they saw no man, save Jesus only.”

The Christ transcends the shalt not’s of Moses, and the

shalt be’s of Isaiah and speaks to us of Reality in the

PRESENT tense, — of Immortality, Purity, Goodness

here and now. Such at-one-ment is pristine glory, —

“I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be perfect in


Spiritual at-one-ment means nothing less than God and

man as one Being, one Nature, one Life, one Truth, one

Love, one Expression. Jesus Christ is the immaculate

conception of Reality, Self-knowledge, — “I am the

Way, the Light, the Resurrection.” Truth can express

only Truth. There is no difference between Truth and

its expression. They are one. The idea, or

expression, of Truth is Truth. Expression does not

mean a lifeless activity, but means God-Life in action,

— as loving, living, seeing, hearing, knowing, feeling.

Expression means Spirit, Life, a tangible, visible,

active Reality and Presence.



“God is not man that he should lie,” — that His

expression should be other than Perfection. Here

again we merge in consciousness symbols with Reality,

— eating, drinking, acting, resting in earth with eating,

drinking, acting, resting in Heaven. We see one true

Being always and only, inclusive of true experience.

Here is the inspired Word:

“Whether ye eat, or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to

the glory of God. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be

satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God.

And Jesus said unto them, and I appoint unto you a

Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me; that ye

may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom. They

shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither

shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. Behold the

tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with

them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself

shall be with them, and be their God.

“This is the way, walk ye in it. They that wait on the

Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up

with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary,

and they shall walk ‘and not faint. And My people

shall dwell in peaceable habitations, and in sure

dwellings, and in quiet resting places. My Presence

shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”

Ho, everyone! Life is individually all and universally

one. The one God, the one Being, imparts perfection,

and in this God-Being the entire universe is permanent,

harmonious and eternal. “Behold, the tabernacle of

God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they

shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with

them, and be their God.” Behold, there is no labour,

neither adjusting nor changing in Perfection, for God

— Perfection — is the same yesterday, and today, and

for ever.



Let us have faith in God, faith in Perfection, faith in the

permanent, never-changing Truth of our Being. Let us

also have faith in the Fact that Being includes action,

includes expression. Truly Life and its expression is

ONE, — indivisible and inseparable. How could

perfect Life express imperfect action? It could not and

does not. We cannot be content with just right

statements of Truth, nor even with right vision.

Nothing but the EXPERIENCE of Perfection will

completely satisfy us.

HOW beautifully Jesus speaks of the experience of

peace when he says: “They shall come from the east,

and from the west, and from the north, and from the

south, and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God.”

Individually we come. For where else is our

happiness found except in the Kingdom of God within

us, — in our consciousness of Reality as present,

complete, all-inclusive here and now? This is where

we can be sure of finding peace, rest, and

all-sufficiency; for when we look outside — to any

person, place or thing, what awaits us but pain and

disappointment? Lo, all that we desire, — joy,

happiness, companionship, wealth and all good, we

find as we “sit down,” or willingly accept, the

all-supplying, Self-existent Being.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me,” it is

commanded. Who is this “Me” if not the one perfect

Being? Thou shalt not place thy happiness in the

power of any person, place or thing, but in Me, Spirit.

I am all. I include all. This Me is the I AM of every

individual. This command does not mean that we

shall separate ourselves from persons or things but that

we shall have the correct view of them. As we have

this correct view, that is, as we see all within the One

and the One in all, we find that we have never been

separated from Good. God, Good, and its expression

is one.



FROM the great Within, the Kingdom of all-Good, we

pour out, or express, love which is more than emotion

or sentiment: it is that “Charity,” which Paul says is a

living experience, without which, we are “as sounding

brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”

This loving is an expression of our true Nature, an

outpouring of the qualities of our real Being, such as:

kindness, gentleness, consideration, patience,

understanding, thoughtfulness, graciousness, affection,

faithfulness and truth. Our expressions and actions

should be one with our vision and profession. Think

how gentle and understanding were Jesus’ actions, and

how loving and tender were his words as he imparted

Knowledge to his listeners. “And they wondered at

the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.”

At that moment when we discover Reality within us we

have no longer any consciousness of “two.” To us

there is now but one, and this, — Being, Omnipotence,

Omniscience and Omnipresence! Such consciousness

is incomparable, marvellous.

To anyone who feels that he has not yet reached this

state of consciousness, yet desires it, — he may press

on. It is natural to express your Being, is it not?

Always, the place whereon thou standest is holy

ground. To anyone who feels he has had some

experience of Perfection, yet somehow it has ceased to

be, or has become only a memory, — we say, Look up!

Turn more completely from appearances to Reality,

and “sit down in the Kingdom of God.” Be ever of

good cheer. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake


Now is the day to find access to the Real, — the true

and the changeless harmonies of our Being. As we

reach peace and stillness within, this Reality becomes

accessible. Then we see and know the true Self and

manifest the true Nature, having the perfect experience

of Heaven.



GOD has prepared for us a “Table”, laden with genuine

Substance, even in the “wilderness,” or seeming dark

places; for every spot is the same holy ground, — the

same place of completeness in Infinite Wisdom and

Love. So that we can all say when confronted by a

“wilderness,” Now is the time, Here is the place, and I

am the one to know that Perfection, Peace, Health and

Harmony are always omnipresent, always in earth as in


Jesus was in himself the great “reconciliation” between

Eternity and time, Heaven and earth, spiritual Reality

and person, place or thing. He said plainly, “The

works that I do, (through the consciousness that I am)

shall ye do, also, (for we are all the same Being).”

“Behold,” says this Truth, “I make all things new.”

We begin to view all persons, places, things, in a new

light. We begin to see them in the natural, right way.

No one, nor any thing, really needs to be changed.

Nothing is new to Spirit, but new only to the ascending


“He hath sent His angel, and shut the lions’ mouths,”

was Daniel’s vision. Looking out, it may appear that

the lions’ mouths are open all about us, that is,

conditions which seem frightening and bewildering

may appear before us, but Lo, an angel, — a pure

thought, or idea, straight from our own Being — “shuts

the lions’ mouths.”

As we turn to the Self, sit down in the Kingdom of

Heaven and eat from the table of everlasting Substance,

we find all fears dispelled, for the darkness has become

light before us.



On his lonely journey, his head pillowed on a stone,

Jacob was brought to recognize the oneness of Heaven

and earth. “He dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on

the earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven: and

behold the angels of God ascending and descending on

it. The “ladder” bridges the imaginary distance

between Heaven and earth, and they are discovered to

be one and the same.

The narrative mentions first the angels ascending on

this “ladder.” As this spiritual concept of oneness,

symbolized by the “ladder,” is formed in

Consciousness these spiritual thoughts and feelings of

our true Being ascend, or are expressed from us, to

bless the world about us. These lovely, tender and true

thoughts ascend and descend in the boundless,

immeasurable nature of Self-existent Being.

TODAY we see the vast throngs of humanity rushing

hither and yon in search of ‘that which will supply their

insatiable hunger for peace, rest and satisfaction.

They indulge in all sorts of diversions and escapes

through the pleasures of sense, travel and occupations

of mind and body, but the hunger persists. There are

others who bring their cravings to the various schools

of thought, to the churches and seminaries, but, alas,

they do not find their hunger thus appeased for it is still

present with ‘them; their desires are even more


They should be still and look within. “The hour

cometh and now is” when we find the Kingdom of

heavenly joy and peace, and we find it where the master

said — “within you.”

“This is that bread which came down from Heaven: he

that eateth of this bread shall live forever.” This

luminous Understanding and its consequent experience

quenches all restless desire. We no longer hunger and

thirst for person, place or thing, for we have all in

pristine glory within us.



Our identity in the one Being is our Kingdom of Glory.

This identity is the object of our search, — is our Way,

our Truth and our Life; our Resurrection and the Light

of our world.

Many who are praying, seeking and striving for light

and understanding would find their earth converted into

Heaven if they would but cease for a while from their

restless effort, and have the courage and conviction to

stand still in what they claim to know is the Truth.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

“Ye are all children of light and the children of the day.

We are not the children of the night, nor of darkness.”

Jesus gives us the perfect vision, as St. Luke reports:

“And when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the

Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and

said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with

observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo

there! for, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”

Let us pause and see clearly that the Kingdom of

Heaven is not a question of time or labour; of learning



GOD, ONE EXPERIENCE. Listen more closely now

to Jesus’ parable of Heaven and ‘the labourers in the


“For the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is

an householder, which went out early in the morning to

hire labourers into his vineyard. And when he had

agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent

them into his vineyard.

He saith unto them, Go ye into the vineyard; and

whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So when

even was come the Lord of the vineyard saith unto his

steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire,

beginning from the last unto the first.



And when they came that were hired about the eleventh

hour, they received every man a penny. But when the

first came, they supposed that they should have

received more; and they likewise received every man a

penny. So the last shall be first, and the first last.”

SHOULD we each assume the responsibility of

overcoming the universal belief in evil? it is asked.

The answer is: “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his

parents.” “Besides Me there is none else.” It really

is not a question of overcoming evil, as it would seem,

but rather of understanding perfect Being and what it

includes. “Unto the upright there ariseth light in the


“I will make darkness light before them and crooked

things straight.

When thou passest through the waters I will be with


And through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee;

When thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be


Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

Yea, before the day was, I am He;

And there is none that can deliver out of My hand.”

Are we afraid to accept God as all, — all? Are we

afraid to renounce the age-long belief in redemption,

restitution, mental responsibility, labour and

overcoming? Are we afraid to accept man in the very

likeness of God, verily Life, Truth and Love here and

now? Are we afraid to ignore a world of personality,

time, place, sin, sorrow, limitation, and death, and turn

our attention wholly to understanding Jesus’ assertion

that God’s universal Heaven is at hand today?

“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit time Kingdom

prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”

This invitation is forever active, forever operative,

forever standing one with our Being.



DO we speak words of Truth with a motive and for a

purpose? Or, do we accept the divine invitation and

think and speak the good and the true as freely and

naturally as a bird sings, or a flower blooms? Why

should we need to consider our thinking any more than

we do our walking, or breathing? It is Life, or Mind,

which moves, sees and hears, likewise it is Life, or

Mind, which thinks, or is conscious of Being. Such

thinking is not primarily a mental process, as it would

seem, but is a natural function of Mind, a natural

knowing. Therefore, we can be assured of a natural

thinking, — a thinking which causes us no concern at


To be continually directing one’s thoughts is

unnecessary. Thoughts will be harmonious without

effort as one leaves them quite alone, and inundates

himself in the all-pervading element of his true Being.

It is like swimming in salt water. One is invigorated

and refreshed without taking any thought of it

whatsoever. It is natural.

So as we abide in our God-convictions, resting quietly

in the knowledge of eternal Oneness and Perfection

Here and Now, we are well, we are strong and happy

naturally, with no need of any change in our state, in

our Self-existent, Self-sustained Being.

“And he saith unto me Write; for these words are true

and faithful:

Behold the tabernacle of God is with men,

And He will dwell with them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;

And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor


Neither shall there be any more pain;

For the former things are passed away.”



“THE Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the

Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the

meek; He hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted,

to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of

the prison to them that are bound; to appoint unto them

that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes,

the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for

the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of

righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might

be glorified.”

“The Lord on High is mightier than the noise of many

waters; yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.” The

positive and active sense of Being dissipates dis-order

and dis-ease. As thought is aflame with this true

KNOWING and FEELING — the male and female

qualities of Being — one expresses power and

dominion naturally. To be imbued with the perfect

sense of Truth and Love dispels all fear. “I will fear

no evil, for Thou art with me.”

“The tree of Life” ever blossoms into “life more

abundantly;” and “the leaves of the tree, (the spiritual

revelations of Being), were for the healing of the

nations.” By virtue of the Fact that God, Good, is

ALL, we understand discordant sense and condition to

be nothing, or unreal. God being INFINITE and

UNIVERSAL there is no room for finity,

impermanence or imperfection. So, to let go thoughts

which are disturbing our peace and harmony of Mind is

to transcend the discordant sense and feeling.



“Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the

Lord which he will show to you today.” Look through

and beyond circumstances and conditions. Spiritually

discern that universal good is already manifested in the

sight of God. Understand that “None of these

(seeming) things move Me.” Illumined understanding

furnishes the key to the Kingdom. Ask yourself:

“How am I using this key to contact the treasures

within? How am I utilizing the supreme knowledge

that all is Consciousness and that I, Mind, cannot be

separated from My ideas and their corresponding


Recognize Self as the first and the last always. Let

heart be aflame with inspiration, love, light. Let

action express conviction, poise, faith. Look deeply to

see if you are accepting the true Self as the only Me.

Ever calls the God-Self, — Behold Me, Behold Me.

In First Samuel, eighth chapter, seventh verse, we read

these astounding words:

“And the Lord said unto Samuel: Hearken unto the

voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for

they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected Me,

that I should not reign over them.”

Such language is plain enough for us all to

comprehend, and surely we must admit that if we are

remembering separations, discords and sufferings, we

are dealing with persons, times and conditions as

outside the Self, and are therefore rejecting Me, — the I

AM. But it is never too late! To paraphrase

Whittier’s words, “For of all sad words of tongue or

pen, The saddest of these: It might have been!” Let us

say, “For of all glad words of tongue or pen, The

gladdest of these: It never has been!” Separation,

affliction, limitation never have been! Evil of any

kind never has been and never shall be in My Kingdom,

for in Me is perpetual Harmony and the experience of

changeless love, understanding, and glory. Concern

yourselves therefore wholly with Me; with My ideas;

and with My universe.



Listen again to the word as written by St. Paul in his

first letter to the Thessalonians, fourth chapter, eighth

verse: “He therefore that rejecteth, rejecteth not man,

but God.” If anyone sees man or world as imperfect

he is not rejecting man or world but GOD. If anyone

accepts sin, sickness or death as realities, he is not

rejecting man, but JESUS CHRIST, — the Saviour of

the world, the perfect expression of Me. Do not

separate, but behold and accept Father and Son, God

and man, Heaven and earth one — ONE AND THE


Learn of Me and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

The real splendour of My Glory is in My true and

natural state of Being. Therefore cease pondering

over any one or any thing. Universal Harmony is

found in Me, — in Life ever-lasting, in Love

ever-expressing, in Understanding ever-knowing

Reality and Perfection to be infinite and omnipresent.

Whosoever or whatsoever contacts Me automatically

partakes of good, of health, of joy, peace, inspiration

and understanding, for these are included in Me and are

the natural qualities of My Being. Therefore do not

enthrone person but Principle as the only Power in

Heaven and in earth.

Hold vision steadfastly to the illumined Word: “Fear

God, and give glory to Him. Hold fast that which thou

hast, that no man take thy crown. Who is he that saith

and it cometh to pass when the Lord commandeth it

not? I am the first, and I am the last; and besides Me

there is no God. Without Me ye can do nothing. He

that hath seen Me hath seen the Father.”



How can we practice Truth except to believe Truth, live

Truth, be Truth? Therefore, Be perfect. Be healed of

being “you” and be Me! Look to Principle instead of

person; look for quality of the Word instead of

quantity. And above all, let us all feel that Jesus’

precious Message — THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN

IS WITHIN YOU — is the most marvellous and

glorious word we have ever known. With sweet

innocence of Mind let us bask in confidence and

assurance that God hath commandeth our light to shine,

and therefore nothing can stop its action in the free,

almighty Now.

“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling,

And to present you faultless before the presence of His

glory with exceeding joy,

To the only wise God, our Saviour, be glory, majesty

and power,

Both now and ever. Amen.”

“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of

God.” Rest and Peace are one with Understanding.

Be assured that “all is well,” — perfect unchangeable


Perfection cannot be altered. Perfection takes no

concern as to our thought, uses no prayer and no

treatment for our well-being, but simply is. Resting

and abiding in God, — the perfection and permanence

of Strength, Well-Being and Harmony — we

experience the eternal Now, the prepared Sabbath day

of rest, — a present possibility here on earth.

“And my people shall dwell in a peaceful habitation,

and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places,” saith

the Lord. This quietness and peace is the “ladder,” or

understanding, unifying Heaven and earth. Here

angels ascend and descend upon us, expressing

assurance and certainty, serenity, confidence and calm.

It is this state of Being which St. John viewed as “a new

heaven and a new earth,” — our divine Nature, our

seamless Robe.



In this eternal Now and Here, naught can disturb. This

is the “city which hath foundations, whose builder and

maker is God.” We are now living in this “city” in

which there is no separation from Good, no departure

from Reality, no interval, no contingency, no lapse

from the eternal Sabbath-day of rest. Right in our

daily living and its affairs we experience this one

eternal Reality, this one Now and Here. We willingly

let every day be a Sabbath-day of Peace and Certainty

to us.

SAID Christ Jesus, “It is I; be not afraid.” The “I” of

every individual is Truth. This “I” ascends unto the

Father, for it ‘is already one with the Father. Being

and its infinite individuality is one. The “I” is the

Father-Life and Mother-Love, expressing conscious

understanding and loving tenderness, always and ever,

throughout Eternity, — the one God whom to know

aright is life eternal.

After we have studied as faithfully as we know how,

and have thought as deeply as we can penetrate, we

may stand still with the one word “God.” It is God

that is our Life and our living, our Mind and our

knowing, our Power and our expressing.

God is always perfect, always complete, always ready,

always active, always here, always now. God is one,

is all, is in Heaven, is in earth. God fills all space, is

the Father, is the Son, is the Holy Ghost. God smiles

in the flower, shines in the star, paints the sky blue and

the verdure green. God is the seamless Robe, the

Kingdom at hand, the Christ within. God whispers in

every living heart, Be still. Be strong. Peace. I AM.



God is our UNDERSTANDING: “I will instruct thee

and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go.” God is

our PERFECTION: “The Kingdom of God is within

you.” God is our WEALTH: “I will cause those that

love (understand) me to inherit substance; and I will fill

their treasures.” God is our HEALTH “I shall yet

praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and

my God.” God is our SUFFICIENCY: “They that

seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” God is

our very BEING: “I and my Father are one. In God we

live, and move and have our being.”

“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom

prepared for you from the foundation of the world. All

the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the

Lord: and all kindreds of the nations shall worship

before Thee. Thy Kingdom is an everlasting

Kingdom, and Thy dominion endureth throughout all


“And there shall be one fold and one Shepherd. All

shall know Me from the least to the greatest. Ye shall

go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; the

mountains and the hills shall break forth before you

into singing, and all the trees of the fields shall clap

their hands. Behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing,

and her people a joy.”

“For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the

garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring

forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and

praise to spring forth before all nations. For as the

new heavens and the new earth, which I will make shall

remain before Me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed

and your name remain. Be ye glad and rejoice




There is but one MIND. This Mind is God Almighty.

This Mind does not and cannot think evil, lack,

imperfection, disease or limitation. This Mind thinks


PERFECTION, PEACE, JOY always and continually.

This Mind never varies, never slumbers, never fears.

This Mind is unchangeable, — the same yesterday, and

today, and for ever.

There is but one LIFE. This Life is always living,

always acting, always expressing Itself more

abundantly. Nothing can stop or change Life; nothing

can interfere or interrupt its all-harmonious action.

Life cannot die, become dormant, sick or impaired.

Life is God Almighty, the same yesterday and today,

and for ever. There is no other Life but this Life, —



There is but one LOVE. This Love is always ALIVE,

always ACTIVE, always the SAME, — constant,

changeless, tender, indestructible. This Love is God

Almighty, and there is no other Love at all.

There is but one MANIFESTATION. This is the

manifestation of God, or God in action. What is there

to be manifested but God since God is ALL? Can

there be more than ALL? Can anything but the one

Mind, the one Life, the one Love be expressed in the

heavenly Kingdom at hand? Here, everything that is

manifested is good, is pure, is perfect, is lovely, for,

“Besides Me there is none else.” All manifestation

therefore is of the ONE Mind, the ONE Life, the ONE

Love, and there is no other manifestation at all.



There is but the one BEING, and this one Being

includes its manifestation. There is none to see, or

hear, or speak, or move, or be, but this one God-Being.


there is none to feel imperfection, or see it, or hear it, or

think it, or believe it, or fear it, for the One is all and all

is the One. This one Being knows Perfection always.

There is always faith, understanding, perception and

activity in this one Mind-Life-Love-Being. There is

none to think evil or to believe in lack or loss, for every

one is seeing and thinking and feeling Perfection

inasmuch as God is all-inclusive. God is universally

one and individually all. God thinks no evil, feels no

evil, hears no evil, fears no evil. “Besides Me there is

none else!” God knows only God!

“And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor

crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the

former things are passed away.”

When, if not now? Let us cease to view this

blessedness as a future state and let us perceive that

Now is Truth’s eternal Day, — Now is the instant for us

to stand on the mount of transfiguration and let “the

former things” pass away. “Come up hither,” ever

calls our true Being. This fuller insight into Reality

does not imply that we cease to help one another, but on

the contrary we are better able to help ourselves and


Freedom from labour to become holy, (whole), is yours

and mine. As we accept Wholeness for ourselves, and

likewise for others, and rest in the everlasting Arms, —

the ever-present Realm of finished Perfection — we

find peace.

“Brethren, Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one

mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall

be with you.”



This is the natural goodness, the natural experience of

Perfection which is not to be had either through a

putting-on or a putting-off process of thought or action,

but is Purity and Innocence, — one’s real Nature; one’s

seamless Robe.