the seasons. by: daberechi nwabah. types of seasons winter spring summer fall

The Seasons. By: Daberechi Nwabah

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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  • The Seasons.By: Daberechi Nwabah

  • Types of SeasonsWinterSpringSummerFall

  • Unit QuestionsWhat are the different Seasons?What causes the Seasons to change?Why is summer so hot?Why is winters day so short?Why is summers day so long?What is the definition of Solstices?

  • ActivitiesIn a small groups the students will create a diagram of the Seasons, in relation to the Earth and sun.The students will individually color and label the signs of summer, winter, spring, and autumn.In a group they will dress up a tree for the seasons.

  • TEKSScience grade level 2(1) In Grade 2, the study of science includes planning and conducting simple classroom and field investigations to help students develop the skills of making measurements using standard and non-standard units, using common tools such as rulers and clocks to collect information, classifying and sequencing objects and events, and identifying patterns. Students also use computers and information technology tools to support their investigations. (2) As students learn science skills, they identify components and processes of the natural world including the water cycle and the use of resources. They observe melting and evaporation, weathering, and the pushing and pulling of objects as examples of change. In addition, students distinguish between characteristics of living organisms and nonliving objects, compare lifelong needs of plants and animals, understand how living organisms depend on their environments, and identify functions of parts of plants and animals.

  • FUN FACTSI'll bet you didn't know that leaves are really red, yellow, orange, and brown all year long; we just can't see it! The intense green pigment of chlorophyll actually blocks the pigments of the other colors. You could say that the other colors are "invisible". In the autumn, red, yellow, orange, and brown become visible and bright when the green chlorophyll weakens before the leaf falls off the tree. Most snowflakes are less than one-half inch across. The largest snowflake recorded was fifteen inches in diameter. All snowflakes have six sides and no two snowflakes are alike. Believe it or not, snow is actually clear/transparent. Snow appears white because the crystals act as prisms, breaking up the light of the sun into the entire spectrum of color. Thunder and lightning storms occur more often in the summer. Severe weather most often occurs during the spring, when warm air begins to invade from lower latitudes while cold air is still pushing from the polar regions.

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