the seattle post-intelligencer - chronicling jos. seattle. washington. saturday....

XXXV.. NO. JOS. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2.1. im -Ft »rRTKE\ PAGES. mr.% % % ? ? ? ? ? Mil \u25a0Kin. Nicaraguan Amendment at Last Adopted. OBJECTIONS RULED OUT Senate Disposes of the Ri?er and Harbor Bill. RanllM I ntnrreaafolly lltempta to Serare Delay fey Making \u25a0 Palal of Order on the braaai Tfeat There la la Protlalon for Ratify- iag a Treaty for Ki« h t-of- War Spooner latradairai la .Idaytrd? The Senate Finally Di»|»ooea of the Biter and Harbor Mill, and the Meaanre low tioea to Monae. NICARAGUA CANAL PREVAILS IN THE SENATE. Attached as an Amendment to the River and Harbor Bill. ASHINGTON, Feb. 2-4. After a session of nearly eight hours to-day. the senate, this even- ins at 6 o'clock, passed the river and harbor bill by the decisive vote of 50 to A. The measure was under consideration throughout the day and on several of the committee amendments a determined fight was made, bat in every instance the opposition availed nothing. The sharpest contest arose over the Nicaragua canal bill amendment. A point of order was made against it that it was general legislation, but the senate to which the vicefpresident submitted the point, overruled it. It was then attacked as not being relevant to a river and harbor measure, but this, too, was overruled by the senate. Pettigrew, Rawlins and Teller vigorously attacked the bill, their opposition being directed es- pecially against the canal amendment. The statement was made that the measure would never see the light of day in the house and that the canal would not be built under the proposition in- serted in the bill. iSB IM-IOH ME 9 CENTS I PEI J | ?~~ POtTNT). I Special Price Today. gORE OPEN UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK TONIGHT. COOPER 6c LEVY, Timfkmt Mdrr 132. / 04And 106 ht Av. So.. Bet. Ytsler *na Wd.shir.gton St. W* fr* !n our former u a ton to the* foot <>f ?*t-i*rry two doors ??outh cm F:n«t aor.uc Our Quinine Hair Tonic t? in'aif > M f, . *-, t t litr:? ai*«?. prtn**-rv vo it Removes Dandruff, l"""* If 'ju!< h!> un>l p:r««antsr< 1-Arpe fx?lt>\u25a0 Sts if worth trying SIEWIRIB US \u25a0 COMPANY. UMIIIIK DOMINATE 11 SENATE tH Runner Freight Rate Bill Recommended for In- definite Postponement?Lobbyists Robbing ? the People of the Right to Legislate. WASHINGTON', FVV>. 24 -In the senate ?. i , ration of the nu r and har- bor till was timed Reverting the anaerujri'.-n: i»re*\ i-t. c forth*' eonstructlon .if r-servo.r« at the headwater* of the Mis,- art river .1 >d appropriating {\u25a0\u25a0 if 1 1 1r «> reservoirs In Wyoming Frye in ibarg-- >f the 1 il ashed that Hi* am* ii Iment be passed up n, Spooner of \t r.sin doubted the ail- visibility of the amendment, and said that it had every appearance .-f being a el rung Wedge of a,. .? MU* rate system of Irrigation of arid lands which would cost th.» government hundred# of millions of dollars When the d;j-» ossior o' the amendment «. is r< -uined. Warren of Wyoming, t'lark of Wyoming, A!l< n of Nebraska. Kora ker of Ohio and G-dHnger of New Hampshire addr. d the senate in favor of the amendment. The amendment proposed t*> ti.e riißWl.ilw was adopted without Ftmt Av. nue, Kw«. if C.vrry tfri. > t*pe .»! Stiff i'orr spend*nee. OLYMPIA. Keb. iit.-Tempie flat niflu- ea« <*. through *\u25a0 e Growcup-Stevenson kbi y, It* hr-rv.l toward th propie tonight and robbed them of th*ir precious ng:-.: to legislate in their own Inu-nst. It wan a ..old, clammy hand, too, rolled with dishonor?a hand that throttles In- ! stead of caresses; that carries! a kmfe in- I stead of a <as>-es Hy a vote of *to 3, the - senate commit tec on railroad* b- ,<J«-d to j r. »nini- :ii th< indefinite postponement of the Kur.ner freight rat*, lull, j Xeier was a job per pitta ted with more j reckless tbandon. never did .-onsciencele*'* j legislators follow tao dictation of ineir masters more blindly. It was travesty Oil honor, a day race to the state; a Wow at a free ballot. Bvth bills were recommtndei for n dt finite postponement. The fir:a: result is not known yet. thou*. ;t lix-ks a.- if the senau: » -.i-1 ontirin ;:i rt- ommeivisi oit ratt*. > u --ai f 1 ?.into ?;* '\u25a0 >r wanting t: a at this time is a <!»#*rtmiminou i-talrvst ts.«- hi mix-r interest* of :h,* coast" Senator Him it- l second the :to: >u aril ai the proper late shall tile my rea- sons. S* n.iti-. Tom M ? * r sr j-jx I U,r « enough to remark that 'to - >\u25a0; Wtahitif- t-n had hern tro . c>. ? Th, rallrvi.tJa are ,*u»t l»e*t ti.-ns to mo mon the rut hi 5...i0 f the It ig- r. I ila not believe the should airy aUt-nijn to >. rjpi le them at this Unit," he com. In U-i. r* North American Transportation and | Trading Co. MERCHAWIS AND CARRIERS. | Car. tester May and tccWeatal Ateaae. pioneer line between Seattle and W Yukon River points, operating a fleet of ocean and river steamers and «wning fourteen well stocked stores located ?tall principal points in Alaska and North- west Territory. Passenger and freight rates on application. I> THK OF LOBBYIST*. one of the badln* rai.roa 1 lobbyists toll m* tonx it 1* f.. r«? the committee rn> t tha the raiirita is ha.l twenty-three out of ' « thirty-four members of the senate. It i* jHis-tble. I d*» not think 1' probibb. I have had *-o high opinion of the har- A<- trt <>f th» Tor.i beat? ? at one th ng that wts charged ah*:; t;;. senate was organized, that Is, that President Daniels appointed a majority f the railroad committee In the interests of and by the advice o? the railroad lobbyists. It remains to be »> en whe-t cr the senate iltelf will allow its-If to be d. honored, or pr mpily purs-. lt-< If of this taint of Jobbery. That the transfer w is never present- ed as a ni-'as to stand on its merit, t am r w convinced. It was a club with w . a to e, Hal Senator Hamilton been in earnest in pr* Milting it, he w aid not have ai! wed it to be destroyed by th" nr n he was standing with on fr< ghl rates. He was a-'ured la my presence several d.ys ago by respondbi* parties ?.hat If his fri nde »? uU stand by th" rate i . ! th** ft ien i* of .hat tn* a sure w uM stand by tho transfer ,;!, 1 t wild have : sard t e p i»s- ac-- of t* th. Tonight's a tlon shows how much S< n«; r HamSSt rs was in *art For the la n thr- \u25a0 days ?he rail'oad 1.-bhy v:s been It ha# be-.-n Ir Teased t> the personal attendance of .v.-.-n.* y rjt- R. A N and f* aturcs I * b- n special banquet* at a 1 ;,!ar cyst* r bouse. »h* re S? ver- .-r. and . w nt to relish choice steaks an It i. ? I?uiiil of Order Haiifd. Wlii'U trie Ni< .anal amendment had l»?ii reported and read, Rawlins . ail. i attention '.j %1 \u25a0 fact that there iv,.s no provision for liu- ratification by the <,o! ?ir of any treats that misht be made vi ;1; No ar.iK'ia or i'osia Rica for rtshl* of-wa> fcr She . »nai. Fry* replied that no treaty was pro- vded for H.ivsilr * '.iid that he was of the plnlosl that the question va« one to be dealt with a ??» juirate meaMire. He then n. ( u'i the j .dnt -if order that the amend- ment w-i. not la order, because it pro- sided for Kite ~il h klslatlou. After Sonjc dls* u-ster. of the point of order, tin- vu>* pre* dent avruluiy himself of the rules of the Senate, submitted to the v.-natn the question, "Is the amend- ment in orji r and shall it he submitted to the ? miter* The \u25a0 || and Ia: - W re demanded and tie .mi udmetil was decided to be- in ur- di r. :d to \ st then raised the question of reie- of the amendment and demanded the .. as and miss, is was derided to be relevant 4* to 1- Those voting in the y ittvi were Allen. Hate i'lay. «*.. kr-' 1. Dwnlei. MeLanrln. Pasco, Pettigrew, itaw tins. *1: weh, T- iter and Vest. ? <HAIRH\> HI \>K'.H HKLI'LKM. Chairman Runner w.ui areally *: xerclst.; at tit* turn of affairs. ? \.» one i* at- tempting to or.; pit* th< in,? n. r.;cv>t»d. *?lt look* to tot- !f !i cripple them/? continued Ten Miller. ?This bCI w-j:.| t k* I. ?? .-.if ' m : ?.«\u25a0 :..iS- r.?j-S.« arid ;t locks to mo .to If that a* . tinreaaonahle.? Then he h* s.tated. ?l ?hi k we o-i<.h*. to i > In tx* ;;t \e ... s . #Um." he said a? looked at th«* ne«»- i*ai « r aw n. But no one »?««». agreed with hint. Th«* |>re\ ~hj« tjue*: < n w.i* . V?» ) a nd the vote for :n portion'meal i':o- vailed ly this vote; Yea*?flaps*-. S< \u25a0 - .1. Miller of Thur*- t?-s>, HaniiO m- I. Nav ltunr < f of Walla Walla. I?.t ui? 3. ?The inter e-ts . f try y.-o; > an such.? s i S«. n t*. ; * in » spi-junin*; hi* v<>;-, ? that 1 cannot fee; ?hat Ibt r*t« » ought to he re>.lu> \u25a0 -.1." DKAUI.V WORK SI.UV Stvrra! days a*a. when thb e nsv < m- ;ra,; i- ißr(*d to r«j. >? V *»*? k ?\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* ?'»ni*' l-<d A-;»h .1 rec imnend.nlon that an average r< iaHoc of 15 I'or cent he mud.. there was no alt. mj*t ? -? show th? aii rc.'-s- holt i th it liUroad ..?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 M ti u . :inio fnr \favored a reduction. ! niK -d ui?.f of I.K ae nunu r«, *.thou. j>r». ircjf ex use for j;jt« v,;ar.iCt f heart, : bo ily voted again©! any reduction of ra ie«. : f: «a? .ip,-iit ni .n the nat* tolty that ihe- r r.roi !.*? ha-1 their a:h-*,rap bailed I : ; ? t r idy to spring, for the Jig a I waf made to ;©k- the dii from th. -t ' a.e I and refer u Imvk to i .<? committed was to ; vigorous, too violent, to m an ar.ynnr.g I but .. rangxlaton. A:.d >rt f--ry argu* ni. r.t that w.-.s mule wa* c.vir.e ; in a murk of de. e.t and trenhty. There was no alien:;* ? sh w tat. t. mm:nee d> - ! \u25bafred to kill the hill. wtu* net even \u25a0 an jns-.n n. *n t> ©? - : rj?-b nv a as - - \u25a0 | n-» !< \u25ba. »::u <J» ?\u25a0 i- that I: »\u25a0©-? © I ~x ;t the freight bid into a iark ui- i by with Intent to do v .oierue. SPECIAL iif Will Sr!! TV ?R-ji: iT | o IchLty for iP I O fctfcidr Price Has $<M- »Ck» B\g B*'y J.'T 1 in (J-A'D i tl U'C *nJ TimvArt'. I. C. WUS i* A S, 1 : »'K!t r. * *»f ? di i| lirMil 3*l»* ) I «UII W \ % t4* s ?tgr-. - \u25a0 h Nr ? ??»? !t|ioenrt tin \inr«4mr«t. <f« otv r .-T« r.-.J :iti \u25a0 ;i<lnn':.( t > the N; i - n < am* lolir- nt ;*« X.-lln« \u25a0 "Thai if ih»* {\u25a0! ? -ihh-nt -\u25a0'h.iU hr un.iM* t > .«>\u25a0\u25a0 fr**m t**,- s.ivfrrn it- <-f Ni «- r:«*:?!.* a>-*5 KUn Mich ? orn \u25a0 * -i.'rv as v. '\u25a0 r ' ? : ?»«? : : ? ???} }!? it- « to ho'.-* > r I j.< rp- I!!,.ivr. \u25a0nd > \u25a0 ntr.-.l ;?! . ;i oaf, j th. \ r - ;*. ,!/!' \u25a0: ?l'd \u25a0- ? C '*, i'f *?\u25a0- I t:> >ni" i *ht to i'on struct, maintain I ixr;>> <orir*l **<: rue oth- r anal i r>*n>**'ot!re ih< Atlantic »nd IV* iri. \u25a0ecu ? I*- ,-r-"I l< r-- (.nr- ?! to : i-<- tir; \u25a0? f>>r the it*r**jrat <*r ;\u25a0 1l?V a- ti n * * f v ar**l nil treaty o!»Ms !f , - ? \ , - in a ? .? ? i ? 1 \u25a0 \u25a0 a - md j \u25a0 ry.-Ui.i! < of any « h canal? i's' *? 1 .irit of I , ! j \u25a0 ? ; ted the I muiu «»K Hl** Itt.< OHII. i Sr: -r liaroti: >n w.< tnx;<--u* t < h<*.< Vie r* >?? 1 tr> *?' to <::< i-f* ;i- *1 move > i. Mr ? hs .a- ? t.**i- \u25a0 ( s. %Pr m- \u25a0; K ». -jn* ??? 3 not i to m«k«* thin >. ' n ;? .A. until ;tie r^j«rt 1 .< iv i l < i ? ? t -Af ? .? ».;s v.i ~? ( r. I W**<v| j? r- i m r. to a word, ' Tho ; jn.iutU't i » i hat- to et -.he r f»rfn<T.i-«t.v»- o' . Jh* 1? ?:-In, .i.K- i ??. 1 \u25a0 i. .ij> J * I !\u25a0*, j c mpelU to r*t.r. rn <f tnat mv; is ' ; .it. I; r ? \u25a0 Jo» of r ~v Jr : : *?*?\u25a0 « r r-,.; \u25a0 rr ». v- t * .{ ;:a ? ».?*» ' 1.-* ma" r «\u25a0*,* tbon I. Tit %>?*»!.lt Hill, Mho rm;|>. j T.?.o Hairn;. u t.i* *f-r l-; 15 ** i ? «i I t *-k' r: up. It *i* ;,»t r- t ! Tov fir*t a- - tv «* r.- ? * . n J H ? f ! n?k» ? f\u25a0) ' .tijf rn.)> ?- -s \u25a0 v - :; . . 'r \u25a0 ? .j,4, (,!\u25a0>?! t. .? I ; 'To ? -.A tor/; -,s; ».?>.'* t llirr :'os. M -r ' Th r. r ? . ! f'Mi-'i OOS? .t *?> i ta give it car# I to *.*k:h»r raj. T'i - ?? « J *; - t,. . ?*,. ? gn »?*ti ifc* r»> ! H- moved tr-ot ;t \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 f \u25a0 V ', ? : M " ' T ;r-; , * 5 -- - mot, . j ?1 r- *f that t>:.; ?>\u25a0 * \ 1 in**: \u25a0 | ":t ?< -f-'Af*: ;<r ?-. >1 iltoo, j' : *'?>r-. .r \u25a0 . iJv-h ; | T v. u. vi «\u25a0- |*i , M ?r of TJ> j: - | ?- i at..; T' ?? r.4 ;\u25a0 * r r-? I. >.'\u25a0 tr, j?- . m ; v* V- i ~ r \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 WTrO-YUKOEB CARRIERS I i l!f ?"iVER^TBAIKRS ?P*. I>K v»pj > > r-r.r P ' R-'tr V tti' ***'*? S.> t. S : Xi 5 E ?j*F*!,rs. I't 't c \u25a0%, 1 *yv.. < y Darken ' . fUBMrt. St Wchi EATTLE-YLKON TRANSPORTATION company. \u25a0 r WOOU A !. IIAWLKV. Minsscf- Offl * Ci ,m\u25a0 t. S' t Cllim nt the %|i|.ronrlnilon. Jl rs\u25a0.!<?,. j*. . > «r:»l .\u25a0 * A: »he < \u25a0««. : w- n r - ;\u25a0 tlri -. - il ,<n atn-r.dmert «tr;k.rc «VJt the ,p; fi,r 3>ur, hi»«e cf the ns 5 -.?-ef-Wav if 1 '\u25a0\u25a0» c-l".*! T H e .\u25a0r»:? Irr.-nt « >????. ? ? !> ti T*. \u25a0 tim tr.?.ir.* *.t » t ! V* !?. tt. P, Isßr w RsHilni Tur:-y V -V IVttHttvw *;«?4 ?;*\u25a0> h;i*l f » d- 4 the « ;«n t » ' ttM 5" t' t}?t .raler !f - .ir.j> r ..ini* \u25a0 ? Hr - 'ha ft:'- ??? » w iM tv* | j \u25a0\u25a0:»> fir !?* «?' ?;-?r*nor In hi* > r>intan > \u25a0 . f b ;in! T \u25a0 \u25a0 - ' must ?\u25a0 * !-, -r he n»- .Til ,jb-? .iut»!y «.! -r *?. t»»- nv>i f.mifv !t a; - \u25a0 t. ' !v -1 }r»-;! ?f mill \u25a01 In Th« \u25a0 ,r*? 'b > rw IVr* >-*-w I .Vri-ir.-l ! 1 if t r hAlf the rn.-m" f-.r w*-!. b * ;r I ' ii- V 1 f : \u25a0 r vi \u25a0' ? ? ? > \u25a0 '\u25a0«? - . r. . .; ?n. ? \u25a0 r.i, r I\u25a0. » \u25a0 .'?! * ? ?' . I rr? . rivr.t « '\u25a0 ? . <T?.'r ?) Rr* step n- \u25a0 \u25a0; r> ;<> than .t r v sh . anal ,\u25a0*' w T)roiV'«M'd vi < oiiiim rmv or h v ? >if ahr .-1 ns* rn b* r> were pjri. *? \u25a0 ~f ?.,» r.g up the r ;:s h, md pn- .en Jlr.ft to irre.-t them, l? * oppos- ?? members ; «n to tlr; 1 T- n Mi;;, r of Tn tr.o .gh: th. ? re- nt r.r- -m f u,v ;.n::-r rates ?.;? M -.if: r.v< r \u25a0tnte . H irr. ?>: of Per lv.: \ d i: Nt- . r to ra/ -.oo* t \u25a0 ,>n:'n the ? ~ ? ? }? - ? i <-l ? ? r Hnet T..r. red u;. - * r :h- r They . . Ff ka: >c. r? !.*: trar «.t n'.of, -\r. S , ; ; w . i ?r- y P ? .--try : v r .. grain rate*. Harr. :? n >?* : * t \u25ba ~ -x t. \u25a0 :on : \u25a0 . % U '- ? ? ? I . .v K ?. r ?;? i ' i-'erv.ate ra ? 5 ? < ? « it .. \u25a0 WW m- - \u25a0 q , >ifd a* h rh«*r than ?r present r -r- T. tvispns' -j- »KKE ' j.o 4 xiTi! .j »*???? ail f-»ir tlv. . *?: | c«a:h> i-n fidt vanis, ?<;.! t-« \u25a0\u25a0??»}' ?<?*? > *. »«;, »i< ;hat \u25a0 t \u25a0 a * ? -o * . lt t ;:\u25a0,\u25a0? j ? ?\u25a0i. ? - ; ?\u25a0 a; \u25a0 *? .1 v. 1 «{..!» Vtx- Ji vy comm si* «? '\u25a0<*' by lav \ \u25a0» e*. r »i. ? >\u25a0 \u25a0 * * ** ? i \u25a0\u25a0 j! j \u25a0 > ,a>: ? I ; t \u25a0\u25a0> ? i > <v ??\u25a0 '?* ? c Th> wa » ail it J Sen* ? ' - f ? it t I fc ' \u25a0 ?it would :N, ' v C.? \u25a0 ' - ? - ?- f I J '\u25a0 a - ** \u25a0v. , ? i ; .. I, 1 : IV. «\u25a0 r- . W2i t.-r .$v " a" ~ ' '*\u25a0<\u25a0 nva.i* \u25a0 > \u25a0 ... s < rr >\u25a0 *r a ;»? rul vr ft.a a*, aft I. » it? Harr. If .*n .. . \u25a0 . \u25a0 : f ? ? j iv a a .a, T-;e ?.v ;r . < » ? T nt M ? i *? i < ?.a. Tst*a ?\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0 k-*r - ; r t>e r *??! P *?#\u25a0?*!> arrd cn !r. 11 arr ' ~ ir r s .i »ss4 l..\u25a0 ».-\u25a0! . ? t, M : % i t m# * \u25a0*. *. m,' u ,*% v, ,?c\\K^c v< r*,c**i'Oc^C H C v '-?^«* , c^ M r M r i> *r fc O*c*o, c ~4 C M Z^c*v K? | i m I U| We fiunitrt Ikeai Ur a Irir. ]|]|| (j§ J JJA im-:LL DKI'CJ ( ().. I »tH» ,v <stml Wnur. lr>lfr *<»>. £ \ IK\ Y & CO.. M) t " ,>r AVE M,ur " lcrrj-l»»8«y UaiiJin*. i.pufifM bbu J«kk«rt ?»! Teleptaoae Mata 57. jars and Tobacco. Smokers? Articles, Etc. BSCH BBSS- T1 Ir.l (it, Brattle. R. ' AiiOMm. 1). I). s #t Painless He it list. j - ij ct n > HL * t* li -p * .">» y»«; \u25a0 g * :*!>?. I-* ? »' ? ?'ffc ? ? H !<r 11. ? T- »fUttl MS. kA Hhv Hill leu Bin Glasses Qw*. ** x \u25a0 W| \ ?I .f > * ». v,... ...... -i, (nrgilMfßl \srm| to. A* »!\u25a0-' i""' ot IVttisrr* w * r>?* *. \u25a0 * ?\u25a0 N ,r.(j i \u25a0 ? .3 \u25a0\u25a0 ? ; ? ? ? n h 't « * <tt»*-t t ' » ' K » \u25a0 i .vi«?or> ' !\u25a0 ! 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A-.-> V.'.*. . i THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER PRICK FIVE CENTS. I MS I Hi lIH Tried to L ad Troops Into a Revolution. THEY WILL BE TRIED. Chamber of Deputies Author zes The.: Prosecution. f.rit- R»«rl rr.ttflf. Th«t flir %c- -rairi) Mrmhrr*. !><? ilnwlrtir itHd Hnrri'MUhrrl. Ilrnllmi llnntl ?I Mrt* t'olli?Hi-il Hl* Brlufltlr In- fo (hr Hi.rri.rW «*. Iriu mid Irir.l lo l?cr»»«ilf fhr .oldlcc. iti .ltd*, in h Uc.oltllon llc.ltiird «»» Hr»>l»cr the With m I'lrblirllr Ur|.uMU*. PARIS . t l»> ; :t n NS .. I,> «* rt i' . 3 Mi \u25a0v \u25a0 ' « * * * ;.rr*-«to*! la»t ntatf »*'» ? \u25banfr«mt«sl *h'« m'irrSr.u with »}? r Tv» «?< at ! lh» ;;.;uv dr ha-1 ;ri*.i t<» indn. *? htn. in*l his tr-«»p« «?< n»«r '* t l.tvr>< pui- i't \u25a0( !«? it \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 « trod th* -it tin* tt» ?i«l> ihuut. Thtri 1 w,t?* mtk h »-* .u-riiM It* riiH»n.»-r ?f .h-p-MS*-« t n s»i t< moon. .tlkl rt latei- Klti : him * n? Ml* tni)W. ' ,h. I <«»H UirnJ it J?? ? r> ' ? to VM I* Hi 111* *l? i*Mi Mtirivt II; fit T!:.- maU ir.' nt (us* sni*l- bd with ri ?\u25a0> -1 ' \u25a0 I \u25a0 then tv.: 1 5* M r from thr sio prm-.-- . it. -r ;»<*< oftlll'ic ' a hi* i *«fi' \u25a0 *?' ;*.m St * iiiiit.l of turn. "?>'*'»> \u25a0 > s *? Hot ,o*lv «;n» Uab. rt f. l-wi-tl hit* ;:o*i 11: \u25a0 i't* -I t lit v - ttl *f '!?' .*rra K* : * i llJHfd ?*> th. tl- »»J>M t h K- ii. v- tml h *!\u25a0 \u25a0 «*»?-? tal fur- tilt; -1. -, 11 I»*-1 * \u25a0 ?'<'>: » *1 Jffl!f|.l to Ituvr v I! Il ft -|i.» "tt'i '*? >l<» >?h Th« r* for*.* th* arrr«t»nl out r >n- ?«><"*. ti *ht*v w-'t,* 1 t** i*-.i i th< t >}»> in u tvviai.t !* in:; \ r 'n»v» m* ?it in i t ? l«*t >' p»rUan.«nf»r> r«*|*ufclU i aMr hi*tit* trplilillc <! jifoarl i h,< ;v,.» ? .{m itii-i:!! \u25a0 i «\u25a0-? wtrr lh«n I «-!«? >V«'.J to t. fill *.*\u25a0 -I ?Hi ?I |r JiUMol I>tOf -I i.tiil lio !' S for .lutourllv to i : ..?\u25a0»* ? ? \u25a0 \u25a0 pri* ?if- «>n t!u> ? hat <*- «*f i u nij. a # tv U.;n the )»?«>;>« from th**ir dut; M r,.sr* iit K in .ti* in rt; n * r ?\u25a0?«r ???»,!» th--.ii. is-- - ~f v il it. t M -t. lit* U'-ntU?-.1.* .-iti.l H . 11 \u25a0«. .{ i ? i ty. Sirov * iht.tit. i>r u-m it-*; tlu?r t to-.rt--vti.-n ?< ti\u25a0 r i \u25a0 ~- * 1 ? W \u25a0 t\ i.f thr - 1.0« f*«r tht* rrpijidi*' ?? 11-1 <H*l no* !>*\u25a0- no* h fn* ti.w« ?-\u25a0? .. i f rrprr- Hftiti-r! Tin (>r*-ntl*- , \f t>u. :>? ?*\u25a0»*! J i <!??* l«tjs»n I i tilt : - -i ! ' .1 .I*- v o*,? |o , * H**n ». Ifl -ijl .Ula* . and a#kr i ti.- lw.;n: -r i- Imm-dial* Jy i{H«.U>t a i ? ?ijitMt?im »<th inrtru * ? si jti-rt nt* ? i ? t I i-v ft!' k?? -rn i M !.«? . S?n. .in.- ;*-|**r.o ' i «i#f th« *?.lt !>m; i.f of I: <r - -,ilil h* ol >*?\u25a0- *-o'T»t<.: t i MM. 11l J: Sr* I lid f I ?-. t to tli- pair ft'(. .ii-r.'trk' i*.-.<! a-kn! to - .?**?!!: Jo! in tio* s*ti \u25a0 * nil* : Thi' hi*!!'* i til ? rtllj-ill f Jin 1 , ft -f till- 1 I- reins m<il nt-.ii ?\u25a0lm '\u25a0 o ? .*:ninll-!v«;- no n Ttii- : nn-nia «? It : ?\u25a0?} a comiiftrr unato Hn--.ini t ? i * to 'hi .r. \u25a0*.* .fom of MM ' ?*- ftoputi- Hu * t'. at. I .>11(11* !r-c '1 <' in - ff .-i >. A ' - titm to -ti- h M 1)1. JVM.' M i 1 ? '. inli. f ''.ft ? -rtimiitr«- *!* « -* ri*»- th* pro-**. rUtiun of tr.\u25a0 two ill Jiutli « ill ! «ahf«<*. iju-nti, r i-ortri! to t * \u25a0 'l'n; - r whi ?i i h> a - M ? f :im?> vi-'.-.l "-.r th |,roo- « utiun .ti-S a'v IM. I'a.-*'* Mn> amni 1* ? IHtIX. >o I IHV.I, IN i (lIIDIIMV. l.<r«,l>lutMrc Mill tii'il I In n (trail, link IHrr "rnalortal Klrrtton. HA Vi Vi \u25a0 - dn 'i *? ; fii I .i\u25a0 ?? r> < ,T" ittij* \u25a0 y * ' *.i ! 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Page 1: THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER - Chronicling America...NO. JOS. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2.1. im-Ft»rRTKE\ PAGES. mr.% % %? ???? Mil \u25a0Kin. Nicaraguan Amendment


mr.% % % ? ? ? ? ?


Nicaraguan Amendment at

Last Adopted.


Senate Disposes of the Ri?er andHarbor Bill.

RanllM I ntnrreaafolly lltempta to

Serare Delay fey Making \u25a0 Palal

of Order on the braaai Tfeat

There la la Protlalon for Ratify-

iag a Treaty for Ki« h t-of-War

Spooner latradairai la .Idaytrd?

The Senate Finally Di»|»ooea of

the Biter and Harbor Mill, and

the Meaanre low tioea to Monae.

NICARAGUA CANAL PREVAILS IN THE SENATE.Attached as an Amendment to the River and

Harbor Bill.ASHINGTON, Feb. 2-4. After a session of nearly eight hours to-day. the senate, this even-

ins at 6 o'clock, passed the river and harbor bill by the decisive vote of 50 to A. The

measure was under consideration throughout the day and on several of the committee

amendments a determined fight was made, bat in every instance the opposition availed nothing.

The sharpest contest arose over the Nicaragua canal billamendment. A point of order was madeagainst it that it was general legislation, but the senate to which the vicefpresident submitted thepoint, overruled it. It was then attacked as not being relevant to a river and harbor measure,but this, too, was overruled by the senate.

Pettigrew, Rawlins and Teller vigorously attacked the bill, their opposition being directed es-

pecially against the canal amendment. The statement was made that the measure would never

see the light of day in the house and that the canal would not be built under the proposition in-

serted in the bill.




POtTNT). ISpecial Price Today.


COOPER 6c LEVY,Timfkmt Mdrr 132. /04And 106 ht Av. So.. Bet. Ytsler *na Wd.shir.gton St.

W* fr* !n our former u aton to the* foot <>f ?*t-i*rry two doors??outh cm F:n«t aor.uc

Our Quinine Hair Tonict? in'aif > M f, . *-, t tlitr:? ai*«?. prtn**-rv vo it

Removes Dandruff,l"""* If 'ju!< h!> un>l p:r««antsr< 1-Arpefx?lt>\u25a0 Sts if worth trying


UMIIIIKDOMINATE 11 SENATE tHRunner Freight Rate Bill Recommended for In-

definite Postponement?Lobbyists Robbing? the People of the Right to Legislate.

WASHINGTON', FVV>. 24 -In the senate

?. i , ration of the nu r and har-

bor till was r« timed Reverting t« the

anaerujri'.-n: i»re*\ i-t. c forth*' eonstructlon

.if r-servo.r« at the headwater* of theMis,- art river .1 >d appropriating{\u25a0\u25a0if 1 1 1r «> reservoirs In Wyoming Frye

in ibarg-- >f the 1 il ashed that Hi*am* ii Iment be passed up n,

Spooner of \t r.sin doubted the ail-visibility of the amendment, and said

that it had every appearance .-f being a

el rung Wedge of a,. .? MU*rate system ofIrrigation of arid lands which would cost

th.» government hundred# of millions ofdollars

When the d;j-» ossior o' the amendment«. is r< -uined. Warren of Wyoming, t'larkof Wyoming, A!l< n of Nebraska. Kora kerof Ohio and G-dHnger of New Hampshire

addr. d the senate in favor of the

amendment. The amendment proposed

t*> ti.e riißWl.ilw was adopted without

Ftmt Av. nue, Kw«. if C.vrry tfri. >

t*pe .»! Stiff i'orr spend*nee.

OLYMPIA. Keb. iit.-Tempie flat niflu-

ea« <*. through *\u25a0 e Growcup-Stevenson

kbi y, It* hr-rv.l toward th propie

tonight and robbed them of th*ir precious

ng:-.: to legislate in their own Inu-nst.

It wan a ..old, clammy hand, too, rolled

with dishonor?a hand that throttles In- !

stead of caresses; that carries! a kmfe in- Istead of a <as>-es Hy a vote of *to 3, the -

senate commit tec on railroad* b- ,<J«-d to jr. »nini- :ii th< indefinite postponement of

the Kur.ner freight rat*, lull, j

Xeier was a job per pitta ted with more j

reckless tbandon. never did .-onsciencele*'* jlegislators follow tao dictation of ineir

masters more blindly. It was .» travesty

Oil honor, a day race to the state; a Wow

at a free ballot.

Bvth bills were recommtndei for n

dt finite postponement.

The fir:a: result is not known yet. thou*.

;t lix-ks a.- if the senau: » -.i-1 ontirin ;:i

rt- ommeivisi oit

ratt*. > u --ai f 1 ?.into ?;* '\u25a0 >r wanting

t: a at this time is a <!»#*rtmiminou i-talrvst

ts.«- hi mix-r interest* of :h,* coast"

Senator Him it- l second the :to: >u

aril ai the proper late shall tile my rea-


S* n.iti-. Tom M ? * r sr j-jx I U,r « enough

to remark that 'to - >\u25a0; Wtahitif-t-n had hern tro . c>.

? Th, rallrvi.tJa

are ,*u»t l»e*t ti.-ns to mo mon the rut hi

5...i0 f the It ig- r. I ila not believe the

should -» airy aUt-nijn to >. rjpi le them at

this Unit," he com. In U-i.

r* North AmericanTransportation and


Car. tester May and tccWeatal Ateaae.

pioneer line between Seattle andW Yukon River points, operating a fleet

of ocean and river steamers and«wning fourteen well stocked stores located?tall principal points in Alaska and North-west Territory. Passenger and freight rateson application.


one of the badln* rai.roa 1 lobbyists toll

m* tonx it 1* f.. r«? the committee rn> t tha

the raiirita is ha.l twenty-three out of ' «

thirty-four members of the senate. It i*

jHis-tble. I d*» not think 1' probibb. Ihave had *-o high a» opinion of the har-

A<- trt <>f th» beat? ? at one th ng that wts

charged ah*:; t;;. senate was organized,

that Is, that President Daniels appointed

a majority f the railroad committee In

the interests of and by the advice o? the

railroad lobbyists. It remains to be »> en

whe-t cr the senate iltelf will allow its-If

to be d. honored, or pr mpily purs-. lt-< If

of this taint of Jobbery.

That the transfer w is never present-

ed as a ni-'as to stand on its merit, t am

r w convinced. It was a club with w . a

to e, Hal Senator Hamilton been

in earnest in pr* Milting it, he w aid not

have ai! wed it to be destroyed by th" nr n

he was standing with on fr< ghl rates. He

was a-'ured la my presence several d.ys

ago by respondbi* parties ?.hat Ifhis fri nde

»? uU stand by th" rate i . ! th** ft ien i* of

.hat tn* a sure w uM stand by tho transfer

,;!, 1 t a« wild have : sard t e p i»s-

ac-- of t* th. Tonight's a tlon shows how

much S< n«; r HamSSt rs was in *art

For the la n thr- \u25a0 days ?he rail'oad 1.-bhy

v:s been It ha# be-.-n Ir Teased t>

the personal attendance of .v.-.-n.* y rjt-

R. A N and

f* aturcs I * b- n special banquet* at a

1 ;,!ar cyst* r bouse. »h* re S? ver- .-r. and


w nt to relish choice steaks an Iti. ?

I?uiiil of Order Haiifd.

Wlii'U trie Ni< .anal amendmenthad l»?ii reported and read, Rawlins

. ail. i attention '.j %1 \u25a0 fact that there iv,.s

no provision for liu- ratification by the<,o! ?ir of any treats that misht be madevi ;1; No ar.iK'ia or i'osia Rica for rtshl*of-wa> fcr She . »nai.

Fry* replied that no treaty was pro-vded for

H.ivsilr * '.iid that he was of the plnlosl

that the question va« one to be dealtwith a« a ??» juirate meaMire. He thenn. ( u'i the j .dnt -if order that the amend-ment w-i. not la order, because it pro-sided for Kite ~il h klslatlou.

After Sonjc dls* u-ster. of the point oforder, tin- vu>* pre* dent avruluiy himselfof the rules of the Senate, submitted to

the v.-natn the question, "Is the amend-ment in orji r and shall it he submittedto the ? miter*

The \u25a0 || and Ia: - W re demanded andtie .mi udmetil was decided to be- in ur-di r. :d to

\ st then raised the question of reie-of the amendment and demanded

the .. as and miss, is was derided to berelevant 4* to 1- Those voting in the

y ittvi were Allen. Hate i'lay. «*.. kr-' 1.Dwnlei. MeLanrln. Pasco, Pettigrew,itaw tins. *1: weh, T- iter and Vest.


Chairman Runner w.ui areally *: xerclst.;

at tit* turn of affairs. ? \.» one i* at-

tempting to or.; pit* th< in,? n. r.;cv>t»d.

*?lt look* to tot- !f !i cripple

them/? continued Ten Miller. ?This bCI

w-j:.| t k* I. ?? .-.if' m : ?.«\u25a0 :..iS-

r.?j-S.« arid ;t locks to mo .to If that a* .

tinreaaonahle.? Then he h* s.tated. ?l

?hi k we o-i<.h*. to i > In tx* ;;t \e ... s .

#Um." he said a? h» looked at th«* ne«»-

i*ai « r aw n. But no one »?««». agreed with


Th«* |>re\ ~hj« tjue*: < n w.i* . V?» ) a ndthe vote for :n 1» portion'meal i':o-

vailed ly this vote;

Yea*?flaps*-. S< \u25a0 - .1. Miller of Thur*-

t?-s>, HaniiO m- I.

Nav ltunr < f of Walla Walla.I?.t ui? 3.

?The inter e-ts . f try y.-o; > an such.?

s i S«. n t*. ; * in » spi-junin*; hi* v<>;-,

? that 1 cannot fee; ?hat Ibt r*t« » ought

to he re>.lu> \u25a0 -.1."


Stvrra! days a*a. when thb e nsv < m-

;ra,; i- ißr(*d to r«j. >? V *»*? k ?\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* ?'»ni*' l-<d

A-;»h .1 rec imnend.nlon that an average

r< iaHoc of 15 I'or cent he mud.. there was

no alt. mj*t ? -? show th? aii rc.'-s- holt i th it

liUroad ..?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 M

tiu. :inio fnr \favored a reduction.

! niK-d ui?.f of I.Kae nunu r«, *.thou.

j>r». ircjf ex use for j;jt« v,;ar.iCt f heart,

: bo ily voted again©! any reduction of

ra ie«.

: f: «a? .ip,-iit ni .n the e» nat* tolty that

ihe- r r.roi !.*? ha-1 their a:h-*,rap bailed

I : ; ? t r idy to spring, for the Jig aI

waf made to ;©k- the dii from th. -t ' a.e

I and refer u Imvk to i .<? committed was to

; vigorous, too violent, to m an ar.ynnr.g

I but .. rangxlaton. A:.d >rt f--ry argu*

ni. r.t that w.-.s mule wa* c.vir.e ; in a murk

of de. e.t and trenhty. There was no

alien:;* ? sh w tat. t. mm:nee d> -

! \u25bafred to kill the hill. wtu* net even

\u25a0 an jns-.n n. *n t> ©? - i» : rj?-b nv a as

- - \u25a0

| n-» !< \u25ba. »::u <J» ?\u25a0 i- that I: »\u25a0©-? ©

I ~x ;t the freight bid into a iark ui-

i by with Intent to do v .oierue.

SPECIALiif Will Sr!! TV ?R-ji: iT | o

IchLty for iP I Ofctfcidr Price Has $<M-

»Ck» B\g B*'y J.'T 1 in (J-A'D i tlU'C*nJ TimvArt'.

I. C. WUS i*A S, 1 : »'K!t r. * *»f

? di i| lirMil3*l»* ) I «UII W \ %

t4*s ?tgr-. - \u25a0 h Nr ? ??»?

!t|ioenrt tin \inr«4mr«t.

<f« otv r .-T« r.-.J :iti \u25a0 ;i<lnn':.( t > theN; i - n < am* lolir- nt ;*« X.-lln« \u25a0

"Thai if ih»* {\u25a0! ? -ihh-nt -\u25a0'h.iU hr un.iM*t > .«>\u25a0\u25a0 fr**m t**,- s.ivfrrn it- <-f Ni «-

r:«*:?!.* a>-*5 KUn Mich ? orn \u25a0 * -i.'rv asv. '\u25a0 r ' ? : ?»«? : : ? ???} }!? it- « to ho'.-* > r Ij.< rp- I!!,.ivr. \u25a0nd > \u25a0 ntr.-.l ;?! . ;i oaf, jth. \ r - ;*. ,!/!' \u25a0: ?l'd \u25a0- ? C '*, i'f *?\u25a0- It:> >ni" i *ht to i'on struct, maintain I

ixr;>> <orir*l **<:rue oth- r anal ir>*n>**'ot!re ih< Atlantic »nd IV* iri.

\u25a0ecu ? I*- ,-r-"I l< r-- (.nr- ?! to :i-<- tir; \u25a0? f>>r the it*r**jrat <*r ;\u25a0 1l?V a-

ti n * *f v ar**l nil treaty o!»Ms !f ,

- ? \ , - in a ? .? ?

i ? 1 \u25a0 \u25a0 a- md

j \u25a0 ry.-Ui.i! < of any « h canal?i's' *? 1 .irit of I , ! j \u25a0 ? ; ted the I

muiu «»K Hl** Itt.< OHII.

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i m r. to a word, ' Tho ; jn.iutU't

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1.-* ma" r «\u25a0*,* tbon I.

Tit%>?*»!.lt Hill, Mho rm;|>.

j T.?.o Hairn;. u t.i**f-r l-;15 ** i ? n» «i

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WTrO-YUKOEB CARRIERSI i l!f ?"iVER^TBAIKRS?P*. I>K v»pj > > r-r.r P '

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' . fUBMrt. St Wchi


Offl * Ci ,m\u25a0 t. S'

t Cllim nt the %|i|.ronrlnilon.

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.\u25a0r»:? Irr.-nt « >????. ??

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Isßr w RsHilni Tur:-y V -V

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- \u25a0 t.' !v -1 }r»-;! ?f mill \u25a01

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~f ?.,» r.g up the r ;:s h,

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red u;. -* r :h- r They .

. Ff ka: >c. r? !.*: trar «.t n'.of, -\r. S

, ; ; w . i ?r- y P ? .--try

: v r .. grain rate*. Harr. :? n

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K? | im IU| We fiunitrt Ikeai Ur a Irir. ]|]|| (j§ J

JJA im-:LL DKI'CJ ( ().. I»tH» ,v <stml Wnur. lr>lfr *<»>. £

\ IK\ Y & CO.. M) t",>r AVE M,ur "

lcrrj-l»»8«y UaiiJin*.

i.pufifM bbu J«kk«rt ?»! Teleptaoae Mata 57.

jars and Tobacco. Smokers? Articles, Etc.

BSCH BBSS- T1 Ir.l (it, Brattle.

R. ' AiiOMm. 1). I). s #t Painless He it list.j - ij ct ?« n >

HL * t* li -p* .">» y»«; \u25a0 g *:*!>?. I-* ? »' ? ?'ffc

? ? H !<r 11. ? T- »fUttl MS.

kA Hhv Hill leu Bin GlassesQw*. **


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L.~~. ...t ..4 -V. .... J, ii>v. A-.-> V.'.*. . i



Tried to L ad Troops Into aRevolution.


Chamber of Deputies Author zes

The.: Prosecution.

f.rit- R»«rl rr.ttflf. Th«t flir %c-

-rairi) Mrmhrr*. !><? ilnwlrtir itHd

Hnrri'MUhrrl. Ilrnllmi r» llnntl

?I Mrt* t'olli?Hi-il Hl* Brlufltlr In-

fo (hr Hi.rri.rW «*.

Iriu mid Irir.l lo l?cr»»«ilf fhr

.oldlcc. iti .ltd*, in h Uc.oltllon

llc.ltiird «»» Hr»>l»cr the

With m I'lrblirllr Ur|.uMU*.

PARIS . t l»> ; :t n

NS .. I,> «* rt i' . 3 Mi \u25a0v \u25a0 ' « ** *

;.rr*-«to*! la»t ntatf »*'» ? \u25banfr«mt«sl *h'«

m'irrSr.u with »}? r Tv» ?» «?< at !

lh» ;;.;uv dr ha-1 ;ri*.i t<» indn. *? htn. in*l

his tr-«»p« «?< n»«r '* t l.tvr>< pui-

i't \u25a0( !«? it \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 «

trod th* -it tin* tt» ?i«l> ihuut.

Thtri 1 w,t?* mtk h »-* .u-riiM It*

riiH»n.»-r ?f .h-p-MS*-« t n s»i t< moon. .tlkl

rt latei- Klti : him * n? Ml* tni)W.'

,h. I <«»H UirnJ it J?? ?r> '

? to VM I* Hi 111* *l? i*Mi

Mtirivt II; fit T!:.- maU ir.' nt (us* sni*l-bd with ri ?\u25a0> -1 ' \u25a0 I \u25a0then tv.: 1 5* M r from thr p« sio prm-.--

. it. -r ;»<*< oftlll'ic ' a hi* i *«fi' \u25a0 *?'

;*.m St * iiiiit.l of turn. "?>'*'»> \u25a0 > s *?

Hot ,o*lv «;n» Uab. rt f. l-wi-tl hit*;:o*i 11: \u25a0 i't* -I t lit v- ttl *f '!?' .*rra K* : *

i llJHfd ?*> th. tl- »»J>M

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Th« r* for*.* th* arrr«t»nl out r >n-?«><"*. ti *ht*v w-'t,* 1 t** i*-.i i th< t >}»> in

u tvviai.t !* in:; \ r'n»v» m* ?it in i t ? r« l«*t >'

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i h,< ;v,.» ? .{m itii-i:!!\u25a0 i «\u25a0-? wtrr lh«n

I«-!«? >V«'.J to t. fill *.*\u25a0 -I ?Hi?I |r JiUMol I>tOf -I i.tiil lio !' S for

.lutourllv to i : ..?\u25a0»* ? ? \u25a0 \u25a0 pri* ?if-

«>n t!u> ? hat <*- «*f i u nij. a # tv U.;n the)»?«>;>« from th**ir dut;

M r,.sr* iit K in .ti* in rt; n * r ?\u25a0?«r ???»,!»

th--.ii. is-- - ~f v il it. t M -t.lit* U'-ntU?-.1.* .-iti.l H . 11 \u25a0«. .{ i ? i ty.

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no* h fn* ti.w« ?-\u25a0? .. i f rrprr-Hftiti-r!

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I i tilt : - -i ! ' .1 .I*-

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i{H«.U>t a i ? ?ijitMt?im »<th inrtru * ?

si jti-rt nt* ? i ? t I i-v ft!' k?? -rn iM !.«? . S?n. .in.- ;*-|**r.o ' i «i#f th«

*?.lt !>m;i.f of I: <r - -,ilil h* ol >*?\u25a0-

*-o'T»t<.: t i MM. 11l J: Sr* I lid f I ?-. t

to tli- pair ft'(. .ii-r.'trk' i*.-.<! a-kn! to- .?**?!!: Jo! in tio* s*ti \u25a0 * nil* :

Thi' hi*!!'* itil ? rtllj-illf Jin 1, ft -f till- 1 I-

reins m<il nt-.ii ?\u25a0lm '\u25a0 o ? .*:ninll-!v«;-

no nTtii- : nn-nia «? It : ?\u25a0?} a comiiftrr unato

Hn--.ini t ? i * to 'hi .r. \u25a0*.* .fom ofMM ' ?*- ftoputi- Hu * t'. at. I .>11(11*

!r-c '1 <' in - ff .-i >.

A ' - titm to -ti- h M1)1. JVM.' M i 1 ? '. inli. f ''.ft

? -rtimiitr«- *!* « -* ri*»- th* pro-**.rUtiun of tr.\u25a0 two ill Jiutli « ill ! «ahf«<*.iju-nti, r i-ortri! to t * \u25a0 'l'n; - r whi ?i ih> a - M ? f :im?> vi-'.-.l "-.r th |,roo-

« utiun .ti-S a'v IM. I'a.-*'* Mn> amni 1*? IHtIX.


l.<r«,l>lutMrc Mill tii'il I In n (trail,

link IHrr "rnalortal Klrrtton.HA Vi Vi \u25a0


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