the secondary update march 7 2013

Students aended the Romeo & Juliet play at the Madinat Theater on Wednesday February 27th. The actors did a great job in keeping the audience entertained. The play was a modern adaptaon and set in modern mes. Watching the play with JBS was an unforgeable experience, a magnificent show indeed! By Priya Movva grade 8 The Secondary Update March 7 th , 2013 THE ROMEO AND JULIET FIELDTRIP

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Page 1: The Secondary Update March 7 2013

Students attended the Romeo & Juliet play at the Madinat Theater on Wednesday February 27th.

The actors did a great job in keeping the audience entertained. The play was a modern adaptation

and set in modern times. Watching the play with JBS was an unforgettable experience, a

magnificent show indeed! By Priya Movva grade 8

The Secondary Update March 7th, 2013


Page 2: The Secondary Update March 7 2013

World Maths Day took place on Wedensday the 6th of March. Students from all over the world competed against each other in mental maths to see who came out the victor within their age group. G6 to G9 students went to, which has grown over the years to now include Literacy and Science-based questions. Our students have practiced in preparation for the big day, where Mr. McMahon has kept track of our students' practice scores and their scores on the 'big' day. The day was a huge success with a number of students participating. Students really enjoyed competing against each other as well as competing against the rest of the world.


Page 3: The Secondary Update March 7 2013

لقد أجرينا المرحلة السابعة من مسابقة القراءة وذلك يوم اإلثنين الموافق الرابع من شهر مارس، وكانت النتائج على النحو اآلتي:

.الصف السابع: أجريت المنافسة بين الطالبتين فرح عبدالقادر وبيانكا وبعد التصويت فازت الطالبة بيانكا الصف الثامن: أجريت المنافسة بين الطالبين علي إبراهيم والطالبة نتاليا البستاني وبعد التصويت تعادال، ثم

أجرينا المسابقة مرة أخرى بقراءة كتب جديدة ، وبعد التصويت فاز الطالب علي إبراهيم.

الصف التاسع: أجريت المنافسة بين الطالبين طارق عباسي ومحمد الهاشمي وبعد التصويت فاز الطالب طارق عباسي.

الصف السادس: أجريت المنافسة بين الطالبين حمزة القرشي والطالبة جود غرياني وبعد التصويت فازت

الطالبة جود.

مساسقس سلسطسسسةساسذستسقساس سطسسسةساسرسةس س سطسسس س سسسةسا طسسسةساس س سطس

طارق عباسي علي إبراهيم منـهبيانكا جود غرياني

Page 4: The Secondary Update March 7 2013

We are pleased to announce that the Secondary Sports Day is almost upon us. It will take place on May 14th at 9am. The students have all been working really hard to improve the techniques required for the different track and field events. You are welcome to come and watch the various competitions that will be taking place. The events will include the high jump, long jump, shot put, javelin, discuss, hurdles, 50m sprint, relay, middle and long distance running events. All students are required to wear a house t-shirt. Sunscreen, hat and a water bottle are also a must. For further information about this event, please contact Ms. Davidson at [email protected].


Page 5: The Secondary Update March 7 2013

On Tuesday March 12th, at 8:15am and at 6:00pm, there will be an information session on the subject packages that will be offered in grade 9. All parents are welcome to attend, but this session is specifically aimed for the parents of our grade 8 students. At this session, we will discuss the subject packages that the grade 8 students have to choose from, along with the requirements for an MYP certificate. It will take place in the first floor of the S-building, next to the Computer Lab. If you have any further questions about this session, please contact Zena Muhtaseb at [email protected].


The Environmental Club is an ECA that takes place every Monday from 3:15 to 4:15pm. The aims of the club are as follows: To raise awareness for environmental issues. Students will start a facebook page called "JBS Carbon Crew" where they can suggest ideas to reduce carbon footprint. To recycle materials by using them to make useful products. To make a report about how the school can conserve energy. This report will be shared with the school community. For further information about the Environmental Club, please contact Ms. Crowe ([email protected]) or Ms. Kiernan ([email protected]).


Page 6: The Secondary Update March 7 2013

After a successful Model United Nations Conference in Qatar at the beginning of February, JBS has enthusiastically accepted the challenge of another conference. This time we will participate in the local DIAMUN held each year at Dubai International Academy in late March. The students are so enthusiastic that they have decided to forgo two days of their Spring vacation to attend! This time JBS will represent The Republic of Korea, Tuvali (a small country in the South Pacific) and UNESCO. Our students were given their assignments and have started their research. Students participating in DIAMUN are: Grade 8: Fadhel Al Mazrooei , Moaza Al Mazrooei , Ali Ibrahem Grade 9: Yann Roghi , Morgain Reynolds , Sarah Abdul Jalil , Tariq Abbasi , Zeyad Abbasi , Laith Fraijat Grade 10: Abhinav Das, Hassan Tamimi Grade 11: Kimberlee Brinkman , Hossama Dawood


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