the secret to successful living _ silva method life

Silva Method Life The Home of the Silva Method by Jose Silva (of Silva Mind Control) The Secret to Successful Living Blog Community News 34 comments 128 Like 12 Tweet 13 Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be so successful in life? Everything flows just right for them. Whatever they touch turns to gold. They are the lucky ones. They are the ones with the great job, great salary, perfect love, and ideal life. You may have found yourself thinking, “Why them, and not me?” One reason for success is the ability to make correct choices, and decisions. Successful people do that consistently. They make the kind of choices and decisions that lead to positive outcomes. It is based on information that goes far beyond what is learned and involves accessing accurate information from seemingly nowhere. This ability is intuition and highly successful people enjoy a higher degree of intuition than the average person. Where most people base their decision making only on their accumulated knowledge, successful people combine all they have learned together with what they sense with their intuition. Their ability to gather information is way ahead of the rest. Professor John Mihalasky, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, seems to think so. In experiments he performed with company CEOs he observed that the CEOs who performed best in tests of intuition also tended to be the ones with the best success rates at running their business. Surprised? Napoleon Hill was correct when he suggested in his book The Laws of Success that the most successful people of his time, had learned to tap into their missing sense, the Intuition. “A genius”, Hill said “is a man who has discovered how to increase the intensity of thought to a point where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of thought”. The Secret to Successful Living | Silva Method Life 1 sur 14 10/12/2013 18:22

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Silva Method Life The Home of theSilva Method by Jose Silva (of Silva Mind Control)

The Secret to Successful Living


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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be so successful in life? Everything flows just right

for them. Whatever they touch turns to gold. They are the lucky ones. They are the ones with the great

job, great salary, perfect love, and ideal life. You may have found yourself thinking, “Why them, and not


One reason for success is the ability to make correct choices, and decisions. Successful people do that

consistently. They make the kind of choices and decisions that lead to positive outcomes. It is based on

information that goes far beyond what is learned and involves accessing accurate information from

seemingly nowhere. This ability is intuition and highly successful people enjoy a higher degree of

intuition than the average person. Where most people base their decision making only on their

accumulated knowledge, successful people combine all they have learned together with what they

sense with their intuition. Their ability to gather information is way ahead of the rest.

Professor John Mihalasky, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of

Technology, seems to think so. In experiments he performed with company CEOs he observed that the

CEOs who performed best in tests of intuition also tended to be the ones with the best success

rates at running their business.


Napoleon Hill was correct when he suggested in his book The Laws of Success that the most

successful people of his time, had learned to tap into their missing sense, the Intuition .

“A genius”, Hill said “is a man who has discovered how to increase the intensity of thought to a point

where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of


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Isn’t it surprising that despite scientific studies, case practices and real life examples, Intuition, is still

something that very limited people have access to? Wonder a world where we could have enhanced

intuition and people could benefit in times like these.

Here is a study revealing how Business Stalwarts and CEOs have used intuition to benefit their

businesses and be successful in their lives.

Download the Study Now!

Related Posts:

How to Deal With Manipulative People

The Easy Way to Meditate With Binaural Beats

Learning How to Develop Psychic Abilities

Intuitive Thinking – Tapping Into the Alternative

Use Extra-Sensory Perception to Enhance Your Life

Tags: intuition

← The Gift Of Intuition

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34 people have left a comment. Leave yours now!

hshere23 February 21, 2009 at 1:50 pm #

And that brings me back to the time where TRANCEDENTAL MEDITATION (TM) was a hype —

Studies on TM also showed the importance of meditation. Where intuition is an offspring of

MINDFULNESS – a kind centering that is of all times – as it is a natural after effect of listening to

self, being in the Now — In short meditation is the act of being in the present, reconnection to the

Vastness, Otherness, Energy that IS.


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Liisa Priyanka Lugus · Top Commenter

I don't think the common denominator here is 'intuition' necessarily. I think what separates successfulpeople from unsuccessful ones is that the former have the discipline to follow through on what theyknow needs to be done. the latter 'know/intuit' what they need to do, but don't put in the discipline oreffort required for results... acting on intuition is more challenging than tapping into it, imo.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · July 8 at 9:21pm3

Ambrose Pereira · · Mar Ivanios College

YES LAURA, Thank you for continuing the good service to humanity initiated by your famous father. Ireally enjoyed the article. As you perhaps know. I did take the Silva Mind Control Basic Lecture Seriesfrom that great lady - Geraldine Youmans in 2/10/80, and following the articles of Burt Goldman.SilvaTeam, Mind Valley Vishen.

Reply · Like · Follow Post · June 2 at 2:33am


Bernadette D'Alessio · · Emotional and Nutritional Counselor at Self Employed and Loving It!

This is so true and it's helping me in my new venture in life

Reply · Like · Follow Post · March 18 at 3:01am


Hugo DiNunzio · · Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School

This is just amazing! I've been tested and have exceeded/ maxed out on the charts for intuitiveness. Asa child I didn't know what it was that I was experiencing. As a grown adult, I am very grateful, havelearned to respect it (because intuition will present destiny as it will unravel, and not always will it be apleasant revealing, it is what it is going to be), I've learned to be grateful, listen to it, and acknowledgeits powerful insight of what will be!

Thank You for sharing this amazing report!

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · March 1, 2012 at 4:58am



Diane Little

very interesting.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · February 13, 2012 at 7:58pm2

Marie Thompson Anytastegifts · Indianapolis university

your posts start my day in the most inspiring way!

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · January 21, 2012 at 2:43pm1

Michele Rivers · Troy High School

My intuition I think is the holy spirit speaking through me., It has saved my life literally. Where would webe without intuition. To bad not many pay attention to it. They would save allot of pain in there lives.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · January 14, 2012 at 10:23pm2

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Karl-Ohyd Fuses February 21, 2009 at 7:28 pm #

02 / 21 / 09









Karl-Ohyd Fuses,

[email protected]


Neil February 21, 2009 at 8:10 pm #

I have enjoyed this reading of the download. As I have read Think and Grow Rich, as well as The

Law of Success and a few others I remember reading those things and need to keep up with all

my reading as well as look more into my mediating in a more quite state. And with the bit of Silva

material I have. Thanks


justin February 21, 2009 at 9:35 pm #

As always I appreciate the solid info Laura.


John February 21, 2009 at 9:52 pm #

I agree. Napoleon Hill was way ahead of his time. Those who practiced his teachings prospered

far beyond those who did not.


Mike February 21, 2009 at 10:13 pm #

This is something I fully believe in ,but what I would truely like to see . How does this corrilate to

all the CEO’s who belly uped thier companies and are now begging for money Yes they were

sucsessefull in making themselves rich but drained the company and are costing many people

everything they have . So I guess even thing we have to benifit ourselves can like many other

things be missused . So ,lets see if Karma is real for all these guys !



Merrie February 21, 2009 at 11:27 pm #7.

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Thank you for the articles. I also took the Silva courses in 1981 in NYC and used it in healing a

friend of my who was in the hospital with a small piece of metal lodged in the back of his eye that

had blown in while he was in the subway. It had lodged itself in the back of the eye ball,

separated from the brain by a very thin piece of connective tissue. The doctors were talking

about operating. He was, of course, terrified.

At the end of a review class of about 15 people, for about 5 minutes we went to alpha and

focused our energy on my friend without even knowing which hospital he was in. It began to

thunder and lightening and rain as it often does in New York in the summer. I went home and

phoned my friend. He said the most amazing thing happened. About 20 minutes prior to my

phoning him he said his whole head was bathed in a pink light, then with the thunder and rain

his sinuses drained and he “knew” that the piece of metal had drained out of his eye.

And indeed, it had. He was fine and left the hospital after tests concluded he was free of any

foreign objects in his eye. Thank you Silva..!!

Jan February 22, 2009 at 4:16 am #

Thank you for the article. This has immediately aided career choice in my family.

I appreciate the range of articles interviews and information you send, it is happily in changer



Mary February 22, 2009 at 5:12 am #

That’s Great Laura! I will read the info.

I am with a group of Master Mind in my MLM with my “Mentoring for Free” system which has the

self-dev part with Think & Grow Rich as the Book we read and write up a lesson plan on every

chapter each week. We discuss the concepts of that chapter and the growth we see in the

people who join us, including ourselves, is amazing!

Now I am adding the simple practices of the Silva Life System (what I have available to me) and I

hope to grow more and more each day. The wholistic approach is what works and we need all

parts of the puzzle to truly see massive success. And we will! Thank you for having your Free

Program as well!


Karin February 22, 2009 at 8:10 am #

Hi Laura,

I made a promise to my self to enfold my promises .I promised my self to do all I can to fulfill my

inner purpose. Life feels as a true adventure now, enjoying every step…

Through meditation( using various methods, including a mechanical such as “lifeflow” and

“holosync”, and yours(. I believe they are super!!) my intuitions has developed to such a extend, I

know I can trust on it, with amazing results!!! I am thrilled to hear that these trades fit more then

well, with my inner purpose. They literally, show me the way


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Very stimulating !!!

AL February 22, 2009 at 8:23 am #




Viorica Marai February 22, 2009 at 8:48 am #

I don`t know what to say. If a man find a way of succes, he need to to help people without waiting

reward. Of course, there are people who can give you a reward, but exist and other man who

from various reasons think that the reward may be a pray and a thank you. You send me 120

message, but the same words. Possible some of the message were automatic.This is only an

affair. God help you and help and poor people.Forgive me, but this is what I think about you.

To be clear, I need a medicin now and because we a from East Europe, this exists in France , but

no in Romania.

Some time ago I look for a medicin for my husband. This is another story.

And there are many story about us, and what we think about the man who think that a man need

to destroy another man, no to love him.


Talker February 22, 2009 at 3:59 pm #

To All,

Ths Silva method is real.

Trained with Mr Silva and Mr Goldman, decades ago.

Do relate experiences with Silva material in my blog.

thetalker dot org


Marijan Pollak February 22, 2009 at 8:55 pm #

I have find out that You mix Mr. Edison with my countryman Nikola Tesla.

It is Tesla who used intuition and had solutions coming as visions, and it was Edison who used to

say that >>Geniality is 1% of inspiration and 99% of perspiration<>trial and error, hit or

miss<>connected vessels<< where water seeks to achieve same level in all wessels connected

with pipes, and if those pipes are going on slant of just 1/2 degree or les, such system can

transport water far away for free, as all that is nedeed is vacuum pumps in highest points od

those pipes, that would work only to ensure that pipes are totally filled with water, so one

transportable pump can be used as necesary to establish system, which would then work

automatically. Systems of such reservoirs could be replenished by use of Solar stills (also of my

design) or water Rams that lift water out of river bed without use of pumps, rain harvesting

instalations on roads or water purified and recycled from waste water treatment instalations, and

so on and so forth, I have many ideas that would be valuable for mankind and World in



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As You can see, I have plenty of ideas that also came trough my intuition, just I need my Mr.

Westinghouse like Mr. Tesla had, someone that would beileve in me and finance it all………

You offten mention people who become rich using their intuition, so can You reccommend me?

Regards from Zagreb, the capitol of Croatia, Europe.

Marijan Pollak February 22, 2009 at 9:04 pm #

Well, I wrote big post only to find Your form scrambled and cut out most of my text. I described

my Windpower and Solarpower stations and their merits, financing system that bring benefits to

investors and produce instalations and factories that process agriculturall waste into usefull

products and bring employment and profit while solving ecologicall problems, houses made in

one piece impervious to tornados, automatic and self regulating system of underground

reservoirs for water, Solar stills and many other things.

I can send You whole text even if I had to write it all again……

For implementation I need investor to support me. Can You reccommend me?

Regards from Zagreb, the capitol of Croatia, Europe!


L.Abdulrify Dyar February 23, 2009 at 6:03 am #

As long as our ‘inside management’ hasn’t been freed of negative nuances that could be

eliminated through the “Mental House Cleaning” of Silva’s explanation at the first time in his

coursework, ‘Intuition’ is in fact a pure concept of a feeling within our sub-conscious that always

is at a ‘Positive’ performance. It could still be provocated by a negative nuance, because of the

lack in controlling our E m o t i o n s.

But when there’s still some negative thoughts that hasn’t been deleted, the problem will still have

its influence and consequent action of the deed.

That’s why, how rich we are without giving that richness to people with Love, we’ll still be at a

weak position of being ‘monitored’ by a ‘Universal Law of Reciprocity /Reciprocation, also known

as ‘Karma’. Nobody could ever run away from it.

But it all depends on our own habit and attitude that seems always being managed through an

uncontrolled performance of our main strenght, i.e. ‘e m o t i o n’ that seems more being at an

‘uncontrollable’ position than we could be aware of it.

Program ‘perfectness’ into your other side of behaviour that could be of great help before

justifying others.

Selfishness always has been the handicap for being ‘socially’ well developed. Admit this

weakness and grow to an all positive ‘celestial being’


Read your Article February 23, 2009 at 6:05 am #

Many thanks for the heart felt information, always enjoy them. They are an inspiration and a


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great help to my phyic..

Mint February 23, 2009 at 11:54 am #

Hi Laura,

I am from India & have found Silva mind control techies helpful.

Keep it up the good work.


bernard February 23, 2009 at 5:27 pm #

hi laura, the Christmas family pictures that you posted were very interesting. the one question

that i have is the one wiht the white face mask on the left side of the entrence. it reminded me of

a portal , the face amsk, as if people were entering the christmas room, a place of peace, and

harmony. the mask was a sybol as a guardian, in the spiritual sense, to protect all who entered

that room.


jimmy February 23, 2009 at 7:49 pm #


You’re preaching to the choir here. I’m a Silva Graduate, and I positively KNOW that everyone is

born with psychic abilities. Telling me this stuff is like telling me that the sky is blue, okay?


David February 23, 2009 at 7:55 pm #

Can anyone help with some research I’m doing can you tell me: Does Burt Goldman dye his





Robert February 23, 2009 at 10:20 pm #

Following up on the mention of meditation and being in the Now, consider this thought if you will.

Our minds are machines that belong to the body (the brain, machine, remains behind after death

while the true self leaves). Many agree that the mind is not our true selves, rather it is separate

and is here to serve our will and purpose. We often lose ourselves in the ramblings of the mind

and require meditation to quite it down so we may focus our powers on that which we feel most

important (Silva techniques). How to keep the mind in its place is a tough chore though, and so I

devised a mantra of sorts to remind me of the true nature of the mind and my true self anytime I

find myself lost it’s unsolicited ramblings of the past or possible futures. Have you ever seen

people out “walking their dog”? Invariably the dog is out in front of their “master” sniffing here and


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there, going left or right as It chooses, stopping and starting at will, and at times taking off after

some other animal, with their human “master” in tow. It is a ridiculous sight to see since we, the

human, should be the alpha or leader of this child like animal but instead we become the follower

of the dog who would wander on and on unless we, the true master, reign him in to our purpose

and agenda. In summation, anytime I find myself lost in the wasteful meanderings of my mind, I

visualize a dog leading a human-being and instantly I bring myself back into the Now, or present

moment, where true power exists, so I may resume creating life as I choose.

James February 24, 2009 at 12:04 am #

Well, very interesting indeed. Of course, most forget that the greatest nation is imagination. Even

Eistein said imagination was higher percentage requirement than knowledge–80 to 20 roughly.

Here is a little e-book for those who wish to read & share–


Thanks Laura for the article and the helping us to help ourselves & others. God bless. James


Romeo February 24, 2009 at 12:11 am #

I am a member of a charity organisation for the past 10 years now, my role there is as an art

adviser and designer. Which means that I design everything from the loggos, tickets,and stage

decoration for our five functions every year. When I first got onto this they required me to submit

a plan of the stage a month before the function, I did that with the first one and it was a success,

but on the second one, one of the member objected to the design and the cost, so a weeks work

went down the drain. I thought I am not paid to do this and its taking a lot of my time, so the next

one I did not do anything until the day before the dance function, and they were very worried.

The president of the organisation told me that its going to be my fault if I don’t get anything done,

and the dance was a failure. Well I walk around the front of the stage, for about an hour, then I

went back stage and found some props, and without really knowing what I’m doing, started to put

them together, and it came out as one of the best stage design for that year.

That was 10 years ago, now they leave me alone while I walk back and fort in front of the stage

for about an hour or so then suddenly get up and I start doing something which I don’t even know

what or how it will come out until it’s finished, and it all cost less than $20 everythime for the

whole stage,I recycle every thing.

Last Valintines day dance 2009 I decorated the stage with two huge heart but I felt something

was missing, then the president said, “I bought a couple of cutouts of cupid, for $50, it would look

good on the stage specially with the deep red and all the glitters”. I look at it and said,” thats

exactly what’s missing”, To the dismay of our president I glued it to the heart in reverse, showing

the white back instead of the deep red glitters and it looks good. Somebody ones asked me

where I get my ideas from? Now, I can tell them, it comes from space, mate, it comes from



Rosie February 24, 2009 at 1:05 am #

Hi Laura,


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I met your father, José and later on your uncle. Both went to Lima, Peru in the 70′s. I graduated

from the basic and advanced courses they gave. The method helped me a lot during my life.



surjit February 24, 2009 at 6:10 am #

Hi, I’m doing silva ultramind home study, it have been a year or so n doing it twice or once a day

but sadly till to date I dont see anything or feel anything, maybe I’m doing wrong? Pls adv.




jogarao February 24, 2009 at 6:18 am #

Hi Laura,

I still remember the saying “whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve’ by Hill in

his famous book The power of Positive thinking, which I continue to read often even after my first

reading in late 70′s. In fact my interest in Mind Matters helped me to get a chance to come

across this organization. I am really happy and feel fortunate to undergo the series of Ultra mind

techniques and shall share my experiences often in future too.

Once again thank you for all the wonderful service you are doing to the humanity at large. May

God bless you all with His benevolent Grace to reach even larger volumes of human population

through this wonderful technology.


Marcio February 24, 2009 at 6:34 pm #

Hi Laura,

thanks for your kind help.

And we should thanks James for the e-book he gave us.

Regards and Peace.


Colette Peachey February 26, 2009 at 5:58 pm #

That is why myself & so many others like me, are incorporating all of this wonderful, life affirming

knowledge into our life coaching…will be taught in schools soon…

Thankyou for all the words of wisdom

In Love & Light



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Richard Amoako February 27, 2009 at 2:32 pm #





Dorene Lachappelle February 14, 2012 at 1:38 pm #

Furthermore , help keep your foot dry out throughout the day.


Gregoria Donnie February 17, 2012 at 1:49 am #

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And

guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn


Baby Grand Player Pianos February 27, 2012 at 9:49 am #

The thoughts are compact as well as it is straight to the point. The strategy on sharing the ideas

which are mainly significant was performed incredibly easily and that no need for hard words and

phrases to made use of for us to know the primary points on Grand Player Piano Retrofitting you

wish to conceive.


Orlando Video Production July 21, 2012 at 12:19 pm #

I just want to Bless you with this passage from the word of God: Jesus answered, “I tell you the

truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.


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