the setonian - issue 18

Too many monument men Henze named BE player of the week Students’ heads spin over bikes In Pirate Life, Page 5 In Sports, Page 10 In News, Page 2 Clayton Collier Staff Writer The Setonian THE VOICE OF THE SETON HALL COMMUNITY Volume 90, Issue 18 February 13, 2014 Greek housing coming to Ora Mary Marshall Assistant News Editor See Dorming, Page 4 Steph Novak/Staff Photographer Sophomore Resident Marianna Triclo walks into Aquinas, which houses freshmen and upperclass- men this year. Next year, dorming in AQ will be on a first come, first served basis. Honors students to get new AQ rooms See Greek, Page 2 Where to live? Spread the love A Greek Life living and learn- ing community is in the works for Ora Manor. e Housing and Residence Hall director of the off-campus area met with the Greek Munic- ipal Assembly Wednesday to in- troduce the idea and encourage students to apply. According to the director, Bri- an O’Malley, this new concept is aimed at strengthening the Greek community. “e basic idea behind a liv- ing/learning community is that you get to live and study among people who have a common inter- est or connection,” he said. e plans call for setting aside one floor, or a part of one floor, depending on how many students apply. Ora Manor features three-per- son and five-person apartments. In the community, organizations can occupy one full apartment with residents, or share the space with another organization. Ac- cording to O’Malley, a single or- ganization will not be able to have more than one apartment. O’Malley said there are plans to allow residents to display Greek pride and promote unity by hang- ing their letters on the doors or in the windows. e new floors in Aquinas Hall is on schedule to open for fall 2014. Director of Housing and Resi- dence Life Tara Hart said students can look forward to a number of upgrades. “ere will be approximate- ly 175 additional bed spaces and lounge areas as well at the incor- poration of ADA-compliant bath- rooms, new windows and elevator service to all four floors,” Hart said. “All rooms will also have new in room furnishings.” With the additions, Hart said, incoming freshman who submit their housing deposit before May 1 will be guaranteed housing for their first year. As of now, the plan is for the fourth floor to house incoming freshmen honors students. “Our intention at this time is to provide spaces on the new floor (for) academic cohorts for new freshmen such as the Honors Pro- gram and the Stillman Business Leadership Development Honors Program,” Hart said. Students currently living in Aquinas are being asked if they would like to be included in the lottery for a room in the dorm for the 2014-2015 academic year. In Pirate Life, Page 6

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February 13, 2014 edition.


Page 1: The Setonian - Issue 18

Too many

monument men

Henze named BE

player of the week

Students’ heads

spin over bikes

In Pirate Life, Page 5 In Sports, Page 10 In News, Page 2

Clayton CollierStaff Writer


Volume 90, Issue 18 February 13, 2014

Greek housing coming to Ora

Mary MarshallAssistant News Editor

See Dorming, Page 4

Steph Novak/Staff PhotographerSophomore Resident Marianna Triclo walks into Aquinas, which houses freshmen and upperclass-men this year. Next year, dorming in AQ will be on a first come, first served basis.

Honors students

to get new AQ rooms

See Greek, Page 2

Where to live?

Spread the love

A Greek Life living and learn-ing community is in the works for Ora Manor.

The Housing and Residence Hall director of the off-campus area met with the Greek Munic-ipal Assembly Wednesday to in-troduce the idea and encourage students to apply.

According to the director, Bri-an O’Malley, this new concept is aimed at strengthening the Greek community.

“The basic idea behind a liv-ing/learning community is that you get to live and study among people who have a common inter-est or connection,” he said.

The plans call for setting aside one floor, or a part of one floor, depending on how many students apply.

Ora Manor features three-per-son and five-person apartments. In the community, organizations can occupy one full apartment with residents, or share the space with another organization. Ac-cording to O’Malley, a single or-ganization will not be able to have more than one apartment.

O’Malley said there are plans to allow residents to display Greek pride and promote unity by hang-ing their letters on the doors or in the windows.

The new floors in Aquinas Hall is on schedule to open for fall 2014.

Director of Housing and Resi-dence Life Tara Hart said students can look forward to a number of upgrades.

“There will be approximate-ly 175 additional bed spaces and lounge areas as well at the incor-poration of ADA-compliant bath-rooms, new windows and elevator service to all four floors,” Hart said. “All rooms will also have new in room furnishings.”

With the additions, Hart said, incoming freshman who submit their housing deposit before May 1 will be guaranteed housing for their first year.

As of now, the plan is for the fourth floor to house incoming freshmen honors students.

“Our intention at this time is to provide spaces on the new floor (for) academic cohorts for new freshmen such as the Honors Pro-gram and the Stillman Business Leadership Development Honors Program,” Hart said.

Students currently living in Aquinas are being asked if they would like to be included in the lottery for a room in the dorm for the 2014-2015 academic year.

In Pirate Life, Page 6

Page 2: The Setonian - Issue 18

NEWSPAGE 2 Feb. 13, 2014

Lindsay IrelandStaff Writer

New fitness center has ups and downs

It’s all here. Montclair State

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Steph Novak/Staff PhotographerSpin bikes fill up way before classes begin.

Greek:Continued from Page 1

Mary Marshall/Staff PhotographerOra Manor will house Greek Life members to promote unity.

Spin bikes hot

commodityErica Szczepaniak

Staff Writer

Free weights deemed a danger

Students and faculty can par-ticipate in the team fitness work-outs offered in spin classes.

There is no pre-registration for the classes, so they often fill up an hour before the session starts.

Also known as RPM classes, these team fitness classes are of-fered 20 times a week and offer an intense indoor cycling workout. According to the Athletic Center faculty, the room is equipped with 25 to 30 bikes.

According to Brian Poll, the associate director of recreation services, the spin class ranks as the Rec Center’s most popular class.

“It is the class that we offer most and classes are consistent-ly full,” Poll said. “We are very happy with the attendance (at) all of our classes, and hopefully the University members continue to take advantage of our offerings.”

“I was really excited to hear that our gym was finally offering spin classes,” sophomore Trisha

Sammarro said. “The first time I went about 20 minutes early ex-pecting to have some free time be-fore the class started, and the class was already completely full. The next time I was about 40 min-utes early, and there was somehow only one seat left by the time I got there. Everyone has the same idea as me I guess, but it’s crazy how fast the classes fill up.”

As a result, many students are discouraged from even attempt-ing to claim a bike in these classes.

“The gym near my house of-fers spin classes, so I thought it was super convenient that Seton Hall was offering them, too,” sophomore Rohit Ravi said. “But when I heard everyone complain-ing that it was impossible to get a spot in these classes, I didn’t even bother to try to go to them. They really should try and get more bikes, because there’s definitely a lot more than 25 people who’d want to go.”

The Rec Center staff con-firmed that most popular times for this class are from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

They said students who wish to attend classes during these times should plan to come in ad-vance or find a time during the day that is less crowded and more convenient.

“Usually with our morning and afternoon classes you can show up five to 10 minutes before

class and have a bike,” Poll said. “The evening classes fill up very fast and I would say give about 20 minute before the start time would be OK. With this said, each class is different so nothing is ever guaranteed.”

The schedule for team fitness classes can be found at

Erica Szczepaniak can be reached at [email protected].

“We (also) hope to promote unanimity and cohesion among organizations that of-tentimes view each other as competitors,” he said.

Resident assistants on the Greek com-munity floor will offer programs aimed at the needs and interests of the community.

The basement of Ora Manor is a community area, and the space will now be available for organizations to use for Greek-oriented events.

In addition, residents of the Greek LLC can earn points for their organizations to-ward the newly adopted Greek Accredita-tion System on campus.

According to O’Malley, approximately one in five students is a member of Greek Life.

“When we were thinking of possible communities that would be well-served by a living/learning community floor, Greek Life students were the first on our list,” he said. “Our hope is to provide a safe, fun and educational place for Greek Life stu-dents to live and study together.”

Ora Manor includes all utilities, cable and wi-fi in the rent. In addition to RAs and campus security on patrol in the build-ing, the apartment complex offers mainte-nance covered by the University’s facilities department.

There is also parking available for res-idents.

Mary Marshall can be reached at [email protected].

The fitness center, the newest addition to SHU’s Richie Regan Recreation Center, boasts more than 100 new pieces of equipment and offers an expanded schedule for classes, but students say they are unhappy with the omission of bench presses and squat racks the gym had before its renovation.

“I could get a better workout at the old gym because of the equipment offered (there),” soph-omore Spencer Wald said.

Associate Athletics Director for Recreational Services Kathleen Matta said the old weight system was removed because it was a po-tential safety hazard.

“In order to ensure a safe en-vironment, free weights must be properly monitored at all times, and we do not have a full-time staff member dedicated to oversee the new facility,” Matta said.

The gym’s new, state-of-the art equipment offers some us-er-friendly perks, including Inter-net access and a display for TV.

“We did have issues with Wi-Fi in our old space because of

location, but the problems have been rectified in the new area,” Matta said.

With three levels, the fitness center provides open space and lots of windows that give exercis-ing students a view of the campus.

Sophomore Allan Garcia said he likes the openness.

“It provides views, which are motivational,” he said.

However, other students are not in favor of the exposure.

“I’m not fan. The windows should be dimmed,” sophomore Cole McNamara said.

Matta said she feels the open layout has generated far more praise than critique.

“The old space was criticized for being dark, crowded and lack-ing any natural light,” she said. “For the few that feel they would like more privacy, there are ma-chines in the second row away from the windows.”

The fitness center is open for longer hours. Students can vis-it the center from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.

Lindsay Ireland can be reached at [email protected].

Page 3: The Setonian - Issue 18

NEWSFeb. 13, 2014 PAGE 3

Elena VitulloStaff Writer

Out-of-state students experience ‘culture shock’

Law school alum brings ideas to Statehouse

Call him Senator O’Toole.The state senator serving the 40th Leg-

islative District is Kevin O’Toole, a Seton Hall (1986) and Seton Hall Law (1989) alumnus.

Although he is a representative of the dis-trict, which encompasses parts of Bergen, Essex and Passaic counties, O’Toole said he also provides services to those outside his jurisdiction.

“I believe my biggest responsibility is to ensure that every constituent that calls my office, whether they live in my district or not, gets the assistance that they need,” O’Toole said.

He helps resolve issues with state govern-ment, assists with problems with Medicare and Medicaid, and offers guidance regard-ing permits or unemployment benefits.

O’Toole lists his three biggest accom-plishments in office as sponsoring legis-lation that implemented the two percent property tax cap on municipalities to help slow the rate of property tax growth in our state, twice sponsoring legislation that re-formed the state’s pension and benefits sys-tem, and leading the effort to overhaul the antiquated anti-child pornography laws.

The senator also is proud of his office’s work in helping people “navigate the maze of government bureaucracies,” O’Toole said.

He said his desire to run for state Senate

in 2008 was to better serve the people in his district. He served in the General Assembly since 1996 and briefly served in the Senate in 2001.

“As a senator, I am able to have better access to department heads to help with constituent matters and am able to pass legislation quicker in the state Senate than in the Assembly,” O’Toole said.

In the next 10 years, O’Toole said he hopes to continue to grow his law firm and to continue to be involved in public service.

He said he also aspires to teach a col-lege-level course on politics and govern-ment.

His interest in politics and government goes back to when he was a student major-ing in political science and public adminis-tration at Seton Hall.

“Seton Hall gave me the foundation for my life today,” he said. “It helped show me that there is a way to balance your own per-sonal and professional goals with a greater good of community service and civic in-volvement.”

Leah Carton can be reached at [email protected]..

Leah CartonStaff Writer

The University attracts students from all over the world, but coming to New Jersey can be a bit of a culture shock for some.

Sophomore and Minnesota native Mar-garet Schriber said she was blown away by the cultural differences when she first came to Seton Hall.

TV shows, books and music than stu-dents in her hometown.

“Students from the Midwest are more outdoorsy” than their East Coast counter-parts, Schriber said.

However, Schriber has missed out on one thing that New Jersey is famous for--its accent. She has heard “Italian, Russian, and even French accents,” but the New Jersey accent is something she’s never been exposed to at home. She has noticed that many people have different words for dif-ferent things. Hearing her Boston-native roommate say “bubbler” instead of water fountain for the first time was puzzling.

Senior Jalen Hemphill said he was also a bit surprised when he first came to Seton Hall. The Texas native chose New Jersey for its proximity to New York City, which he believes helps with studying diplomacy.

His biggest complaint about the state is that “the cold is absolutely unacceptable.”

Unlike Schriber, Hemphill has had en-countered some of the more notoriously

New Jersey stereotypes. He said that his first time in the state, a waitress said “you’s guys,” which caught him off guard. He was also a bit confused when he went to a New Jersey gas station for the first time. The fact that New Jersey does not allow driv-ers to pump their own gas was a mystery to Hemphill.

Hemphill also remarked on the New Jersey sarcasm. According to Hemphill, “if someone from New Jersey were to crack a sarcastic joke in Texas, they would be viewed as very negative.”

However, he does not plan to leave New Jersey anytime soon.

He hopes to enroll in graduate school at Seton Hall University.

Elena Vitullo can be reached at [email protected].

Margaret Schriber

“Seton Hall gave me the foundation for my life today”

Kevin O’Toole

Page 4: The Setonian - Issue 18

NEWSPAGE 4 Feb. 13, 2014

Crime LogFeb. 8Public Safety received five re-

ports that unknown person(s) damaged vehicles parked under Cabrini Hall and in the Parking Deck by breaking the side-view mirrors off of the cars.

SGA• A recycling bin has been placed in Dunkin Donuts.• Student Life Committee report-ed that they met with Dean Kar-en Van Norman and are looking to institutionalize the shuttle ser-vice to run during Thanksgiving, Easter and spring break.• The saunas and racquetball court will be taken down for construction in the gym.• The Committee of Village Rela-tions met and was broken down into two groups: public safety and relations with the village.• The committees will be meet-ing with the representative in charge of village relations and Seton Hall University.

Storms bury students in pile of work

Kevin Franey/Staff PhotographerPhil Hessemen (top) and Abby Shamray focus on homework on the second floor of the library.


Noora BadwanStaff Writer

Snow forced cancellation of class-es two days last week and with win-ter not over yet, wreaking havoc on many course schedules.Professors consider the snow days

an inconvenience and are con-cerned about how the rest of the semester will be affected.“Unfortunately, I have not figured

out how to control the weather yet,” professor Thomas Rondinella said. “I am working on it though.”Some professors, such as Edgar

Valdez, a post-doctoral teaching fellow and philosophy professor lost about two weeks of classes. “One of the days when the uni-

versity had a delayed opening I was unable to make it to campus, and so I have one section that has lost two weeks of class and two sections that have lost a week and a half of class,” Valdez said. “Because this loss has been at the beginning of the semester it has really compro-mised my classes’ ability to estab-lish a rhythm for class discussion.”Kyle Heim, an associate pro-

fessor of communication, is also concerned with the rhythm of the classroom, but said he believes that cancellations are necessary because “no class is so important that it’s worth putting students in danger.” Other professors said that the

cancellations did not make a huge impact on class schedules.The operations coordinator for

the department of freshman stud-ies, Maggie Hernandez, said she is flexible with the syllabus for her University Life classes.“I don’t think it’s a huge prob-

lem,” she said. “I try to go with the flow of the schedule and give the students the information that they need.”Some professors also are con-

cerned about the students’ safety in the daily commute to school.“I only live a mile away from

campus and some days, the com-mute would be frightening,” said Rondinella, a professor of commu-nication and program coordinator of the broadcasting, visual, and interactive media major. “I can’t imagine it being safe for anyone coming from a distance.”The administration was praised

by for making the decision to can-cel classes. According to Heim, his concern

lies with the students and faculty themselves.“I think the administration has

done a good job of making the tough calls on whether or not to close, and has done a good job of keeping students and faculty in-formed,” he said. “It’s really up to the faculty and students to take care of the rest.”Valdez said he believes that the

decision-making process must be difficult.“Many schools leave some extra

days at the end of a semester to accommodate cancellations, but without those days I don’t see what options (administrators) would

have,” he said. “I do not envy the administrators charged with those kinds of decisions.”He added: “Okay Winter, you

win!” Kevin Scimecca can be reached at

[email protected].

Kevin ScimeccaStaff Writer

Amanda Boyer/Staff PhotographerSnowstorms have repeatedly pounded the campus this winter. Seton Hall had two snow days last week.

There are two types of students: those that enjoy returning to cam-pus after a break and those who do not.

As the semester goes on the line between these two types starts to blur.

Even the most sprightly morn-ing people start to oversleep. The most punctual start arriving to classes late or skipping them en-tirely. In the countdown to spring break, attitudes vary.

Sophomore Sarah Ebady said that as a business major, she real-izes that her classes are often dif-ficult, but she is “up for the chal-lenge.”

Sophomore biology major Tani-ya Varghese said that although she is “bombarded with work,” she enjoys her area of study. “Because I am interested in the work, I am continuing to stay on top of my work,” Varghese said.

Another biology major, Feba Samji admits that she isn’t as en-thusiastic about school as she was at the start of the semester. “My attendance has changed for certain classes,” she confessed. “For classes in which I need to teach myself, I’m less inclined to wake up an hour earlier and go.”

While Samji said she hasn’t fall-en behind in her work, she would like to be further ahead.Noora Badwan can be reached at [email protected].

Students struggle with second

semester slump

Visit for more content.

Continued from page 1

For Aquinas residents such as sophomore Rohit Ravi, who were forced to put up with the construction throughout the year, said this isn’t enough.

“I think that the fourth-floor selections should have gone to the current Aquinas residents first,” said Ravi, who lives on the third floor of Aquinas.

He added: “We have had to sit through the construction this year, and in the end we do not benefit that much from it.”

The rooms on the fourth floor will be “substantially the same” as doubles in other dorms on cam-pus, according to Hart.

She said Aquinas will contin-ue to house both male and female students on the same floor. Bo-land Hall, however, will remain single-gender by floor.

The University appreciates the patience of Aquinas residents throughout the construction pro-cess, Hart said.

“We are grateful for the pa-tience and good will of all the residents of Aquinas as we have moved through the project,” she said.

Clayton Collier can be reached at [email protected].

Page 5: The Setonian - Issue 18

Bombs, stolen art and big stars pervade “The Monuments Men,” directed by and starring George Clooney.

Based on a true story, the movie tells the tale of a group of men assigned to protect artwork during World War II. In the movie, Hitler orders his men to collect artwork from across Europe to establish the world’s largest museum. They hide thousands of paintings and sculptures across Germany and the special task force, named the Monuments Men, journey through Europe to retrieve these priceless cultural artifacts.

Clooney recruits some major star power for this feel-good American movie including Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett and John Goodman. The actors fit into their roles perfectly and complement each. The characters take different paths and end up in many different places, which allows for a variety of locations. The scenes shot in

the countryside were beautiful and none were more breathtaking than the beaches of Normandy, France.

“National Treasure” comes to mind when you watch this movie. Both movies involve a treasure hunt that keeps the audience on

the edge of their seat with every twist and turn.

However, “The Monuments Men” differs in its message, emphasizing a true American pride in the noble quest to keep the cultural identity of the free people intact.

Clooney has many inspirational

monologues, giving his men hope and exuding admirable leadership.

Although the film is under two hours, some parts felt as if they were dragging. The premise of this movie is interesting but would be better as a television show

where the individual missions could be more fully explored.

The characters were typical, yet still enjoyable, but they needed to be developed more. A seven-member team, each member with unique characteristics and personalities, was too ambitious for this film, especially with all the other thrilling action. Consequently, the pacing produced a superficial feel.

That being said, the message is clear: The audience

can stand behind this movie as an admirable depiction of the nobleness of Americans and their allies during World War II.

Overall, “The Monuments Men” is an exciting tale that is easy to watch.  

Emily Balan can be reached at [email protected].

irate Life What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? #shuhappyvalentinesday Page 5 P Hashtag of the Week

1. Dark HorseKaty Perry ft. Juicy J2. Drunk in Love Beyonce ft. Jay Z

3. TimberPitbull ft. Ke$ha4. Talk Dirty

Jason Derulo ft. 2 Chainz5. Counting Stars

OneRepublic6. Let Her Go

Passenger7. Say Something

A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera

8. HappyPharrell Williams

9. RoyalsLorde

10. TeamLorde

Source: Billboard

Music Top 10

February 13, 2014

1. The Lego MovieChris Pratt, Will Ferrell

2. The Monuments Men George Clooney, Matt Damon

3. Ride AlongIce Cube, Kevin Hart

4. FrozenKristen Bell, Idina Menzel

5. Lone Survivor Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch6. That Awkward Moment

Zac Efron, Miles Teller7. Vampire AcademyZoey Deutch, Lucy Fry

8. The Nut JobWill Arnett, Brendan Fraser

9. Jack Ryan: Shadow RecruitChris Pine, Kevin Costner

10. Labor DayKate Winslet, Josh BrolinSource: Box Office Mojo

Movies Top 10

1. Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony

NBC2. Winter Olympics (Sun.)

NBC3. Winter Olympics (Sat.)

NBC4. Winter Olympics (Thu.)

NBC5. The Big Bang Theory

CBS6. American Idol (Wed.)

FOX7. How I Met Your Mother

CBS8. Modern Family


CBS10. American Idol (Thu.)

FOXSource: Zap2it

TV Top 10

Blessed with talent but plagued with addiction, a star of the stage and screen was lost Feb 2.

Philip Seymour Hoffman, 46, died of a heroin overdose.

Hoffman was found in his apartment with a syringe in his arm, according to news reports.

Hoffman was an Academy Award winner and the recipient of three Tony Award nominations, best known for his performance in “Capote,” “Doubt” and “The Big Lebowski.”

  Professor Deirdre Yates, a theater professor and chairwoman of the department of communication and the arts, said Hoffman has left a legacy of in-depth character study.

“He was someone who really embodied the entire character, the entire human spirit (in) whatever role he had,” Yates said. “I think the joy of his work (was that) it was never two-dimensional. It always had great depth to it.”

Yates described Hoffman’s death as a great sadness. She said his greatest roles were yet to come.

“On stage in ‘Death of a Salesman’ and then what could he have done as ‘King Lear’ in 20 more years,” Yates said. “What he still had to give was enormous.”

Communication professor Dr. Christopher Sharrett said he is no expert on addiction, but those who know Hollywood history will recognize Hoffman’s story.

“Actors frequently find themselves questioning their own identities—many of them are like many of us, carrying long-term baggage from their early lives,” Sharrett said. “Substance abuse can follow.”

Freshman Jake Verdi said he was shocked to hear that Hoffman’s death was the result of drugs, especially since he has a family.

At the time of his death, Hoffman was filming the next two “Hunger Games” films. According to Lionsgate, most of his scenes were completed.

Michelle Foti can be reached at [email protected].

Michelle FotiStaff Writer

‘Monumental’ disappointmentEmily BalanStaff Writer

Photo courtesy of High-profile cast doesn’t live up to expectations.

Seton Hallcommunityreflects on loss of Hoffman

‘Spoils of Babylon’ anything but rotten

It’s a common occurrence in Hollywood for a laundry list of hotshot actors to team up once or twice a year for an epic, big-bud-get feature film with high expec-tations.

What is much less common is for the A-list actors to team up for a satirical, soap opera mini series on small, independent tele-vision network; yet that is exactly what has happened on IFC’s “The Spoils of Babylon” which con-cluded on Feb. 7.

Starring Kristen Wiig (“Satur-day Night Live”, “Bridesmaids”) and Toby Maguire (“Spiderman”, “Seabiscuit”), “The Spoils of Bab-ylon” is truly a unique brand of cinematography and over dramat-ic acting, which would normally an awful combination but cre-ators Matt Piedmont and Andrew

Steele make it work in the name of satire. The series blends several different film styles from western, noir, parody, and animation, all to create one bizarre intertwined soap opera.

At its root, the spoof heavy series is an unconventional love story between Cynthia (Wiig) and Devon (Maguire) Morehouse, a pair of step-siblings who are raised together in poverty only to strike rich with oil in Texas and move their way to corporate success the Big Apple. This odd couple has euphoric ups and dismal downs, as any good soap opera love sto-ry has. Within their story, several love triangles play out, as well as drug addiction, corporate espio-nage and heroism in war.

The concept of big name ac-tors aligning for a project on one of the more obscure television networks is certainly new. How-ever it wouldn’t be surprising for

viewers to become more accus-tomed to it as the small screen is slowly but surely drawing audi-ences away from feature films as Hollywood products continue to disappoint viewers with a lack of substance while television dramas like “Breaking Bad” and “Game of Thrones” enjoy a great deal of suc-cess in viewership. Other names who appear in “The Spoils of Bab-ylon” are Val Kilmer, Will Farrell, Jessica Alba, and Tim Robbins.

“The Spoils of Babylon” is a worthwhile watch not just for its comedic genius, but also for the plot’s absurdity in poking fun of the drama viewers are used to seeing in other programs. Sat-ire never gets old, and this IFC miniseries proves the satire genre can be done by celebrity actors, not just up-and-comers or indie mainstays.

Brett Montana can be reached at [email protected].

Brett MontanaPirate Life Copy Editor

Page 6: The Setonian - Issue 18

The University has a couple of great spots to have a date on Valentine’s Day.

While there are some good options in South Orange, the Cove can be just as great. It’s simple enough that the pressures of being on a real date don’t

seem as daunting. Provided you get a booth, you’d be separated enough from everyone else so you can easily have a conversation.

If your Valentine needs to study on Valentine’s Day, a library study room can also be a nice spot to surprise him or her with a quick bite to eat. Valentine’s Day is about showing your affection.

Bringing the date to your other is a romantic way to do that.

Gifts for himLadies, Valentine’s Day has been

tailor-made to be your day. Chances are you’ll be getting some

combination of flowers, jewelry and chocolate. However, if you’re in a relationship or there’s a guy out there you kind of like, you should

get him something, too.

The best thing is that guys aren’t expecting anything. We’re so wrapped up trying to plan a great night for you that the possibility of

receiving a present is the last thing we think about.

\\It could be something as simple as his favorite movie or his favorite candy bar. A guy is going to appreciate anything you get for him.

If you hate the idea of getting a guy a movie or a candy bar, get him something he can use. You know your guy better than I do, so I can’t help with exact presents here. Think about what he

likes to do. If he likes to write, get him a nice pen. If he’s a drummer, buy engraved drumsticks. It

doesn’t have to be elegant or ex-pensive, but there should be some thought behind it.

The truth behind Valentine’s Day is a bit cloudy, as the Catho-lic Church recognizes three martyr saints named Valentine or

Valentinus, according to

According to one legend, Valentine was a priest during the reign of Emperor Claudius II in Rome during the third

century. Claudius II got the idea that single men made better soldiers than men with families, so he outlawed

marriages for young men. This upset Valentine, who thought the decree was unjust, and he performed marriages in secret. When the emperor found out about the secrecy, he ordered Valentine’s execution.

According to other legends, Valentine was killed for helping Christians escape Roman prisons. Christians were often tortured by the Romans.

Another legend says Valentine sent the first “valentine’s” greeting while he was imprisoned. Valentine fell in love with his jailor’s daughter while imprisoned, and before his death, he wrote her a letter that was signed “From your Valentine.”

Despite the different legends about St. Valentine, one thing is for sure: Valentine was a romantic figure, one who stood up for love. In a commercialized world where flowers and chocolate reign supreme on Feb. 14, it’s im-

portant to remember that love is the reason we have the holiday.

ABrief History

- according

to history.

com -

The commercialization of Valentine’s Day obscures the meaning and purpose behind it. Chocolates, roses and jewelry overshadow love

and affection as the main gifts of the holiday. Sometimes it’s a difficult holiday to get into.

It’s the cool thing nowadays to hate the holiday. The biggest problem my peers find with the holiday is that you should show

your affection every day, not just on one day.

While this is certainly true, Valentine’s Day should be used to celebrate the couple. It’s a chance to get away from every-

thing—a chance to be together with nothing else interfering for a night. It shouldn’t be used as the one night to show affection, but rather as a

celebration of your feelings toward another person.

Another grievance I hear about Valentine’s Day is that it comes with pressure: pressure to buy expensive gifts, pressure to say “I love you” when you’re not ready and the pressure to find someone to not be alone.

I agree with all of that. Valentine’s Day has become the one day a year to be romantic. It’s almost as if people use the as an excuse to be a true romantic for one

day only.

Even if you are convinced that celebrating Valentine’s Day is a dumb idea, at lest-make some effort to show your significant

other how much you car about them.

Why You Should Still Care

Gifts for her

Gentlemen, Valentine’s Day is

almost here and I hope that you have at least some idea of how

you’re going to spend it. You may think that roses and choc-olates will cover it, but as I’ve been learning more and more this

year, that’s a huge cliché.

Should you still buy them?

Yes, but on the condition that you have more meaningful gifts planned. Don’t get lazy. Show her how you really feel. You should know what

she likes, needs or uses regularly. Buy her something that will remind her of you.

From experience, I’ve found that a hand-made card shows effort. Any guy can go out and buy a Hallmark card with a quote about love, but if you make one and write it yourself it,

shows your woman that you care. Be forewarned about this, though; some girls will think it’s cheap. If you go this route with the card,

you have to make it good.

graphics by Victoria Plate

Will SHU be my

Valentine?by T.J. Brennan

Page 7: The Setonian - Issue 18

Letters policyThe Setonian welcomes letters

to the editor. All submissions must include the author’s first and last name and a phone number where the author can be reached. Submissions should be no more than 375 words. The Setonian reserves the right to edit submis-sions for style. Deadline for sub-mission is noon on the Tuesday preceding publication. Letters can be e-mailed to Charlotte Lewis, Editor in Chief, at [email protected].

The plan by Housing and Residence Life to provide designated Greek Life space in Ora Manor will be part of many improvements coming to Greek Life

at Seton Hall. This can serve as inspiration for other groups to live and

study together and encourage new kinds of friendships at SHU.

The opportunities to live near one another, display organization letters on doors and par-ticipate in leadership skill building are stepping stones for other groups at SHU to do the same.

Nearby schools have classic Greek Rows, where a block or more of the surrounding college town is dedicated to Greek housing. These houses are famously large and proudly display the organization’s letters.

Since Seton Hall cannot do the same, this is a good way to build community, especially on a residence hall floor.

This is one of the most important by the University to cel-ebrate Greek Life and promote Greek unity.

It is not that the school tries to hide its Greek organizations, but this is an noncompetitive way to bring Greeks together to celebrate their combining factor.

This seems to be the largest effort to create com-munity cohesion since the Sophomore Discovery Program.

Housing made a large effort last year to get Liv-ing and Learning communities started. Honors and Business leadership students often share a residence hall floor as well.

Now that this community has been organized, it should encourage other groups of students with similar interests to follow suit.

The effort and hard work it takes to create a community is worth it for the new relationships one could form.

Opinion “We (also) hope to promote unanimity and cohesion among organizations that oftentimes view each other as

competitors.”Brian O’Malley, Residence Hall Director February 13, 2014 Page 8

Quote of the week

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The SetonianVolume 90Issue 18

Charlotte Lewis, Editor in Chief

Ashley Duvall, Managing EditorT.J. Brennan, Executive Editor

Greek unity plan for Ora a great first step

O u r Vo i c e

Mission StatementThe Setonian, the official undergraduate newspaper of Seton Hall University, is published each Thursday of the academic year, excluding final examination and holiday break periods. The Setonian is produced in the University Center. The Setonian is a member of the New Jersey Press Association.

CorrectionsThe Setonian willingly corrects

errors in fact. For corrections, please contact Charlotte Lewis, Editor in Chief, at [email protected]. Corrections can be found online and in the print edition of The Setonian.

Let Sam change NFL

“Productive defender.”“Solid size.”“Long limbs.”

These are a few words that de-scribed Michael Sam in his 2009 recruit scouting report, according to

But when the 2014 NFL Draft rolls around in mid-May, another phrase will describe the ex-Uni-versity of Missouri defensive end.

Michael Sam is gay.If Sam is drafted in May, he

will become the first openly gay player in pro-football history.

Over the course of his four seasons at Missouri, Sam accu-mulated 111 tackles, 18.5 sacks, five forced fumbles and two in-terceptions.

Sam has proven during his four years of college that he is ready for the next level of his career.

Before his big announcement Sunday, Sam was a sure lock to be anywhere from third - to a fourth - round selection.

However, if there is one thing that looms much larger than Sam’s historic statement, it is ig-norance.

We have heard over the past couple years some players’ and executives’ takes on having an openly gay man in the locker room, with some responses not all that forward-thinking.

The big storyline for this year’s draft will now be which team is willing to take that leap first.

Some question if Sam’s an-nouncement was premature.

Should he have waited until after he was drafted to break the news?

I say absolutely not. I applaud Sam and his decision

to break the barrier.Sam is a lot of things. Yes, he is

gay, but more importantly, he is a football player, a defensive end (a good one at that), but overall, and the only thing that matters, Michael Sam is a man; a man no different from anyone else cur-rently in the league.

David Heim is a sophomore journalism major from Roselle Park, N.J. He can be reached at [email protected].

www.thesetonian.comLike us on Facebook


This week in @CanSHUNotA selection of clever complaints from students.

DavidHeim In Heim Time

Page 8: The Setonian - Issue 18



SPORTSFeb. 13, 2014 Page 9

DePaul senior lefty Kirsten Ver-dun was named Big East Pitcher of the Week on Monday as her bat-tery mate.

Junior Staci Bonezek, joined her on the weekly conference hon-or roll.

Verdun won the conference weekly honor for the fifth time in her career after tossing three com-plete games, including two three-hit shutouts, and helping DePaul to a win in the championship game of the Felsberg Memorial in Mi-ami, Fla.

Over her three starts, Verdun posted a 0.64 ERA and struck out 28 batters against just three walks in 22 innings of work. The Coal City, Ill.-native closed the weekend with a scoreless streak of 15 in-nings, beating host FIU in the final game of the weekend for her 75th career win.

Bonezek, who earned her first weekly honor roll nod, tied with Henze for the highest batting av-erage in the conference last week (.556).

The Tinley Park, Ill.-native also knocked in a pair of runs and re-corded two multiple-hit games to go along with three walks and three stolen bases.

DePaul returns to action next weekend at the College of Charles-ton Classic in Mt. Pleasant, S.C. The Blue Demons will see the host-ing Cougars as well as teams from Western Carolina, Ole Miss, Ford-ham and Kansas.

Tournament play begins on Fri-day, Feb. 14 with a 5:00 p.m. game versus Western Carolina.












What’s ON DECK

Photo of the week

Mike Romano/Staff PhotographerSophomore Sterling Gibbs drives to the basket in a 77-66 loss to Marquette Tuesday. Gibbs finished with 12 points in the loss.

Intramural SportsCovering the Common Athlete

For complete coverage of all Seton Hall athletics, visit

NJIT3:30 p.m.


Tuesday, Feb. 11

Seton Hall 66Marquette 77Friday, Jan. 7

Seton Hall 53Villanova 70


Sunday, Feb. 9

Seton Hall 57Villanova 62

Wednesday, Feb. 12

Seton Hall 72 Georgetown 71

MEN’S AND WOMEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVINGThe men’s and women’s diving teams will participate in the 2014 Big East Diving Championship on Saturday, Feb. 15.The swimming teams will compete in the 2014 Big East Swimming Championship February 19-22.

DePaul5 p.m.

Stephanie Novak/Staff PhotographerSophomore Zach Hrubic jumps for the tip-off in an intramural basketball gamre last week.

Intramural Basketball

BIG EAST STANDINGS 1. Villanova 9-1 21-22. Creighton 9-2 19-43. Xavier 7-4 17-74. Marquette 6-5 14-105. Providence 6-6 16-96. Georgetown 6-6 15-97. St. John’s 5-6 15-98. Seton Hall 4-7 13-119. DePaul 2-9 10-1410. Butler 2-10 12-12


St. John’s9 p.m.

Providence7 p.m.


Lancers 12 p.m. Shockers

Death Rho 3 p.m.Splash Brothers

1 Chocolate Chip Flash 7 p.m.

Globo Gym Team Extreme 5:30 p.m.


Bulldogs 5 p.m.Deutero ICS

Ball is Life 6:30 p.m. Go Go Patrick

Charging Turtles Flint Tropics 8 p.m.

5 GuysCaptain ROTC 7:30 p.m.


Rulebook Jones 5 p.m.Splash Brothers

Eastside Boys 6 p.m.Lancers

MF Jones Possibly Burgundy 9 p.m.

Pin Heads Sleeves Please 8:30 p.m.


Alpha Sigma Phi 6 p.m.Flash

ICS 6:30 p.m.Slam the Tip

PKT Eagles Toon Squad 8:30 p.m.

1 Chocolate Chip Ernies 7:30 p.m.

Verdun Named Big East Pitcher of the Week,

Bonezek to Honor Roll

Big East Championship

Big East Championship

Page 9: The Setonian - Issue 18
Page 10: The Setonian - Issue 18

SPORTSPAGE 10 Feb. 13, 2014

Senior swimmer Kerrie Ko-lackovsky has made her mark in the Seton Hall record books. She holds six individual records and is part of four out of the five team relay records.

“The more you believe in yourself, the more you’ll succeed,” Kolackovsky said. “People think that swimming is just physical, but it’s actually mental as well.”

Kolackovsky holds the Seton Hall records in the 100-freestyle, 200-freestyle, 1650-freestyle, 100-breaststroke, 200-breast-stroke and the 200-IM. She is also a part of the team relay re-cord holders in the 400-freestyle, 800-freestyle, 200-medley and the 400-medley.

She has won more than 60 races in her college career and led the team in points in the last three seasons. This year, she won two of the four Big East female swimming and diving athlete of the week awards.

Kolackovsky will compete in the 2014 Big East Champion-ship tournament on Feb. 19-22 in Sewell, N.J., at the Gloucester County Institute of Technology.

With the Big East tournament

rapidly approaching, Kolackovsky said she hopes to take home a championship before she gradu-ates from Seton Hall.

“Big East is in a week so I re-ally hope to win,” Kolackovsky said. “I want to be a Big East champion and become the first female athlete to win in over 20 years. I hope to win a team Big East, and I would probably give up a win for that because it’s just

such an incredible feeling.”Kolackovsky gave a lot of

credit to the support from her coaches and teammates for her successes in the pool.

“You need to communicate with your coaches about every-thing,” she said. “They’re very un-derstanding. My teammates are awesome and always support me behind the block no matter what. It’s a huge support system, and it

makes me strive to do well and represent them.”

Kolackovsky said that her greatest accomplishment at Se-ton Hall came in the 2011-2012 season at the Patriot Invitational when she started her day by win-ning the preliminary 200-breast-stroke. Then she set the school record for the 1650-freestyle and the 200-breaststroke. She was named the Big East Swimmer of

the Meet.“Always believe in yourself

and never doubt yourself,” Ko-lackovsky said. “The more you be-lieve in yourself, the more you’ll succeed. If you just stay positive and keep striving for your goals, that’s a great message to take back with you.”

As a criminal justice and po-litical science major with a minor in psychology, Kolackovsky wants to get her master’s degree in ed-ucation and possibly become a counselor.

“I really want to help people,” Kolackovsky said.

She coached children as part of a “Learn to Swim” program and also coached a group of older children and said that she would like to continue coaching if she is unable to continue swimming.

“I’m going to try one more summer to make Olympic trials,” Kolackovsky said. “If I do, then I’m going to continue training; if not, then we’ll see what happens. Maybe I’ll become a coach.”

After college, Kolackovsky said, she still wants to stay in-volved in the swimming world while balancing a career and a family.

Mike can be reached at [email protected].

Photos courtesy of Seton Hall AthleticsKolackovsky hopes to get a team conference championship before her time at Seton Hall runs out.

Highly decorated senior has Olympic aspirations Mike Romano

Sports Copy Editor

Softball head coach Paige Smith did not see her team’s opening tournament at the Hampton Inn Campbell Stampede Tournament as an early sign of adversity or as a rough start. Instead, she’s staying positive.

“I look at it as an opportunity,” Smith said. “Some of them seize the moment, and some of them are going to have to work harder.”

The team lost three of its first four games to open the season this past weekend.

Pitching was an obvious strug-gle for the Pirates. In Friday’s 11-5 loss to Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, the Pi-rates gave up a combined 12 hits.

Junior Danielle DeStaso solo homered in the top of the second to give the Hall a 1-0 lead on Fri-day, part of a strong day offensive-ly for her. She collected two runs, two hits and an RBI in three at bats.

“Danielle DeStaso is the most even-keeled athlete I’ve ever worked with,” Smith said. “She’s the one telling everyone to stay calm and stay the course.”

On the mound, DeStaso had a rough afternoon, giving up seven

runs in the third and picking up the loss.

Offensively, senior third base-man and Big East Player of the week Meredith Henze had a strong offensive output, collect-ing an RBI as part of her two-hit, one-run afternoon. Despite the losses, Smith praised Henze for having a “monster of a weekend.”

“She’s hungry,” Smith said. “She wants to leave a legacy on this program.”

Henze and DeStaso helped the Hall storm back in the fourth, making it an 8-5 game.

But struggles on the mound continued as they gave up three runs and five hits in the sixth. Junior Casey Moses finished the game, relieving Fischer, who gave up four runs and seven hits in her first appearance on the mound.

The team’s second game on Friday, an evening match versus UMass Lowell, was a chilling 38 degrees at the first pitch. But it did not stop the offense from having a strong showing in a 13-1 victory.

Henze continued her strong offensive play Friday evening, collecting two runs, a hit and three RBIs. Right fielder Colltey Sheldon added three hits and two

runs in four at-bats for The Hall. First baseman Whitney Jones had two RBIs in the winning effort.

On the mound, Jen Metzger had a strong game, giving up just two hits and a run while earning her first win of the season.

The struggles on the mound re-turned on Saturday as Seton Hall struggled to fend off the Valpara-iso bats, giving up 20 hits and 24 runs in a 24-1 loss.

The Hall closed out the week-end’s tournament Sunday losing 11-2 to host-team Campbell.

Trailing 2-0 off a homerun by Henze, Campbell answered with two runs in the bottom of the sec-ond, and a home run from Jones in the third tied the game.

Campbell continued to re-spond, taking a 3-2 lead into the fourth.

Pitching struggles were once again evident in Sunday’s meet-ing at Campbell. Fischer gave up eight runs and six hits.

The Pirates will be at Charlotte Friday for a 4 p.m. meeting, and again Saturday for a 2 p.m. game. The Hall will face Drexel on Sat-urday at 4 p.m., and Cleveland State Sunday at 10 a.m.

Neal can be reached at [email protected].

Amanda Boyer/Staff PhotographerBig East Player of the Week Meredith Henze (left) went 5-9 with three homeruns and six RBIs in the Pirates’ opening weekend.

Poor pitching in tournament brings Pirates downNeal McHaleStaff Writer

Page 11: The Setonian - Issue 18

He hit .319 and led the club with six home runs last season. Annunziata drove in 38 runs while scoring 36 of his own.

“There’s a lot of hard work be-hind that and it’s something that I don’t take for granted, I’m just excited to go out there and play,” Annunziata said.

Selden hit .320 with 31 runs scored and was named to last season’s All- New Jersey College Baseball Association second team.

New Big East conference mem-ber Creighton earned the top spot in this season’s coaches poll and the preseason Player and Pitcher of the Year are both members of the Bluejays.

The new structure of the Big East reminded Sheppard of the conference’s former competitive-ness. “It reminds me of the origi-nal Big East,” Sheppard said.

“The way that the schools are set up it’s going to be a challenge. I’m really excited to get going and we’ll see how it transforms in the next few years.”

The Pirates welcome 15 new-comers to the club who will be forced to make contributions right away to a program that had five member leave Seton Hall for professional baseball at the end of last season.

“There are a couple of freshman

that should have an immediate impact,” Sheppard said. “We have a few pitchers that I think will help us out pretty early, position wise we have a couple guys, Joe Poduslenko, who’s a middle in-field guy who I think is really go-ing to contribute.”

Poduslenko will play a part in an aim to replace the dynamic double-play combination of Mike Genovese and Guiseppe Papaccio from last season.

“It’s their turn to come on and really fill some roles and we’re excited for them to get an oppor-tunity to contribute,” Sheppard said.

The preseason work of this year’s freshmen has already im-pressed the elder Annunziata. “They’re all hard workers, all great players, all good kids. In the fu-ture they’re all going to be great players but they all have to step up,” Annunziata said.

Papaccio was joined in the pros by four other 2013 Pirate team-mates.

“They were all guys to look up to while they were here and they continue to be that while they’re away,” Annunziata said.

Junior pitcher Anthony Elia has also seen good things from the young players on the pitch-ing staff as well as the seasoned

veterans. “I think we did well all fall the young guys came in there throwing strikes early, but we do have a lot of experience though,” Elia said.

The cold weather has kept the Pirates secluded to the field house for practices; something that has certain players pining for the start

of the season in Oklahoma. “Just to get outside and see some grass and smell some fresh air is some-thing that’s really exciting,” An-nunziata said.

The Pirate’s goals have been set and as their season starts with a Friday through Sunday series in Oklahoma, they hope to go

to Omaha for more than just a match up with new conference rival Creighton.

“That’s one trip that we’d like to be there later in the season in June so, that’s what we’re aiming for,” Sheppard said.

Gerard Gilberto can be reached at [email protected].

The Seton Hall women’s bas-ketball team completes a two-game road swing on Saturday evening as the Pirates visit red-hot DePaul.

Momentum is with head coach Tony Bozzella’s team as The Hall comes off a 72-71 victory over Georgetown on Wednesday, which was the first win for the Pirates in Washington, D.C. The Blue Demons will come refreshed with just a one-game week as they also come in with momen-tum, riding an eight-game win-ning-streak. It was a game that saw the Hoyas lead by 13 with just 10 minutes to play, yet Seton Hall did not go away as senior forward Janee Johnson scored 12 points to go along with 10 re-bounds. Junior forward Bra’Shey Ali knocked in two buckets in the final minute, including the eventual game-winner with 10 seconds to play.

With the tight victory, the blue and white notched their fourth Big East road win of the season, giving the program the most conference road victories in a season since the 2002-03 cam-

paign.The Pirates seek revenge

against a DePaul squad that won inside Walsh Gymnasium on Jan. 18, 75-68. Although junior point guard Ka-Deidre Simmons to-taled 20 points, DePaul came out rolling in the second half from the perimeter, hitting eight of its 11 first 3-point attempts.

The Blue Demons are pow-ered by frontcourt star Jasmine Penny. The senior forward, who has been named to the Big East Weekly Honor Roll two weeks in a row, has scored over 20 points in seven of the Blue Demons’ 12 conference contests this season.

In Sunday’s 80-66 victory over the Creighton Bluejays, Penny had 21 points and 9 rebounds in a game that saw the Blue Demons finish the first half on a 22-5 run.

Another reason for DePaul’s eight-game surge, which is the longest Big East winning streak in the program’s history, is the league’s Preseason Player of the Year, Brittany Hrynko.

The junior had the hot hand on Jan. 14 against the Pirates, nail-ing four 3-pointers and finishing with 16 on the game. Classmate and fellow guard Megan Rogows-

ki combines to form a balanced backcourt for DePaul. Rogows-ki comes off a 16-point perfor-mance in the Blue Demons’ win over Creighton on Sunday and had three treys versus the Pirates in the two teams’ first meeting of the season. Hyrnko and Rogows-ki were just a part of a night that saw DePaul knock down 12 tri-ples inside Walsh Gym.

The key to watch heading into this game is tempo. DePaul plays at a slower pace, as Bozzella’s fast-paced style relies on turning stops into buckets. Following the Jan. 14 loss to the Blue Demons, Bozzella said, “They were simply deeper and tougher than us.”

The Pirates have to find more than just Simmons, sophomore wing Tabatha Richardson-Smith, and Ali if they are going to win this game. The Blue Demons’ perimeter defense has been men-acing, holding Creighton to an 0-for-10 mark from 3-point range on Sunday and holding the Pirates to just 4-of-19 beyond the arc in January.

Tip-off is set for 5 p.m. on Saturday in Chicago.

John Fanta can be reached at [email protected].

SPORTSFeb. 13, 2014 PAGE 11

Photo courtesy of Seton Hall AthleticsSenior Sal Annunziata was named to the preseason All-Big East first team this season. Annunziata is joined on that list by senior teammates Josh Prevost and Chris Selden.

Stephanie Novak/ Staff PhotographerAlexis Brown takes a shot in last week’s loss to Villanova. The team regained some momentum with a 72-71 win over George-town on Wednesday.

Baseball:continued from Page 12

Women’s hoops travels to Chicago John FantaStaff Writer

Page 12: The Setonian - Issue 18

Sports Women’s basketball looks for revenge Page 11 Page 12 February 13, 2014

The Seton Hall men’s basketball team looks to rebound from its 77-66 loss at home Tues-day to Marquette when they take on St. John’s tonight.

It will be a quick turnaround for the Pirates, but with the Big East Tournament on the hori-zon, tonight’s game will be a big test against a possible matchup in next month’s playoffs.

“It might be good, it might be bad,” head coach Kevin Willard said.

“St. John’s is playing really well and they’ve had a couple extra days. We did pretty good against Xavier when we had that short turn-around, so maybe it will help us.”

The two teams met at Carnesecca Arena on Jan. 23, where the Red Storm defeated the Pirates 77-76 after a strong second half. The Pirates jumped out to an early 13-3 lead in the first half, but couldn’t play consistent enough throughout the rest of the game to get the vic-tory.

One issue for the Pirates all season has been

second-chance efforts. The Pirates are ranked last in the Big East with only 6.2 offensive re-bounds per game.

“We just have to rebound the ball,” senior Fuquan Edwin said. “They’re very athletic, they’re a big team and they get on the glass harder than Marquette does, so we need to em-phasize that.”

The Pirates should be able to improve that number against a St. John’s team that is ranked last in the conference in rebounding defense; however, the Pirates only grabbed four offen-sive rebounds in the first contest. St. John’s allows 65.5 percent of opponent’s shots to be rebounded.

On the flip side of the rebounding catego-ry, St. John’s rebounds roughly 29.8 percent of their offensive shots, and averages 11.1 offen-sive boards per game, good enough for fourth best in the conference. It will be equally im-portant for the Pirates to take advantage on the defensive side of the ball, something they were unable to do back in the first meeting.

“We only have one day to prepare and they’ve been playing really well lately,” red shirt

junior Patrik Auda said. “But we played a really close game at their

place so now we just have to protect our house and try to get the win.”

The Red Storm’s comeback last month was large in part of strong performances from guard D’Angelo Harrison and forward JaKarr Sampson. Both finished with 16 points each.

“We know that everything runs through Harrison and Sampson brings the energy so we just need to focus on that,” Edwin added.

Auda, who led the team with 7 rebounds in the first meeting with St. John’s, said the key for the Pirates in their game against the Red Storm this time around will be playing for the full 40 minutes.

“I think many games in the Big East go up and down and the lead changes all the time, but you just need to keep fighting for 40 min-utes and try to be the tougher team,” Auda said.

Tip-off is slated for 9 p.m. at the Prudential Center.

David Heim can be reached at [email protected].


begins in Oklahoma

The Seton Hall baseball team will open its season this weekend with a series on the road against the University of Oklahoma.

The team was ranked second in the Big East preseason coaches’ poll, gaining two first place votes.

Head coach Rob Sheppard said he was pleased with the rec-ognition but acknowledged that the buck should not stop there for his team. “It’s nice to be rec-ognized. We’ve always been the kind of team that is more con-cerned with how we finish than how we start,” Sheppard said.

“A few seasons ago I think we were a preseason seven or eight and we ended up winning the conference,”Sheppard said about-the 2011 Big East championship season.

Since that year, the Pirates have always finished in a better spot than they were predicted at the start of the season. The 2012 team was picked to finish fifth and they finished third, and last season’s Pirates finished second in the conference but were picked sixth in the preseason poll.

Despite their second place finish in the Big East last season, the Pirates were snubbed from the regional College World Series playoffs.

“We have a few guys that were named to the preseason Big East team and I said to them it’s great to get that recognition, but you want to finish up on those teams and be named champions at the end of the year,” Sheppard said.

Seton Hall junior Sal Annun-ziata and seniors Chris Selden and Josh Prevost were the three members of the Pirates that were named to the preseason All-Big East first team.

Prevost was one of four unan-imous selections to the team and the lone Pirate to be given the honor by all seven Big East coach-es. He finished last season with a 5-2 record in 58 innings and a 3.24 ERA. He also struck out 31 batters and started nine of his 15 appearances.

Annunziata was one of six Pirates named to last season’s All-conference team but is the only person with those honors to-return for the 2014 season.

SEEING REDMike Romano/ Staff Photographer

Senior swingman Fuquan Edwin (right) contributed only nine points to the Pirates 77-66 loss to conference rival Marquette on Tues-day. The team is scheduled to play the second of a three-game homestand tonight against St. John’s.

Struggling Pirates to host St. John’s on ThursdayDavid Heim

Assistant Sports Editor

“We just have to rebound the ball.”Fuquan Edwin, senior swingman

Gerard GilbertoSports Editor

see Baseball, page 11