the shining (1980) - stanley kubrick - film review

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  • 7/30/2019 The Shining (1980) - Stanley Kubrick - Film Review


    Film Review Space & Environment

    The ShiningDirectors: Stanley Kubrick

    Figure 1 Figure 2

    The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film, directed and produced by Stanley

    Kubrick. The film is a depiction of the Stephen Kings 1977 horror novel of the same

    name. The Shiningsees the story of writer Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) taking a

    job as a caretaker during Christmas at an isolated mountain hotel (Figure 2) where

    he slowly becomes influenced by the supernatural manifestations, resulting in him

    slowly descending into madness from the effects of Cabin Fever. The film is still

    considered to be one of the scariest horror films of all, and has been praised by many

    critics to have arguably been a huge influence on much oftodays popular culture.

    Kubricks take on Kings novel shares some similarities but doesnt replicate the exact

    narrative. Some of the more magical events that happen within the novel do not

    appear with the films running; yet a bigger sense of fear is present due to the

    combinations of different elements. The themes that are explored within The

    Shining relate to the typical conventions of horror linking with supernatural

    hauntings and death; however Kubrick provides for a unique opening for other

    emotions and experiences as an audience as Ebert observes.

    The movie is not about ghosts but about madness and the energies it sets loose in

    an isolated situation primed to magnify them.(Ebert, 2007)The crucial success of the conveyance of horror throughout could be said to have

    been the isolated situation which is immediately introduced through the films

    opening that later becomes a constant reminder to the viewers due to the

    subjective nature of the film. Having this ornate hotel isolated from any other form

    of civilisation suddenly limits you as a spectator to this one location where the

    production takes place entirely. The experience almost becomes personal.Debatably, the most effective way the isolation is portrayed is through the use of the

  • 7/30/2019 The Shining (1980) - Stanley Kubrick - Film Review


    perspectives in which the cameras follow, as they stay tight to the characters,

    limiting the shots to be very distinct within the individuals movements (and

    emotions) inside this great display of uncomfortable, oppressive architecture which

    is suggestive that the hotel has power of its inhabitants.

    Figure 3 Figure 4

    Carrying on from the subjective camera angles, their involvement also provides for

    an extremely personal intake from an audiences point of view who could almost

    share the experiences and reactions with the subject character through this choice of

    cinematography. For example, when the character in focus is Danny (Figure 3), the

    lower angled shots then reflect a childs view point, building on the unsettling nature

    of his characteristics as well as making the addressees feel small in comparison the

    scene. Although these perspectives change with the flow of the film during different

    situations, in contrast with Figure 3 the shots which portray the domestic argument

    between Jack and Wendy on the stairs (Figure 4) are presented inversely as if to feelthreatened. In turn this creates severe tension which supports the way the scene

    plays out to provide for a very unnerving experience for the audience.

    Following on from this, the film entices the attention and physical feelings of

    onlookers by making this, in a way, a relatable experience with these horrors being,

    as Maslin states, close to home.

    Kubrick isn't out for screams, but he manages to make his movie thoroughly

    unnerving by keeping the horror so close to home.(Maslin, 1980)

    The disconcerting mood comes from the realisation that the unthinkable can happen

    due to the juxtaposition of the everyday events that are considered normal, to the

    uncomfortable occurrences which lead to Jacks eventual insanity. This proceeds to

    each scene continually building suspense out of these normal procedures which

    leave spectators comfortable, but the way that these actions unfold into something

    frighteningly possible allow you to relate to the real fear of the plausibility of the

    themes surrounding the The Shining. Moreover, the manner in which the film is

    edited supports the growing emotions as it leaves you to be more cautious and

    aware due to the breaks in tension from the black screens that allow the anxiety and

    fright to build before introducing to long awaited crux.

  • 7/30/2019 The Shining (1980) - Stanley Kubrick - Film Review


    Not everyone agrees with the films horrific nature, with some feeling as if the true

    terror was depicted in a more effective manner inside Stephen Kings original novel.

    Variety reveal;

    With everything to work with, director Stanley Kubrick has teamed with jumpy Jack

    Nicholson to destroy all that was so terrifying about Stephen King's bestseller.(Variety, 1980)

    In argument with the writers, the production provides for another interpretation of

    the classic work, however in comparison both follow slightly altered narratives. The

    film is a representation of Kubricks take on The Shiningand relies on the mise-en-

    scene and cinematography to create an in depth emotional journey for his

    audiences, whereas the novel allows an individuals perception to imagine the

    terrifying incidents which occur and develop. Arguably, the main factor which makes

    the film popular amongst other critics in regards to the book comparison, is the films

    soundtrack which compliments the filmic values to create these almost real feelingsof insanity, anxiety and fear due to combinations of sound and picture and how this

    aid the interpretations which influence perception and its effect on emotion. Even

    though the film is not an exact replicated version of the original bestseller, the film

    makes up for it with a unique viewing experience involving all aspects to create this

    psychosomatic triumph.

    Concluding, The Shining provides for a psychological thrill ride that delves deep

    within the recesses of human sanity, and derives most of its horrific approval from

    the dark realms of madness rather than the typical supernatural nature associated

    with the horror genre.

  • 7/30/2019 The Shining (1980) - Stanley Kubrick - Film Review


    Review Bibliography


    Ebert, R (2007) available at:;

    06180302 [accessed online on 4 December 2012].

    Maslin, J (1980) available;[accessed online on 4

    December 2012].

    Variety (1980) available; [accessed online on 4

    December 2012].


    Figure 1:

    Figure 2:

    Figure 3:

    Figure 4: