the shoah


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: The shoah
Page 2: The shoah
Page 3: The shoah
Page 4: The shoah

Nuremburg Laws Review

Zionist solution?

Banned from Emigrating

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Importation of Nazi doctrine


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Initial plan – reestablish the Ghetto

All across Poland Separate

administrations No cohesive plan Self governance? Violence outside

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After fall of France, Nazi’s look for a new “home” for Europe’s Jews

Part of peace between France/Germany

Problems with this?

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• Jan 20, 1942• How to implement Endlösung – Final solution to the Jewish Question

• This would lead to Erlösung (redemption) of the German People

• Final Solution: Extermination of the European Jewry

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However, mobile Killing Units, Einsatzgruppen, already following troops in Russia

Killing Jews and Russian Peasants

Staffed initially by SS Special Police Units

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Camp Number of Deaths

Auschwitz ~1.1 -1.3 million

Treblinka ~700,000

Belzec ~435,000

Sobibor ~167,000

Chelmno ~152,000

Majdenek ~78,000

Total ~2,700,000 – 3,000,000

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German civilians forced to tour Buchenwald

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How is the Anti-Semitism of the Nazis influenced by social and intellectual trends in the late 19th Century? Make sure to include a discussion of race and eugenics/biological determinism.

How do developments of the late 19th century socially and politically lead to Jews not emigrating from Germany?

Compare the systematic extermination of the Jews with violence against other groups deemed “degenerate” or inferior by the Nazis including the mentally disabled, Poles and Slavs, Homosexuals, etc.