the shoulder chapter 21. the shoulder girdle complex 3 joints make up the shoulder girdle the...


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Page 1: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint


Chapter 21

Page 2: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint

The Shoulder Girdle Complex

3 joints make up the shoulder girdle The

Sternoclavicular joint

The Acromioclavicular joint

The Glenohumeral joint

Page 3: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint

The Sternoclavicular Joint

Formed through the articulation of the sternum and the clavicle. Also called the SC joint Injuries to this joint can be very debilitating,

but are very rarely seen in athletics.

Page 4: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint

Acromioclavicular Joint

Formed by the articulation of the acromion process of the scapula and the distal end of the clavicle. Also called the AC joint

Its is located superiorly to the glenohumeral joint and is commonly exposed to injury in contact sports.

Page 5: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint

Glenohumeral Joint

Formed by the Humerus and the scapula The head of the

humerus is attached to the glenoid fossa of the scapula Shallowness of the socket

allows for a great deal of movement

Supported by several muscles ligaments Soft tissue

Page 6: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint

Structure and Function

Dynamic Stability refers to mobility with stability Shoulder accomplishes this through the

coordinated movement of the scapula in concert with the humerus

Several muscle groups work together synergistically to create the dynamic stability of the shoulder.

Page 7: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint

Rotator Cuff

A set of 4 deep muscles of the glenohumeral joint They originate on the

scapula and insert onto the superior aspect of the humerus

Will often be referred to as the SITS muscles Supraspinatus Infraspinaus Teres Minor Subscapularis

Page 8: THE SHOULDER Chapter 21. The Shoulder Girdle Complex  3 joints make up the shoulder girdle  The Sternoclavicular joint  The Acromioclavicular joint

Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle Muscle Force Coupe

Formed by the actions of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles

Allows the humeral head to spin while remaining in place on the glenoid

Scapulothoracic Mechanics Allows the scapula to move in several places using the following muscles

Trapezius Rhomboids Serratus Pectoralis Minor

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Muscles that move the Scapula There are several muscles that move the

scapula Levator scapulae Rhomboids

Major and Minor Pectoralis Minor Serratus Anterior Trapezius

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Muscles that move the Scapula

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Muscles that move the Arm (Humerus)

There are several muscles that move the Humerus Coracobrachialis Pectoralis Major Teres Major/Minor Deltoid Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Latissimus Dorsi

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Muscles that move the Arm (Humerus)

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Overuse Injuries to the Shoulder Overuse injuries of the shoulder are usually limited

to the soft tissues. Usually caused by repetitive activity to the point of

causing tissue damage and inflammation Common among athletes that participate in overhead

movements Many athletes are unaware that an injury is occurring until

symptoms manifest Overuse Injuries include

Impingement syndrome Tendonitis Bursitis Muscle strains

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Impingement Syndrome

Impingement syndrome describes a situation causing injury when the space between the humeral head and acromion becomes narrowed. The bones “impinge” or squeeze structures within

the space Structures affected are the joint capsule, tendons

of the rotator cuff, and a bursa Impingement causes mechanical irritation of

the cuff tendons, resulting in hemorrhage and swelling Commonly called tendonits of the rotator cuff

Supraspinatus is the muscle usually involved If the bursa is involved, bursitis is the result.

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Impingement Syndrome - Symptoms Symptoms

Pain and tenderness in GH area

Pain and/or weakness with ABD in midrange

Limited IR + results from special

tests Hawkin’s impingement

Tenderness to palpation in subacromial area

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Impingement Syndrome - Treatment Treatment options

Correction of improper sport technique

Preseason conditioning

Specialized taping Rehabilitation and

Prevention Most rehab

techniques involve strengthening the weakened muscles of the shoulder girdle

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Shoulder Impingement Exercises

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Rotator Cuff Tears

Could be partial tear or full thickness of the tendon Can happen to people of any age

In younger people often caused by more traumatic injuries Falling on outstretched arm Unusual demands on the joint

Older people Usually caused by degeneration of the muscle and tendon tissues

Treatment Usually determined by severeity of injury and how it

responds to rehab Small and partial tears respond well to non-operative

rehab program Moderate to large tears, and small tears that are non-

responsive to rehab, require surgery

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Rotator Cuff tears (cont’d)

Symptoms Pain Full ROM with

partial tears Loss of ROM with

full tears Athlete will not be

able to lift the arm overhead, and often when they try, the can be observed to hike or shrug

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Muscle Strains

Can be caused by excessive overuse or traumatic injury

Symptoms Pain Tenderness in muscle belly

caused by Palpation RROM Stretch

There could be a delay of a day or two before symptoms actually show

Treatment PRICE Gentle stretching Strengthening program

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Biceps (long head) Tendonitis

Can cause discomfort in the front of the shoulder and will often be confused with rotator-cuff tendonitis.

Both can be caused by impingement and will have the same treatment

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Biceps Tendon Rupture

Not common in athletics, but results from vigorous activity Described as a sudden

onset of pain in the front of the shoulder and an associated “pop”

Symptoms Drooping of the biceps

muscle near the distal upper arm


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Biceps Tendon Rupture (cont’d)

This injury is considered a Grade III injury and usually affects the biceps tendon long head.

People who have a prior history of tendonitis may be more prone to this injury

Treatment Surgery is usually not needed PRICE Gradual return to strengthening and

activity Athletes can usually return to full

activity after a period of conservative care

There may be a small loss of shoulder flexion in the long term, but not enough to result in loss of high-level functioning

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Traumatic Shoulder Injuries

Usually are caused by a sudden onset Blow to arm or shoulder Shoulder joint being forced beyond

physiologic limits Common Injuries

Glenohumeral dislocation Acromioclavicular separation Fractures Tendon Ruptures

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Anterior Shoulder Dislocation

Results in the head of the humerus being completely out of the glenoid fossa Usually caused by shoulder being forced

into abduction, extension and external rotation. Most common means of dislocation is

anterioinferiorly Immediate transport to a physician is

required Physician should also check for other

injuries Fractures Glenoid labial tears Axillary nerve damage Hill-Sachs lesions can occur if the head of

the humerus hits the front of the glenoid hard enough to cause an indentation

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Anterior Shoulder Dislocation (cont’d)

If the injury is not properly managed and fully rehabilitated, there is a high risk for recurrent dislocations. Immobilization may be as long as 8 weeks

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Glenoid Labrum Injuries

These injuries involve the deepest soft tissue in the shoulder Can often occur along with dislocations Happens commonly with baseball pitchers

when degenerative changes in the labrum cause it to become loose Permits humeral head to slip forward

Symptoms Pain Popping sensation Limited use of the arm Varying degrees of weakness Special tests and MRI will confirm

diagnosis Treatment includes specialized rehab

program Suspected tears must be referred to a


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Multidirectional Instability

Refers to the ability of the athlete to voluntarily dislocate their shoulders usually due to athlete being

hyperelastic or overly flexible This causes problems with

athlete playing overhead sports.

Weight bearing exercises can be helpful in dealing with this problem Push-ups Plyometrics Weight training

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Acromioclavicular Separation

This injury is a traumatic sprain of the AC joint Usually caused by a blow to

the tip of the shoulder Symptoms

Pain near the AC joint Obvious deformity

Treatment Physician referral 1st degree sprains

PRICE 2nd / 3rd degree sprains

Require 6-8 weeks of immobilization

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Brachial Plexus Injury

Is often called a stinger or burner Usually caused by a stretching of the brachial plexus on the opposite

side Symptoms

Intense pain from the neck down to the arm On-fire or pins-and-needles sensation Weakness Numbness

Treatment Referral to specialist Rest Ice Anti-inflammtory meds Strengthening exercises for neck and shoulders

Prevention Keeping neck and shoulders strong Wearing properly fitted equipment that distributes forces during collision Using proper technique

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Fractures of the shoulder girdle most commonly involve the clacivle and humerus

Scapular fractures may not be seen on standard x-rays Present on bone scans

Any suspected fracture should be referred to an emergency room physician

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Is it a Shoulder Injury

Often times pain in the shoulder can be referred pain from another injury. Pain in the shoulder does not always indicate a

shoulder problem Cardiac problems or Heart attack

Referred pain to the left shoulder, neck and arms

Spleen Injury Refer pain to the left shoulder and down the

upper portion of the left arm Kehr’s sign