the siege of shorapur 1858

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    The Siege of Shorapur Raja Venkatappa Nayakas Hunt For Freedom

    Struggle For Independence of India Story of Revolt of 1857 unleashed by Raja Venkatappa Nayaka from Shorapur

    Karnataka Among the most famous legend to have lived was aggressive and belligerent Beydur Raja Venkatappa Nayaka of Shorapur. Beydur Nayakas ruled for more than three and half century near Gulbarga in central Karnataka. They lost their kingdom, regained it, amassed an empire, lost it again. This is a tale of Raja Venkatappa Nayaka whose palace once glimmered with diamond, garnet and gold. A forgotten kingdom rich in martial art of fighting, skilled in military warfare of besieging forts and citadels. An empire connoisseur for taming elephants, training monitor lizards for taking hold of parapet, ramparts and battlements. An indefatigable saga of confrontational young prince and his unremitting and unrelenting spirit of vengeance which sparked off fire and conflagration among vast horde of tribes of South India for their fight-for-freedom and ultimately at the end the thirst for independence of India... A K Singh

    Raja Venkatappa Nayaka was a young prince.

    Like his forefathers he was dynamic,

    energetic and forceful. His life spanned fewer

    than twenty four years but it reshaped the

    spirit of revolution and reckoning against the

    imperial forces. Though he lived far

    too short but his style of warfare and

    courage of uprising were

    revolutionary. His penchant blend with spirit

    of patriotism and sentiment of nationalism

    during the first war of independence of India

    manifests the legacy of his ancestors of their

    resolute and staunch convictions with Turk

    Adil Shahs, Maratha Peshwas but against

    Mughals and Britishers.

    After Raja Krishnappa Nayaka in 1814, his

    son Venkatappa Nayaka, born in October

    1834, a boy of seven years of age, was

    entrusted upon

    British resident

    Meadows Taylor

    a political agent

    of Shorapur for

    supervision of his

    upbringing and

    education. His

    certainty of mind, fervour of attitude and

    zeal of commitment were unremitting

    and unyielding. As a child, an

    embodiment of a tiger, as an adolescent

    a personification of trained tactics of a

    monitor lizard and as a youth, a

    sovereign prince at twenty four. A

    flamboyant star, he was an object of thought

    and supposition, gossips and legend in his

    own time of radical awakening. At the height

    of his power he impressed upon the entire

    south India, the last great kingdom of any

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    warrior kings. For a transitory moment he

    held the fate of Indias struggle for

    independence in his hands. A prince known

    to behold for a flicker of flash the fortunes

    and destiny of India.

    For a moment, he was an object of surprise

    and consternation among fleet of British

    regiments. He was a subject matter of

    whisper and conjecture in the corridors of

    powers at Government of India. His country

    wide upheavals from the hinterlands of

    Shorapur reliably reinforce a character of

    extraordinarily unforgettable reputation.

    Raja Venkatappa Nayakas end was sudden

    and sensational. But his memory is lasting

    and durable. He lodged himself in our

    imagination ever since the nostalgia of

    beginning of the fight for our independence.

    He was a prince who cocked a snook at the

    Britishers and fought hammer and tongs

    against the imperial forces till his last breath.

    Venkatappa Nayaka was Raja of Shorapur

    when it all started. With the winds of rising

    insurgence and rebellion in 1857 from

    Meerut, Lucknow and Jhansi, he heard of

    intrigues and manoeuvrings of Nana Saheb.

    He perceived the uprising and revolt of Rani

    of Jhansi the Laxmibai. He was influenced

    with the campaign of Tantya Tope for his

    incessant war of independence. Perhaps he

    would have heard the proclamation of Rani

    Jhansi where she said: We fight for

    independence in the words of Lord Krishna,

    we will if we are victorious, enjoy the fruits of

    victory, if defeated and killed on the field of

    battle, we shall surely earn eternal glory and


    Meantime, bite of tallow-greased cartridges

    loaded with lard of pork and grease of cow in

    Infield-Rifled-Muskets sparked off

    shivering-wave of Hindu Muslim

    divide which contrary to

    expectation filled all the lanes and

    street with a spirit of patriotism,

    loyalty and devotion throughout the

    country. British delivered the

    message of their intention of evangelism to

    people in general and Maharajas in particular

    to convert themselves and embrace

    Christianity which was greatly resented at

    large. British policy of expansionism, the

    Doctrine of Lapse expounded by Lord

    Dalhousie in 1849 which stipulates; if the

    feudal ruler did not leave a heir through

    natural process i.e. his own child, not an

    adopted one, the land become the property

    of the East India Company. It triggered the

    sudden outburst of retaliation in the minds of

    Maharajas all over India. East India

    Companys practice of financial extortion by

    heavy taxation and large scale failure to pay

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    these taxes almost invariably resulted in

    appropriation of property of Rajas. This had

    prompted them to revolt, retort and rebel in

    reprisal and revenge. Oppressive commands

    of feudal lords who were perpetrating

    arbitrary extortion of heavy tariffs on

    peasantry depreciated all the fibres of hope

    and optimism from the face of the poor,

    subjugated and downtrodden. Forcible

    eviction of Bahadur Shah Jafar the then

    Emperor of India for transportation out of

    his homeland to Rangoon, produced never

    ending shivering and reverberations down

    the spines of all the rulers, chieftains and

    local barons down-south all over India.

    Pangs of gluttony and voracious hunger of

    companys regime generated wide spread

    anger, annoyance and irritation throughout

    vast expanse of country. Imperial tactics of

    divide and rule and spread of hatred and

    disgust loomed large on the face of Indian

    princes and princely states. Raja Venkatappa

    Nayaka, being an ancient feudatory of

    Peshwas was given an invitation and call of

    honour to join the ranks of beleaguered

    Maratha warriors against the oppressive rule

    of British regime. It was a temptation which

    Raja could not resist. It was an inducement

    for Raja to show his heredity of indomitable

    will and invincible courage. It was an

    enticement for Raja to demonstrate his

    inborn power of impregnable audacity and

    resolute conviction which he inherited from

    his forefathers.

    If the name is indelible, the image is blurry.

    Raja Venkatappa Nayaka must be one of the

    most peculiar and honourable figure in the

    history of India

    but we have little

    idea as to what

    actually transpired

    at the moment.

    Only their coins

    portrait their

    actual life style

    issued in the

    lifetime of Beydur

    Nayakas which

    vividly elucidate as

    to how the Beydur monarchy and a

    fearless empire with a motif of shankh,

    nama and chakra would have been. An

    Insignia of name, fame and glory spread

    far and wide. We quite often remember

    him for the wrong reasons. A capable,

    clear vision sovereign, he knew how to

    build a fleet, raise an insurrection, control

    an anger and assuage the feelings of

    scorn and hatred. A British political agent

    Philips Meadows Talyor vouched for his

    grasp of military affairs. Beydur Raja was

    incomparably richer, wealthier and affluent in

    culture, tradition, customs and practices in

    the central Karnataka. And he enjoyed

    greater prestige and esteem than many other

    rival kings of his age. Raja Venkatappa

    Nayaka descended from a long line of

    hunters of tiger, huntsmen of leopard,

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    trainers of monitor lizard and tamers of

    elephants and pachyderms, a martial art used

    in war tactics and battle strategy. Battle

    tacticians Bydur Kings, unbelievably

    ferocious and atrocious in their battle

    stratagem were so remarkably awe-inspiring

    that imperial powers had to circumvent

    recruiting them in their military and forces of

    defence . He faithfully upheld the family

    tradition but he was for his time and place,

    remarkably well behaved and men of high

    character and noble spirit. He, nonetheless,

    survives as a beleaguered prince,

    fraught with an idea of struggle for

    freedom and laden with determined

    spirit of war of independence for his

    own country and for himself. A

    genuinely powerful prince, great raja

    who had been transformed into a

    shamelessly disgruntled rebel but

    mutated into a passionately defiant

    mutineer, a disciplined freedom


    Like all lives that lend themselves to poetry,

    Raja Venkatappa Nayaka was one of the

    disruption and commotion to the alien rule.

    He grew up amid unrivalled opulence, to

    inherit a kingdom in decline. For fourteen

    generations his family had styled themselves

    as hunter of wild beasts and disciplinarian of

    elephants. Raja Venkatappa Nayaka was

    Beydur which means fearless and daringly

    valiant. It makes him approximately a

    Nayaka a fearless hero, a champion of

    bravery and a protagonist of courage and

    gallantry. Tender and temperate. Three

    hundred fifty years separate Raja of Beydur

    Kingdom from his famous ancestor Raja

    Kallappa Nayaka 1515 AD at Nastrabad near

    Anegundi in central south India peninsula.

    Rajas Venkatappa Nayakas simple call

    of a crow could have gathered not only

    numbers of Jamedars the chief

    organizers of battle, pack of Inamdars,

    team of Nayakvadis but also

    thousands of his lieutenants and

    associates. He had a readymade clout

    of Beydurs of Raichur, Bedas of

    Bellary, Nayakas of Dharwar and

    Shastradhari warriors of Belguam and

    those of Nishads of

    Mysore. Had he

    risen a bit more

    vigorous he would

    be a leader of tens of

    thousands of

    revolutionaries at his

    command in the

    land of Kannada

    ready for

    resurrection for the


    battle for life-and-liberty" and for war-of-


    Beydur Nayakas had the temperament of

    Tigers and Elephants. They vehemently

    opposed the tyranny and repression of Adil

    Shahs and the great Moghuls. Raja

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    Venkatappa Nayaka hardly forgot his daring

    ancestor Gadad Pid Nayakas exemplary

    show of taming an insane elephant in 1674

    AD before Adil Shah of Bijapur and was

    conferred reward in terms of Jagirs at

    Shorapur worth annual revenue of Rs nine

    lakhs who was given an honourable title of

    Gajaganda Bhairanda Gadi Pid Nayaka

    Balawant Bahiri Bahadur. Memory of Farman

    the Order of Aurangjeb addressed to his

    ancestor Pid Nayaka in 1703 was still fresh

    with Raja where the Mughal Emperor of

    India Aurangajeb desired him to embrace

    Islam and be his brother in the conquest of

    South India. Farman of Emperor of India

    was intensely snubbed and rebuffed by Raja

    Pid Nayaka. Instead he waged a furious war

    in their multiple attempts to lay seize of

    Wakingerah fort at Shorapur when the

    Mughal army commander of Aurangajeb

    Dalpat Rao and Ghazi Udin were dealt with

    crushing defeats number of times for fifteen

    years from 1690 to 1705 AD. Shorapur had

    distinguished itself for its dexterous

    negotiation; for the most part, it retained its

    sovereignty. It had also already embroiled

    itself in affairs of Maratha combats and

    fighting skills of reptilian war fares. Raja

    treasured the astoundingly twenty one days

    of scuffle of his precursor Pam Nayaka in

    1727 with Mudgal taking Tirmal Rao a

    prisoner, besieging his fort and delivered him

    to Tanashah Abul Hasan of Golkunda who

    honoured Pam Nayaka with Turban Crest,

    howdah, weapons and armoured costumes.

    After demise of Baji Rao Peshwa 1851, Nana

    Sahib of Poona was to be heir-presumptive

    to the throne and was eligible for an annual

    pension from East India Company. However

    Company stopped the pension on the

    grounds of Doctrine of Lapse that he was

    an adopted son and not a natural born heir.

    Nana was raging with anger and great

    annoyance. It was an outrageous affront and

    shockingly despicable disrespect to the

    heritage of Maratha folklore. Nana Sahib

    was the adopted son of the exiled Maratha

    Peshwa Baji Rao II of Poona. Nana

    Sahebs planning for assembling the a

    force of soldiers for besieging Kanpur was

    in the offing. British contingent of East

    India Company had taken refuge at

    entrenchment. Amid the prevailing chaos

    in Kanpur, Nana Sahib and his forces

    entered the British magazine. Nana Sahib

    announced that he was a participant in the

    rebellion against the Company, and

    intended to be a vassal of Bahadur Shah

    Jaffar the then emperor of India. Nana Sahib

    was busy restoring Maratha confederacy

    under Peshwa tradition and decided to

    launch a nation wide war against British


    Siege of Salar Jangs jaghir of Koppal fort

    by Bhim Rao prejudiced Raja after which he

    influenced gathering of hundreds of Arabs,

    Rohilla mercenaries in addition to his own

    social group beydurs. There were clandestine

    meetings and surreptitious communication

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    with foreign freedom fighters and guerrilla

    combatants in Hyderbad in which Raja

    Venkatappa Nayaka was conceived to have

    been conjured up. Gallery of watchdogs

    focussed on Rajas concealed demeanour.

    Battery of surveillance was positioned to

    scrutinize Rajas veiled ulterior motives.

    Hard-hitting tussle of Tipu Sultan with

    British Forces at Srirangapattam in 1779 and

    Dhodiya Waghas heroic campaign against

    British troops led by Col Wellesley and Col

    Darlymple which started as an unprecedented

    revolt of an anarchy paving the way for war

    of the worlds seeking independence were

    not only great nostalgia of that times but a

    nightmare. A Wagha a machoistic warrior

    with firm determination, enormous

    organizing ability with charisma of

    gallantry was painted by them as rogue

    bandit and crooked-brigand

    reminiscence of such events were not still

    doomed to oblivion. Memories of

    incarcerated queen Rani Chinamma of Kittur,

    first woman leader, prolific horse rider,

    sword fighter and untiring archer routed the

    British forces number of times in 1824 were

    still spanking around.

    Fazed with overwhelming demonstration of

    bravery and heroism by Sangolli Rayanna

    from Belgaum in 1829 who started gathering

    a compact group fighters and attacking

    treasuries, rich land owners and accomplices

    in British subterfuge and manoeuvrings. Raja

    Venkatappa Nayaka knew that Sangolil

    Rayannas revolt has divided the society into

    anti and pro British rebels who inspired a

    never ending massive chain reaction of

    radical uprising and irreversible resurrection

    of multitude of ethnic rebellion forces in

    entire central south India during 1829.

    Nizams rampant and unbridled oppression

    with a heavy taxation for maintenance of his

    army at Hyderabad and for payment of

    exorbitant annual tribute to British military

    upkeep and maintenance, given rise to

    peasantry revolt led by Koppal Veerappa

    who laid siege upon Bahadur Bhanda Fort

    near Koppal in 1819 with five hundred

    guerrilla fighters who valiantly trounced

    Major Doughton and Brigadier General

    Pritzler and Nizams general Idrus Khan

    which ensued a brutal and ferocious battle

    for five days. Veerappas colossal temper and

    upright disposition brought wonder and

    brilliance to the freedom struggle which

    catapulted national insurgent mood to the

    brink of explosion. With each passing day

    Shorapur had been sinking under heavy debt

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    of over burdened taxation by Nizam for

    appeasing British Forces which appeared far

    too painful and agonizing for the natives of

    Beydur principality.

    More traumatizing

    were the state of

    affairs of cultivators

    who were obliged to

    make advance

    payment of revenue to

    the government of

    Nizam before the

    harvest of the crop.

    Hence, they were compelled to take

    loan, mortgage their ornaments and

    valuables with local barons, who used

    to advance credits to the borrowing

    farmers, levying inflated interest each

    time. This caused heavy flocking of

    debt burdened peasants and ryots

    around the corridors of government to

    lodge complaints against their lenders. These

    moneylenders also owed massive payment of

    handsome money to the government. This

    created vicious circle of borrow, cash credit

    and money lending which assumed

    cataclysmic proportions. This ushered in a

    mood of melancholy and sheer helplessness.

    A temper of doldrums and indisposition.

    Observing Raja Venkatappa Nayaka bent on

    organizing his forces commensurate with

    Nana Sahibs plan and Tantya Topes

    preparations, a strong contingent of British

    forces arrived near Shorapur under Col

    Malcolm and another under Col Huges from

    Madras regiment in Feb 1858. Lingsugur

    cantonment division was ready to act in

    concert with troops of both the platoons.

    Tantya Tope a close associate of Nana

    Sahib preparing for laying the siege of

    Kanpur placed inducement for Raja

    Venkatappa to assemble rebels, organize

    mutineers and arrange insurgents in secret to

    join in nationwide resurgence to drive a

    crushing blow of defeat on British forces.

    Capt Rose Campbell early in January 1858

    was deputed by resident Meadows Taylor to

    watchdog Rajas acts and deeds. Princely

    state of Shorapur included Devadurg,

    Dhgaon, Andola and Shahpur in 1857. One

    Nana Sankeshwar in November 1857 was

    sent with a message to Nana Sahib Peshwa

    by Raja. Bhim Rao Mundargi of Dambal,

    Babasahib Bhave of Nargund, Purushottam

    Bava of Talikote, Appa Sahib of Jamkhandi

    and Zamindar of Malkhed were stationed in

    league with Raja of Shorapur. Agents and

    emissaries were despatched to different

    British army positions to bugle insurrection

    from the ramparts of the Shorapur. Mahipal

    Singh, Chhotu Singh and Lakshman Prasad

    sent from Shorapura and Jamkhandi were

    caught red handed sharing stealthily the top

    secrets with Devi Din Jamedar in Belgaum at

    29th Native Infantry Regiment. Mahipal Singh

    was immediately tried by British Court and

    blown away from the gun. On 7 th Feb 1858

    British Forces under Capt Arthur Wyndham

    arrived before the fort of Shorapur.

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    Systematic and well organized exercise was

    conducted by British forces to lay upon the

    siege of Shorapur.

    Next day 8th Feb 1857 Shorapur Beydur

    cavalry under Jamdar Tasdiq Hussain,

    Lakhman Singh took British forces by

    surprise delivering a fierce and ferocious

    attack. Raja Venkatappa Nayaka and his

    force fought valiantly and gave an

    enormously tough fight . Violent and brutal

    battle ensued between the patriotic army

    and imperial forces. One of the most

    ferocious and viciously violent tussle, one of

    the most stern and fiercest skirmish British

    forces ever met in the history of India.

    Larger reinforcements arrived under Maj

    Huge and Capt Newberry the same day. Capt

    Campbelle became the gruesome target of

    attack by many freedom fighters who wanted

    to finish him in an instant. Capt Newberry

    was killed in shockingly horrific and dreadful

    encounter the same day under the command

    of Raja of Shorapur. Enemy made the

    passage through secret path towards fort of

    Shorapur and the town by evening and

    plundered it for hours together looting all the

    precious belongings and valuable possessions

    from the palace of Shorapur and


    Amid such chaos and meyham Chief of

    Shorapur Raja Venkatappa Nayaka

    surrounded by four legions of army felt

    highly vulnerable and in jeopardy. Town of

    Shorapur was highly impregnable, full of

    defensible battlements, with approaches

    difficult to access, walls, ramparts and

    bastions positioned with freedom fighters.

    Massive cavalry and defence of Raja were

    waiting for Col Malcolms forces. Raja

    observing the enormous array of Col Huges

    army of 74th Highlander march pasting

    towards Shorapur from a bit distant

    western frontier left with no chance except

    to arrive at Hyderabad to gain further

    reinforcement from Arabs, Sikhs and

    Rohillas. But Raja Venkatappa Nayaka was

    left in lurch. Raja was apprehended there and

    summoned before the Prime Minister Salar

    Jung who further sent him to the British


    Raja was made a prisoner in the main guard

    of the Royals at Secunderabad and was

    handed over to the Military Commission for

    trial by a special Military Court of Brigadier

    William Hill and six other British military

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    officers on charges of collecting troops for

    which documentary evidence in Rajas own

    hand was available which adjudged Raja

    Venkatappa Nayaka guilty for the offence of

    treason, sedition and disloyalty. Commission

    sentenced him to death.Capt Meadows

    Taylor, who took his parental care met him

    and had long conversation with Raja. The

    young prince who was then 23 years of age,

    told him calmly: If they ( British Court)

    press me to disclose the names of those

    who incited me, I wont divulge the names

    at all ! I would rather die than be

    transported for life over to Cellular Jail at

    Port Blair or imprisoned at fortress ? No !

    The pettiest Beydur cant live if he is

    detained and incarcerated like this ! Shall

    I, a Raja, a King of Shorapur ? I shall not

    tremble even if they tie me up to a canon and

    blow me off ! Do let them hang me, I have

    done nothing to be punished for like a


    Capt Meadows Taylor got Rajas sentence

    commuted to transportation for life.

    Punishment was further commuted by

    Governor General Lord Charles John

    Canning to four years and Raja to be kept at

    Chinglepet in Madras presidency. He was

    allowed company of his wives, family and his

    own servants. Government asked him to

    show sign of improvement, evidence of

    reforms and steadiness so that his lost

    principality of Shorapur was to be restored

    back to him. Lieut. Pictet was in command of

    the escort to the Raja of Shorapur. Their first

    halt was at Ambarpet six miles from Husain

    Sagar. During the halt, Lieut Pictet took off

    his belt, in which there was a loaded revolver,

    hung it over a chair and went out side the

    tent. Raja Venkatappa Nayaka was found in

    the pool of blood in the camp on 11th

    May 1858. The ball had entered the

    stomach and pierced through his spine.

    Later, Lieut Pictet was tried for neglect

    of duty while in command of the escort

    to the Raja.

    Raja Venkatappa Nayaka lost his life in

    mystery. Meadows Tayor told the death of

    Raja was ambiguous and shrouded in


    Returning back to Shorapur the family

    members of Raja Venkatappa Nayaka were

    not allowed to enter the palace. When

    Ranagmma the eldest wife demanded that the

    jewellery and clothes taken away from the

    palace be returned, she was given just a pair

    of clothing.

    Capt Meadows Taylor on his return back to

    Shorapur found the treasury accounts in

    shambles, new debts and balance sheets

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    contracted, repair of roads, bridges in mess

    and muddle, irrigation projects he started

    were in jumble and disarray by the end of

    1859. Finally upset and disturbed Meadows

    Taylor gave over charge to his assistant Mr

    Ricketts in 1860 and left for Europe for two

    years sick leaves, never to return back again.

    In 1860 the treaty of 1853 with Nizam

    concluded by Lord Dalhousie was revised

    and modified. Princely state of Raja of

    Shorapur Venkatappa Nayaka was

    confiscated and ceded to His Highness

    Nawab Afzul-ud-Dowla Bahadur the Nizam

    of Hyderbad, as an acknowledgement of his

    services to the British Imperial Government

    in 1860.

    For staggering sum of annual stipend,

    Meadows Taylor secured the official position.

    A friend and ally of the Beydur people. He

    discovered that it was not sufficient to be a

    friend to the people of Shorapur, it was

    essential to befriend India as well.

    Affairs of the state of Shorapur declined,

    leaving us with affairs of heart for ever. A

    commanding King of Shorapur, Raja

    Venkatappa Nayaka well versed in his fight

    for struggle for freedom, well acquainted

    with diplomacy and governance of his times,

    fought a battle for our emancipation. He was

    fluent in five languages, firm-tongue,

    charismatic, joint creation of Maratha

    theatres of warfare and critical adversary,

    crucial challenger to the Mughal emperor

    Aurangjeb has placed an indelible and deep

    rooted mark in our heart as a legend, brave

    heart, a Beydur Nayaka which means a

    fearless hero who never yielded in the time

    of hardships and adversity. He rose for the

    revolution, for renaissance, the time of our

    awakening and arousal of self respect, esteem

    and admiration of values of deliverance and

    liberation. Raja was intimate with British right

    from the beginning and could have

    supported them like princes of that crucial

    time of reckoning. He was chief amongst vast

    multitude of rebel tribal and non tribal forces

    of South India. He never wanted to betray

    his companions therefore lost his life in

    saving them. Raja was victimized by shrewd

    and perceptively insightful imperial forces

    and perhaps murdered in most mysterious

    circumstances. He survives in our memory, in

    our folksongs, language and literature. An

    inspiring character, protagonist for equity,

    justice and fair play. Leading role for crusade

    against colonial injustice, imperial massacres,

    alien atrocities and racial discrimination. A

    King who fought a never ending war for our

    liberty, freedom and independence.

    References: 1. Forgotten History of Shorapur by

    Bhaskar Rao, Shahpur Yadgir. 2. South India in 1857 War of

    Independence by V D Divekar 3. Shorapur, Ancient Byedur Raj by Nawab

    Framurz Jung Bahadur the then Deputy Commissioner Raichur

    4. Story of My Life. A Biography by Capt Phillips Meadows Taylor.

    5. Cultural History of Surpur, A case study by Vidyashree P Nayak

    6. Anti Colonial Uprising in Karnataka 1800-60 by Shivanand Kanvi

    7. The Forgotten Empire by Rober Sewell 8. History of Aurangjeb by Jadunath Sarkar 9. Foreword Notes by Raja Venkatappa

    Nayaka 10. The Grand Resistance by M Y Ghorpade 11. History of India by John Key

    A K Singh is the member of Indian Forest Service and presently serving as Working Plan Officer in Ministry of Forest and Ecology, Government of Karnataka. Contact: [email protected], 9481180956, Date 20.12.2012