the snap! platform: social networking for academic purposes, peer learning, and communities of...

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A presentation about a learning support platform in development at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia at the ICICTE conference in Corfu Greece, July 9-11 2009


  • 1.Keith Kirkwood School of Learning Support Victoria University Melbourne Australia

2. Learning support consultation 3. 2007 los vegas lass 4. SNAP is

    • Peer learning
    • Active learning
    • Student participation
    • Personalization
    • Communities of practice

A learning support platform,with Web 2.0 functionality and flexibility,designed to support: 5. A new humanism

  • Sympathy empathy
  • self-actualization full potential

6. A new humanism

  • Sympathy empathy
  • self-actualization full potential

7. A new humanism

  • Sympathy empathy
  • self-actualization full potential

8. Supporting pedagogies

  • Heutagogy(Hase & Kenyon, 2000)non-linearself-directed learning
  • Connectivism(Siemens, 2004)knowledge in the network; conceptual connections essential
  • Multiliteracies(Huijser, 2006)incorporate textual, visual, video media in critical analysis
  • Media Literacy(Wesch, 2009)student participation in content creation and knowledge making
  • Collaborative learning(Godwin-Jones, 2006)learning opportunities for sharing, creating, reflecting

9. Peer learning primacy

  • Is it time to consider a paradigm shift from teacher instruction to peer-learning primacy?
  • shifting the balance from an instruction focus of learning support staff
  • to facilitating or supporting peer learning
  • is a timely response to the context of mass education
  • and technological developments.

Van der Meer, J., & Scott, C. (2008). Shifting the balance in first-year learning support: From staff instruction to peer-learning primacy.Australasian Journal of Peer Learning, 1 , 70-79. Available at 10. Students supporting studentslearning at VU

  • Peer mentor programs embedded infaculty-based courses
  • Student rovers in the Learning Commons
  • Writing centre for reading and writing support
  • The SNAP! Platform = VU Learning Community

11. Students supporting studentslearning at VU

  • Peer mentor programs embedded infaculty-based courses
  • Student rovers in the Learning Commons
  • Writing centre for reading and writing support
  • The SNAP! Platform = VU Learning Community

Ratios of potential learning support: 1:400 LSS/student ratio40000:40000 student/student ratio 12. 13. 14. 15. Tagcloud made from the text of my conference paper (made with 16. 17. 18. SNAP! and university ITS infrastructure Outward-facing Pre-login Inward-facing Post-login VU website VU PLE SNAP! 19.

  • The world is run by those who show up
  • (Robert B. Johnson, 1999)

20. Transparency and Open Government

  • My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government.We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system oftransparency, public participation, and collaboration . Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.
  • President Barack Obama 21. We the People of the University of 22. 23. 24. Selected references

  • Farmer, M. (2009). LMS architecture proposal, parts 1-4,Meanwhile, back at the farm...Retrieved April 7 2009 from
  • Hase, S., & Kenyon, C. (2000). From andragogy to heutagogy.UltiBASE . Retrieved from
  • Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age.elearnspace . Retrieved from
  • Staley, D. J. (2009). Managing the platform: Higher education and the logic of wikinomics.EDUCAUSE Review, 44 (1), 36-47. Retrieved from
  • Wesch, M. (2009). From knowledgable to knowledge-able: Learning in new media environments.Academic Commons Retrieved 24 February 2009, from